new louis de brouwer, m.d. · 2019. 3. 4. · cell phone towers (dor) electromagnetic fields (emf)...

Louis de Brouwer, M.D. A French physician and specialist in molecular biology and virology, Dr. de Brouwer also has extensive medical experience on the international scene including with the International Committee on Health (50,000 physicians in 90 countries). He is also the author of a book entitled: Vaccination - Medical Error of the Century. In a written statement to Dr. Lanctot, he says that he is in basic agreement with her position on vaccination. Not only do vaccines not protect, he writes, but they also produce numerous accidents, adding that further evidence of this is that the principle of vaccination per se is not supported by any serious scientific data. "Today, the work done by Pasteur is being officially contested by the scientific world, especially by those well versed in virology and molecular biology... Since Pasteur, the science of immunology has made tremendous strides and has formally shown that genetic recombinations do occur within organisms... Vaccines developed from animal cultures may contain viruses specific to those animals and therefore may produce different effects in those vaccinated. The possible genetic recombinations between live or attenuated viruses and human viruses and retroviruses, which, in principle, are "deceptively mute", give rise to hybrid entities or enable these "defective" viruses and retroviruses to regain a virulence heretofore attenuated by evolution. It is well known that "defective" viruses and retroviruses regain their virulence when they pass from one animal body to another... It appears that multiple vaccinations undermine the immune system opening the door to numerous effects such as multiple sclerosis, allergies, cancers, immune illnesses, and probably AIDS... Vaccines produced by genetics against hepatitis B introduce DNA and foreign enzymes into the organisms which may alter or displace genes, activate oncogenis, or de-activate anti-oncogenis and therefore produce cases of teratogenesis and cancers... Acts of vaccination are carried out without any medical controls and there is no medical follow-up in order to establish statistics. The act of vaccination is dangerous and serious. It must be done in strict compliance to the medical code of ethics... Systematic vaccinations make people into virtual virus reservoirs. Vaccine manufacturers, with their political clout, make certain vaccines obligatory, scientifically dupe the public for profit reasons and have no regard for the public’s health. Vaccines were often mandated despite the fact that the infectious diseases were on the decline... Proponents of vaccination make the point that if one does riot vaccinate one’s child, that child may contaminate other children. Seen in this light, that would be impossible since all other children have or would have been vaccinated." Reproduced with permission of Here’s The Key Inc, CP309, Waterloo, Qc JOE 2NO, Canada. Tel: 001 450 297 2533. Fax: 001 450 297 4140 Selected extracts taken from The Trial of the Medical Mafia by Jochim Schafer ISBN 2921783029. Available from: Whale Books, UK. Tel: 01981 240 125. To reach Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. Tel: 001 514 297 4128. Fax: 001 514 297 4140 [Vaccination ]    [Dr Lanctot ]

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Page 1: New Louis de Brouwer, M.D. · 2019. 3. 4. · Cell phone towers (DOR) Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG Annual fearmongering The Media Winter 2010 flu

Louis de Brouwer, M.D.

A French physician and specialist in molecular biology and virology, Dr. de Brouwer also has extensive medical experienceon the international scene including with the International Committee on Health (50,000 physicians in 90 countries). He isalso the author of a book entitled: Vaccination - Medical Error of the Century.

In a written statement to Dr. Lanctot, he says that he is in basic agreement with her position on vaccination. Not only dovaccines not protect, he writes, but they also produce numerous accidents, adding that further evidence of this is that theprinciple of vaccination per se is not supported by any serious scientific data.

"Today, the work done by Pasteur is being officially contested by the scientific world, especially by those well versed invirology and molecular biology... Since Pasteur, the science of immunology has made tremendous strides and has formallyshown that genetic recombinations do occur within organisms...

Vaccines developed from animal cultures may contain viruses specific to those animals and therefore may produce differenteffects in those vaccinated. The possible genetic recombinations between live or attenuated viruses and human viruses andretroviruses, which, in principle, are "deceptively mute", give rise to hybrid entities or enable these "defective" viruses andretroviruses to regain a virulence heretofore attenuated by evolution. It is well known that "defective" viruses andretroviruses regain their virulence when they pass from one animal body to another...

It appears that multiple vaccinations undermine the immune system opening the door to numerous effects such as multiplesclerosis, allergies, cancers, immune illnesses, and probably AIDS...

Vaccines produced by genetics against hepatitis B introduce DNA and foreign enzymes into the organisms which may alteror displace genes, activate oncogenis, or de-activate anti-oncogenis and therefore produce cases of teratogenesis andcancers...

Acts of vaccination are carried out without any medical controls and there is no medical follow-up in order to establishstatistics. The act of vaccination is dangerous and serious. It must be done in strict compliance to the medical code ofethics... Systematic vaccinations make people into virtual virus reservoirs. Vaccine manufacturers, with their political clout,make certain vaccines obligatory, scientifically dupe the public for profit reasons and have no regard for the public’s health.Vaccines were often mandated despite the fact that the infectious diseases were on the decline...

Proponents of vaccination make the point that if one does riot vaccinate one’s child, that child may contaminate otherchildren. Seen in this light, that would be impossible since all other children have or would have been vaccinated."

Reproduced with permission of Here’s The Key Inc, CP309, Waterloo, Qc JOE 2NO, Canada. Tel: 001 450 297 2533. Fax: 001 450 297 4140

Selected extracts taken from The Trial of the Medical Mafia by Jochim Schafer ISBN 2921783029.

Available from: Whale Books, UK. Tel: 01981 240 125.

To reach Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. Tel: 001 514 297 4128. Fax: 001 514 297 4140

[Vaccination]    [Dr Lanctot]

Page 2: New Louis de Brouwer, M.D. · 2019. 3. 4. · Cell phone towers (DOR) Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG Annual fearmongering The Media Winter 2010 flu


Human Abuse Home Allopathic Rackets

“If this is preventive medicine, I’ll take my chances with disease.” ~ Mendelsohn M.D “I highly recommend this vaccine website for its educational value.” ~ Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D.

[WHALE home page for vaccination documents (books, articles, media stories, quotes, citations, videos, memes, ingredients, contaminants, package inserts, VAERS, also critics & mind control), exposing vaccination, collected over 20 years. For quick expose: (FB Intro: Vax MMR Smallpox DPT) THE VACCINATION RACKET (Summary), & VACCINATION IS CHILD ABUSE (Memes), also Why Vaccination Continues, and you will need Anti-vaccine support. Vaccination is, essentially, a sterilising, death & disease producing child abusing vivisection racket, disguised as 'disease prevention', (smallpox vaccine being a textbook example of germ warfare), that maintains control through mind control, mainly Medical lies & the Viral Fear Racket. Proving Diabolical Psychopaths (Mafia) rule. And it's not difficult to prove, if you open your eyes, but who wants to wake up out of Stockholm syndrome and see it?]

Anti-vaccine supportVACCINATION IS CHILD

ABUSEArticles (also below)

Audio VideoTestimonies Interviews

Blogs LettersQuotes (also below)Banners Smallpox

Books Books: smallpoxPicturesStatistics

Blood brain barrierUnvaccinated children

healthierPregnancy (vaccination

during)Premature Babies (Vaccinatin

g)The Diseases (also below)

Measles  Chickenpox Meningitis Mumps Pertussis

Tetanus Japan India Other countries

[O nline ] Vaccine Dangers CLASS ES

Vaccine Critics (alsobelow)

Groups (also below)Sites Discussion Forums

Nurses on vaccines

The Vaccines (also below)Animal Travel vaccines

DPT (also below)Flu (also below)

MMR (also below)Measles

Hepatitis (also below)Gardasil

Polio (also below) (A-Z)Smallpox (also below A-Z,

critics)Vaccine failure


Contaminants (alsobelow)

Ingredients (also below)Mercury (also below)

AluminiumPackage Inserts (also


Vaccine disease (alsobelow)

Death (also below)Vaccine autism (also

below) BannersCitations (see below)

Damage (vaccine) Vaccine autism proven

Victim testimoniesTreatment of vaccine

victimsVAERS Search BannersMedia stories (vaccine

damage) Vaccine Court, VICP

Committee of GovernmentReform

Vaccine Safety Datalink Law

Nurses (vaccine damaged)Nurses on vaccines


Medical PoliticsMedical Mind Control

(also below)Medical study ploys (also

below)Lies (Medical) (also

below)The Industry (also below)

Experts (also below)Covert vaccine agendas

Silent WeaponsDisease Protection Racket

Medical Men andvaccination

LawViral Fear Racket

Profits before Safety (quotes)

Money incentive, briberyConflict of interest

God as Modern MedicineCompulsory vaccination

Jab maniaVaccine Mandates

Vaccinating withoutconsent

Doctors and their ownmedicine

Informed Consent

Nutritional Medicine (seebelow)

Vitamin C cure (1949) (seebelow)

Nutritional doctors (seebelow)

Child Health (also below)Disease Theory (also below)Vaccination vs Immunization

Antibody TheoryAlternative Viewpoint

Changing age of diseaseonset

CHIROPRACTIC Disease risk vs. vaccine risk

Herd ImmunityImmune System re


Homeopathic doctorsNatural Healers

The Vaccines (own page here):

Page 3: New Louis de Brouwer, M.D. · 2019. 3. 4. · Cell phone towers (DOR) Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG Annual fearmongering The Media Winter 2010 flu

Withdrawn [Withdra wn vaccines ]


Parent Vaccine LeafletsFailures (vaccine)Adverse effects statisticsVaccine viruses

Withdrawn vaccinesHot lotsP roduction/manufacturing Disasters (vaccine) The Cutter incident, 1955 Incidence of reactionsMistakes (vaccine)Storage (vaccine)Hot lots

ScheduleExemption, USAExemptionEfficacyProtection time spanContraindications Testing (vaccines)Vaccine reaction time lag

By type:AdenovirusAIDS/HIVAnimalAnthraxBCG (TB)Bird flu vaccine

Bubonic PlagueChicken PoxCholeraDiptheriaDPT (see below)Encephalitis (Japanese) Flu (also below)FSMEHepatitis B (also below)Hepatitis AHib/HemophilusHPV Gardasil (see below) CervarixLyme disease"Lymph" (smallpox) MalariaMeaslesMeningitisMMR/MR (also below)MMR Urabe MilitaryPolio (also below) (A-Z)RabiesPentavalent Quinvaxem PentacoqPneumococcalRubellaRotavirusRubini Shingles vaccineSwine flu vaccin e 1976 S wine flu vaccine 2009 Smallpox (also below A-Z, critics)TBTetanusTravel vaccines

Page 4: New Louis de Brouwer, M.D. · 2019. 3. 4. · Cell phone towers (DOR) Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG Annual fearmongering The Media Winter 2010 flu

TBTyphoidWest NileYellow Fever

By strain:Rubini mumps vaccineEdmonston measles vaccinesHigh dose EZ measles *1991*Urabe mumps*1992*

By brand name/type:Agrippal (Flu)Bexsero vaccine (meningitis B) CervarixCSL influenza vaccineDaptacelFlumist (flu)FluvaxGardasil (see below)InfanrixImmravax (MMR)*1992*

Lymerix (lyme disease) *2002*Medi-Mumps/PavivacMenactraMenhibrixMenAfriVacMeningitec (meningitis C)MeNZB vaccine ( meningococcal ) Menjugate meningitis C (Chiron) Orimune (OPV)PandemrixPenta

Pentacel (DPT, Polio, Hib)Pavivac/Medi-Mumps (mumps)

PediarixPediacelPentacoq Pluserix (MMR) *1992*Pneumovax (pneumococcal)Prevnar (pneumococcal)Priorix ProQuadQuadracel (DPT, Polio)QuinvaxemRotaShield (rotavirus)*1999*RotaTeq Rotarix (GlaxoSmithKline)Salk (IPV) vaccinesSabin OPV vaccinesSci-B-VacTripediaTrivirix (MMR)T uberculin (TB) Zostavax


Package inserts:A-ZBy type of vaccineIngredients

Vaccines in use UK 2002:Vaccines UK (BNF 42 2002)Vaccine terminology:Toxoids, Bacterial & viral vaccinesTerms used

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DPT vaccine racket (own page here)

ArticlesQuotes (DPT)Vaccine failureCitations--vaccine failurePackage insertsPentavalen t vaccines

[1982] DPT : vaccine roulette (TV Documentary)[1981] British National Childhood Encephalopathy Study

IngredientsA luminium Mercury

Books:A Stolen Life by Marge GrantA Shot in the Dark by Coulter & Fisher

Vaccine damage [Vaccine damage]ArticlesAutism & vaccinationCitationsVictim testimoniesVAERSSIDS/cot deathDeaths (media)Media victim storiesMedia vaccine victim storiesLitigationLitigationThimerosal litigation

Diphtheria [Diphtheria]Quotes (Diphtheria)Diphtheria by Hilary ButlerDiphtheria by John Tilden MDTreatment of epidemics with Homeopathy by Julian Winston Diphtheria vaccinesDPT/DT/DTPH/aP vaccinesDiphtheria vaccine deaths 1919-1948

Tetanus [Tetanus]QuotesCitations (adverse reactions

ArticlesAdverse reactionsPentavalen t vaccines

Whooping cough [Whooping Cough]Quotes (Whooping CoughArticlesWhooping Cough petrochemical causation Vaccine induced whoopingcoughVitamin C and Whooping Cough

Deaths decline:StatisticsGraphsDiphtheria deaths graph (USA)

Flu and the Flu vaccine racket (own page here)

ArticlesMedia articles re flu vaccinesQuotesVaccination during pregnancyDr. Tom Jefferson ,

Flu vaccine flacks: Dr George Kassianos John Oxford Jenny Hope

Annual CDC lie36,000 death lie

CausesInfections & poisonsToxic air Chemtrails PesticidesVitamin D deficiency Infection & nutritionCell phone towers (DOR) Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG

Annual fearmongeringThe Media Winter 2010 fluvaccine drive

VaccinesS wine flu vaccine 2009   Pandemrix (GlaxoSmithKline) FluvaxSwine flu vaccin e 1976 Spanish FluBird Flu vaccine

