musical instruments, · is , "hush sibtar'i djing with piano ac-ompanimenta," a...

VOL. III. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY,' SATURDAY, JULY 12,1873. NO. 30 THE IRON ERA PCDUBIIED Evi'liV BiTUltOi* ft BENJ. I-I. VOGT. EDITOH inn HIOIIIETOE. Ofllte Cur. Slurrl* itii<l UJucfawcIl Mlrv THUMB UV SU11SCIPTION IHVAUIAIILV IS.VliTANnit. He I.a--, - - - $2.0(1 ii Hoallu, - - - 1.00 'hr« months, - - - - - - - 6 0 SAMSON MINING Co, CHESTER, Morris Co.. N. J. "Miners and Shippers of Iron Ore. AiMrosa JJ. MILLElt, I'rog. B. IV. QEOI1OE, Sup't., 30 IJioad B(. Now York, Chester, Murritt Co!, ao-ei* N. J. Business I'nrds. GEO. niClIAHDS & C IELL TICKETS I'Oll THEritlK^iH ^.IMI OF BTEAMEHS TOAND rj.oJT QuuBiiutouii anil Liverpool. DHAFTtf OK O m t Dfilaln,ln»hnd, aornianjtinaFrMicu 85.70 per "£1. PASSAGE TICKETS TO AMD FUO1I iverpo}! and Queenstown, en Hie fultowlug Bttiamsiiip lino*: CITNA11D, NATIONAL, l and Grout Wwtern. E,LIKDSLEr,Aco»t, Bkokwtfl Struct, Dovur, N. J. J. A. TONE, Auctioneer, itli brfoedajai a itiionabio eon.pot,Eation,or pui^rllis and aoO ou oomtabiloii. Union from £nj put of the eoimtj addresicil to no at Port Brim, or loft at tha store of J. A Toiio ,fc Han, Lui- Lmbmg will raeata prompt »Hout ion. fl-'JHp 13. T. HAIR DBESSING, lh»Yl»g aul Shampooing KittiMliliiiifdl, In ft* bnildine formerly oceupioil by tbo Toit jffi.i.luini 8F.,DOVKI, fl. J. , V. B.-PirUouUr aWontion gbon to tutting Ins 1 4(iiiiog ladln' and children 1 a link. ItxEom il, leUnflereaad. 1-lyr J. J, VREEAND, Carpenter and Builder, Jobbing promptly attended to. Bbopi cm Mtie'i Saw Mill, JJIackwulI St., Derer, K. J. Conlraoti taken, anil nmUrkl furtilB.iwl, W00DPOAT HOUSE, 'HOMAS 1JUIGHT, Proprietor, W0ODP0RT, HORniS Co., H. J. liillS wull-iraoim propBrty hm rocunlly b*oa oitoiwiralj Improved and mouirntiea, for accommodation of thotoseekiDgarotuedtuio- nut ruikluncu. ' BUiutad at Ho li«ad of Liku txcolleut liv. n — -q, i nut iiirimiiccl bjntiy nthor in ttio locality. Bianca leave Dover, otalit miles distant, on HID lval or tlio Del. Lock. & w«h Ji.R. tralnt m How York in lliu morning. For; part icnian imB ox above. M-tf k*"AS91Oir HOUSE, Ournur of Dhckiroll anil Husuux Sli, DOVJSIt. N. J. , B, JOLLEY, Proprietor. Bone* and Chrrlagns to Lot. J. W. STICKLE, SURGEON DENTIST, I Ottlii ud Itesidonoo, No. 72 Oraiigo Street, near Bread itcoot.pno block from M. &E. K. It. Itouol, 1 . NEWARK, N. J. Hltrons Oildo Oss admlnlalerol on tlio now plan. W f l O L D ITlLLIKaa A BPEOIALTY.'U - Mb Ic? extracting, whan Artifloial Tootli cotM; u w abla p vlnprocuvnrudfromlb to Lo aLuut, auil tint Oysters in any Quantity 'or Fain, Fcitivnin, Unlli, Partlao. or sorvod In onjr itj-lo at hia eating ulooa, oan behn&at lU tlmos. TEELADIES'.SALOON jioclyflttad »p, mi ia an eiceloat rasort fur jtaioiDg meilB and rorroiluncnti at alt houn. Ordon received from a dlitanco ana promptly dOt i;P,.Av HARRIS. ,1 'Physician and Surgeon, MINE HffiL. N. J. Ofllci tit Mr. Oalffin Clunillor'a, near tliu Dlofcor- >u Slino., Offlei H e n r i : 7 to » A. u.,lto aatdOto7p. lS-um-p Jrrr *r. LEPORT, OoTinsellor at Law, AITO MASTER IM OHAMOERY, Onto 1B th. NUIonil Cnloa iBik DaUdliig or«-4C& ST. , DOVER, N. J. VTEIOHIIOIIIIA QUITIIi ttorneys & Counsellors at Law, Cor. DlnckvoU and SOBJOI Btfl, DOVER, N. J. DMtmbirlltb.lBTO. I . K1IOBDOVB, t A W OFFICE, UNION ICII-I* BUHJDIKO, Dover, N. J. 8-ij O1IN V, STICKLE, Oounseller at Law AND MASTER IN CIIAHCEltY, BOCKAWAY.N.J. Furnishing Undertaker, LICENSED AUCTIOHEEQ AND COMMIS- SIONER OF DEEDS, All orderi promptly altontfetl to: ,Sra«OT, •"*"• "• '• J. L. TOWN SUBVEYOB. S URYEW 1CTELS, ami 01UDES mado (< puMIt W pr»al» ImpnmimouU. Office: SUSSEX STREET, (Near Uio Conil Bridge,) ^_ DOVER. IV. J. E. M. STICKLE, HOUSE AHDSIGN PAINTER, Cor, of Warren & Diokerson Sts DOVEIl, N.J. , anADHNQ, AND PATER AT THE LOWEST BATES. D" Carriages and Sleighs, Of Hirer? DMCrliitloii. 0»r. Blselwoll and Bcrgon fits, DOVISH, V. i X. H. Dinuix, " GBO. JIcCmcKES. P»riisaUr attention paid repairingan ALEXANDER ELLIOTT, BBASS urn IRON FOUNDER, MACHINE SHOP SAW AND GMST MILL, I . aoal.r In Qr«, On Laid,, Iron, Coal, DOVEB.N.J. Allen Palmer & Son, liuililcis. oking promptly attended to. b. J. l'AMIHll, Airliilicl. 8. R. OSMUN, Dentist, aionuisrowN, N. J., Bob Proprietor for Morris County or I'oUuiu'. Patent Kldifa. Hold Filling n Smclall). ijnld Nilrcun Osido Un., &c, ic, &c. Ac. WML P. MILLER, ittorney and Counselor at Law, SNTKK MARKET BUILDING, Ilooai Nil, 4, NEWA1UC, Jt. J, POUT OBAIT, MORHIS CO., N. J, OHNW. EARLES, Propr. Llvary fitfiblo atttehed to the UotoL jlorsoi ipl by HID day, wook or montll. 49-T yster Bay Restaurant AKD Eating House, IIOS. BOLWllO - - Proprietor. BLACttWEIJ, STREET, DOVEH, N. J. Tlic Bubaeriberujdo informi tliepulilla tUni lis bla lo Buperintond Ills bmluois inTnounllj, dflb fTt f LJ DCCiiuntBS .ROWE & RICHARDS, KLWYN BENTLEY, DEALERS IS BOOKS, STAXIONEKY, -AND- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SUSSEX BTEEET, DO7EB, N. J., [ear tlio Depot, wlitro can always bo found a. larfi and carorully aolsclod <todf of imerican and Foreign Stationery lohool Books, Slates &c Blank Books, "Writing Oases, etc., Picture Frames, and 01nines of all lands, 'ictmoB ur any doscrlnllon froptcd lo order fn tlio wt Btylo. Also, Book*. MBb'azlnua and "" _. a bound in Any ttylo at tliu lowcat jincoa. Toys, in Great Variety, Atcontprlcva. Urn, flrat-cbaa IXSTiraitEXTS, antli na 1AN0S, Ol'KllllS, Accordions, Ooiicei'tiiins, Violins, "•Guitars, Banjos. Flute's, &c. ind nil tlittr UltUKB, audacrcAL vorbtyof atrniiiuatH conatoutly on laud, or U order at lortcatnoiicu. Also Wax, for insWniJ Wax Flow- a, very oliuup. llcmcmbcr tliu nld aland, and bo miro not to forjjet ono of 1)10 old hands lifts como Lack again, you knew, that nBOto glvom atlah l)ar- ' ' uftm, at thu uld atsud, Mnutfon Honna Wrack. Blrrft, Uover, N. J. 10-tf. DOVER Kni'blc and Granite Works, si door Iu T11K 1UON UlA DiilldinG, DOTT.II,!!. J., O. S. Davison, ivlng utnrtcU an EutaltllaliiiiontforlUo MnniTuctiim of lUAKItJLB & GHA\ITE MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, A ND all kltidu of M1BLLM WORE, vrotld ii. rofpcctfully solicit tlio publio patronago *' 'iU Boution o( tlte County, finaraiitouinj V) r»|i 10 utmost. Butiifftctlon ai rognnli .Tie sneit orUraanahlp roiinlrod, »n4 at priem mo ' maoathh. Oivo mo a cull boforo Rolng nlminhoro. C. U. DAV1SOK. Noildoor 10 tha Iran Era Bqilding. BEEMER & PALMER, Doyer, N. J., WlaO.cunlc and llotoil dsUeri it) Scranton and Leliigli o o A. i*, I Lime, Cement, Plaster, Wood, &c. At tlio LowestKInrkot Price. All Sizes Constantly on hand, nm delivered toany part or tha City or Vicinity. Ordcri mar ba fldilrmiPil through tlio Poi Offlco Lock Doi 28, or loft at A, UasmBr'a offlea! TaoVwolI atroot, wmrSunoi. OfBconoil to Gagci Ilasuj't lumber y&rJ.Uhc] foil Blrtot. A. BEEJfEH, E. S. PALMER IRA 0. COOPER Mason and Builder. inlncti U'mii tat BII mlaHi (.,* ilsion ''Xilt Jobbing. IIHE, rLASTEH AMD CESIENT, Furoiihoil st iliDtt notleo, Offlo* nndtr "Thilroa Er» OIQaa," Daia J, 17- POETIC, THE WIND AMD THE HOQN, d tliu Wind to the IIuon, "I vill bloh you out Ywi Hlaro In tliu air LlLoagliflitliiAch.vlr, ayu luoklnc what I am about— itts to bo WAteUed; I'll bio «• you nu" o WlnJ blew hsnl, Mill unt wont tli? Moon, Ho deep Ou a heap Orcloudloua slotp, wn lay lUo Wind, and fluiuboiad noon— tUHnu Ion, "Vto done for that Moon." turned In IJj led. itio w»a Omit ufnlc I Oa hlgb * In lbs aliy WilbhcrrtioitUyu, io Moun BIIOUO ^hito mi CIITO and phin: iald t Moun BIIOUO ^hito mi CIITO and ph tha Wind—"I'll blow j-ou outagalD, grew 0 Wind Mov hard, fimlllio Mi "WltliinyBlodgo And my ir^dgo 1 ham knockoil oil' her rJgo; )uly [ bloir right fiorco andgrim, • crtaiuro wilt looacr bo dimmer anil dim." blow andLo blow, ami iho thinned to a thread. "Onopuff AIoro'H GHOD|;1I To liluw her to snulTt ...u cood puffmoro wiier* tUo Utt ms bro.l LIUI glimiiior, gluja will bo Ibo tLroaJ." hhw a eratt Unit, nn<] ilia throafl v»9gatti; iDtLeiir Nofflera Was Qmoonbeam burn; r ijir&nd Imrnilosa tho uky ntniH Hliunn, ru and certain tbo nioou was gono I • 'Wind lio looh to hU ravuli uuco; On Jown In tbo toiru Liko a mcrry-mnd clown, Icapod and liallood witU wlilitloand ro»r, 'bat'« thai?" Tko g Mmina ring tlircaa oiico mnro. flow In a rngB-ho ilincoJ anil hkw; But In vain Wti iho ptlii Of LUburitinu brain; r allli Lroidor ths mocn-Bsrap grow, 0 broader liaflVtillodIt Is Ug oliooks mid bloiT, viS * llD B fOlT - ml Bho Dllod tlis night, And HLODOonbi>r Ibrana In tho ikyalone, uaiohless, \rom)»rful nilwy llnhi, liant anl luvaly, tho QUOAD of tfao nlglit. d tbo Wind; "What a runnel of power MO I? WitU tny Iroath, I loud Mil), . IblcwliortodoMh- irit hhv her airiy right uut ol tba Ay— an blow tier in; wliat ttr«Qf;tU am I"? it tho Moon elio knciT notbing ebant tUo aiTair; Vurblsli In tho iVj- WUUUeroQoirbltoojo, itioulosH, iiiiluaaboroiu tlio air, lio Itiul iiQTor board tlio grout WEndblara, SABBA.TH THOUGHTS. 