new york tribune.(new york, ny)...

WetB V#L*U.NM6,<>*>0. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1891.-TWELVF PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. SENDING AWAY FOR HEARSES brookLyn a city of ftjnerals. PRICE3 TOR CARRIAOKS IXCUF.ASF.D-DOCTORS OVERWHK.l.MF.I) WITH WORK. The nui-'icr of deaths from tlie "grip" last -re*k bi(' i,s inilirect intlucncc in produciug fatal reaalta with other disenws, swelled the nuinber of fun-raB) in Brooklyn yesterday far l>cyond the uaual Sunday average. and there was a greater demand for hearses than could »>c eupplied. Few couid be secured from tliis city owing to the de- m*Dd here from the same causes, and tlioso owned ln Flatbush, Jamaiea and other Long Island towns wrre aent for. Kven then some funerals had to bc postponed until to-day. The strcels of Brook- l\n xvere fllhxi with processions passing to the various oec-eteries, and so many coaches were bired that in BBBM aaaaa the prices were iucreased. Extra forces ot BBBB were employed at gravc-dii.- ging ia mTBBBMmi on Saturday in spito of tlie storm, and many bodies had to be placed in re- oalving vaults on account of the lack of time to ma he graves ready. The number of* deatlis last week in Brooklyn wm G30, and tho largest number in one BBj was 114, on Friday. Yesterday cighty-four death eertifioatea were filed with the Health Department. Prputy Commis-ioner Young said yesterday tliat tbe number of deaths last week, 630, which was 13* more than in the week before, was the largest erer loaanra in Brooklyn, an average of ninety a day. While oniy sixteen were directly attributed to the "grip," tliere were 163 from pneumonia, aixty from bronchitis. forty-eight from consitmp- Uon, nineteen from diphtheria, in all of which the "grip" might have l>cen a secondary cause, and in maay of wfaka. it hastencd a fatal endin^. U the week of 18(»o, when the "grip" was at its helght. the niiiiil'rr of deaths wts 624, and this bad not been excecded even in heated t.rms in aumrner, when infant ruortolity is greatcst. Dr Yo_i_ thought that tlie "grip" had beoome epidemlc if not contagious in it- character. It did not secra especially to affect any partiourar oart of the city. When persons begnn to suffer Jrom ev.ldB th-9 should have good treatment. Many pi.vMciar.s are overworked from the great demamls imV.e apaa their tm.e and attcntior,i by the unuaual amount of sUkness, and they are kept letveU^iiepr^ ^xi^v^'Wr^rV'onn,,^.,^ of Health. is re¬ ported in a danserousjsBnd.tiou. THE UNDEHTAKEI-S ARE KEIT RCSY. Tlie gnnt mortailty in thls city ln tho laat BBBB* 1,J LVm-r.v of tlie undertal>er, ba-** tl.rm !_.. tSn for'a long Ume. Some havo had almo<t IZ "rk than they could attend ***«-£ ol tho repn«-ntatlve .under.aliers in mfforent paru Bl the -Ml were seen Satorday. At H. E Wl*** &T-2 of BM bm* tmx to tue tomBmm ev m to* BUB*M toA been tho bualest month to tho hUUH-v of Uie ««npaiiy. and thoy noxv havo all tlw ordcrs" they co_M Mt The pro»s_re xvas wo«e even than ln the «*oter» >«r. Peter.Relyen, of No. 3 Wlllett-st.. w*o-e bn-lne-s 1* cluefly on the East Mdo. HM they wero much buslcr thaa they wero last year Mrtiilta- The man who furnlshed them with beuwa was tmable to supply his eustomers. so gre*t waa the mtmBBu, Bt. t A. Hard, the sexton ot BA pltrirk's Q_the_r__. said he had about all tlie work to emild attend to. but was not overrun The sexton* "f acveral of the large fasl.Ionable churches in Flfth-axe. Mld Uie number of deatha during tlie last month was no rreater than a year a*ro at tlus time. 3rJTI-MB. ._g___®S5 ______ ^_dT haonch^ iT-U^eSTu*. jmoglb. Ile _S2e_howw that l»a-_not_& taBl_*.'SJ?^? *ZLvkJa ia.*t Jaiiu .rv. All these men agreed that !b __S5_» S_-f-a-?a«. ___a they hnd at present. THE KCARE IN F.LlZAr.ETH AJIATING The tvphua fever patient ln the post-liou*e ln F.llr.a- beth B J., 'as still llving last evenlng and tho physieiane now think he has a ehanro of iwwrery. The acaro over the dlsease ls aub_idmg and no new ca«- have appeared in tho quamntlned dwelling at Fii__h,.tlmort City Phvslcian tireen thlr.Us no furtner JH^fnSSi i* w^hend-a. owlni to tbe proaart and .'ffe,tlv«"_top? ttSi-n to siamp out all germa of tho Sbbbbb, ?- NOTHIXG NEW IX THE ITALIAN AFFAIE. INTEREST DTING OUT-NO INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC. Washington, April 1_.-There wero no developmem* ln the Italian amilr to-day and the rcvivini; iB-tBBat taken in lt, on arount of the alleged lntention on the part of the Haliaa OuilBBBBBBl to dlsplay lt« rosent- ment bv ccasing to havo any fnrlher diplomatic intcr- coui-se with Uie Btl-B- MflAeB, BB_B_B thls Govern¬ ment shall resiwnd to too communicatlon of Premler Rudlni wlthin siuh period a* tho Italian Mlnistry ln fcald to consldor as the utmost limit which it BBB allow the American Government for the maklng of IU ansxxer, bas lapsed into a disposltion to awalt quieMy what the ne_t two or three 'lay* bf-Bg forth. There aro few per_ons who BBJ-TB that anythlng st-rtllng will kappaa between now and Wu_iaarta_r, and high oflicials are certainli Iniredulous as respect- Itolr's reportod purpose to tar.o BB_B a hostllo step as would be that of orderlng MinMtr I'orter from ¦aaaa, Even should such an unusual and extraordinary moxeiuent be made, contrary to all expettatiMii*. it is aald that it would probably not rvsiilt ln BCtaal xvar, but oniy iit an almost coniplete sex'erance of all rela¬ tions between the two countrle-. lt i* regaidod. BOW- ever, a* almost certAin that it would result in a feeUng of iTnUtnat-mi in this eoaatey, w_loi veoM B-rioaalf preiudjoe the nro-pec-i i>f (avotaale aelleB by Ihta country on Uie Italian augg-atlooa for repaiatIon BM liideuiiiity. DlploiiMti-t- iliougli wi.uW recelva Uio nexv, of tho sexcraiKe uf diplomatic relatlona witn uro- fi'ind regret. for the rea*on that it would for a loiig tln.e tie> a cause of trexatlon and annoyance, and xxoald taU lor tlie exercise of extenne 'Iim ivtion and t-ct ln * BtaaB many aiatiors of c<nipiraiivel.v trliling linp>r- Ib.i-c Wera vm IntereoBraa between tht txxo couninea .ndeied by re entinent lt wauM n-nder a raeon- ciltaUon dlfltcult and oniy to bo wjcured by ctiinber- aome good ofh(*s of some intermediary and might r.->ult aa a aimilar bioach several years o_o betwe-n ..r--it Britaln and Vene.uela re-nlb-d- in th<- t__c_»l Ignorlng by ea<li counuy of t!u* fact tliat tbe otber through a relurtance on Uw parl of eitber to n BBBcea alter the a_lmo_lty enBendered had va But It i* tlumght ceruln that ftoM eompll-_tlona xxill not occur and that the two eooBtriea will a«alu be ob hurnioni./us tcruis wlUuut anyUiing alaruiiii^ \AA *'.l Tt "*' There wtis nothing to be learned to-night to jeapeet to the looked-for answer of Secretary BlaltM t., tbe jote aent bv Vai-quis Iinix-riall. and BeeTC-BlT Hlalne had no Inforniatlon to communlcate to Ute publie on Uio .uo- Ject of Ute Italian Incidcnt TBE VWKsnrRO POSTMASTERSUIP.. New-Orleans, April l_.-"Thc Pirayui.e's" Jactrson, Miss., dlspatcli say^ : " -U V. BBBOb, Mayor of VII. burg, arrived bete this evenlng, and will see to- Goa ernor to-monow rtlative to the Vicksburg peataBBBl matter. The Mavor wifi present tbc- n<iuc*t of Iha elUzens of Vicksb'ux'K, asking Ihe Gwernor u> Join ln the rerjuest for HM reslgnatlon. lllll has been fcero tor aeveral days." ?- REAPPORTIOXMEXT IX ILLIXOIS. Pprlngfleld, IU., Aprtl 1_ (*pdali.-<)ne of the BBB t lmportant sobjett* to come the Leglslature this week wlU be the reapporiionruent question. The chalr- B.n of the Semite ttunnilttee on Cong:e* \p portionment bas been ln communloatlon with tlre Otiaui. Department lor aeveral weeks, obtalnlng pi» tiae flgure. in regard to population ln th- BBI-OBM -atricu,. KveryUiIng i- la Bt-afB. < xcept Cook County, tbe Baaaaaarp tofea_w_aa about vMat m»s not yet been .aeeived from tha Oeoeaa OflUa. lt U expecU'd in a -BW daya, however. There la much doubt entertimi <1 uy many brsdlng LBgWaa-M a- to any rcdlstrU tlng ¦aaaaure arhatevar betog apaatf upon at Uds se-aion. Tbe f-ct Uiat Uie K. imblicans have a good tnajorlty - the beuate elfectuullv shuts off the Paaaaarallr .ebemes for a g< rr\-inanUer which they Uiought last -Ul tliey would Le able to work. Th'- DflBjeeral too oUier liand, bare,' x,ith their ii.*b(ant*, Me-sr.. O^kfrill and Moore, a mnjoiity of two in the House .**. »111 undoubU dlv flgtrt any redlstrlctliiK i..e.a»ure °n_i-_-..g witii the Bepab-teaaa. In view of these BBBB lt U likely 'thut n«t_l_f wUI be aocom- pll-hed ln the wny ol reapport lon ment at this scsslon. Tho IleptiMicnus expoct to ttmmmm tii. ir supreinacy In ltllnols at the general election, and ele.t tho Governor and tho ciuire State ticket and both br of the General Assembly. Then the next Legislature ean redisti-ict tiic j-'tato ll a fair man ner. Tlie city of chicago ls entltled to two additlonal Cougres_mcn gBkiat tho new apportionnicui, and lf this Assembly Mlt lo r--.i:-.ri< i. two Ooogit wi.! be clencd at large and are DOt likely to be ehoson tion C.lilcago at all, bnt from tlio rnral scctlons of tl.. r-tate. IXCIDEXTS OF LIFE IX PARIS. nornoJ. in fraxco-oerman bf.latioxs.the DEATH OF BARNCM. Paris, April 12..M. Hcrbetto, the Freneh Ambas- sador to Germany, has scnt to _d. Rlbot, Freneh Min¬ ister of Foreign AfTalrs, a dlspatcli full of mlsgiving. as to th« nature of the Ambo-sador'a rolatioi.s witli tho Bcilln Foreign Ollic.-. M. llerbette 99B9 that Chancellor von C.privi treats lilm with formal p.dibj- noss, while the Gcriuan Emperor. W_8 was formerly in- vaiiubly aiTablo ln his manncr, now ape >ks curtly and has shown posltivo 111 humor towaril Frcnrnmen whom M. Herbetto has lntroduced at WCBjtfoat, Tlie newn causes incrrased anxloty in Government clnb llltherto M. Herltetto's own reports, as well as oflicial infonnation from Ilerlin. have shown that M, H____Ml Mi pcrsona grata wlth Kinocror William. and that the Ambassador was on the most amlcable per-in,.l terms wltli the chlcfs of the Berlln Foreign Ofllee. Nothing between the Ambassador a:.d M. BlkOl to indicato tho lntention of tlio Germau Gn.ern- ment to the tension of relations already sui-* fciently etralne. If tlie Freneh Government aseertains that the Kaiser's altered attitude toward M. Hcrbetto aiises from dissatlsfactlon over tho trcatment roi-civc-l by Empresfc Fredetlck ln Par.s his early recall ll certain. So far as known ln ofttcial eircles tlu- Km-^-r exonerated M. llerbette from aU blamo ln tlie matter, whfie M. Ribot consldercd tho eondiict of the Ambas- MiOf in rclatlon to the Paris lncldent to havo been absolutely eorrect. In accordanco wlth tlie opinions of legal adviscrs of tho Foreign Ollioe, tho Chilian crulsers built in France will be handed to Uie Govoj-nment of IiaJmsccda under a stipulation that no Freneh crews shall be ongaged, and that the only assistanco tho vessels shall get iu Franco will be pern.ission to coal and eom ple tc such equipments as aro nccessum to enable them to rcach (liili. The cruiser Frcstdentc Pinto will bo eomplcted in May. The Ernvzurtz ls nearly ready. A Hritlsh crew, engaged chlefly to strcnpihcn the Cfilllan mi-rines, ls already hero undiv Colonel Vlllagran. Tlio death of Pldneaa T. Harnun. ellcited .tiumcrons pr>-.- (omnients on his carcer. 111s name ls faiulliar to tho peoplo and hnfi become lncorporated in tho Freneh language. Wliitclaw Keid, I'nited States Min¬ ister, ln spoaking of tho fcunous showman, said: "llar- irinii had many excellcnt qualltles. lloraco Gret-ley was one wlth on tlu; t.ucsiioiis of t/;mperance and nnlversalism, and always spoko *.f him iu tho lilj-'lust terms. A few years ago," ndded Mr. Reid, " Harniim sent me his autobiography with a dodlcatlon on the fly-leaf saying: 'As I cannot live to eorroct tho proof-shect. of my obltuary, I oifer you tliese f*aam, where you will lind all tlie facts of my llfo correctly toM." ¦ A serles of experiment-s with qul. k-flre guns has been made at Oanet's great factory at llavre, in tho preseneo of Frencli oflicers, a Russl-m cummiission licaded by Colonel tSanatsky and the Danish Q__M_, Linneiuann. In an lnterviow General Llnncmann said that a largo gun was flred nine tlmes ln forty-llve seconds, while anotlier of licavicr Oalibre was 8ltefea__«_ -cv.