n. a. preobrazhenskii (on his 70th birthday)

CHRONICLES N. A. PREOBRAZHENSKII (ON HIS 70TH BIRTHDAY) The Editorial Board of "Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal" heartily congratulates the eminent Soviet organic chemist Professor Nikolai Alekseevich Preobrazhenskii, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Fine Organic Compounds at the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology, Head of the Synthetic Division, All-Union Vitamin Research Institute, Ministry of Health of the USSR, winner of the State award of Honored Scientist and Technologist of the RSFSR, on receiving the highest State decoration-the title of Hero of Socialist Labor-withpresentation of the Order of Lenin and the "Hammer and Sickle" Gold Medal, for his outstanding services in the field of the chemistry of natural and bio- logically active compounds and in training new engineers and science teachers, and also on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. The Editorial Board wishes Nikolai Alekseevich good health, long life, and further creative achievements. Translated from Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, No. 1, p. 57, January, 1967. 52

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Page 1: N. A. Preobrazhenskii (on his 70th birthday)


N. A . P R E O B R A Z H E N S K I I (ON H I S 7 0 T H B I R T H D A Y )

The Edi tor ia l Board of " P h a r m a c e u t i c a l Chemis t ry Journal" hear t i ly congra tu la tes the eminent Soviet organic c h e m i s t P r o f e s s o r Nikolai Alekseevich Preobrazhensk i i , Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Head of the

Depa r tmen t of Chemis t ry and Technology of Fine Organic Compounds at the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow Insti tute of Fine Chemical Technology, Head of the Synthetic Division, All-Union Vi tamin R e s e a r c h Institute, Minis t ry of Health of the USSR, winner of the State award of Honored Scient is t and Technologis t of the RSFSR, on rece iv ing the highest State d e c o r a t i o n - t h e tit le of Hero of Socia l is t L a b o r - w i t h p r e s e n t a t i o n of the Orde r of Lenin and the " H a m m e r and Sickle" Gold Medal, for his outstanding s e rv i ce s in the field of the chemis t ry of natural and b io- logical ly act ive compounds and in t raining new engineers and sc ience t eachers , and a lso on the occas ion of his sevent ie th bir thday.

The Edi tor ia l Board wishes Nikolai Alekseevich good health, long life, and fu r the r c rea t ive ach ievements .

T rans l a t ed f rom K h i m i k o - F a r m a t s e v t i c h e s k i i Zhurnal, No. 1, p. 57, January, 1967.