networked learning at adlc

Networked Learning Enhancing Student Engagement Enriching Student Learning Twitter: @laurelbeat on @cklassenAD L #phrd7 #adlcpd http://toda ADLCPD

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Our presentation focusing on DE specific PLNs and Collaboration


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Networked Learning

Enhancing Student EngagementEnriching Student Learning

Twitter: @laurelbeaton@cklassenADL#phrd7#adlcpd

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Collaboration is the new Competition

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Engaged Thinker

“I collaborate to create new knowledge.”

I know how to make discoveries—through inquiry, reflection, exploration, experimentation and trial and error. I use technology to learn, innovate, collaborate, communicate and discover.

Because I am familiar with multiple perspectives and disciplines, I can first identify problems and then find the best solutions.

As a team member, I integrate ideas from a variety of sources into a coherent whole and communicate these ideas to others.

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The Vision

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"What instructional tools, strategies, and supports do you find engaging in your online courses?"

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Designing and sharing information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes.

Building relationships with others to solve problems collaboratively and cross-culturally.

Managing, analyzing and synthesizing multiple streams of information.

-Adapted from Will Richardson

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Networked Learning @ADLC

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Where could collaborative tools be add these in our courses?

How can we encourage collaboration?What are some of the roadblocks that

get in the way?How can we work around these


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Discussion Boards

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Google Docs to Collaborate

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Collaborize Classroom

• Free discussion board

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Skype Classroom

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Questions? Comments?