mystery of version.23.7.2014.modified for ebook for smashwords

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  • 8/12/2019 Mystery of Version.23.7.2014.Modified for eBook for Smashwords



    Original God


    Dr Mukesh Chauhan

    Published by Dr. Mukesh Chauhan at Smashwords

    Copyright 2010 Dr Mukesh Chauhan

    $ 4.99

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes


    Author has written this book to hone in of the Mystery of Original God. The word GOD appears on

    everyones lips in times of emergency or life threatening call for help, yet, his invisible presence is

    completely covered up by the world of religions and various entities. The world needs to know who is

    GOD as present plethora of religious Gods is not Gods and is the source of maximum discord on

    Earth. World Peace can only be attained if people imbibe GODs message of world peace and pray toHIM. Love and Truth is the only way of meeting one GOD of this Universe. Creator retains complete

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    veto power to change anything on Earth. GOD says peoples prayers are not reaching him. The

    scientific basis of prayer is covered in authors book Mystery of Origin of Life. World is submerged

    in false devotion to entities below Original God and that will end on Earth with the establishment of

    Paradise on Earth by Creator of this Universe. Having met Highest God, author has live experience of

    the entire religious hierarchy from his live visions and communications with Creator of this Universe.

    Mystery of Original God


    Gods message of 17 Aug 2009 sums upreligious corruption on earth.

    God does not live in religious places of worship

    Gods message about 3 types of Gita & its significance

    Gods message for world peace

    Significance of meaning of Bhagwanuwach

    (God speaks or talks)

    True meaning of Bhagwanuwach in Gita

    Story of 2 Krishnas

    Significance of why GOD came down on Earth

    Gods Message during meditation

    Gods message: He is not found in any religions

    Gods Message of 29 June 2009 imp.Leave all bodily religions of this world

    & come to meHindus, Christians, Muslims, etc-

    come to my abode

    Summary of table of true God - v- false Gods

    Secret story of two symbolic chariots

    Mystery of Original God

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    I had discussed this matter with GOD or AsliBhagwan about the very confidential nature of the

    sequence of events which are relevant in this chapter. He had replied to me on the morning of 31 May

    2009that the events had actually transpired in my real life and I was a victim of their atrocities and

    therefore I should write about it.

    Bhagwanuwach GOD Speaks:

    On 8 Jan. 2013, PM Meditation with GOD: Only 1 GOD of the whole Universe is

    Absolute Love,

    Absolute Truth,

    Absolute Power

    Human beings cannot approach that.

    The above beautiful message says everything about GOD. So, why is Gods name, knowledge,

    presence where He lives or can be found by people is completely missing in the world. Why? When

    the entire World is in darkness then Original God comes down on Earth for the 1sttime. What

    did GOD mean by that? This darkness about missing GODs presence can be explained by the

    following Divine Message by GOD which sums up everything transpiring on Earth and beyond Earth

    about corruption and conspiracy:

    The above message sums up the real reason why GODs name is missing from the Earth. It has been

    completely covered up by the worlds entire religious hierarchy.

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    GOD says what is the starting place for in search of One GOD of this universe has been made out to

    be the end place of GOD. If GOD was A of A,B, C to end Z where GOD is to be found, then people

    have made out various places of worship as the final place where GOD is. Simply stated, what is A

    has been made out to be Z with worldly religious places where GOD is NOT found or does NOT live.

    The biggest problem is because what

    is the starting point of their Journey

    in search of GOD has been made the

    end point of their journey in

    Temples, Churches, Mosques,

    Gurudwaras or Synagogues. God is

    NOT found in these places. Author

    has made the mistake with the

    different places of worship he had

    attended in his quest of searching for

    GOD. In one such trip, he had taken

    14 different flights to visit many different Temples, Gurus and Ashrams.

    Entire world is worshipping God in the various names of God in many different religions of the

    world. Plain fact of the matter is GOD is not found in any religions of the world.

    Christians worship Jesus Christ as GOD. You tell millions of Christians or the Pope at Vatican who

    worship Jesus Christ as GOD that HE was NEVER GOD- it is an example of false devotion on Earth.

    Not only will they not believe me, but, they will NOT change. Same goes for millions of Muslims

    who worship Allah as GOD with all the devotion and belief that Allah is NOT God. They will simply

    not change. Their staunch beliefs as per dictates in Koran will not change. What about billions of

    Indians or Hindus who worship GOD in variety of names and forms with vastly conflicting religious

    paraphernalia undertaken all in the name of GOD. None of them are worshipping GOD. It is a case of

    blind worshipping blind. Even worse like Christians, Muslims or many religious doctrines, Indianswill NOT change. Expensive Temples are being made, all in the name of their different Gods and

    millions are dying of hunger and malnutrition, poverty without essential facilities housing or

    sanitation. Yet, their blind faith in their false GOD is undaunting. There is tamas or inertia or

    reluctance to change or even go further in the journey of self discovery of themselves first and

    thereafter GOD.

    At the first sign of any emergency situation arising in their lives, the first thing people do is use the

    name of GOD or Pray to GOD to help them. How can we have such dichotomy on Earth when the

    very entity whose name they are using they do not know anything about WHO ORIGINAL GOD IS.?

