npa conf 2014 draft - · risingvoices:!foranew!economy!!...

Rising Voices: for a New Economy 2014 National Conference Report Just a short time ago hundreds of folks were hitting the road to join NPA members and our allies at NDWA for "Rising Voices for a New Economy." We came together because we know it will take a broad movement to move toward and economy that works for all of us. And we stand together, just a short time later, utterly transformed. The power of the alliance we're building with NDWA was evident as our stories, campaigns and actions revealed the truth about the old economy and we carved a new path forward. The stories we hear in the news, about economic recovery and growing opportunity are myths. We shared the truth with one another: inequality is growing, corporations are buying our democracy, and people are getting pushed out and left behind. Last weekend, we affirmed that we are the changemakers who will build the new economy and that radical progressive change doesn’t come from the topdown. It comes when all of us stand together across our geographies and differences to demand more for ourselves, for our families, and for our communities. Instead of letting corporations, bosses, and the wealthy rig the rules, hoard the wealth, and hurt working people, we’re on a path to fundamentally reshape our nation. Read more about how we are demanding shaping an economy that works for us, everyday people, instead of corporations and the rich. And thank you, to everyone who helped make "Rising Voices" an enormous success. ACTIONS REPORT: General Electric Takeover From 2008 to 2012 GE made $30 billion in profits but paid no taxes. In fact, they received a $3 billion refund! So on Monday morning NPA and NDWA leaders from across the country took over the DC General Electric offices and demanded a change of course. Hundreds of activists flooded the building and called for a meeting with GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt.

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Rising  Voices:  for  a  New  Economy    2014  National  Conference  Report  


Just  a  short  time  ago  hundreds  of  folks  were  hitting  the  road  to  join  NPA  members  and  our  allies  at  NDWA  for  "Rising  Voices  for  a  New  Economy."    We  came  together  because  we  know  it  will  take  a  broad  movement  to  move  toward  and  economy  that  works  for  all  of  us.    And  we  stand  together,  just  a  short  time  later,  utterly  transformed.        The  power  of  the  alliance  we're  building  with  NDWA  was  evident  as  our  stories,  campaigns  and  actions  revealed  the  truth  about  the  old  economy  and  we  carved  a  new  path  forward.    The  stories  we  hear  in  the  news,  about  economic  recovery  and  growing  opportunity  are  myths.  We  shared  the  truth  with  one  another:  inequality  is  growing,  corporations  are  buying  our  democracy,  and  people  are  getting  pushed  out  and  left  behind.      

Last  weekend,  we  affirmed  that  we  are  the  change-­‐makers  who  will  build  the  new  economy  and  that  radical  progressive  change  doesn’t  come  from  the  top-­‐down.  It  comes  when  all  of  us  stand  together  across  our  geographies  and  differences  to  demand  more  for  ourselves,  for  our  families,  and  for  our  communities.    Instead  of  letting  corporations,  bosses,  and  the  wealthy  rig  the  rules,  hoard  the  wealth,  and  hurt  working  people,  we’re  on  a  path  to  fundamentally  reshape  our  nation.      Read  more  about  how  we  are  demanding  shaping  an  economy  that  works  for  us,  everyday  people,  instead  of  corporations  and  the  rich.      

And  thank  you,  to  everyone  who  helped  make  "Rising  Voices"  an  enormous  success.    


 General  Electric  Takeover  

 From  2008  to  2012  GE  made  $30  billion  in  profits  but  paid  no  taxes.  In  fact,  they  received  a  $3  billion  refund!  So  on  Monday  morning  NPA  and  NDWA  leaders  from  across  the  country  took  over  the  DC  General  Electric  offices  and  demanded  a  change  of  course.    Hundreds  of  activists  flooded  the  building  and  called  for  a  meeting  with  GE  CEO  Jeffrey  Immelt.  

