new the breckenridge news. (cloverport, ky) 1900-06-06 [p...

I s t THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS WEDNESDAY JUNE 6 19003r Y I < ap- J J 1 a k i Ii I I L h I Itl D 1 s I l er er trIf el 11l n 1 1rs rss tI- f I I I tI tI tI t t- Ij I r sr t t r r n- Y r t HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEWS Wonderful Calculating Pencil I al 4 of is of be in A 25 15 For by the Ky BIG Frank Hardin went to Vine Grove Suns 3 Ben Olarkson was in Louisville ast week Born to the wife of Claude Meyer on the 24th a Tom Dnrbta Alfred Taylors house at Ouster Miss Lill Olarkaon was in Louisville for the reunion Mrs Hines Is visiting her married ter Robt was here last week with his line of samples John Morris went to the city last Wed needay and returned that night Nell Blakely of Louisville is here with her cousin Mrs James flamed Dr Strother and Miss Mary McMeador made a flying trip to Ouster last week Mr Guy Meador attended the com l exercises at Lynland last week Mr Babe Smith and family visited Mrs of Ouster J Sunday I Dr Btrother and sister were the guests of the Misses of lest Friday > f Mr Henry Hardin who travels for Simmons Hardware Oo of St Louis is r at home for a few days r H Meyer and John D Meador were at last to attend the funeral of Mrs Abe Carlton t Mrs Ben Olarkaon was preeent at the exercises at Hampton t oghti p evening Mrs Ellen Scott alter a lingering illness of several months died Saturday May t 96th and was burled Sunday Mr and Mrs Dock of Ouster were here Sunday the guests of her par i ante Mr and Mrs 00 Martin Mr and Mrs Henry Ament of Stevens burg were here visiting Mr and Mrs last Thursday and Friday H Meyer and family Miss ward John Meador and John Garter were the gawte of Daniel Trent near Caster last f Grainger of GaUatn Tens rep R was the guest of Dr Strother last Thurs day night Scott and Mr and yo r Mr and Mrs Harry Mrs Tom Scott of Vine Grove were I here Sunday to attend the burial of their 4 Mother Mrs Ellen Scott f That tired haggard look Is due to the nerves They starved Tone Them and the whole system will at oaoe take OB new life and Increased yicr or Walkers Tonic the I and feeds to the- se I It gives vigor vim and vitality to system Tutor You know that In I countries such as ours a man is I only allowed one wife Now what Is that stale of things called Papil I know The pencil that figures with a twist of the wrist That figures than you can and never makes a mistake That Calculates from 1x13 to 12x24 in the twinkle of an eye That gives you hundreds upon hundreds with the and accuracy of an expert CALCU ¬ LATINGPENOIL Can you tell as quickly as this hbw much is or 9 at 180 cost or how 3 per cent of 1617 is etc It is a little says the Pitts burg Press It is a of mechanism and has a deal of our IOUS says the Traveler An of the greatest says the ouths Companion CAN YOU BEAT IT Aluminum and attached to a pencil standard quality Fits any lead pencil Is also a pencil point protector a pencil lengthener and eraser Can carried Ithe vest pocket regular cent article Special introductory price Sale BRECKENRIDGE Cloverport SPRING dayMr son iapalntlng sla Lodlburg- Mk McQuffin lJ mencement Hardaway neighborhood Haulberts Bhineyvllle Hawesville Thursday commencement Wednesday Springate Richardson Mu Publishing Company all are np recuperates nourishment thViyhole Christian Monotony quicker anything of calculations swiftness THE NEWS pencil llx24 dozen much truly wonder marvel ingen excited interest amcung Boston article education merits Made pure common cents NEWS SuD enUnaSanders coarse VALUABLE1DOQ PASSES AWAY About one month ago there departed from this community a dog of remarka ¬ ble ancestry He was possessed of won derful vivacity and looked upon by his associates as the KinK of all dogs His name was Daniel which indeed was very appropriate Aa a bird dogjin the field he had few equals In color he was white with pretty black spots covering his bodyI Engineer ofj the Henderaon route thought as much or more of Daniel as of any of his belongings His death was caused from a severe attack of diatom per When this canine died there were none left in this country tot fill his place Mothers who would keep their chil ¬ dren in good health should welch for the first symptoms of worms and remove them with WHITES DREAM VERMI ¬ FUGE Price 25 cents The Packet Company Branching Out In This City The Louisville do Evansvllle Malt Line Company has rented of Mr Frank Fralzo the tobacco factory which latands near the wharf for a period of years The Company will commence repair- Ing and remodeling the building which will be used for the purpose of an office waiting room and storage house Dont let your diarrhoea reach the chronic stage Cure it with Dr Bells Anti Pain the greatest cure on earth for Colic Cholera Diarrhoea and all Inter nal and external pains A Banker and Statesman Dead Col Hubert P Potter of Bowling Green died last week at the home of his father in law the Hon James A Mc- Kenzie at Oak Grove He died from kidney trouble He was a prominent banker and extensively known all over the state Col Potter was a member of the following secret orders Elks