november 19 contact - hornby with [email protected] advertising: anne somers (015242)...

CONTACT The local news of Hornby-with-Farleton Delivered in Hornby, Farleton, Claughton & Gressingham No. 566 November 2019 LEST WE FORGET They shall not grow old, As we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We shall remember them 2

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Page 1: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne

CONTACT The local news of Hornby-with-Farleton

Delivered in Hornby, Farleton, Claughton & Gressingham No. 566

November 2019

LEST WE FORGET They shall not grow old, As we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We shall remember them


Page 2: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne


Regular Group Mee ngs – HORNBY INSTITUTE Coffee Morning: Monday - 10.00am to 12.00pm

Lunesdale Probus: 1st and 3rd Monday - 10.00am

Castle Probus: 2nd and 4th Monday - 10.00am

Kni%ng Group: Monday - 1.45pm to 3.45pm

Metafit HIIT : Monday - 7.15pm to 7.45pm

Pilates: Monday - 8.00pm to 8.45pm

Women’s Strength Training: Tuesday - 8.30am

Coffee Morning: Tuesday - 10.00am to 12.00pm

Singing Group: Tuesday - 7.00pm to 9.00pm

Dancing: Tuesday monthly 7.45pm to 10.30pm

(19th Nov, 3rd Dec)

Coffee Morning: Wednesday - 10.00am to 12.00pm

Hornby Arts Group: Wednesday - 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Mothers’ Union: 3rd Wednesday of each month - 2.00pm

Reading Group: Last Wednesday of each month - 3.30pm

Hornby Drama Group: Wednesday evenings

Women’s Strength Training: Thursday - 9.00am

Coffee Morning: Thursday - 10.00am to 12.00pm

Zumba: Thursday - 6.45pm to 7.45pm

Parish Council Mee ng: 2nd Thursday of each month - 7.30pm

Flower Club: 3rd Thursday of each month - 7.30pm

Bar Quiz Night: Thursday - 8pm

Coffee Morning: Friday - 10.00am to 12.00pm

Coffee Morning: Saturday - 10.00am to 12.00pm

Hornby Pensioners: Saturday - 2nd/16th/30th Whist / Dominoes


Regular Group Mee ngs – OTHER VENUES

Social Bowling: Monday -1.30pm Hornby Bowling Club

Metafit HIIT: Wednesday - 7.30pm to 8pm Hornby Primary

Pilates: Wednesday - 8.15pm to 9pm Hornby Primary

Scouts: Thursday - 7.00pm to 8.30pm Wray Village Hall


What’s On at Hornby Institute

Upcoming Events 2019

Hornby Institute 015242 22227


November – Bonfire & Fireworks In the Field by the River

Bonfire Lit 6.30pm Fireworks 7pm £2 Adult £1 Children


th November – Murder Mystery

‘The Body On The Black Pearl’ 7pm

Tickets £25 to include 3 course meal (Tickets to be purchased by 8

th Nov)


rd November – Jazz in Hornby Returns with

The Jazz Worriers 8pm (Bar Opens 7.30pm)

Tickets £12.50

23rd November - St Margaret’s Coffee Morning 10am - 12noon in the Foster Room


th November – Christmas Craft Fair

10am-2pm Refreshments served all day


th December – Christmas Bingo (Please note date change)

Eyes Down 7.30pm (Bar Opens 7pm) £1 per book


st December – New Years Eve

Welcome Drinks 7.30pm, Carved Buffet 8pm Live Music from The Jetsons

Tickets £35 Limited Availability

Page 3: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne


CONTACT MANAGEMENT & PRODUCTION TEAM Editor: Julia Yates (015242) 36332 or [email protected] Collation: Chris Collins (015242) 21853 or [email protected] Distribution: Ces Lloyd (015232 21851) Electronic Distribution: Paul Laycock on the village website Treasurer: Dave Collins (015242) 21853 or [email protected] Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or [email protected] *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne Somers no later than 30th November

2019. Current adver sers will be sent renewal le@ers in November. The annual fee for 2020

will be £75 per 6th of a page.


Everyone in Hornby & Farleton is very wel-

come to ask for help whenever needed and this is how you do it:

a) Phone the Institute Monday – Saturday between 10.00am and 12.00pm (015242 22227) to ask for what you need.

If the job requires transport to be arranged, please could you give 48 hours’ notice, and more notice would be even more appreciated.

