new cumnock parish of ministry is done by a...

New Cumnock Parish Church Magazine March 2020 Communion 11 am Sunday 1 st March 2020 All Welcome

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Page 1: New Cumnock Parish of Ministry is done by a Locum Minister. The Kirk Session itself will appoint a Locum Minister. Locum is short

New Cumnock

Parish Church Magazine

March 2020

Communion 11 am

Sunday 1st March 2020

All Welcome

Page 2: New Cumnock Parish of Ministry is done by a Locum Minister. The Kirk Session itself will appoint a Locum Minister. Locum is short

Mission Statement

Together: with God,

To encourage fellowship

By showing love and care for everyone;

In Jesus name,

To be good witness in our community;

Led by the Holy Spirit,

To seek God in prayer, bible study and


Church of Scotland No. 100578 Scottish Charity No. SC014794

Page 3: New Cumnock Parish of Ministry is done by a Locum Minister. The Kirk Session itself will appoint a Locum Minister. Locum is short

Dear friends,

This will be my last letter to you as Minister of New Cumnock Parish Church – a time, I believe, for looking back and looking forward. It is a difficult letter to write (and perhaps to read!) and I would like to ‘wrap round it’ words from scripture, John 15.

‘ ……. my Father is the gardener.’ (vs 1)

As I look at the Manse garden over the past 10 years, I see that most of it seems unchanged – the grass is still green (and well-kept thanks to Tom McGinn and friends!), the trees and hostas are still in place, the snowdrops, daffodils, rhododendron, red-berried hedges still bud and bloom in season.

There were some changes: hydrangea, a rose bush or two, the creation of a plot for vegetables, new pot plants and boxes, a new fence and … a greenhouse!

That’s like the garden of our Church life over these past years - much seems still the same as in 2009 – worship, organisations, events, fabric and finance, fellowship, leadership, pastoral care, involvement in the community, love of the Lord and a desire to do his will, season by Church season, September to March, Christmas to Easter to Christmas and we praise the Lord for that, for the seemingly changeless areas of Church life don’t happen ‘automatically’ – the grass still has to be tended, the hedges trimmed, the

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plants fed and watered and, of course God is always at work, the source of all and any of our life and work as a Church.

I am grateful for those who have and still do faithfully keep the garden growing by continuing their work for the Lord and have taken on new responsibilities.

And there have been some ‘changes and additions’ – our Multi-Media resources, Facebook page and website, replacement and refurbishment of our buildings inside and out, Praise Time, Prayer Focus, Kirk Session Socials and Conferences, Unitary Constitution with Kirk Session Committees, Christmas Songs of Praise, visits to and from Malawi, Daffodil Tea/Craft Fayre, Displays of various kinds, people joining us for worship, new elders, some new hymns along the way. Again, none of these ‘just happen’ they come from the ‘nudging’ of the Holy Spirit and from the investment of time and energy of those who lead, work and support – grateful thanks to all of them.

To return to the Manse garden – the vegetable plot has now become grass! The greenhouse has been ‘reassembled’ about 5 times and, as I write, although the frame is still there, various bits and pieces of greenhouse are strewn around the grass! Some things in Church life, especially our relationships with each other, our efforts in mission get blown off course and will always be ‘works in progress’, progress that is a work of grace and power on God’s part, obedience and faithfulness on ours. Many of our number, too, have left us to join the Church in heaven, their loss greatly mourned, their influence always felt.

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Being part of the ‘gardening team’ in the life of New Cumnock Parish Church has been a constant thrill and delight and it has deepened and strengthened my faith to worship and work alongside some exceptionally gifted, faithful, courageous and inspiring people.

And the garden of the future? This is a time of change, much of the garden will continue to grow as before, new, colourful and fruitful plants will be added – faithfulness, trust, openness to the Holy Spirit will still be needed.

Our reassurance our hope and our joy for our garden lies in the fact that, as John says, ‘God is the gardener’.

‘I am the vine; you are the branches’ (vs 5)

I don’t think there was ever a point in my time here that I felt like an ‘incomer’. Both my mother and I very quickly felt included, firmly bonding as branches together with you and with a deep sense that the life of the Church was grounded in the Vine. To be ‘branches in the vine’ has always been the greatest blessings and joys of my life and in the ‘New Cumnock Years’ the blessings and joys were many.

