nott, · 2015. 6. 2. · life, fire and marine lnsnrsiee agents. 1356 honolulu, h. i. 2651--q...

,3!-"- . Jt 1 if C "i)ff I TV , r t 7 ' . i ) VOL. XIII. NO. 2752. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. AVi D.ESDAY, APRIL 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY business (Sards. 2Ccro Unjcrtiscinrnts. AMEBIUANIS1IS. Pa;ific Commercial Advertiser Honolnla and San Francisco Mail Service THE ARLINGTON, Fanciful Namea of leading Cities of tbe Union, and the Principal Geographical Nicknames of the J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant Office Car tw right Building, Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I. 2651-- y Iff SHU! MESS MATERIALS! Immense Assortment Now Open at 1ST. S. SACHS', 104 Fort Street, : Honolulu, H. 1. chiltles7"ch:ai3jjl,es. All Wool ; extra fine quality ; latest designs ; SCOTCH GINGHAMS, AMERICAN GINGHAMS, latest plaids and stripes. FANCY STRIPED and FIGURKD BATISTES, in great variety; FANCY FIGURED and SOLID COLOR SATEENS; A New Assortment of CH AMBRICS, in stripes in solid colors ; something new, Fine French Silk Striped Chailles ' In Pink, Blue, and Gold Stripes; FANCY STRIPED CRINKLE MATERIALS, a large assortment; DOTTED and FANCY FIGURED SWISSES, in white, cream and ecru; WHITE GOODS, WHITE GOODS In plaids and stripes, fancy figured open plaids and stripes : an immense assortment at VERY LOW PRICES. Tucking, Tucking, Tucking, in plain and fancy ; new designs. LADIES' EMBROIDEEED BOX SUITS in white cream and colored. The Popular Millinery House, 104 Fort St 2651-- q CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS,- - Shipping and Commission Merchants, PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. DSAIiEBS US r BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumanu Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. 0 1651-l- y Rogers). WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW AKD Agent to take Acknowledgments. Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- - 69-- y lulu, H. I. CHARLES F. PETERSON, Typewriter and Notary PuWic. Office with L. A. Thurston. 2703-- q MISS D. LAMB, Stenographer and Type-write- r, Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, near the Postoffice. 2G77 DR. EMERSON, OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc- ker's office). Officb Houas 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 3 p. M. ; Sundays, 9 to 10 A. m. Bell Telephone No. 51. Kesidence 5 School street. 2704-- 3 mq DR. K. KOBAYASHI, NO. 161 FORT STREET. XW-Offi- ck Hours 8 to 10 a. m. : 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 P. M. 2655-2- m FRiKCIS M. ENGLISH, B. (OXON.), 'Is prepared to receive pupils in Glassies, Mathematics and English Aaterftture. - 8Decial orenaration for Universitv and Competitive Examinations. CFor terms, etc.. Dlease art)lv No. 43 Emuia street. 2703-- a Pioneer Steam CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. F, HORN Practical Coniectionor, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74. 1356 2651 LOVE'S BAKERY. Ho. 73 Knnann Street, MB8.BOBX.LOVI, ... Proprietress, Every Description of Plain and Fancy Bread and Crackers, PBBSH . Soda Crackers ASP Saloon Bread Always on Hand. MILK BREAD 8PECIALTY. Island Orders Promptly Attended to 2C51-- q C. BREWER & COMPANY, CLlmlted). GENERAL MERCANTILE COMMISSION AGENTS. LIST OJ omCXBSl P. O. Jones. Jr. President and Manager J. O. Carter Treasurer and Secretary Hon. W, F. Allen Auditor DIRXCTOB8! Hon. O. B. Bishop. Hob, H. Waterboose 2651 NOTICE. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Hotel St., - Honolulu, J. H. FISHER, Paor. teems: Board and Lodmns? Der week (accord ing to location of room). .$10 00 to $12 00 transient, per day 2 00 Tt.ble Board, per week. 7 00 Single Meals 50 Visitors will find this one of the most comfortable and convenient houses in the city, the rooms being large, light, ana airy. Hot and cold 'watsr baths, 2651-- q EAGLE HOUSE NUUANU AVENUE. TTIT.Q T?l T?QTOT ICQ ViXITT V III! I I Hotel (situate in the most pleas-N- 1 I ant part of the City) continues to offer the comforts of s home to transients and others. Adioinin? the Main Rnildinir are several New Cottacea SDecisllv constructed fnr z nni-- i iBiuiiy use. j. a uie unsurpassea. aHTierms iz.uu per cay, siz.uu weekly. 8necial arrangements for mnnthiv boarders. T. KROUSE. Prop.. 2695 13C3-- q Honolulu, H. I. CASTLE & COOKE, HARDWARE, Shipping and Commission Merchants - IMPOBTKM ARB SBAXBBS m GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Slantation Agents, Life, Fire and Marine lnsnrsiee Agents. 1356 HONOLULU, H. I. 2651-- q CASTLE & C00KE, s Life, Fire and Uarine Insurance Agents ! AGXNTS fORf New England Mutual Life Ins. Co OV BOSTON, i&tna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford. UNION Insurance Company FIRE AND MARINE, OF BAN rBANCISCO, OALI70BNIA. 1358 2651-- q Glaus Bpreckela Wm. Q. Irwm, CLA0S SPKECKELS & CO. BANKERS. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN IHLA27D8 Draw Kxcbangs en the prlndpsl parts O tas world. WQlrecelTS depoaltt os open account, make collections and conduct s general banking sad exchange bnalni Deposits bearing interest received In tbelr Bst Inga Department subject to published rales and regulations. 2651-- q CALL FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY BUTT In lib., 21b., 3lb. and 71b. Tins Finest Article- - for "Warm Climates. S. FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, BOLE AGENTS. S6 and S8 California St., Ban Franelseo. 13612856-- y CH1S. BREWER & CO8 Boston Line of Packets. IMPORTERS "WILL PLEASE take notice that the fins bark MARTHA DAVIS Capt. Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leare for this port on June 15, 1891, if suffi cient inducement oners. For farther particulars apply to IS PUBLISHED t$ tery Horning Except Sundays, At Mo. 40 Merchant St. dOBSCKHTlONS I Oa F. U. Urumu, one year to Ou tix aioniu.-..- . uu eruiontb .. fiU Ws Hawaiian ouzsix, one year S 00 foreign (In-ludlu- K oiittie SOU Daily and Wasatr, one year in advance.... 10 00 I'rtjrable lavitrlabljr In AdTBnw. Br FodTAL Money Obdkb. T All frauslent Advertisements mait bd Prepaid. ADDSBSS1 HAWAIIAH GAZETTE CO., H. M. Whixnit, Manager. 46 Mercna t at., P Kitice Bex O. Honolulu. H. I 4 Mia? 5arils. LEVVERS & C00KE, (Successors to Lowers a Dlokson) I i,Mtrier and Dealers lm Lumber And all Kindt of Building Maierlals. $9. A FOUT dTUKKT, Honolnla. 2C61 JOHN T. WATEKH0USE, Importer and Dealer In OJNEEAL MERCHANDISE. No. ito-- 81 Queen Street, Honolulu. 2661 WILLIAM O. AOHI, AlTGBNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Notarj Public and Real Estate Broker Ornci 36 Merchant 8treet. 2651 fl. HACKFELD & C0-- , ;ueral Commission Agents Cor. Fort & Queen Sta., Honolnla. 3651 W. E. R0WELL, Engineer and Surveyor Boom 5, Bpreckels Block. 82-- y BEAVfixl SALOON, rt fetreei. Opposite Wilder A Co.'i, U. i. BOLTS, PBOFBIETOB. t Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, (linger Ale or Milk. Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p. an. Tamoaere' requisites a Specialty. 2651 H JObJLO IRON WORKS CO., 6team Kngines, B irs. uicar Mills, Coolers, Brass huiI Lead Castlnirs, A i machinery of every description made to o er. Particular attention paid to ships' black a ihiug. Job work executed on tbe shortest n 2651 THE ROYAL SALOON, C-- . Nuaana and llercnant Streets Under the Management of K. H. F1. Wolter, .oepalway in stock ararlety of the best Wines, aquors, Beera and ice cold beers on draught at 0 cents per glass. -- ull and Hee I7s.- - 2651 ATLAS Assurance Company FOUNDED 1808. LONDON. Capital. $ 6.000,000 Assets, - $ 9.000,000 Having been appointed Agents of the above Company we are now ready to effect Insurances at the lowest rates of premium. H. W. SCEIMIDT & SONS. 1361 2684-- q JAMES NOTT, JR., PRACTICAL TINSMITH & PLUMBER Corner of King and Alskea Stf., Honolulu, H. I. TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261 residence, Mutual, 236. 0E3timates furnished on all classes of Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. First class workmanship and material guaran teed in all the above branches of my busi ness at reasonapie rates. yq LEWIS & CO., Wh)Iesale and Retail Grocers 111 FOBT STREET. Ttleeh on 940. P. O. Bos 197 United States. (Written for the Oaxette by E. Ellsworth Care j V LouisTille, Ky- - on account of its situation on tbe falls of tbe Ohio river is termed "The Falls City;" the epithet Father of Waters" is applied to Mississippi, on account of its size and importance. The term father" has frequently been applied in ui9 past; to great riTers, especially when a city oi importance is situ ated on them, as much of the growth and commercial advantages of such cities is due to the river. Macaulay makes Horatius say, be fore he commends his body to the Tiber, O Tiber, Father Tiber, to whom the Romans pray. Rochester, N. Y., is noted for its many flour mills, and has been nicknamed the Flour City;" Springfield, 111., is also a " Flower uity, being noted lor tne beauty and attractiveness of its environs. . Cleveland, O., Portland, Me., and Savannah, 6a., have each been designated as the Forest City," each of these cities having a profu sion oz8hade and ornamental trees. " Free State of Patrick " . is a nickname given to tbe County of Patrick, Va., because,' being situ- ated in the south-eas- t "corner of the f State, its people have, but little communication with the, rest of the commonwealth. Owing to the fertile country sur rounding it, Chicago has been called the " Garden City;" this term is also frequently applied to san Jose, uai , being situated in a beautiful and fertile valley. ;. JEden . Park, Cincinnati, O., is often called the " Garden of Eden," and Bour- - bon County, Ky., is termed the 41 Garden of Kentucky." " Garden of the West " and " Garden of the World " are appellations often be-- Btowed on the vast fertile region drained by the Mississippi and its tributaries. The first name is some times restricted to the State of Kansas. Keokuk, Iowa, . being situated at the foot of tbe .lower rapids on the Mississippi, is termed the " Gate City;" Atlanta, Ga., was also so called during the Civil War by Jefferson Davis, as it was the most important - inland military position in the South. Quebec, Canada, being situated on a high river bluff, approached only on one side, is almost impregnable, being the most securely fortined city on the continent, and is consequently called the ' Gibraltar of America." " Gotham " is a coltoqual term for New York, and first appeared in this connection in "Salmagundi," by Washington Irving and James K. Paulding; the term is supposed to satirically hint at the worldly instincts of the people. This term was originally applied to a parish of Nottinghamshire. England, whose people were noted for their stupidity and simplicity, for which reason they were sarcastically re- ferred to as the "wise men; of Gotham." The novelist Cooper applied the name "Horicon" to Lake George, and the " Key of. tbe Gulf " means the island of Cuba, so named as its location commands the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. "Laeonia" was a name given to a tract of laud granted by royal patent to Gorges and Mason in colonial times. The present State of New Hampshire formed a large portion of this tract. "Lilliput, a name taken from Gulliver a Travels, is sometimes jocosely applied to Rhode Island, and a very scenic and productive section of south-we- st Virginia is called " Little Tennessee." Swamp-scot- t, a resort thirteen miles north east of Boston, is called the " Long Branch of Boston." and " Man- - hattan" is another pet name for Nw York, the city being built on an island to which the Indians had applied this term. (To be Continued.) RATTAN CHAIRS 1 Lounges and Settees " ft Just Received ! From China per Bark Velocity, a large invoice of the above desirable Furniture for sale cheap, by: IITIVH ItTA mit DA A T Hi V IftU WU 1A1 Ql HI., jXuuMl M TIME TABLE or THE Oceanic Steamship Co. (subject to chakgi.) Thk Australia and Zkalandia Leave San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. 91. Leave Honolulu at 18 M. Tuesdays. The Through, Steamers Leave San Fran- cisco and Honolulu Thursdays. LEAVE ARRIVE STEAMER. 8AN FRANCISCO. HONOLULU. Australia.... April 21 . April 28 Monowai April 30 . May 7 Zealandia .... May 5 May 12 Australia.... May 19 May 26 Alameda .... May "28 . June 4 Zealandia.... June 2 June 9 Australia June 16 . . June 23 Mariposa June 25 July 2 Zealandia...., June 30 July 7 Australia July 14 July 21 Monowai..... July 23 Julv 30 Zealandia July 28 Aug. 4 Australia Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Alameda Aug. 20 Aug. 27 Zealandia Aug. 25 Sept. 1 Australia Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Mariposa..... Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Zealandia Sept. 22 Sept, 29 Australia Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Monowai Oct. 15 Oct. 22 LK.AVE ARRIVE STEAMER. HONOLULU. SAN FRANCISCO. " Zealandia April 21 April 28 Australia May 5 ... May 12 Alameda May 7 .... May 14 Zealandia. May 19 May 26 Australia June 2 .... June 9 Mariposa..... June 4 .... June 11 Zealandia J une 16 .. . . J une 23 Australia June 30 .... July 7 Monowai . July 2 .... July 9 Zealandia July 14 July 21 Australia July 28 .... Aug. 4 Alameda July 30 Aug. 6 Zealandia Aug. 11 .... Aug. 18 Australia Aug. 25 .... Sept. 1 Mariposa Aug. 27 .... Sept. 3 Zealandia Sept. 8 . ... Sept. 15 Australia Sept. 22 .... Sept. 29 Monowai . Sept. 24 .... Oct. 1 Zealandia Oct. 6 .... Oct. 13 Australia Oct. 20 .... Oct. 27 Alameda .....1 Oct. 22 .... Oct. 29 Zealandia Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Australia Nov. 17 .... Nov. 24 Mariposa Nov. 19 .... Nov. 26 2690-3- m Australian Mail: tier rice FOB SAN FRANCISCO. fhe new and fine Al steel steamship ALAMEDA 99 Of tbe Oceanic Steamship Company, w84 be due st Honelulufrom Sydney and Auckland on or aboat May 7, 1891, Andwlllleavefor tbe abeve port with malls and passengers on or aooui mat aaie. For freight or passage, Having ournam ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. GL Irwin & Co., AGENTS. For Sydney and Auckland. Tbe new and fine Al steel steamship " " MONOWAI Oi tbeOoeanlo Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about May 7i 1891. And will have prompt dlspatcn wttb malls an aaaengers for tbe above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC' OOMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., 2651-- q AGENTS. WM. 6. IRWIN & COMPANY, (Limited, j Wm. G. Irwis , - President and Manager Clatjs Spbickls, - - Vice-Preside- nt WALTIB M. GlFFABD, - - - - - Secretary and Treasurer Thko. C. Pobtxb, ... Auditor Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. AGISTS OF TUB OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., Of San Francisco, Cal. Wm. Q. Irwin & Co., (Limited) has assumed the assets and liabilities of the late firm of Wm. O. Irwin & Co., and will continue the general business formerly carried on by that house. 2708-- q Biff O is acknowledged the leading- - remedy for f curt ltT I Ganorrhcea A elect. lToSDAYSAI The only aaie remedy for Ieaeorrhea or Whites. I prescribe it and feel 4M vriMhkt safe in recommending it ra.1 i THtEvmuHEM'CiiCo to all sufferers. OM0mNTl,O.r 3 A. J. blWtK, AX. u-- . Sold by Drnavtata, t-iI- i- "--- rwta ax.w Hollistib & Co., Wholesale Agents. Bbbo, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents 1366 2711- - Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and General Merchandise. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal?, Remington Sewing Machines, v.. Wilcox & Gibbs. and 2651 JOHN DIMOND BLOCK, 95 Stoves, Ranges and Plumbing, Tin, Copper Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. 1356 q , NOTT, and 97 KING STREET. Housekeeping Goods. and Sheet Iron Work 2651 myself, I am prepared to make all Plans il GEO. W. LINCOLN, BUILDER CONTRACTOR 8 prepared to furnish Plans and Specifications for, and Construct all I kinds of Buildings, either Brick, Stone, Iron or Wood, in a satisfactory Being a Practical Architect and Specifications, and Personally Superintend the Bame. Thankful to all who have entrusted their work to me heretofore, I hope to merit a continuance of their patronage, by (riving the same my personal supervis- ion and employing competent assistants, thereby enabling me to guarantee satis- faction. E7"ALL KINDS OF JOBBING and RFPAIRING promptly attended to. Offices and Stores Fitted up with neatness and dispatch. G. W. LINCOLN, THE UNDERSIGNED HA8 THIS opened a retail store at No. 7? Nuuanu street, for the purpose of selling GENERAL MERCHANDISE, combined with a Tailoring tnd Dressmaking Department WONG HOP CHANG. Aug. 11,1880. 45-- q 1 26511356-- q C. BBITWKB 4 CO. I 2741-l- m Bill Tiuphons 275. 2651 - q 75 akd 77 Kiso Stbkt.

