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Musselman Messenger “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Many of our friends now commute to the new school at MRMS. They will always be our friends. WINTER

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Musselman Messenger

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Many of our friends now commute to the new school at MRMS. They will always be our friends.


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Cheating in SportsBy: Kenzi S.

Have you ever heard the saying winners never cheat and cheaters never win? Even though people hear it they still cheat. Since organized sports have begun, people are taking drastic measures to win. They have done everything from drugs to even trying to take out the competition.

The one well known case of cheating, in sports, is the Chicago White Sox. One player, “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, admitted that the team was getting money from gambling. The Baseball commissioner Kenesaw Landis, banned some of the players from playing baseball for life. Jackson was not previously known as a cheater. “When he finally came back to Greenville, he was accepted," Erwin says. "There was no one who was going, 'You cheater.'" Fifty-Five years after died, his family was still fighting to clear his name (

Another man named Lance Armstrong was cheating in sports. Until January of 2012 Armstrong was taking performance enhancing drugs. It helped him win seven straight races on the Tour de France. Other members of his team were also taking drugs. They were part of Armstrong’s addiction.

Alex Rodriguez was a famous baseball player. He claims that he hasn’t used performance enhancing drugs since he played for the Texas Rangers in 2001-2003. He talked to the cops about his use of drugs from 2010-2012. He even told them about the people who were selling him the drugs.

Aaron Kuriloff. 25 Great Hoaxes, Cheats and Frauds in Sport. ESPN. April 17, 2005. Web. November 5, 2014. Stinson, Scott. 2013 in Sport: Lance Armstrong finally admits he was a cheater, just a very good one. Sports. National Post. December 23, 2013. Web. November 7, 2014.

Thompson, Wright. The Fight Goes on to Clear Shoeless Joe's Name. Alfani. ESPN. August 9,2007. Web. November 2014.Shapiro, Ben. Alex Rodriguez Admits To Cheating. Truth Revolt. 2014. Web. November 17, 2014.

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Jokes That Are So Bad They’re FunnyBy: Victoria P.

A boy asks his girlfriend to prom, she says yes. He goes to the florist to buy flowers for her, but there is a long line. He waits and eventually gets the flowers. He goes to rent a tux, but there is another long line. He waits and finally gets the tux. He then goes to rent a limo, but again there is a line. He waits and finishes the job. The night of prom comes around and everything goes perfectly. He goes to get punch for the two of them, but there’s no punch line.

What is Forest Gump’s password? What is red and smells like blue paint? What do you call an alligator in a vest? What’s black and red all over? What gets wetter the more it dries? If the opposite of pro is con then what is the opposite

of progress? What disease do you get after decorating for Christmas? Why don’t people play poker in the jungle? Why did the stadium get hot after the game? What do you call a seagull that flies over the bay?

Answers on last page.

Breaking NewsBy: Nate Huff

Outbreak in Britain! The fictional character Doctor Who has crash landed in London, and it appears that he is the genuine Doctor. “I saw a bright blue streak come from the sky, and it crashed down next to the London Eye,” says London locale Dolores Umbridge. Many eyewitness accounts have stated that at three o’clock this morning, four hours after the police booth crashed, a man wearing a bow tie and a red haired girl were seen climbing out of the box. He began pointing a green laser light at a light pole, and then the man, who has been identified as The Doctor, walked to a local fish and chips stand. The owner of the stand was later questioned, and he stated, “A strange man bought fish fingers and custard then walked away.” More eyewitness accounts were questioned and it was concluded that the man was acting quirky and very odd. “As he went by me on the street, I overheard that him and the girl talking about a statue of an angel that moves when you are not looking at it,” stated London local Ginny Potter. It has been confirmed that “The Doctor” can be quite dangerous, so if you see him, please report him to the police. Let it be warned that he also has a robotic dog with K-9 printed on the side. Thank you for your service of protecting your community.

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Are Bioengineered Crops Safe?