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    Variety of scriptures does not add to getting to the root of the problem. Whether it is Gita or Bible,

    they have all been corrupted over a period of time, additions of descriptions over time by religious

    worshippers or believers in their particular name and form have not helped matters. No human being

    is GOD. That is the ultimate TRUTH. GOD is the Big Bang itself. Worlds best scientists admit they

    cannot see beyond the edge of the observable Universe. Author avers that his knowledge comes from

    the source i.e. Big Bang itself to the edge of the Universe which science cannot see.

    GOD comes in authors physical body. Trouble is it is not easy for the religious world to grasp this

    concept or statement who are used to seeing big is beautiful or strong. How will world appreciate the

    Mystery of who GOD is and How He appears on Earth? Author will cite Einsteins beautiful

    statement which is in accord with authors discovery of who GOD is. This statement is as follows:

    Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex and more violent. It takes a touch of

    genius...and a lot of courage... to move in the opposite direction.

    Author went in the opposite direction - subtle is the Lord. When author moved away from Temples,

    Churches, statues, scriptures and mantras, in fact all forms of symbolic worship on Earth, then he

    found Original God- or correctly stated GOD came down on Earth to meet author for the first time.

    One thing author never missed throughout all the difficult years was dawn or very early morning

    meditation first, followed by Yogic exercises and more meditation.

    Author has experienced five types of energies in his physical body in his Journey in search of GOD.

    The five types of energies are:

    1. GODs Quantum Light Power

    2. Authors Quantum Light energies


    Plasma or astral energies4. Planets energies

    5. Dark energies

    There are three important concepts about Gita the religious scripture which is the only book which

    deals with Atma or Soul. If one reads Gita day and night, even then one will never understand the

    underlying Mystery of GOD. This is because there was a concerted plan to cover up the name of

    GOD. World does not know there are three types of Gita, which are as follows:

    On 4 September 2009 AM:ASB or AsliBhagwan gave me the following message:

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    There are 3 Gita:

    Truthful Gita with AsliBhagwan this book

    Relative Truthful Gita with Shivbabas knowledge

    The old Book Gita written after Dwapur era, corrupted version

    Type I Gita= is knowledge of GOD, Universe, Science and Mystery of Origin of Life on Earth. This

    book is GODs knowledge to author, which forms this book.

    Type II Gita= is knowledge between Shiva or worlds spiritual Father (works under Original GOD)

    and Brahma (same as Bibles Adam). Shiva has limited powers on Earth. He cannot change nature or

    cycle and timing of birth and death. Brahma was an elderly man when Shiva enters his physical body

    and imparts knowledge about life cycle and religions on Earth. Shiva says Brahma was nothing and

    had no knowledge and was impure. It was Shiva who gives him knowledge and starts an organisation

    known as Brahmakumari in India.

    Type III Gita= the book or corrupted scripture on Earth with 18 Chapters, which people read daily.

    Nobody in India or the world knew about the chain or sequence which had transpired in Gita with the

    Type I or Type II Gita which are combined together to form bits and pieces of confused and clouded

    issues written by entities some 2,500 yrs after the event.

    Indias downfall has resulted from corruption prevailing in the Indian religious layers who had all

    conspired to block the name of One Original Gods name and role from emerging in the World. This

    corruption was so intense, powerful and endemic in its viral spread throughout Indias entire roots of

    worshipping in families, people and societies that religious icons worshipped lied and covered up the

    ultimate Truth about who is GOD. Only author knew the entire truth. That is the reason why he stood

    up against entire corrupt entities to expose the truth. Readers should read authors other works like

    Divine Messages from Original God and Mystery of Origin of Life- solved with MC Theory toappreciate the depth of knowledge which was covered up in the world. GOD was rightly fully

    annoyed and expressed that He would destroy India and worlds entire religious trinities. Millions of

    people would die as a result of this. Every effort by author to disseminate the absolute truth to the

    world was thwarted by the black and corrupt malpractices of the entire trinity. India has been

    knowingly and deliberately kept in the blind or dark about their worship which was false.

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    The pain, sufferings, difficulties

    and tortures which author had to

    survive was phenomenal. This

    was on a daily basis, day and

    night. Authors energies were

    sucked out so he would not know

    or remember about who GOD is.

    Authors memory was wiped out

    by black magic. Human physical

    body has a storehouse of energies.

    These energies are important for

    concentration and memory. If one wishes to see GOD then one needs a stock of energy. Power of

    GOD is enormous. GODs energy is encapsulated in a simple diagram representing light bulbs. GOD

    is represented as a 500 watts bulb with human beings having tail end of power. Human beings are

    simply burnt out with the daily chores of stressful living. Anyone can see and meet GOD. It requires

    power in human light bulbs.

    Majority of religious Gurus and leaders of numerous sects which are blindly worshipped do not know

    about GOD and have not met GOD. If they had, then they would stop building Temples and places of

    worship.Millions are spent in false worship of Idols and deities in Temples. Beautiful varieties of

    food are offered to deities in Temples when this can be used to feed poor and needy. All this false

    devotion happens because people have stopped growing inwards or people are not taking an internal

    journey in search of Creator. Truth has also been covered up which perpetuates false devotion and

    beliefs of God. People do

    not know about the source of

    their lifes sustenance and

    who can give anything

    anytime. GOD has clearlysaid to author that HE does

    not inflict any pain and

    sufferings on Earth. HE has

    made a beautiful world to

    enjoy and live and let live in

    abundance. If people knew

    the truth about how to pray

    to Original God then

    poverty, lack, sufferings would permanently disappear from world. It seems, at least where India is

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    concerned that they believe in stones and idols so much at the expense of human being who is a fine

    specimen of GODs Divine principle in operation. This is why author is indebted to so many beautiful

    people who have flatly refused to accept limited version of GOD- people like Einstein or Paul Dirac

    or Schrodinger or Richard Dawkins with his concept of GOD delusion. World owes a debt of

    gratitude to these scientists who have refused to cave in their belief of their version of truth and

    beauty of our Universe. They expressed GOD in the beauty and organization of nature and its Laws

    which are awesome.