Knights of Pythias and Knights Tem- plar Accommodating Dlaeaaei Perhaps the record for school attend- ance belongs to a Walworth lad named Thomas Ward who was never absent or late during his 11 years of school life beginning with his fourth year The local member of the school board for London tells the story that when the proud boy received the attendance medal for the eleventh year which bad to be specially struck to meet his case the mother was questioned as to how her boy had been able to make so remarkable a record Has ho bad the usual children complaints she was asked Yes sir The measles Yes sir- Whooping cough 7- I Yes sir How Is It then that bo has never been away from school Well sir he had them In his holi ¬ days was the Interesting reply Westminster Gazette i ROBERTS BOTTOM Success to the school Summer visitors are arriving- R D Hamilton has purchased new binderFarmers are getting ready for wheat harvestMany One tobacco plants have been set since the rain Emts English spent several days in Louisville this week Bornto the wife of Berle Rayborn May 25th a daughter Mrs Sam Dix who has been danger- ously ill Is slowly recovering Corn was much benefited by the re- cent ¬ rains and is looking fine Sunday school at Roberts school house every Sunday at three oclock Miss Medora Oaldwell will teach the public school at Shiloh this fall1 Miss Dee Buham of Sample has ap ¬ plied for the fall school at this place Mrs Louis Wegenaat and aunt of Louisville are visiting Mr and Mrs Andrew Wegenast- MrsFrankLacy and children of Hop klnsvllle are dally expected to visit her parents Mr and Mrs H S English- LT surreyR wagonbut and they meet with Dr Milliners luck breakIng two buggies In one week they will not have their vehicles long GARRETT We have had a good rain Louisvillelast May30th Beulah Dowell spent Sunday with Nettle Foushee Felix Meyer of Buras la here for a few days this week Dr and Wilbur Wlllitt visited their parents recently JakeBuuge4May VlsltInl Dick Brown and family spent Sunday with W B Mattlnnly and wife Mr and Mrs Allen Sanders were the guests of Wm Tindall and family Sun ¬ dayMiss Dora Funk spent a few days last week at Hill Grove the guest of Ida B Shacklett Mrs A L Wilhite and Mert Miles were tho guests of Jim Foushee and family Friday night 0 H Lane and wife Bathe Hender son Ethel Fairlelgh Ben Lewis and Casper Funk spent Sunday with John Funk and family o A m if o n x j Beantllt LsiTto Kind Yw Have JUwajs Benefit IiIpame lIdtlo of One Was EnongTi That Illustrious astronomer Profess- or Slmcn Newcomb In an article on Science and tho Government In The North American Review gives an amusing Instance of tho Ignorance oven of tho most prominent politicians re- garding tho work of tho greatest scien ¬ tistsIt Is said that some CO years ago the British academy had printed a few cop lea of an Important work for presenta tion to some foreigners who from their prominence in the scientific world were best entitled to be honored with the gift Professor Airy the astronomer royal was requested to make a selec tion of tho names A few days after ho had sent In his list ho was informed by tho secretary of tho admiralty that my lords were struck by tho number of unknown names Included and that they wished to make an Inquiry on the subject Airy asked the secretary fox some specifications as to tho names re- ferred to- IRell as an example sold the sec retary hero Is the name of Professor C P Gauss of Gottlngen Who Is ho7 I Gauss Is ono of tho greatest math ematicians of tho ago and stands among the two or three most eminent masters In physical astronomy now liv ing Who else do you wish to know about V No ono elso That will do replied the secretary KnifeI The flood on the For the last ten years said a cu rlo denier In tho Old Quarter a broad bladed dagger with an Imitation bronze handle has been lying among a lot oi odds and ends In that corner showcase I dont know where It camo from but I probably got It when buying some collection At any rote tho other day while looking over my dead stock II occurred to me It might bo burnIShed up and used as a paper knife I tool It out scraped the handle a little to see what It was made of and then laid 1 It on my desk to attend to a customer When I picked It up again I was ast- ounded to find the blado dripping with blood It seems a childish thing to toll but the Incident was so growsomo and apparently InexpUcable that It set mi trembling like a leaf In a moment however my common sonso came to tho rescue and what proved to bo the correct explanation flashed Into my mindIt was a trick dagger for ueo either on the stage or In somo secret society mummery and tho hilt contained a hidden reservoir for artificial blood In scraping tho side I had pressed a spring which opened a little valve and out camo tho gore still fluid attar all theso years I afterward found that tho top unscrewed for replenishing the supply Now Orleans TimesDemo crat Ded Wo cannot tell with any certainty when the first portable furniture was Invented and to JUdgo by tho ark as it survives among our children Noah was either Ignorant of such things or and more probably denied himself their