(I’m afraid that we can’t run as an emergency service as the

coordinators and volunteers aren’t always free to respond im-mediately. Some are at work and others may just be out for the day.)

b) Please don’t ask the volunteer who helps you the first time to

come on subsequent occasions as we try to spread out every-one’s tasks equally. Just phone the Institute as above.



EVERY THURSDAY 8.00 PM ENTRY £1.00. Come along for a bit of fun & a drink or two.

HORNBY VILLAGE COMMUNITY NEWS I have been writing the copy for the above in the Lancaster Guardian and Westmorland Gazette for a couple of years now. However, due to ongoing commitments and new opportunities I sadly will no longer be able to continue. Therefore I am looking for someone to take over the helm. It is a satis-fying little job and really helps the local community. If you are interested please call me on 015242 21107 or email me at [email protected] Ray Evans

HORNBY PENSIONERS’ ASSOCIATION Potato Pie Supper It is still not too late to book for this event, on Tuesday, 12

th November in Hornby In-

stitute. Tickets for the meal will be £8 per head and Kath will be taking bookings and payment in the Insti-tute Reception on Tuesday and most Friday mornings

up to 8th November. To enable the evening to go smoothly, please be

seated by 7pm. We will play a half-card of Bingo afterwards. Christmas Party Bookings Our party this year will be held on Tuesday, 10

th December, in Hornby Institute. We will be enjoying an

excellent cold buffet supplied by Veda, followed by entertainment from the Occasionals. Kath will be selling tickets, which are £8 per head, in Hornby Institute between 10am and midday on Tuesdays from 12

th No-

vember – 3rd

December inclusive. This event is for members only. Games Evenings Our November Whist and Dominoes evenings in Hornby Institute will be on Saturdays the 2

nd, 16

th and 30

th, starting at

7pm. Admission (including light refreshments and 2 free raffle tickets) is only £2. Everybody very welcome.

Page 4: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne


Tickets for any HVT event can be ordered and collected from

The Institute reception: Monday—Saturday 10am - 12noon

or From the bar area: Tuesdays and Thursdays:

7.30pm - 10pm


Take your unwanted jigsaws to the institute and swop for another one just like the book swop. Donation box available for small contributions to Hornby Village Trust.


Bonfire Night Tuesday the 5th of November

Open from 5.30pm - 7.00pm We will be serving hot food and drinks


Just a note for diaries: Village Carol Singing will take place around Hornby

on Monday 16th December, Thursday 19th December &

Sunday 22nd December, starting at 6.00pm outside St. Margaret's Church each evening.

(More information next month)


OCTOBER "100" CLUB WINNERS 1st prize £35 No. 87 Mrs R Fisher 2nd prize £30 No.285 Mrs J Wright 3rd prize £25 No.269 Mrs B Todd 4th prize £20 No.147 Mr John Norris


If you would like a large print copy of Contact, or if you know somebody who might, then please let us know:

Call Dave Collins on 07772 827241

The Lancashire Local Authorities are working together to make homes warmer and healthier through the Cosy Homes in Lancashire (CHiL) scheme delivered by our partner, Rhea Projects. CHiL currently has funding available for qualifying residents for the fol-lowing measures:

* First time gas central heating for properties that have never had central heating (to replace solid fuel fires, electric heaters, gas wall heaters)

* Boiler replacements for owner occupiers * Loft insulation * Cavity Wall Insulation

Residents qualify if they are on certain means tested benefits or on a low income with health vulnerabilities. Residents can check if they qualify by contacting the CHiL admin hub on 03306 061 488

Page 5: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne


Flower Bank Of Hornby

Autumn Flower Workshops


Ar ficial Christmas Wreath


1:30pm - 3pm


Walk in Wednesday


1:30pm - 3pm & 7pm - 8:30pm

Ar ficial Christmas Table Decora on

19th 1:30pm - 3pm

20th Walk in Wednesday

21st 1:30pm - 3pm & 7pm - 8:30pm


Christmas Wreath


- 1:30pm - 3pm


1:30-3pm & 7pm - 8:30pm


1:30-3pm & 7pm - 8:30pm


- 1:30pm - 3pm

Christmas Table Decora on


1:30-3pm & 7pm - 8:30pm


1:30-3pm & 7pm - 8:30pm


10am - 11:30am & 1pm - 2:30pm


1:30-3pm & 7pm - 8:30pm


1:30-3pm & 7pm - 8:30pm

Workshops include refreshments and are all £35

Book in the shop: 015242 21510


Facebook: Flower Bank of Hornby



MEN’S CHRISTMAS HOT POT SUPPER (plus veggie option if requested)

George & Dragon, Wray 7pm Friday 13th December

All the men of our parish & their friends are welcome to celebrate Christmas with us. Please come.