Package inserts[2009 Oct] M ercury in 4 AH1N1 U.S. injectable vaccines : Fluarix , FLULAVAL , FLUVIRIN , FluzoneMedevaAgrippalFlumistCSL influenza vaccineFluvaxItalian Ministry of Health blocks the use and sale of Novartis flu vaccines

Adverse reactions[2011 June] Parents Voice: Children’s Adverse Outcomes Following Vaccination [2010 Sept] Flu Vaccine Caused 3587 US Miscarriages & Stillbirths [VAERS] Found 25 events with Vaccine as FLU and Symptom is Abortion VAERSCitationsVideoMedia vaccine reaction stories TestimoniesLitigationFlu vaccine and increased alzheimer's risk

Gardasil [Own page]

QuotesQuote banners, cartoons

CitationsData sheet

CriticsJustin Healy

Dr. Diane Harper

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ArticlesArticles (Media and adverse reactions)

Cervarix (Glaxo HPV vaccine)VAERS VAERS Genital wartsVideo (injuries)

Gardasil deaths NZ Gardasil deaths

Ingredients [See: Data sheet.]A luminium Sodium borate Tween 80

Cynthia A. Janak

Dr. Harald zur Hausen

Websites: [2010 May] Gardasil: Women Hurt byMedicine

Gardasil flacksHammond , Dr Phil

MMR vaccines (own page here):

ArticlesMedia articlesLettersTestimonies/statementsVideo

Package inserts/ingredientsVaccine contaminationVaccine failuresMerck MMR mumps component fraud

MMR timeline

Late onset/Acquired autism

QuotesMMRV accine autism link studies Urabe MMRMeaslesMumpsRubellaConflict of interestHomeopathy & MeaslesNaturopathy & MeaslesNutritional medicin e & measles

The diseasesMeaslesMumpsRubella

The VaccinesRubella vaccineMeasles[MMR] Priorix [MMR+Varicella] ProQuadM-M-R II---Merck Sharp & Dohme Withdrawn vaccines:[MMR] MORUPAR[MMR ] Pluserix & Immravax ( Urabe ) Edmonston measles vaccinesEdmonston Zagreb (EZ) measles vaccine

Books:[2010 jan] Silenced Witnesses Volume II: The Parents' Story

[2009] Silenced Witnesses 1: The Parents' Story

MMR studiesG overnment /industry studies The Cochrane CollaborationIndependent

Vaccine damageD eaths C itations Rubella vaccine damage support group Media vaccine victim storiesCourt judgementsVictim testimoniesAutism & vaccines

Single vaccine s MMR advocates


MMR legal funding

Hannah Poling

Vaccine flacks (studies) [Experts]Madsen, Kreesten Thorsen , Poul Eric FombonneVerstraetenBrent TaylorCochrane Collaboration Institute of Medicine (IOM)

Vaccine flacks (gov')Salisbury , David Elizabeth MillerHelen Bedford

Vaccines timeline (UK)Law firms

Heretic persecutionJohn Walker-Smith

Page 7: New Louis de Brouwer, M.D. · 2019. 3. 4. · Cell phone towers (DOR) Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG Annual fearmongering The Media Winter 2010 flu

Wakefield GMC Hearing 2007Smearing of Dr WakefieldDr Jane Donegan, "Witch Hunt"The victimisation of Lisa Blakemore-Brown.

John Walker-SmithQuestion a doctor and lose your child

Industry quotes re: the "safe" MMRWakefield/MMR Greek Chorus

MMR legal funding

LitigationMMR in Japan

The MMR 10

Vaccine-autism denial ploysAutism and geneticsChange in diagnosis

Regressive autism

Hepatitis vaccines (own page here)

Articles (vaccine)InterviewsQuotesQuotes (vaccine)BooksVideo

Package insertsHepatitis AHepatitis C Hepatitis testsPentavalen t vaccines

Antibiotic induced hepatitisVitamin C cure for viral hepatitis Points on Hepatitis B vaccination

Vaccine damageVAERSCitations (vaccine damage)Testimonials (victims)[France] Art Exhibit Project – By Hepatitis B Vaccine Victims [2011 June] Parents Voice: Children’s Adverse Outcomes Following Vaccination

Vaccine damageTestimonials/statementsVaccine damage support group Hepatitis B vaccine & AIDSAdverse reactions linked to diseasesMedia stories (vaccine victims)Hepatitis B Victim Support Group (UK)

Heinrich KremerDr Marc Girard M.D.AIDS origins (USA) Alaska

Polio & polio vaccine racket (own page here):

ArticlesA rticles (Vitamin C) Media stories (vaccines)Provocation polio Iron lungsImages of polioMarch of DimesPOLIO IS NOT

Levy, MD, JD , Thomas E. Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D..Stephen C.

Vaccine genocideCovert genocide via OPV vaccination Kihura NkubaHooper, Ed

Nutrition & infectionVaccination

Poison DDT researchersJim WestRalph R. Scobey, M.D.Morton S. Biskind, M.D.

Dr. Herbert Ratner, MDFranklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)

VaccinationSabin OPV vaccinesSalk IPV vaccinesCitations (adverse reactions)LitigationMedia stories (vaccines)Provocation polio Vaccine damageVaccine contamination

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Treatments, doctorsCathcart, M.D.Klenner MDTreatment & preventionPolio poster girl curedChiropractic & poliocaseBenjamin P. Sandler,M.D.Vitamin C cure

CausesDDTTonsillectomiesProvocation poli o (drugs)

QuotesQuote bannersHiding poli o (Acute flaccid paralysis)Causes Quotes

Stephen C. Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D.

Books[2008] Fear of the Invisible by Janine RobertsVirus ManiaDIET PREVENTS POLIO Benjamin P. Sandler, M.D.

SV40 SV40 quotes CJD, BSE risk AIDSThe Cutter incident, 1955Citations for vaccine associated polio (VAPP)TestimoniesVaccine contamination (AIDS, cancer)

Polio & polio vaccine racket (A-Z)

A-ZAcute flaccid paralysis (HidingPolio)AIDS and Polio vaccinesArticlesA rticles (Vitamin C) Biskind, M.D, .Morton S. Causes (quotes)Cathcart, M.D.Chiropractic & polio caseChiropractic cureCitations (adverse reactions)CJD, BSE risk (vaccine contaminants) Contagious (not)

Contamination (vaccine)Cutter incident, 1955 Citations for vaccine associated polio (VAPP)DIET PREVENTS POLIO (Book)DDTFear of the Invisible (Book)Ge nocide via OPV vaccination Hiding polio (Acute flaccid paralysis) quotesHooper, EdImages of polioIron lungsKlenner MDKumm, Dr (DDT man)

LitigationMarch of DimesMarini, MS., D.C., Ph.D..Stephen C. Media stories (vaccines)Nkuba, Kihura Nutrition & infection (quotes)Provocation polio Quotes (Polio)Quote bannersQuotes (Vaccination)Ratner, MD, Dr. Herbert Roosevelt (FDR)

Sabin OPV vaccinesSalk IPV vaccinesSandler, M.D. Benjamin P. Scobey, M.D, Ralph R. SV40 (vaccine contaminant)SV40 quotesTestimoniesTonsillectomiesTreatment & preventionVirus Mania (Book)Vitamin C cureWest, Jim

Smallpox vaccination (own page here):

The Smallpox Hoax (analysis in depth)Smallpox Banners (brief analysis)Great Smallpox Lie

ArticlesBannersBooksCritics (vaccine)

Apple cider vinegarArm to arm vaccination quotesCase mortality/Dangers of Smallpox quotes

TerminologyTimelineVaccine damageVariolation

Medical ploys [Medical Mind Control]Anti-Vaccination (ad hominem)D anger s of smallpox/Case mortality quotes (hype)Hiding smallpoxHiding smallpox vaccine deathsInfectiousness of smallpox (hype)Lies (vaccinators)

Lockjaw / tetanus (vaccine damage)Lymph Lymph quotesSpread of Smallpox via vaccination quotesSyphilis (vaccine damage) Syphilis (vaccine damage) quotesTuberculosis (vaccine damage) Tuberculosis/TB/Consumption (vaccine damage) quotes TB quotesVaccine damage (general) quotes

Smallpox conditions,

Wallace, Alfred bannersCreighton , Charles M.A., M.D quotesThe National Anti-Vaccination LeagueCreighton Charles MD bannersLupton quotesTebb, William (quotes) White, William (quotes)Shaw, Bernard (banners)Shaw, Bernard (quotes)Pearce, Dr. Charles T. M.D (quotes)

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Damage (vaccine)Failur e (vaccine) statistics F ailure (vaccine) quotes General (vaccination) quotesGeneral (vaccine damage) quotesGeneral mortality quotesG lycerine quotes Horse grease quotesHospitals (smallpox) quotesImagesInfectiousness of smallpox (hype)Jenner (vaccinator) Jenner (vaccinator) quotes Jenner banners S purious cowpox LancetLancet JournalLeicester Leicester quotes Leicester Method" by J.T. Biggs quotesLies (smallpox vaccination) Lies and statistics quotesLymph Lymph quotesMedia storiesP ock-marked faces Sanitation Sanitation vs. Vaccination quotes Leicester Method" by J.T. Biggs quotesSmallpox on decline beforevaccinationSmallpox scare (c. 2002)


Preserve vaccination from reproach'Spurious ' cowpox quotes 'Unvaccinated' lie

Quote Banners Smallpox vaccination Bayly, Beddow   Biggs, JT Creighton Charles MDHadwen, MDHay, Dr William JennerKalokerinos, Archie Tilden MD bannersWallace, Alfred

Vaccine damage [Vaccine damage]Citations 1966-1974 1975-1979 1980-1999EncephalomyelitisLeprosy Leprosy (vaccine) quotesSmallpox spread by vaccine (vaccine damage) quotesVaccine "lymph" and disease spreadDeaths (vaccine damage)  Death (vaccine damage) quotesGeneral (vaccine damage) quotesErysipelas (vaccine damage) Erysipelas (vaccine) quotes

prevention quotes:Bedbugs (inc quotes)Diet/nutrition quotesOvercrowding (inc quotes)Water (inc quotes)

SanitationBiggs, JT bannersLeicester Leicester quotes Leicester Method by J.T. Biggs quotesSanitation vs. Vaccination quotes

Vaccination critics (quotes & banners) [Vaccine critics:]Smallpox vaccination bannersBayly, Beddow quotesBayly, Beddow (banners)Biggs JT (quotes)Biggs, JT bannersCampbell, Charles MD (quotes)Collins , W . J. M.D. (quotes) Creighton , Charles M.A., M.D quotesCreighton Charles MD bannersHadwen MD (quotes)Hadwen, MD (banners)Hay, Dr William (banners)Higgins, Chas (quotes)Kalokerinos quotesKalokerinos, Archie (banners) Shaw, Bernard (banners)Shaw, Bernard (quotes)Tebb, William bannersWallace, Alfred quotes

NAVL quotes

Osler, William

Causes & prevention:Bedbugs (inc quotes)SanitationDiet/nutrition quotesOvercrowdingPovertyDirty water

Therapies:Allopathy quotesApple cider vinegarNaturopathy quotesHomeopathy quotesSydenham, Sir Thomas quotes

VaccinatorsJenner (vaccinator)Jenner (vaccinator) quotesPlayfair, Sir Lyon (vaccinator)Rosenau, Dr. Milton J (vaccinator)Copeman, Dr. S. Monckton(vaccinator)

a) Smallpox vaccination A-Z

A-Z Allopathy quotesAnti-Vaccination (ad hominem)Apple cider vinegarArticlesArm to arm vaccination quotesAustin, MRCS, LRCP , Major R. F. E (vaccine critic)

General mortality quotesGeneral (vaccine damage) quotesG lycerine quotes Hadwen MD (vaccine critic UK) Hadwen MD quotes Hadwen, MD (banners)

Leprosy (vaccine damage) Leprosy (vaccine) quotesLies (vaccinators)Loat , Lily (vaccine critic UK)

Lockjaw / tetanus (vaccine damage)Lupton, Arnold, M.P (vaccine

Shaw, George Bernard (vaccine critic UK) Shaw, Bernard (banners) Shaw, Bernard (quotes)Shelton DC , Herbert (vaccine critic USA) Smallpox decline before vaccination quotes

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ALLINSON (1883) , .DR. T. B (vaccine critic)Banner quotesBayly, Beddow (vaccine critic UK) Bayly, Beddow quotesBayly, Beddow (banners)Bedbugs (inc quotes)Biggs (vaccine critic UK) Biggs quotes Biggs, JT bannersBooksBirch, John (vaccine critic UK)Buchwald, M.D (vaccine critic GER) Buchwald quotesCampbell MD, Dr (vaccine criticUSA) Campbell, Charles MD (quotes)Case mortality/Dangers of Smallpox quotesCitations (vaccine damage)1966-1974 1975-1979 1980-1999Collins MD (1883) , Dr (vaccine critic UK) Collins , W . J. M.D. (quotes) Copeman, Dr. S. Monckton (vaccinator)Creighton , Dr (vaccine critic UK)

Creighton , Charles M.A., M.D quotes Creighton Charles MD bannersCritics (vaccine)Crookshank , Prof (vaccine critic UK)D anger s of smallpox Deane , Dr. Tennison (vaccine critic USA)Deaths (vaccine damage)  Death (vaccine damage) quotes Death rate/Case mortality/Dangers of Smallpox quotesDick , Prof (vaccine critic UK) Disease spread by Vaccine 'Lymph'Dole , Lionel (vaccine critic UK) Dettman , Dr Glen (vaccine critic AUS) Diet/nutrition quotes

Hale , Annie Riley (vaccine critic USA) Hay, 1937 , Dr. William Howard (vaccine critic USA) Hay, Dr William (banners)Hiding smallpoxHiding smallpox vaccine deathsHiggins, Chas (vaccine criticUSA) Higgins, Chas (quotes)Hodge, John W (vaccine critic USA)Hoggan M.B. , George (vaccine critic UK) Hoggan, MD (1883) , Elizabeth (vaccine critic UK)

