no. 77 autumn 2015 - swanland newsletter 77 autumn 2015 always up to date 1 from the...

No. 77 Autumn 2015 always up to date 1 From the Chairman of the Village Association Our village has looked wonderful this summer, thanks to all our willing volunteers who give their time and energy in many different ways. If you would like to join one of our groups then please contact any of the SVA committee members; you would be very welcome! The Pond project is almost complete and we trust that the work done will help to make the area more watertight. A new Swanland village sign is due to be installed down Occupation Lane, thanks to a large donation from the Parish Council and further funding from the SVA. Swanland Festival 2016 will be held from 8 July to 17 July. A number of events are already 'booked in', so please contact the Festival Committee if you would like to participate. The SVA AGM will be held on Thursday 12 November at the Village Hall and will commence at 7.30pm. After the business side of the meeting there will be a talk given by one of our local residents, John Wheeler, entitled ‘Some lost houses in Swanland '. This will be followed by cheese and wine and a chance to meet up with other residents. We would be delighted to see you there!

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Page 1: No. 77 Autumn 2015 - Swanland Newsletter Autumn...No. 77 Autumn 2015 always up to date 1 From the Chairman of the Village Association Our village has looked wonderful this summer,

No. 77 Autumn


always up to date


From the Chairman of the Village Association

Our village has looked wonderful this summer, thanks to all our willing volunteers who give their time and energy in many different ways. If you would like to join one of our groups then please contact any of the SVA committee members; you would be very welcome! The Pond project is almost complete and we trust that the work done will help to make the area more watertight. A new Swanland village sign is due to be installed down Occupation Lane, thanks to a large donation from the Parish Council and further funding from the SVA. Swanland Festival 2016 will be held from 8 July to 17 July. A number of events are already 'booked in', so please contact the Festival Committee if you would like to participate. The SVA AGM will be held on Thursday 12 November at the Village Hall and will commence at 7.30pm. After the business side of the meeting there will be a talk given by one of our local residents, John Wheeler, entitled ‘Some lost houses in Swanland '. This will be followed by cheese and wine and a chance to meet up with other residents. We would be delighted to see you there!

Page 2: No. 77 Autumn 2015 - Swanland Newsletter Autumn...No. 77 Autumn 2015 always up to date 1 From the Chairman of the Village Association Our village has looked wonderful this summer,

SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

Membership Report

It is disappointing to find that despite our efforts we still have not achieved the overall increase in membership we hoped for. It is only £2 each a year to support our efforts to maintain those amenities which make the village a pleasanter and safer place to live. This includes pond maintenance, the planters around the village, and the removal of litter. The

daffodils, which are such a pleasure in the spring for everyone, and the wonderful show of summer flowers around the pond were provided from the funds of the SVA. This can only continue if more people in the village contribute towards these amenities. By joining the SVA you are not committing to anything except the subscription (though when we appeal for help yours would be most welcome!), so do please join now, using the form on the back of this newsletter. If you wish to know more about what the SVA does for the village, and therefore what you will get for your £2, contact any member of the Committee through the village website:


Page 3: No. 77 Autumn 2015 - Swanland Newsletter Autumn...No. 77 Autumn 2015 always up to date 1 From the Chairman of the Village Association Our village has looked wonderful this summer,

SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

Village Hall News

Following her retirement from the Parish Council, Yvonne Dumsday has ceased to be the Parish Council appointed trustee of the village hall. However, she is continuing as an elected trustee. The Parish Council will shortly be appointing a new trustee and the board of trustees is looking forward to welcoming the new appointee.

The present chairman of the board of trustees, Godfrey Burley, has intimated that he will be stepping down as chairman at the annual general meeting in July 2016 when he will have completed five years as chairman and almost seven years as a trustee. The board of trustees is seeking a new chairman and would welcome expressions of interest from any residents of Swanland who feel that they would like to be considered for the position. Anyone interested should contact Godfrey Burley on 634 691 or [email protected].

Swanland Screen

Another season of films at Swanland village hall began in September and will continue for another seven months. A wide-ranging variety of genres are on offer including the Vera Britten story "Testament of Youth", a Christmas treat with "Paddington" and the story of three months in the life of Martin Luther King "Selma".

For the full list of films, please pick up a leaflet at the village hall or the library or check at Tickets for all these films are available on the door at £4 adults and £2 schoolchildren.


Page 4: No. 77 Autumn 2015 - Swanland Newsletter Autumn...No. 77 Autumn 2015 always up to date 1 From the Chairman of the Village Association Our village has looked wonderful this summer,

SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

Swanland Live Shows The SVA is very pleased to have procured the play "BERYL", written by Maxine Peake and starring Samantha Power and Rebecca Ryan, from the West Yorkshire Playhouse. It is to be performed at Swanland village hall on Saturday 24 October. After opening in Leeds the play is touring across the north of England with the final showing in Swanland, starting at 7.30pm.

