"nature of kagoshima" vol.39

Formerly Shizen-aigo An annual Magazine for Naturalists カゴシマネイチャー 39 2013.3.31 VOL. 鹿児島県自然愛護協会 徳之島におけるリュウキュウテングコウモリの生態 カスミサンショウウオ生息地の環境保全措置 鹿児島県産カスミサンショウウオの産卵生態と生息域推定 鹿児島県本土から得られたウツボ科シマアラシウツボ 鹿児島県から得られたニシン科ホシヤマトミズン イレズミオオメエソの与論島からの記録 鹿児島県のメギス科魚類相 ヒメジ科ミナミヒメジの屋久島からの初記録 鹿児島湾から得られたネズッポ科魚類2種の南限記録 与論島初記録のカワアナゴ科チチブモドキ 与論島から得られたアカヒレハダカハゼ 鹿児島市甲突川からのルリヨシノボリの記録 与論島から採集されたクロユリハゼ科魚類ゼブラハゼ アケボノハゼから得られた寄生性カイアシ類リュウノヒゲ(新称) 淡水性カニ2種に付着していたヤドリイツツノムシ属の1種 与論島から採集されたソリハシコモンエビ 与論島から採集されたタラバエビ科甲殻類5種 鹿児島県から得られたワタリガニ科甲殻類3種 口之島から採集されたヤイトムシ目の1種 霧島市神造島(辺田小島・弁天島)の昆虫調査 南西諸島におけるアリグモの地理的変異 希少種フジジガバチの九州における生息環境 日本南限ブナ林のアリ 黒島・硫黄島・竹島のアリ相 喜入干潟におけるウミニナの貝殻内部成長線分析 喜入干潟におけるフトヘナタリの繁殖行動 鹿児島湾におけるイシダタミガイの生活史と年齢推定 鹿児島県産ケシボウズタケ属の生態 出水平野で確認されたオキチモズクの生育状況 屋久島でのシカによる生態系被害回復モニタリング 桜島火山灰の水溶性成分変化と火山活動 開聞岳のかんらん石 桜島袴腰におけるムラサキクルマナマコ個体数の通年変化 霧島市で初めて発見されたイカタケ 沖永良部島における植物相 万之瀬川河口のハクセンシオマネキ Formerly Shizen-aigo An annual Magazine for Naturalists カゴシマネイチャー 39 2013.3.31 39 VOL. Nature of Kagoshima

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Nature of Kagoshima


  • Formerly Shizen-aigo

    An annual Magazine for Naturalists




    Formerly Shizen-aigo

    An annual Magazine for Naturalists



    Nature of Kagoshima

  • Research Articles Murina ryukyuana 1 7 13 Echidna polyzona 19 Amblygaster sirm 23 Synodus oculeus 27 31 Upeneus vittatus (Forsskl, 1775) 47 2 Paradiplogrammus curvispinnis Repomucenus lunatus 51 Eleotris acanthopoma 55 Kelloggella cardinalis 59 Rhinogobius sp. CO 63 Ptereleotris zebra 67 Nemateleotris decora 6HUSHQWLVDFFXVPDJQLFXV 71 2 1 75 Urocaridella sp. 81Decapoda: Pandalidae5 85 3 91 1 972012 8 99 105 109 113 Weeyawat Jaitrong 119 Batillaria multiformis (Lischke, 1869) 127 Cerithidea rhizopyorarum 137 Monodonta labio confusa Tapprone-Canefri, 1874 143 Tulostoma 157Nemalionopsis tortuosa 161

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol.39 2013

    3 167 177 191

    Research Reports 203 Aseroe arachnoidea Fisch. 207 211

    Essays 229

    Photography 231

    Information 232 235 236

    Business Reports 2012 239

    Balanophora tobiracola2012 11 5

    101270 mm


    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39




  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Murina ryukyuana 1996 Myotis yanbarensisMaeda and Matsumura, 19982000 3237 mm2001Kawai, 2005 2934 mm 12009

    220128 8129 1014 11 1419

    Murina ryukyuana

    8910197 8 341

    Funakoshi, K., T. Kitanokuchi, H. Tanaka, S. Ohtubo, R.

    Ohhira and M. Uchihara. 2013. Ecology of Ryukyu tube-nosed bat, Murina ryukyuana, on Tokunoshima island in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 16.

    KF: Biological Laboratory, Faculty of International University of Kagoshima, 8341 Sakanoue, Kagoshima 8910197, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

    1Murina ryukyua-na


  • 2Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    Mallotus japonicus Murina ussuriensis 0XULQDKLOJHQGRUMurina ryukyua-na 32009 8 8

    239 33 56 8 9 28 9 10 1811 8

    26 101511 17 32 11 14 1015 20 30 141515 10 2517 19 50 m 10 m

    12 mTANITA.1476 0.1 gKSM-15 0.05 mm6 4 m 12 4 m

    8 9 9 12 11 15 Pettersson D980 bat detector, Pettersson Electronic

    AB, Uppsala, SwedenDAT Walkman TCD-D100, Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japantime-expansion mode 1/10Bat Sound 3.1 softwarePettrsson Electronic AB, Upp-sala, Sweden

    24 11-01 120


  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    18 11 7 49

    7 6 1 11 2 2013 1 1 118 9 17.4%8 5.8%9 4.7%11 1.0% 1

    35.10.80 mmn = 13 37.30.54 mmn = 5Mann-

    Whitneys U-test, U = 0.000, p = 0.001 1 8.20.40 gn = 13 9.60.63 gn = 5Mann-Whitneys U-test, U = 0.000, p = 0.001No.T015

    8 10 9 13 150 mNo.020 91211172 210 m

    9 4 mm11 5.8 mm8

    I H M * mm 1

    12012 (g) (mm) %

    8 8 9 9 I T007 8.4 34.7 I T008 9.0 37.2 I T009 8.6 35.6 I T010 8.0 34.8 17.4 (4/23)

    10 H T011 8.6 35.0 H T012 10.6 37.3 7.1 (2/28)I T013 8.7 35.1 I T014 8.6 35.2 I T015 8.0 34.0 5.4 (3/56)

    11 H T016 9.4 36.6 1.8 (1/56)I T017 9.8 38.1 3.6 (1/28)

    5.8 (11/191)

    9 10 11 11 H T018 7.7 36.3 6.7 (1/15)I T019 7.5 35.2 5.6 (1/18)

    12 H T020 8.0 35.5 4.2 3.5H T022 7.5 33.8 4.2 3.3 6.3 (2/32)I T021 9.2 37.2 3.8 (1/26)

    13 I T015* 8.0 34.0 4.3 3.4I T023 8.1 35.5 4.3 3.5 7.7 (2/26)

    4.7 (7/149)

    11 14 15 17 H T020* 8.7 35.5 7.0 4.8 4.0 (1/25)18 M T024 8.1 36.2 5.8 4.3 5.3 (1/19)

    1.0 (2/209)

  • 4Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    9 11

    Idesia polycarpa 4A Symplocos cochinchinensis (4B)

    28 9

    11 Miniopterus fuscus 43.2 mm 7.7 gRhinolophus cornutus orii [ 112.8 k Hz (n = 10)] Myotis macrodactylus [ 49.1 k Hz (n = 17)] [

    54.8 k Hz (n=14)] [ 60.1 k Hz (n = 13)]2010 28 k Hz


    199820022002Hirakawa and Kawai, 2006200720092011

    4 2012 9 11 Idesia polycarpaA Symplocos cochinchinensisB

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    817.4%2009891 50 m 2 210 m2009 2006 6 16 7 16

    2009ODnnell, 2000Willis and Brigham, 2004Barclay and Kurta, 200720082009

    2012 6 782001

    57 6 72009 112


    5AB2012 11 15

  • 6Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    158 27179 2930 59


    Barclay, R. M. R. and Kurta, A. 2007. Ecology and behavior of bats roosting in tree cavities and under bark. In (M. J. Lacki, J. P. Hayes and A. Kurta eds.) Bats in Forests. Pp. 1759. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

    199824: 25.

    201050: 165175.

    2009 Murina ussuriensis 49: 245256.

    2007Murina ussuriensis 6: 17

    Hirakawa, H. and Kawai, K. 2006. Hiding low in the thicket: roost use by Ussurian tube-nosed bats (Murina ussuriensis). Acta Chiropterologica 8: 263269

    200210: 5.

    Kawai, K. 2005. Murina ryukyuana Maeda & Matsumura, 1998. In (S. D. Odachi, Y. Ishibashi, M. A. Iwasa and T. Saitoh, eds.) The Wild Mammals of Japan, pp.5253. SHOUKADOH Book Sellers, Kyoto.

    2011. 88 pp.

    2000Murina ryukyuana Maeda & Matsumura, 1998 38: 6567.

    20011: 19.

    Maeda, K. and Matsumura, S. 1998. Two new species of Vesperti-lionid bats, Myotis and Murina (Vespertilionidae: Chiroptera) from Yambaru, Okinawa Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Zoological Science 15: 301307.

    2008Murina ussuriensis 7: 912

    ODnnell, C. F. J. 2000. Cryptic local population in a temperate rainforest bat Chalinolobus tubersulatus in New Zealand. Animal Conservation 3: 287297.

    Willis, C. R. K. and Brigham, R. M. 2004. Roost switching, roost sharing and social cohesion: forest-dwelling big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus, conform to fission-fusion model. Animal Behaviour 68: 495505.

    2002ANIMATE3: 1516

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    8994395 11242

    II Hynobius nebulosus nebulosus (Temmin-ck and Schlegel, 1838)1997


    Sameshima, M., M. Nakamura and T. Takuma. 2013.

    Mitigation for Hynobius nebulosus nebulosus with the expressway construction securing routes of migrations . Nature of Kagoshima 39: 712.

    Kagoshima Wildlife Research Association, Daiichi Junior College for Infant Education, 11242 Kokubu-chuou, Kirishima, Kagoshima 8994395, Japan (email: MN, [email protected]).

  • 8Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    JR 12007 2 19 3 12


    2001 / 1






    2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    ml 0 0 0 25 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 36 0 0 0 0 11 0 0

    2 HP

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    2 19 3 HP 2 4




  • 10

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    19971998 5

    6AB 7AB

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    2013 3 6789



    100 m2003 100 m

    92013 3

    8U 10

  • 12

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    9 52

    2 9

    ( 10)




    20031997 II

    1998 ( )201202

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    1 1 2

    8950012 2416 ( )8994395 11242

    Hynobius nebulosus 412 212012 II 198819952005, 2008

    Takuma, T., T. Imayoshi and M. Sameshima. 2013. Spawning

    ecology and habitat estimation by habitat model of Hynobius nebulosus nebulosus from Kagoshima, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 1318.

    TT: Shinwa Gijutsu Consultant Co. Ltd., 2416 Hirasa, Satsuma-sendai, Kagoshima 8950012, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]). 2


  • 14

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES


    No. 1 2002.2.9 7 1

    2004.1.24 1 2007.1.28 3 2013.1.10

    2 2002.2.9 6 1 2004.2.21 10 2007.2.19 4 2007.2.27 5 2007.3.3 2 2007.3.12 15 2013.1.10 6

    3 2003.2.8 10< 1 2004.1.24 1 2004.1.31 1 2005.3.19 3 1 2005.3.31 10 2007.1.28 30< 3 2007.2.19 10< 5 2013.1.10 2 1

    4 2005.1.31 2005.3.31 3 2007.2.19 20< 2013.1.10

    5 2005.3.31 10< 2013.1.10


  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    19932007 2013

    20022005 2007 2013 132





  • 16

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    1 200220072013 100 48 3 13 3 4 2

    5 6 7


    7 / / /

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    100 m P 8



    8 P

  • 18

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES




    2006 18HP


    2005(25): 8194

    2008Hynobius nebulosus(27): 6770

    2011(16): 5971


  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Anguilliformes: Muraenidae 2 15 197Smith, 2012Echidna 11 E. nebulosa (Ahl, 1789) E. polyzona (Richardson, 1845) E. rhodochilus (Bleeker, 1863) 32013a

    Echidna polyzona

    2010 2 18Echidna polyzona1

    Bhlke and Randall (2000) 0.1 mm X

    2009KAUM: Kagoshima University Museum

    Echidna polyzona (Richardson, 1845)

    Fig. 1

    KAUMI. 26513 172.8 mm1( 0.5 m20102 18

    44.2% 14.8% 5.9% 4.3%70.0%29.3% 15.5% 10.9% 11.9% 120 5 47 73

    Echidna polyzona

    1 2

    1 8900065 121302 8900065 12130

    Tashiro, S. and H. Motomura. 2013. Record of Echidna

    polyzona (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) from Bonotsu, Satsuma Peninsula, Kagoshima, southern Kyushu, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 1921.

