new-york, europe. the deyil-rsti. state co?..epítioi.. · buthu, rr»wntedtotb* luitttot». b»te...

Vo1- X.XVI.N°- 7,934. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, »SEPTEMBER 12, 1-800. PRICK FOUR CENT«. ft! Y S. NOl.lMKKK INSTITUTE, iii * "-. ï«-.tl_r i,ill, »t I .uti .1 lark. «% mu .-): AM» «-( IKXiL FOR Tit"! BOBM ».- '..» SOLDIERS L«-(«»_trdtoH. T. 1IF.LMR01.I), Di-gfi»«, ieto«.i_rt_diiig '". IT.I ID KXTHAOT mc'HU. in ¦«»*. t HEP AAjniNU IN l HILDR-.*- l<k H T __|_Maa S«. M Hfo-d-iy, N. Y. 1>BAB Kia Two bottle» only of tit« packigr of youl valuable But hu, rr»wnted to tB* luitttot». b»Te be«-» »»ed b- th* mmtAmm I »uc-TM lu the Cat- Of our .lit!» LltuL A. -.. bit .p-Ide no Iori**, BK-tiSed, ted fir« »rom Ih. dally «nornief B»,e~_» ol I-* ch«_-t-» «mud »he hu charge of bl» bedding. 1 fe-4»«iilt «.( our u»eof 'your Butha " with the rh.l-rrn under our rhtrjr t_iv wv* many . »utteri0|*»ij*ot and ¦.men of boaidlDf «fhoo» »i.d »»ylum» « great MM mt of annoyttoce, ead in»riy t poo» child luftVi-ig inore from weikne«» th»n habit, pun- lah«.»,. I that mu koo wing that it waaknr.t luitrid of a bid fcabt) «»oit uLjiittly bette«ed upon tlieui. Thanking you on brl.t f el i-e children lol hoping other» may be illkc ben, Lied, I «ni, Tour« v»ry letpectfi,! f, COL. YOUNO, June It, I"-*. Oeririal So, «ri-ttiidri.t »id DiircU I 11)111 HUH HUH H li H HHH 11ITH mihi min HHH HUH HHUHHHHHB Ililli HlillHllH Ililli HHH Ililli Ililli HHH HHH H M H Illili HHH HHH PR KEYSER 19 A PHYSICIAN OF OVER THIRTY TEARS *ip*ne-ee, t.m1 . «Tedu-t* of lb« JerTtrton Medic»! C.llegr ant of III* I'liivrriiiy cf Mt.kui* and Surgery at Piulad*)-.-!*. EEEEKEEEEE EEEEEEEEEC I Bl BEC EKE EF.EEEE l ) lill. EKE * BEE KEB EKEFF.EEF.EE EEXKEEEEEE MR. II. T HELMBOLD-Daaa Bia )nrrg»Td te tb* t|a*MioD a kel ** te any opinion about BUCHU, 1 would »tv Utat 1 b*v« Bard kn- .oíd the »nil I* u" Tiriout fenix for tb* r*»t thirty ye_r_. I th, act ihink th*r« it any for» or pr»peratioD of ti h«v* Bot o«*d or known te be atad, la ile -wrlou* du«ne« where «Deb aiedic»te »gtn» would le >adic_te. You are aware, well t* n»y»rlf, that It ha* tera «i«*mi»e)y employ*« io lb« varlou» diaea**« of lb« bladd*t «ted I Wo* j», in.d Ih* reputelton it ha* acquired in Bay j-_gt_e-t wir matai by lb* !».-«». LI.L ~~ Llata LI.L LI.L LU. LLL Ell LLL LLL LLL LLLLLLI.LLL LLLLLLLLLL 1 Save «ees tod nted, mt before itaUd, «very form of BUCHU- the powdered léete«, lae a.ipi* de«oetiou, tineture, fluid-extract«.«nd 1 Bat riot cof-uant of any preparation cf titiI plant at all nju-l to your» Twrlre y«_r»' trial ought, I think to gt«re ru« the right te I Jilt*, of it» .Dent-; aoal. without prejudice or partiality, I give your» pret-dtDC* .vri all other«. MUMM MMMM MMMM MMMM MMM M M MMM MMM M M MMM MMM M M MMM MMM M M MMM M.Al Al M M MMM MMM M M MMM MMM M M MMM MAIM MM MMM MMM MM MMM MMM M MMM I val** year Borhi for it» eiltet on palin it. I have eurea with It «al teen cur*d with it, uiorr du«»»«» of the bladder «ad ktdaey» then 11 »,r nar «arti, cured wit."» any other Buehu, or any otbrr propi ettrv eoui-rsaod, of winterer naioe Re-pectfully your« I OEO II KF.YSKR, M. P., Augu-tl). l-tSS No. 140AA'ood»t., Pittihuril, Pa. A CAüi- OF TAVKNTY YEARS STANDINO. PBH-toau-Bi., Peno-, Erbnury 15, ¡tua. II T HiutaoLD Drupoul. Data Sib I hart hean » tuff-rer for upward of twenty yean, with grttrl bladder, and kidney e-actlont, during which lim« 1 hare -..! «»riou» medicinal preparation», and b**n undet the treatment of lb* r-iioaut phyilrlani, ««perteaclsg but little relief. Utting tai. fan p-*par*lloni extendió)« td«erti»»d I coori: te With aay fu-ily phydcUn in regard to u»ing your Extract Buche, BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BHB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BHB BPR BHB BBB DUB BBB BBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB I did I) U bat-ioa» I lud oted ali kii.di of ijTtrlurd r«-.«dirn tod Bad found them wortblrM, an« »ocie quit* iojuiloui, in fact. 1 ia Blatirrd of mr gattiug well, tod drt»ri_i~ed lo um bo r*a»adirt ha-r*- afte» -«let« I kn*w of the logredi'-nU '* *"t» ill« thal pro m pled le ut* your rearely. yon td««itl**d that It wa« coiupoeid of feuehu. en-*bt. and juniper berrie«. It occorrrd to in« io J a.y p! yti Cito it aa «ie*|ient aombiualioa, and, with hu aduce, after to «x t-oiuttion of ihr »rtlel«, aod «-.Mulling again with tb« dr-t-nt«. I coo- .UdedtolrT it. I co..are. ed it« ute about light wonlbi «go, at a hum lim* I wii conlned to .y roooa. OO-OO OOO OOO (KK) 04K) OOO OOO (KKO (H)O OOO (KK) OOO IX 000 OOO tx>o <»oo OOO <»oo «?on ooo oooo frew «H* lr»t botll* I waa Mtont»hed «t.d gratified at tb* beseft-ia) etr-. tod «fur untie it Ihr*« week» waa *bl* to wall out. I felt mort, like writing you a fal! »titr-ie it of mr cue al tha timr but thought hit linpaot-mri.t rjiig'it only !-» temporary, »nd. tl.«rrf.,rr, «oBcJiided to _*f»r and m. if ii would »9*rt t perfect cut*, knowing Ihm it would be of grail«! ni ir to you aad .tor* titi.fictory to me. I 4B BOW ABU TO BBP0BV TBAV a COBB «»rBCTBD AFTtB Bn va« bibbdt roa rira «oitii i Nava bot ni» «sr bow roa nut bo.vtbi, abo rta*. At «bul ia all atirtc-i . At I ara« bib» Kurhu bring d*«uid of any unplriiant lute »r,d odor, t nice toi..- aad iBTiforatoi of the itK.oi, I do not maali to be without it »l.ri «ocatiou OMy rrquire ita ut In aucb afeelicina. M. Mccormick. LI.L LLL LI.L LLL LLL LI.L LU LLL LLL LLL LLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLL I my i< ,M M iittoMLt, ha rtfeil to th« foi _>»! .tiatl Prr.n.ylTania. I no- I». »Lou Mi.» ,.| | R rt-BTBB, Ba-Oeeatae» I'n aiiira-u. LUI I.1.A1S, lu.lre Baa, Ki oh) u»t. '! . ti AA AATKItiAAlR!" j ,,!n-, I'hnad» ipt.i«. 'Pn W, fu l-ORTHl IT...... pt. t '('UN BIOLBB, i » ..o«, ra it. fifefil » J, \A ul.ii.flon H ( la« _,»!.- oil-»,», U B'.ettary DI>t>0_»ODD LI>*»-_I'I'1."I) 1 f*. illili I LI» l-l.I» M>:> I'liU !>l 1. I'll!) I'l'l» I IHili Min I ID MU» I'M» 1.|i!i|.l-nlilil. D-.DPl.DDD OELMHOLI»»« (l.i .,» Pr. i .- ti-, a Ki .d F.i-.itcl t! -tho. Eltid |i ubi SBiiiptri.ii ii.u I-, inn. Sen B/saki Uti by li. 1. lil-LMK'l.l» I'm ir «t ai.'l l i*u »t t-f It yean »».. * I « ! itaawar, F*t, trnpy, «.j t> . li,...i ,1«. EUROPE. Neil by the Atlantic Cable to the lilli IDSt. The Pi-ussian Chamber of Deputies and the (¡overament at Issue on a Fi¬ nancial Question. AUSTRIA DISARMING. Maximilian to Have a Naval Escort to Europe. Spain Deprecating the Sodden Withdrawal of the French Troops from Mexico. THE EaNIíLISH CROPS IN DANGER FROM THE W EATHER. Turkey About to Establish Diplomatic Rela¬ tions with the United States. Financial, Commercial, and Marine Intelligence. PRUSSIA. opposition op tub chamber op deputies to thi amount op me froposeh prune loan. BERUH. Tuesday morlane Sopt. 11, IK-«. The Committee of the Chamber «if Deputies persist in the design of reducing the amount of the loan which the Government asks authority to obtain hy the issue of treasury nott*« from 6C,(»0(»,000 to 30,000,- 000 of thalere. The Minister of Finance has protested in a speech against euch a reduction, and expressed the hope that the Chamber would pasa the bill io its original form. A VICEROY FOR HANOVER. IBBUM iuetdav, Sept. 11, 1MB A report is current in (.overnmeutal circles that the King of Prussia has de« iib d to place the l'r.nce K«>yal of Prussia over the late Kingdom of Hanover aa Vice¬ roy, aud that Hi« Highness will soon take up his resi¬ dente at the Pai.t.e in the City of Hanover. AUSTRIA. THE AURIATK' FLEET TO BE DISARMED. Vii via. aVaeaaVj morning, Hej't. 11, UK The Austrian Minister of the Marne has ordered the Adriatic fleet now at Trk-.te to pro« w J to Pola and Fiume, the Austrian naval statioui«, to be dis- armed. (HANGES IN THR NAMES OP RFI.IMKMTS. VirsvA, MomUy. Sej*. ¡i-Afiernoon. An order La«-been is-iH-tl tay.le Min-t«r of War th.Tt the regiuiciits of .be A*lett .a. ani.;. BIBmI the King and Prince- of Pru«.-i.i, tin- ika of l.inU.i, end some others, «tail cease to bl t-o named. |THE ARMY BO BE PLACED OB A PEACE POOfOML VirjfaA, Taestlay, Seit. 11, IS-MS. A decree has Ixen issued by tie EBBperer. order.: the whole Austrian army to l»e pl_n.-i(l «ma, footing. _ SPAIN. THR WITHI'RAVVAt («I I UK __D-< li TROuP* FROM MSXI« O. Madv.d, Taeaday Morainj. Kspt. 11 1.W-. The Eitrfette of to-day says that the Frew h troops mn«t be witli___«wu from Meneo with the titniort caution, unless ami. able relations are previously established with President Juanz. TI RE EY. A TCBKI8H EMBASSY AT iVA._!X<.TO*. COKSTAMisoriü, Toesday Sept. 11. 1W-Î. The Sultan of Turkey, impressed with the im¬ portance of beinp in diplomatic communication with the Unit<«d States, has decided to e-tablish an embassy at this American Capital. In nicordanre with this decision, the Sublime Porte is about select¬ ing an influeniial member of his Government to pro¬ ceed to Washington aa Minister Resident and Pleni¬ potentiary of Turkey. AMBRICAN ARMS IX Tl'RKRY. Co««sTASTii«ori.E, Tunday, Sept 11, 1W-G. It is rejiorted that in consequence of the But ceWul results of recent trials of Ameritan small arms by the Military Commissioners appointed for that purpose iv the Porte, that the Turkish army is about to be armed entirely with carbines of American manufacture. Agents of the Government are about to leave for the United States to contract for their manufacture. THE EASTER."! QCESTION. LoMf'S, Monday, Sept. 10.Eveulnf. The Eastern question seems to be looming in the luture. Russia show- signs of moving ein. more to obtain the control of the Dunubian Principalities, and probably eventually of Constantinople. The Porte has determined to recognize Prince Charles of Hohenzollem as Hospodar of the Princi¬ palities. MEXIt o. MAXIMILIAN TO RBTIRN T«> EUROPE IN A WAR STEAM! R. I/'Si«"««, Tuesday noan, Sept. 11, 1_-j«_ Tht Ttmet Paris letter published to-day, says that the F.uiperor Mummil an is expected to returu from Mexico to F'irope by war st« ¡ma r. ORGANIZATION Or* A MEXICAN ARMY. I'«ki-, Mondsy evening, Sept. 10, lK-C. Oin. Mandez, M:iit'-ti r la Coiii-tantiiaiph', has been recalled, and will ga out to Mexico ti organize an army for serva.e alter the French cvac .ation C" u :. try. Titi: CROPS, DB1ITOBAI in rOB hut I I '. üli'l jr. » '.:.¦ 1. _.*: I i- Dirfceta. t 0MMERCIAL AND IIXAXi IAL. L'VKlll'tt.L C'TTON MAREST. IiTiBffttrt, 'i . .«-.¡'U.i *.-¦ Cattai MarSet ii ,'.,i!..l>' ties It. day are »\*. tale». VIii!i1iii|r Bnmott are '¡uote.l «t Hi» l:ai.i""i S»[t. ¡1 I i«-iv.Df i' market las raled stead/, witb salts» to tlty .f lo.oOti bair». Muldliiiiit'p lands « !.'»e at lid LIVIR!\s.i SHKIIs-Tlirs MARKET. Livaaro'i lapt i. i-uivg.. Iire»(l*tuff«.The tn»rket tttia »oil firmer n ah »u odisinte un all detrnplion». Ihm «.atlier ia unfavt/rable f, rcrii¡». Cm.tLe mist let is firmer. arti n. Mel M'e-Krn An «Ti mi;« noted at 'li «.' |,er qosrivr. lr»t firm »itn an adua.tetf MB, '.»r tentai. Floor is SMS ver» tina w:t!. si: ti tirara.» f j.! jir larrel. I :v ihicOL ik( V is;ox MABI I.ivr'i s-. I'Kivi.lfrns.Tie ¦aries rieeei ter Aatarleaa TaBew,wliel «ti lil'.J a. LOKfrOxi MOJIKT H.», BE FT I, M-.v, Tuesday Bean, ttUk IT f.l-l au »,.<.t*«l at b*H lot millo ! UniK'N. Tuenday. fiept. ll-4«T«niDg.-Tbe Boney market it rtfetaav » _.* CstttmoU olo«e tbi. ereniog at at. lot AMERICA» Min RIT1B8. Lomkiti. Toetday noon, Sept. II.-The enrren! prices for Americio securities are aa fullowt: !'. S. 5.90«, 7., Erie I'n.iroad «hares. 441, IDiooia Outra] share«, 7f?|. AMF.KK AN StCl RITIEJJ. I.t.MrOv, Tneaday. ijept. II. 1,c«t .Tb« market for American »:«.« ki ti «fightly «tater, and quotation« at tbe elote of buttineet to-day were aa fellowt fun««! Stain I 00a, 7l|, Ene Rali¬ way Share«, 44); Illinois Centr. Railway Bbarei. 781. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED OUT. LOMrOMiEBtv, Tueadav noon, fiept. 11. The steamshi]) Nova l-rt-otia, from Quebec, »Se-it. 1, arrived her« Hil« forenoon, tod »ailed for Liverpool. THE ATLANTIC CABLE. DKI'ARTT*BB OF TUR OHKAT BAXTER!* POR LIVERPOOL .TUB OTHER VBKSEL8 OF THE CABLE FLEET TO LEA VK HEART'S CONTENT TO-DAY.BOTH CABLEB WORK INO nTLKNDIDLY. 'li-AhT'S (OrTTDtT.îierrl », lKrS The Ore at Eastern left here for Liverpool at 4:30 this aflfroo.*-. II. M. K. Lilly leave« this evening with the Gov¬ ernor of Newfoundland and »Mr. Field for fit. Johns. II. M. 8. Terrible and the Medway leave here to¬ morrow morning for the Gulf of St. Lawrence, calling off St. Johns for Mr. Field and Mr. Mackay. Iloth of the Atlantic Cables arc working «.¡jlcndidly. MEXICO. TID». OOVJtTRY OVBRR**» AVITH (¡fBRRILlAB. New« »bleaks, Bept 10..Amvals from Vera Crni to the 4th mil. ihow, lu the language of the Onie of that pla**, that bo twenty lei.uei exist in Mexico which are Bot trau r«« ii t'V .nerr.lla«. Tb« Crine layi tb« only reaiedy dettructitjD. ALABAMA. TWO oLoBr.l» KK.» HOLM IKTO RLAVEBT BBCAl'HB OP UKI ¡a«. IB DEBT. Special Diapaich lo To* N V. TriBine. Chi« tt.c. Tueida*. Sept. II lStt. lu ('!._._.. County, Ala., on Sunday lu»;, two neirroea, who wen- unable t«j lettie Boluc triOlin-* debt incurred by tfiena trefure the war, were sold into Slavery, one for |7_0 and the .Thor fur pünj. Their united debil amounted to 113 .ii |*e,1.1. LOUSIA NI A. THE REPORTED Ol'TRAOBS IPO" »EOROhS IB BT. MABT'H PKIUED. NeW-OBLBAHS, Sept. 11, IrHrli.. Tht St. Marys I .rut (La. Kunnar ooDtBiDj a rt fjtatiou of Ibr lal« natement at to outrage« opon tbe aegroea ia that regi"u. Tbe homi eldee wer« moetlv i'.itjii-iitt.-d by ntgroea apon otbtrt. tod all «lae» were ..fall »lu it lo tbe lalitfteilon of Ibt loyal burean officer lo bt just:*..ble and i.iiwerat¦'.