By Trevor Matheny

Bioengineered crops are commonly referred to as GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms), and many people believe they are unsafe for consumption. “On one side of the heated discourse are people who firmly believe that GM crops pose a threat to human

health and biodiversity. On the other side are mainly scientists who are convinced that genetic engineering of plants represents a technology with enormous potential for increasing food production in an environmentally benign way” (

As there are two sides to every story, those two sides involve not only a few countries, but Earth as a whole! Many scientists consider the transgenic crops as safe, if not safer than traditionally bred crops. The world is continuously growing at a high rate, and the food must be increased to sustain the new population. Some people believe that a single technology will produce all of our food, but that is very unrealistic. Nonetheless, these crops make a major impact on third world or developing countries. “GM technology has already demonstrated that it has the potential to increase food production while decreasing production costs. For virus-, insect- and herbicide-resistant plants, an average increase in yield of 5–10%, up to 40% saved on herbicides and savings of US$ 60 to 120 per acre on insecticides have been reported” (

To some of you, those numbers may seem miniscule, but a 5-10% increase in food is a lot. Imagine you have a lollipop tree that produces ten regular lollipops a day, and you get five dollars when you sell them. Now when you genetically modify your lollipop tree into a tootsie pop tree, you are getting more lollipops, and they are bigger! Overall, Bioengineered crops A.K.A. GMO’s are a benefit to today’s rapidly growing society!

Herrara-Estrella, Luis and Alvarez-Morales, Ariel. “Genetically modified crops: hope for developing countries?” EMBO Reports. NCBI, 15 April 2001.Web. 5 November 2014.

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Things to do on Winter Break By: Kenzi Stotler

Winter break can be a lot of fun, but sometimes you get bored. Here are some things you can do to help stop the boredom on winter break.

1. Snow ball fight, Rolling down a hill, Sledding2. Burying people in snow, Sleeping, Playing with new toys3. Read a book, Hang with friends, Eat4. Watch TV, Build a snow fort, Draw5. Build a snowman, Drink hot chocolate, Write a story

There are so many more. What do you like to do on your break?

Peer MediationBy: Daniel Jennison

I am part of a group of students called the “Peer Mediators”. Our job is to help students who have issues and quarrels with each other work out their problems in a calm, reasonable fashion. Peer mediation is a great way to get across what you’re thinking, and to have people listen to you and try to help you out without any violence or aggression ensuing. The Peer Mediators have been specially trained by Mr. Evankov from Mountain Ridge Middle School and have Mrs. Doub as the head of the whole operation. If you have a problem with a student, don’t let it lead to violence; come see Mrs. Doub and ask for peer mediation, and we’ll do our best to help you and the other disputant work out your problems. The Peer Mediators’ job is to help keep this school safe, happy, and free of violence.

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ContagiousBy: Tommy Markland

Like a silent ninja, contagious diseases can sneak up and destroy populations arguably faster than any army could. Right now in several countries in Western Africa, there have been laboratory diagnosed cases of E.v.d., or Ebola Virus Disease, and 4941 confirmed deaths from the disease. “The 2014 Ebola outbreak is the largest Ebola outbreak in history and the first Ebola outbreak in West Africa.” says CDC staff.

About four people in the United States have had Ebola. One of them died, and the others were quarantined. Ebola can be contracted by the sharing of bodily fluids, so if someone with Ebola sneezes on you, shares blood with you, or even coughs on you, you need to get yourself checked out by a doctor. Avoid contact with anyone else until cleared by a doctor. Symptoms of the disease include fever, headaches, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, and even unexplained hemorrhage (bleeding and bruising). It has broken out numerous times since the first time in 1976 in the Congo. Currently, the CDC (Center of Disease Control) is doing their best to prevent the spread Ebola into America, and they’ve done well with only a few cases reported. They’ve tightened airport security, as to prevent those with Ebola from spreading the dangerous disease to the United States. At the moment, cures for Ebola are being developed, and it is currently contained to Western Africa, in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mali, Nigeria, and Senegal, with just one or two cases reported in Spain and the United States (

NA. ‘Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease)’. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. October 21, 2014. Web. November 5, 2014.

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YouTube StarsBy Trevor Matheny

YouTube is a very popular media site with tens of millions of viewers. Thousands of groups or individuals upload videos

for our entertainment. Companies pay those people to advertise their work, and then it turns a hobby into a career. There are

many different categories of YouTubers, ranging from fashion, reviews, and all the way to gaming. Some popular entertainers from YouTube are PewDiePie (Pew Dee Pie) who is a gamer, CaptainSparklez who is a gamer and creates parodies, and somebody we all know, Justin Bieber.

