never say you are a workaholic

Never say You are a Workaholic, a Perfectionist, etc. because it sounds negative. Try to convert these negative biased qualities into positive ones. For example, in place of Workaholic you can say you are a hard worker and always willing to work for extra hours.In place of Perfectionist, you can say you are detail oriented and like to set high standard for work. QUOTE "Try to specify your weakness as your strength and also highlight it as a benefit." Your answers can be: 1) One of my weaknesses as I perceive is occasional compromise on time for quality and perfection. 2) I feel I am not very detail-oriented. I’m a person that wants accomplish as much as possible. I realized this hurts quality and therefore I‘m trying hard to find a balance between quality and quantity. 3) At times even when I need help, I try to solve my own problems instead of asking a co-worker who might know the answer. This would save me more time and I would be more efficient. I’m working on knowing when it would be beneficial to ask for help. 4) I've been told a few times I'm too much detail oriented. I do make it a practice of checking my work at least If you are given an opportunity to work in our organisation, how long will you stick ? Please tell me how will you answer this ! Aasim Pathan Dec 15 2008, 04:37 PM QUOTE (Latha_HR @ Dec 10 2008, 08:24 PM)

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Page 1: Never Say You Are a Workaholic

Never say You are a Workaholic, a Perfectionist, etc. because it sounds negative. Try to convert these negative biased qualities into positive ones. For example, in place of Workaholic you can say you are a hard worker and always willing to work for extra hours.In place of Perfectionist, you can say you are detail oriented and like to set high standard for work.

QUOTE "Try to specify your weakness as your strength and also highlight it as a benefit."

Your answers can be:

1) One of my weaknesses as I perceive is occasional compromise on time for quality and perfection.

2) I feel I am not very detail-oriented. I’m a person that wants accomplish as much as possible. I realized this hurts quality and therefore I‘m trying hard to find a balance between quality and quantity.

3) At times even when I need help, I try to solve my own problems instead of asking a co-worker who might know the answer. This would save me more time and I would be more efficient. I’m working on knowing when it would be beneficial to ask for help.

4) I've been told a few times I'm too much detail oriented. I do make it a practice of checking my work at least If you are given an opportunity to work in our organisation, how long will you stick ?

Please tell me how will you answer this ! Aasim PathanDec 15 2008, 04:37 PMQUOTE (Latha_HR @ Dec 10 2008, 08:24 PM) If you are given an opportunity to work in our organisation, how long will you stick ?

Please tell me how will you answer this !

As long as we both feel that i am doing a good job interview questionDec 16 2008, 05:14 PMI am planing to have a long term career in your company. once or twice to make sure that it's absolutely accurate.

Full Version: What to say when HR asked about strength and weakness ?

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ChetanaSforum > CAREER GUIDANCE FORUM > HR INTERVIEW HELPLINEtalk2_vinothJul 14 2006, 11:12 AMWhat to say when HR asked about strength and weakness ? I am VijjiJul 17 2006, 10:24 PMThis is the best answer I read till now :

Try to answer such negative questions with a positive response. For example, say, Some people consider me a perfectionist, or I'm too detail-oriented. I always try to get things right.

An employer will be happy to put up with such weaknesses. Saying, I don't have any weaknesses worth mentioning, indicates that you don't know yourself very well (poor self-assessment).

Something like, I get angry when people don't work as hard as they should, but I see very little of that at my current job, is good too. KSNAug 31 2006, 03:50 PMHighlighting strengths and accomplishments: Use specific examples to highlight your accomplishments -- explicit numbers, results and outcomes. Generic words are meaningless unless backed by data.

For example, instead of using the word 'significant' , use a number or percentage instead.

Strengths that interviewers are looking for include:. Committed: Talk about the times you may have sacrificed a vacation to complete an important project.

. Action-oriented: Quote an example from a past job where you drove the meeting, committee or project that was languishing. Or, when a deadline loomed and you came up with a way to reach the goal.

. Inquisitive/ Curious: Show how curiosity has served you well in the last job. For example, when was the last time you knew there had to be a better way of performing a task, closing a particular deal or making a sale to a difficult client? How did your questioning of the situation find a solution?

