number inn~~· wm~~g,'date rev~ ·...

VOL. XVIII M.cPHERSON, KANSAS, THURSDA Y, MA_Y 16, 1986 NUMBER SS ' \vJil · coMP.:,E JN TRACK MErf FRIDAY nCrnlce Dreshe i: aud Oulah Hoo. i · 1 _. __ • ' • wero co: bost ea1es at a pa r ty Tuesday l ndic at i ona PoiDt Toward dt- tawa or Bake aa Winner rlago of Mli dr J! d Dabllng:cr . a nd George Tbye . was_ mad e. Tho •·cd- of Contest ding duo la Juno 9. HAROLD C. CASE \ MOmER·s DAY MAYDAY IS· sifcCESSFUL PR!JGRAM .m ; sENTED IN Y. M. OF.SPITE RAINY WEATIIER " Mo tl\e r" '1(1\ 11 tho lh e. .me of the Y. _ _ McPheraon Collei e Participate1 ot College Yo ut hs." He t1 l 11.t ed tha t In Eventa of Festival college fo utba do not really appr o- Dayla Pr; gram ""' mot.hers until t hey arc - - LOCALS UTED AS STRONG , .. ':;!: DEAN MOHLER GIVES ADDRESS Ulu rorcl Wiii n ely Upon l\lcycr. luncheon n n-c.d. Tbo cho 11 _ ;n "Got.I cu nnot. bo O\' Or ywherc, isu hu A C. ' h!n:·r Skdtcn.. JMut. 'fl w,. ,. · nnd Unun m• Nucle us to color echcmo was roso nnd gr 4Jc n. A rnudc ntotbor." ,.c111t-cl by Ui u P h)'t' lt. ·nl · UAln Polnhi bej\ ullCul bov. ·L or roses and lllt o11 ot Clnr Oucc Sink conth rncd th o. 11 ro. Ed t1l'ffllo n t ho va lley centered tho ta blo. Addi- 1Jy s punk i llR'. on " l.. oynll y lo - - . - ' ' The KunsntJ onferon co tr ack mcot tl onul decorati ons wero roso a nd Ho th ut Motbor'• r11 u All Uny Cc8th·ltlctt YCK· .,. .Ill be. ba ld flt Sullpa t oruor ro .. · ar- green tApera. Tee annou ncemout or du y 8 nuu ld ho 11 day wo rcdcdlcl\lo lcrlht)' woru citr rl cd out In 1pllo of ternoon. J::n t ra nu. In th is tho date or the wedding was cleve rl y "iW" ni ch· C!I to moth er. Thl ll du)' shou ld t ho rnlua In tho morn ing . McPb cr- "''lll be Be th any College, KansaS \Ya- r ovcalod at the last co urae or th e be tho' o nl>' day ·we think of l'On Co lle,;\\ cont ri buted a da nco In l e> ·an Unh'o rallJ', Bake r Unl ve rsll)', luncheon. A ca ndy doTe had a wed- mothe r. but rnfher wo s hould think th o feto b)' th o )' m etau Coll ege' of E mpor ia ;" Oila·• ·d Unlnr- rin g ti ed about lti neck. In t he of her nll Iha He contin ued .a.ud conce rt tor tho cuun Y gradu- r. lty, und Mc Phcrs ou Collcp e. rin g \\' al 11 1ia 1icr rose- on l\"h fc h wu l,ly snyl ng tlmt IL tlil In 0 home t hu l " t e11 h)' th o Col1eJ;c Ore Cl! lm. l'h cro Is Ji ll ie doi>o unilable con- written th e words, " 'Dolly' 1mch hu mnu lr lu cs na hon- Thu fORll\'ll l<"!I wore oponod tu Lh o ce ri; lng Lho•o 11 tr ength' or tho •s 11o r t. y'- Juno 9." Cti l)', etc .. i; oL tn.urt cd n1'iil IL l il Jur 1;0- I m ornl n s, tn tho us 11 11 1 u111111rnr by tho dltt cre nL Leu m i In Ui c conl.orcuco ae Attar tho purt y, the w6nl. • ly thro to; h our mothor11lll gh School hnnd. T ho th o teumK In the cuHtc rn hulf or th o lo th o Dnhllngcr homo w lu1r o th e Dr. Hnrold 0 . Cu8<: , To1 dqi, wi ll to which wny Wl' gu t tSturt cd In 1lfo. Muy tn1 cn , 11 cx1-ou Li it) 11rogru 111, worf.t Gtu to llll. \'U 11ot competed ngll lns t cont e nt s or the hope chest of tho c lvo tho t•rln cl1ml nd1l rciio1 uL tho Pr0C c1u1or Vorn n ·clo1JCd thu pro-1 t kon to th o Communlt >' Bulld huc th ose In tho wcatorn hnl f. Ti ov. ·ever. brldo· wc ro vie wed. euth Anuunl Oommouct:micnL of 1:1. rn m IJ )' s 111j; l 11 g .. ll '''*>' a ppropriate or Oont ritl Purk , bccau 1Jo of avnllablo Inf or ma ti on polntB towa rd Ouoa ta present at th e par ty Mc Pheno n College, n umber, "Lill ie Moth er oC Mi no." t hu ruin. Daker und OUl\wn na favor ites to win Mildr ed D11hllnger. the gues t of ho n- Th Cl fc 1 c11 consletcd ur dnncca the mcel with Me Phe rson and College ur: Elaine Danie lson. Kera Root. HAROLD CASE CHOSEN C' l ELECT b'' tho ); )' Ill c:Jas11es or t bo local er Empori a :.a s probable contcnderB. Mar, are t Oliver, Glad> ·s llldd ull . L.tL).J omcERS r.c huol1 nud ibC'c.(o "' 'nlnt< or t ho Ma r Coacli Melvln J . Bi nford Is taklnt; Modcua Ka uttman, Falt ho Ke tt e r- __ A c lCTCr 8\ul l orB dnneo WH the rollowlng man to tho moet: M_tl csl man, Thelma She Jl c nb crgcr. Mor- la wen K n o w n i n Youth Cir : E vana a nd Mill er lo Lead Ju .. 11 rct1Unt ctl 1J )' Urn grou 11. U D• Tolan d. u ockme. n. Hunn, ·amber , grottn Okc rllnd , Ma rtha Hursh. Mn. clea ; Will Cive Add reaa niora and Se niora of dar tho d ln.ictlon or Ctt ntittu Moro. St uti: mnu. \Vttudn1:1, Hen dr en. MUlcr, •A . C. Vorun, a nd tho Lwo hoJ1t tJtSl5Ct1, Here Ma y 31 Th u Muy Queen und htir nu eud. Meyer. nud Cnrpc nt or. Dbrnl cu Hoo \•c r . J.935 .. 36 , nllhJ w ro drCKHCd in bcn ut ltu gow 11 Tolund und Mii os wlll run the l oo R og r eus wcr u rece ived fr um Vulmtt Dr. Hurold c. Cuso lmH hoc u dcr1- -- of 1 11u1t cl colorH . 'l'ho (J Uuo 11 ' 11 ntt ou,d- yord dnsh und Mlt cs .wlll nleo run tho Wnlkln H . lgnnt er d as th u commo11 c(l ll Hrn t fl t1ouk- Ofrtccr t1 for lh fl Junior Ullll K l:Ulur 11 11 18 cot1 Kl11 U:d of u mnl d or houo :? 20 yn rd dueh. Hockmun wHI cp m- Du hlluger l is n mc mlJ ur or Lh tl er to r tho cl:1 8H of 193G. 1)1'. C111:1c IH \!IU11)'.ICH uf next > 'Oll r wcro ulcctod ul 1:1h: llttondrull tl, ll c row 11 hcurer, two petc tu the ha lf mtle dl ti tancc; Haun A Coopellu Choir a nd att ended M. C. 11na t or of the f.'l rt1 t Mcthndl1:1 t Church their recent clu1:11:1 uuiell nga. tmln 1Jcu re n1, uud lil x tlOwur will be entered l.n the i• olc vau lt: high I for thr ee yea rs . or Topcku. He cnmu Lu To11ekn fr om La!t t ., .. rldny th o Junl ora mel a ud l 1'hu "' ' ho lu h:Le wus In or Mi ii h urdles. unc{, broad Jump ue.ata; Gl encoe. Ill.. two yl'n rs :u;o whero t hose Donnld l!:va mi us IJrCSldcnt of Helt m l-l l ru l. Grabe r nod St ut r. man ...