-n time. lu hfiy-four seconds. The resuits of Ita experiincnts, he added, Justilied tho bellef Freneh factorics can *m¦ces-.fully compete with any ordnanco factories lu the world. Tho incident of tlio week ln tho American colony here wlU bo the m_rrla«o of Miss Munroc, slstcr of tho banker, and Hcnry Rldgway, a member of an OM and wualthv Am.iiian family. MinNtcr Re.'l wffl bo the bride's . ItnrtT Tho st-rvlec will be perfurnu-rt in the American Churcli ln the Avenue do l'Anna, which will be profuaely decoratcd wlth flowers. Fifty thousand francs have recently been given to the American Cl«uity Fund. The prcvalcnt not lou tltat tahere are qo poor Anierlears tn I'arla la a tliorough mlstake. Tho management of the to yea* devote_l 170,000 francs to sending peiiinI'--> Amerlcan clUr__n« homo. Jc_*-ph, a former Vanderbilt chef, haa opened a rostaui-ant near tho Opera Oomlque r>n the savirrgs from his earning.s in his Flfth-avo. kltehen. He pn>- DOMB :t bi- ea 1 ¦ibli-hmcnt to add Aineriean comfoits to the Fniiih ciiisine. General King, the T'nlted BtaAma Consol-Oenei-J here, ls slttwlv reeov.-ring from a long autl MTBTB attack of M cve affecikM whleh has grcatly ii.U-r- fered with his oflicial work. llaron Gustuv Rt.thselilld has returned from Al- gerla ln precatious health. It is itated tliat in re- cont years hc has leet WXtJOOOfiOO Moei la tpeenls- tlons. He still has a lurgo fortane. He has retlr-1 from the bank with whi. ii br- mi etumcctcd of his own ____!-_ and has l.e.-n n-pl.t "1 by hli -on-ln-lraw, ^t. Lambert. If be had not retired. lirin.n Alpnonee BothschlM intended to wind ui< th^ bu-iii'-ss of tho iiiv-.i.t flrm und liail on .-. new b8aU. T'li.inas B. K.-od. ex-Speeker <>t the Home «f Repre- scn'tatlvt-s. ]in---d t*ri>ui-'h I'.til- without seelng any- itodv. Ho did not even call at the United Statea Legation. He spen. only a few hoon in tho city. He ls now in Italv. Tho management of tho Expo-itlon *.f 1888 BM not v-1 tii.i>lia-d its b-ttn-BB, Ur. Illan* lartnl, the BeeretMT of the American eomml--kan. who ls now here la«is Just received from the Freneh Government ¦ britali of bronze medals. ecoompanled by pareh- DMOta lor (llsti-ibution amonc the Amerlcan nr-ml^rs t.f the Internatlonal Jury and the I'nited States com¬ mlsslon. _> THE HJIWfOUilDLAin) QT'F.PTinN-. London, April 12..At a Cabinet Councll on f-itur day, aft'-r a long -ebate on the Ncwfmndland fisherics nuestlon H _-_ <l<'i''"-l lo give the delegntes ever\- possible faclllty to expreBS thdr views before proceed- ing with Lord' Knatsford's blll. . ? CBXBWBB TORACCO IN' LOXDON. London, April l'J.-Tlie flrst consignment of samplcs of Chlnese tobacco has been received by London brolcers. Chlna is dcslrous of competlng ln European markets. ^ _, A LON'G TEN'ANTS' STItC(if;i.E ENDED. Dublln, Aprll 12,-Thc Plan of Campaign gBB __" lapsed OB the Tower H1U estates in Mi.Irt and Glensharold, tho former purchf.sing the holdings un¬ der tlie A.-h'bourne .<t, while tbe latter has relnstntcd tho evieted fnant. on the nayment of a -ln^e ycart rent less 30 per cent. Thus a seven ycar_» btruggle lg ended. OPP<)SING THE NEW FRENCH TARIFF BILL. Paris. April 12..Ktrong opfOat-OD to tlie new TarlfT bill ls being org*ni7.--d. M. Ixickrey preslded to-day at am Important meetlng of tho Society for the Defence of Freneh Exp'.it Trade. Letters Of ndlieslon were ,-,-<-iv.-d from Freneh chanibers of commercc ,-,| -v-idlratcs of nianufaeturers at home and abroad. Tfte iiie.-tlng n-w.lvcd to appeal to the 00*8nUMOt to ________*_¦«¦ ii. ii.e eeoDomk ii-ii'v ol tta tart hreoty venrs. m «-'.f ...i_.. rc. li.-l-i amon«ter meetlng in tbe W t. r '.' "'., \,,ii ¦'.; THe ..Temp-" eomplimcnti th<- ,r;.p,...'r- of e .n..V.-i.i.-i.t and drawi ipedal al ''.''..,,,,1-ts -af fordgr <ha:r;b-i- t;. tta Bffeci tliut fore-gn i__tio::s M. yreparing to re___a*_- EMl'EKOR WII.I.IAM AND TIIE NAVY. Ilerlin, April 12-Kmperor William. in a speech at UM Marlnc A.adr-m.v at Kb-1. said thnt the navv wonM havo to BBB-Mlf the chief oiTen-lve i. li, tta B__1 war and must end.-.v..r t.. umilhilnt.- tta ettmy Bf a ,.,-.i_<1 tt.i.n The (liili'-- »f th.' nravy WOOld res.-inble ui ,t ivair o.Ni'._'. Tta nexi Oemaii milltary ...V, V,,v^ ie '«!". *»°M '". """''"'-I 09 UM 'ir»t-»'l.prim .:.!'- "f tha- E.igli-t. IJ ____, Wbktb alol.c rescmblei warfare. .-._- THE MAM-XS1 AT MANNTR. London. Aprll 12.-Capt.iii Boll Benlor, a finrrU'or of the mas-,acrc nt Manipur, dtni- ;),- stortc. in re- ,..t ,,. .Itish ill _B_M "f Ita nitiv.-s. Ho assertas tliTl tbe Manipur" tlj_fl^t on tta BrtttaS h\VIN(.IN<i OxATBO AT A I'a.l.ITK AL MEF.TINC. i.iMin, April l8^-_-_«w* Taayam aad Dc-qr, Bt l.r.nalist mcmbei-s ¦_ l''. ipoke at Muti-wm to day. A l.vely scene oc.urred at tiio mectiug, the Iiiati.igs of opponenis of the speaker-belng d. bv tho cheera of friends. Both factlons fought tlcrtel.v. idackthorns were uaed right and left. and blood flowed ! eiy Main fantW were hnrt *\P**t was tlie uproar that tta ipttken, lor Om nmst part Jfre unheird. even by neareat the platform. 1MPIUSONED FOR MVINDLINO. Zurieh, April II 0W8l I:iber, wh*> rcpresented the fitate of Nevada at tta I'a.l, KihiMii.u. "' bi. been ncntcnccd t*. <-l_iitct_-u months' iraprisonment ln I his" elty for awlndllli;-. _- ? - CHAUGED WITH H1GHWAY ROBBERT. Edwai-J MbOB-J WH Hta*4 las'- niL'tit in N'.-warJt on a .!.-..:- of 1.1-hway n.i laa-ry, ai.d L_.«l- _»Htal_ BB ¦n accoinpilte.' John Tn a retired nier.hant, t.f Nu. 76 Flf-eeut_i-a-\- Uamaib, »»_.-o that while «ol..» hon.e along>ld-ave. at 3 o'clu.k yi.tertl^v inornlnf they luiockBd him down aud »tole Mi «-ld watcU aiid cfcaiu. A BIG BLAZE IN CHICAGO. OVER THREE-Ql*Al.TF.I.S OF A MIM-KM. LOST IN BMOKl AND FLAMES. TWO PERSONS LOSE THEIR LIVES-PANIC IN A DIME MUSEUM-MONK ETS RU.slI INTO THE FLAMKS AN!) PF.I'.WI-DE- TAILS OF TIIE LOSS. Chicago, April 12..Chicago tlils evening suffored on<- a>f ih" mo-t tiestiuetlvo roiiflasTratlons that ha-l r_-au.r-*1 here since tl-.e. blg flre of 1871. The Ioaa ta over _>7.'.o,ooo. It w-.a_s t_t almost tho exnet gco- centre of tta elty trn; tl.aint -firi'd. and, Uke the terrible*r twenty years agtt, Irecaii ln a stable. In this *. c tlie atable was the property *.f the well known furniture ni.-ur.if_tnn-r and jtolltlelan John M. Sniylh, and was ln 0* nat tt lu- bOMB fin-i.'.'in_ cstahllslmcnt on V.'rst MMBl H.lsttntl st. Tta _.MI 9BBU.I.v communlcatcd to the, furniture establMimr-nt. and a moment later to RoH <fc Middlcton's Dtafl HaaBBBU A general alarm to the flre department was soon fol- l*.we<l by _MW r.iTis for extra ongines. as the flre was Been to be gninlng gronnd .Ith extraordinary rapldity. In less than tlve, m'niites -moke was po.iring fn>m every window ln the BWN-Q nnd was envrk.plng tho huge slx-story bulldlng ocenpied bv Smyth. When, ln a morvcllon«ly Aori Intcrval. both struetiiree hnd turned into u ma-- of flame, greut h>rv bm*** dart.-d MTOfll (Tie street and lodge,! ln tho upi>er storles of the buildings on tho northaido of Madl- gon-st. A moment later tho flremen along tho thoroughfare tonad themselres worklng between two tOWOri.f walls uf ilre. For a time It looked as tho conflagrat'on woaM tbt tayor.d control and ttaft, its ln 1871, It would iwe-l toward the lake directly across tho business district of the city. As If lo add 10 the con-t.-rnation. PM win.l had sMld"iily a.Ucn and was blowlng 8 stiff gale from tho v- ;. ftob- a'.lv 2.I/.00 peopie. pttalWd In tho : Mieets, watchlng tho pro.ress of t'.e flaiua-. At Junctnro the thorongh dlselpllnc ot the flremen b"camo appererit. The men, ob -ylnc B-dm, ,.. ,.l -t-adll.. In thr. street, where tb- f!:un"s -narched them fraarn either side, and nfter a flerce battle, at length browriit the flre. ln a mca-ure. under control. THo bla/.e, however. continucd lo nffl ln the buildings already pnrtly destroyed. Tl.c mnM» was nothing but a heap of ru.ns. and tho waHfl * m Smvth bulldlng were falling. OM after armLi-r. Fortunatcly tbey all MI Into tta n-tae, an.l no P -r- son was Injored. AOMl tho .tre-t also tta «: h soon sneeumbed to Ifae furious onslaught. H-H- npper story of th" threo story b-iiMln. nn -the nor !.- mVsi «___>__ *.f Hadlton ata D-tan ri- ««** Bra. Tho flea_e_ toflffld 9mttn the fft^ - fifth fitorv of tta Hnvinru-Ka-t, Theatre biilldlnc. .... 1 wero B00O s.r.-t.l.ln. along under tl.c m.r.-.rl tOOt. just wt-t ol tta Hay-narto. bolMtag ^J*?* story bvikling oeowM by tbe Mndo. \"^r- ''' ; pany. H.-.v. a... tta WtotaWB WM on Ilre 1> 1 « Z aWatba, iho b..iidin_- betwee- Ifntooa* Md Haymertat btook -Mre. tta Me ri 0*m aanm.tta sr;v..,, ^ ww_w_p* ont te toaHJT JI]rn,,,t ,,.. bw m «_a_a_d ta, tta npper ito-T. tat tho whole bullding wa- BtWt wUh m K- and water. West of the Hay market the dam.tgc was comp.irat.\tiy ""Jhe flrst lntlm.-.tlon the inmales of K'.hl *- MlrtdK Vm>. -I.iseam had ot the ctoee pr.-ximlty of tta. «. wa. when some OM-Md 9 wta-tow 00 tta thlrd floor through whr.h a v.hini-. Of BM- i.->ur..l. flll- Ing tho entire floor. A flW 1'anie follow.-d among tbe 400 persons i.i the bulMiii-, BOB. Bl wli-m, h.'.v- ever. were on tho flrst floor. wataHag B varie.y P"r- formance. Thoso on tbe flrst floir were Inl ai> priscd of their danger by tta rtaa_P«to M the npper floors, and as thev an.-" t*. tM- iNl and UA,pitclpl- tatMy toward IM front door, thr' bre appea.-cd at tho rear wLn.lows, _BO-M-l| tta t-imr a,f Ita ci-.wd Tho emergency br..u_-I.t out ¦ btXO ln the person of a policeman. Patrlek Shechy. Forclng his way through the frightened peopie who were n.adly r-tardlngjeach ntta. ln the J_m a* the aaaaXiM ataltoned-iri-olf at ihe head nf the stairs, and diawine his rev..lver. de- clared his intontion to hlll UM lirst pcr.on wl.o re- fused to obcy his order.. Bf tA*aWB9 and detcr- mlnoi'on he succoeded in qok_to| tta fBOta, and with one oxccp.icn cveo'b.Kly re..* the street ln safcty. Tta ex«epti...i was C H. H-OBOMM. ¦ V',,n,« man' who. before omccr Btaeby reaotad :.'r'i.n.. made a iMk 8 r tta tmt% Of tta b.cldin. and thr-.u ,:,: .,,,... the J.unpM a,ut Into Ita ttlMt He fell 00 the stone pavement and WM uncm-r ,,-is when plckcd up. one old woman W___ WM ln U-U "WWl fell when MM the boMlM of U.e itall- and taota ),r arm. Bkfl M_l pi.kcd np by MflaO- and talo-n away in a eaiftafa \s BOOO a. Ofltoflt BtaOby bad tmmmtt an abatcment 01 th.-. panlfl among Ita peopie, ta went "P to the thiwi floor, wir..-.-c ¦ome -oortfl o_.ihaj-B won TlM POOT brutes were cl.attcrlng and .--re.iiuu.g wlth tcrrer at the OO all -Mi. .heehy l.urricdly tttxtA the Iron bata and forclng them apart, opened an aperture wldfl flOOng-l to of tta OMapfl 01 the" ai.iinals, whose M"ht wm o-mort ton-w. Tta ewat-ree, when libcrat"d, wildlv aoamp-Nfl about tta n-.m for a moment, and then, wltli bnate pfliw«tf__aa«, an.l to the toteoM .hagrin of Wic-bv. who was rlsUng ),is uta .-very moment, nutoi ap tWAn m ¦ bnt and were burned to by wtal -.!". The po1U__.mii wm f-r.,.1 to gropc hli v-.y tawn throug. nearly .oeoBBClOno. ¦"S --««.»«* among tho bMta wta ^WMJM exhlbitlon .... the third floor WM idttlut Tta* to tlieir abnormal d;-u-l* ment *»i .i> j ..ent, and OjmM onlgr wlt* dl i.U. daronco Ualo, th- bm:-!...n<.-« ""..; v.ho w.-i-hs boy aud exlub i .; {* .. f,,,.,, ti.. p'jO- '"""- yui,::..,:"\ l mldget. <r,-rr.i heraell form, and, selnng ',,,,,,, th-..w th- thlM '. mir window and WMrtog toJUujw WO cmw when ihe WM ,V~V ;;i,.., ti./wi, h.istairw-vs. A. IX ___-^«W-^«S"S-_S'S-- 5S_^M___S?_SS_-fi _J_t_ww "'-1 ir_s&'^»-.ffMs_KrmMR_f-K« B__.___»-«SS!_n_?£--aa ."t-1'" t e .-.v.- di-i.l-.ved i.v u." flremen wi; t^!.t^.,th-^,;Yr.,v:;i:f.:.a;t,li^e,yatar,v. *J£ 5;^-Mf erS" affi « topptofl ,"v,r, .',.. hi- «..-. .ari r-.-.-n »tare uTh-db^n^S-nl^HU^ was t". ni ,. ! lw0 tlay_ s3s^_k£__«_-S. Jr,,tl,r. ,,,,,. .1..^,^.-.^ -^J\;-^:r;,,l,!:..^:,.o.:-:.^.^ ^5,000; lU.mal) A '' 'Vh'm. Theatre. &toHbMoet»^:ml^tor^^Jf^ icHs_Sn_B%fp«_ra jnri iw-.iv.;::.1:,f:;r,,. u." "i,-,, ____ ___-._*« ",*" ^0";...\ sta. ... ondenTow. lo perenad* -u-pped «.it tie tat t)iU in(.rnt..,t '"" :iu'l:'", ,i. ii. Bhouted "PIW -od a poale, mm oi.- ln th- -ii*<!.;''" '!.....,. .. partla-U n_b- :S' S_it4H3 ^.^r'Vh^.CnerJ'ana'l-rie.'^wei. ren,.,fd w,..,.,it rta,.iHh.i'.'. ihe flre wivs at lt« worst a aldewalk B*.UnhaV rvPn^nr^ax-1^ S-JT,P"^ "SlSaBwa. pn - irjured b, thfl riVu-ii- Kloth had a leg broMn. vi,,-. h tr.- I.I-..I-- <mt Dr. .i. /. l.,T.eren wn. at- ».., din^Mr- W MM* Ul a II.H in OM p( tta b.nhl __.