¦. CHU AGO. A (UVVIATli'lt BT NATI".BAL BARK OKFICIBB. ¦feaafeiI iii»iit«h n in» B y Tri.... (Tue i.ti 1 ue-iley. Sept. !1 1 Hr-B. I!,i-til,i cr« if the National llutiks «.f tin- Northwest w.l in I-.» city fi. ii.t rrtiW n.«.ming at 10 o'clock. Mii.v i.f the di lt-|i«t>« have alreudy arrived, and a large attendance it eijaected. A FIGHT Wita» BURGLARS. OB- OP TBdH SHOT.A I'OLICBMAH WOt'BI.RD. BeajTDB, S.-|,t. li.. a Htw-Toia t!..«-f vA),«»»«e name li unknown wa« »hot dead early Dil« morolo» ou Ctirliea Wkere, Wltbl he wa« oiertahrn by lea titcutt and two other Bateau who were tu purtnit. eve« drew rerulveu and a fight eatued. Oil.err I.ii, » « .i ti.'.i bid . through the ter, and on»ti li, ii. nr« wa* killed. The othrr Hu . »tniTtl. Saverttl ihoaiaad dolían wurt ti if »ilierwire andat-er valuable* «lilian from «ubarUta re«.dene« «i re re« » r- ..' THE ADAMS EXFBBBS ROBBERY THBJtRY FAIL TO AGK!E ASM ARB 1 ¡"-CHARGED. 1-1,1.». !.. !.» N V ti iiABi-i ht, «njiu TaaaSari Baa«, ii ixvi. !:¦ in la-ha «an <.f the .taren .l«i.«-r-, aller being -, bim- luto t-t.'iiil this iiinriiiiif declan-d tfeeir Inability to «irrer, and wt r<- fli-.!.»ri*'d. It li nu¬ ll that they »t«.<id lue t«. teven, .ludfe Htuert lied a i-t.lion t«i nd it .. the hail 'if th«- pruonert. Ml.MXo / VTt. 1.1.IOEXCE. A SILVER VE!« l-l**-'OA ErlKI. in ISSIBBIS SSSMB ERY OP LEAP IN LortllAKA- tpecl»! Ptip-lc. t* Ihr N Y Tribut.*. ('Hi. ano. Toeeday. Kept. 11. Ilnw5 Iti We»tern'Arkanti»atilvei vein hu been ttruck, which for vera! di» », a ielded Ko p..tin.)» daily, tbeu trecime ex haulted. Tin- Dtratlt nu- tri i:.«- tu tnuí ¦ continuance of the rabí, aben- it it believed the metal can lx» found in «]iiant.lies. A milong c«.in|.nny in Northern I/>uiuana «>n Friday struck a Siiliil Id»« I of tiurr lead Velguiil.' Bt tutu Other Uroi- tim ka wire ftiutnl at a ditt.nee of 11 le-ct below the turfate of the ground. mm »RECK OF THE BARK ADA G. YORK. I'OBTLand. Me., fiept. 11.-The bark Ada G. York, from New Orleani for LlTerpool. with a «ergo of relton, wa« wrecked on Kable Uland es the ¡7th of Angutt. Part of her cargo, »all« and rigging were «»red. aad tb« authorities were making exertion« to «ave tbe remainder. The crew arrived at Ilrilifax yeaterday. She waa owned In Portland bb! Waa partially Iniured. ' MURDER IN FRANKFORT ST. A MAX SHOT OH lill OWJI STEPB. H4VESTKJATIOK BT THE «"(»ROKIB. The body of Frederick Fitienmeyer, a German boarding at tbe Hotel de Lyon, No. 51 Frankfort-it., waa found early yeiierday morning tying In front ef tb« above boute, «hot throagh the head. Tb« Invtitlfitlon of the police revelled the following faeti On Monday evening the deceaird, Charle* Heminger. John Pickett, and Leonard Pay, who tioartlfd in the hou»e, vialted t«v«ral «alooni together. Tbey returned about 11 o'clock, bul Fllaeomeyer minted ob going out again. Ilit friend» at the hotel aaa bo more of him outiT afterhii death. At about 1 o'c-lock Officer Tafgan of the Fourth Preolnet hoard a putol »hot, hut atald not iearn frum whence it pro ceeded In a »hurt time Oftloer Brian of the lame Precinct, »Tille pato.¡lin. hit lx-nt dlicoiered the apttarcntly llfelaat form of Kit/enrnevrr lying on the front itept of the houM. The trody wa« «till warm, but lb« man wa« onconaniou* anti in a djing condition, llefore be could taken to the -tntloti Houie life wa» cxtiiii-t An examinatmn «as made, and It wa« found that Le bad liven «hot back of the left ear. the hall taking au upward direction rtud lodging in the hate of the timm. 'Ihe police having learned ihrtt John Pit-kett, I.eomril r»y, anti Cb.«iel llennt.iter had Leen at me Atlantic (iardrn In the Bowerv with decea««-d. took them In ruatody on suspicion of having fette teaeerae. in the murder. The piuoneri »nul they »er« innocent, and declared lint th'-y hail not left the ¡io,.»e after n-fii nmg at 11 1*1 lock in the e. emu. Veil» rtliT afternoon (« N't umfinn hehl an lnt|ueai on ti.»- bo«!) ni FItaaaanrar, hut th« trnaaaa failed to clear up the mviierv in « litfe the murder ii e-Temped. .lohn srt.itii teatitieil tint he kent a laser !»eer «»lunn at No. I .lame« «t. «li Mirnlal mill.t deceaaed and four « ompanitin« v isited hi« | lue«- ami tilt)ed tia.ntelli', one of the parti wat iti¬ ti sicatod m <l gaarrafil <v life a Mittori «i,-_.«n«'-<l wat not .¡nur relatiTlt ti.ft .eft ifeaal II I', i, lill li. » Ti. I o| Hutt he ii I d mi I HV on Moailai Dight v !.. ii T .nr «>f Ih« !ui«iri!> n till OBI » ith h in th.y f m .' parti '" "' » i '.'"' '''-.' l|"- At r. M .1 ni \... .'.J ft u,k tardad fetl aaae i mni ¦.. o'e.ui'k tb« ¡.curd a r«Bt, ÍB B ftW li.uiin nt» eport ,-t ,i |, uni »i i- leaked obi ia I » -.w « man .'. ard 1 I-afea aa Ut «ana imV ttr-'t 1 t; at the »anio lime ah« Lenr.l gr.-ai.l: i CatkarlD« BoHand iirlir at No. 30 Frankfort »t.. te.tifif,] « ii« «oi Itafclag .-.i ( i. « min« tarli «ntortlar »ui.rn ing «nd s«w di m lied kivt uoU ol Ifet feaadH of hit iIih., ii,,. saw Ihr«-- oItag Btl f UM h»»eaient of n ¦' ,.1,1 an. Um y na tri r it lim. aad »baa I «j ¡rattten »ti um itttaae. hil ea t.e tier tleiall rta ap rraakJe-t-«l, in» aid Pearl. I... i. i. Far. «fee «aa will dacaand m Um ¦Igbtet'tfei -.tirder tntitirtl thal ltd tot kara 1 lialol thal nitrl.t i: nt »i.¦: li.« » nt No. 4 *a*Bn «t ska waa arawa! abai tb» party atn.» lata ti« alan nu kimi «luv ri.-i.i. stttsaa a pin..i in tin- -iiiiii» m ray| Le »aid tint fel IrWayi «'irne.l It. Keveia! other wilneitet were extmined, hut no ad-lltiontl fen ttota «li. ittii. i-\ii-|i tfeat whee tue polioe »mied tue Itoirdirir houte »tier tnklu. ti.« Ixxly of ITl/eiune-ier t«, 0,r stntinn Uouet .i« PI« lett and Has nitm »ere in b*«l al their rona*-. 'I case h«Tin»T )>eee fiven In tie Inrv the fallowing .erdit t wa« rendered I' Freut ntl Y i/'.-iimc-yer ctme io h » death .vaattteJ »h"t aeaad In tbs bead, and (ron th< tri- I Ititi at tht katiti et I.» mini la», and we ti.n.k tlmt ,)ni n IV krtt and ( bar'.«« lit miuger wer« «tcompl.eet ti. ti.« »i.." r K 1 i t i.ri« tu t! i Ti-rr! » ti awtil ihe it« ti. i.. f o., OraulJ-v« l'.i/ei.a-ey»r vu« 21 »/tan ef ... |. .n la t! i «a». THE DEyil-RsTI. STATE CO?..EPíTIOi.. Only » Tcnpuiüiv urbanization ____- fcrîed Yesterday, DIX \S CHANCES TOR GOVER«Ni)R PROBABLY THE BEST. The Maine Election -«essens the ieemocratie Opinion ol the Strength of John¬ son Republicans. SCENE!. A\D INCIDENTS IN ALBANY LAST E. KMNB SCENM AND INCtDENTI PRIOR TO THE MEETING. S-Mcial DMpalcb lo Tk* H Y. Trlb«««. AUUtT, Taesday, Kept. 11. 186«. The Convention assembled at noon in Tweddle Hall. The floor of th« kail was crowded with delegate«, «lier* being . very large Bamber prisent. Th« lobbies wire filled with ipeotators, moat of whoa were roughs from Nsw-York City »r.d «Brooklyn. L»st night's bo»t brought op . Isrg« dele¬ gation of Ucso roughs, who always honor Democratic Conven fun with their pretence. They eonld aot be together toa koon withoat «,Barreling, and the eonie«inonce waa there were Nierai fights ob board the boat during ker passsgs op the river. Theoo fighting «haraeUrs are the champion» of the too rivals for the Gubernatorial nominatlor. Mayor Hofftn.u and Seaalor Henry OL Marphy. Murphy t fn«isd» lull from llrooklyn »nd tk« Mayoi a from Nsw-York City. AU the ho¬ tel» being «rowdod lo eaoeu, thoo« orriving Ute hsd to spend the night ss batt they could, which they did in drinking vhltky and cheering f.,r Hoffman and Murphy. Caooosaing in th» parlen »nd lobb.,, wss kept up to a 1st« hoar. The Marne election au thoronghly diMossed, bat as bo new» of Ui» reeaH bad arrived at midnight, «II were saagai«« of larg« Democratic gain». Reta wsro nade that »t least one D*me¬ rrilie candidate for ('oagreii would Ui sleeted. How aston lahed tit the delegate! this morning oa reading the nsws from Maine l Net only bo Democratic Congressmen, but large Radical gains. There waa some U'l swe»riog »nd long faces. The result of this election will hove» good de») of effect no ti« action r.f Uie Onventioc. Tke naws is a bitter pill to Weed aod Prayo. and made them look conscience-streiken »t the breakfast table tkia morning, yet they bare gathered eoorage, and htipe to have the Convention nominate their man lor (»overnor. They take th« reiult of the M une election a itroRg argument in f»vt.r of th« noo>l»»tioB of o Héroe mon. like Dil, for Governor. Weed » mea were oet thl» morning. running »round among the drl'-gat'-e. argtng Du npoa the Ct'Dverition «s the only hope of »uceen» for the new Copper bead and office holding Repúblicas party. alKKTtNO or THfc OOWV KHTtON At 12 o'clock Peter Cagirer. «lean R.chmond'e leeeeesor m r'.ief of the wire puller* and coateation manager», caled the (' nvenlioo of nsw patriot« to order, »nd proposed Handford K. Church of Orleans County temporary Chairman of the Coo vent ¡on. Jame» Kelley of Nea-York City, the patnotlo Post- muter, who holds his office out of true friendship for th» unod of Me country, and not fur " broad ead bolter," m vulgar Re¬ publicans aatert, and Kranri» Kesrneo of Uncida County were »elm-ted M the men to eonduot Mr. Church to the ('hair After Mr Church hsd bee» «¡»rrfully placed io his seel by Kelley »nd Ke» usn he made a »kort »ddrea» to th« aaaenibleti flock, call¬ ing it He no'de.t. l«rgr»t and most inteiloctosl politic«! body arm BSeaasMee, At hi« mention of the nat of A ml re» Jo'aLion ai the gr.aoit patriot and ttateiman of this or sny Mher ige, tbere was Itiml cheering. When (kurth kid Unlike«!, two Heoretaries were appointa«), one of whom was the irrepressible I'« trine of Queen«. Perrin« wu one of the Secretarles at the Philadelphia (Aug. 14) Con¬ vict.mi, with Ki ii McClosky is Sergeant at Arms. MM it hei«, but de« line« acting ¡n hut Bia«) oapacitv, tuting that orly firit elm thurn receive kii services. Felix, like Weed sti.l Marble, la oui« an outaidc worker. Kio« um ki« Ant Seym«.ur neil, and then «nyl»xly but Dis. Tke next IhiDg w«a tie reading of tb« nor« ol tbe vailoua delegation« Set.ral coontie* had two «eta of dclegite«, but Aird matten arroiig tkcrr.t. Irrt. K ngs I ouuty had two delegations; bat. ti, tie n.i.(¡un t'f a delegate, tu« delegation recognised by the Dam--, ram-1 m «etiiioti of laslyear waa «eirclel ao the proper on*. Thl« »«solution was p.««i-d aader the rut» of the laevious U' ennui whick »riiusLt a legel* of the rcMcgtd« Republican it «'»'! to bl* f»«t. who prooersled lo m*k« a tuearb warning the ( "irentl'tn of paning a gag law. li« h«d not »poses long whee ma wa« knihed on by repealed erle« of Tah« your »wat, et.4 i-.tiie I., oraler I hie created »same eunfattoa. Hi« dele gsir sssertlng «bat wer* hu right«. li« oouM oot !|aa» ha »eel op a written ree-luton, bul a motion I., av It in the table a aa manie, wita atneedaient by a Brooklyn rough to lhr.w it under the table. Tula family ti-errel leited «!»uul live nauutra aud sbuweil tbe teui|-rr of lb« I oovs istmtc It a waining to th» renegade Kaiiul.lican dele fat-« that the Den,ia racy «re bound toral*. lh* reculer islne«! wa« then proeeerled with two cumirillee», each con- »tiling of two delégales tiom each Judicial Dutrlct being ap- ps.mie«« «te penaaaeat organisation ssd oa resulutioi.» Ress» laiioa» to the reipect of tee »emery at Doea Rich moud wer« tbeu offered by Mr. Green aod paa«ed, and Mr. Tilden wai called u|«in t., r»«i..tnl, which he did in a political eulogy. Mr «¡reen s r»-«« I»n] thal the Convention to adjourn until IV','iii,cul.y «t 10 I. in «al vole.I donn by . pretaure ftoni t'.e New York «hort txiyaanl Isoaajyc ballot b>n ituff en in the gallen«», who, hcit.g without !".'!. and «hurt of lui ne», wer« «ntiuu« to hat« matters rushed through Helor« 1 ad, n fiaiibed hu »pa-ecti It wm -' o clink. THE ki«ass. The two hoon reoeil », re occupied in eating dinner and e«ini|iaring ootaa on the chances of tbs difieren! candidate« meutiooeo for mt nu r. THE MAINE RI.ICTION AM) ITS EFKBCT8. At noon Tai Imbi SS arrived, ooutalBing it« ipecial« from tk« Mihi election, thoa tig the ¡mínense gain o! the Radical Republicans. Ibu wai indeed palnf«! news, and, together willi ric ila ly rain that kia been falling looessantly to d«y, ¦.ti« th« new Coi.»! rvitl,ve. patriotic Copperhead Democracy and office holding Republican Convention feel very bailly. Tbe outuder» « urae.l «nd damned the Main« Yank*«», sud . wore th«y would never contribute another oent to the Port¬ land fand. Th« ii »in« election wai the chief topic of con ver Mtioa »t the dinner laid» and many were th« «scuse«. bat a«t«e had th« power of consoling. Wood and Pruyn were called upon to give «a acoount of th« Republic«« »bo are .lohntoiaani »nd they responded by sa]log that things were aot flieo m Main«, and »lung a promu* of enough vote« la Ne« York Stale pi delea! Kenton. This dob't please th« knowing Democrat« and they tipculy aatert that the lutlueoce of We««!. Pruyo and Raymond doo t amouut to anything. So tb« remit of th« Malu« «leclloo. initeed of overawing the Democrat! lo »upp»rt a conservati»« policy ha» rather in- eessod them to sn increased lupport of one of their own men. In foci, a ¡«ree anmber of aHra .»»mooral» thresUo a bolt If Dil. or oso of his itripe, ti nominated. The strength of the Moe um or Heymour pmt ty wss Jevsloped la th« afurooon let sioo. the arriRNooN session At « « clock the Convention mot. and after the reading of a long letter from one Morris Franklin to the members. . mo tion to »djourn over till morning was put, bot voted dowa at mott unanitmiuily. th« outsider» in the gallenei helping to rot* no Ntitwit'hiiandlng this the Chairman. Mr. Churob, declared the Convention adjourned. A I'KM'H A ric - EKE. Here followed a *t-eur of great ufu«lot. It li th« lame old itory of Democratic rows Severil deligstet r te to pro- lett agaltiat Mr Church I ni ug and ha «ttemptsd to ei Lletei but Jual aa he wa« »bou! addressing th» crowd Felix lcCl.uky came out of one of th« commit!