We will be arranging transport.

Please register with me,

Dave Collins: 07772827241 or [email protected]



The Highwayman 8pm Friday 13

th December 2019

All ladies living in the district are invited to attend this popular annual dinner. Newcomers to the area should not be shy about attending: you will see a number of familiar village faces when you arrive and

know many more ladies living in our area before you leave.

There is a limited taxi service available. If you wish to take ad-vantage please let me know soon so I can reserve a place for you.

For further information please contact me: Jenny Fisher 21304

Mitre Low, Deer Park Lane, Hornby or

email me [email protected]

Page 6: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne



30th November 10am—2pm

Lots of Stalls including:


Tombola & Teddy Tombola

Celebrate the start of Christmas with a glass of mulled wine! Refreshments available throughout.

Cakes Cards Ceramics

Gifts Jewellery Knitted Items

Pictures Plants Wooden Items

COUNTRYSIDE SOCIETY The November meeting will be at 7.45 pm on Friday 15th November, in the Hornby Institute, when Bob Cartwright will give an illustrated talk on “Westmorland Red Squirrels”. All welcome, £4.

CHRISTMAS WREATHS & TABLE DECORATIONS Please place your orders now for your Christmas wreaths and table decorations made by the team Jacque Lloyd, Jo Sakne and Julia Yates. Please call Jacque on 015242 21851 or email Julia via Contact.




Thursday November 21st 10:00 - 12:00

Please support our Xmas Bring and Buy sale.

Any items donated may be left at the Institute or collected by calling:

015242 21436 All proceeds to the Institute.

FUSED GLASS WORKSHOP Hornby Institute Thursday 14

th November 2019

Choose from 3 sessions, starting at: 10am, 1pm and 7pm

Make a Window Hanging or Ornament

The workshop includes tuition in handling, cutting and breaking glass. All glass is provided to make a window hanging. All tools and safety

goggles are provided and the completed designs will be kiln fired (which is done off site after the workshop) and can be collected the

following week.

£25.00 per person

Booking is necessary as places are limited to 10 at each session

For further details please contact

Anne Somers on 015242 21320 or

e-mail: [email protected]

Page 7: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne



The Auction held in Hornby Institute on 28th September raised a

phenomenal £2,500!!!

The MND Association would like to thank the staff of the Institute for looking after them so well, and all the people of Hornby and the sur-

rounding villages for their support and generosity.



To be held from Friday 19th June to

Sunday 28th June

All ideas welcome to Hornby Institute

Next meeting 11

th November 7pm


During November the group will meet on Wednesdays 6

th, 13

th, 20

th and 27

th from 2pm until 4pm in the Institute.

An exhibition of our work involving the colour blue is on view on the first floor of the institute

If you are interested in joining the Art Group, please come along and meet us on one of our Wednesday afternoon sessions and you will be made most welcome. We are a small self-help group and members are more than happy to offer friendly advice and assistance. There are approximately 30 meetings during the year, starting in September and ending at the end of May. Our projects during November will involve:- A. Studies of berries and fruits of the trees and hedgerows or B. Chimneys, either local, national or in foreign parts. Work on local chimneys may help towards the Exhibition of our work during Festival Week next June.

For information regarding the group, please phone Ann Nash on (015242) 22595

Page 8: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne


HORNBY VILLAGE INSTITUTE AGM Monday, November 18th, 2019 at 7.30pm Notice is given for our Annual General Meeting which will take place on the 18

th November, 2019 at 7.30pm in the Institute

As retiring Chairperson, I write to invite anybody who would be interest-ed in joining our committee to come along to the Annual General Meet-ing. We are looking for people who have their village at heart to come and fill vacancies on the Management Committee and The Committee of Society Representatives. We currently have 3 vacancies on the Management Committee and vacancies on the Committee of Society Representatives. You could serve for one year or more once you know what you are committing yourself to. In particular, we are looking for people who have knowledge of com-pleting grant application forms, helping organise events, improving our media coverage, helping behind the bar and general maintenance around the hall. These could be short terms or even one-off projects. You do not have to be a member of a club to become a committee member just an interest in helping keep our beautiful institute open and running.

