ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1909-10-30 [p...

4 C- I I f I CT t ii- q 4 a c t < iJ > r5 < r THE OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY OCTOBER 1909 > > c > r < S r A S r t jf t I1J I YIILLINERYe t z Jw- Jwe 11 t directsgecial attentiop toour fine showing t f S > of q6 Millinery which includes SpectalLinei- of l Sl it J H ati foMUl 2H 251 nj3J1 and on up < rj and wtrfd certainly be your rorth whu1ea come ft J e1sc- whetc r- JIUU tigtte before buy4 c t1 tj50 carry af line medium price and i PattenTflata- Our L i Y work ro10 thIS season is welleqtuppedI to do kind ot work at I and we are ridY JliW a 7 f reuonab1eTl ir t mnd ask to see our beautiful line of Anfor Veill- r LL f J j Jli r tfc Iss JVlapy Affleck J- t 4 Next toUmroe A Cbambliss Bank I 11 t t- ot J I t > S IT IS A FACT tWo the MUL who carries his mosey labis pocketbook wIn tfcvel aU of It without tluraght while it becomes secoBdHa t twn far a BUUI frith bask account to figure OH maintaiBing I areQneIhMbsk- 4f I The Munroe Chambliss Bank t t 3- 4I Ocala Florida A J e few Souvenir Post Cards < G I- fJ6 I New Views of Ocala if74 bi 1 I LLE r > JustIn At t ct 1 feO t- PiWEIIIE nH W > U The Jeweler T NEW ENTERPRISE tff I 1- 1t H- TL I J l- I e FOR OCALA I j j THE OCALA DEVELOPEMENT jiCOMPANYwillsell you a home in f Ocala sell you a lot and j build a house planned by you tWill guarantee the title and carry t insurance You pay little more than rent Now ready for- t 4 business t J FORT UNION BLOCK lJ u J 4t I C f T CSBMII C V lofef rls I f I f < Smith at Roberts EMIAIMERS I FUNERAL DIIECTOIS V Ctapkle lie tl Caskets ail inridxiiaterials ti4iak4 Ellllters d JJ rlakers I lay tttut II lUll Phone 94 OCALA r i DAVID WOODROW VM J SHERIDAN Phi Phon 139 2 I BSAND A STONE COMPANY tJiI i OaTICE IK HOLDER BLO CK OCALA FLORIDA CRUSHED TONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SAN- DS t S i S have a7 atone crusher at work In Ocain and are prepared to do all kinds Of Cement Work Build Founda tlons make Cement Blocks Cement rick Build Sidewalk Artificial Sto ne Fences Stone Mantels W Tnake locks for Foundations for house wor k which look better than brick and cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundry r OVO14LYTPAE OFBuSINESS is IN ATLANTA WHERE VE HAVE 4 ESTABLISHED FOR MORE HAN A ftWATtTER OF A CENTURA AWD ThERE WE CAW ALARfil AND COMPLE- TE1XOFENEBOlLERS SAW M1UALNOODNORK1NC KINDS OF 8AV BELTING AND MIU S OF TERFECTLY SATISFIED MERITS OF QUit ClOODS VfHlCH D QUANTITY OF WORk DONE > 1 CATALOGUE AND TERMS T ATLTAC R t r t- c rttt YKi f i IrIIF r f ocm ocditacES- K oC P meet Monday night J Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night Eagles meet Wednesday evening- Air I Dome reopens Monday evening y I When yoi lInk at Trawlers you know Itt tight The Montezuma had 30 arrivals yesterday You can buy the E W smoker at Troxlers Mr P A Ausley and little daughter- or Martel were In town today Hulnufs Violet Sec Soap at the Court Pharmacy I Mr Montholon Atkinson of Old town Is a visitor to the city today A large assortment of choice fruit rat Troxlers Read advertisement of Fishels moneysaving specials on the fourth page- A new shipment of Hudnufs toilet articles Just in at the Court Phar- macy ¬ k W T Benton of Gainesville and W L Woods of Edenfleld tarried at the Montezuma last night The Air Dome will reopen with mov ¬ ing pictures and vaudeville In the ar- mory ¬ Monday evening FOR SALE CHEAPA firstclass ladys buggy horse Apply to Dr A L Izlar M and Mrs L K Edwards and Mr John L Davis came down yesterday- from Irvine In Mr Edwards auto Just received a shipment of Huy lers eandy Troxlers yes thats the place Mr John McCredle after a pleasant visit to his mother and sisters In this city left yesterday for Waycross Ga Pennsylvania Grit and other leading newspapers and magazines at Bal lards news stand Mr and Mrs W D Graham went up to Micanopy today to spend Sun- day ¬ with Mrs Grahams sister Let us do your prescription work Prescriptions called for and delivered promptly The Court Pharmacy iii J T Peacock a prominent turpen- tine ¬ operator at Valdosta was a guest of the Montezuma last night Palmers Garland Cold Cream In 25c and 50c Jars at the Postoffice Drug- store ¬ Mr and Mrs C N Kirkland and Miss Elizabeth MizelI spent today flshing- ntSflver Sprints If you want a good lead pencil buy one of Gerigs Best 5c at the Post office Drugstore x Mr Dell Moody and sister Mrs A C Fancher came up from the lake today t9 V Use Palmers Lotion after shaving- 50c and 1 bottles at the Postof flee Drugstore Holeproof Sox for men guaranteed- foi ix months without holes at FlsKeTsr ft If you want a good lead pencil buy one of Gerlgs Best 5c at the Post ¬ office Drugstore- The children of the Baptist Sunday school enJoyed a lawn party on the church grounds yesterday afternoon Holeproof Hose for ladies guaran teed for six months without holes at Fishels Phone us for you prescriptions We call and deliver them THe Court Pharmacy I R C Davis uot ot Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozen- F M Harp the Eureka turpentine operator came In yesterday to enter the hospital He has been sick for sometime If you want a good lead pencil buy one of Gerigs Best 5c at the Post ¬ office Drugstore- Col Charles Byrne A S A retired- Is In the city today to look after his landed Interests In the western and northern portion of Marion Jergens Talcum Powder large cans holding nearly a pint each guaranteed- pure and fragrant The Court Phar ¬ macy George Turner farmer and evange- list ¬ of Gaiter was In town today and said the river was down and the dry spell continued- We have a few boxes ot exception ¬ any fine writing paper Drop in and take a look at them The Postoffice Drugstore- Mr C E Thomas who returned to Ocala from Bartow a few months ago has a position with the Southern Ex ¬ press company in their Ocala office We want your prescription work and are prepared to offer you the most skilled pharmacists and the purest of drugs to compound them Tydings company MrsM J Ansley who has been with her daughter Mrs Canford Jewett fr some time went down to Brooksvflle yesterday afternoon to visit friends FOR RENT Furnished rooms ev- erything ¬ new and convenient bath- on same floor Mrs C P Moore Wisteria building 15 North Second t street west 1226 pd- t W L Sheridan and little laughter went up to Reddick this aft- ernoon ¬ to meet their friend