'Thou, God, that rul'it and tolgn'.t IDlight cannot flesh attain: Thou, God, that knom't tlio thought* of mot Aro altogether T»In; Thou, Qod, ulioranolthor loufuoof min Kor acgol o*n oxpreia; n.aod.ltlithatldoiiock. Thoa pity mi dlitma I Tltj BOit. 0 God, U 8T»rjirli«rB, Thrpo^er ill power tnuicoud; TiiV 1T1SQOD1 DailIlUb~Uioa>utvU uu,""- -- For that It haih. no end I Tliou art tho power and wisdom too, llfild DatI, ap Nnna or iniquity. Thou art by natnro morclful, And Morey U thy name; And I byaaturt mlnirablo, The thrall of sin end Bhame, Tlion lot thy notnro, 0 good Qod I f rkthis forco IDmo. And dcaato tUo natnro of my aln Andhialtnytnfitry, OQB iloptb, good Lord, anothnr CIATOB; Jly depth of sinful criuia Requires Ihs dopth of tnaroy groat Tor earing baslth in titn», ' B\reet Cnriat, grant that thy dopth of groco Hay an-ilioiy op my sin, TliatI thorobymay whlior ba Than ovon miowhath boon." EEA-DUTI0N8. Monngorio proprietors find painted mulo3 1 [oscollout flndj oleap aubatituto for EO- '08. A woman \t\o pioki orcr team w»tbkid ;1OVSB u a Danbury If 70a aro courting a girl, atiok to it; no mnttor how lugs hor fatlier'i !o«t era, The latast annoumstneut ot new musio is, "Hush, SiBtar'i Djing with Piano Ac- ompanimenta," A WtBteru paper layi: "Aaliort, thick, riped, Btnr-ipnuglod-baaQei sort offtbug boginning to look pitar tilt tomato '«p." "Hot weather, cliobra, hardtimca," have jroduood n caisntion iutlioistua of mar- 'iag« Honcos iu Falaski county, Tennos- :e. IVliilo n prcttj Om&lia girl v&a getting ^nrriod, one of bcrjiltacl JoTareflnaaie? into a backroom ftod Bmaaliod up tha band' imo bridal prcsonts, "Ho, I thank yon, I iieTor amoke," .10 aoiirtcona reply of a slumbering ortho- .lor doaoon on ha gently puilied aiTij the proffered contribution box. Tbaro ii s&id to, ho a n u t in Cincinnati tho is in possession ot inch •. powerful lemory, lliatlio is employadby tlie hu< inco aocietj toromombor tba poor. YouDg mcii with a Oiaposition to "bar- ;le," will bo interested to know tbats full jot of burglar's tools,. including r«volvor* md ilung-Bhots, ooiU about 81,000. A Connecticut woman who is tho mothe, if B4T«n childron, nil boji, anddoos hai iwn work, \Tft3 rtceotlj asked why thi lldn't gat n (TirL Sho biuahod parofullj, A Saranton, (Fa.) iroman put her tena v ^ a fl/itiron to seo if it iru list. Shi found out, nnd hai boon so quiet aror ainoa that her liusbniid Biayed at horn* almost ivory night. An Irishman in Bridgeport, who TTM Sold tbat bis omplojar'e itoro had burned down, exclalmed--"WeU, I c m ' t sot how that can be, truon I hnro tho kay in n ; ponkot." Iho Gormans provont red Trina from gal •ingiourby cooking it, and then puttini, it ia n warm plueu. 'Iho Amoriean mathoc ia to uncork it, and then put it in a warm place. A German, who VAS fiBhiag under a »i] road hridga noar St. Paul, Hiim, climbr up thraugli just nt tha -tvrong time, nnd tl Sihoa hud a thanbsgiTing ropsit of llne-o Datchman. It was Cbnrlas Lamb who saiii of thi •water-ouro" syatam, that it TAB "iieithe noiv nor wonderful for it 1Bas old as thi deluge, which, in 1117 opinion, killod mon than it cured." Some woman maguinist hat written an atiociotiB article rocommeadinp th» roriTr 1 of pantaletWa, and& wholo army of scril blots—presumedly ill>sliiipen as to feet nm ankles—are urgiug^iu tha tppalling move Got. A niftii iu •Wilmington Lu had a lizard hia atomaob fur Iwel vs j-fitra, and much :ji« rcliaf, tho reptile onme up n fair da; ago tind crtmlod out of his raoutb. It ITI annoyed at thomnn'a dyspoptio conditioi nnd canj« up to ECU tho doctor about it. ORATION jmurntni ur AVM. 13. CHTTKCH, KSQ., AT ))fjVKB, N. J., Ji:i,Y -iti], 1H7U- W CitiKM! SIWIO liltlo pcnonal ctplatintiou nuiy not improper, in TIOV of tlin fact that I find >'B(dfanuounecdm from Now York.iEGtoatl from llorriitowr., which haa boun my -me for noiiriy twonty-flvo ycaro. Tlio tot is iu itsslfof importanoo, uolyiti it line irnislied occasion for lomo commonts IIILJU I niuch loiitti, as tondiag to dinturb 10 himuony which, on tlii d»y, of all iiors nhoulil bo unirtirenl nnd unbroken. In iUoif, I say it ia of no moment, for it your boiat aud mine, Lo Buy not that ne citiKaiiRof Now J«raoy, or New York, any olhor Stat*, Init of tlmas grent 'nitoit Stfites. ^Our motto here is "Our ouiitry, our wliola Couutry, mid nothing mt our wholo Country,"' We nro met to-dsy citizona of all clasnoH, ' nil religions ntd of nil pulitienl cresdn, oeluhrate an ocoadon whichis tho oommoa Ado and thooommen glnry of all. To- ty is a ilay of gloiiiius memories—ntlay of iiitiiul oongr&tulationa among nil cilizenn " this mighty empire of tha pooplo—why JOU slculd wo uot iudnlge in n littlo nolf- loriiicatiou over our own plciaant catlior- ig here. To-day, all ovor tlio laud, in tliousnnds cf iticsanilbatulots, fair women nnd bravo en nro aisemblod to celobrata this F Lh anniversary of our national cxinteuca, 'louannduof natives aro rohefirsinn tbo jry, evor old and over new, of tlio struR- lo ami the victory—millions ofpounda of Dwdor through the yaitous throats of can- 1, pbtol aud squib, sand up with tro- .:idoiiB voifio tbo nnnouncompiit that thia freedom's day. But nercr in Iho whole ,116, ia city or in hamlet, woro tissomblod ,iror wumen or brnvor mon, under bright- akios, or in tlio misl't of moro tremon- iiian-auifostatiouBof thoiiopulnrjoy.tbau iroto-dayiu this oity of Dovor. I think woror, on the wholo, I atnll hnro to ro- ll that last, boaet. I once hoard n biggor >iso, Eight vanri ngo to-dny, I WAS stn- jnod ai Post Adjutnnt, in tbo oity of IbroToport, awny up in tlio nortliweatora irner of Louiaiana, whithor I bad 1)COQ mt aftar tha cnptuio of Mobtlo, with000 ' tho brigadoa of tho13th nrmy corps, to jeeivo tha EHtronder of ICirhy Smith's ar- iy. You often heard and rend during the •, of tho "last ditalij" but probably ,_io «f you avor knew tlmt it ovor hud cen actually diicovered—Iclaiui, however, 10 honor of that discovery, Wo found tbureot Sbroveport, on thu Red Elver, liohia truly a ditch nnd littlo elie, ju^t liere, and th 'a army whioh sar- tndsrsd there, looked ni if it id boon drugged through it nook nnd jola, for a morn forlorn, aad miuorablc, id ragged and dirt} sot, I norer s&wbo- irs or since. But lo come to tlio point cf IT itory. BhreToport had been ths Con- idorato nriunal for tbo territory ivoat of 10 MuiiBsippi, and thorfl woro gnthorod ioro at tho timo of tbo surrender UIDUB- fids of cannon and vaBt quantittei of pow- arid othor niuuitiouB of WAT, AH arouud ._ oity iwro imraonsa rarthworks thot instliavoflOBbinflmta labor to build, but •hich woro novor brought into use. Well, tha w r wan oTcr, the mustering ut of troops had eouimoBoed nndonr bovs roro very anxious to go lioma, and vory IUOBS, ready, as you may iiuaprino for any irowioua manifestation of fun or mis- uiof, and vbon tho glorious Pourth an-! iroachod it w&s doterminod to uiher it It ith all tha honors. No intimation of what was going on was ivsD to tha officer in command, end thoso t us who know nujthing of it kopt a ttfa- roet ailanco. As soon its darkness fell on tes™c«liSaSs? 