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The One-Stop-Shop for Public Relations and Events

Upload: dianenuteau

Post on 13-Jul-2015




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The One-Stop-Shop for Public Relations and Events

When last did you gather with your connections?

“Today, it’s not what you know

BUTwho you know”

Business networking is now a core part of a business strategy,

it allows the business person to build new business relationships

and generate business opportunities

“ Effective business networking is the linking together of individuals

who, through trust and relationship building, become

walking, talking advertisements for

one another” Stephanie Speisman

It’s been 10 years now…

Odysseus PR still helps you follow up with your

important connections


a unique integrated

solution for your events


Odysseus PR Agency

Your organisation

We work together to put together a unique networking event, tailored

to your needs

What do we propose?

• General PR Services

• Project presentations

• Project Launch

• Seminars/Conferences

• Cocktails

• VIP programmes

• Team Building

• Press Conferences

At Odysseus PR Agency,

we are passionate about what we do


Call us for your events

Mary-Rosa MauryEvents Manager

[email protected]

Diane NuteauCoordinator – Client Relations

[email protected]

Tel : 427 5555