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Page 1: NOTT, · 2015. 6. 2. · Life, Fire and Marine lnsnrsiee Agents. 1356 HONOLULU, H. I. 2651--q CASTLE & C00KE, s Life, Fire and Uarine Insurance Agents! AGXNTS fORf New England Mutual

,3!-"- .


1 if

C "i)ff ITV

, rt






THE DAILY business (Sards. 2Ccro Unjcrtiscinrnts. AMEBIUANIS1IS.

Pa;ific Commercial Advertiser Honolnla and San Francisco Mail Service THE ARLINGTON, Fanciful Namea of leadingCities of tbe Union, and the

Principal GeographicalNicknames of the


Commission MerchantOffice Car tw right Building,

Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I.2651-- y


Immense Assortment Now Open at1ST. S. SACHS',

104 Fort Street, : Honolulu, H. 1.

chiltles7"ch:ai3jjl,es.All Wool ; extra fine quality ; latest designs ;

SCOTCH GINGHAMS, AMERICAN GINGHAMS, latest plaids and stripes.FANCY STRIPED and FIGURKD BATISTES, in great variety;FANCY FIGURED and SOLID COLOR SATEENS;A New Assortment of CH AMBRICS, in stripes in solid colors ; something new,

Fine French Silk Striped Chailles' In Pink, Blue, and Gold Stripes;

FANCY STRIPED CRINKLE MATERIALS, a large assortment;DOTTED and FANCY FIGURED SWISSES, in white, cream and ecru;

WHITE GOODS, WHITE GOODSIn plaids and stripes, fancy figured open plaids and stripes : an immense

assortment at VERY LOW PRICES.

Tucking, Tucking, Tucking,in plain and fancy ; new designs.

LADIES' EMBROIDEEED BOX SUITSin white cream and colored.

The Popular Millinery House, 104 Fort St2651-- q


Shipping and Commission Merchants,





PLANTATION SUPPLIES,Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumanu Street,

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. 01651-l- y Rogers).



Agent to take Acknowledgments.Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- -

69-- y lulu, H. I.


Typewriter and Notary PuWic.

Office with L. A. Thurston. 2703--q


Stenographer and Type-write- r,

Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street,near the Postoffice. 2G77


OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc-ker's office).

Officb Houas 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 3p. M. ; Sundays, 9 to 10 A. m.

Bell Telephone No. 51. Kesidence 5School street. 2704--3 mq



XW-Offi- ck Hours 8 to 10 a. m. : 1 to 4and 7 to 9 P. M. 2655-2-m


'Is prepared to receive pupils inGlassies, Mathematics and English

Aaterftture. -

8Decial orenaration for Universitv andCompetitive Examinations.

CFor terms, etc.. Dlease art)lv No. 43Emuia street. 2703-- a


F, HORN Practical Coniectionor,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74.

1356 2651

LOVE'S BAKERY.Ho. 73 Knnann Street,

MB8.BOBX.LOVI, ... Proprietress,

Every Description of Plain and Fancy

Bread and Crackers,PBBSH .

Soda CrackersASP

Saloon BreadAlways on Hand.


Island Orders Promptly Attended to2C51-- q






P. O. Jones. Jr. President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W, F. Allen Auditor


Hon. O. B. Bishop. Hob, H. Waterboose2651



Hotel St., - Honolulu,J. H. FISHER, Paor.

teems:Board and Lodmns? Der week (accord

ing to location of room). .$10 00 to $12 00transient, per day 2 00Tt.ble Board, per week. 7 00Single Meals 50

Visitors will find this one of themost comfortable and convenient housesin the city, the rooms being large, light,ana airy.

Hot and cold 'watsr baths,2651--q



III! I I Hotel (situate in the most pleas-N- 1I ant part of the City) continues to

offer the comforts of s home totransients and others.

Adioinin? the Main Rnildinir are severalNew Cottacea SDecisllv constructed fnr

z nni-- iiBiuiiy use. j. a uie unsurpassea.aHTierms iz.uu per cay, siz.uu weekly.8necial arrangements for mnnthiv

boarders. T. KROUSE. Prop..2695 13C3-- q Honolulu, H. I.


Shipping and Commission Merchants



Slantation Agents,

Life, Fire and Marine

lnsnrsiee Agents.

1356 HONOLULU, H. I. 2651-- q


Life, Fire and Uarine

Insurance Agents !


New England Mutual Life Ins. Co


i&tna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford.

UNIONInsurance Company


OF BAN rBANCISCO, OALI70BNIA.1358 2651-- q

Glaus Bpreckela Wm. Q. Irwm,



Draw Kxcbangs en the prlndpsl parts O tasworld.

WQlrecelTS depoaltt os open account, makecollections and conduct s general banking sadexchange bnalni

Deposits bearing interest received In tbelr BstInga Department subject to published rales andregulations. 2651-- q


BUTTIn lib., 21b., 3lb. and 71b. Tins

Finest Article- - for"Warm Climates.

S. FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,


S6 and S8 California St., Ban Franelseo.13612856-- y


Boston Line of Packets.

IMPORTERS "WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fins



Will be laid on the berth in Boston to learefor this port on June 15, 1891, if sufficient inducement oners.

For farther particulars apply to


t$ tery Horning Except Sundays,

At Mo. 40 Merchant St.


Oa F. U. Urumu, one year to Ou

tix aioniu.-..- . uueruiontb .. fiU

Ws Hawaiian ouzsix, one year S 00foreign (In-ludlu- K

oiittie SOUDaily and Wasatr, one year in advance.... 10 00

I'rtjrable lavitrlabljr In AdTBnw.Br FodTAL Money Obdkb.

T All frauslent Advertisements maitbd Prepaid.


HAWAIIAH GAZETTE CO.,H. M. Whixnit, Manager.

46 Mercna t at.,P Kitice Bex O. Honolulu. H. I

4 Mia? 5arils.

LEVVERS & C00KE,(Successors to Lowers a Dlokson)

I i,Mtrier and Dealers lm LumberAnd all Kindt of Building Maierlals.

$9. A FOUT dTUKKT, Honolnla. 2C61


Importer and Dealer In

OJNEEAL MERCHANDISE.No. ito-- 81 Queen Street, Honolulu. 2661


Notarj Public and Real EstateBroker

Ornci 36 Merchant 8treet. 2651

fl. HACKFELD & C0--,

;ueral Commission Agents

Cor. Fort & Queen Sta., Honolnla. 3651


Engineer and SurveyorBoom 5, Bpreckels Block.

82-- y


rt fetreei. Opposite Wilder A Co.'i,U. i. BOLTS, PBOFBIETOB.

t Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,Soda Water, (linger Ale or Milk.

Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p. an.Tamoaere' requisites a Specialty. 2651


6team Kngines,B irs. uicar Mills, Coolers, Brass

huiI Lead Castlnirs,A i machinery of every description made too er. Particular attention paid to ships' blacka ihiug. Job work executed on tbe shortestn 2651


C-- . Nuaana and llercnant StreetsUnder the Management of

K. H. F1. Wolter,.oepalway in stock ararlety of the best Wines,aquors, Beera and ice cold beers on draught at0 cents per glass.

-- ull and Hee I7s.- - 2651

ATLASAssurance Company


Capital. $ 6.000,000Assets, - $ 9.000,000

Having been appointed Agents of theabove Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates ofpremium.

H. W. SCEIMIDT & SONS.1361 2684-- q


TINSMITH & PLUMBERCorner of King and Alskea Stf.,

Honolulu, H. I.TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261

residence, Mutual, 236.

0E3timates furnished on all classesof Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. Firstclass workmanship and material guaranteed in all the above branches of my business at reasonapie rates. yq

LEWIS & CO.,Wh)Iesale and Retail Grocers


Ttleeh on 940. P. O. Bos 197

United States.

(Written for the Oaxette by E. EllsworthCarejV

LouisTille, Ky-- on account of itssituation on tbe falls of tbe Ohioriver is termed "The Falls City;"the epithet Father of Waters" isapplied to Mississippi, on account ofits size and importance. The term

father" has frequently been appliedin ui9 past; to great riTers, especiallywhen a city oi importance is situated on them, as much of thegrowth and commercial advantagesof such cities is due to the river.Macaulay makes Horatius say, before he commends his body to theTiber,

O Tiber, Father Tiber, to whom theRomans pray.

