nbi præsentation consulting

Why are we doing all this?

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Post on 09-Feb-2017




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Why are we doing all this?


• Konsulenthuse• Teknologi leverandører• Viden-netværk• Medlemsorganisationer

Det Offentlige

Viden & Teknologi partnere Forskning &


DATA-Driven Consulting

Its difficult; to use another framework than that

of your own experience!

How to become a consultant HERO and make more money using the NBI


High Level

Kort- og langsigtet løsningsværdi

Kundens værdi Jeres værdi

Ingredienserne I den gode løsning

• Kundens forståelse

• Jeres forståelse

• Jeres indfaldsvinkel Salg og udførelse

• Kundens Ambition og handlekraft

Its difficult; To consult on (for) things that don’t lead to (your short term) business

Concrete Level

Hvor I processen indgår NBI

Gennemgang af procesInvite til survey til respondenter

Launch Site SurveyDashboard

2/3 af virksomheder har ikke en overordnet digitaliserngsplan

3/4 betragter IT som en ”kost” og ikke ”investering”

Under 1/3 har digitale kompetencer i bestyrelserne … Over 1/2 mener ikke det er nødvendigt lige forløbigt

DK faldet fra 5 (2012) til 15 (2015) plads I OECS NRI

- Odgers Berndtson

Konsulentens perspektivListe over respondenter

Konsulentens perspektivHver enkelt respondent

Konsulentens perspektivAdgang til data – kontakt til kunden

Kundens perspektivE-mail – adgang til data

Virker P*****?

70+ leads50% completed

20 meetings7 jobs

(Since late may ‘15)

Hvor I processen indgår NBI

Workshop processen

NBIDigital tilstand


Læg en plan


Forsimplet version af proces

Go’ rådgivning:At finde den optimale løsning indenfor

en “given” ramme

Case:Detail virksomhed


Branche / tema trends

Virksomheds strategi

NBI Diagnose

Gartner / Forrester / McKinsey

Branche analyser / top 1000 DK

Årsrapport / strategi præsentation

Hvilke forretningsaktiviteter / funktioner skal prioriteres for at

vinde i markedet under de rammer

Hvordan kan jeg understøtte KPI’er for de aktiviteter med


Hvor skal jeg sætte ind – hvor kan jeg gøre mere

Hvor gør mine konkurrenter


Mobil anvendelsestrends


Kæmpe bredt eller niche

Her kan du sætte ind


Hvordan har andre gjort

(eks på niche Dashboard / filtre)

NBI Platformen- En dataopsamling- og vidensdessiminerings platform


Business Value


Demografi Governance Culture Resources Adoption Intra/inter silo

coordination Barriers and drivers to


Technologies used Platforms and devices Data management Architecture Investment in technology

• Impact of technologies• Business value created• Influence on strategic goals

The NBI Mapping Framework

Samlede maturity index score

TOP 25 %

2 perspektiver: Forretningsaktivitet eller teknologi

WHY - Cross Dimension ScoresBusiness functions

WHY - Cross Dimension ScoresTechnologies

Drill down – finding out where performance can be improved

Inspiration to – how

A what (could be done better) not a how (to do it better) tool

Hvor I processen indgår NBI

Workshop processen

Kur / Udførelse

Værdi for kundenVærdi for jer som konsulenter

3 ting vi skal arbejde videre med

• A global collaborative reseach and knowledge mobilization initiative on digital utilization:

Internationlly supported by: • Governments, Industry

associations,Universities, Major media,Consultancies and Tech vendors, Thought leaders and practitioners

• The epicenter of the initiative is an internationally available, online service that lets individual companies and their external advisors map and benchmark utilization of technology across their entire enterprise.

• Co-Creation Platform: A collaborative data collection and knowledge decimination platform that will let partners run rechearch frameworks on top of the platform

NBI – The Networked Business Initiative

State of the art Survey Technology

Data management & Business Logics

Dashboard Designer & Visualization Library

© Rights and distribution management

Free access to data & redistribution as host

• Support customers and members in Digital transformation

• Leads• Better consulting and pitches• Content Marketing opportunities

Partner Benefits (free)

Dev. Partner Benfits• Build on and repurpose exsisting

data in contect of own products and competence

• Opportunity to deploy in a community of partners and responding companies

• Ability to build and deploying own knowledge frameworks and dashboards at a fraction of the cost and 10 times the speed


Car Industry Digital Transformation

CustomerExperience Maturity


Collaborative Data collection & interpretation engagement platform

Personalized Knowledge database and benchmarking dashboards

Dashboard Developer technology and services

NBI Dashboard

Creative Commons

100% free Non Profit


NBI Platform


IT Productivity

Themes Business functionsTechnology

NBI - General Maturity framework



Digital Leadership


CXM Cloud



NBI Platformen- En dataopsamling- og vidensdessiminerings platform


Tværorganisatorisk involvering

”IT” Ledelses kompetencer



”IT” Ledelses kompetencer

Personalized Knowledge database and benchmarking dashboards

Collaborative Data collection platform

Launch SiteSurvey Dashboard

• Sales & Marketing• Service & Support• PR & Communication

• Innovation (R&D)• Leadership & Mangt.• Human Resources

Focused & informed execution:What is my potential and where are my strengths and weaknesses

Breaking down Silos: Getting all the functions of the organization involved:“How well is my company utilizing mobile and Social technologies to support my HR processes and KPIs”

C-Level Sponsorship:“How well is my company utilizing Networked Technologies to support my sales and marketing processes compared to my competition / my industry”

Contextual relevance: Filter & Compare performance to specific:- Countries- Industries- Company size- Top 25% performers- Etc.

LEADS: Who signed up to use the service via me (branded Link link)

BETTER CONSULTING: Ask for access to an individual Responding company's data and dashboard

IMPROVED PITCHES: Use your access to the global data to prepare documented powerful presentations and pitches

Marketing, PR and EventsBuild events, PR and Marketing activities around your NBI Partnership