-111 run tho ho served as pastor. t ho l 93G·3G. iwulor cluu. The other Th ,;ru nd All Schuuhs DD)' 1uarad o oua rt er mtl o: Wi ggin s "''Ill compete snJDENTS VJSIT PLANTS Dr. C:uso was i; ftllhmtod hr Ul\lr :<l r ort lc<'i-8 eloctcd l\'Ore vlco preside nt.- which wnlf Lo lnkc 1 •l t1co ul l I : OU wu1 in h lg'h Jum1) nud Ju e Hn ; Me )•e r . Unh·erSlt)', Hn r \'Rrd. Ga rett Jll b llcul Me rl e Mt'Hnmcr: accrc. tilry, Doro thy llOMl!IUU l! d 1111 111 3:;10 booau so or won- 'fl "!lt try to o ut c! oRK his o p11on c nta In -- l 11 stlt 11 te oud of Bostu 11 Unl\'Ol "Rlty. tr(loaurcr. J. otn \ Vino; 1nu- th r coudltlon". 'J'111) ucxt ovcnL or th e s hot o ud· dl llc us : Miller wlll T un Chem Cla a.aea Go lo Hutc hin .. [ Ho Ji us boo n nt th·o 1 11 muny u11d d( mL .cou11cl1 ro1 1rcA0 11rn th•cs,, Arcltlo 1 1i u d1u• wu the dinner ror th o couu .. the ml1 o and t'fl•o-mlle aon for Day-""'Salt Min e i a · \'ll rl cd t)'pcs of work. f.' ur Ko mo limo Vun J'\ or l \\' lc k nnd M?douu l< u urt- ty J;r11 d 1rnt ot1 ut tho Oo mmuul lY He ndron v.·lil e nt er thJ fa vc· ltu . ove .. nt Of Vi tal lntere. t ho wnH In the cc 111 rnl urtko or the mun, , · U11 lldl11J; ntt qr wh ic h tho county and Cur Po ntor th& low hu rd les. __ ._ · E 1lwor th Lcnguo. I.ti. Ho _ Puu 1'1111er \flht c:hoscu,. ul the gr nd1ml10 11 llrogrum wnH hold In th& ..., i ., ... Urtt-tlve ·s tu6tnlt r and or . J. ,y.,,- \ l lta ,,M.eUwdl.i,L "' C!bur ci1o ... "t & \Av. Vorld l!<mhDm'Or u C lil" N ' moe tlnl ii 'woe k '*•o. !i'l1 dllnrl u m·. Til e l\t c'E' lfa i"aon Coll •IJU --- th0-mcot wl11 be buil t nbout Ht•rahcy made the a nnu ol c li emletr y Co nfer ence on 1\ du ll J.:clucntlo n al to heu. d the I 03G-36 Jun ior clatis. Oreh°"lrn pluyed n hu. lr·bour pr ofu do Meyer., and lhm n, who luwe ·each lae t F' rld ny. 'The Camb ridge, Englnud. J n ·192 9. f.'or a Robert W ltit clocted vi ce prct1I · ut thl11 1>r og rnm. Deu n H. e. &foblcr ,shown their variou s abllll tes In t he 'f' 'hole day waa spe nt In vis it i ng pha c- 1 number o r years ho IM.l n cd :lB Deon de nt : Vol dUa. Wa tki ns, seere tnry: wu t ho principal speak er ut tho com• · track m eets In ••hlch· th o "ll u lldogs es of Interes t In t he city. As a who lo.lor the Lake-Gene"n 1.eaJ:UC J11 st ltu lo. Ke nn eth t reas url' r; uud n1011cc met1 L oxorclses. ·ba' o bcc u cu tored lh la spring, · I t rip was cons idered 'one or l ho 1 Uo nlso as lea der nt a i; rcal Wuuda HdO\'Clr uud Wiila rd l' 't omln1t Th vnrfl do n11pruxlmnt cly . bcsl Jn rec.col years, althou gh tlnt 1 conrore noos .. ror youth throug h- 10 rc pr c1:1out th u cll'.U' • In the St udent. nu 1ehcdul o. Thcru wore tJOY(I D . . tl r o" and the J >olico st a ti on both ercd.ouf ." thc. co untry. ili um IJ clng Cou 11 cll. 1tm11 ch1 . t hroo d rum nnd IH!&lo cor ps, T rad itions Continue some 111 tho party. j th e Estes co , nt cr cnco. TJi o r csii uc t h' e uHh:orfl c li oisu n · 111 0 11 )' tlol\tlJ, untl • hun· I Th o grouu mot ol Lh c co nlrn l. Dois 111tc his n ctJ he hn11 1111.Hlc tor 1 111 ,. 0 hoc.n nclh•o 1 11 tholr chu:1iu:K und dr CllK ur Hchol ·hlldrcu. Tl,10 pur t ul o "Come uu, l<• t'a ti tnck Kovn't1 Struw und Fiber Com1> nnr In Hutch- 1 111mao lr a n envl 11 1Jlo rc1 111tn tl 1111 by hls Ul'CI cuimhl u or r ultllll ng tho ucw r e. w11s 1q 111,roxl mn 1e ly 11 mlle :-oum." j 111 son, where the pr oceHl!l uf conve rt · I force or c hnru ctcr u nd , 'l'hu onlorrnlnmtml 1:1c hcdu lo1I lO " Wiii Molhor £mmorL car c--do IJ Lra w tn to pape r waa ohsurvod In to tho nee ds or yo 11 1h. ll h1 r;:rn du- _ tu ko 1 •hu;o on lho l>lut to rm wu" oro• yon suppose_? " · I 'l'l' llh grc a. t conce rn. FrOm th c,ro t ho ' ntlng n ddrcsa. " Th e MurkK of un 1-:JU. NIORS MAKE RES6fuiloN, tic nl Od In th o Cornm unll y Uulldln JC. T hese and muny oth er similar ex- groui> we nt d own Into th o Car or suit ucatcd Pe rson ," will Jw .: h·c u a l l U 'fh o out 11 luudl ng fon tu ro o( tho pro- preulons y, or o lieard In Arn old lbtl mine. Here th e s tud ent.a ga w how' n. m. on ,., !I da)' . Mnr ch J I. I CONCERNING " SNEAK DAYS" i;;:ram WU8 th o ll arrl 11on l:l lcyclo' ac t. last week _; hen tbe Ju n iors a nd se n- tho u lt ts min ed Crom the f:rou ud I · -- which lnrj u dcd a man olou1 buJanIon; sn eaked. I a nd c.-r rl ed to t he surfa ce a nd bro- 1 DATE FOR THESPIAN CWB The Juni or clau mot Pr lda)' a fl i; r- ln1t net 1 ,y Mli;a Yumi. Jt ar rl •on. Tho lt hu bee n u traditi on tor the .u n- ken up read y to be t ak en tu th o'I PLAY IS SET FOR MAY. 29 r eHolutlon cou- 1•rmm1111 uhso dcrclassmcn to , unck the rooms or plnut . Tho Car ey sail plant wu1 th o _ _ I cci ni ug Kncuk d t1 >• Lhut moy Jn tho tllt11 c.:et1 hy locu1 tul <i nl undur the di· their 8111•orlor• wfl on the uvpcrclnes- rl cxL it l-01> · It was here tha t• th c c rud u WILh unly n t1 hort thnu rcmnlnlnf; lut ur c h tH'O couhwdrn hl e· e rtcct l'(Jcll on of 1. hu Mhtsca 11 0 1011 lll rul, men wcro gouo. ., 8qll waa refined nnd !>Ill In 110xc11 In which to pr epar u ror th e M l agl ngl thu holhhl)'tl or lhu u1n1cr chl14fJCll. I tlru co 'lurk. u1 ul ,\111 clla Uurhcr. Admllt1111 co Is cnlncd l'C' Ad)' tor K hl11mc11 t. Th e Kell> ' Jo'lour o . r " [.Jo1Hh n ll olldta y," thul bl oth,nl od hy lh a r o11 11ll.H or tho 1;c11 - 'l' ht1 11r ug r1 1111 for tho duy WUIJ doorti. T ho 19kcloton key 'Miil w111:1 the noxt ·scene of l nl urusL 1 wor k Is bcfoi; DUlllu.: d 10 th , fnll ell l c r:i l lm i wl wh lc; li e mrn c ll wh <: n th o olutecl with u 111 Lh u Curn - ahou lcl hnve curn od some rc wiird for ACl or i:;o lng through th e mi ll , H1 c l ox uwt . Th e ti lllii: o rnnn uJ;u r1:1 ure 8 Cl nlor" .. Sll Cltk(ld ," lho Junl urt1 :Hol 11111 11 11 )' ll nlld lng prutto nt ed hy the l)r oducln1o: 1he me thod th rough wh ich gro u1> dlapeiscd for the luneh hour .1 1 rutluully thu JlrOl lu r tll'I an d i.ltc1111> U11i.:: t.o llm lr mto ull Hm;h d l11- CroK.r Outl Pluymukers. 