use for tho time being In order to leave more room for to animals But long before Cowpor somewhat apologetically sang tho sofa nomot was proud to enumerate tho cherished and decorated pieces of furniture In the tents of the heroes before Troy and described Odysseus pleasure m seeing onto more his own beautiful bed as sympathetically as any other Incident of the return while that bo had a second best bed Is one of the very few personal facts wo know re- garding our Shakespeare Shades of Ulysses and Bhakeepcaro A bed was a bed then In Greece a couch worthy of a hero In England a miniature stago of Ufo with Its tap ¬ estried roof and hangings and curtains that rose or tell with fitting pomp on the great scenes of tho domestic dra ¬ ma Chambers Journal Tales of the Note Indented nostrils evidence meanness wide nostrils a spendthrift A Up jut ting out far from tho taco Is a token ol vulgarity refinement being tho pos session of tho owners of noses that do not stand out far at the end An aqut Una bond denotes firmness of will and souse of Justice the long narrow bridge proclaims a fastidious self suf- ficient yet often tender nature All thi active qualities combatlvenesa eager ness passionate temper power of ha trod Jealousy ambition go with the moro common typo Of Roman nose The Greek form on tho contrary telli of artistic capabilities and lovo of In animate beauty Rough on nu Lordship A carpenter In an English town hav Ing neglected to make a gibbet that had been ordered by the hangman on the ground that ho had not been paid for the last one bo had erected gave so much offense that the next time the Judgo camo to tho circuit he was sent forFellow said tho Judgo In a stern tone how came you to neglect milk lug the gibbet that was ordered on mj accountI beg your pardon replied the carpenter Had I known it had been for your lordship It would have been done Immediately Mutual Sympathy CollectorIm sorry Mr Slowpay but your tailor has put his account against you into my hands for collec tion Mr Slowpay Ho has eh Do you work on a commission basis- CollectorYes sir Mr Slowpay Then Im sorry tot you Chicago News Charge Your lawyer mado some pretty se ¬ veto charges against the other fellow didnt hor 1 Yeos but you ought to see how ha charged mol Grten Bag Job Printing done at this office on short notice Sores and UlcersE THE orEN DANSER That old sore or ulcer which has been a source of pain worry and anxiety to you five or ten yearsmaybe longerdoesnt heal because you are not using the proper treat ¬ LIFEpain m I is in the blood and far beyond me reach 01 external Bp A sore heals promptly when the blood is in good maU0I15I i I tendency of these old sores and ulcers is to grow worse spreading and eating deeper Into the flesh I They are a constant drain upon the system gradually but aurely ruin the health and sap the very lifeI A persons capacity for work or pleasure is soon lost in the great desire and search for something to cure S S S makes a rapid and permanent cure of old sores and ulcers ail is the only medrchte that does because no other can reach deepseated blood troubles Ordinary Sarsaparilla and potash mixtures are too weak and watery to overcome a deadly poison that has taken possession of the blopd Do not waste valuable time experimenting with 01 Some rears ago I was themI I I A QQn8uOf developed luto a running a number of blood Wounflaod concluded to give It a trial The rnult was truly < get wellI trouble and forced the poison out of my blood soon afterwards the sore healed up and war cured sound sad now have perfect use of the leg which was swollen and very still tot a long time J II ICnIUVBa rawrenecburc 8yl l Wff S S S Is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known is made of roots and herbs of wonderful purifying properties which no poison can resist S S S quicklyand effectually clears the blood of nil morbid unhealthy humors and the old troublesome sore heals At the same time the general health is invigorated and built up When a little scratch or hurt falls to heal readily you may be sure your blood is bad S S S will soon put it in order and keep it so Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians who have made wllllZladlyI f I l l SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA NEWSOMSCOLUMN i I Do you want to i buy a house I Call on R L Newsom Do you want to rent a house or i farm i j Call on RL Newsom Do you want legal documents I drawn up such as decdsmort gages bonds agreements etc Call on R L Newsom Who wants 812500 on good se curity Call on R L Newsom Do you want to place a loan and and have it well secured I I Call on R L Newsom- Do you want to know if Cloverport I is on a fresh boom Call on R L Newsom SDOO house for solo right now lOne onR L Newsom Which is the greater number j I 193714 dont know or 191331 Ifgyoi I Ask R L Newsom I I Do you understand the Guberna I tonal steal made by the BOcalle Legislative Committee drawn by lot by Ed 0 Leigh et al If you dont know Call on R L Newsom In short any one vis ¬ iting Cloverport with a view of buying property or locating will be driven around and shown the place and its advan ¬ tages and with his