    HM: Kagoshima University Museum, 12130 Korimoto, Kagoshima 8900065, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

  • 20

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    2 5 6 2

    30 3 1Bhlke

    and Randall, 2000Smith, 2012Senou et al., 2002Bhlke and Randall, 2000Hirata et al., 1996

    2013bMotomura et al., 2010Senou et al., 2006Watai et al., 2009 120

    Bhlke and Randall (2000)Echidna polyzona (Richardson, 1845)

    Fig. 1. Fresh specimen of Echidna polyzona. KAUMI. 26513, 172.8 mm total length, Bonotsu, Satsuma Peninsula, Kagoshima, southern Kyushu, Japan.

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    723 mmBhlke and Randall, 2000 172.8 mm 700 mmHirata et al., 1996 630 mm2013b

    Echidna poly-zonaKAUMI. 11559 210.6 mm1( 0.52 m2008 8 14KAUMKAUMI. 37767 644.2 mm1( 35 m2011 3 11KAUM

    X JSPS197700672358025924370041JSPS


    Bhlke, E. B. and J. E. Randall. 2000. A review of the moray eels (Angulliformes [sic]: Muraenidae) of the Hawaiian Islands, with descriptions of two new species. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 150: 203278



    Hiratra, T., T. Yamakawa, A. Iwata, S. Manabe, W. Hiramatsu, and N. Ohnishi. 1996. Fish fauna of Kashiwa-jima Island, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, 16: 1177.

    200970 pp.http://www.museum.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/staff/motomura/dl.html

    Motomura, H., K. Kuriiwa, E. Katayama, H. Senou, G. Ogihara, M. Meguro, M. Matsunuma, Y. Takata, T. Yoshida, M. Ya-mashita, S. Kimura, H. Endo, K. Hidaka, H. Izumi, and K. Matsuura. 2010. Annotated checklist of marine and estuarine VKHVRI

  • 22

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Clupeidae 57 188Nelson, 200611 172013 Amblygaster 3Whitehead, 1985; Won-gratana et al., 1999 A.leiogaster (Valenciennes, 1847) A. sirm (Walbaum, 1792) 220131984 Amblygaster sirm

    15 cm2013

    2006 5 222012 4 27 1 2

    Kimura et al. (2009)Whitehead (1985) 0.1 mm% 2KAUMI. 151, 46904KAUM: Kagoshima University Museum

    Amblygaster sirm (Walbaum, 1792)

    (Fig. 1; Table 1)

    Clupea halengus sirm Walbaum, 1792: 38 (type

    locality: Red Sea).

    KAUMI. 151, 251.0 mm1( 27 m2006 5 22KAUMI. 46904 170.4 mm1( 27 m2012 4 27

    Amblygaster sirm

    1 2 3 4

    1 8900065 121302 8971301 26772

    3 9030213 14 8900065 12130

    Hata, H., M. Itou, H. Ishimori and H. Motomura. 2013. First

    records of Amblygaster sirm (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae) from Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 2326.

    HM: Kagoshima University Museum, 12130 Korimoto, Kagoshima 8900065, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

  • 24

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    % Table 1 1617 1415 83.087.5% 21.923.3% 24.927.0% 2 2

    87.087.8% 61.268.4%


    Whitehead, 1985; Wongratana et al., 1999; Kimura, 2009, 20112013

    Fig. 1. Fresh specimens of Amblygaster sirm. A, KAUMI. 151, 251.0 mm SL; B, KAUMI. 46904, 170.4 mm SL, Minami-satsuma, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013



    Whitehead (1985)Wongratana et al. (1999)2013 Amblygaster

    1 1 40Whitehead (1985)Wongratana et al. (1999)2013 A. sirmTable 1

    Table 1. Counts and proportional measurements of Amblygaster sirm. Values in parentheses indicate means.

    Minami-satsuma, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan Malaysia KAUMI. 151 KAUMI. 46904 (n = 5)Standard length 251.0 170.4 158.9172.9Counts'RUVDOQUD\VXQEUDQFKHG 3 3 3'RUVDOQUD\VEUDQFKHG 16 15 1315$QDOQUD\VXQEUDQFKHG 3 3 3$QDOQUD\VEUDQFKHG 14 15 13163HFWRUDOQUD\VXQEUDQFKHG 1 1 13HFWRUDOQUD\VEUDQFKHG 15 16 16173HOYLFQUD\VXQEUDQFKHG 1 1 13HOYLFQUD\VEUDQFKHG 7 7 7&DXGDOQUD\VXSSHUORZHU Gill rakers on 1st gill arch (upper) 15 16 1420 Gill rakers on 1st gill arch (lower) 40 40 3943 Gill rakers on 1st gill arch (total) 55 56 5363 Gill rakers on 2nd gill arch (upper) 14 14 1315 Gill rakers on 2nd gill arch (lower) 36 36 3540 Gill rakers on 2nd gill arch (total) 50 50 4955 Gill rakers on 3rd gill arch (upper) 13 13 1214 Gill rakers on 3rd gill arch (lower) 32 27 2732 Gill rakers on 3rd gill arch (total) 45 40 3945 Gill rakers on 4th gill arch (upper) 13 11 1113 Gill rakers on 4th gill arch (lower) 20 18 1619 Gill rakers on 4th gill arch (total) 33 29 2732 Gill rakers on posterior face of 3rd gill arch 8 7 69 Prepelvic scute 17 16 16 Postepelvic scute 15 14 1315 Lateral line scales 40 41 4041 Predorsal scales 14 14 1415Measurements (%SL) Head Length 21.9 23.3 23.725.3 (24.4) Body depth 20.8 19.7 20.723.0 (21.7)3UHGRUVDOQOHQJWK 44.5 45.4 44.646.9 (45.6) Snout tip to pectoral insertion 22.0 23.7 23.524.6 (23.9) Snout tip to pelvic insertion 49.2 50.6 48.951.5 (49.7)6QRXWWRDQDOQRULJLQ 77.3 79.3 77.381.4 (78.8)'RUVDOQEDVHOHQJWK 11.4 11.3 10.711.8 (11.2)$QDOQEDVHOHQJWK 13.0 13.6 12.816.8 (13.9) Caudal peduncle length 10.0 9.9 9.210.7 (9.9) Caudal peduncle depth 6.1 6.7 6.57.7 (6.9) Orbit diameter 6.1 6.2 5.77.5 (6.5) Eye diameter 5.4 6.3 5.26.2 (5.8) Snout length 7.4 7.3 7.57.9 (7.7)3HFWRUDOQOHQJWK 14.1 15.0 14.716.5 (15.7)3HOYLFQOHQJWK broken 8.0 7.48.9 (8.1) Head width 10.7 10.9 10.511.8 (11.1) Interorbital width 4.9 3.4 4.34.9 (4.5) Postorbital length of the head 9.8 10.1 9.711.1 (10.4) Upper jaw length 7.9 8.0 8.59.8 (8.8) Mandibular length 9.2 9.8 9.411.0 (9.9)

  • 26

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    1 1 3343Whitehead, 1985; Wongratana et al., 1999 (Table 1) 158.9172.9 mm 170.4251.0 mm2011 KAUMI. 151

    A. leiogaster KAUMI. 151 1 1 402011 KAUMI. 151

    Whitehead, 1985; Wongratana et al., 1999; 2013 2006 2012 1 2 2 A. sirmKAUMI.

    12376 158.9 mm1(2008 10 5KAUMI. 12545 164.4 mmKAUMI. 12546 172.9 mm1(2008 10 21KAUMI. 17041 161.7 mm1(2008 12 17KAUMI. 49328 101.0 mm1(2012 8 7


    2013pp. 297301, 18111812

    2011Nature of Kagoshima, 37: 4962.

    Kimura, S. 2009. Amblygaster sirm. Page 29 in S. Kimura and U. Satapoomin (eds.). Fishes of Andaman Sea, west coast of southern Thailand. National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo.

    Kimura, S. 2011. Amblygaster sirm. Page 38 in M. Matsunuma, H. Motomura, K. Matsuura, N. A. M. Shazili and M. A. Ambak (eds.). Fishes of Terengganu east coast of Malay Peninsula, Malaysia. National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu, and Kagoshima University Museum, Kagoshima.

    Kimura, S., K. Hori and K. Shibukawa. 2009. A new anchovy, Stolephorus teguhi (Clupeiformes: Engraulidae), from North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Ichthyol. Res., 56: 262295.

    Nelson, J. S. 2006. Fishes of the world. Fourth edition. John & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. 601 pp.

    Whitehead, P. J. P. 1985. FAO species catalogue. Vol. 7. Clupeoid VKHVRIWKHZRUOGVXERUGHU&OXSHRLGHL$QDQQRWDWHGDQGillustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, anchovies and wolf-herrings. Part 1 Chirocentridae, Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae. FAO, Rome. 303 pp.

    Wongratana, T., T. A. Monroe and M. S. Nizinski. 1999. Order Clupeiformes. Engraulidae. anchovies. Pages 16981753 in .(&DUSHQWHUDQG9+1LHPHGV)$2VSHFLHVLGHQWL-FDWLRQJXLGHIRUVKHU\SXUSRVHV7KHOLYLQJPDULQHUHVRXUFHVRIWKHZHVWHUQFHQWUDO3DFLF9RO%DWRLGVKHVFKLPDHUDVand bony fishes part 1 (Elopidae to Linophrynidae). FAO, Rome.

    1984p.19. pl. 21-I

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Synodontidae 4 57Nelson, 2006 4 23 Synodus Scopoli, 1777 14Yamada, 2002; Randall and Pyle, 2008Synodus oculeus Cressey1981 Senou et al. (1995)Russell, 1999; Hoese and Gates, 2006

    2012 10 25 3

    Cressey (1981) Senou et al. (1995) X

    3 FRLM 42870, 42871, KAUMI. 51373FRLMKAUM

    Synodus oculeus Cressey, 1981

    Fig. 1; Table 1

    Synodus oculeus&UHVVH\JVDW\SH

    locality: Macclesfield Bank, South China Sea, 76.8

    82.3 m).

    3 97106 mm 100201210 25FRLM 42870, 97 mmFRLM 42871 104 mmKAUMI. 51373 106 mm

    % Table 1

    2729% 1

    Synodus oculeus

    1 2 1

    1 5170703 41901722 8900065 12130

    Sasaki, D., H. Motomura and S. Kimura. 2013. First records

    of Synodus oculeus (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae) from Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 2729.

    SK: Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University, 4190 172 Wagu, Shima-cho, Shima, Mie 5170703, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

  • 28

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    1 2

    Senou et al., 1995Cressey, 1981Russell,

    Fig. 1. Fresh specimen of Synodus oculeus (KAUMI. 51373, 103 mm SL, off Tomori, Yoron-jima I., Kagoshima, Japan).

    Table 1. Counts and proportional measurements of Synodus oculeus.

    Standard length (SL; mm) 97106 (102, 3)Counts'RUVDOQUD\V 12 (3)$QDOQUD\V 911 (10.0, 3)3HFWRUDOQUD\V 12 (3)3HOYLFQUD\V 8 (3)%UDQFKHGFDXGDOQUD\V 19 (2)Scales on lateral line 5556 (55.3, 3)Scales above lateral line 3.5 (3)Scales below lateral line 4 (3)Predorsal scales 1415 (14.3, 3)Circumpedunclar scales 14 (3)Rows of cheek scales 3 (3)Total vertebrae 5556 (55.3, 3)

    Measurements (% SL)Head length 2929 (29.2, 3)3UHGRUVDOQOHQJWK 4143 (41.9, 3)3UHDGLSRVHQOHQJWK 8485 (84.5, 3)3UHDQDOQOHQJWK 7780 (78.4, 3)3UHSHFWRUDOQOHQJWK 2729 (27.8, 3)3UHSHOYLFQOHQJWK 3638 (36.9, 3)Body depth 1415 (14.5, 3)Caudal-peduncle depth 4.45.0 (4.7, 3)Caudal-peduncle length 1113 (11.7, 3)First-dorsal ray length 9.711 (10.1, 2)/RQJHVWGRUVDOQOHQJWK 1618 (16.4, 3)/RQJHVWDQDOQOHQJWK 6.78.9 (7.7, 3)3HFWRUDOQOHQJWK 1515 (15.1, 3)3HOYLFQOHQJWK 2425 (24.6, 3)'RUVDOQEDVHOHQJWK 1415 (14.2, 3)$QDOQEDVHOHQJWK 8.79.9 (9.3, 3)

    Measurements (% head length)Snout length 2224 (22.8, 3)Upper-jaw length 5660 (57.7, 3)Eye diameter 2729 (27.7, 3)Interorbital width 1620 (18.2, 3)

    Figures in parentheses indicate mean values and sample size.