Meanwhile,  nine  stories  up,  a  tactical  team  of  leaders  was  able  to  access  GE  offices  and  begin  negotiations  to  deliver  the  message.  Employees  exited  their  offices  to  hear  our  stories:  GE's  tax  dodging  hurts  all  of  us.    Though  they  refused  to  take  our  meeting  request,  they  heard  everyone  loud  and  clear-­‐  the  voices  of  the  people  below  rose  to  the  highest  rungs.i      

Koch  Brothers  Industries  Occupation      The  Koch  brothers  are  worth  $82  billion  dollars,  and  they  spend  millions  of  that  every  year  promoting  ideas  that  help  the  ultra  rich  at  the  expense  of  everyone  else.    They  seek  to  eliminate  social  security,  Medicaid,  and  the  minimum  wage  –  programs  that  working  people  need  –  which  is  why  NPA  members  from  Michigan  United,  Maine  People’s  Alliance  and  Iowa  Citizens  for  Community  Improvement  occupied  their  offices.      

   In  a  super  charged  scene,  affiliate  members  gave  heart-­‐wrenching  testimonies  exposing  the  Koch  Brothers  lies  about  the  need-­‐based  programs:    Patricia  Fuller,  a  factory  worker,  described  her  struggle  to  survive  on  minimum  wage  in  Michigan,  and  asked  why  the  Koch  Brothers  would  spend  millions  advocating  to  make  it  even  harder.  Susan  Alexa,  relayed  her  story  of  losing  Medicaid  and  no  longer  being  able  to  afford  heart  medication  when  the  state  of  Maine  moved  to  cut  back  funding.    And  Verne  Tigges,  of  Iowa  CCI,  shamed  the  Koch  Brothers  for  trying  to  undermine  Social  Security,  which  has  made  it  possible  for  him  and  his  wife  to  survive  the  financial  burden  of  a  disastrous  car  accident  that  nearly  took  their  lives  earlier  this  year.      

Koch  officials  refused  to  meet  and  forced  us  to  leave,  but  we  will  be  back.  The  fight  will  not  be  over  if  programs  for  the  most  needy  are  restored,  and  even  then  it  will  only  have  just  begun.    


Immigration  Action  at  the  White  House    In  the  ongoing  struggle  to  stop  deportations,  NDWA  leaders  along  with  NPA  affiliates  IPA,  SCA,  and  RAP  developed  an  intense  plan  of  action  taking  the  fight  all  the  way  to  the  White  House.  Following  an  march  joined  by  hunger  strikers  already  engaged  in  struggle,  the  action  kicked  off  with  a  mic-­‐check  to  demand  President  Obama  halt  the  deportation  machine.  12  NDWA  and  NPA  affiliate  leaders,  half  of  whom  are  undocumented,  performed  a  sit-­‐in  at  the  White  House  gates.        


Throughout  the  demo,  the  crowd  repeatedly  sung  “We  Shall  Not  Be  Moved”  and  “Ain’t  Gonna  Let  Nobody  Turn  Me  Around,”  echoes  resounding  in  all  directions.[video  footnote]    Each  arrestee  was  highlighted  with  an  impassioned  call-­‐and-­‐response  chant  from  the  crowd.  The  leaders  reported  later  how  touched  they  were  to  hear  their  name  called  out  in  solidarity,  and  seeing  hundreds  of  people  jumping  up  and  down  shouting  “La  lucha  sigue,  sigue!”  The  arrestees  were  later  released  but  their  mark  remains.    


Battle  for  the  Capitol:  A  March  for  Economic  Justice    

 In  a  powerful  move,  NPA  and  NDWA  joined  up  with  Restaurant  Opportunities  Center  (ROC)  to  take  the  streets  and  march  for  economic  equality.  A  crowd  numbering  well  over  a  thousand  filled  the  avenues  of  Washington  DC  and  marched  toward  the  capitol  demanding  that  Congress  side  with  us,  not  greedy  corporations  who  are  driving  inequality.        Days  prior,  Congress  returned  from  a  two-­‐week  recess  so  we  made  sure  they  heard  our  call  as  the  decision  on  whether  or  not  to  continue  billion  dollar  corporate  tax  breaks  for  companies  like  GE,  or  to  raise  the  minimum  wage  came  to  a  vote.  Rep.  Keith  Ellison  joined  us  and  together  we  addressed  rampant  income  inequality  plaguing  the  US  and  demanded  an  economy  that  works  for  all  of  us,  not  corporations.      