«« roora«, hollooiug to Cherri «nd gave hiu a wink, .. Church Iroiiiedialmy put on tai hat and left th« »tige. Here another aseas of great dliordei and i'<i!.fu»>o!i eniued. nearly all the delegate» prê¬ tent rising to their f«et, some calling on ouo man to tak« the chair and other» on lorne one rise. The untslders and roughs toon fathered ¡n aa the lees and damning Church, and :i.«>liit|i «a« nu,a her Convention. The hall «as like a per Ii t ll< islam. Alter ae i era) benches had been upset andan spplt) msn's basket overturned. Su ruaste Tucker, the (»enter of a Isrge throng, mounted a chair and proposed " Three oliver» f"i Joh» Il"lliu«ii. Thc»e were given »iib » will liv hi» group. 'Ihen fitl.u.ietl tare« sheets f «r " Henry C. Murphy " A Dta ass» Mea prafmani three cheon fur dee» Dix but he » ,.a lua.ed and groaned down, ami another party propotlng cheen for lieu. S.ui'Uiu. utterly «I! prêtent ie«p«ind«ti!. I'la» asstttaslilsisd ss Inlloailns of th« outaule aseesare, lins confusion Isstett for some twenty minnies, when a delegate rained Ni» Ins called on one of the Suite IsOOStiro C'uinmlttee to coll the Convention to order again. This did not »neceo«!, however, «ntl it wss only when Senator Malst of Albany, a nu tiilier of Ihe Committee on locolaUnca, niunnted the plat turill and haringui'd Iii* «'road liait ai vllatig like order was r»si. ntl S af. r mai S,u« tried to ie»olte this hely int.i n lint.» BMetlBg, lint illiln t succeed, the men <»o Hu« loot « I] aig ¦.i, i, m- n. t«« s».«-. Leg vewaatthc aeamaatlna kts-vv t'.e ruwil »ah w h"iii he tvss tlciiini-. fur ¦-. I m the ,.,,..' i, ' If V«"l lune aot ""t .,r hutt hil» and »our lire bach loin«, wo vi iii rai-" a tai tom, i waa gre« led that's the calal hTs »sui aove placo ".Im l, the hall na« leered, sad the crow ti adjourned to ti." »upper and tiur loom» ni ilie \ Bl .OS A BAW, Ti.luv, Tinada v livening. TUB PROSPECTS Of TIIK DlltlltKSI IA Nl'IDATKS. Un- bibines ..i tia« Dalara Haaai pmeal i lively The dri/vlaii? rain make« It unpleasant «, »'id all »<-«'k »helier wit!aii. Tue abrupt termination «.-«."ti t.! tlf tiiiioiititin lia» ein« li. f | ,il, an.uni; tbe outmleis. or I,token s »ti. Ka. li "f ti"' person» s|H)ken of the candidate for (l.ivernor has a party of these «vtitsiden to pit forth bisrlal-n» In UM lubliK-s atiil bar raoin« of the hot'-ls. Hid»« nullities« csiaiot uiidentaud the movement» of the parly leader«, and their ii ry movement wait heil and commented on accordingly. Rome »ay the siljourning of the Convention wa« mereiy to give the Committee on Reiolntiom.a permunent nrgauiiition tim« to report, but other» ««sert thnt the uuliid« pressure for certain candidate» wa» becoming io great that lean of . break or tin« »late is filed up lo cauris might result from hsity »ellon. Tin Ulter jiui.stlv ii the true renou The Maine elections mt» Umg .,.,»,,: hy the anti riled feaal BaeltaaalJelge I' ,: .rti «ttiveci Ute Bet night or tailor early th.» mnrmug »lid H.r, .,,| «,,, in )of mt »hd u.Bí.h.ef vi Len ti« » nr rivcd,bat when Cagger aad Tild«a thowed the- atetegram from Raymond about tbe result tf tbe Maine eH-tlon tk«-" mirth toon ditappeared aod matters took a aeriou« lura with them, liaakin la only an «Herne!« delegate. pnten kmyxtimbe- l.i!-ti the sceiirs._-*, B** 'I'cKt'V'and Charch form a strong rin«r and willrvldeatlv bave the ehi f aay. Tblnga look ».«hi aa though either den Dix «r Mayor Hoffman will the tac- eei.fnl «"«adulate far Governor, witt Comstock or Prayn for Lientenant-Civernor TI« Jolntoa Re- pubdeana, leaded by Weed and l'ruyn, have been working aaaidooualy for Dix, aad tie Dix out«ld«r* aa»ert that be will be the nominee of the pat ty. Tie Hoffman part v. however, are e«¡»u_ly «angnme, but it U «vident their outside pr« »mr« give Ihem most of their big «how. Notwithstand¬ ing Dix »took la klgbeet to ni«ht. the Slocum party la «till alive aad working qnietly. All the regular, geanlae Demo¬ crat«, it U moid, favor 84o.at_. Horatio Seymour is said te be Blocnn's friend. Tb« Sloonm men alinde to the feet of (¡en. Dix« «ame being biaaed in the Convention thit tfternoon. and tay they will bolt if inch tu " old fence'' foeail Htt Dix it fastened on them. They «ant a itraight-oat Democrat, and no emergency bow will »hatter their pur poa*. It ia «aid thal then Slocum men w.Il compromit«, and take John B. Hitkin as their nomine«, with Franc-it Kelman of (»neila aa'iteuriiit-fíovernor. Ac¬ cording to the look» among the outuden to-night, bo definite concluaion aa to a candidat« ha« yat been arrived at, however. The indications mude amone ti« managers ara that Dix will be the man, wifh Comttoci aa kia Lieatenant. Morning Bay reveal something very different aad a coup dltat, like the nomination of Seymour two y tari ago, be eaaet-d. Henry C Murphy, like Hoffman, baa a good thaw among tb« outaid« Tonghi, but ttandt little chaaee for a nomlnatlon. Tllt KING« OIT-TY DELEQATtS Th« lummary-ettlenient of tb« claim ol the Kings Coialy driegatioBt to-day it ooDtidered a victory for tbe_4-cuin tarty. Tilt BiaoLUTIO»»-. There ha« beea some little «quabbiiog ovtr the reaolotiona, Marble pattering the Committee with tome of bia editorial« aa plank« for the put form. The reeolutiona will It« aomtthing ilmtlar to thoa« made by Haakio, oa witch Slocum waa de¬ feated with all the improvement« rendered neceaaary by tb« Philadelphia 14th of Auiruat Convention. Cougrcu will bo denounced aa a eorrnpt and daaaer-a* body, tiled with "trait¬ or« " and "dMUBloniaU," «qaaied by bob«, not etea Jeff. Davie or Le«. Preetdeot Johnton will be prononce«! a tutetmaa and patriot, although be may bo Bombie aid undignified, and hu policy will ha called win, good, and ihe only policy the Democretic party can indorse. Weed trying lo get a ré¬ solve eoionlimenuag Mr. Seward ia enion*- the resolution« He la likely te «ncceed. altbougb MeMaater« and olden think the» m I hear ih« tai, of that "little bell.' Nothing will be eau] about the Ntw (Jrleant or Memphis rioti, except th«y may bo charged tb« remita of l___-oai_a-. Tie S-ethtrn Loyal ( onreution will be denounced, and no ona but Copperhead«, It»trtlt and renegade Republic«» pralted. TBt SCE-I-B LAST BVBMHIO. Whitky has been -owing very freely thia eveniag, and tb« conseiiiienoa ia a good «toa) of noise and excitement John Morrusey i- bera, and working hard for Gen. Slocum. Weed'a roca, ha» been crowded aU ev-nittr. He acama to Îaiu more naipnlarii r aa the time liw. Cagger, (Jkurob and ilden ihuti him Mill TBa MINOR I OMITIONI OH tUB TICKBT. Th« excitement »bout lb« < > abenia-orial oouteii is to great that very little It aaid about tb« poaltioLt of Prison Inspector or Canal Comntiiaiouer. All depend ob who nominated for Governor. THE rTBW-TOKK CITA l.KI BUATTONr- Onlv the 'lammaay delegatioa will be admitted to-morrow. Halpin«« delegation of Dix mea will be thrown overboard. TUB tCENU IN THE HOTEL!. It ii now nearly miduiglit, and the hotel lobbir« ure getting thinned cut. All the tote* and readiag-roooi tablet, obairt and Boora are tiled witt tl«epy men who cam« too lata ta get even cou. Tie bar-room it stitt crowded, with little proepeot of being emptied betöre morning. Cheer« for Andy Johnson, John T. Hoffman aad taa ..moorello party are being given wirb a will. Poor Johnson If thote cheer» could only btv« been traniferr-d te Indianapolis bow much more agreea¬ ble it wonld have beea. (»PERmo PBOCEEDIHO-. Albaxt, Taaaday, Sept. 11, letto. Hy noon Tweddle Hall was crowded with delegates aad ip*ctutort. Th« hall aad «tag« were taatefnlly deooratad with lag«. Soon after 112 o'olonk the Convention waa called to order by Petar Cagger, Secretary of lb« Stau Committee, on wbot« mo¬ tion, by inetrncttoa of ti« State Commit»««. Sanlord E. Church of Orleana wa« ehoee.ii temporary chairman. Francia Kernen of Oaeida aod Jamet Kelly of New-York wer« appointed to ooadoot the chairman to th« itere, ADP-J-H OF THE TEMPOBABT PKUIDF.ÜT. On reaching the chair. Mr. Church addreeeed th« Conven¬ tion, li* remark« bung frequently interrupted by applaoae. II« ttld «ii eil.BBB or mi Cijav-inio- I beg leave to return yog my «lacere tkraaka for the honor you have conferred upon me, by electing me to preside temporarily over your deliberation! prindin« the iuiportaut pollt cal oouteat lu whick yon have aseeninTed. It involve, the qoetliou whether the Constitution le tob« the future guide of tbo Republic, or whether the country to drift along without chart or oompaaae«, governed onli by the i »price, or paialon, or fat atlolim of an accidental Cub- grcitiooal majority. |Cneeri. It involve, the question whether we are to have lulim and te ne. or dia union, and anaichy. aad daapotiam. |'..h*er«. Wh-tber all the «acrificea uf titea aad treainre ta preeerve the Catos have been made in vein, or are to be loet fortrer. !Cheer«.] lu a word, It inrolitt the perpetnitT of tree government, with ali lu prtceJcii bletaing«. fcbeer». lu ..»h acoBtiMt I need not aay, it U the daly of all Rood meo to uutte in cordial fraternity, regardleaa of previo.ipo- tieal relation«. Cheer» j P«r«niial ambition and (ealouar »ho'iid t»* laid aside in Tie w of en iuiiieriUil country [che*i-|, and who erer is uri wi Ung to do to fail«, lo my Jndgmeiit, to com* up to IB* »tanilar.1 of patriollaia Je_i_od*_ by tua »eoaaee., (Cheer* J Standing on «be rock of the Conditutiun. and by the «nie of that subie patriot and «tataeman. Andrew Johuton. lenthoalaatic cheering, waving of bau, Ac' under the protêt tlee of th« old flag, with not a itcr dimmed or periled, (cheer« J and «Ith th" motto of e«tual rla-hta *»J prntwitioa for all, we cannot fail to appeal with i.cceee to the people, wboae «verv loterr.t la centered lu the «uci-ea« of our eau»». (Cheer«.) The high character ami importance of thia Convention fur- nillir« .ruffling evidence of the (tint of conciliation and which will chara« terlt» ali it« action«, and when It« report gue« f,.rtti lo the public it will be «ure to receive the apprtiinl and raftloation of the ra«t majority of the peuple ot taa Saufen Stale Leal cheering. Mr. Lanaiag mured that Mr. f. 0 Perrin and Mr. Smith of Wallington lie appointed temporary Secret-met, which wa« carriel. » »XTBSTIKO PELEO ATI-El. The roll of delegate« vu theo called, and li appeared that th« «eve'al county delegation« were tulL From Schüttler and Richmond there were double délégation«, divided between Deniocnti and Conservative Bepublicant. It waa announced tnat the*« delegate« had egieed «nioog theunlve« how their vot»« were to tie caa«. Mr. .1. T Sprigg« movtd that the regular Democratic organ- laation of KiBgs ('«ninty, reoognlied «ucB by the laat State Convention. Ire now recögnited et «be only regalar Democratic organtialion In that County, and thal the délégation beaded by Mr McCu« be admitted. On thit motion be moved the previoBt cjuettlon, which wat ordered, and the motion au pat and declared carried. Mr. A. C. N«v«a of Sullivan pretented « pip»r tlgn«d by Mi.'haei t'oannily. ("hairmau. aad Autbooy M liar and John flardy, Secretarle«, claiming that tneir delegation U the reg- aiar'y elected delegation fioui New York, complaining that the» Committee bad »ought to fareaiall the action of the Convention by refuting them ticket» of admlas._ lo the Hall; and deinandiag their recognition. Ih« paper wa* referred to th« Committee on Organisation. TUB COMMITTEE Off OEOABIZATIOV Mr. A H Gr»«u of |Ouondaga moved tb« appointment of a Committee of Two from each Judicial Dittrlot on P«raanect Orgaaliatlon. which waa carried Mr. A. B Conger of Rockland moved the appointment of a tlmilar Committte lo report retolutioot, which waa carried. The following Committee« wera tbea announced by the ChBirmaa On oroa-tEiTio» -Fini Diitrict Emaaael B Hart, Thot. P. Stewart. Second Ambro*« Wager. Calvio É. Pratt. i hird ('hariet Holme« l.tdeon Keynoldt. Fourth J W. Vrr.ler. A li. Waldo Fifth Andrew U. tireen Mix. Kich .Tina. Suth. 1> P. Dev. S. T. Smith So «nth: J. E. .Innot. C. F. Ilackut. Eighth Siiat E. Davit, llohort Fliher. On Ke-OLiTI'A-il. .Flrtt Diitrict A. C. Hill A. Wakeman. Soi'i.uil A. 11. Conger, Homer A. Nelson. Third: Tbomtn li. Carroll, Ira Shafer. Fourth Daniel Magone, Heurv lunn. Fifth Mann« K-ruati Clinton li. Sage. Sixth Beary D. Harto. O Porter. Seventh. II. O. Cbeeabro, B. V Allan. Eighth. JurUon W. Sherman. Vi. K. Pargo. BEXOLl* MOM OB THE P).ATH 01 PEAK RlCUMo.Vp. A. II Oreen offered the following, with brief remarks eiiluglitie of tho deoeated H A«,«m. Hain Ruhm,«J -i-k-owi*_g*d leid*r of hit party an. »ii .11.¡unit »mi palo.'Iii: enlim, hu, by «lie niyilrnuni prund«-,« ni O.i- liaen i .dirai» rr-n.ov.-d ll-li.« ut. tit- it li hi Out tatt» «bie rtpt«iiioti a* Bite!« of *ur goef lui hu .um util rv»p*ci fur bl» el.«ii 'er ti errfirr-, Htiolit.1, Th ti tb« ii,«other« <>f thia (on»rnti«ti and th« gr««t l'trty «lil. hit reprririi«!. «reply >u.t »lii»er«l) un'urn the death uf llrau Ruliiiioiul. who ii-rniai th« prriuinl Ir.rnd o! «arb ct theoi, and thal ll.r) »ill remcaib.'ini* of hi» life. cb«r»ct«r Hld Reedred, Thit th« g"»t »blTiiei of th« lanieuted -r«-.ii»J, hi» M- gaellT a piii.ii.- cou»» Itor. lu» »|>irit, rutrrprit* tod Ixtorvoleirr ii a rittirii, bli »o th it i min. hit Adcl.ty .. . Irteo.) Ma f-nenl purl-lum it,.I tin. itt», liBi'i.t to th* C iinilltution ind the ITiIimi. ail. ,la». r.i-.llT nana <"' lutull.e ¡aittu. mcuiory lud aitae-i uf UM who r. ,H.,.|..r. Rrt-l.e.l. Thal tri.: « Ihr- lan o! iii Ti a man lu ut it an- time f «Tl.f aU.l aO.