nirect sl («piscopal ( ·...

(«PISCOPAL COLLEGIATE INST1 i 1t:t: Ch**Uu* Qr./e«,Clif ob Statt a Lland. Bat T T-1u.I.1 I.. A M T C I) Prtat ipal Im Ulm Sckotd Lea« »rovti .. «t, as sa .¦Wp:.«i.»,ui i.i «tb.. h Hi l receive ai ....i edmat. of the tirtt ardei. n CU* ;,' i .'. ¦>. .«.. M "»ai *'* English f. n bi >ix » :i i»i» tust rudiments Ui.n-.iLC .11 >,| IM Water i latiriag earscf thaPnaopal, (as F,.. f hter, rhsraew snd trtH eipartaaca metetearm imitierte aaiaiaaitlw Teputa'i n wasch th a,,,.-.; mi ittaiard Uaai-«»aVra» de t'utalene As< firt. Sa Baoehera Barie*mt«bärgedwabsooaBi BqoJta n e. .1» gyiaaaee aatl ... «.f aa mi .. t Um exe ceree ¦ ilttairaa Tba »rin im ran fa urt at im heea meto ,.f Oaa P Bwtaaa, Nu UiBroadway. >aTaesdays,Thursdaysaad ...j.n, i'ui !>:» n Ii*h Term eoaBsneacca Nov. 1. Pro«; «-tose at the pJkacipal b, . stores »3» im* FIWRRY T< >WN IN Sil T UTE. .A bb I irrt Bnaitliat aVtfjesl lot Boy», at Taeiytaaa. Bj Y f*M u kttar [run .f tin* Instil in iua wdl c.iam, aeo oa II (i>t >t ..-Li» ia November, Circulars,aoaaaiarag terms, t, fen i.' .«.. *ith .i »i.k ui in« losi.iui«, lakea fron »'i <.;¦ I on which Major Aadr *.ii> ¦ tared, caa be ok- r..J«t.«HEPABUS It. oh «t. ro. N IM Pult u-*! and ». k h WILCOX.U S BsbooI kgeaej No 293 Beoadr M 11 kl addrt ato | ulSTuttTbtf A NBWM a N. Pr.i et] aL HI A N S I ON-S QI'AKK FEMA LE 1? I SEMINABY, hi P.. et.-. .N Y .The Winter teamwilleoauuoaoooa THl'KSDAY. Nuv 6 Application toi Mi-lt oi rataloe-wet m<.» ba -aatl« to J. 8. Ol B BONS, i*.i.. ..<¦<. *h n.i.n Y..toaa] af Iba rraa4eee,orte W P UIBBONS). M. O.. Principal ¦ Tr trtt.M D.M J Myors, 0 It. Hendnekmia. A J. frftn. k A. \ aneh, M ü .>.« MI's KAI. NOTICE..stüyvb. raNT INSTITUTE, N < «u Biaadway -Maaara. rj (' IUI I. a t II NASH, wiii rivr urira»-) laaTMM oa tie Piaao Burlo, Violia Btaging atc., u lao Btarvaaaal lu.tilute, -ud at t|ir rr»..;. 04 r Mgila Al»n gita Im»,.Li Ig d ,,. Iht Vi ui, A<- . Ibai evtiuiiut* iu e».-b .,.,1, I".» m .d, Iii"- Ii .11 '¦' atl S B .l'uuiu«, vi Leuchte B Nowtaa'o raanaaveturo, foi taie very lo» au28 tmTaThaS« M181C . Mbs. PETTIGREÜ, from Jfl f Sfeyerbooi . ¦»¦ ..mi i «.vr m- -truciK-aia Stotiai ami na the Pieke Porto, *aabtokaUm ,.,. 'i ..urn ..r. a'oaoe, H Aratty-e»,oao bkckfruin BmoSwav. »bei« aiipliraAioiia uay b* taadeon 1 Wi-i -d.i.. Ell a"d Kot ui day. Inon 10 A. m. , - y M Bi I. Mi W St harlüaibere. No. 183 lj;./j-»\. M ¦ P »oidd aMo ragaa« h.-r »orvicegaea Bepraaoaiager ia a Pi te--.autt l.uich ill TtSlTtkrh* M«i.\>. M \. i..M VAIiN and Um L%« ,1 r. kt kM laatih. bare rat med i'.r tin- season, their kssseaeii Preaehaad M *te, Piaao,Onrtar, k l| Po M Piaahlia-M. all IM* IN8Tail)C1 ION..A genueoiMof niany ysara'espanenca w.U instru. t ia Math, ii.atoa >r Kur- Bek, in trtva** families r ¦ h s Pari, alar ittentioa gtren tu AntLnn-ir Alret.ri. Surrcyit;-. Kn.'inerr.Bg bi»»i; i; ..t Mn;.s l t.arts, ac Pes* of reierenre g-.rtn, Bddreaa UKOMK I BY. TTibnaocrSkro. oitm« Danring 6choois. l;oin\ OATM'ä DBoeiag Aoavdeniy, I\ e N,' 44), Hr s m* H. I ri r. establishment is u r.v imei f rtk* -rasen ( lasses , ii V, eiliie«.|iiysantl Saturdays for I.a A. 4iare ai d I hudreu. on Salarday lor laoaa a he wish to attend eat e ,,».». 11( tetee oa Moadaj I and Thursdays. Other rlaartn aa Weoaeatayt and BMurdayata Ike ereatag, for1 Gent..lie, Piari ru,( l.e-s. n- on Ihiirnlty evenings gadtOOS aoBki-Btoalkl) fut Adults, am) m uithlv forChil« dien All the Biodora Daaaaa are included iu tin- eoataa of lii r .ttion Eur patlicalaia.Baa^CLrcalara. oil Ira* / 111A R RI' AI'IJ 'S R im iM S. N. i. *jn White- . ' %\ -Me---rs < HAKBl AID tv O lll.VIK respert- ftilly .i-m.t Ike r itiemis :uul pntrun-. ai d the ladtot and yeBtltmen, that the'r HA NCI Ml and WALTZINO CLASSES will eminence on MONDAY, 2Uth, and WEDNESDAY, ^2d Ocl at the aboseplaca Days af kaatiailioa. MmxlBy. al IIo'clock aotsa,aad 3. aflerm-in. Im lathe-, atasaaaaad euoier. Tkaaat Isaaaa are Baelaaira. ]y f.e th«se w ho desiia lo take hut oae kstasoaper aroek, and Hill i^- BoavsaasaM bn faaaibaa laakfaag ua town WedLttdatt and Saturdavs. at 12 o'clock uoou. and I, af¬ ternoon, ladies, misses and masters, two less ,us per week The class log griitliinen, MoiiCays and Krida.a al 7J evening The reunion soirees every fourth Thursday evening of each BOBtk, esclvrarvely for parents, pupils, and f kvadaof puiu's to con,mein e Nov. 27. Maaari C fe O will tearh allihe danrrs now id vogue , tl*o, they will ia- tradaeo La Masoarka amloro. Bad 't aava Boaaksk danoa. Jortetms and particulars, rail at Mr CHAKKUAUD'S re..ilei,re, N" MBans st nn.I Greenwich av. Can be seen e»»rv a-- at o'cioek P M ami at his i.e.ins. No 2* While si .dariagschool hours. sM ImToTloVS I i)AM IN<; ACADEMY,No. llOGiantV- -1 "al,tSSSOia from Broadway.--B, BABOCCO, Profes¬ sor. Inventor and at le Tearher known in Amenrs uf ths new and lashionahle riar. es, whose talent does not need uiv leeomiuendatioi has op. m il his saloons lor classes for lasses, gentlemen and rbjidren. Private lessons riven in anoiies BhtiOELYN DANCING ACADEMY.Franslm Huild- tBe.rnraei mi Orange and PultiHi-tl* one dwor from pul- t. »1 1 BABAI 4 «). fr..m No IIOGiand-st New-Yiok h.»- ,.| «...a Daiiciiie .s. fot ladiea, geutleiuea and Ohddieu'. t laakve Private leaaooa given ia families Hia elacsts will rotaaMBCB oa the 2'Jtb mat Em particular, aonly at aw Ai...'o.o> oa the 2Sth Be- ii is sllthe i,< danr,s. the Amen, an Cotillon v ill be tku(ht to children with the grentest pre,- so n 'I his advertisement ia only tnteuded p.rtke baMelaMM BBCtOty, s2U 3m* SEXRINGS PWVÄTE DANCING - . Bad W tl.T/INO ACADEMY, at No y, Bond at Is .pee every day CbvSQOB to auit Iko tMSVOaleacS of all A< adaasiaa ami lamilie. attended Put terms, ajiplv as abuvo. o im* MMK. I)F..S.IARI»INS-I.RAVIKR hav- ibs removed her DANCING ACADEMY to No. J4 CLINTON PLACE, most resper'iully informs tko paobc thai she will open has rlaetee on Wodaoaday, Ootebor 2». at<< lm IMITATE DANCING ACADEMY at tl,« Khaksi-cre Hotel. 212 Will am st -H MEVEN'S At Milmt for tearbing the elrganl accomplishmeut of Dan- r tt is BOW onea Classes f it yoang ladies and masters, on Tuesdays ana Saturdays, at I o'clock. For gentlemen on Twttuaj* and Ktrilays, at 8 o'clock. P M. t>13 Lm' 1V\m im; CLASSES..VT WHALE I w ami PAVOHTEB iispi tsfully saaoaayoa that their (lasset us sbaSM hi boo ciiwawoctag at Constitattun Hall. No SM Broadway, at No Tß\ Eigkth-av and at lb ia i Ha i. Hi, si,ii Foi patikabua, see eui alar, tie bad as a' i i '.' ;t« UUitcr (Turc. I \W t. l nichols and Mrs. gove ¦ " NICHOIS. No 9i Cliutoo-placa, Eu-hth it .T.» aeoSl BBaWsadt rs'atiriii g, tlo \ r ipoMiab then charges Coo« eultations, petaoaally ur by lotlar, witb full directions for UaalBssM, ti, full-board tioatmort, siu a week. Bay Ireatmi ut, SI a d ,t visits in t, .n S3; sat of Iowa, a. » uiiiiv totiBM aaddatlaaco Nopatioatreceivedwilbout prtrviout conaoitstioa ll in of consultation from 12 to i aM tat* VI ATER-Cl[RE INS VI rUTION, c.r- I' eer of Iwelith-«t Bad l;.mers,t» .hire . Dt BHl'.w Lbsearbaml Aasesvcaa sutkoi and aractiiioiier of Walet-Cu.e, D- W a IIAMII l\>N. ol thirty ,a its' e, petieu.e.ia tkakealiagart, tad f W MPYKR.ti >mOer- BBaay, rkjsafliBaa, tJDawif H\ ÜROPÄTH1C INSTITU rE-Leb- anon Sprints ami No tl I night st N*w-Taek . D-s TKaI Land HOBFOHD have est aMadv da FEM \ I E DKPABTMEN1 treatn Pi lapsas, Be Di rrall will he .. IheCMt IM iMiekmeul u naaoltatloooe IT'i;s- PAYBsad uuim:mihv P| >ma || K A ng e mountain wathr- w fCtJBE.S a:;. Orangi Esses Co., New-Jrrsoy.-JO- BKPH a WEI KB. V. !) Pi..a;,,an to tue Institauoa. Yititorstn.m New-York leave the foot of Cortlaad af at Mo clock, A M aad I aad I 'clock, P.M i«rtf |in»M'\ R|\KR Wa\ter-cure bi BETA BLI8HMENT d Tarrybtwn. i taMatal ht.iithi ii Iseaaksa, aad sko t one lsmtr*a isle fr.on the tvy aM ia.» f D PIEBSON. M D Pkysrciaa sfUbicol. IRASTEN AIJ COMPANY M Ml >l- t IM s PHINI IP IL OFFH E, l.lll Bleed* ay Nan V em,as tka^yastetsaaelatk-av Tkase valoable proparatkma hare for maay jaats asara i..a-,i ., w <ie ropaaajitam in Oorssaay aad anet partaof Ebt.s^e, and have Vrii u in 'he Vmtad Simrs I >r tue )>»' asattaaa years l'he> are prepared frees the presrnp- ta...» I Jjliisl.« ,1 by DB v ISTEN \C. PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE M.J Cl hi attrj d lai >.., hi »t. d Csaivsaraii H roe, Pi ua. sca An Mparssacod fiyaklaa ia atMBklaa s, arko will r>e i .».. a i itai SVBUP DE CAPXLLAIRI k roar-sai fog Gea I > Ii-'t and all ds>i isos la/',, ttoaairii character. BAaTBNAirHEALTH PILLS I irafora liseasoa ..^aAmg the Ihgrstir* <¥i/?»s or arunng from Impure State **Ja* twmmtu ire\eMiive umI Cuwa for the Chokrra s iw kNAl PE.MAI.E HEALTH PILLS- v rt.dy si .'i (Ha t irsasaa and Ikstmses ti- ilsarl» inctdeui to Eo- **t f,'r Fevers. We tkne»s. a.-. w ,' . Al pAlN >Vl\i t .-.ire for 0^'^ P';.,tc ... CUwra. aad all wthor Eaten .1 1 a?f t " sUaa.Coraat Br m.l»»av and John-al , 1 W La...: V . I. ^ p., \ 4 T?i V. v v lth-av.;Chiltoa.N.*. m as ;¦; m I..., N .- ,:. vJ. ., u ti AL- at.r ' C M G li ... I! -vcrv aid Cram! st W |> fr e ue, corner f BawcrT Bad on-st ; J. Craasbss, c..-i,e, amwary and ch *; : ¦ iioios u N,, MBaada st K C k, mier -I Grtud am Mt/'tV U er..| Grand and N rt uk- ¦ " at! *h<U'<. N > Matk U d'ao.iaii B « 0 .d c. . oi b'»' t r*i M c * " Oaa.'rtrdVaB tu^V'x ,M" M H "a m E.i-oust r j J-asVv*s.-M'- ,:" No I7S Caraad-el Jt-sskt t .iv Mr t'ö it tv- .'*u,?1;^' "..t" w. ... Ircss'd ' - The raataoaa vt tt.,aar, i HIssttssarwav.Nsw-York "aali taaTvaTBBBM* rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, l. * T! ".'.««. eared Ssy BI Agtmtlovnsn tk.»ü\ V%'"1" » 0'"Ml »""e, il,e ailiowa asseal. twBBj a,,,, kasa kaoanj I ifatLywill apart me muaeba KtS.,"'r. ,.;,«:; WF"< ^.es.4''MEim'CS.-: Jl^;,!,!' ^' notice.-MbbTla !H ^'rt' «.¦¦.aas, litis, for tka 1 ui,d« th« filtad daily fr...., 10 to Irial.» aT" J?, J M.duo That .he M o.n.r MMacCowawTf! i\ '** ^tformed Ofllce No 141 Wl;,;,,, ^ "* ** Er. n. h. English and of lm« 1a(M K vU,s J IQ]m HAIR dye a-a^m^^ wmmMS nPO THE AFFLICTED..1 r. mr- ¦ in it t) tMiumi in »'*u 11 -i.. i. ... i. a Nceiredfrom tu HAVER, Wo tUO/artd at, .< «- P'tsamv thaaktto him. f.r :b« san... In.« H in of mgr. and have » ff. edtete , :r .:»>..( iince I «ai about it stars.,Id. I heard ef l»r M bTER a Rermjy ., tr. ,i '. i September, and weal la. nediat' lr .Oieehna I then fen, and had felt, for a «ra«k prwei n In'iii* dale, all 'he «tnptoiut I a sew | | R*i-«) >adwatfearfulthataaattack wasel - .1 tad I t.a.k Ilia inedieme the lie,!,!*;, vrd felt aim-SB i rt-d ''. rtlei Theattack eipeetad *>a* pfotaaiod.SBd I fell line a urn No alia. hare c rve gpra no tieee that date, win h Bow 1,. ar forji u.. n me I fi It hopee and tenmoil aiaunal* '.o bsttevo they newer mej No rented ihatl hare ever Uied ha«*e*.nd 10 hate auch an efltrt boob ne. Tiv it and be u-.t fearfol, (if roe, a*e In nlded with Kpilipsv.' knjtha' -Mil. nt d*!a Sire'v. tome -t ha* proved almost uur-culnii Voute, respectl :.'v. WM If PAR<ELI«. Del is ail s ii«Chr*«ie-el St« \ rr If 2»T.j1|.AS* IEPILEPSY CURABLE. .1 uouaevod". * sad thoesaaJs eared .u Europe.Dr. E MEYER, rvrntlv fro:n the r,:. I H, r];.,. Hpe-a -:>?-< f«111 v in* Iura.« the public of New-Yorl and vm.ii:., and ... .... 1 ie aanctee, thai he 1 in possetimn ¦<( 'he late di«> rvi red Oraratal rented] r the certaaa aad arifal-ir.'e cur« f Ep- ilaptic rrti r.. by ad phynoaas hacvable | have . .ire<i tboiuwud* ..f eaeea in Rurope. and cwrtuVales,rsnun- ier.i«neii bj Oovarnirieati from tnere to ;.r rve the fact,caa be *aen at my office M> m.r 1. u a a as and t~!' intone. M. r. in... in,.! :,..| treatment are t>fierent from an? yet known bj ..there Person« afflicted . eh that die« iseth iald caiUaad oeaanll ,.. «,, poaable. tngsat en'irelveared. Ofice hoan fr 111 t to 11 A. Mt., iiad fr. 111 I to ä P M Da E MEYER V Hi Oraa d ei«re'-rr*Ti sis* r';,e tl'ut lUt' ,l" "'.1' *».'« t-ratu SANDS'S HOREHOUND COUGH BYRUP, ..lily 12, Cents .For .. eoogh. cold, h-ars* ae.s. w boa .m: ii.nJi, he t .iiin-a i- praited t.«> h.irhlv It es v.r. pleaaaal t.. take Wholesale and ret.,il at RANDSa Maaiaioth Drug Itore, v : Tiiatr «I Rdd by Diuggots generally. Truly a treat medictoa. lmTuTlikS f M)l RAI'D .S I TALIAN MEDK'A. JLRJ TED SOAP ia the .,ulv reliable artie'.e f..r c.irin« Tan. Pin.;dea. Pie. ki».s, s .uburn. Braptioae, Plaahwerma, ninrvrotuu, aad all akin dar*onartiaa btwai* .unter- RrHe, ar.d buy anly at I)r FELIX OOUHAL'D S ..Id . sU:.- Iished Lcvbaratory, t>7 Walkurst , near Rioadwav. CAL- LENDER, iiCS<ia"i 3d «t.. Philad«lthia. and JORDAN, )B(> Vt athiiirtuii-tt., Boetnn.atitf i ^nl'RAl h\S HAIR HE8T0RATIVK, " * ir CTRCARBIAIf GLOSS, maket ttiS, wiry hair, *< 11, ailky and rlotsy. fi (eel it to (TOW. and is, without ex¬ ception ir reservation, pUOlUtOtvthe best pre;aratn.n for drettmg the bair ever ineented. Tnal bottle* ii eents s e h, at Dr. GOl KAL D'iofd established Laboratory.«7 Wa'ker-st. near Broadway. sttf dPJOURAUDS POUDRE SUBTILE . R apraotl hair from low foreheads 01 any part of the body qaickly aad safely. LIQUID ROUGE for pale lips and cheeks LILV WHITE for -Varied, m.^h. sallow skms, at DR GOt'RAUD'8 old established Labora' r., 17 Walker-tt ueai Broadway. .>. If HAIR DYE OF ANY SHADE.A ladv will forward to aar oae the for a «aeet valuable and infallible Hair Dye. with direction! for use. It produces any shade the operator may recjuire from a light auburn to a perfect black ; n unfailing in effect; does not disclor the skin is free from all tajuhoat qualities; hat undereolie medical tests, and its 0001 will not exceed two shillings a year Any lady or gentleman Re a aiding *)! wiil receive the above by return of mail Sent to any part of the United Sti.t.« Addiess Rn LE YATES, K.s better, N Y o4 liiiTuTtiAS* BA TO II ELOR'S LIQUID HAIR DYE BATCHELOR'S Liquid it so celebrated aad ¦urcessful, that it i* eicitiug the cupidity of a host of un¬ it at as The j.iiblie must be careful to get the genuine at BATCHELOR'S Wig Manufactory, No 4 Wall St.. where It it sold wh desale and retail. <>r applied. Thit Dye hat b. ii in sii. cessful . ? rat n for the last twelve yeait ntitt Co-Portnersljip. DISSOI.I TION nK Ol »PARTNER. SHIP .The partnership heretofore enstme bet.veen J R HERRICK mid ISA AC AMES, und«r the flnn of J K. HERRICK h CO is tins day dissolved by mutual consent. The affairs of the late finn will lie settled by I.sA.nC AhiE.S.who w ill continue the business as inr netlv at No 78 John st. J K HERRICK, New-York. Oct. 6. 18Ü ISAAC AME5 o8 Im* iHiUincrp. To the Ladies AL\RGE ASSORTMENT of Latlkhi' and Children's Kur Ronnets also, Boys' blauk. white and drab tancv Hats, richlv tnmmeal. at SdiSB* J H MON ARtjCE'9 No 7W Bowers. Coal. IACKAWANNA COAL..The Dch- i n are and Hudson Omul Company are now selhag then Coal try the cargo at the following prices per laa, «7 Aggs aw., affgstd* laa Wharf: At Rnndeut At Nsw-Yerk Lump..»3 15 $1 Si Grate. J 3D 3 SS Ken. 2 M 3 00 Au additional charge of 3 cents per Ina a nuula at New- York when deineieU toUiipping. Apply at thrrr oflire at Rondout. or No 31 WaR it Now- YorV New-York, Sept. 16, !S3^_ aSS tf CHANNEL COAL AFLOAT..The sub. senber will be liiadmg, in a few davs, frosu aiup May Flow r. Black Cniuiel Coal, in haadsnsa* order, ami for ¦ale at verv lea .t. « JAMES L. WORTH, nit ii No IIPiiaataay,aadEoastseat c,.r Th.pson. I IVERPOOL ORREL COAL..Now J JlaadBBJ a cargo of Hallibortou's Orrel OSal, teleet- adaspresalt forfamil] use and lowered in th* hold Kov s..i. I w byJAMESL WORTH, No 2< Broadway and ath st corner Thompson. olltf IT*HE SUBSCRIBER is authomed (aa I Agent for th* Company) to contract for the delivers of CARGOES oi the celebrated COAL from the Saleia Mil) Mines nt PetteviHe, Pa formerly worked by M. net a Hay wo.*! and ' ... G Howst 211 lr* 8 C OGDEN.No S9 Wall-at KED ASH NUT COAL..A superior article from ths s .d.i. sad Lewa Veins, tor sale by the cargo at Richmond Apply to F. TYLER*. CO . No. ^6 Waluut-Kl Philadelphia. *4 tat f*0AL..Cod t4 per tun for \Vhite Ash, egg slid ttove, and it ii for Red Ash, egg aad stove del vered from heats, at 148 Elizabetb-st ail 3n* piano- fome. 1WANO-FORTES ami MELODEONI FOR SALE.Paisoiu about nuicuasiiia Pianos or Mi? dc Ls. are invited to call at BENNKrt A CO'8 wamooat, ivj Fultoust tecond floor, (east tide of Bioad- w ay1 where they trfll rind an assortmsnt of th* modern style af lists wood PiAno-Forta* and Melodeout. Every instru¬ ment warrnnled tortwoyeais and'a hen doubts are eipres*- ed BS to the quality, 'he payment may be withheld tuitd such doahts are re'moveal Old Pianos received in part pay¬ ment far new New and tecmd hsad Piunot to let If *>tf PIA NO-KORT ES..Persona about pur¬ chasing Piaana * DJ tW U to their advantage to at R Glenn h Co't Mali ufactoiy, 194 p'ultou-st (w eat of Broad¬ way I A general aatortmcn*. t a.a: mti.v and r .sew.. 4 Pianos c.uistiuitlr en hand, which will be s>dd low for cash *.- spprovea'. papsr. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. tf R GLENN a OO 1*4 FTjJtoa-*t_ 1>l A NO-FORTES..V. F. HARR1- SON. No 23 Csus! st . (warer.Hun td st .. der. ' sale a splendid assort ra nt of R w al PIANOS of S| Sad * 's taves, wah *h* latest improvements. oM ltn* HI BLODEONS. . CARHART & ivl REEDHAhl, n knufactureis of rar'i, i's Patattt Hal '. ns Warera M B u Manufactory 7i E .st 131 .'est N \ Plica frutn tttM feWS. sij'.uta JA c FISCHER, flate N nn A Fib. 0 CVJCBJ M aii ul.i. tori sad Warero.un 170 Greaa wick. ii a ear ui Dai PIaNO-EORTEB w... sm-d rnA ra- renw hridg* and patent tabe. weli ctdcalalad U.r keeping bj ins Pisaa Fartaa taaed, tapaiied aad eiehsaaad nil Jm«_ PIANOS for Sale ami m Hire,at T H.a- elay si eBBSsJhi the A»tor Hoase. Rasa M It " »¦- lay.*, ia faoewoed aid ntak Nt-n, eaosa oSliJ.i.* JAS HIOMPSti\,!.'e la! i an vRsn; i DON \1,D A- BROTHER Imtwr en- It a large .se».rtn.»u' -1 k.*»'1 PiaaaS, I'om S. iif. ?i avoi yarSavwt atthaIcwrasSaaBaaastatariBgprates, am iastra* mrnti aairanted la »«».» raspsct, lor » vea.s, and tuned ..ue ,.ar gral.s MeDONALD h BROTHER N Row, ry .i H ttuo-st s. Ira* rp GILBERT *v CO.'S .EOLIAN I * PI Wo-KORTES -M.iR VC1 WATERS S. ,s t:rs at> a.sivr »ale aad i.euey oi r. Gdban a Co'sPiano- Fo.trs. w ith and wilhoul the mach saliinre.1 .E.vliaa. ftst New-York and ye iuitj W irahoaae N«»s. 33J and 147 Br.s«:- tray, where aa eateasiti issortmaat atay befoaad, >t very low prices._oil DAWtf OSTON PIANOS. . SAFFi >RD A 'BROTHER. No MS Bro. Jw.y. N Y acenU for t ie full autg wall-ka wa Bostun Piano- F rAe Ea.s viz Hallett k Allen. - ceaseon t-> Bmwu is Halle". ) W.a>dward k Brown. A W Ladd W. P Emertou Pri¬ ce* iron. t\"i is > in niaaa M rent >i tat' JAMES H. GROi ESTE BN, manufac- tarer of PIANO FOR n s War« «am Nu ..'Oraad- d ort East i Bradwav. Manafa. t.>ry. N.w tj'-lit'It W E'.urteen'h .'leet. Sj.'.. avenue,Naw. Turk. Piano E llies Tuiied and R.-paired. AJ»>>, Seicad- hand Piar: v- F rtr» tak*n in etchance. All ard*rs thana- faily r-rervad sad p ii tnal'y st'eade '.¦ *11 Jui* (2 A H. BARMORE offer it their Man- i| nfactory ana Wareroom, No 3H Bleecker st . cor aer of Charle. »t , aa aaeortmejt uf *!e.-aal PI ANO- KoR ES. w ah the etalUe frsa.* sjuI reverte v f all other n. ..'»!ii .m- r-v- men'.t 110 in * 4 DVFRTISEMKNTS are h^utci ^ J. a ths bast parer* ia stbar eras sad towns at T B. PALMER 8 AdvcrtimBg Agtary, Trf «um BaUdhag aalJ fllonen iDanteö anb to Coan. (MONEY W ANTKI). . AI »n< f$ 13,000 !»¦ »nnt.d for* or I ran m pi ctii R. * Esta'*, '«.'»« .»»' sm M f.'.' pruperty IS SttSated u t lt Fourth nr. F r fjrtber mtorrmricri enquire REYNOLDS t v AN8CH UCE etlw No 11 Nsssas m ~fk U\i \ u> ?l:>0 WANTED.For i iV « .JP I » rr. ¦¦;.!«. for ¦ hiel a IM«« f IB par«Bat WfB be given, and ..m. :< .¦«.. -.r;»« at wall lataic«! an ssl ..r eriy Ad Ore.*L I- 1Tbunr Office rtil Jl* ONEY LOANED.In -null or lar2e ¦nn.i, at short penf da. I n person »1 security of every * erty ikSman CAPITAL, at tbe A < o- I 1 nHine t9 jrnTaTiikJ» Jnsnrance Companies. DROOKLY1S HRE INSURANCE -B-PCOMPANY, OuiriBEn in lt2t. Offices. 43 Fulton, nppai r 4 Ft l-i Br « i. No. 6 Merchants' Eichanre. W a,l-st N Y nil Company, haring Uieir capita) invested in the mart uml. ui r.-d secnmie«, and having a s'irpl'is at $30.«*, eontmue iniur. dwelling houses, tunes an ! BABI buildings, f'mifnre. uarcAandhaa, ves «eis in; «rt a-H ttie.r rargoee. ny<-n favorable terms as anv timdar institutions _. _ mug. tors. Willi.,r, Kvl.w. rth. J..>,n P.iutie. Jr PfciL«,« T Harinat Joel S Oatman, Daliirl D Howard. R..l.ert t' Bail. Caleb 8. WuiaiinJl. JohnN Oanm. Charte» T Cr areell, A..g II Behalt*, Aruurtatius Nar, las, John I). Pye. R.chard L Allan, Henry (**ia. It«nl it. Wniram Mi> .. Just n S Redtietd. Elnah F Punly, John W Aiwrnan, 8am'1 P. Towaiend, Fordyce Hitehc John C. Srnfth WILLIAM ELLSWORTH, Pres: lent. AlfRin G. Stevejis. Secretary. jvJ4 3mTuTh8« LfNION MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Office No Jg Walt-st , oppomte Hs.nover-st. CAPITAL A Nil AMETfl *.i>oo.