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    1999; Hoese and Gates, 2006Senou et al. (1995) Yama-

    da (2002) 3 Synodus oculeusCressey, 1981


    &UHVVH\5)5HYLVLRQRI,QGR:HVW3DFLFOL]DUGVKHVRIthe genus Synodus (Pisces: Synodontidae). Smithson. Contr. =RROLLLL

    Hoese, D. F. and J. E. Gates. 2006. Synodontidae. Pp. 467471. In D. F. Hoese, D. J. Bray, J. R. Paxton, G. R. Allen (eds.). Zoological catalogue of Australia. Vol. 35. Fishes. CRISO Publishing, Melbourne.

    Nelson, J. S. 2006. Fishes of the world. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, pp. 601.

    Randall, J. E. and R. L. Pyle. 2008. Synodus orientalis, a new lizardfish (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae) from Taiwan and Japan, with correction of the Asian record of S. lobeli. Zool. Stud., 47 (5): 657662.

    Russell, B. C. 1999. Families Synodontidae and Bathysauridae. Pp. 19281947. In: K. E. Carpenter, V. H. Niem (eds.). FAO species identificationguide for fishery purposes. The living PDULQHUHVRXUFHVRIWKHZHVWHUQFHQWUDO3DFLFYRO)$2Rome.

    Scopoli, J. A. 1777. Introductio ad historiam naturalem, sistens genera lapidum, plantarum et animalium hactenus detecta, caracteribus essentialibus donata, in tribus divisa, subinde ad OHJHVQDWXUDH3UDJXHL[

    Senou, H., Y. Morita and K. Arai. 1995. Two new records of lizardfishes (Pisces: Synodontidae) from Japan. Jap. J. Ichthyol., 42: 9395.

    Yamada, U. 2002. Synodontidae. Pp. 351358, 14831484. In T. Nakabo (ed.). Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species. Tokai University Press, Tokyo.

  • 30

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Pseudochromidae 3 7 1320132013 Aoyagi (1941) 510

    20132013 Gill (2004) 0.1 mmstandard length SL2009


    PSEUDOCHROMINAELabracinus cyclophthalmus (Muller and Troschel, 1849)

    (Fig. 1ATables 115)

    Cichlops cyclophthalmus0XOOHUDQG7URVFKHOSOJ1 (type locality: Sunda sea, Indonesia).

    Dampieria hellmuthii: Schmidt, 1930: 62, pl. IV-3 (Amami-oshima island).

    Dampieria melanotaenia: Kamohara, 1957: 20 (Kikai-jima island); Kamohara and Yamakawa, 1968: 9 (Kikai-jima island).

    Dampieria spiloptera: Kamohara and Yamakawa, 1965: 10 (Amami-oshima island).

    Labracinus cyclophthalma:2005: 72009: 240RWRPXUDHWDOJ138 (Yaku-shima island).

    Labracinus cyclophthalmus: Gill, 2004: 26, pl. 1HJ, 2A (Amami-oshima island)XQQXPEHUHGJ2013b: 100, unnumbered JV

    KAUMI. 32328 110.4 mm1( 510 m2010 9 18 KAUM KAUMI. 37960 106.5 mmKAUMI. 37961 114.7 mm1( 2 m2011 5 18KAUMKAUMI. 11132 27.2 mm

    1( 03 m2008 8 10KAUMKAUMI. 11285 92.0 mm1( 03 m2008 8 11KAUMKAUMI. 11524 127.0 mm1( 0.52 m2008 8 14KAUMKAUMI. 11589 87.1 mm1( 0.51.5 m2008 8 18

    1 2 2

    1 8900065 121242 8900065 12130

    Yoshida, T., C. Nakamura and H. Motomura. 2013. Dottyback

    fishes (Perciformes: Pseudochromidae) of Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 3145.

    TY: The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University, 12124 Korimoto, Kagoshima 8900065, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

  • 32

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    KAUMI. 20083 87.9 mmKAUMI. 20087 101.3 mm1( 03 m2008 10 29KAUM KAUMI. 8493 95.5 mmKAUMI.

    8494 99.9 mmKAUMI. 8495 94.6 mmKAUMI. 8496 86.3 mmKAUMI. 8497 43.7 mmKAUMI. 8498 47.7 mmKAUMI. 8499 49.3 mmKAUMI. 8500 47.0 mmKAUMI. 8501 43.7 mmKAUMI. 8502 45.3 mm1954 5KAUMI. 15099 91.6 mm1975 6 19 KAUMI. 24313 110.0 mm1( 12 m2009 8 23YCM-P. 38420 122.9 mm1998 829YCM-P. 41237 34.3 mm2000 8 30KPM-NI 26350 95.8 mm

    2010 5 3KPM-NI 26634 103.6 mmKPM-NI 26635 95.2 mmKPM-NI 26636 98.3 mm20105 1 KAUMI. 1900 52.7 mmKAUMI.

    14292 41.2 mmKAUMI. 14293 36.9 mmKAUMI. 14294 35.1 mmKAUMI. 14295 35.9 mm1961 7KAUMI. 46065 79.6 mm 1( 25 m2012 4 19 KAUMKAUMI. 47954 46.0 mm1( 12 m2012 8 15KAUMKAUMI. 50845 99.4 mm1(2012 8 20KPM-NI 21142 52.9 mm1(2007 8 21KAUMI. 35794 69.4 mm


    25 1415 1719 51416 5258 4754 1124 56 2125 2327 2430 49 1119

    Gill, 2004Senou et al., 20021992Kamohara, 1957Kamohara and Yamakawa, 19652013bMotomura et al., 20102005, 2009 Schmidt, 1930Kamohara and Yamakawa, 1965Gill, 20042006 Kamohara, 1957Kamohara and Yamakawa, 1968Aoyagi, 1941, 1943Gill, 2004Senou et al., 2006Gill, 200419942009Senou et al., 2007 Aoyagi, 1941, 1943Gill, 2004Aoyagi, 1941, 1943Aoyagi, 1941, 1943

    5258 4754

    Pictichromis porphyrea (Lubbock and Goldman, 1974)

    (Fig. 1B; Tables 115)

    Pseudochromis poyphyreus Lubbock and Goldman, 1974: 107, pl. 1 (type locality: Ishigaki-jima island, Japan).

    Pictichromis porphyrea: XQQXPEHUHGJMotomura et DOJ

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    1( 2 m2012 8 20KAUMKAUMI. 50861 24.3 mm1( 1517 m2012 8 21KAUM

    2122 1012 1618 5

    1215 30382128 09 34 1314 1617 1317 25 711

    Fig. 1. Specimens of Pseudochromidae collected from Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. A, Labracinus cyclophtamus (KAUMI. 32328, male, 110.4 mm SL, Iou-jima island); B, Pictichromis porphyrea (KAUMI. 50861, 24.3 mm SL, Yoron-jima island); C, Pseudochromis cyanotaenia (KAUMI. 17462, male, 37.8 mm SL, Amami-oshima island); D, Pseudochromis cyanotaenia (KAUMI. 47817, female, 35.2 mm SL, Yoron-jima island); E, Pseudochromis fuscus (YCMP. 39112, preserved specimen, 41.5 mm SL, Amami-oshima island); F, Pseudochromis luteus (KAUMI. 11161, male, 42.9 mm, Yaku-shima island); G, Pseudochromis marshallensis (KAUMI. 29610, 38.9 mm SL, Yaku-shima island); H, Amsichthys kinighti (KAUMI. 29651, male, 26.5 mm SL, Take-shima island); I, Pseudoplesiops annae (KAUMI. 31411, 26.3 mm SL, Iou-jima island); J, Pseudoplesiops rosae (KAUMI. 50857, 17.9 mm SL, Yoron-jima island).

  • 34

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    'RVDOQVHJPHQWHGUD\V21 22 23 24 25 26

    PseudochrominaeLabracinus cyclophthalmus n = 37 37Pictichromis porphyrea n = 09 4 5Pseudochromis caynotaenia n = 29 2 26 1P. fuscus n = 07 3 4P. luteus n = 17 2 14 1P. mashallensis n = 37 8 29PseudoplesiopinaeAmsichthys knighti n = 10 10Pseudoplesiops annae n = 16 11 5P. rosae n = 06 1 5

    $QDOQVHJPHQWHGUD\V10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    PseudochrominaeLabracinus cyclophthalmus n = 37 33 4Pictichromis porphyrea n = 09 1 1 7Pseudochromis caynotaenia n = 29 6 23P. fuscus n = 07 7P. luteus n = 17 7 10P. mashallensis n = 37 3 29 5PseudoplesiopinaeAmsichthys knighti n = 10 10Pseudoplesiops annae n = 16 5 11P. rosae n = 06 4 2

    3HFWUDOQUD\V16 17 18 19

    PseudochrominaeLabracinus cyclophthalmus n = 37 3 32 2Pictichromis porphyrea n = 09 3 4 2Pseudochromis caynotaenia n = 28 22 4 2P. fuscus n = 07 1 4 2P. luteus n = 17 6 7 2 2P. mashallensis n = 37 21 10 6PseudoplesiopinaeAmsichthys knighti n = 10 9 1Pseudoplesiops annae n = 16 11 5P. rosae n = 06 6

    3ULQFLSDOFDXGDOQUD\V11 12 13 14 15 16

    PseudochrominaeLabracinus cyclophthalmus n = 36 3 28 5Pictichromis porphyrea n = 09 1 2 2 4Pseudochromis caynotaenia n = 27 1 2 4 19 1P. fuscus n = 07 1 3 3P. luteus n = 17 4 13P. mashallensis n = 36 3 7 26PseudoplesiopinaeAmsichthys knighti n = 10 10Pseudoplesiops annae n = 16 16P. rosae n = 06 5 1





  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013



    20042013cMotomura et al., 2010 2006Gill, 2004Senou et al., 20061994Senou et al., 2007 Lubbock and Goldman, 1974Gill, 2004


    Pseudochromis cyanotaenia Bleeker, 1857

    (Figs. 1C, DTables 115)

    Pseudochromis cyanotaenia Bleeker, 1857: 72 (type locality: Molucca Islands, Indonesia); Kamohara, 1957: 20 (Kikai-jima island); Kamohara and Yamakawa, 1965: 10 (Kikai-jima island); Gill, 2004: 94 (Kikai-jima island); Motomura et al., J

  • 36

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    Scale rows in longitu

    dinal series













    Labracinus cyclophthalmus

    n = 25





    is porphyrea

    n = 07



    1Pseudochromis caynotaenia

    n = 18



    P. fu


    n = 05



    1P. lu


    n = 14




    P. mashallensis

    n = 21




    Amsichthys knighti

    n = 10


    Pseudoplesiops annae

    n = 16


    P. ro


    n = 06



    Anterior lateral-line sc













    Labracinus cyclophthalmus

    n = 33






    is porphyrea

    n = 09




    Pseudochromis caynotaenia

    n = 20





    P. fu


    n = 07



    P. lu


    n = 15



    1P. mashallensis

    n = 25




    Posterior lateral-line sc














    Labracinus cyclophthalmus

    n = 29







    is porphyrea

    n = 09




    Pseudochromis caynotaenia

    n = 20




    2P. fu


    n = 07


    1P. lu


    n = 15



    1P. mashallensis

    n = 25




    Table 5. Frequency distributio

    n of sc

    ale rows in longitu

    dinal series in Pseudochrominae and Pseudoplesiopinae from

    Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

    Table 6. Frequency distributio

    n of anterior lateral-line sc

    ales in Pseudochrom

    inae from

    Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

    Table 7. Frequency distributio

    n of posterio

    r lateral-line sc

    ales in Pseudochrom

    inae from

    Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Kamohara, 1957; Gill, 2004; 2013Senou et al., 2006 Senou et al., 2007Aoyagi, 1941, 19431994 22


    Pseudochromis fuscus Muller and Troschel, 1849

    (Fig. 1ETables 115)

    Pseudochromis fuscus0XOOHUDQG7URVKHOSOJ(type locality: Sulawasi, Indonesia); J

    YCM-P. 37740 37.0 mm1995 8 21YCM-P. 37763 33.7 mm1995 8 24YCM-P. 37901 28.0 mm1997 2 18YCM-P. 390942 16.629.9 mm1999 11 2YCM-P. 39112 41.5 mm1999 11 3YCM-P. 41174 40.9 mm2000 8 30