Rochester, N. Y., is noted for itsmany flour mills, and has beennicknamed the Flour City;"Springfield, 111., is also a " Floweruity, being noted lor tne beautyand attractiveness of its environs. .

Cleveland, O., Portland, Me., andSavannah, 6a., have each beendesignated as the Forest City,"each of these cities having a profusion oz8hade and ornamental trees.

" Free State of Patrick ". is a

nickname given to tbe County ofPatrick, Va., because,' being situ-ated in the south-eas- t "corner of the fState, its people have, but littlecommunication with the, rest of thecommonwealth.

Owing to the fertile country surrounding it, Chicago has beencalled the " Garden City;" thisterm is also frequently applied tosan Jose, uai , being situated in abeautiful and fertile valley. ;. JEden .

Park, Cincinnati, O., is often calledthe " Garden of Eden," and Bour--bon County, Ky., is termed the41 Garden of Kentucky." " Gardenof the West " and " Garden of theWorld " are appellations often be--Btowed on the vast fertile regiondrained by the Mississippi and itstributaries. The first name is sometimes restricted to the State ofKansas. Keokuk, Iowa, . beingsituated at the foot of tbe .lowerrapids on the Mississippi, is termedthe " Gate City;" Atlanta, Ga., wasalso so called during the Civil Warby Jefferson Davis, as it was themost important - inland militaryposition in the South. Quebec,Canada, being situated on a highriver bluff, approached only on oneside, is almost impregnable, beingthe most securely fortined city onthe continent, and is consequentlycalled the ' Gibraltar of America."

" Gotham " is a coltoqual termfor New York, and first appearedin this connection in "Salmagundi,"by Washington Irving and JamesK. Paulding; the term is supposedto satirically hint at the worldlyinstincts of the people. This termwas originally applied to a parishof Nottinghamshire. England,whose people were noted for theirstupidity and simplicity, for whichreason they were sarcastically re-ferred to as the "wise men; ofGotham." The novelist Cooperapplied the name "Horicon" toLake George, and the " Key of. tbeGulf " means the island of Cuba, sonamed as its location commandsthe entrance to the Gulf of Mexico.

"Laeonia" was a name given toa tract of laud granted by royalpatent to Gorges and Mason incolonial times. The present State ofNew Hampshire formed a largeportion of this tract.

"Lilliput, a name taken fromGulliver a Travels, is sometimesjocosely applied to Rhode Island,and a very scenic and productivesection of south-we- st Virginia iscalled " Little Tennessee." Swamp-scot- t,

a resort thirteen miles northeast of Boston, is called the " LongBranch of Boston." and " Man- -

hattan" is another pet name forNw York, the city being built onan island to which the Indians hadapplied this term.

(To be Continued.)


Lounges and Settees"

ftJust Received !

From China per Bark Velocity, a largeinvoice of the above desirable

Furniture for salecheap, by:

IITIVH ItTA mit DA A T HiV IftU W U 1A1 Ql HI., jXuuMl M


Oceanic Steamship Co.(subject to chakgi.)

Thk Australia and Zkalandia

Leave San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. 91.Leave Honolulu at 18 M. Tuesdays.

The Through, Steamers Leave San Fran-cisco and Honolulu Thursdays.


Australia.... April 21 . April 28Monowai April 30 . May 7Zealandia .... May 5 May 12Australia.... May 19 May 26Alameda .... May "28 . June 4Zealandia.... June 2 June 9Australia June 16 . . June 23Mariposa June 25 July 2Zealandia...., June 30 July 7Australia July 14 July 21Monowai..... July 23 Julv 30Zealandia July 28 Aug. 4Australia Aug. 11 Aug. 18Alameda Aug. 20 Aug. 27Zealandia Aug. 25 Sept. 1Australia Sept. 8 Sept. 15Mariposa..... Sept. 17 Sept. 24Zealandia Sept. 22 Sept, 29Australia Oct. 6 Oct. 13Monowai Oct. 15 Oct. 22


"Zealandia April 21 April 28Australia May 5 ... May 12Alameda May 7 .... May 14Zealandia. May 19 May 26Australia June 2 .... June 9Mariposa..... June 4 .... June 11Zealandia J une 16 . . . . J une 23Australia June 30 .... July 7Monowai . July 2 .... July 9Zealandia July 14 July 21Australia July 28 .... Aug. 4Alameda July 30 Aug. 6Zealandia Aug. 11 .... Aug. 18Australia Aug. 25 .... Sept. 1Mariposa Aug. 27 .... Sept. 3Zealandia Sept. 8 . . . . Sept. 15Australia Sept. 22 .... Sept. 29Monowai . Sept. 24 .... Oct. 1Zealandia Oct. 6 .... Oct. 13Australia Oct. 20 .... Oct. 27Alameda .....1 Oct. 22 .... Oct. 29Zealandia Nov. 3 Nov. 10Australia Nov. 17 .... Nov. 24Mariposa Nov. 19 .... Nov. 26

2690-3- m

Australian Mail: tierrice


fhe new and fine Al steel steamship


Of tbe Oceanic Steamship Company, w84 be duest Honelulufrom Sydney and Auckland

on or aboat

May 7, 1891,Andwlllleavefor tbe abeve port with malls andpassengers on or aooui mat aaie.

For freight or passage, Having ournamACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. GL Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

Tbe new and fine Al steel steamship

" "MONOWAIOi tbeOoeanlo Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

May 7i 1891.And will have prompt dlspatcn wttb malls anaaaengers for tbe above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC'


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,2651-- q AGENTS.


(Limited, j

Wm. G. Irwis , - President and ManagerClatjs Spbickls, - - Vice-Preside- nt

WALTIB M. GlFFABD, -- - - - Secretary and Treasurer

Thko. C. Pobtxb, ... Auditor

Sugar Factors and Commission Agents.


OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO.,Of San Francisco, Cal.

Wm. Q. Irwin & Co., (Limited) hasassumed the assets and liabilities of thelate firm of Wm. O. Irwin & Co., and willcontinue the general business formerlycarried on by that house. 2708--q

Biff O is acknowledgedthe leading- - remedy forf curt ltT I Ganorrhcea A elect.lToSDAYSAI The only aaie remedy forIeaeorrhea orWhites.

I prescribe it and feel4M vriMhkt safe in recommending itra.1 i THtEvmuHEM'CiiCo to all sufferers.

OM0mNTl,O.r 3 A. J. blWtK, AX. u--.

Sold by Drnavtata,t-iI- i- "--- rwta ax.w

Hollistib & Co., Wholesale Agents.Bbbo, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents

1366 2711- -

Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

General Merchandise.Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal?,

Remington Sewing Machines,


Wilcox & Gibbs. and



Stoves, Ranges and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.1356 q ,


Housekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron Work2651

myself, I am prepared to make all Plans


BUILDER CONTRACTOR8 prepared to furnish Plans and Specifications for, and Construct all

I kinds of Buildings, either Brick, Stone, Iron or Wood, in a satisfactory

Being a Practical Architectand Specifications, and Personally Superintend the Bame.

Thankful to all who have entrusted their work to me heretofore, I hope tomerit a continuance of their patronage, by (riving the same my personal supervis-ion and employing competent assistants, thereby enabling me to guarantee satis-faction.

E7"ALL KINDS OF JOBBING and RFPAIRING promptly attended to.Offices and Stores Fitted up with neatness and dispatch.


THE UNDERSIGNED HA8 THISopened a retail store at No. 7?

Nuuanu street, for the purpose of selling


Tailoring tnd Dressmaking Department

WONG HOP CHANG.Aug. 11,1880. 45-- q

1 26511356-- q C. BBITWKB 4 CO. I 2741-l- mBill Tiuphons 275. 2651 -q 75 akd 77 Kiso Stbkt.

Page 2: NOTT, · 2015. 6. 2. · Life, Fire and Marine lnsnrsiee Agents. 1356 HONOLULU, H. I. 2651--q CASTLE & C00KE, s Life, Fire and Uarine Insurance Agents! AGXNTS fORf New England Mutual

Tin TU.u..J


STftu SUnjcrtiscmniJs.THEJ3n ;lutl)ortt). Tna torrtiscmrnts.OCR SAN FRANCISCO LETTER. 15th inet. Blaine sent his last reply toKudini and Baron Fava's demand for


brings MosquitosThe Summer season


The Freshest Powder !

To Depositors in the HawaiianPostal Savings Bank.

Notice is hereby given that on applica-tion at the Treasury, Coupon Bonds willbe issued in denominations of $1000, $.500

and $100. beariDg interest at the rate ofFive Per Cent. (5 per cent.) per annum,payable semi-annual- ly. These Bonds areissued under the authority of the Act, ap-proved on the 6th day of August, 1890, andstyled the " Postal Savings Bank Loan."

H. A. WIDEMANN,. . .Minister of Finance.

Department of Finance, 1

Honolulu, H. I., April y, 1891.2735 1370-t- f


April, 1891.

8a. Mo. To. W. Th. Fr. 8. (ft April 1.

The Largest Cans!

The Cheapest Place to Buy!

The Sole Agents for

V" .:. X 'J -


113 and 1152651

B. IT. Elilers & Co.99 FORT STREET.

The attention of Ladies is reffpe tfully invited to our complete and elegant lineof NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED 1

New Silks, New Sateens, New Gloves,NEW LACES, NEW TRIMMINGS, NEW PARASOLS,


X7 Our immense Stock 'surpasses in variety all former seasons, and lowprices cannot be equalled I 2651-- q


The Only Liquors in the World Which .Afford theConsumer a Government Guarantee,

A. C lrl !

the Genuine Buhach!

Fort Street.q'- -

that - luipuiwiHunc, is ixie arucie

ex "Wakefield," at $2x.oo per Case.above Goods in Bond.

& CO.

- Honolulu.

indemnity and the punishment of thelynchers. A decision given by .Daniel orWebster in a similar instance in 18ol isquoted, showing that the United Statescould not guarantee punishment.Blaine makes it perfectly plain, too, thatthis country rejects the demands ofItaly; that while the principle of in-

demnity is recognized, none is actuallypromised; and that it rests witn tneState of Louisiana to mete out punishment. One clause of his reply is a veritable trip hammer. It reads : " If, there-fore, it should appear that among thosekilled by the mob at New Orleans, therewere - some ; Italian subjects wno wereresident or domiciled in that city agreeably to our treaty with Italy, and not inviolation of our immigration laws, anawho were abidinsr in the peace of theUnited States and obeying the lawsthereof and of the State of Louisiana,and that the public officers charged withthe duty of protecting the life and prop-erty of that city, connived at the work ofthe mob, or upon proper notice or in-

formation of threatened danger failed totake anv steDS for. the preservation otthe public peace, and afterward to bring isthe guilty to trial, the rresiaeni wouiu,under such circumstances feel that a casewas eRtahliflhed that should be submitted to Congress with a view to the reliefof the families of the Italian subjectswho had lost their lives by lawless violence "

The strong points of this clause arestated in the dispatches from Korae tob "vaime and inconclusive." If thereis anv meaning of the clauses "agreeably with our treatv with Italy," "notin violation. . vi .uur ilu luiki a.hum.i ino,w y


"abidine in tne peace oi tne unueuState8..obey ing the laws thereof andof the State of W.9iana-whi- eh is

vague and inconclusive," there willorobablv. be a reply from Rudini. Butthe general opinion is that the incidentis about overhand personally Blaine hasexpressed the greatest anger over whathe characterizes as the contemptible andindecent behavior of the Italian government in trying to force an issue, an effortwhich has failed..

This Italian incident however is notwithout its good results. It is generallybelieved that it will lead to a thoroughrevision of the naturalization and immigration laws . American sentiment seemsto have been roused as it has not beenfor years before. Everywhere there is ademand for a reform and there is nodoubt that when Congress assembles inDecember there will be & thorough discussion of the matter.

Anent this matter Ex-Senat- or J. J.Ingalls has written a communication tothe New York Snn which has attractedgeneral attention. It is an able andpowerful plea for reform.

