n* spectroscopy with meson photoproduction reactions hiroyuki kamano (rcnp, osaka u.)...

Download N* spectroscopy with meson photoproduction reactions Hiroyuki Kamano (RCNP, Osaka U.) 東北大ELPH研究会「GeV領域光子で探るメソン生成反応の物理」 Feb. 20-21,

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N* spectroscopy with meson photoproduction reactions Hiroyuki Kamano (RCNP, Osaka U.) ELPHGeV Feb. 20-21, 2014 Collaborators T.-S. H. Lee Argonne Natl. Lab. S.X. Nakamura Osaka U. T. Sato Osaka U. Slide 2 Baryons PDG (2012): http://pdg.lbl.gov qqq (I=1/2) [q = u or d] qqq (I=3/2) [q = u or d] qqs (I=0) [q = u or d] qqs (I=1) [q = u or d] qss (I=1/2) [q = u or d] sss (I=0) qqc (I=0) [q = u or d] qqc (I=1) [q = u or d] qsc (I=1/2) [q = u or d] ssc (I=0) qcc (I=1/2) [q = u or d] qqb (I=0) [q = u or d] ssb (I=0) qsb (I=1/2) [q = u or d] qqb (I=1) [q = u or d] Isospin Baryon Spectroscopy: Understanding nature of baryons and their excitations Mass, width, spin, parity ? Internal structure? How produced in reaction processes? How interact with other particles? Slide 3 Meson photoproduction reactions in N*, * resonance region p reaction total cross section in N* * region Database is provided by Kanda-san -region Region our model covers N... J e.m. N*, * N, N, N K, K, N, Study electromagnetic interactions of N* * Used also for establishing N*, * mass spectrum and searching for new N*, * resonances Slide 4 Approaches to N* spectroscopy JLab, ELSA, MAMI, SPring-8, ELPH, Mass, width, form factors, etc of N* & * QCDQCDQCDQCD Lattice QCD QCD-inspired Hadron Models Analysis based on reaction theory Reaction Data Multichannel unitary condition: ANL-Osaka/EBAC-JLab, Bonn-Gatchina, Carnegie Mellon-Berkely, Dubna-Mainz-Taipei, VPI/GWUGeorge, Giessen, Juelich, Karlsruhe-Helsinki, N* spectroscopy with multichannel unitary reaction models has made a significant progress. Ensures conservation of probability. Defines analytic structure (branch points, cuts) of the amplitudes in complex-E plane. Our approach !! Constituent quark models Soliton models Holographic QCD etc Constituent quark models Soliton models Holographic QCD etc Slide 5 Unitary multichannel reaction model channel coupling effect Dynamical coupled-channels model [Matsuyama, Sato, Lee, Phys. Rep. 439(2007)193] V NN NN NN KK NN e.g. N scattering Summing up all possible transitions between reaction channels in the intermediate processes !! Slide 6 ANL-Osaka dynamical coupled-channels analysis of meson production reactions Exchange potential Exchange potential Bare N* states Transition potential N N, s-channel u-channel t-channelcontact Exchange potentials Bare N* states N* bare Bare N* states Corresponding to N* states defined in static hadron models excluding meson-baryon continuums bare N* Formation of hadron resonances core(bare) meson cloud meson baryon Physical N*s will be a mixture of the two pictures: Slide 7 Extraction of baryon resonances via comprehensive analysis of meson production reactions PDG 4* PDG 3* Ours Mass spectrum Decay width Construct the reaction model by making a comprehensive analysis of N N, N, N, K, K, N, (*) N N, N, N, K, K, N, Making analytic continuation of amplitudes to complex E-plane (Suzuki, Sato, Lee PRC79(2009)025205; PRC82(2010)045206) mass width pole posiiton coupling constants (residues) 1/2 at the pole poles of amplitude = baryon resonance!! + p K + + DCS P Slide 8 Our analyses of meson production reactions p N p N p N p p p K , p K + K 2006 2009 (EBAC/JLab) 6 channels ( N, N, N, , N, N) < 2 GeV < 1.6 GeV < 2 GeV 2010 2013 (ANL-Osaka) 8 channels ( N, N, N, , N, N,K ,K ) < 2.3 GeV < 2.1 GeV # of coupled channels Fully combined analysis of N, N N, N, K , K reactions !! HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato PRC88 (2013) 035209 Julia-Diaz, Lee, Matsuyama, Sato, PRC76 (2007) 065201; Julia-Diaz, et al., PRC77 (2008) 045205 Slide 9 Database for ANL-Osaka DCC analysis 22,348 data of unpolarized & polarized observables to fit !! N N PWA from SAIDp N, K, K observables p N, p, K, K observables HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato PRC88 (2013) 035209 unpolarized diff. crs. sec. single pol. beam-target beam-recoil target-recoil Pseudoscalar meson photoproductions have 1 + 15 observables !! (Over-) complete experiments has been achieved by CLAS for K and K photoproductions !!! Slide 10 p 0 p reaction 8ch DCC-analysis [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato, PRC88 (2013) 035209] previous 6ch DCC-analysis (fitted to N N data only up to W = 1.6 GeV) [Julia-Diaz et al., PRC77 (2008) 045205] 1.6 GeV1.9 GeV Differential cross section (W = 1.08-2.1 GeV) Slide 11 p 0 p reaction (2/3) Note: In computing polarization obs. of pseudoscalar-meson photoproductions, we followed convention defined in Sandorfi, Hoblit, Kamano, Lee, J. Phys. G38 (2011) 053001. (See arXiv:1108.5411 for comparison of conventions used in different analysis