«iOO. laaaraacaa aa Marine, Inland Navigation and Fire Basks TRtTBTEEB Rloaaa Taykar, J tomsagtaa, N W MesetiL f. 8. Latin ..i.. Ii I. Routh. fbdawGreen, H ran B Clatlin, Lcwia B Loder, .1 B I UhH I J In. P Netmith. H H Muimeil. J B Dich Paul °pofTord. Valentine Kirhr, Eayrne I) ttin. Charit» c Hatch, Andrea v Stoat, J, sc..h Fowler. L H Bneham, E K Collins, A i; Th in MB, E T H Gibson, P A llamas, Heary HoR, E J.ABdeiBOB, Lambert Sovdam, David B. T'irner, S 1) Baheock, R R Craves. H A Roberts .u, N H Wolfe, C F Uariibmann, J hn V .n Nest. James D Fish. M LiViafiton, W A K'e'eltas. E. A Oehichs, J H Brower. ERas B Brown, Richard Bell, Jumna W E1w. ll, GcvtrfeP Darbv. Peter V King, JOHN FALCONER. Pre. d.ut JOHNS TAPPAN. We Preaidsst Fermna.Mi SVtoo. Secretars N B Particular attention is called to the fact that this Company continues to insure Bnttdinrs, Merchandise, Honst l !d Eunnfire. \ ..»rh in P >rt. Re . against loas or taaafS by Fire, and divide the pr.'tits on this clais of buai- aess.tlie latneas on the Marine prenuums. au^tl 3mTThhS Office of the f_ROGERS' FIRE INSURANCE C0- . . No. 81 Wall st corner of Pearl st. CAPITAL 9200,000. At an election held this day, the following gentlemen were chosen Dire, tors of this Ceiripany for the ensuing year Sampson Meore, Moses Taylor, Geurre Elder, Benj B Sherman, Mars'. »'j P .«n, Francis Skiddr. Peter Martin, Aleian'rH (want. Chas Rurkhalter, Rufui .Story, Asa S. Porter. James I Wilson. Henrv Edey. Isaac C. Taylor, William R. Foster. At a subsequent meeting of 'he Board, SAMPSON MOORE, Esq., was unanimously reelecied President of the Company. J MILTON SMITH. Secretary. New -York, Feb. 3. 1*^1 N B .This Company continues to insure Buildings Mer¬ chandise, Household k iiiruture. Vessels in Port, Be on the most favorable terms All losses promptly sdjusted and paid. 9f tf UILSON RIVER FIRE INSUR¬ ANCE COMPANY. W'atsrford, N Y CASH CAPITAL 1201),000. Office No |ii Wall st Manhattan Bank Building. This Company continues t>> insare Fire Risks on the Mot favorable terms, and the public may rest assured that all loesee sustained by this Company will he liberally and promptly adiusted and aid at their New-York Office, a Bioiiey current at lbs banks in this citv ISAIAH BLOOD, Preialent. P J Avert, Secretary H. H OoniT, Assistant Secretary. \ft tf OROADWAY INSURANCE COM- A ¦ PAN V, ofhee No 413 Bmadwav. corner "f Canal st. .Capital $200,0410..This Company BOBtiBBOS tokssnrs against lots or damage bv FIHE, on Ihe n.o.t rar -ra'de terms. SCHUHEMAN HALSTED. President Jons Wh» v. Se, retarr ol Imk T^IIE MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, ok tms itt of mew-tors. Office, corner of Greenwich and Fultoa-att Oeeaa Rank Ruil.luig CASH CAPITAL, $»io.»oe Inturance against Los. nr Paaiage by Fire DIRECTORS, Aar..n Clark. B H. Van Auken, W'm. H Dieti, Crowal Adams, C V B. Oat rand er, Win Hastare, L- vi Apgar. I) R Martin, Robert Hoe, Nathaniel Weed, L.» !!..{. Jr*eph M Brown., David Magie, G. W Rurnham, Robert P Getty, Valentine Kir'a Ward A Work, E ReadJeston. Rf A Hopp' es. S B Bowman, Hamann Jimes AARON CLARK. President. GgOROB W. tavaog. Secretary. BBtlSm IH E INSURANCE..National Loan i Kind Life Assnraaoa Botnety of London. Qeastal Agent's OhVe, No ' Grand «t Jersey Ci'y The aisive Coinpaiiy roBtisnds to Sflrrl insurance i*the lives of par¬ son, resident in the Cniled States, and on Cidiforiua and Othet ipCfisl hazards, al fair ratet of premium. P'or tern ..b unk forms, He .apply SJ above, to otTBThkStf J LRANDER 8TAEE, General Ageal 1IFE INSURANCE..Ututed States i LIFE UfBUEAlfCE COMPANY, No. 27 Wall-st. Pol li IEt iMMtPL TABLE. Bicept oa the rTOUnd of Fraud .This Company aveiy lasurau. e coni.ei ted with life risks, upon as favora ble teruui as anv timilar institution FREDERICK SHELDON, Preaideat. john A BtkwaKT. Actuary j Eadis. Jr. Secietarv. aaM 3m* Tl II E N E W -ENGL A N I) LIVE STOCK INSCKANCE COMPANY oi New-Haven, Colin., insure horses, cattle. BO., SgsjBSt loss from death, eitlier fr <m uatural cimse. accident, or drsease of any.le- ScnptiOBwkatevet New-YorkAgeacf,Na läMerchaatt' Eichange. corner of Wall and Hanover-stg batement |7f tr L D HART. Agent. II Cvprcsecs, tC'r. REDUCED PASSAGE t.. I ALIFOR- NIA PALMEB it COM FREIGHT and PkCK At;E EXPRESS :er splendid steamship BROTHER JONA MAN leaving »n tue ISlh of October trom pier No. 3,North Brest Isosusl, all Ei rees | ds I Cali¬ fornia will be n reived al greatly r. .-d i it.-t, a great saune to regular shippers, and guaranteed throu^h without delay, tree from Consulate and C'lltom-House eharges For fre ght or I assage miise immediate applicatnm r, izMii PALMER k CO No 8o Br..Hilw.v Steamboats anö Uailroabo. HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD.. KJ. NEW-YORK I t-LBANT and TROY Oa TtTEB- DAY.l'et il the lr.ius ss til. until I'urthet .s RsUuws: Lobt« New-Y rk, goias North, fr..m the ..rtice near Chambars si At 7 AM WSJ Mail It.. a l r \1 .. Ti ). st..,j.iiii at Maiihattasville, iJkl-st , Tabby Rook, Taaken, Haetaigs. DutnVi Fern. DsanaaB, Tarrytoww, Soig -Sant. ciot. i,. B.»e a>ei. Vorplaaks Peak»kill, Uarri- » u. Cold siiii.. Ei»h < il. CarthAge, (Loa p...ut New- Haaiburgh. Mi>toa P. m. P aghkoepaie, ILde Pirs. Rkmeback, Barrytown, Tivoli Bast Camn, OakAUi, Hod- sua,ataekpuet.Cossarkks Sin muni 8eh..t ». k an! Cas- tirten At* A >1 Ev res« Irani, stopraux >.nlv lor pas¬ sengers al Press»id, PouybJveepeie and Hudson. At in A M a P-es-.s U, StOppsBg at a.l wa. stall BBS At Hi P M (oi Peektkill. . oppuat at all aaj stataai Ar :z P M tum Al'.sn» and Troy Stlopfamgooty at Peekskill. Cold Spring. Fathkdl, New-Hambargn, Pöaghkeapme, Hyde Park, RAatebeck Barrytowa, rvroti, East Camp.Oakhill, Haaata, Btorkport. (ovsarkie. Btiiywaaat, icBoaark ami fSaaUisi At i Pjkl .for IVssghtandpawsaasrsto Poash- krei««it.[i|ii"g ut al. way stations At 4 P M f * P.mgk- k.- s.r ggup Liutthe «a. statp.nt. At j P M IhtBBfll M iroiia. tt .: .nr for passaafsn aahy si Psekisill, Poagkkaepsic saaaBstatwas bet«nn Po«gbkee;«e and Albany AtsjP.BJ PeakskUl.stopputg at BspstBtwae. Leave Hueaua for Albany at 71 AM n ipiagat way peaci s. Leave A guts Bo t t AM forNsW-T>e s' otg sl Castletoo, Srhodaek, Stuweaant, Coismkte. Btockport, HudtsB,QakhiD, East Camp. T vjIi. Barrvtuwa, Rhine e. s. Hide Pars p, .ie New-Ha burgh, Carthage,(Low Point Fudikdl, Cold Spriur, Garrwoals, Per.«.id. v.. i.r.iss, Cr.ton. BJaa BiBgi r." 1 . Parry, Haatmgs.TaBk an and hrsahstt uvil'e. Al 11 A M ler New-Tork. taiprlB| at Ca.:let«n, S ur- v, saBl,Coxssa .at. H tdsoa,TrvaR, Rlun. bet ». P.»ighkr«i>- sta, New-Hamburgh. FwkkiR. C 1 S. r II tskiB Ai3 P M foi New-York, stopping at «11 be- toreii Atbacv and Peektkill.e\ce:< Carthage. L .w P lot. aid i,ot sf 'iip.iig h. low Pec.>ull A >i P M for Hudson. »toLipingat ad way stations tt P M m oa arr-v ,1 -I Western trau l .r Sew- Vork.aUsj pmg latly at Hudtoa. P.mghkeepsie. Fwhkill and PressslU N B .I WSS Trams will leave Tr'V !j BBWOSSS ptSlbBBS to tue sears siattd baaaa. Laave P rkkeepete (or New-Tort if A.M. ti r si Ihe way star.. u « At 7 A M. for freight aad . at way .>l* I ease IV« ... N -V -I . -.t t> A M a at was stations At i P M .tu it »v s-.^ttous. AI S I M. st.,n. at S4i stu:i us Pissa-rigirs will pricure rie.-1. »*: <ve en'ennrr'i.- Can. .I,, (J W C \Oi NG. Pre-. Irut. r^MDKN kod AMBOY RAILROAD. Mortui j tine tearmg Pt- r No I, N mk R.vsr f -t .( I'a:ie. .-place. Jailv. (Sundays tc utsd.) at I A M Mg ,-eaml a- J «a P tt- r AReraooa has Isswse al i r at.. B rnBaad haw Eiaigract line leave* -t^^M DEGULAR MAIL LINE,vitStotupg« It ; :. forBostoa Prorideace, N»n-P^fzrd. Taut.'a . \.w an.carrvnig thegrt I Eastara I S Mail. »ua- i,4 cl tag« . C in « .n -The wc re an 1 *.''-¦ -:.t \ iMU'KHI r .. I -NsWMOl^REleaveja .i. isu».««i e.cepted) No «« K ..hrak wi.ari » a-ve BaUsrv-pUv «. st i . CtoeS P PA. For paa- stall m um er freight, apply al Pier Ns t, at »t iBe «?, No I] Ba'tar; i .aa « ,l1 nIRECT ROUTE to CANANDAI- 01 a. SOCI'FSTFR. BUFPALO and 0M '*'BaT. . SVW. TORR iimI rKIF mdCANlNDAIGUA aad EL.V IBA K \ | l.Ko ID .Caanwg M rmiXii and *9> Ml . Btl S«;trml»r .net the >n.L* ¦>* tiaJ r- .t». w.U rt n >* f *| i«--r>»-. Eiproas Traia breves New Teal (feel of Ds- ir..-«t :.!', \ x' I'.d irrvis at Ca.l.n.l .tgua a". 7 .50 P M. M.Mail Transscares(lew Toti t * .>( Duaue-s'.) I A M irmei M t ¦ raal 8 I' M . and .efirea n* it .iprrn- my* (>.' **8S ¦" 'ias*vM a. i M .Vii.t Putte.» Tnun leaves S v-Y»'s (taM >f Deine at ) st < P M . sn.t arrives at Cana laig ta at 7 Ah it l a. Bl resel r.. .e ,..»< auuiiU.gua %1 11 10 A *4 . mm ut sm m New - Toth at :i .u \ it tJ .Ma.. Tra.n» Caaaadaar, a a* « P M -tine, t- rj trstktks BafTsIuMail ii^e Paesaagert hr r.ts trtua t»:ll arrve a: I linjra a< IHM. am: <-an . :th»r g b he tie Btgfet ElprWBI lrunineta e .-veaaae, a :iaht'e re-' r. rtrt d to i Ii- ("try a' 8 ncit ¦ .nur 3d. N:»h' Evnreae Tta n leaf* PinBBtlBB|BI at *> It P.M. at.i: ":v-« ti N»v».,or- it >j 4 \| A I reo hi rrära atll laar« raaiatlaatsa d nlv at 11 1 M. PaaeeBgora »il lad tl .* thirhtiapesl aadaatast iijbbbi In or- neii w f h the a'f e i .'.,n,.i...)i . r wiii rer dat t the eaj- sat aa 'mwt r m, fortable MARVIN P'iRTKR. Chief Erjginear tuP S'i. er.a'.eu.'e:,!. Car mrt Lgja 8e; t r). IS3I el If I~~^OR HARTFORDfhance «1 Da vs. -Pa.v>a.e $1 io, kjotrraat De-k Piastre $1 . The ataamer HERO, Captaia J H Erne wn! leave fton F-art R .er -t. a d ace Pect shi e.'-'r r< EBDA Y, THURSDAY a.SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at I o'i l.-ek. K..r f-.rther information iiki are el* Ute ('a. tain. »a k a-.l we ..f PAXTilN a ft'SBB Nu l!lS..,th..i ,Ttf r1 < ami I LIN h.-1 he n»-w and elejant e Sf in - r HI'i K PYE STA I K Cai I C C St«v « ires Buffs ire- MONDAY, fc EDM BSD AT and FhlDAY EVEN I NOB on the arnvsl of the Eipresa Train Albany Through from Buffalo ta> Cincinnati n Bj - T.. ket» can l.e pr a ured on bon'd »I either »f the People's Line Riea in . I Eaa Wsaktl Kare b I iBalotot inrnaaUlli Meals aad Bertbeiartnded Sil hlA. i'able. A.-eut I^oR B08TONi via NEWPORT and FALL RIVEK .Th* «p'endid ami unen 't tteam- ers EMI ho ha E st d BAT ITA I It its sa illai Bate days (Baadars exrepted) Pier No. 3. N R near the Battery, stIP M Per Fretshi spplr on hoard e a Pier No. 3 riSDALE fc BORDEN tilAfOBtS, Not 1* and *1 V»eat St, |V< 'R SUR K W .SHIR Y, LONG a BRANCH. OCEAN HOUSE, port Washing¬ ton. MOVN1 Band BBOWN*8 DOCK, IMMdlotJowaJ HIi.HLAM) dik ES ami red rank The new and . - rttNsmbnel thomas hunt. Cant A h Harrer- tv.will leave n". vv.Ha'.ru Pier, went tide Pe.'k-sli, E Rival.,tail.. as f..IP ws LEAVE NEW-TOBK. LEAVE SHBEWSHÜRT. Fralav (let & a M Frrdav, Oct 1? at 13 >1 Saturduv, - if. at I PM M ndat. ¦¦ M,M 1pm T iesdav. " 21. st 12 Tnesdsy. " 21. at 31" WedneiaJsy " 22. at I Thursdav, JJ. a: 2, .. Fndsr, - ? 7 A M Fndav. .. 14. at 3 - Saturday, ¦¦ 3.5, at I P M Monday, !7.atMA.RL Toesdsy. " 28 at 7 a m rsisdar .. 2».atii'j . Wednesday, .. M at Tl " IWsdaesdsy,*' 29,atll ThBltrday, " St 8| .. |Tnnrsr!av, ¦. M, Mil M Er,dr.. .. 31 at " Kndav, " 'PM Baitrrday, Nor I I' m Monday, No* I.MM m s ares will ho in read is ess to eoftioy pnaseiurers to ail piirt» of the country IV AH ptoraasM are forbid trastmx the abors boat i>n ths Brrotust of the oweers o!7 l3t* F (Pecan Steamers, £"c. THF. NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL I NIT PI) .STATES MAIL STEAM EBS.-The ships comprising this line sie the ATLANTIC, ( ai t West. P ACIFIC. Cai t Nve, ARCTIC. Cap! Lace, BALTIC. Capt Coatrtoek, ADRIATIC. Capt Orafton. These ships h ive Seen bull hv ronUiu't, ext.ressly f»r Orrssranisat esmos Evory caro aas heen taken m their eoastnietloa, as also nt tkeai Knmnet. to laaure strenrth nii . .e.l.and their aiMimm.slationa for paasenaers are inie'in ile.l f,.r elenanre or roan/oft Pnre Of |iassaare from S>w > ek t" Lirorpool.SIM; sscrnairoasoof ittrt atie state, |325; fmni literpool to New-York. t"33 An Bapeeknsosd sarg bob attached to oeck skip, Noherthcaa hr secured until paid lor PROPOSED DATES OF SAILING ntOM SEW VOHK FRovi LIVKHPO0L. Saturduv. Sept 27.1851 Wednesday.. ..Oct 1, IAH Batarday. ... Oct n.isii Werlaoaday _Oct li, I8J1 Batarday. Oct ti. IUI!Wedneiulav.Oct 20,18.51 Satnrdav.Nor 8, I8jI|Wednesday.Not 13. laal Saturday.Nor tl, I8jliWednesday.Nor tt>. ISol Saturday.Dec. 6 1831 Wednesday.Dec. IU. I Ml Saturday.De.' 2», UM Wednesday.Dec It. ISM Wednesday..i*u. 7, tsii For freight er passere spply to EDW D K i 0LLIN8B CO ,MWaB-M N.York, BROWN. SHIP1 EY ft co Uret.i. E 0 ROBERTS b CO 13 Kma's Arms Yard, Load ti. isj L DRAPER.Ir 7: Rue Notre Dims des Viet, ires. The owners of these -hips will not be SCCOOBtabls f,« ¦ >ld, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious stones >r metals, unless tails of failing are signed therefor, and the value theft ia therein vipretaed F^(»R LIVERPOOL..United States Mail Rteainahip ATLANTIC, Captain James West This steamer will d> art with th« C S Mails for Europe piantitelv on SA ITRDAY. Oct 25. at 12 o'clock, M fr-en her berth SI the tuot of Caual-st No berth teeured till paid for For freight or passage having umijualed aceoa ulICi'i i for aleirriitee all,I Co,loll, np[4y to KDWAHD K COLLINSaCO.. No Wsll-st. The stramahip PACIFIC will succeed the ATLANTIC, and tat' N r olltOi) I?OR LIVERPOOL.The new and . plriidid steamship CITY OF PITTSBURGH. W C BtctiibtlTy,commander, will sail from Philadelphia for LivsrtH-ilon STAURDA Y, Oct 23, at 12 o'clock. Thee vwesBt*e awomatuaasaeata r^r eaaaayaagg are unsur- pasted hv asy steamer afloat Pasaage in Saloon Stete-Roome... _.SIM Paaeage is Fore ( atiiB Sate.Rawms. SO Patsenrers *i l>e provided with railway ticket.- to Phd- adelplus free of eipetise by the agoat THOMAS RICHARDSON, II Eichange-place The CITY OF i.I.\si.()W wi.T succeed the CITY OF PI TTSRURGJt. and sail fr'sn Philadelphia on the fith of N,»emher. 'UiOli OR LIVERPOOL.-Dramati. Line. Paekel si tath October .The aplemtid and faronto pvrket shin ROSCIVfl. Capt Oliver Eldridge. will leave asabovo.Borrogalar dar. For freight or passage, spply OB board St pier N>. II Fust River, or to oi l.7 BPOFFOBD, TILEBTONBCO, No. it South-at TVEW-YORK ami VIRGINIA STEAM- J . SHIP t OMPANY .BA 11 RDt Y. 25th, ,t 4 I' M r Norfi Ik, Petersburg and BlOBBBOad, Vs .througti in Bad time a., eoanm tioa with any other sine ) Tke new doable ei !.. wheel) Steamship ROAN- (iKF. Lewis Parri»h Commandsr. is now roadyto vaeoivo Fieighl. am! wil sail for the above (u.rts on 8ATURD tY. 2ath, st i a'ctoeli P M pre. isol]. from Pier No 12, N. R Balm D piis.ane and tare to Not folk, includmc Btate raOBS, |9, to Peterntoirg and R.rhmoud, (state ro..iu i|lU Steer¬ age to Norfolk. $5. to Petersburg and Hichuund, $t No herh until paid for Bills of LadsagStgttod i«ilv hi the Purser 'n hoird. and n.'Be signer! alter the sailing of the vessel l ie.sht tauen oattlI o'clock uatke daj .1 .aaliag i,<r Fraight,apply on Board, mid let Passage, uavnur elegant sta'e room ace BBBMdatava, oijy to UKKN s 1 in iRNTON. Agte .Ne <H Poa si N' g .ThiaLine connects withaDths rMeriarBafi- rt sd routescl Virgtais N. ith Carolina, me and psaaeu» gart ior the Beutkwoald d> w. 11 (bafora euaagiiir e «e while) to asaaBBM Una tplemhd Lea ttetui-l.ip. as the lam's her \ asoea^eit she >d of the land route, BsrkM all the comforts of oui hrtt .lass Hotels Bi ks of Passage, a ith plans of ao oiauuilatioc, are now opt n at the aeencv. lor choice ,f berths Tht BOAN«»KE loaves Mew-York erarj BMurday ..t the BBaM hour o/3 it THE PENNSYLVANIA STEAM- STIIP CO atid LIVERPOOL a PHILADELPHIA BTEAMSH1P CO intend ruining their new Steaanihipe aa f.lloWS! TfSlS CTTV OF PITTSBDRG 22us.Capt W C St-aesbiry. eilYOFMAMTIES'lER. tili.Capt W. O CampboO. CITY OF GLASGOW uin Cap Roht Lmtoa. CITT OF P'liLADEI.I HI a 2222 Cap. - m>M phil apSB. Pitt a CITT OF MAN! III > ER .Thurwlsy 0 I I rkl>M LI V'SB* OOL CITY OF MANCHESTER .Wsdaaaaay,Sept r ( II i i'F (.I.Am.dW. W. diiesdur, Oct. 8. HATES OF PASS.toa rioM rHiLAüii.rii , | raoa Livgapoot, Sa. am . ._IM Dollars Saloon.23 Gmnsar Ca'in.on DoLiars I Catim.13 Oukssea "n.eae ratea mi lüde PluVBBOBB and BsSvraraVl Fee. bil a it W inea or I.iqu.r» whi' h ess be had >n hoars] Ins t' dsn I'at. us table and ltten.Um. e, will be found nasorpaBBsd First class steamshirs t-mtwoeti Liverprsi! and Glat- f.w Havre Rotterdain, Leghorn, Marseilles and othsi Mediterranean BStM by which gtsvl» can be shipped to Liverpool sad tkomss ;. thai hae ta FMksaalaMa ttawot. (; -<is brtaadod fcä New-Torfe md .»ther places, wiiibo enter.,! and faraaraad bj tk» Agoat arttBasM charge, and »ith econoniv aod dBBBBtcB fh »e who wisht'.bnugtheir ftp od» Data Liwr ool an et,;:'.re ;,.juaie lor tuetn by any of tkeoeskips. Aaazpeneoced Snrgeoc will be oamed a*, h-hip Frtut.' UnogoodflM sei toe., and priuisgs. For f'Cisht .>r a-«are a; plv SO THoMAS UCHABDBON 111 sVw-Tork B SlBBl ' PBia*da:ph:s RU HABDStiN HR' i'Hl.RS A CO Liverpo-al. Bai Rlf'E H ENDERSON h CO Glasgow iyM I ' B. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPA- t- o NY..F ir new-ORLEANS, via HAVAB» -t Hanoi: of sah ing d\y.t,« spiemdd ikm . ». nao ttesmthip GEORGIA. 1AM tun». D D Portor C. & n Commander, will sail from her pier at the foot of Warren-et .N R >a FRIDAY. Ol kerM, at 3 01 eg re. , Passage t Havana and Ne*-Orl' Nl « ABB INGEMEN1 Lad»» s" Rslos.u Berth_|7« Forward Saloon Berth .SaO A.lei do. da.M Steerage Bertk..-. J-> anai M only ta». nn freight P. Havana For tre.gkt or jsijsare apply to M " ROBaRTs. B13 toil Bo 177 Wast-st .eoraor of erree. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COM- PANY -Onh rkroairb Lasa for BAM FstANCIICO, t it HAGRES, direct .Faro Bedimed. On SAIL KUA Y, O. t 2o. at 3 o'clock P M . 1:.-s easfe.nkli aagtaosteamtkip ILLINOIS, tun- raaslkti m ner ai cumin.slalmus and e{«ed.2 idO tun..) Herr. J Hsrtsteoe. ISN commsmtsr anU . a SATt'RDAT.Oet M, procamli MI o'clock f M nsaaahar ;.-a' "e ; : W n-e!.-.' n - ' K v*r. with the l#oV- etnmeBt Maib direct far CH IGBEB. rot BBVfiBg with the Btrartte I- S rnai ttramshrj. CALIFORNIA, y, swi »pl .ut ant ih ... f *. n Franc -co >n i.-nval »f the as- senr»r» and 11 a at Panatna_ , For paaeare ..r freist t apolv at UM atTir-e. JNos. 31 an 1 U sWatk-al ,r at No UT Weit-st. oiaer Akarren-m olltti OPPOSITION to the OLD MONOPO- I y .I dt seadi at Ltaofo* CalaBsrakt,oM »*a J iaa aad CkagMt t'reliu-evi rate. The d, « aud r endJ rTfBOTIIBB JONATHAN,IMSfeaaa ,.- i,.,.aad hrnleatmmmtmmsatka v^r'.1. lilaaai1 vfc> II u>a/a » , O-:. fS,M la*, i.- .'-ai Z*J * BR m] h_t ..,.. wberths st 1 * rates,onr^yappM- . n mils' le o.a. . E MILL.S. Afrtd »vi CeartBaMMk THE BRITISH tad NORTH AMERI i CAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS betweea NFW YOhK a:.d LIVEKPOf)!.. direc* . «ml Iset-eeB R «TON M.I \ EKPOOL-The B.s«.'tishi,* ..i«lf call- nr »> H;.' '41 li> laad u.d rto rv» mails aad pa 1safari. AH API I. f... AFRiC A. A Rvrie PEHSIA ( tpt EUROPA.I G Lot*. A--IA P H E iBdktns MAG ARA. J S <«.«. Shai.n n CANADA, W HaiTiau«. 1. AMKRIA.J Lei'.h TV.e IBSOOtl cry -i ph*Bf wbite laf/ht It rairt-heild, frtei ...» stall" .«>.l ...... red[a.ft Im« AMERICA I m BO .TOR vVedn edBB) Sept IT XI AI» AI« A t' .. SEW Y IRK WedBemtay.Sept M r BOPA r BORl*OX W« ..,.,>. 1 n NEW Y'ORR Wt . - 0 t A CA RA DA, fin m ROSTl IN Wadl.lav.O.-t IE NEU YO'.K Wrdaeeder. Ort « A africa from BOSTON Wednesday, Oat it 1 Nr.u YORR.Wi leasadar, Nav J ElM'PA rVo* Hii-ION U ,|n..,r ,.. Not IX AFRICA.fn« RR» YORK, Wedassday, No* i*» -., iron fcOSTON. We.metsJsy.Nov 1«. -. t>. m MEW-YORK, Wadneedsy, Dr.- J Preach, fJereiaa aad Gier F raifa tjnudi -ee.ted an.I b. 'uch' IB ewauaoa with RntäaB iJ ..<!. Through kauf of ladsag kra sirea ta Harra for Raw-Y<ark. rmsfi fiiii TTia Yarti ar R atoa to LsisrpssL RtM Bert. « rt.-t see ir«d BBtll PBM ftt F-> cht--ill . ir.-'J ti .' ¦ 1 »>ev n '. ir r.t f»l per. aa . ii -.. A a etps rtvsced SnravM n i.- ird Ctr" All letters and sawapapers must part the Pr.toflj.a F it trail '... .ply to E t N A K11 Jr. lit .il« if Pu»t Cabin. $:20 Baeaad ¦'"aisn. t'» a«W tf VANDER1HLFS NEW LINK UK- f TU PEN RRW Y"KK AM) <s\N I'RVM'ISCO . The. u!y Thr-ugh Line via ^ca.-uaa.A n im'e' .1 I ¦Boiler than taj ibei R .e- c p ssd a the foil m tir«t .-lit* t'esmships, t-etween NEW- YORK and SAN JUAN DE R1CARA0I I rat PROMETMEI S.Cs Charrkill The Da NT Fl WEBfTTER,Cap! A. >' i e'-veeu SAN Jt AN DEI. SI K 1 .isASFKAN- CISCO Tbl NORTH AMERICA. Capt ^cibea. The PACIFIC. Caii Jarvia The INDEPENDENT I ( I Wake.nan These steamers are all w .r«.i.It eipressiy 1.11 rhu rate, and R>r speed, sa'etv ati.l a.en n; sluTons, are 'la-iurpaned. fbe PROMETHEIS -vll leave New Y ak ffi in P er N> 2. Nor ti H ver. on the Tib of each month, at i . .. P M ,eoa 11 , arm a Or ter Tth. The DANIEL WEBSTER, era the 2*1 of each m.'u'h, eon aaeaaBM Oesebei rv.i The dais il leai pa RAM FRANCISCO will ha the lit and 1 s<h ..f ea. h in. nth. WhenU>« ova days fall on Sundays, the dar ot ta.liag will the Mwnlav I. Uowiae. kr n. SAN .11 AN DE NICARAGC A b) SAN JTJAJI DEL SCR, pattenRen will be promptlt oaatreyed irer the « Trai tit Ron', ol the Wieaiagaa Oatapaay. atrtnabat twelve miles of Laud Trai tponila n. and at that ; en nark in tie nf the abore named Pae.tir Steamers tot SAN r HANI ISCO The ireat savme of distance by thus Route ever othera herein'., e es'ab'ith.,1. and a speeds and eoint rt*bla Ivtween Ihe two Oceans tlirooith 1 tn ei'il'i' and healthtul couninr. offer imtmliaitall to the travelin« pub¬ lic euaialetl b> no other Line N paaaaft taeured uird paid f >r, and s.ut a iuu.ted aumt*r ..f peMaeen will 1* taken Freight taken to San J u. le N cararaa oalv. will not be received ea the day of sailing Da* aotioe will beereae when the line is prepared to take frticht through A let¬ ter bug will be made nr> at the ottäce for all POtaM aa the ra to, cluetae at M o'efueh on the day »f- ultng caarge 1^ ceHt* per lett. r. ptl paid For Freight or pasoatre, appt] onlv at (the Offt. e ot the Line. N O. t B.itterv-Pln.e up.stair. ÜB AI.I.EN All per.,.ua are f rtad trusting an. one on va 0 n' "I the ab .ve ta.att : .3D 1 .IS ItW C~ÄI.TfT)R NI Ä~I» A SS E \(: E RS ;, r«v ,.. Tiled to cali at the Freight ami Pa-sci^. r O'ti. N 2.