november 2014 newsletter

Church Events November 2 nd -CROP Walk November 8 th – Baby Shower for Emily Chandler November 9 th Restructure Q & A November 12 th -- Newsletter Articles Due November 13 th — Board Meeting November 15 th — HOPE Partnership Cohort Meeting POWWOW November 16th— Annual Meeting November 27-28 th Office Closed The Spirit November 2014 IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR Saguaro’s Annual Meeng is fast approaching. It will be Sunday, November 16, beginning at 12:17 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. We will begin with a pot-luck luncheon featuring pulled pork, which can be made into sandwiches. Please bring a side dish of either vegetable, salad, or dessert. A free-will offering will be taken to cover the expense of the en- tree. Items on the agenda will be (not necessarily in this order): 1. Vote on the Proposed Restructuring of the Official Board 2. Proposed 2014 Revision of the Constuon – copies will be available in the Narthex for your review the first two weeks of November. 3. Vote on the proposed nominaons for officers, elders, and deacons. 4. Vote on the proposed 2015 budget. 5. Recognion of Saguaro's relaonship with the Armed Forces. 6. Recognion of Member of the Year. We look forward to seeing you on this very special day for Saguaro Chrisan Church. Bonnie Logan

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Saguaro Christian ChirchTucson, AZNovember Newsletter


Page 1: November 2014 Newsletter

Church Events November 2

nd -CROP


November 8th

– Baby

Shower for Emily


November 9th

Restructure Q & A

November 12th


Newsletter Articles Due

November 13th

— Board


November 15th


Partnership Cohort



November 16th— Annual


November 27-28th

Office Closed

The Spirit

November 2014


Saguaro’s Annual Meeting is fast approaching. It will be Sunday,

November 16, beginning at 12:17 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.

We will begin with a pot-luck luncheon featuring pulled pork, which can be made into sandwiches. Please bring a side dish of either vegetable, salad, or dessert. A free-will offering will be taken to cover the expense of the en-tree.

Items on the agenda will be (not necessarily in this order):

1. Vote on the Proposed Restructuring of the Official Board

2. Proposed 2014 Revision of the Constitution – copies will be available in the Narthex for your review the first two weeks of November.

3. Vote on the proposed nominations for officers, elders, and deacons.

4. Vote on the proposed 2015 budget.

5. Recognition of Saguaro's relationship with the Armed Forces.

6. Recognition of Member of the Year.

We look forward to seeing you on this very special day for Saguaro Christian Church.

Bonnie Logan

Page 2: November 2014 Newsletter

Letter From the Moderator Early in 2014, the lay and ministerial leadership of SCC kept running into a wall: ourselves. We were all thrilled by all the amazing ministries, conversations and hopes, but we were struggling with the reality of propping up a church administra-tive structure that kept weighing Saguaro down and exposing the church to unnecessary amounts of liability. We had been elected by the church to lead us into growing into our Vision, but this wall was proving to be unassailable.

So earlier this year Alex Dely, Gary Roberts, Michelle Gusick, Shirley Sandelands, Bonnie Logan, Scott Steehler, Martha Lee McKiernan, Owen Chandler, and Shelly Tilton met to discuss the possibility of administratively restructuring. What emerged was the creation of a simple Board of Directors. Three realities drove these discussions:

1. Volunteer Pool: The pool of volunteers has become smaller (but the various committees have grown in the last 20 years) and it has become more and more difficult to find people to assume the responsibility of being members of vari - ous committees and boards. Restructuring would help to alleviate this problem with the new board of directors over- seeing the various committees, hence lessening the number of people needed for administrative functions.