Hawaiian Hotel.The following named arrivals by the

Australia are among the numerous guestsof the Royal Hawaiian Hotel : Mrs. M.T. Brophy, Mrs. F. K. Fielding, Mrs. D.M. Kyan, Virginia Citv, Nevada; MissLottie M. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. JosephMoore, E. M. Hall, Miss Hattie Hall,Miss Florence Brown, Miss Mary Tubbs,Miss E. Farrier, Miss Erne Brown, MissMamie rbilipa.A. i. Stone, Mrs. RolandG. Brown, Oakland : A. Roberts, Mrs.P. S. Malcolm, Mrs. D. S. Tuthill, MissHelen Tuthill, Portland, Or.: A. G,Rhoads and wife, D. B. Keeler and wife,Miss Nellie Kinsey, Denver, Col. : H. B.Carter, Ashland, Or. ; J no. H. Tate andwife, Los Angeles: J. 11. Irwin, AFowell, Miss Eva roweil, mips BiancnePowell, H. S. Bonesteil, Wm. Ede, Wm.Ede, Jr., San Francisco; Mrs. and MissHarrison, Washington ; M. Goldberg,Dr. Grossman, City; J. E. McCulloch,brig. W. G. Irwin. By the YamashiroMaru: Baron Siebold and Francis DuBois. All these arrivals have takenSteward Lucas by surprise.but he prove- -

himself equal to the occasion, servingthem all equally well.

To those who need a pleasant Tonicfor any kind of debility, we can recommend Clements as the best, r or saleby Hollister & Co

3ien Stitoerttsemente.

Pound Notice.

. THERE WILL BE SOLD ATthe New Government Pound,lakiki, on SATURDAY,

2a. at 12 o'clock noon, the following described animals :

1 Uay Horse, branded W W on rightleg; small white spot on forehead; 1 BlackHorse, two white legs.

a. KALK1,2752-2- t Pound Master,

For ISan Francisco.

THE BARK VIVAX WILLsail for San Francisco in earlypart of May, and has goodaccommodation for a few passengers. For information ap- -

ply to CASTLE & COOKE,Agents.

FOR LEASE!THE PREMISES ON KAAHU- -manc street, at present occupiedby T. H. Davies & Co., and adjoining their new building.

For particulars enquire of. J AS. L. McLEAN,

at Inter-Islan- d 8. N. Co.'s office.2699-lw-- tf


Carpenters and Builders,ARE PREPARED TO CON-tractf- or

all kinds of Buildings,Store and Office Fitting, and General Jobbing a specialty.

Send or leave orders with Mr. Howie atCentral House, Alakea near Hotel street ;

or with Mr. Dorward, at house adjoiningHonolulu uorarv, opp. x. M.o. A. nail.-- Bell Tel. 522. Mutual 398.

2747-lw- if


FORT -- ST. HOUSE,No. 184 Fort Street.

ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMSeither single or en suite, at reasonable rates. Hot and cold water

baths and all modern conveniences to befound in a first-clas-s house. Apply on thepremises to

2710-l- m WM. P. CROOKS.

NOTICE.AN AND AFTER APRIL 1, DR. DAY'SV Omce Hours will be from 9 tr 12 A. K., I

7 to 8 P. M. Sundays: 9 to 11 a . M ,7to7:30 p. H. 2727-t- f 1

Fact of our selling Aermotors every aaytwo is very good evidence that the pub-

lic is satisfied with them. An inferiorarticle in any line may be placed on themarket and will sell, quickly too. for atime, but the people learn of its inferiorityand taboo it. The Aermotor is a new thinghere but not in the United States; it istried invention there and has stood tneonslaughts of the

GREATESTStorms they have ever experienced in theWestern Estates. wDueiuej uun iseemingly light material, us sirenm issuch that onlv a wiud strong enough towreck a house" will wreck an Aermotor.Nor is it bail r. soinat tne wors u nas toperform is greater man us construction

. ... .amI. tvuist that.....will aanni oi. ootue pwm ua,cthe fact of the wheel making three revolu-tions before pumping water is a drawback.The fact is that a

WINDMILL-Which has too much work to do will give

i : rriway somewnere ana ro to pieues. iueAermotor is purposely consirucieu on methree-revoluti- system so that the work

evenly distributed and one part will lastas long as another. The Aermotor cannotwear out, and it certainly wm not rot. l netilting tower is a strong feature with theAermotor, because it facilitates oiling.There is no climbing up the mast to oilthe machinery. A cnild can draw thewheel to the ground and place it in posi-tion without assistance. We have notheard of any other mill having this, andwe do not think anyone else

ONThese' Islands has. One gentleman pur-chased an Aermotor from us a few weeksago and was so well pleased with it thathe bought another last week, and willprobably buy more. He has a g odsupply of water and wants to distri-bute over his land. The Aermotor furnishes the power and three inch pipes thecnannei. u is wonaertui wnat wort; oneof these little machines will do. It is difficult to tell people what these Aermotorswill do in an advertisement and it U hardto realizf what they will do b looking at amodel but from those we have seen atwork in this neighborhood we believe wecould flood the

EARTHWith one of them if some ore else rouldsupply the spring from which we ould getme water. W e do not propose to fhxHi theearth with water but we intend to flood theHawaiian Islands with Aermotors becausewe believe them to be a good thing and anarucie neeueo Dy every nousenolder, everyranvu anu plantation owner, xney arethe best investment a man can make whohas any pumping to do. because they workall the time and cost absolutely nothingonce tney are erected, it you .ive at distance at d want particulars write to usCorrespondence solicited wnd cheerfullvanswered. We are the onlv peoule herewho sell them and we will' be glad to giveany one particulars. Aidress The Ha-waiian Hardware Company, Fort street.UPPOSITE SPRECKELS CLOCK, HONOLULU.

cdj llnjcrt'iscnifnta.

Administrator's Sale

I aminstructed bv DR. O. TROUSSEAU, Administrator with will attachedof the Es-ateo- f His Late Majesty DAVID

to sell at 1'ubno Auction,


At the BOAT HOUSE, the following, belonging to said estate:


Furniture of Boat House, Pictures, fc


Lewis J- -"

Levey,2748-5- t AUCTIONEER.




The following drew their Watches onMonday, April 27th:

Clcb 1 Member No. 53.Club 2 Member No. 18.Club 3 Member No. 4.Ci.cb 4 Member No. 44.Club 5 Member No. 10. .Club 6 Member No. 7.Clcb 7 Member No. 35.

We Have a Few More Places Open I

'Parties living outside of Honoluludesiiing to join one of the Clubs can maketheir payments by mail.

VThese watches are cased in solid 14Karat Gold, with fine full ieweled WalthamMovements, and are warranted to be ac-curate Time Pieces.

,752-l- t H. F. WICHMAN, Prop.


Edison's Phonograph !

A NEW CYLINDER, GIVING Achxnge of bong. Music, and Speeches

is placed in the Instrument every day.VCall and see the marvellous ma


LUDWIGisEN & CRON'S2743-lw-tf Ice Cream Parlors.


ready for hou.-ekeepin- g,

with parlor, three bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, servants' room, etc.. situ-ated on School street on the Kwa side ofthe bridge; large yard in connection withthe premises; everyway desirable as ahome; terms reasonable. Apply to

J. ALFRED MAGOON. Attorney.2739-t- f next to Post office.


John Kakina, of Hanalei, KauaL

JOHN' KAKINA OFKauai, baring made an assignmentto me of all of his property for the benefit or hitcreditors with fall power of Attorney to act forhim. Notice is hereby given to all persons hav-

ing claims against the said John Kakina. tororwiih present them to me. at my office in saidHanalei. And all persons owing mid John Ka-kin- a,

are requeued to make immediate pay-ment to me, and those having any of his Dro--perty In their pos-enei- on to deliver the sameme. V. E. H. DEVER1LL, Assignee.

Hanalei, Kanai, April 24, 1891. 1371--- U


Per O. 8. . Australia, San Francisco,April 21, 1891.

(From our special correspondent.)Sugar.

New York, April 21st. Cuban centrifugal, 96 degrees, 3ac; granulated,4 c.

Local prices remain unchanged aridthe only topic of interest is the reportedcombination of Spreckels and the Trust.The latest phase was stirred up by a dispatch from New York on the 16th ihBt.which printed an article on 'the subject,that has called out a sharp reply fromMr. J . v. bpreckels.

San Francisco News.The Union League Club of this city, a

Republican organization of a socialnature,'- - gave Governor Markham abanquet on Friday evening last, at theclub quarters on Geary street. The affairwas one of the most brilliant ever seenin San Francisco. - -

There is a great deal of excitementamong wheat buyers and wheat sellersowing to the unexpected activity in thatproduct. Prices, owing to the large de-

mand for export to Europe,have jumpedup almost to boom figures, and it looksas though there would be a continuedadvance for the next thirty days. Theactivity is due to the failure of theF.nrnnftan wheat cron.

The blowing gas well discovered &t

Pleasanton a short".

time ago continues-- I r" iL .1 1

to astonisoriue ciuzens oi m pmc.S ?ue"!ii"- -JFL.. ad0pt6d D--

-"lize the gasAndrew Hedgeberg. who was wanted

by the police for the brutal murder ofMrs. C. C. Fossura a veek ago, commit-ted suicide by throwing himself in theSacramento river. Hiu body was caughtin a fisherman s net. -

Professor Schrafer.who has been prob-ing the sands on the beach near theCliff House during the past nine monthsin search of a supposed burled box oftreasure, claims to have located it bymagnetic attraction, and the work ofsinking a shaft to uncover the box isnow troine on.

Brigadier-Gener- al John Gibbon of theregular army, commander ol the uepartment of the Pacific, returned from activeservice on the 21st inst., at the age of64. He has been constantly under orderssince July 1st, 1842. liis successor tothe command of this division is GeneralRuger. who comes from Minneapolis.August V. Kantz has succeeded to thevacant Brigadier-Gener- al ship.

The advance sale of seats for the SarahBernhardt engagement in this city was agreat success, ana is said to be theHeaviest she has ever had in the UnitedStates. The total for Beveral performances was about S20.000.

M. C. Thielman, treasurer eccretaryand manager of the Eagle InsuranceCo., The Germand Land and Cattle Co.and The California Kaimn Co,, has beenindicted by the United States GrandJury for using the mails for a fraudulentpurpose, lie was conducting a verybold swindling scheme.

The South San i rancisco Land andImprovement Co. has decided to beginat once on the construction of tiie proposed extension stockyards, packinghouses, etc. The yards will be connect-ed with the bay by a ship canal whichcan accommodate vessels of any class.

A large vein of coat nas Deen aiscovered across the bay in Marin county . Itis believed to be very extensive.

The pool sellers who have been prohibited from selling poolB in the city,and who have been knocked out by theSupreme Court, have as a last hope appealed to the supreme uourt

The steamer Australia on her last tripbrought numerous dignitaries and notables, among them Commander Bishopof the Iroquois, relieved by Captainlieed and ordered directly to ashington; Colonel W. H. Cornwall, Equerryin Waiting to the late' King; MrsSamuel Parker, wife of the new Premier,and family : E. C. Macfarlane andothers. The gentlemen in politics reporta satisfactory state of public- - affairs andthat the financial condition of the Islandsis remarkably good.

Mr. Herbert, the owner of the Lakesof Killarney, Ireland, has arrived fromHonolulu on his way home.

American News.Unless the courts grant a stay of judg

ment two murderers will soon be put todeath by electricity at Sing Sing Prison,New York. Preparations for the electrocution are now complete

Henry Watteraon the prophet of theLouisville Courier Journal, is out withthe announcement that President Harrison and Secretary " Blaine have combined for the of Mr. Harrison in 1892

The Miner Investment Company hasmade an assignment through its president. The concern was capitalized at$1,200,000

The Western States Commercial Congress has been in session at KansasCity for several days, discussing allkind9 of commercial and financial question, with a view to bringing about abetter understanding of such mattersamong business, and to recommendingnecessary legislation

The Citrus Carnival at Chicago whichis being held by the orange growers otSouthern California, is amazing the citizensof the nindy city., It is attendedby thousands of people every night.

Tha funeral of the lateWaterman was held in San Diego on theI4tti inst.

Four steamers loaded with immigrantsfrom Europe, are quarantined in NewYork harbor. It is feared that they areinfected with typhus fever, yellow feverand varioloid

The faculty of Cornell University haverefused to permit the students to employR. G. Ingersoll as speaker of the day forLaw Students Commencement day.ine action is purely on a religious basis

The coke strike on the Pennsylvaniacoal mines is still on and the trouble appears to be growing more serious. Thestrikers are now to be evicted from theirhomes which are the company's prop--erty, ana it is learea to at bloodshed willresult.

The President Coming.Great preparations are being made to

receive the President on his arrival nextweek. A special train will meet him atYuma, and when he reaches San Francisco there will be a public illumination.Banquets.speeches and receptions galoreare being prepared.

The President has been most enthusiastically received on his boutnern tour.In every place from Louisville to ElPaso, N. M., he has been accordedhonors rarely witnessed. His trip was aratner round-abou- t one, taking in Atlanta, Ga., Galveston and other largecities. , . ;. .; :

Dwindling from Sight.The New Orleans lynching and the in

ternational complications with Italy aregradually dwindling from sight. On the

Royal Ham Opera House


Mr. Levey has the .honor. to announce the- i y-- 1 1appearance ai tue upera uouse,

-- : FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY :--On the arrival of the S. S. Monowai, ON

UK ABUll' MAY 7. Of


Under the Direction of Henry E. Abbeyauu aiaunce urau, in tne ureat

Play in Five Acts, eutitled: .