1Ii i.fcS t !J. '. •ero dragged from tho arion&l, and with it labor planted upon ths various hills ominuncci upon irhioii tho city is built, and nil along tlie lino of earthworks, ingly, (and in groups orbattoriei—thobig- ;est gun being plnood within a few feet of ho commanding General's hoadnu&rtera. .it midnight Ml was roady, and thon tho flre began. I doubt if tliu world evor heard >uoh a noiBD, nil daylong, for tho whole twenty-four hours, from midnight to mid- iglit, the roar was incoisant. No lack of rorkora, and mon who know how to work, no, No attempt vos rande to ohook it,, or tlioro was it was fruitfasB. It was ths .iggest and tho longest noiao I eror heard. I havo said that thia ia adny for islf- ratuUttotiB nnd for eelf-filoriiloation, and rhy should it not ha ? Jsitiag aside, do T/O not find hero the eeorot of whatever greatuaia we hnvo aohiered as a nntion, Is it not tho trua boast of tho citizens of Bvery atato, and ovory city, and every vil- lago, that they individually, to barrown lguro from ths Soriplurc, aro tie living itonos from whom nil the building fitly 'ramsd togothcr andcomjiaistod nith tlmt rhich every joint BUpplicth atanda bo- ore tho'workl.the glorious temple of liberty, [lorious in its iuooption nnd foundation, [loriotiB in its growth, nnd still moro filori- IUB TTO fondly Belifivo, in it) future. Whnt .» tbaio in all tbo history of the world tlmt can justly ba Donaidorou as affording to tho mind a noblor subject for contemplation ~ in tho cirnumstanoej nttendingths ea uoUshmsnt of this t&jghty nation, and tin wonderful history of -what it has already ittamed. TVUatmoro onoourft;ing, nay, ivcn onahnntin^ thorn* thau that which C9 to our vision thoglorious poasibili- ,„- of tho future. Truly has it been snid .hnt our fathers buildod better tban thoy knew. Thoy came to ttcao shores with the >ns sooret, ecrntut thought in their henrta, ,hftt hero they might find that -which thoy id so long sought in vain, froalom tn ,,jrthipQou. according to tha dictates oi .heir own consciences, Thnt froodom thoy ^ound, nod in tho aoarch brougTit to light all tlio buried treasons of liberty. Many aars pused oro thoy began to eomprohanc 'ieir truo mission—for mnnyyoaTa tbr »w world Btrnvo to retain its grasp 11pm .jo old, uncomcious of tboic doaticy,cling- ing with a fonducas which long years ol suffering and tyranny liad not boan abls to QQACO, to tha raomonos and tho methods ol the ngo gono by, thoj kopt stretching out their loving Lands to thoworld thoy hud left bshind,their brightest liopos for the fu- ,uie was the past purified, But the ham' ,hat rules theunlvorao was moulding tbeii JsBtiny. God liad liii plans for them. He broke tho cbniti9 that bound thorn tc tho past &ncl sot before thorn a futuro nl' iheir own. And thus it \wui, this eoparntioi 'rom old associntioun. this sandcriug of old :ios, throwing thorn upon thoir own re- sources, setting them ftteo to fdeo Tvithi the perils and toils of a now world— this it wai that) moulded, nnd shaped mid roundad 1 <it their olinractora inton, fullaoiB and corrplotonBi3 8uch as thoworld ha' rarely if ever known. It may not be BBJI indeed, Mint thoy <i\vorl nothing to the past, "rat thogrim present waa tliui fara morr ^fDeisnt instructor. Cold and lutngar.nnL peril, and dire nccosiity. were their leach' era, and tho leiuons thay taught WOK lelf-restmint, aud Bolf-ruliacco, n&d pnv deneo, nnd furathouglit, find nbovo all. fnith. And out of HIOBS grow munliooil ami the capacity for aolf-govornmont. It is •vital truth that raou best learn tho art Bs.f-RovDmmcnt, wbothor ns appHod t» 1 dividtials or cnmrniinitios, by first Icnvii him to subjtigato and make auhicrrient their comforts and necoNsitiea the forcos tho material world. Aaditis bocai ont; tnd that in the great conflict what is truo niid noblo in mnti him- ilf, mil falsoUoutl e.n\ iguuruuto in tlio jjjlity oudoavor to nubdua and nmka sub- irviont to our progress all thoio foraas of iture. All tlioso uttributcs at huuinnity lticli aro ours by divino gift, wo liued siicb signal vietorico,—nud now nil rar tlq world wherever Uio UAIIIH nf libor- , is known, tho mention of this day sandi tlirill to thi hflii."ta of millions of human ga—to til* bonrtfl of tboopprcsaad aud osivoil of Ecjflnnti, panting to ha froo; ratching withslrainiiigoyai tlio daily is- iea of tlio conflict, n thrill of hopo and y. ID tlo hcarU of tlioBo who ia every oturn of thin day's joyful damoastt-atiaiia, iir BQiinded. onotliw etroVa of tlio slow Illiig knoll of deapotiHm—a thrill of hato id dutpair,' What? ia tho quostion inkoJ by the ieeriug aris^uerat of tboOld World—what ofl Ainsiica dono fcr tbo world—yon ere at lest but a salfinh democracy, living within lurseWos and for yourdplvss atone—what you donQ for tbo groat domiutiH of co and mi nml mul pliiloa- 1 rlorrCitiKena'—^Ve count buck to the ending of tho Pilgrim*, but 250 years ol 'iich thrae Uftbs we.'o jmasod in the bnro JUKRIC for oxistosca, Kovcrthelen, I ns- irt boldly tlwi during that period, Ameri- , IIBI coatr^atod her full ahnrs to the sci- JOO Mid art And literntura of tba world. lut I nsaort also that she lioa mndc to tho orld far nobler contributions tlinu thiao. Wliat has Amarioi done T Ask liuglaud id Scotland aud Ireland, aud all ths iu- _JUS from whose sborai joar nftcr yaur ara :oming to us, tlioio thntflyas a aloud and as Dves to thoir windowa. Ank Franco that us BO oftsu fallen back bruised nnd blaad- ig nnd oxbausted from tho tnad attempt reach at cna bound the ominanaa wliaro- , wo slanil.. Ask Gorrunny, tlmt ia almost cady to be froo—ask Japan, whose uovor- 'gn loottB back upon an unbroken dynasty twanty-Qvo oantutiei,lint wliiab now Honda tlio iuftui world for instructiou in what Q called tbo uaoful Arts and Soionocs, not ily, but id the principlei nntl syatomn of ligion and odaoation, Aak Asm aud Af- ioa and tho Islands of thoma, to whom .moriai. sonda auuunlly millions of monoy, id hundreds of earnest, faithful Christian irksrs, blaring with thorn, nnd scattering itb gonorous hands, leaves of tha troo lib. A11 thoso proclaim lritb aiiawcring voice bat Ataorioa has doaa aud is doing. And iwiho oalla upon tha world to ftdmire >t towering eattiedrala and gorgoouu p»la- 3, but liar aauntlc3i villago spiro3 and tho ittngss of tho poor, Bha points with pride not to her standing my, sucking the lifo-blood of tlio tfato, .it to hor publie ncliools, icaltaroi brand- mst over tho land, .difTusiug emong tho uamunities, that bait of unfoguarda, pop- lar intelligence, Sho boasts not in th* jporiority of the SpriEgQold riflo ovor the isodle gun, but in tbo bloodless victory of "oaova . Whoraror tho neadle gun nnd. 10 standing army aud Iho pnlnce nro fuuud, jere, doubtloan thoy aro 1100J0J; Whon tncrie* nooilt tlienij BIIO will fiml thorn. Jut Ilia confliot ii nut jot dono, nor can it ivcr coin until ths groat principles set jrth in the charter of our libortion, and hich thahistory of our beloved country "impliflos, nra univorsally roaognizod ns 1birth-rigbt of rann. The B«erot of our marrolouB nationnl troDgtli, the power to soaaro indeflnito Towtli, lie in the individuality of our citl- Bhip., The groat Knpoleon usod to on- mrage his men with thomaxim tbat 0vory ildior carried in his kuapinek, tho baton marshal of Franao. Hera as navar bo- are, thebighoBtinsontETOsarsIiold out to '1, tho prizes of a nation AI* opon to well •?h unrastriotad oompetition, (V» lieu a great deal said Bometimos of tbo matcriul world. A a d i t k boca of Uia same lovol ol uocosiity hnra aprung ncLunco, nndnrt, nnd hgriculturo, anuooni' jnorco, and mnimfaolurca, thntthcsQ sr~ go Iiaud in hnnd in anch subiimo harin Thus it is that manaro thinking tbo pro! lorn of life—thus it is tlmt tlio primova ctniae becomes as it was intouded lo bo, divino blessing. And BO, ns wo contamplato tlio prat, ^ i,jo -n-horsin conaiats tha truo glory and tli tiuo pawor ol tba nation founded by sur men, aud under suoh auspiooi. It ii not moralj that out of tho loi atruggla with tyranny Indopondenco v nchiarod, It is not rcorely thnt on tb» t and on thehud. we hava crcr prwrKi 01 selves invinoibte by auy humnn foo. It that UiiH land ban boon Binco ita ilrat po easaion by our Fathers, tho battlo-groui of truth and liberty cud justice and sell oin tiiuBJ, of oijirGsoiug to Goueral aliington HIT dunpijoiutment at tbcao •inplums ota cliango of principle,aud that fuuud them encourAgoaby tboforma find iroinoiiicn wbicli I found prarailing,not nt 1 in character with tha fiimpliaity of Re- iblican govornmont, nud looking na if wishfully totboso ofKuropaan courlo." ^(uhingtnn Qipliiinod that being lift la irscd in fiiicli amttora lio htd askoil thoio out him to deoidecn tho fdrms. "Tho ik,"mya JufTerson "^os auigued pAitiati- irly to Ooneral Knox, a mna of pariido, id to Col. Huutington who hnd roaidfid imo timo at a foreign court," Keur the ?giuniiig of bli Bflaoud term, Waihiugtoa forrod tho aubjact t'i lu'a Cabinet, for ad- ^a aa to revising tho ariating forms, fferion nodHaniiltoti favorod more 11m- litity; Kuoi niid Uandolph opposed any laugo; and thoCabinet being equally di- u no cbniigo win made. Wo will ndd ituing but an nutliecttc description br a iosdly pan of Washington'! Fhil&dclpliia foes: At three o'clock, nil the chairn having >on removoil, the door WJU opansd, nnd e Prcaideut, UBiially surrouadud by mom- imofbis Cabinet or otkur distiogntibod en, wai seen by tba approaching viaitor Hiding before tha Qre-ploco, hisLnirpow- irodnndgatherodbohiud in a fiilk bag, ast nnd breechai of plain black volvot, *iito or peart-colored vest, yellow glovoii, oaked hat in Lie linuil, and along award, ,h n llnoly-wrought nnd glittoring etool It, the cant worn ovar it, and its Baabhard politliod wliito leather. On thoso occa- ona ho nerer shook hands, even with his nut iutimnto frionihi. Tlio name of ovary ia was distinctly nnuouncad, nnd be re*ly forgot the pnraon who had been in- iducod ID him. Tho vialtor was received th adignifladbow and pneied on to an- ithar part of tho room. At &quarter past lireo tlie door was cloicd, tho goctlsmen [irosent raovod into a circle, And ho pro- "idaJ, beginning tit his right hand, to 01- mgo n fowwords with each. Whoa tbo ircuit was completed homutnod his firit ositton, and tbo visitors tppioiictiod him succossioii, bowed, and rotirail." How Simkes Stopped Ohowing Tobacco. Smikes had nevar made up his mind to up chewing. Ho nover was much of a mwor. any how, ho aaid. He hadn't used ibaeco but a faw yoors, and raraly eon- .mod moro than aa ounce paper in a iy. But be foaiod the hnbit might gat rid of aimand baooma fixed, and if thore nnylbiug that ho abhorred it was to aco inn liacornQ a ikvo to a bad habit. Ha .