^ Courtlaadt .t New York, and witaaau the -t.t a af theCE.NTRIPETAI COLO SEPARATOR W A NTED Reliable basinets men to take the as-encv of intriduring ibis urr.,ualed invention into Ca iforma. on terms that » ill insure a fortune PaeMfetM kets furumhe,!, berths telectrd and direct passage guatantee.1. at the low¬ est rate- Circulars sent era' « to or.ter Address 02:; jinmiiW» ARNOLD BUFFI M v CO gteam between new*york b3 and GLARGOW .TteOtatgow ind New-York Rtaam- tbtp Company*! new iteamthip GLASGOW," (l,WJtana 41 ii horse power,) N 81'kwakt.c.miiisndrr.w ill sail from New-York t,r Glaafow im SA TI HUAY, Ith l)ecemi*r Ceil, at 12 o'clock, noon. First Cabin Passage....pi v ,iil do. do.$U Apply t. J Mi BYMON, oih tf No S3 Bro.t.laiav F^OR NORFOLK, petersburg and RICH VtON'D - The new double engine side "heel straniskip KOANOR'E. (I.2D0 tuns. C II measure meat I Lewis pariish Commander, will be ready torOCOtfi ti on Friday, 24th .list A M. at Pier No it North Rival and snd on Saturday, 2ath, at 4 o'clock, P M , precsely. Paaange and fare to Norfolk, in. ludiug slate r.soa. $'J De do Petersburg and .It Sr. <-r ,pe passage to Norfolk. i Do do Perersl uig and Richmond.. hallo of ladlaw ssoaed ottli tn the 1 *>>¦». on b<aidj, and Bone signed altar the sailing of the vessel Freight taken OOti] 2 o'Ctoeh on the dav of sailing POT lieighi. apply on board,aad passage, having stats rnoin accomiinadations. apply only to IieEN a THORN¬ TON. Agents, No .M Pearl si New-York. LUDLAM k WATSON. Agents, Richmond Va NOTIi I..As the R.^iiok.. wtl arrive in Norfolk on Sun- day, aa frsifbl wUI bs lauded anlil her return trip from Riehmmii! on Wednesday oioriiing. ...'nil r|M) PASSENGERS for OALlK()R. M NIA -Steamship OOLDEN OATE .Tins magma- cent Steamer was siaiken off Pernanibuco I? dai s out, and there is no doubt that she will be aide to leave Panama the latter days, of October. For further information at the office of the P ACI- WiC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. u4t/ FOR CHARLESTON..Tho favorite tteamtkip "SOCTHBRNER." Capt. j. Dickinson, -¦11 leave pier No. 4, North River at 4 o'clock. P M .hi Saturday. October Wlb. F-r freight apply on board, where all 1 ills ..( lading will he signed ami r-r ....«». at the counting room of SPOFFOR1), TILE8TON k CO., "20_ No 41 South st. Legal IVotiCCO. supreme court..IB the rn.tttpr of E^ the Appli. tttiom.f the Mayor, Aldermen and Common- ally of ibe City of New-York, relativ» to the OPE NT NO OF SIXTY-FIRST-STREET, from Third-aren leto Fifth. aveaue.iu the Nineteenth Ward of said eity Thesubaett- b»rs, Coainaiaaioaert >.f Esilmaie ami Aaaoaanteat in 'ha entitle.) matter, du Is appointed by a Rule of the Su¬ preme Court, give Notice, pursuant to the requirements of sn Act of the Legislature of the Pcudeof the State of New- York, entitled " An Act to amend an Act eutitlsd an Act to reduce several law-g relating particularly to the City of New York, intooue A< t. passed April 9, 1813," pasted April to. in30. that the abatract of the Estimate m.l Asaeasmaal of the Commissioners in the at.ove matter .ontainmg the names and owners of the lot., assess* .1, the numtiers or nu h lols as the) appeal on the maps of the Commissioners, t<>- g. tlier with such maps, and 'he in,.> ilit .| Assessment, whether for damage at b. netit and alao all the atli.lavitt, estimates ami other docuasenta, which were used by the Commissioners IB making their report, have boas d.«/> anted in the Street Commissioner's oflce, ur Hie City and County of New York, for the hawerlina of a biaseusisi ,t may eoa- citri, thereto remain for at least sitty dan bei .re the Commissioners make their report to the said Supreme Court, at the time and [.lace hereinafter rm riti. Bed And the sai.I Commissi tu further give notice, ptusaaat to the taauremeBts of the Act/aetii a **Aa Act I uneadaa Act eutit'ed an Act in relar;..n to the collection of AasoasmentS anil Tsies intli. I it v and County ol New V .r, la gj ..». a, pBSSSd Mat 14, ISt'l, * poeseal Mar*, 1811 to Tie »er ..r owner. oceBPBt(a,OCCBMVatS ofall i. .use..and im¬ proved or nniuiaroved laudsatT> cdadtherabv.tbal th> r have eompJated '.'.eir Estaaate m*\ Assssaassat; ndthai ail .ers. ni w I, se Inten -t.. ars alTected thereby, and who may ho oapoaed same, ai* M^BOSlBd to pre-, nt their Oh> ja T s in wr.ting to JOBBFOWLBB, Jr lie of the said ComBaastoaen at bis alace of busmeaa. No 124 Nassau- street, in the CitV of New Y ork, w it hin hirty days from the dale ot this itotiea And that the Raaks swhrsesd hp thss assessment an at IVtOows, that is to say All thoos less, pieces,or (.ar. e!s of land, aituaie ia the Nineteenth Ward <>f'he City >! New York, between the westerly tide of Third-avenaa and the raster!.- Rdeof Leun ... Bvaaao, houiideal ou the north bv a line distant I no rott ä inches northerlv. the n.^lbeily spie ..f i,lst street in,I i,a Uies. i;th bv a Im« disiaiit I'O led ) lui ties a>. ,t),arly. from the southerly «.<l« >f iilst stn e». And tlso, all those BtlbW lots, pie. «s, or par'els >r land situa'e in the. Nineteenth Ward of the City >.f New Yok be' .e.n the .terl-. a,da af LeiiasUm-aveDUSaad the eaatei'y tideol k' .nrta ava- aue bounded aa the north hv a line distant IPu feet i in'hes northerly, from the aortherl. tide of 61 ttrest, and SJBUsSSOBtBbt a tin* distant MM i inches so itherly, from the southerly talc d t/lst Strset And also, all thoee ether lots, pieces, or parcels of haat, sstaate hi the Nine laenlbWard of UteCifr af New Tora, iietvieeu the woat- erly side of Ith atenue and the easterly sole a Vu avenue, bounded on Ibe north bv a has distant luufeeti in. lies a .rtberiv. from trie northerly side of 'iIrt-street and oa the south by a line distant lot feet i inches southerly, from tea sBBtheriy stdaof dlst stieet. And als», all that r.-irt ,. .. wttmtias laid out by law, botwaaa Om westerly mde ol M'SPSBtSS .nd the easter,y side of >nh avenue Aad the said c ¦imiss iiarrs faithw fnrs entire that their report ii the above u alter will tar made and BSBBSaBSd to the 8a :-en C an' at Ier.o af 'he sn d Court, to Ire held at the Cur Hall .f tue City f New York, on Satur¬ day, the 291). day of November, I8ÖI, at the opeiuae of the C.urt on that day. or as tain the realtor as Counsel > an Ira heard n.d that 'h< r, and there a RBRBBB wiU be .aiada that V.,« said re; rt will e <aietirm..! lotiN lowi eh la ,) DAVID SEAMAN, /Comimss. BOtS GEORGE BOYD, ) Now-York, September 1». ltil sl1tN29 rip he people of the 'state of I new YORR by the Orao God,Fn Indh .'tr.t lo .II persons iaie ested in the e»tate .1 JOHN THOMSON, late ,.f the City of Nea i r etei , .art, legatees, neat of kin, or ..therwise Seid Greet¬ ing TeB and evn If yaB ar' hereby cited and required, ;e.-,,,i.a 1 ' be and i, ? r t..iore our Sarrosjata of the I .maty af New-York, -at hat office in the Ctl| of New- Vol.. n toe secciel dav of Ueeenber nait. at eleven 0 .-.'.a k in 'be forenoou . ( teat day, then and there to at- fctad '!.e final settlement ..f lln mcouut of pr - eedn.g- ' ELIZA ANN ANGEL, a Ear itnt of the Last Will and Testament of aaid de. i In eitimont where if. we have caosad the Seat >f Office of said Surrg.te to ¦ hereunto o»i»d W.tnesa. A. W. Rra.f S'.r oaaSa of oaf said Count,, at the City f New-Tori. theMh Jo of Aurutt. in the vear .four tjmt taattBaSBBd SSRht hun¬ dred snd riitf. ne j:i»twTtaS A W BRADFORD,B n fati \t a SURROfJ ite's co! rt, 11 in sod ftt the Coimry sf New-Y'ork. at the Surro- r.t. sOfTae latheCRyol New York, .nthe<a fO-to- t»»r in the year sac thousand snrlit h mdred and fify one. Pleasat, AietSBder W Bradford. Sumaate. In the mat¬ ter ft. e scattea to meit|Bia. Isasa r tell the real e«l:ite ,.| Ja.lies l,rei.» iJeirLird On K-ai i and riluur Ii D I l.AMESGkEIG the ad ...o-aAratur of James Gietc. laii ot las Cat] t PJea Y sk d> eaased. f»r sathorRi to ¦estasce. ea..«. or sell the tea1 esute f the said sacasaad Bay tnc papaasBI f la de' ta; if .1 ..r.tere.1 that all persoas iatcreaied in'Le estate- f Lhv s tid Jaaes 1 ire r dega Si ed, si pear beb re the Surrora'e of the Coaaly af New \ ..ii. :.. I... 't. n rt.e City ..f N- v Y rk.oii . [Pkt'sj of NoreBtler aast, at 19 o'cl.'Ck, in tha f.»enrxn of that day. then snd there to show- cause why a'.thorn, should u<* grvec to the sa .1 ul-n tuVra'orto avortpase. Wans or tell much of the real es .a'e of the taet Cre'r fle« assssl. as shall sn^icieut to pav his dtClr [etttlW*] A- W, RRADEOkD.S«;rugate. Sl PREM IS COURT..In the mutter Iba i re*k»a ofibe Mas-or, Aldormoa said l3*mm a I I I \.» \ ¦ . '"* OPI- O* fit IV NINTH t-TKK I.I t«u at tu lac poi ,. 4 ..i Broadway The sobornb*is, C akmavsaooers >i Estimate and ¦cat :n U>« al'.ve eotitl.d mat'*- dun api-untod by a r t ' r gaprt C trt <i» c t p ir.uaal to the rr<- s-et>t» of an act ofIbo Lor' aura .f be ;>¦ -p-sofiae»- ot>. »-v rk.eatj.Md Ai tri t.. »maml ta VI«» wAattnttoJ ro.eretall*wt triall a i*'t C'llarly'i City of New-Tori latoeaoAet .¦«¦». d I**"*. ad lpt11 ta, in I: law the*' '-a,' .'I ItM EaOaaalo Aw,- hi of M i <" m ib»ab»rwaatttor.i tinin g tks ooaara tf theowanoM the l"t» «sa**ai***l. a ii. ,«.,| tuen kata aa inr, aar ..alba m*p* of c m aammers,amm her wsUt* rboaatavaaataaaaaw mi laeoesateal whehrrfo laaiaoaa» m- ne ht; aad ahm t1 ,.».t». «»lt»*'»* aal ah. --1 r .m« nt*. » ha h were a»e,i It the Clnaanasaeavm ta BsaaTBSf »hr.rr.-p rt.hsve he*>u dri"«itad w the » ret (..¦im. .amaer's Ctlj ladTCaoatj of Mow 1 rl f.arti o-per-t«,.« >f «roota ..,-,,rtt asartwaeora; Iber* ' ...-. n ie%*t«.tty ...( ^ p ,«part I tneeaeg > ., . r ,¦. attkol an ne.eiuaAer ssenlaea a.I tail 'ha aridfrraat. aor« frrUsei I >.. r*.ia a. pur .. rroM a » >i aa ..'. aaautaad An trt 10 a daa t. es Vt in if »I u. t.. thr PwIWtt.* .: \»-,..-. rota .miTaia» a the Cit» aad Cu«tat| ¦! Ns *- Tor», ;..!t r ata«*-y rpuoat ,a««Mar U. IttO," i>a*ar4 May 7. Ittl; to tboowaoi r rr>, aecaf »at r tra- paataäfal h.u»es.aad imptov,-A ..» uimp-ived land* af- rFrteat thereby, thai Ihr« have .- mp rtrd thear rtttmato and v-ees-meet, mil tha' all parana. « h >». tnfere«** are a> feeted thereby, aad who ma* i* .p.-wrd to roe «***#. are rr.jii»««»«! to pmesri bam .!¦..«. ...» . aMhat *oCbatttta S «neu IV Iherhttiniau ¦( -hr «a d t' .ninii«atonrro, at the olt rr of J Baarn.f « r»r... No lo Wall «t ,a Iho City «i hi. » »abba thii*< owea mum taa data oftaat ¦otK*. Ana' Utal 10a lia«a»lHM*l i,. tuu»aanl arc aa Mtowa. that ¦ to aa* tl hat rerua pioro or muco)ofiaad,artaa'a,lyiaaaad oocaa;m that'it» i fmm York,aad bnandad daaci t.e.t tado atakaiag aa foUoars, that is :o»ay lUtnnn lut mi) nt u he aaateHv tide > I I'll: a-. i:;* '"' ä .. ..«.. .¦¦it'i>-tl» tha a uther T »nie at* ttth Ot^ aa the »ante la to ho ope nod, ant running thtnea raatorl) . wi a bna |v»rollei with and i. utNr'r side ¦>{ Wth sj'.e>. aad 'tsiin' log feat i m. ,.« ... t] till W i-et to tha wasterlr rodo of ttb-ar . teener aorthorh a «aal «»»tetly n-.'o »f Wh tu» leet 10 itirr.Bf to a .?.tot m sajd weaterU atdo of 9th a\ il stant i«" fe«l 5 u ,sne» n. rtharlr fn ui tha nortleth side af J'Hh It aa 'he stineia ta he ,.,«ned then, e ... arlr.ia i ..». thi liar te.t to ai witiatha oaatarly atdaof lath ai drataai ns tart J im hia a-irtherly frou. the uoitherlv «nie ..: <eh .t as the a»:ti« U to am ned «..utherl» ahsaa »auleae-erl» aide of Wh¬ at as .(.- HM e ta to he oarBld JW' leet 10 in, he*, t.i tha point >u laooof hofiaaiaa tadlaha», a'ltha» rertatr o'her piece .o (t o. I, l land, ait ia'a lytBB and nein« in tha t'ltr i.i \, , > -K and ' iboN .t irm >> it aad a >nt in»c aa f ,» ts 'o «a, Boiwaiaa st t [«mit aharo tho loitthrrl e ot ea.h at aa»l >aatoB) lohoopa aeo). »b- ters.ets the earter.» tide I Rh aod 'uiiuina thearo BBttthoril ah».* said ea»tri:v »i,tr .4 » h a* ICO feel i in, he*, theoca oaaterlj *"i>S a Iibo paialiol with said aoothrily ude of wth at a ,1 Jistaat 10t» faot i lorbao aouthetli then hum. S00 ieei to tha weetrrlt aide oftth a* ; thetea BOitharl) a! BBtd we»ierl> tide of gth a* ItT WOt t>IBi'hoa, to tho pujat whoia lao «esterlt aido of tha BltKNBOmralBla r .ad iuter»e»-> thr >s. » ri side of Ith at , theme i. ttharly along aard w»»ta»t| «ideofltha* IT* fort gttchrs, Iheme wea rrlv aloac tat lato of the .rater of the Block BOtwooatt h »l ami Nith «t »71 lei « inx-heo totbeearti y aido nf tth-av.i btmco soutborty alotag aaal aaatotly aa.fthofgavat , ica fba > laraoa la tho poaat a* pharoof bogiuiom: And d-- s! that erta ti «. re ,,| ind in - <>.> i it.. is, ladod taddo«cnl, ,i u (iltowo, t., «u B*- glBBiag >t Bpotatwaari the ». sierl» ti.le of ItU-at in- tris. Ctl the easier I, ihtooftha Bio uuii-rdate ro«.l.aiHl rilB- Btng then. «. ii, itheilv aloiit laal a ttai ado .! lth-a» 21 Mat tlachoa; looaca aaatorli *l es- alrsMtdfaHl im-hao to a ton (iu the Baatarlt i tho WlooaBiaa^hvIa road.dis¬ tant 3d tort 7j no hes northerly front 'he potal of l^aiaatng , Ibesoc southerti along thooastar'j * <'e ol tha Bt aaahaf* dali ad Keot T| ns, aa to tha laroal '.eginning, Aad WB.thoanid Coauasraaoaata do furtkoi gite notira.that oar roport ta tha atsne eat itlod ¦aitarwill bs made and piaaenlod to theSupiemr ('.t ll i RpOCtal Term of the said rourt, to bo hold at »ho City Hall i *he CrarofNoae* Berk,iwBaturday.tho i3'h day il Poeaaiaar, t D isH. at the o|*iiing ol the I'.oir. ,.n ':. In n .-oti t l.ereaf- t. CooaoOl eaa he heanl. anil tha* Ihen ami Ikt re a mo¬ tion Will he made that the -aid rei...ri lie rouftrmed CH A K1 EBB KSi'i iTT, > I A wRENI BODBLL ) Commissioaera. HBNBV Ml KBMAN, S Hsted Nets York. Sei t t7'h. A D llil SlttlHl CUPREME COURT.In ihe BaRtt«rof Iw5 the atmllcation of the M«l"t. Aide-men and Com¬ monalty f the tV n«t Ness V k irla-iseto 'he t»r>KN- INO a* SIXTY riRSr-BTBRRT, from riocd Ateaue to f iflh aM nue. in the Ninrt.eiith Viani ,t taid City The Badsrmgaod Cusammtsamsii of Estimate ami Ameaamoat in the utsse in'it.ed .re. he rt't Hilf N .lice, that thev will meet at Hie oBrCB of loha I owler, Jr.. Ksq. the I h n i man ot Ihe suit ('.mitaioaera. No 124 Na>«:m «ite. t. .n the C ti oi Now s,.k on Saturday, tho 1st day of Nurrmbi . ItOl a four'cioch in the afteni<*n, for tho parposo ol .. .ring ia uafmastioa to taa A»s*sameat made by the »ald CiaasatSBtl BBre, an, |iei»oil or perrim* who ma) i nasidt r tat bsm I*oi tearmted Lhon h) .liHIN mwn U Ji ,) DAVID 8B AM AN, Coiiiuoati-nare OEOOB HOVli ) Haltd New York «letohrr III. IIH d- N SUPREME COURT..WilliaiaR. LHkB- I u au againtt Dav d Hand. II and other* .Summons . Totho dereadaats. JAM Ks v\ KANDELL, srni'HEN H II \ UI is I'HWARH sill I'tun m HELEN his Nsn. am ILBXANDEB vaKUN .. mahV R Ins Wile, aril each of them You nrehnieh, tummoiird and ,. Bjyod toBBBWOf tha Ouatplatnt iu th a a. turn which aas Bird in the othce of the ( le s ol the ('it, am) Coua'y id New Tork, at the Cits Hall ii the Crtyar New-Y-rk. oa tha Mth day of Jaao, IUI. ami P»sereo a onpy af yoar an- swar ta tha aaM oaaBplalnt oa tha sabaorthar, at hia office, No |f Nasaau-Bt.,M laasatd etty wiihm tyraaay ii aya after the tet sice ot' this .nil.BSOB I oa, SSI lusive of i ha da* of BachBBItb'a and .I -i n '.. t. the said compbunt within the tuna afare-md Ihe l'i.nntitf in tin* actum will aa (,lv to the Coarl fur the relwf demanded in the cm- plaint listed the Uli da» t Hi l .h, r I**>I n'J lawUw I ii I. Kl: i t III M, I'lsmtitC* Attorney IN PURSUANCE of aa order ».f the Surrogate of the Cotintr of New.York, aotwe m herehy given to all person* having claim* aeasast MARY H.ANl kCH lale of the City of Now t.,rk. deceased, to present the san e, with vouchers li.nwf, to tbe aabsvonber, at hia atora. No 'U'j Pearl -t in thr City of New York,on or before the etstb dav of Match nevt . Dried, New-York, (he Sil day ol geptemhar. Itdl si lav.uuTh* JosKI'HE MO! NT. Admvwtmrator IN PURSUANCE of aa orferof the Sur- rogHle of the COAtaty of New York, notice i* lierehy siren UisUperson*bsvinsclmm*agmasi EPIPHANY DA- \ Is, late of tho City of Naw Tora, decoaaad, to peasoal the -au «, weih vouchers thereof tothe suhiwriber. at tua reasdeaca. Na I Howaed-al us thoCrt) oi New-York, aa oi aforolha Twaaty Eighthdsyol laaaary Baal .Dated Now-York,tki i ^entv ihird dai .¦. lulv. nyi lyll lawasnTh* CHBISTOPHBR BUBH, Kteeutor. IN PURSUANCE o( an order ol th>> Sur¬ rogate of the County of Now Y.rk. Batkeg ia hereby g.wn to ail noreoai iionm claims igaiaal MAItIA S CAM M E V ER, lau ol the (it. of Nc»Y'4k, deceased, to pri seal the Mass wah roocbor* thereof t,, tho tuh«< rilier, at In* tiliu-r ol BoetaeOS,No 3i I'erry StrOOt, III the City of Now-York, im or before the liisi da. of fehriiary neit . Dated Now Tork, the Spth day of Jaly im mi lawamTh* John P. CAMMBTaTB.Britatar, I N PUR81) %NCE of ;in (»rder of the a son, giiteid the ( nttaty of New York, Notu e ia heeeby given ta all pararm havssj slaiaay against PI.UAH I ISHEB.UMof tho ( itvof New York. iL eased, to pro- itut thi ismi Bith roucasia iberaof io the - iba ciber, at her leaulem o No. IM B MtB mi ia taa CRr of Ne* York, on or before tha Irsl dav .M uch it -Dated New York,the27tii ,lav of Aoaust, IS3I buM lawtsaTh Jolt K HsllKB. Administrstni. N PURSUANCE of an order of the Sur- rugate of tha County ol New-York satkaa is hereby ii to all la-rsori. h It Hin , a. , o-l I t M KS OHF.OO I 8" w II s,)S it.- Hol it. o| \|.vt Y.rk, deeeawd, In pre¬ sent the .ame. with the voucher* thereof t,,i|,r tuhw riWr, al bmogteo. No 41 Baekmaa -irret, ia tha CRy ..f *,', .. York, mi oi before thi thirteeath day of Novemla r aaM . Ic.i.,' New Yoik, the snth dav of May. 18-31 mylUwSarTh* BENJAMIN H DAY, Eiecotor. |%JOTK Bis hereby, givea to all r.ersona 1 vi Batate of STV.VHV.S St.'lll.H la'e of the toWB of Nortofield. Ro hue ud Cum . is.,l, to ;,.,«,u,t thr sa ne, with the view-here t, .. i.. Briber ol taa BndassMaod. at their r»*pe<ti*e .-m-«-» in said Coaaty, on nt beswra the no. day of Januaiy BOXt,aad all pSTSoaa indebted to -aid Eatate. are reqaoatml to ii immediate paynasay .w also, Dated, Stataa UUmi.j ds nth. ia,t \ It DECKER, I m_ ... 11 !... I \Ml EL si.l IE US I "Kurs OfPtCB » MUt Tain» Hall, Pkik. HHAXEH ol |M..|.-Kate UI W-lOO.-am 1 Notice is hereby gives that »he Tat H<» ii of Iba preterit year w hi be opaa fm patassat etj TDE8DAT, tha KNji da; rf Inl and that I will 'hen l<e prepared ta r»- r, ,v .!,. |,ii.- ii,, ,.- a. All persona peyn*J 'heir Taiea urevioas to the 1st of N isrmbei Belt will receive a ,1, duct.,,n ,i interest st f ft I al 11 anao Baleelaiad fr^m 'he tune of pa/monl tothe 1st of DooBatM r nest tu.. *, tent will 1* arid-d to «11 Tnrea uapa.doataa is' it D'.euhsr. and 2 ptr not BB the IXn <»f Decent- b- r ro it Hi rt s raealTBsg Tatet rmm I A M. to 1 P M . B..ii»ab|s hi 'Uey only rereiteal llAKVf V HART, Re. eiter of Taaoa. N B Perv a* tend ag fall Bow rtptloaa of their property t lAMeaVe aBi hasmlaoi h la out to them, <.r fh*y . aa i»e lad by app.ying at this I I jytOtf STREET DEPARTMENT, No. HUH 1^ of Keeoids .P-.I.'t BBttei K hertbv gives tha» tha followrag resolntiirB hut i.-en iiresented la the Board o< Aldermea Io PLAU SIDE-WALK awl SET CURB sad (iUITER west tide atberifTeC betweaa Br and (.rami sta. S p«rs<am ssterasted, ha* ng ot.iocUonthereto are re«iaeatld lo pram mtavern in wmmg. t< the uaderaarned at hia if. e n or l«/ore the Ut day of November next . Ot t. a. ISal M JdIIN 1 DODGE 8tre.t Cummmaioner. / 'ARTMEN- NuTH K.-Renewals of " 1 .«w . -. mt. ,1,'i ly, between 10 an ! 2. intxl ay of I « n ti er w l.k h it .a uc.a viiil to r.- vow I..ceil., * under any circuit stances Owaara aad dit*ort, f Eiareas Wagons, Ragg*ge Wsa- ad Carts with names <>a ihem a/e notihed that all ( Uta w'ag ii Ii .- r otl ervehic iiae.l in the trans- portaT n oi si tic1es from pi*/ e to place within the city for [ay tor such t r.,u»> Hatn n». are deemed to Im ''P'lbl.e Cart* eraona owning, unr or dnviag any *u,-b *eh* le with, nt obtaining Lueiiae therefor, are imlty of a laor, Uable to ten dollars Una. or iinprieoaanant Perai m d> amOOS of pmcunn* l.ireuse ta keep Public. Cart are reriuceted to appi, on uc after the first of No¬ vember. All numbers net renewed before that tune wat then tie riven not I. Mat of H:s Hi i.orth* Mavor r~ ASHEB TAYLOR, First Marshal. Mayor a Oft er. Ort la. 18j1. 0)0 131 CTREET DEPARTMENT. No. 4, to HA] I OB Notue m hereby nveB, that taa follow ing resolutions have been presented Bid ol Asaisuiat Aldeni.eei To LAY CROSS- H v' R .' .' 'atv.,.1, ... n»udC. in iront of the . = PbOPBN llth av froiulath la . ... etil n Ta < IH tDE a id SET Cl BP and CCTTEB in Lawrence, at, irssa. wa tw 1MB apy. Ali pertone latorosted haotag ob e.-ti-.n» thereto are reijuc*trd to proeent them in witting t.. ihe undersign^ ««¦ 8' h.a Ofl>e onorbefo-e 'be rtral dav of November atst [aaj] Joll.N T. DODOt, Slreot CutiJaEseioasr.