" La Dame anx Camelias,", (Camille),

By Alexander Dumas the Younger.

PRICES Dress Circle. PurnnottA r1

Front Row Balconv (reserved). 5.00; Bal-cony (unreserved), 3 00; Gallery, $2.00.

Reserved Seats can now be obtainedat the office of Mr. L, J. Levev. 2749-t- f

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.The Al steamship


Will leave Honolulu for the oove port on

Tuesday, : May 5thAX 12 o'clock noon,

fWFot Freight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.,27-52- AGENTS.

Painting !KERR & TURNER,

3 Fort Street. Honolulu,PRACTICAL

House and Decorative Painting




All orders will receive rromtt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. Termsmoderate. Z7o-i- ni


IXL LIMEFor Sale by

e. HIM i2741-t- f


Book, News and Stationery ; Store.



Croquet Sets, Lawn" Tennis Sets.

The Cockroaches went a' walking so a

CLEARANCE SALEof a quantity of slightly soiled BOOKS


FuU Lines of Fine Stationeryand Office 11equipments.

Sir Edwin Arnold's New Book,

" The Light of the World," 50cts;

TABLETS. MERRITT TYPEWRITERS, and other Goods iust tohand.

TH0S. G. THKUM.1336 134-- y Pbopeiitob.


Will Return by the S. S. Anstralii,

Due on, the 28th inst., and -

Resume Practice it his former Office,

98 Hotel Street..... r

Honolulu, April 11, 1891. 2738-t- f


of Painting of any description done,call on the practical Painter, G. L.MEYER only. 130 Fort St. P.O.Box 387. 2748-l-y


School street. Keys at H. H. Wil- -.noma w.

ADVERTISER Is the LeadingDally Paper of the IaUoda.

" Trade," an English journal published in the interest of the Wine, Spirit andBrewing trades, has the following article in the issue of July 5, 18'J0:

." Age has its advantages, notab y in whisky. No othr quality cuequal that bf maturity K nothing else can contribute to even the finest andpurest Whisk v the round, soft and mellow charactei secured l y gen-uine wermre have it on the highest medical authority that the nse ofpure and fully matured whiEky is not only not deleterious, but is evenvery benefit ial to the system. 'It is , the raw, crude - and : unadulteratedspirits that work the mischief with one's constitution; and until our Leg-islature has made us as secure from this pernicious stuff as our Canadianfriends are, we cannot claim for whisky an unqualified; position amongbeverages.

'.'In Canada there is a most stringent law in force, preventing anyspirit Jrom bsing sold until it has arrived at the age of two years, and toensure tbisthe Government retains it in its possession lor. that length oftime, alter manufacture a precaution that is not taken by any o'her kov-ernm-ent

in the world. Hot only has the consume oi whisky in Canada .the advantage of an enforced minimum age; they have alo this security

the benefit of which is shared by the producer that every bottle ofwhisky has its age guaranteed by the Government." ' A





M i:






- J





n one narticnlar onlv. hut- - . j '

13 8 4

f Apill 8.T 8 9 10 "IT .Vew Moon.

13 13 11. 18 16 17 18 April 15.lit Qu'n'r."l9 30 31 33 33 34 25

April 23.36 37 28 39 30 31 Ful Moon.



Be Jaat and fear sot;'Let mil the ends thou e.lm'st t be

Thy Country', thy God's, and Truth's.



" The cruize of , the Claudinehas given rise to not a little debateamongst those "who ought toknow" as to what .would or "mightlawfully have taken place bad theClaudine met the vessel she wassaid to have been in search of closeto or at a distance from Hawaiianland. .


Presuming that the officials ofthe Government were properlycommissioned for the purpose, andthat oe Claudine for the occasionwas a national vessel, it may beconfidently stated that within Ha-waiian territorial waters the Ha-waiian Commission would have tobe respected by vessels of any na-

tion just as if the same vessels wereat anchor in Honolulu or any otherport in the islands.

Any foreign vessel attempting totrade, to land or ship cargo at anyHawaiian port not a port of entrywould be liable to the provisionsof Hawaiian law if any treaty existed between the two nations.

The question! then is, what con-

stitutes "territorial waters?" Thisphrase .in its origin meant, anywater over which, or over the en-

trance to which, the power possess-ing the coast can throw a shot.Old established custom, admittedby most treaty nations, has givenan arbitrary range of three miles.Hence territorial waters are thosewithin three miles of the .shore ofany country., holding .an independent standing in the comity of nations, in other words, admitted tothe international treaty-makin- g

group of nations. .

In the case of channels betweenislands, or between a continent anda continental island," each being anintegral part of the same possessiens, the width of the channel andother considerations, are held toweigh in an argument as to whether the whole width, if exceedingSix miles, be or be not the territory of the adjacent country. ;

In June, 1864, the Confederatecruiser Alabama lay perfectly safein Chesbourg, while the Kearsagehad to watch her from extratorial water. The former havingcovered the three mile line, enteredupon the "high seas" though littlemore than three miles from Frenchterritory, and less than the widthof the Kauai channel from Britishground. Here the Kearsage at-

tacked her and the battle wasfought on neutral ground or itsequivalent extra territorial waters,in the presence of the neutral flagon either side.

But it is generally held to beotherwise whenbotb sides of a


strait or channel :are the territoryo! the samo power. It may bedoubted if the Alabama fight wouldhave come off- - between Dublin andHolyhead, about as far apart asPortsmouth and Chesbourg, atleast without some diplomatic cor-respondence" to follow. 'We aretherefore of opinion that the inter-islan-d

channels of the Hawaiiangroup are, or ought to be consid-ered as territorial waters.

auuvc uuicu luwrren, ; hi iue Biaiemeni mat fcvery bot'le of hasits are guaranteed by the Government." The distilier, or any other pers- - n maybottle whisky in Canada awav from the Government control ; but to ptovidw a.much needed secutity to consumers the Government permits distillers, (and dis-tillers only), to bottle under excise supervision ; the ppnt in fart remaining inbond, and the process of bottling closely watched bv officers, until the tfficialstamp has been placed over the capsule. In no other way can the guaranteementioned be obtained

IWe have never put up a bottle of whisky without the Government guar-antee and no goods purporting to be ours are genuine unlos they bear ourbrandedcork and capsule the Excise stamp of the Dominion of Canada.COur VV hiskies are all matured m barrels, in rack warehoues warmed bvsteam dun..g the cold season, with a capacity of 72.000 barrels toequal 3,500.000gallons This has been demonstrated to be the most perlect system in use.HIRAM WALKER & SONS, L'D., DISTILLERS,

Walkerville, Ontabio, Canada.

WE NOW OFFER FOR SALE.2;'. ex -- .Faust," 305 days from New York,

" Imperial Rye Whisky," x884,bpecial Kates to purchasers of

: r W. ..C. PEACOCSole Aoekts fob the Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, H. I.

P. O. Box 504. 1362 2688.3m Poth Telephones 46.



Ice Chests and Refrigerators,The favorite paterns; a large assortment.


--A.I"t Rooms - Mclnerny Hall

25,000 feet New Picture MouMings, latest styles.!A JNew Invoice of


Windsor & Newton's Colors, Brushes, and Artists' Material




Fence Wire of Superior Quality; Galvanized and Plain Fence Staples.



X 1

Page 3: NOTT, · 2015. 6. 2. · Life, Fire and Marine lnsnrsiee Agents. 1356 HONOLULU, H. I. 2651--q CASTLE & C00KE, s Life, Fire and Uarine Insurance Agents! AGXNTS fORf New England Mutual

DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, APRIL 29, l9i.scene was sad and affecting, heightpapa nei as the first place of her Royal 3TftD iTIftrcrtisfmrnio.AT MOLOKAI.OAHD RAILWAY & LAND CO


ICtia 3tofrti8tnunts.






Leinoiiade, Soda, Cream Soda,



Absolutely Pure ! Befresliing ! Delicious !


Mutual 3GO. 2749-- q 0Bell 37Q.


London Styles !Of Fine Suitings and Trouserings.



Customers who notice our shelves sowell filled with fine goods wonder atour having no old stock. The problem issimple. We are constantly selling andever replacing the goods with others. Wehave two warehouses filled with goodsand we draw from them as we need and sokeep our stock well up. You don't oftenask us for what we do not have, we keepup with the times and by so doing cansupply your wants. The 'Aermotor is afair illustration of the fact.

By recent arrivals we have receivedthe finest assortment of general Hard-ware, House Furnishing Goods and Silver- -.warorvorixnporledtathisCi ty . We.Wishto call your attention particularly tothe Silverware because it comprisesarticles which you are no doubt in needof and have been unable to procure, somepieces are marvels of the silversmiths'art. Competent judges think. we have thebest stock of goods in our line in thecity, we believe their judgment ia cor- -

FORT ST., opp. Spreckels' Block.1367 2fl51-- q

ened by the thought that the visiwould soon be ended.

Then the tour of inspection commenced, the standaid bearer leadingthe way, with the Queen, PrinceKalanianaole and His ExcellencySamuel Parker in a carriage and theothers on horseback. The BishopHome was the first place at whichthe procession stopped. One othe Catholic Sisters, Mother Superi or Marianne, has charge othe Home with several assistants. From the veranda 'of theSisters' home, the Royal party andattendants watched the double column of fortv-tw- o girls, ranging fromsix or seven to perhaps twenty-tw- o

vears old, file out from the schooroom and respectfully bow theirheads with a solemn quietness, asthey passed by, that would havebrought tears to tne eyes or men anawomen with harder hearts. Butwhen the eirls began to sing in native the scene'and feeling of thosepresent beggared a description ; hereand there one of tne poor unfortu-nates would break down, overcomewith sorrow; others with headsbowed and arms entwined aroundeach other, convulsed with sobs. Tosee them rally their courage now andthen, to renew their singing to showtheir appreciation of their Sove-reign's visit, their appearance andvoices, sweet in spite of their affliction, caused the greatest grief evenfor those accustomed to such sights.This was the saddest scene of all,aDd "saddest" but faintly expresses it.

After the inspection of the Hospital and the school room, the partywended their way through the pnucipal part of the Settlement. Ouevery hand the almost scrupulouscleanliness and order that was characteristic of the cottages and in-

mates were noticed by the visitors,This at least, was a pleasing sight.There is not a plantation on the Islands that furnishes its people withcottages 'so well constructed andneatly kept as those houses are,some few even luxuriously furnished.As f6r clothing and food there isabundant supply.

1 he way to Kalawao was over adivide, and when the summit wasreached, a spot as beautiful as canbe found on the islands lay beforethe gaze of the procession. Kalawaowas soon reached, when the Queenand suite listened to similar exercises of the boys as was conductedby the girls on the other side.

Upon the return to the Superintendent's house, Mr. Tell served theguests a sumptuous lunch, mostlyall, however, of native dishes. Shortly after 3 o'clock the party began toreturn to the vessel. At 5:30 theLikelike steamed away. Thus endedthe day, brifly told.

I here is no doubt many of theleast affected would like to return toHonolulu for another examination.The position is a hard one for theBoard of Health to be placed in.lhose' lease amictca-vi-y-uuf-tu-xb- o

more than human sympathy; butwere the" Board governed bysympathy alone, the results wouldbe far from desirable. It's aquestion of duty to the nation,aud from what was witnessed at theSettlement by our representative allis being done that can be done, andthe inmates are far better cared forthere than they could be elsewhere.


A young man wants a situation.

S. Kalei, pound master, has asales notice elsewhere.

Winning numbers of Wichman'sWatch Club in another column.

Foreign jurors are required in attendance at Court this morning.

Yesterday was the warmest davHonolulu has seen for some time.

Court Diary. Wednesday, 29thinst. Kaakau vs. Kalei Makahi. Extended return day.

The Royal Hawaiian Band willplay this evening the same programme at the Hawaiian Hotel aswas to be played last evening.

f Her Majesty Queen Liliuokalani,expects to vih on Hawaii nextweek. Prof. H. Berger and hisband boys" will accompany the

Queen's party.

An enthusiastic entertainment W8Stendered the crew of the U. S. S.Iroquois Tuesday evening by theY. M. C. A. Want of space forbidsany account of it.

The members of the Mystic Shrinehave arrived from California, that is

seven gentlemen and twenty-on- e

adies," as one of the ladies remarked at the Hotel last evening.

Business men and their clerks willbe able to attend the Gleaners' Mayday festival this year, as it is putate enough in the afternoon to ac

commodate all. From 3 until 6:30ought to suit all tastes, and whoevergoes may be sure of having hismoney's worth and a good time.