« .ob-_o'uentl>' burned. wtao tta flre _..t top V. P.-rJ.-r-ii rl»«- "". -'-f'Tlmr woman. and. 'a\U Hh in. b...-". .¦'¦"' ""'"^ '».'¦ ,!Klll iifi,,-:, bi nute ¦ Un,- vi;. .'.»; ,.., ol talUi I-C-1M ,. t- f ih. tir.-...-'..- I""h mother and -nild are d*- r,. , w.r hM a rataable _et ..f taflgj: ,1,- .-'..i ids ..v-i- nat and tel ln tho nr_. but to-alaht w_s haplr to MvIM aavod Iiu DaU«_t_. HILL'S NEW WIllSKEY BILL. DESPEIIATE EFFDKTS TO PISTI IT TIIROUGH THE LEGlSLATnU-:. A Vlf.OROUS PROTEST FROM THE RF.PUnTJCAN MEMBERS OF TIIE EXCISE COMMITTEE. Albany, April 11 ir*p,.ciiil|.-There ls BB doubt that 6enntor lllll xxill make an rtfort BB BB-f his pr.-mls-s to Ihe llquor men thls week, and ln the As-emMv Bl tempt Bt force to a final BBBBBB* 8BB free Snnda,- B hl rikay bUI, ta tho prcpnraUon of which he toolc a promlnent part. ln no other xxay BBB Senator lllll kcep a part of his promlso to the ftaOBjBB-B. <'f courae, the hlll will not pass In tlie Scnab*. for varlous reaaona, and Hlll does not expect thal It will. It xvas not a of hi* plan nnd programme ln his gnme. (.f -'t.iA nnd locsc" with the Iliiu-T m.;n ko up a bill which the Republlcan Scnate wonld Ho lmaglncs that just as long as the BZCBaa laxvs aro lu their present linccrtaln and iii:.*ati*r.'.ctory coimII ti.-n-froni tho llquor .balcr-.' of x-iew-he xvnl l. aMa to mako hl* BBBBB- polUbal llll.ill on those e_PfBi ln tho buslness. The moro ono atadfca U_ mv bill, the more dan_ctou.* and fa-hBBI tta BB» rlatoafl Baaaa to be, and lt shows the more plalnly HJ-ffl int-'enultv and abrewdBeaB. 11.- Republlcan of the Exrlso Commlttee aro extremely indlgnant because they dtd not luiyo _hef examino the mea-sure ln rommnte,. Ihar toetBBM wl.creln fipeaker BhtBhaa allowcd the Homocrntlc mi.jority to tramplo rO-gn-sBod over tl.e mlnority membera of the Assembly commlitce- wha ____, bbM-bM plaea of work of niu\ ortarioi mmto iO a-OB. BJ thls XOtUt* announced on Frlday het, tho B-aaettf members of the commlttee aro at xx.-rk on a BDh-ttt-ta neaaBTC amendlng materlnlly Uie moal vi. UMfl aeeHoaa of tho lllll bill. The Tribune abowad then xvlmt tha BBettOBB are that needed ebani BC I M WB Bepabileaa BJeaabera of tho eeara-IHea havo alao drawn ap a .rport to tho AsaetaMy, w_teh ABaemblyasBa « ard, of Albany, the chalrnian of the inliiority membera, haa prepared. A meettni. of the minoiity B- of tho conn ba BeM befow the opening of the eventa .' ."'I';' l_K? read for their approral. The report a Brxt ¦' proteat ai._ir.vt Ihe paaaapa of the i»n. i,.- ,..-.. poaaed upoa by the romniiucebefore lt had.been read io tho commlttee and artlboa est of aSowlM .he Boeletiea and aaaoclal-onB pppoead to 11 an ..i.,.nriu.:itv to be h.-u-l. Th.- bl« ,. deehi contaUi aeriOM arri dangaaoaa toncwatloM ln lt* .ing the sale of H-iuor. Thcn tho report fanu--*lJ- .nmn of the dangerotis fe_tUr_B ol UIB ¦}]' -YhTrevinXiit iho gjO TtmBBB A,t. tta bv laxv of the debvtion of VV. 'Msf .f. ¥_? law. the aala ol _«uora to chl Itv,.. t be In- Innte -aie of Uquora on miBday. th '"¦.'. g-hooaa" and tovern lioeneedanaea aadl oUtei bad features aro all ttJBBB up ln tho report a..<l 818- '"-Tronrmalon the mlnority report decl.ires that.tim Leglalature ca_not refwe fo Ifeten t-. t pr.;_ * the bill whlrh have been made by the clergy throughout tbe Btate. togcth_r xvith the elergy- menand laymea of the other ^rnlnaUone.^^^ lt la hlghly probahle lhat < Itarlea !'¦ >If< B*mm, the I^omtfe leader. will attempt itoJWrt* renort beine made. It ls a part of the P-llcx wl. h Ih htia rmrsoed ao far ln all exclse mattera to glve pnMi'.u, mlnority an little f._r treatuvnl as A S-TWIW raOT-DST FROM TUB CITY. ACTIOX BY TIIE EXCISE KEfOBM AOOCfA_XOjf UTl) THE CITY I'.I.FOIt.M CLUH-ASSEM- DIA'.MAN IIir.lH'.ETII BZP08BI THE IIILL'M INIQflTIES. A clrcnlar was sent out yesterday by John .Tay Cbapaaao, aaefatoip af Um ateelaa v-t>rm ABaoeiatloB. Md ,i Ifohle Rapaa, ol tha Qty R-fona Ctab, i-ttlng forth ti-e iaafera ta the biu which waa tatt-daeea ln the Aaeemblp on 4prU _ a* a aabatttate to Ihe s.-ha-i.f ExrlBB b'li. which araa Btttoi b ahori iimo iibo. ihe *..!, bill has UMBUti txvo NBdtafB, BBd tt BP f.r UM thlld reading ttlta week. T-4 'Id Objeeta to thls new act, becan^ it tt new <. fmm b-Ctantag to ond ¦ and was not priated untll after lt was reforted. As no hearing hns beea nllowed on lt, and as lt re- milre* (aaa-torahhl time to romprehend Its many nexx and radleal toBOvatl .ns ta exebo ^^il^J^ r^e^e*anergotlcmean.tobrtngltbefora^ notice. _Taha IHead. of tha bffl aay Bmi tto* jffl nndeavor to fo.e lt thro,,.!. tha AaeBB-bU th mm, Tlie clrru'ar **^} im protlM ** M at-iaa^aaaan-e ?_Saar^cii the (1'itv ef ex. .x .-*.!. ,._. <...-..._rtiii,_r uio- _-r..-r_-£*^_~H3 c? s_rs £a_J£rS ,,,,,,,,-.. ,i imriaa Bertala houra, but > aooi '"""-""h"'"'^'^ tne aaw wn. BBtleB e_MN ata*; uv Beettaa ¦» « '"^ n l__n_t_d hoaf-. '>"* *ey Tl)d« *; 1- e mM.»,an.r. ^ fhi_..,...,,...,. tbat ti,, Bri-taa tti-taa aa. on ^ T)1U> .ni Tho nccDl"' xx;ll ir.t ti.ier.u. >- ¦»__¦* ITgLj.a ^J-S Mraa-ivBlB Mle th^e txvo uui. .JJ^J » tli,._. Eaeee «, M ,. pre. |0 wrap up and inx x . x- T.v,.rirr-tiv ,,,llK W(.r.. r joxUA aejer » fn th.- . Rnpt, uj'.overnor mn. »¦___ "i'nin m XX MoX Hildreth WBB seen at Ul ria3^"-a__riw*5 S r v^ -at to the -tAtoarp .0 of -renta Mich a WBJ *nai ' w >r0 01l s_skS__w."52 _SSStfftr_a?£S^* '^:-.^r_, !netv who shall entex such BBlaOOB Bt any t me when sales of strong or splritn.-us llr.uors xvine. ^ar^-T-BBl-_l««^ltwtobaj^^r^ _nd",.11 solldt or toiaea any petBOB to sell OT ofta j" ..I',. fo, *ale. or ,'lve axvay te othcrwlso dr-io-e 3S Btrprif «. epW-aoaa lh,uor, .le or ba -r. l_n be gnUty el ¦ mttl.iaiBBnr.' He^ you see lt tt t- tiV-tiiv ibbbb a __a-aa-aaaar la aeUel Uw ,"., aaoac ea Baa-aye. baaaaiae eje wouki expoaetoe ******* "\ih'\?Z\ law -This aabrtt-Bta bUI repaala all Iha Baeta law .f ,.- »Mefe -aya that on Baaa-ya Um ieo hlll merelv aaya that 110 llquor shall be BOM .m mi i- S, j^^tltoj about Mg HM ll-iuor *M- Then Ita deVrr* are at jvrf.-ct Ub^P to ihtom mOXtBOOn wlde open all S.indar. tor lh_N toBOtoW lo ,->...,,.. i». aad, bb 1 haaajaal _aan vou. ti.e 1..11 prx.hli.its any taapeetor, aaent ef any aedajr « oltoer haaa eatotiag the saloon on Baaday or during hoi.n. prohl.,H-d bv law. BO that it ls lmp»s,l.le for any OM io ahow that tbey are selling Ikfaer wtthc*t eaaa. mliting a inlsdcneauor. In Othar xvord,. thls bill problbltfl the dete. Uon ai vlolatio... of tta p.*.v^ons. .. Vnother vlclou* feature of tho bill I* tl. ke-p-r's Heaa-a, ap a*Je_ dHnk can be aoM opeuiy at any time. aud can be drunk on the BBBaBlaai Thla llcense ls pl^-ed at precisely Ml eame llgures as the saloon llcense; so what Is to preveat all sal.-.ns from taking out l..nkoepera' Ucen*es, wluch they can legally do by tncklng away a few cou in their bar room and calllng the plaee au to»f .Then BABBB, the bUI prehlblts the aale of Bfaoe 'to B_P B-M under the age of atztaeo SalWaaS-SWi a_ 52 ^BtltBtmBBw* f .ourTthV aal«s.nke-'per xxill plead that lw did ,', -know'lhat the ch.W was umlcr «, and of courae tlie persons who sent the pa-l .. r !.«|ii.,r -.111 ,.lVd ihal they -Ul not 'know' tlut tK blM WBB under Ra-B^_aa_a._-^ert ii___"S___ uM- l,..phol.' r-r the broadert evaalons «f ttai laws iiK-tvlx proHdei thal it '¦.- '¦¦ -- ." V "',,, ; 'preu>i*.**'^.'<^'r""',"":;" tle- for cooklng. preparlng ai.d Min-lna _»d K»^eaU. so that even on the eatl_f-h-_*_-keeper * llienae a s-looTkeeJe"may **_dl ltaaaaB on .»_ly the _at.ja usrin- at the BMBMBBjH_etBB_ JuaaTao long an i-» keeps a few coohlng utcnslls, whleh many already do, at his bar. ¦The ol.jectlons t<> thia ratetltato l.ill nr* in-_t and lt is n.ueii wone than the prrsenl law, and lf it would imictlcally removc all restraint from tho lluuor tra'Hc.'' A STROSG DEXIAL FROM SPRECKELS. THK tfLTPt-T Or THE LOCAL REFINERY WILL NOT BE rhlladelphla, April 12.-Wlth an emphar-l* that dtd not permit of any misundcrstandlng, <'. A. Ppreckcls, of tho big sugar reflncry, last nlght dcnled the latest. story rclative to a restrletlon of the output of su+rar fr.Mii IIu. l.w>.l er-!_blMime;it. Tlie report had Ita ln- ccptlon In a dispatch from Hoston to the effect that the I'hlladelphla sugar king luid entered luto an agreement wiih Ita American sugar Reflnlng Company whereby th- taOM production waa to bo limltcd to U.000 b ITMft. a day, In retuni for whleh eOOOOMlM the ll ivem-y.-r & Elder comblnatlon, ln ftui Franclsco. wae (to be clo_ed, thcreby leaving the. Mes srs. sprea kels tn undi*- piit-.l i_. -.¦-,..a of tho Faclflc Coast market. '.You may aay,'' Mr. spreckels remarked wlth calm dellberntlon and doclslvenes*, "that tlio report la abso lutcly without fcundatlon. I do not know why R Is so fieqn.'utly revlvcd. In the face of all we can say tlio newspapers kecp on brlnging lt up agaln and agaln. Thfl Sprcckel. tviinery will continuo to bc operated at its fuilest ciipa-ity, somo 7,000 barrob of sugar per day. N<> propoaitto- lu_s come to us, either dlrectlv or indlrectlv. LooMng to the restrletlon of output. No surh propomtlon has been consWered by ns, and I w.ulil lil:.- vou to snv unres.-rvc-Uy tliat no auch pr* ijoct wonM lecelTe th iHgbtest attention from us. There is pn-itiva-h .... RMon for dreutattog -n.-ii reporta, and I aio wi-..'i vaa:: would denv btao l-roidly and exphYltly. When we'u-d our bu-incss liero WO nniior.need our purpose to stay here, and that ts Just ,wliat wo to do." MASS-MEETIXGS OF COKE STRIKERS. TRYINO TO HOLD TOOETHER WHILE WORK IS _____ l-ioCMI.D THROUGHOUT THE KEGION. . I'ittsburg, Apill 12.-A dispatch from Scottdalo. I'enn., sajs: '-Tho OOkfl region was nllvo with .trikm' MM-in.-i-tiiir-'s to-day. Tho labor IfladflM are p.-uing M eHorts to solidlfy thelr ranks and strai.lii.n np tl:*' waverin. polnts. They WBH out in full .Mfl um! havo rtatSoacd thelr pick-ts lu the hopo of check- matin., tta l4__0rifld general movement of operators for ii re*.nptloa, Whleh U to be Inuug.iraCed. to morrow. With iIils end IB view tta companlcs have al-Oadf had the flitfl klttdled under the cnglno boilere at a numbor Ol i-'.nts wli.-ro lUlene-S has reignod for nlne long v.'-.-Ks. The siiiok,- is asi.-ndlng from a number of house; to-niirht, Whleh gives rls.- ta) tho state- nient that detcrmincd efTorts will bo made to siart up. lt is reported tliat tho McCluro Company will endeavor to light tii-ir I'alntcr, Donnelly and Lemont plante Ui tho mornlng, and labor haders are now among those employes, admoiiishiug them to rcslst. tta O-NW of U.e company ofltatola. StritaW uifl. wwitlnti w.-ro i.eid tia-s aftemoM at Frlek. Adetotta nnd jimtov.ii piants. 188 fcH-lgn element ar;; holding nie*.'tings at a niTmber of plac_ Uis BTenlnc but ii.) outbreaks are feared, though I! I- a wall known fa. t that they ure celebrating .i.. wltbdrawal ri tta 18th it.-gimcnt. The labor leadera asaert that money Ib all that i- MOted now to belp along tha- rtrito, aa tho only ca.ndltia.ns, wh ch v.ill force a retnrn to wor* on tho part of the men are -tnrvatlon and -Cknefla. . -.loiiii Kane, tta mlneworta-** represcntatl-e. who has been ln consnltaUon wlth tho American tederatl .n nt New-York.City, wlth tho r**o*m.*** s, I,'tai ti.l al.I. hai t-lr-.:rnphcd Dlstrtct MflfltflCWOcfc man VVUe that hi- mlmion will ceiialnly be succcssfui _e will como to tho rcgia.n this week." ?- WORK OF THE T'NION'9. At the regular meetlng of the Sociallstlc Central Ubor rodfl-attoo, at Na.. 888 Howery, yesterday, lt was announced that a nutss-meeilng would be held ln Cooper Cnion to morrow nlght for a.ltat.on purposes and to protOB. agalnst the 1:111. ui. "f ¦ nnmber of rioHng Btaikon in MoMWOOd, Penn., by deputy shcriffs. lt was aniiounccd IMI the men employed ln tho various stone-yards of this Stato would go on strlhe May 1 f,u- nlne hours, and a special commlttee Wta appolnted to ca.n.-kler the advisablllty of co-operu,tlng ln the movement. Th ¦ Rcadv-Made Clothtng Operatives of the Lnlted States r.-itl PflMdB held UN flrst MB*M aif thelr annual roOTWtton in Clarendon Hall yesterday. The meetlng waa pMMd wlth a speech by John R lennon, of the Amerlcan rvicratlon of Labor. After IIM tBUawt «,.,-,. eleeted and commltteeB were appolnted. iho convention will continne today and to-morrow. M ,- m,,-iii.g a,. ti..