And for the future? I used to watch my grandfather take a clump of daffodils whose roots were firmly entwined, hold them gently but firmly in his hand and separate them, re-planting some of them in different parts of the garden. For us, too, now, that time of separation has come. For me at any rate, the

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‘disentangling’ from Church life, from ministry here, from such great friendships and heart-warming fellowship, from being part of a such a vibrant village will not be easy. But God is the gardener, he will take us gently in his hands and care for us, re-planting as you continue here and transplanting as I return in so many ways to my ‘roots’ in Kilmarnock, to ground already prepared by him knowing that we will each still, though in different ways and places, be part of the Vine.

‘Remain in Me’ (vs 4)

There are many prayers we could pray for each other, and these three words from John perhaps summarise them – ‘remain in Him’. I would certainly value such a prayer as ‘lousing time’(!) approaches. Yes, I look forward greatly to spending more time with family and friends,

being back in the Church and community of Bellfield, having lots of leisure time to get fit, use my bus pass, play piano and guitar, read, write, cook, do crafts, take trips nearby and further away and, last but not least, have long, relaxed quiet times with the Lord and in His word. But in the ‘less structured’ world of retirement, I know it might be easy to become distracted from the life-long calling we all have to live in Him and follow Him, please pray for me as I pray for you – remain in Him.

‘ask ….. and it will be done’ (vs 7)

As some of you know, my mother and I came to New Cumnock and not a Church ‘closer to hand’ for us, because,

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aged 85, she wanted an ‘adventure’! Well, we certainly got that (to be honest, had she still been with us, I think I might have had a hard job getting her to go back to Kilmarnock!)

Adventure, too, I believe, lies ahead and key to the way through this time of change to the adventures in faith God has planned for us lies simply in asking, at each stage of the way, for what we need believing that, because we remain in Him, we will ask for the right things (!) and believing in His Name, those things will be done.

Thank you for ten wonderful years of fun, faith, fellowship; for your generosity, understanding, inspiration, love, support and prayers for myself and my mother.

May God richly bless you and bring you peace, joy and love in all you do for him.

Soli deo Gloria – To God alone be the Glory

Helen Cuthbert

(Pictures from top to bottom by: Pinterest, Vesey, pngimage, Clipart & Helen Cuthbert Facebook)

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A Fond “Farewell”

Dear friends,

Over many years the Parish has seen Ministers come & go

but very few have “retired” as Minister in New Cumnock.

As you know, Rev. Helen Cuthbert will “retire” as Minister on

Sunday 19th April 2020. As is customary, I would ask if you

would like to give a monetary gift, as a member of the

church here to say, “thank you”. If you wish to do so then

please use the envelope provided and hand into the church

on a Sunday morning or a Thursday morning at the Coffee

Bean by SUNDAY 29th MARCH.

A “Farewell, Thanksgiving & Praise” evening will take place

on Friday 17th April at 7 pm in the church. The evening will

include worship and praise, speakers, presentations - and a

few surprises! This will be followed by tea and coffee in the

Hall afterwards. There is no charge for this event and

everyone in the Church and Community and friends beyond

are invited to come along and share this evening as we say

“farewell” to Rev Helen.

As you read this, we will be in the season of lent which leads

up to Easter and Jesus dying on the Cross for you and me.

We must also remember that he rose again after 3 days, for

you and me!

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At lent, we remember Jesus being alone in the wilderness for

40 days & nights, and maybe, this is how we will feel after

20th April with no minister to call our own, for the time


Please remember Jesus had his Father to share his thoughts

with, in the wilderness and please remember we too have

the Father to share our thoughts within our Vacancy.

An Interim moderator & Locum will be appointed by the

Presbytery to help look after us!

Jesus said, “I will never leave you or forsake you”.

I look forward to sharing with you at Easter time and on

Friday 17th April as we wish Helen a long & healthy


Every Blessing to you at this Easter

Morag Ferrans

Session Clerk

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

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The next chapter of Ministry at

New Cumnock Parish Church

It is useful to think of our life and work in chapters – as one

ends, another, by the grace of God begins.