1'hu tho h1trudcr1 get In and c.reate After ' the lunch hour, tho gro up I J;Ctt l ng the st age \ll'Orkcd out. 111 th o f utu ro und ut tl 1•l , t.lta y J)a y fo'c11 t lv:i l w:us t ui ot her huge ann ual hoToc& which take pJ Oce. $ assembled at th e Mor t on sa il plan t .. 1 s c ,·e ra l uniqu e cos tunw" wlll he nee· sumo time Pto \'ldu f or l_he co ntlnu -11mcct•att tu 11pllo •)f tho luclomout Wh en the Junton and seniors re- Aft<: r Yl lllln g that u lt 1•la nt tho cssA ry u well Ila a nu mllor or dr<'?SS n ru.·o ol this t ra dllhm. 1' ' cat her condi tions. t urn to the ir roms they behold only J;'.TOUJ) waa prl1"11egc d to go through 1 aulls and formal 1: owui1 . I The resolntl on luts uut J t: l I.we n , ... u blur red 1'l alon or de bri s. AU th at tho reforma tory. Th e' tr ado 11 taopa orl ll has been dctlnltcl)' fl<:c ldod that m&u le o ftl rl al, hut 11s souu OH lt Is Htlr lJ c rt Jkcnbcr ,•1111wd wit h Is loat. pe rho1•s. In theso raids, ao far tho rofor mat.ory dr e"· much com· thb ulay wlll ho IH'Ci H·nted 0 11 Wed-, hr t ho fucully IL will ho ruluth' <u• n1 l itx ·Jwmc tu Qu l11t t$ r o ve r ott the u1JPcrcll\ IA me mbe rs nrc con- mc nt f rom tho stude nt s · a t1 th cf uosdny cvenhq;. Miiy :w. Ou · ruC!K· otrlclnlly 1 rnlillt1 1i od. '< . I u 1u .wttckcud . , 1ernod. l is a few nnd ma ybe a went throu gh It . Th o Rlchurd Scho· rl ay (" 'Cui ng, M11y 11 Cull d r<.: 111:1 r .• _ m.._. Hound tom1 1e r. . . I blo Ca ndy Comoa.ny was next tu or- licilrsul will be hold whlr h wlll 11; ?io year pnaso11 wit hout Its exh ll- dor . Thi s Wllft th o mo1J L antl clpntod ooe.n to 1J tud o11 ttt Cur 11 11 111 1111 ;a dm ltJ.- •• nraO ng C\' Cn ta wlth ,( ury placo or visit or th e v. ·holo tllu ornr y. ston tee. The ca11t 01 HI tho dl rcelor• nnd trouble. Tho 1lrea m -·Inds along Many mouths wa ler cd as th e ft roUI) feet t hnt by giving un 111) porL uu lly for the tin nnt plltb, n owa aroun d tho viewed tho deltcloua candy boforo aecfn g the play on T ue-_d ay c,·enl ng sa me bend, keeps tho same oull et In th em, thou gh th ey dared not touch some .,·ho would otb er .. ·lao be un:iblc •11 Its na turat ntr•· A llLtle pebble Is lt. · · to a tt end. hccauac or con Cll c1l n1; ac· U1ro•·n In, lh_o -.•a t er wbJr ls put and I. Othor places visit ed dur ing the tl\'ltl es, wt ll llnd It con,·c 11 l1: nt to 00 <'0 11Un uc1 It.I cou rse. · / t.rlurnoon Inclu ded a fouud r>'. . th e lir cscnt at the Quads To Be Delivered Soon Th o sa mo ma)' be t1ald or school United Power and Li ght Pl ant, und t tradi tions. ·Th ey follow .t ho umel m o Uond Dakfog Compa ny. h •'ll lf n · .._ .. ; Tho J!l:l ti Quadn .nglu ht n q 1ldl>' j "'U1 tcd lulornmll> ' ll1ts > 'Wr . In 81114l>- u1un1 courac. T ll o "'hole rerunlne un-1 'tlrcd conte nted group t lu1 t ro- 1 "i · Tu I uenr hu. ; co111 11lellon. nud will llk t1bu t" of ch111·ucH: rh1llt pot1ot1. Hore.- dis tu rbed a rn4 uua trecteV turned homB afte r •·alklng through FOR tT HE "£EK t•e rcudy for doltvery .Muy .2.t ; l il t: w toru tho rtt.e ult y nud other 11d ml ul- ln. roLi-oJt pect e ve ry •l ude nt has ex- all thclse bu lld. lng:s. . _' _ atut r un 11 01111c<!•. Th <> .m1rnogcr Btt )'9 nt mtlvo oftlcfnle IJCCu 11 how11 1 11 perleuccd an ex traordhinry adve nt uro May tG - 8t1&iti" ,T r uc k t hat dcllvury wfl l ho wtth held from tormul - 1o ng to bb. remembered a nd per .. HEIUI H.E.."Y To LF A!l"L' ll t-: Me e t at Sali na . . mc mher1 or tbovo clu 1cas o.nd o rgll 1• er cc.ul more n uavhoU t:aps vet. to be .re a: re tt ed tor a abort 6 ·uoday, 19 _ T ytt>-plauo r <.-<: llafjJ, !xatl on11 "'hlcb ha ve not)>a.ld for t heir · tturn ha 1 1ny 1 1roJo111 Quttd" 11 tho ""Whti e. Dr. J. Wiiia rd He nh ey wltl AnD J ea ne u e · AtJ ltlOU ond Arthur 1.pace In t he . oj;'tbl• year '11..a1a tt . Clark b la a nnual tetu te nest )t oo- Rol4nder. T A lcl'h cra<1 n Repul.Jllca n. pr int· :wh l1 hTa becom" 1. Ca- \ Xcw · J;1 ua, · eoU:tiie. tor '\ "• le dar ni gh t at S::JO p. m. Th ia lec tu ro E. mcetlug: , Coll c:s:o' t:ra o f thb a un ua l, biu•c llu t'i hCd tho mllh•r . object on t he ca u1pu1. Th o ,.- ,. 11 alwa> .. one or the bl g hUgh ta of 6 :30 p. m. l)rfuLlnt; . TJi o booka krO now. l>elng 1 1hnt uKra 11hy crc1'·, or Oth(f'· No•lbvcu . •• May 16.- Ya lo, tho cbcmt1trJ' cl ub pro5ram1 of th e MoudD> 't )fay 20- n 11 tl lum h. <c: ture, bou nd In s t. Loo i• . Mhsaa url. Clltrk. Olon Webb. i?nd S•m HI.Oner. ,... U1Jl nlnl ty •• ill ot>en. up a new field rea r. Tlie Jmuort.a nco , Ch e mJ1t rr lecture tvom, S v. 111. , hM !H)ij n r te nt lCJs" In l tl!I qu e11t tor ,.. oi In tbe .r1.ll wl t.h ; or ra dJ uftt makeS .ll · bl gh lY tn l CfCI L- Tu udty, May 2 1- n guha r Y. The Junior und· •t m.lor clOH<=:t ii rO vhoLnowA for the autt.ual. the u tabll 11 er\t ot a/ 1peclal di- to ever yone. The lecture 11 prl - Y •. '\\ti meetlnn. io:.U. m. rovret1ent d J OO J >Cr cc ut (n th o week wllJ s tart th e od \'Onturo " 1:'1on ta t he Orapuate ICbOOl ceo.te;· I mar lly for· t il e tint. · year . - WOr ld. Be"Jce oroup 111cetlng, sectio n. Only .ton ll ludenta tho of aollclll ng 11ul ogn. pba. A.a one .Ing upon aeoera l work apa. rt from 1tud e nta ba.t the .p'UbUe ta . cor'& lallr t'1 ". room, 7 p: m1 a nd •o1>h-.i ore c ha •et do ed hH 1Ulld, "A.good C¥Uso for bo· "' r eua.rcll1 aad putOnc aeeon ... 1 -tnYlte$l to comaad h ear Dr. He r-. :_ 1'101tn ..rftltal . not have their pic tur es In l bla ace- In• la'le to ela1s II . •t JueL had to 11f•l t ·ct.arr. Jt wu th., wee.t b,.t 1beJ' t hll all-lmpopa_nl l u,b- ' M• J' 21--0ra du&.te .. re- li on. , f t d t t I mr Ptts14!!i 4aa•U. beet. · · cilaL :. ' Tbe colle10 perwonnel LI belns more 1 u 0 1 1 0