    2526 14 1618 51315 3339 2329 69 34 1619 1922 2325 7 79

    Gill, 2004; Allen and Erdmann, 2012Randall et al., 1997; Allen and Erdmann, 2012 201319921992Senou et al., 2006Senou et al., 20071992Randall et al., 19971992

    Pseudochromis marshalensis Schultz et al., 1953

    Pseudochromis luteus Aoyagi, 1943

    (Fig. 1FTables 115)

    Pseudochromis luteus Aoyagi, 1943: 103, pl. 25, fig. 1 (type locality: Kikai-jima island, Ryukyu Islands); Kamohara, 1957: 20 (Kikai-jima island); Kamohara and Yamakawa, 1965: 10 (Kikai-jima island); Motomura et al., 2010: 102, fig. 141 (Yaku-shima island); 2013: 808

    KAUMI. 11161 42.9 mm1( 03 m2008 8 10KAUMKAUMI. 11362 31.3 mm1( 03 m20088 12KAUMKAUMI. 11485 44.3 mm 1( 0.15 m2008 8 13KAUMKAUMI. 11537 23.4 mm1( 0.52m2008 8 14KAUMKAUMI. 20245 32.3 mm1( 011 m200810 30KAUMKAUMI. 20329

    Scales between lateral lines3 4 5 6

    PseudochrominaeLabracinus cyclophthalmus n = 31 24 7Pictichromis porphyrea n = 07 2 5Pseudochromis caynotaenia n = 22 22P. fuscus n = 05 1 4P. luteus n = 16 13 3P. mashallensis n = 28 5 23

    Table 8. Frequency distribution of scale counts between lateral lines in Pseudochrominae from Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

  • 38

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES











    Labracinus cyclophthalmus

    n = 27




    is porphyrea

    n = 08


    Pseudochromis caynotaenia

    n = 24



    1P. fu


    n = 06



    P. lu


    n = 14



    P. mashallensis

    n = 27




    Amsichthys knighti

    n = 10


    Pseudoplesiops annae

    n = 16


    P. ro


    n = 06








    umpeduncular sc









    Labracinus cyclophthalmus

    n = 24




    is porphyrea

    n = 07


    Pseudochromis caynotaenia

    n = 24


    P. fu


    n = 06



    1P. lu


    n = 16

    16P. mashallensis

    n = 30



    Amsichthys knighti

    n = 10

    10Pseudoplesiops annae

    n = 16

    16P. ro


    n = 06


    Predorsal scales














    Labracinus cyclophthalmus

    n = 33





    is porphyrea

    n = 07


    2Pseudochromis caynotaenia

    n = 16




    P. fu


    n = 05


    1P. lu


    n = 12



    2P. mashallensis

    n = 26






    Amsichthys knighti

    n = 10


    Pseudoplesiops annae

    n = 16

    16P. ro


    n = 06


    Table 10. F

    requency distributio

    n of circ

    umpeduncular sc

    ale counts in Pseudochrom

    inae and Pseudoplesiopinae from

    Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

    Table 11. F

    requency distributio

    n of predorsal sc

    ale counts in Pseudochrom

    inae and Pseudoplesiopinae from

    Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    42.6 mm1( 1.03.0m2008 10 31KAUMKPM-NI 22772 42.3 mm2008 6 3KPM-NI 22910 25.5 mm2008 8 1KPM-NI 22916 39.2 mm2008 8 2KAUMI. 14779 27.0 mm

    1975 6 12KAUMI. 34419 31.1 mm1( 0.5 m2010 11 24YCM-P. 41385 29.1 mm2000 9 1KAUMI. 45843 25.8 mm

    1( 5 m2012 4 16KAUMI. 47816 36.7 mm1( 28 m2012 8 13KAUMKAUMI. 45888 29.9 mm1( 0.3 m2012 4 17KAUMKAUMI. 13947 41.6 mmKAUMI.

    13949 41.6 mm

    2426 1314 1619 5 1415 33382731 51034 131616 1317 34 710 2 3

    Gill, 2004; Allen and

    Erdmann, 2012Motomura et al., 2010Aoyagi, 1943; Kamohara, 1957; Kamohara and Yamakawa, 196520132013Gill, 2004 2426 25

    Pseudochromis marshalensis Schultz et al., 1953

    Pseudochromis marshallensis Schultz et al., 1953

    (Fig. 1GTables 115)

    Pseudochromis marshallensis Schultz et al., 1953: 392, fig. 63 (type locality: off Rongelap Island, Rongelap Atoll); 2009J%; Motomura et al., 2010: 102, J

  • 40

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    Gill rakers

    Upper limb

    Lower limb










    Labracinus cyclophthalmus

    n = 37






    is porphyrea

    n = 09





    1Pseudochromis caynotaenia

    n = 28




    1P. fu


    n = 07




    P. lu


    n = 17




    7P. mashallensis

    n = 37





    Amsichthys knighti

    n = 10



    Pseudoplesiops annae

    n = 16




    P. ro


    n = 04




    Total gill rakers








    Labracinus cyclophthalmus

    n = 37




    is porphyrea

    n = 09



    1Pseudochromis caynotaenia

    n = 28




    P. fu


    n = 07



    P. lu


    n = 17



    1P. mashallensis

    n = 37




    Amsichthys knighti

    n = 10


    2Pseudoplesiops annae

    n = 16



    1P. ro


    n = 04



    Table 13. F

    requency distributio

    n of gill-raker counts in Pseudochrominae and Pseudoplesiopinae from

    Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

    Table 14. F

    requency distributio

    n of total gill-raker counts in Pseudochrominae and Pseudoplesiopinae from

    Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    KAUMKAUMI. 37620 47.6 mmKAUMI. 37669 41.8 mmKAUMI. 37676 43.6 mm1( 510 m2011 5 10 KAUM KAUMI. 37698 45.9 mmKAUMI. 37699 43.4 mm 1( 1030 m2011 5 12KAUMKAUMI. 37814 40.2 mm1( 510 m2011 5 16KAUMKAUMI. 11275 42.6 mmKAUMI.

    11296 50.7 mm1( 03 m2008 8 11KAUMKAUMI. 11618 44.8 mm1( 03 m2008 8 18KAUMI. 15400 43.5 mm

    1975 7 3YCM-P. 377242 37.639.9 mm1995 8 21YCM-P. 378912 29.730.4 mm1997 2 19YCM-P. 38294 40.5 mm1998 8 27YCM-P. 39174 39.6 mmYCM-P. 39182 21.4 mm1999 11 4YCM-P. 39233 31.9 mm1999 11 5YCM-P. 41113 38.6 mm2000 8 29YCM-P. 41457 26.0 mm2000 9 2KAUMI. 39777 43.0 mm

    1( 13 m2011 8 10KAUMI. 41113 25.5 mm1( 210 m2011 8 18KAUMI. 47818 25.0 mm1( 28 m2012 8 13KAUMKAUMI. 50804 31.5 mm1( 2 m2012 8 19 KAUMKAUMI. 50833 18.8 mm1( 3 m2012 8 20KAUMKAUMI. 50864 40.2 mm1( 1517 m2012 8 21KAUMKAUMI. 51367 40.8 mm 1( 8 m2012 10 25 KAUMKAUMI. 51509 37.9 mm1( 8 m2012 10 28KAUMI. 2213 40.1 mm

    2425 1214 1618 5 1315 32362531 38 34 1417 1617 1421 35 710











    Labracinus cyclophthalmus

    n = 34






    is porphyrea

    n = 08



    3Pseudochromis caynotaenia

    n = 23


    3P. fu


    n = 07


    4P. lu


    n = 17



    P. mashallensis

    n = 37




    Amsichthys knighti

    n = 06


    2Pseudoplesiops annae

    n = 08

    8P. ro


    n = 04






  • 42

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES


    Schultz et al., 1953; Gill, 2004; Allen and Erdmann, 2012Senou et al., 2002Randall et al., 1997; Gill, 200420132013d2013dMotomura et al., 20102009Gill, 20042013Senou et al., 2006Senou et al., 2007Gill, 200420132013 2425 25


    Pseudochromis tapeinosoma Bleeker, 1853

    Pseudochromis tapeinosoma Bleeker, 1853: 273 (type locality: Atapupu, Timor, Indonesia); Motomura and Aizawa, 2011J(

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013



    Pseudoplesiops annae (Weber, 1913)

    (Fig. 1ITables 15, 915)

    Nematochromis annae Weber, 1913: 265, fig. 66 (type locality: Solor Strait, Indonesia).

    Pseudoplesiops annae: XQQXPEHUHGJV

    KAUMI. 30617 23.4 mm1( 222 m2010 6 27KAUMI. 31411 26.3 mmKAUMI. 31412 21.5 mm1( 222 m2010 7 24KAUMYCM-P. 37764 21.0 mm

    1994 8 31YCM-P. 38300 20.0 mm1994 8 31YCM-P. 38317 22.9 mm1994 9 1YCM-P. 38457 23.3 mm1994 9 2YCM-P. 39176 25.0 mm1995 8 21YCM-P. 410933 16.427.0 mm1995 8 22YCM-P. 41203 18.3 mm1995 8 23 YCM-P. 412663 20.428.3 mm1995 8 24YCM-P. 41390 23.7 mm1995 8 26

    2526 1516 1617 3 15 3435 1213 16 7 2 5 1

    Allen and Erdmann, 201220132013

    Pseudoplesiops rosae Schultz, 1943

    Fig. 1J; Tables 15, 915

    Pseudoplesiops rosae Shultz, 1943: 117, fig. 11 (type locality: Rose Island, American Samoa); Motomura and Aizawa, 2011: J)

  • 44

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    Senou et al., 20062009198420131994 23

    13 281984

    3 7 1320132013 2 5 10 Lubbockichthys tanakai Gill and Senou, 2002 Pseudochromis striatus Gill, Shao and Chen,1995Congrogadus subducens (Richard-son, 1843) 3 3

    JSPS 197700672358025924370041JSPS


    Allen, G. R. 1987. Descriptions of three new pseudochromid fishes of the genus Pseudoplesiops from Australia and surrounding regions. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 13 (2): 249261.

    Allen, G. R. and M. V. Erdmann. 2012. Reef fishes of the East ,QGLHV9ROV7URSLFDO5HHI5HVHDUFK3HUWK[LLLpp.

    $R\DJL+7KHVKHVRIWKHIDPLO\3VHXGRFKURPLGDHIRXQGin the waters of the Riu-Kiu Islands and the Palau Islands. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, 20 (1): 4154, pl. 4.


    Bleeker, P. 1853. Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van Amboina. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Neder-landsch Indi, 4: 91130.

    Bleeker, P. 1857. Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyolo-gische fauna van Boero. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indi, 13: 5582.

    1992121 (5): 16.

    Gill, A. C. 2004. Revision of the Indo-Pacific dottyback fish subfamily Pseudochrominae (Perciformes: Pseudochro-midae). Smithiana Monographs, 1: 1214, pls. 112.

    1984pp. 137, pl. 349

    1992(40): 6568.

    1993(41): 2729.


    2013pp. 80681019731975

    Kamohara, T. 1957. List of fishes from Amami-oshima and adjacent regions, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Reports of the Usa Marine Bilogical Station, 4 (1): 165.

    Kamohara, T. and T. Yamakawa. 1965. Fishes from Amami-oshima and adjacent regions. Reports of the Usa Marine Bilogical Station, 12 (2): 127.

    Kamohara, T. and T. Yamakawa. 1968. Additional records of QDULQHILVKHVIURP$PDPL5HSRUWVRI WKH8VD0DULQHBilogical Station, 15 (2): 117.

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Lubbock, R. and B. Goldman. 1974. A new magenta Pseudo-chromis (Teleostei: Pseudochromidae) from the Pacific. Journal of Fish Biology, 6: 107110, pl. 1.

    1994465 pp.

    200970 pp.http://www.museum.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/staff/motomura/dl.html

    Motomura, H. and M. Aizawa. 2011. Illustrated list of additions to the ichthyofauna of Yaku-shima Island, Kagoshima Pre-fecture, southern Japan: 50 new records from the island. Check List, 7 (4): 448457.

    Motomura, H., K. Kuriiwa, E. Katayama, H. Senou, G. Ogihara, M. Meguro, M. Matsunuma, Y. Takata, T. Yoshida, M. Yamashita, S. Kimura, H. Endo, A. Murase, Y. Iwatsuki, Y. Sakurai, S. Harazaki, K. Hidaka, H. Izumi and K. Matsuura. $QQRWDWHGFKHFNOLVWRIPDULQHDQGHVWXDULQHVKHVRIYaku-shima Island, Kagoshima, southern Japan. In H. Motomura and K. Matsuura (eds.), pp. 65248. Fishes of Yaku-shima island A World Heritage island in the Osumi Group, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo. http://www.museum.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/staff/motomura/dl.html

    Mller, J. and F. H. Troschel. 1849. Horae Ichthyologicae. %HVFKUHLEXQJXQG$EELOGXQJQHXHU)LVFKH%HUOLQadditional p. 24, pls. 15.