This current Chapter with myself as Minister, draws to a

close on Sunday, April 19 when we will have our time of

Sunday worship as always followed by tea and cake in the


In the next Chapter, of course, much will stay the same, as

elders, members and friends of the congregation continue to

love and serve the Lord and enjoy fellowship with each


As soon as I leave, what is called a ‘Vacancy’ begins which

means, of course, there is no ‘full-time’ Minister in the

Church. However, leadership will be provided by an ‘Interim

Moderator’. ‘Moderator’ is the official title of the Minister in

the Church of Scotland because he or she ‘moderates’ or

leads the Kirk Session meeting, and ‘Interim’ simply means

they will be acting on a temporary basis until a new Minister

arrives. The Interim Moderator is appointed by Ayr

Presbytery, is essentially the Minister of the Church and has

overall leadership responsibilities for the Church. In practice

this means conducting Session meetings and undertaking

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related administrative tasks as the preaching and pastoral

side of Ministry is done by a Locum Minister.

The Kirk Session itself will appoint a Locum Minister. ‘Locum’

is short for the Latin phrase, ‘Locum Tenens’ which means

‘taking the place of’. The Locum actually ‘takes the place’ of

the Interim Moderator and, as we said, their task is worship

and pastoral care. Normally a Locum Minister will spend two

days a week in the Parish which includes funerals.

Usually the Interim Moderator and Locum are two different

people, though sometimes one person does both jobs.

In due course, a Nominating Committee will be formed, and

their task will be to find a new Minister! They will be guided

in this by the Interim Moderator. When the Nominating

Committee believe they have found ‘the right person’, that

person will preach to the congregation who will then vote as

to whether or not they wish to call him or her to be the

Minister of New Cumnock Parish Church.

Also, alongside to help with all of this is the Vacancy Advisory

Committee from Ayr Presbytery who will meet with the Kirk

Session and the Nominating Committee to help them with

their tasks.

Obviously, although there is an Interim Moderator and

Locum, there is no full-time Minister and it is a time, I

believe, for everyone to support one another, especially our

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Session Clerk, Morag, and the Kirk Session in prayer and in

practical ways.

My feeling is that, in fact, there is no such thing as a

‘Vacancy’ because Ministry, albeit on a more part-time basis,

is provided by the Interim Moderator and Locum.

Of course, there are many ‘unknowns’ – who will the Interim

Moderator and Locum be? When will a new Minister come?

As we know, too, the Church is changing and there may be

further challenges and ‘unknowns’ in the future. ‘Unknown’

to us, perhaps – but known to God.

‘Vacancies’ can be times when the Church continues to grow

and provides a time to ‘take stock’, listen to God and move


I pray that it will be a time of great fruitfulness and joy in

believing and serving the Lord Jesus.


Sunday Cool Group

Come along to our Sunday Cool group

and meet new friends. We meet at

10.45 in the Church hall every Sunday.

All welcome

Margare++ This Photo by

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t McCrindle

Dates for your Diary

March Friday 6th 7 pm World Day of Prayer - tea afterwards

Saturday 14th 10 am – 12 noon Daffodil Coffee Morning & Craft Fair

Sunday 29th 7 pm Songs of Praise

April Easter Services

Thursday 2nd 10 am New Cumnock Primary Easter Service

Sunday 5th 11 am Palm Sunday Service 7 pm Palm Sunday Reflection Monday 6th 7 pm Holy week Service Led by Worship Team

Tuesday 7th 7 pm Holy Week Service Led by Guild

Wednesday 8th 7 pm Holy Week Service Led by Worship Team & Young People

Thursday 9th 7 pm Celebration of the Last Supper Led by Minister

Friday 10th 2 pm – 3 pm Watching One Hour Quiet Reflection 7 pm Good Friday Service Readings, Drama & Praise

Led by the elders Sunday 12th 7.15 am Sunrise Service at The Bing – Leggate Entrance,

Followed by breakfast in the Hall 10.50 am Easter Praise

11 am Easter Service including Communion

Friday 17th 7 pm Evening of Farewell & Thanksgiving on Minister’s

Retirement followed by tea in the hall

Sunday 19th 11 am Minister’s Final Service

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All Easter Services are followed by tea in the hall except Friday afternoon.

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Flower Guild

We are so blessed to have such a beautiful Church to adorn

with beautiful flowers especially on special times of the year.

Our Christmas displays depicting ‘ Good News‘ were so

lovely, and we, the ladies of the Flower Guild, appreciate all

the lovely comments .We would like to thank Mrs Mary

McCormack as our Elder to our group, for all the support she

gives to us and helps us in so many ways, thank you.