Nominations would be more than welcome (forms obtainable from the Institute reception) before Monday 4

th November to be handed into

reception at the Institute.

If you have any questions then please contact me, Alison Jones by email at [email protected] or telephone 015242 22136 or speak with any of our current Committee members (a current list is available at the Institute).

HORNBY VILLAGE TRUST - JUMBLE SALE A huge thank you to everyone who contributed in any way, be it setting up, donations, purchases, clearing away and of course to Jill and Bar-bara for refreshments. We made in excess of £720 for HVT. Thank you!



On Sunday 13th October, Hornby ringers rang a quarter-peal (1260 changes) of Grandsire Triples, one of the oldest and most dignified methods for bells, dating back to the 17th century.

The quarter-peal was to commemorate the life of Tony Ewens, Organist and Choirmaster at St Margaret’s on the anniversary of his death. Afterwards the ringers rang a course of Bristol Surprise Major.


On Saturday 23rd November we welcome back to the In-stitute the `Jazz Worriers`, a band co-led by tenor sax play-er Dean Masser, and trumpeter Neil Yates. Also included are Andrzej Baranek, piano; Ed Harrison, double bass; and Gaz Hughes, drums. Their music is from the immediate post-bop era; composi-tions by, e.g., Dexter Gordon, Sonny Rollins and Dizzy Gil-lespie, plus originals by Dean and Neil .... all hugely swing-ing.

7.30pm for 8pm - tickets £12.50


We are sorry for any disappointment. Due to the response we received we have decided to postpone the event and combine it with a more traditional Wedding Fair to be held in the Institute on Saturday 29th February. This will be an even bigger and better event. See the advance notice opposite for further details.

Page 9: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne


A Wedding Fair

Hornby Village Institute Saturday 29th February 2020

11am to 3pm It’s a Leap Year!

There will be all the businesses needed to make a

wedding perfect - florists; dresses; photographers; caterers and more -

come and talk to them for ideas to make yours a wonderful day.

We look forward to seeing you at Hornby Institute on 29th February!!

With a Pre-Loved element!

Find a dress for yourself, bridesmaids or for mums; tiaras and table decorations! Come and have a browse!

For all enquiries:-

please ring Chris on 07548 250922

This will be a fund-raiser for Hornby Village Institute. (Charity No:- 1163973)


Page 10: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne





Parish Priest: Canon Luiz Ruscillo Telephone: 015242 21246

Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil Mass at 6pm – Our Lady’s, Caton Sunday Morning Mass at 9am – St Joseph’s, Kirkby Lonsdale Sunday Morning Mass at 11am - St Mary’s, Hornby Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Fridays from 5-6pm in St Mary's - a hymn, a short reading and a peaceful silence in the presence of God.

Details of weekday Mass times, and services and parish news can be found in the weekly Parish Newsletter displayed in St Mary’s porch. Visitors to St Mary's are always welcome.

HORNBY HELPLINE is here to assist the residents of the parish of

Hornby with Farleton with: e.g. Trips to the Doctors, Hospital or Vets Minor home repairs Computer problems Help after illness or surgery

Please call 01524 22227 Between 10 am - 12noon Mon - Sat

Whilst we don’t offer a taxi service, if you are having genuine difficulty attending Christmas functions IN THE VILLAGE or are

afraid to go out after dark then please give us a call.


HORNBY FLOWER CLUB Our next meeting is on Thursday the 21st November at 7.30pm in Hornby Institute. Ros Harrison will be our demonstrator and her theme is 'As the year turns'. See you there.


We are holding our annual Christmas Concert on Tues-day December the 3rd at 7.00pm. No admission charge but seats are limited so arrive early to avoid disappointment.


Councillors discussed the amended plans and the recent public con-sultation held by Langdale Capital for their proposed development of the Royal Oak pub & car park into 5 dwellings. Although the material schedule & appearance of the proposed dwellings has greatly im-proved, the concerns over this development remain the same. Council-lors would rather it be a thriving pub and believe that with the right owners/management that would be possible and they worry about the impact on drainage due to the culvert that runs under the car park. We are hoping to meet with Story Homes next month for an update on their application, as the outcome remains undetermined. More detailed minutes will be available in the folder in the Institute, once approved at the next meeting. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 14

th November and the

agenda will be placed in the parish notice boards on Monday 11th No-

vember. Miss. Sarah Towers (Clerk) [email protected], Hornby Butchers, 70 Main Street, Hornby, Lancaster, LA2 8JT

Page 11: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne



We are looking for a variety of acts to take part in our famous Hornby Festival Revue, taking place on Saturday 27th June 2020 at the Institute.