Mrs Richardson of New York Mr Will J Edwards returned to his Irvine turpentine plantati9n this aft- ernoon ¬ accompanied by his sister Mrs H D Stokes- Wonderhose for children guaranteed to wear three months without holes 25 cents a pair at Fishels 4 4 AIR DOME WILL REOPEN MONDAY EVENING 1 SaDont forget that Messrs Tucker Sylvester will reopen the Air Dome in the armory Monday evening and that they will have an exceedingly good show moving pictures and two smart and pretty girls Misses Katherine I Howard and Elsie Russell In vaude- ville ¬ Ocala has missed the Air Dome the last fer weeks be sure and give- It a good sendoff Monday evening BIG BUILDINGS TO GO UP I The Ocala Lumber Supply com- pany ¬ has the contract to supply the I material for Dr C R Tydings new building that will be commenced at once The building will be located- on Exposition street between the one Just being completed and the old blacksmith shop on the corner and will occupy the entire space between- the two less room enough on the corner where the old blacksmith shop now stands for a handsome twostory brick building which will go up after the completion of the wooden building The one to be built Just now is to be in the shape of half of an oblong square or possibly bet ¬ ter described as two twostory build- ings ¬ 20x40 feet placed 60 feet apart and then joined by three twostory buildings 20x20 giving a frontage of 100 feet a depth In the middle of 20 feet and at the ends 40 feet Allwill be connected and yet the apartments overhead will be entirely separate If desired The ground floor will be de ¬ voted to stores some of the smaller ones divided into little store rooms 10x20 feet which are much In de- mand ROYALLY ENTERTAINED- Mr Walter Yonge had the Metro ¬ politan band meet at his new cottage last evening for practice and during- the evening served them fith as a i tvmpting banquet as one could wish to sit down to The table was set in the han and took almost the entire length and was covered with all man- ner ¬ of good things to eat including oysters fried and stewed two kinds of salad and delicious fruit punch After practicing till they had worked up a tremendous appetite Mr Yonge Invited his brethren of the band to ¬ gether with three or four outside guests out to the hall where they re ¬ galed themselves with the good things till they were almost too full to resume practice Several short toasts were said including a vote of thanks from the band and well wishes for Mr Yonge and his future by Mr Albert Gerig the bands popular lead- er ¬ The gentlemen inspected the cot- tage ¬ and were much pleased with Its finish and arrangement and thought that MrYonge and the new mistress who is soon to take charge of the lit- tle ¬ home should be very happy In so cosy a nest Mr Yonges father Mr R E Yonge Sr came In just before I breaking up time and passed around a box of Mr Peysers famous Grand r Royal cigars I The music made by the band was a treat to the neighborhood and those I In hearing could only regret that the walls of the room confined the sweet strains instead of allowing them to float out on tho evening air and de tight the ears of all At 1030 the boys adjourned wish- Ing Mr Yonge many years of happi- ness ¬ and prosperity and thanking him heartily for his splendid treat and kind wishes for the band Miss Bessye Porter after a pleasant visit to her mother and friends in Ocala left yesterday to resume her du- ties ¬ at Brcnau College Gainesville Georgia- The funeral services of the little 14 monthsold daughter Ruby of Mr and Mrs Cecil Bryant were conduct- ed ¬ this morning at 1030 oclock Rev Barnett pastor of the Methodist I church read the burial service and I the little body was laid to rest in Greenwood cemetery Mclver Mac- K conducting the funeral The pretty little casket was covered with fragrant and beautiful flowers A great many friends and neighbors attended the service to lend the com- fort ¬ of their presence to the young griefstricken parents Mr E E Dobbs and wife of St Louis will arrive in town In a few days and will keep house in Ute prop ¬ erty owned by Mr Dobbs mother Mrs Messett on North Magnolia street Mrs J P Moody a very attractive lady of Jacksonville who has been visiting her aunt Mrs W S Pike went down to Lake Weir yesterday to visit relatives Messrs Ed Carmichael H C Jones and Gus Halley returned yesterday afternoon from a three days trip in Mr Carmlchaels big Buick car to Wildwood Coleman Leesburg Eustis Tavares Orlando and other points They had a fine time and enjoyed the trip very much The big car took the worst of the roads without any trouble- at all ExMarshal W C Bull came In to- day ¬ from Lake City Mr Bull Is only able to move about on crutches He was an inmate in our hospital for quite a long time and since spring has been with his daughter at Lake City Mr J K MIxon and Miss Annie Mixon of Fairfield who were delegates- to the Marlon Baptist Association at Red Level were guests of the Monte ¬ zuma last night on their return borne Have you seen toe new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C DavIs Co general agents- Mr David Seyler of Lady Lake and one of its most prosperous citizens is in town today Mr Seyler is the champion watermelon grower of his section- Mr Theus the furniture man re- ceived ¬ a solid car of tables and safes yesterday Peter Paul Is a hustler and is selling goods to beat the band Pound paper tablets and box pap ¬ ers as fine a line as you will find in the South at the Court Pharmacy- Miss Elsie Schneider the beloved assistant teacher of the Belleview school is spending Saturday and sun- day at home with her parents at Gol ¬ den Acre and was In town today Troxler handles a large and com- plete ¬ assortment of high grade cigars cigarettes and tobacco r MARE FOR SALE- A large gentle farm mare in good condition and a fine animal Will sell very cheap for cash Apply to P W Ditto Ocala Fla II- Ic i J JIi < i lEI JR1Y1L AT THE TEAPOT GROCERY S New Pack Royal Scarlet Dried Fruits 4 FIGS CITRON 1 PRUNES PEACHES fjf I APRICOTS i < T CURRANTS SEEDED RAISINS LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL We Have Exclusive Sale of the Royal Scarlet Line and Carry a Complete Stock at all TimesEvery article Guaranteed USE CREAM FLOUR Fleischmans Yeast Received Twice a W- eekTEAPOT GROCERYBAS- EBALL FRIDAY- The grammar sehool defeated the high school yesterday on the Ninth street grounds by a