PewDiePie is a YouTube star who uploads videos daily for his 31 Million subscribers. As with most stars, they started doing what they do as a hobby, and lucky for some of them, they become world-wide famous. Last year, in December 2013, he had about 11 million subscribers, and now December 2014, he has almost three times that amount, 31 million subscribers. With all of those people watching his videos regularly, his income is over 1 million dollars a year. Now, YouTube doesn’t simply pay everybody linked with them. Certain companies see the higher trafficked websites, or in this case, channels. Larger companies pay them to show their products, for advertisement. They don’t get all of the money up front; in fact a few cents may be made per view. Flappy Bird is a game that many people have heard of, PewDiePie dug up that game, and hundreds of thousands of people saw him, and got that game. Some people have their own “signature”, and his is a picture of a fist called “Bro Fist” made out of normal keys on any keyboard.

CaptainSparklez, who has such a unique name, sits in his desk chair playing video games making money as well. He plays popular video games, and makes unpopular ones popular. His career started in his mother’s basement, on a simple swivel chair, on a simple computer. Today he has around a thousand dollar computer, and lives in his own house. To afford those items, he received money from the companies that sponsored him. He has also created many parodies about the games he plays.

Justin Bieber was a child when he started his YouTube hobby of doing cover-ups of songs. His singing career wasn’t started because of YouTube, but it was a major jumpstart. As most of us know, he started singing when he was about eight. After becoming very popular, he started singing his own songs, and he prospered into a world-wide sensation. As happens to most stars, after too long they start to decline in popularity, and that has (thankfully) happened to him.

Some clip art borrowed Google images.

Student Council

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By: Kenzi Stotler

Student council is a club here at Musselman Middle school. We plan dances and different events for our school. This year we have gotten the school soccer goals and a volley ball net. We plan two dances a year and our first one was a fall dance. We’re supposed to have one more dance planned for this year. Meetings are held once a month on Tuesdays. It is run by Ms. Hott, Ms. Horner and Mr. Baldwin. A while ago we came up with ideas for a red ribbon week. Monday was Red day, Tuesday was Super Hero day, Wednesday was 80’s day, Thursday was Disney day, and Friday was School Spirit day. Right now, we are doing an activity called, Santa to a senior. We all get a gift for a senior so they have nice things on the upcoming holiday.

Student council is also taking some of the boring, white walls in this school and painting colorful murals on them. There is an apple at the red team stairs, and a season tree in the green team stairway. Also, they painted a positive message in the

windows of the cafeteria. They are in the middle of painting one down by the music rooms. The design is a big butterfly, with small notes following behind it. Student council was also helpful during the canned food and cereal drive. All the food we

collected goes to families in the backpack program, or local people who need support. Most homeroom teachers collected a lot of cans. The top home room teachers got a breakfast party for their whole home room. The winning rooms were Mrs. Hott, Mrs. Rentschler-Hall, and Mrs. Faircloth. It is a lot of fun to be in this club.

Things to Look for After ThanksgivingBy: Victoria Parello

You may notice that after Thanksgiving may things change. For instance the radio stations only play Christmas music. ABC Family has a Count Down to Christmas with the same 10 movies. You’ll see a lot of really ugly Christmas sweaters. Christmas trees always look like

they have been electrocuted. It gets colder, colder, and colder. There is always a holiday sale going on somewhere. People are for some strange reason really kind. You didn’t realize how fast the year has gone by. Also, you didn’t realize how close the semester was to ending, so you try to sweet talk the teachers into giving you bonus points. People become very secretive. Your grandparents will

probably get you something that they liked when they were kids. Things get ugly at family reunions. Finally the electric bill that was run up by the extreme amount of holiday lights upsets your parents and they become extremely grumpy.

Marvel Comics vs. DC Comics

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By Tommy M

As of November 10th, Marvel Comics and DC comics have released the titles and some actors consisting of their movie line-ups until 2020. First of all, next summer, Marvel is releasing two movies, Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, and Antman, with DC, who was supposed to release Batman vs. Superman. This has been delayed until 2016 to avoid competition with Star Wars 7 and Avengers. Some other highlights of the releases are Captain America Three: Civil War, which has confirmed RDJ as Iron Man and new to the Marvel world. Chadwick Boesman is playing Black Panther, who has a solo movie coming out not too much later.