All ages are welcome to participate (especially younger mem-bers of our community), individuals and groups. Could you sing a song, play an instrument, do a dance routine, or take part in a comedy sketch? No experience necessary!

We aim for an evening full of fun and laughter.

If this appeals to you, to express an interest (no obligation nec-essary at this stage) please contact Neil Read on [email protected] or Alison Jones 015242 22136 or email [email protected].

HORNBY BONFIRE If you have any wood suitable for the bonfire, Mr Norris has kindly given permission for it to be taken to the bonfire site - not before the 1st of November. However, we ask PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not put any old rubbish there... no nails, hinges, glass etc. as we have to sift the ash afterward to make sure the field is safe for the animals, Please bring your wood/branches to the site. Also, if you own or have access to a trailer and are available on the weekend 2nd/3rd November to help collect material for the bonfire, or have any other queries then please contact:- Ces Lloyd on 015242 21851


Page 12: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne


Calling All Bookworms Everywhere

All completed entries for the Book Club Quiz should be returned to Hornby Institute by Wednesday 6th November at the latest.

Copies of the Quiz are still available.

Entries cost £1 and are available from Hornby Butchers, The Village Store and

from The Institute.

There is a quiz sheet for adults and another

sheet for children under the age of 12.

Each of the winning entries, of both the adult and the children’s quiz will be

awarded a £25 Book Token.

Friends and family may enter, so please en-courage as many as possible to support us in

our efforts to raise funds for the upkeep of our invaluable, but struggling Institute.


HORNBY ST MARGARET’S PRIMARY SCHOOL The children have just broken up for half-term and they were all ready for a break! They have been work-ing hard this half-term

on all sorts of things including re-writing classic stories such as The Tiger Who Came To Tea, writing poems about rivers, building bridges, learning about fractions and thinking about things that they should be thankful for. The Infants have visited Leck for Forest School and the Juniors have been out and about exploring the River Wenning, from the source to where it meets the Lune. Their classroom curriculum has been enhanced by some great clubs provided by teachers and parents. Mrs Cook’s boardgames have gone down well with the lower juniors, some of the upper juniors have been cooking with Mrs Cottam. Mrs Wilkinson has been doing some fun maths, whilst Mrs Whitehead runs Christian Union, Mrs Rosie has started a sewing club and Mad Science will be starting after half-term. Thank-you to everyone who has given up their time to run these clubs! A big thank-you must also be extended to all of those who came along to, or baked a cake for, our Macmillan Coffee morning. We raised just over £400 and enjoyed some very tasty cake. The next date for your diary is for our Christmas Fair. It will be held on the 7th December. The raffle will be amazing and we hope to see you there!

Page 13: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne


CATON THEATRE GROUP Our summer visit to the Theatre by the Lake in Keswick for a presentation of the ‘The Lady Killers’ was hilarious, the acting and sound effects were excellent, all in all a success and thoroughly enjoyed. This time our pantomime is a matinee performance of ‘Peter Pan’ at the Grand theatre Blackpool on Saturday the 4

th January 2020. Cost

£28.00 for a seat near the front of the Dress circle and coach. Pick up at the Victoria Institute at 10am then on to pick up in Brookhouse. Pick up in Ingleton and Hornby has been arranged. All of our seats have been reserved and we have started a waiting list. For further information call Jean on 01524 770980 or Benita on 01524 771943

CATON & BROOKHOUSE FRIENDSHIP CLUB Our trip to Bradford brought out the sunshine. There was so much to see and do we all made our way wearily but happily back to the coach. Not to be missed the first of our autumn/winter programmes in the Vic-toria Institute on the 21

st November will be a hot pot lunch made by

Julia Parker - cost £8.00, 12.30pm for 1pm followed by a quiz. No numbers for catering can be taken after the 14

th November.

The Christmas party will be on the 12

th December in the Victoria Insti-

tute 12.30pm for 1pm. Cost £5.00 a head includes a two-course meal with drinks followed by entertainment by the ’Everysong’ singers. Ca-tering numbers by the 5

th of December please.