-ltlll», li ii hy til« circull.allln el of .1 rr.. L-r-il »till i.."fr -»ti., 'tii< «ud ¡hal Iii-in« rlv. it .1 li. ,i,l .ii.,-! ii,-' prr-iiwiiie.iry p»nu tiki up ti m fen ton., lu tor in lltrtliuee of that ( ulutI'.Ullull Hid I li BB i.-i«- I « ii« li.-.- / ti tin, C-BventloB triuim, tu the lurviving nily ti.- u««i nae«of lu p.ihv lu t !...!' nTi.-!i.»" tin' I ." ."¦." te-ar b- drt. t.-.l t »Maat.I to ti,.-in ,-o|.f. au* tlie'ti ». le p.l! Ilaiir-d III Til Aruu, «mi «I nrr Jiaprr- .. i, i, wat lit « peettl mama ¦¦! I.u ptiriotic atiun, »re rr- lo ii, lui Um a.aa _DD_-BM (»I -B. It-DBB "N Till DI A !U OK AtH. Kit HM'V'.>. Hi ii ..iti.iii uf Ihoumi 1!. CirniL Samuel J. 1 udi-u of Sew- Vurk muatatlanwl* lavrtedto ».lilr«-«« thuCouvciulou «>n UM ti.l ie.-t of the rt-ruliitiiin .Air. 1 liileu appeared on Um sUge, «licltiin: loii'l «pp'tme. and «poke at couildtrabl« lnngtii upon the ohara-tor al «ml rirlevirja the grail Ina» befora tfea ttaatr*, la It n.lil. Mr. l.ichtuoii.l felt io deep an lítele»! resolut unía were idopted uuannuouily, tho meuibtra rialiii- lo their feet. A R-C«*S-. ¦ A.'). Nitenmove'd a reconaidemtton of the volo ia regard M UM Kiiiíi" Ctiinity deh'iiatitin, and a delegate from New- York moved io I iy the m.itum m Hu- uhle. ___tfe wa» ctrned, and the Convviitluii took a recett until 4 p. tu. Arr-KNOON SS-HION. A-B-urr, tatala. Sept ti iem. On ihe rettaemhling ot ihe ('.invention. «Unir, » ritten hv M.'rriT lrankllii ot ÍTuihmg, (iiieeu» l.'ouutr. wa» i«-««l Itr the S«H-retarv. Ihe letter ludonei the c-uliey of tht Pre«! «1>> ni. deprecate« the courte ot Congreia, and urgei Hie Con- i ventl.'ii to harmonious ami u-itnotio action. I lu- l'rrndeut st.iti-d he wa» informed by the Com.» m. He-oliu.s that ti.»« vti-uld uol I. leady to re^rt befoie .*.. iiuirri'w ¦tarakaa lia II ii mi Ubi until lu . ...t k li.r»i « o. Tit tjanttot an pat, iad tit I tttd tfet noliaa earned, although the rva-xMises lo toe negative were sails numerous. A number of delegates immediately roe«, »»d, iiueitioning the oorreolne»» of tt« decision, »ski.««, the Preel- den«, Sandford K. Cboreb, to pot t!»e «i'ie.tion «rain. plied that h.» aroa!«! bo bsafoyv to do «o W«re It psurliaaruaUry OI ir-_.ihle Tit« Chair had allowed »uflioi«'«» «Ita« «o ok«J_tt»g« the vote whirs .>«, .*.«.*- done, »nd the chair being bow v»c»ie<i. ita outleo c*nnot bo renewed antil the hoar to »Bllea to which the Convention bad adjourned. Hit response was received with cheers ead hisses, ead there ware suggestions to so-set another Cba____o, bel these wore not Mt**-) upo«. Cheon were theo called for and given for «Toba T. Hula«». Cbeera were given for Henry T. Murphy and for Gob. Dix. Conaidorable coofualon foliotreit delegate« protesting that ii was wrong to keep them here another day when all the buii ne»« might be dine to night stkech or ira SHirr.B. O Ira Shafer being loodly called for took tlio stace »ad »d dre*»«-d the audience brUfly. He »aid he bad been delegatod by the Committee on Resolutions to inform the Convention that the Committee would not ptepared to report antil to¬ morrow; and this being the case ne thctoght the Coeveetion did a wise thing in adjourningover. Ile felt aaiared that every delegate waa actuated by a since re desire te pat ka nomination the strongest candidate!, res-ardlese of person»! perferences sod no barm could come from oslm deliberation la the performance« of duties so lui portant a* those whick deed- red on this Convention. To« delay of » d»y would uiit tajare sav interests while it may result la much good. His remarks wera received wjth warm approval, and at their close the delegates sod »pectaton left the bail. NEW-JERSEY LEGISLATURE. Ratification of the Constitutional Amendment. An Election for Uilted SUt« Senator Heit Week. Ç»wer to make »utfrige a condiiien *n.e ¡ua non of re« o «how that the power wa» in Congress, »od President tbe locaker read 7 Howard, Lather aft. A. 6. CATTEli IfOIINATED BY THJ. BEPDBLiCAM. TaexTOv, Tuesday, Sept li. lee«. TI.< SENATE. The Senate met st II o'clock this morning. A mo-asfe wa« reeeired from toe Booie of Assembly aaaeeae- ing that the House bad posoad tbe joint roeolutioe te rwlf» tke Constitutional amendment, and taking the conenireoee of the Senate. The joint resolutions to ratify tbe Constitutional »roendmsnt were then taken op and passe«! to s se»oond reading. Toe first spe«k«r on the »mendment wai the Hoe. Jamoo M. Scovai. Preiident ol the Soneto» Mr. Soovel coanaeaed by saying th«t no public duty had ever confronted the legis¬ lature of New-Jertey. »loee the 16th December, 1W7, when Ntw-.Ieney rallied tke Costitution of the United Stsilee, le- voivlog such great »nd momentous iMues »s this amendsseat. paa»ed by both Uonte« of Coagreos, and sent to tke people el America for tkoir approval or rejection. Tbe speaker m length examined eaek »ection of the «mendment, »ad ásele e lengthy argument to prove this measure wss too lenient to¬ ward tho«e who were still ready lo make ear opea the tlal principle« which give vitality and power to the A experiment of free government. His remark» collated the doust attention of the Senator» and of the Urge »adlSa»! which filled the galleries and the lohbv. Seoetor Winfield of Jersey City (Demoorst) follow»«! la a speech of some length, io which ke said rho abridged our rights, and compere«! R to the Sunset Bill which poased but Winter. Hs ipokc- of Fort Lafsyette. »nd ondee« ored to ihow that Johnson ttood by tb« Haltlmore platfona. He okarged centraJuatton on the Congr-as of the Uslwl Sute«, «nd said he be liar ed the New Orleans Coavent:oa waa organised by demagognee. The Senate adjourned to 3 «Volock. Un tb« -«.»»«enabling of the Seo-.«, the Cooititotiouel amendment was agaio taken np. Mr. Winfield concluded hu speech «cains! the ratification of the amendment The Hon. James M. Soovel followed ia a speech of aa boes in length, in which be alluded in a spirited manner lethe awaulta of the Senator from Jersey City (Mr. Winfield). Mr. Soovel went into a length y argument to show that the Demo¬ cratic pvty «track band» with Andrew John »on whee tke Preiident proved fake to bia pledge« made »even times under the attest of the Secretary ol gut«. Mr. Score! told th« Demoorst« that their opposition was to anj «levation whatever of the loval black wao kept step to the music: of the Hakan, and who under thus omoodmont would some day become a atol« «B4», not thrle-iflkl of Ona. Mr. Wiufield denied that the Dred Soott decision bad aey thing to do with the Democraiic platform. Mr. Hoovel i raced this twsnlt to tbeconscous ¡memory of »ii ¡looa ol true mon. It was the arch that decision) opon wkieh toe gloat party, based upon inequality »ad Injustice, strove te bu la » system of government which it would oe e mockery to call a Republic. Mr. Soovel read nu autotrrapb letter from Winter Davis supporting hu theory that Congres« bad tke wer to moke suffrage a condition »tu« ¡ua non of recognition. not lo the Bordea. i'ho nes>ro disturbed the equanimity of the gentlemen on the other »ide of the chamber. Bat justice moot be don«, and would be« done, m> matter what man, aod what landed aristocracy of the Soatb stood la the wsy. Mr. Strove! mentioned a' conversation with Richard Cobden. In which the great English commoner bad said that the American Republic could never bo conildered an experi¬ ment m self government »moe so great a patriot and so par« a man aa Abraham Lincoln waa r elected to the bigheet office In the gift ol the Amerton people ia time of civil wer. Be quoted from IVeaiilent Lincoln, who »aid By tb« ftass.« or'ia« '».veiwweal «ade* «rhieli «key live, this seine p*o|ileh*v« wi**!y |iv«aia«tr pmbate ««rvauU be« Rta« power tot u.i»i-iii«f. «nS luve witt «quel wisAous presided fur th« retara of tkat lill . to dieir own b*ade, al very (Oatt lnt«r-«l». Wbüe the piral« tê¬ ts!ii tlutr virtue atti vlgUaac« no «*tion, by a«ja.«su»asa wi_k*du*M ot folly, rea very iiijtu* th« ""innaI M Ok» short toner ot ti'ul yeal.. Mr. Boovei couctuueu »lil. . .|.t_.i fr.» tmtwedlat« asrtls,a on the «mendment. HeiAid By thli sign weisin corni io« Mr. Scovll wM followed bv tue Scnstor from Monmouth tMr. Little) who took decided ground «goiiist the ooseodaMst, saying that it oaght to be submitted to too people. r-rtiator Wirts condemned the action of the Goveraoc ia oonveoing the Leglaiature in extr» setaioo. Senator Buckley replied briefly defending the Governor, sad giving hit heartiest support to th« amendment. S»n«lor Recbav closed the debate. The joint resolution ratifying th« Constitutional A ¦sed mont was thoo put apon Its ps»«age. It was pesael hy the following rote. YüAi-Meee.». Acton. Blackman. Hue-ley Cobb. Bon«*, l.dUi, Reeve«, Riclry, 8cov»l. Wat: »od Wr«a«al.11. N«vi-M*»»r» Pat*r. Hoofbtv, Orlar. Kauvrdj, Lull*, Mania, Rabin*, Wiabe'd elad Wurt*.IS. The rotuli of the vote wa« aonoouoed amid » storm of .pplauae. Adjourned to Monday ssxt at 8 o'clock p. m. THE HoCS*. Ike Boase met st 11 o clock. Pifty two members answered to their name». After tke nut in g of the minulea of rooter- day's sécelos, Mr. Condit of Bosex, offered tke following reöolutioo: Httolrti, That we do sat. during our present mmIob. «ntertaj* *«y bill la referen, e to uy subject not imkraeid ia 01 toeoBia.««ll«d hy the «...vertwi « o»«***f«. Th« roaolation wa« »greed to.Teaa I-, Kays 13. Oa motion of Mr. Costls of Camdoo, the vote hy which Ike bill entitled " An act to facilitate the time and manner of «p- rslutiag Soaatorc of the railed State« on the part of Ula late,' waa ordered to c socoal raiding was reconsiderad, .nd tb« stld bill wai referred to tk« Committee oc J «dietary. The CunOiittee oo Engroioed Bills reported the joiat rraol. tion entitled "Resolution ratifying the Amendment el the Constitution ef the United Sutes." Mr Abbott of Hodson offered the following ra*oluiioa K.rA.ei T-st th* «juesuoii «f di« e «ellie ef a I'aiUd Alttaa Senator tu lnd*8nlt«'y po.tpoi.ed. The retoluiion waa not agreed to. Mr. Abbott offered the following retolstion Hiflrtd Tr.»i lb* following b* re'arret to th* Attorney (JeBeyal el th* State for his legal opiotoa Cas tbls Larai-lalere. amitt th* let »tailed " Aa «el te reiulet« the «ad manner «4* b«Ml«C el». Hen lor Senat":, la I wirara p.«rd Ja!. 44, 1888, «l«ct . I. ulled State» S«oK"l' Mr. Abbott defended tbe reiolutioo by qall, a iocf arg» men!, in which he affirmed that the law proscribe* ti»f . Seualor iball be eleotod by the Legislature choeen next pr«- i-"diug inch electioa. and thal this was not »ucb a Legt« lature, aad ho billevod that the election of a Senator at this extra somiou would be illegal A lona debate onioed upon the »pint and letter et tke Mw, öfter which ¦ vote wss taken and the resolution waa not .greed to by 'li Y-«a» to ól Nays. _\t. Wilnin of Hunterdon moved Ihst the con»ider»tioa of the Coiutitutiou«! Amsadment lie i«o«tponed nntil the aeatsec- . loii The DeoHrciaii« member» very heartily supported Ihie motion. Alter a »pinted discussion the reeoletioo wee re¬ jected. Thejoiot resolution ratifying th« Cooitautional Amend¬ ment was then taken up, read a third time sud passed hy Me following vote ÏSAS -Messrs. Anderson. I. V. A wea Reeder RIauvelt. Bardwell, Clsrk 4 mate. Cole, Coudi«, ( r .zer ( .stis, fuckescn, Edwarde, Eel k, rliry Fisher. Eon, U»rr1son. tireen. H*ys. lill! (speaker]. Jar rard l.stlaop, Moore. Morn«. Murphy, Nic-holeon. Niioti. Rsmiey, Maali. Tethun». Tyrell, V»n VV«|ouer, VV ¡«an, VV U.. VV»I««ige». M. * N»l».Me«ir». Al'beit. Bowne Crane Davenport, Dentare««, P«l, mer 1 «mi. 11 >a_i«n.( Ulla li liff. M V. Ila! W J Lae. I'.ie.' Ruh «c'tici. Tar!,,., TI,uii,_b_oii. VVerd, «A hu» V\ ever, WilsCC R II ger, YouDI-î«. I M«, »trioily » party vote The announcement of the .»ed Steel enthut«i»«nt, Cn- Republican member» of tk« li -¦. «¡ut tli friend« of the a li. t-u turnt among the spectators Duos) l.t.rtilv apolamling. Ai!j"iirn,-d t" oVIoei p. 'n. At t'"- sfteracca iccstos M"««r». T.-itlim-. Yovter, Kitten- tier.», Palmea aad Blefcaoa were api-otatö- » Com mitaca to .ate t iirtrge» of bribery and euri up!.on na.-a_si icrt«in memlicis of the Honse. to np mon I u>««U»y neu. Atlj'tiri ed ti Moii.U.» neal at » o'clm-k. p. m Th" joint re*oluti«ffl« r»tifyin_i the CiustitutiosBal Amend ment were intimated io liot Wjrd toon after their |«is__go by both homes, and were imme.listc-ly »pjrured. The i:.-nn!i!io»n memben of tat« Legislaiare held . joint c»iicus ihu morning m the Chamlarr i-f the Aaaemllt. After some diicusiion. ¡1 wosunsniniuueiv voted that Mr. Anxaadir 0. Cattell of Camdea. i ". aomiaee at the Repuoliuan memlter« In ti.« pending aleotWa f«>i 1'uiietl St »io« Scnstor. Mr. s-ovel wa» present at th«» caucus and made an eiplant lion of his recent political oourse He stated th»t ho aovar bad tie!.eve.! that the expulsion of Sc.iator Stockton waa wir- ranted la law. But In lhe prêtent peril of the country ko thu_i_ia it hu duty u»t to nand in the wsy of the great R*«pab hean party of New-Jeney and the whole countrr. Al oo timehad he thought of deserting the prinoiplei of tke Repek- licaa party. If hla coon« kad txMtu nu civ ed ia error, it wao an error of judgment »lone. Tbl» explanation wi» received with (.ken« of approval A member from Passaio County moved tiut Mr. Scovtl he re¬ ceived with open arms back into the Republican part*, ta which he riirhtfaUy belonged, which motion premiad hy » CBan-.m «tu vote. A r«>m«T!lt*ee wai appointe«) to Jraft re«i I illoni condemnlni? » if At drew Johmon se«) appruving the course of .¦. 8 .', t.'Soll» . « a'uoi« lad¡catad »».ii !.« latrdaeal «uto i. n. h