Tickets cost £8.50 adults (or £7.50 for SVA members paid in advance) £4 schoolchildren. They are available from Yvonne on 634 863. Further details to be found at:

Swanland Bowling Club

The outdoor bowling season is now over. The club has had a very successful 2015 season with 50 bowlers enjoying the competition within the ten local leagues in which the club takes part.


The Bowling Green at Swanland has been in first class condition thanks to the team of volunteers who

work enthusiastically through the year. Despite the vagaries of the English weather the green was always a pleasure to bowl on. The ladies section reached one cup final but unfortunately lost very narrowly. The club achieved promotion in two leagues, which was very pleasing. The over-riding memory of the season is the progress made by many newcomers to the club and this will hopefully stand the club in good stead for many years to come. Now much work will take place on the green, the hedges and the clubhouse before we open again next April. We are always on the lookout for new members who want to join a friendly, progressive club. For further details contact Peter Dickinson, Secretary: 634 309.

Page 5: No. 77 Autumn 2015 - Swanland Newsletter Autumn...No. 77 Autumn 2015 always up to date 1 From the Chairman of the Village Association Our village has looked wonderful this summer,

SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

New Swanland Village Guide It is intended to publish an updated “Swanland Signpost” guide book prior to the 2016 Swanland Festival. The last guidebook was published in 2008 and is now way out of date. It will contain articles of general information and list details of all the numerous village organisations and facilities. An updated village map will form the centre pages. The booklet will be A5 size with a colour printed cover and centre-fold map, the remaining inner pages printed black on white. It is expected to need about 28 inner pages. When printed, a copy will be distributed free to every household in the village. Additional copies will be retained at the library and Heritage Centre.and for newcomers to the village, It will be funded partly by advertising and underwritten by the village association. Advertising space sponsoring this project will only be available on the back cover and inner cover pages – any businesses wishing to take the limited advertising space please contact the link below as soon as possible as it is first come - first served! All village organisations will be contacted early in 2016 but they can also contact the publisher any time on the e-mail link below. Contact e-mail: [email protected]


Page 6: No. 77 Autumn 2015 - Swanland Newsletter Autumn...No. 77 Autumn 2015 always up to date 1 From the Chairman of the Village Association Our village has looked wonderful this summer,

SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

Swanland Pond Partnership Repairs to the east and west wall have now been completed despite some unexpected problems and delays along the way. Both walls showed significant levels of deterioration with large cracks and voids where plant roots and water had undermined the walls infrastructure. Plastic

waterproof pilings were inserted along the full length of both walls. These were driven in to the underlying clay/substrate to create a more effective “seal” below the pond bed. The pilings were then backfilled with large quantities of concrete to create the new wall. The new concrete is very “bright” in appearance at present but this should improve as water levels recover and the concrete ages. The SPP together with its band of loyal volunteers will be restoring the damaged planting adjacent to the walls to improve things further. If you would like to help us with this work, please contact Alyson 634 168 or Yvonne 634 863. We are now waiting expectantly for the autumn rain, hopeful that it will re-fill the pond in time for Santa’s next visit!

Christ Church Food Bank Donation Point Regular deliveries are made to the Hull Food Bank for which they are very grateful. Donations can be left at Christ Church (by the pond) during our two coffee mornings – Wednesdays (in term time) and Saturdays, both between 10am and 12noon.

The following are among items especially needed at the moment : Tinned goods – tomatoes, soup, fruit, meat, tuna/fish, rice pudding. Cereals in individual packets/small quantities. Tea bags. Small jars coffee. Dried pasta. Pasta sauce (jar). Orange juice (carton). Sugar (500gm). UHT Milk.


Page 7: No. 77 Autumn 2015 - Swanland Newsletter Autumn...No. 77 Autumn 2015 always up to date 1 From the Chairman of the Village Association Our village has looked wonderful this summer,

SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

Swanland Playing Field Association (PFA) Swanland playing field association and committee are there to ensure the smooth running of the playing fields. They have recently welcomed more help onto the committee including a new Chair. Some of the park regulations are challenged by some park users. These regulations are implemented by the association and the volunteers are trying to

uphold these for the safety of all park users. The annual gala was held in July and was a well-attended event. The gala takes much planning and organisation and the association would welcome future help with this to ensure we are making the most of the facilities and opportunities for fundraising. There have been some further repairs to park equipment and the association asks that children are supervised in using the equipment to ensure their safety. The defibrillator is now installed and fully operational. It is located on the North side of the pavilion, just outside the main entrance. Many thanks to

the Loncaster family who instigated the fundraising needed in order to provide this facility for the village. This was donated in memory of Jamie. There are simple instructions on the box.