For further information contact our secretary Benita on 01524 771943

DOMESTIC CLEANER REQUIRED Old Moor Road, Wennington. 3-4 hours a week. Phone Julie on: 07434 956909


ROTARY CLUB OF LUNESDALE Once again, the Charter season has come around which is the occasion when Rotary clubs celebrate their birthday. It also is an opportunity for Rotarians to visit other Rotary

clubs when they can enjoy meeting up with friends, enjoy a meal, chat and catch up on events. All clubs are busy throughout their year hosting, promoting and organ-ising events to raise money for deserving causes. Such causes may be local, regional, national or even global. Recently Barton Grange was the venue for Rotarians in the south of District 1190 to have an update about 2 international projects, Mercy Ships and Shelter Box. "Africa Mercy" is a state-of-the-art hospital ship providing much need-ed medical aid to poor people on the west coast of Africa. It is staffed completely by volunteers and has 450 people on board at any one time. Rotary is its major sponsor. Shelter Box was the other project we learned about. Its objective is to "Get Aid To Need". The cost of a box is £560. Last year Rotary supplied 120 Shelter Boxes which went to disaster areas around the world. Each box contains basic but essential sup-plies to sustain life. It is hard to imagine being in the position where to be given such a thing could simply mean survival. We have also had speakers at meetings as usual, one of which was Duncan Evans a self-confessed reformed alcoholic. He told a fascinat-ing and compelling story about his journey from when he was a 14-year-old boy, addicted to alcohol, to the present day when he has become a dedicated runner. He claims that running saved his life. Now he works for and promotes The Brathay Trust whose mission is: “At Brathay we know everyone has the capacity to do extraordinary things that can inspire and benefit others. This drives our mission to improve the life chances of children, young people and families by in-spiring them to engage positively in their communities.” This seems a good opportunity to remind us of the Rotary Motto "Service Above Self".

Page 14: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne



Why not pop into the Thomas Storey Room on the following Mondays to hear one of the speakers and of course have a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit. 4

th November - Pauline Skerritt “Life of a Victorian Maid”

Pauline makes a return visit. She will take us back to hear and see what it was like to be a maid in Victorian times. 11

th November - David Cording “Walking in Switzerland”

David returns with another of his fascinating talks. The title says it all. 18th Trip to Dewlay Cheese. There are some seats available on this trip. If you are not a member and would like to come with us the cost will be £16.00. You will see and hear how cheese is made and have a chance to taste some. We will then move on to Barton Grange where we can buy lunch, Christmas decorations, presents or even a plant! Coach pick up points Hornby 9.05am, Brookhouse 9.15am and Victo-ria Institute 9.20am. 25

th November - Tim Forman. “Anecdotes of an ordinary Man”

Tim returns to give us another of his fascinating talks. 9th December - Christmas Party To be held in the main hall from 11am - 1pm - note: the later start time. Barton Community Choir will sing for us and a buffet will be provided by Cracking Spreads. The cost will be £5.00, and monies need to be paid by Monday 25th November. Put your name down now so that you don’t miss out.


Caton Short Mat Bowls meets on Thursdays at the Victoria Institute 10am - 12pm, during the Winter months (October – April), in the Main Hall. New members welcome.

If you would like to join us, then contact David on 01524 812342 or just turn up. For further information call Susan on 01524 771862 or check out the website



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Call Claire Burrow - 07502 608442 [email protected]

Covering Lune Valley and surrounding area


Now in your area, gents mobile barber.


Scott Keane


07564 089632

WENNINGTON & DISTRICT WI Our WI meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the Wray Institute. We offer a warm welcome to anyone wishing to join us.

We are currently arranging outings and trips for the next year. Our last meeting was a Latin American Dance Session with Janet our Guest dance leader. A good evening was enjoyed by all. Anthea Ashworth


Wenning Voices meet every Thursday 7.30pm - 9.30pm at St. James the Less Church, Tatham.

Whether you're a nightingale or a corncrake, just come along when you can. There's room in the Wenning Voices' nest for all.

£2 per week includes tea/coffee, biscuits and a chat.

Page 15: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne


The Old Vicarage Retirement Home Main Street, Hornby, LA2 8JT

Established in 1989, the home provides

long and short term care and

respite care. The home is registered with the Care

Quality Commission and delivers quality care in a home from home atmosphere

Please contact Mrs Karen Robson if you would like a brochure or to visit the

home. Tel. 015242 21284

Email. [email protected] www.