forty years experience he can point you out any defects of title Money saved is money made Call on R L Newsom LOCUST LAWN HERD of Registered Poland China Swine- The herd I la headed by Commodore Sampson 163335 sonar King Trenton S6J the greatest prize winning Poland Chloa bog lYlnfr dead Commodore ampsonI I a cle- bnted sire and WI can trstbfully say wIthout casting any reflection on Breckenrldga county that w e inavar expected to see as grand a brad hog < oraofina an Individual within her borders Wa sell no how records Dot we can sell aged low gllti boars ready for service spring and ran pigs that wla plisse yoar Cheap for quality of stock Can on or address I 0 A FOOTE < SON- Irvington I Ky I GEO Ha CASPERKE I IJewelry and j flea Policies for least money la Life Fire Ter aado and Accldant tnauranc I BRANDENBURG KY I iKodal l Dyspepsia Cure I Digests what you eat artificially digests the food and olds Nature In strengthening and recon ¬ structing the exhausted digestive or- gans ¬ It is the lat discovered digest I preparationI Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nausea- StckfcadacheGastralglaCrampe and all other results of imperfect digestion Pr1co 500 and 11 Largo Uoeontalni8 IJlmca small sUo Book all about dyipepata Prepared by Eo C DtWITT A CO Chicago MFor sale by A R Fisher Oloverport BIGGIE BOOKsl A Farm Library of nneqtiiHed vaine Practical I Uptodate Concise and Comprehensive Hand ¬ Lamely Printed and Beautifully illustrated By JACOB B1QQLB No 1 BIQQLB HORSE BOOK AU about Uo CommOllTrftUwithoorer 74 WuatratlOlllI standard work Price joCtnu No aBIQQLB BERRY BOOK AU about growlntr Small FrulU md and tarn bow j ludlnenrleties NovBBlOqLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry the beat Poultry nook in existence I tells ererythlnfr t wltluj colored lifelike reproduction of the principal breed with 103 cthcrUluilrallonv a Pri jo CalU No 4BIQQLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business baying greet t i coforedlifelikrreprodumioesofeachbreed No 5BIQQLB SWINB BOOK Just out All about Hogs Breeding Feeding notch Diseases etc ConUlna OTCT So beautuul halt tones and other engravings lriee5O Cents The DlOOLB BOOKS art tmlque orIgtnaluaelu1YOII serer 0 practical to sensible They ire havinganenormous uleEut Weet North and South Itvery one a Ilorae ill Chicken or grow Fruits ought to wieadright away for the BIQQU3 BOOKS The FARM JOURNAL Lyourpapermade ForyouandnotamisSL It II u yean the oniathe aggest Pennsie bltthenaUonthehead In the UnitMB tea- ofAmericahaving over mllllom and aballrqulu reader Any ONE of the BIGGLB BOOKS and the FARM 8 YBARS remainder of 1800 ijaoigoi lya and 1904 will to JOURNALI I I to soy address for A DOLLAR L Sample of PARM JOURNAL and circular describing WILMEK ATKINSON Addreaa PAIUX t cars r JENKINS JOtJRNAII I I Office In Rear of Moorman 4 Owen Drag Store DrJ L MOORMAN = Dentist Guarantees satisfaction in all kinds of Dental work CLOVERPORT KY Estimates Furnishedon High Grade Printing At this Office A e0 Proved Ilia Cae Miss Willing after tho proposal > But are you quite sure you believe In second love klr Woodby a widower Certainly my dear Now suppose a man buys a pound of sugar It Is sweet Isnt 117 JSUS Willing Yes of course But Mr Woodby And when thats gone bo naturally wants another pound and the second pound Is just as sweet Isnt It Chicago News ADlsDlaerenee- Kendrlck who for two months has been studying FrenchSay Button I can write a good letter In French nowSuttonWent Is that so Well you may be able to write a good letter In French but 1 dont believe you can write a letter In good French Boston Transcript film Hearing to Come Old Lady reading newspaper I do claret The poor fellow arrested yester- day ¬ Is deat- LlstonerHow do you know Old LadyWhY It says hero that he is expected to have his hearts next weekGreen Bag Send us your order THIS FARM JOUR PAPERII II ONE NAL S YEARS PAY UP AND GET BOTH PAPERS AT THE PRICEOF ONE We want to get 1000 subscribers to our paper by New Years and are going to do It if we can we therefore continue our arrangement ylth the Farm Journal by which we can send Tux BRECKKNBIDOI NEWS and the Farm Journal 5 years both for 100 And we make the same offer to all old subscribers who will pay all arrearages and one year In advance You know what our paper is and the Farm Journal is a gempractical pro ¬ gressive a clean honest useful paper full mptlon full of sunshine with an mmense circulation among the best people everywhere You ought to take it NOTICE I We are going to send you Boon a sam ¬ a plo copy of the Farm Journal free and let it speak for itself Lookout for it tea r LYONS I 1I 1 TRADE I NARK LAXATIVE 11 SYRUPNATURES CONSTIPATION I Is made from the chol test extracts of vegetables and fruits contains no InJ- urious drugs and Is the best pre scription that can be co mpounded for the cure of Constipation Biliousness Sick Headache Nervousness and to dispel Colds and Fevers It drives out all Impurities of the blood and makes the complexion clear f anylaxative youridrUgglst ptISa w w For Salt by SHORT IIAYIUH CLOVKRPORT KT r U 4V r I Icl 75 e I iI i i- r ia ib i r i 1i 1 rr- b J r i t