. Long term approach: Talk about how you were able to see the broader consequences of a decision in your previous company. Your contribution provided a viewpoint that others had overlooked.

The one question candidates love to avoid is, "What is your greatest weakness?" Do not give superficial answers like "I'm a workaholic" or "I'm a perfectionist." These are boring and predictable.

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Interviewers can even reply to them with, "That doesn't sound like a weakness. Now why don't you tell me about a real weakness?" So, state a true weakness that doesn't have a major impact on your ability to do the job.

Sample -- If you are applying for a non-managerial role: 'In the past, I've had some trouble sharing responsibilities with others. I felt I could do things better and faster myself. This sometimes backfired because I'd end up with more than I could handle and the quality of my work would suffer. But I plan to take courses in time management and effective delegation.'

Or, 'I am weak in accounts and had a tough time when I was asked to work on a project with the finance team. I have enrolled in an online program on basic finance to overcome this.' (NOTE: You would not want to use this example for an accounting or finance position.) moparthy.ujjwalaSep 11 2008, 08:00 PMDont answer negatively for this question...bcoz when HR asked abt ur weakness means he asking abt ur for this negative question u reply in a +ve way like this..MY WEAKNESS IS MY HARDWORKING NATURE...if he asked both strength and weakness, then reply him like this BOTH MY STRENGTH AND MY WEAKNESS IS HARDWORKING... supriya anandNov 10 2008, 07:46 AMi thnk we should reply dat 'i got tensd whenever i couldnt give my 100% to my work' Surendra.SNov 12 2008, 04:15 PMQUOTE (moparthy.ujjwala @ Sep 11 2008, 02:30 PM) Dont answer negatively for this question...bcoz when HR asked abt ur weakness means he asking abt ur for this negative question u reply in a +ve way like this..MY WEAKNESS IS MY HARDWORKING NATURE...if he asked both strength and weakness, then reply him like this BOTH MY STRENGTH AND MY WEAKNESS IS HARDWORKING...

Sorry but I don't think that's a good answer.

Then HR will ask you - 'Why do you think Hardworking is a weakness ?'

QUOTE (supriya anand @ Nov 10 2008, 02:16 AM) i thnk we should reply dat 'i get tensd whenever i couldnt give my 100% to my work'

Getting tensed at work is too big weakness. I personally think you should avoid this answer.

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In fact, you should avoid any answer that has scope for too many cross-questions from the HR. Uttam AgrawalApr 9 2009, 09:32 AM“Try to specify your weakness as your strength and also highlight it as a benefit.”

Your answers can be:

1) One of my weaknesses as I perceive is occasional compromise on time for quality and perfection.

2) I feel I am not very detail-oriented. I’m a person that wants accomplish as much as possible. I realized this hurts quality and therefore I‘m trying hard to find a balance between quality and quantity.

3) At times even when I need help, I try to solve my own problems instead of asking a co-worker who might know the answer. This would save me more time and I would be more efficient. I’m working on knowing when it would be beneficial to ask for help.`

HR.1 - Tell Me Something About Yourself.

Try to introduce some of your most important employment-oriented skills as well as your education and accomplishments to the interviewer. Answer to thie question is very important because it positions you for the rest of the interview. That's why this statement is often called the " Positioning Statement".

One should take the opportunity to show his/her communication skills by speaking clearly and concisely in an organized manner. Since there is no right or wrong answer for this question hence it is important to appear friendly.

The answers can be:

1) I am a person with strong interpersonal skills and have the ability to get along well with people. I enjoy challenges and looking for creative solutions to problems.

2)Besides the details given in my resume, I believe in character values, vision and action. I am quick in learning from mistakes. I am confident that the various tests that you have

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conducted will corroborate my competencies aptitude and right attitude for the job.

3) I attended GIET where I majored in Electronics & Communication Engineering. My hobbies include basketball, reading novels and hiking. I’m an easy going person that works well with everyone. I enjoy being around different types of people and I always like to challenge myself to improve at everything I do.

4) I went to GIET, Gunupur where I majored in Electronics & Communication Engineering. Afterwards, I started my career at Mumbai as a software engineer in LnT Infotech. I’ve been there for 3 years now. I love solving riddles and puzzles and I also enjoy jogging, reading and watching movies.