„ usod Uio veol some to bo sura, but .iero hnd baon no timo during tlio last ten oars whan lv» ooull not (top at any mo- aent. But HO long ruth* didnot boiomo i&bituatod to its lisa he did not enro to av>. Ho could break «ff any minute, and was a great relief to feel BO. Thuttpson, 0tUoiiRlit, w u a u abjoot slava to his pijm. 0 pitied Thompion, for ho hud loan .bompson try to stop smoking Borcril imos, and failed iguominionaly ovory tims undertook it. But Smike* wanted to JW his wifo how oasy ha ooultl quit. So inday luorninji ho remarked carelosaly to mnntlia that ho gussssd ho would atop ing tobuoco. Simantba laid Bhe V M id of it, and added impetuously, what 1 had naver said bafora, that it was a vils bit. SuiikflB appeared a little nerrous A contused whon Sftmantba said tbia,and lUinblod out something about being glad hnd noror got into it himaalf. In his •itntion ho palled out his tobacco box id via jutt about to take A chew, when ho .collected uiinsotf and plunged out tha oor formatting his umbrella. About half ay to hit ofilca bo met Jones, with whom 0 was having Bomo business transactions. ,1/hilo they ware talking tha thing ovor, Smikes got a littlo enthusiastic, and he "ind almost ranched theofBco before ho itiood tlmt ho was Tolling nn unoominon- jealooa of our libortiM, to justify any sus- iaion of danger from suoh * aourcw, and idro nover hki baen any danger from it, 'hore may ba oomiptioD, thero may bo in- 'Boitnoy, there may be error, tlioro may rpn he temporary dsmorslitfltion in ono 'moro of thobraualioa of tlio govornmont, it th« foundation ii Qrm nnd tba will of .0 pBOplu is surely to mnko iUslf folt in lie end.' This then is tho point to which r» come at lost. If tba pooplo are to govera, theymustbo jetmoted in ths art of covornmant, nnd ight htro we must take oonnial of expori- inco and by ovary maim in our power, ex- id tho facilities for popular education, iy moro, wemuit insist upon popular odu- ition. Its importanae, its nbioluto noses- .tj to the lift) of tho itato nro apparent, ind who ehall say that the sUta tai not a ight to demand of ita citizens, tho intolti- mt exaroiao of all tho dntios of oitiunship. Thia ii to ba ono of tho qnestions of ths lay, fellow citizens, and I hope thot whon 1 comoB beforo us for decision, tbo people 1 Morria County, irrcipootivo of party, ill bofound on thn side of intelligence .nil Tirtue againab ignorance tnd vice. Tha inly foes our country needs to dread ate hoao two which over go hand in hand, ig- joranca and crime. What do I say ? .From :hooppro3Bod tnd enalaved of Ml lands, rushed and tioildon down undor the iron leel of despotism in vnrious forms, bearing ipou tboir shoulden tho bardin ef contu- iosof dapfrftdfttian, yat tlowly stmggling p toward munhootl, comes a cry of warn- ig nnd nppciil, and their united voices tie- ,B,r<3 the immutable truth that in a country ike oura, with privileges and advantages ika ours, with an origin liko ours, and with history liko oura, jgnoranco is a crime. Tboio is not a faoulty whiea God has /ran to man, that ha did not intoctl hira J UBO for his own happinesi nnd tlint of his •Hows, and tho man who neglects the cul- ivittion, deve!opmont and right oxerciso el iis own powers, or withholds from his fel- 3W mivn opportnnity and foaility for such Ivanoomant, ia guilty of an offenca agaiaif ia Divitin lnw of progress. Oherieh thon tlio youth of our land, thoio wlio in tho ycara to como are to ho HID standard born-are of liberty. I'lnco in their hands the Bible, tho geography, the history of our own nnd other conntriei, mukfl thBm octiuaiated with all useful ntts nd Ecionnes, build for thorn, and oordinlly ustain Bohoois aud academies and lomina .JOB of learning, teach them to know tbam- eolvas, thoir reUtiona to their follow men and to God, their reipomibtlltios nnd duttca ai joint inheritors of fratdom. And as eaoh sticcasdicg year brings to m anew tho anni- reraary of froiidom's birth, wo shall lool- ipon a repilblio more firmly ostublisliod, i •vcrnmant batter ndininistored ia all iti ..nnoho-f, local and nationnl, upon arts and leionco and Hteratnra advancing with rapid itrides, upon a comraorco spreading its rliito wings far andwide, benringtho toad» if liborty to ovary olitno, until flnfilly, in Qod's own time, mon ovary where shall havo lo&rnod to know themselves and tkr royal prorogativos of humanity, and thi darknoss of ignoraneo and s-ipcrstitioi iliall ho iivcpt away, nnd the fall orb h nihercd in, and the whole world ho abla to idopt as the bast and truest oxjiroisiua or _ts joy, tho eubliraa motto, "sub Hbcrlaten quielat" undor libarty, ponce, About President Washington. nihiiiKton's Iiouie in Philadolpbin the mansion of Ilobort Morris. Wnalnng- ton hunsalf said of it in &tetter to Sear, Lf private BooreUry: "It IB I baliovo tlio boi singlo ho^ao in tho city. lot without nd ditiona it ia inadoqaata to the commoclioir ncanmmodxtion of. m^ family. Thaao oc ditions I bolioFO will bo made. * * There nro good alablaa, but for t horses only, and a co&oh-house which lioldallmy carriagaa," Wo know no nu thority for tho itatement thnt n coach nm fonr wan cuatdiimry with privato gaatlomr" of thnt pcriotl. Bo this as it may, W ington on itato occasions ganernlly usal coach and BIT, nnd he kept postilions t Toll OB a coachman. Will tbowriter wb soams BOmuch nmuicd,or at least aarpriaotl ,t our nlluBioa to Washington's "almos ogal pomp," tako JaJTarson aa nn authority Hu sail (Wurks, vol. 7, |ip.3G7-B); "\71i« I joined tbo Government in Mnrch, 179i at Now York, Ivraa much nstoniebed nt tl mimicry I found eatnblished of roynl form! and coromonioB. * * I took occasion, a Dtknow, He puzzled over that littlo line alltbo rest of tho forenoon, nnd at «t ho took it out and throw it away, ,tisaeil ho must havo takaa it whito talk- uB with JoneB, Twioa thnt ftftornoen Imikos took out histobneoobox and looked it Once ho Bmelled of the tobacco. It loll BO(rood that Bmikes folt impellod to ^markto hisuslf that it was the easiest thing in the worlil tofltoj) chawing. He (ongratulatwl himaoU ngafn and again tlwt H hnd not booomo antauglod mtho meshas ? The filthy ™. «4 he "»w *?»" jattor threa or four time» nt theto* Ublo, ill Simnntha wonclorea eroatly at tha arm- rSBiikw. She had nlwfty8 hoard, iheanid, thnt it was a hard thing to l«are & Bnt Bmikea haa told her and kept flllinchar thftb it wai "just na easy," and 3L« lor the ik» Btraneth and [.aonondonco of choraotor of Smlkai grew ike a gouid. That night flmiku hnd tha rkratuuB. Ho thought that a logion of BSl9ends had got him up in a corner of bo backyard, and had rolled upon his wast a monstrous qpM of ''Ono-cut," as irco around as a cart-wheel, and whon jy woro trying to force it into hu mouth, likea struRglod vigorously, and when Sa- Mintun ahook him and asked him what waa Leranttor, hii only reply-mw, that "any- idy could stop oliowing it thoy only made > their mind, to it." The a Bit day Smikeiwiud httlo ner- 8U9. -He told overybody wh» eamo in ' iat a simpla thing it -was to atop ohawing. ie third day ho hnrpoi Bboiit it all day udi? Hotold ono man about it three dif- [orenb timu,imd whon that much informed idividunl ventured the opmioa thnt he w i a be chawing again in leu thtm a week, mikoa indignantly ojnoulatea: "Mr Jon- ing whan I make up my mind to do ft MW, thatia the last of i f The fourth davSmikoshcBid thnb camomilo bloasomB WBro Bomotimoa mod M a strtwtltnto for to- seoo nmliuBt outof curiosity ho deveurod couple of otuior* ol ihtm. Ho aaid to the Iruairiatwheaho bonght thorn that it wns stop the use of tobacco, tho fifth daySmikea got sick. Hia iiuvossavaont. Ho Bnnpncd out eome- .liiug at Bwmwithft at tlw hrflikfast tablo, lnaot hia inkstanil, hnrnt his flngarn pokmc iomo oinaow out of tho grato, nnd liad no ppotitofor dinner. That day tho D -' hisporedto SmifeoB that tobacco waa lly boncfioinl to aome temperaments, imikoshnd ft tomperjment of that kind, i'ho Bixth day Smikes felt hko a murdoror. Ha soomod to himsolf to lmvehecome trans- formed into a Modoc.