Hornby Post Office Opening Times

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

10am - 12noon and 1:30 - 3pm Mail is collected at 3.15pm

External post box collection is

Monday to Saturday. A full list of collection times is on the

external post box. CLOSED Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday

Health Lottery - £1 per play 5 draws a week

Tel: (015242) 21242

Ultimate cleaning services

Domestic and commercial cleaningDomestic and commercial cleaningDomestic and commercial cleaningDomestic and commercial cleaning

Please contact us- Tel: 07989908567 or email us at: [email protected]

Carpet cleaning

now available!

We specialize in :

Window cleaning

Gutter cleaning

Full UPVC cleans

Power washing

Hornby Tea Rooms We are open 6 days a week.

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri & Sat

7:30am to 4:30pm & Sun 10am to 4pm.

We are closed on Wednesday We are closed on Wednesday We are closed on Wednesday We are closed on Wednesday

Homemade soup, hot & cold meals & snacks made

with locally sourced produce.

A variety of homemade cakes & scones.

*Illy coffee & Speciality tea *Wallings ice cream

*Gifts & Greetings cards *Laundry service collections

Tuesday & Friday *Local Artisan Crafts *Takeaway

*Outside catering *Dogs welcome *Free B4RN WiFi

* Community board * Tourist information

Call (015242) 21237 for enquires & bookings


Strands Barn Office Development has a unit available for rent. The property has been

constructed to a high standard and incorporates extensive use of natural materials. This middle

terrace unit has a ground floor with disabled single wc, shower room and kitchen and

mezzanine, totalling approx. 1,477 sq ft of space. It also comes with allocated vehicle car

parking space and a communal garden. Strands Barn, Strands Farm Lane, Hornby,

LA2 8JF Telephone 015242 63139 [email protected]


R T Harrison & Son

Traditional dry stone walling Local business specialising in traditional dry stone

walling and mortar stone walling as well as flag laying

and stone facing. Digger work now also available. All

tasks considered; whether it’s wall gapping on a small

scale or projects of a larger nature. To see examples

of our work visit our Facebook page ‘R T Harrison &


There is no charge for an

estimate so please feel free to contact us on

07792901822 or

015242 21494

Ascension & Cliff Small Funerals

Independent Family Firm Owned & run by

Robert & Kathryn Caunce

Private Chapel, Pre-paid Funeral Plans

Ascension House, Copy Lane, Caton, LA2 9QZ

Tel: 01524 770886 (24 hours)

For Personal Caring Attention

Sarah Rycroft, MICHT, IIHHT

Hands on Therapies Helping you to Health

In Pain? Aching Muscles? Stressed? Or Prefer to be Pampered?

Massage – Reflexology Neal’s Yard Holistic Facials


By appointment: Tel: 07736 807157 or 015242 21166 Appointments available in Wennington &

Kirkby Lonsdale or Home Visit


Day care service available

‘Individual care and attention for your dog’

Contact Helen on 07766446272 or 015242 21347 [email protected]

High Snab Farm, Gressingham, Lancaster, LA2 8LS

High Quality Day-Care for Children Aged 3months – 11years * Free nursery entitlement available for children aged 2-5 years * Flexible daily

The Old Dairy, High Biggins, Kirkby Lonsdale

Tel. 015242 73700 Fax. 015242 73727 Web: Email: [email protected]



* Ofsted rated Outstanding in all areas

Care & Commitment for your Peace of

Mind Ofsted rated us Outstanding in

all areas 30 hours free childcare for eligible 3 & 4

year olds 15 hours free childcare for eligible 2 year

olds Out of School and Holiday Club availa-

ble T: 015242 22288

E: [email protected]

Page 16: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne


Deborah McCulloch BSc(Hons) MICHT

Complementary Therapist

Reflexology • Swedish Massage • Aromatherapy • Indian Head Massage

Tel: 015242 22377

Mob : 07934 286428 email: [email protected]

Member of the

Federation of Holistic Therapists Home visits if required Gift vouchers available

Flower Bank Flower Bank Flower Bank Flower Bank

FloristFloristFloristFlorist 28 Main Street, Hornby28 Main Street, Hornby28 Main Street, Hornby28 Main Street, Hornby

Nr Lancaster LA2 8JRNr Lancaster LA2 8JRNr Lancaster LA2 8JRNr Lancaster LA2 8JR

Telephone 015242 21510Telephone 015242 21510Telephone 015242 21510Telephone 015242 21510

email: email: email: email: [email protected]@[email protected]


Monday & Tuesday 9.30am Monday & Tuesday 9.30am Monday & Tuesday 9.30am Monday & Tuesday 9.30am –––– 2.30pm2.30pm2.30pm2.30pm

Wednesday to Friday 8.30am Wednesday to Friday 8.30am Wednesday to Friday 8.30am Wednesday to Friday 8.30am –––– 6pm6pm6pm6pm

Saturday 9am Saturday 9am Saturday 9am Saturday 9am ----12 noon12 noon12 noon12 noon

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday ---- Closed.Closed.Closed.Closed.