 Rising  Voices  for  a  New  Economy:  Saturday  Plenary  

Moving  from  Defense  to  Offense    

Last  year  we  unveiled  our  Long-­‐Term  Agenda  for  a  New  Economy  and  this  year  we  put  it  into  practice  with  ambitious  local,  state  and  national  campaigns  that  move  us  from  defense  to  offense.      NPA  affiliates  opened  the  

conference  by  breaking  down  their  inspiring  campaigns  to  take  the  fight  to  the  doorstep  of  corporations  and  the  1%,  change  the  landscape,  and  win  bigger  structural  victories!  


Rising  Voices  for  a  New  Economy:  Sunday  Plenary    The  movement  for  a  new  economy  will  begin  with  us,  or  not  at  all.  This  plenary  featured  Barb  Kalbach  from  Iowa  CCI,  Bobby  Tolbert  from  VOCAL  NY,  and  NDWA  leaders  Juana  Flores  and  Shirley  Murphy,  who  knocked  it  out  of  the  park  with  talks  about  our  vision  and  strategy  for  a  new  economy.  Philanthropist  Peter  Buffet,  DEMOS  President  Heather  McGee  and  AFL-­‐CIO  Executive  VP  Tefere  Gebre  responded  by  pledging  to  ally  with  our  movement!    

 [Feat.  musical  performances  by  Cecily  Bumbray  and  Mirian  Mijangos.]    


 Victory!  Breaking  the  Debt  Trap:  Building  a  Financial  System  That  Works  for  

Everyone    On  Sunday  morning  more  than  100  folks  joined  together  to  celebrate  our  victories,  learn  new  strategies,  and  tease  out  next  steps  in  breaking  the  banks'  grip  over  our  financial  lives.    We  celebrated  big  national  victories,  including  Dumping  Ed  DeMarco  -­‐  to  get  new  leadership  at  FHFA  -­‐  and  driving  every  single  bank  out4dz  of  the  business  of  making  predatory  payday  loans.          The  workshop  itself  was  a  big  leap  forward:  we  were  joined  by  Barry  Wides  from  the  Office  of  the  Comptroller  of  the  Currency  (OCC)  -­‐  the  big  banks  main  regulator.    In  a  strategic  move,  Rev.  Cliff  Parks  of  IL  People’Action  asked,  "Will  the  OCC  work  with  us  to  get  the  banks  out  of  this  bad  business?"  and  he  affirmed.    Mr.  Wides  also  agreed  to  hold  local  meetings  

with  NPA  affiliates  and  bring  along  banks  to  work  to  build  good,  quality  credit  alternatives  for  our  communities.        Together,  NPA  and  affiliate  are  building  the  new  economy  and  laying  out  the  stepping-­‐stones  towards  a  financial  system-­‐  that  works  for  everyone,  not  just  a  few.          

Creating  the  People  First  Economy    Hundreds  of  leaders  learned  how  inequality  is  the  driver  of  the  jobs  and  revenue  crisis  in  this  country.  Powerful  testimony  was  heard  from  11  affiliates  who  are  on  the  front  lines  of  this  fight  -­‐  taking  on  hiring  discrimination,  closing  tax  loopholes,  ending  wage  theft  and  creating  new  ways  to  raise  revenue.      

 Exciting  new  opportunities  to  collaborate  on  reconceiving  the  future  of  work  from  our  allies  at  Jobs  with  Justice  and  the  National  Guest  Workers  Alliance  were  developed  and  discussed.  Leaders  committed  to  hold  candidates  accountable,  dig  into  the  policies  presented,  join  NPA  in  fighting  for  federal  legislation  and  push  their  jobs  and  work  organizing  to  the  next  level.      

