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NRS Glossary of Frequently Used Financial Industry Acronyms ACRONYM INTERPRETATION AAA American Arbitration Association ABS Asset-Backed Securities ACATS Automated Customer Account Transfer Service ACM Annual Compliance Meeting ADF Alternative Display Facility ADR American Depository Receipt AG Agent (used on the CRD system instead of RR) AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants AIF Alternative Investment Fund AIFMD Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive AIMR Association for Investment Management and Research ALJ Administrative Law Judge AMEX American Stock Exchange AML Anti-Money Laundering APs Associated Persons (CFTC/NFA) AREF Advertising Regulation Electronic Files ARS Auction Rate Securities ATS Alternative Trading System AUM Assets Under Management (as of 1/1/2012 replaced by RAUM, see below) BCP Business Continuity Plan BD Broker-Dealer BHC Bank Holding Company BR Uniform Branch Office Registration Form (aka Form BR) BSA Bank Secrecy Act BSE Boston Stock Exchange, Inc. CAES Computer Assisted Execution System CBOE Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc. CBOT Chicago Board of Trade CCO Chief Compliance Officer CD Certificate of Deposit CDO Collateralized Debt Obligation CDS Credit Default Swap CDSC Contingent Deferred Sales Charge

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NRS Glossary of Frequently Used Financial Industry Acronyms ACRONYM INTERPRETATION

AAA American Arbitration Association

ABS Asset-Backed Securities

ACATS Automated Customer Account Transfer Service

ACM Annual Compliance Meeting

ADF Alternative Display Facility

ADR American Depository Receipt

AG Agent (used on the CRD system instead of RR)

AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

AIF Alternative Investment Fund

AIFMD Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive

AIMR Association for Investment Management and Research

ALJ Administrative Law Judge

AMEX American Stock Exchange

AML Anti-Money Laundering

APs Associated Persons (CFTC/NFA)

AREF Advertising Regulation Electronic Files

ARS Auction Rate Securities

ATS Alternative Trading System

AUM Assets Under Management (as of 1/1/2012 replaced by RAUM, see below)

BCP Business Continuity Plan

BD Broker-Dealer

BHC Bank Holding Company

BR Uniform Branch Office Registration Form (aka Form BR)

BSA Bank Secrecy Act

BSE Boston Stock Exchange, Inc.

CAES Computer Assisted Execution System

CBOE Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc.

CBOT Chicago Board of Trade

CCO Chief Compliance Officer

CD Certificate of Deposit

CDO Collateralized Debt Obligation

CDS Credit Default Swap

CDSC Contingent Deferred Sales Charge

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NRS Glossary of Frequently Used Financial Industry Acronyms CE Continuing Education

CEA Commodity Exchange Act

CFA® Chartered Financial Analyst

CFC Controlled Foreign Corporation

CFP® Chartered Financial Planner

CFPB Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission

ChFC Chartered Financial Consultant

CHX Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc.

CIC Chartered Investment Counselor

CICI CFTC Interim Compliant Identifier

CIK Central Index Key (Unique Firm-Specific EDGAR Identifier)

CIP Customer Identification Program

CMIR Currency and Monetary Instrument Transportation Reports

CMO Collateralized Mortgage Obligation

CO Compliance Officer

COBRADesk Corporate Offerings Business Regulatory Analysis system

CPO Commodity Pool Operator

CQOC Consolidated Quote Operating Committee

CQS Consolidated Quotation System

CRD Central Registration Depository (aka Web CRD)

CTA Commodity Trading Advisor

CTA Consolidated Tape Association

CTCI Computer-to-Computer Interface

CTR Currency Transaction Report (AML)

CSE Cincinnati Stock Exchange, Inc.

CSP Covered Service Provider (ERISA)

CUSIP Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures

DBCC District Business Conduct Committee

DCM Designated Contract Market

DCO Derivatives Clearing Organization(s)

DERA SEC's Division of Economic and Risk Analysis (formerly RSFI)

DFMUs Designated Financial Market Utilities

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NRS Glossary of Frequently Used Financial Industry Acronyms DIA Designated Investment Alternative (ERISA)

DJIA Dow Jones Industrial Average

DOJ Department of Justice

DOL Department of Labor

DPP Direct Participation Program

DRAO Disclosure Review and Accounting Office (SEC)

DRP Disclosure Reporting Page (filed on the CRD and IARD systems)

DSIO Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight (CFTC)

DTC Depository Trust Company

DTCC Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation

DVP Delivery versus Payment

EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization

EBS Electronic Blue Sheets

EBSA Employee Benefits Security Administration

e-CFR Electronic Code of Federal Regulations

ECN Electronic Communications Network (e.g., Instinet, Archipelago, Island, etc.)