Thanks also to all the valuable people who so kindly have

their flowers displayed in the Church week by week they

certainly enhance our place of worship.

We would like to thank Graham who made our beautiful Crib

and was duly displayed in the vestibule as part of our

Christmas display. I am sure it will be used for many years to


For flowers that bloom about our feet,

For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet,

For song of bird, and hum of bee,

For all things fair we hear or see,

Father in heaven, we thank Thee.

Lottie Hill

Flower Guild Convener

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At the moment our 2019 accounts are with the independent

auditor. They will be presented to Kirk session/trustees in

due course and the stated annual meeting is at the end of


All I want to say just now is we need to remember our

commitment to give, as the upkeep and general expenses

need to be attended to.

Isabel McDicken


Change of Address

Dear member, as you know the church here in New Cumnock takes pride in trying to keep in touch with its members. This can only be done if you tell us about a change of address.

If you know someone who is a member and recently moved and still wants contact with the church, then please let someone know.

Thank you for your help.

Morag Ferrans

Session Clerk

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Events Committee

Thank you to everyone who has supported our recent church

events in any way. These events are times for us to come

together with each other and with our community to share

and enjoy!

Our Christmas Fayre was blessed with a dry day and many

people worked hard to ensure a successful event which

raised almost £2000. As usual one tenth was donated to a

local charity and this year the donation went to New

Cumnock Age Concern.

Our Burns Supper on Saturday 1st February was a huge

success - good food, great company and lots of laughter.

Thank you to all who took part!

On Saturday 14th March there will be a Daffodil Coffee

morning and Craft Fair from 10 am – 12 noon. Tea/Coffee,

bacon rolls and home baking will be available as well as a

variety of craft stalls. Entry is £2.50 which includes tea/coffee

and bacon roll or 3 items of home baking. Additional home

baking will be available at 50p per item. Do come along and

enjoy a cuppa and chat as well as browsing the craft stalls.

In November, Christmas Songs of Praise was enjoyed by all

and special thanks to the Parkinson’s Community Singers

who opened the evening so well. They were also delighted to

receive the retiring offering that evening which came to

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almost £400. This service, as with all others, can be viewed

on You Tube channel.

Sunday 29th March at 7 pm will be our Songs of Praise

evening and we look forward to another opportunity to meet

with many from other local churches to give thanks and

praise to God. Please do come and join us. Perhaps you could

invite a family member, a friend or a neighbour to come with

you. “Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord!”

Christine Wilson


Please Keep in touch with what’s going on in New Cumnock

Parish Church

church and search for New

Cumnock Parish Church

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Boys Brigade

It’s hard to believe that all the Christmas celebrations are

over, we at the Boys Brigade had a wonderful time with our

Stall at the Christmas Fayre, with lots of handmade gifts by

the boys, officers and helpers, also our local Christmas

Market where we provided the snacks and hot drinks and a

table with lots of Christmas goodies and stocking fillers.

The Anchor Boys and Junior Section Christmas treat was

provided by Vibrant Communities with a variety of activities

for the boys. A buffet was provided by officers and helpers.

Company Section went to The Garage in Kilmarnock to the

Go Karts and 10 Pin Bowling then onto Burger King to eat, a

super time was had by all.

The Battalion held an afternoon for Company boys at

Newmills Ski Slopes, Skiing and Tubing, where they had a

great afternoon, also Anchor Boys were at Mauchline where

Uncle Billy the Magician kept the boys and officers

entertained. At the moment all sections are busy finishing off

their badge work, they are being kept busy with Drill, Maze

Marching, Bible study, Cooking, Games etc..

We had one boy away to Galston on a course `Building your

Skills`. This is the first part to gaining his President Badge,

well done.

Next on our calendar is our Annual weekend at Dumfries

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House in March. We are looking forward to this time of fun

friendship and fellowship.

The date for our Annual Boys Brigade Display will be on

Friday 8th May in the Church Hall at 7 pm. Please put this

date in your diary and come along and support the company.

We will be on holiday after the Display for the Summer


Thank you for your continued support to the company.

In the cold and snow of winter

There’s a spring that waits to be

Unrevealed until it’s season

Something God alone can see

Captain Crawford Sloan

Thank You

I would like to thank my church family for all the prayers, get

well wishes, cards, flowers, gifts and visits I received during

my time in hospital. They were very much appreciated, and I

realised how lucky I am to have such kind, caring friends.