The picture shows Graham Loncaster handing over the defibrillator to John Hancock

from Swanland playing fields. Many thanks go to all involved in this. To contact the association about anything above (or other subjects) please email: [email protected] Find them on Facebook at:

Page 8: No. 77 Autumn 2015 - Swanland Newsletter Autumn...No. 77 Autumn 2015 always up to date 1 From the Chairman of the Village Association Our village has looked wonderful this summer,

SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

Swanland Show

This year's show was held on Saturday 12 September. A miserable and wet start gave way to a pleasant day for the public at 2pm, and there certainly were plenty of visitors browsing

around the exhibits in St Barnabas church hall. The exhibits were up to their usual standard, with the handicrafts table by the door practically overflowing with entries. Most classes had a number of entrants, and in the children’s section new classes, chosen with help from the school, inspired more children to enter. There were flowers and home-made produce for sale in addition to refreshments, with all proceeds helping towards the running costs of the show. At the end of the day, the trophies were this year awarded by Swanland headteacher, Chris Huscroft. It was a great day and the committee's thanks go to Langlands garden centre, Shiptonthorpe, for their generous donation, and to the people of Swanland and beyond who supported the show, whether exhibiting or not.

Charity Christmas Craft Fair

Sunday 8th November

12pm – 4pm Swanland Village Hall

(Behind the pond)

Raising money for two charities with close links to local village families;

Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) and MY Burns Club

Crafts – Cakes – Tombola – Refreshments -Toys – Books –


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SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

Swanland Heritage Centre

Who are they?

Do you recognise anyone on this photo taken in the 1950’s at Jack and Emmie Hall's house, ‘Greenmeades’ on Kemp Road? Please get in touch through the website: or any of the following: Colin 631 844, Janet 633 286, John 634 222, Geoff 634 411. The Centre is open Fridays 2– 4pm and Saturdays 10-12 noon. Do drop in and have a chat with us. We are looking for more Friends and we would be happy to meet anyone who has an interest in Swanland’s history. Do you have any interesting stories from relatives who are/have been Swanlanders? We would love to hear from you.


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SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

Swanland in Bloom We were grateful, once again, for the large donation of bedding plants from Coletta & Tyson. The tubs, planters and hayracks gave glorious colour throughout the summer. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the village hall hayracks were attached to the handrails, with the plants being kindly donated by the Deep Dale Garden Centre, Barton.

The overgrown shrubbery near the willow tree has been tidied up to create a community garden which will be low maintenance – volunteer gardeners are few and getting older!


A variety of herbaceous perennials will be planted, all good for pollinators, with low growing evergreen shrubs to complement the flowers. I plan to place two additional seats alongside the pond with spaces for two wheel chairs. Money from the 2014 Open Gardens and the 2015 Garage Sale will be used to fund this major project. To contribute to our community garden you could do so by opening your garden on Sunday 10 July 2016. Comments or suggestions welcome. We need more helpers urgently – please volunteer if you have a little spare time. Contact Mal: 632 282 or email: [email protected]

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SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

SEAT – Providing Care, Education and Hope

John and Shirley have recently returned from a successful week in Nairobi. They visited Swanland Village School and Esther’s School and were able to deliver the many uniforms, clothes and gifts that you gave – many thanks! They reported that all 435(!) children looked in good health and happy. It's always such an

encouragement to see first-hand how effective and life changing the support we provide is for these vulnerable children.

Both schools continue to expand and we’d love to be able to continue to meet all their needs. We can also uniquely guarantee that every pound you

give goes straight to the schools with no charity overheads.

Thank you to everyone who is part of this wonderful work. If you can help please contact Richard Swain 634 306 or email: [email protected] or give online via

Swanland Cricket Club

Swanland Cricket Club was formed at the beginning of the year and has been competing throughout the season on the local playing field, off West Leys Road. We play in the conference division of the York Senior League. The club would love to hear from anyone who would like to be involved for the start of the 2016 season. All levels and abilities welcome. For more information contact the club chairman: [email protected] or LisaWeldrick: [email protected] or the local grounds committee.


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SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

Swanland WI

Many people have now learned that the WI nationally is celebrating its centenary this year. (Even the “everyday story of countryfolk” has talked about it!).


Two representatives from Swanland WI gave reports on their attendance at the Centenary AGM and also the Royal Garden Party. The

Queen, Princess Anne and Sophie, Countess of Wessex, attended the AGM at the Royal Albert Hall. Mrs Ellen Crosland joined many ladies from all over the country and the day-long meeting was beamed live to the screen at Kingswood, Hull.