Horse grease quotesHospitals (smallpox) quotesHiding smallpox quotesHiding smallpox deaths quotesHomeopathy quotesHume-Rothery , Mary C (vaccine critic UK)Hutton, Arthur (vaccine critic UK)ImagesInfectiousness of smallpox quotesJenner (vaccinator) Jenner (vaccinator) quotes Jenner banners S purious cowpox Kalokerinos, M.D (vaccine critic AUS) Kalokerinos quotes Kalokerinos, Archie (banners)Keller, Dr Leander Joseph (vaccine critic UK)Knaggs. , H Valentine (vaccine critic UK)LancetLancet JournalLeicester Anti-Vaccination LeagueLeicester Leicester quotes Leicester Method by J.T. Biggs quotes

critic UK) Lupton quotesLymphLymph quotesMendelsohn, MD (vaccine heretic USA) Mendelsohn MD quotesMarchini, M.D. , Daniel (vaccine critic FRANCE)McBean, Eleanor (vaccine critic USA) McBean, Eleanor quotesMedia storiesMonkeypox (Hiding smallpox)Naturopathy quotes (smallpox)National Anti-Vaccination League (NAVL) NAVL quotesNewman (1883) , Professor F. W (vaccine critic)Nightingale , Florence Nightingale , Michael (vaccine critic UK) Nutrition/diet quotesObomsawin Ph D , Raymond (vaccine critic CAN) Obomsawin quotesOsler, William Overcrowding (inc quotes)Pearce, M.D. , Dr. Charles T (vaccine critic UK) Pearce, Dr. Charles T. M.D (quotes)Peebles MD, J. M. Pickering , Mr. John (vaccine critic UK) Pitcairn (1911) , John (vaccine critic USA) Playfair, Sir Lyon (vaccinator)P ock-marked faces quotes Preserve vaccination from reproachRosenau, Dr. Milton J (vaccinator)Rodermund, Dr (vaccine critic USA) R uata, Carlo, M.D (vaccine critic ITALY)Sanitation

Smallpox scare (c. 2002)Smallpox spread by vaccinequotes (vaccine damage)Smallpox vaccination bannersSpread of Smallpox by vaccine quotes'Spurious ' cowpox quotes Sydenham, Sir Thomas quotesSyphilis (vaccine damage) Syphilis (vaccine damage) quotesStatisticsS purious cowpox quotes Taylor, P.A MP (vaccine critic UK)Tebb, Dr Scott (vaccine critic UK)Tebb , William (vaccine critic UK) Tebb, William (quotes) Tebb, William bannersTerminologyTuberculosis/TB/Consumption (vaccine damage) Tuberculosis/TB/Consumption (vaccine damage) quotes TB quotesTilden MD (1851-1940) , John (vaccine critic USA) Tilden MD quotes Tilden MD bannersTrall MD (vaccine critic USA) 'Unvaccinated' lie quotesVetrano , Dr. Vivian Virginia (vaccine critic USA)Wallace, LL.D. (1889/1898 , Alfred R (vaccine critic) Wallace, Alfred quotes Wallace, Alfred bannersWater (inc quotes)White, William (vaccine critic UK) White, William (quotes)Wilkinson (1883) , Dr Garth (vaccine critic UK) Vaccination Liberation (vaccine critic USA)Vaccinia (vaccine damage)

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Dudgeon, Henry Dalby (vaccine critic) Encephalomyelitis (vaccine damage)Erysipelas (vaccine damage) Erysipelas (vaccine) quotesF ailure (vaccine) quotes Failur e (vaccine) statistics General (smallpox vaccination) quotesGeneral vaccine damage quotes

Sanitation Sanitation vs. Vaccination quotes

Sanitation vs. Vaccination quotes Leicester Leicester quotes Leicester Method" by J.T. Biggs quotesSchieferdecker M.D, Chr. Charles (vaccine critic GER)Sidhwa ND , Keki (vaccine critic UK)Sinclair, N.D. , Ian (vaccine critic AUS)

Variolation quotesVaccine damageVaccine damage (general) quotes Vaccine "Lymph"Vaccine L ymph quotes V accine failure quotes V accine failure (statistics) Vaccine failur e statistics

b) Smallpox vaccine critics (also has own page):

Medical Testimonies

Anti-Vaccination League of AmericaLeicester Anti-Vaccination LeagueNational Anti-Vaccination League (NAVL) NAVL quotes

Quote Banners Smallpox vaccination Bayly, Beddow   Biggs, JT bannersCreighton Charles MDShaw, Bernard Hadwen, Dr Walter Kalokerinos, Archie Tilden MDWallace, Alfred

A-ZAustin, MRCS, LRCP , Major R. F. E (vaccine critic UK)ALLINSON (1883) , .DR. T. B (vaccine critic UK)Bayly, Beddow (vaccine critic UK) Bayly, Beddow quotes Bayly, Beddow (banners)Beale , Morris (vaccine critic USA) Biggs (vaccine critic UK) Biggs, JT banners Biggs quotesBirch, John (vaccine critic UK)Buchwald, M.D (vaccine critic GER) Buchwald MD quotesCampbell MD, Dr (vaccine critic USA) Campbell, Charles MD (quotes)Collins MD (1883) , Dr (vaccine critic

Hadwen MD (vaccine critic UK) Hadwen MD quotes Hadwen, MD (banners)Hay, 1937 , Dr. William Howard (vaccine critic USA) Hay, Dr William (banners)Higgins, Chas (vaccine critic USA) Higgins quotesHodge, John W (vaccine critic USA)Hume-Rothery , Mary C (vaccine critic UK)Hutton, Arthur (vaccine critic UK)Kalokerinos, M.D (vaccine critic AUS) Kalokerinos quotes Kalokerinos, Archie (banners) Knaggs. , H Valentine (vaccine critic UK)Keller, Dr Leander Joseph (vaccine critic UK)Loat , Lily (vaccine critic UK) Loat, Lily quotesLupton, Arnold, M.P (vaccine critic UK) Lupton quotesMarchini, M.D. , Daniel (vaccine critic UK)McBean, Eleanor (vaccine critic USA) McBean, Eleanor quotesMendelsohn, MD (vaccine heretic USA) Mendelsohn MD quotesNewman (1883) , Professor F. W (vaccine critic)Nightingale , Florence Nightingale , Michael (vaccine critic UK) Obomsawin Ph D , Raymond (vaccine

Taylor, P.A MP (vaccine critic UK)Tebb, Dr Scott (vaccine critic UK)Tebb , William (vaccine critic UK) Tebb, William quotesTilden MD (1851-1940) , John (vaccine critic USA) Tilden MD quotes Tilden MD bannersTrall MD (vaccine critic USA) Vetrano , Dr. Vivian Virginia (vaccine critic USA)Vaccination Liberation (vaccine critic USA)Wallace, LL.D. (1889/1898 , Alfred R (vaccine critic) Wallace, Alfred quotes Wallace, Alfred bannersWhite, William (vaccine critic UK) White, William (quotes)Wilkinson (1883) , Dr Garth (vaccine critic UK)

USABeale , Morris Campbell MD, Dr (vaccine critic USA) Campbell, Charles MD (quotes)Deane , Dr. Tenison Hale , Annie Riley Hay, 1937 , Dr. William Howard Hay, Dr William (banners)Higgins, ChasHodge, John W . Mendelsohn, M.DPeebles MD, J. M. Pitcairn (1911) , John Rodermund, Dr Shelton DC , Herbert

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UK) Collins MD quotesCreighton , Dr (vaccine critic UK) Creighton , Charles M.A., M.D quotes Creighton Charles MD bannersCrookshank , Prof (vaccine critic UK) Deane , Dr. Tennison (vaccine critic USA)Dick , Prof (vaccine critic UK) Dole , Lionel (vaccine critic UK) Dettman , Dr Glen (vaccine critic AUS) Dudgeon, Henry Dalby (vaccine critic) Hale , Annie Riley (vaccine critic USA) Hoggan M.B. , George (vaccine critic UK) Hoggan, MD (1883) , Elizabeth (vaccine critic UK)

critic CAN) Obomsawin quotesPitcairn (1911) , John (vaccine critic USA) Pearce, M.D. , Dr. Charles T (vaccine critic UK) Pearce quotesPeebles MD, J. M. Pickering , Mr. Johh (vaccine critic UK) Rodermund, Dr (vaccine critic USA) R uata, Carlo, M.D (vaccine critic ITALY)Schieferdecker M.D, Chr. Charles (vaccine critic GER)Sidhwa ND , Keki (vaccine critic UK) Sinclair, N.D. , Ian (vaccine critic AUS) Shaw, George Bernard (vaccine critic UK) Shaw, Bernard (banners) Shaw, Bernard (quotes)Shelton DC , Herbert (vaccine critic USA) Shelton quotes

Tilden MD (1851-1940) , John (vaccine critic) Tilden MD quotes Tilden MD bannersVaccination Liberation Vetrano , Dr. Vivian Virginia

VaccinatorsJenner (vaccinator) Jenner (vaccinator) quotes Jenner bannersPlayfair, Sir Lyon (vaccinator)Rosenau, Dr. Milton J (vaccinator)Copeman, Dr. S. Monckton (vaccinator)

Vaccine critics (also has own page here):

Smallpox vaccine critic s (from 19 cent)

Nurses on vaccination

Controlled oppositionNVIC

A-ZAitken , Dr Kenneth Alber, Erwin (VINE)Awadu , Keidi Obi Ayoub , David Bachmair , Andreas Baratosy, M.B , Peter *Bark, MD, Dr. Toni Al-Bayati, MohammedBayly, Beddow (vaccine critic UK) * Bayly, Beddow quotes Bayly, Beddow (banners) Bealle , Morris Beattie , Greg * Belkin , Michael Bernard , Sallie

Edwards , Allison Eisenstein, Dr. Mayer Elice, Michael M.D.Elkordy, Sallie: Ellison , Bryan Elmiger MD , Dr Jean England , Christina Fanu , Dr James Le Ferguson, D.C. , David Fisher , Barbara Loe *Fletcher, Peter DrF ox , Rosemary Fraser , Heather Fudenburg , Dr Gale , Richard Gallup , Raymond Gaublomme, MD , Kris Girard M.D., Dr Marc Golding , Alan Goldstein, D.V.M , Martin Goldman, Ph.D , Gary S. Gordon MD, FAAP, IBCLC , Dr Jay Gostaldo DC , Todd Gottstein , Sandy Grant, Marge

Kupsinel MD , Dr. Roy Krasner , Gary Lanctot, M.D , Guylain . *Lanka, Dr Stefan Larsen, LM , Kelly Latto, MB, ChB , Gordon Levy, M.D.,F.A.C.C , Thomas Lindlahr, M.D , Henry * Lisa , P. Joseph Loat , Lily (UK) * Loat, Lily quotesLunoe, Sandy Lupton, Arnold, M.P (smallpox vax UK) * Lupton quotesLYDALL , WENDY *Mansfield , Dr Peter Martin, M.D., Ph.D, W. John Marini , MS., D.C. , Stephen C. Marchini, M.D. , Daniel Marston , Sue Matsumoto , Gary *McCarthy , Jenny McBean, Eleanor (USA) * McBean, Eleanor quotesMcTaggart , Lynne *

Renee , April Dr Robert ReisingerRichardson , Dawn Rimland Ph.D., Dr Roberts , Janine Rodermund, Dr (smallpox USA) Rollens, Rick R uata, Carlo, M.D (smallpox vax ITALY)Ruesch, Hans Ruede, Laura Saul, Dr Schlafly, Roger Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.** Articles External articles Quotes Quote banners LettersSchieferdecker M.D, Chr. Charles (smallpox vax GER)Schumacher, Karin Scott, M.A. M.Sc, Prof Sears , Robert W. MD *

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Berthoud, Françoise MD Binstock , Teresa Biggs (smallpox vax UK) Biggs, JT bannersBigtree, Del Blanco , Kathy Blakemore-Brown , Lisa C

Blaylock, M.D, Russell . Quotes Banners ArticlesBlaxill , Mark Bolen, Tim Borraccia , Paul Bradstreet, Dr. Jeff Brogan, MD, Kelly Brouwer, M.D. , Louis de Buchwald, M.D (vaccine critic GER) * Buchwald MD quotes . Buchwald M.D., Dr. Gerhard bannersBurton , Dan Butler , Hilary Buttram, MD , Harold * Buttar , Dr. Rashid DO Bystrianyk , Roman Carlshamre , Maria Campbell MD, Dr (vaccine critic USA) Campbell, Charles MD (quotes)Campbell , Joan Cantwell, M.D.*Carley, MD , Dr. Rebecca Cantekin Ph.D. , Dr. ErdemCassel , Ingri Catalano , Bob Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P. , Chatterjee , Jagannath Claridge, Sue ClassenColeman , Dr Vernon Collins MD (1883) , Dr (smallpox vax UK) Collins MD quotesCreighton , Dr (smallpox vax UK) Creighton , Charles M.A., M.D quotes

Gunn BSc , Trevor Gupta , Chris Greenberg , Bernard Greier, MR and Greier, DAHandley , J.B. Haley PhD , Boyd Halvorsen , Dr Richard MB Hadwen MD (smallpox vax UK) Hadwen MD quotes Hadwen, MD (banners)HALE , ANNIE RILEY Hancock , Bronwyn *Harkins, DonHay, 1937 , Dr. William Howard (vaccine critic USA) Hay, Dr William (banners)Haley Ph.D.,Boyd Haley quotes Quote bannersHead MCH Rs. Hon , Christina J *Healy , Justin Heptonstall , John P Hickman , Maureen *Higgins, Chas (smallpox vax USA) Higgins quotesHodge, John W (smallpox vax USA)*Hume-Rothery , Mary C (smallpox vax UK)Hutton, Arthur (smallpox vax UK)Hoffman, Rita Holdsworth , Patrick Hooker, Brian Hooper, EdHorowitz DM.D.,M.A , Leonard .*Horwin , Michael & Raphaele Howenstine, MD , Dr. James Hume , Ethel Douglas Humphries, MD (USA) , Suzanne Hyde MD , Dr. Byron Incao, M.D. , Philip Innis , Michael D James , Walene *Janak , Cynthia A. Jefferson , Dr. Tom Jillani , Lisa and A.A. Jones, AllisonKalokerinos, M.D (vaccine critic