Thank you

Elizabeth Lee.

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The Church of Scotland began encouraging its members to

collect used stamps in 1969!

Countless projects have been successfully supported, the

most recent one being the Chigodi women's centre in

Blantyre Malawi.

Mary Ritchie who has worked for the Lord

in Malawi, Zambia and Israel, continues to

have a passion for the overseas mission of

the Church and encourages us to keep

collecting our used stamps. Mary would

like to thank everyone who continues to

support this work.

Fiona McGurk

Babies & Toddlers

It has been great fun at the Babies and Toddlers after we

purchased a bouncy castle, they absolutely love it. Our

Christmas party went well, we even had a visit from Santa.

We all had good fun. Thanks to Helen our minister and Susan

our elder for coming and joining in the fun.

May God bless you and keep you for ever.

Margaret Houston

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Coffee Bean

Since we came back in January, we have

been reasonably busy. We are saving at the

moment hoping to replace the gates and

railings at the church and also replacing the

gates at the manse. This is a very costly

project, but things are on hand at the moment. These

projects happen because of the dedication and hard work of

helpers, bakers, donors and all our customers. We at the

Coffee Bean are grateful and thankful to each and every one.

I am announcing the retirement of one of our very hard-

working members of the Coffee Bean. Mrs May Davidson has

been on the baking rota since we started 36 years ago and

will continue to do so, but May wishes to take a step back

from the regular weekly tasks.

On behalf of the Church and community we thank May for

her dedication and service to us all and hope that she will

now join us on a Thursday morning for a well-earned cuppa.

The golden chain of friendship, is a strong and blessed tie,

Binding kindred hearts together, as the years go passing by.

Mary McCormack

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Malawi Update

The Christmas gift sent to Kajilirwe congregation has been

used to buy a sofa set for the manse at Kavusi.

I sent a video clip of our Christmas Service where we sent

love and blessings to our friends – our brothers and sisters in

Christ of the congregation in Kajilirwe Kavusi, Rev Alex was

so grateful to receive this message and being able to see Rev

Helen and some of the congregation in this video clip. His

response was “Wow! This is nice. It was a wonderful

service and I have liked it. Happy to see you, Rev Helen and

the parishioners”. I’m sure most of the congregation in

Kajilirwe will have been able to view this from Rev Alex’s

mobile phone. His message continues “we appreciate your

heartfelt love for us, and may the almighty God continue

blessing our sister church”.

As you may know, Ayr Presbytery are organising a

partnership visit in May 2020. Plans are well underway with

the visiting team meeting regularly to get to know each

other as we all are planning and preparing the itinerary of

visits. The flight details have now been confirmed and the

team will leave on Wednesday 20 May, returning home on

Thursday 4 June. There will be 7 team members this time -

Rev George Fiddes; Sandra McCall – St Nicholas, Prestwick;

Bill Weir and Jane Potts – Troon Portland; Linda Bryson –

Kingcase, Prestwick; Sandra Smith – Girvan North; and Fiona

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Ferrans from our own congregation. Please keep the team in

your prayers as they plan and prepare to make the trip to

our partner churches in Malawi.

This month the courts in Malawi annulled the elections held

in May last year due to irregularities and have ordered that

another election be held within 151 days of the ruling which

was on 3rd February 2020. Again, Rev Alex has asked that we

keep the country of Malawi in prayers during this unsettled


Fiona Ferrans

Bible Study

We continue our studies in Luke’s Gospel. The Gospel stories

of Jesus are some of the most familiar to us, but it is amazing

how the Holy Spirit works to bring ‘something new’ from

them every time we read. Our discussions are lively and


The Bible Study will continue until the end of March with a

break for Easter. We hope and pray, too, that, under new

leadership they will begin again in April/May.

Thanks to all of the people over the years who have shared

and encouraged each other around the Word on

Wednesdays and at our Bible Study Trips.

Helen Cuthbert

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Can you remember the feeling? After the teacher, instructor

or youth leader had demonstrated that formula, recipe,

pattern or dance moves. You would hear the familiar words,


Yikes, you had to prove the science or maths formula for

yourself. Test the recipe and follow that knitting pattern. Yes,

the one that nearly drove you daft as you tried to learn to

knit at age seven with your left hand.