HR.2 - What are Your Strengths?

This is a simple and popular interview question. Generally people answer it in two ways. There are people who simply state their strength like “I am Young, Dynamic, Intelligent, Smart & so on…”. Such answer is neither right nor wrong but does not help u in any way also.Secondly there are peoples who state their strengths and explain them how he can use his strength for the job and industry.

Do not simply state your strength. Everyone has some strength, all you need is to convert them into benefits. In short, try to advertize yourself by converting your features into strengths.

Your answers can be : -

1) I am a hard worker and because of this ability I can work for additional hours to accomplish my tasks.I am commitment oriented and hence I always enjoy the trust and confidence of my team mates which enables me to perform my duties very easily.

2) I am adaptable, so I can handle any type of people and situations and also bring out the best from them in spite of conflicting situations or opinions.I am a quick learner, so I can any subject quickly and analyze my job and add value to it as well as I can identify the problem and solve them faster and better.

Cover Letter/Job Application Format.

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3) My strength is that I have very strong values and ethics and a very good eye for detail. I believe in strong relationships and have a very supportive family and very good friends.

4) I’ve always been a great team player and therefore I can work efficiently to produce quality work in a team environment.I can accomplish a large amount of work within a short period of time hence I get things done on time.

Difference between Smart Worker & Hard Worker

"A smart worker always put things right but a hard worker always do right things."

If you are interviewed for a managerial position or for an admission in a MBA College, You should mention traits that are important for managers like :

“Well, I believe I am good at planning and execution, and working with people. I’ve always been good at detailing all the steps too. Even in college, I used to spend time organizing my week and planning a strategy to tackle each class and assignment. I love working in a team environment where I try to use strengths of each individual in a team and hence produce the best results.”


If you are asked,

Tell me on the basis on which strength should we select you?

As an individual, I am a package of all my strengths that I have stated to you and I strongly believe that if you have to select me, you have to do so for all my strengths put together and not for one strength in isolation. However if you still insist that you would like to select me for a specific strength than the prerogative is yours sir.

HR.4 - Can You Work well Under Pressure?

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The best answer to this question is “Yes”. Working well under pressure is a good strength to have. But saying yes is not enough; you need to explain how you can handle pressure situation to bring the best out of it. Tell the interviewer that you work the same with pressure and without pressure.

You can answer as:

1) Sir, I can handle pressure of work. Whenever there is pressure of work, we need to tackle it from the mental and physical stand-point. Mental stand-point would mean being in a state of relaxation and composure so that I do not feel stressed out during the course of my work and from physical stand-point; I always prioritize my job in their exact order of merit and importance so that I can dispose them off quickly and effectively.

2) I work well under pressure because I don’t panic. I use the pressure to help me work more efficiently. I maintain self control and work as efficiently as possible. At times, I try to prioritize and plan as much as I can.

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3) Working under pressure has always been a learning experience for me because it helps me grow. I have always worked well during deadline, and I always learned how to work more efficiently afterwards.

4) Well I believe I work the same if there’s pressure or not. I try and take the emotional factors and work hard regardless of down time. I always prioritize and organize my work and hence that gives me a Psychological advantage over pressure. At times whenever time becomes a constraint I put extra effort and time to meet the deadline. So pressure has nothing to do with my work.

Short term goal depends upon where you stand right now. A person with 5 years of experience will have different short term goals than a person with no work experience.

"An idealist believes the short run doesn't count,A cynic believes the long run doesn't matterA realist believes that what is done or left undonein the short run determines the long run."

Your answer can be:

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1) My short term goal is to find a position where I can use the Knowledge and Strength I have. I want to participate in the growth and success of the company I work for.

2) I want to see myself as a software developer in your esteemed organization where by with all my skills and enhanced learning I shall be able to make valuable and meaningful contribution to your organization.

3) My short term goal is to learn everything I can about marketing. I want to be in a position where I can contribute what I’ve learned through education to gain some practical and real life Experience. Hence my immediate goal is to learn and become skilled in all aspects of marketing.