Mendelsohn, MD (USA)** Mendelsohn MD quotes Mercola D.O. , Dr Megsen , Dr Méndez, MD , Juan Manuel Martínez Newman (1883) , Professor F. W (smallpox vax UK)Moskowitz, M.D. , Richard *McCandless, M.D , Jaquelyn Mihalovic, Dave NDMiller , Clifford G. Miller , Neil *Mintz , Sandy Morrell, PeterMorris, Dr Anthony J. Moulden , Andrew Muhammad, Kevin A. Mullins, EustaceMurphy , Jamie *N a ss, Meryl M.D , Dr. . Nakken, R.N., MA , Sheri Nicholson , Dr Richard Null, Ph.D. , Gary *Neustaedter, OMD, L.Ac , Randall . * Nicolson Ph.D. , Dr Nightingale , Michael Nkuba , Kihura Obukhanych , Dr Tetyana Odent MD , Dr Michel O'Driscoll , Catherine *Obomsawin Ph D , Raymond (CAN) * Obomsawin quotesO'KellyOrient MD , Jane O'Shea, DC , Tim Olmsted, Dan Ott, PhD, ND , A. True O’Leary , Professor John Overell , Bette *Palevsky, Lawrence Phillips , Alan *Pitcairn, D.V.M. , Richard H. Pitcairn (1911) , John (smallpox vax USA) Pearce, M.D. , Dr. Charles T (smallpox vax UK) * Pearce quotesPetek-Dimmer , Anita Pickering , Mr. Johh (smallpox

Seneff, Stephanie Severo , Julio Shaw , Chris Shaw, George Bernard (smallpox vax UK) Shaw, Bernard (banners) Shaw, Bernard (quotes)Shattock, Paul Shelton DC , Herbert (USA) * Shelton quotesShepherd, Charles Shulze , Dr Richard Sidhwa ND , Keki (UK) Sinclair, N.D., Ian *Sircus Ac, OMD , Mark Smits, Dr. Tinus S imon , S ylvie Singh, Vijendra K. Smith, M.D., Lendon H.*Smith , Thomas Snead, M.D., Eva * Snead quotesSteenis , Dr Dick van Stevenson, Heidi Stewart, Prof Gordon Stone, John Strecker, M.D., Robert Stoller MDTaylor, Magda Tebb, Dr Scott (smallpox vax UK)Tebb , William (smallpox vax UK) Tebb, William quotesTenpenny, Sherri DO Tetrault, M. D. Gregory Thomas, Isabella Thomas, Dr Paul Thrower, David Tilden MD (1851-1940) , John (USA) Tilden MD quotes Tilden MD banners*Tocco, Mary Tolzin, Hans (Germany)Tomljenovic, Lucija Tommey , Polly Topp, Beth Trall MD (USA) Ullman, DanaUrnovitz

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Creighton Charles MD bannersCoulter , Harris * Converse, MPH, Judy Cournoyer , Cynthia *Cost , Curtis *Craig , Jennifer PhD *Crookshank , Prof (smallpox vax UK)Dannemann, Eileen Dachel, Anne Da y, Lorraine Dr Deal, Ph.D.Dr. Grady A. D.C.Deth , Dr. Richard Duffy DC , Dr Dan DeSimone , Susan DeLatte , Yves *Dettman Ph.D , Glen . *Diodati , Catherine * Dodds, Jean DVMDole , Lionel Donegan, MB , Dr Jayne Donohoe MB , Dr Mark Dorman MD , Thomas Dorey , Meryl W. *Douglass, MD , William *Doubleday , Jock Duffy DCDunbar , Dr Bonnie Eddy

AUS)* Kalokerinos quotes Kalokerinos, Archie (banners) Katme, Dr. A. Majid Keller, Dr Leander Joseph (smallpox vax UK)Kennedy , Ronald Kennedy Jr. , Robert F. Keske , Tom Kessick , Rosemary King, PhD, Paul G. Kinsbourne MD , Marcel Kirby, DavidKnaggs. , H Valentine (smallpox vax UK)Kops, Stanley P. Koren DC , Te dd Kreider , Susan

vax UK) Pragnell, Charles Pringle , Evelyn Quanten MD , Dr Patrick Rappoport , Jon *Ratner, MD , Dr. Herbert Rattigan ND , Pat *Reagan , Lisa Redwood, R.N. , Lyn Rees, Alan Regush , Nicholas

Vetrano , Dr. Vivian Virginia (USA)Wagnitz , Michael F. Waisbren, Burton, M.D.Walker MA, Martin Wallace, LL.D. (1889/1898 , Alfred R (smallpox vax) * Wallace, Alfred quotes Wallace, Alfred bannersWilcox, Brett *Wilkinson (1883) , Dr Garth (vaccine critic UK)Wakefield, Dr. Andy Quotes Banners Wain BEM , Wm. H Watson, Anna Welsh , Bill West, Edda West, Jim West Ph.D., John *White, William (smallpox vax UK) * White, William (quotes)Wilson, Graham MDWinkler , Dawn Yazbak MD, F. Edward Yuryev, Dmitriy K.Yurko, Alan

Groups (most antivaccine). Own page here:

No longer activeThe National Anti-Vaccination LeagueInternational Anti-Vaccination League

Controlled oppositionNVIC

Facebook [Facebook sites (whale approved)]Peer-Reviewed Vaccine InformationA Shot of TruthProud Parents Of UnvaccinatedChildrenSay NO to the VaccineTheRefusers Belkin , Michael

IrelandIrish Vaccine Informed Parents group

USAInternational Medical Council on VaccinationThe World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE)VIC (Vaccine Injured Children)Health Advocacy in the Public InterestNational Vaccine Information Centre(NVIC) Vaccine Information & Awareness(VIA)Coalition For Informed

France, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Denmark,Japan,Spain Dr Kris Gaublomme: www.vaccinatieschade.beElse Jenson www.vaccinationforum.du/link.htmS ylvie S imon FRENCH NATIONAL LEAGUE FOR LIBERTY IN VACCINATION Dutch siteHomeopathy and Vaccination site by Dr. Tinus Smits Italian site International Vaccination


IndiaPeople for Economical andEffective Medicare

Brazil:Dr Veronica Carstens:

ThailandVaccines and the Akha People of Thailand. Tetanus Toxoid and spontaneous abortions

Independent groups

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Educate4theinjured Educate4theinjured.orgVaccination Information Network (VINE)

ArgentinaAxel Makaroff Australia & New ZealandAustralian Vaccination Network (AVN)*Immunisation Awareness Society (IAS) VISA Vaccine Information Vaccination Information Service

CanadaEagle Foundation Vaccine Risk Awareness Network (VRAN)UKUK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID)The Informed ParentVaccine Awareness Network (VAN) *JABS The Arnica Network Vaccine Victim Support GroupHepatitis B Victim Support GroupAss. of Parents of Vaccine Damaged ChildrenCampaign for Justice for all Vaccine Damaged ChildrenCanine Health Concern* Vaccine Information What Doctors Don't Tell You *Parents For Vaccine Education UK


ChoiceVaccination Liberation (North Idaho)People Advocating Vaccine Education (PAVE)The Connecticut Vaccine Information Alliance NJ Alliance for Informed Choice in Vaccination (NJ-AICV)Long Island Vaccination Information Networking GroupGlobal Vaccine Awareness League (GVAL) Concerned Parents For Vaccine SafetyNew Yorkers for VaccinationInformation & Choice Informed Parents Vaccination Homepage

Arizona Vaccine InformationNetwork MISSOURI CITIZENS COALITION FOR FREEDOM IN HEALTH CARE Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE--Texas) PENNSYLVANIA PARENTS for VACCINE AWARENESS V.I.A.M (Vaccine Infromation and Action in Maryland) [email protected] or [email protected]. New Hampshire Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition Eagle Forum of Illinois FVIC,Virginia Wisconsin Citizens For Free Choice In Immunization

NewsletterFederazione del COMILVA VaccinationsforumJapan Spain

Germany , Switzerland impfschaden.infoKlein-Klein-AktionAegis BayernAegis SchweizImpfportalImpfkritik ( Hans Tolzin ) (printed antivaccinaton-magazine since 2005) (new Website from Angelika Kögel-Schauz and Sonja Houzer) (old Website from Angelika Kö Organisation of Parents from vaccinationhandicaped ChildrenRussia1796 - Homeopathy and VaccinationsUkrainian anti-vaccine public organization: and

researching mercury, and vaccinesGeneration RescueNo MercuryHealth Advocacy in the Public InterestSafe MindsMomsAgainstMercuryputchildrenfirst.orgAutism Research Institute (Dr Rimland)ALT Inc ( Boyd Haley Ph.D. ) Geier, MR and Geier, DAAutism OneThe Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD)Allergy Induced Autism /AiA FAIR Autism Me dia One ClickCry Shame


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Vaccine created disease (own page here)

Changing age of disease onsetVaccines used to induce disease in animalsTherapies for vaccine damage(eg autism)

Nancy Babcock's album (vaccine deaths and injuries)

Autoimmune diseasesBlood disordersBowel diseaseNervous system Skin disorders

Quote bannersVaccine autism Vaccine deathsVaccine diseaseVAERS

AbortionADDADEMAIDSAllergiesAllergy (peanut)ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)Alzheimer'sAnaphylaxisAnti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis. Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)ApneaAppetite, anorexia Aplastic anemiaArthritisAsthmaA utism Hiding vaccine autism Autism by Any Other Name Behavioural, not medical Change in diagnosis    Genetics ploy Regressive autism doesn't exist

Cerebral PalsyCoeliac DiseaseCFIDS/MECIC (Klinkers)CJD riskCot-Death--SIDS--Crib-DeathConvulsionsChronic inflammatoryCriminalityDemylenating Polyneuropathy (CIDP).Crohn's DiseaseCystsDemyelination Development disabilityDeathDeep vein thrombosis (DVT)DepressionDermatomyositisDiabetesDown's syndromeDravet SyndromeDyslexiaDystoniaEar infections (Otitis Media)EncephalitisEncephalitis, Anti-NMDA Receptor EncephalomyelitisEczemaEpilepsyErysipelas Erythema multiformeEye damageFanconi's anemiaFeline sarcomasFeverFibromyalgiaFoetal damageFoot and mouth diseaseGait disturbancesGangreneGastroenteritisGlomerulonephritis

Graves' diseaseGuillain-Barre syndromeGulf War SyndromeHair lossHeadacheHeartHearingHeller's syndromeHemolytic anemia Henoch-Schoenlein PurpuraHepatitisHughes syndrome and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)Hyperkinetic syndromeInfectionsInfertilityInflammatory bowel diseaseImmune SuppressionIntussusception Kawasaki SyndromeKidney disordersLeukemia & lymphomaLennox-gastaut syndromeLeprosyLichen planusLiver disordersLou Gehrig's diseaseLung, breathingLupusLyell's syndromeLyme diseaseL ymphoma M acrophagic myofasciitis (MMF)MEMeningitisMeningoencephalitisMiscarriageMitichondrial DisorderMumpsMunchausen'sMSMyasthenia gravisMyocarditisNarcolepsyNervous system

NeurologicalObesityOptic NeuritisOrchitis OsteoporosisOtitis MediaPancreatitisPancytopeniaPeanut AllergyPericarditisPanniculitisParkinsonismP neumonia PolioRenalRespiratorySarcomas (feline)SclerodermaSeizuresSerum SicknessShaken Baby SyndromeShinglesS inusitis Skin disordersSmallpoxSpanish FluSSPESterilisationStevens-Johnson syndromeSudden deathSyphilisTBTetanusThrombocytopenia purpuraTourette's SyndromeTransverse myelitisTyphoidUveitisVacciniaVasculitisVasculomyelinopathyViolent BehaviourWhooping cough

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Fraudulent studiesAutoimmune diseasesBell's PalsyBirth defectsBowel diseaseBrain SwellingBrain damage (severe)Blood ReactionsBullous pemphigoidBSE riskCancer

Vaccine deaths/genocide (own page here):

ArticlesVaccine death bannersVaccine genocide articlesMedia stories TestimoniesVideoDirty needlesThe Missing VialAlaskaLitigationCitationsNational Vaccine Injury Compensation Program USAWithdrawn vaccinesHot lotsVaccine Disasters

Gates Articles Quotes

QuotesVaccine death bannersD eath C rib death Shaken Baby SyndromeBiowarfareGulf War SyndromeGenocide & vaccinationSmallpox vaccination (from 1800's)

Africa: drugs, malnutrion, clean water, sanitation

Vaccine associated deathsGulf War SyndromeMunchausen's Syndrome by ProxyShaken Baby SyndromeCot death

Vaccine deathsHiding smallpox vaccine deathsSmallpox vaccine

Diptheria vaccine 1919-1948MMR v accine VAERS deathsGardasil deathsSwine flu vaccine deathsDPTFlu vaccineCoroners hiding vaccine deaths


OPV vaccine in AfricaKihura Nkuba (Uganda)Ed ward Hooper Genocide via Oral Polio Vaccine

GULF WAR SYNDROMEAnthrax vaccine Gulf War Syndrome

Quackwatch vaccine information (vaccine deaths)

Awadu , Keidi Obi Brink , Anthony Dr Alan Cantwell, M.D.Robert Strecker, M.D.Leonard Horowitz DM.D.,M.A.Ed ward Hooper Tom KeskeDr Nicolson Ph.D.Prof Scott, M.A. M.ScTerry WycuffBoyd Ed Graves, J.DKihura NkubaKalokerinos M.D. , Archie

Vaccine autism (own page here, also see Vaccine autism proven)

ArticlesVaccine autism provenMedia articlesParent quotesQuotesV accine autism quotesLetters

TestimoniesVictim testimoniesMedia vaccine victim storiesDPT vaccinesMMR vaccinesMercury in vaccines

Cover-up ploysGeneticsDiagnosisGovernment studies

Autism rare before mass vaccinationAutism increaseLeo Kanner

Studies on vaccine linkCommittee of Government Reform

Therapies for vaccine damage (eg autism)


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Vaccine Contaminants (own page here):

Blood supply

Nano particles

Hepatitis B vaccine & AIDSPolio vaccines (SV40 & aids) SV40 CJD, BSE risk AIDS

AcanthamoebaBird virusesCJD, BSEDNA, RNAMycoplasmaSimian cytomegalovirusNanobacteria