All tree work, landscaping and

gardening undertaken.

Tree felling/removal,

reductions/pruning, Tree/shrub and hedge planting,

hedge trimming & laying, fencing, lawn mowing.

Fully qualified & NPTC certified Full public liability insurance

Mob: 07969 087653 Email:

[email protected]

Inspiring trust, passion and care to deliver excellence to pets and their families.

Lancaster 01524 32696 Morecambe 01524 410867 Milnthorpe 015395 62770 Caton 01524 770615

24 hours emergency service

[email protected]

Private Tutoring

English and History tutor for all ag-es and abilities up to A Level;

Up-to-date enhanced DBS check; For more information please contact


[email protected]

015242 211 44


Indoor/Outdoor Paving Power Washing & Block Paving

Fencing & Walling Ground Works

Hard Landscaping Phone (015242) 22012 Mobile 07896754833

[email protected]

Sports Injuries, Back Pain, Frozen shoulder, Acupuncture and more (see

website). Phone Chartered Physiotherapist

Marie Colyer MSc MCSP 015242 62216

B & W

Funerals Ltd James G Macdonald

24 hours service Private Chapel of Rest

Ingleton, Burton, Bentham Austwick, Clapham, Settle, Wray’ Hornby, Caton, Kirkby Lonsdale

And all surrounding areas We offer our own Funeral Plan on request

6 Chapel Lane, Ingleton Carnforth LA6 3FX

[email protected] Office: 015242 41293 Home: 015242 61370 Mobile: 07758 002260

Page 17: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne



(established 1960)

6 New Road, Kirkby Lonsdale LA6 2AD

For a beautifully decorated home. Contact details Simon Sedgwick 015242 72907 or 07836789670.

Email [email protected].

Gas Safe Register 300024 Combi Boilers

Heating Systems Servicing & Breakdowns Bathroom Installations Unvented Hot Water Tel: 07748 985478 &

015242 41416

Free Delivery - Free Removal


G A Willan & Son

Electrical Contractor

Industrial – Commercial – Domestic Installations

Security Alarms and Lighting

Main Street, Hornby telephone : 015242 – 21341




Interior and exterior work Tel: 01524 771880 Mobile 07947 823457


[email protected] 65, Brookhouse Road,


Mobile Hairdressing

by Louise

City & Guilds Qualified

Colours, Perms, etc.

For full details of services available,

please telephone Louise Ridley

on 01524 771071 or

Mobile 07740093765

Emily Houghton Upholstery [email protected] mobile: 07889950746

For more information Please contact Emily



Digging, fencing, hedge

trimming, mowing, paving, planting, power washing

spraying, strimming, turfing, gutters cleared

Loft insulating, pointing,

rendering, painting

No job too small, reasonable rates, estimates given.

07759680938 07759680943 Low Bentham 015242 62038

Lune Valley Physiotherapy

Stiff & sore after joint replacement/broken bone? Time in hospital, illness or accident? Diagnosed with Cancer? Living with neurological condition? [email protected]

Mobile: 07934 785 797 Specialist experience with scarring

after surgery, injury and radiotherapy

Page 18: November 19 contact - Hornby With Advertising: Anne Somers (015242) 21320 or *Annual adver sement enquiries please contact Anne

35 36

Final date for copy to be included in the December edition is 19th Nov.

To be held at the Hornby Institute, Main Street Hornby, Nr Lancaster, LA2 8JR Friday, 15th November 2019 at 7pm

Tickets: £25 pp (includes a 3 course meal) from the Institutebetween 10am – 12noon Tel 012542 22227 or Contact Carol Webster on 07745342600 (by 8th Nov 2019)

A show NOT to be missed!

To be held at the Hornby Institute, Main Street Hornby, Nr Lancaster, LA2 8JR

Friday, 15th November 2019 at 7pm Tickets: £25 pp (includes a 3 course meal) from the Institute between 10am – 12noon

Tel 012542 22227 or Contact Carol Webster on 07745342600 (by 8th Nov 2019) A show NOT to be missed!