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4) My short term goal is to become a marketing analyst. I’ve learned the basics of marketing during my first two years and hence I am raring to take on challenging projects.

5) My short term goal is to get into a management position. The last five years of my career I have concentrated on learning and acquiring all the managerial skills. Recently I’ve taken more responsibilities in management because I eventually want to become production manager. I feel I’m doing a diligent job by volunteering for extra work to gain more experience and hope to be in a management position within a year or two.

“Never simply state your Short term goal but move a step further by stating the steps you are taking to achieve them.”

HR.6 - What are your Long Term Goals?

Generally such questions are asked by the interviewer to check how serious the candidate is about his career. Avoid answers as “becoming rich and retiring early”. These are incorrect answers. Try to give an ambitious answer that shows you really love your career. Be descriptive and try to convince them that you are a hard worker and not just a mediocre one.

You can answer as:

1) My long term goal is to be an instructor. I have always loved to teach and hence I

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would like to grow newer employees and help co-workers where ever I can.

2) After a successful career, I look forward to write a book on Programming Language. I think working smart is important and I have many ideas. So after gaining more experience, I am going to write a book.

Cover Letter/Job Application Format.

3) My long term goal is to become partner for a consulting firm. I know a lot of hard work determination and patience is required to become a partner. Many people fail to become a partner. But that’s not going to stop me anyway from working hard and learning everything I can. I know it’s going to be tough but becoming a partner is a long term goal of mine and I am going to work towards this goal throughout my career.

4) My long term goal is to become director of a company. I know it sounds a little too ambitious but I’m smart and willing to work hard a lot.

HR.7 - Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Well this is a similar question to the short term question but you need to answer them differently.

Your answers can be:

1) I see myself as a ¬Senior Software Engineer in your esteemed organization where by with all my enhanced learning and skill, I shall be able to make up a valuable and meaningful contribution to your organization.

2) In five years, I want to be a senior analyst (Senior Software Engineer/Manager/Lead). I want to expertise to directly impact the company in a positive way.

Interview Questions & Answers

3) Although I really enjoy working as a Software Engineer, I want to eventually become a manager. I want to continue gaining experience, and after learning many different aspects, I see myself in management.

4) Five years from now I see myself as a marketing manager. I am going to be learning

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and gaining experience until then. I know there are a lot of things to learn, but I’m going to be working hard for the next five years. I Know opportunity knock the door of great workers and I’m going to try to be one of them.

HR.8 - Why should we hire you?

The interviewer asks this question just to find out how your skills, experience and knowledge can add value to the job.Well to answer this question you need to learn what they are looking for and then tie them with your strengths. This ensures that you are a viable fit for the position.

The more detail you give the stronger your answers will be. Try to summarize all your accomplishments and relate what makes you unique.

Your answers can be:

1) You should hire me because I’m the best person for the job. I realize that there are likely other candidates who also have the ability to do this job. Yet I bring an additional quality that makes me the best person for the job - my passion for excellence. I am passionately committed to producing truly class results.

2) I believe I’m the perfect fit for this position. I’m very detail oriented, and I organize my work and time very efficiently. But what makes me unique? If I were in your position I would hire myself because of the passion for this industry and my optimistic personality. I want to make more of an impact than just doing my job. I don’t want to blend in with the company; I would rather want my addition to improve it.


3) There are two reasons I should be hired. Firstly, my qualifications match your needs perfectly. Secondly I’m excited and passionate about this industry and the position and will always give my 100%.

4) You should definitely hire me. I have a proven track record of success throughout my education. My education graph always kept roaring with time. This position requires someone who has the ability to solve problems quickly and who can logically add value to the job. I believe my skills and abilities matches perfectly with the requirement and what makes me the unique candidate is my passion towards my work and industry. So I’m confident I’ll be the best candidate for this position.

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5) I’m a perfect fit for this position. I have three years of experience in this technology and my skills enable me to develop better products in less time. On top of that I’m a great team player that gets a long with everyone.