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    2009 , , , 200748: 1935.

    Schmidt, P. J. 1930. On the fishes of the Riu-Kiu Islands. 3URFHHGLQJVRIWKHWK3DFLF6FLHQFH&RQJUHVV-DYD3: 513517.

    Schultz, L. P. 1943. Fishes of the Phoenix and Samoan islands collected in 1939 during the expedition of the U. S. S. Bushnell. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, L[SOV

    Schultz, L. P., E. S. Herald, E. A. Lachner, A. D. Welander and L. P. Woods.1953. Fishes of the Marshall and Marianas islands. Vol. 1. Families from Asymmetrontidae through Siganidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 202 (1): i[[[LLSOV

    Senou, H., G. Shinohara, K. Matsuura, K. Furuse, S. Kato and T. Kikuchi. 2002. Fishes of Hachijo-jima Island, Izu Islands Group, Tokyo, Japan. Memoirs of the National Science museum, Tokyo, (38): 195237.

    Senou, H., H. Kodato, T. Nomura and K. Yunokawa. 2006. Coastal VKHVRI,HMLPD,VODQGWKH5\XN\X,VODQGV2NLQDZD-DSDQBulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum (Natural Science), 35: 6792.


  • 46

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Mullidae: Upeneus 28 Yamashita et al., 2011; Motomura et al., 2012 24 2000Yamashita et al., 2011Motomura et al., 20122013

    1975 2 Parupeneus indicus (Shaw, 1803)Motomura et al. (2010Motomura and Aizawa (2011 0XOORLGLFKWK\VDYROLQHDWX (Lacepde, 1801) 0YDQLFROHQVLV (Valenciennes, 1831) Parupeneus barberinoides (Bleeker, 1852) P. barberinus (Lacepde, 1801) P. ciliatus (Lacepde, 1802) P. cyclostomus (Lacepde, 1801) P. multifasciatus (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825) P. pleu-rostigma (Bennett, 1831) P. spilurus (Bleeker, 1854) P. trifasciatus (Lacepde, 1801) Upeneus tragula Richardson, 1846 3 12

    2012 7 15

    8SHQHXVYLWWDWXV (Forsskl, 1775) 1

    Randall and Kulbicki (2006SL 0.1 mm 2KPMSMF 1185 Uiblein and Heemstra2010KAUM

    Upeneus vittatus (Forsskl, 1775)

    Fig. 1; Table 1

    0XOOXVYLWWDWXV Forsskl, 1775: 31 (type locality: Red


    8SHQHXVYLWWDWXV: Blegvad and Lppenthin, 1944: 134, pl.


    561 (East London, South Africa); Ben-tuvia and


    Kobayashi, 1994: 176, fig. 3 (Yaeyama Islands,

    Upeneus vittatus (Forsskl, 1775)

    1 2

    1 1080075 4572 5600056 21617

    Shitamitsu, T. and H. Nishiyama. 2013. First record of 8SHQHXVYLWWDWXV (Forsskl, 1775) (Perciformes: Mulli-dae) from Yaku-shima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 4750.

    HN: 21617 Miyayama, Toyonaka, Osaka 5600056, -DSDQHPDLOKQLVKL\DPDBGDPVHOVK#\DKRRFRMS

  • 48

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    Okinawa); Hatooka, 2000: 872, unnumbered fig.

    (Kochi and southward in Japan; Indo-West Pacific);

    Randall and Kulbicki 2006: 306, fig. 9 (Hawaiian

    Islands); Uiblein and Heemstra 2010: 56, pls. 23 (Red

    Sea, Mauritius and Mozambique); Hatooka and


    Chiba; Wagu, Mie; Ukui, Wakayama; Tosa Bay;

    Tomioka, Kumamoto; Kasasa and Sata, Kagoshima;

    Ryukyu Archipelago; southern Taiwan; and Indo-


  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    33Randall and Kulbick2006)20138SHQHXVYLWWDWXV (Forsskl, 1775)

    8VXEYLWWDWXV (Temminck and Schlegel, 1843) U. taenio-pterus Cuvier, 1829

    Uiblein and Heemsta, 20102013 125312123

    Yaku-shima island, Kagoshima, Japan

    Eritrea, southern Red Sea

    Okinawa and Miyazaki, Japan

    Non-type Neotype1 Non-typesn = 1 n = 1 n = 7

    Standard length (SL; mm) 51.1 163 58.6222.2Counts modes2

    Dorsal-n rays VIII, 9 VIII, 9 VIII, 9 VIII, 9Pectoral-n rays 16 16 1517 16Pelvic-n rays I, 5 I, 5 I, 5Anal-n rays I, 6 I, 6 I, 6Pored lateral-line scales 33 36 3336 34Scales above lateral line 23 3Scales below lateral line 58 6Scale rows between dorsal ns 5 46 5Gill rakers 26 27 2427 24

    Measurements (% of SL) means2

    Body depth 23.3 26 22.730.6 26.8Body width 12.7 13.417.6 15.2Head length 32.3 31 29.132.7 31.1Snout length 10.8 11 10.013.6 11.9Orbit diameter 7.0 7.3 6.37.7 7.1Interorbital width 8.6 8.0 7.79.2 8.2Upper-jaw length 10.4 12 10.313.1 11.8Cheek depth 6.5 5.810.5 8.5Barbel length 16.4 18 16.718.6 17.7Caudal-peduncle depth 10.2 11 9.512.2 11.1Caudal-peduncle length 23.9 20 18.824.4 21.4Pre-rst dorsal-n length 40.1 41 38.142.4 40.7Pre-pelvic-n length 33.7 35 33.434.5 34.1Pre-anal-n length 70.3 70 65.772.0 69.22nd dorsal-n spine length 19.4 20.522.8 21.53rd dorsal-n spine length 18.0 20.522.4 20.94th dorsal-n spine length 17.0 18.921.4 19.65th dorsal-n spine length 12.5 16.518.8 16.91st dorsal-n soft ray length 7.88.8 8.32nd dorsal-n soft ray length 13.5 13.214.9 13.98th dorsal-n soft ray length 6.8 5.26.9 6.29th dorsal-n soft ray length 7.6 7.28.8 8.1Anal-n spine length 7.8 4.69.5 8.01st anal-n soft ray length 12.1 16 13.014.3 13.82nd anal-n soft ray length 12.5 12.013.5 12.9Last anal-n soft ray length 7.8 8.09.6 8.9Caudal-n length 26.8 29 26.529.9 27.8Caudal-concavity length 14.418.4 16.8Pectoral-n length 17.5 23 19.122.6 21.1Pelvic-n spine length 14.9 14.015.5 15.0Longest pelvic-n ray length 16.8 18 16.717.6 17.2

    1Data from Uiblein and Heemstra (2010). 2Data include neotype and non-types of 8SHQHXVYLWWDWXV.

    Table 1. Counts and measurements (% SL) of 8SHQHXVYLWWDWXV.

  • 50

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    Uiblein and Heemsta, 20102013

    8SHQHXVYLWWDWXV8 58.6222.2 mmKPM-NI 19886222.2 mm2007 10 15 KPM-NI 21386 208.8 mm2008 0308KPM-NI 2455398.6 mm 8 m2007 11 4 KPM-NI 30519 217.0 mm2012 03KPM-NI 30552 213.8 mm2012 03KPM-NI 33123 59.1 mm1990 08 28KPM-NI 33124 58.6 mm1990 08 28

    1975(8): 183204.

    Ben-Tuvia, A. and G. W. Kissil. 1988. Fishes of the family Mullidae in the Red Sea, with a key to the species in the Red Sea and the eastern Mediterranean. Ichthyol. Bull. J. L. B. Smith Inst. Ichthyol., 52: 116.

    Blegvad, H. and B. Lppenthin. 1944. Fishes of the Iranian Gulf, 'DQLVK6FLHQWLF,QYHVWLJDWLRQVLQ,UDQ(LQDU0XQNVJDDUGCopenhagen. 247 pp.

    Forsskl P. 1775. pp. 2275. Carsten Niebuhr (eds.). In descrip-tiones animalium, avium, amphibiorum, piscium, insectorum, vernium; quae in itinere oriental observavit. Copenhagen.



    1994176 pp

    Motomura, H. and M. Aizawa. 2011. Illustrated list of additions to the ichthyofauna of Yaku-shima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan: 50 new records from the island. Check List, 7(4): 448457.

    Motomura, H., K. Kuriiwa, E. Katayama, H. Senou, G. Ogihara, M. Meguro, M. Matsunuma, Y. Takata, T. Yoshida, M. Yamashita, S. Kimura, H. Endo, K. Hidaka, H. Izumi, and K. Matsuura. 2010. Annotated checklist of marine and estuarine fishes of Yaku-shima Island, Kagoshima, southern Japan, p.65248 In H. Motomura and K. Matsuura (eds.). Fishes of Yaku-shima island A World Heritage island in the Osumi Group, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo.

    Motomura, H., M. Yamashita, M. Itou, Y. Haraguchi, and Y. Iwatsuki. 2012. First records of the Two-tone Goatfish, Upeneus guttatus, from Japan, and comparisons with U. japonicus (Perciformes: Mullidae). Spec. Divers., 17: 714.

    2001 218 pp

    5DQGDOO-(DQG0.XOELFNL$UHYLHZRIWKHJRDWVKHVRIthe genus Upeneus (Perciformes: Mullidae) from New &DOHGRQLDDQGWKH&KHVWHUHOG%DQNZLWKDQHZVSHFLHVDQGfour new records. Zool. Stud., 45: 298307.

    6HQRX+.0DWVXXUD*6KLQRKDUD&KHFNOLVWRIVKHVLQthe Sagami Sea with zoogeographical comments on shallow ZDWHUVKHVRFFXUULQJDORQJWKHFRDVWOLQHVXQGHULQXHQFHRIthe Kuroshio Current. Mem. Nat. Sci., Tokyo. (41): 389542.

    6PLWK-/%7KHVHDVKHVRIVRXWKHUQ$IULFD&HQWUDONews Agency, Ltd., Cape Town. 580 pp., pls. 111.

    2010 200 pp

    Uiblein, F. and P. C. Heemstra. 2010. A taxonomic review of the western Indian Ocean goatfishes of the genus Upeneus (Family Mullidae), with descriptions of four new species. Smithiana, Publ. Aqua. Biodiver., Bull., 11: 3571.

    Yamashita, M., D. Golani, and H. Motomura. 2011. A new species of Upeneus (Perciformes: Mullidae) from southern Japan. Zootaxa (3107): 4758.


  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Callionymidae 184 14 34 1Nakabo, 19822000Fricke, 2002Motomura and Mukai, 2006 2009Allen and Erdmann, 20112010

    7 1120102010 4 7 Repomucenus lunatus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)2011 6 1 Paradiplo-JUDPPXVFXUYLVSLQQLV (Fricke and Zaiser Brownell,

    1993) 1 1

    Nakabo (1982)

    0.1 mmKAUMI. 283302000KAUM: Kagoshima University Museum

    Paradiplogrammus curvispinnis

    (Fricke and Zaiser Brownell, 1993)

    Fig. 1; Table 1

    KAUMI. 38615 49.5 mm1( 25 m2011 6 1

    % Table 1 IV-8 7 i, 7, ii i, 16 I, 5 4 1

    2 Paradiplogrammus curvispinnis Repomucenus lunatus

    1 2 3

    1 8900065 121302 8900065 12124

    3 8900065 12130

    Iwatsubo, H., M. Meguro and H. Motomura. 2013. First

    records of dragonets, 3DUDGLSORJUDPPXVFXUYLVSLQQLVand Repomucenus lunatus (Perciformes: Callionymidae), from Kagoshima Bay, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 5154.