Vaccine ingredients (own page here):

ArticlesA luminium Thimerosal Articles

Quote bannersThimerosal/MercuryAluminiumAlzheimer'sIngredients

QuotesQuotesThimerosal Synergistic toxicity

Vaccine ingredients 1Vaccine ingredients 2

Nano particles

Peanut oil


Human DNA

AdjuvantsA luminium Squalene M onophosphoryl lipid A (MPL , ASO4) MF5965Freund's (FCA)Sodium borate QS-21

AS03:Squalene, Tween 80/ Polysorb ate 80DL-α-tocopherol

Preservatives:AlcoholsGl ycerine Neomycin2-phenoxyethanol (2-PE) StreptomycinPolymyxin BMercury


DetergentsS odium deoxycholate

Stabiliser/solvent:Tween 80Triton X-100

Bovine Canine kidney cellsAborted fetal DNAGelatin

MethiolateMonkey kidney cellsMSGPhenol

Allergy reactions AllergiesAnaphylaxis

Vaccines used to induce disease in animals

A-Z2-phenoxyethanol (2-PE)65Aborted fetal DNAAlcohols Benzyl alcoholAllergy reactions AllergiesA luminium articles A luminium AnaphylaxisArticlesBenzyl alcoholBovine Canine kidney cellsContaminantsFreund's (FCA)FormaldehydeGelatin

Gl ycerine Human fetal cellsMercuryMethiolateMonkey kidney cellsM onophosphoryl lipid A (MPL , ASO4)MF59MSGNano particlesNeomycinPeanut oilPhenolPolymyxin BPolysorb ate 80 QuotesQS-21Sodium borate S odium deoxycholate SqualeneStreptomycinSynergistic toxicityThimerosal articlesThimerosal quotesTriton X-100Tween 80Vaccines used to induce disease in animalsVaccine ingredients 1Vaccine ingredients 2

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Thimerosal (mercury vaccine ingredient) own page here:

Thimerosal use in Third World [pdf 1999] Eli Lilly Thimerosal data sheet

ArticlesCitations re Toxicity of Thimerosal VideoQuotesQuote bannersSynergistic toxicity quotesBoyd Haley Ph.D. quotes Blood brain barrierDrugs depleting nutrients quotesVaccine mercury poisoning

LeadAluminiumMercury & Alzheimer's Dental amalgam & disease

Autism increase

Hannah Poling

G lutathione

Hep B package insert Flu vaccine and alzheimer's


Ethyl vs. Methyl

Thimerosal Content (U.S.)199920022005UK: Nov 2002 2005 PDF

Mercury levels'Trace' mercury

Mercury medicinesPink diseaseMercury medicinesRHOGAM

Mercury inducing disease in animal experiments

Simpsonwood meeting June 2000

[1999] Eli Lilly Material Data Safety Sheet for Thimerosal

LitigationLaw change to avoid liabilityCitations, studies re thimerosal & mercury

Independent groups researching mercury, and vaccines Generation RescueNo MercuryHealth Advocacy in the Public InterestSafe MindsMomsAgainstMercuryputchildrenfirst.orgAutism Research Institute (Dr Rimland)ALT Inc ( Boyd Haley Ph.D. ) Geier, MR and Geier, DAAutism OneThe Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD)Allergy Induced Autism /AiA FAIR Autism Me dia One ClickCry Shame

A utism file (Polly Tommey)

Bill Welsh (Autism Treatment Trust)

CriticsDavid Ayoub Greier, MR and Greier, DABoyd Haley Ph.D.Rimland Ph.D., Dr Teresa BinstockBernard , Sallie Lyn Redwood David KirbyDr. Richard Deth

Mark BlaxillJ.B. Handley

Dr. Rashid Buttar

Lisa C Blakemore-Brown blog

Leo Kanner

Vaccine articles (own page here)

Many more can be found on individual pages.

ContaminationEfficacyGeneralImmune systemIngredientsPregnancyDisease theoryVaccine deaths

Therapies (vaccine damage)Politics/conflict of interest


Vaccines:AnimalBCG (TB)Ceravix (HPV)ChickenpoxDPTFlu vaccineGardasil (HPV)Hepatitis B

Diseases, syndromes:AIDSAutismDiabetesGulf War syndromeSIDS/Crib deathShaken baby syndrome

Scientists:Teresa BinstockViera Scheibner Ph.D.Alfred R. WallaceOsteopathic MedicineSherri Tenpenny DO

Vaccine critics:Medical doctorsChiropractorsHomeopathsNaturopathy, Natural HygieneNurses

Medical doctors:Beddow BaylyDr. Buchwald MDHarold Buttram, MDRussell L. Blaylock, M.D. Dr Alan Cantwell MDDr Jayne Donegan, MB

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Unhealthy charitiesMoney incentiveJunk science

Hidden agendasG enocide Sterilisation

Refusal to Vaccinate form


HIBMeaslesMMRMMR studies (gov)MeningitisPolio'Prevnar' RubellaSmallpoxSwine fluTetanus

Medical Historian:Harris CoulterResearchers:Hilary ButlerChristina England

Kris Gaublomme, MDDr Hadwen MD Archie Kalokerinos M.D.W. John Martin, M.DR Mendelsohn MDEva Snead MDLendon H.Smith, M.D.Dr. Andy WakefieldF. Edward Yazbak MD

Vaccination quotes (own page here)

Quote banners

D octors on vaccination

AdvertisingAfricaAluminiumAllopathyAntibody TheoryBlood brain barrierChanging age of disease onsetDrugs in pregnancyDrugs depleting nutrientsG lutathione Herd ImmunityHomeopathyGeneralMain reason for high vaccination driveVaccine Profits vs SafetyKlenner MDClassicsReisinger , Dr Robert Sandler MDSafety studiesSmallpox & vaccinationUnvaccinated children healthierChild immune system and development re vaccinationSynergistic toxicityThimerosalVaccine failure Vaccine reaction time lag

Vaccine Disease RacketVaccine critics:Beddow Bayly

Martin MDMcBean Ph.D , Eleanor Mendelsohn MDNkuba , Kihura Obomsawin Ph.D., Raymond Rappoport , Jon Rimland PhRuesch, HansScheibner PhD , Viera Snead , Eva MD Scott MA, MSc. , Donald W. Shaw , George Bernard TebbThrower, DavidWallace, Alfred West , Jim The vaccines:SV40AnimalAnthraxBCG vaccine & TBContaminationDiphtheriaDPTFluGardasil (HPV)Hepatitis BHibIngredientsMMREZ measlesPackage inserts PolioSmallpoxTetanusThimerosal (vaccine ingredient)

Medical doctorsBeddow BaylyBlaylock MDHarold Buttram MDDr. Buchwald MDDr Alan Cantwell MDColeman MB , Vernon William Douglass MDDr Jayne Donegan MBDr Jean ElmigarPhilip Incao, M.D.Lanctot, M.D. , Guylaine Dr Robert Mendelsohn MDDr Kalokerinos MDLevy, M.D.,F.A.C.C , Thomas N a ss, Meryl M.D , Dr. . Eva Snead MDWakefieldYazbak MDHomeopathic medical doctorsDr Jean ElmigarHomeopathsHarris L. Coulter, Ph.D. Trevor Gunn BScDoctors (non-medical)Dr. Dan Duffy Sr. DCTrevor Gunn BScTed Koren DCO'Shea, DC , Tim Herbert Shelton DCDiseases, death:VAERSVICP paymentsAutismAutism & vaccination--parentsCancer

PolioRubellaSARSShaken Baby syndromeSmallpox & vaccinationSpanish FluTB & BCG vaccine TetanusTyphoidVaccine DiseasePolitics:AdvertisingAfricaAllopathyBiowarfareCDCChiropractors on vaccinationDiagnosis ployDoctor controlDrugs in pregnancyEpidemiology FearmongeringFluorideGenocide via vaccinationGovernment"Highly infectious"Herd ImmunityJunk scienceJournal article & peer reviewLies & statisticsD octors on vaccination MediaMedical MonopolyModern MedicineMoney incentiveNursesStatistics re vaccinated or

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Blaylock MDTeresa BinstockButtram , Harold MD Buchwald MDHadwe n M.D, Walter R. Butler , Hilary Cantwell MDCoulter , Harris L. , Ph.D. Collins , M.D. (1883) Coleman , Dr Vernon MB Donegan , Jayne MB Douglass , William MD Duffy , Dr. Dan Sr. DC Elmigar , Dr Jean Gunn BSc , Trevor Haley, BoydHorowitz , Leonard Incao, M.D. , Philip Kalokerinos MDLoat , Lily

Loe Fisher , Barbara Yazbak MDKoren DC, Ted

Urabe MMR

Nutritional med/doctorsApple cider vinegarDr Kalokerinos MDDr Klenner MDDr Rimland PhDr Sandler MD

Medical doctors on smallpox vaccination:Campbell MDCollins , M.D. Hadwen MDCreighton M.A., M.D. Pearce, M.D

Smallpox vax critics (non-medical)WallaceBiggsLoat , Lily LuptonMcBean Ph.D , Eleanor ShawTebbWhite, William

Crib deathChickenpox/varicellaDeathDiabetesDiptheriaDisease theoryImmune suppressionVaccine disease declineDisease increaseEar problemsGulf War SyndromeLeprosyMeaslesMeningitisMumpsMycoplasma

unvaccinatedTruthThimerosalUnhealthy charitiesVaccine Conflict of InterestVaccine lawVaccine politicsMedical MonopolyVaccine productionWorld Health Organisation (WHO) Overlooked disease cause:Infections & poisons Infection & nutritionEarth Energy diseaseDrugs depleting nutrientsTETRA & GSM (cell phone)

Synergistic toxicity

Vaccine companies:WyethGlaxo SmithKlineMerck

Medical mind control (own page here)

* Recognised propaganda ploys

ArticlesArticles re medical lyingArticles re lying

Medical HoaxesMedical beliefs

Medical Information Control

Main control ploysAuthority*Fear of DiseaseFear of QuacksLies ' Vaccines are Safe ' lie MonopoliesHypnotismIgnoranceS hills

Double ThinkEducationEgo denialEuphemism (name calling) *Epidemiology Epidemic Fearmongering Evidence /Science based medicine ExpertsFear mongering *   Epidemic Fearmongering   Infectious scares  Fake vaccine 'scarcity'False Connections*Foreign studiesGeneticsGreek ChorusHealth Fraud movement Posse Groups PlayersHealthy trial babies onlyHerd Immunity

Peer reviewPharma gangPlacebosP lacebo washout P ost morte m (deny) Preserve vaccination from reproachQuack busters R ationalization RDA LimitsRepetition*Revolving door Responsibility'Safe' definitionS afety studies Science based medicine ScapegoatsSecrecySelf testing (vaccines)ShillsSlides/ Red Herring Suppress alternativesSuppress the word Cure

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A-Z ploys:Ad Hominem*     A nti-vaccine A nti-semite A rrogance A ppeal to incredulity 'Conspiracy' Denialist 'Pseudoscience' & 'anti-science'     Quacks & quackery Paranoid Peter Bowditch Putz the pharma shillAdvertisingAllopathic (vaccine) beliefsAnalogy madnessAnecdotesAntibody TheoryAnti-Vitamin studiesAnti-VaccinationArroganceAss assinations Avoid liability Authority*Adverse reactionsBehavioural, not medicalBenefits Outweigh RisksBiasBooks (propaganda) Book banning WikipediaBlame the parentsBriberyC harities Chief Allopath (Medical Officer)ChurchClinical TrialsCoincidence lieComplexityCompulsion'Conspiracy' word gameConstructive DismissalCorporatism'Cure' word forbiddenDarwinismDebunkingDenialistDiagnosisDisease TheoryDisease decline'Discredited'Doctor intimidation

BannersHiding polioHiding smallpoxHiding smallpox deathsHiding vaccine reactions (coincidence)Hiding a dverse reaction s (don't report) H igh vaccination drive HistoryHistrionicsHype Disease riskHypnotismIgnoranceInfectious scaresInsurance scam Independent /'Non-Profit' IntimidationJust a CoincidenceJunk ScienceLaw Avoid liability CANCER ACT 1939LiesLiving longer mythLogical Fallacies Ad hominem A ppeal to incredulity Appeal to the majorityLong term studies (none)L ooking w h ere it ain't MediaMedical journal controlMedical study ploysMedical MythsMedical recordsMedical doctor uptake on vaccinesMissing VialMonkey businessMoneyMonopoliesM ouse toxicity test N ame Calling ( Word Game )*N atural immunisatio n Newsgroup pharma shills Putz the pharma shill Peter Bowditch GMCarter "J" NEVER ENOUGH STUDIESNo cure, no known causeNonthoughtOffit's 100,000 vaccines at onceOmerta

Suppress studies/researchThinkingTrust me

Word Game Church Glittering Generality* Euphemisms* N ame Calling * Evidence based medicine V accine preventable disease Suppress the word Cure Show us the Evidence

Suppress/censorUnderlying conditions'Unvaccinated' lieVaccine "science"Vaccine commissarsVaccine Buzz phrasesVaccine testingVivisectionWhistleblowersWord Game


Great HeistsSmallpox Heist 2002 Bird Flu Heist

Medical study ploys [Medical study ploysAnecdotesAntibody TheoryAnti-Vitamin studiesClinical TrialsEpidemiology Evidence /Science based medicine Foreign studiesHealthy trial babies onlyHist testL ooking were it ain't Never unvaccinated controlsKendrick mouse testM ouse toxicity test NEVER ENOUGH STUDIESPeer reviewPlacebosP lacebo washout S afety studies Study data kept secretSuppress studies/research

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'One plane ride away'Pandemic definitionP arent Harassment Parent Vaccine Leaflets

CD4 cell counting

Monkey business

DPT Mouse testsM ouse toxicity test Kendrick mouse test Hist test

Tests [See: Medical tests]

AntibodyCD4 test HepatitisMammographyMyelogram Biopsy ScansPSA testHIV testsHerpes TestsTB tests

Fear ploys [Fear mongering]Epidemic Fearmongering Infectious scaresFake vaccine 'scarcity'Epidemiology Foreign virusesHype disease riskMissing VialOne plane ride away'