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    inn~~· \vJil·coMP.:,E Wm~~G,'DATE REV~ JN TRACK MErf FRIDAY n Cr nlce Dreshei: aud Oulah Hoo. i ·

    1 _. __ • ' • wero co:bostea1es a t a pa r ty T uesda y

    l ndicationa PoiDt Toward dt- :,~:L t~~ i.::0~::::e!:~: · ~~~w!~c:. tawa or Bake aa Winner rla go o f MlidrJ!d Dabllng:cr . a nd

    George Tbye . was_ made. Tho • ·cd-of Contest ding duo la J uno 9. •



    " Motl\e r" '1(1\11 tho lh of the Y. _ _

    ~ :i:~g~~~u!~:~ ~~~·::~ .?~~;:~:~~ McPheraon Collei e Participate1 ot College Yo ut hs." He t1 l11.ted tha t In Eventa of Festival college fo utba do not really appro- Dayl a Pr; gram ""' cla~ tho lr m ot.hers until t hey arc - -

    LOCALS UTED AS STRONG s• ~~: :~~=:·~.:;:: ••:0 :111:;,~:~1~~ , :.~· u~;·~:~.~~~ .. ~:0~~··:.~ 1::. ':;!: DEAN MOHLER GIVES ADDRESS Ulu rorcl Wiii n ely Upon l\lcycr. ~Ulcs luncheon wa~ n n-c.d. Tbo cho 11_;n "Got.I cu nnot. bo O\'Orywhe rc, isu hu A C.' h!n:·r Skdtcn.. JMut.'fl w,.,. I'~

    · nnd Unun m• Nucleus to color echcmo was roso nnd gr4Jc n. A rnudc ntot bor." ,.c111t-cl by Ui u Ph)'t' lt.·nl · UA ln Polnhi bej\ullCul bov.·L or roses and lllto11 ot ClnrOucc Sin k conth rncd th o. 11 ro. Ed t1l'ffllo n Cl n ~,. •

    t ho va lley centered tho ta blo. Addi- "p~1 m 1Jy s punk illR'. on " l..oynlly lo - - . - ' ' The KunsntJ onferonco track mcot tlonul deco rations wero roso a nd Mo\~r. " Ho 1m~ Lod thut Motbor '• •r11 u All School ~ Uny Cc8th·ltl ctt YCK·

    .,..Ill be. ba ld flt Sullpa toruorro .. · ar- green tA pera . Tee announcemout or du y 8 nuu ld ho 11 day wo rcdcdlcl\lo lcrlht)' woru citrrlcd ou t In 1pllo of ter noon. J::n t ra nu. In th is cont~l t ho date or the wedding was cleve rly "iW"nich·C!I to mother. T hlll du)' s hould t ho rnl ua In tho morn ing. McPbcr-"''lll be Betha ny College, Ka nsaS \Ya- rovcalod a t the last courae or the n~t be t ho' o nl>' day · we think of l'O n Colle,;\\ cont ri bu ted a da nco In l e>·an Unh'o rallJ', Baker Unlversll)' , luncheon. A ca nd y doTe had a wed- mother. but rnfher wo should think tho ~!a)' feto b)' tho i:;lr~s· )'m etau College' o f E mporia ;" Oila·• ·d Unlnr- ~I n g: ring tied a bou t lti neck. In the of her nll Ih a t l ~e. He contin ued .a.ud n~ concert tor tho cuun Y g radu-r. lty, und Mc Phcrsou Collcp e. ring \\'al 11 1ia1icr rose- on l\"hfch wu l,ly snylng t lmt IL tlil In 0 home thu l " t e11 h)' tho Col1eJ;c Ore Cl!lm.

    l'hcro Is Ji llie doi>o unilable con- written the words, " 'Dolly' ~rnd • 1mch humnu ,·lr lucs na rtv~ur , h on- T hu fORll\'ll l' a ppropria te 111.,t~~d or Oont ritl Purk , bccau1Jo of a vnlla blo Informa tion po lntB toward Ouoa ta prese nt at the par ty wcr~ Mc Phenon College, number , "Lill ie Mother oC Mino." t hu ruin. Da ker und OUl\wn na favorites to w in Mildred D11hllnger . the gues t of h o n- ~ T h Cl \\hl~ fc 1c11 consletcd u r dnncca the mce l with Me Pherson and College ur : E la ine Danielson. Kera Root . HAROLD CASE CHOSEN C' l ~~ES ELECT b' ' tho );)'Ill c:Jas11es or tbo loca l er Empori a :.a s probable contc nderB. Mar, are t Oliver , Glad>·s lllddull . L.tL).J omcERS r.chuol1 nud ibC'c.(o"''nlnt< or t ho Ma r

    Coacli Me lvln J . Binford Is taklnt; Modcua Kauttma n , Faltho Ke tte r- __ Qu~u. A clCTCr 8\ul lorB dnneo WH the rollowlng man to tho moet: M_tlcsl man, The lma SheJlcnbcrgc r . Mor- la wen K n o w n i n Youth Cir: E vana a nd Mille r lo Lead J u .. 11 rct1Untctl 1J )' Urn coli~o grou11. U D• Toland. u ockme. n. Hunn, ·amber, grottn Okcrllnd , Ma rtha Hursh . Mn. clea ; W ill Cive Addreaa n iora and S e niora of da r tho d ln.ictl on or Ctt ntittu Moro. St uti:mnu. \Vttud n1:1, Hendren. MUlc r, •A . C. Vorun , a nd tho Lwo hoJ1ttJtSl5Ct1, Here Ma y 31 Thu Muy Queen und htir nu eud. Meye r. nud Cnrpcntor. Dbrnlcu D~oohcr o n~ Oulu~ Hoo\•cr . J.935 .. 36 , nll hJ w ro d rCKHCd i n bcnu t ltu gow 11 •