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Page 1: nIRECT Sl («PISCOPAL ( · AtMilmtfor tearbing theelrganl accomplishmeut ofDan-rtt is BOWonea Classesf it

(«PISCOPAL COLLEGIATE INST1i 1t:t: Ch**Uu* Qr./e«,Clifob Statt a Lland. Bat

T T-1u.I.1 I.. A M T C I) Prtat ipal Im Ulm SckotdLea« »rovti .. «t, as sa .¦Wp:.«i.»,ui i.i «tb.. h Hi

l receive ai ....i edmat. of the tirtt ardei. n CU*;,' i.'. ¦>. .«.. M "»ai *'* English

f. n b i >ix » :i i»i» tust rudiments Ui.n-.iLC .11 >,| IMWater i latiriag earscf thaPnaopal, (asF,.. f hter, rhsraew snd trtH eipartaacametetearm imitierte aaiaiaaitlw Teputa'i n wasch tha,,,.-.; mi ittaiard Uaai-«»aVra» de t'utalene As<

firt. Sa Baoehera Barie*mt«bärgedwabsooaBi BqoJta n

e. .1» gyiaaaee aatl ... «.f aa mi.. t Um exe ceree ¦ ilttairaa Tba »rin im

ran fa urt at im heea meto ,.f Oaa P Bwtaaa, NuUiBroadway. >aTaesdays,Thursdaysaad s« ...j.n,i'ui !>:» n Ii*h Term eoaBsneacca Nov. 1. Pro«; «-tose

at the pJkacipal b, . stores »3» im*

FIWRRY T< >WN IN Sil T UTE..A bbI irrt Bnaitliat aVtfjesl lot Boy», at Taeiytaaa. Bj Y

f*M u kttar [run .f tin* Instil in iua wdl c.iam, aeo oa II(i>t >t ..-Li» ia November, Circulars,aoaaaiarag terms,t, fen i.' .«.. *ith .i »i.k ui in« losi.iui«, lakea fron»'i <.;¦ I on which Major Aadr *.ii> ¦ tared, caa be ok-r..J«t.«HEPABUS It. oh «t. ro. N IM Pult u-*! and». k h WILCOX.U S BsbooI kgeaej No 293 BeoadrM 11 kl addrt ato |ulSTuttTbtf A NBWM a N. Pr.i et] aL