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    tI tt-Ij


    rsr t









    Wonderful Calculating Pencil

    I al

    4of is of

    be in A 2515

    For by the Ky


    Frank Hardin went to Vine Grove Suns

    3Ben Olarkson was in Louisville

    ast weekBorn to the wife of Claude Meyer on

    the 24th aTom Dnrbta Alfred Taylors

    house at OusterMiss Lill Olarkaon was in Louisville

    for the reunionMrs Hines Is visiting her married

    terRobt was here last week

    with his line of samples

    John Morris went to the city last Wedneeday and returned that night

    Nell Blakely of Louisville is here withher cousin Mrs James flamed

    Dr Strother and Miss Mary McMeadormade a flying trip to Ouster last week

    Mr Guy Meador attended the coml exercises at Lynland last

    weekMr Babe Smith and family visited

    Mrs of Ouster

    J SundayI Dr Btrother and sister were the guests

    of the Misses oflest Friday

    >f Mr Henry Hardin who travels forSimmons Hardware Oo of St Louis is

    r at home for a few daysr H Meyer and John D Meador were at

    last to attend thefuneral of Mrs Abe Carlton

    t Mrs Ben Olarkaon was preeent at theexercises at Hampton

    t oghti p eveningMrs Ellen Scott alter a lingering illness

    of several months died Saturday May

    t 96th and was burled Sunday

    Mr and Mrs Dock of Ousterwere here Sunday the guests of her par

    i ante Mr and Mrs 0 0 MartinMr and Mrs Henry Ament of Stevens

    burg were here visiting Mr and Mrslast Thursday and Friday

    H Meyer and family Miss wardJohn Meador and John Garter were thegawte of Daniel Trent near Caster last

    f Grainger of GaUatn Tens repR

    was the guest of Dr Strother last Thursday night

    Scott and Mr andyo r Mr and Mrs HarryMrs Tom Scott of Vine Grove wereI

    here Sunday to attend the burial of their4 Mother Mrs Ellen Scott

    f That tired haggard look Is due tothe nerves They starved ToneThem and the whole system will atoaoe take OB new life and Increased yicr

    or Walkers Tonic theIand feeds to the-



    It gives vigor vim and vitalityto system

    Tutor You know that InIcountries such as ours a man isI

    only allowed one wife Now what Is

    that stale of things calledPapil I know

    The pencil that figures with a twist of thewrist That figures than you can and never

    makes a mistake That Calculates from

    1x13 to 12x24 in the twinkle of an eye That givesyou hundreds upon hundreds with the

    and accuracy of an expert


    Can you tell as quickly as thishbw much is or 9at 180 cost or how 3

    per cent of 1617 is etc It isa little says the Pitts

    burg Press It is a ofmechanism and has a

    deal of ourIOUS says the TravelerAn of the greatest

    says the ouths Companion

    CAN YOU BEAT ITAluminum and attached to a pencil

    standard quality Fits any lead pencil Is also apencil point protector a pencil lengthener and eraser Can

    carried Ithe vest pocket regular cent articleSpecial introductory price

    Sale BRECKENRIDGE Cloverport






    Mk McQuffin


    Hardaway neighborhood

    Haulberts Bhineyvllle

    Hawesville Thursday




    Publishing Company








    of calculations



    pencil llx24dozen much

    truly wondermarvel ingen

    excitedinterest amcung

    Bostonarticle education


    Made purecommon







    About one month ago there departedfrom this community a dog of remarka ¬

    ble ancestry He was possessed of wonderful vivacity and looked upon by hisassociates as the KinK of all dogs Hisname was Daniel which indeed was veryappropriate Aa a bird dogjin the fieldhe had few equals In color he waswhite with pretty black spots coveringhis bodyIEngineer ofj the Henderaon routethought as much or more of Daniel as ofany of his belongings His death wascaused from a severe attack of diatomper When this canine died there werenone left in this country tot fill his place

    Mothers who would keep their chil ¬dren in good health should welch for thefirst symptoms of worms and removethem with WHITES DREAM VERMI ¬FUGE Price 25 cents

    The Packet Company Branching Out

    In This City

    The Louisville do Evansvllle Malt LineCompany has rented of Mr FrankFralzo the tobacco factory which latandsnear the wharf for a period of years

    The Company will commence repair-Ing and remodeling the building whichwill be used for the purpose of an officewaiting room and storage house

    Dont let your diarrhoea reach thechronic stage Cure it with Dr BellsAnti Pain the greatest cure on earth forColic Cholera Diarrhoea and all Internal and external pains

    A Banker and Statesman Dead

    Col Hubert P Potter of BowlingGreen died last week at the home of hisfather in law the Hon James A Mc-Kenzie at Oak Grove He died fromkidney trouble He was a prominentbanker and extensively known all overthe state Col Potter was a member ofthe following secret orders ElksKnights of Pythias and Knights Tem-plar

