my teacher, my barber

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  • 8/18/2019 My Teacher, My Barber


    My Teacher , My Barber’s

    Peterson A. Oropa


    Why do Teacher's Need to be Barber's These Days and give School Boy haircuts

    !n si"ple ter"s it could be because

    Parents do not adhere to school rules

    and Discipline their #hildren.

    Parents shoc$ed that their boy %as

    given a drastic haircut by a teacher

    &ro" his secondary school. et had

    they done their (ob as parents anddisciplined their son by ta$ing hi" to

    a Barber Shop at least once every

    three or so %ee$s) teachers %ould not

    have to act li$e a 'barber'.

    *etting your son or daughter a

    haircut to adhere to school rules does

    not usually cause and scar any boy or

    girl psychologically

     This is not as hu"iliating as having it

    cut by teacher or pre&ect in+&ront o&

    class"ates co, our hair %as too long

    and in breach o& school regulations.

     This %as so terrible that these

    students had to rush to a barber the

    sa"e day and have it it -ed righta&ter the school day had ended. !n

    &act) even i& the boys' or girls' hair

    %eren't even touching his or her

    eyebro%s/// but not per&ectly neat

    and cut to school regulations at all

  • 8/18/2019 My Teacher, My Barber


    ti"es) sa"e treat"ent %as dished out

    to all students.

    School Day Haircut 0egulations are an

    integral part o& the training &or

    discipline) it conditions a student tocon&or" %ith society's standard o&

    %hat's presentable and %hat's not.

    Short hair also "eans sho%ing a clean

    i"age %hich translates to better

    public i"age &or the school as it

    doesn't sho% un$e"pt students %ho

    loo$ li$e hippy1s) disco girls1 and or

    they s"o$e %eed and there&ore

    re2ects badly on the school and or the

    school ad"inistrator's ability to

    discipline their students

    Strict regulations on students1

    groo"ing are co"pulsory &or all

    students %ho attend public schools.

     The hairstyle o& students is also given

    attention by schools . Schools do not

    allo% students to color their hair. 3or

    boys) there is usually a "ai"u"

    length o& hair allo%ed) &or ea"ple)

    the hair "ust be a &e% centi"eters

    above the collar) and no sideburns are


    Girls should have haircut too , to be


    3or girls %ith long hair) their hair "ust

    be properly tied up) o&ten into a

    ponytail or %orn in a short bob or

    cropped cut. So"e schools dictate thecolor and type o& hair accessories that

    can be used. So"e prohibit even girls

    &ro" having long hair. Wearing "a$e

    up in school is prohibited.

    Schools across 4alaysia) Philippines)

     Thailand) 5nited 6ingdo") and "any

    other countries usually en&orce their

    school uni&or" and groo"ing code

    thoroughly) %ith regular chec$s by

    teachers and pre&ects. Students %ho&ail to co"ply "ay be %arned) given

    de"erit points) or publicly punished at

    school asse"bly or sent ho"e &ro"

    school a&ter being escorted to the

    school barber.

     The induction haircut has both

    practical and psychological purposes.

    Originally) one o& the reasons &or the

    induction haircut %as to reduce the

    chances o& disease a"ong closely

    7uartered recruits &ro" di8erent

    geographical areas 9%ith varying

    i""unities:) such as head lice.

    Ho%ever) the haircut also has the

    psychological purpose o& stripping

    recruits o& their individuality and

  • 8/18/2019 My Teacher, My Barber


    pro"oting the ;tea"; "entality

    desirable in a platoon o& "ilitary

    recruits si"ilarly at school the school

    boy school girl all hear to learn one

    tea" spirit. Although the ter"

    ;induction cut; is generally used tore&er to "ale "ilitary haircuts) &e"ales

    also endure a &or" o& an induction

    haircut) in that their hair is very o&ten

    no%adays cut to chin+length.