2. Exposure to Liability: SCC faced an unintentional dilemma where three administrative entities (the Trustees, the Official Board of SCC and SICP Council) were making legal decisions on behalf of SCC - often independently of each other. Re- structuring places all legal decision making under the authority of a new single entity, the Board of Directors. This means:

a. The Official Board of SCC will cease to be and be folded into the new Board of Directors. b. The Trustees will cease to be and all their functions will be folded into the new Board of Directors c. The SICP Council will cease to be and be folded into the Board of Directors (a NEW entity, the Friends of

SICP, will be created to help with fund raising, getting volunteers, and other functions) d. The Board of Directors will now become the official legal agents for SCC. The SCC corporation papers will be

amended to reflect this change with the Arizona Corporation Commission as soon as this becomes final. 3. Ministry: Ultimately, SCC is filled with people hungry for the opportunity to do real ministry, pack backpacks,

feed the hungry, go on spiritual retreats, and meet new people within small groups. Restructuring will give SCC more flexibility to do actual ministry for the church, the community and world which we serve.

I want to be clear, however. The solution we arrived at is not perfect, but it is simple, effective and exciting, giving us the space to be the hands and feet of Christ. We anticipate that glitches will emerge and will need to be addressed over the coming years, but we have hope that this is the right direction to move.

The Official Board of SCC convened in September, discussed and passed the new Board of Directors. The official adoption will be a matter of a congregational vote at the Annual Meeting on November 16. We will be holding an informational meeting on Sunday, Nov. 9, at 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., so all will have an opportunity to ask questions before the vote.

Bonnie Logan, Moderator

The membership of the Revised Draft Board of Directors will be:

Board of Directors: Positions and Responsibilities All Directors are welcome but not required to form teams for support and facilitation, action which does not require a vote

of the Board of Directors. Moderator 1. Serves as chief lay-person of the congregation. 2. Presides over all meetings of the Board of Directors and Congregation. Vice Moderator 1. Oversees the Ministry Council (now referred to as the Sol Team,* which encompasses the former functions of the Min-

istry Council) 2. Ensures that the vision of SCC is incorporated into all ministry functions of SCC 3. Reports to the Board of Directors about the ministry of SCC Director of Elders (Elder Chair) 1. Ensures that the administrative functions of the Board of Directors operates out of a spiritual mindset that honors the

values and mission of SCC Director of Deacons (Deacon Chair)

Page 3: November 2014 Newsletter

1. Ensures that the administrative functions of the Board of Directors operates out of a spiritual mindset that honors the values and mission of SCC

Director of Administration - formerly Secretary 1. Responsible for recording each meeting of the Board of Directors and Congregation. 2. Keeps all members of the Board of Directors accountable to their agreed-upon tasks and roles. Director of Finance- formerly Treasurer 1. Responsible for the policies, procedures, and ongoing supervision of the fiscal resources of SCC/SICP 2. Will be bonded and/or covered by the church insurance policy. Director of Endowment 1. Oversees all Brady Fund committees and facilitates communication between them, the church, and the Board of Di-

rectors. 2. Oversees all other endowments of SCC. 3. Oversees any establishment of a SCC permanent endowment fund. See bylaws. Director of Stewardship 1. Oversees all ad hoc fundraising/capital committees (e.g., annual church stewardship drive or capital campaign) of SCC. 2. Reports on committees and acts as a bridge between committees and Board of Directors. Director of Risk Assessment (Insurance) 1. Manages SCC/SICP insurance policies 2. Acts as point of contact for all insurance-related questions or concerns Director of Property 1. Ensures that church facilities and grounds are properly maintained and equipped for the life and ministries of the

church. 2. Responsible for maintenance of the church’s grounds and property, including furniture and fixtures. Director of Human Resources 1. Oversees Human Resources committee Director of SICP (Tanima Lawrence) 1. Oversees the operations of the Center within the policy guidelines of the Church. 2. Reports financial and enrollment status of the Center to the Board of Directors. 3. Coordinates with other ministries of the Church. Director of Congregational Oversight and Relations (formerly the at-large member) 1. Serves as congregational representatives to the Board of Directors *Sol Team: 1. A project team meant to take the place of the Ministry Council 2. Vice Moderator is the lead facilitator of the Sol Team. See above. 3. Members of the Sol Team will include the senior and associate ministers, the music director, the director of Palo

Verde worship ministry, a representative from DWM, the youth director, a SICP representative, and 10-15 people cho-sen by the nominating committee in conjunction with the ministry staff who are aware of and agree with the mission of the church and who are in tune with the gifts they bring to the ministry.