6) This position seeks a Quality Assurance Manager, I’m confident I’m the best person for this job. I have earlier worked with xyz Software Company and I was in charge of a team that was responsible for the quality of three different applications. I have adept knowledge in Quality assurance, Product support and even some creative processes that will benefit a quality assurance team. I love mentoring junior employees since I believe in sharing knowledge to everyone in the company who work with me. So I strongly believe that I’ll be the best candidate due to the combination of my experience, my management skills, abilities and my desire to provide growth in employees.

Always remember: “Never compare yourself to other applicants who are vying for the same position”

HR.9 - What kind of salary are you looking for?

Never bring up the salary topic. Always allow the interviewer to do it first. Do not give a figure right away. If you state a figure you risk stating something that is too high or something that is too low. In either case the loss is yours. Many a times peoples and friends around us suggest saying something as “I’m sure whatever I am offered will be a fair price”. No doubt it’s a safe answer but I would recommend answering this question with a range.

The thumb rule of any negotiations is: The side with more information wins. Try to learn what the employer is willing to pay before you reveal what you’re willing to accept. Hence when asked about salary, you can say:

“I’m sure the company has already established a salary range for this position. Can you tell me what that is?”


“I want an income commensurate with my ability and qualifications. I trust you’ll be fair with me. What does this position pay?”

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If you have some idea regarding the pay for the position, then just state something a little higher with a small range included as-

“Based on the information I have about the position, a salary in the range 15000 – 18000 would reflect the experience and expertise that I would bring to the role.”


“I know the average pay for this position is roughly around 15000. But because I have two years of experience, I would like something around 15000 – 18000.”


If the salary range is already stated in the job description, then you can answer that you are willing to consider any offer stated in the job description as:

“The job description says that the salary will be around 15000 – 18000. I think it’s a fair range.”

If you want to play safe, you can answer as:

“I would expect to be paid competitively and commensurate with the level of skill, experience and responsibility that this particular job requires”

HR.11 - Do you prefer to work alone or as a team player?

When interviewer asks such questions it means they are trying to learn whether you are a team player or you like working independently. Even if you have a strong preference to work alone or with others, the best answer is to say both. If a job is mostly about working alone, there might be some team work involved. There’s no work or job which doesn’t need team work at some point of time.

The reality is that most jobs require us to work both independently and in teams.

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Your response to this question should show that you have been successful in both situations. Most employers want someone who can work well in a team and work well alone.

Your answers can be:

1) I would like to work in an environment where there is a blend of both. Its great working in teams while sharing and learning ideas with each other, but it’s also great to sit at my own desk and work hard productively. Therefore I would like to work independently towards a team goal.

2) I believe both are two sides of the same coin. They can never be isolated. A man has to work individually and also as a team player. The value of teamwork is the emergence of new ideas and creative solutions as well as sharing of the work load. So I prefer to work both as an individual and as a team member.


3) During my school days, I was a team member of the Cricket team and the Band Group. Each required a different kind of team play and the learning experience was invaluable. But simultaneously I had to work hard individually for my School exams and other competitive exams where I need to learn and perform on my own. Hence I understand the value of both and therefore I am comfortable working on a team and independently as well.

4) I like working myself. But I love working in a team because one thing is for sure - gaining and sharing knowledge through experience. It is always said “Two heads are better than one”. Working as an individual, I can apply all that I have learned throughout the career. So I believe both have their importance and both are required to be successful in any field.

5) What I have learned from the job description is: this position requires someone who can handle assignments which in turn requires great deal of independent work and research. I am equally comfortable working as a member of a team and independently. My career marks and percentage shows my individual effort. Moreover I was the captain of the winning cricket team of my school and I was adjudged the best bowler of the tournament which shows that I am an efficient team member also. So I am comfortable with both.

HR.14 - Why do you want to work for us?

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The interviewer wants to know why you chose to serve his company. Basically this question is asked to people having experience in their respective field. Don’t start babbling and don’t give a short answer. Do some research about the company and then answer this question by associating sufficient data and information. Try to find out the status of the company, the turnover of the company, why this company is best among the competitors, etc. Such information will help you to answer in the best possible manner.

Try to gather information from annual reports, company’s website, articles about the company and the corporate newsletter.

Your answers can be:

1) Three reasons why I would like to work for your company are:

- Since your company provides a strong core competency, very strong value systems and best practices so I believe I have a strong vision of viewing myself as a project leader in your company.