score of 11 to 8 This makes two out of the series of three won by that side Although tile grammar school team is composed of a majority high school boys It con tlnues to have that name from the old team I FOR SALE CHEAP A desirable building lot on North Second East Adams street opposite- the I Jewish synagogue Address Box 180 city THE TIME OF LONGEVENING HOURS Is at hand Are you equipped with good vision so that you can spend these hours to the best advantage Reading by Lamplight- Is a task to imperfect eyes It is a pleasure to perfect ones DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist I I Ocala FlA Office hours 9 to 10 a m H and 130 I to 430 p m Optical office and lab ¬ oratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block- A WEEK OF PRAYER Next week will be observed as a week of prayer by the ladies of the Methodist church The two mission- ary ¬ societies will unite in the meet Ings A special program for each day has been prepared Beginning on Monday Nov 1st meetings wui be held every day during the week at 3 p m All the ladles of the church and their friends are cordially Invited to attend I Mrs E P Rentz Pres W HM S Mrs T J Nixon Pres W F M S BEAUTIFUL NEW SILVER- A E jBurnett the Jeweler is receiv- ing ¬ new shipments of beautiful silver in all shapes ahd the latest patterns almost daily He has this season the best stock of these goods evvr car- ried ¬ FRESH OYSTERS EVERY DAY Fresh oysters served In all styles ev- eryday ¬ from 5 a m to 10p m at the Elk Cafe NOTICE I Those desiring to contribute to the advent box being prepared by the wo mans auxiliary of Grace Episcopal church either In money or clothing- can leave the same at Mrs Julia Haisleys I R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired OYSTERSOYSTERS I The Elk Cafe will begin serving oy- sters ¬ on Saturday YOUNG MEN WANTED Government Pays from 600 to 1600- a Year No LayOffsFreeS- cholarships are Offered Railway mail clerks postofflce clerks city carriers rural man car ¬ riers wanted Examinations In the vicinity of Ocala soon Short hours salary twice monthly annual vacation and life po- sition ¬ Thousands of appointments are to be made Common education is all you need city and country people have equal chanc and political In ¬ fluence is unnecessary Free scholar ¬ ships during October and November Xo time to lose Write to Central Schools Dept 1006 Rochester N Y I 1- fI l p I As an evidence of your social standing your hands play an im- portant ¬ part To have them heavily bejeweled indicates poor tasteMo have them however set off with two or three rings of perfect workmanship and of genuine qual ¬ ity Is to have youreslt classed as having both good taste and breed- ing ¬ and excellent financial standing- Our display of designs is of the kind that will please the most ex- acting ¬ A E BURNETT OCALA FLORIDA 4 c 4 I c l 1I ft N PWPRTHLEAGU HALLOWEEN ftTY The Halloween party given urtt Ute lawn of the Methodist churck and parsonage last evealng under tie avs spices tbe pTrarth League was a pronoanced success being lejgely at ¬ tended by the young people l Md a royal good time The heantiful moO Hgnt night teas Ideal for the occasio and to add to the cheerfulness ottfae scene a huge bonlre was kept burn ¬ ing Jn the center of the lawn rack tlanterns shown here and there rrv- ealingfeaturea of the most grotesque Character t The gjiests came masked and iy S clock the lawn presented a wierd scene with the many solemn vteaged witches moving with stately tread around the blazing lire or strolUag fa groups along the sidewalks and up to- wards ¬ thepublic square striking ror to the hearts of Several who had forgotten the presence of Halloweea season j Next to the church stood a COST booth within which Miss Rattle Carl- ton arrayed in the gab of a witch revealed to the guests their past present and future history The trem- bling ¬ guest having been admittejUato Cudjos cave was shown a monkey sitting In a tree and this represented- the past then the guest was shOwn into a mirror and this represented the present and before departure each guest was handed a card upon width was written an appropriate stanza prof- phetlc of the future history A tub of water with floating apples afforded much amusement to those who attempted to lift the apples from the tub with their teeth and without the use of their hands Several api pies were suspended by strings from the tree and the guests tried their skill in archers by shooting at them with bow and arrow In this contest Mr W V Wheeler was the most suc- cessful ¬ archer which meant that Cupids arrow had pierced his hart and that he would be the first of the contestants to wed Jn the midst of the lawn stood a real Indian wigwam which looked quite picturesque In the moonlight and seated within the dimlylighted tent was the Gipsy fortune teller Esmar eldo arrayed In appropriate costume Many and striking were the stories of past present and future fortune as re ¬ lated by this skilled fortune teller whq was none other than Miss Mary Bell Seated near the bonfire Miss Mizelle delighted many of the guests wiU the revelations of palmistry- The guests were then invited to a table in the lawn loaded with various fruits and during the marshmallow roast which followed n huge circle was formed around the fire and the party was entertained with several ghost stories of a most thrilling na- ture ¬ related by Misses Mizelle Cam Foy Phillips anti Mr Cordero Much of the success of the occasion- Is attributable to the energetic plans of the gifted vice president the lit- erary ¬ dcpartmentot the tepworth League Miss Louise Xiron assisted- by Miss Loulle Jarn ltIlss Mary Bell and the others hose names have already been mentioned- A GREAT IMPROVEMENT The remodeling of the city market progresses finely and the place will be ready for tenants in ten days The work Ts one of the best of the many recent Improvements in the city and will give Ocala a market that the cit- izens ¬ may be proud of instead of an eye sore The old shed on the cast 5hlfJ for- merly ¬ the front of the building is gone and fine cement sidewalks have been laid on the east and south sides- of the building witfi curbincs The entire interior has be ncened and painted snow white The floor ls of solid earth filled cement with the proper slopes to the outside drains where water is carried off to the well Each stall opens into the common court or vestibule and each one