    Tolund und Miios wlll run the l oo Rogreus wcru rece ived frum Vulmtt Dr. Hurold c. Cuso lmH hoc u dcr1- -- of 111u1tcl colorH. 'l'ho (J Uuo 11 ' 11 nttou,d-yord dnsh und Mltcs .wlll nleo run tho WnlklnH. lgnnterd as th u commo11 c(l llHrn t fl t1ouk- Ofrtcc rt1 for lh fl Junior Ullll Kl:Ulur 11 11 18 cot1 Kl11 U:d of u mnld or houo • :? 20 yn rd dueh. Hockmun wHI cp m- • ~l h111 Duhlluger lis n mcmlJ ur or Lh tl e r to r t ho cl:1 8H o f 193G. 1)1'. C111:1c IH \!IU11)'.ICH uf nex t >'Oll r wc ro ulcctod ul 1:1h: llttond rull tl, ll c row 11 hcure r, two petc tu the ha lf mtle dl ti ta ncc; Haun A Coopellu Choir a nd attended M. C. 11na tor of t he f.' l rt1 t Mcthnd l1:1 t Church t he ir recent clu1:11:1 uuiellnga. tmln 1Jcu ren1, uud lilx tlOwur -~ lrla . will be entered l.n the i•olc vau lt: high I for three yea rs . or Topc ku. He cnmu Lu To11e kn from La!t t ., .. rl dny tho Ju nlora mel a ud l 1'hu "'' ho lu h:Le wus In cbu r~o or Miii hurd les. un c{, broad Jump ue.ata ; Glencoe. Ill. . two yl'n rs :u;o whero t hose Donnld l!:va mi us IJrCSldcnt o f Heltm l-l l ru l. Graber nod Stut n ...-111 run tho ho ser ved as pas tor. t ho l 93G·3G. iw ulo r cluu. T he othe r Th ,;ru nd All Schuuhs DD)' 1uarado o ua rte r mtlo: Wiggins "'' Ill compete snJDENTS VJSIT PLANTS Dr. C:uso was i; ftllhmtod hr Ul\lr:rogrnm. Deun H. e. &foblcr

    , s hown their various a blllltes In the 'f'' hole day waa spent In vis iting phac- 1 number o r years ho IM.ln cd :lB Deon dent : VoldUa. Wa tki ns, seere tnry: wu t ho principal s peaker ut tho com• · track m eets I n • •h lch · tho "llu lldogs es of Interes t In the city . As a who lo. l o r t he Lake -Ge ne"n 1.eaJ:UC J11 s tltu lo. Kenneth We~ \'O r. t reasurl' r; uud n1011ccmet1 L oxorclses.

    · ba ' o bccu cu tored lh la spr ing, · I l h~ t rip was cons idered 'one o r l ho1

    Uo n lso ~e~Ted as leader nt a i; rca l Wuuda HdO\'Clr uud Wiila rd l''tomln1t Th vnrfl do ~atnrtcd n11pruxlmntcly . bcsl Jn rec.col years, a lthough tlnt

    1 ~any conrorenoos .. ror you th th roug h- 10 rcprc1:1out th u cll'.U' • In the Stude nt. n u 1ehcdulo. Thcru wore tJOY(ID

    . . tl ro" and t he J>olico sta tion bothe rcd . o uf." t hc. country. ~ mo 11 i.; ilium IJclng Cou 11 cll . 1tm 11 ch1 . throo d rum nnd IH!&lo corps, Traditions Continue some 111 tho par ty. j the Estes co,ntcrcnco. TJi o rcsiiuc th'e uHh:orfl c li oisu n ·111 0 11 )' ~l u hu rn te tlol\tlJ, untl • hun· I Tho g rouu mot o l Lhc conlrn l . Dois111tc his nctJ he hn11 1111.Hlc tor 1111 ,.0 hoc.n nclh•o 111 tholr chu:1iu:K und drCllK ur Hchol ·hlld rc u. T l,10 purtulo

    "Come uu, lnnr In Hutch- 1111mao lr a n envl 11 1Jlo rc1111tn tl 1111 by h l s Ul'CI cu im hlu o r rultllll ng t ho uc w re. w11 s 1q111,roxlmn1ely 11 mlle I011~ . :-oum." j 111son, where the proceHl!l uf conve rt· I force or chnructcr u nd h l 11~) 11Kh;llt. 1:1 iwn~ lh ll ll l oK. , • 'l'hu onlor rnlnm tml 1:1c hcdu lo1I lO

    " Wiii Molhor £mmorL carc--do i n~ IJ Lra w tn to paper waa ohsurvod In to tho needs o r yo 11 1h. ll h1 r;:rn d u- _ tu ko 1•hu;o on lho l>lut to rm wu" oro• yon suppose_?" • · I 'l'l' llh g rca. t concern. FrOm thc,ro t ho ' ntlng nddrcsa. " The MurkK of un 1-:d· JU.NIORS MAKE RES6fuiloN, tic nlOd In tho Cornm unlly Uulldln JC.

    T hese a nd muny other s imilar ex- groui> went down Into tho Caror su it ucatcd Person ," will Jw .:h·c u a l l U 'fho out 11 luudlng fon tu ro o( t ho pro-preulons y,•oro lieard In Arnold lbtl mine. Here the s tudent.a ga w how ' n. m. on ,.,!Ida)'. Mnrch J I . I CONCERNING "SNEAK DAYS" i;;:ram WU8 tho ll a r r l11on l:l lcyclo' ac t. las t week _; hen tbe Ju niors a nd sen- tho u lt ts mined Crom the f:rou ud I · -- which lnrju dcd a man olo u1 buJanc· Ion; sneaked. I and c.-rrled to the su r face a nd bro- 1 DATE FOR THESPIAN CWB T he Junior clau mot Pr lda)' a fl i;r - l n1t net 1,y M li;a Yum i. Jt arrl•on. Tho

    lt hu been u tradition tor the .un- ke n up r ead y to be taken tu tho 'I PLAY IS SET FOR MAY. 29 1~~ 11 un~ d~ow UJ) . ~1 reHolu tlon cou- 1•rmm1111 uhso lnc l u d~ !lllmti ro~I dcrclassmc n to ,unck the rooms o r plnut. Tho Carey sail plant wu1 tho _ _ I cci ni ug Kncuk d t1 >• Lhut moy Jn tho tllt11 c.:et1 hy locu1 tul · It was he re tha t •thc crud u W ILh unl y n t1 hort t hnu rc mnln lnf; l uturc h tH'O co uhwdrn hle· e rtcc t upon~ l'(Jcll o n of 1.h u M htsca 11010 11 lll rul, men wcro gouo. ., 8qll waa refined nnd !>Ill In 11 0xc11 In which to preparu ror the Mlagl ng l th u holhhl)'tl or lhu u1n1cr chl14fJCll. I tlruco ' lurk. u1ul ,\111 clla Uurhcr.