    It requires certain discipline, love and truth. GOD has informed author that if children get everything

    on Earth, then they do not remember GOD. If one is experiencing daily acute back pains on waking

    up as his energies are wiped out during sleep then it sets back author in his quest. It takes some 2-3

    months to get basic reservoir of energies built. GOD can give important messages or knowledge

    during sleep which the black activities of Trinities did not want author to know about. The problems

    before meeting GOD were phenomenal. The problems after meeting GOD were even more

    mountainous. This went on for further seven years after meeting GOD and this was some 14 years

    after his Journey in search of GOD.

    Nobody wanted GOD to come down on Earth, except author. The plan was for a War to take place

    using author with GODs blessings bestowed by GOD when He came to meet HIM for the first time

    on Earth. The corrupt entities wanted to use GODs boons with author for their selfish needs without

    wanting GODs Absolute Truth to emerge in the world. This was cheating. Author refused to play

    their game. The main reason why corrupt religious entities did not wish GOD to come down on Earth

    was because GOD would destroy all their false devotion and lies endemic. They would lose their

    name, fame and false status as none of them were worthy of worship. GOD has informed author

    millions of people will die as a result of their collective SINS.

    The truthful message of GOD has been covered up by corrupt activities of trinities and worlds

    spiritual Father and Mother.

    Original God gave me an important message to deliver to the World. GODs message is of Love,

    Peace and Truth. The worlds Prayers are not reaching HIM. To obtain World Peace, Light a Candle

    in HIS name ONLY. Only GOD retains complete veto power to change anything on Earth. Nobody

    else can do anything to change anything on Earth, except GOD. Trouble is world does not know who

    is God, but nor does world appreciate the true power of One God who has made this Universe.

    There are three important concepts to grasp from GITA the scripture. These three concepts are

    1. Significance of Bhagwanuwach

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    2. Significance of why GOD comes down on Earth

    3. Significance of various religions on Earth.

    1. Significance of Bhagwanuwach

    Bhagwanuwach means GOD speaks. How GOD speaks is not understood by people. GOD does not

    have a physical human body. GOD is power house of energy. GOD comes inside a human body of a

    human being. This human beings name is Krishna or author himself. Author did not know he was

    Krishna until GOD reminded him of who he was. The entire Indian religious hierarchy did not want

    author to know who he was. They had conspired to show him his other form. This form was of

    authors being the main King in

    India whose name is worshipped

    as GOD to this day. This form of

    author was lower than his higher

    form of Krishna.The form which GOD showed

    author meant he was the only one

    on Earth who had highest

    knowledge of GOD, Universe and

    Quantum Light which many

    worldly geniuses did not know or

    find about. This was a mystery

    waiting to be discovered. Author sacrificed everything to obtain this knowledge. He had to live in

    some appalling conditions in India. His monies were blocked in London. For a man who was

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    undertaking some of the most advanced work and surgery with finest training in London, USA,

    France etc and was earning an excellent income in London and had an had a beautiful life style was

    suddenly trapped without any monies. Author had no knowledge of power of dark energies and

    invisible enemies.

    On 17 December 2008at 4.25 am,ASB had communicated to me the following message:

    i) Know there are errors in Gita

    ii) Know 3 things

    a) Original God

    b) ShivBaba

    c) Krishna

    are separate.

    It was Shiv who had given me early knowledge of GITA. The trouble is this knowledge is Type II

    Gita. The typical fighting GITA picture seen in books, films is fighting Krishna invoking Arjun to

    fight the War on a horse Chariot. One human being giving knowledge to another human being. GOD

    does not have a human body. The true picture of GOD coming into the body of Krishna who has a

    physical body is missing and covered up. GODs energies and power are limitless. How can a limited

    human being, known as Krishna have the power. He does not. Type II Gita is responsible for the mega

    corruption in India.

    True meaning of Bhagwanuwach in Gita:

    If one reads Gita - the scripture, then one is stuck with the word Bhagwanuwach .The word dissected

    means God is talking or Gods talk or speaks.

    Bhagwan = God

    Uwach = Talks or Speaks i.e. God Speaks.

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    On 16 September 2009, AsliBhagwan

    Question (Puzzle):

    Can you, the readers figure out what the mistake has been in my drawing? Have you figured out from

    the basics what the error is? I told you Highest God has a sense of humour. I asked myself why

    Highest God not pointed out the significance of my error when the photograph was drawn. Answer I

    got is that Highest God is always correct I am wrong. If he had corrected my error earlier then I

    would have never appreciated the true meaning of todays significant Divine knowledge delivered to

    me during meditation.


    AsliBhagwan pointed out to me that Highest Gods communication to me is a Soul to Soul

    communication. The significance of this is that it is a Quantum to Quantum form of communication.