groups.) Slide 12 p 0 p reaction (3/3) T G P H hat E 8ch DCC-analysis [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato, PRC88 (2013) 035209] Slide 13 Mass spectrum Slide 14 Q 2 : small Q 2 : large bare baryon meson clouds meson baryon How effective d.o.f.s describing baryon change with Q 2 ? N*, * N (q 2 = -Q 2 ) q N-N* electromagnetic transition form facctor hadronic picture partonic picture Transition form factors and baryon structure Measurement of p(e,e)N & p(e,e)N for 5 < Q 2 < 10 (GeV/c) 2. JLab CLAS12 experiment (E12-09-003) * N e N*, * e Slide 15 Full Bare Julia-Diaz et al, PRC75 015205 (2007) N (1232) M1 transition form factor Alexandrou et al., PRD83 (2011) 014501 Lattice QCD Tiator et al., EPJST 198 (2011) 141 Transverse (transition) charge densities proton proton proton N*(1440)[Roper resonance] b x [fm] b y [fm] unpolarized density polarized in x-dir. (1232) at low Q 2 light charge dark or charge Transition form factors and baryon structure Slide 16 Establish N*, * spectrum in s 1/2 = 1450 - 1750 MeV The data we expect: What we expect ELPH? (1600) 3/2 + : Roper-like state of baryon mass is still uncertain (1450-1700 MeV) N(1685) ? ? : Seen in d (n) p New N*, * could exist behind large N* (1535) 1/2 - N*(1650) 1/2 - N*(1520) 3/2 - resonances !! (Many channels open in 1.6-1.7 GeV region) Double meson productions & Deuteron(neutron) target reactions N (~ 1220 MeV) N(~ 1620 MeV) N (~ 1490 MeV) K (~ 1610 MeV) K (~ 1680 MeV) N (~ 1720 MeV) Slide 17 Our tasks Reducing computing time Extension to deuteron-target reactions Computing time for double meson productions Computing time for single meson productions = O(10 1 ) , , K, , d + Computation of cross section O(10 6 -10 7 ) times are needed in 2 -fitting. Slide 18 n - p d/d T P VERY PRELIMINARY !! Slide 19 n 0 n VERY PRELIMINARY !! d/d Slide 20 n n d/d VERY PRELIMINARY !! Slide 21 Predicted results for n K 0 Sensitive to F17 wave? ALL observables @ W = 1.8 GeV VERY PRELIMINARY !! Slide 22 Double-pion production cross sections (current situation) N N , N N , N,N N , N N , N 8ch. model [HK, PRC88 (2013) 045208] 6ch. model [HK, Julia-Diaz, Lee, Matsuyama, Sato, PRC79 (2008) 025206] Predicted p N cross sections Slide 23 8ch. model [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato PRC88 (2013) 035209] 6ch. model [HK, Julia-Diaz, Lee, Matsuyama, Sato, PRC80 (2009) 065203] Predicted p N cross sections N , N,N N , N N , N Double-pion production cross sections (current situation) Slide 24 Establish high-mass N*, * mass spectrum The data we expect & our tasks What we expect LEPS/LEPS2 ? Poorly established Very large width Approaches based on reaction theory will become more important. In the future, we aim at establishing N*, * spectrum up to s 1/2 = 2.5 GeV that can access with LEPS/LEPS2. Differential cross section and polarizations of N N, N, K*Y, K*, Our tasks Reducing computation time treatment of 4-body channel N channel Slide 25 meson productions with electron beam ?? Other topics e+d reactions are necessary for extracting Q2 dependence of neutron target n-N* transition form factors. DIS region QE region RES region CP phase & mass hierarchy studies with atmospheric exp. T2K Construction of unified neutrino reaction model describing overlapping regions between QE, RES, and DIS regions !! Y. Hayato (ICRR, U. of Tokyo), M. Hirai (Tokyo U. of Sci.) H. Kamano (RCNP, Osaka U.), S. Kumano (KEK) S. Nakamura (YITP, Kyoto U.), K. Saito (Tokyo U. of Sci.) M. Sakuda (Okayama U.), T. Sato (Osaka U.) [ arXiv:1303.6032] Transition form factors are crucial not only for N* structure study, but also for neutrino-induced reactions !! Collaboration@J-PARC Branch of KEK Theory Center & C02 http://nuint.kek.jp Slide 26 back up Slide 27 p + n reaction (1/3) DCS 8ch DCC-analysis [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato, PRC88 (2013) 035209] Slide 28 p + n reaction (2/3) PT 8ch DCC-analysis [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato, PRC88 (2013) 035209] Slide 29 p + n reaction (3/3) hat EG H 8ch DCC-analysis [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato, PRC88 (2013) 035209] Slide 30 p p reaction (1/2) DCS 8ch DCC-analysis [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato, PRC88 (2013) 035209] Slide 31 p p reaction (2/2) T 8ch DCC-analysis [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato, PRC88 (2013) 035209] Slide 32 p K + reaction (1/2) DCS P 8ch DCC-analysis [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato, PRC88 (2013) 035209] Slide 33 p K + reaction (2/2) T Ox Oz Cx Cz 8ch DCC-analysis [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato, PRC88 (2013) 035209] Slide 34 p K + 0 reaction DCS P Cx Cz 8ch DCC-analysis [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato, PRC88 (2013) 035209] Slide 35 p K 0 + reaction DCS P 8ch DCC-analysis [HK, Nakamura, Lee, Sato, PRC88 (2013) 035209] Slide 36