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North Devon UNESCO World Biosphere North Devon UNESCO World Biosphere North Devon UNESCO World Biosphere North Devon UNESCO World Biosphere Annual Report 2014-15

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North Devon UNESCO World BiosphereNorth Devon UNESCO World BiosphereNorth Devon UNESCO World BiosphereNorth Devon UNESCO World Biosphere

Annual Report 2014-15


Foreword Page 3

Catchment Management Page 5

Taw Rivers Improvement Project

North Devon Nature Improvement Area

Catchment ensi!ve Farming

Catchment Based Approach

Woodlands Page 8

Marine Conserva!on &ones


ustainable Energy Page 11

ustainable Energy Ac!on Plan

Ma,ing a posi!ve -uture now and everyday Page 4

Marine Management Page 9

Cultural Heritage Page 12

Par!cipa!on2 Community and Engagement Page 13

Planning support -or local authori!es

outh West Coast path

Tar,a Trail

Governance & Management Page 16


!i"e is all a#out $onne$%ons& #et'een people( #et'een people and nature( #et'een )no'led*e and a$%on( and

#et'een the past( present and "uture+ ," these $onne$%ons #rea)( 'e put our $olle$%ve -ualit. o" li"e at ris)+ ," 'e

)eep the/ stron*( 'e #uild so/ethin* that $an inspire "uture *enera%ons to re0oi$e in posi%ve $onne$%ons too+ 1he

Biosphere helps to stren*then $onne$%ons #. inspirin* and e/po'erin* people and $rea%n* the $ondi%ons "or a

resilient "uture "or this part o" the 'orld+

,t is i/portant to )eep these lon* ter/ values in /ind 'hen 'e "a$e the i//ense $hallen*es o" su$h $han*in*

%/es+ 2an. o" the or*anisa%ons 'e have tradi%onall. loo)ed to "or "undin*( su$h as lo$al *overn/ent( have

alread. sustained( and are "a$in* "urther( #ud*et $uts+ We are hu*el. *rate"ul to Devon Count. Coun$il and North

Devon and 1orrid*e distri$t $oun$ils "or their $on%nuin* invest/ent in the Biosphere and their support as 'e see) to

diversi". our in$o/e sour$es+ !oo)in* "or'ard( the lo$al authorit. "undin* 'ill inevita#l. #e redu$ed and /u$h o"

/. role as $hair in the past .ear has #een to $onsider ho' 'e /i*ht respond to this $hallen*e+ 1here reall. are no

eas. ans'ers! 1hou*hts o" finan$e( espe$iall. redu$ed finan$e( inevita#l. lead to thou*hts o" or*anisa%on – our

*overnan$e arran*e/ents+ 1hese have to #e fit "or purpose in the ne' $li/ate so these have also exer$ised our

/inds+ Whatever the out$o/e o" these deli#era%ons( the 7real8 'or) o" the Biosphere is 'hat /a9ers+

1his .ear has seen an i//ense a/ount o" /arvellous 'or) #. all those involved in the final .ear o" t'o pro*ra//es - the 1a' River ,/prove/ent Pro0e$t

and the Northern Devon Nature ,/prove/ent Area+ Both have sho'n that $on$erted a$%on at a $at$h/ent or lands$ape s$ale $an /a)e a differen$e+ ,

)no' the /an. partners involved in this 'or) and in the efforts to /aintain the /o/entu/ *oin* "or'ard re$o*nise the Biosphere as the ideal vehi$le to

host su$h ini%a%ves+ !on* /a. that $on%nue+ ,t $ertainl. $ould not $arr. on 'ithout the i//ense dedi$a%on o" the Biosphere tea/ led #. And.

Bell+ Despite the un$ertain%es and $hallen*es o" the past .ear( the 'hole tea/ has $on%nued to 'or) 'ith *reat pro"essionalis/ and enthusias/+ 1heir

$o//it/ent to the Biosphere( its lands$ape( e$ono/. and people( /a)es /. 0o# as $hair a real pleasure+ 1han) .ou tea/!

As ever( the annual report is a taster and $annot possi#l. $over ever.thin* that the Biosphere a$hieves in a .ear+ Do loo) at our 'e#site(

'''+northdevon#iosphere+or*+u) "or /ore in"or/a%on+

Pro"essor 2i$hael Winter OBE

Biosphere Partnership Chair/an



With $on%nued than)s to our $ore "unders

1+ 1he Partnership8s $at$h/ent s$ale land /ana*e/ent pro0e$ts& the 1a' River ,/prove/ent

Pro0e$t (1R,P) and Northern Devon Nature ,/prove/ent Area Pro0e$t (ND-N,A)( have "inished

and resulted in an esti/ated £3+52 in ERDP pa./ents "or Biosphere "ar/ers ****

2+ Support *iven to /ore than 300 "ar/ers representin* so/e 40% o" the Biosphere8s land area

3+ 1he su$$ess"ul Cat$h/ent Sensitive Far/in* Pro0e$t is runnin* a*ain in the Biosphere "or the 6th

$onse$utive .ear

4+ 1he Biosphere8s ne' Strate*. to 2022 has #een $o/pleted

5+ A 3 .ear Fresh'ater Pearl 2ussel Pro0e$t has #e*un that ai/s to in$rease the nu/#ers o" this

rare and i$oni$ spe$ies and i/prove 'ater -ualit. "or all

6+ 1he Biosphere 2arine Wor)in* Group has su#/itted 2 /ore 2arine Conservation Zones "or

approval #. De"ra

7+ Su#/ission o" a £1/ natural health pro0e$t to the Our Environ/ent Our Future *rant s$he/e ####

8+ River"l. $itizen s$ien$e pro0e$t under'a. to /onitor lo$al river -ualit. 'ith /ore than 50

volunteers sa/plin* over 50 river sites

**** See finan$e se$%on at the #a$) o" this report+

# # # # A'ai%n* a "undin* de$ision at the %/e o"

'ri%n*+* the 1orrid*e to assess ha#itat suita#ilit. "or

the Fresh'ater Pearl 2ussel

John Balls poKn* "or $rusta$eans off Clovell.