Vaccine autism denial ploysAutism and geneticschange in diagnosisAutism increase

Rare before DPT vaccination

All in your head

Ethylmercury vs. Methylmercury

Regressive autismHannah Poling

Shills [Shills]AllopathsAM A Quotes CDC

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C harities Company men Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)FDAIndependent ployInstitute of MedicineMediaQuack busters Vaccine CommitteesWHOWikipediaPutz the pharma shill

Pharma flamingVaccine Conflict of Interest QuotesGovernments--how they functionPropagandaOther Assorted ploysMedical control quotes Medical Monopol y quotes

Paul Offit's 100,000 vaccines at once

Medical study ploys (own page here)

Junk science quotesJunk science a rticles Junk g overnment studies re MMR vaccineConflict of interestMerck MMR mumps component fraud

Pharma shills (deep cover)The Cochrane Collaboration Institute of Medicine (IOM)

PloysAnecdotesAntibody TheoryAnti-Vitamin studies

Clinical TrialsEpidemiology Evidence /Science based medicineForeign studiesHealthy trial babies onlyHist testNever unvaccinated controlsInadequate safety studiesKendrick mouse testLong term studies (none)L ooking were it ain't

M ouse toxicity test NEVER ENOUGH STUDIESNo criticism or right of replyPeer reviewPlacebosP lacebo washout Study data kept secretSuppress studies/researchCD4 cell countingThird world guinea pigs

Monkey business

DPT Mouse testsM ouse toxicity test Kendrick mouse test Hist test

Vaccine autism denial ploys[Vaccine autism]Autism geneticAutism increase "due to change in diagnosis"

Medical lies (own page here)


Smallpox [See: Smallpox vaccination lies]Smallpox statistic quotesD anger s of smallpox

R ationalization (lying to yourself)Repetition of Lies

Lying with the Truth Lying with silence Lying by omission Measles risk lie

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Quotes:Quote banners (medical)Quote banners (non-medical)Lying quotes (non-medical)M edical l ies & statistics (general) African disease statistics quotesSmallpox vaccination liesSmallpox statistics 'Unvaccinated' lieT he Franco-German War (1870-71) Smallpox death Statistics.The Grand 3,000 per Million Statistic.

Lie mongers American Cancer Society Chief Allopath (Medical Officer)Chief Dental Officer'Experts'CDCQuackwatchWHOWikipedia Medical Lies

Great LiesAnimal Research Saves LivesInfectious scaresSmallpox Lie'Vaccines are Safe ' 'Vaccines are effective'

CancerCancer lie #1Cancer lie #2Cancer lie #3

Infectiousness of smallpox S purious cowpox T he Franco-German War (1870-71) fraudThe Grand 3,000 per Million Statistic.Dr. Ogle's statistical fraud regarding LeicesterMr. Hutchinson lying over vaccine syphilisEmily Maud Child of Leeds.THE "CEA R A" FABLE.

 Nasty liesBlame the parents

 Fancy lies A uthority lie Diagnosis lie 'Experts'Epidemic Fearmongering lieThe ' Independent ' lie Lying with the TruthLying with silenceLying by omissionThe lies of AllopathyAutism increase due to change in diagnosis

Lying through ignorance

A-ZAnimal Research Saves Lives Lie A uthority lie African disease statistics quotesAlzheimer's 'mystery 'Benefits Outweigh the RisksBlame the parentsCancer lie #1Cancer lie #2Cancer lie #3Cot death 'mystery' D anger s of smallpox Diagnosis lie DPT vaccine lies'Experts'Epidemic Fearmongering lieFlu death lieGraphsIf it works lie Healthy trial babies onlyHerd ImmunityHep B Vax Safety Hiding polioHiding smallpoxHiding smallpox deathsHiding vaccine reactions (coincidence)Hiding adverse reactions (don't report)Hype Disease riskInfectious scare lies' Independent ' lie Just a coincidence lie Lying through ignorance

M easles ' more to be dreaded than smallpox ' MMR Top 10 truths and top 10 mythsNo known cure, no known cause lie Offit measles deaths lieOne plane ride away'The lies of AllopathyAutism increase due to change in diagnosisR ationalization (lying to yourself)Repetition of Lies Lies on vaccine leaflets Lying through ignorance Vaccine leaflet lies ' Vaccines are Safe ' lie 'V accines are effective ' lie 'O nly way lie Smallpox Lie Infectiousness of smallpox Vaccines are adequately testedVaccination has saved millions of livesVaccine mercury poisoning' Pseudoscience ' & ' anti- science ' lie Vivisectors LiesWakefield 'discredited' liesS purious cowpox

Vaccine package inserts (own page here):

Lies on vaccine leaflets

[pdf] GardasilAnthrax BCG, TB:ConnaughtTUBERSOL Tuberculin Test, Connaught

TheraCys® BCG Live (Intravesical)

FluFlu vaccinesHaemophilus B (HIB)

ActHIB® Aventis Pasteur MSD LtdHibTITER®Wyeth-Ayers HiberixHIB with DPTACT-HIB ®DTP Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd

MR/MMR(Eolarix, 1994)M-M-R II---Merck Sharp & Dohme (Aust.) Pty Ltd(Distrib. CSL)Priorix MeaslesConnaugh EdmondstonDIPLOVAX HDC 4.0 Edmonston-

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Chickenpox/varicella:Varivax Merck


Connaught (DPT) Pasteur Mérieux (1995) (DTP)CSL Limited (DPT) TRIVAX-AD (DTP)

DAPTACEL (DTaP)DIFTAVAX (DT)Connaught (DT) Connaught (Td)Evans Medical 1994 (DT)

Tripedia® (Preservative-free)Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed (Preservative-free) [pdf 2009] Tripedia DTap vaccine

Td (adult) Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed For Adult Use

Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed USP

TetanusToxoid USP Tetanus Toxoid USP For Booster Use Only DPTH/DTaPHTrivax Hib (1996)ACT-HIB ®DTP dc (Aventis Pasteur) TETRAMUNE (DTPH) Infanrix---SmithKline Beecham AUS

[pdf 2005] Tripedia

Infanrix ®-Hib (Glaxo SmithKline) Hepatitis AAvaxim ® (Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd)Havrix (Hep A) Glaxo SmithKlineHavrix Monodose ® (Glaxo SmithKline) Vaqta ® Adult (Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd) Vaqta ® Paediatric and Adolescent (Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd) With hepatitis b:TwinrixAdult (Glaxo SmithKline) Hepatitis BEngerix B Glaxo SmithKlineRECOMBIVAXH-B-Vax II---Merck Sharp & Dohme (Aust.) Pty Ltd Aventis Pasteur MSD LtdHPV[pdf] GardasilCeravix contentsMeningococcal meningitisMencevax ACWY----SmithKline Beecham Meningitec ® (Wyeth) Menjugate ® (Chiron) NeisVac-C ® (Baxter) AC Vax ® (Glaxo SmithKline)

Menomune®-A/C/Y/W-135 Meningococcal Polysaccharide VaccineGroups A,C,Y and W-135 Combined Mengivac (A+C) ® (Aventis Pasteur MSD)ACWY Vax ® (Glaxo SmithKline) DPT, Polio, Haemophilus bPentacel

Zagreb strainMORBILVAX SchwarzMumpsMUMPSVAX Jeryl Lynn

PneumococcalPnu-Imune ® (Wyeth) Pneumovax II Aventis Pasteur MSD LtdPrevnar WyethPolioConnaught (OPV) Connaught (IPV) Ipol (Injection) Rx AUS Orimune (OPV)POLIORAL (OPV) Rabies

IMOVAX® Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Diploid Cell Origin), Dried Smallpox

Dryvax -- Wyeth Swine flu[pdf] Pandemix[pdf] GSK employee disclaimer form Yellow Fever


See: Package Inserts and Manufacturers for some US Licensed Vaccines and Immunoglobulins

The diseases (own page here):

QuotesBloodPositive effect of childhood diseases

Spiritual Diseases

Vaccine diseasesAIDSAnthraxBird Flu

Bowel diseaseBright's diseaseBSE, CJDCancerCataractsC erebral palsy ChickenpoxCholeraColds and FluConstipationCrohn's

LeprosyLice (head)LonelinessLou Gehrig's diseaseLyme DiseaseLupusMacular degeneration Mad cowMycoplasmaMacrophagic myofasciitis (MMF)

Suicide Military suicides Suicide and pharma drugs Suicide music Farmer suicides FMD suicides 'Suicides'StaphylococcusNeuropathy ) Stomach ulcerSuicide

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ChickenpoxCholeraDiphtheriaFluHepatitisMeaslesMeningitisMumpsPolioRubellaSmallpoxRabiesTetanusTyphoidTuberculosisWhooping Cough

Iatrogenic:IatrogenicDental sourceVaccines (articles)Drugs (articles)Citations re vaccinesCitations re other drugsSilicone

A-ZADDAddiction Alcohol Gambling HeroinAgeismAIDSAllergy (peanut)Allergies & drugs AnthraxAppendicitis AutismArachnoiditis AsthmaAlcoholismALSAlzheimer’sAplastic Anaemia ArthritisAuto-immuneBack & Neck PainBad breathBarlow's diseaseBedsoresBipolar

CFS/ME/CFIDSCot death, crib-death, SIDSCystic fibrosisDental CariesDepressionDown's syndromeDiabetes Drug induced diabetes DIABETES & VACCINES Articles Citations QuotesDiphtheriaDissociative Identity Disorde r (DID) DyslexiaEar infectionsEbolae coliEczma/psoriasisElecrostressEmphysemaEmotional traumaEncephalitisE ndometriosis EpilepsyE ye False Memory SyndromeFetal Anticonvulsant Syndrome (FACS)FeverFluFibromyalgiaFibroidsFour Corners lung diseaseGallstonesGamblingGastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)Gulf War SyndromeGum DiseaseGraves DiseaseGuillain-BarreHead, Back & Neck PainHeart disease Articles Herbs Cayenne Pepper Chelation therapy Diet NutritionNutrition

MalariaMEMeaslesMeningitisMenopauseMental IllnessMeniere's syndromeMigrainesMoles and WartsMotor neuron diseaseMorgellons DiseaseMultiple Personality DisorderMumpsMunchausen's Syndrome by ProxyMRSAMSMultiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Muscular dystrophyNecrotising fasciitisObesityOld AgeOtitis MediaOsteoporosisPainParanoid schizophrenia.Parkinson'sPellagra Pernicious AnemiaPhysical TraumaPink diseaseP neumocystis carinii pneumonia Puerperal FeverPneumoniaPositive effect of childhood diseasesPost Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Post Tubal Syndrome (PTS)PolioPost polio syndrome PsychopathyPsychosomatic diseasePsoriasisPTSDPuerperal FeverRabiesRadiation poisoning

Swine Fl u 1976 Swine flu 2009SyphilisT ardive dyskinesia TeethTetanusToxic Oil SyndromeTyphoidTyphusT ardive dyskinesia, ThrombosisTourette SyndromeTraum a (physical) Trauma (emotional)Tularemia TuberculosisUlcerative colitisU lcer (Stomach )ViolenceWartsWest Nile VirusWhooping Cough

Animal:BSE & CJDKennel CoughFoot and mouth (FMD)RabiesScrapieCanine parvovirusCanine DistemperLeptospirosisSchmallenberg virus Swine Flu

Man made (see: Drug-Induced Diseases The Virus hunters)

AIDSAlzheimer’sAutismBird FluBSE, CJDCot death, crib-death, SIDSEbolaLegionaires DiseasePolioSMON (Subacute Myelo- Optico-Neuropathy ) Shaken Baby Syndrome

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Bird FluBirth defectsBrittle Bone diseaseBlood PressureBorderline Personality Disorder

HepatitisHepatitis C HerpesHigh blood pressureIatrogenicImpotenceInfertilityInsomnia I rritable bowel syndrome (IBS)KidneyKuruLegionaires DiseaseLeukemia

R espitory syncytial virus (RSV) SADS RubellaSalmonellaSARSScarlet feverSchizophreniaScurvySeizuresSepsisSexual Problems, ImpotenceShaken Baby SyndromeShinglesSIDSSinusitisSlim diseaseSmallpoxSMON (Subacute Myelo- Optico-Spanish FluSpina BifidaSpiritual DiseasesSubacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)Sudden Cardiac Death

Spanish FluToxic Oil Syndrome

Nutrient deficiencyPellagra

Pineal Gland

Medical citations (vaccine damage mostly) own page here

Other DrugsJournal articles & peer reviewVaccine contaminationPositive effect of measles citationsPARSIFAL study group & anthroposophic lifestyle citations

Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given

Vaccine ingredients:AluminiumThimerosalSQUALENE ADJUVANT TOXICITY IN ANIMALS

Vaccine reactionsAutoimmune diseasesBowel disease

HibGardasilInfluenzaMMRMeasles/rubellaMeaslesEZ measlesMeningococcalMumpsPolioPneumococcalRabiesRotavirusRubellaSmallpox 1966-1974 1975-1979 1980-1999TetanusTyphoidYellow FeverVaccine reactions (Unfiled)Linked to organs, diseasesLinked to diseases

Brain swellingBlood ReactionsBullous pemphigoidCancerDeathDermatomyositisDiabetesEye/opticEczemaEpilepsyGuillain-BarreHemolytic anemiaLeukemia, lymphomaLeukoencephalopathyLeukoencephalitisLiver disordersMeningitisMeningoencephalitisMultiple sclerosisOptic neuropathyPolioRett syndromeSeizuresSV40

Vaccination related:Chromosome ChangesImmunoglobulinAnimal experiments:Adjuvant arthritisAnimal StudiesMyelin basic protein (MBP) induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE)Collagen induced arthritisDPT vaccinesMercury inducing diseaseVaccines inducing diseaseNutrients & immunityBreast feedingVitamin A & child mortalitySeleniumVitamin CVitamin C articlesVitamin E Vitamin KDrugs:Measles deaths & pneumonia

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Blood disordersNervous system Skin disordersLinked to vaccinesAnimalChicken Pox/varicellaBCG (TB)CholeraDiabetesDPTDiseasesDT & PolioDTaPEncephalitisHepatitis B