    Simply stated it is a particle to particle form of communication. It is a Photon to Photon

    communication. It is not like I had drawn in my Photograph a wavelength to wavelength

    communication. Hence, I should have truly shown specks of particles (Photons) to specks of particles

    (Photons) communication.

    God kindly pointed out that the Photograph which I had drawn of Highest God communicating with

    my Soul in Chapter 1 (with the meaning of Bhagwanuwach explaining the mystery of Gita) had a

    mistake. He revealed to me what the error was. If I had corrected the error then you will not know

    what my error was. You must think like Einstein used to and imagine from the basics what the simple

    error was.

    We can see the waves with our eyes; we cannot see the particles of light with our eyes, although I

    can clearly see the light of the Soul with my naked eyes.

    Then the scripture dwells into the description of How Krishna is talking. Then the scripture talks

    about Bhagwanuwach giving out discourse in the middle of the battlefield. People who read the

    scripture get the impression that it is Shri Krishna who as GOD or Bhagwan is speaking or giving the

    discourse. The secret behind How God talks is not understood by the masses nor explained before.

    Bhagwanuwach means God is actually talking with Krishna. But How is not known and is a

    mystery. Sadly from Dwapur Yug onwards this word is a complete mystery in India and for that

    matter rest of the world. This is also one of the important reasons for Indias downfall. Why? For the

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    simple reason that people have not been able to understand who AsliBhagwan is or Highest God is

    and secondly maintain that link with the mightiest. If Indians had this link then they would never been

    destroyed. Traditionally Gita has been written in favor of Shri Krishna. I have already explained the

    mystery behind the story of two Krishnas. The true verses false Krishna. Firstly, out of over billion

    people in India today, how many know about this meaning.

    1stKrishna - Author 2ndKrishna- Brahma of BK Org.

    1) Has a Physical Body 1) Has a sukshma body -no physical body

    2) Alive On Earth 2) Not alive on earth

    3) Also famous as Shri Ram 3) Famous as Brahma

    4) Also known as Vishnu (& Shankar) 4)Also known as Vishnu

    5)AsliBhagwan enters his physical body 5) AsliBhagwan never enters his body

    6) Is Pure and Truthful 6) Is impure and corrupt

    7)Shivbaba also enters his body in London 7) Shivbaba enters His body first in 1936

    8) Starts Satyug on Earth 8) His role was long finished on earth

    9) Starts Laxmi-Narayan Raj

    AsliBhagwan comes down only in the true 1stKrishna who undertakes the role of Vishnu and

    Shankar on Earth under the guidance of AsliBhagwan. Remember one needs a physical body.

    AsliBhagwan does not come inside Brahma or 2ndfalse Krishna.

    GOD reminded author they were all trying to deprive author of his true fortune and luck. Nobody

    wanted author to succeed higher in life. None of them succeeded once GOD started supporting author

    and lifted me back to the top. Entire corrupt religious hierarchy had reduced author to begging status

    in life. They did not want author to enter Paradise.

    God reminded author on 5 August 2009 with the following message:

    I am the only ONE who knows about AsliBhagwan and TRUE GITA GYAN- heavy and big

    responsibility on my shoulders, rest did not want the Truth to come out.

    Maya is working on Shivjis instructions.

    2. Significance of why GOD comes down on Earth


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    The deity Durga or KaliMaa had ruined author. Author did not accept defeat and

    continued His Meditation, Yoga and Prayers undaunted. This started the episode of

    Gitas Chapter 4 or Yada, Yada, his Dharmasya......., whose significance world does not

    know. When GOD enters authors physical body, author was completely destroyed, was

    homeless, penniless and his memory was destroyed by black magic.

    On 10 December 2010: AM Meditation with GOD, In Search of Original God, write:

    Entire tree of Divinity under Original God is rotten

    Entire tree of religion is rotten

    Everything will be destroyed

    Original God only comes down once to do the balancing act

    Only Original God is pure

    Shiv had blocked me. He only wanted me to spread His knowledge, not 1ASBs


    Showed me diagram of how Original God opens my 3rd eye and my meditation and

    soul power increases.

    Religious world thinks Krishna was GOD. That is simply false myth. It is One GOD who descends on

    Earth for the first time when Krishna who did not know he was Krishna was ruined on Earth in a

    journey lasting 14 yrs duration. Kali and Durga are worshipped all over the world, but, particularly in

    homes, Temples. GOD had informed author they are names and forms of Maya or Dark energies,

    none of whom are GOD. Author had learned this painful truth after 17 yrs. GOD had informed author

    Spiritual Father has spoiled these deities who undertake all forms of dark magic on Earth. These

    deities in turn cover up Spiritual Father and Mothers truth. The above message of 10 Dec. 2010 sums

    up the state of play in the world.

    GOD had informed author that the entity who had Created this World and Universe, his name was

    completely covered up. How would you feel if you had created this Universe and all of religious

    entities had conspired to cover up your name? GOD informed author he knows these entities will notchange. They will abuse power. That is why He retains complete power on Earth. GOD delivered a

    startling message that if destruction takes place, He will make sure India gets destroyed for its sins as

    China is stronger and will finish India. That is the reason why they want you in India. With GODs

    Vardan you can win any war.

    GOD only comes once on Earth to do a balancing act on Earth and restore truth and Love. All evil

    will be destroyed on Earth. GOD says Indians are corrupt in all forms of life. The sword is going to

    fall on them.