Wembley football pitches

!ands$ape s$ale pro0e$ts in the !ands$ape s$ale pro0e$ts in the !ands$ape s$ale pro0e$ts in the !ands$ape s$ale pro0e$ts in the

Biosphere have #rou*ht /ore than Biosphere have #rou*ht /ore than Biosphere have #rou*ht /ore than Biosphere have #rou*ht /ore than

1800ha o" rare( 'ildli"e ri$h $ul/ 1800ha o" rare( 'ildli"e ri$h $ul/ 1800ha o" rare( 'ildli"e ri$h $ul/ 1800ha o" rare( 'ildli"e ri$h $ul/

*rassland and nearl. 200ha o" *rassland and nearl. 200ha o" *rassland and nearl. 200ha o" *rassland and nearl. 200ha o"

'oodland into "avoura#le /ana*e/ent+ 'oodland into "avoura#le /ana*e/ent+ 'oodland into "avoura#le /ana*e/ent+ 'oodland into "avoura#le /ana*e/ent+

1his $orresponds to the area o" 2486 1his $orresponds to the area o" 2486 1his $orresponds to the area o" 2486 1his $orresponds to the area o" 2486

and 276 "oot#all pit$hes respe$tivel.+and 276 "oot#all pit$hes respe$tivel.+and 276 "oot#all pit$hes respe$tivel.+and 276 "oot#all pit$hes respe$tivel.+

2a)in* a posi%ve "uture no' and ever.da.2a)in* a posi%ve "uture no' and ever.da.2a)in* a posi%ve "uture no' and ever.da.2a)in* a posi%ve "uture no' and ever.da. We $an8t hope to detail ever.thin* that is done in support o" the Biosphere in this report #ut here are so/e o" our headlineWe $an8t hope to detail ever.thin* that is done in support o" the Biosphere in this report #ut here are so/e o" our headlineWe $an8t hope to detail ever.thin* that is done in support o" the Biosphere in this report #ut here are so/e o" our headlineWe $an8t hope to detail ever.thin* that is done in support o" the Biosphere in this report #ut here are so/e o" our headline a$a$a$a$hieve/ents hieve/ents hieve/ents hieve/ents

"or this .ear+"or this .ear+"or this .ear+"or this .ear+


1a' Rivers ,/prove/ent Pro0e$t1a' Rivers ,/prove/ent Pro0e$t1a' Rivers ,/prove/ent Pro0e$t1a' Rivers ,/prove/ent Pro0e$t

1he Biosphere Partnership #e*an the £1+8/illion 1a' River ,/prove/ent Pro0e$t (1R,P) in

2012+ ,ts *oal 'as to i/prove 'ater -ualit. in the river 1a' $at$h/ent to help /eet the

environ/ental tar*ets o" the Water Fra/e'or) Dire$%ve+ ,t finished in 2ar$h 2015 and 'as a

"o$us "or partners "ro/ different or*anisa%ons to provide spe$ialist advi$e and help+

A$hieve/ents so "ar in$lude:

• 43 "ar/ plans dra'n up to offer advi$e on redu$in* diffuse 'ater pollu%on "ro/


• 172 Ha o" ne' 'oodland esta#lished/ 'oodland #rou*ht into /ana*e/ent

• Five trainin* events "or land/'oodland o'ners

• Nine $ul/ *rassland o'ners *iven 1R,P *rant aid to help /ana*e their sites

• 309 Ha o" $ul/ *rassland restored/ /ana*ed

• 18+1)/ o" "en$in* ere$ted to )eep sto$) out o" rivers and strea/s

• A ha#itat 'al)over surve. $arried out over 14 )/ o" the River 2ole

• 1hree surve.s "or "resh'ater pearl /ussels $arried out on the River 2ole

• Six /a0or #arriers to fish passa*e resolved (North W.)e( Rashlei*h( Fillei*h( North

2olton( North 1a'ton & E**es"ord)

Fresh'ater Pearl 2ussel surve. 'ith ,an Killeen

Ne' riverside "en$in* part-"unded #. the 1R,P

Cat$h/ent 2ana*e/entCat$h/ent 2ana*e/entCat$h/ent 2ana*e/entCat$h/ent 2ana*e/ent Health. rivers and strea/s provide #enefits "or all+ 1he. #rin* li"e to our re*ion and are *ood "or the health( 'ealth and prHealth. rivers and strea/s provide #enefits "or all+ 1he. #rin* li"e to our re*ion and are *ood "or the health( 'ealth and prHealth. rivers and strea/s provide #enefits "or all+ 1he. #rin* li"e to our re*ion and are *ood "or the health( 'ealth and prHealth. rivers and strea/s provide #enefits "or all+ 1he. #rin* li"e to our re*ion and are *ood "or the health( 'ealth and prosposposposperit. o" Northerit. o" Northerit. o" Northerit. o" North Devon+ Devon+ Devon+ Devon+

1he Biosphere is leadin* efforts to find pra$%$al and afforda#le solu%ons to /ana*e these pre$ious resour$es at a $at$h/ent1he Biosphere is leadin* efforts to find pra$%$al and afforda#le solu%ons to /ana*e these pre$ious resour$es at a $at$h/ent1he Biosphere is leadin* efforts to find pra$%$al and afforda#le solu%ons to /ana*e these pre$ious resour$es at a $at$h/ent1he Biosphere is leadin* efforts to find pra$%$al and afforda#le solu%ons to /ana*e these pre$ious resour$es at a $at$h/ent lelelelevel 'hi$h( in a rural vel 'hi$h( in a rural vel 'hi$h( in a rural vel 'hi$h( in a rural

area li)e ours( /eans suppor%n* "ar/ers to /ana*e the land in 'a.s that help i/prove 'ater -ualit.( lessen run off and i/proarea li)e ours( /eans suppor%n* "ar/ers to /ana*e the land in 'a.s that help i/prove 'ater -ualit.( lessen run off and i/proarea li)e ours( /eans suppor%n* "ar/ers to /ana*e the land in 'a.s that help i/prove 'ater -ualit.( lessen run off and i/proarea li)e ours( /eans suppor%n* "ar/ers to /ana*e the land in 'a.s that help i/prove 'ater -ualit.( lessen run off and i/prove ve ve ve #iodiversit.+#iodiversit.+#iodiversit.+#iodiversit.+


Northern Devon Nature ,/prove/ent Area Northern Devon Nature ,/prove/ent Area Northern Devon Nature ,/prove/ent Area Northern Devon Nature ,/prove/ent Area

1he Northern Devon Nature ,/prove/ent Area (N,A) #e*an in 2012

and is led #. the Devon Wildli"e 1rust on #ehal" o" the Biosphere

Partnership+ ,t $overs the River 1orrid*e $at$h/ent and is one o"

onl. 12 N,As in En*land+ 1he De"ra "unded phase 1 o" the Pro0e$t

$a/e to an end in 2ar$h 2015 aRer deliverin* #i**er and #e9er

-ualit. areas o" $ul/ *rassland( 'oodland and river ha#itat(

i/provin* 'ater -ualit. and $rea%n* /ore 'ildli"e ha#itat+ ,t has

also stren*thened the $onne$%ons #et'een lo$al people and the

lands$ape and pro/oted a #e9er understandin* o" the valua#le

e$os.ste/ servi$es it provides+ A$hieve/ents so "ar in$lude:

• Nearl. 1500ha o" $ul/ and other *rassland( 106 )/ o" hed*ero' and 19 ha o"

under/ana*ed #roadleaved 'oodland are #ein* restored #. 'or)in* 'ith

lo$al lando'ners

• 49 he$tares o" 'etland( 13 he$tares o" *rassland and 19ha o" 'oodland

re$rea%on (plan%n*) under'a.