HI A N S I ON-S QI'AKK FEMA LE1? I SEMINABY, hi P.. et.-..N Y .The Winterteamwilleoauuoaoooa THl'KSDAY. Nuv 6 Applicationtoi Mi-lt oi rataloe-wet m<.» ba -aatl« to J. 8. OlBBONS,i*.i.. ..<¦<. *h n.i.n Y..toaa] af Iba rraa4eee,orte

W P UIBBONS). M. O.. Principal¦ Tr trtt.M D.M J Myors, 0 It. Hendnekmia. A J.

frftn. k A. \ aneh, M ü .>.«

MI's KAI. NOTICE..stüyvb.raNT INSTITUTE, N < «u Biaadway -Maaara.

rj (' IUI I. a t II NASH, wiii rivr urira»-) laaTMM oatie Piaao Burlo, Violia Btaging atc., u lao Btarvaaaallu.tilute, -ud at t|ir rr»..;. 04 r Mgila Al»n gita Im»,.Li

Ig d ,,. Iht Vi ui, A<- . Ibai evtiuiiut* iu e».-b.,.,1, T« I".» m .d, Iii"- Ii .11 '¦' atl

S B .l'uuiu«, vi Leuchte B Nowtaa'o raanaaveturo, foitaie verylo» au28 tmTaThaS«

M181C. Mbs. PETTIGREÜ, fromJfl f Sfeyerbooi . ¦»¦ ..mi i «.vr m-

-truciK-aia Stotiai ami na the Pieke Porto, *aabtokaUm,.,. 'i ..urn ..r. a'oaoe, N« H Aratty-e»,oaobkckfruin BmoSwav. »bei« aiipliraAioiia uay b* taadeon1 Wi-i -d.i.. Ell a"d Kot ui day. Inon 10 A. m., - y M Bi I. Mi W St harlüaibere. No. 183

lj;./j-»\. M ¦ P »oidd aMo ragaa« h.-r »orvicegaea

Bepraaoaiager ia a Pi te--.autt l.uich ill TtSlTtkrh*

M«i.\>. M \. i..M VAIiN and Um L%«,1 r. kt kM laatih. bare rat med i'.r tin- season, their

kssseaeii Preaehaad M *te, Piaao,Onrtar, k l|Po M Piaahlia-M. all IM*

IN8Tail)C1 ION..A genueoiMof nianyysara'espanenca w.U instru. t ia Math, ii.atoa >r Kur-

Bek, in trtva** families r ¦ h s Pari, alar ittentioa

gtren tu AntLnn-ir Alret.ri. Surrcyit;-. Kn.'inerr.Bgbi»»i; i; ..t Mn;.s l t.arts, ac Pes* of reierenre g-.rtn,

Bddreaa UKOMK I BY. TTibnaocrSkro. oitm«

Danring 6choois.l;oin\ OATM'ä DBoeiag Aoavdeniy,

I \ e N,' 44), Hr s m* H. I ri r. establishment is u r.v imei

f rtk* -rasen ( lasses , ii V, eiliie«.|iiysantl Saturdays for I.aA.4iare ai d I hudreu. on Salarday lor laoaa a he wish to attendeat e ,,».». 11( tetee oa Moadaj I and Thursdays. Otherrlaartn aa Weoaeatayt and BMurdayata Ike ereatag, for1Gent..lie, Piari ru,( l.e-s. n- on Ihiirnlty eveningsgadtOOS aoBki-Btoalkl) fut Adults, am) m uithlv forChil«dien All the Biodora Daaaaa are included iu tin- eoataa oflii r .ttion Eur patlicalaia.Baa^CLrcalara. oil Ira*

/ 111A R RI' AI'IJ 'S R im iM S. N. i. *jn White-. ' %\ -Me---rs < HAKBl AID tv O lll.VIK respert-ftilly .i-m.t Ike r itiemis :uul pntrun-. ai d the ladtot andyeBtltmen, that the'r HA NCIMl and WALTZINOCLASSES will eminence on MONDAY, 2Uth, andWEDNESDAY, ^2d Ocl at the aboseplaca Days afkaatiailioa. MmxlBy. al IIo'clock aotsa,aad 3. aflerm-in.Im lathe-, atasaaaaad euoier. Tkaaat Isaaaa are Baelaaira.]y f.e th«se w ho desiia lo take hut oae kstasoaper aroek,and Hill i^- BoavsaasaM bn faaaibaa laakfaag ua townWedLttdatt and Saturdavs. at 12 o'clock uoou. and I, af¬ternoon, ladies, misses and masters, two less ,us perweek The class log griitliinen, MoiiCays and Krida.a al7J evening The reunion soirees every fourth Thursdayevening of each BOBtk, esclvrarvely for parents, pupils, andf kvadaof puiu's to con,mein e Nov. 27. Maaari C fe Owill tearh allihe danrrs now id vogue , tl*o, they will ia-tradaeo La Masoarka amloro. Bad 't aava Boaaksk danoa.Jortetms and particulars, rail at Mr CHAKKUAUD'Sre..ilei,re, N" MBans st nn.I Greenwich av. Can be seene»»rv a-- at o'cioek P M ami at his i.e.ins. No 2*While si .dariagschool hours. sM ImToTloVS

I i)AM IN<; ACADEMY,No. llOGiantV--1 "al,tSSSOia from Broadway.--B, BABOCCO, Profes¬sor. Inventor and at le Tearher known in Amenrs uf thsnew and lashionahle riar. es, whose talent does not needuiv leeomiuendatioi has op. m il his saloons lor classes forlasses, gentlemen and rbjidren. Private lessons riven inanoiiesBhtiOELYN DANCING ACADEMY.Franslm Huild-

tBe.rnraei mi Orange and PultiHi-tl* one dwor from pul-t. »1 1 BABAI 4 «). fr..m No IIOGiand-st New-Yiokh.»- ,.| «...a Daiiciiie .s. fot ladiea, geutleiuea andOhddieu'. t laakve Private leaaooa given ia families Hiaelacsts will rotaaMBCB oa the 2'Jtb matEm particular, aonly at aw Ai...'o.o> oa the 2Sth Be-

ii is sllthe i,< danr,s. the Amen, an Cotillon v ill betku(ht to children with the grentest pre,- so n

'I his advertisement ia only tnteuded p.rtke baMelaMMBBCtOty, s2U 3m*


Is .pee every day CbvSQOB to auit Iko tMSVOaleacS of allA< adaasiaa ami lamilie. attended Put terms, ajiplv as

abuvo. o im*

MMK. I)F..S.IARI»INS-I.RAVIKR hav-ibs removed her DANCING ACADEMY to No. J4

CLINTON PLACE, most resper'iully informs tko paobcthai she will openhas rlaetee on Wodaoaday, Ootebor 2».

at<< lm

IMITATE DANCING ACADEMY attl,« Khaksi-cre Hotel. 212 Will am st -H MEVEN'S

At Milmt for tearbing the elrganl accomplishmeut of Dan-r tt is BOW onea Classes f it yoang ladies and masters, on

Tuesdays ana Saturdays, at I o'clock. For gentlemen on

Twttuaj* and Ktrilays, at 8 o'clock. P M. t>13 Lm'

1V\m im; CLASSES..VT WHALEI w ami PAVOHTEB iispi tsfully saaoaayoa that their(lasset us sbaSM hi boo ciiwawoctag at ConstitattunHall. No SM Broadway, at No Tß\ Eigkth-av and atlb ia i Ha i. Hi, si,ii Foi patikabua, see eui alar, .« tiebad as a' i i '.' ;t«

UUitcr (Turc.I \W t. l nichols and Mrs. gove¦ "

NICHOIS. No 9i Cliutoo-placa, Eu-hth it .T.»aeoSl BBaWsadt rs'atiriii g, tlo \ r ipoMiab then charges Coo«eultations, petaoaally ur by lotlar, witb full directions forUaalBssM, ti, full-board tioatmort, siu a week. BayIreatmi ut, SI a d ,t visits in t, .n S3; sat of Iowa, a.

» uiiiiv totiBM aaddatlaaco Nopatioatreceivedwilboutprtrviout conaoitstioa ll in of consultation from 12 to iaM tat*

VI ATER-Cl[RE INS VI rUTION, c.r-I' eer of Iwelith-«t Bad l;.mers,t» .hire . Dt

BHl'.w Lbsearbaml Aasesvcaa sutkoi and aractiiioiier ofWalet-Cu.e, D- W a IIAMII l\>N. ol thirty ,a its' e,petieu.e.ia tkakealiagart, tad f W MPYKR.ti >mOer-BBaay, rkjsafliBaa, tJDawif

H\ ÜROPÄTH1C INSTITU rE-Leb-anon Sprints ami No tl I night st N*w-Taek .

D-s TKaI Land HOBFOHD have estaMadv daFEM \ I EDKPABTMEN1 I« treatn Pi lapsas, Be Di rrallwill he .. IheCMt IM iMiekmeul u naaoltatloooe IT'i;s-PAYBsad uuim:mihv P| >ma

|| K A ng e mountain wathr-w fCtJBE.S a:;. Orangi Esses Co., New-Jrrsoy.-JO-BKPH a WEI KB. V. !) Pi..a;,,an to tue Institauoa.Yititorstn.m New-York leave the foot of Cortlaad af atMo clock, A M aad I aad I 'clock, P.M i«rtf

|in»M'\ R|\KR Wa\ter-curebi BETABLI8HMENT d Tarrybtwn. i taMatalht.iithi ii Iseaaksa, aad sko t one lsmtr*a isle fr.on the tvyaM ia.» f D PIEBSON. M D Pkysrciaa


t IM s PHINI IP IL OFFH E,l.lll Bleed* ay Nan V em,as tka^yastetsaaelatk-av

Tkase valoable proparatkma hare for maay jaats asarai..a-,i ., w <ie ropaaajitam in Oorssaay aad anet partaofEbt.s^e, and have Vrii u s» in 'he Vmtad Simrs I >r tue)>»' asattaaa years l'he> are prepared frees the presrnp-ta...» I Jjliisl.« ,1 byDB v ISTEN \C. PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE

M.J Cl hi attrj d lai >.., hi »t. d Csaivsaraii H roe, Pi An Mparssacod fiyaklaa ia atMBklaa s, arko willr>e i .».. a i itaiSVBUP DE CAPXLLAIRI k roar-sai fog Gea I >

Ii-'t and all ds>i isos la/',, ttoaairii character.BAaTBNAirHEALTH PILLS I irafora liseasoa..^aAmg the Ihgrstir* <¥i/?»s or arunng from Impure State**Ja* twmmtu ire\eMiive umI Cuwa for the Chokrras iw

kNAl PE.MAI.E HEALTH PILLS- v rt.dysi .'i (Ha t irsasaa and Ikstmses ti- ilsarl» inctdeui to Eo-

**t f,'r Fevers. We tkne»s. a.-.w ,' .

Al pAlN >Vl\i t .-.ire for0^'^ P';.,tc ... CUwra. aad all wthor Eaten .1

1 a?f t " sUaa.Coraat Br m.l»»av and John-al ,

1 W La...: V . I. ^ p., \ 4

T?i V. vv lth-av.;Chiltoa.N.*.m as ;¦; m I..., N .- ,:. vJ. ., u ti AL-

at.r ' C M G li ... I! -vcrvaid Cram! st W |> fr e ue, corner f BawcrT Bad

on-st ; J. Craasbss, c..-i,e, amwary and ch *; :¦ I» iioios u N,, MBaada st K C k, mier -I Grtudam Mt/'tV U *¦ er..| Grand and N rt uk-¦

" at! *h<U'<. N > Matk i» U d'ao.iaii B « 0 .d c.

. oi b'»' t r*iM c * " '« Oaa.'rtrdVaB

tu^V'x ,M" M H "a m E.i-oust r j

J-asVv*s.-M'- ,:" No I7S Caraad-elJt-sskt t .iv Mr t'ö it

tv- .'*u,?1;^' "..t" w. ... Ircss'd ' - The raataoaavt tt.,aar, i HIssttssarwav.Nsw-York "aali taaTvaTBBBM*

rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis,l.* T! ".'.««. eared Ssy BI Agtmtlovnsn

tk.»ü\ V%'"1" » 0'"Ml »""e, il,e ailiowa asseal.twBBj a,,,, kasa kaoanj I ifatLywill apart me muaebaKtS.,"'r. ,.;,«:; WF"< ^.es.4''MEim'CS.-:

Jl^;,!,!' ^' notice.-MbbTla!H ^'rt' «.¦¦.aas, litis, for tka

1 ui,d« th«filtad daily fr...., 10 toIrial.» aT" J?, J M.duo That .he M

o.n.r MMacCowawTf! i\ '** ^tformed Ofllce No 141

Wl;,;,,, ^ "* ** Er. n. h. English andof lm«

1a(M K vU,s J IQ]m HAIR dye

a-a^m^^ wmmMS

nPO THE AFFLICTED..1 r. mr-¦ in it t) tMiumi in »'*u 11 -i.. i. ... i. a

Nceiredfrom tu HAVER, Wo tUO/artd at, .< «-

P'tsamv thaaktto him. f.r :b« san... In.« H inof mgr. and have » ff. edtete , .» :r .:»>..(iince I «ai about it stars.,Id. I heard ef l»r M bTER aRermjy ., tr. ,i '. i September, and weal la. nediat' lr.Oieehna I then fen, and had felt, for a «ra«k prwei nIn'iii* dale, all 'he «tnptoiut I a sew| |R*i-«) >adwatfearfulthataaattack wasel - .1 tad It.a.k Ilia inedieme the lie,!,!*;, vrd felt aim-SB i rt-d ''.

rtlei Theattack eipeetad *>a* pfotaaiod.SBd I fell linea urn No alia. .« hare c rve gpra no tieee thatdate, win h 1» Bow 1,. ar forji u.. n me I fi It hopeeand tenmoilaiaunal* '.o bsttevo they newer mej Norented ihatl hare ever Uied ha«*e*.nd 10 hate auch anefltrt boob ne. Tiv it and be u-.t fearfol, (if roe, a*eIn nlded with Kpilipsv.' knjtha' -Mil. nt d*!a Sire'v.tome -t ha* proved almost uur-culnii

Voute, respectl :.'v. WM If PAR<ELI«.Del is ail s ii«Chr*«ie-el St« \ rr

If 2»T.j1|.AS*

IEPILEPSY CURABLE..1 uouaevod".* sad thoesaaJs eared .u Europe.Dr. E MEYER,

rvrntlv fro:n the r,:. I H, r];.,. Hpe-a r» -:>?-< f«111 v in*Iura.« the public of New-Yorl and vm.ii:., and ... ....1 ie aanctee, thai he 1 in possetimn ¦<( 'he late di«> rvi redOraratal rented] r the certaaa aad arifal-ir.'e cur« f Ep-ilaptic rrti r.. by ad phynoaas hacvable | have. .ire<i tboiuwud* ..f eaeea in Rurope. and cwrtuVales,rsnun-ier.i«neii bj Oovarnirieati from tnere to ;.r rve the fact,caabe *aen at my office M> m.r 1. u a a as and t~!' intone.M. r. in... in,.! :,..| treatment are t>fierent from an? yetknown bj ..there Person« afflicted . eh that die« iseth ialdcaiUaad oeaanll ,.. «,, poaable. tngsat en'irelveared.Ofice hoan fr 111 t to 11 A. Mt., iiad fr. 111 I to ä P M

Da E MEYER V Hi Oraa d

ei«re'-rr*Ti sis* r';,e tl'ut lUt' ,l" "'.1' *».'« t-ratu

SANDS'S HOREHOUND COUGHBYRUP, ..lily 12, Cents .For .. eoogh. cold, h-ars*

ae.s. w boa .m: ii.nJi, he t .iiin-a i- praited t.«> h.irhlvIt es v.r. pleaaaal t.. take Wholesale and ret.,il atRANDSa Maaiaioth Drug Itore, v : Tiiatr «I Rddby Diuggots generally. Truly a treat medictoa.o» lmTuTlikS

f M)l RAI'D .S I TALIAN MEDK'A.JLRJ TED SOAP ia the .,ulv reliable artie'.e f..r c.irin«Tan. Pin.;dea. Pie. ki».s, s .uburn. Braptioae, Plaahwerma,ninrvrotuu, aad all akin dar*onartiaa btwai* .unter-RrHe, ar.d buy anly at I)r FELIX OOUHAL'D S ..Id . sU:.-Iished Lcvbaratory, t>7 Walkurst , near Rioadwav. CAL-LENDER, iiCS<ia"i 3d «t.. Philad«lthia. and JORDAN,)B(> Vt athiiirtuii-tt., Boetnn.atitf

i ^nl'RAl h\S HAIR HE8T0RATIVK," * ir CTRCARBIAIf GLOSS, maket ttiS, wiry hair,*< 11, ailky and rlotsy. fi (eel it to (TOW. and is, without ex¬ception ir reservation, pUOlUtOtvthe best pre;aratn.n fordrettmg the bair ever ineented. Tnal bottle* ii eentss e h, at Dr. GOl KAL D'iofd established Laboratory.«7Wa'ker-st. near Broadway. sttf

dPJOURAUDS POUDRE SUBTILE. R apraotl hair from low foreheads 01 any part of thebody qaickly aad safely. LIQUID ROUGE for pale lipsand cheeks LILV WHITE for -Varied, m.^h. sallowskms, at DR GOt'RAUD'8 old established Labora' r.,17 Walker-tt ueai Broadway. .>. If

HAIR DYE OF ANY SHADE.Aladv will forward to aar oae the for a «aeet

valuable and infallible Hair Dye. with direction! for use.It produces any shade the operator may recjuire from a lightauburn to a perfect black ; n unfailing in effect; does notdisclor the skin is free from all tajuhoat qualities; hatundereolie medical tests, and its 0001 will not exceed twoshillings a yearAny lady or gentleman Re a aiding *)! wiil receive the

above by return of mail Sent to any part of the UnitedSti.t.« Addiess Rn L E YATES, K.s better, N Y

o4 liiiTuTtiAS*

BA TO II ELOR'S LIQUID HAIRDYE BATCHELOR'S Liquid it so celebrated aad

¦urcessful, that it i* eicitiug the cupidity of a host of un¬it at as The j.iiblie must be careful to get the genuine atBATCHELOR'S Wig Manufactory, No 4 Wall St.. whereIt it sold wh desale and retail. <>r applied. Thit Dye hatb. ii in sii. cessful . ? rat n for the last twelve yeait ntitt

Co-Portnersljip.DISSOI.I TION nK Ol »PARTNER.

SHIP .The partnership heretofore enstme bet.veenJ R HERRICK mid ISA AC AMES, und«r the flnn ofJ K. HERRICK h CO is tins day dissolved by mutualconsent. The affairs of the late finn will lie settled byI.sA.nC AhiE.S.who w ill continue the business as inr netlvat No 78 John st. J K HERRICK,New-York. Oct. 6. 18Ü ISAAC AME5o8 Im*

iHiUincrp.To the Ladies

AL\RGE ASSORTMENT of Latlkhi'and Children's Kur Ronnets also, Boys' blauk.

white and drab tancv Hats, richlv tnmmeal. atSdiSB* J H MON ARtjCE'9 No 7W Bowers.


IACKAWANNA COAL..The Dch-i n are and Hudson Omul Company are now selhag

then Coal try the cargo at the following prices per laa, «7Aggs aw., affgstd* laa Wharf:

At Rnndeut At Nsw-YerkLump..»3 15 $1 Si

Grate. J 3D3SSKen.2 M 3 00

Au additional charge of 3 cents per Ina a nuula at New-York when deineieU toUiipping.Apply at thrrr oflire at Rondout. or No 31 WaR it Now-

YorVNew-York, Sept. 16, !S3^_ aSS tf

CHANNEL COALAFLOAT..The sub.senber will be liiadmg, in a few davs, frosu aiup May

Flow r. Black Cniuiel Coal, in haadsnsa* order, ami for¦ale at verv lea .t. « JAMES L. WORTH,nit ii No IIPiiaataay,aadEoastseat c,.r Th.pson.

