net foundation, future of .net and c#

.NET Foundation The future of .NET & C# Martin Woodward, Bertrand Le Roy

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Post on 10-Feb-2017




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.NET FoundationThe future of .NET & C#

Martin Woodward, Bertrand Le Roy

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[email protected]@martinwoodwardhttp://dotnetfoundation.org

Martin Woodward

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I live here

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I work here

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OpennessCommunityRapid innovation

The .NET Foundation .NET API for Hadoop WebClient

.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn").NET Map Reduce API for Hadoop

.NET Micro Framework


ASP.NET Web Pages


MVVM Light Toolkit

.NET Core 5


MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework)

OWIN Authentication MiddlewareRx (Reactive Extensions)

Orchard CMS Windows Azure .NET SDK

Thinktecture IdentityManagerWnsRecipe

Mimekit Xamarin.AuthXamarin.Mobile

Couchbase for .NET

Meet the people behind the .NET Foundation

Join the conversation with the community @dotnetfdn




Salesforce Toolkits for .NET

NuGetKudu Cecil




WorldWide Telescope

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Practices VisibilityMentorshipSupportGovernanceFeedback


Fostering a vibrant .NET ecosystem


172 repositories19,105 forks3,767 contributors

Growing daily…

Openness.Community.Rapid innovation.

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.NET Foundation Support Services• CLA Automation (inc self-service admin)• Domain Registration• DNS Management• SSL Certs• Authenticode Code Signing• Secret Management• Financial Authority• Forums• Email• MSDN• Swag

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.NET Innovation


Open Source

The road ahead for .NET.NET Core


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.NET 2015

.NET Framework: Windows & full BCL

.NET Core: cross-platform & open-source

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.NET Framework• Windows• ASP.NET 5• ASP.NET 4.6• WPF• Windows Forms

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.NET Core• Cross-platform• 100% open-source• Application-local framework• Modular, using NuGet

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.NET Native• Compiled to native code• Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps• IoT devices, Mobile, PC, Xbox, Surface Hub

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.NET Cross Platform• Linux: .NET Core + VS Code + OmniSharp• OSX: .NET Core + VS Code + OmniSharp• iOS & Android: Xamarin• Windows: .NET Framework, Core, VS, VS Code,


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.NET Open Source• .NET Core: CoreFx and CoreCLR• Full stack of C#, VB, and F#

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C# Design Process• Design meetings up to 4 times a week• Design reviews once a month• Proposals and design notes on GitHub• Prototypes for early feedback

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C# Evolution

C# 1Hello World

C# 2Generics

C# 3Linq

C# 4Dynamic

C# 5Async

C# 6Boilerplate

C# 7???

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Roslyn: Great for consumers• Delightful IDE experiences• Code-aware libraries• A new generation of code analysis

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Roslyn: Great for extenders• Rich APIs for understanding code• Analyzer and code fix framework

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Roslyn: Great for us• Written in C#• Beautiful architecture• Less duplication between layers• A lot easier to write new features

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C# 6 auto-property initializerspublic string FirstName { get; set; } = "Jane";

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C# 6 getter-only auto-propertiespublic string FullName { get; } = "Jane Doe";

public Person(string first, string last){ FullName = first + " " + last;}

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C# 6 expression-bodied memberspublic void Print() => Console.WriteLine(FullName);public string FullName => First + " " + Last;

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C# 6 using staticusing static Console;using static System.DayOfWeek;

WriteLine(Wednesday – Monday);

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C# 6 null-conditional operatorsif (json?["x"]?.Type == JTokenType.Integer && json?["y"]?.Type == JTokenType.Integer){ return new Point((int)json["x"], (int) json["y"]);}return null;

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C# 6 string interpolationvar s = $"{blog}/{slug}";Console.WriteLine($"({point.X}, {point.Y})");

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C# 6 nameofpublic Point Add(Point point){ if (point == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(point)); }}

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C# 6 index initializersreturn new JObject { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y };

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C# 6 exception filters & await in catchtry { … }catch (SomeException e) when (e.IsCatastrophic){ await LogAsync(e);}finally{ await CloseAsync();}

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C# 7 Competition• Java• “Systems”: Go, Rust, D, …• “Functional”: F#, Scala, Erlang, Clojure, …• “Compute”: Python, R, Matlab• JavaScript• Swift

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Trends to watch for C# 7• Cloud & devices• Wire data• Performance• Asynchrony

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Pattern matchingif (o is Point p && p.X == 5) { WriteLine(p.Y); }

if (o is Point{ X is 5, Y is var y }) { WriteLine(y); }

if (o is Point(5, var y)) { WriteLine(y); }

Patterns with variables

Variables in scope in body

Variables in scope in rest of condition

Recursive object pattern

Positional pattern

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Patterns in switch statementsswitch (o){ case string s: Console.WriteLine(s); break; case int i: Console.WriteLine($"Number {i}"); break; case Point(int x, int y): Console.WriteLine($"({x},{y})"); break; case null: Console.WriteLine("<null>"); break;}

Switch on any type

Patterns in case clauses

variables in scope only in case?

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Tuple typespublic (int sum, int count) Tally(IEnumerable<int> values) { … }

var t = Tally(myValues);Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {t.sum}, count: {t.count}");

public async Task<(int sum, int count)> TallyAsync(IEnumerable<int> values) { … }

var t = await TallyAsync(myValues);Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {t.sum}, count: {t.count}");

Like parameter lists

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Tuple literalspublic (int sum, int count) Tally(IEnumerable<int> values){ var s = 0; var c = 0; foreach (var value in values) { s += value; c++; } return (s, c); }

public (int sum, int count) Tally(IEnumerable<int> values){ var res = (sum: 0, count: 0); foreach (var value in values) { res.sum += value; res.count++; } return res;}

Target typed

Types and names inferred

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Nullable and non-nullable reference typesstring? n; // Nullable reference typestring s; // Non-nullable reference type

n = null; // Sure; it's nullables = null; // Warning! Shouldn’t be null!s = n; // Warning! Really!

WriteLine(s.Length); // Sure; it’s not nullWriteLine(n.Length); // Warning! Could be null!if (n != null) { WriteLine(n.Length); } // Sure; you checked

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Local functionsIEnumerable<T> Filter<T>(IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, bool> predicate){ if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); if (predicate == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(predicate));

IEnumerable<T> Iterator() { foreach (var element in source) if (predicate(element)) yield return element; } return Iterator();}

Local (nested) functionCaptured type parameters

Captured variables

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Other top feature ideasShorthand “record” typesPreferably with subclassesSupport immutable records and non-destructive mutation

Extension “everything”Great partner feature to pattern matching

Typed “views” of wire dataLike TypeScript types? Like F# type providers?

Ref returns and array slicesFor performance-critical code

Async collections and streamsAsync iterators and async foreach?