• 1he total $ost o" the Northern Devon N,A pro0e$t has #een £1(075(339( 'ith

£278(114 in addi%on throu*h in-)ind partner $ontri#u%ons

• An es%/ated £2+7/illion throu*h ERDP "ar/er support has #een *enerated

throu*h the N,A

• 1he N,A has a9ra$ted over £600(000 throu*h added value pro0e$ts

• Co//unit. en*a*e/ent as never #e"ore in the Pro0e$t area—see pa*es 12

and 13 o" this report+

Soil in"rastru$ture 'or)shop "o$ussin* on sila*e /ana*e/ent

Far/er trainin* da. "o$ussin* on soil aera%on












Cat$h/ent Sensi%ve Far/in*Cat$h/ent Sensi%ve Far/in*Cat$h/ent Sensi%ve Far/in*Cat$h/ent Sensi%ve Far/in*

A Cat$h/ent Sensi%ve Far/in* Partnership has #een runnin* in the Biosphere sin$e 2009

'ith the ai/ o" redu$in* diffuse pollu%on "ro/ a*ri$ulture in priorit. areas+ ,n 2014-15 the

partnership $onsisted o" Natural En*land( the Environ/ent A*en$.( Devon Wildli"e 1rust and

the North Devon Biosphere Servi$e+

Durin* 2014—15( 24 Far/ ,n"rastru$ture Audits 'ere delivered to help "ar/ers redu$e

diffuse pollu%on asso$iated 'ith .ards and #uildin*s+ 1hese spe$ialist reports 'ere

"re-uentl. used to support appli$a%ons to the CSF Capital Grant S$he/e( 43 o" 'hi$h 'ere

su$$ess"ul+ 1hree 'or)shops 'ere held loo)in* at $o/pa$%on and soils+ 1he issue o"

pes%$ides in drin)in* 'ater 'as ta$)led in the Barnstaple Teo $at$h/ent throu*h a pes%$ide

'or)shop and on-site advi$e "ollo'ed #. a report+

Cat$h/ent Based Approa$h Cat$h/ent Based Approa$h Cat$h/ent Based Approa$h Cat$h/ent Based Approa$h

1he /o/entu/ "ro/ our $at$h/ent pro0e$ts( to*ether 'ith the #readth o" s)ills and

experien$e on the Biosphere Partnership( has /eant that it has #een $hosen to host the

Environ/ent A*en$.8s Cat$h/ent Based Approa$h (CaBA) pilot "or northern Devon+ 1he

7Tour rivers .our vie's8 $onsulta%on pro$ess #e*an in the Autu/n o" 2014+ 1he pro$ess

produ$ed a plan that "o$usses on 'ater related issues as affe$ted #. land use+ 1his plan 'ill

#e a )e. part o" our 'or) in the Biosphere Reserve over the $o/in* .ears and is alread. the

#asis o" so/e #ids "or the partnership to $on%nue its 'or)+

De/onstra%n* a soil sli9er at DepUord Far/

2ap o" $at$h/ent 43( the area

o" the Biosphere8s CaBA pilot

All these $at$h/ent s$ale approa$hes are 'or)in*+ Sin$e 2009 'hen the. #e*an in the All these $at$h/ent s$ale approa$hes are 'or)in*+ Sin$e 2009 'hen the. #e*an in the All these $at$h/ent s$ale approa$hes are 'or)in*+ Sin$e 2009 'hen the. #e*an in the All these $at$h/ent s$ale approa$hes are 'or)in*+ Sin$e 2009 'hen the. #e*an in the

Biosphere( Environ/ent A*en$. /onitorin* has sho'n an i/prove/ent in the phosphate Biosphere( Environ/ent A*en$. /onitorin* has sho'n an i/prove/ent in the phosphate Biosphere( Environ/ent A*en$. /onitorin* has sho'n an i/prove/ent in the phosphate Biosphere( Environ/ent A*en$. /onitorin* has sho'n an i/prove/ent in the phosphate

pollu%on status o" nine su# $at$h/ents tar*eted #. the /easures+pollu%on status o" nine su# $at$h/ents tar*eted #. the /easures+pollu%on status o" nine su# $at$h/ents tar*eted #. the /easures+pollu%on status o" nine su# $at$h/ents tar*eted #. the /easures+




t /a







1he Biosphere Partnership has produ$ed a pro*ra//e "or re*enera%n* the 'oodland industr. in

the Biosphere Reserve 'ith a proposal to /a)e the en%re Biosphere a Woodland Enterprise Zone

'ith the "ollo'in* the/es:

• Woods "or Business& sa"e*uardin* and expandin* the $urrent e$ono/i$ a$%vit.(

expandin* into ne' /ar)ets

• Woods "or Nature& i/provin* and sa"e*uardin* the 'oodland #iodiversit.

• Woods "or People& i/provin* the so$ial #enefits provided #. 'oodland and in$reasin*

a 'oodland $ulture in the area+

• Woods "or Ever& /a)in* our 'oodland resilient and dealin* 'ith $li/ate $han*e

1he Biosphere Partnership has started 'oodland /ana*e/ent trainin* "or lando'ners throu*h

#oth the Nature ,/prove/ent Area and 1a' River ,/prove/ent Pro0e$ts rea$hin* over 112 land


Usin* $o//er$ial 'oodland /ana*e/ent as a driver( 'e have redu$ed the $osts o" /ana*in* the

1ar)a 1rail #. £3) over the last t'o .ears+

Usin* satellite data and other h.drolo*. and soils in"or/a%on( 'e have iden%fied 'here 'e $an

#est re*enerate 'oodlands "or the #enefit o" the $o//unit. and the lando'ners+ 1hese 'ill #e

used to help tar*et the ne' *rants "ro/ De"ra+

WoodlandsWoodlandsWoodlandsWoodlands 2an. people don8t realise that our 'oodland e$ono/. is 'orth over £162 ever. .ear to the area+ Even so( the poten%al "or a *2an. people don8t realise that our 'oodland e$ono/. is 'orth over £162 ever. .ear to the area+ Even so( the poten%al "or a *2an. people don8t realise that our 'oodland e$ono/. is 'orth over £162 ever. .ear to the area+ Even so( the poten%al "or a *2an. people don8t realise that our 'oodland e$ono/. is 'orth over £162 ever. .ear to the area+ Even so( the poten%al "or a *reareareareater e$ono/i$ i/pa$t "ro/ ter e$ono/i$ i/pa$t "ro/ ter e$ono/i$ i/pa$t "ro/ ter e$ono/i$ i/pa$t "ro/

sustaina#l. /ana*ed 'oodland is hu*e( par%$ularl. 'hen so /an. are $urrentl. un/ana*ed+ When 'e sta$) up all the )no'n valuesustaina#l. /ana*ed 'oodland is hu*e( par%$ularl. 'hen so /an. are $urrentl. un/ana*ed+ When 'e sta$) up all the )no'n valuesustaina#l. /ana*ed 'oodland is hu*e( par%$ularl. 'hen so /an. are $urrentl. un/ana*ed+ When 'e sta$) up all the )no'n valuesustaina#l. /ana*ed 'oodland is hu*e( par%$ularl. 'hen so /an. are $urrentl. un/ana*ed+ When 'e sta$) up all the )no'n values os os os o" the servi$es " the servi$es " the servi$es " the servi$es

'oodlands provide ($ar#on stora*e( Vood a9enua%on( touris/( et$) the value is in the order o" £582 per annu/+ 'oodlands provide ($ar#on stora*e( Vood a9enua%on( touris/( et$) the value is in the order o" £582 per annu/+ 'oodlands provide ($ar#on stora*e( Vood a9enua%on( touris/( et$) the value is in the order o" £582 per annu/+ 'oodlands provide ($ar#on stora*e( Vood a9enua%on( touris/( et$) the value is in the order o" £582 per annu/+