- Your company has one of the fastest growth rates and turnover in the industry and that would mean a faster growth rate for me as a professional.

- The practices of your company are more employee and customer oriented.

2) I well understand that this is a company on the way up. And recently I studied and saw on your website about the launch of several new products which is imminent. I want to be a part of this business as it grows. Additionally, the team I would work with looks terrific.

HR.15 - Are you willing to travel?

When the interviewer asks about your willingness to travel, it means that this position requires some travelling. If you say no, then you may not get hired because they are looking for someone who is able to travel.

It is perfectly acceptable to ask how much travel is involved.

You can say:

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“I am completely mobile. Well I can go to any part of the country or even abroad if situation permits.”

“I know as an auditor that I’ll have to make business trips. So I’m definitely willing to travel.”

Or you can say

“I have no problems with travelling, actually I love travelling.”

HR.33 - Are you Willing to take risks?

“To get what you want, Stop doing what isn’t working.”

The answer to this question depends on the position and nature of the job you are applying for. But it’s believed that those who are willing to take risks are positioned well than the other candidates.

Your answers can be :

1) I’m a risk taker. I keep my options open and if the reward justifies the risk, I would definitely try. I believe rewards belong only to those guys who go beyond intentions to the place of actions.

“Policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all.”

2) I see myself as a risk taker. But before taking any decision, I always evaluate all other options and after careful considerations I would definitely take a risk if the rewards were high enough.

“There is as much risk in doing nothing, as in doing something.”

How long will I live?

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If your BirthDay is On...

3) I think it’s important to take some risks. Going the extra mile in taking risks is worth even if failure is the result, because the experience and the growth from the risks are priceless.

“What you risk reveals what you value.”

4) I see myself as a careful risk taker. I would definitely study each and every situation and take a risk that would improve my personal and company’s situation. I believe a risk is worth if the reward are high enough.

5) I’m reliable and believe in stability and guarantees. My work will be based on facts and knowledge without assumptions or guesses, So I tend to stay away from risk.

HR.16 - What do you know about this company?

The interviewer simply wants to check out whether you have come prepared. Your answers also signify how passionate you are for the job and the company. Therefore it’s a very important question. Your answer should reflect your knowledge about the company and passion for the job. If you state a simple answer and use tags it will definitely show that you have not done sufficient research.

You don’t have to list everything you know… just enough to let them know that you did your homework. Also, take a little time to give the company a compliment such as the last sentence. It is a psychological tool that you should use to your advantage. This type of compliment is directed at the company and the interviewer will be happy to hear this.

Your answers can be:

1) This company is the leader in delivering IT Solutions. It’s a global company in 18 different countries, and finally it’s one of the best companies to work for.

2) I learned that this Company has a great work environment and is an employee oriented. It’s a place where strong contributors are rewarded. I want to work for a company with opportunities and I know this company will definitely provide me.

3) I learned that this company provides a strong core competency, very strong value systems and best practices so I believe I have a strong vision of viewing myself as a

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member of this company. Also it has one of the fastest growth rates and turnover in the industry and that would mean a faster growth rate for me as a professional.

4) The practices of your company are more employee and customer oriented. Also I learned from sources that this company provides services to large corporations and is a leader in IT Solutions. That’s why I ‘m excited to have the opportunity to join this company.

5) Well in my research I learned that your company headquarters are in Bangalore and that you have grown from one small office to over 48 locations in the last 5 years. I also know that at first you were primarily a brokerage firm and now diversified to provide IT solutions and Outsourcing.

HR.17 - What do you seek from a job?

The interviewer simply wants to check out what you are expecting from the job. Never relate your answer to position, status or money associated with the job. Your answer should show that you are really determined to add value to the organization and yourself too.

Your answers can be:

1) I would like a job which gives me a chance to apply all that I have learned in college and enable me to grow as a professional. I would like a role which enables me to make a difference and improve my skills.

2) Great learning opportunities, challenging roles, rational career progression and good job satisfaction. I would also like to work for an organization that gives me an opportunity to serve the organization, the society and above all my country.

