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5931زمستان 44شماره دهميازسال وين روانشناختي هاي نفصلنامه پژوهش

2- Carter, Williams, Silverman1- Bembenutty

3- Ergene

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يرمحمديرهاشم ميو م ياقبال يعل ...هايهاي شخصيتي و طرحوارهويژگي نقش


2- Lowe, Grumbein & Raad

4- Liu, Meng, Xu

1- Putwain & Daniels

3- Haren & Mitchell

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5931زمستان 44شماره دهميازسال وين روانشناختي هاي نفصلنامه پژوهش

1- Garnefski & Kraaij

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يرمحمديرهاشم ميو م ياقبال يعل ...هايهاي شخصيتي و طرحوارهويژگي نقش



1- Leahy Emotional Schema Scale

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5931زمستان 44شماره دهميازسال وين روانشناختي هاي نفصلنامه پژوهش



2- Kosta & McKrey 4- Aloja, Garsiya, Rosir & Garsiya

1- Yavuz, Türkçapar, Demirel & Karadere 3- Ronald & parker & eshtomp

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يرمحمديرهاشم ميو م ياقبال يعل ...هايهاي شخصيتي و طرحوارهويژگي نقش



1- Test Anxiety Inventory

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SS dfMS FPR r2






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يرمحمديرهاشم ميو م ياقبال يعل ...هايهاي شخصيتي و طرحوارهويژگي نقش


2- Rusting & Larsen1- Spielberger & Vagg 3- Van der Linden, Nijenhuis, Bakker

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5931زمستان 44شماره دهميازسال وين روانشناختي هاي نفصلنامه پژوهش

2- Schutz & Schwanenflugel1- Bamelis, Renner & HeidKamp

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Bamelis, L.L.M., Renner, F., HeidKamp, D., Arntz, A. (2010). Extended

Schema mode conceptualization for specific personality disorders: an

empirical study, Journal of Personality Disorder, 25 (1): 41-58.

Bembenutty, H. (2008). Self Regulation of Learning and Test Anxiety,

Psychology Journal, 5: 122-139.

Capaaydin, Y. (2009). High school student’s emotions and emotional

regulation during test taking, Department of educational sciences Middle

East technical university Ankara, Turkey.

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5931زمستان 44شماره دهميازسال وين روانشناختي هاي نفصلنامه پژوهش

Carter R., Williams S., Silverman, W.K. (2008). Cognitive and emotional

facets of test anxiety in African American school children, Cognition

and Emotion, 22: 539-551.

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examination performance, European Journal of Personality, 17 (3): 237-


Ergene, T. (2003). Effective interventions on test anxiety reduction: Meta-

analysis, School Psychology International, 24: 313-328.

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Putwain, D.W., Daniels, R.A. (2010). Is the relationship between competence

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