new 28 day diet plan to lose 16lbs with no exercise

How 4 Delicious Lunch Box Recipes Eaten Every Week Can Help You Lose 16lbs With No Exercise

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Post on 21-Jan-2015



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See How 4 Delicious Lunch Box Recipes Eaten Every Week Can Help You Lose 16lbs With No Exercise


Page 1: New 28 Day Diet  Plan To Lose 16lbs With No Exercise

How 4 Delicious Lunch Box Recipes Eaten Every Week Can Help You Lose 16lbs With No Exercise

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When I first heard about a diet that reported to help you lose 12lbs in 7-21 days by eating from a plastic food container, I was a little dubious to say the least. But after further investigation and seeing the results that The Lunch Box Diet provides , you’ll start to understand why it works.

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The diet has been devised with ease of use in mind and without the need to count calories, prepare silly meals or have you wandering around the super market having to pick out ingredients you’d never use in everyday life. In fact, most of the foods you’ll be used to, except, well, it’s the way you eat them. You see the secret is the box.

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Simon (the personal trainer who developed the diet) has devised a clever way of bringing the proven ‘grazing’ principle that’s used by the likes of Cameron Diaz to keep her stunning Hollywood body. She knows that if you eat little and often your body will always be satisfied. As Simon is right to point out, we tend to rebel when we’re hungry and so many diets force you to restrict your calories too much

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The problem with grazing generally is that it’s not all that easy, especially for those who work in an office like me, but this ‘Lunch Box’ just makes it so much easier as I can pop it in the fridge and grab it when I need to.

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Yo-yo dieting is a big problem and if you’re someone that’s suffered from this for a while you’ll know that you need to create a lifestyle change for yourself, the beauty of The Lunch Box Diet is that you can pick it up at put it down when you want but after just 7 days I did start to feel a real difference not just in my weight, but I felt less bloated and my energy, WOW! Simon’s box combos keep you full, but to the point where you’ve got the perfect amount of fuel for the day and when I go to the gym I add in the genius ‘active carbs’ – ie, you eat according to your activity levels.

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After 21 days and strangely I’m not bored of this so called ‘diet’, in fact to be honest with you it doesn’t feel like a diet at all. I’m eating my normal breakfast and evening meal and then I’ve been making the delicious recipes from Simon’s bonus Ebooks and been using his plan to keep me on track. However, the diet is versatile in that if you don’t like one ingredient, you can just replace it with something you do like. My skin feels a lot more smooth and I’m less irritated, and no more hunger pangs when dieting.

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My biggest problem was my sugar cravings, but again as Simon rightly says, my blood sugar levels have been balanced, so I’ve not been reaching for the normal crisps, chocolate or savoury snacks that I would devour within minutes of stepping in from the office. In fact my work colleagues have kept on asking me what’s in my box and pretty much my entire team has been starting this exciting new healthy way to eat

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On the downside, I have been finishing my box a little earlier than expected, so I’m going to add a little more and see how my weight changes. I can safely say, this has been one of the best diet’s I’ve ever tried and the Elle Magazine review was right, they said ‘it’s become a way of life’. Not only that but my energy is up and I’ve been exercising more.