Woodland 'or)shop near Wee)

Hi*hli*h%n* the value o" fire'ood—Hatherlei*h 2014


Sunset $oral © 2i)e Deaton

Sustaina#le poKn* off Hartland

�������������� ���������� ������������� ��������������

“!o$al fisher/en are under a lot o" pressure these da.s "ro/ -uotas( in$reased landin*

sizes "or spider $ra#s and other shellfish( "orei*n $o/pe%%on and other users o" the sea+

Despite this 'e have done a lot o" $onserva%on /easures in the past( and are happ. to

'or) 'ith the Biosphere Reserve to se$ure a sustaina#le fish sto$) "or the "uture o" the

North Devon fishin* Veet+”

2arine 2ana*e/ent2arine 2ana*e/ent2arine 2ana*e/ent2arine 2ana*e/ent Just li)e the land( the Biosphere8s seas deliver a ran*e o" valua#le so$ial and e$ono/i$ #enefits su$h as providin* "ood( taJust li)e the land( the Biosphere8s seas deliver a ran*e o" valua#le so$ial and e$ono/i$ #enefits su$h as providin* "ood( taJust li)e the land( the Biosphere8s seas deliver a ran*e o" valua#le so$ial and e$ono/i$ #enefits su$h as providin* "ood( taJust li)e the land( the Biosphere8s seas deliver a ran*e o" valua#le so$ial and e$ono/i$ #enefits su$h as providin* "ood( ta)in)in)in)in* up $ar#on dioxide( * up $ar#on dioxide( * up $ar#on dioxide( * up $ar#on dioxide(

providin* ha#itat and #ein* a /a*net "or leisure+ We have #een 'or)in* hard 'ith the fisher/en( the $onserva%on se$tor and oprovidin* ha#itat and #ein* a /a*net "or leisure+ We have #een 'or)in* hard 'ith the fisher/en( the $onserva%on se$tor and oprovidin* ha#itat and #ein* a /a*net "or leisure+ We have #een 'or)in* hard 'ith the fisher/en( the $onserva%on se$tor and oprovidin* ha#itat and #ein* a /a*net "or leisure+ We have #een 'or)in* hard 'ith the fisher/en( the $onserva%on se$tor and our ur ur ur Biosphere $o/-Biosphere $o/-Biosphere $o/-Biosphere $o/-

/uni%es to $are "or the/+ Fishin* data sho's that $at$hes in the Biosphere are sustaina#le+ Whilst re$o*nisin* and re'ardin/uni%es to $are "or the/+ Fishin* data sho's that $at$hes in the Biosphere are sustaina#le+ Whilst re$o*nisin* and re'ardin/uni%es to $are "or the/+ Fishin* data sho's that $at$hes in the Biosphere are sustaina#le+ Whilst re$o*nisin* and re'ardin/uni%es to $are "or the/+ Fishin* data sho's that $at$hes in the Biosphere are sustaina#le+ Whilst re$o*nisin* and re'ardin* t* t* t* this a$hieve/ent( his a$hieve/ent( his a$hieve/ent( his a$hieve/ent(

it8s i/portant that 'e 'or) 'ith all $on$erned to )eep our seas health. 'ith 2arine Conserva%on Zones and a /arine /ana*e/enit8s i/portant that 'e 'or) 'ith all $on$erned to )eep our seas health. 'ith 2arine Conserva%on Zones and a /arine /ana*e/enit8s i/portant that 'e 'or) 'ith all $on$erned to )eep our seas health. 'ith 2arine Conserva%on Zones and a /arine /ana*e/enit8s i/portant that 'e 'or) 'ith all $on$erned to )eep our seas health. 'ith 2arine Conserva%on Zones and a /arine /ana*e/ent pt pt pt plan #a$)ed lan #a$)ed lan #a$)ed lan #a$)ed

up #. *ood data+up #. *ood data+up #. *ood data+up #. *ood data+


2arine Conserva%on Zones2arine Conserva%on Zones2arine Conserva%on Zones2arine Conserva%on Zones Over three .ears a*o the Biosphere Partnership desi*ned the set o" poten%al 2arine

Conserva%on Zones (2CZs) "or the Biosphere area+ So "ar onl. the one around !und. has

#een $onfir/ed #. *overn/ent #ut t'o others that 'e put "or'ard are #ein*

$onsidered in the se$ond site $onfir/a%on pro$ess $urrentl. under'a.& Bide"ord to

Foreland Point and Hartland to 1inta*el+

1he 2arine Wor)in* *roup( 'hi$h in$ludes fisher/en( re$rea%onal users( divers(

s$ien%sts and $onserva%onists( ori*inall. su**ested the approxi/ate areas "or the 2CZs+

Sin$e then 'e have $olle$ted /ore in"or/a%on a#out the i/portant spe$ies li)e the

hone.$o/# 'or/( pin) sea "an and spin. lo#ster that these zones are /eant to prote$t+

1here"ore( as part o" the se$ond sta*e $onfir/a%on pro$ess( the Group has su**ested

so/e /inor $han*es to the #oundaries+ 1hese $han*es provide /ore 'ildli"e prote$%on

#ut also respond to fisher/en8s $on$erns a#out so/e i/portant fishin* *rounds #ein*

in$luded in the ori*inal proposals+

Val2ER pro0e$t Val2ER pro0e$t Val2ER pro0e$t Val2ER pro0e$t

1he Estuar. "ro/ Westlei*h



e 2






E$os.ste/ servi$e $han*es predi$ted i" planned 2arine

Conserva%on Zones are desi*nated


Val2ER is a European Union "unded pro0e$t desi*ned to -uan%". the value

o" /arine e$os.ste/ servi$es+ 1he Biosphere8s seas 'ere $hosen as a $ase

stud. area "o$ussin* on the extensive sea#ed /uds( sands and *ravels( and

the role the. pla. in storin* $ar#on( pro$essin* 'aste and providin* nurser.

