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NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the way Americans view the world. The years following the war bring more changes in attitudes and economic practices.

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Page 1: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the


A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I.

World War I and the 1920s1914–1930

A world war changes the way Americans view the world. The years following the war bring more changes in attitudes and economic practices.

Page 2: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the


World War I and the 1920s1914–1930




America and Georgia Go to War

The Roaring Twenties and aNew Generation

Georgia’s Economy in the 1920s

Page 3: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the


Section 1

America and Georgia Go to War Americans become involved in World War I even though they do not think it is their fight.

Page 4: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the


The War Begins

America and Georgia Go to War

Factors Contributing to War• World War I begins as conflict between Austria-

Hungary and Serbia- Serbian man kills Archduke Franz Ferdinand

June 28, 1914 • Imperialism, nationalism, militarism contribute to




Continued . . .

Imperialism• European competition for colonies, resources in

Africa and Asia • Germany has fewer colonies than Britain, France;

wants more

Page 5: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the




Nationalism• Nationalism—pride, loyalty to country—strong

among Europeans• Nationalism fuels tensions, especially between

ethnic groups

continued The War Begins

Militarism• Europeans believe large armies, navies necessary

for defense• War grows to involve 32 nations; many join due to

previous alliances• Allied Powers—28 countries, eventually includes

U.S.• Central Powers—Germany, Austria-Hungary,

Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire


Continued . . .

Page 6: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the




America’s Position• U.S. not interested in joining war when it starts• President Woodrow Wilson promises to keep

U.S. neutral• U.S eventually enters war over German naval

actions- British block German ports, Germany sinks

Allied ships in response- Germans sink Lusitania, British passenger

ship; 128 Americans killed- Germans sink American merchant ships; U.S

declares war in 1917

continued The War Begins

Page 7: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the




Georgia and the War• Selective Service Act requires all men 21–31 to

register for draft• Over 100,000 Georgians serve in war; state is

major training center• U.S. helps Allies take back German-occupied

territory, summer 1918

War in Europe


The War Ends• Allied and Central Powers sign armistice,

November 11, 1918- armistice—agreement to end the fighting

• More than 100,000 Americans dead; 15 million dead worldwide

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Georgians Cope with War • Wartime demand for Georgia’s goods, resources

improves economy• Cotton prices rise, many pay off debts for first

time in years• War also causes problems—shortage of some

goods, like gasoline• People worry about loved ones overseas, spies

at home• Government restricts freedom of speech• Citizens buy bonds to pay for war effort; some

entertain troops

Impact of World War I on the South

Continued . . .

Page 9: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the




Women Contribute to the War Effort• Women provide food to soldiers at training

camps, train stations• Make clothes for soldiers overseas, join groups

helping war effort• American women help in Europe; become

nurses, drive ambulances

continued Impact of World War I on the South

Page 10: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the




Disease Spreads Worldwide• Soldiers spread Spanish Influenza epidemic

worldwide in 1918• Georgia’s first case at Camp Hancock, October

1918 - soon over 2,000 cases; close public facilities to

prevent spreading• Flu kills 675,000 Americans; 25 million worldwide

by end of year

Spanish Influenza Epidemic

Page 11: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the


The 1920s are a time of dramatic change in how people live.

Section 2

The Roaring Twenties and a New Generation

Page 12: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the


Social Changes

The Roaring Twenties and a New Generation

The Flapper Era• 1920s bring more freedoms for women, personified

by “flappers”- flapper—young woman with short hair, short

skirt, carefree attitude• Not all women are flappers, but idea of personal

freedom attracts many• More women get jobs outside the home; attitudes

on marriage change• Laborsaving appliances, convenience foods make

life easier



Continued . . .