- Centrri Latar rioo yflfltor. ,l,v scats a.f delegatos were atrclara^ vacant. Inriudl.-- ttio.f Tvpographical Cnl%n No. «»nat DUtPic \-Uii.bly N.a bf! Th.> l'attcrn Mfltan' j .,.,, Mnoonced that .t WonM demand a work-day '',Ti.:lV;iX"\,-have settled tlieir quarrel ¦md I'roa-i--iv Rilntew' l nion Wo. »i will demand a work-day ..f taflt hours to-day. ?-¦ FOUXD DEAD IX TIIE AREA. AX UXIDENTIFIED CORPSE-NO MARKS OF VIOLK.NCE. Pollce Offleer William Mulliolland. of the Fifth. Pre- clnct, was patrolling tho western end of Canal-st. ln tho dawn of v.-stenlay, wh.n ho saw a wcll-dressed maa Ulng, apparently .isie.p. at tho bottom of a lllght ..f rtepfl ln tha- l.ascmcnt of No. 4.0, occupled by tho American Ctalr Compaay. Muiboiund raiMHl Om ,.:,.,. who was ii. a Uttteg posltion. and then found thnt 1.. wa. (lea.l. on tho baclt of his head was a sllght ,,it bul no other marks of vlolcnce were vi-lble. Iho nian's's w.-.e good an.l new, nnd OOM-tol of a black BCOtch ( lUlt, l-lack beaver over.oat, white llanncl red flannel drawcrs. itrtpfld, heavy flannel tenpta shlrt and black Uerby bat. Ho had a rcddlsh mustacho and gray halr, and apparently wa,s .boot fortv-live years .,1.1. ln his pockcts were found .-, --, eenta ... eaah. an.l a pocketbook ln which wa, W,.,.:;;yi'!''^"v"n;onSard1<hVdetectlve_. made a thor- *%tt%&aAi\am&btW «.'\h "-'."h^eretiM,1; ¦¦"'.. K-fSfflfwSa nut taon Identllled. WOT0TBB OX THE STE.IMER DOBCHESTEB. Hoston. April 12.-As ti.e steamer Dorche-tcr, Cnp- Wa Howes, fnini lliltimoiv, was c.itcring B«_« Har¬ bor this m.niing lt was dlscovccd that a pa>senger bM itat bttMril with suicl.tal tntani. Physlcians on board .leclared tiial the wound would provo fatal, and ,1 . man WM taken to tho 1k mttal immediately upon the arrlval ol tbe ttoaaMr at ber dock. The dying passon- ger had boarded U.e VMflri at Calt.moro, and was ap- nanntly nbout fifty years old. He had been retic.nt .urii.g tl.c roj age. ln the room were found three or f,.u- botllefl <af lai.danum and an open letter ad.i¦ . , ,ii ilo'vos By tho letter ti.e captain was ro- Jst't -.l -I.e body to MI-. Nann.e kemp, Xo I i -t. NorthweBt. Wat-ilnaton, D. C In the book Wl foiiiid r>2 2.*. an.l a card Whleh bore tho name of Com-tantlne Kemp. 'A Dilf IX ytASSACHCSETTS BCRSTS. C.ardincr, Mass., April 12.-A dam In Nlehol-t's Pond, OD tne north M-fl -'f t!.a- Fitcliburg nallroid, al Hald- |_e, M a-s., gave way this mornlng on account ol a\ y raiu. lioth maln tracks of tho rallroad wero away, leaving a hole elghty feet long and twenty feet deep, carrying rallroad, Iron and tles 500 f,. i ... (hc banks of the ott.T Ulver. A small (fwell- [ng iiou-.-. o.a-upi.-d by a family named Freedeau, was ¦lio floodfld aml surrt.undcd wlth wnter, the means ol Mcaoe for tbe Ihrnatofl belng eai off. No Baaa were .,,.! l'h.- damage fs estlmated at K'i.MX). Pa-iengcrs, hraggriga' and expre*s are U>ing Uan_leired durUig the bullding ol a treatie bridge. BTTTEX BT A BAD DOG. K'-yp.-rt. Aprll 12..There was cons.derable esdte- int-iit Ifl UM town to-day when a mad dog ran through and uttacked scveral BtnOML Artbur liill aml CtarlM BtoWMrl WCtl .suriously Mtten by the a daol> Til<,lr -toU-tng was torn and one ol ihiM.i wa, btttoa ll three places. Hoth men aft.-r li ,g t*-lr wonndfl . .uterired were aeat to New-lork »t the InatMBto. Tlie anlmal rai «ather dogs. .-. WITHDUAWIXG FK'tV THE SEXATOBIAL OOBMBU IHIHllll na_, Aprll 12,-In a h-tter to "Th. KlorKUaa." this mornlng John F. Dunn formaUy wlth- diMta from tha Daltod WWaW Bonatorshlp conte_t. Itie letter was wrlttcn last Tuwday immediately after tne <.f his toltowflffl tn organl.lng the Legi-la- ,.re but wlthheld from p'.bllcatlon till totaf .... the .Uvl'ec of fr.v..d,. .,.-,,-, that I.e bl, con- aeettofl with Nationai bank* mllitatcs ag.Un.t him rssxsrsaei. __. etfS rww rulo, ALMOST A LYNCHINO. POLICE SAVE A COWARDLY RLTFIAN. TIIE CROWD 6TIRRED TO FREN-Y BT Hfll BRTTTAL ATTACK ON A BOY. .Toseph Davia, a young mffian, had an eiperionea yesterday which he is likely to rprneTnber for a long time. He narrowly escaped lynehlng at th- hunds of an infuriated erowd of people who wife. nesaed his cowardly and brutal aasault on a boy named Hugh. Moqjiey. Davis waa louii^-ing al Eleventh-ave. and Forty-ninth-at, ehorlly after 5 o'clock yeaterday afternoon. when Mooney, who ta sixteen years old and lives with hia wtdowed mother and two brothers at No. 441 Wea* Forty-ninth-st., passed hy on his way home. . Say, Hughie, go and get sorne heer for mo," said Davks, with a drunken groxvl, sci/ing Bt* hoy hy the collar. "I cannot,'' anawenil the Iad; "my mother won't allow me to go into aaloons. Davis Btepped hack a pacc or two and thea rushiug forxvard, kicked the Iad in the atolnach With frightful force. Mooney, who is alight and delicately framed, fell moaning to the ground. Then the rufflan tafaa to kickliim "about the head: In the duak of a flne Sunday afternoon ln spring. that part of Forty-ninth-st. in which the as«aulf, took plnce is lllled with people, tlie men smoking at dooBB and windowa, the women goa« sipping on the pavement. and the clu'dren play- lag iu tho roadway. As" Davia was kicking tha e prostiatc l>oy, the erowd, roused to frenzy by tne -Ight, mado a wild rush at him. Davis started to run, but waa QMfM by John Dollahan, wha held him by the collar and threatcried to ahoof him if he attempted Ut escape. Uollalian h;ul no p_*tol, hut the mention of the weapon wa* enough to senre Davis into submlssion. Thcn Dollahan 6ent for a polieeman. lly this time a yelling, screaming erowd of men and women, crazed with indigmthm and passion, surrounded Davis and raincd blowa on him from every <.uarter. Criea of * Lyncli himD Hang him!" filled the air. A olothealine waa, no one secms to know from where, and with this in their poaseseion the mob begaw to _CBg Duvis toxvard a lamppost which is wlthin, a few yards of F.leventh-ave. At the sight of( the rope Davis turned aa white as a corpse and sank to hia knees, pitcously whinlng f<>r meroy. Police ofticer William Daly, of the Twenty- second Precinct, ran up the streef ar.d hurled hia powerful forin through the .siirgin_, swayinir mob, and, B-___f Davis, kept his captors at bay, until Police Ofllcer Iloare came to BM MMlaMMb "1 tirmly believe that my arrivai saved the Hcoundre.'s'lile." »<>id Daly aiterward to a Trlbune reporter. "They had the olothealine teadjr, au<Ji ii I had not come up when I dul, the.v'd k-v*» lianged him, as sure as ba'a alivc." W'oen tha erowd eaw tlmt Davla eoald no* eaoape, theli it:' eooled dowa and the policemen xvere able to take him to tl>e Weat Fortv-seventU* st. police station without niolestation. Dnvia'a fu'cc was eovered with tlie __rka of the l>low_ xvlueli liad lieen raincd on him by the Bawdj His lips were swelled, liis eves xvere elosed, and liis hiwids xvere eovered xvitli blood-stnins. -foooey taken to his home in an unoorw scious condition. After a fexv minutea he re*» eovered his sensea, and a doctor who examined him said tliat be had Buatalned no injury inoia serious thaa a few bad blBBBU. MR. CARNEGIE WEXT IXTO PRIXT. HOW HE SECURF.D THF PRIVILEGES OX B LIBRARY WHEN A IIOV. Plttsburg, April 12 (:*pec__l).-Andrew Carnegle, who ls here to arrange for tho constructioa of Id* froa library. a gift to Plttehnrg, to-day aoknowVedged tho trnth of a pretty lltUe story abont him wblch appeared IB prlnt last nlght. for tho flrst time. It apnears that tWrty-clght year. ago Mr. Carne-le, then a telegraph mes-cnger boy, was unable to secure, the prlv-ilegea of tbe Alleghony Publie Llbrary because he waa not ao apprentlce to aome trade. He Bhem rushed into prlnt.' Communtcations from hlin were published In "Tho D:-pntch," slgned "A worklng-boy, though without a' trade." Tho llbrarten rejlied and the eon_"oven»y waa bcated, untll tlw librarlan surrendered and, througn "The Dlspatch," inadc" Uie &cqi_ilnt_uce of young CarV and ho xns thercafter welcome to the llbrary. Kr. <'arneglo to-day a_d this todiaat of his llta whottod his appetlto for .ournalUin. He had an ambfc. tVon to bc a nporter and suty*equently _u edltor, but ln-, ptih led him Into B__n____tBl__f. It ls fnrtunato for both PittBburg and Alleghonv clty that Mr. (ar. negte's bovlsh ambltion wns not reaUxed, tor All.-_h_ny is proud ot her Carnegrie IFree Llbrary, and Pitt-burg. wlU soon re.oloo with her. A YEAR OF BIGE LICEXSE IX RA LT1X0RE. Haltimore. April 12 (Speelal).-Tho tlrst year of hlgh! HOB-M ln Haltlmoro ls drawlng to a mtmu, and tha Conimlssionerii aro preparlng tlie new list. The law lias worked xvell and has been etloctual ln brcaWngl up nearly all the "dives" and loxver grade of gla! .nills. The regulations compelllng Minday closing andj prohlblting tho salo of li.pior between the hours of midnlght and 5 a. m. havo been strlctly enforced, and1 oniy two or three saloon keepers have dared to vloLate tho law. Tho gross iwenue from llquor llcensea during the year was *aii:,,0.1, and tho expensea amounted to $9,008 28, leaving a net revenue of 8385,04_ 7'_. UUrlng tlia twelve months of 1^00 tha number of appllcants for llcenscs was 2,41'i, and tha number In forco at tho end of the year was 2,084.1 About 2,000 applleations have been for re. newals. Hotel keepers who run bar-rooms ln con* nection with tlielr establlshmen-s will bc r*qulred tliis year to take out a hotel license in addltlon to tha llcense for tho sale of llquor. Last vear they were oniy reiiulred to take ont the llquor llcense, but thla actlon lt ls now said. waa done under a nilM'onceptlon. Provlo'us to tbe passage of the High Llcense law, tho charco for a hotel lleanae, whlcb pirrailtted the aaleot lhiuor, wns regufafced by the remt of Uie hotel. Tha llcense feo ranged from #2« 10 for a yearly rental of $100, up to $401 10 for a rental of $10,000, aud $43* for a rental over $10,000. a DEATB OP A GREAT TROTTER. Buffalo, N. Y., April 12.-At C. J. Hamlin'a vlllaw; farm la*t nlght the oliestnut stalllon Prlnce Begeni rocord 2:16 1-2, died from bronchial pneunionla. Re-( gent was one of the most noted trottlng stalllona that l«s Ix^n on the turf since U»e days of Bobert Mc- (iregor and Wedgewood. Last year he xvas the largest wlnner In tho Grand Clreult. Mr. Hamlin refuaed &t\ offor of $50,000 for the hbrse shortiy after hia freal. race lu Buffalo last sunimer, from Senator Leland Ftaa* f.ixl. and be would not have consldcred an offer oa $100,000. _ BOYS BLOWX VP BY GLYCEBIXB. Plttsburg, Aprll 12.-A dlspatch from Washington, Penn., says: "Ono of tho most dlstres_ing accld.j_Ui in the'history of the Washington ot! II. M flUliBliaf aboul six miles west of thls clty, on the National llke, at 3 o'clock thls afternoon. Three small boys of Thomaa -lunce, ot Frankllu Townshlp, were playlng along tha pike, and found a partly empty glyrerlne can ln « fence-corner ncar tholr home. Tiio boys, not under, standing the dangerojs char_ctor of the atuff, stood tha can up tn the road and began throwing sPme* at IW m W rock -truck the can and a te rri ble explo.lon fol¬ lowed which could be heard for mlb* iwo of IM tolt were blown to atom*. Tbe thlrd waa badlx brulsed aud xviU likely die." .- ? . A WBI8KEY BROKER BELD FOR TRIAL. Henry A. Kalser, of No. 503 Flfth-ave., a wlilakeja broker, waa a prisoner ln the Jeffcrson Maiket PoUoo Court yesterday, chaigod with wrongiully obtalnlnp $15 from John J. fc.ulth. a llquor-dealcr, at No. 1,60$ Tenth ave., on March 14, InOO. Joseph btelriBr, hia lawyer, told JbbUM McMahon that the charge waa absurd and an outrage. He had kuown Mr. KaiSBB. for many yaars and taiew him to be an upright bu-lneaa man. Kalser represented H. K. (ilidden A Oo., and had made the collection f(_r them aft«.r belng authori-ea.' |a do ao. tilldden & Co. were not in court Mr, Kalser waa held In $a00 for fcpectal l|B-ta--_ JBft -initii who made the charge. aub-eouenUv wanted to vlthdraw it. He thought there might have been » tt.l*tuke, hut be had baaa miuested to pay tta bllb twlce. Mr. ."telner sahl that it waa too fate to FU4V draw the charge, and BB dld the court ¦¦ ? TBE STALUOX COXSAIR DEAD. KnoxvlUe, Iowa. Arril lfi.-Tbe well known atalliflai corsalr. a sou of B-TatyM Hambtetonian, died of ln, flaniniatton of the *toma-h here thls afternoon, at tta a«e of twenty yeara. He waa the sire ol ^'"Pjttne |a -Ul-21 and Ad* M. ta:30h *»» w-* »wtad BT. H. R. tornell,