Brain workers, and all who have tostand the severe mental strain consequent on intellectual employment, findClements Tonic invaluable. Hol--

lister & Co. are the Agents for theslands.

Tcu) lliDrttscmr.nt3.

Situation Wanted.


in a private familv. or on a plantation or ranch. Has lived twelve vearsin California, and last year had full chargeof an orchard and stock ranch. Good references furnished. Address "Bond" atthe Advekxiseb office. 2752-3- :

Cottage at Waikiki!


2751-e- t

visit. Our Queen has come to witnessfor herself the terrible malady which hasblighted your hopes. Her Majesty hasbrought with her His Ex. Hon. bamParker, the Premier, and a retinue ofinfluential and weighty men and womenof your own race. The Royal HawaiianBand is also brought here, and are nowdelighting you. iou now rejoice at theroyal presence with you to-da- y, but ourQueen shall again pay you a visit.

Hon. Mr. Lilikalani then introduced to the lepers His Royal Highnesa Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole,who stood np and gave a grace! abow to them, receiving universacries of " Aloha " from the lips ofall.

Hon. J. K. Hookano, of KohalaHawaii, who went as a delegatechosen by many of the members othe Legislature to convey their Alohaand heartfelt sympathy to those peopie afflicted by this dreadful malady.In his remarks he said: .

I have been sent here to present toyou the Aloha nui of the members of the Legislature. This colony is increasing, and it is no smalthing to be separated from the dear onesyou loved, more especially when thisseparation means an exile from yourfamily for a lifetime. This disease isunlike many others in that you are tobe carried away from home. Modernscience is baffled with regard to thetreatment of leprosy, lhe best physicians throughout the world cannot stopthe onward tide of this disease. But behopeful, the Board of Health has been,and is still, endeavoring with the bestthat lies in their power to find means ofalleviating your pains and sorrows. Ithas been often said that Kalaupapa isthe living sepulchre of native Hawaiians. Therefore let us put our minds towork, and nnd the best means of averting inis cruel saying, tse cheertul, aday may come when our endeavors maybe crowned with success.

Mr. Kekipi, of Kohala, then addressed the people, saying:

My dear boys and girls, aloha nui toyou all. We are here with sorrowfulhearts at the awful spread of this dreadful disease. My loved ones, human wisdom has tailed to stop the increase ofthe pangs ot sorrow. "Justice shall bedone " is the motto on the throne, perhaps that is the only way yet left to uswith which we can prevent tne spread ofthis disease. Jehovah is our Comforter,and He alone can do what ' humanscience has repeatedly failed to do. Letyou all appoint a day on which you willhumblv fall down on your knees andask aid and succor from the Throne ofGrace to diminish the awful hold whichleprosy has upon our nation.

vev. J. H. Kalana of Hilo spoke asfollows:

Three hundred of us have come toassociate and converse with you for abrief time. We have come with sorrowing hearts to see you all, for sad linger-ing alohas still abide in our hearts. Youshould rejoice, however, inasmuch asGod has provided a good and healthfulocation for you here in Kalaupapa and

Kalawao.After music by the Band, Mr. Ka- -

lanhala, one of the inmates who waschosen spokesman on their behalf,advanced from the throng of lepersand pathetically addressed theQaeenas follows: .

rr-- -- .I will now make areply in behalf of

my fellow inmates, who are still de-

voted subjects of Your MajVsty here atkalaupapa. Your alohi nui lor us induced your, royal heart to visit theLeper Colony of Molokai nei. ' On account of that love you have come inperson to see us, and you have seen withyour eyes the sad afflictions which havebefallen our lot to bear. Here we are inmisery and pilikia, we are away fromour friends and relatives. When weearned that Your Majesty intendedpaying us a visit ; we began to assumehope, for your visit will surely lightenthe bitter sadness which burden ourtearts, and we entertain the hope ofseeing the dear ones we have left athome. v "Keraeraber the life (or welfare)of your subjects in heaviness," in ouronly request. J?rom the four corners ofthe earth we see glimmering lights iru- -'

parting good news to uh that there is yethope for us who are afflicted with thisdreadful malady. Bring them hither.Here we are in death, and seemed asthough buried alive. Our eyes are cen-tered on your h-a- rt. The Governmentias done its best to aid us your poor sub-eel- s,

and vie owe a deep debt of gratitude to the Board of Health. In fact,we have no grievances to Bet before younow. Our new superintendent Mr. W.H. Tell, has met with our general favor.The only great sadness which bitterlygrieved our hearts is our separation fromour relatives and friends, and from thea d of our birth. Our earnest request

to Your Majesty now, and the one whichwe have always implored of God, is thatHe may rant health to your subjectswho are afflicted bodily. . God cJave theQueen.

Hon. Jos. Nawahi, of Hilo, Hawaii, was the last speaker. He said:

I now give you the aloha which thenation has intrusted me to impart toyou. We have come to soothe, if pos-sible, your sorrows. Our beloved Queenis before you this dav. She deeplygrieves your afflictions. Your sorrowsare hers, and your joys are hers, for aQueen is powerless without a people torule over. Therefore let us unite in upholding her throne, for there are yethopes for your tears. Her Majesty feelsyour sorrows, and will enueavor tostruggle for nopes of your recovery. Responsibilities yet rest ou your hhoulders,through your offsprings, of replenishingthe and with people. It is generallybelieved that lepers will bear leprouschildren. This is not founded on facts.The Board of Health of some South Am-erican states have allowed children oflepers to inter-marr- y, and that has beena source of those nations .

These children are free from indicationsof this disease. There are now 1,175lepers here, only ten of them being foreigners. his cannot but recall pity mthe hearts of the nation. It is the dutyof the Government to sQnd Hawaiianyouths abroad to be educated in medi-cine. This is the only way left us forsaving our race. There is not a singleHawaiian who will dare cheat his ownrace; for this reason I strongly urge theimmediate sending of Hawaiian boysabroad in order to avoid our downward

to destruction. Dr. Matthewtakalua, a true Hawaiian, is at present

in England, studying medical sciences.One is not sufficient, send several more.Therefore let us hope till our desires arefulfilled, but in the meanwhile, we mustabide by the laws of our land. But justas I have said, there is but one alterna-tive left us for saving our country, andthat to have Hawaiian youths educatedabroad.

The Royal HawaiianBand playedduring the intervals between theaddresses. All through the time ofthe reception and speech making.the


TRAINSLeftT Honolulu.. .6:15 8:45 1:45 4:30fArrive Ilonoallall.7:15 9:49 2:49 5:28tLeave UonoulIulI.7:45 10:51 3:51 5:50tArrive Honolulu.. 8:40 1 1:55 4:55 6:45t

t Saturdays only.Sundays excepted. 2708-- q


AKKI VALS.Tuesday, April 28.

OSS Australia, Houdlette, 6 daysirora can rmcisco.

Jap d s Yamaxhiro Maru, Young, 11days from Yokohama.

otiur SV O Hall. .rreeraan. from Maui andHawaii.

Strur C R Bishop, Le Claire, from Koo--lau.

UKFAKTl'KES.Tuesday, April 28.

Stmr Mikahala. Campbell, for Kauai.Stmr Like'ike, Cameron, for Paauhau

and Laupahoehoe.Schr llaleakala for Kona.Schr Kaulilua for Kauai.Schr KauikeHOiiIi for Kobala.Stiur Mokolii, McGregor, for Molokai.Stmr (JIaudirie, Davies. for Maui.Schr Marv for Kauai.


Schr Lavinia for Kauai.Tern Alika for Molokai.Am brgnt VV Q Irwin, McCullocb, San

Francisco. -



From Maui and Hawaii, per stmr W GHall. April 28 F llunace and wife, G WBrown and wife. ? Ehrmpfort and son, CCameron, S It Walker. Miss H Burgess.Miss H Levis, Miss M Rosa, W Goodnes.H Center, Col Sun Norris, Mrs iiugbo, CL Baldwin and 51 deck passengers.

From Yokohima, per S S YamashiroMaru, April 2S Baron von Siebobl. Dr l)uBois, Miss D Vaughan, Toyo Nakamura,Cbiyeto Hirata, M Kaiuiyama, MissKamay , 9 in the steerage, and l,09t Jap-anese immigrants.

From an Francisco, per S S Australia,April 23 A Ascheim, V F Allen and wife.H Bonestell, Mrs M T Brophy. MissKffie Brown, Miss Florinne Brown, Mrs RO Brown. H B Carter, Win tide and son,Geo R Ewart, Miss Emma Farrier, Mrs FE Fielding. W E Foster, Pa il Geltener, MGoldoerg, Dr M E Groman, J H Irwin,E vl Hall. Miss Haitie hall, Miss C 11 Har-rison, Mrs N B Harrison, .J Hyman, D BKeeler and wife, Miss Nellie Kinsey, PLewis, wife and child. Miss M Lewis. MrsPS Malcolm, Mrs Thos McNeil, JamesMcNeil, Mrs Thos Mitchell, three childrenand nurse, Joseph-Moor- e and wife, MissLottie Moore, hichard Morris, Miss MPhillips. A Powell, Miss Eva Powell, MissL Blan- - he Powell, A G Khoades and wife,A Roberts, Mrs D M Ryan, Mis Simin-dinue- n,

A L stone, J no Tate and wife, J HToler. Mi-- s May Tubbs, Mrs D S Tuthiil,Miss Tuthiil, and 27 in the steerage.


For San Francisco, per bgtne W GIrwin, April 29 Mrs L M Rutherford andchild.

For Maui, per stmr Claudine, April 28W O Smitn. W H Daniels, Hon J d Wal-ker, vl D Monsarrat, Mi-- 3 White, Mrs J PSylTH, Mrs W W Goodale, A Fernandes,J r, and 40 -- teerage passengers.

For Kituai, per stmr Mikahala, April 28Mrs M B Beckwith, Mrs G Ewart and 2

children, Mr Foster, Mr Lindsay, C LFisher. L M John-o- n and wife, Mr Bryant.Mr De La Nux. Mr Kaiser, Mr Mehrt, HWilliams and 50 deck passengers.


The bark Cowlitz has been moved out inthe stieam to wait for for sugar.

The brigautine W. G. Irwin sails onWednesday. April 29th. tor San Francisco.She takes 9,431 bags sugar.weighing nearly565 tons, tnd shipped by Messrs. W. G.Irwin & Co. The cargo was valued at $13,-625.U- 3.

The bark Ceylon is at the old CustomH use wharf receiving sugar.

The steamer Kuala will leavemorning for a circuit of this island.

The steamer W. G. Hall brought onTues Jay from Hawaii 5,411 bags sugar, 183bags Mwa, 30 nend cattle. 38 packages hidesand 57 pack ges sundries. The weatherwas so routfb at Pihala, Kau, Hawaii, thatthe Hall was unable to land the eleven tonroller for the mill there.

The Japanese steamer Yamashiro Maru.Captain C Young, arrived April 23tb,froruJapan, with 1.U91 .Japanese immigrants.Sha is anchored in the stream.

DIED.LEWER3 In New York City, April 14th,

William Lewers. in the 89th year of hisage, father of Mrs. J. A. Hopper andRoo rt Lewers ot this city


April 25ih. at the residence of the groom,by. Rev. W. H. Barnes, Mr. K. R. G.Wallace to Miss Nancy Daniels.

Sudden Death.The wife of Mr. J. I. Dowsett was

suddenly taken ill yesterday after-

noon about 2 o'clock. She had re-

ceived news from abroad that affect-

ed her greatly. Dr. Miner and Dr.McGrew were called in, but too late.She lingered till nearly 4 o'clockwhen she died of appoplexy. In theevening Her Majesty the Queen andmany others called at Mr. Dowsett'sresidence to express their sorrow forthe bereavement befallen the family.The funeral will take place nextSunday.

Memo, of S. S. Australia.S. S. Australia, H. C. Houdlette,

Master, sailed from San Francisco,Tuesday, April 21, 1891. at 2 p. si.,with 58 cabin and 27 steerage pas-

sengers and 967 tons freight.Weather First three days out

N. W. and N. N. W. winds withheavy rolling swell from the west-ward; latter part of the voyage lightnortherly to easterly air, fine weatherand smooth sea.

Friday, April 24th, lat. 29 deg. 52min. 30 sec. N., long. 140 deg. 7min. W., spoke the British bark LadyIsabella, from Sydney bound to SanFrancisco.

Arrived at Honolulu April 28, at9:30 a. M.

EAD THE DAILY ADVERTISERE il you want the latest newi.

The Leper Settlement Visited By

The Queen and Party.

Preparations at Kalaupapa for theVisitors The Landing Reception

and Addresses Visits to theSchools Farewell.