Is thoroughly screened from flies Every I stall has a back entrance through which everything w51 come and go ex- cept ¬ I the packages which customers carry away with them which are passed out through the little sliding I doors There Is a room in the rear where fish will be cleaned and other wash ¬ ing done A toilet and lavatory will be provided In the extreme rear corner The market will comprise the essen ¬ tials of cleanliness convenience and attractiveness- One more thing should oe done The walk around the south side should be extended acroHs the unsightly lot to Magnolia street so that persons can come to the market from that side of town without having to walk down the middle of the narrow street which has high weeds on both sides I Mr E C McLeod says that Clark Ray Johnson are pushing their railroad into Ocala so as to establish a big mill here and sell all the refuse lumber at the mill which they now have to burn up to our people Mc says It will be a big thing for Ocala as It will make several hundred la- borers ¬ directly tributary to Ocala that the Sumner Lumber Company of Zuber will push their railroad to Standard and then east to Salt Lake and St George and there create a di ¬ rectroad connection e with water transportation and help to build up Ocala He says its coming sure and to give these enterprises all the ald possible and let the let fhe Florida canal rest for a while I Mr Fred Lovell the Sanford drug- gist ¬ I who lsa visitor in Ocala speak- ing ¬ about the progress of Sanford said It was wonderful that land with- in ¬ a few years had risen from 525 and 550 an acre to thousands and this seasons celery crop for which the lands are famous will produce in ex- cess ¬ of last years crop 3000 cars I which will require twentyfive extra- S locomotives to move the same to market Now there Is nothing slow about Sanfprd and its vegetable kingdom Mrs Will Goln and her sister Miss Eloise Smoak returned today from Umatilla where they were the guests of Mrs Robert Collins Mrs J J Williams of Homosassa who was there visiting relatives returned to Ocala on the same train There is no game law against any one hunting for PLANKS CHILL TONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma- laria ¬ chills and fever Price 25 cents per bottle Ask your dealer hell probably know Miss Grace Tortanot Leesburg passed through Ocala today as a bride We could not learn the grooms name Miss Grace formerly Jived In Ocala when her father was on the police force of this city The latest copywright books and thi finest general line of books ever ahewn- In thi city at the Ocala News Ce If- s > t J 1f t < c f1l < II ij p f J- aJt 3 4 s Ta p fJ r 4 1 J A 4 c 4 1 < Ajr1- f1 T i fj- t i > i t Jo- ft1 V j J r J The Prtofis t k tia- tis < I 4 1- rI > to xTV < arU f 1 < < > < M r t BREAP V > vv Da T Co V f 1 c ti S 1i4i feTSijj r v KT c If lteI ueaot i ttJ trj- o J- SsjCB i > I > v jI C o 0fSe >r s f- it tA 1 now nt a- MMERCIAE c- os T t time to 1- J < tJt1 sell it tI4ria i V nt 17 J- to t J L Qta1- MARTIN 1 r C- Of f ciREY- S t j 1 Jl S t rl r- od < = t 4 TiE r C r = to i i j- t l y I r L rJQ t t r < rA t1 S t J- t 0 i- It u f J < s5 l i- nlUtX v- a vnSTUf Pft if iK jL y J if j b- t 5 y i j Next Dowr te th i 1l Weetentfr Teletralth v t < 1t < t j rtf t jI c Work CalleVfer an Delivered Prem t ly All Werk Guarantee WWW iO f TragCnly 4 w t tl4J L I 4- i r > > f Iit r FIRE woOqRE WOOD 1 >< V j Ir We have large swppy < Iwt waee < i both pine and oaks fireplace ud atava > r lengths Good seasoned wood f c v A BIG LOAD FORA DOLLAR t delivered cash Call at lsdssyer 1 i tp PHONE 1CGee GILES 4- Th CO 1 Z1 I iJ1i bMt jaaokaM ef s x j cloth finitl1 iI ta pr H eiwefpit- Aii e w 0 c q U ftlhic ih aftJi Ii In 1 1 t a k- p Ic- I high IoI books Jt P jg > News It O 1 r J j f o Je i- i < tttlW e UI llurJ H two or three furnished rooaig with > Jt Mr > 1 Re16S9uth0lg8 I NOTICE c i V- Of t Final Settlement ai DJ chaMT- Notice n j Is hereby thatpalthi j 9th day of February A D 191 the t p undersigned will present her acoavata i and voschera C Uie Hon JosephjB l 9 dlii f Judge of nro Ih an r Hi- rcountyat nA ow his officeInYOcatf aad wl a < make liel flnaF sxitfleraent wwf 1 t > fOrt H discharge tl P f- LAdmInIstratrI d yot lWj F Ust i At e01 1 h F J I lk I I > NOTICE QFAPPI IONPQ CiJJ- Tax Qed Vnderjcion f J > vj it 1 > wl ter LafFIridL < Cjlf- t Notice is hereby given that J 1 Ud ll dell purchaser of tax h i 2022 dated tbt 4th day crtlfcati A i A 1890 To 700 dated Ju e 2d J J fed said certificates In my 4 office and made application f0 tax deed to issue in accordance l law Said certificates embrace the fol- lowing ¬ described property situated JR A Marion county Florida towit ivjfc o t lot 1 and eK lot 4 blk 5 Santos and i t lot 3 blk 7 sub of seK Santo all ia see tp 16 r 22 c The said land be df assessed at the date of the Ised T r hJ f ance of such certificates in the name otl unknown and Samuel Cawthon t7Ie- aid j 1s certificates shall be redeemedae iI cording to law tax deed Twill Issue fe > thereon on the 2d day of a VI D 190- 9Wttns Deel1ri I o my official 1 t A I seal this the 29th day of OctoberLD 1909 S if SlStrarifcv- Clerlr t l Circuit Court arlOI CoFla S 4 r r QL NOTICE TO CREDITORS w- p 0S 1 t Notice is to aI1Od i itors dlst erebygve trr sons having calm or against the M BeT to present the same to the w ed administrator witkln oieEAr from this date Sept 18tbUN4 f I Ej Hairter A As Administrator of the tje Aria 31 Hunter DC Pleasant Tenn j f fi W neld eat Agent MBfC F I 4 NOTICE OF A Tax Deed Under Sectieft 8ef Chif i ter 4888 Law of Fienda fc Notice is hereby given t at7XraX Forbes tax certifleate purcherO No 315 day ofJee A D 1909 has fled said certificate iJ my office made a < for tax deed to issue in accordance with law Said certificate embraces t i the roUolngdescrlb e ryltu- t a NeU of swrsec 12 I r22 e The said landbebgIe < J 1f 1i at date of certificate In the name t 1Jakk4frUn- less said certificatesK a deemed according to law3 ta br j < ti will Issue thereon 4th day > 8 Ot December J t AD j Witness official signatere aaa j seal this 30th day of October l t seal S T Sistrwdc j y 1 Clerk Circuit Court aiarkm CO1PiL r J t z FRESH q I V J I receive dally ecpets J 4 fresh and salt wU ik a tvttSjiaet I c varieties I HOtalac tMi P j i and handle UemrltJ WM r tC eKEt 1 l f l P 1 7 I J f- Fw TnT 11 v i l tJ i 7i- w > l I r i f 1 J r At h nh r t I 0 r