The  New  Jim  Crow:  Ending  Mass  Incarceration    The  United  States  has  the  world’s  highest  prison  population,  a  disproportionate  number  of  those  prisoners  are  people  of  color.    And  of  course  big  corporations  and  the  1%  on  the  outside  are  profiting  from  this  crisis.      NPA  affiliates  are  fighting  back.  Marc  Mauer,  Executive  Director  of  The  Sentencing  Project,  briefed  us  what  we  can  do  at  the  national  level.  NPA  furthermore  can  deepen  and  change  the  narrative  about  mass  incarceration  in  the  US  as  we  work  together  to  fight  the  structural  racism  which  sustains  it.      

 Environmental  Justice:  Organizing  for  Our  Communities  and  Our  Planet  

 Unless  we  stop  big  corporations  and  the  1%  from  destroying  people  and  the  planet,  winning  our  other  issues  will  be  like  rearranging  deck  chairs  on  the  Titanic.  NPA  affiliates  shared  how  they  are  taking  on  big  corporations  to  put  environmental  justice  at  the  forefront  of  the  conversation,  while  shifting  the  economy  toward  good  jobs  that  help  people,  communities  and  the  planet.  We  set  the  stage  for  NPA  to  bring  tough  community  organizing  to  the  environmental  movement.    

Campaigns  that  Advance  our  Long-­‐Term  Agenda  for  a  New  Economy    

NPA  is  moving  from  checkers  to  chess.  We  are  using  the  Long-­‐Term  Agenda  Framework  to  build  campaigns  that  carve  a  path  to  winning.    In  these  workshops,  affiliates  delved  into  the  Long-­‐Term  Agenda  framework  to  illuminate  how  to  reorient  our  local  and  national  campaigns  to  win  long-­‐term  structural  reform.    

Breakout  Sessions:  Rising  Voices  for  a  New  Economy  

Across  eleven  rooms  and  the  languages  of  four  continents,  leaders  and  organizers  from  NPA  and  NDWA  forged  relationships  and  deepened  our  ability  to  tell  OUR  story  about  what  is  wrong  with  the  economy  in  America:  The  Battle  of  Ideas.  The  story  of  the  Long-­‐Term  Agenda  for  a  New  Economy  is  about  power  first  and  foremost,  and  if  we  can  shift  the  conversation  about  the  economy  from  that  of  big  corporations  and  the  1%  to  one  of  everyday  people,  then  we  can  win.        

 Mass  Canvass  Learning  &  Practice  for  a  People-­‐Powered  Politics  



In  the  NPA  conference  workshop  Mass  Canvass:  People  Powered  Politics  the  goal  was  to  learn  how  to  build  a  member-­‐leader  led  canvasses  that  will  have  conversations  with  100,000's  of  people  on  our  issues;  recruiting  them  to  our  movement  and  motivating  them  to  take  action  to  enact  NPA’s  Long  Term  Agenda.  Over  80  NPA  affiliate  members  were  trained  to  call  over  1,000  Mainers  over  a  hot  campaign.    Hundreds  of  conversations  happened  around  Maine  People's  Alliance's  anti-­‐corporate  tax  haven  bill,  which  is  facing  a  veto  override  vote  in  the  Maine  legislature  on  Thursday.  We  patched  them  through  to  have  direct  conversations  with  their  legislators:  filling  the  voicemail  of  legislators  whose  votes  we  need.  Dozens  of  conference  attendees  committed  to  taking  on  active  roles,  making  NPA's  first  ever  Mass  Canvass  a  success!      

The  People  First  Economy  Campaign  Workshops    In  a  split  session-­‐sequence,  over  100  participants  learned  to  recast  their  jobs  and  revenue  work  in  a  frame  of  inequality,  and  to  affirm  and  commit  to  the  principles  of  the  unified  campaign  on  work  and  revenue.      National  wins  to  combat  inequality  were  covered,  namely  taking  down  Fix  the  Debt,  and  securing  elected  official  support  for  the  Robin  Hood  tax.  Affiliate’s  local  campaign  victories  including  that  of  VOCAL,  ONE  Northside,  Iowa  CCI,  TAMN,  POWER,  Fuerza  Laboral,  IIRON,  MPA,  CVH,  and  PUSH  Buffalo  were  highlighted.  These  sessions  allowed  for  a  fresh  collaboration  between  NPA,  NDWA,  NGA  and  JWJ  on  reshaping  the  future  of  work.    