ECP Eligible Contract Participant (Commodities Exchange Act)

EDGAR Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval System

EFT Electronic File Transfer (aka Web EFT)

EGC Emerging Growth Company

EIA Equity Indexed Annuity

EMIR European Market Infrastructure Regulation

ENC Excess Net Capital

ERAs Exempt Reporting Advisers

ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974

ERM Enterprise Risk Management

ESMA European Securities and Markets Authority

ETF Exchange-Traded Fund

ETP Exchange-Traded Product

ETMF Exchange-Traded Managed Fund

ETS Electronically Traded Securities

FACTA Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003

FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board

FATCA Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

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NRS Glossary of Frequently Used Financial Industry Acronyms FBAR Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts Report

FCA Federally-Covered Adviser (i.e., SEC registered)

FCM Futures Commission Merchant

FCPA U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

FCS FINRA Contact System

FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

FFMIA Federal Financial Management Improvement Act

FinCEN Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

FINOP Financial and Operations Principal

FINRA Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (formerly NASD)

FIPS Fixed Income Pricing System

FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act

FMUs Financial Market Utilities

FOCUS Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single Report (The FOCUS Report is also called Form X-17A-5)

FOIA Freedom of Information Act

FPA Financial Planning Association

FRB Federal Reserve Board (aka the Fed)

FSA Financial Services Act (UK)

FSA Financial Services Authority (UK)

FSOC Financial Stability Oversight Council

FTC Federal Trade Commission

FX Foreign Exchange

GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

GAO Government Accountability Office (formerly General Accounting Office)

GIIN Global Intermediary Identification Number

GIPS® Global Investment Performance Standards

IA Investment Adviser

IAA Investment Adviser Association (formerly ICAA)

IACCP® Investment Adviser Certified Compliance Professional

IAPD Investment Adviser Public Disclosure (public access website for viewing electronic Form ADV filings and limited IAR background information)

IAR Investment Adviser Representative (also see RA)

IARD Investment Adviser Registration Depository

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NRS Glossary of Frequently Used Financial Industry Acronyms IASB International Accounting Standards Board

ICAA Investment Counsel Association of America, Inc. (now IAA)

ICI Investment Company Institute

ICSD International Councils of Securities Dealers

IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards

IM Interpretive Material

IM SEC's Division of Investment Management

IMA Investment Management Agreement

IOSCO International Organization of Securities Commission

IPO Initial Public Offering

IRS Interest Rate Swap

ISDA International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc.

ISE International Securities Exchange

ISG Intermarket Surveillance Group

ISIS Industry Support Information Services

ISO Intermarket Sweep Order

IT Information Technology

ITS Intermarket Trading System

ITSFEA Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988

ITSOC Intermarket Trading System Operation Committee

LEI Legal Entity Identifier

LLC Limited Liability Company

LOI Letter of Intent

LP Limited Partnership

LTID Large Trader Identification Number (assigned by the SEC)

LTRS Large Trader Reporting System

M&A Mergers and Acquisitions

MAP Material Associated Persons

MBARS Municipal Bond Acceptance and Reconciliation Service

MBS Mortgage-Backed Securities

MER Management Expense Ratio

MF Mutual Fund

MFA Managed Funds Association

MIDAS Market Information Data Access System

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NRS Glossary of Frequently Used Financial Industry Acronyms MiFID Markets in Financial Instruments Directive

MMF Money Market Fund

MNPI Material Non-Public Information

MPID Market Participant Identification

MRVP Minor Rule Violation Plan

MSFS Masters of Science in Financial Services

MSP Major Swap Participant

MSRB Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board

NAC National Adjudicatory Council

NAIBD National Association of Independent Broker-Dealers

NASAA North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc.

NASD National Association of Securities Dealers (now FINRA)

NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System

NAV Net Asset Value

NBBO National Best Bid or Offer

NCCUSL National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws

NCI Non-Conventional Investments

NCUA National Credit Union Administration

NCUSIF National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund

NEAT National Exam Analytics Tool (SEC)

NEP National Examination Program (SEC)

NEPS National Examination Program Surveillance (FINRA)

NFA National Futures Association

NMA New Member Application (FINRA)

NMS National Market System

NPI Non-public Personal Information

NQ No Quote

NQDS NASDAQ Quotation Dissemination Service

NSMIA National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996

NSCC National Securities Clearing Corporation

NTDS NASDAQ Trade Dissemination Service

NTM Notice to Members (FINRA)