Promptly at 10 o'clock Sundaynight, the 26th inst., the . steamerLikelike started for the Leper Settlement on Molokai, bearing abonthree hundred people. The visit wasone of inspection of the Settlemenand for the purpose of giving expression to the residents of that section of the island of the interest.sympathy and intentions of those inauthority for the condition and thewelfare of the afflicted. The voyageto the Settlement and what followedwere the results of a desire on thepart of Her Majesty the Queen tovisit the island in person to understand more fully the actual wants ofthe place.

Accompanying Her Majesty QueenLiliuokalani were H. R. H. PrinceKalanianaole, His Excellency, theHon. Samuel Parker, Minister ofForeign Affairs, Senhor A. de SonzaCanavarro, Charge d'Affaires andConsul-Genera- l of Portugal, MonsM. O. Ci. H. d'Anglade, French Consul aud Commissioner; Bishop ofHonolulu, President David Daytonand W F. Reynolds of the Board ofHealth, Uonorablea E. K. Lihkalani,D. W. Pa a, J. Nawahi, J. K. Hooka- -

no, Capt. J. Ross, Mr. and Mrs.W. H.Aldricn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark, MrsA. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. W. Auld,Judge J. G. Hoapili, Rev. W. H.Barnes, Father Lenore, Prof. H.Berger, Prof. W. T. Brigham, D. L.Huntsman, J. is. lieola, D. XV. Krat- -

zer, representative of the P. C. Advertise, and others.

The sea being quite calm, the voyage to Kalaupapa was pleasant, theparty arriving at their destinationshortly, after 6 o'clock, all partiesbeing ashore by b o clock. Mr. Wm.H. Tell, the newly appointed super-intendent of the Settlement, whilehaving but two days' notice of theQueen's visit, was not unprepared toreceive the royal party. No soonerbad the Likehke's whistle blownthan the residents of the place be-gan to wend there way towards thelanding, some walking, but the majority on horseback, especially thosefrom the more distant part of theSettlement. At the place of landinga landing, y, much better

than many others on parts of theother islands) was erected an arch,covered with ferns and leaves, bearing the inscription Aloha i ka Moi- -

wahine." From the landing to beyond the storehouse the passagewas strewn with ferns, grass, etc.By the storehouse was another archsimilarly covered, on which was the.motto, "Kulia l ka Nnu ".

By the time all were landed athrong of the afflicted were gatheredaround, all anxious to see if someparent, child or friend was notamong the visitors. It was difficultto tell which were the most grief-stricke- n,

those who recognized a re--

ative or a friend or those who weredin appointed. Perhaps the former,as the majority could only stand andook at their friends or relatives.

The sad scene was one that onlythose .who have seen can know,which scenes alone is sufficient toexcuse the Board of Health in forbidding the like to occur more frequently.

The Queen and suite immediatelywent to the house of the superin- -

endent where all was prepared forthe visitors that could be done onsuch a short notice. By each sideof the gate, opening into the yard ofthe superintendent's home, was akukni torch, the emblematic mid-day torch of the line of royaltyof which the Queen is a descendant.Over the gate was formed anotherarch with the inscription of"Aloha e ka Lani." The verandaas well as other arts of thehouse were trimmed with ferns,flowers, etc., the best that such ashort notice would permit. Andfrom every flagstaff in the Settlement the royal Hawaiian flag floatedwith the breeze. Above the entranceon the veranda was the inscription,Makia o Kou Aupuni o ka Pono."After resting for a few moments,

and giving the people time to gather,the Queen with her escorts seatedthemselves on the veranda as thegates were opened to admit the as-semblage into the yard. Her Majesty's brief but kind greeting washeartily responded to by these sad,unfortunates of her subjects.

Hon. hi. K. JLuikanlani introducedHis Ex. Hon. Samuel Parker, whoread Her Majesty's written address,the substance of which was as fol-lows:

My love to you all (and the word" aloha " fell in a chorus from the lipsof the lepers). Our visit is a mission fullof sorrow. You are here awa.y from yourfriends and your birth place. This is themost dreadful of all diseases which con-tinually gnaws the very vitality of ournation's life. But we have not 'given upthe idea of finding a remedy for its cure.It is on account of this longing desireever present in her heart that inducedher to pay you her first visit among herpeople. We have accompanied Her Ma-jesty for a similar purpose.

Mr. Wm. Tell then, on behalf ofthe President of the Board of Health,spoke a few fitting words of encour-agement to the lepers.

The Marshal of the Day, Hon. E.K. Lilikalani, made the followingspeech:

We are greatly pleased to meet withyour joyful faces; but our hearts aresaddened at the terrible disease whichdaily weighs down your body and soul.Let us all humbly seek aid at the Seat ofMercy whence all good things come.Queen Liliuokalani is the first Sovereignof Hawaii nei who has chosen Kalau

Th Qczstxon m Sohxtdiks AskidTell us concisely which ailment TheM Best " Tonic will most effectually cor-rect? Here is the answer: Dyspepsia,AH Nerve Troubles, Logs' of Sleep, Lossof Appetite, General Debility, fchaustion from any cause. To those Recover-ing from Illness, nothing better can beprescribed.

A WALKING MATCH.For Atbletxs. " We the undersign-

ed participant in the six-day- s' walkingmatch, ending at the Mechanics' Pavil-iio- n,

February 27, 1889, fully endorse thevitaliting effects of The --Best" Tonic.

Frank Hart, Charles J. Sheridan, GuaGuerrero, Pat Guerrero, Old Sport Cam-pan- a,

James Davis, Oofty Goofty, JohnBrodie. E. C. Moore. Thorn m Hnm-rt- h

George Cartwright, James Leahy, GasBrown, L. Croiier.


Soli Agents Honolcls.P.O. Box 504 ; Telephone 45.

1S62 2688-3- m

H. Hackfeld & Co.,HAYI

Just Received



White Bros. Portland Cement,

(full weight) ;

Fire Bricks, Fire Clay,Rock Salt,Steel Rails, Fish Plates, Bolts and

Spikes,Sugar Coolers,Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc,Fence Wire Staples, black and gal-

vanized ;Stockholm Tar,Bags, Bagging and Twine,Wrapping Paper, Printing Paper,


Stack & BrownloVs Filters,Vienna Furniture and Iron Garden

Furniture,Pianos, etc.,

GROCERIES,Mineral Waters.Liquors, Beer, etc.Crockery and Glassware, Demijohns,

etc., etc., etc. 2714-t-f

New Store! New Goods !







JIillinery,Flowers,Feathers 4 Novelties

Ever Seek in Honolulu.

Prices Reasonable!

New Goods Evert Steamer.


GOO D'S,Mclntyre Block, Fort Street

2709-3m- q

Japanese Employment Office.

ANYONE WISHING JAPANESEseamen, will Hn wpll in rail

at the Employment Office, No. 64 Mauna- -Kea street. Telephone 574.



MR. L. ADLER WILL HE-cei- ve1 per 8. 8. Australia an ele-gant assortment of Ladies' and

Boots, Shoes and Slippers. 2709-r- n



and JEWELER,Hotel St., - - - Under the Arlington.

Moderate Prices 1 2692--q



from one to an entire set In-mT- V

t t O serted on gold, silver, aUum-I-nam and rubber bases.

Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

Hotel street, Tregloan premises.2651--q






and Soaps,

Sponges, Etc.


Eye Glasses,

Opera Glasses

Full Line of

HOLLISTER & CO.,2651-- q

DR. A. LUTZ,AS REMOVED TO 40 A LAKE AH ST., opp. Y. M. C. A. hall.

"Office hours 10 to 12 A. m., and5 to 7 p. M. 2748-2- w


THE REGULAR ANNUAL ANDmeeting of the Pacific Bard-war- e

Co , LM., will be heM at ther office,on THURSDAY, April 30th, 1891, at 10O'clock A. M.

JAS. G. SPENCER,Secretary.

Honolulu, April 23, 1891. 2743-t- d







Opera Glasses,

Eye Glasses


109 Fort Street.


GIVE G. L.MEYERJHE PAINTERand have your paper hanging

done promptly and neatly. 130 Fort St.P. O. Box 3S7. 2748-l- y

NOTICE.FROM AND AFTERthis date we will not beresponsible for anyfreight after nam ha

been landed. Parties to whom frpicrhtconsigned must be at the landing to receiveineir ireigni

WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO.Honolulu, Sept. 5, 1890. 112-- q

Page 4: NOTT, · 2015. 6. 2. · Life, Fire and Marine lnsnrsiee Agents. 1356 HONOLULU, H. I. 2651--q CASTLE & C00KE, s Life, Fire and Uarine Insurance Agents! AGXNTS fORf New England Mutual

00...... v- - nti a..,


DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, APRIL 29. 1891.aimawtt. news and notes', j 3rtimtlj. -

: 1READ THIS!Baldwin Locomotives!


Galvanized Ridging,Galv. Screws and Lead Washers,

Regan -V- apor-Engine


Pumping, Electric Lighting, RunningElevators, Harvesting and ThrashingMachines, Printing Press, Boot andShoe Machinery, Circular, Band and JigSaws, Hoisting, Mill and Mining Mach-inery, Coffee Mills and Roasters, Polish-ing and Fanning Machines, VentilatingApparatus, Emery Wheels, etc., in facteverywhere power is needed.


Office and Mill on Alakea near Queen Street.0

Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc, Etc.

MOULDINGS Turned and Sawed Work.

& CO.Plain Galvanized Iron,

The undersigned having been appointedSole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin LocomotivesFrom the Works of

Buraham, F&rrj, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Fenn.,Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style.

The United States Governmentpaid to the State of New York inone check $2,213,330.86, the amountdue the State nnder the provisionsof the Direct Tax bill.

Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Sheri-dan, Farragut and Porter all deadand gone are the six names thatthe American people will not soonforget. Their history is substanti-ally the history of the great strug-gle to preserve the Union.

The new Senator from Californiais ex Congressman Felton, a stanchRepublican, a native of .New York,one of the " 49ers " and a verywealthy man. He is interested inmines and is an enthusiastic goldmonometalist. He succeeds thelate Senator Hearst, who was aDemocrat, and promises to be avery useful member of the Senate.

The number of mortgages in theUnited States is by the census as-

certained to be 9,000,000 in roundnumbers, and the number of thosewho hold mortgages is about 3,500,-00- 0.

The average value of eachmortgage is between 8500 aod $600;and ninetv ner cent, of the whole




Sheet Lead, theet Zinc,Boxes of Tin,Galvanized WATER PIPING, , ,

It and 2 inch;Pipe Fittings,HAIR FELTING and Asbestos Sponge,

for covering steam pipes ;Rubber Packing, all kinds :BLACK FENCE WIRE,Galvanized Fence Wire,Galvanized and Copper Telephone Wire,Genuine Bell Telephones,Electric House Bells, and

ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES!PacificThe Baldwht Locomotiyb Works are

now manufacturing a style of Locomo-tive particularly adopted

'EtBrTBin T.Tfiwr Tr.vT nf nnv

For Plantation Purposes,size and description furnished and in-stalled.

SHIP CHANDLERY:A number of whinh ViavA raranflir Kaonreceived at these Islands, and we willcave pleasure in tarnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars oftame. Arrival of Fifesliire

Bbls. Coal Tar,Bbls. Stockholm Tar,Bbls. Pitch, Asphaltum;Blocks, in great variety ;


Manila Rope, to 7 inch ;

Iron and Steel Wire Rope,Iron Seizing, assorted :

The superiority of these Locomotives11 i . v ..over aii ower maites is not only Known

here but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

Yellow Metal Sheathing, 14 oz. to 26 oz

is for improvements and businessoperations, and hence contractedfor what are called " live debts."

Ex Minister Pnelps, who repre-sented the United States at theCourt of St. James during the lastadministration, has contributed anarticle on the Behring Sea matterin Harper's Monthly. It is a strougdiscussion, upholding the conten-tion of Mr. Blaine aud insistingthat freedom to destroy propertyfound on or in the sea, and thatseals are property the right towhich belongs to the owner of theshores where they breed.

Oakum, Oars, all sizes:Patent Logs,WM. G. IEWIN & CO.,

146 Days from Liverpool!Nautical Almanacs, iStarted Instantly Without Even aSou Aoxnts for Hawaiian Islands. Bunting, assorted colors;

Match2651-- q, American and Hawaiian FLAGS.

Superintendent, 1 am now prepared to furnish Designs for every descriptionBuilding, aud will Superintend the Construction of the same.

JtCr Please call and examine designs before placing your orders elsewhere.t3QT Prompt attention to all orders. 153--q

A great variety ofAlways ready to give out its full power. SHIP HARDWARE of latest designs.