In 2016, DC will be trying to catch up with Marvel, as they are releasing Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. It will basically be a set-up for two Justice League Movies, and quite a few solo movies, including Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Cyborg. Also coming up, Fox network, who owns X-men and The Fantastic Four, is releasing a Fantastic Four reboot, X-men; Apocalypse in 2016. Another movie, Gambit, has an unknown release date.

Marvel is releasing a few more movies, including Doctor Strange, who is being played by Sherlock himself, Benedict Cumberbatch. Ms Marvel, Inhumans, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and finally to end this phase of movies, Avengers: Infinity Wars parts 1 and 2, which will combine the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and several other new characters.

Picture from

Teen StressBy Victoria P

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Teen stress has been on the rise for many years. Studies show that teen stress has had the highest numbers ever. A national survey says that the stress that teens feel negatively affect their everyday life. This includes school, sports, and home tasks. Studies say that “27% of students experience “extreme stress” during the school year compared to the 13% during the summer.” This statement makes complete sense, because during summer most students don’t have an overwhelming amount of work to complete. If they do they have more time to complete the project and do not feel as much of a stressed feeling.”With 21% of adults reporting "extreme" stress levels, the survey says that with teens "mirroring adults' high-stress lives" they are "potentially setting themselves up for a future of chronic stress and chronic illness."” This could be one of the reasons that teens are becoming more stressed. Although this may not be the primary reason, it is a significant one. In some ways teachers give out so much work that it seems like they don’t realize that we students don’t have other classes or activities. Statistics show that teen girls are affected more by stress than boys. The results are not always the best. Surveys show that “40% of teens report feeling irritable or angry; 36% nervous or anxious. A third says stress makes them feel overwhelmed, depressed or sad.” Results of stress can also lead to medical issues such as: headaches, depression, and attempts of suicide. Parents try extremely hard to reduce the amount of stress that their teens have to endure. Although they try extremely hard it may not always help. Adolescents really need to just take a break and relax, read a book or sleep. "Some parents set out on a mission to get rid of stress in their kids, but the fact is, some degree of stress is very therapeutic and an appropriate amount of stress is what helps us become strong. The hard part is what's appropriate," says Michael Bradley, a psychologist in Feasterville, Pa. The reality of this is that teens are going to receive more stress, the older they get (

Jayson, Sharon. “Teen Stress and not managing it well”. USA Today. 11 Feb 2014. Web. 5 Nov 2014.

Cheesy DelightBy: Trevor Matheny

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Pizza is a popular food. American citizens alone eat about 18 acres of pizza on average a day. There are hundreds of common pizza toppings, and many that are more exotic. Some extremely popular toppings are pepperoni, cheese, sausage, and anything else you can think of. I could easily devour any pizza with any toppings. In our community, certain toppings are less common and others more common. Now, I have had many “exotic” foods compared to others, and I am very open to new foods. When I got to choose what type of pizza to order, I took a large risk. It was a thin, crispy crust, with boat loads of cheese, and a delicious tomato sauce with herbs and spices- perfect to the taste. Many of you would stop with those toppings, but I continued to add accompanying items such as a spicy Italian sausage, large Portabella mushroom slices, and to top it all off small bits of artichoke. I assume that most of you reading this have never had, or you dislike the mushrooms and artichokes. You know about my favorite

pizza, but what’s yours? Some Clipart borrowed from google images

Things Not to Eat This Holiday SeasonBy: Victoria Parello

1. Tinsel; 2. Stale cookies; 3. Cement bricks; 4. Yellow snow; 5. Grammas’ fruit cake; 6. Fruit cake; 7. Pine needles; 8. Gravy that turned green; 9. Spam that’s passed off as “meat”; 10. Aunt Gertrude’s black pepper pie; 11. Christmas lights; 12. Mashed potatoes that are glowing; 13. Dog treats that look like cookies;14. Eggnog your aunt “makes” you 15. Mall Santa’s hat 16. Yams with grandma’s dentures 17. The 100 year old cookie that’s been in your family for centuries18. Your neighbor’s cat

Country Associations Tommy Markland

Common Associations with different countries:

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Researched via anonymous survey taken of 11 people.

Listed are what most people first thought of when I said the name of a country, and a few other interesting answers, that I got during the survey.