    Admllt1111co Is c nlncd cveu . throu~ h l'C'Ad)' t or Khl11mc11 t. The Kell>' Jo' lour o. r " [.Jo1Hh Tnkc~ n llo lldtay," thul blo th,nlod hy lha r o11 11ll.H or tho 1;c11 - 'l' ht1 11rug r11111 for t ho duy WUIJ ~om• l ock~d doorti. T ho 19kcloton key 'Mii l w111:1 t he noxt ·sce ne of lnlurusL 1 work Is bcfoi; DUlllu.:d 10 t h , fnllell l c r:i l lm i wl wh lc; li emrncll wh U11i.:: t.o llm lrmto ull Hm;h d l11- CroK.rOutl Pluy mukers. 1'hu t~ nd t ho h1trudcr1 get In and c.rea te th~o Aft er ' the lunch hour , tho gro up I J;C ttlng the s tage De t tl n~ \ll'Orkcd out. turlJauce~ 111 tho futu ro und ut tl1•l , t.lta y J)a y fo'c11 t lv:i l w:us tuiot he r huge ann ual hoToc& wh ich take pJ Oce. $ assem bled a t the Mor ton sa il plan t .. 1 s c ,·era l unique cos tunw" wlll he nee· sumo t ime Pto \'ldu for l_he contlnu- 11mcct•att tu 11pllo •)f tho luclomout

    When the Junton and se niors re- Aft'Wr . In 811 14l>-u1un1 courac. T ll o " 'hole r erunlne un-1 'tlrcd ·~ but con te nted group t lu1 t ro- 1 "i · Tu I uen rhu.; co111 11le l lon. nud will llk t1bu t" of ch111·ucH:rh1llt pot1ot1. Hore.-d is tu rbed arn4 uua trecteV • t ur ned homB afte r • ·alklng through C.AJ.END~R FOR tTHE "£EK t•e rcudy for doltver y . Muy .2.t ; l il t: w toru tho rtt.eult y nud other 11d ml ul-

    ln. roLi-oJt pect e very • l ude nt has ex- all thclse bu lld.lng:s. ~ . ~ _ ' _ atutr un 11 01111c .m1rnogc r Btt )'9 nt mtlvo oftlcfnle tu~vo IJCCu 11 how 11 111 per leuccd a n ex traord hinry adve nt u ro ~Thursday. May t G - 8t1&iti" ,Truck t hat dc llvury wfl l ho wtth he ld fro m tor mul l)O rt rfil t~ . - 1ong to bb. re membered a nd per .. H E IUI H.E.."Y To on~ 1:o: LFA!l"L' ll t-: Meet at Salina . . mcmher1 or t bovo clu 1cas o.nd o rglln· "'~hl rty 1•er cc.ul more n uav• hoU t:a ps vet. to be .rea: retted to r a abort 6·uoday, ~Jay 1 9_ T ytt>-plauo r .. one or the blg hUghta o f ~ 6:30 p. m. l)rfuLlnt; . TJi o booka krO now. l>elng 11hntuKra 11hy crc1'·, co~1t1 Llnf' or Oth(f'·

    No•• lbvcu. coon~ •• May 16.-Yalo , t ho cbcmt1t rJ' club pro5ram1 of the MoudD>'t ) fay 20- n 11 tl lum h.en .up a new field rea r. Tlie b.lshJ1. .~edlcal Jmuort.anco , Ch e mJ1trr lectu re tvom, S v. 111. , hM !H)ij n r te nt lCJs" In l tl!I q ue11t tor

    ,.. oi adn11cc~ l~d.Y In t be . r1.ll wlt.h ; or ra dJuftt makeS .ll · blgh lY tn lCfCIL- Tuu dty, May 21- n guha r Y. l!.~ T he Junior und· •tm.lor clOH


    ,,_ ____ _,==----:1Sefilors Review . . I ....... , ,broad ••Pftnae o( rock~ - -1 S

    PECULNnO~S l Sri k D lure lll'ild wflH a great . number or ol i · t!fo8 meelf!~tsce or . the •~'Dtot rabbffl 1CDIT11~er and >'On.

    ii-........;·;__P,..Jt'"ti"'i.J_LA..,· .,.;.T'-O-'lt"'"'--..._.'--:l "eneototero" woo Pre .. er Halli Beth-' 'Cornlll\i and Nho wondered nwar • §h'1 College, Llnd1borg~. ihc. des lg: amt • O'Peaietl A1 ten o'clock riding ·

    Th.a: cft:sln letter g.,; ,; 'J111t liboiit n:ated J lme JO o'clock Tnetday on hoiie& wb'foh they bad borrowed 10 get u1 down. Now lt.8 dll ri ght to nenlng: It 11.·as n~nrlY t.wt lve before from n couple or rarm boys. s e,·ern l aend out o. fev.· or tho dnrn t hlng1, rho cnn lert the S\\'ede campuA, how- too't their turns nt riding the nag". but when It comea to n.i mllny nA ton eYer,

    tn bnO wce'k. ttiD.t's (od n\uch. 'faUion tbc·m. . I :1nd evontnally tho "proml&ed land'1 .· Arte r d lnn~r ·•Tarzan" Suttle and ~ r.J1tor --- Vf'h"a \\'atldM CMttc-r eo1-11 Muln. Rink -· - - wns locntfld. . Swccllftnd V.-cnl s\{·lt'nn\fng - Dnd

    RURl:S'R.qs ATAFF :r"•ld Evarui ' ii1rvH Jt..n .. rckir fr~bm'o tffn'C$ pnyR t,t, ho~ hnfr. mllo f - - rtll11>' not purpo11ely either. There Du~lner.t lf•n•Hr ·--·--- ftohert. Boot Ktc~.,~·~:~::n ~~~ ~:i':ti ' nr mJlo runner. P:.111 Heckman o.hi\oRt Can nrrlved ot lrrcgulnr lntorvnls v:ns R conoe a!Jnut the size nf n hnhy'A ~':,~~~!~i:·.~~,--=:::_Pn!O:!~ ::;:~ :'~~~~ ;;;;:.. ~~:!,:-~.':,."t turftM the iablei on soine woufd·bo rrom 1! :30 to '4::t0-much to, 1he b:ithtub so TilrHn was ' tho fl~t ti) A»t.t""l c ir. w.,. --- RoMld Flor)' kldnaffeNI when tb'e Juniors 1meoked df11mny and ·dlsgu1u or thMe who tn• hl1' luck ot paddling tho cn noe. ColtadktM MaftUf'r -- Eidrrd Malhn ---- _ __ ttrr las~ wcelC . R o grobbo

    0 .,,·ni1 1u1uenrent, mft'klflfi plnm1 ro~ n pn.j,c r rrfen'd- ' 'I nou1tor.k In cn11c you dPntnlly J;ot hi!'! blnnket. Ile dit1cov-. tftrcn1s ninae b)' tho up)>e'rcluaRmen.

    coniitcied with n deJi:foc. war which wcrnld, rr cnr i' lcd p ut, In- didn't know. erecl It tho next mnrnlnt; nt th bot·, " t •. m ,0 ..., 0 ,. 2 - •

    'i::t.w thl~ s'ltuntron hns c hnJ\~ct1. In e f 1La b1>·. lottO nr\ nct unl wnr. He told ~ . • tom ot n pnllet on t he 1ero11 nd . , i""'""""'"""""" .._ . ...... .,..,,..... •. .....,.'-"'--'-'--'.__. tho rirat ploco ou r economic 11yaten1 tho cofnmlUM thnt the hett thin~ The 'ltuttcnt go\""cilnment hos re·

    hli1 unc1er~onc n tremendou1 unben\·- ror them to do wo~ to stdp ln.ltlnK -a·rltt e.n It• const.ltntlon. We under- Camp b ~an to 11 tlr nt 4: 30 ond hr

    al which bfts r educed "o°in plormcnt about lma«fnnrr w:.n. conducted on u.attd next ren r tll ere wlll he n .' ' Ir· ~I~~. O\'c'rrone· wn" read)' tor hrMk·

    bY JiaU. Althou~h thffl' hn" n.Tfolace our caneges hove b'e- lrm effabll1hment rind &Aturln'~ o ease rtmem er a o c oc come verltahl b ra r. lorles turnln1: out r eoce. Short or . thot . "''e ore cJCarlr nlghu! • succeeded In hl_u_in_• _home~iJu~.