Sometimes we feel as if we're PRAYING THROUGH. That is

wrestling with the Lord as we seek healing for a loved one,

help to live with the daily pain of loss, seek guidance or

direction, the assurance of God's forgiveness or peace.

Yes, it’s completely different learning about God's precious

promises, seeing other people live them out.

BUT: - Proving them, standing on them, working through

them, believing them 100%. Well that's completely


Bringing the same situations before the Lord in anguish,

frustration, distress we PRAY THROUGH. Yes, wrestle with

the Lord just as we did while proving that formula, striving

to learn those dance moves or perfecting that recipe.


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He hears our cries, intercedes before God's throne on our

behalf. WOW!

The Church prayer group continue to meet Wednesday by

Wednesday. Come along and feel the richness of God's Grace

and presence as we pour out our hearts to HIM. If you have

any concerns, cares for national or local issues, prayer

requests for yourself or others please speak to Mrs Helen


As we remember 75 years since the atrocities of the

holocaust, here is a quote from Corrie Ten Boom: -

He knows, he loves, he cares.

Nothing that truth can dim.

He gives the very best to those

Who leave the choice to Him.

Leaving the choice to Him!

Praying through until coming to a place of peace and

acceptance, being able to say YOUR WILL BE DONE. Yes,

that's hard, so hard.

But as Corrie Ten Boom says God gives the very best to those

who leave the choice to HIM.

God bless you as we continue to journey with HIM.

Helen Glendinning.

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Open Door

We had a great turn out and a brilliant Christmas Party, with

a delicious lunch provided by Josephine, Angela and Marion.

We all enjoyed the brilliant entertainment. We stopped for

Christmas and restarted again in January and braced the cold

and rain and not forgetting the wind and snow that our God

provided. We had New Cumnock Primary School Choir, with

a bit of Burns and some Lewis Capaldi which they were

brilliant at. The great talent that our Lord has given them.

We have lost two of our lovely members, Mrs Clare Taylor

and Mrs Mary Murray, who we will miss on a Monday

afternoon, the Lord took them home. We are looking

forward to a visit to Dumfries House.

God be with you all.

Margaret Houston

Praise Time

Unfortunately, circumstances have not allowed us to meet

on a regular basis for our monthly informal Praise Time. I

would like to thank all of the people who supported this

group over the years for their good fellowship and inspiring

choice of hymns. It is always good to do nothing else but

simply praise the Lord. We may, if possible, have one final

Praise Time before Easter.

Helen Cuthbert

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‘Sing a new Song’

Included in our Magazine this month are two new songs

written by our Minister. The first was written on the occasion

of the Baptism of Ella Cuthill and given the tune ‘Ella’s Song’.

It challenges us to think about the kind of world, Church,

love we will leave for our children.

The second is a paraphrase of Paul’s prayer for the

Epehsians. It can be sung to the tune ‘Londonderry Air’ and is

good for us to pray or sing often for one another and our

brothers and sisters here and elsewhere as God makes us a

people of power and a people of praise.

What will we leave for our children?

What will leave for our children? A world that’s better than before? What will we leave for our children? A world that pleases You, O Lord? May Your Kingdom come, in this world of ours, as it is in heaven above. May Your will be done in this world of ours as it is in heaven above. For you made the earth and You saw it was good, Full of wonder and beauty and life, But we have not cared for Your world as we should, Causing poverty, hunger and strife. May your will be done in this world of ours

Page 33: New Cumnock Parish of Ministry is done by a Locum Minister. The Kirk Session itself will appoint a Locum Minister. Locum is short

as it is in heaven above. What will leave for our children? A Church that’s better than before? What will we leave our children? A Church that pleases You, O Lord? May Your Kingdom come, in the Church that’s Yours as it is in heaven above. May Your will be done In the Church that’s Yours, as it is in heaven above. The Church’s foundation is Jesus our Lord, As we live for and serve Him alone, But often we close up our ears to his voice, And the branches break loose from the Vine. May your will be done in the Church that’s Yours as it is in heaven above. What will leave for our children? A love that’s better than before? What will we leave our children? A love that pleases You, O Lord? May Your Kingdom come, Your love here be shown, as it is in heaven above. May Your will be done, Your love here be shown as it is in heaven above. For you made us all to share love, pursue peace, Seeking justice and mercy and truth, But we never seem Your love’s lessons to learn,

Page 34: New Cumnock Parish of Ministry is done by a Locum Minister. The Kirk Session itself will appoint a Locum Minister. Locum is short

Kindness, goodness just don’t seem enough. May Your will be done, Your love here be shown as it is in heaven above. Lord, help us leave for our children a life that’s better than before, Lord, help us leave for our children a life that pleases You, O Lord. May Your kingdom come, in the life we choose as it is in heaven above, May Your will be done in the life we choose, as it is in heaven above.