    Accommodating DlaeaaeiPerhaps the record for school attend-

    ance belongs to a Walworth lad namedThomas Ward who was never absentor late during his 11 years of schoollife beginning with his fourth yearThe local member of the school boardfor London tells the story that whenthe proud boy received the attendancemedal for the eleventh year whichbad to be specially struck to meet hiscase the mother was questioned as tohow her boy had been able to makeso remarkable a record

    Has ho bad the usual childrencomplaints she was asked

    Yes sirThe measlesYes sir-Whooping cough 7-

    I Yes sirHow Is It then that bo has never

    been away from schoolWell sir he had them In his holi ¬

    days was the Interesting replyWestminster Gazette


    Success to the schoolSummer visitors are arriving-R D Hamilton has purchased new

    binderFarmersare getting ready for wheat


    One tobacco plants have beenset since the rain

    Emts English spent several days inLouisville this week

    Bornto the wife of Berle RaybornMay 25th a daughter

    Mrs Sam Dix who has been danger-ously ill Is slowly recovering

    Corn was much benefited by the re-cent


    rains and is looking fineSunday school at Roberts school house

    every Sunday at three oclockMiss Medora Oaldwell will teach the

    public school at Shiloh this fall1Miss Dee Buham of Sample has ap ¬

    plied for the fall school at this placeMrs Louis Wegenaat and aunt of

    Louisville are visiting Mr and MrsAndrew Wegenast-

    MrsFrankLacy and children of Hopklnsvllle are dally expected to visit herparents Mr and Mrs H S English-

    L TsurreyRwagonbutand they meet with Dr Milliners luckbreakIng two buggies In one week they

    will not have their vehicles long


    We have had a good rain

    LouisvillelastMay30thBeulah Dowell spent Sunday with

    Nettle FousheeFelix Meyer of Buras la here for a

    few days this weekDr and Wilbur Wlllitt visited their

    parents recently


    VlsltInlDick Brown and family spent Sundaywith W B Mattlnnly and wife

    Mr and Mrs Allen Sanders were theguests of Wm Tindall and family Sun ¬

    dayMissDora Funk spent a few days last

    week at Hill Grove the guest of Ida BShacklett

    Mrs A L Wilhite and Mert Mileswere tho guests of Jim Foushee andfamily Friday night

    0 H Lane and wife Bathe Henderson Ethel Fairlelgh Ben Lewis andCasper Funk spent Sunday with JohnFunk and family

    oA m ifon x jBeantllt LsiTto Kind Yw Have JUwajs BenefitIiIpame lIdtloof

    One Was EnongTiThat Illustrious astronomer Profess-

    or Slmcn Newcomb In an article onScience and tho Government In TheNorth American Review gives anamusing Instance of tho Ignorance ovenof tho most prominent politicians re-garding tho work of tho greatest scien ¬

    tistsIt Is said that some CO years ago theBritish academy had printed a few coplea of an Important work for presentation to some foreigners who from theirprominence in the scientific world werebest entitled to be honored with thegift Professor Airy the astronomerroyal was requested to make a selection of tho names A few days afterho had sent In his list ho was informedby tho secretary of tho admiralty thatmy lords were struck by tho number

    of unknown names Included and thatthey wished to make an Inquiry on thesubject Airy asked the secretary foxsome specifications as to tho names re-ferred to-

    IRell as an example sold the secretary hero Is the name of ProfessorC P Gauss of Gottlngen Who Is ho7

    I Gauss Is ono of tho greatest mathematicians of tho ago and standsamong the two or three most eminentmasters In physical astronomy now living Who else do you wish to knowabout V

    No ono elso That will do repliedthe secretary

    KnifeIThe flood on theFor the last ten years said a cu

    rlo denier In tho Old Quarter a broadbladed dagger with an Imitation bronzehandle has been lying among a lot oiodds and ends In that corner showcaseI dont know where It camo from butI probably got It when buying somecollection At any rote tho other daywhile looking over my dead stock IIoccurred to me It might bo burnIShedup and used as a paper knife I toolIt out scraped the handle a little to seewhat It was made of and then laid 1Iton my desk to attend to a customer

    When I picked It up again I was ast-ounded to find the blado dripping withblood It seems a childish thing to tollbut the Incident was so growsomo andapparently InexpUcable that It set mitrembling like a leaf In a momenthowever my common sonso came totho rescue and what proved to bo thecorrect explanation flashed Into my

    mindIt was a trick dagger for ueo eitheron the stage or In somo secret societymummery and tho hilt contained ahidden reservoir for artificial bloodIn scraping tho side I had pressed aspring which opened a little valve andout camo tho gore still fluid attar alltheso years I afterward found thattho top unscrewed for replenishing thesupply Now Orleans TimesDemocrat

    DedWo cannot tell with any certainty

    when the first portable furniture wasInvented and to JUdgo by tho ark asit survives among our children Noahwas either Ignorant of such things orand more probably denied himselftheir use for tho time being In orderto leave more room for to animals