    In innu prod1icllon. dogrooA"brld often Whdt they se-em· lo demonstrate

    our TOii lc nntf Sfiilmpoo

    Which needs to be chanictl, Ond the I IP an emollon. without .,.Ill JK11"er BIR1JtbAYS I OrOl\'8 Hair on BoldneM ::~:f: t:~~1!1~~~e1!1:ft~~~~~n~::1 :~~

    11~~: ~::1:~~0.i;e l ~·111:)~r~~

    1 :~ ~·~ r~nl~:~~~ r~~ . QUALITY . ~1Ai.~i~.i,"r1·:~~~1'.~Y .~~~t~·n· nnd pnlfcnc:c nto plnccd nt n proin. 11oh 10 penonnlly noL to rl1thl In nn. F red Doyle ·-----····-· Mny 19 J(:g dit.EAM , SHOPPF.

    · iu m. · o ther .. ·a r, nnd the ir rMdlness to 1:ol!.-----------Phono 1'92

    th f' whole rl1;:ure or pnclfllm. There Sj>Ccinl Molds for Parties I Su!Ce.!03 ~tn1thy Ride: . 'Vrllii ~· 'td!1r watk T1o111 :~v::.· .~!i~·.:~~ ~.t~:. 1 : 11~;1 ~ •• ;.~~ . __ F1t_OM __ o_fF_THE __ c_1r_MP_u_s __ 11


    IL lo '··1.ndo-Od cnlcrtnlnln~ . tn clear! Havo tlic)' nC.ur.i•IY ineno· '' SJLV~Jt' SPltl1'1GS Jll•' '• ..,.,(ch the otud•ll•• • • they P•IS along urod the rarce1 wllh which tbor nro Dr .. Ea win Franko Gold.;;an . no- - CRE:AMER:Y CO, I · •hS (he wn'"lk befw~ the AdmlnlstT&tlon under{aklna to deal? ' They cannot tlonallj- known cOmpoHr o" band ~'t.Oilc 758 ill E. E'uc1id . O**UE·-:'iift:!. • tJn fltU iJk anti the btbrar)'. Somo ore 1111 ppose th'Rt the · more breafhl fti: or muft lc. ht nt the Untv~rfflt!- or Knn1tl\8 _ 'J-' I nlw'ftya In R voft • gr~t hu rry n'ncl tin nsplrn.Ua'n· Into' thO tilr will achlo'vo ror tho r1r111 Nn11onnl nnml Fcstlml. · · ·

    walk bflsltty alon« os th 0J.1gh busUm· whn t the'y * IMh·. fr hey m.ust bi! r 8ild>' Re wu mndo· a. member or the Phi J iiS~·~· -~·~"i~iii-~· ~--~·t~•i·~'i·1~·-~· ~-~--~·~· ~- ~-~·--~-~"~"~'J~· xi·~· 'i·~· ~i: lo~ lo oil fmportAnt ronrcre.nce. Otb· to tanpprf and Jolit e•ery ~lsfrng M1i Alpha. n.n ·honorary musfc tra · ii '' rt go• alowly an·d rclucu\nuy aa n'gancf that ma)' turn lsh an lil terna· ternltr. tltou1h W111ilnr to delay t110 mo'ruent e•t l Wat~:· tioW .. beln~ rea tured by J an 1; . . , •• - --- .,

    who Ji ha ituall, o,p Oto hoqor roll. ~ talf~ ont of wnr.-Ne"w Tork Oarb~r and his oTc~enra wns wri t· l Sha wa.lko ' hurrlOdly nlonR'' wllh n Times. ton by Wllltc'r L. ~etar. • . sanlnT In "Fbi' GoOdfleti Sake" dock of books under one arm and a -- .. the, School ur Journaltsm a.t Wl1'con:- ifsi: look lndlcatJ•• or deep coitt•mpla- Wtiy A{f tfie Fluwy? • In U. The aong wno wrttto.n •• n

    ttoft Dpcn he.r flee. Ju1t behind bor u Atwaia r emaining In the back . therDo llO'rl&' for a nnl•t'!;sltY prom. ''W-1'' FLOUR

    • rew -.ates- saunce.rl' the co-ed who "Tound, nncr completely known, " P m n--P ......... -=--"' .. · ·'~ noyer ·~ll o'wtJ her erndl eH to tntorrero unidenti fi ed lnn1llgator11' aro con· coun,t;,., fn Eftjtnnd' lie Is coo111cf. ' AfADE fr( -,../

    wllh . hei colfere cilucotlon. Sho s tanlly worried abonl the rndlcol11m e'te"4 no lnbro!'t lfit o'liti!cfll'l!liig lib- ....,..., W'.1>.tJ. ri:~Jtk..; ·I uro1l1 caaually alons, cbautng gay. whl~ t.he7 cla im ls turning govern· eia"l~ ..-J' • nc _tu 1' . . '

    ., •h:b her compaDJOQ and •1••18 menl 1ui>portM ln1UtutJon1 Into a nti- The CO'ftltltullon or t.hl1 counf:nt Mi(Gn. i. -· . J teeplq one e7e opett for ecuUaf F•.tt Some watt-- Recenu1 a member 6t tb'e' •Peech did not. lach1de cf'lticJim or itr~ ind Lall, .. \bou1b thoy ell' Olrtc~ A'Ma

  • Capital Stor.k $50,000.00


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    Your Quad? Only a limited number of unsold

    Quadrang les . rertia'.in. -Wh·{ln, these . r"\.

    are so ld you cannot buy one at any

    Spea'k Up At Once

    Dr. E.G. Nigh 0 l C'OJt.nlhfC ril,'fllftfRn

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    :son N. Mnrln


    SCHAD AUTO REPAI~ SEKV1CE Ph.Ol!'I! 842 11 R W. Euclid

    .. ,,. ,.,,,, ,,, ...

    l ll'"P·b-•n_•_C_·OA_TT_\·_~_ . .,_,,._._·:_:..,~_'"_ll_l_d'-· .. , ·.i,···M••H·. o·~· .. a· .... R ...... 1-q,wSc ··&. -. ··s·.-....... 0 ... _· ·N··-~··· ~u'fi':J:flC..ta STUDENT OPINION A g1o ttco AL t ho •e1n1u1 1t1cd bulletin Tho 11Wfll you tdsm my Qmul '' onrd In Sllnrp Hnll loot ~-ee k ' r e- 'd•Y• nro to&t oppron r.llln ~ nnd RlllllO . COlLEGE clOTfliEkS .

    , "e:i ied U1e1/o , lnlere11hzi'g notlca: 8ludcmu h'n\ie alren.dy hcf(un to wor-

    Athleteo nnd o"lh1ellc 10.,, take r y oho11t wh

  • 5-PORT Li~HTS 1-----....;;....-.· ,._, _..:,_..-;. __ I Frederick Doyle wu on the caw·

    -- r--.::... Today lh,e M. C. track aild teonl• pus tnrnsactfng bu1lnes• Saturdoy Defeata Eddy's Nine for Undia.- team• are cpmpetlug lo the State morn ing. Ooy1e la no"' o. sa1caman

    puled Leaderahip - Miller meet v.t Wct1 lc>·1m. Tho track and t or u voatry com111t11)' In 'fo1>cka. Trounce• Reinecker. 1 t tcld events- wlll be ttnl•hcd today. ~ , _ _ .