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* "-. ï«-.tl_r i,ill, »t I .uti .1 lark.

«% mu .-): AM» «-( IKXiL FOR Tit"! BOBM ».- '..»


L«-(«»_trdtoH. T. 1IF.LMR01.I), Di-gfi»«, ieto«.i_rt_diiig '".

IT.I ID KXTHAOT mc' ¦«»*. t


l<k H T __|_Maa S«. M Hfo-d-iy, N. Y.

1>BAB Kia Two bottle» only of tit« packigr of youl valuable

But hu, rr»wnted to tB* luitttot». b»Te be«-» »»ed b- th* mmtAmm I »uc-TM lu the Cat- Of our .lit!» LltuL A. -.. bit

.p-Ide I» no Iori**, BK-tiSed, ted b« I» fir« »rom Ih. dally «nornief

B»,e~_» ol I-* ch«_-t-» «mud »he hu charge of bl» bedding. 1 fe-4»«iilt «.( our u»eof 'your Butha " with the

rh.l-rrn under our rhtrjr t_iv wv* many . »utteri0|*»ij*ot and

¦.men of boaidlDf «fhoo» »i.d »»ylum» « great MM mt of annoyttoce,

ead in»riy t poo» child luftVi-ig inore from weikne«» th»n habit, pun-

lah«.»,. I that i» mu koowing that it i» waaknr.t luitrid of a bid

fcabt) «»oit uLjiittly bette«ed upon tlieui. Thanking you on brl.t f

el i-e children lol hoping other» may be illkc ben, Lied, I «ni,

Tour« v»ry letpectfi,! f, COL. YOUNO,

June It, I"-*. Oeririal So, «ri-ttiidri.t »id DiircU I

11)111 HUHHUH H li HHHH 11ITHmihi minHHH HUHHHUHHHHHBIlilli HlillHllHIlilli HHHIlilli IlilliHHH HHHH M H IlliliHHH HHH


*ip*ne-ee, t.m1 . «Tedu-t* of lb« JerTtrton Medic»! C.llegr ant of

III* I'liivrriiiy cf Mt.kui* and Surgery at Piulad*)-.-!*.


MR. II. T HELMBOLD-Daaa Bia )nrrg»Td te tb* t|a*MioDa kel m» ** te any opinion about BUCHU, 1 would »tv Utat 1 b*v«

Bard kn- .oíd the »nil I* u" Tiriout fenix for tb* r*»t thirty ye_r_. I

th, act ihink th*r« it any for» or pr»peratioD of ti h«v* Bot o«*d or

known te be atad, la ile -wrlou* du«ne« where «Deb aiedic»te »gtn»

would le >adic_te. You are aware, a« well t* n»y»rlf, that It ha*

tera «i«*mi»e)y employ*« io lb« varlou» diaea**« of lb« bladd*t «ted

IWo* j», in.d Ih* reputelton it ha* acquired in Bay j-_gt_e-t i« wir

matai by lb* !».-«».



1 Save «ees tod nted, mt before itaUd, «very form of BUCHU- the

powdered léete«, lae a.ipi* de«oetiou, tineture, fluid-extract«.«nd 1

Bat riot cof-uant of any preparation cf titiI plant at all nju-l to your»

Twrlre y«_r»' trial ought, I think to gt«re ru« the right te I Jilt*, of it»

.Dent-; aoal. without prejudice or partiality, I give your» pret-dtDC*

.vri all other«.


I val** year Borhi for it» eiltet on palin it. I have eurea with It

«al teen cur*d with it, uiorr du«»»«» of the bladder «ad ktdaey» then

11 »,r nar «arti, cured wit."» any other Buehu, or any otbrr propi ettrv

eoui-rsaod, of winterer naioe Re-pectfully your« IOEO II KF.YSKR, M. P.,

Augu-tl). l-tSS No. 140AA'ood»t., Pittihuril, Pa.A CAüi- OF TAVKNTY YEARS STANDINO.

PBH-toau-Bi., Peno-, Erbnury 15, ¡tua.

II T HiutaoLD Drupoul.Data Sib I hart hean » tuff-rer for upward of twenty yean, with

grttrl bladder, and kidney e-actlont, during which lim« 1 hare -..!«»riou» medicinal preparation», and b**n undet the treatment of lb* r-iioaut phyilrlani, ««perteaclsg but little relief.Utting tai. fan p-*par*lloni extendió)« td«erti»»d I coori: te

With aay fu-ily phydcUn in regard to u»ing your Extract Buche,


I did I) U bat-ioa» I lud oted ali kii.di of ijTtrlurd r«-.«dirn todBad found them wortblrM, an« »ocie quit* iojuiloui, in fact. 1 ia

Blatirrd ofmr gattiug well, tod drt»ri_i~ed lo um bo r*a»adirt ha-r*-

afte» -«let« I kn*w of the logredi'-nU '* *"t» ill« thal prom pled m«le ut* your rearely. A» yon td««itl**d that It wa« coiupoeid of

feuehu. en-*bt. and juniper berrie«. It occorrrd to in« io J a.y p! ytiCito it aa «ie*|ient aombiualioa, and, with hu aduce, after to «x

t-oiuttion of ihr »rtlel«, aod «-.Mulling again with tb« dr-t-nt«. I coo-

.UdedtolrT it. I co..are. ed it« ute about light wonlbi «go, atahum lim* I wii conlned to .y roooa.


(KK) 04K)OOO OOO(KKO (H)OOOO (KK)OOO IX M»000 OOOtx>o <»ooOOO <»oo«?on ooooooo

frew «H* lr»t botll* I waa Mtont»hed «t.d gratified at tb* beseft-ia)etr-. tod «fur untie it Ihr*« week» waa *bl* to wall out. I feltmort, like writing you a fal! »titr-ie it of mr cue al tha timr but

thought hit linpaot-mri.t rjiig'it only !-» temporary, »nd. tl.«rrf.,rr,«oBcJiided to _*f»r and m. if ii would »9*rt t perfect cut*, knowingIhm it would be of grail«! ni ir to you aad .tor* titi.fictory to me.


Bn va« bibbdt roa rira «oitii

i Nava bot ni» «sr bow roa nut bo.vtbi, abo rta*. At

«bul ia all atirtc-i . At I ara« bib»Kurhu bring d*«uid of any unplriiant lute »r,d odor, t nice

toi..- aad iBTiforatoi of the itK.oi, I do not maali to be without it»l.ri «ocatiou OMy rrquire ita ut In aucb afeelicina.

M. Mccormick.


Imy i< ,M M iittoMLt, ha rtfeil to th« foi_>»!

.tiatl Prr.n.ylTania.I no- I». »Lou


,.| |R rt-BTBB, Ba-Oeeatae» I'n aiiira-u.

LUI I.1.A1S, lu.lreBaa, Ki oh) I« u»t.'! . ti AA AATKItiAAlR!" j ,,!n-, I'hnad» ipt.i«.'Pn W, fu l-ORTHl IT...... pt. t

'('UN BIOLBB, i » ..o«, ra it. fifefil »

J, \A ul.ii.flon H (

la« _,»!.- oil-»,», U B'.ettary

DI>t>0_»ODDLI>*»-_I'I'1."I)1 f*. illiliI LI» l-l.I»M>:> I'liU!>l 1. I'll!)

I'l'l»I IHili

Min I IDMU» I'M»1.|i!i|.l-nlilil.D-.DPl.DDD

OELMHOLI»»« (l.i .,» Pr. i .- ti-, a Ki .d F.i-.itcl t! -tho. Eltid|i ubi SBiiiptri.ii ii.u I-, inn. Sen B/saki

Uti by li. 1. lil-LMK'l.l»I'm ir «t ai.'l l i*u »t t-f It yean »»..

* I « ! itaawar,F*t, trnpy, «.j t> . li,...i ,1«.

EUROPE.Neil by the Atlantic Cable to the

lilli IDSt.

The Pi-ussian Chamber of Deputies and the(¡overament at Issue on a Fi¬

nancial Question.


Maximilian to Have a Naval Escortto Europe.

Spain Deprecating the Sodden Withdrawal of theFrench Troops from Mexico.


Turkey About to Establish Diplomatic Rela¬tions with the United States.

Financial, Commercial, and Marine Intelligence.

PRUSSIA.opposition op tub chamber op deputies to thi

amount op me froposeh prune loan.BERUH. Tuesday morlane Sopt. 11, IK-«.

The Committee of the Chamber «if Deputies persistin the design of reducing the amount of the loanwhich the Government asks authority to obtain hythe issue of treasury nott*« from 6C,(»0(»,000 to 30,000,-000 of thalere.The Minister of Finance has protested in a speech

against euch a reduction, and expressed the hope thatthe Chamber would pasa the bill io its original form.


A report is current in (.overnmeutal circles that theKing of Prussia has de« iib d to place the l'r.nce K«>yalof Prussia over the late Kingdom of Hanover aa Vice¬roy, aud that Hi« Highness will soon take up his resi¬dente at the Pai.t.e in the City of Hanover.


Vii via. aVaeaaVj morning, Hej't. 11, UKThe Austrian Minister of the Marne has ordered

the Adriatic fleet now at Trk-.te to pro« w J to Polaand Fiume, the Austrian naval statioui«, to be dis-armed.

(HANGES IN THR NAMES OP RFI.IMKMTS.VirsvA, MomUy. Sej*. ¡i-Afiernoon.

An order La«-been is-iH-tl tay.le Min-t«r of Warth.Tt the regiuiciits of .be A*lett .a. ani.;. BIBmIthe King and Prince- of Pru«.-i.i, tin- I» ika of l.inU.i,end some others, «tail cease to bl t-o named.


A decree has Ixen issued by tie EBBperer. order.: _»the whole Austrian army to l»e pl_n.-i(l «ma,footing. _



Madv.d, Taeaday Morainj. Kspt. 11 1.W-.

The Eitrfette of to-day says that the Frew h troopsmn«t be witli___«wu from Meneo with the titniort

caution, unless ami. able relations are previouslyestablished with President Juanz.


COKSTAMisoriü, Toesday Sept. 11. 1W-Î.

The Sultan of Turkey, impressed with the im¬

portance of beinp in diplomatic communicationwith the Unit<«d States, has decided to e-tablish an

embassy at this American Capital. In nicordanrewith this decision, the Sublime Porte is about select¬

ing an influeniial member of his Government to pro¬ceed to Washington aa Minister Resident and Pleni¬potentiary of Turkey.


Co««sTASTii«ori.E, Tunday, Sept 11, 1W-G.It is rejiorted that in consequence of the But ceWul

results of recent trials of Ameritan small arms by the

Military Commissioners appointed for that purpose iv

the Porte, that the Turkish army is about to be armedentirely with carbines of American manufacture.Agents of the Government are about to leave for theUnited States to contract for their manufacture.

THE EASTER."! QCESTION.LoMf'S, Monday, Sept. 10.Eveulnf.

The Eastern question seems to be looming in theluture. Russia show- signs of moving ein. more to

obtain the control of the Dunubian Principalities, andprobably eventually of Constantinople.The Porte has determined to recognize Prince

Charles of Hohenzollem as Hospodar of the Princi¬palities.

MEXIt o.



I/'Si«"««, Tuesday noan, Sept. 11, 1_-j«_

Tht Ttmet Paris letter published to-day, says thatthe F.uiperor Mummil an is expected to returu fromMexico to F'irope by war st« ¡ma r.

ORGANIZATION Or* A MEXICAN ARMY.I'«ki-, Mondsy evening, Sept. 10, lK-C.

Oin. Mandez, M:iit'-ti r la Coiii-tantiiaiph', has been

recalled, and will ga out to Mexico ti organize an

army for serva.e alter the French cvac .ationC" u :. try.

Titi: CROPS,DB1ITOBAI in rOB hut


'. üli'l jr. » '.:.¦ 1. _.*: Ii- Dirfceta.


IiTiBffttrt, 'i . .«-.¡'U.i *.-¦ CattaiMarSet ii ,'.,i!..l>' ties It. day are »\*.tale». VIii!i1iii|r Bnmott are '¡uote.l «t Hi»l:ai.i""i S»[t. ¡1 I i«-iv.Df i' market las

raled stead/, witb salts» to tlty .f lo.oOti bair». Muldliiiiit'plands « !.'»e at lid

LIVIR!\s.i SHKIIs-Tlirs MARKET.Livaaro'i lapt i. 1» i-uivg.. Iire»(l*tuff«.The tn»rket

i» tttia »oil firmer n ah »u odisinte un all detrnplion». Ihm«.atlier ia unfavt/rable f, rcrii¡». Cm.tLe mist let is firmer.arti n. Mel M'e-Krn An «Ti mi;« noted at 'li «.' |,er qosrivr.V» lr»t .» firm »itn an adua.tetf MB, '.»r tentai. Floor is

SMS ver» tina w:t!. si: ti tirara.» f j.! jir larrel.I :v ihicOL ik( V is;ox MABI

I.ivr'i s-. I'Kivi.lfrns.Tie¦aries rieeei ter Aatarleaa TaBew,wliel«ti lil'.J a.

LOKfrOxi MOJIKT H.», BE FTI, M-.v, Tuesday Bean, ttUk IT f.l-l au »,.<.t*«l

at b*H lot millo !UniK'N. Tuenday. fiept. ll-4«T«niDg.-Tbe Boney market it

rtfetaav » _.* CstttmoU olo«e tbi. ereniog at at. lot

AMERICA» Min RIT1B8.Lomkiti. Toetday noon, Sept. II.-The enrren! prices for

Americio securities are aa fullowt: !'. S. 5.90«, 7., ErieI'n.iroad «hares. 441, IDiooia Outra] share«, 7f?|.

AMF.KK AN StCl RITIEJJ.I.t.MrOv, Tneaday. ijept. II. 1,c«t .Tb« market for American

»:«.« ki ti «fightly «tater, and quotation« at tbe elote of buttineetto-day were aa fellowt fun««! Stain I 00a, 7l|, Ene Rali¬way Share«, 44); Illinois Centr. Railway Bbarei. 781.


LOMrOMiEBtv, Tueadav noon, fiept. 11.The steamshi]) Nova l-rt-otia, from Quebec, »Se-it. 1,

arrived her« Hil« forenoon, tod »ailed for Liverpool.





WORK INO nTLKNDIDLY.'li-AhT'S (OrTTDtT.îierrl », lKrS

The Ore at Eastern left here for Liverpool at 4:30this aflfroo.*-.

II. M. K. Lilly leave« this evening with the Gov¬ernor of Newfoundland and »Mr. Field for fit. Johns.

II. M. 8. Terrible and the Medway leave here to¬

morrow morning for the Gulf of St. Lawrence, callingoff St. Johns for Mr. Field and Mr. Mackay.

Iloth of the Atlantic Cables arc working «.¡jlcndidly.MEXICO.

TID». OOVJtTRY OVBRR**» AVITH (¡fBRRILlAB.New« »bleaks, Bept 10..Amvals from Vera Crni

to the 4th mil. ihow, lu the language of the Onie of thatpla**, that bo twenty lei.uei exist in Mexico which are Bottrau r«« ii t'V .nerr.lla«. Tb« Crine layi tb« only reaiedy i«




Special Diapaich lo To* N V. TriBine.Chi« tt.c. Tueida*. Sept. II lStt.

lu ('!._._.. County, Ala., on Sunday lu»;, two neirroea,who wen- unable t«j lettie Boluc triOlin-* debt incurred bytfiena trefure the war, were sold into Slavery, one for |7_0and the .Thor fur pünj. Their united debil amounted to113 .ii |*e,1.1.