- Hia mouth was dry •mil pnrohea. A stoat, liMlthy looking oM Kontlomnn came intohia office that day. Ho was R great friend of Smikes' nna Bf [10 drew forth his Bilvor teboeco her ant intily shook'out n small portion of thi luniront weod, Smikea folt his mouth rator. Ha had romarked to Mr. Johl Jiftt ho hnd not clioweti any for six d , . and that ho hnd relwined so long juat to y himsolf thnt anybody could ohow or IUJI.U it alona. Ho was fully satisfiad thai it oould ba done, but lie thought his waa ono of tlioso temperaments tlmt aro leally aetedupnn in 0 beneficial way by tho tern- lernts UBO of tobaooo. Mr.. Jounaon MI<? 10 thought uo too, and ni ho handed Smike! .iis boi remarked that hahtd ehewed regu- larly for thirty years, nnd didn't know a- lt had over hurt him any. An Smilcosrotloi largo quid back into his left choak, hi aid ho thought thoro was a grait differ jncainmon. Ho was siiiisfloa he ooul Btop diewing at any timo, -bnt thors wert iomo tempsramontx lo which n gentlo nar eotio or opinta waa renlly n blosmng. An Atlanta dootor advites parsons afrnii of cholera to stand on thoir bonds for at minute three times n day, He Argues tin this arrests abdomidnl dopresaion, %ai woall bo n healthful gymnastio exorciso any timo. A book hns juat boon puhlished, entitle "Why She Balund Him." It is hard! necessary to wndo through a throa hnndre E iga Tolumo to aseertain why ehe refnic im. It was bacatiso ha wasn't rich, 1 itirso. Not lone iao in tho Court of Appeals, certain lawyer of Celtio oxtrnction, whi arpning with earnestness his coao, stated point, and than prooeoried: "And of tl Oaortplazo, of Inm wrong in this, I hr another point th&t s auunlly conclmiv _, hssboaahuil iu tain iiu&rterji recently rolatifo to the iwa of Dr. Jmopli Farriah upon tho totn- imnca quastitjii, mid, thinking thnt ltis liniona upon tlio question at this time ight bo ini-oresting to tho public, a roper- uf Ike TiiQitirtr tviu despatched to in- Ilia ]miiif:or, ca Proaidant of tho Amori- AaioaiaLiou for tho euro of luobri&Ui, of tho Pennsylvania Sanitarium, to- ithor with tha fact that his judgment HOB nsidwed of •mllcieiit valuo to thi) Parlis- at of Groat Britain to induco a commit- uf thoHOUBO of Oommona to lend for im to give toitimon; no thora, midalto " mmona o tend for my on thosubjeot be- that linou his rotuni ha __ bcon urgod by the directors of tho Ma- •land Inebriat* Asylum to givA a portion ' his time in tho organization of an insti- tigu iu Maryland, eutitloa bis vteirB Ui blio consideration. 3ur reporter found tha dootor, who ia a ma of middle age, in his private study, agagod in exumiiiinc; statiatics, whiah ho u procured from tho Governors of tbs •ont states and territories, ralativo to . jftlo of intoxicating liquors, and tho .nishmoQt of dninkardi, andaftor a fow iduotory remarks, subitnntially tho foi- ing •ocvorwition ensued: Itoportor. What in tliogsnoral result of ur inquiries uuon the Biibjeet of legielft- jnto provout uriukiot;? Dr. Psrriah, Tho ennourront tflBtimony ill these oflloiala iu difforant parts of tho mtrv Boom to establish the fact tbat it in ipOBsiblo to prsvant the uso of Htimiilat- liquors by law. It. TVIutt remody, limn, enn bo applied? Dr. P. Tho object of all the laws EOBIDB be to prevent the uso by prorontisg tba i, nad as they haw hitliorto proved mef• ^unl wo ehould learu that the radical tmedy lies deeper. Tiioinslrnotion otthe ~Dplo, commencing with common schools; pulpit and tlio platform, in tha true s of lifo and health, aud presenting a tbful pioturo of (ho causes nnd ofTeets ot iii diseaso it tho(mo plan. Caricaturing toxieated perionu and aigniug plodgoa ill novor oicompliuh it. Kothiog in the irld can uproot in a short time a vico u'ch hnsoiistad for so nanny oeuturiea. It. I would liko n coiioiso stntomeut of lur viowa upoii intompornuco as a dis- Dr. F. In tho first plnco Urn definition disease ia, properly spanking, any do- turo from the standard of health. Moat )plo, howavor, aesociato tho idon of dia- .59 with pain or aomsBymptoms of din- >i3 which indicate inihoimutioa or othar risible disorder. I think thia an error. mnnot ba (jipeotoil, howevor, that tha die mind ona apprehend tho ccault f»r- , with which physicians are endeavoring - oopo, aud which Ha behind alt abnormal lanifottations that are called symptoms; d it ia for this raaaon, I hare no doubt, itthosojwho ndvooaU tho diaaasa tbe- aro miHiinderBlood and nisstatod. Be- sa of this I hawnaid but littlo us to tho •ah tbiaga that havo boon published in 1 tompounco pros, profaning to trust 1 wholo queition to the working of thnt vitnble law whioh underlies tho growth intollig&iico and ciroful obaarrdtion with 1 people. I am confident tliet tlms aatl ji-ooacd knowledga will work a roforma- in of public »untiment on tha wliola sub- R. Will you be kind enough to stats it the disease theory is ? Dr. P. Whan I speak of tha dJBO&SB of itetnpQiauce I do not moan delirium, or iflammation of tho stomach or brain, or .ralyaifl, or any of thoso s^d lesulti oi ex- SJ; but I moon tba condition of iiio hu- tan orgnniam vlioh cither demands tho a of artiuoial Btimulants—from some hid- in, inherent onuse—or which, notprimar- foeling thi naaio of seed, engenders it tho uae of alcohol. It is a well known .ot that many persons indulge during long i n t t n daily aseof nlooholio utimulanta holismTwnWnAQe.aCUia.Aymptoms of 0 glus without running into w hatever oondition it is tbat eonfltitutes : ia difference between them alassas of pet- it tho diiBMod oondition. Im I as- iratood ? B. Yei, air, I bBliovo I ondorflUnd you. 1 I suppose you believe alaohol to be a n, if it is capablo of protluoing did- ? Dr. P. TUa word "jjoieon" is used in io popular sensa very indonnitoly. Alco> l IS a poison whoa Uken in poieonoua Bfls. Arienio nnd etrychnino &ra pois- JS, and yot they may ba takon ia son- oiflonous doaas, aud aroconstantly admia- ;ered by physicians for remedial dosos.— JO »mo may ba said of opium in all iU irms, and of many other drugi, Idaisify coliol in tbo Buna category, R, Doyou nienn, whon yon apoak thui " alcohol, the common nlosliolio bevor- *Dr. P, Tho bavoragej usod vary In tho iroportiou of aloohol they contain, and 'iey aroinjurious in tho samo proportion, lording to tha susceptibility of tbo con- imar. 11, Co 1 understand you to maun that o persons will besoma drunkards and ora not, by tho use ol the fltmo quantity . liquor? Dr. P. I think there can ba no quaition ' that. Somo mon may eat food indii- :riminatoly and in oxeois, and never havo iyspopsia or aoem in any way to suffer from indulgsnoa, whilo others art obliged rostriot tbemsalres with tha utmost cars limited dial; and I think each man uld exorcise a dogroo of self-roitraint in JD indulgence of hia tnitos aud appetites, nd whon poopb &ro so instructed thoro rill bo an improvement in publio - : -'-- ,od temporauca, and not until then. R I jmlEfo thon that you donoc inly pou logiglntion as a remedy. Dr. V. I certainly cannot admit that jy leginli\tion witii wliioh 1 nni familiar :atoa intamparanco. Our wise (?) men ivo legislatod for nearly a century on this jbjsot and it hat not been curad, and I upposo thu fault ia not with tho legislators ur with tha law, but tlio reason Booms to is to Hu in tha Nimpla fact Ihnt tha sub- t ilsalf doos not resido within the do- tin of law, R. So I understand you to moon thai iwa Bhouldnotbo enaatad to provent ill- smpornnco. Dr. P. I havo taid that law cannot, in u y judgment, fun: intsmporacco. It may rcmovo public temptation out of ths way of reak virtua; it may punish men for aelling quor without ahcoase; it may even re- ao to grant llaensos for the sale of liquor; it it cannot provoat ths dmira for indul- nca to tlio individual, nor can it prevent ,m from mannfacturing tha fruiti of thi arlh intct Alcoholic beverages for his owi isa; doprive him of tha right of hospitality, fliioh prompli iti distribution to hia fam- ly nndfrianda; it cannot prevent him from .aoking roliel nnd gratifying his desire for exaltation or narcotism, as he may prefer, ">y other drugs. ID IVword, it «»nnot, in he nature of things, ba a. ramedy for a par- sonal anil constitutional taint ot desire. R. I judgo, then th&t you aro not advocato for prohibitian ur local optlet: T?S. Dr. P. Tliers are spheral of labor foi all classes of mind in tho region of reform, Sorna readily giusp proximato causes am' apply thsms»lT«s to thoir ramoval. Sncl persona soo liquor Bold on tba