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t directsgecial attentiop toour fine showing t

fS> of q6 Millinery which includes SpectalLinei-

ofl Sl

it J Hati foMUl 2H 251 nj3J1 and on up <

rj and wtrfd certainly be your rorth whu1ea comeft J e1sc-


JIUU tigtte before buy4c t1 tj50 carry a f line medium price and

i PattenTflata-Our

L iY work ro10 thIS season is welleqtuppedI

to do kind ot work atI

and we are ridY JliW a7 f reuonab1eTlir


mnd ask to see our beautiful line of

Anfor Veill-r

LL f Jj

Jlir tfc Iss JVlapy Affleck



Next toUmroe A Cbambliss BankI

11 t t-






S IT IS A FACTtWo the MUL who carries his mosey labis pocketbook wIn

tfcvel aU of It without tluraght while it becomes secoBdHat twn far a BUUI frith bask account to figure OH maintaiBingI areQneIhMbsk-



The Munroe Chambliss Bank

t t 3-4I

Ocala FloridaA



few Souvenir Post Cards<




New Views of Ocalaif74

bi 1


> JustIn Att ct 1

feO t-


W >U The Jeweler











j THE OCALA DEVELOPEMENTjiCOMPANYwillsell you a home inf Ocala sell you a lot and

j build a house planned by youtWill guarantee the title and carry

t insurance You pay littlemore than rent Now ready for-

t4 businesst


lJ u J4t IC f T CSBMII C V lofef rls

If I f


V Ctapkle lie tl Caskets ail inridxiiaterialsti4iak4 Ellllters d JJ rlakers


lay tttut II lUll Phone 94




Phi Phon 139






DStS i

S have a7 atone crusher at work In Ocain and are prepared to do allkinds Of Cement Work Build Founda tlons make Cement Blocks Cement

rick Build Sidewalk Artificial Sto ne Fences Stone Mantels W Tnakelocks for Foundations for house wor k which look better than brick and

cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundryr










R t r t-

c rttt YKi fi IrIIF r


ocm ocditacES-

K oC P meet Monday nightJOdd Fellows meet tomorrow night

Eagles meet Wednesday evening-

AirI Dome reopens Monday eveningy I

When yoi lInk at Trawlers youknow Itt tight

The Montezuma had 30 arrivalsyesterday

You can buy the E W smoker atTroxlers

Mr P A Ausley and little daughter-or Martel were In town today

Hulnufs Violet Sec Soap at theCourt Pharmacy

IMr Montholon Atkinson of Old town

Is a visitor to the city today

A large assortment of choice fruitrat Troxlers

Read advertisement of Fishelsmoneysaving specials on the fourthpage-

A new shipment of Hudnufs toiletarticles Just in at the Court Phar-macy



W T Benton of Gainesville and WL Woods of Edenfleld tarried at theMontezuma last night

The Air Dome will reopen with mov¬

ing pictures and vaudeville In the ar-


Monday evening

FOR SALE CHEAPA firstclassladys buggy horse Apply to Dr A

L Izlar

M and Mrs L K Edwards and MrJohn L Davis came down yesterday-from Irvine In Mr Edwards auto

Just received a shipment of Huylers eandy Troxlers yes thats theplace

Mr John McCredle after a pleasantvisit to his mother and sisters In thiscity left yesterday for Waycross Ga

Pennsylvania Grit and other leadingnewspapers and magazines at Ballards news stand

Mr and Mrs W D Graham wentup to Micanopy today to spend Sun-


with Mrs Grahams sister

Let us do your prescription workPrescriptions called for and deliveredpromptly The Court Pharmacy


J T Peacock a prominent turpen-tine


operator at Valdosta was a guestof the Montezuma last night

Palmers Garland Cold Cream In 25cand 50c Jars at the Postoffice Drug-store


Mr and Mrs C N Kirkland and MissElizabeth MizelI spent today flshing-ntSflver Sprints

If you want a good lead pencil buyone of Gerigs Best 5c at the Postoffice Drugstore x

Mr Dell Moody and sister Mrs AC Fancher came up from the laketoday


Use Palmers Lotion after shaving-50c and 1 bottles at the Postof fleeDrugstore

Holeproof Sox for men guaranteed-foi ix months without holes atFlsKeTsr ft

If you want a good lead pencil buyone of Gerlgs Best 5c at the Post ¬

office Drugstore-

The children of the Baptist Sundayschool enJoyed a lawn party on thechurch grounds yesterday afternoon