4. Instead of people being designated for specific roles (e.g., nurture or adult education), the Sol Team members will compose a project team who will map the coming year in the life of the church's ministry, including major events, projects, and worship. Each member will bring her gifts to the table, creating a palette of talents and viewpoints for the ministry vision of Saguaro.

5. Concurrently, no member or ministry will be given a line item in the Sol Team's budget. Instead the team will be given a lump sum in which to parcel out funds to the various events and projects throughout the year.

6. In this way the Sol Team can be likened to the "engine" of the church's life whereas the Board of Directors is the legal framework in which the engine can run. The Board will oversee the business of the church, while the Sol Team consti-tutes the ministry or missional core.

7. In order to avoid possible gaps in ministry focus, the Sol Team will be provided with the following criteria to apply to ministry projects: each ministry project must include an outreach or missional component, feeding the life of the larg-er community outside the church; each ministry project must include an evangelical or gospel component, in which the shared faith in God's love through Jesus Christ held by Saguaro Christian Church will be apparent; and each minis-try project must include an intergenerational component, in which plans are made to include all ages and abilities that make up the unique identity of Saguaro Christian Church.

Page 4: November 2014 Newsletter

A Few Thoughts: Prayers of Our Congregation

Barbara Miranda

Bob Purvis

Chuck Mull

Fredda Cox

Helen Ellis

Clayton Gooden

The Larsen Family

Abby Casey

Ruth Harmon

Cece Terry

Arlie Heald

The Youngs

Ashley Stewart

Betty Thompson

Bonnie Logan

Milan Kriho

Prayers of sympathy to the family of Veda Laffoon in her

passing and to Ray Freeman and Family in Larre’s passing.

You are invited

to a baby shower honoring

Emily Chandler

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Saguaro Christian Church

Fellowship Hall

Everyone is welcome

Emily is registered at Target and

Dear Friends- It is with deep gratitude that I thank all of you for all of your prayers, cards, phone calls and visits to Larre at the hospital during the 33 days that she was in intensive care. Your gracious and very supportive comments and words of encouragement were very helpful to her. Also, I cannot give enough thanks for the love and kind words you ex-tended to me in person and in your love filled cards and phone calls following her death. You all have been a won-derful blessing to both of us. In God’s love, Ray

Thank You

What we need to celebrate:

1. The Arroyo Small Group Series – The six week

series ended. To all that participated, I thank

you for your insights and hope. I honestly

feel that the effort will bear good fruit for Sa-

guaro for many years to come. And thank

you, Rev. Shelly Tilton, for being a great co-

creator on this adventure.

2. Regional Assembly – The gathering of all the

DOC churches in Arizona was a beautiful

event. The preaching was phenomenal and

the workshops continued to reaffirm the Vi-

sion of Saguaro, challenging us “to embrace

the freedom of becoming who God has creat-

ed us to be” (Rev. Jose Morales).

3. Consecration Sunday – The last Sunday of Oc-

tober was incredible. Our guest musicians,

Andra Moran and Stephen Daniel King, were

a blessing only matched by the wit and wis-

dom of our guest preacher, Rev. Marilyn Fid-

mont. The pledges are still coming in and we

will report results soon.

Who we need to keep in prayer:

1. The families of Veda Laffoon, Robert Frank

and Larre Freeman still grieve.

2. There is immense pastoral care need right

now. There are so many surgeries and recov-

eries. Pray for your Elders and ministers.

Things for which to prepare our hearts:

1. Saguaro Christian Church’s Annual meeting is

always a blessed event. We’ll recognize the

best of Saguaro and give out the “game ball”

to the church’s most outstanding member

and youth.