WI logo (new).jpg

…continued on next page

Page 13: No. 77 Autumn 2015 - Swanland Newsletter Autumn...No. 77 Autumn 2015 always up to date 1 From the Chairman of the Village Association Our village has looked wonderful this summer,

SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

By November our special year will be coming to a close. The topic at our meeting on Wednesday 4 November at 7.30pm will be The Carnegie Heritage Centre. Our meetings are open to all ladies and held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at Christ Church hall by the pond. You may firstly come as a visitor for a very small charge, or join the WI now and get a month or two extra, free! For information, please contact Mrs Lorna Caygill 632 543 or Mrs Jo Emmerson 632 560.

Swanland Neighbourhood Watch

NHW Street Coordinators cover many roads in Swanland, acting as focal points for crime-based problems. They can inform neighbours of any security warnings from the police and forward information about crime-related matters and anti-social behaviour to the Swanland Coordinator. Fortunately we have relatively few problems in Swanland so the role is not

onerous (and can be shared). More Street Coordinators are needed, especially for: Beech Hill Road, Chantry Way/East, Crowther Way/Close, Dale Close/Road, Easenby Close, Grange Park, Greenstiles Lane, Kemp Road, Main Street, Northdale Park, Queensbury Way, Styles Croft, The Green, The Paddock, The Park, The Spinney, Waudby View, Welton Wold View, Westerdale, Woodside and West Leys Road. For more information about Swanland NHW or becoming a Street Coordinator, please contact Deborah Parry on 632 576 or [email protected]. The next NHW meeting is Thursday 22 October at 7.30pm at Christ Church hall; all are welcome.


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SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015

North Ferriby Flower Club

Have you thought about having a go at flower arranging? Here is your opportunity: A workshop for beginners, with experienced teachers, is taking place on Saturday, 31 October from 10am-1pm at North Ferriby Village Hall. The event is entitled ‘Flowers for Christmas’. All you need to bring is a pair of scissors! All are welcome. The cost is £10, all materials will be provided. Places will only be reserved upon payment - book early to avoid disappointment. For more information and tickets please email: [email protected] or tel: Ann Simpson (National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies) NAFAS, on 01904 761 619.


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SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015


North Ferriby Flower Club are pleased to present a Christmas demonstration by Andrew Grisewood on Thursday 10 December at 7pm for 7.30pm in the Village Hall, North Ferriby. This is an Open Meeting and all are welcome. Tickets are £10 and can be obtained from Margaret Hobson on 634 114 (preferably after 4 pm).

Godfrey Robinson House – North Ferriby London Marathon 2016 – we are recruiting runners to support Leonard Cheshire Disability’s, Godfrey Robinson House, North Ferriby.

The Virgin Money London Marathon 2016 will be taking place on Sunday 24 April and we have places available now! This is an amazing opportunity to support Godfrey Robinson

ast year flat screen co

Julie Fenton, Volunteer Co-ordinator, Godfrey Robinson House, Leonard Cheshire Disability. E-mail: [email protected] Tel. 632 209

House. All the funds raised on the day will go towards benefitting Godfrey Robinson residents.

L Chris Wardhill raised funds for two new retractable arm

mputers to place over their wheelchairs for easy use. Secure your place at the starting line now, or do you know of anyone else who might help promote the places?

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SVA Newsletter – Autumn 2015


YOUR Village Association needs

your support! Please join us

Just fill in the form below (or web site joining form for standing order)

and deliver or post it to: Louise Macfarlane, 15 Mill Rise, Swanland HU14 3PN

Or to Yvonne Dumsday, Mere House, 3 Main Street, Swanland, HU14 3QP

(opposite the Pond) It’s just £2 per head (cheques payable to

Swanland Village Association). Make our job easier by paying by Standing Order.

You will receive a membership card.

YOURArticles and rof forthcomingelectronic formnewsletters@s

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er is distributed to ALL nland, making it ideal for g.

TE: The deadline for next be published in Spring will 2016. Details also shown on :

arantee to p

For more details see web link below:


reserve the right to edit them. We welcome photographs to print where appropriate.

SVA Membership Application/Renewal


Address __________________________________________________

E-mail address/Telephone number (optional) ___________________

Cheque/Cash (£2 per person) or request Standing Order form.

Name (first person) ________________________________________

Name (second person) ________________________

The SVA Newsletter is published and distributed free to every household in Swanland. Print costs are met by the SVA and a limited number of local advertisements.

Forward information or articles to the Editor e-mail: [email protected]

To receive news updates from the SVA website e-mail [email protected]