Holeproof Hose for ladies guaranteed for six months without holes atFishels

Phone us for you prescriptions Wecall and deliver them THe CourtPharmacy

IR C Davis uot ot Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach 750 per dozen-

F M Harp the Eureka turpentineoperator came In yesterday to enterthe hospital He has been sick forsometime

If you want a good lead pencil buyone of Gerigs Best 5c at the Post ¬

office Drugstore-

Col Charles Byrne A S A retired-Is In the city today to look after hislanded Interests In the western andnorthern portion of Marion

Jergens Talcum Powder large cansholding nearly a pint each guaranteed-pure and fragrant The Court Phar ¬


George Turner farmer and evange-list


of Gaiter was In town today andsaid the river was down and the dryspell continued-

We have a few boxes ot exception ¬

any fine writing paper Drop in andtake a look at them The PostofficeDrugstore-

Mr C E Thomas who returned toOcala from Bartow a few months agohas a position with the Southern Ex¬

press company in their Ocala office

We want your prescription workand are prepared to offer you the mostskilled pharmacists and the purest ofdrugs to compound them Tydingscompany

MrsM J Ansley who has beenwith her daughter Mrs CanfordJewett fr some time went down toBrooksvflle yesterday afternoon tovisit friends

FOR RENT Furnished rooms ev-


new and convenient bath-on same floor Mrs C P MooreWisteria building 15 North Second

t street west 1226 pd-

t W L Sheridan and littlelaughter went up to Reddick this aft-ernoon


to meet their friend MrsRichardson of New York

Mr Will J Edwards returned to hisIrvine turpentine plantati9n this aft-ernoon


accompanied by his sisterMrs H D Stokes-

Wonderhose for children guaranteedto wear three months without holes25 cents a pair at Fishels




1SaDont forget that Messrs TuckerSylvester will reopen the Air Dome inthe armory Monday evening and thatthey will have an exceedingly goodshow moving pictures and two smartand pretty girls Misses Katherine


Howard and Elsie Russell In vaude-ville


Ocala has missed the Air Domethe last fer weeks be sure and give-It a good sendoff Monday evening


The Ocala Lumber Supply com-


has the contract to supply the I

material for Dr C R Tydings newbuilding that will be commenced atonce The building will be located-on Exposition street between the oneJust being completed and the oldblacksmith shop on the corner andwill occupy the entire space between-the two less room enough on thecorner where the old blacksmithshop now stands for a handsometwostory brick building which willgo up after the completion of thewooden building The one to be builtJust now is to be in the shape of halfof an oblong square or possibly bet ¬

ter described as two twostory build-ings


20x40 feet placed 60 feet apartand then joined by three twostorybuildings 20x20 giving a frontage of100 feet a depth In the middle of 20feet and at the ends 40 feet Allwillbe connected and yet the apartmentsoverhead will be entirely separate Ifdesired The ground floor will be de ¬

voted to stores some of the smallerones divided into little store rooms10x20 feet which are much In de-mand


Mr Walter Yonge had the Metro ¬

politan band meet at his new cottagelast evening for practice and during-the evening served them fith as a i

tvmpting banquet as one could wish tosit down to The table was set in thehan and took almost the entirelength and was covered with all man-ner


of good things to eat includingoysters fried and stewed two kindsof salad and delicious fruit punchAfter practicing till they had workedup a tremendous appetite Mr YongeInvited his brethren of the band to ¬

gether with three or four outsideguests out to the hall where they re¬

galed themselves with the goodthings till they were almost too fullto resume practice Several shorttoasts were said including a vote ofthanks from the band and well wishesfor Mr Yonge and his future by MrAlbert Gerig the bands popular lead-er


The gentlemen inspected the cot-tage


and were much pleased with Itsfinish and arrangement and thoughtthat MrYonge and the new mistresswho is soon to take charge of the lit-tle


home should be very happy In socosy a nest Mr Yonges father MrR E Yonge Sr came In just before

I breaking up time and passed arounda box of Mr Peysers famous GrandrRoyal cigars I

The music made by the band was atreat to the neighborhood and those

IIn hearing could only regret that thewalls of the room confined the sweetstrains instead of allowing them tofloat out on tho evening air and detight the ears of all

At 1030 the boys adjourned wish-Ing Mr Yonge many years of happi-ness


and prosperity and thankinghim heartily for his splendid treat andkind wishes for the band

Miss Bessye Porter after a pleasantvisit to her mother and friends inOcala left yesterday to resume her du-


at Brcnau College GainesvilleGeorgia-

The funeral services of the little 14monthsold daughter Ruby of Mrand Mrs Cecil Bryant were conduct-ed


this morning at 1030 oclock RevBarnett pastor of the Methodist I

church read the burial service andI

the little body was laid to rest inGreenwood cemetery Mclver Mac-K conducting the funeral Thepretty little casket was covered withfragrant and beautiful flowers Agreat many friends and neighborsattended the service to lend the com-


of their presence to the younggriefstricken parents

Mr E E Dobbs and wife of StLouis will arrive in town In a fewdays and will keep house in Ute prop ¬

erty owned by Mr Dobbs motherMrs Messett on North Magnoliastreet

Mrs J P Moody a very attractivelady of Jacksonville who has beenvisiting her aunt Mrs W S Pikewent down to Lake Weir yesterday tovisit relatives

Messrs Ed Carmichael H C Jonesand Gus Halley returned yesterdayafternoon from a three days trip inMr Carmlchaels big Buick car toWildwood Coleman Leesburg EustisTavares Orlando and other pointsThey had a fine time and enjoyed thetrip very much The big car took theworst of the roads without any trouble-at all

ExMarshal W C Bull came In to-


from Lake City Mr Bull Is onlyable to move about on crutches Hewas an inmate in our hospital forquite a long time and since springhas been with his daughter at LakeCity