Aplastic anemiaArthritisAutoimmune diseaseImmune SuppressionAllergy reactionsAllergiesAnaphylaxisAsthmaAIDS

SIDS/cot deathUveitisVasculitisVaccinia

Steroid varicellaSteroid tuberculosisDrug induced aseptic meningitisDrug associated polioDrug AIDSDiet:TBSugar

Disease theory (own page here)

ArticlesA-ZAcid and alkalineAmerican food pyrami d Antibody TheoryApple cider vinegarAutism increaseBad breathBechampBloodBlood type dietBonding (attachment)Books (metals & junk food)Bowel diseaseBreast feeding Cancer MicrobeCD4 test CleansingDiagnosi s lies DietsDirty waterDisease declineDisease incidenceDiseasesDrugs depleting nutrientsE coliEnergy (human)FeverFood combiningF ood pyrami d GallstonesGerms vs toxins

PasteurPasteurizationPellagra PinealPleomorphismPositive effect of childhood diseasesPovertyRDARaw foodRaw meat dietSanitationS tatistics Sugar wound remedyVirus huntersVitamin AVitamin CWater cureWell being

BooksDisease cause (metals & junk food)Disease theory books

Quotes:Disease theoryDisease declineInfections & poisonsInfection & nutritionHerbal Naturopath y Pesticides & disease

Healing systemsAllopathyApple cider vinegarChiropractic

Keys to healthAcid and alkalineBonding (attachment)Breast feeding CleansingLiver/gallbladder cleanseRaw foodWater cureDiets

Cancer Microbe [Cancer Microbe]LivingstoneAlan Cantwell

Hype disease riskChickenpoxMeaslesRubellaD anger s of smallpox lie Infectiousness of smallpox

TheoryAntibody TheoryFeverGerms vs toxinsGERM THEORY vs. CELLULAR THEORY


Orthomolecular & Nutritional MedicineAlternative Viewpoint (vaccination)Disease statisticsPositive effect of childhood diseases

Poison diseases made outto be 'Infectious' AIDSPharmaceutical AIDSLegionnaires DiseasePolioSMONSpanish Flu

Toxic Oil Syndrome


Vaccine contaminantsAcanthamoebaBird virusesCJD, BSEDNA, RNAMycoplasmaSimian cytomegalovirus

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G erm theory GERM THEORY vs. CELLULAR THEORYGut floraHealing crisisHerd ImmunityHealth HazardsHering’s Law of CureHerpes"Highly infectious"Hype Disease riskIatrogenicInfectious scaresJennerJuicingKidneyKochLiverLiver/gallbladder cleanseMedical testsMycoplasmaNatural HealingNutrition (citations)Nutritional doctorsNatural HealersNightingale , Florence Orthomolecular & NutritionalMeasles (Positive effect of)Measles ( Homeopathy ) Measles ( Naturopathy ) Measles ( Nutritional medicine )

OrgansBowel diseaseKidneyLiverPinealBrain

MeaslesHomeopathyNaturopathyNutritional medicinePositive effect of measles citations

Disease causeHealth HazardsPovertyInfections & poisonsInfection & nutrition

Disease protection, curingPositive effect of measlesBreast feeding CleansingJuicingFeverNatural HealingNutrition (citations)SanitationSugar wound remedyPoliticsThe Virus hunters

HomeopathyNatural HealingNutritional Medicine

Herd ImmunityPasteurPleomorphism

Disease theory doctors, scientistsDr Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D.Naessens , Gaston RifeWilhelm Reich BechampCantwell, M.D , Alan EnderleinKalokerinos MD.LivingstoneTilden MD , John Lanka Crowe Köhnlein Ellison Duesberg Levy, MD, JD , Thomas E. Jim West Biskind Scobey

DoctorsNutritionalNatural HealersHomeopathic


Poison researchersDavid Crowe Jim West (Polio--- DDT)Ralph R. Scobey, M.D. (eg DDT)Morton S. Biskind, M.D. (eg DDT)Mark Purdey (BSE)

Lanka, Dr Stefan

Bonnie Bassler (bacteria)

Child healthGeorge M. Morley, M.B., Ch. B., FACOG (cord clamping)Dr Robert Reisinger (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)Hilary Butler (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)Archie Kalokerinos MD.

PsychologyBert HellingerMichael GurianMiller, Alice James W. Prescott, Ph.D.John BowlbyMichael MendizzaVirginia SatirAshley MontaguJoseph Chilton Pearce

Nutritional medicine (own page here):

Journal of Orthomolecular MedicineNutrition and Infection

Disease:Addiction (Heroin)Addiction (Alcohol)Addiction (Sugar)Addiction (Pharma) Anti-Viral

Nutrients:Vitamin B1(thiamine, thiamin)B3 (Niacin)B12FlavonoidsFlax oilG lutathione ManganeseIodine

Nutrient SourcesAnimals

QuotesBanner quotes

Nutrition from food bannersNutritional Doctor

BannersInfection & nutrition

DoctorsSites & Journals

Nutritional medical doctorquotesBooks

Drugs depleting nutrients

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ArthritisAutismCancerCot DeathHeart DiseaseMeaslesMental IllnessPellagra Polio

TB & NutritionTB & IronTB & nutritionVitamin C and TuberculosisTB & Vitamin D

Nutrition (citations)L-ArginineL-TryptophanVitamin AVitamin C A rticles Vitamin DVitamin ESeleniumSerrapeptaseMagnesium

Drugs depleting nutrients


Anti-Vitamin studies The Vitamin C ConspiracyJournal of Orthomolecular


F ood pyrami d

Vitamin C (own page here):

VideoA rticles BooksJournal of Orthomolecular MedicineDocto rs and scientists Anti-Vitamin studies Media articles

Quote bannersVitamin CNutritional medicine banners

QuotesDiet/nutrition and smallpoxInfection & nutrition quotesCancerC rib death GeneralMeaslesMeningitisTB

Citations:Anti ViralCancer


DiseasesAddiction (heroin)Cot Death

Drug addictionHeart diseaseViral hepatitis ScurvySmallpox 1880Measles 1949Meningitis 1974Heart DiseasePolio 1949Whooping Cough

Nutritional doctors (own page here):

Natural HealersA-ZBeres , Dr Jozsef Bieler, M.D., Henry G. Binzel, Jr., M.D. , Philip E. Budwig , Johanna Bush , Dr. Sydney Campbell-McBride , Natasha Cannell , John , MD Cathcart, M.D.Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D.1Clapp, LarryClemetson , Dr. C.A.B. Cowan, M.D. , Thomas S. Day, PhillipDettman, GlenDOMmisse, MD, FRCPC , John V E rasmus, Udo Fonorow PhD, MS, MBA, Owen R. Gaby, MD , Alan R.

Kingsley , Dr Patrick Klenner MD Klenner quotesKrebs , Ernst T. Kushi, MichioLee, Dr Royal Levy, MD, JD , Thomas E. Lonsdale, M.D., F.A.C.A.M. , Derrick MannerMelamede, Dr Bob Mellanby , Edward M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. MoermanScott-Mumby, MD, BCh , Keith O'Shea, DC , Tim Passwater, Ph.D , Richard Pauling, Linus Pallares, Dr Sodi Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D.,Carl C. Quillan, M.D. , Patrick Rat h MD

Wallach, JoelWhitaker, Julian M.D.Wigmore , Ann Willner, M.D.Wilson, MD, FICB , Lawrence Wilson , William Griffin Wright, M.D.

Raw food Advocates:Ann Wigmore Ehret Rabbi Gabriel Cousens M.D.David WolfeVictoria BoutenkoVictor KulvinskasKristine NolfiBrian Clement, C.N., N.M.D., Ph.DNormon Walker Stanley S. Bass

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GersonGlidde n, Peter Griesz-Brisson , Dr Margarita (UK) Hay, Dr WilliamHemilä , Harri Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. , Abram Holford, PatrickKalokerinos M.D. , Archie Quotes Banner quotesKelley

ReamsReviciRichards M.B, B Ch.Sau l PhD. Sandler, M.D. , Benjamin P. Shute, M.D Wilfrid , and Evan Shute, M.D. Smith, Lendon M.D.Stone , Dr. Irwin Szent-Györgyi, Ph.D. , Albert von Vonderplanitz , Aajonus

Vinny PintoAajonus Vonderplanitz

Child health (own page here):

InterviewsQuote bannersBooks (psychological, child rearing)

Child abuse Family AbuseHuman Abuse

AbortionAcetaminophen (Paracetamol, Tylenol, Panadol, Calpol, Salzone, ) American Academy of PediatricsA nti D Baby sleeping positionBed sharingBenzodiazepine babies Birth defectsBlood brain barrierB oarding schools Bonding (attachment)Breastfeeding & Bottle-feeding Brittle bones and child abuseCalpolCaesarean Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS)Childbirth Child abuse Child 'Protective' Services Circumcisio n (male) CommunicationCord ClampingC orporal punishment / spanking Cot death, crib-death, SIDSCourt Abuse of ChildrenCrying It OutDay care (under 5)Desensitise

Family AbuseFamily Courts FatheringF emale genital mutilation FeminismFemininityFeverFoetus hazard quotes G lutathione Gut floraJunk foodMarriageMasculinity and FemininityMilkMiller, Alice Missing childrenMonogamy & polygamyObstetrics and Gynaecology (OB/GYN)OxytocinPasteurizationPedophiliaPesticidesPoisonous pedagogyPositive effect of childhood diseasesPovertyPregnancyP remarital sex P romiscuity Question a doctor and lose your childRHOGAMSexualitySleeping positionSuppression of child health knowledgeSuppressing sexuality

QuotesQuote bannersCircumcisionInfections & poisonsInfection & nutritionDrugs depleting nutrients Breast and bottlefeedingParenting James W. Prescott, Ph.D.Hilary ButlerArchie Kalokerinos MD.Foetus & Child Health Hazard

Third World export of baby milk

The Family Bed

The Magical Child

The DiseasesShaken Baby SyndromeCot death, crib-death, SIDSMeningitis prevention Polio Causes

ResearchersGeorge M. Morley, M.B., Ch.B., FACOG (cord clamping)Dr Robert Reisinger (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)Hilary Butler (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)Catharina Svanborg (breastmilk)

Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC. (Breastfeeding)Veronika Sophia Robinson (Breastfeeding)

Dr Benjamin Spock

WebsitesTouch The Future The Origins of Peace and Violence

Psychology [Psychology]Bert HellingerMichael GurianMiller, Alice James W. Prescott, Ph.D.John BowlbyMichael MendizzaVirginia SatirAshley MontaguJoseph Chilton PearceDr. Lynne Wrennall

Bruno BettelheimFreud, Sigmund

I ntelligence

Shaken Baby SyndromeMichael D InnisMohammed A. Al-Bayati

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Dirty waterDrugs in pregnancyDrugsEar infectionsE coliFamily Courts

TeethingTonsillectomyUltrasound Unsound? (Collection of info)VaccinesViolenceVitamin KWeaning ageWell being

Archie Kalokerinos MD. (Cot-death)

The Osteopathic Centre for Children

F. Edward Yazbak MDViera Scheibner, Ph.D.Charles Pragnell

Gina Ford

The Allopathic medical industry (own page here):

Hospitals, ClinicsCharitiesCorporatocracyQuack busters HospitalsMedical SchoolsUniversitiesVaccine "Nonprofit" Groups

Government committeesACIPJ CVI SageVRBPACCBERHealth and Human Services Policy Committee

JournalsAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionBritish Medical Journal Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)LancetNew England Journal of Medicine

Charities [Charities]Alzheimer's CharitiesAmerican Cancer Society (ACS)American Diabetes AssociationAmerican Dietetic AssociationAmerican Heart

UK A-ZABPI Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)Alzheimer's CharitiesAssociation of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)British Humanist Association (BHA)British International Doctors Association (BIDA)British Medical Association (BMA)British Medical Journal British Psychological SocietyBUPACampaign Against Health Fraud (UK)Cancer Research CampaignCochrane CollaborationCommittee on Safety of Medicines (CSM) Department of Health (DOH)Every Child By TwoFood Standards AgencyGeneral Medical Council (GMC)HealthWatchHouse of Commons Science and Technology Committee (HoC S&TC)Imperial Cancer Research FundInstitute of Child HealthInstitute of PsychiatryJoint Committee on Vaccination and ImmunisationLancetMedicines Control Agency (MCA)MEDICOLEGAL

HealthFraud Groups [Quack busters ]American Council on Scienceand HealthRationalWikiCoordinating Conference on Health Information (CCHI) Quackwatch Naturowatch ChiroWatchHealthWatch/Campaign Against Health Fraud (UK) CSICOPAmerican National Council Against Health FraudSkeptics SocietyUK SkepticASKE, the Association for Skeptical Enquiry

USA A-ZACIPADAAlzheimer's CharitiesAM A American Academy of PediatricsAmerican Cancer Society (ACS)American College of CardiologyAmerican Council on Scienceand HealthAmerican Diabetes AssociationAmerican Dietetic AssociationAmerican Heart AssociationAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition

WORLDGlobal Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) World Health Organisation (WHO) World Food Program (WFP)UNICEFUnited Nations (UN)European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI)Red Cross

Government committeesScientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage)

European Scientific Working group on Influenza (ESWI) World Psychiatric Association

European Medicines Agency (EMEA)

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations

Vaccine/drug Makers [Corporatocracy Allopathy Inc]American Home ProductsBaxter Baxter Healthcare Ltd BayerBerna BiotechBioportBoehringer IngelheimConnaughtChiron formerly MedevaDynCorp

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AssociationAMERICAN OBESITY ASSOCIATIONAutism SpeaksCancer Research CampaignC.H.A.D.DEvery Child By TwoInvest in ME (IiME)Imperial Cancer Research FundMultiple Sclerosis SocietyNAARNAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness ) National Autistic SocietyNational Eczema SocietyPink ribbon & National Breast Cancer Awareness MonthRed CrossSense about Science

INVESTIGATIONS LIMITEDMedical Research CouncilMultiple Sclerosis SocietyNational Institute for Clinical ExcellenceNational Autistic SocietyNational Eczema SocietyResearch Defence SocietyPublic Health Laboratory ServiceRoyal College of Paediatrics and Child HealthRoyal Society of MedicineRoyal College of Nursing (RCN)Royal College of PhysiciansRoyal SocietySense about Science