NYSE New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

OATS Optimized Adaptive Trading System

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NRS Glossary of Frequently Used Financial Industry Acronyms OATS Order Audit Trail System (FINRA)

OBA Outside Business Activity

OCC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

OCC Options Clearing Corporation

OCIE SEC's Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations

OFAC Office of Foreign Assets Control

OFM Office of Financial Management

OFR Office of Financial Research (U.S. Department of the Treasury)

OIG Office of the Inspector General

OM Offering Memorandum (also see POM and PPM)

OMB Office of Management and Budget

OMI SEC's Office of Market Intelligence

OPRA Options Prices Reporting Authority

ORAS SEC's Office of Risk Assessment & Surveillance

ORS Online Registration System (NFA)

OSJ Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction

OTC Over the Counter

OTCBB OTC Bulletin Board Service

OTS Office of Thrift Supervision (US Dept. of the Treasury)

PAIB Proprietary Account of Introducing Broker-Dealers

PCAOB Public Company Accounting Oversight Board

PFID Private Fund Identification Number

PFRD Private Fund Reporting Depository (Form PF electronic filing system)

PFS Personal Financial Specialist

PIA Personal Investment Account (Outside Brokerage Account)

POM Private Offering Memorandum (also see OM and PPM)

PM Portfolio Manager

PPA Pension Protection Act of 2006

PPM Private Placement Memorandum (also see OM and POM)

PCX Pacific Exchange, Inc.

PEPs Politically Exposed Persons (see FCPA)

PHLX Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc.

PROCTOR Professional Certification Testing Organization

PST Private Securities Transaction

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NRS Glossary of Frequently Used Financial Industry Acronyms PWG President's Working Group on Financial Markets

QDIA Qualified Default Investment Alternative (ERISA)

QDS Quote Dissemination System

QEPs Qualified Eligible Persons (CFTC)

QIB Qualified Institutional Buyer (ERISA)

QPAM Qualified Professional Asset Manager (ERISA)

RA Registered Agent (used on the CRD system instead of IAR)

RAUM Regulatory Assets Under Management (formerly AUM)

REG Risk and Examinations Group (SEC - Division of Investment Management)

REIT Real Estate Investment Trust

REO SEC's Risk and Examinations Office

RIA Registered Investment Adviser (the firm, unless it is a sole proprietorship)

RIC Registered Investment Company

ROA Rights of Accumulation

ROSFP Registered Options and Security Futures Principal

RPF Responsible Plan Fiduciary (ERISA)

RR Registered Representative (also see AG)

RSFI SEC's Division of Risk, Strategy, and Financial Innovation (now DERA)

RTRS Real-Time Transaction Reporting System (MSRB's reporting platform)

RVP Receipt versus Payment

SA Subscription Agreement

SAC Securities Industry Automation Corporation

SAR Suspicious Activity Report (an AML report – Financial Institutions file a Form SAR-SF)

SD Swap Dealer

SDN Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons

SDR Swap Data Repository

SEC U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission

SEF Swap Execution Facility

SEPs Simplified Employee Pension Plans (ERISA)

SFAB Small Firms Advisory Board

SIA Securities Industry Association

SIAC Securities Industry Automation Corporation

SIFIs Systemically Important Financial Institutions

SIFMA Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association

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NRS Glossary of Frequently Used Financial Industry Acronyms SIPA Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970

SIPC Securities Investor Protection Corporation

SMA Separately Managed Account

SMART Securities Market Automated Regulated Trading Architecture

SOE State-Owned Enterprise (FCPA)

SOES Small Order Execution System

SPE Special Purpose Entity

SRO Self-Regulatory Organization

T+3 Settlement Date

TAOE Total Annual Operating Expenses (ERISA)

TARP Troubled Asset Relief Program

TARS Trade Acceptance and Reconciliation Service

TCR SEC's Tips, Complaints and Referrals System

TIC Treasury International Capital System

TM SEC's Division of Trading and Markets

TMTR Third Market Trade Reporting

TRACE Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (FINRA system reporting)

TRENDS SEC’s Tracking and Reporting Exam National Documentation System

TRS Total Return Swap

UIT Unit Investment Trust

U4 Uniform application for security industry registration or transfer (aka Form U4)

U5 Uniform termination notice for security industry registration (aka Form U5)

UPC Uniform Practice Code

UPIA Uniform Prudent Investor Act

UTMA Uniform Transfers to Minors Act

VA Variable Annuity

VWAP Volume Weighted Average Price

WORM Write Once Read Many

WSP Written Supervisory Procedures © 2012-2015 National Regulatory Services. All rights reserved. Ver. IA012015