United Kingdom – Doctor Who, Tea, England

Russia – ‘The Bear’, Alcohol, Communism

America – Fat, Obama, lazy

Canada – Syrup, eh, leaf, eh?

Brazil – World Cup, Soccer, Brazil Nut

France – Croissant, Rude, Eiffel Tower

Spain – Spanish, Flamenco Dancing, Horses

Australia – Kangaroo, Koala

Iceland – Vikings, Economics, Grass

Madagascar – Animals, Penguins, Movie

Italy – Pasta, Leaning Tower, Romans

South Africa – Diamonds, Ebola, Black Panther (Marvel Superhero)

Egypt – Pyramids, mummy, sphinx

Mongolia – Mongols, Tea, Archery

Japan – Ninjas, Samurai, Sushi

Antarctica – Penguins, Polar Bears, Ice

Sweden – Swedish Fish, PewDiePie (YouTuber), AnderZEL (YouTuber)

Germany – Adolf Hitler, Gummy Bears

Greece – Mythology, Castles, Mediterranean Sea

Norway – Frozen, Mountains, Scandinavia

Video Games to PlayBy: Daniel Jennison

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As the technology and graphics and online multiplayer in games get better and better, gaming companies are coming out with improved games (generally) every year. So, here’s a list of some of my favorite games to play. Of course, they have to be school-appropriate, so no GTA or Call of Duty games.

1) Minecraft. Now, the “violent game” thing has narrowed my list, but Minecraft is the first family-friendly game on my list. And for all of those Minecraft haters that saw the word “Minecraft” and flipped the page, Minecraft is actually a really good game. For all the people who are still

reading, good for you! Read on! I prefer playing on Xbox 360, because I like playing survival. PC isn’t my thing, because I have a slow computer and every friend I have that plays PC Minecraft does competitions and scheduled fights, which I’m not really a fan of. Survival is fun because no endurance game is like the other. Plus, there’s something REALLY satisfying in building a large, 3-story house. Finding a bunch of diamonds in a cave is even more exciting!

2) Portal. Well, more like the Portal series. While I haven’t played the story mode in either game, I played the co-op with my little brother. His favorite video game series in the world is Portal. Portal is a combination of sci-fi, strategy, puzzle-solving, and of course portals. To be honest, the only thing I could’ve said to convince you is “teleportation.”

3) Sims 3. You’d think that creating people the way that you want and letting them live life like a normal person might, would be boring. However, I actually love playing this video game. It has both realism and cartoon-like animation in it. I mean, you can make them work out, become an astronaut, a spy, an athlete, a chef, and even a criminal mastermind! There are some drawbacks to this game. Unlike the real world, they can’t walk AROUND the chair, or anything that a video game avatar wouldn’t be able to do. I mean, come on, that doorway can fit THREE of you guys!

4) Mario Kart and Mario Party. I mean, these are two such iconic Mario games, that it’s hard to say one’s better than the other. Mario Party has all kinds of mini-games in it, while you’re playing on a platform that’s pretty much a game board. At the same time, Mario Kart is a fun thing to play with your friends. But take my word for it; nothing ruins friendships more than being in first and then being hit by a blue shell right before the finish line.

So, that’s my list because it’s been, like, a day since I’ve played video games. I know there is going to be SOME people who agree with at least one thing on my list, but I doubt people will agree with everything. To all of the readers of this article, I hope that you enjoyed my list of personal favorite video games to play.

My DogsBy: Kenzi Stotler

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I have two dogs and their names are Rover and Popi. I have never seen crazier dogs. They always run around and run into walls for no reason. Popi is always trying to eat bugs, and

chase cats while Rover just stands still and stares at you. One day I took them for a walk and Rover saw a squirrel and chased it up a tree. Popi saw another dog and chased after it. Both dogs ran in opposite directions and pulled me with them. It was not fun at all. Whenever there is music playing they dance and spin in circles on the floor. They

try to eat their cages so they can escape, but their cages are metal, so it just makes a lot of noise. When they play outside they pounce around like our cats and attack each other. Rover loves his Santa hat and Popi loves his Reindeer ears and nose. They love to sleep which is always funny, because they put their legs straight out and lay on their stomachs. They may be the craziest dogs ever, but I love both of them and think they are awesome.