straeti see men reeling out of tbo saloons, end coi dude at onco that but for tsg BKIOOBS thi man would not drink, and apply to the la' o c.loao the eaiooii and put an end t Irunkonnoss. Ibo logio is isund hut thi prcmissB on which it is haatd. ara m. henoa legiilation to provont drunkanQess n failure, null nhrnja must ba. It has boi triad by Kings and Monnrcha in Moham mttUu and Obristian lands, and has bos: unavailing. Vfa must go to tha CSUIB raoiovo tho ofTest. B. Do you boliova a knowledge and OJptinco of thadisonao theory would dimin- isb iatomporanca ? Dr. P. If tho fact that inlmpcran is a disease, hsroditnry in many casai n acquired in many, was generally believci tho common inttinats of men would lo thorn to avoid all ncknawlodgail ucitantft the dissuo, juit na men who inherit tondoncy to consumption aro careful thoir buLits of lifo and avoid all excitants tha davelopment of taa disorder, and jt ts men with weak or faoble stcmachs and digestive poweia will avoid tho use of food wbioh will gi?e thata pain and aihaust thoir strangth, It. Doyoubelievsin tha influence of climate u]ioa intemperance ? Dr. P. lute rape ranao prevails in all parts of tbo world, that from alobohol bailiff rar- ' ar nt tho equator, and becoming more fro- queut *nd moie violant ai weapproash the north. In tropical regions tli« doiiro for intoxication from nlchohol moro feeble, tba people Basking relief by the use of hesheesb, *r in the drinking of inordinate quantities of coffao and tea. In Central Iiurop* the taato for tlcbohel is more ap- ptront, *> that every body UMB the sativa wines without muohappareat aril. These may produce intoxication if used exces- Bivoly, but it ia not usually ol that violent chanvctar which is aaon m moro northern regions, in which fiery potations impart an oxhilaiaHog warmtli and mental excite- ma lit. R, Am I to understand, than, that you liftf 0 drunkennesa is KQinhorited diawise, . consumption or dyspepsia &ra T Dr. F. You may so understand me, if JU do BO in tonnootion with Important [ualiflcfttioE. "Tba <ju«ti»n ot iutlmdual ipoiiiibility is an important 000 ina mer- eenso, and must not bo diasootod from 9 general subject. I believe a man who Uerita m tondoaoy to oooBomption or any hot disoaso, ia responaiblo fer 0 graatevil ho knowingly eipoBes or otherwise 1UH03 himself so &a to induoo or hasten its ivolopmoat, just &s I balievi an inebmto morally res^ionaiblo toe tho evil ha bringa ton himself and family if, in the faco of _ the facts in hii oaao, lie throws himself ito a current which lie is assured will car- him to ruin. I havs triad already to press ipon you my belief that this diu- 10 theory will deter men from drinking era they understand and believe it. Men wiak moral iens» shrink from dissuio mat than thoy dofrom ain, Men of fco- will &r« mora readily restrained by tho is of oicaping pbyiisnl pain and its con- [uencas tban by a mere appeal to tkair Igmont. Erer? child should be taught ,t drunkennosB is a violation of thohigh- Booial law, indisatbg & loathBorao dii- iet whioh it is his duty to avoid, fast as jttony if a violation of the earns law; d evory parent should ba taught that ',h tbess oonditions, and all kindred dis- tort resulting from passional excess, nro thaaamo category, and ihould lie treat- aa disiEwea, No Uw exists for punishing ia for oating or smoking too much, and . those «vils nre, perhaps, in their re- ts, as demoralizing to the public waltore dhikiug. I. May I ask you what yon think of constitutionality of tha Local Option j I)r. P. It would ba preaumption ia ma 1 offer on opinion on tbat eubject, easing at the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania nlieady settled it I think, lowem, A\ optioniati would have boan more con- tent if tbey had aikedfora law to decide t whethor liquor ahould ba told in thoir ipectivo districts, but whether it should drank, for ths non-sale will aot provent drinking by men who want it, while . uon-drinking would prayent both tba .nulnature for diiiking purpesas and tho }. I should like to know the opinion of .Supremo Bench on such a law as that, id I understand tha Looal Option liw to J 'uat that, though it doss Dot ex- t. E. Which doyou praftr, general or lo- latrs ? Dr. P. General laws, by all means. II. Ars you BTTOTO that thero is a good iml ef diversity among temperance men . to political action ? Dr. P. I judge BOfrom what I read. I —is some very excellent f rloadi too, who . what thay «on«id«r rudiotl tflmperanoa JD, who do cot loolieve in Local Option . prohibitory h\wi, but raly entirely upon .oral saifiion. I know others, who I Judgs be equally sineera and intelligent, who i'in-tJ»uKiofl(vl,Qfltion ns.firmlyjaa_ thoy It, Doyou think this ia a damagstJ " 10 ckuje ? Dr. P. Oh, no. Themoro people think tout thia subject the sooner thoy will .ma to the adoption of right viowa. I am id thnt there is already & wing of to temporanco party who are about to ae- ipt tha disenifl thaory ai » stand-point (or "new departure,"Bndl&mnotBurprisod R. Do you think that th« will power is ipaired by tho intomperaU vie of alcho- >Iio stiaaulanta ? Dr. P. Without doubt; and nolbaliave it persona are born with de!dotive will >war, and tkat in conaaqnense af inherit- dsfeob they sxs nmda tha viotima alike pamioiooB social ntagos and of their own passions. It. Does not tbii fiot tend to modify 10 criminality of. drunkenness ? Dr. P. It dooa not aeem to ma tbat it JTaota tho quoation at nil, so far as the pub- ' nro concerned. Abreach cf peace, or lUtionof doosnoy, ii just ns offensive to i law and to society whon committal by . inoaponsiblo. B« by a respanaiblo per- m. But, 10 far us the individual himself ooncorned, I think, ns I have before inti- ited, tho measure of raapDnsibility should! Ditunated by tlie knowlidga of th* iadi- idual of tho eixctunBtanoos inrronnding dm. Lnw in thia ooantry is nover so rigid ' nt it takes no cognizance of montal aUtoi id physioal surrounding!. R. I judge by your remark* that jou •e oppoaed to pusiahing drunkards ? Dr. P. I nm certainly opposed to pua- ihing inabriatcJi. What inebriates may do j another tuing. "Son know there has baon uitoautixin the Legislature about aroot- ,a a hospital for what aro called insane lminala, bo«auie it would be aruel to in- let punishment upon th*m. For the no reMoa, I think th&t iaabriates should provided with iistitutiona and propor reatment, R. Do you, taan, coniidar insbriatoi in- inu? Dr. P. By no means. Tharo is ft irid* itleronc* hetwoan insanity nnd intamper- .jiiie. You might as well lay thnt n giut- ;oa ia insane, because he yields to Ma ap- itite, or tbat a faat young man whs spends .a aabatanca in riotous living ia insano, nd hurry them off to lunatic hospitals as insafs to he at large, R." Are inohrinta asylums inorcaiing ia ia TJmikod State*. Dr. P. The time is at hand, believe, wh«u thoy will ho rocognizad aa "al as boapitnls for other forms of dii- Tho publio mind has readily &ud ipidly given itsalf to intolligent thought ipon the subject, and thero oan he hut ouo •OBUlt. This closed thai interview, during which r. _P»rriih axprasied hia views in B. clear, Btraigbtforwaril manner, with the air of n man who waa thoroughly confident that ,11 ha said was strictly tru., and yst with iscoming /aspect for all panoni who are '- : --[nt kha s»m9 raform by «thar vto- - Philadelphia Enquirer. t Womnmn Cocmnr.—Tho American Shginser iiua lumps the wan- don of our country; "The greatest cata- ract in tha world is Ihofalls *t Niagara, whoro the water from the great upper lakei forms a river of three-fourkhi of a mile in width, ani thon, being Buddenly contract- ed, plnngdi over the rooks in two eolamni lo the depth ui 175 fast. The greatest CAVO in the) world ii tho Mammoth Gave of Kentucky, where any one oan mala e voy- age ou tho waters of & BUhtsrranoan river, and catch nsh -without eyes. Tho grontoit rivor in the known world is thoMissiiiippi, 4,000 milaa long. The largeBt valley in the world is the valloy of the Mississippi. It contains over 600,000 equaro miles, and ii one of tha most fartila region* of tha globo. Tho greatest city park in tho world is in Philadelphia, It contains ovar 2,700 acres. Tbo greatest grain port in the world is Chi- cago, TUa largwt lako in the world is Lako Snporior, which is truly an inland Bes, being 430 miles loag and 1,000 hot deep. The longest raiboad at presont is the Pacifla railroad, over 3,000^ miles in length. The groateit inais of #olid irtm in tho worlcl it tha mountain of Missouri. It is 350 feet high and two miles in circuit. Tbo best specimen of Grecian arahiteeturo in tho world is tha airard College for Or- phans, Philadelphia.