Page 13: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the


Eighteenth Amendment• Eighteenth Amendment bans making, selling,

transporting alcohol• This Prohibition of Intoxicating Liquors in place

from 1920 to 1933



continued Social Changes

Nineteenth Amendment• Nineteenth Amendment gives women the right to

vote in U.S., 1920• Bessie Kempton, Viola Ross Napier win Georgia

Assembly seats, 1922

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Changes for African Americans

The Great Migration• Wartime industries give many African Americans

good-paying jobs• 1.5 million African Americans move to Northern

cities in years after war- movement known as the Great Migration

• Some economic gains in North, but still job, housing discrimination

• NAACP works to protect rights, expose injustices• Marcus Garvey leads “Back-to-Africa” movement

in 1920s; few migrate




Page 15: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the


Resistance to Change

The Leo Frank Case in Atlanta• Leo Frank, Jewish factory manager, convicted of

murdering girl, 1913• Frank kidnapped, lynched; gets 1986 pardon

based on new evidence



Revival of the KKK• Frank case is one event leading to Ku Klux Klan’s

(KKK) revival• Many lash out at changes in society instead of

accepting them• New KKK focuses hatred on African Americans,

Catholics, Jews• Membership not limited to South; increases


Page 16: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the


The Automobile Changes Georgia

Ford Changes Auto Production• Few automobiles in U.S. in 1900; too fragile,

expensive• Henry Ford uses interchangeable parts,

assembly line to build, 1913- method assembles cars quickly; cars more

durable, affordable- other manufacturers in U.S. and worldwide

copy process• By end of 1920s, 27 million cars are on U.S.

roads; car culture develops• Cars become most important possession to most




Continued . . .

Page 17: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the


Building Automobiles in Georgia• Many small auto companies start from 1900–

1920; most fail quickly• Hanson Motor Company is most successful

Georgia carmaker, 1917–1925



continued The Automobile Changes Georgia

Good Roads Movement• “Good Roads Movement” highlights need for better

roads in South• Federal Road Aid Act of 1916 helps states fund

and build roads• Dixie Highway completed in 1927—major

highway through Georgia• Stretches 5,700 miles, from Great Lakes to Florida


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Modernization and Change

Retail Chains• U.S. economy strong 1919–1929; industrial

production doubles• National retail chains open, sell brand-name

products nationwide• Regional chains develop—Piggly Wiggly opens in

Memphis, 1916- one of first self-service grocery stores in U.S.



Credit• Many think prosperity of 1920s will not end; begin

buying on credit- buy items with small down payment, pay

balance in future payments

Page 19: NEXT A magazine cover captures the carefree spirit of the Roaring Twenties after World War I. World War I and the 1920s 1914–1930 A world war changes the

Section 3

Georgia’s Economy inthe 1920s Atlanta and other Georgia cities prosper in the 1920s, but rural Georgia is left out of the prosperity.


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Georgia’s Economy Grows

Georgia’s Economy in the 1920s

Natural Resource Industries• 1920s is a decade of prosperity; people have more

money to spend• Industries expand in 1920s; natural resource

industries flourish• Bauxite used to make aluminum; timber, cotton still

in demand• Kaolin industry grows rapidly; kaolin found in 13

Georgia counties- kaolin—clay used to make plastics, toothpaste,

other items



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Promoting Georgia’s Cities• 1920 census reveals for the first time that most

Americans live in cities • Georgia towns, cities campaign to attract more

people, businesses• “Atlanta Forward”—successful national ad

campaign promoting Atlanta- over 700 businesses move to Atlanta from

1925 to 1930



Georgia’s Cities

The Arrival of the Airplane• William B. Hartsfield says Atlanta needs airport to

be a major city - convinces mayor; city acquires land to build

Candler Field, 1925

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Boll Weevils• In 1920, U.S. economy goes through recession—

short, severe downturn• Boll weevil beetle strikes Georgia cotton crop,

1918–1923- cotton crop drops by nearly 75%; many farmers

give up on farming- some move to towns, others migrate North

• Nearly 60% of Georgia farmers are sharecroppers or tenants by 1930

• 1920s prosperity passes them by; many lack running water, utilities



Georgia’s Agriculture in the 1920s


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