Mr J K MIxon and Miss AnnieMixon of Fairfield who were delegates-to the Marlon Baptist Association atRed Level were guests of the Monte ¬

zuma last night on their return borne

Have you seen toe new visible FaySholes typewriter R C DavIs Cogeneral agents-

Mr David Seyler of Lady Lake andone of its most prosperous citizens isin town today Mr Seyler is thechampion watermelon grower of hissection-

Mr Theus the furniture man re-


a solid car of tables and safesyesterday Peter Paul Is a hustlerand is selling goods to beat the band

Pound paper tablets and box pap ¬

ers as fine a line as you will find inthe South at the Court Pharmacy-

Miss Elsie Schneider the belovedassistant teacher of the Belleviewschool is spending Saturday and sun-day at home with her parents at Gol ¬

den Acre and was In town today

Troxler handles a large and com-plete


assortment of high grade cigarscigarettes and tobacco


A large gentle farm mare in goodcondition and a fine animal Will sellvery cheap for cash Apply to P WDitto Ocala Fla


Ic iJJIi <i



New Pack Royal Scarlet Dried Fruits4






We Have Exclusive Sale of the RoyalScarlet Line and Carry a CompleteStock at all TimesEvery articleGuaranteed


Fleischmans Yeast Received Twice aW-



The grammar sehool defeated thehigh school yesterday on the Ninthstreet grounds by a score of 11 to 8This makes two out of the series ofthree won by that side Although tilegrammar school team is composed ofa majority high school boys It contlnues to have that name from theold team


FOR SALE CHEAPA desirable building lot on North

Second East Adams street opposite-the


Jewish synagogue Address Box180 city



Is at hand Are you equipped withgood vision so that you can spendthese hours to the best advantage

Reading by Lamplight-Is a task to imperfect eyes It is apleasure to perfect ones

DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist I

I Ocala FlAOffice hours 9 to 10 a m

Hand 130 Ito 430 p m Optical office and lab¬

oratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block-


Next week will be observed as aweek of prayer by the ladies of theMethodist church The two mission-ary


societies will unite in the meetIngs A special program for each dayhas been prepared Beginning onMonday Nov 1st meetings wui beheld every day during the week at 3p m All the ladles of the church andtheir friends are cordially Invited toattend I

Mrs E P Rentz Pres W HM SMrs T J Nixon Pres W F M S


A E jBurnett the Jeweler is receiv-ing


new shipments of beautiful silverin all shapes ahd the latest patternsalmost daily He has this season thebest stock of these goods evvr car-ried



Fresh oysters served In all styles ev-


from 5 a m to 10p m at theElk Cafe


Those desiring to contribute to theadvent box being prepared by the womans auxiliary of Grace Episcopalchurch either In money or clothing-can leave the same at Mrs JuliaHaisleys


R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired


I The Elk Cafe will begin serving oy-


on Saturday


Government Pays from 600 to 1600-

a Year No LayOffsFreeS-cholarships are Offered

Railway mail clerks postofflceclerks city carriers rural man car ¬

riers wantedExaminations In the vicinity of

Ocala soon Short hours salary twicemonthly annual vacation and life po-


Thousands of appointments are tobe made Common education is allyou need city and country peoplehave equal chanc and political In ¬

fluence is unnecessary Free scholar ¬

ships during October and NovemberXo time to lose Write to CentralSchools Dept 1006 Rochester N Y






I As an evidence of your socialstanding your hands play an im-portant


part To have them heavilybejeweled indicates poor tasteMohave them however set off withtwo or three rings of perfectworkmanship and of genuine qual ¬

ity Is to have youreslt classed ashaving both good taste and breed-ing


and excellent financial standing-Our display of designs is of thekind that will please the most ex-acting



4 c 4

Ic l 1I

ft N



The Halloween party given urtt Utelawn of the Methodist churck andparsonage last evealng under tie avsspices tbe pTrarth League was apronoanced success being lejgely at¬tended by the young people l Md aroyal good time The heantiful moOHgnt night teas Ideal for the occasioand to add to the cheerfulness ottfaescene a huge bonlre was kept burn ¬ing Jn the center of the lawn racktlanterns shown here and there rrv-ealingfeaturea of the most grotesqueCharacter t

The gjiests came masked and iy Sclock the lawn presented a wierdscene with the many solemn vteagedwitches moving with stately treadaround the blazing lire or strolUag fagroups along the sidewalks and up to-wards

¬thepublic square strikingror to the hearts of Several who hadforgotten the presence of Halloweea

season jNext to the church stood a COSTbooth within which Miss Rattle Carl-ton arrayed in the gab of a witchrevealed to the guests their pastpresent and future history The trem-bling


guest having been admittejUatoCudjos cave was shown a monkeysitting In a tree and this represented-the past then the guest was shOwninto a mirror and this represented thepresent and before departure eachguest was handed a card upon widthwas written an appropriate stanza prof-phetlc of the future history

A tub of water with floating applesafforded much amusement to thosewho attempted to lift the apples fromthe tub with their teeth and withoutthe use of their hands Several apipies were suspended by strings fromthe tree and the guests tried theirskill in archers by shooting at themwith bow and arrow In this contestMr W V Wheeler was the most suc-cessful


archer which meant thatCupids arrow had pierced his hartand that he would be the first of thecontestants to wed

Jn the midst of the lawn stood a realIndian wigwam which looked quitepicturesque In the moonlight andseated within the dimlylighted tentwas the Gipsy fortune teller Esmareldo arrayed In appropriate costumeMany and striking were the stories ofpast present and future fortune as re ¬

lated by this skilled fortune teller whqwas none other than Miss Mary BellSeated near the bonfire Miss Mizelledelighted many of the guests wiU therevelations of palmistry-

The guests were then invited to atable in the lawn loaded with variousfruits and during the marshmallowroast which followed n huge circlewas formed around the fire and theparty was entertained with severalghost stories of a most thrilling na-ture


related by Misses Mizelle CamFoy Phillips anti Mr Cordero

Much of the success of the occasion-Is attributable to the energetic plansof the gifted vice president the lit-erary


dcpartmentot the tepworthLeague Miss Louise Xiron assisted-by Miss Loulle Jarn ltIlss MaryBell and the others hose names havealready been mentioned-