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Page 1: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, · is , "Hush SiBtar'i Djing with Piano Ac-ompanimenta," A WtBteru paper layi: "A aliort, thick , riped, Btnr-ipnuglod-baaQei sort of ft bu g boginning to look




Ofllte Cur. Slurrl* itii<l UJucfawcIl MlrvTHUMB UV SU11SCIPTION


He I.a--, - - - $2.0(1i i Hoallu, - - - 1.00' h r « months, - - - - - - - 6 0


"Miners and • Shippersof Iron Ore.

AiMrosaJJ. MILLElt, I'rog. B. IV. QEOI1OE, Sup't.,

30 IJioad B(. Now York, Chester, Murritt Co!,ao-ei* N. J.

Business I'nrds.

GEO. n i C l I A H D S & C •IELL TICKETS I'Oll THE ritlK^iH .IMI

OF BTEAMEHS TO AND rj.oJTQuuBiiutouii ani l L iverpool .


O m t Dfilaln,ln»hnd, aornianjtinaFrMicu

85.70 per "£1.PASSAGE TICKETS


iverpo}! and Queenstown,en Hie fultowlug Bttiamsiiip lino* :

CITNA11D,NATIONAL,l and Grout Wwtern.

E,LIKDSLEr,Aco»t,Bkokwtfl Struct, Dovur, N. J.

J. A. TONE,Auctioneer,

itli br foe dajai a itiionabio eon.pot,Eation,orpui^rllis and aoO ou oomtabiloii. Union from£nj put of the eoimtj addresicil to no at PortBrim, or loft at tha store of J. A Toiio ,fc Han, Lui-Lmbmg will raeata prompt »H out ion. fl-'JHp


lh»Yl»g a u l Shampooing KittiMliliiiifdl,In ft* bnildine formerly oceupioil by tbo Toit

jffi . i . luini 8F.,DOVKI, fl. J., V. B.-PirUouUr aWontion gbon to tuttingIns1 4(iiiiog ladln' and children1 a link. ItxEom

il, leUnflereaad. 1-lyr

J. J, VREEAND,Carpenter and Builder,

Jobbing promptly attended to.Bbopi c m Mtie'i Saw Mill, JJIackwulI St.,

Derer, K. J.Conlraoti taken, anil nmUrkl furtilB.iwl,


W0ODP0RT, HORniS Co., H. J.liillS wull-iraoim propBrty hm rocunlly b*oa

oitoiwiralj Improved and mouirntiea, foraccommodation of thotoseekiDgarotuedtuio-

nut ruikluncu. ' BUiutad at Ho li«ad of Liku

txcolleut liv. n — -q,i nut iiirimiiccl bjntiy nthor in ttio locality.Bianca leave Dover, otalit miles distant, on HIDlval or tlio Del. Lock. & w « h Ji.R. tralntm How York in lliu morning. For; part icnianimB ox above. M-tf

k*"AS91Oir HOUSE,

Ournur of Dhckiroll anil Husuux Sli,

DOVJSIt. N. J., B, JOLLEY, Proprietor.

Bone* and Chrrlagns to Lot.