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    Bhagwanuwach means GOD speaks refers to how GOD enters authors physical human body and

    speaks to him anytime and anywhere where author goes or reaches. Sadly, and to Indias downfall,

    authors attempts to disseminate GODs knowledge was knowingly and deliberately covered up by

    Spiritual and Religious Father Shiva of this world and he used his entire army of trinity, dark energies,

    spirits, Muslim spirits to block authors knowledge and power on Earth. Authors internet was

    blocked on a daily basis so none of his Facebook or Twitter or blog messages would reach masses. It

    took author whole day to open a twitter account in London. Normally, it takes only a few minutes to

    do that. There were spirits, dark energies and deities like Durga, Shankar and Hanuman who blocked

    author from disseminating the GODLY knowledge.

    The above is a simple diagrammatic attempt to show where entire world and India in particular has

    failed to reach worship of Highest GOD. They fall short of the target. Hindus have made the mistake

    of worshipping everything as GOD. This is the result of their downfall. False worship does not yield

    results to people. It contributes to sects,

    divisions in our society. Different

    languages create division in the mentality

    of people, become more fragmented with

    narrow vision and approach in life. India

    is submerged in false devotion. GODs

    law is simple- all that is false will be

    destroyed. None of the false worship can

    enter Paradise.

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    Type II Gita has resulted in Indias downfall. The head of the organisation, known as Brahma (same

    as Bibles Adam) had completely covered up knowledge delivered by Shiv or worlds spiritual Father.

    In addition, Brahma undertook many corrupt activities on Earth, abusing his powers vested on him by


    Durga or KaliMaa along with a female Hindus Priestess did not want author to come to India from

    London. Then entire trinity was involved in destroying author in London, Mauritius and in India.

    Brahma has committed severe corrupt activities on Earth. Brahma had done untold dame to author.

    Yet, World Spiritual Father has kept quiet about all the corrupt practices of Brahma in the

    Brahmakumari organisation. To add insult to injury, the same organization which has a worldwide

    following has been taught incorrect knowledge about Supreme God Father. Everyone in that

    organization is trained to believe Spiritual Father Shiva is GOD. Author is a witness to this as he was

    attending the same organization.

    On 5 December 2012: PM Meditation, GOD informed author that when Shiva comes inside Brahma,

    he lets the whole World know about it. When GOD comes inside authors body, Shiva used everyone

    to destroy author, destroy authors astitwa, destroy his life, his health using Brahmins, Durga/Kali,

    Vishnu, Shankar, Hanuman, Maya etc. This is the biggest SIN committed by Shivji- He did not want

    the World to know the Truth.

    GOD informed author about what damage Brahma of BK Org. had done to him.

    PM Meditation:

    Old Brahma (Bibles Adam) of BK Org in India got jealous of author and destroyed author.

    Now finish his name in the World.

    God informed author on 15 August 2010 that

    From 2006 to 2010, Shivji blocked authors memory after God or 1ASB had granted his

    visions, so that author would not do Gods work or his publicity.

    God informed author on 18 February 2010

    Shivji has committed the biggest sin in the history of India/ mankind- He deliberately

    blocked my monies from 2006-2010 so nobody would know about the Highest God.

    God informed author on 18 June 2010during AM ASB:

    Father of this world had completely covered up the name of Original God. Author is the

    only one who knows this single truth, which is why author was completely destroyed. To

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    prevent that ultimate truth from emerging, author was completely destroyed by the

    Father in a conspiracy....

    God informed author on 1 August 2009 AM: ASB said,

    Shiv, Shankar and Hanuman is a link. Hanuman follows and works under their

    instructions. If Hanuman had any daya then you would not have suffered so much in 3

    countries. He listens first to Shiv, Shankars instructions and then yours.

    Shiva had also informed author of on 25 February 2009

    While reading 5/3/08 Shivratri....... Author saw a big stage, that Brahma i.e. Bibles Adam,

    was jealous of author. The difficulties author has faced are enormous , the accidents which

    were caused on me , mera ko kitne bar pagal ( mad ) karne ki koshish ki , despite facing

    problems in London, Mauritius and India, I have still come through to end . Brahma did not

    have half the strength nor could he cope with all the difficulties I had faced and come


    The deities Shankar and Hanuman

    did not want GODs knowledge or

    Bhagwanuwach to come out. They

    simply wanted author to portray and

    p roject Shri Rams name. GOD had

    informed author this was a deliberate

    ploy to keep the knowledge of

    Original GOD hidden by Shiv, whose

    entire army of Brahmakumari

    followers were indoctrinated with the

    message that Shiv was GOD, when

    clearly that was not the case. Shivs knowledge to Brahma forms type II Gita. Hanuman would get

    Ram and Brahma would be known as Krishna. The world did not know there were two Krishna - the

    truthful and a liar.It seems everyone is involved in covering GODs name at all cost. Author was stuck smack bang in

    the middle of all this religious corruption.

    God said they all blocked crores of my rupees and then they are acting (dhong)...

    On 19 Dec. 2012: GOD said that is why Shiv, Durga, Kali, Shankar, Hanuman, Vishnu,

    Brahma reduced my equity to zero with the property dispute so I would not have any monies

    to do Publicity for GODs work.