NPA  Takes  our  Message  Directly  to  the  Halls  of  Congress  


NPA  leaders  from  California  to  Maine  fanned  out  across  the  Capitol  to  meet  face  to  face  with  their  elected  representatives  and  staff.        NPA  affiliates  brought  the  message  that  we  need  our  Congress-­‐people  and  Senators  to  stand  with  us,  not  with  corporations  like  GE,  the  Koch  Brothers  and  the  National  Restaurant  Association.        We  told  Congress  to  take  action  to  close  corporate  tax  loopholes  to  create  jobs  and  build  the  21st  century  safety  net;  to  increase  the  amount  of  safe,  affordable  housing  units;  to  raise  the  wage,  pass  immigration  reform  and  end  mass  incarceration.    Over  2  dozen  meetings  were  held  on  Monday  afternoon  and  more  reports  are  coming  in.    THIS  is  what  democracy  looks  like!      

IMAGES,  VIDEOS,  &  PRESS:    Flickr:    Storifies:      Immigration:­‐voices-­‐takes-­‐action-­‐at-­‐the-­‐white-­‐house  

Battle  for  the  Capitol  March:­‐voices-­‐takes-­‐action  

Joint  plenary:­‐day-­‐of-­‐rising-­‐voices  National  People's  Action    Videos:    Opening  plenary:  

Immigration  action:  

Battle  for  the  Capitol  March:  

GE  action:  

Koch  action:    Press:    Immigration  Action:    Immigration  activists  turn  the  tables  on  Obama  Dana  Milbank,  Washington  Post    12  Deportation  Protesters  Arrested  at  White  House  

Julia  Preston,  New  York  Times    Obama  on  track  to  deport  more  immigrants  that  previous  presidents  Christin  Roby,  McClatchy  DC  (via  Medill  News  Service)    Protesters  Back  Obama  on  Wage  Hike,  Oppose  Him  on  Deportations  Suzanne  Gamboa,  NBC  National  News    Arrestan  a  12  que  exigían  freno  a  deportaciones  frente  a  Casa  Blanca    Spanish  AP  -­‐-­‐  Reprinted  50  times  across  Latin  America    Deportaciones:  12  detenidos  ante  la  Casa  Blanca  El  Tiempo  Latin      Hill  March  &  Rally:    Rally  in  DC  Over  Minimum  Wage  Hike  Alyona  Minkovski,  Huffington  Post  Live    Hundreds  Rally  to  demand  hike  in  minimum  wage  Lisa  Ruhl,  Washington  Examiner    Hundreds  rally  for  minimum  wage  hike  in  Washington  DC  Lauren  Adams,  ABC  -­‐  Aired  in  Flint  MI,  Erie  PA,  Toledo  OH,  Elmira,  NY    Demanding  'Just  and  Sustainable'  Economy  For  all,  Thousands  March  on  Congress  Lauren  McCauley,  Common  Dreams    RISING  VOICES  SUMMIT:    Inequality  in  America:  A  Tale  of  Two  Stories  Ai-­‐Jen  Poo  &  George  Goehl,  The  Huffington  Post    How  to  Really  Rein  In  The  Super  Rich  Sally  Kohn,  The  Daily  Beast    Organizers  Come  Together  To  'Move  from  Checkers  to  Chess'  Sarah  Jaffe,  In  These  Times    It's  Time  to  Change  Who  is  in  the  Room  When  Decisions    are  Made  About  the  Economy  Anna  Lekas  Miller,  Alternet    Rising  Voices  for  a  New  Economy  Connects  the  Dots  Sam  Knight,  Truthout