The remodeling of the city marketprogresses finely and the place will beready for tenants in ten days Thework Ts one of the best of the manyrecent Improvements in the city andwill give Ocala a market that the cit-izens


may be proud of instead of aneye sore

The old shed on the cast 5hlfJ for-merly


the front of the building isgone and fine cement sidewalks havebeen laid on the east and south sides-of the building witfi curbincs Theentire interior has be ncened andpainted snow white The floor ls ofsolid earth filled cement with theproper slopes to the outside drainswhere water is carried off to the wellEach stall opens into the commoncourt or vestibule and each one Isthoroughly screened from flies Every

I stall has a back entrance throughwhich everything w51 come and go ex-


I the packages which customerscarry away with them which arepassed out through the little sliding


doorsThere Is a room in the rear where

fish will be cleaned and other wash ¬

ing done A toilet and lavatory willbe provided In the extreme rear cornerThe market will comprise the essen ¬

tials of cleanliness convenience andattractiveness-

One more thing should oe done Thewalk around the south side should beextended acroHs the unsightly lot toMagnolia street so that persons cancome to the market from that side oftown without having to walk downthe middle of the narrow street whichhas high weeds on both sides

I Mr E C McLeod says that ClarkRay Johnson are pushing theirrailroad into Ocala so as to establish abig mill here and sell all the refuselumber at the mill which they nowhave to burn up to our people Mcsays It will be a big thing for Ocalaas It will make several hundred la-


directly tributary to Ocalathat the Sumner Lumber Company ofZuber will push their railroad toStandard and then east to Salt Lakeand St George and there create a di ¬

rectroad connection e with watertransportation and help to build upOcala He says its coming sure andto give these enterprises all the aldpossible and let the let fhe Floridacanal rest for a while


Mr Fred Lovell the Sanford drug-gist


I who lsa visitor in Ocala speak-ing


about the progress of Sanfordsaid It was wonderful that land with-in


a few years had risen from 525 and550 an acre to thousands and thisseasons celery crop for which thelands are famous will produce in ex-


of last years crop 3000 carsI which will require twentyfive extra-S locomotives to move the same tomarket Now there Is nothing slowabout Sanfprd and its vegetablekingdom

Mrs Will Goln and her sister MissEloise Smoak returned today fromUmatilla where they were the guestsof Mrs Robert Collins Mrs J JWilliams of Homosassa who wasthere visiting relatives returned toOcala on the same train

There is no game law against anyone hunting for PLANKS CHILLTONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma-


chills and fever Price 25 centsper bottle Ask your dealer hellprobably know

Miss Grace Tortanot Leesburgpassed through Ocala today as a brideWe could not learn the grooms nameMiss Grace formerly Jived In Ocalawhen her father was on the policeforce of this city

The latest copywright books and thifinest general line of books ever ahewn-In thi city at the Ocala News Ce




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FIRE woOqRE WOOD 1 > <

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We have large swppy < Iwt waee<

iboth pine and oaks fireplace ud atava > rlengths Good seasoned wood fc


A BIG LOAD FORA DOLLAR tdelivered cash Call at lsdssyer 1

i tpPHONE 1CGee GILES 4-


CO 1 Z1 IiJ1i

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two or three furnished rooaig with > JtMr>1Re16S9uth0lg8 I



Final Settlement ai DJ chaMT-Notice

n jIs hereby thatpalthi j9th day of February A D 191 the t p

undersigned will present her acoavata iand voschera C Uie Hon JosephjB l 9 dlii fJudge of nro Ih an r Hi-rcountyat n A ow

his officeInYOcatf aad wl a <

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NOTICE QFAPPI IONPQ CiJJ-Tax Qed Vnderjcion fJ > vj it 1

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ter LafFIridL < Cjlf-tNotice is hereby given that J 1 Ud ll

dell purchaser of tax h i

2022 dated tbt 4th day crtlfcati A iA 1890 To 700 dated Ju e 2d JJ fed said certificates In my4

office and made application f0tax deed to issue in accordance llaw Said certificates embrace the fol-lowing


described property situated JR AMarion county Florida towit ivjfc o tlot 1 and eK lot 4 blk 5 Santos and i

tlot 3 blk 7 sub of seK Santo all iasee tp 16 r 22 c The said land be df

assessed at the date of the Ised T r hJ fance of such certificates in the name otlunknown and Samuel Cawthon t7Ie-aid

j 1scertificates shall be redeemedae iIcording to law tax deed Twill Issue fe >

thereon on the 2d day of a

VI D 190-9Wttns

Deel1ri Iomy official 1 t A Iseal this the 29th day of OctoberLD1909 S if SlStrarifcv-

Clerlrt lCircuit Court arlOICoFla S

4 rr QL


p0S 1t

Notice is to aI1Od iitors dlst erebygve trrsons having calm oragainst the M BeTto present the same to the w

ed administrator witkln oieEArfrom this date Sept 18tbUN4

f I Ej Hairter A

As Administrator of the tjeAria 31 Hunter DCPleasant Tenn j f fi

W neldeat AgentMBfC F I 4

NOTICE OF ATax Deed Under Sectieft 8ef Chif iter 4888 Law of Fienda fc

Notice is hereby given t at7XraXForbes tax certifleatepurcherONo 315 day ofJee AD 1909 has fled said certificateiJmy office made a <for tax deed to issue in accordancewith law Said certificate embraces tithe roUolngdescrlb e



NeU of swrsec 12 I

r22 e The said landbebgIe<

J 1f 1iat date ofcertificate In the name t 1Jakk4frUn-less said certificatesK a

deemed according to law3 ta br j < tiwill Issue thereon 4th day >8OtDecember J tAD jWitness official signatere aaa j

seal this 30th day of October l tseal S T Sistrwdc j y

1Clerk Circuit Court aiarkm CO1PiLrJ


JI receive dally ecpets J 4fresh and salt wU ika tvttSjiaet I c

varieties I HOtalac tMi P jiand handle UemrltJWMr tC eKEt

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