muslims in burma(2015) - perils & promise: strangers in their motherland

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Post on 18-Aug-2015



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  1. 1. 1 Muslims in Burma Perils & Promise Strangers In Their Motherland Ahmed Vanya 2015
  2. 2. 2 Burma (Myanmar) Golden land at a glance: Area 680K sq km (Pakistan: 800K sq km). (85%) Population 50+ mill. (Pakistan ~ 200 mill). (25%) Climate Tropical Monsoon (Pakistan: Mostly Dry). Major Religion Buddhism (Pakistan: Islam). Literacy 93% (Pakistan: 58%). Powerful Military (Pakistan: Nuclear Power). Challenges: Military, Extremism, Rights of Minorities. Size: State of Texas
  3. 3. 3 People Ethnic Groups (135 officially recognized): (Unrecognized ethnic groups are Anglo-Burmese, Sino-Burmese, Panthay, Indo-Burmese, Gurkhas, the Rohingyas etc.) Burman (Mongoloid) 68%. Shan 9%, Karen 7%, Rakhine 4%, Chinese 3%, Indian 2%, Mon 2%, other 5%. Religious Groups: Buddhist (80 - 90)% (Pakistan: Muslim 96%). Christian 4%, Muslim (4- 10)%, Animist 1%, other 2%.
  4. 4. 4 Geography of Burma Rohingya Major Crisis !!! Rest of the Muslims More assimilated Also in trouble Now!!! Muslims in Rakhine(Arakan) Borderr
  5. 5. 5 Culture Indo-Buddhist-Chinese. Thai-Cambodian-Laos. New Year April (Water Festival). Dress: Longyis (men & women). Rice & curry; also noodles(Khauk Swe).
  6. 6. 6 Politics Part I Kingdom to British Colony: three wars - (1824, 1852,1885). Japanese Occupation (1942-45) WW II. Gen. Aung San's agreement for federalism with ethnic leaders Panlong Agreement (1947). Assassination of Gen. Aung San, U Razak etc. (1947). Independence from UK (1948) Weak young nation, rebellions. Military Coup (1962) Pretext - Political bickering, Ethnic Disunity. Repressive military regime of Gen. Ne Win(1962-1988).
  7. 7. 7 Politics Part II Civil Unrest: Spearheaded by Students & Monks (1988). Election won by NLD & Aung San Su Kyi - Voided (1990). Daw Aung San Su Kyi(DASSK) in house arrest for many years. Elections boycotted by NLD, won by military(2010). Military gov. under Thein Sein initiated reforms(2011). DASSK joined parliament(2012). New elections in Nov. of (2015).
  8. 8. 8 Religion: Theravada Buddhism (The Way of Elders) Five Basic Precepts (Five Pillars - Islam) Refrain from harming living beings. Refrain from stealing. Refrain from sexual misconduct. Refrain from lying, malicious gossip. Refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs.
  9. 9. 9 Theravada Buddhism Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Burma. The Buddha: Siddhartha Gautama was a man who became Buddha, the Awakened One(Supreme Teacher). God: Omnipotent creator Neither denied nor affirmed. The Path to Enlightenment: Thru Practice & Meditation to attain Nirvana by cessation of reincarnation Eight Fold Way. Monks(~500,000): strong activism, and nuns(~75,000). Close support from laypersons. No formal religious hierarchy. Not strict vegetarians. Folk religion: worship idols, spirits(Nats).
  10. 10. 10 Burmese Muslim: Demographics Gov. figure: 4%, Muslims: (8 12)%. Indian Muslims: Rangoon & big cities. Indo-Burmese Muslims: Descendents of mixed marriages. Small groups: Burman, Chinese, Malay-Muslims etc. Muslims in Rakhine: Rohingyas + others in Rakhine State.
  11. 11. 11 Muslims in Burma Neither Islam nor Buddhism are native religions. Arab traders & sailors arrived >1000 years ago. Served under various kings in many capacities. Indian Muslims Immigrated during British colonial era. Struggled & gave lives for independence. Also served in the cabinet of democratic government. Marginalized by military regime under Ne Win.
  12. 12. 12 Family History by a Burmese Muslim The Invisible Patriot Bilal Raschid (Elder son of MA Raschid) M.A. Raschid - Student Leader. - Close friend of Aung San & U Nu. - Cabinet Minister after independence. Gen. Aung San Life in: - Colonial Burma - WWII India - Studies in England - Independent Burma - Pakistan - USA By Iqbal's Concept of God By Salman Raschid Younger Son of MA Raschid
  13. 13. 13 Roots of Mistrust British brought Indians as administrators, business men (Marwaris), money lenders(Chetiyars), fighters (Gurkhas). No border enforcement in Rakhine, free flow of humans. Burmese resent the dominance of Indians: Burma for Burmese!. Rohingya(Mujahid) Insurgency(1947-1961): To join East Pakistan. Further Agitation(1971-1988): To join Bangladesh. Some contacts with Taliban & Al Qaeda - 1988 2011. Refugee Flights: Recent history: 1940s, Operation Dragon King (Army under Ne Win in the 70s), again in 1991-92. Widespread arrest, destruction of mosques and villages, rape and seizure of property. Each time some 200,000 Rohingya fled to Bangladesh.