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    On 12 July 2010 while meditating on GOD, while giving dhristi to ........with 1ASB and

    Gayatri Maas (Divine Mothers) name said to me- the only reason why I have survived is

    because I discovered the secret of Q i.e. Quantum Light and Quantum World. Every

    millimetre of my body from hair right down to sole of my foot was used by evil people to do

    black magic and destroy me/ injure me/harm me. Only Q cannot be touched. Nothing can

    affect Q is under Gods control, followed by Father /Mother- only 3 entities can control it-

    that is why they control the World.

    While doing Kriya

    AM Meditation on 21 April 2009 GOD informed me the following:

    1 AsliBhagwan has the Power to change. ShivBaba does not have the power to change.

    ShivBaba is bound by shrusti, what he can and cannot do. AsliBhagwan is causing

    Fathers life to be alive, only he has the power, nobody can change anything.

    3. Significance of various religions on Earth.

    On 29 June 2009 ( Monday )

    Entire Gitas single most important Truth is missing from the entire book. This message

    was delivered to me by Original God at 4.30am during meditation on 29 June 2009.

    He informed author that His name is completely missing from the book. AsliBhagwans most

    important statement has not been understood by anyone. Chapter 18 of Gitahas sloke/ verse

    66 and I quote :

    Sarva Dharman Paritrejaya mamekam sharanam vraja .


    Simply translated this means that leave all bodily Dharmas or Religions of the Worldand come to my Abode. While writing the chapter on Paradise, he gave me the inspiration to

    have the clarification added to this Chapter on the 29 June 2009.

    The most important fact omitted from entire Gita is that the message of AsliBhagwan or Highest God

    is wholly missing. I believe that this was the real conspiracy. Highest Gods message was leave all

    bodily Dharmas and come to my Abode. Only someone who is totally detached from all body

    Religions of the World can make this profound statement. That entity is the Highest God only no

    one else. People are entitled to know about this single most truth. My 14 yr Journey to fight has

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    allowed me to expose the single most profound statement of the entire scripture not known to the


    2. The significance of this cannot be under estimated. Before I used to think that It was

    Shivbaba who was saying this statement. All his children will naturally pray to him to reach

    to him. So all the Brahmins who had obtained Shivs gyan will pray to him thinking that is

    what he has been saying. So during Dwapur and Kaliyug, these children or Brahmins will

    pray to Shivji as their God. Nobody will know who AsliBhagwan is. Darkness or Raven

    Rajya will begin in India.

    3. However, the rest of India and the second type of Brahmins who did not obtain the complete

    knowledge of Gita will, during Dwapur and Kaliyug take birth and pray to Krishna as their

    God or will pray to Vishnu as their God since this last chapter 18 of Gita is devoted as to how

    to obtain salvation or mukti on Earth by praying to him. People do not know that neither

    Krishna nor Vishnu can grant salvation or mukti from Earth.There is only entity who

    can grant this. That is the AsliBhagwan or Highest God who can change anything on Earth,

    his power is limitless. Shiv is bound and limited and cannot change anything on Earth.

    4. But the most important point author wants to stress is from Highest God that the true

    meaning behind his profound statement has not been understood by virtually anyone on Earth.

    What he is saying is that leave all Religions of this Earth. They are simply dividing human

    beings on Earth. Instead come to His Abode, the highest place in his Abode or ParamDham or

    element of salvation or mukti of where only Souls live. Leave everything behind. Forget,

    you are a Christian or a Hindu or a Muslim or a Sikh or a Buddhist. These are body

    religions. Instead think yourself as a soul and come to His Abode.

    5. If people understand this statement then we will have Paradise on Earth. Violence, bloodshed

    and corruption will disappear and instead be replaced with Divine Love and care for all soulswho are after all brothers and sisters undertaking their different roles as actors on Earth. Their

    Karmas dictate their roles. Purity and impurity in souls lies in this secret. The old world gets

    converted to a new world. The old souls are purified into pure souls, which then take birth as

    new men and women in Paradise or Golden aged. All those who obtain this true knowledge

    are Arjuns which is a generic name given to people who first become pure on Earth from their

    impure and corrupt state.

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    6. Gita the book that we read is a book made for Bhakti drama from Dwapur Yug onwards. It is

    as Father Shivji says Bhakti margs book or samagri. There will be no books in Paradise.

    They will all be destroyed with the impeding war.

    7. The present book is TRUE GITA which has graced the presence of Original God or

    AsliBhagwan in India with true knowledge. Father Shivbaba gave knowledge from his point

    of view and not GODs point of view during live action on earth during the final climax being

    enacted on Earth.

    8. In Dwapur Yug, nobody knew about the Highest God or AsliBhagwan. Most Rishi Munis

    went only as far as the element known as BrahmMahatatwa that is why they kept on saying

    God is Brahm Tatwa. They were not privy to what was inside this Brahm Tatwa. Secondly

    some Rishi Munis who went in search of God reached God as far as Parampita Parmeshwar

    or Shiv which is the layer below the AsliBhagwan.

    Similarly, Korans and Bibles messages of

    GOD has made human beings in HIS mirror

    image has not been understood by the masses.