2. New for this year, we are partnering with

First Christian Church of Tucson and Pri-

mavera to provide Thanksgiving dinner for

Primavera’s Five Points Affordable Housing

Complex. We will be serving many families.

If you are interested, please let me know.

Honored to be your minister. Owen

Page 5: November 2014 Newsletter

November 2014

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Owen Army



2pm CROP Walk

3 7pm Faith

Based Recovery

4 1:30pm Staff


5 9:30am Blessings

in a Backpack 5:30pm Saguaro

Ringers 7pm Sanctuary

Choir 8pm Shelter


7 8 Chi Rho and CYF Retreats

2pm Baby Shower for

Emily Chandler


10am Restructure

Q & A 12pm Restructure

Q & A 12:15pm Primavera

Breakfast Group

10 4:30am

Primavera Breakfast 7pm Faith

Based Recovery

11 1:30pm Staff

12 9:30am Blessings in a

Backpack 12pm Newsletter

Articles Due 5:30pm Saguaro Ring-

ers 7pm Sanctuary Choir

8pm Shelter

13 7pm Board



15 7:30am Men’s

Breakfast POW WOW

HOPE Partnership

Cohort Meeting

16 12:15pm Lunch

& Annual Meeting

12:15pm Pri-mavera Break-

fast Group

17 4:30am

Primavera Breakfast 7pm Faith

Based Recovery

18 1:30pm Staff

5:30pm Finance

7pm Ministry Council

19 9:30am Blessings

in a Backpack 5:30pm Saguaro

Ringers 7pm Sanctuary

Choir 8pm Shelter

20 10am

Newsletter Assembly

1pm Deborah Group

21 22

23 30

24 7pm Faith

Based Recovery

25 1:30pm Staff

26 9:30am Blessings

in a Backpack 5:30pm Saguaro

Ringers 7pm Sanctuary

Choir 8pm Shelter

27 Thanksgiving Church Office


28 29

Page 6: November 2014 Newsletter

Serving Schedule Elders Serving at Communion Table Ushers

Pa•lo ve•rde Service Traditional Service 9:00am Michelle Gusick

11/02 Carol Friesen Lisa Ledbetter/Susan Keenan 11:00am TBD

11/09 Rachel Sager Michael Cleveland/KC Estes

11/16 Pam Pioche Annette Armstrong/KC Estes

11/23 Pam Pioche Michael Cleveland/Peggy Goforth Acolyte

11/30 Sharon Steehler Alex Dely/Annette Armstrong Areya Roadman

Home Communion Deacons (*Coordinator) Communion Preparer

11/02 TBD Pa •lo ve• rde Service Troy George

11/09 Rachel Sager/ Lisa Ledbetter Troy George

11/16 Pam Pioche/Peggy Goforth

11/23 Scott Steehler/Sharon Steehler Traditional Service

11/30 KC Estes Marilyn Hanson, Susan Lock, Steve Oaks, Areya

Roadman, Joann Roadman

Scripture Readers

Pa •lo ve• rde Service Traditional Service Children’s Moment Leaders

11/02 Gemma Krebs Adrienne Crump 11/02 Michelle Gusick/Adrienne Crump

11/09 Patricia Casey Judy Dunn 11/09 Michael Cleveland/Lisa Ledbetter

11/16 TBD Phyllis Hallman 11/16 Shelly Tilton/ Michael Cleveland/Paul

11/23 Patricia Casey Susan Hicks Ledbetter

11/30 Bobbie Butler Karen Powell 11/23 Michelle Gusick/Adrienne Crump

11/30 Laurie Cleveland/ KC Estes


11/02 Loren Woerner in memory of Sue

11/09 Shirley Sandelands

November Birthdays

1st Ruthie Kimmons

6th Shannon Estes

9th Kia Meyer

Kerry Swindle

12th Bonnie Logan

13th Evvie Cleveland

15th Tamara Gentner

Dorothy Walters

16th Sharon Dely

17th Judy Dunn

24th Mike Elbert

Loren Woerner

25th Rita Williams

26th Dennis Lyday

27th Bob Thompson

Crochet or Knit? Do you knit or crochet and are you interested in working on your crafts in a group setting? Gor-

don Chaidez and Kerry Swindle are interested in getting a group started. It would be a great opportunity to share ideas,

help each other with projects and join together in fellowship. Contact Gordon Chaidez at gmachaidez@coxnet, 488-

7188 or Kerry Swindle at [email protected], 721-4179 if you are interested.