    HM: Kagoshima University Museum, 12130 Korimoto, Kagoshima 8900065, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

  • 52

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    1 12 2 4 2 2 2

    1 6 1 2 4 1


    14 2 8 2 7

    3FXUYLVSLQQLV 1 1Fricke and Zaiser Brownell (1993)2000

    3FXUYLVSLQQLV R. lunatusKAUMI. 38615

    KAUMI. 28330

    Kagoshima Bay, JapanStanderd length (mm) 49.5 57.1Total length (mm) 69.6 71.5Measurements (% SL)Body width 23.0 17.5Body depth 12.7 12.8Caudal peduncle depth 6.5 5.33UHGRUVDOQOHQJWK 38.4 33.3&DXGDOQOHQJWK 40.6 25.2Head length 32.9 25.6Eye diameter 9.7 8.9Snout length 13.9 9.1Upper jaw length 11.9 9.1Interorbital width 0.8 1.6VWGRUVDOQVSLQHOHQJWK 14.7 12.3QGGRUVDOQVSLQHOHQJWK 13.5 8.6UGGRUVDOQVSLQHOHQJWK 11.1 6.3WKGRUVDOQVSLQHOHQJWK 8.5 3.9VWGRUVDOQUD\OHQJWK 17.4 17.0/DVWGRUVDOQUD\OHQJWK 15.6 13.7VWDQDOQUD\OHQJWK 9.5 8.9/DVWDQDOQUD\OHQJWK 14.3 11.73HFWRUDOQOHQJWK 22.4 20.03HOYLFQOHQJWK 29.3 23.5Preopercular spine length 4.6 6.5Anal papilla length 2.0 1.2

    Table 1. Proportional measurements (as percentages of standard length) of specimens of 3DUDGLSORJUDPPXVFXUYLVSLQQLV and Repomucenus lunatus from Kagoshima, Japan.

    Fig. 1. Preserved specimen of3DUDGLSORJUDPPXVFXUYLVSLQQLV from Kagoshima Bay, Japan (KAUMI. 38615, male, 49.5 mm SL).

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    199420002013 150 km

    Repomucenus lunatus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845)

    (Fig. 2; Table 1)

    KAUMI. 28330 57.1 mm 1( 25 m2010 4 7

    % Table 1 IV-9 9 i, 7, ii i, 17 I, 5 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3


    1 2 1


    19852004201019841985200420102013Kamohara, 1952Fricke, 19831984198520032004201020122013

    1 2 99

    Fig. 2. Fresh specimen of Repomucenus lunatus from Kagoshima Bay, Japan (KAUMI. 28330, female, 57.1 mm SL).

  • 54

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    R. lunatus 1 4 1Fricke (1983)20001881R.

    lunatus 1881 R. lunatus1881 R. lunatus

    19841985200420102013 150 km


    Allen, G. R. and M. V. Erdmann. 2011. A new species of dragonet (Synchiropus: Callionymidae) from Indonesia. Aqua, Interna-tional Journal of Ichthyology, 18 (1): 914.

    Fricke, R. 1983. Revision of the Indo-Pacic genera and species of the dragonet family Callionumidae (Teleostei). Verlang von J. Cramer, Braunschweig. 774 pp.

    Fricke, R. and M. Zaiser Brownell. 1993. Two new dragonets of the genus Callionymus (Callionymidae) and a record of Cal-lionymus corallinus from Miyake-jima, Izu Islands, Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 40 (1): 110.

    1996(16): 1177.

    2003(22): 135.

    2010399 pp.

    2010 Neosynchiropus moyeriNature of Kagoshima, 36: 6573.

    Kamohara, T. 1952. Revised descriptions of the offshore bottom-shes of Prov. Tosa, Japan. Reports of the Kochi University Natural Science, (3): 1122.

    1985 II160 pp.

    2011303 pp.

    2012(45): 193239.

    1994xxxxvii 467 pp.

    Motomura, H. and T. Mukai. 2006. Tonlesapia tsukawakii, a new genus and species of freshwater dragonet (Perciformes: Cal-lionymidae) from Lake Tonle Sap, Cambodia. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 17 (1): 4352.

    Nakabo, T. 1982. Revision of the dragonets (Pisces: Callionymi-dae). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 27 (1/3): 1131.

    1984pp. 328331

    2000pp. 1418143116041605

    2013pp. 1331134621062109

    2009pp. 574581

    1881112 pls., 8 188 8 pp

    2004971 pp.

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Eleotridae: Eleotris E. oxyce-phala Temminck and Schlegel, 1845 E. melanosoma Bleeker, 1853 E. acan-thopoma Bleeker, 1853 E. fusca (Forster, 1801) 420042001200420092012

    10 151941196719781992

    2012 8 15 7

    Hubbs and Lagler (1947) 0.1 mmKAUMI. 47984, 47985 KAUM: Kagoshima University Museum

    Eleotris acanthopoma Bleeker, 1853

    Fig. 1

    KAUMI. 47979 38.0 mmKAUM I. 47980 46.7 mmKAUMI. 4798149.5 mmKAUMI. 47982 38.8 mmKAUM I. 47983 65.0 mmKAUMI. 4798432.0 mmKAUMI. 47985 81.4 mm1(2012 8 15 0.2 m

    VI-I, 8 I, 8 1617 I, 5% 31.233.8 33.1 20.822.521.4

    Eleotris acanthopoma

    1 2

    1 8900065 121302 8900065 12130

    Iwatsubo, H. and H. Motomura. 2013. First records of Eleotris

    acanthopoma (Perciformes: Eleotridae) from Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 5557.

    HM: Kagoshima University Museum, 12130 Korimoto, Kagoshima 8900065, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

  • 56

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    7.511.29.5 11.614.412.7 1 15.218.616.6 2 15.217.316.4 13.115.814.5 21.025.824.2 12.113.513.0

    4 81.4 mm 2 12 2 1

    12 32.0 mm 24 81.4 mm 2

    2001 2004 20112013194119671975197819922001200420092011

    Fig. 1. Fresh specimens of Eleotris acanthopoma from Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (A, KAUMI. 47984, 32.0 mm SL; B, KAUMI. 47985, 81.4 mm SL).

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013



    2 1 6 4 E. acanthopoma

    0.20.3 m E. acanthopoma

    E. melanosoma19671955 E. melano-soma1963 E. melanosoma1967E. melanosomaE. acanthopoma


    1967 414 (4/6): 135166.

    2000pp. 13471608, 21092211

    1978I(24): 5982.

    1992(40): 4563.

    Hubbs, C. L. and K. F. Lagler. 1947. Fishes of the Great Lakes region. Bulletin of Cranbrook Institute of Science, (26): ixi

    2001p. 555

    2009 6264 pp.

    1955 IIYSS

    2012Nature of Kagoshima, 38: 109114.

    2011 258315 pp.

    1963258 pp.

    194153: 118119.

    2004534 pp.

    1975(20): 61118.

  • 58

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Kelloggella cardinalis

    1 21 8900065 12130

    2 8900065 12130

    Gobiidae: Kellogge-la 1 6 2 1113 8 9 1 2 =26Hoese, 1975 5Hoese, 1975 2004Larson and Murdy, 2001Randall, 2005, 2009 K. quindecim-fasciata (Fowler, 1946) K. cardinalis Jordan and Seale, 1906 220042013Senou et al., 20022002200420132012 10 27 2

    Hubbs and Lagler (1947) 0.1 mmKAUMI. 51463, 51464KAUM

    Kelloggella cardinalis Jordan and Seale, 1906

    (Fig. 1)

    KAUMI. 51463 16.8 mmKAUM I. 51464 13.6 mm1( 0.5 m2012 10 27

    VI-I, 12 I, 8 14 I, 5% 19.023.8 13.716.7 8.311.3 3.64.8 5.46.5 1 14.919.6 2 26.833.912.516.1 17.320.2 8.311.9

    Iwatsubo, H. and H. Motomura. 2013. Records of Kelloggella

    cardinalis (Gobioidei: Gobiidae) from Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 5961.

    HM: Kagoshima University Museum, 12130 Korimoto, Kagoshima 8900065, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

  • 60

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    21 2 2 3 2 6 2 2

    Hoese, 1975Randall and Lim, 2000; Larson and Murdy, 2001; Myers and

    Donaldson, 2003; Randall et al., 20042004Randall, 2005Senou et al., 2002200220042013

    2 1 6 2 1 12 2 1 8 K. cardinalis

    Fig. 1. Fresh specimens of Kelloggella cardinalis from tide-pool near Yoron Port, Chabana, Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (A: KAUMI. 51463, 16.8 mm SL; B: KAUMI. 51464, 13.6 mm SL).

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    2004Randall, 2005


    2013pp. 13471608, 21092211

    +RHVH')$UHYLVLRQRIWKHJRELLGVKJHQXVKelloggella. Records of the Australian Museum, 29 (17): 473484.

    Hubbs, C. L. and K. F. Lagler. 1947. Fishes of the Great Lakes region. Bulletin of Cranbrook Institute of Science, (26): ixi

    Larson, H. K. and E. O. Murdy. 2001. Families Eleotridae, Gobiidae, pp. 35743603. K. E. Carpenter and V. H. Niem HGV6SHFLHVLGHQWLFDWLRQJXLGHIRUVKHU\SXUSRVHV7KHOLYLQJPDULQHUHVRXUFHVRIWKHZHVWHUQFHQWUDO3DFLF9ROBony fishes, part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), estuarine crocodiles, sea turtles, sea snakes and marine mammals. FAO, Rome.

    0\HUV5)DQG7-'RQDOGVRQ7KHVKHVRIWKH0DULDQDIslands. Micronesica, (35/36): 598652.

    Randall, J. E. 2005. Reef and shore fishes of the South Pacific: New Caledonia to Tahiti and the Pitcairn Islands. University RI+DZDLL3UHVV+RQROXOX[LLSS

    5DQGDOO-($UHYLHZRIWKHJRELLGVKHVRI(DVWHU,VODQGwith description of a new species. Aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 15 (4): 177190.

    5DQGDOO-(DQG..3/LP$FKHFNOLVWRIWKHVKHVRIthe South China Sea. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement, (8): 569667.

    Randall, J. E., J. T. Williams, D. G. Smith, M. Kulbicki, G. Mou Tham, P. Labrosse, M. Kronen, E. Clua, and B. S. Mann. &KHFNOLVWRIWKHVKRUHDQGHSLSHODJLFVKHVRI7RQJD$WROO5HVHDUFK%XOOHWLQLLL

    Senou, H., G. Shinohara, K. Matsuura, K. Furuse, S. Kato and T. Kikuchi. 2002. Fishes of Hachijo-jima Island, Izu Islands Group, Tokyo Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, (38): 195237.

    2004534 pp.

    2002 II(3): 85137.

  • 62

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    2007 1011 1 2 Rhinogobius sp. CO200220032003


    Rhinogobius sp. CO

    1 2

    1 8900065 121242 8900065 12130

    Matsunuma, M. and H. Motomura. 2013. First records of

    Ruri-yoshinobori, Rhinogobius sp. CO (Teleostei: Gobiidae), from Kotsuki River, Kagoshima City, southern Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 6365.

    MM: The United Graduate School of Agricultural Scien-ces, Kagoshima University, 12124 Korimoto, Kagoshima 8900065, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]). 1

  • 64

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    Rhinogobius sp. CO


    KAUMI. 6692 61.1 mm 0.3 m2007 10 5 KAUMI. 7877 63.3 mm 0.3 m2007 11

    VI-I, 8 I, 8 19 35 1415 2 5 420042013


    2 Rhinogobius sp. COKAUMI. 6692 61.1 mm

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013



    2013Gobioideipp. 1347160821092211


    200970 pp.http://www.museum.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/staff/motomura/dl.html

    2013pp. 330

    2004pp. 445461

    2003 Rhinogobius sp. COp. 146

  • 66

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Ptereleotris zebra

    1 21 8900065 12130

    2 8900065 12130

    Ptereleotridae 5 252004Hoese and Motomura, 2009Suzuki et al, 20102013 Ptereleotris zebra (Fowler, 1938)198820052011Yamakawa, 197919972000200120042009201120132012 10 25, 2622009 2

    Hubbs and Lagler (1947) 0.1 mmKAUMI. 51348, 51385KAUM Thacker (2000)20042013

    Ptereleotris zebra (Fowler, 1938)

    (Figs. 12)

    KAUMI. 51348 64.0 mm1(2012 10 25 20 mKAUMKAUMI. 51385 65.6 mm2012 10 26 KAUMI. 51348

    VI-I, 2829 I, 262824 I, 5% 20.821.2%

    Iwatsubo, H. and H. Motomura. 2013. Records of a ptere-

    OHRWULGVKPtereleotris zebra, from Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Nature of Kago-shima 39: 6770.