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brookLyn a city of ftjnerals.


The nui-'icr of deaths from tlie "grip" last-re*k bi(' i,s inilirect intlucncc in produciug fatalreaalta with other disenws, swelled the nuinber of

fun-raB) in Brooklyn yesterday far l>cyond theuaual Sunday average. and there was a greaterdemand for hearses than could »>c eupplied. Fewcouid be secured from tliis city owing to the de-m*Dd here from the same causes, and tlioso ownedln Flatbush, Jamaiea and other Long Island towns

wrre aent for. Kven then some funerals had to

bc postponed until to-day. The strcels of Brook-l\n xvere fllhxi with processions passing to thevarious oec-eteries, and so many coaches were

bired that in BBBM aaaaa the prices were iucreased.Extra forces ot BBBB were employed at gravc-dii.-ging ia mTBBBMmi on Saturday in spito of tlie

storm, and many bodies had to be placed in re-

oalving vaults on account of the lack of time to

ma he graves ready.The number of* deatlis last week in Brooklyn

wm G30, and tho largest number in one BBj was

114, on Friday. Yesterday cighty-four deatheertifioatea were filed with the Health Department.Prputy Commis-ioner Young said yesterday tliat

tbe number of deaths last week, 630, which was

13* more than in the week before, was the largesterer loaanra in Brooklyn, an average of ninety a

day. While oniy sixteen were directly attributedto the "grip," tliere were 163 from pneumonia,aixty from bronchitis. forty-eight from consitmp-

Uon, nineteen from diphtheria, in all of which the

"grip" might have l>cen a secondary cause, and in

maay of wfaka. it hastencd a fatal endin^. U

the week of 18(»o, when the "grip" was at its

helght. the niiiiil'rr of deaths wts 624, and this

bad not been excecded even in heated t.rms in

aumrner, when infant ruortolity is greatcst.Dr Yo_i_ thought that tlie "grip" had beoome

epidemlc if not contagious in it- character. It

did not secra especially to affect any partiouraroart of the city. When persons begnn to suffer

Jrom ev.ldB th-9 should have good treatment.

Many pi.vMciar.s are overworked from the greatdemamls imV.e apaa their tm.e and attcntior,i bythe unuaual amount of sUkness, and they are kept

letveU^iiepr^^xi^v^'Wr^rV'onn,,^.,^ of Health. is re¬

ported in a danserousjsBnd.tiou.THE UNDEHTAKEI-S ARE KEIT RCSY.

Tlie gnnt mortailty in thls city ln tho laat BBBB*1,J LVm-r.v of tlie undertal>er, ba-** tl.rm

!_.. tSn for'a long Ume. Some havo had almo<t

IZ "rk than they could attend ***«-£ol tho repn«-ntatlve .under.aliers in mfforent paru

Bl the -Ml were seen Satorday. At H. E Wl***

&T-2 of BM bm* tmx to tue tomBmm ev

m to* BUB*M toA been tho bualest month to tho

hUUH-v of Uie ««npaiiy. and thoy noxv havo all tlw

ordcrs" they co_M Mt The pro»s_re xvas wo«e even

than ln the «*oter» >«r. Peter.Relyen, of No. 3

Wlllett-st.. w*o-e bn-lne-s 1* cluefly on the East Mdo.

HM they wero much buslcr thaa they wero last year

Mrtiilta- The man who furnlshed them with

beuwa was tmable to supply his eustomers. so gre*t

waa the mtmBBu, Bt. t A. Hard, the sexton ot BA

pltrirk's Q_the_r__. said he had about all tlie work to

emild attend to. but was not overrun The sexton* "f

acveral of the large fasl.Ionable churches in Flfth-axe.

Mld Uie number of deatha during tlie last month was no

rreater than a year a*ro at tlus time.

3rJTI-MB. ._g___®S5 ______

^_dT haonch^ iT-U^eSTu*. jmoglb. Ile

_S2e_howw that l»a-_not_& taBl_*.'SJ?^?*ZLvkJa ia.*t Jaiiu .rv. All these men agreed that !b

__S5_» S_-f-a-?a«. ___athey hnd at present.

THE KCARE IN F.LlZAr.ETH AJIATINGThe tvphua fever patient ln the post-liou*e ln F.llr.a-

beth B J., 'as still llving last evenlng and tho

physieiane now think he has a ehanro of iwwrery.

The acaro over the dlsease ls aub_idmg and no new

ca«- have appeared in tho quamntlned dwelling at

Fii__h,.tlmort City Phvslcian tireen thlr.Us no furtnerJH^fnSSi i* w^hend-a. owlni to tbe proaart and.'ffe,tlv«"_top? ttSi-n to siamp out all germa of tho




Washington, April 1_.-There wero no developmem*ln the Italian amilr to-day and the rcvivini; iB-tBBattaken in lt, on arount of the alleged lntention on the

part of the Haliaa OuilBBBBBBl to dlsplay lt« rosent-

ment bv ccasing to havo any fnrlher diplomatic intcr-

coui-se with Uie Btl-B- MflAeB, BB_B_B thls Govern¬

ment shall resiwnd to too communicatlon of Premler

Rudlni wlthin siuh period a* tho Italian Mlnistry ln

fcald to consldor as the utmost limit which it BBB

allow the American Government for the maklng of

IU ansxxer, bas lapsed into a disposltion to awalt

quieMy what the ne_t two or three 'lay* bf-Bg forth.There aro few per_ons who BBJ-TB that anythlngst-rtllng will kappaa between now and Wu_iaarta_r,and high oflicials are certainli Iniredulous as respect-Itolr's reportod purpose to tar.o BB_B a hostllo stepas would be that of orderlng MinMtr I'orter from¦aaaa,

Even should such an unusual and extraordinarymoxeiuent be made, contrary to all expettatiMii*. it is

aald that it would probably not rvsiilt ln BCtaal xvar,

but oniy iit an almost coniplete sex'erance of all rela¬

tions between the two countrle-. lt i* regaidod. BOW-ever, a* almost certAin that it would result in a feeUngof iTnUtnat-mi in this eoaatey, w_loi veoM B-rioaalfpreiudjoe the nro-pec-i i>f (avotaale aelleB by Ihtacountry on Uie Italian augg-atlooa for repaiatIon BMliideuiiiity. DlploiiMti-t- iliougli wi.uW recelva Uionexv, of tho sexcraiKe uf diplomatic relatlona witn uro-

fi'ind regret. for the rea*on that it would for a loiigtln.e tie> a cause of trexatlon and annoyance, and xxoaldtaU lor tlie exercise of extenne 'Iim ivtion and t-ctln * BtaaB many aiatiors of c<nipiraiivel.v trliling linp>r-Ib.i-c Wera vm IntereoBraa between tht txxo couninea

.ndeied by re entinent lt wauM n-nder a raeon-ciltaUon dlfltcult and oniy to bo wjcured by ctiinber-aome good ofh(*s of some intermediary and might r.->ultaa a aimilar bioach several years o_o betwe-n ..r--itBritaln and Vene.uela re-nlb-d- in th<- t__c_»l Ignorlngby ea<li counuy of t!u* fact tliat tbe otberthrough a relurtance on Uw parl of eitber to n

BBBcea alter the a_lmo_lty enBendered had vaBut It i* tlumght ceruln that ftoM eompll-_tlona xxillnot occur and that the two eooBtriea will a«alu be obhurnioni./us tcruis wlUuut anyUiing alaruiiii^\AA *'.l Tt "*'

There wtis nothing to be learned to-night to jeapeetto the looked-for answer of Secretary BlaltM t., tbe joteaent bv Vai-quis Iinix-riall. and BeeTC-BlT Hlalne had no

Inforniatlon to communlcate to Ute publie on Uio .uo-

Ject of Ute Italian Incidcnt

TBE VWKsnrRO POSTMASTERSUIP..New-Orleans, April l_.-"Thc Pirayui.e's" Jactrson,

Miss., dlspatcli say^ : " -U V. BBBOb, Mayor of VII.

burg, arrived bete this evenlng, and will see to- Goaernor to-monow rtlative to the Vicksburg peataBBBlmatter. The Mavor wifi present tbc- n<iuc*t of IhaelUzens of Vicksb'ux'K, asking Ihe Gwernor u> Join lnthe rerjuest for HM reslgnatlon. lllll has been fcerotor aeveral days."


REAPPORTIOXMEXT IX ILLIXOIS.Pprlngfleld, IU., Aprtl 1_ (*pdali.-<)ne of the BBB t

lmportant sobjett* to come the Leglslature thisweek wlU be the reapporiionruent question. The chalr-B.n of the Semite ttunnilttee on Cong:e* \pportionment bas been ln communloatlon with tlre

Otiaui. Department lor aeveral weeks, obtalnlng pi»tiae flgure. in regard to population ln th- BBI-OBM-atricu,. KveryUiIng i- la Bt-afB. < xcept Cook County,tbe Baaaaaarp tofea_w_aa about vMat m»s not yet been.aeeived from tha Oeoeaa OflUa. lt U expecU'd in a

-BW daya, however. There la much doubt entertimi <1

uy many brsdlng LBgWaa-M a- to any rcdlstrU tlng¦aaaaure arhatevar betog apaatf upon at Uds se-aion.Tbe f-ct Uiat Uie K. imblicans have a good tnajorlty- the beuate elfectuullv shuts off the Paaaaarallr.ebemes for a g< rr\-inanUer which they Uiought last-Ul tliey would Le able to work. Th'- DflBjeeraltoo oUier liand, bare,' x,ith their ii.*b(ant*, Me-sr..O^kfrill and Moore, a mnjoiity of two in the House.**. »111 undoubU dlv flgtrt any redlstrlctliiK i..e.a»ure

°n_i-_-..g witii the Bepab-teaaa. In view of theseBBBB lt U likely 'thut n«t_l_f wUI be aocom-

pll-hed ln the wny ol reapport lonment at this scsslon.Tho IleptiMicnus expoct to ttmmmm tii. ir supreinacy Inltllnols at the general election, and ele.t thoGovernor and tho ciuire State ticket and both brof the General Assembly. Then the next Legislatureean redisti-ict tiic j-'tato ll a fair man ner. Tlie city ofchicago ls entltled to two additlonal Cougres_mcngBkiat tho new apportionnicui, and lf this (¦

Assembly Mlt lo r--.i:-.ri< i. two Ooogitwi.! be clencd at large and are DOt likely to be ehosontion C.lilcago at all, bnt from tlio rnral scctlons oftl.. r-tate.


nornoJ. in fraxco-oerman bf.latioxs.theDEATH OF BARNCM.

Paris, April 12..M. Hcrbetto, the Freneh Ambas-sador to Germany, has scnt to _d. Rlbot, Freneh Min¬ister of Foreign AfTalrs, a dlspatcli full of to th« nature of the Ambo-sador'a rolatioi.s witlitho Bcilln Foreign Ollic.-. M. llerbette 99B9 thatChancellor von C.privi treats lilm with formal p.dibj-noss, while the Gcriuan Emperor. W_8 was formerly in-vaiiubly aiTablo ln his manncr, now ape >ks curtly andhas shown posltivo 111 humor towaril Frcnrnmen whomM. Herbetto has lntroduced at WCBjtfoat, Tlie newn

causes incrrased anxloty in Government clnbllltherto M. Herltetto's own reports, as well as otl.croflicial infonnation from Ilerlin. have shown that M,H____Ml Mi pcrsona grata wlth Kinocror William. andthat the Ambassador was on the most amlcable per-in,.lterms wltli the chlcfs of the Berlln Foreign Ofllee.Nothing between the Ambassador a:.d M.BlkOl to indicato tho lntention of tlio Germau Gn.ern-ment to the tension of relations already sui-*fciently etralne. If tlie Freneh Government aseertainsthat the Kaiser's altered attitude toward M. Hcrbettoaiises from dissatlsfactlon over tho trcatment roi-civc-lby Empresfc Fredetlck ln Par.s his early recall llcertain. So far as known ln ofttcial eircles tlu- Km-^-rexonerated M. llerbette from aU blamo ln tlie matter,whfie M. Ribot consldercd tho eondiict of the Ambas-MiOf in rclatlon to the Paris lncldent to havo beenabsolutely eorrect.

In accordanco wlth tlie opinions of legal adviscrs oftho Foreign Ollioe, tho Chilian crulsers built in Francewill be handed to Uie Govoj-nment of IiaJmsccda undera stipulation that no Freneh crews shall be ongaged,and that the only assistanco tho vessels shall get iuFranco will be pern.ission to coal and eom ple tc suchequipments as aro nccessum to enable them to rcach(liili. The cruiser Frcstdentc Pinto will bo eomplctedin May. The Ernvzurtz ls nearly ready. A Hritlshcrew, engaged chlefly to strcnpihcn the Cfilllanmi-rines, ls already hero undiv Colonel Vlllagran.

Tlio death of Pldneaa T. Harnun. ellcited .tiumcrons

pr>-.- (omnients on his carcer. 111s name ls faiulliarto tho peoplo and hnfi become lncorporated in thoFreneh language. Wliitclaw Keid, I'nited States Min¬ister, ln spoaking of tho fcunous showman, said: "llar-irinii had many excellcnt qualltles. lloraco Gret-leywas one wlth on tlu; t.ucsiioiis of t/;mperanceand nnlversalism, and always spoko *.f him iu tholilj-'lust terms. A few years ago," ndded Mr. Reid," Harniim sent me his autobiography with a dodlcatlonon the fly-leaf saying: 'As I cannot live to eorroct thoproof-shect. of my obltuary, I oifer you tliese f*aam,where you will lind all tlie facts of my llfo correctlytoM." ¦

A serles of experiment-s with qul. k-flre guns has beenmade at Oanet's great factory at llavre, in tho preseneoof Frencli oflicers, a Russl-m cummiission licaded byColonel tSanatsky and the Danish Q__M_, Linneiuann.In an lnterviow General Llnncmann said that a largogun was flred nine tlmes ln forty-llve seconds, whileanotlier of licavicr Oalibre was 8ltefea__«_ -cv.-n time.

lu hfiy-four seconds. The resuits of Ita experiincnts,he added, Justilied tho bellef Freneh factorics can

*m¦ces-.fully compete with any ordnanco factories lu

the world.Tho incident of tlio week ln tho American colony

here wlU bo the m_rrla«o of Miss Munroc, slstcr oftho banker, and Hcnry Rldgway, a member of an OMand wualthv Am.iiian family. MinNtcr Re.'l wfflbo the bride's .ItnrtT Tho st-rvlec will be perfurnu-rtin the American Churcli ln the Avenue do l'Anna,which will be profuaely decoratcd wlth flowers.