I IVERPOOL ORREL COAL..NowJ JlaadBBJ a cargo of Hallibortou's Orrel OSal, teleet-adaspresalt forfamil] use and lowered in th* hold Kovs..i. I w byJAMESL WORTH, No 2< Broadway andath st corner Thompson. olltf

IT*HE SUBSCRIBER is authomed (aaI Agent for th* Company) to contract for the delivers of

CARGOES oi the celebrated COAL from the Saleia Mil)Mines nt PetteviHe, Pa formerly worked by M. net a Haywo.*! and ' ... G Howst211lr* 8 C OGDEN.No S9 Wall-at

KED ASH NUT COAL..A superiorarticle from ths s .d.i. sad Lewa Veins, tor sale

by the cargo at Richmond Apply to F. TYLER*. CO .

No. ^6 Waluut-Kl Philadelphia. *4 tat

f*0AL..Cod t4 per tun for \Vhite Ash,egg slid ttove, and it ii for Red Ash, egg aad stove

del vered from heats, at 148 Elizabetb-st ail 3n*


FOR SALE.Paisoiu about nuicuasiiia Pianos or

Mi? dc Ls. are invited to call at BENNKrt A CO'8wamooat, ivj Fultoust tecond floor, (east tide of Bioad-w ay1 wherethey trfll rind an assortmsnt of th* modern styleaf listswood PiAno-Forta* and Melodeout. Every instru¬ment warrnnled tortwoyeais and'a hen doubts are eipres*-ed BS to the quality, 'he payment may be withheld tuitdsuch doahts are re'moveal Old Pianos received in part pay¬ment far new New and tecmd hsad Piunot to let

If *>tf

PIA NO-KORT ES..Persona about pur¬chasing Piaana * DJ tW U to their advantage to at

R Glenn h Co't Maliufactoiy, 194 p'ultou-st (w eat of Broad¬way I A general aatortmcn*. t a.a: mti.v and r .sew.. 4Pianos c.uistiuitlr en hand, which will be s>dd low for cash*.- spprovea'. papsr. Dealers supplied on liberal terms.U«tf R GLENN a OO 1*4 FTjJtoa-*t_

1>l A NO-FORTES..V. F. HARR1-SON. No 23 Csus! st . (warer.Hun td st .. der. '

sale a splendid assort ra nt of R .» w al PIANOS of S|Sad *

's taves, wah *h* latest improvements. oM ltn*

HI BLODEONS..CARHART &ivl REEDHAhl, n knufactureis of rar'i, i's PatatttHal '. ns Warera M B u Manufactory 7iE .st 131 .'est N \ Plica frutn tttM feWS. sij'.uta

JA c FISCHER, flate N nn A Fib.0 CVJCBJ M aii ul.i. tori sad Warero.un 170 Greaa wick.

ii a ear ui Dai PIaNO-EORTEB w... sm-d rnA ra-renw hridg* and patent tabe. weli ctdcalalad U.r keepingbj ins Pisaa Fartaa taaed, tapaiied aad eiehsaaadnil Jm«_PIANOS for Sale ami m Hire,at T H.a-

elay si eBBSsJhi the A»tor Hoase. Rasa M It "»¦-

lay.*, ia faoewoed aid ntak Nt-n, eaosaoSliJ.i.* JAS HIOMPSti\,!.'e la! i an vRsn;

i DON \1,D A- BROTHER Imtwr en-


a large .se».rtn.»u' -1 k.*»'1 PiaaaS, I'om S. iif. ?i avoiyarSavwt atthaIcwrasSaaBaaastatariBgprates, am iastra*mrnti aairanted la »«».» raspsct, lor i» » vea.s, and tuned..ue ,.ar gral.s MeDONALD h BROTHER NRow, ry .i H ttuo-sts. Ira*


at> a.sivr »ale aad i.euey oi r. Gdban a Co'sPiano-Fo.trs. w ith and wilhoul the mach saliinre.1 .E.vliaa. ftstNew-York and ye iuitj W irahoaae N«»s. 33J and 147 Br.s«:-tray, where aa eateasiti issortmaat atay befoaad, >t verylow prices._oil DAWtf

OSTON PIANOS. . SAFFi >RD A'BROTHER. No MS Bro. Jw.y. N Y acenU for t ie

full autg wall-ka wa Bostun Piano-F rAe Ea.sviz Hallett k Allen. - ceaseon t-> Bmwu is Halle". )W.a>dward k Brown. A W Ladd W. P Emertou Pri¬ce* iron. t\"i is > in niaaa M rent >i tat'

JAMES H. GROi ESTEBN, manufac-tarer of PIANO FOR n s War« «am Nu ..'Oraad- d ort East i Bradwav. Manafa. t.>ry. N.wtj'-lit'It W E'.urteen'h .'leet. Sj.'.. avenue,Naw.Turk. Piano E llies Tuiied and R.-paired. AJ»>>, Seicad-hand Piar: v- F rtr» tak*n in etchance. All ard*rs thana-faily r-rervad sad p ii tnal'y st'eade '.¦ *11 Jui*

(2 A H. BARMORE offer it their Man-i| nfactory ana Wareroom, No 3H Bleecker st . cor

aer of Charle. »t , aa aaeortmejt uf *!e.-aal PI ANO-KoR ES. w ah the etalUe frsa.* sjuI reverte v fall other n. ..'»!ii .m- r-v- men'.t 110 in *

4 DVFRTISEMKNTS are h^utci ^

J. a ths bast parer* ia stbar eras sad towns at T B.PALMER 8 AdvcrtimBg Agtary, Trf «um BaUdhag aalJ

fllonen iDanteö anb to Coan.(MONEY W ANTKI).. AI »n< f$ 13,000!»¦ »nnt.d for* or I ran m pi ctii R. * Esta'*,'«.'»« I« .»»' sm M f.'.' pruperty IS SttSated u t l t

Fourth nr. F r fjrtber mtorrmricri enquireREYNOLDS t v AN8CH UCE

etlwNo 11 Nsssas m

~fk U\i \ u> ?l:>0 WANTED.For i iV «.JP I » rr. ¦¦;.!«. for ¦ hiel a IM«« f IB par«Bat WfBbe given, and ..m. :< .¦«.. -.r;»« at wall lataic«! an ssl ..r p»eriy Ad Ore.*L I- 1Tbunr Office rtil Jl*

ONEY LOANED.In -null or lar2e¦nn.i, at short penf da. I n person »1 security of every

* erty ikSman CAPITAL, at tbe A <

o- I 1 nHine t9 jrnTaTiikJ»


OuiriBEn in lt2t.Offices. 43 Fulton, nppai r 4 Ft l-i Br « i.

No. 6 Merchants' Eichanre. W a,l-st N Ynil Company, haring Uieir capita) invested in the mart

uml. ui r.-d secnmie«, and having a s'irpl'is at $30.«*,eontmue t« iniur. dwelling houses, tunes an ! BABIbuildings, f'mifnre. uarcAandhaa, ves «eis in; «rt a-H ttie.rrargoee. ny<-n a« favorable terms as anv timdar institutions

_. _mug. tors.

Willi.,r, Kvl.w. rth. J..>,n P.iutie. JrPfciL«,« T Harinat Joel S Oatman,Daliirl D Howard. R..l.ert t' Bail.Caleb 8. WuiaiinJl. JohnN Oanm.Charte» T Cr areell, A..g II Behalt*,Aruurtatius Nar, las, John I). Pye.R.chard L Allan, Henry (**ia. It«nl it.Wniram Mi> .. Just n S Redtietd.Elnah F Punly, John W Aiwrnan,8am'1 P. Towaiend, Fordyce Hitehc

John C. SrnfthWILLIAM ELLSWORTH, Pres: lent.

AlfRin G. Stevejis. Secretary. jvJ4 3mTuTh8«

LfNION MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.,Office No Jg Walt-st , oppomte Hs.nover-st.

CAPITAL A Nil AMETfl *.i>oo.«iOO.laaaraacaa aa Marine, Inland Navigation and Fire

Basks TRtTBTEEBRloaaa Taykar, J tomsagtaa, N W MesetiLf. 8. Latin ..i.. Ii I. Routh. fbdawGreen,H ran B Clatlin, Lcwia B Loder, .1 B I UhH IJ In. P Netmith. H H Muimeil. J B DichPaul °pofTord. Valentine Kirhr, Eayrne I) ttin.Charit» c Hatch, Andrea v Stoat, J, sc..h Fowler.L H Bneham, E K Collins, A i; Th in MB,E T H Gibson, P A llamas, Heary HoR,E J.ABdeiBOB, Lambert Sovdam, David B. T'irner,S 1) Baheock, R R Craves. H A Roberts .u,N H Wolfe, C F Uariibmann, J hn V .n Nest.James D Fish. M LiViafiton, W A K'e'eltas.E. A Oehichs, J H Brower. ERas B Brown,Richard Bell, Jumna W E1w. ll, GcvtrfeP Darbv.Peter V King,


Fermna.Mi SVtoo. SecretarsN B Particular attention is called to the fact that this

Company continues to insure Bnttdinrs, Merchandise,Honst l !d Eunnfire. \ ..»rh in P >rt. Re . against loas or

taaafS by Fire, and divide the pr.'tits on this clais of buai-aess.tlie latneas on the Marine prenuums. au^tl 3mTThhS

Office of the

f_ROGERS' FIRE INSURANCE C0-. . No. 81 Wall st corner of Pearl st.

CAPITAL 9200,000.At an election held this day, the following gentlemen

were chosen Dire, tors of this Ceiripany for the ensuingyearSampson Meore, Moses Taylor, Geurre Elder,Benj B Sherman, Mars'. »'j P .«n, Francis Skiddr.Peter Martin, Aleian'rH (want. Chas Rurkhalter,Rufui .Story, Asa S. Porter. James I Wilson.Henrv Edey. Isaac C. Taylor, William R. Foster.At a subsequent meeting of 'he Board, SAMPSON

MOORE, Esq., was unanimously reelecied President ofthe Company. J MILTON SMITH. Secretary.New -York, Feb. 3. 1*^1N B .This Company continues to insure Buildings Mer¬

chandise, Household k iiiruture. Vessels in Port, Be on

the most favorable terms All losses promptly sdjustedand paid. 9f tf


CASH CAPITAL 1201),000.Office No |ii Wall st Manhattan Bank Building.

This Company continues t>> insare Fire Risks on theMot favorable terms, and the public may rest assured thatall loesee sustained by this Company will he liberally andpromptly adiusted and aid at their New-York Office, a

Bioiiey current at lbs banks in this citvISAIAH BLOOD, Preialent.

P J Avert, SecretaryH. H OoniT, Assistant Secretary. \ft tf

OROADWAY INSURANCE COM-A ¦ PAN V, ofhee No 413 Bmadwav. corner "f Canal st..Capital $200,0410..This Company BOBtiBBOS tokssnrsagainst lots or damage bv FIHE, on Ihe n.o.t rar -ra'determs. SCHUHEMAN HALSTED. PresidentJons Wh» v. Se, retarr ol Imk


ok tms itt of mew-tors.Office, corner of Greenwich and Fultoa-att

Oeeaa Rank Ruil.luigCASH CAPITAL, $»io.»oe

Inturance against Los. nr Paaiage by FireDIRECTORS,

Aar..n Clark. B H. Van Auken, W'm. H Dieti,Crowal Adams, C V B. Oat rander, Win Hastare,L- vi Apgar. I) R Martin, Robert Hoe,Nathaniel Weed, L.» !!..{. Jr*eph M Brown.,David Magie, G. W Rurnham, Robert P Getty,Valentine Kir'a Ward A Work, E ReadJeston.Rf A Hopp' es. S B Bowman, Hamann Jimes

AARON CLARK. President.GgOROB W. tavaog. Secretary. BBtlSm

IH E INSURANCE..National Loani Kind Life Assnraaoa Botnety of London. Qeastal

Agent's OhVe, No ' Grand «t Jersey Ci'y The aisive

Coinpaiiy roBtisnds to Sflrrl insurance i*the lives of par¬son, resident in the Cniled States, and on Cidiforiua andOthet ipCfisl hazards, al fair ratet of premium. P'ortern ..b unk forms, He .apply SJ above, tootTBThkStf J LRANDER 8TAEE, General Ageal

1IFE INSURANCE..Ututed Statesi LIFE UfBUEAlfCE COMPANY, No. 27 Wall-st.

Pol li IEt iMMtPL TABLE.Bicept oa the rTOUnd of Fraud .This Company

aveiy lasurau. e coni.ei ted with life risks, upon as favorable teruui as anv timilar institution

FREDERICK SHELDON, Preaideat.john A BtkwaKT. Actuaryj Eadis. Jr. Secietarv. aaM 3m*


Colin., insure horses, cattle. BO., SgsjBSt loss from death,eitlier fr <m uatural cimse. accident, or drsease of any.le-ScnptiOBwkatevet New-YorkAgeacf,Na läMerchaatt'Eichange. corner of Wall and Hanover-stg batement

|7f trL D HART. Agent.


Cvprcsecs, tC'r.


At;E EXPRESS :er splendid steamship BROTHERJONA MAN leaving »n tue ISlh of October trom pierNo. 3,North Brest Isosusl, all Ei rees | ds I Cali¬fornia will be n reived al greatly r. .-d i it.-t, a greatsaune to regular shippers, and guaranteed throu^hwithout delay, tree from Consulate and C'lltom-HouseehargesFor fre ght or I assage miise immediate applicatnm r, izMii PALMER k CO No 8o Br..Hilw.v

Steamboats anö Uailroabo.HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD..KJ. NEW-YORK I t-LBANT and TROY Oa TtTEB-DAY.l'et il the lr.ius ss til. until I'urthet .s

RsUuws:Lobt« New-Y rk, goias North, fr..m the ..rtice near

Chambars si At 7 AM WSJ Mail It.. a l r \1 ..

Ti ). st..,j.iiii at Maiihattasville, iJkl-st , Tabby Rook,Taaken, Haetaigs. DutnVi Fern. DsanaaB, Tarrytoww,Soig -Sant. ciot. i,. B.»e a>ei. Vorplaaks Peak»kill, Uarri-» u. Cold siiii.. Ei»h < il. CarthAge, (Loa p...ut New-Haaiburgh. Mi>toa P. m. P aghkoepaie, ILde Pirs.Rkmeback, Barrytown, Tivoli Bast Camn, OakAUi, Hod-sua,ataekpuet.Cossarkks Sin muni 8eh..t ». k an! Cas-tirten At* A >1 Ev res« Irani, stopraux >.nlv lor pas¬sengers al Press»id, PouybJveepeie and Hudson. At inA M a P-es-.s U, StOppsBg at a.l wa. stallBBS At HiP M (oi Peektkill. . oppuat at all aaj stataai Ar :z

P M tum Al'.sn» and Troy Stlopfamgooty at Peekskill. ColdSpring. Fathkdl, New-Hambargn, Pöaghkeapme, HydePark, RAatebeck Barrytowa, rvroti, East Camp.Oakhill,Haaata, Btorkport. (ovsarkie. Btiiywaaat, icBoaark amifSaaUisi At i Pjkl .for IVssghtandpawsaasrsto Poash-krei««it.[i|ii"g ut al. way stations At 4 P M f * P.mgk-k.- s.r ggup Liutthe «a. statp.nt. At j P M IhtBBfllM iroiia. tt .: .nr for passaafsn aahy si Psekisill,Poagkkaepsic saaaBstatwas bet«nn Po«gbkee;«e andAlbany AtsjP.BJ PeakskUl.stopputg at BspstBtwae.Leave Hueaua for Albany at 71 AM n ipiagat way

peaci s.Leave A guts Bo t t AM forNsW-T>e

s' otg sl Castletoo, Srhodaek, Stuweaant, Coismkte.Btockport, HudtsB,QakhiD, East Camp. T vjIi. Barrvtuwa,Rhine e. s. Hide Pars p, .ie New-Ha burgh,Carthage,(Low Point Fudikdl, Cold Spriur, Garrwoals,Per.«.id. v.. i.r.iss, Cr.ton. BJaa BiBgi r."1 . Parry, Haatmgs.TaBkanand hrsahstt uvil'e.Al 11 A M ler New-Tork. taiprlB| at Ca.:let«n, S ur-

v, saBl,Coxssa .at. H tdsoa,TrvaR, Rlun. bet ». P.»ighkr«i>-sta, New-Hamburgh. FwkkiR. C 1 S. r II tskiBAi3 P M foi New-York, stopping at «11 be-

toreii Atbacv and Peektkill.e\ce:< Carthage. L .w P lot.

aid i,ot sf 'iip.iig h. low Pec.>ullA >i P M for Hudson. »toLipingat ad way stationstt P M m oa arr-v ,1 -I Western trau l .r Sew-

Vork.aUsj pmg latly at Hudtoa. P.mghkeepsie. Fwhkill andPressslUN B .I WSS Trams will leave Tr'V !j BBWOSSS ptSlbBBS

to tue sears siattd baaaa.Laave P rkkeepete (or New-Tort if A.M. ti r

si Ihe way star.. u « At 7 A M. for freight aad at way .>l*

I ease IV« ... N -V -I . -.t t> A M a at

was stations At i P M -» .tu it »v s-.^ttous. AI S

I M. st.,n. at S4i stu:i usPissa-rigirs will pricure rie.-1. »*: <ve en'ennrr'i.- Can..I,, (J W C \Oi NG. Pre-. Irut.

r^MDKN kod AMBOY RAILROAD.Mortui j tine tearmg Pt- r No I, N mk R.vsr f -t .(

I'a:ie. .-place. Jailv. (Sundays tc utsd.) at I A M Mg

,-eaml a- J «a P tt- r AReraooa has Isswse al i r at..

B rnBaad haw Eiaigract line leave* -t^^MDEGULAR MAIL LINE,vitStotupg«It ; :. forBostoa Prorideace, N»n-P^fzrd. Taut.'a. \.w an.carrvnig thegrt I Eastara I S Mail. »ua-

i,4 cl tag« . C in « .n -The wc re an 1 *.''-¦ -:.t

\ iMU'KHI r .. I -NsWMOl^REleaveja.i. isu».««i e.cepted) No «« K ..hrak

wi.ari » a-ve BaUsrv-pUv «. st i . CtoeS P PA. For paa-stall m um er freight, apply al Pier Ns t, at »t iBe

«?, No I] Ba'tar; i .aa «,l1


. SVW. TORR iimI rKIF mdCANlNDAIGUA aadEL.V IBA K \ | l.Ko ID .Caanwg M rmiXii and *9>Ml . Btl S«;trml»r .net the >n.L* ¦>* tiaJ r- .t». w.Urt n >* f *|

i«--r>»-. Eiproas Traia breves New Teal (feel of Ds-ir..-«t :.!', \ x' I'.d irrvis at Ca.l.n.l .tgua a". 7 .50 P M.M.Mail Transscares(lew Toti t * .>( Duaue-s'.) a» I

A M irmei M t ¦ raal 8 I' M . and .efirea n* it .iprrn-my* (>.' **8S ¦" 'ias*vM a. i M

.Vii.t Putte.» Tnun leaves S v-Y»'s (taM >fDeine at ) st < P M . sn.t arrives at Cana laig ta at 7 Ah

it l a. Bl resel r.. .e ,..»< auuiiU.gua %1 11 10 A *4 .

mm ut sm m New -Toth at :i .u \ ittJ .Ma.. Tra.n» Caaaadaar, a a* « P M -tine, t-

rj trstktks BafTsIuMail ii^e Paesaagert hr r.ts trtuat»:ll arrve a: I linjra a< IHM. am: <-an . :th»r g b he tieBtgfet ElprWBI lrunineta e .-veaaae, a :iaht'ere-' r. rtrt d to i Ii- ("try a' 8 ncit ¦ .nur3d. N:»h' Evnreae Tta n leaf* PinBBtlBB|BI at *> It P.M.

at.i: ":v-« ti N»v».,or- it >j 4 \|A I reo hi rrära atll laar« raaiatlaatsa d nlv at 11 1 M.PaaeeBgora »il lad tl .* thirhtiapesl aadaatast iijbbbi

In n« or- neii w f h the a'f e i .'.,n,.i...)i . r wiiirer dat t the eaj- sat aa 'mwt r m, fortable

MARVIN P'iRTKR.Chief Erjginear tuP S'i. er.a'.eu.'e:,!.

Car mrt Lgja 8e; t r). IS3I el If

I~~^OR HARTFORDfhance «1 Da vs.-Pa.v>a.e $1 io, kjotrraat De-k Piastre $1 .The

ataamer HERO, Captaia J H Erne wn! leave fton F-artR .er -t. a '¦ d ace Pect shi e.'-'r r< EBDA Y,THURSDAY a.SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at Io'i l.-ek. K..r f-.rther information iiki are el*Ute ('a. tain. »ak a-.l we ..f PAXTilN a ft'SBB Nu l!lS..,th..i ,Ttf

r1 < ami I LIN h.-1 he n»-w and elejante Sf in - r HI'i K PYE STA I K Cai I C C St«v

« ires Buffs ire- MONDAY, fc EDM BSDATand FhlDAY EVEN I NOB on the arnvsl of the EipresaTrain Albany Through from Buffalo ta> Cincinnati n

Bj - T.. ket» can l.e pr a ured on bon'd »I either »f thePeople's Line Riea in . I Eaa Wsaktl Kareb I iBalotot inrnaaUlli Meals aad Bertbeiartnded

Sil hlA. i'able. A.-eut

I^oR B08TONi via NEWPORT andFALL RIVEK .Th* «p'endid ami unen 't tteam-

ers EMI ho ha E st d BAT ITA I It its sa illaiBate days (Baadars exrepted) Pier No. 3. N R near theBattery, stIP M Per Fretshi spplr on hoard e

a Pier No. 3 riSDALE fc BORDENtilAfOBtS, Not 1* and *1 V»eat St,

|V< 'R SUR K W .SHIR Y, LONGa BRANCH. OCEAN HOUSE, port Washing¬ton. MOVN1 Band BBOWN*8 DOCK, IMMdlotJowaJHIi.HLAM) dik ES ami red rank The new and. - rttNsmbnel thomas hunt. Cant A h Harrer-tv.will leave n". vv.Ha'.ru Pier, went tide Pe.'k-sli, ERival.,tail.. as f..IP wsLEAVE NEW-TOBK. LEAVE SHBEWSHÜRT.