*rounds "or $o//er$ial fish and shellfish+

1he e$os.ste/ servi$es in these areas 'ere deter/ined and /apped and

then the effe$t o" different poten%al a$%vi%es on the/ 'as /odelled+ 1he

results and /aps iden%". i/portant fish nurser. areas 'hi$h the ,nshore

Fisheries and Conserva%on Authorit. are interested in usin* to in"or/ their

a$%vi%es+ 1he. also sho' ho' $han*es to /arine a$%vi%es affe$t the value

o" different e$os.ste/ servi$e t.pes+ 1his is par%$ularl. use"ul in in"or/in*

the 2arine Conserva%on Zone pro$ess in$ludin* the develop/ent o"

/ana*e/ent plans "or the sites that pro*ress to desi*na%on+ We 'ill #e

usin* this approa$h and so/e o" the Val2ER in"or/a%on to in"or/ /arine

spa%al plannin* in the Biosphere and to support fisheries i/prove/ent+

Sustaina#le Ener*. A$%on Plan (SEAP)Sustaina#le Ener*. A$%on Plan (SEAP)Sustaina#le Ener*. A$%on Plan (SEAP)Sustaina#le Ener*. A$%on Plan (SEAP)

Our stud. sets out a #aseline "or ener*. $onsu/p%on and *enera%on in the Biosphere and sho's ho' different ener*. t.pes are used in the do/es%$(

transport and $o//er$ial se$tors+ ,t explores strate*ies to redu$e ener*. de/and and in$rease appropriate rene'a#le ener*. produ$%on+

Biosphere headlinesBiosphere headlinesBiosphere headlinesBiosphere headlines

• Nearl. £300/ is spent on ener*. ea$h .ear+ 2ost leaves the area and *oes to na%onal

ener*. $o/panies

• 31% o" ener*. use *oes on do/es%$ heat and li*ht( 20% on private $ars

• Nearl. a tenth o" our ho/es are in "uel povert. 'ith the hotspots in rural areas+ 1his is hi*her

than the Devon and Na%onal avera*es+ 1here"ore redu$in* ener*. de/and 'ill help to ta$)le


• 1412W o" rene'a#le ener*. has #een installed in the area( providin* approxi/atel. 7% o"

ener*. de/and+ Na%onal tar*ets $all "or 40% rene'a#le ener*. *enera%on #. 2030

• 2ore $o//unit. led rene'a#le s$he/es are needed and 'ill redu$e the loss o" "unds "ro/

the area

1he Ener*. Group has #een* to #rin* "undin* to the area #. en$oura*in* $usto/er ta)e-up o" na%onal Ener*. Co/pan. O#li*a%on "undin*+ 1his has

#een pro#le/a%$( and there"ore ne' "undin* solu%ons are needed+

1he Group has #een developin* pro0e$ts "or 'ood ener*. to %e in 'ith the Woodland Enterprise Zone proposed #. the Biosphere Partnership as a )e.

rural develop/ent poli$. "or this area+ Whilst 'e asse/#le the "undin* to ta)e this "or'ard( 'e have #een usin* re/ote sensin* te$hnolo*. to explore the

poten%al sustaina#le 'ood "uel .ield "or "ar/ers 'ho /ana*e hed*ero's sensi%vel. +

1he Biosphere has supported the appli$a%on "or Barnstaple[s Car Clu# as a tool to redu$e transport e/issions in the area+

Sustaina#le Ener*.Sustaina#le Ener*.Sustaina#le Ener*.Sustaina#le Ener*. Fro/ do/es%$ hea%n* to transport( industrial pro$esses to 'ood "uel produ$%on& ho' /u$h ener*. 'e use and 'here it $o/es "Fro/ do/es%$ hea%n* to transport( industrial pro$esses to 'ood "uel produ$%on& ho' /u$h ener*. 'e use and 'here it $o/es "Fro/ do/es%$ hea%n* to transport( industrial pro$esses to 'ood "uel produ$%on& ho' /u$h ener*. 'e use and 'here it $o/es "Fro/ do/es%$ hea%n* to transport( industrial pro$esses to 'ood "uel produ$%on& ho' /u$h ener*. 'e use and 'here it $o/es "ro/ro/ro/ro/ is a /a0or is a /a0or is a /a0or is a /a0or

"a$tor that helps deter/ine this area8s $ar#on "ootprint and $ontri#u%on to $li/ate $han*e+ North Devon8s Biosphere Reserve"a$tor that helps deter/ine this area8s $ar#on "ootprint and $ontri#u%on to $li/ate $han*e+ North Devon8s Biosphere Reserve"a$tor that helps deter/ine this area8s $ar#on "ootprint and $ontri#u%on to $li/ate $han*e+ North Devon8s Biosphere Reserve"a$tor that helps deter/ine this area8s $ar#on "ootprint and $ontri#u%on to $li/ate $han*e+ North Devon8s Biosphere Reserve isisisis leadin* the 'a. leadin* the 'a. leadin* the 'a. leadin* the 'a.

in ta$)lin* one o" the 'orld8s #i**est $hallen*es at a lo$al level+in ta$)lin* one o" the 'orld8s #i**est $hallen*es at a lo$al level+in ta$)lin* one o" the 'orld8s #i**est $hallen*es at a lo$al level+in ta$)lin* one o" the 'orld8s #i**est $hallen*es at a lo$al level+


1hrou*hout the Nature ,/prove/ent Area Pro0e$t Bea"ord Arts( the pri/ar. arts partner(

developed a nu/#er o" intera$%ve $o//unit. arts sho's #ased around N,A o#0e$%ves+ 1hese

$ul/inated in the 'inter o" 2014 'ith a theatre pie$e $alled “1he Co//on” produ$ed #. the

China Plate theatre $o/pan.+ 1his rea$hed /ore than 250 people in sho's at Dolton(

Hatherlei*h and O)eha/pton and has no' #e*un a tour o" other Nature ,/prove/ent Areas in


����� ������u ����y������b� �2014�

“U9erl. $ap%va%n* and 'or)in* on so /an. different la.ers( 1he Co//on *ave us real

"ood "or thou*ht& so /an. "a$ets revealed throu*h these 10 $hara$ters and .ou never lost

si*ht o" the #i**est $hara$ter o" the/ all( the one enveloped in dar)ness outside the hall(

our ver. o'n( spe$ial part o" the Devon $ountr.side”+

1he Biosphere is al'a.s loo)in* "or

different 'a.s to tell our stor.+ Durin*

2014 1he Nature ,/prove/ent Area

Pro0e$t 'or)ed 'ith lando'ners( $o/-

/uni%es and s$hools to produ$e a

nu/#er o" short fil/s+ 1he. have #een

vie'ed #. /ore than 1500 people on


Cultural herita*eCultural herita*eCultural herita*eCultural herita*e Be it the "ood 'e eat( the pla$es 'e live(Be it the "ood 'e eat( the pla$es 'e live(Be it the "ood 'e eat( the pla$es 'e live(Be it the "ood 'e eat( the pla$es 'e live( the $o//uni%es 'e #elon* to or the $ultural li"e 'e ta)e part in& it is all stron*l.the $o//uni%es 'e #elon* to or the $ultural li"e 'e ta)e part in& it is all stron*l.the $o//uni%es 'e #elon* to or the $ultural li"e 'e ta)e part in& it is all stron*l.the $o//uni%es 'e #elon* to or the $ultural li"e 'e ta)e part in& it is all stron*l. lin)ed to the Biosphere lin)ed to the Biosphere lin)ed to the Biosphere lin)ed to the Biosphere

environ/ent+environ/ent+environ/ent+environ/ent+ ,n north Devon 'e $ele#rate this lin) throu*h,n north Devon 'e $ele#rate this lin) throu*h,n north Devon 'e $ele#rate this lin) throu*h,n north Devon 'e $ele#rate this lin) throu*h ar%s%$ $rea%vit. and $ultural a'areness and the Biosphere "re-uentar%s%$ $rea%vit. and $ultural a'areness and the Biosphere "re-uentar%s%$ $rea%vit. and $ultural a'areness and the Biosphere "re-uentar%s%$ $rea%vit. and $ultural a'areness and the Biosphere "re-uentl. 'or)s 'ith l. 'or)s 'ith l. 'or)s 'ith l. 'or)s 'ith

ar%sts(ar%sts(ar%sts(ar%sts( $raRs$raRs$raRs$raRs----people( historians and $o//uni%espeople( historians and $o//uni%espeople( historians and $o//uni%espeople( historians and $o//uni%es to inspire( entertain and edu$ate+to inspire( entertain and edu$ate+to inspire( entertain and edu$ate+to inspire( entertain and edu$ate+