    HM: Kagoshima University Museum, 12130 Korimoto, Kagoshima 8900065, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

  • 68

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    15.115.8% 12.513.6% 5.25.3% 4.14.6% 6.97.2% 7.07.3% 1 22.122.5% 2 46.246.4% 40.441.6% 6.77.6% 9.610.2%

    3 1 21 2 1 5 22 5 6 2 1 0.6

    1 1 1 3 20 4 6

    1 2 1 1

    1 1 2

    19882000Randall and Earle, 2000Randall and Lim, 2000Allen and Adrim 2003Myers and Donaldson, 2003Randall, 2003 200420052011Yamakawa, 1979 1988Randall et al., 199719972000 2001Senou et al., 2002 200420052009201120112013

    Fig. 1. Fresh specimen of Ptereleotris zebra from Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (KAUMI. 51385, 65.6 mm SL).

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    2 2 1 262820 4 6 P. zebra19882005

    2011198820052011Yamakawa (1979)2000200420012009 20 m

    Fig. 2


    2013pp. 13471608, 21092211

    2000pp. 11391310, 16061628

    $OOHQ*5DQG0$GULP&RUDOUHHIVKHVRI,QGRQHVLDZoological Studies, 42 (1): 172.

    Hoese, D. F. and H. Motomura. 2009. Descriptions of two new JHQHUDDQGVSHFLHVRISWHUHOHRWULQHVKHVIURP$XVWUDOLDDQGJapan (Pisces: Gobioidei) with discussion of possible rela-tionships. Zootaxa, 2312: 4959.

    Hubbs, C. L. and K. F. Lagler. 1947. Fishes of the Great Lakes region. Bulletin of Cranbrook Institute of Science, (26): ixi

    2011VII(32): 135141.

    0\HUV5)DQG7-'RQDOGVRQ7KHVKHVRIWKH0DULDQDIslands. Micronesica, 35/36: 598652.

    Randall, J. E. and J. L. Earle. 2000. Annotated checklist of the VKRUHVKHVRIWKH0DUTXHVDV,VODQGV2FFDVLRQDO3DSHUVRIthe Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History, (66): 139.

    Randall, J. E., H. Ida, K. Kato, R. L. Pyle and J. L. Earle. 1997. $QQRWDWHGFKHFNOLVWRI WKH LQVKRUHVKHVRI WKH2JDVDZDUDIslands. National Science Museum Monographs, (11): 174.

    Fig. 2. Underwater photograph of Ptereleotris zebra. Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, 20 m depth, 26 Oct. 2012 (photo by H. Iwatsubo). Specimens not collected.

  • 70

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    5DQGDOO-(DQG..3/LP$FKHFNOLVWRIWKHVKHVRIthe South China Sea. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement, (8): 569667.

    Randall, J. E., J. T. Williams, D. G. Smith, M. Kulbicki, G. Mou Tham, P. Labrosse, M. Kronen, E. Clua and B. S. Mann. &KHFNOLVWRIWKHVKRUHDQGHSLSHODJLFVKHVRI7RQJD$WROO5HVHDFK%XOOHWLQLLL

    2009 200748: 1935

    1997KPMNR(17): 4962.

    Senou, H., G. Shinohara, K. Matsuura, K. Furuse, S. Kato and T. Kikuchi. 2002. Fishes of Hachijo-jima Island, Izu Islands Group, Tokyo Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, (38): 195237.

    2001 Ptereleotris zebra, p. 596

    2004534 pp.

    Suzuki, T., T. Yonezawa and J. Sakaue. 2010. Three new species of the ptereleotrid fish genus Parioglossus (Perciformes: Gobioidei) from Japan, Palau and India. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science (Series A), Supplement, (4): 3148.

    2005971 pp.

    Thacker, C. E. 2000. Phylogeny of the wormfishes (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Microdesmidae). Copeia 2000 (4): 940957.

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Abstract A mesoparasitic copepod, Serpentisaccus

    magnificus Brasiola, 1979 (Siphonostomatoida: Pen-

    nellidae) is recorded based on a single postmetamor-

    phic female specimen from a reared elegant firefish,

    Nemateleotris decora Randalle and Allen (Perci-

    formes: Ptereleotridae), in the tank of Kagoshima City

    Aquarium, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. The

    fish was recently collected from the Philippines and

    purchased by the Kagoshima City Aquarium. Nema-

    teleotris decora is a new host for the copepod.

    1 220 12,0002008

    Kabata, 1979; Boxshall and Halsey, 2004 , Ho, 1966; Perkins, 1983; Okawa-chi et al., 2012 Kabata, 1979; Boxshall and Halsey, 2004 60 cmKabata, 2003 , Rose and Hamon, 1953; Ho, 1966; Schram, 1979; Perkins,

    1983; Brooker et al., 2007Okawachi et al., 2012

    Nemateleotris decora Randalle and Allen : 16HUSHQWLVDFFXVPDJQLFXV Brasiola, 1979

    2011 1212 52011 12 27 1

    Nemateleotris decora


    1 2,3 2 2,3

    1 9030213 12 8920814 31

    3 6540049 135

    Uyeno, D., H. Okawachi, N. Dewa and D. Imakita. 2013.

    Record of Serpentisaccus magnificus (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Pennellidae) from the elegant firefish Nemateleotris decora (Perciformes: Pterele-otridae) in the tank of Kagoshima City Aquarium. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 7174.

    DU: Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, 1 Senbaru, Nishihara, Okinawa 9030213, Japan (email: [email protected]).

  • 72

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    2012 1 1 180% 1 1NSMT



    NSMTCr 22336 1 3.99 mm 51.59 mm : 1(2012 1 1 2A

    1NSMTCr 22336A51.59 mm SLBA1.0 mm; B0.2 mm

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    1/4 4/5 2 , 12AB 1

    3PerodermaIzawa, 1977; Kabata, 1979 1975

    1PDJQLFD Fowler 3 Impexus sp. Siphonostomatoida: PennellidaeSerpentisaccusBlasiola, 1979

    Blasiola, 1979; Boxshall and Halsey, 2004

    Blasiola, 1979 22004

    2NSMTCr 22336Ac = n = t = BAB1.0 mm

    3NSMTCr 22336p = v = 1.0 mm

  • 74

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    Brasiola, 1979 2Okawachi et al.2012 Roa modesta (Temminck and Schlegel) : Peniculus minuticaudae Shiino, 1956 Shiino, 1956; Nagasawa et al., 2011; Okawachi et al., 2012;

    Venmathi Maran et al., 2012

    No. 23-4311 to D.U.

    Blasiola, G. C. Jr. 1979. 6HUSHQWLVDFFXVPDJQLFDH gen. et sp. n., a copepodCaligoida: Lernaeocaridaefrom the firefish, Nemateleotris magnifica Fowler, 1938. Journal of Para-sitology, 65: 662665.

    Boxshall, G. A. and Halsey, S. H. 2004. An Introduction to Copepod Diversity. The Ray Society, London. 966 pp.

    Brooker, A. J., Shinn, A. P. and Bron, J. E. 2007. A review of the biology of the parasitic copepod Lernaeocera branchialisL., 1767) (Copepoda: Pennellidae). Advances in Parasitology, 65: 297341.

    Ho, J.-S. 1966. Larval stages of Cardiodectes sp. (Caligoida: /HUQDHRFHULIRUPHVDFRSHSRGSDUDVLWLFRQVKHV%XOOHWLQRIMarine Science, 16: 159199.

    Izawa, K. 1977. A new species of Peroderma Heller (Caligoida: /HUQDHRFHULGDHSDUDVLWLFRQWKHVKBregmaceros japonicus 7DQDND3DFLF6FLHQFH

    Kabata, Z. 1979. Parasitic Copepoda of British fishes. The Ray Society, London. 468pp.

    Kabata, Z. 2003. Copepods Parasitic on Fishes. 2nd, revised edition. Synopses of the British Fauna No. 47, 2nd, revised edition. Backhuys, 47: 1274.

    Nagasawa, K., Fukuda, Y. and Tanaka, S. 2011. Infection with Peniculus minuticaudae (Copepoda: Pennellidae) on Threadsail Filefish (Stephanolepis cirrhifer) and Black Scraper (Thamnaconus modestus) cultured in Japan. Biosphere Science, 50: 4347.


    Okawachi, H., Uyeno, D., Ogino, K. and Nagasawa, K. 2012. Redescription of Peniculus minuticaudae Shiino, 1956 (Copepoda: Pennellidae) IURPDTXDULXPKHOGPDULQHVKHVin Japan, with notes on its occurrence and life cycle in captivity. Zoosymposia, 8: 5668.

    Perkins, P. S. 1983. The life history of Cardiodectes medusaeusWilsonDFRSHSRGSDUDVLWHRIODQWHUQVKHVMyctophidae. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 3: 7087.

    Rose, M. and Hamon, M. 1953. A propos de 3HQQHOODYDULDQVSteenstrup et Ltken, 1861, parasite des branchies de Cphalopodes. Bulletin de la Societ histoire naturelle de lAfrique du Nord, 44: 172183.

    Schram, T. A. 1979. The life history of the eye-maggot of the sprat, Lernaeenicus sprattae (Sowerby) (Copepoda, Lernaeopoidae). Sarsia, 64: 279316.

    Shiino, S. M. 1956. Copepods parasitic on Japanese fishes. 7. Peniculus and Peniculisa. Japanese Journal of Zoology, 11: 593608.


    Venmathi Maran, B. A., Moon, S. Y., Oh, S.-Y., Soh, H. Y. and Myoung, J.-G. 2012. Redescription of two PennellidsCopepoda, Siphonostomatoidafrom Korea with a key to species of Peniculus von Nordmann, 1832. Zookeys, 243: 114.

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Abstract Specimens of a species of the genus Temno-

    sewellia Damborenea and Cannon (Temnocephalida:

    Temnocephalidae) were collected from the exoskeleton

    of two species of freshwater crabs, Geothelphusa

    exigua Suzuki and Tsuda (Decapoda: Potamidae) and

    Eriocheir japonica (De Haan) (Decapoda: Varunidae)

    in the head waters and upper streams of some rivers in

    the Ohsumi Peninsula, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern

    Japan. Individuals of this temnocephalid were found to

    transfer from G. exigua to E. japonica in an experi-

    mental tank.

    Temnocephalida1965Jennings, 1971 212 1 219651965

    3DUDW\DLPSURYLVD Kemp Scutariella japonica0DWMDLScutariellidae Scutarie-llinae Cherax tenuimanusSmith Temnosewellia minor (Haswell, 188819652007 *HRWKHOSKXVDPDUJLQDWDIXOYD Naruse, Shokita and Shy= G. miyazakii Miyake and Chiu Eriocheir japonica (De Haan)Temnocephala193819832004Kawakatsu et al., 2004, 2007Geothelphusa exigua Suzuki and Tsuda 1Temnosewellia sp.2013 RhabdocoelaTemnocephalidae Temnosewellia2007

    2 1

    1 2 3 11 6540049 135

    2 9030213 13 8920814 31

    Okawachi, H., D. Uyeno, W. Miyazaki and N. Kamezaki.

    2013. Temnosewellia sp. (Temnocephalida: Temno-cephalidae) from freshwater crabs in the Ohsumi Peninsula, Kagoshima, southern Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 7579.

    HO: Suma Aqualife Park Kobe, 135 Wakamiya, Suma, Kobe, Hyogo 6540049, Japan (email: [email protected]).

  • 76

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    2012 11 89 2 1AB 2 10 20 cm 15 603036 cm 3301823 cm 3 1 23 mm 5 cmM121799.5%

    2.5%AFA70% 2011RUMFRUMF-ZF-000060000700008

    1 1

    5 ; 2 1 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5syncytial plate 5 post-tentacular syncytium 2Damborenea and Cannon, 2001; Sewell et al., 2006 1 Temnosewellia sp. 1 DFG 1.3 mm 4.5 mm

    1 25 1 DG 0.80.9 mm1 EG 1C 1DFG

    1 1A

    2 m 10 cm 23 cm G. dehaaniWhite 301.102.001.471.402.301.81cm 12273.3% 5 1B5 m 30 cm

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    1ABC 1D 1 3.5 mmE 1F 1 4.5 mmG 1 4.0 mm 0.8 mm, H 1 3.5 mm, C1.0 cmE3.0 cm

  • 78

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    14.354.55 cm 2 4 4.505.605.085.005.605.44cm 190.835.343.900.955.664.16cm 13.293.45 cm


    1 Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens) 1 Diceratocephala boschmai BaerJones and Lester, 1992

    2 22 1H

    Oki et al., 1995 TemnocephalaDamborenea and Cannon, 2001; Sewell et al., 2006 Temno-cephala2001Damborenea and Cannon, 200119381983 Temnocephala22004 TemnocephalaKawakatsu et al. (20041983 TemnocephalaTemnosewellia semperi (Weber= Temnocephala semperiKawakatsu et al. (2007 TemnocephalaTemnocephala 1 1 1

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Damborenea, M. C., and Cannon, L. R. G. 2001. On neotropical Temnocephala (Platyhelminthes). Journal of Natural History, 35: 11031118.