Fralav (let & a M Frrdav, Oct 1? at 13 >1Saturduv, - if. at I PM M ndat. ¦¦ M,M 1pmT iesdav. " 21. st 12 .¦ Tnesdsy. " 21. at 31"WedneiaJsy " 22. at I "¦ Thursdav, JJ. a: 2, ..

Fndsr, - ? 7 A M Fndav. .. 14. at 3 -

Saturday, ¦¦ 3.5, at I P M Monday, .¦ !7.atMA.RLToesdsy. " 28 at 7 a m rsisdar .. 2».atii'j .

Wednesday, .. M at Tl " IWsdaesdsy,*' 29,atllThBltrday, " 3« St 8| .. |Tnnrsr!av, ¦. M, Mil MEr,dr.. .. 31 at .» " Kndav, " 'PMBaitrrday, Nor I I' m Monday, No* I.MM ms ares will ho in read is ess to eoftioy pnaseiurers to ail

piirt» of the countryIV AH ptoraasM are forbid trastmx the abors boat i>n ths

Brrotust of the oweers o!7 l3t*


(Pecan Steamers, £"c.


comprising this line sie theATLANTIC, ( ai t West. P ACIFIC. Cai t Nve,ARCTIC. Cap! Lace, BALTIC. Capt Coatrtoek,

ADRIATIC. Capt Orafton.These ships h ive Seen bull hv ronUiu't, ext.ressly f»r

Orrssranisat esmos Evory caro aas heen taken m theireoastnietloa, as also nt tkeai Knmnet. to laaure strenrthnii . .e.l.and their aiMimm.slationa for paasenaers are

inie'in ile.l f,.r elenanre or roan/oft Pnre Of |iassaare fromS>w > ek t" Lirorpool.SIM; sscrnairoasoof ittrt atiestate, |325; fmni literpool to New-York. t"33 AnBapeeknsosd sargbob attached to oeck skip, Noherthcaahr secured until paid lor


Saturduv. Sept 27.1851 Wednesday.. ..Oct 1, IAHBatarday. ... Oct n.isii Werlaoaday _Oct li, I8J1Batarday. Oct ti. IUI!Wedneiulav.Oct 20,18.51Satnrdav.Nor 8, I8jI|Wednesday.Not 13. laal

Saturday.Nor tl, I8jliWednesday.Nor tt>. ISolSaturday.Dec. 6 1831 Wednesday.Dec. IU. IMlSaturday.De.' 2», UM Wednesday.Dec It. ISM

Wednesday..i*u. 7, tsiiFor freight er passere spply to

EDW D K i 0LLIN8B CO ,MWaB-M N.York,BROWN. SHIP1 EY ft co Uret.i.E 0 ROBERTS b CO 13 Kma's Arms Yard,

Load ti. isjL DRAPER.Ir 7: Rue Notre Dims des Viet, ires.

The owners of these -hips will not be SCCOOBtabls f,« ¦ >ld,silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious stones >r metals,unless tails of failing are signed therefor, and the valuetheft ia therein vipretaed

F^(»R LIVERPOOL..United StatesMail Rteainahip ATLANTIC, Captain James West

This steamer will d> art with th« C S Mails for Europepiantitelv on SA ITRDAY. Oct 25. at 12 o'clock, M fr-enher berth SI the tuot of Caual-st No berth teeured tillpaid for For freight or passage having umijualed aceoaulICi'i i for aleirriitee all,I Co,loll, np[4y to

KDWAHD K COLLINSaCO.. No 3« Wsll-st.The stramahip PACIFIC will succeed the ATLANTIC,

and tat' N r olltOi)

I?OR LIVERPOOL.The new and. plriidid steamship CITY OF PITTSBURGH. W

C BtctiibtlTy,commander, will sail from Philadelphia forLivsrtH-ilon STAURDA Y, Oct 23, at 12 o'clock.Thee vwesBt*e awomatuaasaeata r^r eaaaayaagg are unsur-

pasted hv asy steamer afloatPasaage in Saloon Stete-Roome... _.SIMPaaeage is Fore ( atiiB Sate.Rawms. SOPatsenrers *i l>e provided with railway ticket.- to Phd-

adelplus free of eipetise by the agoatTHOMAS RICHARDSON, II Eichange-place

The CITY OF i.I.\si.()W wi.T succeed the CITY OFPI TTSRURGJt. and sail fr'sn Philadelphia on the fith ofN,»emher. 'UiOli

OR LIVERPOOL.-Dramati. Line.Paekel si tath October .The aplemtid and faronto

pvrket shin ROSCIVfl. Capt Oliver Eldridge. will leaveasabovo.Borrogalar dar. For freight or passage, spplyOB board St pier N>. II Fust River, or tooi l.7 BPOFFOBD, TILEBTONBCO, No. it South-at


r Norfi Ik, Petersburg and BlOBBBOad, Vs .througti in

Bad time a., eoanm tioa with any other sine )Tke new doable ei !.. wheel) Steamship ROAN-

(iKF. Lewis Parri»h Commandsr. is now roadyto vaeoivoFieighl. am! wil sail for the above (u.rts on 8ATURD tY.2ath, st i a'ctoeli P M pre. isol]. from Pier No 12, N. RBalm D piis.ane and tare to Not folk, includmc Btate raOBS,

|9, to Peterntoirg and R.rhmoud, (state ro..iu i|lU Steer¬age to Norfolk. $5. to Petersburg and Hichuund,

$t No herh until paid forBills of LadsagStgttod i«ilv hi the Purser 'n hoird. and

n.'Be signer! alter the sailing of the vessell ie.sht tauen oattlI o'clock uatke daj .1 .aaliagi,<r Fraight,apply on Board, mid let Passage, uavnur

elegant sta'e room ace BBBMdatava, oijy toUKKN s 1 in iRNTON. Agte .Ne <H Poa si

N' g .ThiaLine connects withaDths rMeriarBafi-rt sd routescl Virgtais N. ith Carolina, me and psaaeu»

gart ior the Beutkwoald d> w. 11 (bafora euaagiiir e «e

while) to asaaBBM Una tplemhd Lea ttetui-l.ip. as thelam's her \ asoea^eit she >d of the land route, BsrkM all thecomforts of oui hrtt .lass Hotels

Bi ks of Passage, a ith plans of ao oiauuilatioc, are now

opt n at the aeencv. lor choice ,f berthsTht BOAN«»KE loaves Mew-York erarj BMurday ..t

the BBaM hour o/3 it


BTEAMSH1P CO intend ruining their new Steaanihipe aa

f.lloWS! TfSlSCTTV OF PITTSBDRG 22us.Capt W C St-aesbiry.eilYOFMAMTIES'lER. tili.Capt W. O CampboO.CITY OF GLASGOW uin Cap Roht Lmtoa.CITT OF P'liLADEI.I HI a 2222 Cap.-

m>M philapSB. Pitt a

CITT OF MAN! III > ER .Thurwlsy 0 I Irkl>M LI V'SB* OOL

CITY OF MANCHESTER .Wsdaaaaay,Sept r( II i i'F (.I.Am.dW. W. diiesdur, Oct. 8.

HATES OF PASS.toarioM rHiLAüii.rii , | raoa Livgapoot,

Sa. am . ._IM Dollars Saloon.23 GmnsarCa'in.on DoLiars I Catim.13 Oukssea"n.eae ratea mi lüde PluVBBOBB and BsSvraraVl Fee. bil

a it W inea or I.iqu.r» whi' h ess be had >n hoars] Inst' dsn I'at. us table and ltten.Um. e, will be foundnasorpaBBsdFirst class steamshirs t-mtwoeti Liverprsi! and Glat-f.w Havre Rotterdain, Leghorn, Marseilles and othsiMediterranean BStM by which gtsvl» can be shipped toLiverpool sad tkomss ;. thai hae ta FMksaalaMattawot.

(; -<is brtaadod fcä New-Torfe md .»ther places, wiiiboenter.,! and faraaraad bj tk» Agoat arttBasM charge, and»ith econoniv aod dBBBBtcB fh »e who wisht'.bnugtheirftp od» Data Liwr ool an et,;:'.re ;,.juaie lor tuetn by anyoftkeoeskips. Aaazpeneoced Snrgeoc will be oameda*, h-hip Frtut.' UnogoodflM sei toe., and priuisgs.For f'Cisht .>r a-«are a; plv SO

THoMAS UCHABDBON 111 sVw-TorkB SlBBl ' PBia*da:ph:s

RU HABDStiN HR' i'Hl.RS A CO Liverpo-al.Bai Rlf'E H ENDERSON h CO Glasgow iyM

I ' B. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPA-t- o NY..F ir new-ORLEANS, via HAVAB»-t Hanoi: of sah ing d\y.t,« spiemdd ikm .

». nao ttesmthip GEORGIA. 1AM tun». D D Portor C.& n Commander, will sail from her pier at the foot ofWarren-et .N R >a FRIDAY. Ol kerM, at 3 01 eg

re. ,

Passage t Havana and Ne*-Orl'a.itNl « ABB INGEMEN1

Lad»» s" Rslos.u Berth_|7« Forward Saloon Berth .SaOA.lei do. da.M Steerage Bertk..-. J->anai M only ta». n n freight P. HavanaFor tre.gkt or jsijsare apply to M " ROBaRTs.B13toil Bo 177 Wast-st .eoraor of \» erree.


t it HAGRES, direct .Faro Bedimed. On SAIL KUA Y,O. t 2o. at 3 o'clock P M.

1:.-s easfe.nkli aagtaosteamtkip ILLINOIS, tun-

raaslkti m ner ai cumin.slalmus and e{«ed.2 idO tun..)Herr. J Hsrtsteoe. ISN commsmtsr anU . a

SATt'RDAT.Oet M, procamli MI o'clock f M nsaaahar;.-a' "e ; : W n-e!.-.' n -

' K v*r. with the l#oV-

etnmeBt Maib direct far CH IGBEB. rot BBVfiBg with the

Btrartte I- S rnai ttramshrj. CALIFORNIA, y, swi»pl .ut ant ih ... f *. n Franc -co >n i.-nval »f the as-

senr»r» and 11 a i» at Panatna_ ,

For paaeare ..r freist t apolv at UM atTir-e. JNos. 31 an 1 UsWatk-al ,r at No UT Weit-st. oiaer Akarren-m olltti

OPPOSITION to the OLD MONOPO-I y .I dt seadi at Ltaofo* CalaBsrakt,oM »*a J iaa

aad CkagMt t'reliu-evi rate. The d, « aud r endJrTfBOTIIBB JONATHAN,IMSfeaaa,.- i,.,.aad hrnleatmmmtmmsatka v^r'.1.

lilaaai1 vfc> II u>a/a » , O-:. fS,M la*,i.- .'-ai Z*J *

B Rm] h_t ..,.. wberths st 1 * rates,onr^yappM-. n mils' le o.a. . E MILL.S. Afrtd

»vi CeartBaMMk


NFW YOhK a:.d LIVEKPOf)!.. direc* . «ml Iset-eeB

R «TON M.I \ EKPOOL-The B.s«.'tishi,* ..i«lf call-nr »> H;.' '41 li> laad u.d rto rv» mailsaadpa 1safari.AH API I. f... AFRiC A. A RvriePEHSIA ( tpt EUROPA.I G Lot*.A--IA P H E iBdktns MAG ARA. J S <«.«. Shai.n n CANADA,W HaiTiau«.1. AMKRIA.J Lei'.h

TV.e IBSOOtl cry -i ph*Bf wbite laf/ht It rairt-heild,frtei ...» stall" .«>.l ...... red[a.ft Im«AMERICA I m BO.TOR vVedn edBB) Sept ITXI AI» AI« A t' .. SEW Y IRK WedBemtay.Sept Mr BOPA r BORl*OX W« ..,.,>. 1 n NEW Y'ORR Wt . - 0 t ACARA DA, fin m ROSTl IN Wadl.lav.O.-t NEU YO'.K Wrdaeeder. Ort «A africa from BOSTON Wednesday, Oat 1 Nr.u YORR.Wi leasadar, Nav JElM'PA rVo* Hii-ION U ,|n..,r ,.. Not IXAFRICA.fn« RR» YORK, Wedassday, No* i*»-., iron fcOSTON. We.metsJsy.Nov 1«.

-. t>.m MEW-YORK, Wadneedsy, Dr.- Jf» Preach, fJereiaa aad Gier F raifa tjnudi -ee.ted

an.I b. 'uch' IB ewauaoa with RntäaB iJ ..<!. Through kaufof ladsag kra sirea ta Harra for Raw-Y<ark.rmsfi fiiii TTia Yarti ar R atoa to LsisrpssLRtMBert. « rt.-t see ir«d BBtll PBM fttF-> cht--ill . ir.-'J ti .' ¦ >¦ 1 »>ev n '. ir r.t f»l

per. aa . ii -..

A a etps rtvsced SnravM n i.- irdCtr" All letters and sawapapers must part the

Pr.toflj.a F it trail '... .ply toE t N A K11 Jr. lit .il« if

Pu»t Cabin. $:20 Baeaad ¦'"aisn. t'» a«W tf

VANDER1HLFS NEW LINK UK-f TU PEN RRW Y"KK AM) <s\N I'RVM'ISCO. The. u!y Thr-ugh Line via ^ca.-uaa.A n im'e' .1 I

¦Boiler than taj ibei R .e- c p ssd a the foil m

tir«t .-lit* t'esmships, t-etween NEW- YORK and SANJUAN DE R1CARA0I I

rat PROMETMEI S.Cs CharrkillThe Da NT Fl WEBfTTER,Cap!

A. >' i e'-veeu SAN Jt AN DEI. SI K 1 .isASFKAN-CISCO

Tbl NORTH AMERICA. Capt ^cibea.The PACIFIC. Caii JarviaThe INDEPENDENT I ( I Wake.nan

These steamers are all 1» w .r«.i.It eipressiy 1.11 rhu rate,and R>r speed, sa'etv ati.l a.en n; sluTons, are 'la-iurpaned.

fbe PROMETHEIS -vll leave New Y ak ffi in P er

N> 2. Nor ti H ver. on the Tib of each month, at i . ..

P M ,eoa 11 , arm a Or ter Tth.The DANIEL WEBSTER, era the 2*1 of each m.'u'h,

eon aaeaaBM Oesebei rv.iThe dais il leai pa RAM FRANCISCO will ha the lit

and 1 s<h ..f ea. h in. nth.WhenU>« ova days fall on Sundays, the dar ot ta.liag

will 1« the Mwnlav I. n. SAN .11 AN DE NICARAGC A b) SAN JTJAJI

DEL SCR, pattenRen will be promptlt oaatreyed irer theN« « Trai tit Ron', ol the Wieaiagaa Oatapaay. atrtnabattwelve miles of Laud Trai tponila n. and at that ;..inten nark in tie nf the abore named Pae.tir Steamers totSAN r HANI ISCOThe ireat savme of distance by thus Route ever othera

herein'., e es'ab'ith.,1. and a speeds and eoint rt* Ivtween Ihe two Oceans tlirooith 1 tn ei'il'i' andhealthtul couninr. offer imtmliaitall to the travelin« pub¬lic euaialetl b> no other LineN paaaaft taeured uird paid f >r, and s.ut a iuu.ted

aumt*r ..f peMaeen will 1* takenFreight taken to San J u. le N cararaa oalv. will not

be received ea the day of sailing Da* aotioe will beereaewhen the line is prepared to take frticht through A let¬ter bug will be made nr> at the ottäce for all POtaM aa thera to, cluetae atM o'efueh on the day »f- ultng caarge1^ ceHt* per lett. r. ptl paidFor Freight or pasoatre, appt] onlv at (the Offt. e ot the

Line. N O. t B.itterv-Pln.e up.stair. ÜB AI.I.ENAll per.,.ua are f rtad trusting an. one on va 0 n' "I the

ab .ve ta.att : .3D 1 .IS ItW

C~ÄI.TfT)R NI Ä~I»ASS E \(: E RS ;, r«v ,..Tiled to cali at the Freight ami Pa-sci^. r O'ti. N

2.^ Courtlaadt .t New York, and witaaau the -t.t a

af theCE.NTRIPETAI COLO SEPARATORW A NTED Reliable basinets men to take the as-encv of

intriduring ibis urr.,ualed invention into Ca iforma. on

terms that » ill insure a fortune PaeMfetM kets furumhe,!,berths telectrd and direct passage guatantee.1. at the low¬est rate- Circulars sent era' « to or.ter Address

02:; jinmiiW» ARNOLD BUFFI M v CO

gteam between new*yorkb3andGLARGOW .TteOtatgow indNew-YorkRtaam-tbtp Company*! new iteamthip GLASGOW," (l,WJtana

41 ii horse power,) N 81'kwakt.c.miiisndrr.w ill sail fromNew-York t,r Glaafow im SA TI HUAY, Ith l)ecemi*rCeil, at 12 o'clock, noon.

First Cabin Passage....piv ,iil do. do.$U

Applyt. J Mi BYMON,oih tf No S3 Bro.t.laiav

F^OR NORFOLK, petersburg andRICH VtON'D - The new double engine side "heel

straniskip KOANOR'E. (I.2D0 tuns. C II measure meat ILewis pariish Commander, will be ready torOCOtfi tion Friday, 24th .list A M. at Pier No it North Rival andsnd on Saturday, 2ath, at 4 o'clock, P M , precsely.Paaange and fare to Norfolk, in. ludiug slate r.soa. $'J

De do Petersburg and .ItSr. <-r ,pe passage to Norfolk. i

Do do Perersl uig and Richmond..hallo of ladlaw ssoaed ottli tn the 1 *>>¦». on b<aidj, and

Bone signed altar the sailing of the vesselFreight taken OOti] 2 o'Ctoeh on the dav of sailingPOT lieighi. apply on board,aad passage, having stats

rnoin accomiinadations. apply only to IieEN a THORN¬TON. Agents, No .M Pearl si New-York. LUDLAM kWATSON. Agents, Richmond Va

NOTIi I..As the R.^iiok.. wtl arrive in Norfolk on Sun-day, aa frsifbl wUI bs lauded anlil her return trip fromRiehmmii! on Wednesday oioriiing. ...'nil

r|M) PASSENGERS for OALlK()R.M NIA -Steamship OOLDEN OATE .Tins magma-

cent Steamer was siaiken off Pernanibuco I? dai s out, andthere is no doubt that she will be aide to leave Panama thelatter days, of October.For further information at the office of the P ACI-


FOR CHARLESTON..Tho favoritetteamtkip "SOCTHBRNER." Capt. j. Dickinson,

-¦11 leave pier No. 4, North River at 4 o'clock. P M .hi

Saturday. October Wlb. F-r freight apply on board, whereall 1 ills ..( lading will he signed ami r-r ....«». at thecounting room of SPOFFOR1), TILE8TON k CO.,

"20_ No 41 South st.