3) I seek three things from the job: Competence, Challenging Roles and learning opportunities. I want a position where I can apply my skills and abilities at par so that I can add some value to the organization.

4) I’m looking for a place to learn and a chance to improve my practicalities and thereby taking my employer to its level best by showing my fullest dedication and work strengths.

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HR.18 - How do you evaluate success?

Here the interviewer simply wants to know what success means to you in your professional and personal life. Many people view success in terms of power, wealth, or fame. But many of the most enduring and satisfying forms of success have nothing do with acquiring power, wealth, or fame. Success is what you make it. For some people it is just keeping busy, having fun and enjoying life as never before.

Your answers can be:

1) If my contribution has positively benefitted my company, than that’s “Success” for me. From the personal front, success to me is fulfilling my parents dream.

2) Success to me is to set a goal, plan the steps to achieve the goal, implement the plan and finally achieve the goal.

3) Success to me means satisfaction for whatever I do. If I am at my workplace, positive result gives me the satisfaction and at home happiness in parent’s eyes gives me the satisfaction.

4) Success to me means completing a task or assignment in an excellent manner and within the stipulated time. But if it was a group project and say only two people did the work, I wouldn’t call that success. If everyone participated and worked together, then it’s a success. Therefore I believe both the result and the process should be great to call something a success.

HR.19 - During your performance reviews, what criticism do you hear the most?

No one likes to be criticized. But as a young professional, you will experience the barbs of negative feedback in both your personal as well as professional life. Here the interviewer is on the look out for your accountability and professional character. Generally this question is for people with experience. You shouldn’t answer it directly by saying all the criticism you had faced during your tenure, rather try to mould the answer to show your positive attitude towards the critics.

Always remember “You can’t please everyone, so just please yourself. You are your best critic. Some people are just not going to like you. Accept it.”

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Your answers can be:

1) I believe criticism should be dealt with positive attitude because it gives us information on how to improve. The criticism I heard during my tenure was to voice my opinions, ideas and suggestions in group meetings. My manager always liked my suggestions whenever I personally met him, but in group meetings I usually let him speak. Now, I feel more confident that I can suggest my ideas and opinions in groups.

2) My boss has always appreciated my work and told me that I did my projects well and within the stipulated time. But he asked me to send more updates and that too frequently so that he can report to his seniors and managers.

3) My colleagues criticized me for being an introvert. I usually go to office and concentrate on my work. But I took the criticism positively and now I am trying to interact with people around me and simultaneously concentrating on my work. I realized that I have to be social.

HR.20 - Is there anything else that we should know about you that would impact our decision?

This question gives you a final chance to impress the interviewer. If you felt you didn’t show that much enthusiasm, here is your chance. If you felt you missed out one of your strong traits, you have a chance to state it.

Your answers can be:

1) I am a continuous learner and I try to keep myself abreast of all developments in the field of IT (or any other). Since I do not quit in the face of toughest challenges, I am certain that I would be able to achieve the targets that I set for myself and beyond.

2) Well for all my mentioned attributes, strengths and qualification I am confident that I can do very well over here. I don’t know if I expressed it that well, but I’m very excited about this position.

3) One final trait that I have that would be perfect for this position is my organizational skills. I’m very detailed and plan very well. I prioritize my work as per the need of hour.

4) There are three fear in this era:- Fear of failure.

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- Fear of rejection.- Fear of being ridiculed.

I personally believe fear is analogous to low Self-Confidence.Throughout my academic career I never allowed these fears to take over me. I always faced them with positive attitude and confidence and I will keep on doing it in the future too.

HR.21 - If I tell you, you are an IDIOT, a FOOL, a RASCAL; can you think anything positive about it?

I - Intelligent.D - Determined.I - Innovative.O - Optimistic.T - Truthful and Talented.

F - Faithful.O - Optimistic.O - Obedient.L - Loyal.

R - Religious.A - Adaptable.S - Simple and Sober.C - Competent, Capable and Co-Operative.A - Adept.L - Loyal.

HR.22 - If you were an animal/ a can of soup/ some other random object which one would you prefer and why?