    GODs name and form are that of Quantum

    light present inside human brain. Trouble is no

    one can see this. It is ordinarily invisible. It has

    to be made visible. It has to be opened up. Jesus

    Christ was never GOD. Jesus Christ comes

    some 3000 yrs after Paradise on Earth. A beautiful statement of Christ that Kingdom of Heaven

    lies within has simply not been understood by millions who falsely believe in the various versions

    of Bible which came into existence some 200 yrs after Jesus Christ had passed away. Jesus Christ

    was never crucified.

    Author has summarised in a table form entire worship of different entities on Earth with asimplified analysis of the real Creator based on his experience on seeing all the entities live during

    meditation. This table should not leave anyone in doubt about the true Original God whose name

    is missing on Earth. Author monies were blocked throughout by various powerful trinity of

    religious entities and particularly spiritual Father of this world known as Shiva or Allah. Creator

    reminded author that author felt bad when his hard earned monies were knowingly and

    deliberately blocked in a conspiracy in London. Creator reminded author how HE, the Creator of

    this Universe must have felt when HIS entire name and origin has been completely covered up in

    the world. Author is the only

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    person on Earth who has lived, experienced and knows the entire true story. This compelled GOD to

    say to author that there is a big and heavy responsibility on authors shoulders to tell the truth to the

    world. The above analysis of GOD should leave no doubt in anyones mind as to who is GOD and

    who should be worshipped. Founder of all major religions of the World is NOT GOD. The diagram

    below is a simplified version of the entire religious scriptures during the second half of the devotional

    cycle on Earth.

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    GOD has Created Intelligent Design which has been completely covered up in India and the World.

    This knowledge has been hidden from the masses in India and the World. Indias downfall has been

    its false religious worship and practices which breeds lower mentality and beliefs which are all false.

    It is like a child who is crying and gets a chocolate for praying to his corrupt and selfish deities. This

    keeps him quiet and stops further progress of higher quest and growth of individuals who are kept in a

    narrow religious tunnel vision with traditions and beliefs which have nothing to do with GODs

    Universe, which is based on Love and Law of Attraction. Interest readers are referred to authors

    scientific analysis in solving the Mystery of Origin of Life since Big Bang.

    AsliBhagwan gave the most imp.

    Message of my life :

    He said that

    i) Devi plus

    ii) Jyoti Roop Maa plus

    iii) Krishna plus

    iv) Parampita Parmeshwar Shivji

    had all done injustice on me and

    destroyed me.

    Parampita Parmeshwar Shivji did not

    lift a hand to help me when I had no help and I had asked for help.

    14 October 2010 : AM ASB said neither Father or Mother really helped me in London or

    India. ASB says he knows that both can commit sins. Father ( Shivbaba) and Hanuman did

    not help me in London with monies as they did not want name of ASBs name to come out in

    London. Gayatri Maa did not help with monies. Shiv/ Hanuman wanted their play/plan to

    continue from India so people would believe in Hanuman and Rams name and not 1ASBs

    name. This would be as per Shivjis plan.1ASBs name would still be covered up in India andWorld. Nobody helped to bring out the name of 1ASB in UK or India. Their names will be

    finished in India.

    Author was so disgusted with the severity of six types of corruption he had faced that he had decided

    to leave India and return to London. GOD came and asked author to change his mind as GOD wanted

    author to stay in India and undertake radical overhaul or surgery in India to restore India to its former

    glory days.

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    When does GOD come on Earth?

    On 22 April 2011, GOD gave an important message to author to use HIS vardan or boon to finish all

    their names on Earth. Hanuman and Shiv and all others were repeatedly blocking authors attempts to

    do publicity with Google e-books. GOD said they are all rotten; make sure I finish their names

    completely on Earth - no daya for anyone. They know they need me for their work, you do no work

    for them, they are all cheating. GOD said Shiv has blocked the name of AsliBhagwan, using

    Brahmins on one side and Muslims spirits and Trinity on the other side. Hanuman as Mayas form

    along with Kalimaa had throughout blocked all of authors attempts to expose details of GODs name

    and role which is covered up in the world. GODs message is of Peace and Love, Shivji is causing

    War first. He had attempted to use Brahma to come into authors physical body and undertake

    Mahabharat War. Author had refused this.

    7 November 2009

    ASB said why am I being blocked at night in my sleep. Who is doing it and why? Shivji

    through his medium knows that I can receive a lot of knowledge in my sleep- He is i.e.

    Shivji does not want me to have the knowledge, is blocking my knowledge. Shivji is

    using muslims spirits to block me.

    2 February 2008 : AM meditation :

    Original God came to my rescue and gave me blessings for the 1 st time in history and

    gave me Vardans to use to come up.

    On 22 August 2009,

    AsliBhagwan gave me the following message:

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    He is with me all along because I am Truthful. If I was not then he would never enter

    into my body. Always stay Truthful and He will help me throughout.

    For this sin, Brahmas/ 2nd Krishnas / Narayans soul when he takes birth, his name and

    number has been removed from Earth with AsliBhagwan blessings. All the boons granted to

    him by ShivBaba has been removed by the vardans. Falsehood and sins of this magnitude

    cannot be allowed under any circumstances. Truth must win.

    There were 2 symbolic chariots; both with 2 separate Krishnas, except the real meaning is not

    understood by people.

    1) Firstly there are no Horses and chariots involved . It is purely a simile to explain the concept.

    However, the Mahabharat War is very real, except its significance has not been explained truthfully.