Mom Abducted by Aliens

By: Victoria ParelloThree months and 7 days ago, something strange happened to my mom. All day she seemed to be extremely nice to everyone. She was acting like she was on some type of medication, smiling like a lunatic. That wasn’t the weirdest thing that happened though. I asked her if she would help me make breakfast, and she answered in a series

of beeps and clicks, like Morris code. I figured something was up, but decided to leave it alone. Surprisingly, I liked the fact that my mom was being so nice, although the food she made tasted literally, out of this world. I figured it was some type of adult mood swing. Later that day though, things got even stranger. I found my mom painting my baby sister Martian green. Screaming I ran in the room and saved my half green sister. Something was wrong, so I called my friend to come and pick up my sibling so I could figure out was going on. I knocked on my mom’s bedroom door after my sibling left, and heard some weird things. There was whirring, clanging, and an obnoxious hammering. Rushing into the room, I came to a halt wide-eyed to find a spaceship with aliens that looked like feet with ugly hangnails. In the corner of the room was my mom, who was tied up with what looked like a sock. I hoped that I could sneak quietly towards the bathroom and grab a blue hairbrush. Unfortunately, my mom’s room wasn’t the cleanest, so everything came falling down causing a big crash. The Hangnail Aliens came rushing forwards. Chucking the hairbrush at the ships engine, I hoped something would happen to the ship. I grabbed mom before the ship exploded. We ran out like one of those cool action movies. Needless to say I got dessert everyday for the rest of the week. *This is a made up story, none of these events are true since aliens are not proven to exist.

Two Days That Will Live in Infamy By: Daniel J.

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“September 1940. The U.S. placed an embargo on Japan by prohibiting exports of steel, scrap iron, and aviation fuel to Japan, due to Japan's takeover of northern French Indochina” ( Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan’s two main goals were to “try to get the oil embargo lifted on terms that would still let them take the territory they wanted, and ... to prepare for war” ( They signed a neutrality agreement with the Soviet Union insuring that they wouldn’t declare war on them should Japan choose to attack their temporary allies, Britain and the United States. Just before the attack, a warning was sent from Washington because they knew that Japan would attack; but the warning was too late. “Early warning radar was new technology. Japanese planes were spotted by radar before the attack, but they were assumed to be a flight of American B-17s due in from the West Coast” ( On December 7th, 1941, two waves of Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor. There were over 3,500 American casualties, over 350 damaged aircraft, and 18 damaged battleships. The Japanese wanted a war that day, and on the 8th of December, that’s what they got; the United States declared war on Japan, leading to Japan’s defeat at American hands


“On September 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States” ( Two airplanes were flown into the World Trade Center, or the Twin Towers, one was flown into a section of the Pentagon, and the final plane was retaken by the captives and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. The first plane to crash into the World Trade Center was, at first, thought to be an accident. The thoughts of it being an accident were destroyed when the second plane hit the other Twin Tower. “The attackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations. Reportedly they were financed by Saudi fugitive Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist organization. Allegedly they acted on his orders, in retaliation for America’s support of Israel, its involvement in the Persian Gulf War and its continued military presence in the Middle East” ( At 9:45 AM, one of the airliners hit the Pentagon, killing

125 people in the Pentagon, and the 64 people on the airliner. “Less than 15 minutes after the terrorists struck the nerve center of the U.S. military, the horror in New York took a catastrophic turn for the worse when the south tower of the World Trade Center collapsed in a massive cloud of dust and smoke” ( About 3,000 people died in and around the World Trade Center. 10,000 people suffered injuries. The last plane, hijacked before hitting its planned target, crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, killing everyone on the plane. “Its intended target is not

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known, but theories include the White House, the U.S. Capitol, the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland or one of several nuclear power plants along the eastern seaboard” (

“9/11 Attacks.” A & E Television Networks. N/D. Web. 11/17/2014. “Today in History: September 11.” The Library of Congress. 1/21/2011. Web. 11/17/2014. “December, 7, 1941…A Date Which Will Live In Infamy.” N/P. Friday, November 7. Web. 11/7/14.

1) 1forrest1; 2) Red paint; 3) An investigator; 4) A zebra attacked by a lion; 5) A towel; 6) Congress; 7) Tinsleitus; 8) Too many cheetahs 9) All of the fans left; 10) A Bagel