Per"or/an$e o" “1he Co//on” © Bea"ord Arts+

Short fil/ a#out "ar/in* in the Nature ,/prove/ent Area Short fil/ a#out a 'inter 'al) at 2eeth Nature Reserve

/ade 'ith $hildren "ro/ the 2ess. 2eeth 2on)e.s

$o//unit. *roup+ 12

A *ood exa/ple o" this approa$h in pra$%$e is the outrea$h 'or) that supported the Biosphere8s Nature

,/prove/ent Area Pro0e$t in the River 1orrid*e $at$h/ent+ Durin* the Pro0e$t over 150 $o//unit. events 'ere

held in$ludin* 'al)s( tal)s( a*ri$ultural sho's and "airs+ ,n 2014-15 alone( 24 events 'ere held involvin* over 2000

people+ A "urther 21 volunteerin* a$%vi%es 'ith 186 volunteers $ontri#uted over 3000 volunteer hours+

With support "ro/ the N,A( 15 parishes have started environ/ental pro0e$ts 'hilst at least 20 $o//unit.

7pathfinders8 are $ontri#u%n* /a0or ener*. and %/e to their lo$al pro0e$ts+ One ne' $o//unit. 'oodland has

#een esta#lished at Sut$o/#e and $o//uni%es in Coo)#ur. and 1orrin*ton are* to $reate t'o ne' !o$al

Nature Reserves+


52 s$hool *roups 'ere ta)en out on site to experien$e the natural environ/ent at first hand in$ludin* visi%n* the

7Giants in the Forest8 on the 1ar)a 1rail+ Pri/ar. s$hool $urri$ulu/ /aterials on e$os.ste/ servi$es $alled 8Nature

Wor)s8 have #een developed and are used #. s$hools a$ross the N,A+

now touring other NIAs. A pupil "ro/ Fre/in*ton S$hool at the

7Giants in the Forest8 near 1orrin*ton

Pupils "ro/ 1orrin*ton Blue$oats s$hool sor%n*

river sa/ples

Volunteers $learin* invasive 'eed "ro/ Hatherlei*h

2oor Pond

Volunteers sho'in* off their first *o at hed*e* at

Volehouse 2oor

Par%$ipa%on( Co//unit. and En*a*e/entPar%$ipa%on( Co//unit. and En*a*e/entPar%$ipa%on( Co//unit. and En*a*e/entPar%$ipa%on( Co//unit. and En*a*e/ent Biosphere Reserves are a#out inspirin* a posi%ve "uture #. $onne$%n* people and nature+ 1he. are a "o$us "or findin* $rea%Biosphere Reserves are a#out inspirin* a posi%ve "uture #. $onne$%n* people and nature+ 1he. are a "o$us "or findin* $rea%Biosphere Reserves are a#out inspirin* a posi%ve "uture #. $onne$%n* people and nature+ 1he. are a "o$us "or findin* $rea%Biosphere Reserves are a#out inspirin* a posi%ve "uture #. $onne$%n* people and nature+ 1he. are a "o$us "or findin* $rea%ve ve ve ve and effe$%ve 'a.s and effe$%ve 'a.s and effe$%ve 'a.s and effe$%ve 'a.s

"or people and nature to thrive to*ether and that /eans involvin* people in all that 'e do+"or people and nature to thrive to*ether and that /eans involvin* people in all that 'e do+"or people and nature to thrive to*ether and that /eans involvin* people in all that 'e do+"or people and nature to thrive to*ether and that /eans involvin* people in all that 'e do+


,n partnership 'ith a 'hole ran*e o" different $o//uni%es and or*anisa%ons( the Biosphere $on%nues to support a ran*e o" en*a*e/ent a$%vi%es su$h as

apple pressin* at ,nsto' and at Chul/lei*h Pri/ar. S$hool( $ountr.side s)ills trainin* su$h as steepin*( 'or) to loo) aRer the $o//unit. or$hards

alon*side the 1ar)a 1rail at Bide"ord and ha#itat /ana*e/ent at the Biosphere8s six !o$al Nature Reserves+


1he 1a' 1orrid*e Estuar. and the West'ard Ho! pe##le rid*e

RiverV. Ci%zen S$ien$e RiverV. Ci%zen S$ien$e RiverV. Ci%zen S$ien$e RiverV. Ci%zen S$ien$e


1he N,A Pro0e$t esta#lished the RiverV. /onitorin* net'or) in the 1orrid*e in 2014+ Volunteers 'ere

trained to re*ularl. /onitor strea/ inse$t li"e as an indi$ator o" river health and to provide use"ul data "or

the Environ/ent A*en$. to a$t as a deterrent to poten%al polluters+ 34 volunteers too) 69 sa/ples at 28

sites in 2014+ A "urther 18 volunteers 'ere trained in 2ar$h 2015 #rin*in* the total up to /ore than 50+

1o date( RiverV. volunteers have ta)en 0ust over 100 sa/ples "ro/ nearl. 50 different sites+











d E






Plannin* support "or lo$al authori%esPlannin* support "or lo$al authori%esPlannin* support "or lo$al authori%esPlannin* support "or lo$al authori%es

1he Biosphere is in the Joint North Devon and 1orrid*e !o$al Plan

as a )e. poli$. driver to )eep the spe$ial $hara$teris%$s o" the area+

1he partnership is *rate"ul to the lo$al authori%es "or re$o*nisin*

the #enefits o" the desi*na%on+ 1he approa$h has #een so ahead

o" the $urve that it has #een a $ase stud. in na%onal resear$h on

ho' to in$lude e$os.ste/ servi$es in to'n and $ountr. plannin*+

Biodiversit. OffseKn* has #een $onten%ous na%onall.( ho'ever(

the approa$h in North Devon Biosphere addresses the

short$o/in*s o" other s$he/es+

1o date 'e have used the tool on at least "our /a0or develop/ents

to i/prove their sustaina#ilit.+

,nsto' Apple Da. Volunteers at Ford Woods !NR( Bide"ord 14

Ne' tar/a$ sur"a$e at Weare Giffard

#ar$cipa$on% &ommunity an' (ngagement In the )iosphere *e are fortunate to ha+e the ,outh West &oast #ath an' -ar.a -rail/ fantas$c places along *hich to e0plore an' to ma.e

that connec$on *ith nature. )oth are a focus for community ac$on an' engagement an' real assets to the area.