    There are 2 Mahabharat Wars -war within a war.

    i)The first war is spiritual or adhyatmicand involves the process of purification of souls

    who then enter the Paradise as Devi Devtas.

    ii)The second war is the actual physical warwhich takes place in India. The actors names

    are not fully understood. The Pandavs are the allegedly pure souls who do not fight any

    physical war. This is difference from Gita the Book where the Pandavs are shown fighting the

    war. Kaurava are the rest of the Indians, who live in India and will kill each otherthat time

    is now. Yadavs are the Europeans and Americans who will fight a war and kill each other


    iii) Bulk of India is blind to this knowledge. They do not know that the entire in fighting

    taking place everywhere in India is caused by this 2


    Krishna, alias Brahma, who isdeliberately causing the war and fighting between people and members of the same family,

    using one against the other. This is precisely what had happened to my family who were

    victims of Devtas war and did not even know it. Hanuman is also involved in the war who in

    Mayas role works on Shivjis instructions.

    Author Bio:

    Author was educated in London at Claremont High School, Harrow and at University College London

    and Royal College of Surgeons in Oral Surgery and had multiple surgeries, was writing a book on his

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    specialised topic of Implant Surgery and bone grafting, researching on head, neck and back pains,

    migraine, undertook postgraduate work in London, UK and Europe and USA, was engaged socially in

    local affairs, a Rotarian, visiting Houses of Parliament, active sports player who loved squash,

    badminton, cricket, golf, tennis, swimming and football. Destiny took author in a different direction.

    Other works by the Author:

    Complete Book: Journey in Search of Original God- 18 yrs

    This is the first book on Earth which reveals how author met Creator of this Universe who is different

    from the entire religious God and whose name is completely covered up in a veil of conspiracy on


    Starting from London with a successful clinical career in London, author went in search of the

    Creator. The journey was long tough unpredictable dangerous, resulting in multiple road accidents,

    fires, narrow escapes being reduced from a comfortable life style to being thrown out on the roads, in

    cars, on buses without home or help, spanning numerous countries resulting in a very difficult

    passage, each year proving more difficult than the preceding year through a web of conspiracy,

    corruption, spirits, ghosts, cemeteries, demi-gods, planets and dark energy which are invisible potent

    force all encompassing around us in the real world with invisible enemy which is powerful and

    smarter than anything author could do, suffice it to say it is not for the faint hearted. Every challenge

    was met head on by the author for 14 difficult years elapsed and Creator descended on Earth for the

    first time and got author out of the mess he was in, finally culminated in receiving divine new and

    original knowledge for the first time in India from Creator and Quantum Universe where Creator lives

    in a land of eternal light during the 18thyear of his epic Journey about which there are no books.

    Mystery of Origin of Life MC Theory, SOLVED

    If 18thyr was when author wrote his masterpiece of Journey in Search of Original God, then 21styr

    was the ultimate challenge with author being given knowledge of the entire scientific basis and

    knowledge of our Universe with discovery of Quantum Code which has all the subatomic particles

    and energy supply which basis the basis of all human, animal and plant life on Earth and how Planets

    are formed to unfolding finest details of human Quantum Light and how it provides the vision,

    discovery of 3-D vision, how consciousness starts from Quantum Code and Creators ultimate control

    of all the subatomic particles in our Universe from Quantum Universe or 5thDimension is a perfect

    example of Intelligent Design which is hidden from the physical world. Author has been shown all the

    subatomic particles present in our Universe along with different types of energies with a new energy

    equation which will replace Einsteins famous equation. Author wrote the scientific work Mystery of

    Origin of Life MC Theory,solved (which Einstein had searched for 50 yrs but did not find) which

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    unites all the subatomic particles and energies present in our Universe with a new united and

    simplified theory which can be verified by any academic or scientists or lay person with the discovery

    of 1sttier of human life whose knowledge is unknown to the scientific world. This books reveals finer

    details of how human life is controlled within human brain by Quantum Code and Quantum Light and

    how the interaction is effected which entire medical profession is ignorant about and worthy of

    multiple Nobel Prizes. Human eyes have only limited vision, whereas Creators eye watches everyone

    and everything in the Universe at the same time. This propelled author to ask Creator during his daily

    meditation with GOD of this Universe how in Gods name did you think about making such a grand

    Universe which has love, happiness and enlightenment on one side with finest subatomic particles

    and mega sized Planets and Galaxy on the other side. Author reveals GODs finest thoughts on paper

    during his second masterpiece which the world of readers will enjoy as it has been presented in a

    simple language for everyone to enjoy.

    Divine Messages from Original God:

    This book was written during the intervening years of 18th and 21st yrs of authors entire journey

    which exposes the entire corrupt hierarchy of religious tree and their surreptitious and clandestine

    activities which is responsible for complete degradation on Earth. Authors monumental problems had

    continued with invisible actors and actresses and Planets and dark energies who had daily continued

    to block author from writing all the works as none of them wanted their activities exposed. Author

    was subjected to every day torture of his body, his energies were extracted during sleep, how Original

    God was guarding and protecting author during his sleep and much more has been written. Author has

    not published this work yet. This book will shock the world.

    Further parts of the main book:

    Part I- Search of Original God

    Part II- Conspiracy and Black magic

    Part III- Mystery of Original God

    Part IV Yoga and Meditation

    Part V Quantum Light of the Soul

    The hard copies of the parts are available on Order from Foyles, Waterstones, Watkins or Gardners

    in London.