NeW-OBLBAHS, Sept. 11, IrHrli.. Tht St. MarysI .rut (La. Kunnar ooDtBiDj a rt fjtatiou of Ibr lal« natement

at to outrage« opon tbe aegroea ia that regi"u. Tbe homi

eldee wer« moetlv i'.itjii-iitt.-d by ntgroea apon otbtrt. tod all«lae» were ..fall »lu it lo tbe lalitfteilon of Ibt loyal bureanofficer lo bt just:*..ble and i.iiwerat¦'.¦.


A (UVVIATli'lt BT NATI".BAL BARK OKFICIBB.¦feaafeiI iii»iit«h n in» B y Tri....

(Tue i.ti 1 ue-iley. Sept. !1 1 Hr-B.I!,i-til,i cr« if the National llutiks «.f tin- Northwest

w.l in I-.» city fi. ii.t rrtiW n.«.ming at 10 o'clock.Mii.v i.f the di lt-|i«t>« have alreudy arrived, and a largeattendance it eijaected.


BeajTDB, S.-|,t. li.. a Htw-Toia t!..«-f vA),«»»«e nameli unknown wa« »hot dead early Dil« morolo» ou Ctirliea

Wkere, Wltbl he wa« oiertahrn by leatitcutt and two other Bateau who were tu purtnit.

eve« drew rerulveu and a fight eatued. Oil.err I.ii,» « .i ti.'.i bid . through the ter, and on»ti li, ii. nr«wa* killed. The othrr Hu . »tniTtl. Saverttl ihoaiaad dolíanwurt ti if »ilierwire andat-er valuable* «lilian from «ubarUtare«.dene« «i re re« e« » r- ..'


THBJtRY FAIL TO AGK!E ASM ARB 1 ¡"-CHARGED.1-1,1.». !.. !.» N V ti

iiABi-i ht, «njiu TaaaSari Baa«, ii ixvi.!:¦ in la-ha «an <.f the .taren r« .l«i.«-r-, aller being

-, bim- luto t-t.'iiil this iiinriiiiif declan-dtfeeir Inability to «irrer, and wt r<- fli-.!.»ri*'d. It li nu¬

ll that they »t«.<id lue t«. teven, .ludfe Htuert lieda i-t.lion t«i nd it .. the hail 'if th«- pruonert.

Ml.MXo / VTt. 1.1.IOEXCE.


tpecl»! Ptip-lc. t* Ihr N Y Tribut.*.('Hi. ano. Toeeday. Kept. 11. Ilnw5

Iti We»tern'Arkanti»atilvei vein hu been ttruck, whichfor a« vera! di» », a ielded Ko p..tin.)» daily, tbeu trecime exhaulted. Tin- Dtratlt nu- tri i:.«- tu tnuí ¦ continuance ofthe rabí, aben- it it believed the metal can lx» found in «]iiant.lies.A milong c«.in|.nny in Northern I/>uiuana «>n Friday

struck a Siiliil Id»« I of tiurr lead Velguiil.' Bt tutu OtherUroi- tim ka wire ftiutnl at a ditt.nee of 11 le-ct below theturfate of the ground.


»RECK OF THE BARK ADA G. YORK.I'OBTLand. Me., fiept. 11.-The bark Ada G. York,

from New Orleani for LlTerpool. with a «ergo of relton, wa«

wrecked on Kable Uland es the ¡7th of Angutt. Part of hercargo, »all« and rigging were «»red. aad tb« authorities were

making exertion« to «ave tbe remainder. The crew arrivedat Ilrilifax yeaterday. She waa owned In Portland bb! Waa

partially Iniured.'




The body of Frederick Fitienmeyer, a Germanboarding at tbe Hotel de Lyon, No. 51 Frankfort-it., waa found

early yeiierday morning tying In front ef tb« above boute, «hot

throagh the head. Tb« Invtitlfitlon of the police revelledthe following faeti On Monday evening the deceaird,Charle* Heminger. John Pickett, and Leonard Pay, whotioartlfd in the hou»e, vialted t«v«ral «alooni together. Tbeyreturned about 11 o'clock, bul Fllaeomeyer minted ob goingout again. Ilit friend» at the hotel aaa bo more of him outiTafterhii death.At about 1 o'c-lock Officer Tafgan of the Fourth Preolnet

hoard a putol »hot, hut atald not iearn frum whence it proceeded In a »hurt time Oftloer Brian of the lame Precinct,»Tille pato.¡lin. hit lx-nt dlicoiered the apttarcntly llfelaatform of Kit/enrnevrr lying on the front itept of the boar.mghouM. The trody wa« «till warm, but lb« man wa« onconaniou*anti in a djing condition, llefore be could b» taken to the-tntloti Houie life wa» cxtiiii-t An examinatmn «as made,and It wa« found that Le bad liven «hot back of the left ear. thehall taking au upward direction rtud lodging in the hate of thetimm.

'Ihe police having learned ihrtt John Pit-kett, I.eomril r»y,anti Cb.«iel llennt.iter had Leen at me Atlantic (iardrn In theBowerv with decea««-d. took them In ruatody on suspicion ofhaving fette teaeerae. in the murder. The piuoneri »nulthey »er« innocent, and declared lint th'-y hail not left the¡io,.»e after n-fii nmg at 11 1*1 lock in the e. emu.Veil» rtliT afternoon (« N'tumfinn hehl an lnt|ueai on

ti.»- bo«!) ni FItaaaanrar, hut th« trnaaaa failed to clear upthe mviierv in « litfe the murder ii e-Temped.

.lohn srt.itii teatitieil tint he kent a laser !»eer «»lunn at No.I .lame« «t. «li Mirnlal mill.t deceaaed and four « ompanitin«v isited hi« | lue«- ami tilt)ed tia.ntelli', one of the parti wat iti¬

ti sicatod m <l gaarrafil <v life a Mittori «i,-_.«n«'-<l wat not .¡nurrelatiTlt ti.ft .eft ifeaal II I', i, lill li.» J«Ti. I o| Hutt he ii I d mi I HV on MoailaiDight v !.. ii T .nr «>f Ih« !ui«iri!> n till OBI » ith h in th.y

f m .' parti '" "' » i '.'"' '''-.' l|"-

At r. M .1 ni \... .'.J ft u,ktardad fetl aaae i mni ¦..

o'e.ui'k tb« ¡.curd a r«Bt, ÍB B ftW li.uiin nt»

eport ,-t ,i |, uni »i i- leaked obi ia I » -.w « man.'. ard 1 I-afea aa Ut «ana imV

ttr-'t 1 t; at the »anio lime ah« Lenr.lgr.-ai.l: iCatkarlD« BoHand iirlir at No. 30 Frankfort »t.. te.tifif,]

« ii« «oi Itafclag .-.i ( i. « min« tarli «ntortlar »ui.rn

ing «nd s«w di m lied kivt uoU ol Ifet feaadH of hit iIih., ii,,.saw Ihr«-- oItag Btl f UM h»»eaient of '¦

n ¦' ,.1,1 an. Um y na tri r itlim. aad »baa I «j ¡rattten »ti um itttaae. hil ea t.e

tier tleiall rta ap rraakJe-t-«l, in» aid Pearl.I... i. i. Far. «fee «aa will dacaand m Um ¦Igbtet'tfei

-.tirder tntitirtl thal I« ltd tot kara 1 lialol thal nitrl.ti: nt »i.¦: li.« » nt No. 4 *a*Bn «t

ska waa arawa! abai tb» party atn.» lata ti« alan nu kimi«luv ri.-i.i. stttsaa a pin..i in tin- -iiiiii» m ray| Le »aid tintfel IrWayi «'irne.l It.Keveia! other wilneitet were extmined, hut no ad-lltiontl

fen ttota «li. ittii. i-\ii-|i tfeat whee tue polioe »mied tueItoirdirir houte »tier tnklu. ti.« Ixxly of ITl/eiune-ier t«, 0,rstntinn Uouet .i« PI« lett and Has nitm »ere in b*«l al theirrona*-. 'I h« case h«Tin»T )>eee fiven In tie Inrv the fallowing.erdit t wa« rendered I' Freut ntl Y i/'.-iimc-yer ctme ioh » death .vaattteJ »h"t aeaad In tbs bead, and (ron th< tri-

I Ititi at tht katiti et I.» mini la», and we ti.n.ktlmt ,)ni n IV krtt and ( bar'.«« lit miuger wer« «tcompl.eet ti.ti.« »i.." r K '¦

1 h« i t i.ri« tu t! i Ti-rr! » ti awtilihe it« ti. i.. f o., OraulJ-v« l'.i/ei.a-ey»r vu« 21 »/tan ef

... |. .n la t! i «a».


Only » Tcnpuiüiv urbanization ____-

fcrîed Yesterday,


The Maine Election -«essens the ieemocratieOpinion ol the Strength of John¬

son Republicans.



AUUtT, Taesday, Kept. 11. 186«.

The Convention assembled at noon in TweddleHall. The floor of th« kail was crowded with delegate«, «lier*being . very large Bamber prisent. Th« lobbies wire filled

with ipeotators, moat of whoa were roughs from Nsw-YorkCity »r.d «Brooklyn. L»st night's bo»t brought op . Isrg« dele¬

gation of Ucso roughs, who always honor Democratic Conven

fun with their pretence. They eonld aot be together toa

koon withoat «,Barreling, and the eonie«inonce waa there wereNierai fights ob board the boat during ker passsgs op theriver. Theoo fighting «haraeUrs are the champion» of thetoo rivals for the Gubernatorial nominatlor. Mayor Hofftn.uand Seaalor Henry OL Marphy. Murphy t fn«isd» lull fromllrooklyn »nd tk« Mayoi a from Nsw-York City. AU the ho¬tel» being «rowdod lo eaoeu, thoo« orriving Ute hsd to spendthe night ss batt they could, which they did in drinkingvhltky and cheering f.,r Hoffman and Murphy. Caooosaingin th» parlen »nd lobb.,, wss kept up to a 1st« hoar. TheMarne election au thoronghly diMossed, bat as bo new» ofUi» reeaH bad arrived at midnight, «II were saagai«« of larg«Democratic gain». Reta wsro nade that »t least one D*me¬rrilie candidate for ('oagreii would Ui sleeted. How astonlahed tit the delegate! this morning oa reading the nsws

from Maine l Net only bo Democratic Congressmen, but largeRadical gains. There waa some U'l swe»riog »nd long faces.The result of this election will hove» good de») of effect no

ti« action r.f Uie Onventioc. Tke naws is a bitter pill toWeed aod Prayo. and made them look conscience-streiken »tthe breakfast table tkia morning, yet they bare gatheredeoorage, and htipe to have the Convention nominate their manlor (»overnor. They take th« reiult of the M une election a» a

itroRg argument in f»vt.r of th« noo>l»»tioB of o Héroe Dil, for Governor. Weed » mea were oet thl» morning.running »round among the drl'-gat'-e. argtng Du npoa theCt'Dverition «s the only hope of »uceen» for the new Copperbead and office holding Repúblicas party.

alKKTtNO or THfc OOWV KHTtONAt 12 o'clock Peter Cagirer. «lean R.chmond'e leeeeesor m

r'.ief of the wire puller* and coateation manager», caled the(' nvenlioo of nsw patriot« to order, »nd proposed Handford K.Church of Orleans County a» temporary Chairman of the Coovent ¡on. Jame» Kelley of Nea-York City, the patnotlo Post-muter, who holds his office out of true friendship for th» unodof Me country, and not fur " broad ead bolter," m vulgar Re¬publicans aatert, and Kranri» Kesrneo of Uncida County were

»elm-ted M the men to eonduot Mr. Church to the ('hair AfterMr Church hsd bee» «¡»rrfully placed io his seel by Kelley »ndKe» usn he made a »kort »ddrea» to th« aaaenibleti flock, call¬ing it He no'de.t. l«rgr»t and most inteiloctosl politic«! bodyarm BSeaasMee, At hi« mention of the nat of A mlre»Jo'aLion ai the gr.aoit patriot and ttateiman of thisor sny Mher ige, tbere was Itiml cheering.When (kurth kid Unlike«!, two Heoretaries were appointa«),one of whom was the irrepressible I'« trine of Queen«. Perrin«wu one of the Secretarles at the Philadelphia (Aug. 14) Con¬vict.mi, with Ki ii McClosky is Sergeant at Arms. MM it

hei«, but de« line« acting ¡n hut Bia«) oapacitv, tuting thatorly firit elm thurn receive kii services. Felix, like Weedsti.l Marble, la oui« an outaidc worker. Kio« um I« ki« Seym«.ur neil, and then «nyl»xly but Dis. Tke nextIhiDg w«a tie reading of tb« nor« ol tbe vailoua delegation«Set.ral coontie* had two «eta of dclegite«, but Aird mattenarroiig tkcrr.t. Irrt. K ngs I ouuty had two delegations; bat.ti, tie n.i.(¡un t'f a delegate, tu« delegation recognised by theDam--, ram-1 m «etiiioti of laslyear waa «eirclel ao the properon*. Thl« »«solution was p.««i-d aader the rut» of the laeviousU' ennui whick »riiusLt a d« legel* of the rcMcgtd« Republicanit «'»'! to bl* f»«t. who prooersled lo m*k« a tuearb warningthe ( "irentl'tn of paning a gag law. li« h«d not »poses longwhee ma wa« knihed on by repealed erle« of Tah« your »wat,et.4 i-.tiie I., oraler I hie created »same eunfattoa. Hi« delegsir sssertlng «bat wer* hu right«. li« oouM oot!|aa» ha »eel op a written ree-luton, bul a motionI., av It in the table a aa manie, wita a» atneedaientby a Brooklyn rough to lhr.w it under the table. Tula familyti-errel leited «!»uul live nauutra aud sbuweil tbe teui|-rr of lb«I oovs istmtc It I« a waining to th» renegade Kaiiul.lican dele

fat-« that the Den,ia racy «re bound toral*. lh* reculerislne«! wa« then proeeerled with two cumirillee», each con-

»tiling of two delégales tiom each Judicial Dutrlct being ap-ps.mie«« «te penaaaeat organisation ssd oa resulutioi.» Ress»laiioa» to the reipect of tee »emery at Doea Richmoud wer«

tbeu offered by Mr. Green aod paa«ed, and Mr. Tilden wai

called u|«in t., r»«i..tnl, which he did in a political eulogy.Mr «¡reen s r»-«« I»n] thal the Convention to adjourn untilIV','iii,cul.y «t 10 I. in «al vole.I donn by . pretaureftoni t'.e New York «hort txiyaanl Isoaajyc ballot b>n ituffen in the gallen«», who, hcit.g without !".'!. and «hurt of lui

ne», wer« «ntiuu« to hat« matters rushed through Helor«1 ad, n fiaiibed hu »pa-ecti It wm -' o clink.

THE ki«ass.The two hoon reoeil », re occupied in eating dinner and

e«ini|iaring ootaa on the chances of tbs difieren! candidate«meutiooeo for mt nu r.

THE MAINE RI.ICTION AM) ITS EFKBCT8.At noon Tai Imbi SS arrived, ooutalBing it« ipecial« from

tk« Mihi election, thoa tig the ¡mínense gain o! the RadicalRepublicans. Ibu wai indeed palnf«! news, and, togetherwilli ric ila ly rain that kia been falling looessantly to d«y,¦.ti« th« new Coi.»! rvitl,ve. patriotic Copperhead Democracyand office holding Republican Convention feel very bailly.Tbe outuder» « urae.l «nd damned the Main« Yank*«», sud.wore th«y would never contribute another oent to the Port¬land fand. Th« ii »in« election wai the chief topic of con ver

Mtioa »t the dinner laid» and many were th« «scuse«. bata«t«e had th« power of consoling. Wood and Pruyn werecalled upon to give «a acoount of th« Republic«« »bo are.lohntoiaani »nd they responded by sa]log that things were

aot flieo m Main«, and »lung a promu* of enough vote« laNe« York Stale pi delea! Kenton. This dob't please th«knowing Democrat« and they tipculy aatert that the lutlueoceof We««!. Pruyo and Raymond doo t amouut to anything. Sotb« remit of th« Malu« «leclloo. initeed of overawing theDemocrat! lo »upp»rt a conservati»« policy ha» rather in-eessod them to sn increased lupport of one of their own men.