"Independent" advocates:Immunization Action CoalitionInstitute of Vaccine Safety National Network for Immunization InformationChildren's Vaccine InitiativeImmunization Gateway National Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition (HMHB)

Australia Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

American Medical Association (AMA)American National Council Against Health FraudA merican O besity A ssociation American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychological AssociationCalifornia Medical AssociationCDC ACIPCenter for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)C.H.A.D.DCSICOPEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)FDAFederal Interagency Autism Advisory Committee (IACC) Health and Human Services Policy Committee Infectious Diseases Society of AmericaInstitute of Medicine (IOM)Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) NAARNational Cancer Institute (NCI)National Institutes of HealthNew England Journal of MedicineQuackwatchVaccines and Related Biological Products AdvisoryCommittee (VRBPAC)WebMDUSDA

Eli LillyEvans Vaccine PowderjectGenentechGlaxo SmithKlineJohnson & Johnson/McNeilMerck & Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd MASTANovartis PharmaceuticalsPasteur InstitutePfizer RocheSchering-PloughSercoSolvay Healthcare Ltd Wellcome FoundationWyeth Lederle American Home Products

Allopathy Inc Experts (Inc media, politics), own page here):

'Revolving door'

A-ZAllen , Frances Anderson of FMD scam

Flegg, Peter J Fombonne , Eric Fowler , Norman Fumento , Michael French , Professor

Lipstadt , Deborah Lord , Dr. Catherine LovelockMacaraMadsen , Kreesten

S ingh, Simon Smith , Dick Smith , Tara C. Southall , Professor David Specter , Michael

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fame Aaronovitch , David Armstrong , Mac Aston, CCDC , Robert Atwood, IV, MDBaum, Michael BarrettBaron-CohenBartlet t, Jamie Beard, Dr Nick Bedford , Helen Biederman , Dr. Joseph Blakemore , Colin Borland , Sophie Boseley , Sarah Campbell, NickyChan , Margaret CherryChopra, Deepak Cockburn, AndrewCohen , Nick Colquhoun , David Connor , Steve Cooper , Louis Z Cooper, Anderson , CNNCoronersCox , Anthony Creagh , Mary Davis , Nigel & Sir Crispin Dawkins, Richard DeMeo, Ph.D. , James Deer, BrianDixon , Dr. Patrick Doll , Richard Donaldson , Liam Dr OzElliman , David Emond , Alan Ernst , Edzard Evans , Stephen Faine, Jon Finn , Adam Fink, Aaron J. Fitzpatrick , Michael

Christopher Frist , Bill Gallo , Robert Gates Articles QuotesGerberding , Julie Giannangeli , Marco Gill, AAGillberg , Christoper Gibson MPGoldacre, Ben Gornall , Jonathan Gorski, MD, PhD , David H. Godlee , Dr Fiona FRCP Gottlieb , Scott Green , Saul Gupta , Dr. Sanjay Hall , Andrew Halsey MD , Neil Hammond , Dr Phil Hari , Jo hann Harris , Evan Harris , Gardiner Healey , John Hart, Alan Hemming , John Henderson , Mark Herbert Hilleman Ph.D , Maurice R. Hitchens, Peter Hope , Jenny Horton , Dr Richard HULL , DAVID JarvisJarvis , Sarah Jakab, Zsuzsanna Jennings, Lance Johnson , Tim Kassianos , Dr George Katz , Samuel Kay , Jonathan Kilmeade, Brian King , David Krebs, Sir JohnKumar , Dr Surendra Lachmann , Sir Peter Langman , Professor Michael Lansley , Andrew Laurance , Jeremy Leitch

Marcovitch , Harvey Marks, Vincent McDevittMcKie , Robin McSweegan , Edward Meadow, Roy Miller , Elizabeth Montagnier , Luc Morgan , Piers Mortimer , Edward MidgleyMiller , Elizabeth Mnookin , Seth Morgan , Piers MurdochNovella , Steven Nuki, Professor George Nuki, Paul OracOsterhaus , Albert Offit , Paul A. Oxford, John Oz, DrPark , Alice Parry, ViviennePaterson, Owen Pennington , Hugh Phillips , Melanie Plotkin.PichicheroPoland , Dr. Greg Rake , Dr Katherine Randerson , James Randi, JamesRichmond, Caroline Rooker , Jeffrey William Ross , Gilbert Rotblat , Dr F Rumsfeld, Donald Rutter , Professor Sir Michael Sainsbury , Lord David Salisbury , David Sanders, TomSasieni , Professor Peter Saunders, RichardSargant Schreibman , Laura Schwarcz , Dr. Joe Scurr, Dr Martin Sebelius , Dr. Kathleen Segal , Jakob

Spelman, Caroline SternStoppard , Dr Miriam Snyderman, Dr. Nancy Taverne , Lord Dick Thompson , Damian Thompson , Mark Thorsen , Poul Taylor , Brent Tayloe , David Taylor , Michael Trevor-Roper, Hugh Turner, NikkiVilsack , Tom Wainberg , Mark WaxmanWessely , Simon Wheen, Francis WIZNITZER , DR. MAX : Woods , Professor Kent Yeo, Tim Zuckerman

IndependentTimes group


Vaccine advocates

Putz the pharma shill

Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)

Noam Chomsky Amy Goodman

Bill GatesTim Berners-Lee

The Very Reverend Graham Forbes

Edward Bernays


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Leonard , Rosemary Leventhal , Dr. Bennet Liddle, Rod Lindsey , Kimberly Quinlan

Shermer , Michael Sikora, Karol

Vaccine statistics (own page here):

Deaths USA 1900-1987Deaths 1901-1995 (England & Wales) Measles deaths totals 1901 to vaccination (UK)Deaths 1850-1890 England pdfGraphsSmallpox vaccinationAUSTRALIA GRAPHS

Holocaust death statistics

Autism increaseDisease incidence

Well being Poverty

Statistical ploysDiagnosis

Autism andgenetics

change indiagnosis

Infant death rateDisparities in Infant Mortality

[2007] United States Has Higher Death Rate Than Most Other Countries

Miller , Clifford G. (Rubella, mumps stats)


Statistics (visual--graphs, pie charts)


Disease increaseVaccine disease

declineSmallpox vaccine

failure Smallpox case


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Page 38: New Louis de Brouwer, M.D. · 2019. 3. 4. · Cell phone towers (DOR) Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG Annual fearmongering The Media Winter 2010 flu
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Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.Medical Cartel

[Wrote the best book on the Medical Mafia. A classic.]

Quotes [vid] VACCINATION 101 - Dr. Lanctot alias "GHIS" - 1/4

An Interview With Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. By Kenneth & Dee Burke

Why Vaccination Continues by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.

[Extracts] The Trial of The Medical Mafia by Joachim Schafer:Daniel Marchini, M.D. testimony before the Quebec College of Physicians Medical BoardDr John Martin testimony before the Quebec College of Physicians Medical BoardDr Hyde testimony before the Quebec College of Physicians Medical BoardDr Buchwald testimony before the Quebec College of Physicians Medical Board


The Medical Mafia by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. The Trial of The Medical Mafia ($15 Canada, $12 USA)---Joachim Schafer ISBN 2921783 029An account of the hearing before the Quebec College of Physicians

Publisher: Here the Key, PO Box 309, Waterloo, QCJOE 2NO, Canada. Tel: (450) 297 2533 Fax: (450) 297 4140

Was the AIDS Virus tested on Expendable People By Harry V. Martin

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The Medical Mafia

a book by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.


ExtractsWhy Vaccination Continues by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.

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Articles Vaccination Medicalcitations

Interviews QuotesShaw Orwell Medical

Quote banners Vax Vaxautism RtAVM



Vaccine disease Smallpox vaxVit C

Gas chambers Monsanto Psychiatry


Cartoons Me dical DeesTestimonies

Books Vaccine Smallpox Online books

Video Vaccination On linefilms

Audio Images Blogs

The Diseases AIDS-HIV AZTSmallpox FB Hadwen Critics

Books Polio Genocide via OPV Jim

WestCot-death Vax Vit C SBS

ChickenpoxMeasles Meningitis Mumps

PertussisTetanus Alzheimer’s

Chelation Heart disease Statins CayenneCancer Racket Summary

Chemotherapy Banners TaxolMammography Tamoxifen

Ryke Geerd Hamer BannersLivingstone

Budwig Kelley Gerson LaetrileEscharotics H erb s Hoxsey

Alternative Medicine Zapper Oxygen Therapy

Water Water cure DistilledUrine therapy

Naturopathic Herb alism Cannabis Banners

Nutritional Medicine DoctorsThe Vitamin C Conspiracy

The Assemblage point

Medical IndustrialComplex (Allopathy Inc)Allopathy Inc Allopathic

Genocide ChurchPolitics Persecuted doctors

SurgeryDrugs Antibiotics

Paracetamol PediatricsCorporatocracy Monsanto


WHO UN JCVIExperts Law Vax Police

Judges Salisbury Offit Orac Deer

Gates MurdochHealthFraud Quackwatch

Psychiatry Racket BannersDSM

Benz os Prozac Ritalin C hild abuse

Whitaker GotzscheRappoport

Vax Racket SummaryCritics NVIC

& Viral Fear RacketBanners Lanka

Why Vax Continues MoneyVax Victims Unvaxed

healthier DeathCovert agenda s Sterilisation

Disease Vaccine autism Quotes

Banners Ingredients Inserts

ContaminantsMercury Boyd Haley

AluminiumMMR MMR Urabe HPVv

ax DeathsFlu vax racket Human

ExperimentsMedical Control Word

AntibodyName Calling/ Ad Hominem

HypeLies Study ploys Diagnosis

Herd Vivisection Racket Animal A

buseMedical Mafia Allopathic

RacketsCharity Disease Protection


Disease TheorySummary StatisticsPasteur Bechamp

SanitationRife Tilden Stephan

Lanka Jim WestInfection (poisons)Infection (nutrition)

Raw food Jurynullification Cleansing

Women's Health Pregnancy Vax

Animal Health ChildHealth Pediatrics

Fever Breast & Bottle- feeding OB/GYNChild abuse B irth

trauma Circ Vit KJames W. PrescottJeanice Barcelo

Sexuality Suppressingsexuality

Medical DoctorsSuzanne Humphries

Articles BannersGuylain Lanctot, M.D.

Scheibner ArticlesQuotes banners

Mendelsohn M.D Banners Quotes

Dr. Andy WakefieldBanners

Alan Cantwell, M.DVirginia Livingston

M.D.Robert Willner, M.D.

Dr Jayne Donegan, MBBuchwald MD Quotes

BannersBlaylock, M.D. Quotes

BannersNutritional doctors

Levy, MD.Kalokerinos Quotes

BannersKlenner Quotes HofferNatural Healing Natural

Healers Naturopathic

Herb alism HerbsRichard Shulze Quotes

BannersTilden Shelton Trall

The Reign of Evil Mafia(Authority) NaziThe Pathocracy 

ResearchersSymbology Eye symbol

Horn Eye (people)Psychopaths (Mafia)

ReptiliansPedophilia PIZZAGATE

Satanism Mafia rackets(Conspiracies)

Medical Mafia Rackets NASA Flat Earth FB Moo

n hoaxCountries Africa Rwanda

Syria Israel 911 Military Industrial

Complex State Genocide State

Abuse State Murder Diana Kelly

KennedyState Terror Al-Qaeda

ISIS7/7 911 USS Liberty BostonPrison Chemtrails Towers Gun Control Sandy Hook

Dope Inc Gary WebbBig Oil Free Energy

Sex Inc PornFood Inc Paul A. Stitt

Music Mafia Film MafiaFilms

The Banksters Media MafiaTV

Political Mafia CityNDAA Royals

Israel control of UK USAZionism

Authoritarianism Communism

Gas Chambers FacebookBanners

Anti-Semitism Zionism Protocols Secret CovenantTerror bombing ChurchillEisenhower's Death Camps

Allied War Crimes

TRANSLATENews and Additions

Empire Crumbling NewsWhale stats

Mind Control Authority Fear Inc Subliminal TV

Lies Medical liesBrice Taylor Springmeier

James BartleyGary Allen

Greg HallettEust a ce Mullins Quotes

Edward HendrieG. Edward GriffinChristopher Bollyn

Steven J. SmithAndrew HennesseyPreston James, Ph.D

Native American Spiritual Power plant medicine


ReligionRacket Catholicism Judaism Darwinism

AtheismPsychology Tone scale

Petty Tyrants NarcissismEarth Energies & Dowsing

Animal Health Vaccines Animal Abuse Cetaceans

Dogs Cats Rabbit DeerHorse Badgers/Cows Bees

Trees Yew

OrgoniteOrgonite & plantsDon & Carol Croft

The Croft Adventures Wilhelm Reich

Don BradleyLaozu H eaven and Earth

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Medical citationsMedical tests Ultrasound


Wikipedia Google Facebook MMR DPT

Holohoax Vax SmallpoxFlat Earth

Upworthy Snopes WikileaksAmazon RationalWiki

Health HazardsDental Pesticides Roundup

WifiAspartam e Fluorid e ChlorineWheat Soy MSG GM Sugar


Martin Walker MAHilary Butler Quotes

BannersJ. B. Handley Mark

BlaxillJohn Stone

Christina EnglandArticles

Lisa Blakemore-Brown Tim O'Shea, DC

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. , Quotes

Whale history (About)



Mapping & Killing the Matrix with Orgonite & Knowledge. Authority isn't Truth, Truth is Authority. "To write is to wage war" ~ Voltaire

''The Drug Medical System cannot bear examination. To explain it would be to destroy it, and to defend it even is to damage it."---R.T. Trall M.D.

‘No matter how paranoid you are, what they’re actually doing is worse than you can possibly imagine!’ ~ Ralph Gleason

“A single lie destroys a whole reputation for integrity.” ~ Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658), Spanish philosopher and writer

“We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes is false.“ ~ William J. Casey, 1981''Fear always works to influence the population, when the population is uneducated.''

"The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant." ~ Maximilien Robespierre"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." ~ Frederick Douglass