    2013 52171 pp.

    2004 14190191.

    Jennings, J. B. 1971. Parasitism and commensalism in the Turbel-laria. Advances in Parasitology, 9: 1392.

    Jones, T. C., and Lester, R. J. G. 1992. The life history and biology of Diceratocephala boschmai (Platyhelminthes; Temnoce-phalida), an ectosymbiont on the redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Hydrobiologia, 248: 193199.

    Kawakatsu, M., Gelder, S. R., Ponce de Len, R., Volonterio, O., Wu, S.-K., Nishino, M., Ohtaka, A., Niwa, N., Fujita, Y., Urabe, M., Sasaki, G.-Y., Kawakatsu M.-Y., and Kawakatsu, T. 2007. An annotated bibliography of the order Temnoce-phalida (Plathelminthes, Rhabdocoela, Turbellaria) from Japan, Taiwan, China and Korea, with other Far Eastern records of temnocephalids. Sapporo, Japan: Kawakatsus Web Library on Planarians. Available at http://victoriver.com (Temnocephalid) (10 Mar. 2007).

    2007 , 68: 461469.

    Kawakatsu, M., Sluys, R., and Sasaki, G.-Y. 2004. Type series of Japanese freshwater Turbellarians. Kawakatsu & Sasakis webpages on Planarians, Sapporo and Tokyo. 44: 125. Available at http://planarian.net/kswp/44/types.pdf (5 Apr. 2013).

    19383: 164.

    Oki, I., Tamura, S., Takai, M., and Kawakatsu, M. 1995. Chromo-somes of Temnocephala minor, an ectosymbiotic turbellarian RQ$XVWUDOLDQFUD\VKIRXQGLQ.DJRVKLPD3UHIHFWXUHZLWKkaryological notes on exotic turbellarians found in Japan. Hydrobiologia, 305: 7177.

    Sewell, K. B., Cannon, L. R. G., and Blair, D. 2006. A review of Temnohaswellia and Temnosewellia (Platyhelminthes: Temnocephalida: Temnocephalidae), ectosymbionts from $XVWUDOLDQFUD\VKEuastacus (Parastacidae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 52:199279.

    198345: 488489.

    1965Pp. 972 3

  • 80

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Urocaridella sp.19882000200120012000

    2012 10 22 11988199420011994

    1986 0.1 mm


    Urocaridella sp.

    (Fig. 1)

    KAUM-AT-155 5.4 mm1( 0.1 m2012 10 22

    1.65 7 3 10 4.08 1 6 0.76 3 2



    Urocaridella sp.

    8900056 45020

    Iwatsubo, H. 2013. Record of palaemonid shrimp (Decapoda)

    from Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 8183.

    Graduate School of Fisheries, Kagoshima University, 45020 Shimoarata, Kagoshima 8900056, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

  • 82

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES



    2000 0.1 m

    Fujino and Miyake (1969) 1 Leandrites cyrthychus Chace and Bruce (1993) Urocaridella1988 Urocaridella sp. Urocaridella sp.

    1994 U. cyrthychus1994 3 U. cyrthychus1994 Urocaridella sp.

    Chace, F. A., Jr. and A. J. Bruce. 1993. The caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine Expedition 19071910, part 6: superfamily Palaemonoideao. Smithson. &RQWULE=RROLYLL

    Fujino, T. and S. Miyake. 1969. On two new species of palaemo-nid shrimps from Tanabe Bay, Kii Peninsula, Japan (Crusta-cea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae). Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab., 17: 143154.

    1986336 pp.


    Fig. 1. Fresh specimen of Urocaridella sp. from Chabana Fishing Port, Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (KAUM-AT-155, 5.4 mm CL).

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    8232 pp.

    2001TBS157 pp.

    2000344 pp

    19945 (10): 45.

  • 84

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Pandalidae: Hetero-carpus 6Chace, 1985198620072011Plesionika 16Chace, 19851986 1990Sakaji, 2001 2009Komai, 20112011

    2012 10 25 26 3 2Plesionika nesisi (Burukovsky, 1986) 2

    550 mm 400 mm 220 mm 14 600 mm 550 mm 350 mm 5 750820 m 1 Pterocaesio tile (Cuvier, 1830)Cololabis saira (Brevoort, 1856) Katsuwo-nus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758) Thu-nnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788)

    1986 0.1 mm 1(750820 m 2012 10 26 KAUM KAUM-AT-139 KAUM-AT-140, 141 KAUM-AT-142 KAUM-AT-143 KAUM-AT-144KAUM

    Pandalidae Heterocarpus A. Milne-Edwards, 1881Heterocarpus dorsalis Bate, 1888

    (Fig. 1)

    KAUM-AT-139 27.6 mm

    12 2 15 1 2 3 56 3 2 3

    Decapoda: Pandalidae5

    8900056 45020

    Iwatsubo, H. 2013. Records of five species of pandalid

    shrimps (Decapoda: Pandalidae) from Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 39: 8589.

    Graduate School of Fisheries, Kagoshima University, 45020 Shimoarata, Kagoshima 8900056, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

  • 86

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES


    Chace, 1985Tavares, 1999Fransen, 2006198620072011 22.0

    35.0 mm23.0 mmFransen, 2006

    Heterocarpus laevigatus Bate, 1888

    (Fig. 2)

    KAUM-AT-140 38.1 mmKAUM-AT-141 22.9 mm

    5645 57

    1 2 34 5 6 5 2 2 KAUM-AT-140


    Fig. 1. Fresh specimen of Heterocarpus dorsalis from northeast of Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (KAUM-AT-139, 27.6 mm CL).

    Fig. 2. Fresh specimens of +HWHURFDUSXVODHYLJDWXV from northeast of Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (A: KAUM-AT-140, 38.1 mm CL, B: KAUM-AT-141, 22.9 mm CL).

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Chace, 19852007198620072011

    3 32007

    Heterocarpus sibogae De Man, 1917

    (Fig. 3)

    KAUM-AT-142 28.7 mm

    17 6 7 1 4 3 4

    4 3 5 6 52 2

    3 4 3 4 3

    1982Chace, 1985Chan, 198720072011Sakaji, 2001200720112011 1 4

    3 4 Heterocarpus hayashii Crosnier, 1988vs. 2vs. 4 3vs. 3vs.Hanamura and Evans, 19962007

    Plesionika Bate, 1888Plesionika orientalis Chace, 1985

    (Fig. 4)

    KAUM-AT-143 26.3 mm 1

    Fig. 3. Fresh specimen of Heterocarpus sibogae from northeast of Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (KAUM-AT-142, 28.7 mm CL).

  • 88

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    2.0 7 3 45 5 6 2 1 4

    Chace, 1985Hanamura and Takada, 1987Hanamura and Evans, 199620092009Komai, 2011

    420203OHVLRQLNDVHPLODHYLV Bate, 18882009 3 1/4vs. 1/3 3 0.700.75vs.vs.

    1/4vs. 1/3vs.2009

    Plesionika nesisi (Burukovsky, 1986)

    (Fig. 5)

    KAUM-AT-144 22.6 mm

    12 5 7 3.7 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 1.5 5 2 2 2 20 8

    Fig. 4. Fresh specimen of Plesionika orientalis from northeast of Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (KAUM-AT-143, 26.3 mm CL).

    Fig. 5. Fresh specimen of Plesionika nesisi from northeast of Yoron-jima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (KAUM-AT-144, 22.6 mm CL).

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Chan and Crosnier, 1997Komai, 2011Komai

    (2011)1(1(1( 2

    Chace, F. A. Jr. 1985. The caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine expedition, 19071910, Part 3: Families Thalassocarididae and Pandalidae. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, (411): 1143.

    Chan T.-Y. 1987. On the heterocarpus shrimps (Crustacea: De-capoda: Pandalidae) from Taiwan. Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, 26 (1): 5360.

    Chan, T.-Y. and A. Crosnier. 1997. Crustacea Decapoda: Deep-sea shrimps of the genus Plesionika Bate, 1888 (Pandalidae). Crosnier, A. (ed.), Rsultats des Campagnes Musorstom, Vol-ume 18. Mmoires du Musum national dHistoire naturelle, 176: 187234.

    Fransen, C. H. J. M. 2006. Pandalidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the SONNE, VALDIVIA and METEOR Expeditions 19771987 to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Senckenbergiana maritime, 36 (1): 5182.

    Hanamura, Y. and D. R. Evans. 1996. Deepwater caridean shrimps of the families Nematocarcinidae, Stylodactylidae, Pandali-dae and Crangonidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) from Western Australia. Bulletin of Nansei National Fisheries Research Institute, (29): 118.

    1986pp. 114139

    2007153155 1329 (35): 248255, 349354, 466472.

    2009163, 165 1, 331 (1, 3): 5359, 303308.

    Komai, T. 2011. Deep-sea shrimps and lobsters (Crustacea: De-capoda: Dendrobranchiata and Pleocyemata) from the Sagami Sea and Izu Islands, central Japan. Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science, (47): 279337.

    1982I261 pp.

    2011255 pp.

    Sakaji, H. 2001. Deep-sea shrimps and lobsters of Tosa Bay and +\XJDQDGD3DFLFFRDVWRIVRXWKHUQ-DSDQFROOHFWHGE\5V Kotaka-maru and Tansei-maru 19972000 Cruise. National Science Museum Monograph, (20): 199216.

    Tavares, J. 1999. New species and new records of deep-water caridean shrimps from the South Atlantic Ocean (Crustacea, Decapoda). Zoosystema, 21 (4): 671677.

    1990(23): 1326

    201166: 2739

  • 90

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Decapoda: Portunidae 29 1 4197619952000 41995 2000 18 971995199520002011

    2010 2012 Charybdis (Charybdis) natator (Herbst, 1794)Charybdis (Goniosupradens) acutifrons (De Haan,

    1879) Thalamita stimpsoni A. Milne Edowards, 1861 3

    1983 0.1 mm KAUM-AT-146KAUM-AT-145 KAUM-AT-148KAUM

    Charybdis (Charybdis) natator (Herbst, 1794)

    (Fig. 1)

    KAUM-AT-146 30.3 mm 44.9 mm31 1(2012 8 3 1.0 m

    6 6 1 2 43 21 2 4 2 2 1


    1 21 8900056 45020

    2 8900007 51014

    Iwatsubo, H. and M. Iwatsubo. 2013. Records of three species

    of swimming crabs (Decapoda: Portunidae) from Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Nature of Kago-shima 39: 9195.

    Graduate School of Fisheries, Kagoshima University, 45020 Shimoarata, Kagoshima 8900056, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

  • 92

    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

    2 1

    Stephenson et aI., 19571976Motoh, 1980Wee and Ng, 1995200019762000


    Charybdis (Goniosupradens) acutifrons (De Haan, 1879)

    Fig. 2

    KAUM-AT-145 25.0 mm 35.1 mm1( 3 m2010 9 6

    5 1, 2 6 3 1 2

    Fig. 1. Fresh specimen of Charybdis (Charybdis) natator from Ei, Minamikyushu, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (KAUM-AT-146, 30.3 mm CL, 44.9 mm CW).

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    1 3 4 2 2 1 6

    19761982Wee and Ng, 199519761982

    Entacmaea actinostoloides (Uchida, 1947)


    Thalamita stimpsoni A. Milne Edowards, 1861

    Fig. 3

    KAUM-AT-147 23.8 mm 33.2 mm1( 0.5 m2010 9 23KAUMAT148 25.4 mm 37.0 mm1(2010 10 22 0.1 mKAUMAT149 23.2 mm 34.3 mm 1(2011 11 27 0.3 m

    Fig. 2. Fresh specimen of Charybdis (Goniosupradens) acutifrons from Bonotsu, Minamisatsuma, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (KAUM-AT-145, 25.0 mm CL, 35.1 mm CW).

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    Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013 RESEARCH ARTICLES

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    197619882000 110 km

    2000344 pp

    1983 (II)YLLL277pp

    Fig. 3. Fresh specimen of Thalamita stimpsoni from Koze, Ichiki-kushikino, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (KAUM-AT-148, 25.4 mm CL, 37.0 mm CW).

  • RESEARCH ARTICLES Nature of Kagoshima Vol. 39, Mar. 2013


    Motoh, H. 1980. Field guide for the edible crustacea of the Philip-pines, 96 pp. Aquacultuer Department, Iloilo.

    1988 7250 pp