Fifty thousand francs have recently been given tothe American Cl«uity Fund. The prcvalcnt not loutltat tahere are qo poor Anierlears tn I'arla la a

tliorough mlstake. Tho management of the toyea* devote_l 170,000 francs to sending peiiinI'-->Amerlcan clUr__n« homo.

Jc_*-ph, a former Vanderbilt chef, haa opened a

rostaui-ant near tho Opera Oomlque r>n the savirrgsfrom his earning.s in his Flfth-avo. kltehen. He pn>-DOMB :t bi- ea 1 ¦ibli-hmcnt to add Aineriean comfoitsto the Fniiih ciiisine.

General King, the T'nlted BtaAma Consol-Oenei-Jhere, ls slttwlv reeov.-ring from a long autl MTBTBattack of M cve affecikM whleh has grcatly ii.U-r-fered with his oflicial work.

llaron Gustuv Rt.thselilld has returned from Al-gerla ln precatious health. It is itated tliat in re-

cont years hc has leet WXtJOOOfiOO Moei la tpeenls-tlons. He still has a lurgo fortane. He has retlr-1from the bank with whi. ii br- mi etumcctcd of hisown ____!-_ and has l.e.-n n-pl.t "1 by hli -on-ln-lraw,^t. Lambert. If be had not retired. lirin.n AlpnoneeBothschlM intended to wind ui< th^ bu-iii'-ss of thoiiiv-.i.t flrm und liail on .-. new b8aU.

T'li.inas B. K.-od. ex-Speeker <>t the Home «f Repre-scn'tatlvt-s. ]in---d t*ri>ui-'h I'.til- without seelng any-itodv. Ho did not even call at the United StateaLegation. He spen. only a few hoon in tho city.He ls now in Italv.

Tho management of tho Expo-itlon *.f 1888 BMnot v-1 tii.i>lia-d its b-ttn-BB, Ur. Illan* lartnl, theBeeretMT of the American eomml--kan. who ls now

here la«is Just received from the Freneh Government¦ britali of bronze medals. ecoompanled by pareh-DMOta lor (llsti-ibution amonc the Amerlcan nr-ml^rst.f the Internatlonal Jury and the I'nited States com¬


THE HJIWfOUilDLAin) QT'F.PTinN-.London, April 12..At a Cabinet Councll on f-itur

day, aft'-r a long -ebate on the Ncwfmndland fishericsnuestlon H _-_ <l<'i''"-l lo give the delegntes ever\-

possible faclllty to expreBS thdr views before proceed-ing with Lord' Knatsford's blll.

. ?

CBXBWBB TORACCO IN' LOXDON.London, April l'J.-Tlie flrst consignment of samplcs

of Chlnese tobacco has been received by Londonbrolcers. Chlna is dcslrous of competlng ln Europeanmarkets. ^ _,


Dublln, Aprll 12,-Thc Plan of Campaign gBB __"lapsed OB the Tower H1U estates in Mi.Irt and

Glensharold, tho former purchf.sing the holdings un¬

der tlie A.-h'bourne .<t, while tbe latter has relnstntcdtho evieted fnant. on the nayment of a -ln^e ycartrent less 30 per cent. Thus a seven ycar_» btrugglelg ended.


Paris. April 12..Ktrong opfOat-OD to tlie new TarlfT

bill ls being org*ni7.--d. M. Ixickrey preslded to-day at

am Important meetlng of tho Society for the Defence

of Freneh Exp'.it Trade. Letters Of ndlieslon were

,-,-<-iv.-d from Freneh chanibers of commercc

,-,| -v-idlratcs of nianufaeturers at home and abroad.

Tfte iiie.-tlng n-w.lvcd to appeal to the 00*8nUMOt to________*_¦«¦ ii. ii.e eeoDomk ii-ii'v ol tta tart hreoty venrs.

m «-'.f ...i_.. rc. li.-l-i amon«ter meetlng in tbe W t. r'.' "'., \,,ii ¦'.; THe ..Temp-" eomplimcnti th<-,r;.p,...'r- of e .n..V.-i.i.-i.t and drawi ipedal al''.''..,,,,1-ts -af fordgr <ha:r;b-i- t;. tta Bffeci tliut

fore-gn i__tio::s M. yreparing to re___a*_-


Ilerlin, April 12-Kmperor William. in a speech at

UM Marlnc A.adr-m.v at Kb-1. said thnt the navv wonM

havo to BBB-Mlf the chief oiTen-lve i. li, tta B__1war and must end.-.v..r t.. umilhilnt.- tta ettmy Bf a

,.,-.i_<1 tt.i.n The (liili'-- »f th.' nravy WOOld res.-inbleui ,t ivair o.Ni'._'. Tta nexi Oemaii milltary

...V, V,,v^ ie '«!". *»°M '". """''"'-I 09 UM'ir»t-»'l.prim .:.!'- "f tha- E.igli-t. IJ ____, Wbktb alol.crescmblei warfare.


THE MAM-XS1 AT MANNTR.London. Aprll 12.-Capt.iii Boll Benlor, a finrrU'or

of the mas-,acrc nt Manipur, dtni- ;),- stortc. in re-

,..t ,,. .Itish ill _B_M "f Ita nitiv.-s. Ho assertastliTl tbe Manipur" tlj_fl^t on tta BrtttaS

h\VIN(.IN<i OxATBO AT A I'a.l.ITK AL MEF.TINC.i.iMin, April l8^-_-_«w* Taayam aad Dc-qr, Bt

l.r.nalist mcmbei-s ¦_ l''. ipoke at Muti-wm to

day. A l.vely scene oc.urred at tiio mectiug, the

Iiiati.igs of opponenis of the speaker-belng d.

bv tho cheera of friends. Both factlons fought tlcrtel.v.idackthorns were uaed right and left. and blood flowed! eiy Main fantW were hnrt *\P**twas tlie uproar that tta ipttken, lor Om nmst partJfre unheird. even by neareat the platform.

1MPIUSONED FOR MVINDLINO.Zurieh, April II 0W8l I:iber, wh*> rcpresented

the fitate of Nevada at tta I'a.l, KihiMii.u. "'

bi. been ncntcnccd t*. <-l_iitct_-u months' iraprisonmentln I his" elty for awlndllli;-.

_- ?-

CHAUGED WITH H1GHWAY ROBBERT.Edwai-J MbOB-J WH Hta*4 las'- niL'tit in N'.-warJt

on a .!.-..:- of 1.1-hway n.i laa-ry, ai.d L_.«l- _»Htal_ BB

¦n accoinpilte.' John Tn a retired nier.hant, t.f Nu.

76 Flf-eeut_i-a-\- Uamaib, »»_.-o that while «ol..» hon.e

along>ld-ave. at 3 o'clu.k yi.tertl^v inornlnf theyluiockBd him down aud »tole Mi «-ld watcU aiid cfcaiu.






Chicago, April 12..Chicago tlils evening sufforedon<- a>f ih" mo-t tiestiuetlvo roiiflasTratlons that ha-lr_-au.r-*1 here since tl-.e. blg flre of 1871. The Ioaa taover _>7.'.o,ooo. It w-.a_s t_t almost tho exnet gco- centre of tta elty trn; tl.aint -firi'd. and,Uke the terrible*r twenty years agtt, Irecaii ln a

stable. In this *. c tlie atable was the property *.f

the well known furniture ni.-ur.if_tnn-r and jtolltlelanJohn M. Sniylh, and was ln 0* nat tt lu- bOMBfin-i.'.'in_ cstahllslmcnt on V.'rst MMBlH.lsttntl st. Tta _.MI 9BBU.I.v communlcatcd to the,furniture establMimr-nt. and a moment later to RoH<fc Middlcton's Dtafl HaaBBBUA general alarm to the flre department was soon fol-

l*.we<l by _MW r.iTis for extra ongines. as the flre was

Been to be gninlng gronnd .Ith extraordinary rapldity.In less than tlve, m'niites -moke was po.iring fn>m

every window ln the BWN-Q nnd was envrk.plngtho huge slx-story bulldlng ocenpied bv Smyth. When,ln a morvcllon«ly Aori Intcrval. both struetiireehnd turned into u ma-- of flame, greut h>rv bm***dart.-d MTOfll (Tie street and lodge,! ln tho upi>erstorles of the buildings on tho northaido of Madl-gon-st. A moment later tho flremen along tho

thoroughfare tonad themselres worklng between two

tOWOri.f walls uf ilre. For a time It looked as conflagrat'on woaM tbt tayor.d control and ttaft,its ln 1871, It would iwe-l toward the lake directlyacross tho business district of the city. As If lo add

10 the con-t.-rnation. PM win.l had sMld"iily a.Ucn

and was blowlng 8 stiff gale from tho v- ;. ftob-a'.lv 2.I/.00 peopie. pttalWd In tho :

Mieets, watchlng tho pro.ress of t'.e flaiua-. At Junctnro the thorongh dlselpllnc ot the

flremen b"camo appererit. The men, ob -ylnc B-dm,,.. ,.l -t-adll.. In thr. street, where tb- f!:un"s -narched

them fraarn either side, and nfter a flerce battle, at

length browriit the flre. ln a mca-ure. under control.

THo bla/.e, however. continucd lo nffl ln the

buildings already pnrtly destroyed. Tl.c mnM» was

nothing but a heap of ru.ns. and tho waHfl * mSmvth bulldlng were falling. OM after armLi-r.

Fortunatcly tbey all MI Into tta n-tae, an.l no P -r-

son was Injored. AOMl tho .tre-t also tta «: h

soon sneeumbed to Ifae furious onslaught. H-H-

npper story of th" threo story b-iiMln. nn -the nor !.-

mVsi «___>__ *.f Hadlton ata D-tan ri- ««** Bra.

Tho flea_e_ toflffld 9mttn the fft^ -

fifth fitorv of tta Hnvinru-Ka-t, Theatre biilldlnc. .... 1

wero B00O s.r.-t.l.ln. along under tl.c m.r.-.rl tOOt.

just wt-t ol tta Hay-narto. bolMtag ^J*?*story bvikling oeowM by tbe Mndo. \"^r- ''' ;pany. H.-.v. a... tta WtotaWB WM on Ilre 1> 1 «

Z aWatba, iho b..iidin_- betwee- Ifntooa* Md U»

Haymertat btook -Mre. tta Me ri 0*m aanm.ttasr;v..,, ^ ww_w_p* ont te toaHJTJI]rn,,,t ,,.. bw m «_a_a_d ta, tta npper ito-T. tat

tho whole bullding wa- BtWt wUh m K- and water.

West of the Hay market the dam.tgc was comp.irat.\tiy

""Jhe flrst lntlm.-.tlon the inmales of K'.hl *- MlrtdK

Vm>. -I.iseam had ot the ctoee pr.-ximlty of tta. «.wa. when some OM-Md 9 wta-tow 00 tta thlrd

floor through whr.h a v.hini-. Of BM- i.->ur..l. flll-

Ing tho entire floor. A flW 1'anie follow.-d among

tbe 400 persons i.i the bulMiii-, BOB. Bl wli-m, h.'.v-

ever. were on tho flrst floor. wataHag B varie.y P"r-

formance. Thoso on tbe flrst floir were Inl ai>

priscd of their danger by tta rtaa_P«to M the npper

floors, and as thev an.-" t*. tM- iNl and UA,pitclpl-tatMy toward IM front door, thr' bre appea.-cd at tho

rear wLn.lows, _BO-M-l| tta t-imr a,f Ita ci-.wd

Tho emergency br..u_-I.t out ¦ btXO ln the person of

a policeman. Patrlek Shechy. Forclng his way through

the frightened peopie who were n.adly r-tardlngjeachntta. ln the J_m a* the aaaaXiM ataltoned-iri-olf at

ihe head nf the stairs, and diawine his rev..lver. de-

clared his intontion to hlll UM lirst pcr.on wl.o re-

fused to obcy his order.. Bf tA*aWB9 and detcr-

mlnoi'on he succoeded in qok_to| tta fBOta, and with

one oxccp.icn cveo'b.Kly re..* the street ln safcty.Tta ex«epti...i was C H. H-OBOMM. ¦ V',,n,« man'

who. before omccr Btaeby reaotad :.'r'i.n..

made a iMk 8 r tta tmt% Of tta b.cldin. and thr-.u ,:,:

.,,,... the J.unpM a,ut Into Ita ttlMt He fell

00 the stone pavement and WM uncm-r ,,-is when

plckcd up. one old woman W___ WM ln U-U "WWl

fell when MM the boMlM of U.e itall- and taota

),r arm. Bkfl M_l pi.kcd np by MflaO- and talo-n

away in a eaiftafa\s BOOO a. Ofltoflt BtaOby bad tmmmtt an abatcment

01 th.-. panlfl among Ita peopie, ta went "P to the

thiwi floor, wir..-.-c ¦ome -oortfl o_.ihaj-B won

TlM POOT brutes were cl.attcrlng and .--re.iiuu.g

wlth tcrrer at the OO all -Mi.

.heehy l.urricdly tttxtA the Iron bata and

forclng them apart, opened an aperture wldfl flOOng-l

to of tta OMapfl 01 the" ai.iinals, whose

M"ht wm o-mort ton-w. Tta ewat-ree, when

libcrat"d, wildlv aoamp-Nfl about tta n-.m for a

moment, and then, wltli bnate pfliw«tf__aa«, an.l

to the toteoM .hagrin of Wic-bv. who was rlsUng),is uta .-very moment, nutoi ap tWAn m ¦ bnt

and were burned to by wtal -.!". The

po1U__.mii wm f-r.,.1 to gropc hli v-.y tawn throug.

nearly .oeoBBClOno.¦"S --««.»«* among tho bMta wta ^WMJMexhlbitlon .... the third floor WM idttlut Tta*

to tlieir abnormal d;-u-l* ment *»i .i>j

..ent, and OjmM onlgr wlt* dl i.U.

daronco Ualo, th- bm:-!...n<.-« ""..; v.ho w.-i-hs

boy aud exlub i .; {* .. f,,,.,, ti.. p'jO-'"""- yui,::..,:"\ l mldget. <r,-rr.i heraellform, and, selnng i» ',,,,,,, th-..w th- thlM '.

mir window and WMrtog toJUujw WO cmw

when ihe WM ,V~V ;;i,.., ti./wi, h.istairw-vs. A. IX

___-^«W-^«S"S-_S'S--5S_^M___S?_SS_-fi _J_t_ww "'-1

ir_s&'^»-.ffMs_KrmMR_f-K«B__.___»-«SS!_n_?£--aa."t-1'" t e .-.v.- di-i.l-.ved i.v u." flremen wi;

t^!.t^.,th-^,;Yr.,v:;i:f.:.a;t,li^e,yatar,v.*J£5;^-Mf erS" affi «topptofl ,"v,r, .',.. hi- «..-. .ari r-.-.-n »tareuTh-db^n^S-nl^HU^ was t". ni ,.

! lw0 tlay_

s3s^_k£__«_-S.Jr,,tl,r. ,,,,,. .1..^,^.-.^-^J\;-^:r;,,l,!:..^:,.o.:-:.^.^^5,000; lU.mal) A '' 'Vh'm. Theatre.