Legal IVotiCCO.supreme court..IB the rn.tttpr ofE^ the Appli. tttiom.f the Mayor, Aldermen and Common-ally of ibe City of New-York, relativ» to the OPE NT NOOF SIXTY-FIRST-STREET, from Third-aren leto Fifth.aveaue.iu the Nineteenth Ward of said eity Thesubaett-b»rs, Coainaiaaioaert >.f Esilmaie ami Aaaoaanteat in ' entitle.) matter, du Is appointed by a Rule of the Su¬preme Court, give Notice, pursuant to the requirements ofsn Act of the Legislature of the Pcudeof the State of New-York, entitled " An Act to amend an Act eutitlsd an Act toreduce several law-g relating particularly to the City ofNew York, intooue A< t. passed April 9, 1813," pasted Aprilto. in30. that the abatract of the Estimate m.l Asaeasmaalof the Commissioners in the at.ove matter .ontainmg thenames and owners of the lot., assess* .1, the numtiers or nu hlols as the) appeal on the maps of the Commissioners, t<>-g. tlier with such maps, and 'he in,.> ilit .| Assessment,whether for damage at b. netit and alao all the atli.lavitt,estimates ami other docuasenta, which were used by theCommissioners IB making their report, have boas d.«/> antedin the Street Commissioner's oflce, ur Hie City and Countyof New York, for the hawerlina ofa biaseusisi ,t may eoa-citri, thereto remain for at least sitty dan bei .re theCommissioners make their report to the said SupremeCourt, at the time and [.lace hereinafter rm riti. Bed Andthe sai.I Commissi tu further give notice, ptusaaat to thetaauremeBts of the Act/aetii a **Aa Act I uneadaa Acteutit'ed an Act in relar;..n to the collection of AasoasmentSanil Tsies intli. I it v and County ol New V .r, la gj

..». a, pBSSSd Mat 14, ISt'l, * poeseal Mar*, 1811 to Tie

o« »er ..r owner. oceBPBt(a,OCCBMVatS ofall i. .use..and im¬proved or nniuiaroved laudsatT> cdadtherabv.tbal th> r haveeompJated '.'.eir Estaaate m*\ Assssaassat; ndthai ail.ers. ni w I, se Inten -t.. ars alTected thereby, and who mayho oapoaed t» same, ai* M^BOSlBd to pre-, nt their Oh>ja T s in wr.ting to JOBBFOWLBB, Jr lie of the saidComBaastoaen at bis alace of busmeaa. No 124 Nassau-street, in the CitV of New Y ork, w it hin hirty days from thedale ot this itotiea And that the Raaks swhrsesd hp thssassessment an at IVtOows, that is to say All thoos less,pieces,or (.ar. e!s of land, aituaie ia the Nineteenth Ward<>f'he City >! New York, between the westerly tide ofThird-avenaa and the raster!.- Rdeof Leun ... Bvaaao,houiideal ou the north bv a line distant I no rott ä inches

northerlv. the n.^lbeily spie ..f i,lst street in,I i,a

Uies. i;th bv a Im« disiaiit I'O led ) lui ties a>. ,t),arly. fromthe southerly «.<l« >f iilst stn e». And tlso, all those BtlbWlots, pie. «s, or par'els >r land situa'e in the. NineteenthWard of the City >.f New Yok be' .e.n the .terl-. a,daaf LeiiasUm-aveDUSaad the eaatei'y tideol k' .nrta ava-

aue bounded aa the north hv a line distant IPu feet iin'hes northerly, from the aortherl. tide of 61 ttrest, andSJBUsSSOBtBbt a tin* distant MM i inches so itherly,from the southerly talc d t/lst Strset And also, all thoeeether lots, pieces, or parcels of haat, sstaate hi the NinelaenlbWard of UteCifr af New Tora, iietvieeu the woat-erly side of Ith atenue and the easterly sole a Vu avenue,bounded on Ibe north bv a has distant luufeeti in. lies

a .rtberiv. from trie northerly side of 'iIrt-street and oa

the south by a line distant lot feet i inches southerly, fromtea sBBtheriy stdaof dlst stieet. And als», all that r.-irt,. .. wttmtias laid out by law, botwaaaOm westerly mdeol M'SPSBtSS .nd the easter,y side of >nh avenue Aad thesaid c ¦imiss iiarrs faithw fnrs entire that their report iithe above u alter will tar made and BSBBSaBSd to the 8a:-en C an' at *¦ Ier.o af 'he sn d Court, to Ireheld at the Cur Hall .f tue City f New York, on Satur¬day, the 291). day of November, I8ÖI, at the opeiuae of theC.urt on that day. or as tain the realtor as Counsel > an Iraheard n.d that 'h< r, and there a RBRBBB wiU be .aiada thatV.,« said re; rt will e <aietirm..!

lotiN lowi eh la ,)DAVID SEAMAN, /Comimss. BOtSGEORGE BOYD, )

Now-York, September 1». ltil sl1tN29

riphe people of the 'state ofI new YORR by the Orao God,Fn Indh

.'tr.t lo .II persons iaie ested in the e»tate .1 JOHNTHOMSON, late ,.f the City of Nea i r decesaad.asetei , .art, legatees, neat of kin, or ..therwise Seid Greet¬ing TeB and evn If yaB ar' hereby cited and required,;e.-,,,i.a 1 ' be and i, ? r t..iore our Sarrosjata of theI .maty af New-York, -at hat office in the Ctl| of New-Vol.. n toe secciel dav of Ueeenber nait. at eleven0 .-.'.a k in 'be forenoou . ( teat day, then and there to at-fctad '!.e final settlement ..f lln mcouut of pr - eedn.g- '

ELIZA ANN ANGEL, a Ear itnt ofthe Last Will and Testament of aaid de. i

In eitimont where if. we have caosad the Seat >f Officeof said Surrg.te to ¦ hereunto o»i»d W.tnesa.A. W. Rra.f S'.r oaaSa of oaf said Count,, atthe City f New-Tori. theMh Jo of the vear .four tjmt taattBaSBBd SSRht hun¬dred snd riitf. ne

j:i»twTtaS A W BRADFORD,B n fati

\t a SURROfJ ite's co! rt, 11in sod ftt the Coimry sf New-Y'ork. at the Surro-

r.t. sOfTae latheCRyol New York, .nthe<a fO-to-t»»r in the year sac thousand snrlit h mdred and fify one.

Pleasat, AietSBderW Bradford. Sumaate. In the mat¬ter ft. e scattea to meit|Bia. Isasa r tell the reale«l:ite ,.| Ja.lies l,rei.» iJeirLird On K-ai i and riluur

Ii D I l.AMESGkEIG the ad ...o-aAratur ofJames Gietc. laii ot las Cat] t PJea Y sk d> eaased. f»rsathorRi to ¦estasce. ea..«. or sell the tea1 esute f thesaid sacasaad Bay tnc papaasBI f la de' ta; if .1 ..r.tere.1that all persoas iatcreaied in'Le estate- f Lhv s tid Jaaes1 ire r dega Si ed, si pear beb re the Surrora'e of the Coaalyaf New \ ..ii. :.. I... 't. n rt.e City ..f N- v Y rk.oii

.¦. [Pkt'sj of NoreBtler aast, at 19 o'cl.'Ck, in tha

f.»enrxn of that day. then snd there to show- cause whya'.thorn, should u<* grvec to the sa .1 ul-n tuVra'ortoavortpase. Wans or tell s» much of the real es .a'e of thetaet Cre'r fle« assssl. as shall sn^icieut to pav hisdtClr [etttlW*] A- W, RRADEOkD.S«;rugate.

Sl PREM IS COURT..In the mutterIba i re*k»a ofibe Mas-or, Aldormoa said l3*mm

a I I I \.» \ ¦ . '"* OPI-O* fit IV NINTH t-TKK I.I t«u at tu lac poi

,. 4 ..i BroadwayThe sobornb*is,C akmavsaooers >i Estimate and

¦cat :n U>« al'.ve eotitl.d mat'*- dun api-untod by a r

t ' r gaprt u« C trt <i» c t e« p ir.uaal to the rr<-s-et>t» ofan act ofIbo Lor' aura .f be ;>¦ -p-sofiae»-ot>. »-v rk.eatj.Md Ai tri t.. »maml ta VI«»wAattnttoJ ro.eretall*wt triall a i*'t C'llarly'iCity of New-Tori latoeaoAet .¦«¦». d I**"*.ad lpt11 ta, in I: law the*' '-a,' .'I ItM EaOaaaloAw,- hi of M i <" m ib»ab»rwaatttor.i <¦

tinin g tks ooaara tf theowanoM the l"t» «sa**ai***l.a ii. ,«.,| tuen kata aa inr, aar ..alba m*p* ofc m aammers,ammher wsUt* rboaatavaaataaaaawmi laeoesateal whehrrfo laaiaoaa» m-ne ht; aad ahmt1 ,.».t». «»lt»*'»* aal ah. --1 r .m« nt*. » ha h were

a»e,i It the Clnaanasaeavm ta BsaaTBSf »hr.rr.-p rt.hsvehe*>u dri"«itad w the » ret (..¦im. .amaer's ladTCaoatj of Mow 1 rl f.arti o-per-t«,.« >f «roota..,-,,rtt asartwaeora; Iber* ' ...-. n ie%*t«.tty

...( ^ p ,«part I tneeaeg

> ., . r ,¦. attkol an ne.eiuaAer ssenlaeaa.I tail 'ha aridfrraat. aor« frrUsei I >.. r*.ia a. pur

.. rroM a » >i aa ..'. aaautaad An trt 10

a daa t. es Vt in if »I u. t.. thr PwIWtt.*.: \»-,..-. rota .miTaia» a the Cit» aad Cu«tat| ¦! Ns *-

Tor», ;..!t r ata«*-y rpuoat ,a««Mar U. IttO," i>a*ar4May 7. Ittl; to tboowaoi r rr>, aecaf »at r tra-

paataäfal h.u»es.aad imptov,-A ..» uimp-ived land* af-rFrteat thereby, thai Ihr« have .- mp rtrd thear rtttmatoand v-ees-meet, mil tha' all parana. « h >». tnfere«** are a>feeted thereby, aad who ma* i* .p.-wrd to roe «***#. are

rr.jii»««»«! to pmesri bam .!¦..«. ...» . aMhat *oCbattttaS «neu IV Iherhttiniau ¦( -hr «a d t' .ninii«atonrro,at the olt rr of J Baarn.f « r»r... No lo Wall «t ,a Iho

City «i hi. » »abba thii*< owea mum taa data oftaat¦otK*. Ana' Utal 10a lia«a»lHM*l i,. tuu»aanlarc aa Mtowa. that ¦ to aa* tl hat rerua pioro or

muco)ofiaad,artaa'a,lyiaaaad oocaa;m that'it» i fmmYork,aad bnandad daaci t.e.t tado atakaiag aa foUoars,that is :o»ay lUtnnn lut mi) nt u he aaateHv tide > I

I'll: a-. i:;* '"' ä .. ..«.. .¦¦it'i>-tl» thaa uther T »nie at* ttth Ot^ aa the »ante la to ho openod,ant running thtnea raatorl) . wi a bna |v»rollei withand i. utNr'r side ¦>{ Wth sj'.e>. aad 'tsiin' log feat im. ,.« ... t] till '¦ W i-et to tha wasterlr rodoof ttb-ar . teener aorthorh a .¦ «aal «»»tetly n-.'o »fWh ,» tu» leet 10 itirr.Bf to a .?.tot m sajd weaterU atdoof 9th a\ il stant i«" fe«l 5 u ,sne» n. rtharlr fn ui thanortleth side af J'Hh It aa 'he stineia ta he ,.,«nedthen, e ... arlr.ia i ..». thi liar te.t to ai witiathaoaatarly atdaof lath ai drataai ns tart J im hia a-irtherlyfrou. the uoitherlv «nie ..: <eh .t as the a»:ti« U to

am ned «..utherl» ahsaa »auleae-erl» aide of Wh¬at as .(.- HM e ta to he oarBld JW' leet 10 in, he*, t.i thapoint >u laooof hofiaaiaa tadlaha», a'ltha» rertatr o'her

piece .o (t o. I, l land, ait ia'a lytBB and nein« in tha t'ltri.i \, , > -K and ' iboN .t irm >> it aad a >nt in»c aa

f ,» ts 'o «a, Boiwaiaa st t [«mit aharo tholoitthrrl e ot ea.h at aa»l >aatoB) lohoopa aeo). »b-

ters.ets the earter.» tide I Rh ,» aod 'uiiuina thearo

BBttthoril ah».* said ea»tri:v »i,tr .4 » h a* ICO feel iin, he*, theoca oaaterlj *"i>S a Iibo paialiol with saidaoothrily ude of wth at a ,1 Jistaat 10t» faot i lorbaoaouthetli then hum. S00 ieei to tha weetrrlt aide oftth a* ;thetea BOitharl) a! BBtd we»ierl> tide of gth a* ItTWOt t>IBi'hoa, to tho pujat whoia lao «esterlt aido of thaBltKNBOmralBla r .ad iuter»e»-> thr >s. » ri i» side of Ith at ,

theme i. ttharly along aard w»»ta»t| «ideofltha* IT*fort gttchrs, Iheme wea rrlv aloac tat lato of the .rater

of the Block BOtwooatt h »l ami Nith «t »71 lei « inx-heo

totbeearti y aido nf tth-av.i btmco soutborty alotag aaalaaatotly aa.fthofgavat , ica fba > laraoa latho poaat a*pharoof bogiuiom: And d-- s! that erta ti «. re ,,| indin - <>.> i it.. is, ladod taddo«cnl, ,i u (iltowo, t., «u B*-glBBiag >t Bpotatwaari the ». sierl» ti.le of ItU-at in-

tris. Ctl the easier I, ihtooftha Bio uuii-rdate ro«.l.aiHl rilB-

Btng then. «. ii, itheilv aloiit laal a ttai ado .! lth-a» 21Mat tlachoa; looaca aaatorli *l es- alrsMtdfaHl im-haoto a ton (iu the Baatarlt i tho WlooaBiaa^hvIa road.dis¬tant 3d tort 7j no hes northerly front 'he potal of l^aiaatng ,

Ibesoc southerti along thooastar'j * <'e ol tha Bt aaahaf*dali ad Keot T| ns, aa to tha laroal '.eginning, AadWB.thoanid Coauasraaoaata do furtkoi gite notira.thatoar roport ta tha atsne eat itlod ¦aitarwill bs made andpiaaenlod to theSupiemr ('.t ll i RpOCtal Term of thesaid rourt, to bo hold at »ho City Hall i *he CrarofNoae*Berk,iwBaturday.tho i3'h day il Poeaaiaar, t D the o|*iiing ol the I'.oir. ,.n ':. i« In n .-oti t l.ereaf-t. CooaoOl eaa he heanl. anil tha* Ihen ami Ikt re a mo¬

tion Will he made that the -aid rei...ri lie rouftrmedCH A K1 EBB KSi'i iTT, >I A wRENI BODBLL ) Commissioaera.HBNBV Ml KBMAN, S

Hsted Nets York. Sei t t7'h. A D llil SlttlHl

CUPREME COURT.In ihe BaRtt«rofIw5 the atmllcation of the M«l"t. Aide-men and Com¬

monalty f the tV n«t Ness V k irla-iseto 'he t»r>KN-INO a* SIXTY riRSr-BTBRRT, from riocd Ateaue to

f iflh aM nue. in the Ninrt.eiith Viani ,t taid City TheBadsrmgaod Cusammtsamsii of Estimate ami Ameaamoatin the utsse in'it.ed .re. he rt't Hilf N .lice, thatthev will meet at Hie oBrCB of loha I owler, Jr.. Ksq.the I h n i man ot Ihe suit ('.mitaioaera. No 124Na>«:m «ite. t. .n the C ti oi Now s,.k on Saturday, tho1st day of Nurrmbi . ItOl a four'cioch in the afteni<*n,for tho parposo ol .. .ring ia uafmastioa to taa A»s*sameatmade by the »ald CiaasatSBtl BBre, an, |iei»oil or perrim*who ma) i nasidt r tat bsm I*oi tearmted Lhon h)

.liHIN mwn U Ji ,)DAVID 8BAM AN, Coiiiuoati-nareOEOOB HOVli )

Haltd New York «letohrr III. IIH d- N

SUPREME COURT..WilliaiaR. LHkB-I u au againtt Dav d Hand. II and other* .Summons .

Totho dereadaats. JAM Ks v\ KANDELL, srni'HENH II \ UI is I'HWARH sill I'tun m HELEN hisNsn. am ILBXANDEB vaKUN .. mahV RIns Wile, aril each of them You nrehnieh, tummoiird and,. Bjyod toBBBWOf tha Ouatplatnt iu th a a. turn which aas

Bird in the othce of the ( le s ol the ('it, am) Coua'y idNew Tork, at the Cits Hall ii the Crtyar New-Y-rk. oa

tha Mth day of Jaao, IUI. ami P»sereo a onpy af yoar an-

swar ta tha aaM oaaBplalnt oa tha sabaorthar, at hia office,No |f Nasaau-Bt.,M laasatd etty wiihm tyraaay ii aya afterthe tet sice ot' this .nil.BSOB I oa, SSI lusive of i ha da* ofBachBBItb'a and .I -i n '.. t. the said compbuntwithin the tuna afare-md Ihe l'i.nntitf in tin* actum willaa (,lv to the Coarl fur the relwf demanded in the cm-plaint listed the Uli da» t Hi l .h, r I**>I

n'J lawUw I ii I. Kl: i t III M, I'lsmtitC* Attorney

IN PURSUANCE of aa order ».f theSurrogate of the Cotintr of New.York, aotwe m

herehy given to all person* having claim* aeasast MARYH.ANl kCH lale of the City of Now t.,rk. deceased, topresent the san e, with vouchers li.nwf, to tbe aabsvonber,at hia atora. No 'U'j Pearl -t in thr City of New York,onor before the etstb dav of Match nevt .Dried, New-York,(he Sil day ol geptemhar. Itdl

si lav.uuTh* JosKI'HE MO! NT. Admvwtmrator

IN PURSUANCE of aa orferof the Sur-rogHle of the COAtaty of New York, notice i* lierehy

siren UisUperson*bsvinsclmm*agmasi EPIPHANY DA-\ Is, late of tho City of Naw Tora, decoaaad, to peasoalthe -au «, weih vouchers thereof tothe suhiwriber. at tuareasdeaca. Na I Howaed-al us thoCrt) oi New-York, aaoi aforolha Twaaty Eighthdsyol laaaary Baal .DatedNow-York,tki i ^entv ihird dai .¦. lulv. nyi

lyll lawasnTh* CHBISTOPHBR BUBH, Kteeutor.

IN PURSUANCE o( an order ol th>> Sur¬rogate of the County of Now Y.rk. Batkeg ia hereby

g.wn to ail noreoai iionm claims igaiaal MAItIA SCAM M E V ER, lau ol the (it. of Nc»Y'4k, deceased, topri seal the Mass wah roocbor* thereof t,, tho tuh«< rilier,at In* tiliu-r ol BoetaeOS,No 3i I'erry StrOOt, III the City ofNow-York, im or before the liisi da. of fehriiary neit .Dated Now Tork, the Spth day of Jaly immi lawamTh* John P. CAMMBTaTB.Britatar,I N PUR81) %NCE of ;in (»rder of thea son, giiteid the ( nttaty of New York, Notu e ia heeebygiven ta all pararm havssj slaiaay against PI.UAHI ISHEB.UMof tho ( itvof New York. iL eased, to pro-itut thi ismi Bith roucasia iberaof io the - iba ciber, ather leaulem o No. IM B MtB mi ia taa CRr of Ne* York,on or before tha Irsl dav .M uch it -Dated NewYork,the27tii ,lav of Aoaust, IS3IbuM lawtsaTh Jolt K HsllKB. Administrstni.

N PURSUANCE of an order of the Sur-rugate of tha County ol New-York satkaa is hereby

ii to all la-rsori. h It Hin , a. , o-l I t M KS OHF.OOI8"w II s,)S it.- Hol it. o| \|.vt Y.rk, deeeawd, In pre¬sent the .ame. with the voucher* thereof t,,i|,r tuhw riWr,al bmogteo. No 41 Baekmaa -irret, ia tha CRy ..f *,', ..

York, mi oi before thi thirteeath day of Novemla r aaM .Ic.i.,' New Yoik, the snth dav of May. 18-31mylUwSarTh* BENJAMIN H DAY, Eiecotor.

|%JOTK Bis hereby, givea to all r.ersona1 vi Batate of STV.VHV.S

St.'lll.H la'e of the toWB of Nortofield. Ro hue udCum . is.,l, to ;,.,«,u,t thr sa ne, with the view-heret, .. i.. Briber ol taa BndassMaod. at their r»*pe<ti*e.-m-«-» in said Coaaty, on nt beswra the no. day ofJanuaiy BOXt,aad all pSTSoaa indebted to -aid Eatate. are

reqaoatml to ii immediate paynasay .w also, Dated,Stataa UUmi.j ds nth. ia,t

\ It DECKER, Im_... 11 !... I \Ml EL si.l IEUS I "Kurs

OfPtCB » MUt Tain» Hall, Pkik.HHAXEH ol |M..|.-Kate UI W-lOO.-am1 Notice is hereby gives that »he Tat H<» ii of Iba

preterit year w hi be opaa fm patassat etj TDE8DAT, thaKNji da; rf Inl and that I will 'hen l<e prepared ta r»-r, ,v .!,. |,ii.- ii,, ,.- a.

All persona peyn*J 'heir Taiea urevioas to the 1st ofN isrmbei Belt will receive a ,1, duct.,,n ,i interest st fft I al 11 anao Baleelaiad fr^m 'he tune of pa/monltothe 1st of DooBatM r nest

tu.. *, tent will 1* arid-d to «11 Tnrea uapa.doataais' it D'.euhsr. and 2 ptr not BB the IXn <»f Decent-b- r ro itHi rt s raealTBsg Tatet rmm I A M. to 1 P M .

B..ii»ab|s hi 'Uey only rereitealllAKVf V HART, Re. eiter of Taaoa.

N B Perv a* tend ag fall Bow rtptloaa of their propertyt lAMeaVe aBi hasmlaoi h la out to them, <.r fh*y . aai»e lad by app.ying at this I I jytOtf

STREET DEPARTMENT, No. HUH1^ of Keeoids .P-.I.'t BBttei K hertbv gives tha» thafollowrag resolntiirB hut i.-en iiresented la the Boardo< Aldermea Io PLAU SIDE-WALK awl SET CURBsad (iUITER west tide atberifTeC betweaa Br and(.rami sta. S p«rs<am ssterasted, ha* ng ot.iocUontheretoare re«iaeatld lo pram mtavern in wmmg. t< the uaderaarnedat hia if. e n or l«/ore the Ut day of November next .Ot t. a. ISalM JdIIN 1 DODGE 8tre.t Cummmaioner.

/ 'ARTMEN- NuTH K.-Renewals of" 1 .«w . -. mt. ,1,'i ly, between 10 an ! 2. intxl

ay of I « n ti er w l.k h it .a uc.a viiilto r.- vow I..ceil., * under any circuit stancesOwaara aad dit*ort, f Eiareas Wagons, Ragg*ge Wsa-

ad Carts with names <>a ihem a/e notihed that all( Uta w'ag ii Ii .- r otl ervehic e» iiae.l in the trans-portaT n oi si tic1es from pi*/ e to place within the city for[ay tor such t r.,u»> Hatn n». are deemed to Im ''P'lbl.eCart* eraona owning, unr or dnviag any *u,-b*eh* le with, nt obtaining Lueiiae therefor, are imlty of a

laor, Uable to ten dollars Una. or iinprieoaanantPerai m d> amOOS of pmcunn* l.ireuse ta keep Public.

Cart are reriuceted to appi, on uc after the first of No¬vember. All numbers net renewed before that tune watthen tie riven not

I. Mat of H:s Hi i.orth* Mavorr~

ASHEB TAYLOR, First Marshal.Mayor a Oft er. Ort la. 18j1. 0)0 131

CTREET DEPARTMENT. No. 4,to HA] I OB Notue m herebynveB, that taa follow ing resolutions have been presented

Bid ol Asaisuiat Aldeni.eei To LAY CROSS-H v' R .' .' 'atv.,.1, ... n»udC. in iront of the.= PbOPBN llth av froiulath la

. ... etil n Ta < IH tDE a idSET Cl BP and CCTTEB in Lawrence, at, irssa. wa tw1MB apy. Ali pertone latorosted haotag ob e.-ti-.n» theretoare reijuc*trd to proeent them in witting t.. ihe undersign^««¦ 8' h.a Ofl>e onorbefo-e 'be rtral dav of Novemberatst [aaj] Joll.N T. DODOt, Slreot CutiJaEseioasr.