In foci, a ¡«ree anmber of aHra .»»mooral» thresUo a bolt IfDil. or oso of his itripe, ti nominated. The strength of theMoeum or Heymour pmtty wss Jevsloped la th« afurooon let

sioo.the arriRNooN session

At « « clock the Convention mot. and after the reading of a

long letter from one Morris Franklin to the members. . mo

tion to »djourn over till morning was put, bot voted dowa atmott unanitmiuily. th« outsider» in the gallenei helping torot* no Ntitwit'hiiandlng this the Chairman. Mr. Churob,declared the Convention adjourned.

A I'KM'H A ric - EKE.Here followed a *t-eur of great c« ufu«lot. It li th« lame

old itory of Democratic rows Severil deligstet r te to pro-lett agaltiat Mr Church I ni ug and ha «ttemptsd to ei

Lletei but Jual aa he wa« »bou! addressing th» crowd FelixlcCl.uky came out of one of th« commit!«« roora«, hollooiug

to Cherri «nd gave hiu a wink, .. Church Iroiiiedialmy puton tai hat and left th« »tige. Here another aseas of greatdliordei and i'<i!.fu»>o!i eniued. nearly all the delegate» prê¬tent rising to their f«et, some calling on ouo man to tak« thechair and other» on lorne one rise. The untslders and roughstoon fathered ¡n aa the lees and damning Church,and :i.«>liit|i «a« nu,a her Convention. The hall «as like a perIi t ll< islam. Alter ae i era) benches had been upset andanspplt) msn's basket overturned. Su ruaste Tucker, the (»enterof a Isrge throng, mounted a chair and proposed " Threeoliver» f"i Joh» Il"lliu«ii. Thc»e were given »iib » will liv

hi» group. 'Ihen fitl.u.ietl tare« sheets f «r " Henry C. Murphy "

A Dta ass» Mea prafmani three cheon fur dee» Dix but he» ,.a lua.ed and groaned down, ami another party propotlngcheen for lieu. S.ui'Uiu. utterly «I! prêtent ie«p«ind«ti!. I'la»asstttaslilsisd ss Inlloailns of th« outaule aseesare, linsconfusion Isstett for some twenty minnies, when a delegaterained Ni» Ins called on one of the Suite IsOOStiro C'uinmltteeto coll the Convention to order again. This did not »neceo«!,however, «ntl it wss only when Senator Malst of Albany, a

nu tiilier of Ihe Committee on locolaUnca, niunnted the platturill and haringui'd Iii* «'road liait ai vllatig like order was

r»si. ntl S af. r mai S,u« tried to ie»olte this hely int.i n

lint.» BMetlBg, lint illiln t succeed, the men <»o Hu« loot « I] aig¦.i, i, m- n. t«« s».«-. Leg vewaatthc aeamaatlnakts-vv t'.e ruwil »ah w h"iii he tvss tlciiini-. fur ¦-. I m the,.,,..' i, ' If V«"l lune aot ""t

.,r hutt hil» and »our lire bach loin«, wo

vi iii rai-" a tai tom, i waa gre« ledthat's the calal hTs »sui aove placo

".Im l, the hall na«

leered, sad the crow ti adjourned to ti." »upper and tiur loom»

ni ilie \ Bl .OSA BAW, Ti.luv, Tinada v livening.


Un- bibines ..i tia« Dalara Haaai pmeal i The dri/vlaii? rain make« It unpleasant«, »'id all »<-«'k »helier wit!aii. Tue abrupt termination

«.-«."ti t.! tlf tiiiioiititin lia» ein« li.

f | ,il, an.uni; tbe outmleis. or I,token s »ti.

Ka. li "f ti"' person» s|H)ken of a» the candidate for (l.ivernor

has a party of these «vtitsiden to pit forth bisrlal-n» In UMlubliK-s atiil bar raoin« of the hot'-ls. Hid»« nullities« csiaiot

uiidentaud the movement» of the parly leader«, and their

ii ry movement i» wait heil and commented on accordingly.Rome »ay the siljourning of the Convention wa«

mereiy to give the Committee on Reiolntiom.a

permunent nrgauiiition tim« to report, but other»

««sert thnt the uuliid« pressure for certain candidate»wa» becoming io great that lean of . break or tin« »late is

filed up lo cauris might result from hsity »ellon. Tin Ulter

jiui.stlv ii the true renou The Maine elections mt» Umg.,.,»,,: hy the anti riled feaal BaeltaaalJelge

I' ,: .rti «ttiveci Ute Bet night or tailor early th.» mnrmug »lid H.r, .,,| «,,, in )of mt »hd u.Bí.h.ef vi Len ti« » nr

rivcd,bat when Cagger aad Tild«a thowed the- atetegram from

Raymond about tbe result tf tbe Maine eH-tlon tk«-" mirth

toon ditappeared aod matters took a aeriou« lura with them,

liaakin la only an «Herne!« delegate. H« pnten kmyxtimbe-l.i!-ti the sceiirs._-*, B** 'I'cKt'V'and Charch form a strong rin«rand willrvldeatlv bave the ehi f aay. Tblnga look t» ».«hiaa though either den Dix «r Mayor Hoffman will b« the tac-

eei.fnl «"«adulate far Governor, witt Comstock or

Prayn for Lientenant-Civernor TI« Jolntoa Re-pubdeana, leaded by Weed and l'ruyn, have beenworking aaaidooualy for Dix, aad tie Dix out«ld«r* aa»ertthat be will be the nominee of the pat ty. Tie Hoffman part v.

however, are e«¡»u_ly «angnme, but it U «vident their outsidepr« »mr« give Ihem most of their big «how. Notwithstand¬ing Dix »took la klgbeet to ni«ht. the Slocum party la «tillalive aad working qnietly. All the regular, geanlae Demo¬crat«, it U moid, favor 84o.at_. Horatio Seymouris said te be Blocnn's friend. Tb« Sloonmmen alinde to the feet of (¡en. Dix« «ame

being biaaed in the Convention thit tfternoon. and tay they willbolt if inch tu " old fence'' foeail Htt Dix it fastened on them.They «ant a itraight-oat Democrat, and no emergency bowwill »hatter their pur poa*. It ia «aid thal then Slocum menw.Il compromit«, and take John B. Hitkin as their nomine«,with Franc-it Kelman of (»neila aa'iteuriiit-fíovernor. Ac¬cording to the look» among the outuden to-night, bo definiteconcluaion aa to a candidat« ha« yat been arrived at, however.The indications mude amone ti« managers ara that Dixwill be the man, wifh Comttoci aa kia Lieatenant. MorningBay reveal something very different aad a coup dltat, like thenomination of Seymour two y tari ago, be eaaet-d. Henry CMurphy, like Hoffman, baa a good thaw among tb« outaid«Tonghi, but ttandt little chaaee for a nomlnatlon.

Tllt KING« OIT-TY DELEQATtSTh« lummary-ettlenient of tb« claim ol the Kings Coialy

driegatioBt to-day it ooDtidered a victory for tbe_4-cuintarty.

Tilt BiaoLUTIO»»-.There ha« beea some little «quabbiiog ovtr the reaolotiona,

Marble pattering the Committee with tome of bia editorial« aa

plank« for the put form. The reeolutiona will It« aomtthingilmtlar to thoa« made by Haakio, oa witch Slocum waa de¬feated with all the improvement« rendered neceaaary by tb«Philadelphia 14th of Auiruat Convention. Cougrcu will bodenounced aa a eorrnpt and daaaer-a* body, tiled with "trait¬or« " and "dMUBloniaU," «qaaied by bob«, not etea Jeff. Davieor Le«. Preetdeot Johnton will be prononce«! a tutetmaaand patriot, although be may bo Bombie aid undignified, andhu policy will ha called win, good, and ihe only policy theDemocretic party can indorse. Weed I« trying lo get a ré¬

solve eoionlimenuag Mr. Seward ia enion*- the resolution«He la likely te «ncceed. altbougb MeMaater« and olden thinkthe» m I hear ih« tai, of that "little bell.' Nothing will beeau] about the Ntw (Jrleant or Memphis rioti, except th«y maybo charged a« tb« remita of l___-oai_a-. Tie S-ethtrn Loyal( onreution will be denounced, and no ona but Copperhead«,It»trtlt and renegade Republic«» pralted.

TBt SCE-I-B LAST BVBMHIO.Whitky has been -owing very freely thia eveniag, and tb«

conseiiiienoa ia a good «toa) of noise and excitement JohnMorrusey i- bera, and I« working hard for Gen. Slocum.Weed'a roca, ha» been crowded aU ev-nittr. He acama to

Îaiu more naipnlarii r aa the time liw. Cagger, (Jkurob andilden ihuti him Mill

TBa MINOR I OMITIONI OH tUB TICKBT.Th« excitement »bout lb« < > abenia-orial oouteii is to great

that very little It aaid about tb« poaltioLt of Prison Inspectoror Canal Comntiiaiouer. All depend ob who .« nominatedfor Governor.

THE rTBW-TOKK CITA l.KI BUATTONr-Onlv the 'lammaay delegatioa will be admitted to-morrow.

Halpin«« delegation of Dix mea will be thrown overboard.TUB tCENU IN THE HOTEL!.

It ii now nearly miduiglit, and the hotel lobbir« ure gettingthinned cut. All the tote* and readiag-roooi tablet, obairtand Boora are tiled witt tl«epy men who cam« too lata ta geteven cou. Tie bar-room it stitt crowded, with little proepeotof being emptied betöre morning. Cheer« for Andy Johnson,John T. Hoffman aad taa ..moorello party are being givenwirb a will. Poor Johnson If thote cheer» could only btv«been traniferr-d te Indianapolis bow much more agreea¬ble it wonld have beea.

(»PERmo PBOCEEDIHO-.Albaxt, Taaaday, Sept. 11, letto.

Hy noon Tweddle Hall was crowded with delegatesaad ip*ctutort. Th« hall aad «tag« were taatefnlly deooratadwith lag«.Soon after 112 o'olonk the Convention waa called to order by

Petar Cagger, Secretary of lb« Stau Committee, on wbot« mo¬

tion, by inetrncttoa of ti« State Commit»««. Sanlord E. Churchof Orleana wa« ehoee.ii temporary chairman.Francia Kernen of Oaeida aod Jamet Kelly of New-York

wer« appointed to ooadoot the chairman to th« itere,ADP-J-H OF THE TEMPOBABT PKUIDF.ÜT.

On reaching the chair. Mr. Church addreeeed th« Conven¬

tion, li* remark« bung frequently interrupted by applaoae.II« ttld«ii eil.BBB or mi Cijav-inio- I beg leave to return yog

my «lacere tkraaka for the honor you have conferred upon me,by electing me to preside temporarily over your deliberation!prindin« the iuiportaut pollt cal oouteat lu whick yon haveaseeninTed. It involve, the qoetliou whether the Constitutionle tob« the future guide of tbo Republic, or whether the countryI« to drift along without chart or oompaaae«, governed onli bythe i »price, or paialon, or fat atlolim of an accidental Cub-grcitiooal majority. |Cneeri. It involve, the question whetherwe are to have lulim and tene. or dia union, and anaichy.aad daapotiam. |'..h*er«. Wh-tber all the «acrificea uf titeaaad treainre ta preeerve the Catos have been made in vein,or are to be loet fortrer. !Cheer«.] lu a word, It inrolitt theperpetnitT of tree government, with ali lu prtceJcii bletaing«.fcbeer». lu ..»h acoBtiMt I need not aay, it U the daly of all

Rood meo to uutte in cordial fraternity, regardleaa ofprevio.ipo-tieal relation«. Cheer» j P«r«niial ambition and (ealouar »ho'iid

t»* laid aside in Tie w of en iuiiieriUil country [che*i-|, and whoerer is uri wi Ung to do to fail«, lo my Jndgmeiit, to com* up toIB* »tanilar.1 of patriollaia Je_i_od*_ by tua »eoaaee.,

(Cheer* J Standing on «be rock of the Conditutiun. and by the«nie of that subie patriot and «tataeman. Andrew Johuton.lenthoalaatic cheering, waving of bau, Ac' under the protêttlee of th« old flag, with not a itcr dimmed or periled, (cheer« Jand «Ith th" motto of e«tual rla-hta *»J prntwitioa for all, wecannot fail to appeal with i.cceee to the people, wboae «vervloterr.t la centered lu the «uci-ea« of our eau»». (Cheer«.)The high character ami importance of thia Convention fur-

nillir« .ruffling evidence of the (tint of conciliation which will chara« terlt» ali it« action«, and whenIt« report gue« f,.rtti lo the public it will be «ure to receive theapprtiinl and raftloation of the ra«t majority of the peuple ottaa Saufen Stale Leal cheering.Mr. Lanaiag mured that Mr. f. 0 Perrin and Mr. Smith of

Wallington lie appointed temporary Secret-met, which wa«carriel.

» »XTBSTIKO PELEOATI-El.The roll of delegate« vu theo called, and li appeared that

th« «eve'al county delegation« were tulL From Schüttler andRichmond there were double délégation«, divided betweenDeniocnti and Conservative Bepublicant. It waa announcedtnat the*« delegate« had egieed «nioog theunlve« how theirvot»« were to tie caa«.Mr. .1. T Sprigg« movtd that the regular Democratic organ-

laation of KiBgs ('«ninty, reoognlied a« «ucB by the laat StateConvention. Ire now recögnited et «be only regalar Democraticorgantialion In that County, and thal the délégation beadedby Mr McCu« be admitted. On thit motion be moved theprevioBt cjuettlon, which wat ordered, and the motion au patand declared carried.

Mr. A. C. N«v«a of Sullivan pretented « pip»r tlgn«d byMi.'haei t'oannily. ("hairmau. aad Autbooy M liar and Johnflardy, Secretarle«, claiming that tneir delegation U the reg-aiar'y elected delegation fioui New York, complaining thatthe» Committee bad »ought to fareaiall the action of theConvention by refuting them ticket» of admlas._ lo the Hall;and deinandiag their recognition. Ih« paper wa* referred toth« Committee on Organisation.

TUB COMMITTEE Off OEOABIZATIOVMr. A H Gr»«u of |Ouondaga moved tb« appointment of a

Committee of Two from each Judicial Dittrlot on P«raanectOrgaaliatlon. which waa carriedMr. A. B Conger of Rockland moved the appointment of a

tlmilar Committte lo report retolutioot, which waa carried.The following Committee« wera tbea announced by the

ChBirmaaOn oroa-tEiTio» -Fini Diitrict Emaaael B Hart, Thot.

P. Stewart. Second Ambro*« Wager. Calvio É. Pratt.i hird ('hariet Holme« l.tdeon Keynoldt. Fourth J W.Vrr.ler. A li. Waldo Fifth Andrew U. tireen Mix. Kich.Tina. Suth. 1> P. Dev. S. T. Smith So «nth: J. E..Innot. C. F. Ilackut. Eighth Siiat E. Davit, llohortFliher.On Ke-OLiTI'A-il. .Flrtt Diitrict A. C. Hill A. Wakeman.

Soi'i.uil A. 11. Conger, Homer A. Nelson. Third: Tbomtnli. Carroll, Ira Shafer. Fourth Daniel Magone, Heurvlunn. Fifth Mann« K-ruati Clinton li. Sage. SixthBeary D. Harto. O Porter. Seventh. II. O. Cbeeabro, B. VAllan. Eighth. JurUon W. Sherman. Vi. K. Pargo.

BEXOLl* MOM OB THE P).ATH 01 PEAK RlCUMo.Vp.A. II Oreen offered the following, with brief remarks

eiiluglitie of tho deoeatedH A«,«m. Hain Ruhm,«J -i-k-owi*_g*d leid*r of hit party an.

»ii .11.¡unit »mi palo.'Iii: enlim, hu, by «lie niyilrnuni prund«-,«ni O.i- liaen i .dirai» rr-n.ov.-d ll-li.« ut. tit- it li hi Out tatt»«bie rtpt«iiioti a* Bite!« of *ur goef lui hu .um util rv»p*ci fur bl»el.«ii 'er ti errfirr-,

Htiolit.1, Th ti tb« ii,«other« <>f thia (on»rnti«ti and th« gr««t l'trty«lil. hit reprririi«!. «reply >u.t »lii»er«l) un'urn the death uf llrauRuliiiioiul. who ii-rniai th« prriuinl Ir.rnd o! «arb ct theoi, and thalll.r) »ill remcaib.'ini* of hi» life. cb«r»ct«r Hld

Reedred, Thit th« g"»t »blTiiei of th« lanieuted -r«-.ii»J, hi» M-gaellT a» a piii.ii.- cou»» Itor. lu» »|>irit, rutrrprit* tod Ixtorvoleirr ii

a rittirii, bli »o th it i min. hit Adcl.ty .. . Irteo.) Ma f-nenlpurl-lum it,.I tin. itt», liBi'i.t to th* C iinilltution ind the ITiIimi.ail. ,la». r.i-.llT nana <"' lutull.e ¡aittu. mcuiory lud aitae-i uf UMwho r. ,H.,.|..r.