&toHbMoet»^:ml^tor^^Jf^icHs_Sn_B%fp«_rajnri iw-.iv.;::.1:,f:;r,,. u." "i,-,, ____ ___-._*«",*" ^0";...\ sta. ... ondenTow. lo perenad*-u-pped «.it "¦ tie tat t)iU in(.rnt..,t'"" :iu'l:'", ,i. ii. *¦ Bhouted "PIW -od a poale,mm oi.- ln th- -ii*<!.;''" '!.....,. .. partla-U n_b-

:S' S_it4H3^.^r'Vh^.CnerJ'ana'l-rie.'^wei. ren,.,fd w,..,.,it

rta,.iHh.i'.'. ihe flre wivs at lt« worst a aldewalk B*.UnhaVrvPn^nr^ax-1^ S-JT,P"^"SlSaBwa. pn - irjured b, thflriVu-ii- Kloth had a leg broMn.

vi,,-. h tr.- I.I-..I-- <mt Dr. .i. /. l.,T.eren wn. at-».., din^Mr-W MM* Ul a II.H in OM p( tta b.nhl__.« .ob-_o'uentl>' burned. wtao tta flre _..t topV. P.-rJ.-r-ii rl»«- "". -'-f'Tlmr woman. and.

'a\U Hh in. b...-". .¦'¦"' ""'"^ '».'¦,!Klll iifi,,-:, bi nute ¦ Un,- vi;. .'.»;,.., ol talUi I-C-1M

,. t- f ih. tir.-...-'..- I""h mother and -nild are d*-

r,. , w.r hM a rataable _et ..f taflgj:,1,- .-'..i ids ..v-i- nat and tel ln tho nr_. but to-alaht

w_s haplr to MvIM aavod Iiu DaU«_t_.




Albany, April 11 ir*p,.ciiil|.-There ls BB doubt that6enntor lllll xxill make an rtfort BB BB-f his pr.-mls-sto Ihe llquor men thls week, and ln the As-emMv Bltempt Bt force to a final BBBBBB* 8BB free Snnda,-B hl rikay bUI, ta tho prcpnraUon of which he toolc a

promlnent part. ln no other xxay BBB Senator lllll

kcep a part of his promlso to the ftaOBjBB-B. <'f

courae, the hlll will not pass In tlie Scnab*. for varlous

reaaona, and Hlll does not expect thal It will. It xvas

not a of hi* plan nnd programme ln his gnme.

(.f -'t.iA nnd locsc" with the Iliiu-T m.;n koup a bill which the Republlcan Scnate wonld

Ho lmaglncs that just as long as the BZCBaa laxvs aro

lu their present linccrtaln and iii:.*ati*r.'.ctory coimII

ti.-n-froni tho llquor .balcr-.' of x-iew-he xvnl

l. aMa to mako hl* BBBBB- polUbal llll.ill on

those e_PfBi ln tho buslness. The moro ono atadfcaU_ mv bill, the more dan_ctou.* and fa-hBBI tta BB»

rlatoafl Baaaa to be, and lt shows the more plalnlyHJ-ffl int-'enultv and abrewdBeaB.

11.- Republlcan of the Exrlso Commlttee aro

extremely indlgnant because they dtd not luiyo _hefexamino the mea-sure ln rommnte,.

Ihar toetBBM wl.creln fipeaker BhtBhaa allowcd

the Homocrntlc mi.jority to tramplo rO-gn-sBod over

tl.e mlnority membera of the Assembly commlitce- wha

____, bbM-bM plaea of work of niu\ ortarioi mmtoiO a-OB. BJ thls XOtUt* announced on Frlday het, tho

B-aaettf members of the commlttee aro at xx.-rk on a

BDh-ttt-ta neaaBTC amendlng materlnlly Uie moal vi. UMfl

aeeHoaa of tho lllll bill. The Tribune abowad then

xvlmt tha BBettOBB are that needed ebani BC I M WB

Bepabileaa BJeaabera of tho eeara-IHea havo alao drawn

ap a .rport to tho AsaetaMy, w_teh ABaemblyasBa « ard,of Albany, the chalrnian of the inliiority membera, haa

prepared. A meettni. of the minoiity B-

of tho conn ba BeM befow the openingof the eventa .' ."'I';' l_K?read for their approral. The report a Brxt ¦'

proteat ai._ir.vt Ihe paaaapa of the i»n. i,.- ,..-..

poaaed upoa by the romniiucebefore lt had.beenread io tho commlttee and artlboa est ofaSowlM .he Boeletiea and aaaoclal-onB pppoead to 11an ..i.,.nriu.:itv to be h.-u-l. Th.- bl« ,. deehicontaUi aeriOM arri dangaaoaa toncwatloM ln lt* .ing the sale of H-iuor. Thcn tho reportfanu--*lJ- .nmn of the dangerotis fe_tUr_B ol UIB¦}]' -YhTrevinXiit iho gjO TtmBBB A,t. bv laxv of the debvtion of VV. 'Msf .f. ¥_?law. the aala ol _«uora to chl Itv,.. t be In-

Innte -aie of Uquora on miBday. th '"¦.'.g-hooaa" and tovern lioeneedanaea aadl oUtei

bad features aro all ttJBBB up ln tho report a..<l 818-

'"-Tronrmalon the mlnority report decl.ires that.timLeglalature ca_not refwe fo Ifeten t-. t .« pr.;_ *

the bill whlrh have been made by theclergy throughout tbe Btate. togcth_r xvith the elergy-menand laymea of the other ^rnlnaUone.^^^lt la hlghly probahle lhat < Itarlea !'¦ >If< B*mm,the I^omtfe leader. will attempt itoJWrt*renort beine made. It ls a part of the P-llcx wl. hIh htia rmrsoed ao far ln all exclse mattera to glvepnMi'.u, mlnority an little f._r treatuvnl as




A clrcnlar was sent out yesterday by John .Tay

Cbapaaao, aaefatoip af Um ateelaa v-t>rm ABaoeiatloB.Md ,i Ifohle Rapaa, ol tha Qty R-fona Ctab, i-ttlngforth ti-e iaafera ta the biu which waa tatt-daeea ln

the Aaeemblp on 4prU _ a* a aabatttate to Ihe s.-ha-i.f

ExrlBB b'li. which araa Btttoi b ahori iimo iibo. ihe

*..!, bill has UMBUti txvo NBdtafB, BBd tt BP

f.r UM thlld reading ttlta week. T-4 'Id Objeetato thls new act, becan^ it tt new <. fmm b-Ctantag to

ond ¦ and was not priated untll after lt was reforted.As no hearing hns beea nllowed on lt, and as lt re-

milre* (aaa-torahhl time to romprehend Its many nexx

and radleal toBOvatl .ns ta exebo ^^il^J^r^e^e*anergotlcmean.tobrtngltbefora^notice. _Taha IHead. of tha bffl aay Bmi tto* jfflnndeavor to fo.e lt thro,,.!. tha AaeBB-bU th

mm, Tlie clrru'ar **^} im protlM **M at-iaa^aaaan-e

?_Saar^ciithe (1'itv ef ex. .x .-*.!. ,._. <...-..._rtiii,_r uio-_-r..-r_-£*^_~H3c? s_rs £a_J£rS,,,,,,,,-.. ,i imriaa Bertala houra, but > aooi

'"""-""h"'"'^'^ tne aaw wn. BBtleB e_MN ata*;uv Beettaa ¦» « '"^ n l__n_t_d hoaf-. '>"* *ey

Tl)d« *; 1- e mM.»,an.r. ^ fhi_..,...,,...,.

tbat ti,, Bri-taa tti-taa aa.on ^ T)1U>

.ni Tho nccDl"' xx;ll ir.t ti.ier.u. >-

¦»__¦* ITgLj.a^J-S Mraa-ivBlB Mleth^e txvo uui. .JJ^J »

tli,._. Eaeee «, M ,. pre.|0 wrap up and inx x . x-


,,,llK W(.r.. r joxUA aejer ».» fn th.-

. Rnpt, uj'.overnor mn.

»¦___ "i'nin m XX MoX Hildreth WBB seen at Ul

ria3^"-a__riw*5S r v^ -at to the -tAtoarp .0 of -rentaMich a WBJ *nai '

w >r0 01l

s_skS__w."52_SSStfftr_a?£^*'^:-.^r_,!netv who shall entex such BBlaOOB Bt any

t me when sales of strong or splritn.-us llr.uors xvine.

^ar^-T-BBl-_l««^ltwtobaj^^r^_nd",.11 solldt or toiaea any petBOB to sell OT ofta

j" ..I',. fo, *ale. or ,'lve axvay te othcrwlso dr-io-e

3S Btrprif «. epW-aoaa lh,uor, .le or ba -r.

l_n be gnUty el ¦ mttl.iaiBBnr.' He^ you see lt tt

t- tiV-tiiv ibbbb a __a-aa-aaaar la aeUel Uw,"., aaoac ea Baa-aye. baaaaiae eje

wouki expoaetoe ******* "\ih'\?Z\ law-This aabrtt-Bta bUI repaala all Iha Baeta law

.f ,.- »Mefe -aya that on Baaa-ya Um ieo

hlll merelv aaya that 110 llquor shall be BOM .m mi i-

S, j^^tltoj about Mg HM ll-iuor *M-

Then Ita deVrr* are at jvrf.-ct Ub^P to ihtom

mOXtBOOn wlde open all S.indar. tor lh_N toBOtoWlo ,->...,,.. i». aad, bb 1 haaajaal _aan vou. ti.e 1..11

prx.hli.its any taapeetor, aaent ef any aedajr « oltoer

haaa eatotiag the saloon on Baaday or during hoi.n.

prohl.,H-d bv law. BO that it ls lmp»s,l.le for any OM

io ahow that tbey are selling Ikfaer wtthc*t eaaa.

mliting a inlsdcneauor. In Othar xvord,. thls bill

problbltfl the dete. Uon ai vlolatio... of tta p.*.v^ons... Vnother vlclou* feature of tho bill I* tl.

ke-p-r's Heaa-a, ap a*Je_ dHnk can be aoM opeuiyat any time. aud can be drunk on the BBBaBlaai Thla

llcense ls pl^-ed at precisely Ml eame llgures as the

saloon llcense; so what Is to preveat all sal.-.ns from

taking out l..nkoepera' Ucen*es, wluch they can

legally do by tncklng away a few cou in their bar

room and calllng the plaee au to»f.Then BABBB, the bUI prehlblts the aale of Bfaoe

'to B_P B-M under the age of atztaeo

SalWaaS-SWi a_ 52 ^BtltBtmBBw*f .ourTthV aal«s.nke-'per xxill plead that lw did

,', -know'lhat the ch.W was umlcr «, andof courae tlie persons who sent the pa-l .. r !.«|ii.,r -.111

,.lVd ihal they -Ul not 'know' tlut tK blM WBB under

Ra-B^_aa_a._-^ert ii___"S___uM- l,..phol.' r-r the broadert evaalons «f ttailaws iiK-tvlx proHdei thal it '¦.- '¦¦ -- ." V "',,,;'preu>i*.**'^.'<^'r""',"":;"tle- for cooklng. preparlng ai.d Min-lna _»d K»^ that even on the eatl_f-h-_*_-keeper * llienae a

s-looTkeeJe"may **_dl ltaaaaB on .»_ly the _at.jausrin- at the BMBMBBjH_etBB_ JuaaTao long an i-»

keeps a few coohlng utcnslls, whleh many already do, athis bar.

¦The ol.jectlons t<> thia ratetltato l.ill nr* in-_t andlt is n.ueii wone than the prrsenl law, and lf

it would imictlcally removc all restraint fromtho lluuor tra'Hc.''



rhlladelphla, April 12.-Wlth an emphar-l* that dtdnot permit of any misundcrstandlng, <'. A. Ppreckcls,of tho big sugar reflncry, last nlght dcnled the latest.story rclative to a restrletlon of the output of su+rarfr.Mii IIu. l.w>.l er-!_blMime;it. Tlie report had Ita ln-ccptlon In a dispatch from Hoston to the effect that theI'hlladelphla sugar king luid entered luto an agreementwiih Ita American sugar Reflnlng Company wherebyth- taOM production waa to bo limltcd to U.000 b ITMft.a day, In retuni for whleh eOOOOMlM the ll ivem-y.-r& Elder comblnatlon, ln ftui Franclsco. wae (to beclo_ed, thcreby leaving the. Mes srs. sprea kels tn undi*-piit-.l i_. -.¦-,..a of tho Faclflc Coast market.

'.You may aay,'' Mr. spreckels remarked wlth calmdellberntlon and doclslvenes*, "that tlio report la abso

lutcly without fcundatlon. I do not know why R Isso fieqn.'utly revlvcd. In the face of all we can saytlio newspapers kecp on brlnging lt up agaln and agaln.Thfl Sprcckel. tviinery will continuo to bc operated at

its fuilest ciipa-ity, somo 7,000 barrob of sugar perday. N<> propoaitto- lu_s come to us, either dlrectlvor indlrectlv. LooMng to the restrletlon of output. Nosurh propomtlon has been consWered by ns, and Iw.ulil lil:.- vou to snv unres.-rvc-Uy tliat no auch pr* ijoctwonM lecelTe th iHgbtest attention from us. Thereis pn-itiva-h .... RMon for dreutattog -n.-ii reporta, andI aio wi-..'i vaa:: would denv btao l-roidly and exphYltly.When we'u-d our bu-incss liero WO nniior.needour purpose to stay here, and that ts Just ,wliat to do."



_____ l-ioCMI.D THROUGHOUT THE KEGION.. I'ittsburg, Apill 12.-A dispatch from Scottdalo.I'enn., sajs: '-Tho OOkfl region was nllvo with

.trikm' MM-in.-i-tiiir-'s to-day. Tho labor IfladflM are

p.-uing M eHorts to solidlfy thelr ranks and strai.lii.nnp tl:*' waverin. polnts. They WBH out in full .Mflum! havo rtatSoacd thelr pick-ts lu the hopo of check-

matin., tta l4__0rifld general movement of operators forii re*.nptloa, Whleh U to be Inuug.iraCed. to morrow.

With iIils end IB view tta companlcs have al-Oadf had

the flitfl klttdled under the cnglno boilere at a numborOl i-'.nts wli.-ro lUlene-S has reignod for nlne longv.'-.-Ks. The siiiok,- is asi.-ndlng from a number of

house; to-niirht, Whleh gives rls.- ta) tho state-nient that detcrmincd efTorts will bo made to siart is reported tliat tho McCluro Company will endeavorto light tii-ir I'alntcr, Donnelly and Lemont plante Ui

tho mornlng, and labor haders are now among those

employes, admoiiishiug them to rcslst. tta O-NW of U.e

company ofltatola. StritaW uifl. wwitlnti w.-ro i.eidtia-s aftemoM at Frlek. Adetotta nnd jimtov.ii piants.188 fcH-lgn element ar;; holding nie*.'tings at a niTmber

of plac_ Uis BTenlnc but ii.) outbreaks are feared,though I! I- a wall known fa. t that they ure celebrating.i.. wltbdrawal ri tta 18th it.-gimcnt. The laborleadera asaert that money Ib all that i- MOted now tobelp along tha- rtrito, aa tho only ca.ndltia.ns, wh ch

v.ill force a retnrn to wor* on tho part of the men

are -tnrvatlon and -Cknefla. .

-.loiiii Kane, tta mlneworta-** represcntatl-e. who

has been ln consnltaUon wlth tho American tederatl .n nt New-York.City, wlth tho r**o*m.***s, I,'tai ti.l al.I. hai t-lr-.:rnphcd Dlstrtct MflfltflCWOcfcman VVUe that hi- mlmion will ceiialnly be succcssfui_e will como to tho rcgia.n this week."