    --· The tonnla will be run ott ,toruor· Bcrnud Sutll" went to Hutchin· The women de parted tor tbclr DJ' Tl rtue of a 17 to 6 !lctoh over row. 600 lttonday. · "suite" and tho men procct'dN to

    Eddy's team. Minear went to an nn· -- I · OC4;:UPY the kil.chon. Thoro were.'rour ' !!~'~:~le ~t:s~o~:u~:, :n ,:!1;n!t:~~1:~: es T~~: u:e'!~:::~ b::oe:n~or .~~~~ P~:c~ .A Long Story About ~;ds~C:~!r:~~ ~=• t::c:SX::; ~u:.::; . '"~· Mcycro. It • cxpe~tod tha t " Tony" An Eventful Sneak "three deep'"and rrom tho •ound or

    Both teams were und~ ren tcd. Jn will turn In a tlrbl vlnco In tho dtB- 1 You 've all hea r• tho ftOn,;;. " It eoruo or the g-rumbllng1 one migh t • l' l ea gue piny w l1 0 11 the !' 1111Jt Tl11muln)' cus. Hunn has u ftlrm ldti.bJe opoo-- Ain 't OonnR nnln No Moro," . Porhu1H1 hnvo gu tncd lho lmpresftlon ttfo.L 1•oi-u en lng. I n tho tlr it l lnn lni; the win- nent In h1c& bupora · nul wc1~i'y· )unlofs abo ut 7 : 00 p. rn . The luKt warning ot ·or. Petry wu ll r;htened down nnd In tho fJtlh In- lo the po l~ \'A Uil cveut . i on Wednetiday 11fte rnuo u. Mliy 8.- "Ev1:rythlng_ mual be porfcc lly qu iet


    "One New Yoik~~tt

    ntANOHOT TON El · · UNA"llEnKEL

    nlng Eddy '1 team• mado KO\•era l hl ta -- I P lacc1 Abilene, Kanisas. until 9 : 00 a: m. or t hereabout.a." 10 tlo the scOro nt fh•c nil . In ho h Lee!llldn. Ottawn·s atur track· ! Tho rain ! It cn ~e down In tor- .A 11orBon whd la nu hnbltua l cn1>·ll._::=========-the alx th ond tieventh 11111 lngK tho 1111111. l it like ly t.o be the high irnlnt rent8 und hero wo \\'Cro Mtrn ndcd ut rise r sometimes tlnds •lt dl UlculL to Mineau went Qn u ' 11 t tlnJ; 11 proc man o( the rucc t . He docs about ov· Drown Memorial Park:. il\o ' place to sleep late In the morning. Thi•

    .. which netted them t•·eJvo runs. Tho 'thh1)' for Ot.auwa In the dual 1:1 le-ep-eomelhhu:; to eat- hut st\1! Ecemcd to bo Eldred Mnthcs' trouble flnn t' 11corc "''" ' 17 to U. · mcel fl. Euell cntrnnt In tho Stuto that l)Orjl1exlng ,11roi1 Jem or no plucC ·ns he wns up obou t 5: 00 n. m . . rcAd)'·

    On lho pro\•lou tt on111 l11 g Miller meet lit lhnltcd to ente r In on l)' tour lo oat It . to milk die cow8. Jlowc \'Cr. he t rounced lle lnccker br n. lG to l 1m·cnt~: tso hlS nll-uround alJHlty can- 1 Dr. Pelry tlnull y coruum lctl lo uitu &cent t! d unublc tu Oml any. 11s we h&d acorC. T ho scoring was cYCnl1 di .... not be full)' demonstrated nt lhld his cu r as a "pinch hlttlnJ;; taxi" nnd fo vurchnse milk from Uto camp gro~ trlbutod throut;hout tho ):u mc. Ool h meet. •


    . accompanied by u few or tho ' 'Sno1ikl cery tor brenkrnst. Tho rest or the team rostol'8 W(lru slrnk on up ntl 11 - - ot rl cluh1" se t. out tor tho ell)' lo SM me n were Cinnll)' 'nwukuncd by the

    · r eBult of thu Junior nnd se nior It I• ex1>ec tcd that either Buker If by some f~ lr means a cold. tl r ud, aOund oC leminlne volcoa, anQ the anea k1. I or Otta&WP wlll -.·Int.he meet . Both of bung r )' group of t lnauclnlly embnr- s lee p ...-ih1 ra1•ldl)' driven trom their

    Th e Hchr dulc tor thi s WC!O k. whlct1 th C!j(l 1:1c h.ools have wc ll-bu luocud raucd Junlors4_mlght 11rocure lod1t lng eyes h)' the Alght of wutcr Uoodlng con 11 ls tod , r tfour gu:no!j , hu s llco 11

    1 ttm m tt. 1'hcy hU.\'U uu.m thul ts huuld fo r tho nigh t, In due limo n.rruugo~ und ur the door. through Hcreeua , etc.

    poatpoued due to cold a nd ra!uy plncu In nearly evcr1 event. I ments were mado and lcra.vln.g · Sink. E\·erybod)' was tinnil y dresscd-~:.:1th:;;,~:h:fe~~~~: . • :~1!h~~/n1tro : .. c~ Ml~ourl Uu-nl-vc-,.-lty won n dual :;;s~~~~l~~cr~·n::~~ ~~I~c :~)' ~:t111:~l~ ~1':~\~:in:~:1~~~1 n~:~~11:a~u.;~r;~:b,:::11-.:........:;...;:_=~:..:;=:.:..:..:.. "'ont'hcr 11ermlts. meet trom Kumms University JO.KL od to ca r ry tho glnc.l LldJnJ;ij lO tho rato r with him.

    Tho teaguo Mlou1llng follows : Prltlay. l t was tho first limo lu e ight enger uoup. 1.============.11 Won L-Oat P ct. )'c:trt that tho Missouri team bus I Tho house """" In duo time ar-

    )tlncnr -·----· ·~ · - .. 2 o 1.000 won rrom KnmmK. tn the nieet tho f ranRod to e.ccommodnte the memhcr11 · · • 1 '-------...---· J.Jddy - ·········;···- ···-· 1"' .GOO d iHCll ts wn11 thrown· 123 feet and tho 1 cf the gro np but tll cy didn 't arrive- DR. J. L. KIRKPATRICK

    mer ·· ···-··-···-··-· l .6on wWtnfn)( vo.u11. In tho pole ·vault cv~ I a nd didn't u.rrlvo. Dooz suddc:mJy Optometrist Rel necker - --· - O .000 rint "'" ' on))· 12 feet. Mer er or M«:· hod n bright lt! c11 . he hnd brought I

    Phc rf!Oll hus th rown lho dhlCUH H O. the kc)' to tho hrnlllon on the "tlL-1 t·hunc 110 un N. M1t1D\' ••••••~••••••••••••••••• •• roo t und Hnun has· \' llUltod the 8nmc ' mo11s Uoo:t Tcrru1•lane" tu tJic cuhln l,_ __________ _._ 1.,

    Senior Peraonalitiea heh; ht n1 the winner or the oven t c-amp with ~llm white tho Tc rrapto. ne ~----------·~;~•••••••~•••• •••• •~••••• ~l~ e ~l::~nJ~=~t T~::ro01:;; :.:·~n~; :~: 1 :t8w:~l~~~n :~~,.1~~~';:f~l:i )~;~ ~~: .. ':s t~~~~ ,. F AMIL y BEAUTY.:

    . \VO llavo not. nl)prer.IJLUHL «11 thtr Uulldog c lass. 16omo thrc~ mll o11 dl ~tn nt. Attc r wllot SHOP l!l ~oko •·hlch Snm Stoner. a.a editor --· t:. eomcd 11 11 ngo the 11nrty nrrl ved "'·Ith or Jbe Quadra ni;o. hu cauaiod to se t ProlJnb ly tl10 tl nn llsts In the ten- tbc reluctant T("rra.1,l:inc In tow. Permanent Waves In our during tJ1 0 proceu ul uh~ mee t · Frldlt)' wlll bu Hunilen und • TJmu: 9 :00 p. m. I . takhlf an t' J11hot11. lrnt perhaps our Binford. Thm10 two mon a re lhu l W o weren't .hungry th uu. w~ ,,.Qre $1.50 to $6.50 ~ fecllng about the ma tter wlll bo clo.h o t the confe rence. Bu lldog s t?o r\'ln K! !Jut to wake matters worso 1 Finger Waves, Dry __ 26c

    ~ ::~n~~1~er:~~~R w)~en:':oo~"\ 1 ~1t1:u:~~! ~l~~n :~~~l~g l~~=tw~:r\~:r~b:'l~a~~~~~! ; :::a71~ Ho:.:rr;~7iit!11:g~a~h~~n~.::~10~~~ F inger Waves and · ma.kc II • debut In ~th e ncni. futur