  14. 14. 14 Gen. Ne Win's Evil Legacy Destroyed promise of federalism (1962 Coup). Suppressed & assimilated ethnic & other cultures of the minorities (Indo-Burmese, Sino-Burmese). Xenophobic + Isolationist policy. Nationalized businesses. Promoted Bamar supremacism in education, bureaucracy, the army (though being a Sino-Burmese himself). For about 40 years: Taught Bamars to hate people who are different. Implemented the 1982 Citizenship Law based on ethnicity. Killed, imprisoned students, monks, civilians: kept all in a pressure cooker. 1962 - 1988
  15. 15. 15 Fanning Hate & Resentment Muslims(Kalars): Too many, too rich, too different. Uninvited, ungrateful, overstaying visitors. Rise of Buddhist Nationalist 969 Group (Muslims =>786). Rise of Ma Ba Tha Buddhist Religion Protection Association. Monks giving: Hate speech, Sermons. Mass media, CDs, Facebook. Wirathu(Burmese Bin Laden/007): Calling bitch & whore to UN rep. Govt. officials colluding or NOT providing adequate protection. National Race and Religious Protection Bills(Targeting Muslims): - Approval required: Interfaith Marriage, Religious Conversion. - Monogamy Bill, Pop. Control Bill (3yrs between pregnancies). Reform Era (2011 - Present)
  16. 16. 16 Islamic Threat: Fact or Fiction? Historical Expansion. Using violence to establish Islamic State. Worldwide Pop.: 1.6 bill.; When: (Weak=Timid), (Strong=Aggressive). Terrible record of treating minorities, destroyed Buddha statues. Large majorities of Muslims want strict Sharia laws in homelands. Rise of Islamists: Salafi, Wahhabi, Ikhwan, Deobandi, Tablighi. Apostasy & Blasphemy laws; Polygamy, Divorce, Inheritance Laws. Conflicts: Thailand, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Philippines etc. etc. Animal sacrifice(method), Eid-ul-Adha. Many Hijabs & Beards. Some Muslims are peaceful, what about Islamic Doctrine???
  17. 17. 17 Status of Rakhine (Arakan) State Border (North) Muslim Majority Buddhist Majority(South) Poor, Isolated, PolarizedMountain Range Size = 14,200 sqmi - about Maryland or of Khyberpakhtunkwa(PKP) Pop: 3.3mill (est)(Great mutual Mistrust)
  18. 18. 18 Rakhine (Arakan) State Pop: 3.3 million, 2 mill.(Buddhists), 1mill. Muslims + Others. Poor, Isolated, Oppressed. Dominated by Bengal then Burmans. N. border with Bangladesh: Muslim majority, South: Buddhists. Muslims in Rakhine: Early settlers + Late comers(after 1824). Muslims: Want full citizenship + life, liberty, happiness. Buddhists Fear: (Demographic, cultural, economic) threat. Periodic conflicts historically, increasing segregation, mistrust. Now: States gain more power + rise of Buddhist Nationalism + worldwide rise of Islamism; MORE COMBUSTIBLE!!!
  19. 19. 19 The Trigger & the Fire June 2012 -Rape and murder of a young Buddhist woman in Rakhine. - Sparked series of riots which spread in the state of Rakhine. - Hundreds dead & displaced thousands. March 2013 - Argument in a gold shop in Meiktila in central Myanmar. - Violence between Buddhists and Muslims 40 people dead and entire neighborhoods razed. August 2013 - Rioters burnt Muslim-owned houses and shops in the central town of Kanbalu(Accusation of rape by Muslim). January 2014 40 Rohingya killed (Accusation of police killing) . June 2014 -Two people killed and five hurt in Mandalay(Rape rumor).
  20. 20. 20 Status of Political Reforms & People of Good Will Reforms started in 2011: Released political prisoners, Human Rights Comm., relaxation of censorship, talk with ethnic groups. Do not prohibit free speech BUT discourage hateful discourse. Burma:totally a different country now back sliding(work in progress). Need greater responsibility, less military, more freedoms. Buddhist Nationalism must be understood, channeled peacefully. There are many good lay people & monks: Need to speak out more. Whenever I hear the grievances of my ethnic friends, I feel guilty and ashamed. As long as we cannot prove that the Bamar are a civilized, rights-respecting people, I will not be proud of myself as a Bamar. - Wai Yan Hpone
  21. 21. 21 Aung San Suu Kyi Daughter of founding father Gen. Aung San. Married to a Britisher, two sons & settled in England. 1988: Civil Unrest, visiting mother => political leader. 1990: Won elections Denied power by the military. House Arrest: off/on many years; won Nobel + Prizes. 2012: Elected to parliament. Not forceful enough on the Rohingya Issue. Nov. 2015 Elections: Cannot run for President. - Reason: spouse & sons are foreigners (Constitution). Age 70: Best chance for Burma ????