WORK OF THE T'NION'9.At the regular meetlng of the Sociallstlc Central

Ubor rodfl-attoo, at Na.. 888 Howery, yesterday, lt

was announced that a nutss-meeilng would be held ln

Cooper Cnion to morrow nlght for a.ltat.on purposesand to protOB. agalnst the 1:111. ui. "f ¦ nnmber of

rioHng Btaikon in MoMWOOd, Penn., by deputy was aniiounccd IMI the men employed ln tho various

stone-yards of this Stato would go on strlhe May 1

f,u- nlne hours, and a special commlttee Wta appolntedto ca.n.-kler the advisablllty of co-operu,tlng ln the

movement.Th ¦ Rcadv-Made Clothtng Operatives of the Lnlted

States r.-itl PflMdB held UN flrst MB*M aif thelr annual

roOTWtton in Clarendon Hall yesterday. The meetlngwaa pMMd wlth a speech by John R lennon, of the

Amerlcan rvicratlon of Labor. After IIM tBUawt«,.,-,. eleeted and commltteeB were appolnted. ihoconvention will continne today and to-morrow.M ,- m,,-iii.g a,. ti..- Centrri Latar rioo yflfltor.

,l,v scats a.f delegatos were atrclara^ vacant.Inriudl.-- ttio.f Tvpographical Cnl%n No. «»natDUtPic \-Uii.bly N.a bf! Th.> l'attcrn Mfltan'j .,.,, Mnoonced that .t WonM demand a work-day

'',Ti.:lV;iX"\,-have settled tlieir quarrel¦md I'roa-i--iv Rilntew' l nion Wo. »i will demand a

work-day ..f taflt hours to-day.?-¦




Pollce Offleer William Mulliolland. of the Fifth. Pre-

clnct, was patrolling tho western end of Canal-st. ln

tho dawn of v.-stenlay, wh.n ho saw a wcll-dressedmaa Ulng, apparently .isie.p. at tho bottom of a lllght..f rtepfl ln tha- l.ascmcnt of No. 4.0, occupled by tho

American Ctalr Compaay. Muiboiund raiMHl Om,.:,.,. who was ii. a Uttteg posltion. and then found thnt

1.. wa. (lea.l. on tho baclt of his head was a sllght,,it bul no other marks of vlolcnce were vi-lble. Iho

nian's's w.-.e good an.l new, nnd OOM-tol of a

black BCOtch ( lUlt, l-lack beaver over.oat, white

llanncl red flannel drawcrs. itrtpfld, heavy

flannel tenpta shlrt and black Uerby bat. Ho had a

rcddlsh mustacho and gray halr, and apparently wa,s

.boot fortv-live years .,1.1. ln his pockcts were found

.-, --, eenta ... eaah. an.l a pocketbook ln which wa,

W,.,.:;;yi'!''^"v"n;onSard1<hVdetectlve_. made a thor-

*%tt%&aAi\am&btW«.'\h "-'."h^eretiM,1; ¦¦"'.. K-fSfflfwSanut taon Identllled.

WOT0TBB OX THE STE.IMER DOBCHESTEB.Hoston. April 12.-As ti.e steamer Dorche-tcr, Cnp-

Wa Howes, fnini lliltimoiv, was c.itcring B«_« Har¬

bor this m.niing lt was dlscovccd that a pa>senger

bM itat bttMril with suicl.tal tntani. Physlcians on

board .leclared tiial the wound would provo fatal, and

,1 . man WM taken to tho 1k mttal immediately upon the

arrlval ol tbe ttoaaMr at ber dock. The dying passon-

ger had boarded U.e VMflri at Calt.moro, and was ap-

nanntly nbout fifty years old. He had been retic.nt

.urii.g tl.c roj age. ln the room were found three or

f,.u- botllefl <af lai.danum and an open letter ad.i¦. , ,ii ilo'vos By tho letter ti.e captain was ro-

Jst't -.l -I.e body to MI-. Nann.e kemp, XoI i -t. NorthweBt. Wat-ilnaton, D. C In the bookWl foiiiid r>2 2.*. an.l a card Whleh bore tho name ofCom-tantlne Kemp.


C.ardincr, Mass., April 12.-A dam In Nlehol-t's Pond,OD tne north M-fl -'f t!.a- Fitcliburg nallroid, al Hald-

|_e, M a-s., gave way this mornlng on account ola\ y raiu. lioth maln tracks of tho rallroad wero

away, leaving a hole elghty feet long and

twenty feet deep, carrying rallroad, Iron and tles 500

f,. i ... (hc banks of the ott.T Ulver. A small (fwell-

[ng iiou-.-. o.a-upi.-d by a family named Freedeau, was

¦lio floodfld aml surrt.undcd wlth wnter, the means olMcaoe for tbe Ihrnatofl belng eai off. No Baaa were

.,,.! l'h.- damage fs estlmated at K'i.MX). Pa-iengcrs,hraggriga' and expre*s are U>ing Uan_leired durUig thebullding ol a treatie bridge.


K'-yp.-rt. Aprll 12..There was cons.derable esdte-int-iit Ifl UM town to-day when a mad dog ran through

and uttacked scveral BtnOML Artbur

liill aml CtarlM BtoWMrl WCtl .suriously Mtten by a daol> Til<,lr -toU-tng was torn and one ol

ihiM.i wa, btttoa ll three places. Hoth men aft.-rli ,g t*-lr wonndfl . .uterired were aeat to New-lork

»t the InatMBto. Tlie anlmalrai «ather dogs..-.

WITHDUAWIXG FK'tV THE SEXATOBIAL OOBMBUIHIHllll na_, Aprll 12,-In a h-tter to "Th.

KlorKUaa." this mornlng John F. Dunn formaUy wlth-

diMta from tha Daltod WWaW Bonatorshlp conte_t.

Itie letter was wrlttcn last Tuwday immediately after

tne <.f his toltowflffl tn organl.lng the Legi-la-,.re but wlthheld from p'.bllcatlon till totaf .... the

.Uvl'ec of fr.v..d,. .,.-,,-, that I.e bl, con-

aeettofl with Nationai bank* mllitatcs ag.Un.t him

rssxsrsaei. __. etfSrwwrulo,




.Toseph Davia, a young mffian, had an eiperioneayesterday which he is likely to rprneTnber for a

long time. He narrowly escaped lynehlng at th-hunds of an infuriated erowd of people who wife.nesaed his cowardly and brutal aasault on a boynamed Hugh. Moqjiey. Davis waa louii^-ing alEleventh-ave. and Forty-ninth-at, ehorlly after5 o'clock yeaterday afternoon. when Mooney,who ta sixteen years old and lives with hiawtdowed mother and two brothers at No. 441 Wea*Forty-ninth-st., passed hy on his way home.

. Say, Hughie, go and get sorne heer for mo,"said Davks, with a drunken groxvl, sci/ing Bt* hoyhy the collar. "I cannot,'' anawenil the Iad;"my mother won't allow me to go into aaloons.

Davis Btepped hack a pacc or two and thearushiug forxvard, kicked the Iad in the atolnachWith frightful force. Mooney, who is alightand delicately framed, fell moaning to the ground.Then the rufflan tafaa to kickliim "about the head:

In the duak of a flne Sunday afternoon lnspring. that part of Forty-ninth-st. in which theas«aulf, took plnce is lllled with people, tlie men

smoking at dooBB and windowa, the women goa«sipping on the pavement. and the clu'dren play-lag iu tho roadway. As" Davia was kicking tha e

prostiatc l>oy, the erowd, roused to frenzy by tne-Ight, mado a wild rush at him. Davis startedto run, but waa QMfM by John Dollahan, whaheld him by the collar and threatcried to ahoofhim if he attempted Ut escape. Uollalian h;ul no

p_*tol, hut the mention of the weapon wa* enoughto senre Davis into submlssion. Thcn Dollahan6ent for a polieeman.

lly this time a yelling, screaming erowd ofmen and women, crazed with indigmthm andpassion, surrounded Davis and raincd blowa on

him from every <.uarter. Criea of * Lyncli himDHang him!" filled the air. A olothealine waa, no one secms to know from where, andwith this in their poaseseion the mob begaw to

_CBg Duvis toxvard a lamppost which is wlthin,a few yards of F.leventh-ave. At the sight of(the rope Davis turned aa white as a corpse andsank to hia knees, pitcously whinlng f<>r meroy.

Police ofticer William Daly, of the Twenty-second Precinct, ran up the streef ar.d hurled hiapowerful forin through the .siirgin_, swayinirmob, and, B-___f Davis, kept his captors at bay,until Police Ofllcer Iloare came to BM MMlaMMb

"1 tirmly believe that my arrivai saved theHcoundre.'s'lile." »<>id Daly aiterward to a Trlbunereporter. "They had the olothealine teadjr, au<Jiii I had not come up when I dul, the.v'd k-v*»lianged him, as sure as ba'a alivc."

W'oen tha erowd eaw tlmt Davla eoald no*eaoape, theli it:' eooled dowa and the policemenxvere able to take him to tl>e Weat Fortv-seventU*st. police station without niolestation. Dnvia'afu'cc was eovered with tlie __rka of the l>low_xvlueli liad lieen raincd on him by the BawdjHis lips were swelled, liis eves xvere elosed, andliis hiwids xvere eovered xvitli blood-stnins.

-foooey taken to his home in an unoorwscious condition. After a fexv minutea he re*»eovered his sensea, and a doctor who examinedhim said tliat be had Buatalned no injury inoiaserious thaa a few bad blBBBU.



Plttsburg, April 12 (:*pec__l).-Andrew Carnegle,who ls here to arrange for tho constructioa of Id* froalibrary. a gift to Plttehnrg, to-day aoknowVedged tho

trnth of a pretty lltUe story abont him wblch appearedIB prlnt last nlght. for tho flrst time. It apnears thattWrty-clght year. ago Mr. Carne-le, then a telegraphmes-cnger boy, was unable to secure, the prlv-ilegea oftbe Alleghony Publie Llbrary because he waa not ao

apprentlce to aome trade. He Bhem rushed into prlnt.'Communtcations from hlin were published In "ThoD:-pntch," slgned "A worklng-boy, though without a'trade." Tho llbrarten rejlied and the eon_"oven»y waa

bcated, untll tlw librarlan surrendered and, througn"The Dlspatch," inadc" Uie &cqi_ilnt_uce of young CarV

and ho xns thercafter welcome to the llbrary.Kr. <'arneglo to-day a_d this todiaat of his llta

whottod his appetlto for .ournalUin. He had an ambfc.tVon to bc a nporter and suty*equently _u edltor, butln-, ptih led him Into B__n____tBl__f. It ls fnrtunatofor both PittBburg and Alleghonv clty that Mr. (ar.negte's bovlsh ambltion wns not reaUxed, tor All.-_h_nyis proud ot her Carnegrie IFree Llbrary, and Pitt-burg.wlU soon re.oloo with her.


Haltimore. April 12 (Speelal).-Tho tlrst year of hlgh!HOB-M ln Haltlmoro ls drawlng to a mtmu, and thaConimlssionerii aro preparlng tlie new list. The lawlias worked xvell and has been etloctual ln brcaWnglup nearly all the "dives" and loxver grade of gla!.nills. The regulations compelllng Minday closing andjprohlblting tho salo of li.pior between the hours ofmidnlght and 5 a. m. havo been strlctly enforced, and1oniy two or three saloon keepers have dared to vloLatetho law. Tho gross iwenue from llquor llcensea

during the year was *aii:,,0.1, and tho expenseaamounted to $9,008 28, leaving a net revenue of8385,04_ 7'_. UUrlng tlia twelve months of 1^00 thanumber of appllcants for llcenscs was 2,41'i, and thanumber In forco at tho end of the year was 2,084.1About 2,000 applleations have been for re.newals. Hotel keepers who run bar-rooms ln con*

nection with tlielr establlshmen-s will bc r*qulred tliisyear to take out a hotel license in addltlon to thallcense for tho sale of llquor. Last vear they were

oniy reiiulred to take ont the llquor llcense, but thlaactlon lt ls now said. waa done under a nilM'onceptlon.Provlo'us to tbe passage of the High Llcense law, thocharco for a hotel lleanae, whlcb pirrailtted the aaleotlhiuor, wns regufafced by the remt of Uie hotel. Thallcense feo ranged from #2« 10 for a yearly rental of$100, up to $401 10 for a rental of $10,000, aud $43*for a rental over $10,000.



Buffalo, N. Y., April 12.-At C. J. Hamlin'a vlllaw;farm la*t nlght the oliestnut stalllon Prlnce Begenirocord 2:16 1-2, died from bronchial pneunionla. Re-(gent was one of the most noted trottlng stalllona thatl«s Ix^n on the turf since U»e days of Bobert Mc-

(iregor and Wedgewood. Last year he xvas the largestwlnner In tho Grand Clreult. Mr. Hamlin refuaed &t\

offor of $50,000 for the hbrse shortiy after hia freal.race lu Buffalo last sunimer, from Senator Leland Ftaa*f.ixl. and be would not have consldcred an offer oa$100,000. _


Plttsburg, Aprll 12.-A dlspatch from Washington,Penn., says: "Ono of tho most dlstres_ing accld.j_Uiin the'history of the Washington ot! II. M flUliBliaf aboulsix miles west of thls clty, on the National llke, at 3

o'clock thls afternoon. Three small boys of Thomaa

-lunce, ot Frankllu Townshlp, were playlng along tha

pike, and found a partly empty glyrerlne can ln «

fence-corner ncar tholr home. Tiio boys, not under,

standing the dangerojs char_ctor of the atuff, stood thacan up tn the road and began throwing sPme* at IWmW rock -truck the can and a te rrible explo.lon fol¬lowed which could be heard for mlb* iwo of IMtolt were blown to atom*. Tbe thlrd waa badlxbrulsed aud xviU likely die."

.- ? .


Henry A. Kalser, of No. 503 Flfth-ave., a wlilakejabroker, waa a prisoner ln the Jeffcrson Maiket PoUooCourt yesterday, chaigod with wrongiully obtalnlnp$15 from John J. fc.ulth. a llquor-dealcr, at No. 1,60$Tenth ave., on March 14, InOO. Joseph btelriBr, hialawyer, told JbbUM McMahon that the charge waa

absurd and an outrage. He had kuown Mr. KaiSBB.for many yaars and taiew him to be an upright bu-lneaaman. Kalser represented H. K. (ilidden A Oo., andhad made the collection f(_r them aft«.r belng authori-ea.'

|a do ao. tilldden & Co. were not in court Mr,Kalser waa held In $a00 for fcpectal l|B-ta--_ JBft-initii who made the charge. aub-eouenUv wanted tovlthdraw it. He thought there might have been »tt.l*tuke, hut be had baaa miuested to pay tta bllbtwlce. Mr. ."telner sahl that it waa too fate to FU4Vdraw the charge, and BB dld the court

¦¦ ?


KnoxvlUe, Iowa. Arril lfi.-Tbe well known atalliflaicorsalr. a sou of B-TatyM Hambtetonian, died of ln,flaniniatton of the *toma-h here thls afternoon, at ttaa«e of twenty yeara. He waa the sire ol ^'"Pjttne|a -Ul-21 and Ad* M. ta:30h *»» w-* »wtad BT.H. R. tornell,