NO OLD STOCK ICity Meat Market IjJLRGEi CARGO OFSir John A. Macdonald. the Can aCost to Hun: dian statesman, is one of the mostAbout One Cent per Horse-pow- er per P. O. Box 480. Mutual Tel. 90.Also, constantly on hand, a full stock o distinguished looking men in the

Hoar. SHELF HARDWARE, uomimon. i & face is very stnkPrompt Returns Made on Goods Sold on, and either it or its pictureTools of all kinds,WzJ i'he above Enpina ran Vw aaanJOSEPH TINKEE, will at once suggest a strong likeAgricultural TJTT ts, New Goodsin"eration at anytime at the City

Meat Market of Jos. Tinker, Nuuanu St. KROfchNE OIL, good quality ;m rf i . . cnrnir I n -- n

ness of a different man to everyPractical IButcner, dinerent observer. Some aav he THE I XLlooks like Beecher. others that herunning, etc.. win De turnished on ai LUBRICATING OILS;AMD KAXKB OT THB - -.plication to closely resembles George Wash- - i 1 N --w-rBoston Card Matches,Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage Rubber Hose, assorted : rierz sszr Auction ana commission HouseJOS. TINKER, Nuuanu St.,

ALCOHOL of high test for mechaniMade by the very best Machinery and .itwo peas, and vet others assert2674--q Sole Agent Haw'n Id.cannot oe equauea. uis cal ana medicinal purposes, just (fibk-fbo- of building)received

Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal and Porkthat the likeness of him in the cur-rent Harper's Weekly is also alikeness of Edwin Booth. As a

West Cor. Nuuanu and King Streets,WE ARE NOW SHOWING Anchors, Chains,Honolulu, H. I.,All of the above for sale byis of the finest quality. matter of fact, Sir John does reAT OTJB

semble all these persons. S. W. LEDERER, - - - Proprietor.All orders entrusted to his care are delivered wita cleanness and dispatch within E. O.HALL & SON,MUSIC DEPARTMENT &dvmts ecutits,m ramus oi inree mues ox me city. My

COBHXD BlXT AND PlCXXXD TOKGUXS Cor. Fort and King Streets.1366 2703--qAre a Specialty and need no comment. THEBISDOKnay ueieoraiea J. L. MEYER,

CAMBRIDGE FORK SAUSAGES CaliforniaSix (Hew Styles) FISCHER and SCIUEBERT Iron and Locomotive Works,

Cocoa Mats, Kettles,Sauce Pans, Fry Pans,

Bedsteads,Fence Wire,

Sheathing; Metal,1 Roofing Iron,

Cace Knives,Cutler

Sole Leather Trunks,White Lead, Red Lead,Boiled Linseed Oil,Castor Oil, Belting,Coal Tar, Water Tanks,Fire Brick, Red Brick, Alum,Red Ochre, Fire Clay,Bags, Twine,FilterCloth,

Are the BEST in the Islands.Corner of Bui nd Howard Street.jay Upwards of half a ton a week sold. (New York Make) House and Decorative PainterFEED CO., San Francisco California

W. H. TATLOB PresidentB. 8. MOUB Superintendent

Don't forget the address : PIANOS!cm meat mm, htjuaito strot, KING & WRIGHT, Props. PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY.'Just received direct from tne Factory.(Opposite Queen Emma Hall.) Balers " or Steam; MacMeryHave on Hand and For Sale.

In all Us branches.

Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & BoilersFresh every month from the Coast, No. 130 Fort St., Honolulu,ill go treasure or uompoasa.We will sell them at Prices that defy com the very best quality ofSTEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,petition, on oap, Groceries,FILTER PRESSES. 2651-- q

witn nuns os wooa, iron or composite.OBDINABT ENGINES compounded when

RTF AM t.AnNPHFR. Bartrna and fitoam Tnora rnn.Easy Monthly Installments! and Grrain

FAAUEA1T Plaxtaxiom, 1Hawad. Mjtroh B. 188S. I structed with reference to the trade In which UNION IRON WORKS CO.tney are to oe empioyea. speed, tonnage andBlsdoa Iron snd Loeomotiv Werki. 8n Fna--



Wiklt IladJ

DaiLT ftU

i In

I teiX:







'tit- -

rr ui



A J ato r.




'A idC&pitAsset!


aboveleffectpre mil





of Pitclass j


j3STCall earlv and pet first chntaA. Alan Of all kinds, at the very lowest prices I araiioi water guaranieeu.SUGAB MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery

-- made after the most approved plans. Alio, allebABtbcraxl fllUr PrMm tbltaeMon. They J. N. S. WILLIAMS,R. MORE, :


uenverea promptly to any partof the city.

GIVE US A TRIAL!Holier iron work connected therewith.

WATFR PIPE, of Boiler 01 XhMt tinPlush Piano Scarfs and Piano Stools.aUflj to our MUifMtion. I can recommendVerr tMMetfallv room.

size, made In suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on the


Boots and Shoes,Perfumery, Flags,

Rope Brushes,Croquet Sets,

Dressing Cases,Mirrors,

Saddle- -

Bridles, Felts, Whips, 8purs,Blankets, Sheeting,Dry Goods, Merinos.Shawls, Handkerchiefs,Victoria Lawns,Mosquito Netting, Leggings,Laces, Ribbons, Hats, Helmets,Velvets, Embroidered Dressae.

(lanuii A Engineers- - and Iron Founders,KftDAgcr PMafcanriftnUtlo'a. WarehOUSe. LeleO Mutual Talanhnn grouuu.HYDRA UL10 RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterTHE HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. --.-lot. Ti-- li rr, ,ai; reii leiepnone ly.

Office with C T. OnlifVTioii t.t.HUZA. Sect. 98. 1888. npei maae oy ion esiaousnmcni, nvetea oyhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of. Job Din, Aent Biadon iron Works 2651--q Office and Works,wora ueiui: iar luuvrivi u uuiu 348; Mutual Telephone 139. Esplanade, Honolulu,MUUVl Hi B

BTTTP Wnm - Shin and Rta&m Oacatana. Rtaamwincnes, &ir ana iruuiaviug rumps, maaeDsasBxb: Fletsa ihlp nn on of your toComprtment rilfr Preuei, 340 .qnare feet 1J Hj AA GrOOTjR alter tne most approved puui.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificVUHIOI MIO BU OMCjr UU11S1,w.whw. IUUH WU1T. I J r I iim MSsnrLIIIKIlL. Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engines,fe G. Irwin & Company, PUMPS Direct Acting Pomps for Irrigation 01VJ1U. n. IWAHT.

Kuucer Amu ARrtcrUtarml do. city worss purposes, duiii wim toeceieorateoDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otheiWe have just received per S. 8. Australia,

bteam Boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers. Molasses Tanks, Sugar Cars,Cane Cars, I levators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings,

Wrought and Cast Iron Work for House Builders- -

TllAA Prmt.l km mA i.tM n-- selection oi new uooas,comprising, one

elegantjirwaiM, ocoapiM a noor pe or lis


OFFER FOft SALEflannel.JOHN DYER ..Honolulu Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar 'Iron, Etc.

w buu ymfluii m axt9TlHg lariM OT90qaar fet. A limited nuiaber in stock Inmn uoia i Terj tow pricea. Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set Boom No. 3, upstairs. 8preckels' Block.

BUdoa Iron A Loco. Works. 2fi5 1367 q DIFFUSION MACHINERY m ALL ITS BRANCHESRn rrsnelsoo. A few of fihoae fine hand-embroider- Xiime and Cement,For UArtlenl&ra iiuiiiIm fJOHS DllB, . . Honolulu Just IKeceivedSIJuX and SATIN SCREENS,own no. nsrMnu'BiiMti

Basket Trunks,Picnic Hampers,

Rugs, Mats, Carpete,Clothing, Tweeds,



Suitings in latest 'styles,


Felton "Water "Wheel.ailW--q W.e.PBWrw Co., Aconts.

Per Bark ' CHARLOTTE," a number ofAssorted colors and patterns of Crepeou. uuonu. xueeani xete-- a te uana

A 4 1 Compounds and Koofinguu guven. J. one lot OIWING CHONG TAI, UCTREPAIRS of aU kinds of 1IACHINERVPianos ! Pianos !Manila Cigars and CherootsUnderwear, BraceB,bud's patknts From the Celebrated Factory of

100 in a Box.Scarf Pins in great variety,

Lily Bulbs.Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Flouncing,Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.

C. BECHSTEIN. LONDON and BERLUf.A few Of tboBA hanrW Miunnitn TT- -.. Embroidery. Curtains.E. HOIESCHLAEGER & CO.

KING AND BETHEL ST8.'J VUUlAi vj VliUCarpenter and Painter au msuiuuwi oi new styles oi Table Napkins,

Table Cloths,Now ready for inspection, for saleRattan Chairs and Tables FERTILIZERS : by Ofter For Sale, ex Recent .A.TriWI? Water-pro-of Coats,Also, ft small laWtinn nf T A T A UFCVContractor, Builder and Jobber,Artificial Flowers.H. HACKFELD & CO., SUPERIOR : RHINE : WliNES.Wool Dust,Furniture and Cabinet Maker, etc. Call earlv and prumino thi Dust Cloaks,fin

Sole Agents foi the Hawaiian Islands.aauiuuenioi new uooas. Pajama 8uits.Such Auslese, Rauenthaler, Rudesheimer, HochheimerLaubenheimer, Niereteiner, Diedesheimer.2712-- qChinese Employment Office, WING WO CHAN & CO. Fine Hosiery-Si- lk, Lisle, Cotton,Bone .Meal,

Fish. Guanoalso

1CHMpfA.GNES of Benj. & Eug. Perrier, Chalon's Carte Blanche LaurenceCarte noir pt. Part Ttianr.KaKTo. 39 Kins Street. 2651-- q


No. 109 Nuuanu StreetDinner Sets,BUCK Sc OHIA-ISrDT'- S FLENBERG STOCK BEER-Guaran- teed the Genuine Article. Tea Sets,CMutnal Telephone 670; BellTtil Redward & Howell, isavakiajn una of the renowned Auirastiner W.,.. -i- -

High Grade Chemical Cane Manure. GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS in a lire Vh,Begs to call the attention of the public to O "vyOil uueir large ana weu seiectea otocK OI

Desert Sets,Fancy Crockery,

Common Crockery,Wedgewood War,

Vases,HOFFSCHLAEalR & Co.. Kin. st D.k.lGRASS SEEDS: Japanese Q-ood-s,





Contractors & BuildersIn Cocksfoot, Rye Grass and Clovers. Suitable for this market, which will ring Or H. E. Mclntyre & Bro.soio ar lowpsr. prices. 2702--qPIERCE Brick, Stone and Wooden Building

Eatimate Given.Patent Xit.MAGNE1 Tl Pianos For fient.

Wicker Ware, Fancy Chairs,Hammocks, Tables, Baskets.Umbrella Stands.

ELASTIC Joliblng; Promptly Attended to. REFINED SUGARS, IMPORTERS AND DXALBBS XVBII9fimm a .m th unruN It 7G KING 8TEEET.Decanters,IK. A&t Falrbank Oannlae Oo.'e Corned Groceries, Provisions and Feed.F. O. Box 438 Salad Bowls,811 Telephone Ko. 9.



Mash Sets,aAST COBXXR FOBT AND KING 8TBXXT8.eUy Car Ihoat. j X Flower Pots,Beet 1 and 2 lb. tin.


COMPANY. 79-- qH. PETERSEN Filters,&JLlnT,.?ud5 Iron Hoop, or StolSoprum about it, aod beinselMtle. can b worn"-T-

LT? PMfcetfrom th. EMtorn 8t - -!,uib7 BTtr (Hamsr. au orders faithfully ttnilul . w . raiinona Etc., Etc., Etc.HAS REMOVED TO Jj. A. THtTKSTOIf. W. F. FBEAK.86 (ueen Street cor. of Alakea street- - Furnished Rooms. 9!l- -Fresh Fruits and Potatoes by every Stmr.

I -- tor fart bar particulatenrMrTl JL'1 fo rB Phi Ko. Jan,R F M F M R F R tbat Dr.PiKit onlne EUctri.LVfiliir"'" t." TrnweaoonUln oor PrtTt Hi

AdKJa. n4, BWM o iaiior imiutioaslEI!C.aiAII,9iBUSJ- -

uum onuxrancisoo; tne best in


A1 torneys - at - Law,HOXOLCLF, H. I.A fine Stock of Cigars. Tobacco. NEAT AND COSILY "FTTT? vtqtt The Daily P. C. Advertiser and Weekly Gazette Theo. H. Davies & CoOflBce Over Bishrtn's "Rant"'""3 iur urocenes promptly nlleo.MrCash sales small profits. 2677-3m- q

ed Rooms can be had bv an earlv japplication at No. 4 Garden Lan Apni 2, 1891. 2730-l- m


c I.