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Cybersecurity / IT Acronyms & Glossary

© 2014. National Regulatory Services. All rights reserved. Version. IA062014

API Application Programming Interface

APT Advanced Persistent Threat

AV Anti-virus software

BYOD Bring Your Own Device

C2 Command & Control Traffic

CISO Chief Information Security Officer

CnC Command-and-Control

COPPA U.S. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

CTO Chief Technology Officer

DDoS Distributed Denial-of-Service

DEP Data Execution Prevention

DLP Data Loss Prevention

DMARC Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance

DSS Data Security Standard

FFIEC Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

GUI Graphical User Interface

HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol

IDS Intrusion Detection System

IE Internet Explorer

IM Instant Messaging

IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol

IP Internet Protocol

IPS Intrusion Prevention System

IPT Intellectual Property Theft

IR Incident Response

IRT Incident Response Team

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ITO Information Technology Officer

MDM Mobile Device Management

MFA Multi-Factor Authentication

MITB Man-in-the Browser

MITM Man-in-the Middle

NGTP Next-Generation Threat Protection

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

NPI Nonpublic Personal Information

OTP One-Time Password

PCIDDS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

PDA Personal Digital Assistant

PII Personally Identifiable Information

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PIM Personal Information Management

PIN Personal Identification Number

POP Post Office Protocol

RAM Random Access Memory

RAT Remote Administration Tool

ROM Read Only Memory

ROP Return-Oriented Programming

SaaS Software as a Service

SD Secure Digital

SIM Subscriber Identity Module

SMS Short Message Service

SOC Security Operations Center

SSL Secure Sockets Layer (web security protocol)

TCP Transmission Control Protocol (with IP, the main protocol of the Internet)

TLDs Top-Level Domains

TTPs Techniques, Tactics & Procedures

URL Uniform Resource Locator

USB Universal Serial Bus

VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

VM Virtual Machine

VMM Virtual Machine Manager

VPN Virtual Private Network

WAP Wireless Application Protocol

WiFi Wireless Fidelity

WISP Written Information Security Program

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Cybersecurity / IT Acronyms & Glossary

© 2014. National Regulatory Services. All rights reserved. Version. IA062014

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). A cyber-attack that employs advanced stealth techniques to remain undetected for extended periods of time.

Advanced Targeted Attack (ATA). Another name for advanced persistent threat.

Authentication mechanism. Hardware or software-based mechanisms that force users to prove their identity before accessing data on a device.

Baiting. A social engineering attack in which physical media (e.g., a USB flash drive) containing malware is deliberately left in proximity to a targeted organization.

Bot. An infected computer (or endpoint) centrally controlled by a command-and-control (CnC) server.

CnC (command-and-control) server. A server operated by a cybercriminal to provide instructions to bots.

Cryptolocker. A form of ransomware that made the headlines in September 2013; has variants that can encrypt local files, external hard drives, network file shares.

Cyberterrorism. The use of Internet-based attacks in terrorist activities, including acts of deliberate, large-scale disruption of computer networks.

Data Leakage Prevention (DLP). A system designed to detect potential data loss based on patterns (such as social security numbers) in a timely manner.

Defense-in-depth strategy. Installing a series of cybersecurity defenses so that a threat missed by one layer of security may be caught by another.

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack. A cyber-attack intended to disrupt or disable a targeted host by flooding it with benign communication requests from a single host.

Egress traffic. Computer network traffic flowing from inside the network to hosts outside the network.

Encryption. Any procedures used in cryptography to convert plain text into cipher text to prevent anyone but the intended recipient from reading that data.

Fail open. The ability of copper interfaces on a network appliance to maintain connectivity to prevent network disruption upon appliance power loss or disruption.

False negative. Misclassifying a file containing malware as benign.

False positive. Misclassifying a benign file as containing malware.

Hacktivism. The use of computers and computer networks as a means to protest and/or promote political ends.

Hacktivists. Individuals of varying levels of technical proficiency that utilize technology in order to advance their political views and/or agendas.

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Cybersecurity / IT Acronyms & Glossary

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Hashing. The process of using a mathematical algorithm against data to produce a numeric value that is representative of that data.

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). A standard method for communication between clients and Web servers.

Ingress traffic. Computer network traffic flowing from outside the network to hosts within the network.

Instant Messaging (IM). A facility for exchanging messages in real-time with other people over the Internet and tracking the progress of a given conversation.

Intrusion Detection System (IDS). An out-of-band signature-based security device that monitors network traffic and alerts upon detecting known cyber-attacks.