1he ne' #rid*e at 2outh 2ill+

Ne' !ED li*hts at !and$ross+

South West Coast Path Na%onal 1railSouth West Coast Path Na%onal 1railSouth West Coast Path Na%onal 1railSouth West Coast Path Na%onal 1rail

1he Biosphere Servi$e has responsi#ilit. "or nearl. 77/iles o" the South West Coast Path in North Devon****

As 'ell as *eneral /aintenan$e to Na%onal 1rail standards( the Biosphere Servi$e has planned and se$ured

"undin* "or sea de"en$e repairs at Appledore and a ne' £12K #rid*e at 2outh 2ill (opened in 2a. 2015)

1he 1ar)a 1rail 1he 1ar)a 1rail 1he 1ar)a 1rail 1he 1ar)a 1rail

1he North Devon Biosphere Servi$e has /ana*ed the 1ar)a 1rail to #alan$e re$rea%on #. various users

(pedestrians( horse riders and $.$lists) 'ith 'ildli"e enhan$e/ent and so$ial #enefit* * * *

,n 2014( auto/a%$ $.$le $ounters e/#edded in the 1ar)a 1rail re$orded over 700(000 $.$le passes+ 1his

$an #e dou#led to in$lude pedestrians to *ive 1+4 /illion 1rail uses ea$h .ear+ Sin$e 2002 'hen the

Biosphere #e*an /ana*in* the 1rail there have #een nearl. 7 /illion re$orded $.$le passes #et'een

Braunton and 2eeth *ivin* an es%/ated total tra\$ o" 14 /illion+

Durin* 2014 1rail-side $oppi$in* on 600 /etres o" 1rail #et'een Tarde and Ba*#ear opened up vie's and

i/proved the ha#itat "or 'ildVo'ers and asso$iated 'ildli"e+ B. 'a. o" pa./ent( the $ontra$tor 'ho

undertoo) the 'or) did so on the #asis o" )eepin* and sellin* the fire'ood+ Fen$in* 'as ere$ted at

Fre/in*ton CuKn*s to allo' sto$) *razin* to )eep s$ru# do'n and #enefit 'ildVo'ers on this i/portant

Count. Wildli"e Site+

Ne' tar/a$ 'as laid #et'een 1orrin*ton and Weare Giffard to repla$e the 15 .ear old 'orn out sur"a$e

and 1rail 'idenin* 'or) 'as $o/pleted south o" Tarde+ Extensive dit$hin* and draina*e i/prove/ents

'ere also $o/pleted at Penhill 'hilst( than)s to Coun$illor !o$alit. Grant "undin*( ne' !ED li*h%n* 'as

installed in the tunnel at !and$ross to repla$e the ori*inal li*hts that 'ere $on%nuall. "ailin*+

!"�����#�y�201$������u���������b����� ���� �%����������u��y���u������&ub����'�(������)�y�����!"�����#�y�201$������u���������b����� ���� �%����������u��y���u������&ub����'�(������)�y�����!"�����#�y�201$������u���������b����� ���� �%����������u��y���u������&ub����'�(������)�y�����!"�����#�y�201$������u���������b����� ���� �%����������u��y���u������&ub����'�(������)�y���������

,n this se$%on 'e report not onl. at the dire$t 'or) o" the ,n this se$%on 'e report not onl. at the dire$t 'or) o" the ,n this se$%on 'e report not onl. at the dire$t 'or) o" the ,n this se$%on 'e report not onl. at the dire$t 'or) o" the

tea/ #ut also on the pro0e$t "undin* #rou*ht into the tea/ #ut also on the pro0e$t "undin* #rou*ht into the tea/ #ut also on the pro0e$t "undin* #rou*ht into the tea/ #ut also on the pro0e$t "undin* #rou*ht into the

Biosphere throu*h $oordinated partnership 'or)in*+Biosphere throu*h $oordinated partnership 'or)in*+Biosphere throu*h $oordinated partnership 'or)in*+Biosphere throu*h $oordinated partnership 'or)in*+

Biosphere Partnership have invested over £3+4/ durin* the 2014Biosphere Partnership have invested over £3+4/ durin* the 2014Biosphere Partnership have invested over £3+4/ durin* the 2014Biosphere Partnership have invested over £3+4/ durin* the 2014----

15 finan$ial .ear in the "ollo'in* pro0e$ts:15 finan$ial .ear in the "ollo'in* pro0e$ts:15 finan$ial .ear in the "ollo'in* pro0e$ts:15 finan$ial .ear in the "ollo'in* pro0e$ts:

• Nature ,/prove/ent Area: £1+2/

• Cat$h/ent Sensi%ve Far/in*: £1+2/

• 1a' River ,/prove/ent Pro0e$t: £650K

• A##e. River Pro0e$t: £31K

• Val2ER: £400K

Governan$e and 2ana*e/ent 1he Biosphere Reserve 1ea/ $oordinates the 'or) o" the Partnership as 'ell as developin* and deliverin* pro0e$ts and a$%vi%1he Biosphere Reserve 1ea/ $oordinates the 'or) o" the Partnership as 'ell as developin* and deliverin* pro0e$ts and a$%vi%1he Biosphere Reserve 1ea/ $oordinates the 'or) o" the Partnership as 'ell as developin* and deliverin* pro0e$ts and a$%vi%1he Biosphere Reserve 1ea/ $oordinates the 'or) o" the Partnership as 'ell as developin* and deliverin* pro0e$ts and a$%vi%eseseses in support o" the in support o" the in support o" the in support o" the

Biosphere Reserve Strate*. and A$%on PlanBiosphere Reserve Strate*. and A$%on PlanBiosphere Reserve Strate*. and A$%on PlanBiosphere Reserve Strate*. and A$%on Plan


£ £

£ £

£ £ £ £

£ £

£ £

£ £ £ £


£ £ £ £ £


Based on the £164) the $ore tea/ re$eives "ro/ the

!o$al Authori%es( this is a return o" £21+2 "or ever.

£1 the. invest in the Biosphere+

Ever. £1



Biosphere Servi$e ,n$o/e 2014Biosphere Servi$e ,n$o/e 2014Biosphere Servi$e ,n$o/e 2014Biosphere Servi$e ,n$o/e 2014----15151515

Biosphere Servi$e Expenditure2014Biosphere Servi$e Expenditure2014Biosphere Servi$e Expenditure2014Biosphere Servi$e Expenditure2014----15151515



• David AppletonDavid AppletonDavid AppletonDavid Appleton (Natural En*land)

• Dave Ed*$o/#eDave Ed*$o/#eDave Ed*$o/#eDave Ed*$o/#e (A$%n* North Devon AONB 2ana*er)

• Andre' ButlerAndre' ButlerAndre' ButlerAndre' Butler (Na%onal Far/ers[ Union)

• Ri$hard Butler Ri$hard Butler Ri$hard Butler Ri$hard Butler (Biosphere Reserve A/#assador)

• John Balls John Balls John Balls John Balls (North Devon Fisher/an[s Asso$ia%on)

• Cllr+ Rodne. CannCllr+ Rodne. CannCllr+ Rodne. CannCllr+ Rodne. Cann (North Devon Coun$il)

• Cllr+ Caroline Chu**Cllr+ Caroline Chu**Cllr+ Caroline Chu**Cllr+ Caroline Chu** (Devon Count. Coun$il)