    But long before Cowpor somewhatapologetically sang tho sofa nomotwas proud to enumerate tho cherishedand decorated pieces of furniture Inthe tents of the heroes before Troyand described Odysseus pleasure mseeing onto more his own beautifulbed as sympathetically as any otherIncident of the return while that bohad a second best bed Is one of thevery few personal facts wo know re-garding our Shakespeare

    Shades of Ulysses and BhakeepcaroA bed was a bed then In Greece acouch worthy of a hero In Englanda miniature stago of Ufo with Its tap¬estried roof and hangings and curtainsthat rose or tell with fitting pomp onthe great scenes of tho domestic dra¬ma Chambers Journal

    Tales of the NoteIndented nostrils evidence meanness

    wide nostrils a spendthrift A Up jutting out far from tho taco Is a token olvulgarity refinement being tho possession of tho owners of noses that donot stand out far at the end An aqutUna bond denotes firmness of will andsouse of Justice the long narrowbridge proclaims a fastidious self suf-ficient yet often tender nature All thiactive qualities combatlvenesa eagerness passionate temper power of hatrod Jealousy ambition go with themoro common typo Of Roman noseThe Greek form on tho contrary telliof artistic capabilities and lovo of Inanimate beauty

    Rough on nu LordshipA carpenter In an English town hav

    Ing neglected to make a gibbet thathad been ordered by the hangman onthe ground that ho had not been paidfor the last one bo had erected gave somuch offense that the next time theJudgo camo to tho circuit he was sent

    forFellow said tho Judgo In a sterntone how came you to neglect milklug the gibbet that was ordered on mjaccountI beg your pardon repliedthe carpenter Had I known it hadbeen for your lordship It would havebeen done Immediately

    Mutual SympathyCollectorIm sorry Mr Slowpay

    but your tailor has put his accountagainst you into my hands for collection

    Mr Slowpay Ho has eh Do youwork on a commission basis-

    CollectorYes sirMr Slowpay Then Im sorry tot

    you Chicago News

    ChargeYour lawyer mado some pretty se¬

    veto charges against the other fellowdidnt hor

    1Yeos but you ought to see how hacharged mol Grten Bag

    Job Printing done at this office onshort notice

    Sores and UlcersE THEorENDANSERThat old sore or ulcer which has been a source of pain worry and anxiety to you

    five or ten yearsmaybe longerdoesnt heal because you are not using the proper treat ¬LIFEpainm Iis in the blood and far beyond me reach 01 external BpA sore heals promptly when the blood is in goodmaU0I15Ii Itendency of these old sores and ulcers is to grow worse spreading and eating deeper Into the flesh IThey are a constant drain upon the system gradually but aurely ruin the health and sap the very lifeIA persons capacity for work or pleasure is soon lost in the great desire and search for something to cure

    S S S makes a rapid and permanent cure of old sores and ulcers ail is the only medrchte thatdoes because no other can reach deepseated blood troubles Ordinary Sarsaparilla and potash mixturesare too weak and watery to overcome a deadly poison that has taken possession of the blopd Do notwaste valuable time experimenting with

    01 Some rears ago I wasthemII IA QQn8uOf developed luto a runninga number of bloodWounflaod concluded to give It a trial The rnult was truly < getwellItrouble and forced the poison out of my blood soon afterwards the sore healed up and war cured sound sad nowhave perfect use of the leg which was swollen and very still tot a long time J II ICnIUVBa rawrenecburc 8yll Wff S S S Is the only purely vegetable blood purifier knownis made of roots and herbs of wonderful purifying properties

    which no poison can resist S S S quicklyand effectuallyclears the blood of nil morbid unhealthy humors and the old troublesome sore healsAt the same time the general health is invigorated and built up When a little scratchor hurt falls to heal readily you may be sure your blood is bad S S S will soonput it in order and keep it so

    Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians who have madewllllZladlyIf I l l SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GANEWSOMSCOLUMN



    Do you want to i buy a houseI Call on R L NewsomDo you want to rent a house or

    i farmij Call on R L NewsomDo you want legal documents


    drawn up such as decdsmortgages bonds agreements etc

    Call on R L NewsomWho wants 812500 on good se

    curityCall on R L Newsom

    Do you want to place a loan andand have it well securedI

    I Call on R L Newsom-Do you want to know if Cloverport

    I is on a fresh boom

    Call on R L NewsomSDOO house for solo right now

    lOne onR L NewsomWhich is the greater number j

    I 193714dont know

    or 191331 Ifgyoi

    I Ask R L NewsomI

    I Do you understand the Guberna

    I tonal steal made by the BOcalleLegislative Committee drawn bylot by Ed 0 Leighet al If you dont knowCall on R L NewsomIn short any one vis ¬

    iting Cloverport with aview of buying propertyor locating will be drivenaround and shown theplace and its advan ¬tages and with his fortyyears experience hecan point you out anydefects of titleMoney saved is money

    madeCall on R L Newsom



    Registered Poland China Swine-

    The herd Ila headed by Commodore Sampson163335 sonar King Trenton S6J the greatestprize winning Poland Chloa bog lYlnfr deadCommodore ampsonII a cle-bnted sire and WI can trstbfully say wIthoutcasting any reflection on Breckenrldga countythat w e inavar expected to see as grand a bradhog< oraofina an Individual within her bordersWa sell no how records Dot we can sell agedlow gllti boars ready for service spring andran pigs that wla plisse yoar Cheap for qualityof stock Can on or address

