nerium international understanding the compensation plan

Nerium International Understanding the Compensation Plan

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Nerium International Understanding the Compensation Plan

Nerium International

Understanding the Compensation Plan

Page 2: Nerium International Understanding the Compensation Plan

Understand 4 Simple Steps

O 1. Every “Baby” Brand Partner needs to Fast Start QualifyO First 30 days personally sponsor 3 Brand

Partner’sO 2. Drive to Director

O If you didn’t FSQ – All perks of the comp plan become active once you advance to Director

O 3. Keep the main thing the main thingO Focus on your “Baby” Brand Partner’s

regardless of your rank O 4. Be a sponsor not a Recruiter

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Recruiter vs. Sponsor

Recruiter SponsorO Focus On

ThemselvesO Focus on immediate

Personal goal (volume)

O One time commision or bonus

O Focus on success of the new Brand Partner

O Drive Fast Start Qualify and Builder Bonuses

O Focus on building long-term relationships

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Understand 3UR FreeO Brand Partner’s and Preferred

Customer’s O All Qualify!!O 3 Preferred Customers = Your own

personal product is FREE!!!!!

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Understand Nerium Gives Back

O Brand Partner’s onlyO Each new Brand Partner or Preferred

Customer, 1 bottle NeriumAD FREEO Yep you get FREE inventory!!!!O You never have to buy more supply

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Understand Success Pack Bonuses

O Paid WeeklyBP S.



Success Pack $50 $75 $100 $115


$135 $150

Premier Success Pack


$150 $200 $250


$300 $325

Differential Bonus = If you are a RMD and a BP signs on at $1,000 you get the difference $300-$100=$200 Paid Weekly!

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Personal Qualifying Volume

O Your Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV) counts Towards your Group Qualifying Volume (GQV)

O PQVO Retail CustomerO Preferred CustomerO Personal Purchases

O GQV is the sales of the group below youO This is how you go from BP to Senior BP


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Customer Acquisition Bonus CAB

O Paid WeeklyO Earn $16-$60 on their first order

depending on your rankO Differential Bonuses to Up line

O Example Director has a BP in their team who signs on a PC who orders 1 bottle

O BP makes $16 and You the Director makes the difference $28-$16 = $12

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Personal Customer Commissions

O Paid WeeklyO Ongoing Goal = Bring customers into the

business earn 10%-25% commissionsO To generate a commission, you must have

$201 spent from your personal customer’sO Personal Customer Base Commission

Potential Residual IncomeO 25 PC = $320 per month $3,800 AnnualO 100 PC = $1,750 per month $21,000+


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Builder Bonus Qualified

O Fast Start Qualify = first 30 days personally sponsor 3 Brand Partner’s

O 4th BP on that you Personally Sponsor is now a Bonus Leg

O $250 Paid Weekly for every personally Sponsored BP after the initial 3

O If they all FSQ you will get commission off of them as well

O Bottom Line you want everyone in Bonus Leg to FSQ

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Magnitude of Builder Bonus

Brand Partner


O 1O 3O 9O 27O 81O 24


O $250O $750O $2,250O $6,750O $20,250O $60,750

Behavior this drives = make sure everyone Fast Start Qualifies on your team

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Join Nerium International

O There are a lot of videos on the compensation plan

O In order to get the best information you will have to join

O Then you will have instant access to the training video's in the back office!