Helen Cuthbert © 2020

Tune: Ella’s Song

I Kneel before the Father God (Tune – Londonderry Air)

I kneel before the Father God whose Fatherhood, The name of ‘fam’ly’ to all families gives; That from his glorious riches he may strengthen you, With power within, borne on the Spirit’s wings, So that each heart may be the home of Christ our Lord, Made so by faith as Jesus lives in us. Oh that each heart may be the home of Christ our Lord, Made so by faith as Christ, our Saviour, lives in us. I pray that rooted, grounded in the love of God, You and God’s Holy people everywhere,

Page 35: New Cumnock Parish of Ministry is done by a Locum Minister. The Kirk Session itself will appoint a Locum Minister. Locum is short

May have the power, to truly grasp how wide and long, How high and deep’s the love of Christ for you; To know this love that is beyond all knowing, And with God’s fullness be completely filled, To know this love that is beyond all knowing, That to the measure of God’s fullness you’ll be filled. And now to Him, the One who’s more than able, To answer every pray’r we pray and more, Beyond what lips request and minds imagine, Through his great power that is at work in us, Yes, now to Him in every generation, Be glory in the Church and Christ our Lord, Yes, now to Him, in every generation, Be glory now and glory evermore! Amen. Paraphrase of Ephesians 3.14-21 (NIV) Helen Cuthbert © 2020

Publications & Communications

If you would like to put an article in the June Magazine, could

you please send it to Nancy Young by Monday 11th May. If

you would like a copy of this Magazine to send on to

anybody in an email, please drop me a note of their email.

Email- [email protected].

Page 36: New Cumnock Parish of Ministry is done by a Locum Minister. The Kirk Session itself will appoint a Locum Minister. Locum is short

Parish Register

Baptisms 2019 December Ryann Roxburgh, Daughter of David & Lynsay Roxburgh

January Ella James Cuthill, Daughter of Grant & Alison Cuthill

Funerals 2019 November Henry Brown Isobel Brown

December Nancy Houston

2020 January Bob Dickson Buzzer O’Connor Betty Brown George Sullivan Robert Johnstone Clare Taylor

‘The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength’ (2 Timothy 4.17)

Lord Jesus we rejoice with those who rejoice at your gift to them of a new young life in the family and we mourn with those who mourn the loss of someone dear to them. We pray for the different kinds of strength each one needs – the wisdom and energy to provide love and a good home for a growing child; the peace, comfort and support as ‘life after a death’ begins. And for all of us Lord, awaken in us daily the hope of eternal life in heaven with you through faith in you. We pray in your Name. Amen.

Page 37: New Cumnock Parish of Ministry is done by a Locum Minister. The Kirk Session itself will appoint a Locum Minister. Locum is short


Minister Rev H Cuthbert 338296

Kirk Session Miss M Ferrans 700285

Property Mr A McEwan 332218

Finance & Stewardship Mrs I McDicken 338769

Multi Media Mrs CA McEwan 332218

Events Mrs C Wilson 420172

Mission & Discipleship Miss F McGurk 332977

Babies & Toddlers Mrs M Houston 332082

Bible Study Rev H Cuthbert 338296

Boys Brigade Mrs C Sloan 332112

Choir Mrs C Wilson 420172

Christian Action Mrs N Paterson 332404

Coffee Bean Mrs M McCormack 332744

Flower Guild Mrs L Hill 332644

Gift Aid Mrs J Brown 332661

Guild Mrs H Lamont 338508

Hall Letting Mr A McEwan 332218

Open Door Mrs M Houston 332082

Prayer Group Mrs H Glendinning 332977

Safeguarding Mrs J Brown 332661

Sunday School Mrs M McCrindle 424553

Publications & Communications Mrs N Young 338312

[email protected]

Facebook New Cumnock Parish Church

Church Website