1) I would be a can of soup – one that has a variety of flavors, bubbling with enthusiasm. I would associate my determined attitude with the can’s tough exterior. I would believe that whatever the label on the can, the content are always a surprise.

2) I would like to be the mind of the CEO – I would then know exactly how complex issues are so thoughtfully analyzed, how prioritizing happens and how accurate decisions which affect numerous stakeholders are made. I would know how almost intuitively, they

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know what the next big things are and their risk taking abilities.HR.23 - What will you do if you are asked to give a bribe?

If I am asked to do so then I will feel very uncomfortable to do so just in case the company has strong core competency, best practices and a strong value system. So I strongly feel the company can do business purely on these merits and not through bribery or commissions.

If the interviewer presses you hard to say either yes or no then you can say:

However even if a condition comes to pay a bribe to get a good contract then I shall refer the case to my seniors for their valid suggestions upon which I can act.

HR.24 - Suppose I tell you I don’t like your face? Then why should I select you?

Even if you don’t like my face, you definitely would agree that I have other qualities that appealed you, for which you are now interviewing me.

There’s a saying “A man’s face is not including of his abilities”.

“A book is not judged by its cover but it is judged by its contents”.

HR.25 - If your boss is taking all the credits for your work, what will you do?

Even if my boss takes credit for my work, I would not mind because if I am a good worker my contribution will be definitely noticed by the organization. Secondly if I remain in the good books of my boss, I can encash this towards my career promotions and growth.

HR.26 - Suppose you find yourself in a deserted island. What three things you will need to survive?

Food, Water and HOPE (that one day I will definitely come out from this island).

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HR.27 - How do you think you conducted or performed during this interview?

I think I have conducted myself in the best possible manner by satisfying your queries through my specific answers which I feel were logical, systematic and to the point. Through my answer my true worth as a dynamic and competent professional has come out fair and square and I am happy with my performance which would ensure my selection in this esteemed organization.

HR.28 - How mobile are you?

I am absolutely mobile. Well I can go to any part of the country or even abroad if situation permits.

HR.30 - If after sometime you start disliking the job? What would you do?

Well, if such situation then my first priority would be to look within myself and try to find out any shortcomings or lack of skills and techniques. If such things happen then I would try to improve and rectify myself. Still if I don’t get an answer then I will speak to my seniors and colleagues to learn my mistakes so that I become more user friendly to my organization.

HR.31 - What have you learnt from your failures?

From my failures I have learnt to analyze myself and find out my shortcomings. Those shortcomings are the areas of future improvement for me and I have undertaken seriously to improve myself on those relevant areas. One more thing I learned is never to give up, never to feel rejected.

“Accepting a failure is a man’s great trait.”

HR.32 - Tell us an incident where you had a problem with your team-mate. How did you handle it?

Once I had a problem with my team-mate in college who was my partner in my field work assignment. We had a disagreement on how to present our project report.

I explained my point of view to her and asked her for her view point. I’ve found that

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when conflict occurs, it’s because of a failure to see both sides of the situation. At that point we found a compromise could be reached by incorporating both our ideas.

Can you work under pressure ?

- I can handle work pressure. Whenever there is pressure of work we need to tackle with mental and physical point of view.- I can work under pressure because I don't become panic. It would help me to work more efficiently.- Working under pressure has always been a learning experience for me because it helps me grow.- I have always worked well during deadline, and I always learned how to work more efficiently afterwards. Uttam AgrawalApr 9 2009, 09:19 AMThe best answer to this question is “Yes”. Working well under pressure is a good strength to have. But saying yes is not enough; you need to explain how you can handle pressure situation to bring the best out of it. Tell the interviewer that you work the same with pressure and without pressure.

You can answer as:

1) Sir, I can handle pressure of work. Whenever there is pressure of work, we need to tackle it from the mental and physical stand-point. Mental stand-point would mean being in a state of relaxation and composure so that I do not feel stressed out during the course of my work and from physical stand-point; I always prioritize my job in their exact order of merit and importance so that I can dispose them off quickly and effectively.

2) I work well under pressure because I don’t panic. I use the pressure to help me work more efficiently. I maintain self control and work as efficiently as possible. At times, I try to prioritize and plan as much as I can.