  22. 22. 22 Suu Kyi's Dilemma Many ethnic conflicts in Burma. Corruption + widespread jockeying for power. She is serving at the pleasure of the powerful military. This is probably the only chance for her. Mistrust against Muslims is rampant at this time. Her role: Activist + Political Negotiator & Leader. Being accused of having sympathy for Muslims. Focus is on gaining power to reform Burma. Supports Rule of Law BUT cannot change BAD law. Ultimate Test: NLD winning elections in 2015.
  23. 23. 23 Status of Rohingyas Desperate Situation Minority within minority BUT substantial in Rakhine/Arakan state. Gov. does not recognize the term, calling them Bengalis. Language: Related to Chittagonian. Religion: Islam. Dark in feature, looks Indian not Mongoloid. About 1 million in Myanmar living in camps, barbed wire, guards. No jobs, no educ. facility. Population, movement, marriage controlled. Disease-ridden, sick and hungry. Sanitary conditions are very basic. Stateless, periodically driven out, lack proper records. Fleeing horrible conditions from Myanmar & Bangladesh. About 1 million living abroad, many in temporary camps.
  24. 24. 24 Quest for Citizenship 1982 Citizenship Law violates human rights & international law, used by successive military govts . Only 135 ethnic nationalities get FULL citizenship. Govt: No recognition for Rohingya; call them Bengalis! Rohingyas want inclusion, FULL citizenship, security + peace . Rakhine Buddhist: Fear competition(Pop, Economic, Cultural). People should be able to self-identify freely(as Rohingya etc.) Descendants of people who came since 1824 are denied citizenship rights, not foreigners but stateless! UN, Human Rights Watch: Burma should amend the 1982 law!
  25. 25. 25 Nature of the Conflicts Started as: Criminal Conducts, Civil Disputes, Rumors. Leading to: Spontaneous Communal Riots by both sides. Escalated to: Organized, Systematic, Widespread, Targeted: Violence. By: thugs, mobs, monks, political parties, state personnel. Sidelining & silencing: Moderate & Peaceful Voices. Resulting In: Killings, Displacements, Segregation, Restrictions. - Intolerable living conditions. - Mass Flights or Exodus => risking lives. Resulting in: Ethnic Cleansing !!!
  26. 26. 26 Hard Choices Right Decisions Rohingyas - What to do???: Poor, Stateless, Many without records, Desperate: 1st : responsibility: (Govt. + People) of Burma. 2nd : responsibility: Bangladesh(some come from there). 3rd: International Community: Has limits (internal issue). Nationalism vs. Human Rights. No Peace & Prosperity without observing Human Rights. Lesser Evil Principle: Good people do BAD things out of Fear. Nationalism Human Rights Religious Supremacism +
  27. 27. 27 What should be Done: Internationally Upcoming elections are crucial: Muslims worried; Monitor for fairness. Hope is for a democratically elected govt. with a strong mandate to take actions: Human rights, Constitutional amendments(1982 Law etc) Investigate & punish abusers; provide access Inter. Org.(Aid +Monitor) Make the next govt. verify the citizenship status of Rohingyas fairly & quickly with full transparency; make re-integration a priority. Neighbors, ASEAN, OIC, wealthy nations should absorb remaining stateless migrants. Make sure new govt. discourages hate speech & violence and promotes dialogue & integration between all. Make sure role of military in politics is reduced, democracy, freedoms and human rights are promoted overtime. Give aid (Humanitarian + Development) both Muslims & Buddhists. Withhold aid and foreign investment for non-compliance.
  28. 28. 28 What should be Done Advice for Muslims Prayers & charity; raise awareness. Lobby governments and organizations. Avoid demonizing whole groups: What goes around comes around. Build trusts, join hand with people with good hearts from all religious and ethnic groups. Don't be strangers! No parallel societies!!! Admit weaknesses and shortcomings truthfully. Change attitude: Others need to better understand us. Work on, believable & effective, internal reforms(islah) and renewal(tajdid).
  29. 29. 29 Conclusion No one is perfect: Jews, Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists.. All are born as humans & humanity is ONE big family. Equality under the LAW & respect rights of everyone. Teach love(Muhaba/Metta), tolerance, dialogue, NOT hatred. No one has the monopoly on TRUTH(Haqq). We are all imperfect seekers; learn from each other. Often TRUTH is layered, try to see from various angles. Do not worship false idols: Money, Glory, Power, Ideology. Have Compassion(Rahma/Karuna) on all living beings.