    I 0 A FOOTE < SON-Irvington




    IIJewelry andj flea Policies for least money la Life Fire Ter

    aado and Accldant tnaurancI BRANDENBURG KYI

    iKodallDyspepsia Cure

    I Digests what you eatartificially digests the food and olds

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    It is the lat discovered digest

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    MFor sale by A R Fisher Oloverport

    BIGGIE BOOKslA Farm Library of nneqtiiHed vaine Practical I

    Uptodate Concise and Comprehensive Hand ¬Lamely Printed and Beautifully illustrated


    AU about Uo CommOllTrftUwithoorer74 WuatratlOlllI standard work Price joCtnuNo aBIQQLB BERRY BOOK

    AU about growlntr Small FrulU md and tarn bow jludlnenrletiesNovBBlOqLE POULTRY BOOKAll about Poultry the beat Poultry nook in existence Itells ererythlnfr t wltluj colored lifelike reproductionof the principal breed with 103 cthcrUluilrallonvaPri jo CalU

    No 4BIQQLE COW BOOKAll about Cows and the Dairy Business baying greetti coforedlifelikrreprodumioesofeachbreed

    No 5BIQQLB SWINB BOOKJust out All about Hogs Breeding Feeding notch

    Diseases etc ConUlna OTCT So beautuul halttones and other engravings lriee5O CentsThe DlOOLB BOOKS art tmlque orIgtnaluaelu1YOII serer

    0 practical to sensible Theyire havinganenormous uleEut Weet North andSouth Itvery one a IloraeillChicken or grow Fruits ought to wieadrightaway for the BIQQU3 BOOKS The

    FARM JOURNALLyourpapermade ForyouandnotamisSL It II u yean

    theoniathe aggest PennsiebltthenaUonthehead

    In the UnitMBtea-ofAmericahaving over mllllom and aballrqulu reader

    Any ONE of the BIGGLB BOOKS and the FARM8 YBARS remainder of 1800 ijaoigoi lya and 1904 will toJOURNALIII to soy address for A DOLLAR L

    Sample of PARM JOURNAL and circular describingWILMEK ATKINSON Addreaa PAIUX


    I Office In Rear of Moorman 4 OwenDrag Store

    DrJ L MOORMAN=Dentist

    Guarantees satisfaction in all kindsof Dental work





    PrintingAt this Office

    A e0Proved Ilia Cae

    Miss Willing after tho proposal>But are you quite sure you believe Insecond love

    klr Woodby a widower Certainlymy dear Now suppose a man buys apound of sugar It Is sweet Isnt 117

    JSUS Willing Yes of course ButMr Woodby And when thats gone

    bo naturally wants another poundand the second pound Is just as sweetIsnt It Chicago News

    ADlsDlaerenee-Kendrlck who for two months has

    been studying FrenchSay ButtonI can write a good letter In French

    nowSuttonWent Is that so Well youmay be able to write a good letter InFrench but 1 dont believe you canwrite a letter In good French BostonTranscript

    film Hearing to ComeOld Lady reading newspaper I do

    claret The poor fellow arrested yester-day


    Is deat-LlstonerHow do you knowOld LadyWhY It says hero that he

    is expected to have his hearts nextweekGreen Bag

    Send us your order




    We want to get 1000 subscribers to ourpaper by New Years and are going to doIt if we can we therefore continue ourarrangement ylth the Farm Journal bywhich we can send Tux BRECKKNBIDOINEWS and the Farm Journal 5 yearsboth for 100 And we make the sameoffer to all old subscribers who will payall arrearages and one year In advance

    You know what our paper is and theFarm Journal is a gempractical pro¬gressive a clean honest useful paperfull mptlon full of sunshine withan mmense circulation among the bestpeople everywhere You ought to take it


    We are going to send you Boon a sam ¬a

    plo copy of the Farm Journal free andlet it speak for itself Lookout for ittea








    CONSTIPATIONI Is made from the chol test extracts ofvegetables and fruits contains no InJ-urious drugs and Is the best prescription that can be co mpounded forthe cure of Constipation BiliousnessSick Headache Nervousness and todispel Colds and Fevers It drivesout all Impurities of the blood andmakes the complexion clear

    fanylaxativeyouridrUgglstptISaw wFor Salt by SHORT IIAYIUH


    rU 4Vr


