Rrt-l.e.l. Thal tri.: « Ihr- lan o! iii Ti a man lu ut it an- time b«f «Tl.f aU.l aO.-ltlll», li ii hy til« circull.allln el of

.1 rr.. L-r-il »till i.."fr -»ti., 'tii< «ud ¡hal Iii-in« rlv. it .1 li.

,i,l .ii.,-! ii,-' prr-iiwiiie.iry p»nu .Ítiki up ti m fen

ton., lu tor in lltrtliuee of that ( ulutI'.Ullull Hid I li BB t» i.-i«- I « ii«

li.-.-/ ti tin, C-BventloB triuim, tu the lurviving

nily ti.- u««i nae«of lup.ihv lu t !...!' nTi.-!i.»" tin' I ." ."¦." te-ar e« b- drt. t.-.l t »Maat.Ito ti,.-in ,-o|* tlie'ti ». le p.l! Ilaiir-d III Til Aruu, «mi «I nrr Jiaprr-

.. i, i, wat lit « peettl mama ¦¦! I.u ptiriotic atiun, »re rr-

lo ii, lui Um a.aa

_DD_-BM (»I -B. It-DBB "N Till DI A !U OK AtH. Kit HM'V'.>.Hi ii ..iti.iii uf Ihoumi 1!. CirniL Samuel J. 1 udi-u of Sew-

Vurk muatatlanwl* lavrtedto ».lilr«-«« thuCouvciulou «>n

UM ti.l ie.-t of the rt-ruliitiiin.Air. 1 liileu appeared on Um sUge, «licltiin: loii'l «pp'tme.

and «poke at couildtrabl« lnngtii upon the ohara-tor al«ml rirlevirja the grail Ina» befora tfea ttaatr*, laIt n.lil. Mr. l.ichtuoii.l felt io deep an lítele»!resolut unía were idopted uuannuouily, tho meuibtra

rialiii- lo their feet.A R-C«*S-.

¦ A.'). Nitenmove'd a reconaidemtton of the volo ia regardM UM Kiiiíi" Ctiinity deh'iiatitin, and a delegate from New-York moved io I iy the m.itum m Hu- uhle. ___tfe wa» ctrned,and the Convviitluii took a recett until 4 p. tu.

Arr-KNOON SS-HION.A-B-urr, tatala. Sept ti iem.

On ihe rettaemhling ot ihe ('.invention. «Unir, » ritten hv

M.'rriT lrankllii ot ÍTuihmg, (iiieeu» l.'ouutr. wa» i«-««l Itr

the S«H-retarv. Ihe letter ludonei the c-uliey of tht Pre«!«1>> ni. deprecate« the courte ot Congreia, and urgei Hie Con-

i ventl.'ii to harmonious ami u-itnotio action.I lu- l'rrndeut st.iti-d he wa» informed by the Com.»

m. He-oliu.s that ti.»« vti-uld uol I. leady to re^rt befoie .*..

iiuirri'w ¦tarakaalia II ii mi Ubi

until lu <¦ . ...t k li.r»i « o.

Tit tjanttot an pat, iad tit I tttd tfet noliaa

earned, although the rva-xMises lo toe negative were sailsnumerous. A number of delegates immediately roe«, »»d,iiueitioning the oorreolne»» of tt« decision, »ski.««, the Preel-den«, Sandford K. Cboreb, to pot t!»e «i'ie.tion «rain. H« r«

plied that h.» aroa!«! bo bsafoyv to do «o W«re It psurliaaruaUry OI

ir-_.ihle Tit« Chair had allowed »uflioi«'«» «Ita« «o ok«J_tt»g«the vote whirs .>«, .*.«.*- done, »nd the chair being bow

v»c»ie<i. ita outleo c*nnot bo renewed antil the hoar to »Blleato which the Convention bad adjourned. Hit response wasreceived with cheers ead hisses, ead there ware suggestionsto so-set another Cba____o, bel these wore not Mt**-) upo«.Cheon were theo called for and given for «Toba T. Hula«».Cbeera were given for Henry T. Murphy and for Gob. Dix.Conaidorable coofualon foliotreit delegate« protesting that iiwas wrong to keep them here another day when all the buiine»« might be dine to night

stkech or ira SHirr.B.O Ira Shafer being loodly called for took tlio stace »ad »ddre*»«-d the audience brUfly. He »aid he bad been delegatodby the Committee on Resolutions to inform the Conventionthat the Committee would not b« ptepared to report antil to¬morrow; and this being the case ne thctoght the Coeveetiondid a wise thing in adjourningover. Ile felt aaiared thatevery delegate waa actuated by a sincere desire te pat kanomination the strongest candidate!, res-ardlese of person»!perferences sod no barm could come from oslm deliberation lathe performance« of duties so lui portant a* those whick deed-red on this Convention. To« delay of » d»y would uiit tajaresav interests while it may result la much good.His remarks wera received wjth warm approval, and at

their close the delegates sod »pectaton left the bail.


Ratification of the Constitutional Amendment.

An Election for Uilted SUt« Senator Heit Week.

Ç»wer to make »utfrige a condiiien *n.e ¡ua non of re«o «how that the power wa» in Congress, »od a«

President tbe locaker read 7 Howard, Lather aft.


TaexTOv, Tuesday, Sept li. lee«.TI.< SENATE.

The Senate met st II o'clock this morning. Amo-asfe wa« reeeired from toe Booie of Assembly aaaeeae-

ing that the House bad posoad tbe joint roeolutioe te rwlf» tkeConstitutional amendment, and taking the conenireoee of theSenate.The joint resolutions to ratify tbe Constitutional »roendmsnt

were then taken op and passe«! to s se»oond reading.Toe first spe«k«r on the »mendment wai the Hoe. Jamoo

M. Scovai. Preiident ol the Soneto» Mr. Soovel coanaeaedby saying th«t no public duty had ever confronted the legis¬lature of New-Jertey. »loee the 16th December, 1W7, whenNtw-.Ieney rallied tke Costitution of the United Stsilee, le-voivlog such great »nd momentous iMues »s this amendsseat.paa»ed by both Uonte« of Coagreos, and sent to tke people elAmerica for tkoir approval or rejection. Tbe speaker mlength examined eaek »ection of the «mendment, »ad ásele e

lengthy argument to prove this measure wss too lenient to¬ward tho«e who were still ready lo make ear opea thetlal principle« which give vitality and power to the Aexperiment of free government. His remark» collated thedoust attention of the Senator» and of the Urge »adlSa»!which filled the galleries and the lohbv.Seoetor Winfield of Jersey City (Demoorst) follow»«! la a

speech of some length, io which ke said rho ameaa.eatabridged our rights, and compere«! R to the Sunset Bill whichpoased but Winter. Hs ipokc- of Fort Lafsyette. »nd ondee«ored to ihow that Johnson ttood by tb« Haltlmore platfona.He okarged centraJuatton on the Congr-as of the UslwlSute«, «nd said he be liar ed the New Orleans Coavent:oa waa

organised by demagognee.The Senate adjourned to 3 «Volock.Un tb« -«.»»«enabling of the Seo-.«, the Cooititotiouel

amendment was agaio taken np.Mr. Winfield concluded hu speech «cains! the ratification of

the amendmentThe Hon. James M. Soovel followed ia a speech of aa boes

in length, in which be alluded in a spirited manner letheawaulta of the Senator from Jersey City (Mr. Winfield). Mr.Soovel went into a length y argument to show that the Demo¬cratic pvty «track band» with Andrew John »on whee tkePreiident proved fake to bia pledge« a» made »even timesunder the attest of the Secretary ol gut«. Mr. Score! told th«Demoorst« that their opposition was to anj «levation whateverof the loval black wao kept step to the music: of the Hakan, andwho under thus omoodmont would some day become a atol««B4», not thrle-iflkl of Ona.Mr. Wiufield denied that the Dred Soott decision bad aey

thing to do with the Democraiic platform.Mr. Hoovel i raced this twsnlt to tbeconscous ¡memory of »ii

¡looa ol true mon. It was the arch that decision) opon wkiehtoe gloat party, based upon inequality »ad Injustice, strove tebu la » system of government which it would oe e mockery tocall a Republic. Mr. Soovel read nu autotrrapb letter fromWinter Davis supporting hu theory that Congres« bad tkewer to moke suffrage a condition »tu« ¡ua non of recognition.

not lo theBordea.

i'ho nes>ro disturbed the equanimity of the gentlemenon the other »ide of the chamber. Bat justice mootbe don«, and would be« done, m> matter whatman, aod what landed aristocracy of the Soatb stood la thewsy. Mr. Strove! mentioned a' conversation with RichardCobden. In which the great English commoner bad said thatthe American Republic could never bo conildered an experi¬ment m self government »moe so great a patriot and so par«a man aa Abraham Lincoln waa r elected to the bigheet officeIn the gift ol the Amerton people ia time of civil wer. Bequoted from IVeaiilent Lincoln, who »aidBy tb« ftass.« or'ia« '».veiwweal «ade* «rhieli «key live, this seine

p*o|ileh*v« wi**!y |iv«aia«tr pmbate ««rvauU be« Rta« power totu.i»i-iii«f. «nS luve witt «quel wisAous presided fur th« retara of tkatlill . to dieir own b*ade, al very (Oatt lnt«r-«l». Wbüe the piral« tê¬ts! ii tlutr virtue atti vlgUaac« no «*tion, by a«ja.«su»asawi_k*du*M ot folly, rea very iiijtu* th« ""innaI M Ok»short toner ot ti'ul yeal..Mr. Boovei couctuueu »lil. . .|.t_.i fr.» tmtwedlat« asrtls,a

on the «mendment. HeiAid By thli sign weisin corni io«Mr. Scovll wM followed bv tue Scnstor from Monmouth

tMr. Little) who took decided ground «goiiist the ooseodaMst,saying that it oaght to be submitted to too people.

r-rtiator Wirts condemned the action of the Goveraoc iaoonveoing the Leglaiature in extr» setaioo.

Senator Buckley replied briefly defending the Governor,sad giving hit heartiest support to th« amendment.S»n«lor Recbav closed the debate.The joint resolution ratifying th« Constitutional A ¦sed

mont was thoo put apon Its ps»«age. It was pesael hy thefollowing rote.YüAi-Meee.». Acton. Blackman. Hue-ley Cobb. Bon«*, l.dUi,

Reeve«, Riclry, 8cov»l. Wat: »od Wr«a«al.11.N«vi-M*»»r» Pat*r. Hoofbtv, Orlar. Kauvrdj, Lull*, Mania,

Rabin*, Wiabe'd elad Wurt*.IS.The rotuli of the vote wa« aonoouoed amid » storm of

.pplauae.Adjourned to Monday ssxt at 8 o'clock p. m.

THE HoCS*.Ike Boase met st 11 o clock. Pifty two members answered

to their name». After tke nut in g of the minulea of rooter-day's sécelos, Mr. Condit of Bosex, offered tke followingreöolutioo:

Httolrti, That we do sat. during our present mmIob. «ntertaj* *«ybill la referen, e to uy subject not imkraeid ia 01 toeoBia.««ll«d hythe «...vertwi « o»«***f«.Th« roaolation wa« »greed to.Teaa I-, Kays 13.Oa motion of Mr. Costls of Camdoo, the vote hy which Ike

bill entitled " An act to facilitate the time and manner of «p-rslutiag Soaatorc of the railed State« on the part of Ulalate,' waa ordered to c socoal raiding was reconsiderad,

.nd tb« stld bill wai referred to tk« Committee oc J «dietary.The CunOiittee oo Engroioed Bills reported the joiat rraol.

tion entitled "Resolution ratifying the Amendment el theConstitution ef the United Sutes."Mr Abbott of Hodson offered the following ra*oluiioaK.rA.ei T-st th* «juesuoii «f di« e «ellie ef a I'aiUd Alttaa

Senator tu lnd*8nlt«'y po.tpoi.ed.The retoluiion waa not agreed to.Mr. Abbott offered the following retolstionHiflrtd Tr.»i lb* following b* re'arret to th* Attorney (JeBeyal el

th* State for his legal opiotoa Cas tbls Larai-lalere. amittth* let »tailed " Aa «el te reiulet« the «ad manner «4* b«Ml«Cel». Hen lor Senat":, la I wirara p.«rd Ja!. 44, 1888, «l«ct .

I. ulled State» S«oK"l'Mr. Abbott defended tbe reiolutioo by qall, a iocf arg»

men!, in which he affirmed that the law proscribe* ti»f .

Seualor iball be eleotod by the Legislature choeen next pr«-i-"diug inch electioa. and thal this was not »ucb a Legt«lature, aad ho billevod that the election of a Senator at thisextra somiou would be illegalA lona debate onioed upon the »pint and letter et tke Mw,

öfter which ¦ vote wss taken and the resolution waa not

.greed to by 'li Y-«a» to ól Nays._\t. Wilnin of Hunterdon moved Ihst the con»ider»tioa of

the Coiutitutiou«! Amsadment lie i«o«tponed nntil the aeatsec-. loii The DeoHrciaii« member» very heartily supported Ihiemotion. Alter a »pinted discussion the reeoletioo wee re¬

jected.Thejoiot resolution ratifying th« Cooitautional Amend¬

ment was then taken up, read a third time sud passed hy Mefollowing voteÏSAS -Messrs. Anderson. I. V. A wea Reeder RIauvelt. Bardwell,

Clsrk 4 mate. Cole, Coudi«, ( r .zer ( .stis, fuckescn, Edwarde, Eelk, rliry Fisher. Eon, U»rr1son. tireen. H*ys. lill! (speaker]. Jarrard l.stlaop, Moore. Morn«. Murphy, Nic-holeon. Niioti. Rsmiey,Maali. Tethun». Tyrell, V»n VV«|ouer, VV ¡«an, VV U.. VV»I««ige».M.*

N»l».Me«ir». Al'beit. Bowne Crane Davenport, Dentare««, P«l,mer 1 «mi. 11 >a_i«n.( Ulla li liff. M V. Ila! W J Lae.

I'.ie.' Ruh «c'tici. Tar!,,., TI,uii,_b_oii. VVerd, «A hu»V\ ever, WilsCC R II U« ger, YouDI-î«.

I m» M«, »trioily » party vote The announcement of the.»ed Steel enthut«i»«nt, Cn- Republican member» of tk«

li -¦. «¡ut tli friend« of the a li. t-u turnt among the spectatorsDuos) l.t.rtilv apolamling.

Ai!j"iirn,-d t" :« oVIoei p. 'n.At t'"- sfteracca iccstos M"««r». T.-itlim-. Yovter, Kitten-

tier.», Palmea aad Blefcaoa were api-otatö- » Commitaca to

.ate t iirtrge» of bribery and euri up!.on na.-a_si icrt«inmemlicis of the Honse. to np mon I u>««U»y neu.

Atlj'tiri ed ti Moii.U.» neal at » o'clm-k. p. mTh" joint re*oluti«ffl« r»tifyin_i the CiustitutiosBal Amend

ment were intimated io liot Wjrd toon after their |«is__goby both homes, and were imme.listc-ly »pjrured.

The i:.-nn!i!io»n memben of tat« Legislaiare held . jointc»iicus ihu morning m the Chamlarr i-f the Aaaemllt. Aftersome diicusiion. ¡1 wosunsniniuueiv voted that Mr. Anxaadir0. Cattell of Camdea. I« i ". aomiaee at the Repuoliuanmemlter« In ti.« pending aleotWa f«>i 1'uiietl St»io« Scnstor.Mr. s-ovel wa» present at th«» caucus and made an eiplant

lion of his recent political oourse He stated th»t ho aovarbad tie!.eve.! that the expulsion of Sc.iator Stockton waa wir-

ranted la law. But In lhe prêtent peril of the country kothu_i_ia it hu duty u»t to nand in the wsy of the great R*«pabhean party of New-Jeney and the whole countrr. Al oo

timehad he thought of deserting the prinoiplei of tke Repek-licaa party. If hla coon« kad txMtu nu civ ed ia error, it waoan error of judgment »lone.Tbl» explanation wi» received with (.ken« of approval A

member from Passaio County moved tiut Mr. Scovtl he re¬ceived with open arms back into the Republican part*, tawhich he riirhtfaUy belonged, which motion premiad hy »CBan-.m «tu vote.A r«>m«T!lt*ee wai appointe«) to Jraft re«i I illoni condemnlni?

» if At drew Johmon se«) appruving the course of.¦. 8 .', t.'Soll»

. « a'uoi« lad¡catad »».ii !.« latrdaeal «utoi. n. h