Keylogger. An application that records keystrokes on a computer usually unbeknownst to the user.

Malware. Encompasses a variety of data security threats including viruses, worms, Trojan horses and spyware, among others.

Malware Analysis System (MAS). Appliance equipped with virtual execution engine that enables users to manually inspect objects suspected of containing malware.

Malware Protection System (MPS). A rackmount appliance responsible for detecting suspicious network objects and forwarding them to the virtual execution engine (which it also hosts) for signature-less analysis.

Multi-staged. A cyber-attack incorporating multiple types of malware designed to be launched at different stages of an advanced cyber-attack.

Next-Generation Threat. New breed of cyber-attacks not easily detected by signature-based security defenses (e.g., polymorphic malware, zero-day threats, and APTs).

Next-Generation Threat Protection (NGTP). Software installed on purpose-built, rackmount appliances that is designed to detect and block new breed of cyber-attacks.

Personal Information Management (PIM) Application. A core set of applications that provide the electronic equivalents of such items as an agenda, address book, notepad, and reminder list.

Personal Information Management (PIM) data. The set of data types such as contacts, calendar entries, phonebook entries, notes, memos, and reminders maintained on a device which may be synchronized with a personal computer.

Phishing. Attempting to obtain private information such as credit card and Social Security numbers and/or user names and passwords by masquerading as a known or trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

Polymorphic threat. Malware that changes its signature (binary pattern) every time it replicates in order to evade detection by a security device or application.

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Cybersecurity / IT Acronyms & Glossary

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Post Office Protocol (POP). A standard protocol used to receive electronic mail from a server.

Privileged User. A user that is authorized (and, therefore, trusted) to perform security-relevant functions that ordinary users are not authorized to perform.

Ransomware. A class of malware which restricts access to the computer system that it infects, and demands a ransom paid to the creator of the malware in order for the restriction to be removed. Some forms of ransomware encrypt files on the system's hard drive (cryptoviral extortion), while some may simply lock the system and display messages intended to coax the user into paying.

Remote Administration Tool (RAT). Software that provides a hacker with a backdoor into the infected system to snoop or take control of the host.

Short Message Service (SMS). A cellular network facility that allows users to send and receive text messages of up to 160 alphanumeric characters in their handsets.

Smishing. A form of social engineering that exploits SMS, or text, messages. Text messages can contain links to such things as webpages, email addresses or phone numbers that when clicked may automatically open a browser window or email message or dial a number. This integration of email, voice, text message, and web browser functionality increases the likelihood that users will fall victim to engineered malicious activity.

Social engineering. Manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information by electronic fraud.

Spam. The electronic version of "junk mail." The term spam refers to unsolicited, often unwanted, email messages. Spam does not necessarily contain viruses—valid messages from legitimate sources could fall into this category.

Spear Phishing. More targeted form of phishing utilizing research obtained on individuals' profiles and accounts, including anything posted on a public form, forum or blog. Primary goal is the same as phishing – to gain entry to a target organization's network and obtain confidential information; however, focus is on higher-ranking targets (e.g., refer to the target by name, rank or position rather than using generic titles) who may be reasonably aware of security best practices to avoid ordinary phishing emails or may not have the time to read generic sounding emails. Accordingly, significantly raises the chances that the target will read a message that allows the attacker to compromise the target's network. reasonable to assume a higher success rate due to more refined communications

Spyware. A type of malware that collects information about users, with or without their knowledge.

SQL injection attack. A form of attack on a database-driven Web application in which the attacker executes unauthorized SQL commands to exploit insecure code.

Trojan. Malware that masquerades as a legitimate file or helpful application with the ultimate purpose of granting a hacker unauthorized access to a computer.

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Cybersecurity / IT Acronyms & Glossary

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Universal Serial Bus (USB). A hardware interface for low-speed peripherals such as the keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner, printer and telephone devices.

Virtual Private Network (VPN). A private network configured within a public network such as the Internet or a carrier's network. Using data encryption to maintain privacy, VPNs also allow mobile users access to the company LAN.

Vishing. A social engineering approach that leverages voice communication. This technique can be combined with other forms of social engineering that entice a victim to call a certain number and divulge sensitive information. Advanced vishing attacks can take place completely over voice communications by exploiting Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions and broadcasting services.

Whaling. A cyber-attack directed specifically at senior executives and other high-profile targets within businesses.

Worm. A form of malware that exploits network vulnerabilities to propagate itself to other computers.

Zero-Day threat. A cyber-attack against an unknown (or unreported) operating system or application vulnerability.