• Sarah Clar)Sarah Clar)Sarah Clar)Sarah Clar) (Devon and Severn ,nshore Fisheries and Conserva%on


• He$tor Chris%e He$tor Chris%e He$tor Chris%e He$tor Chris%e (Chris%e Devon Estates)

• Ro#ert Do'nRo#ert Do'nRo#ert Do'nRo#ert Do'n (Deput. Chair and 1reasurer( Coast'ise North Devon)

• Brian FraserBrian FraserBrian FraserBrian Fraser----S/ithS/ithS/ithS/ith (Devon Asso$ia%on o" Parish Coun$ils)

• !esle. Garli$)!esle. Garli$)!esle. Garli$)!esle. Garli$) (Pro"essional Planner( Devon Count. Coun$il)

• Hannah Harrin*tonHannah Harrin*tonHannah Harrin*tonHannah Harrin*ton (North Devon Coun$il)

• Pro"+ Peter Ho'ardPro"+ Peter Ho'ardPro"+ Peter Ho'ardPro"+ Peter Ho'ard (Bourne/outh Universit. !ands$ape Resear$h


• Peter Jollands Peter Jollands Peter Jollands Peter Jollands (Chair/an o" the Biosphere Founda%on)

• Andre' Kni*htsAndre' Kni*htsAndre' Kni*htsAndre' Kni*hts (2arine O\$er "or North Devon(

Natural En*land)

• Kate !i9leKate !i9leKate !i9leKate !i9le (1orrid*e Distri$t Coun$il)

• 2i)e 2oser 2i)e 2oser 2i)e 2oser 2i)e 2oser (Chair/an( N,A)

• Sue Near.Sue Near.Sue Near.Sue Near. (U3A)

• Steve Pit$herSteve Pit$herSteve Pit$herSteve Pit$her (Chair/an o" North Devon Areas o"

Outstandin* Natural Beaut. Partnership)

• 1on. Pra91on. Pra91on. Pra91on. Pra9 (1a' 1orrid*e Estuar. Foru/)

• Stan P.leStan P.leStan P.leStan P.le (Bide"ord Colle*e)

• E//a Ri$hardson E//a Ri$hardson E//a Ri$hardson E//a Ri$hardson (Devon Wildli"e 1rust)

• Ja. Ro'ntreeJa. Ro'ntreeJa. Ro'ntreeJa. Ro'ntree (Environ/ent A*en$.)

• Ro# Se)ularRo# Se)ularRo# Se)ularRo# Se)ular (Countr.side and Co//unit.

Pro0e$ts O\$er( West Devon Coun$il)

• Cllr+ Derri$) SpearCllr+ Derri$) SpearCllr+ Derri$) SpearCllr+ Derri$) Spear (Chair/an( 1ar)a Countr.

1rust and North Devon Plus Board)

• Cllr+ Ga.e 1a#orCllr+ Ga.e 1a#orCllr+ Ga.e 1a#orCllr+ Ga.e 1a#or (1orrid*e Distri$t Coun$il)

• Eirene Willia/sEirene Willia/sEirene Willia/sEirene Willia/s (FWAG South West)

• Cllr+ Jere/. Ta#sle.Cllr+ Jere/. Ta#sle.Cllr+ Jere/. Ta#sle.Cllr+ Jere/. Ta#sle. (Devon Count. Coun$il)

• Pro" 2i$hael Winter OBE Pro" 2i$hael Winter OBE Pro" 2i$hael Winter OBE Pro" 2i$hael Winter OBE (Exeter Universit.) Chair o" the Biosphere Partnership

• 2ar) Walla$e 2ar) Walla$e 2ar) Walla$e 2ar) Walla$e (Dire$tor( Bea"ord Arts) Vi$e-Chair o" the Biosphere Partnership

•Phil B.ers Phil B.ers Phil B.ers Phil B.ers (Chair/an( Barnstaple Cha/#er o" $o//er$e) Vi$e-Chair o" the Biosphere Partnership

1he Biosphere Partnership1he Biosphere Partnership1he Biosphere Partnership1he Biosphere Partnership

We are i//ensel. *rate"ul to our partner or*anisa%ons and individuals 'ithin the Partnership and its asso$iated 'or)in* *roups+ Without the/ and a

'ider net'or) o" people a/on* our /an. $o//uni%es that support our Biosphere( 'e $ould not #e so su$$ess"ul+ Belo' is a list o" Partnership

/e/#ers as at 31st

2ar$h 2015

Our Biosphere is a#out #rin*in* people to*ether to #uild a "uture 'e $an trust 'here people and nature thrive+ Our su$$ess deOur Biosphere is a#out #rin*in* people to*ether to #uild a "uture 'e $an trust 'here people and nature thrive+ Our su$$ess deOur Biosphere is a#out #rin*in* people to*ether to #uild a "uture 'e $an trust 'here people and nature thrive+ Our su$$ess deOur Biosphere is a#out #rin*in* people to*ether to #uild a "uture 'e $an trust 'here people and nature thrive+ Our su$$ess depenpenpenpends ds ds ds

on the stren*th o" the rela%onships and partnerships 'e $reate+on the stren*th o" the rela%onships and partnerships 'e $reate+on the stren*th o" the rela%onships and partnerships 'e $reate+on the stren*th o" the rela%onships and partnerships 'e $reate+




$e a






1he North Devon UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve exists to 1he North Devon UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve exists to 1he North Devon UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve exists to 1he North Devon UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve exists to

$onne$t people& their $ulture and e$ono/.( and nature+ $onne$t people& their $ulture and e$ono/.( and nature+ $onne$t people& their $ulture and e$ono/.( and nature+ $onne$t people& their $ulture and e$ono/.( and nature+

Desi*nated in 2002( it 'as the first o" its in the UK+ Others have "ollo'ed

in S$otland and Wales and last .ear the Bri*hton and !e'es Do'ns 'as

desi*nated+ Other Biospheres are #ein* developed on the ,sle o" 2an and in

Northern ,reland+

1he UNESCO Biosphere desi*na%on puts North Devon on a par 'ith other

Biospheres su$h as the 2aldives( the Nia*ara Es$arp/ent and the Seren*e%+

All are part o" a 'orld net'or) o" 621 Biosphere Reserves in 117 $ountries+

All Biosphere Reserves( and North Devon8s is no ex$ep%on( have *oals to:

• inspire a posi%ve "uture #. $onne$%n* people 'ith nature

• $reate the $ondi%ons "or people and nature to thrive to*ether

• e/po'er people throu*h par%$ipa%on

• explore ne' 'a.s o" doin* thin*s in"or/ed #. learnin* and $ulture and

$rea%n* $onne$%ons #et'een pla$es( $ultures and $o//uni%es+

1he Reserve8s 1468/iles2 is ho/e to over 160(000 people and i/portant

natural sites li)e Dart/oor( Ex/oor( the eni*/a%$ $ul/ *rasslands( the

outstandin* Braunton Burro's dune s.ste/ and the 1a' 1orrid*e estuar.+

,ts #oundaries are defined #. the river $at$h/ents that drain to Devon8s north

Coast as 'ell as 568/iles2 o" sea in$ludin* the i$oni$ island o" !und.+