Page 7: November 2014 Newsletter

OUTREACH Food Bags Given Out During September: 1

Elder’s Gift Cards Given Out During September : 0

Primavera Meals Served: 2 Breakfasts

(Each breakfast serves about 70, dinners about 100)

Blessings in a Backpack : 392 Bags packed,

11 Volunteers

Mobile Meals Delivered: 65 trays



8:00 9:00 11:00

7th 10 40 101

14th 11 44 98

21st 10 27 135

28th 8 45 140



Sept. ‘14 2014 (YTD)

Income 30,871 274,860

Expenses 29,623 290,590

Income/(Loss) $ 1,248 ($15,730)

BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK UPDATE We recently sent a check to our parent office in Kentucky for

$4,268.00. These are donations from our congrega-

tion! Many, many thanks! We also received a one time do-

nation from Walmart for $4800.00. This will get us into next

year. We just filled 102 backpacks for the children of Bloom

School. This past month we had eleven volunteers each

week and they are a very dedicated group. We heard from

Blessings in a backpack in Kentucky that 76,000 children get

a backpack each week from this program across the coun-

try. Thank you for helping to feed children in Tucson.

Reconciliation Offering collected was

$1,111.00. Thank you for your special offering

donations. This month we will be collecting

Thanksgiving Offering which provides direct

support to Disciples Colleges.

The Babies Are Coming!

Did you know we’re expecting…..

new babies in our congregation?

What an exciting time for all of us. In welcoming these bundles of

joy, the Board has voted to transition our communion preparation

room into our new nursery. Our staff has worked diligently to make

space for the groups within our church who have items stored in

the preparation room to move elsewhere. Communion preparation

will now take place in the kitchen and home communion kits will be

housed there as well.

Items have been moved to their new homes and our nursery will

soon make its debut! Be sure to peek in on your way to worship!

Children and Youth News

Chi Rho and CYF retreats will be held

the weekend of November 8 & 9. Chi

Rho will be at Desert Heritage Christian

Church and CYF will be at Chalice Chris-

tian Church. Registration is due No-

vember 2. Pick up your form on the


CCF (grades 3-5) will have a Tucson re-

treat in early December.

Page 8: November 2014 Newsletter

8302 E Broadway

Tucson, AZ 85710

October 30, 2014






PERMIT #1303

Our Staff

Minister Rev. Owen Chandler

Ministerial Resident Shelly Tilton

SICP Director Tanima Lawrence

Office Manager & Christian Education

and Youth Coordinator

Laurie Cleveland

Director of Music Jeff Myrmo

Accompanist & Contemporary

Worship Director Keith Koster

Property Manager Paul Ledbetter

Custodians Brian Rudigier

Jacob Ansell

Seminarian Resident Rev. Kevin Prahar

Financial Manager Laurie Colburn

Media Frank Terry

Nursery Attendant Barbara Sager

For Your Information

Worship Services: Sunday: 8:00am 9:00am 11:00am Sunday School: 10:10am E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 520-296-5901 Fax: 520-298-0168

Web Page:

Our Mission Statement

Christ has called Saguaro Christian Church

to build a home to serve God and all peo-

ple through growth and healing in ourselves

and the community beyond our front doors.

Sermon Theme

through November

November 2: Matthew 5: 1-12

November 9: Veterans’ Sunday

November 16: Matthew 25: 14-30

November 23: Matthew 25: 31-46

November 30: 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9