J. W. STICKLE,SURGEON DENTIST,I Ottlii u d Itesidonoo, No. 72 Oraiigo Street, nearBread itcoot.pno block from M. & E. K. It. Itouol,1 . NEWARK, N. J.

Hltrons Oildo Oss admlnlalerol on tlio now plan.Wf lOLD ITlLLIKaa A B P E O I A L T Y . ' U -

M b Ic? extracting, whan Artifloial TootlicotM;

u w abla pvlnprocuvnrudfromlbto Lo aLuut, auil tint

Oysters in any Quantity'or Fain, Fcitivnin, Unlli, Partlao. or sorvod In onjritj-lo at hia eating ulooa, oan be hn& at lU tlmos.

TEELADIES'.SALOONjioclyflttad »p, mi ia an eiceloat rasort fur

jtaioiDg meilB and rorroiluncnti at alt houn.Ordon received from a dlitanco ana promptly

d O t

i;P,.Av H A R R I S . ,1'Physician and Surgeon,

MINE HffiL. N. J.Ofllci tit Mr. Oalffin Clunillor'a, near tliu Dlofcor->u Slino.,

Offlei Henri: 7 to » A. u . , l t o aatdOto7p.lS-um-p

Jrrr *r. LEPORT,


Onto 1B th. NUIonil Cnloa iBik DaUdliigor«-4C& ST. , DOVER, N. J .


ttorneys & Counsellors at Law,Cor. DlnckvoU and SOBJOI Btfl,

DOVER, N. J.DMtmbirlltb.lBTO.I . K1IOBDOVB,


Dover, N. J.8-ij •


Oounseller at LawAND




SIONER OF DEEDS,All orderi promptly altontfetl to:

,Sra«OT, • " * " • "• ' •


SURYEW 1CTELS, ami 01UDES mado (<puMIt W pr»al» ImpnmimouU.

Office: S U S S E X S T R E E T ,(Near Uio Conil Bridge,)

^ _ • DOVER. IV. J.



PAINTER,Cor, of Warren & Diokerson Sts



D"Carriages and Sleighs,

Of Hirer? DMCrliitloii.0»r. Blselwoll and Bcrgon fits, DOVISH, V. i

X. H. Dinuix , " GBO. JIcCmcKES.P»riisaUr attention paid t» repairingan





I . aoal.r In Qr«, On Laid,, Iron, Coal,


Allen Palmer & Son,

liuililcis.oking promptly attended to.

b. J. l'AMIHll, Airliilicl.

8. R. OSMUN,Dentist,

aionuisrowN, N. J.,Bob Proprietor for Morris County or I'oUuiu'.

Patent Kldifa.

Hold Filling n Smclall).ijnld Nilrcun Osido Un., &c, i c , &c. Ac.

WML P . M I L L E R ,ittorney and Counselor at Law,



OHNW. EARLES, Propr.Llvary fitfiblo atttehed to the UotoL jlorsoiipl by HID day, wook or montll. 49-T

yster Bay RestaurantAKD

Eating House,IIOS. BOLWllO - - Proprietor.

BLACttWEIJ, STREET, DOVEH, N. J.Tlic Bubaeriberujdo informi tliepulilla tUni lis

bla lo Buperintond Ills bmluois inTnounllj,d f l b fTt f LJ DCCiiuntBS





[ear tlio Depot, wlitro can always bo found a. larfiand carorully aolsclod <todf of

imerican and Foreign Stationerylohool Books, Slates &c

Blank Books,"Writing Oases, etc.,

Picture Frames,and 01 nines of all lands,

'ictmoB ur any doscrlnllon froptcd lo order fn tliowt Btylo. Also, Book*. MBb'azlnua and ""

_. a bound in Any ttylo at tliu lowcat jincoa.

Toys, in Great Variety,Atcontprlcva.

Urn, flrat-cbaa IXSTiraitEXTS, antli na




Banjos.Flute's, &c.ind nil tlittr UltUKB, audacrcAL vorbtyof

atrniiiuatH conatoutly on laud, or U order atlortcatnoiicu. Also Wax, for insWniJ Wax Flow-a, very oliuup. llcmcmbcr tliu nld aland, and bo

miro not to forjjet ono of 1)10 old hands lifts comoLack again, you knew, that nBO to glvom atlah l)ar-

' ' uftm, at thu uld atsud, Mnutfon Honna Wrack.Blrrft, Uover, N. J. 10-tf.

DOVERKni'blc and Granite Works,

si door Iu T11K 1UON UlA DiilldinG,

DOTT.II,!!. J.,

O. S. Davison,ivlng utnrtcU an Eutaltllaliiiiont for lUo

MnniTuctiim of



i i . rofpcctfully solicit tlio publio patronago *''iU Boution o( tlte County, finaraiitouinj V) r»|i10 utmost. Butiifftctlon ai rognnli .Tie sneitorUraanahlp roiinlrod, »n4 at priem mo 'maoathh.Oivo mo a cull boforo Rolng nlminhoro.

C. U. DAV1SOK.Noildoor 10 tha Iran Era Bqilding.


WlaO.cunlc and llotoil dsUer i it)

Scranton and Leliiglio o A. i*,

I Lime, Cement, Plaster, Wood, &c.At tlio LowestKInrkot Price.

All Sizes Constantly on hand, nmdelivered to any part or tha

City or Vicinity.Ordcri mar ba fldilrmiPil through tlio Poi

Offlco Lock Doi 28, or loft at A, UasmBr'a offlea!TaoVwolI atroot, wmrSunoi.

OfBconoil to Gagci Ilasuj't lumber y&rJ.Uhc]foil Blrtot.A. BEEJfEH, E. S. PALMER

IRA 0. COOPERMason and Builder.inlncti U'mii tat BII mlaHi (.,* ilsion ''Xilt


Furoiihoil st iliDtt notleo,Offlo* nndtr "Thilroa Er» OIQaa," Daia

J, 17-


d tliu Wind to the IIuon, "I vill bloh you outYwi HlaroIn tliu airLlLoagliflitliiAch.vlr,

ayu luoklnc what I am about—itts to bo WAteUed; I'll bio «• you n u "o WlnJ blew hsnl, Mill unt wont tli? Moon,

Ho deepOu a heapOrcloudloua slotp,

wn lay lUo Wind, and fluiuboiad noon—tUHnu Ion, "Vto done for that Moon."turned In IJj led. itio w»a Omit ufnlc I

Oa hlgb *In lbs aliyWilbhcrrtioitUyu,

io Moun BIIOUO ^hito mi CIITO and phin:iald t

Moun BIIOUO ^hito mi CIITO and phtha Wind—"I'll blow j-ou outagalD,

grew0 Wind Mov hard, fimlllio Mi"WltliinyBlodgoAnd my ir^dgo1 ham knock oil oil' her rJgo;

)uly [ bloir right fiorco and grim,• crtaiuro wilt looacr bo dimmer anil dim."

blow and Lo blow, ami iho thinned to a thread."OnopuffAIoro'H GHOD|;1ITo liluw her to snulTt

...u cood puffmoro wiier* tUo Utt ms bro.lLIUI glimiiior, gluja will bo Ibo tLroaJ."

hhw a eratt Unit, nn<] ilia throafl v»9gatti;iDtLeiirNoffleraWas Q moonbeam burn;

r ijir&nd Imrnilosa tho uky ntniH Hliunn,ru and certain tbo nioou was gono I

• 'Wind lio looh to hU ravuli uuco;On JownIn tbo toiruLiko a mcrry-mnd clown,

Icapod and liallood witU wlilitloand ro»r,'bat'« thai?" Tko g Mm in a ring tlircaa oiico mnro.

flow In a rngB-ho ilincoJ anil hkw;But In vainWti iho ptliiOf LUburitinu brain;

r allli Lroidor ths mocn-Bsrap grow,0 broader lia flVtillod It Is Ug oliooks mid bloiT,

viS *llD BfOlT- ml Bho Dllod tlis night,And HLODO on bi>r IbranaIn tho iky alone,

uaiohless, \rom)»rful nilwy llnhi,liant anl luvaly, tho QUOAD of tfao nlglit.d tbo Wind; "What a runnel of power MO I?

WitU tny Iroath,I loud Mil), .IblcwliortodoMh-

irit hhv her airiy right uut ol tba Ay—an blow tier in; wliat ttr«Qf;tU am I"?it tho Moon elio knciT notbing ebant tUo aiTair;

VurblsliIn tho iVj-WUUUeroQoirbltoojo,

itioulosH, iiiiluaaboroiu tlio air,lio Itiul iiQTor board tlio grout WEndblara,


'Thou, God, that rul'it and tolgn'.t ID cannot flesh attain:

Thou, God, that knom't tlio thought* of motAro altogether T»In;

Thou, Qod, ulioranolthor loufuoof minKor acgol o*n oxpreia;n.aod.l t l i thatldoiiock.Thoa pity mi dlitma I

Tltj BOit. 0 God, U 8T»rjirli«rB,Thrpo^er ill power tnuicoud;

TiiV 1T1SQOD1 DailIlUb~Uioa>utvU uu,""- --For that It haih. no end I

Tliou art tho power and wisdom too,l l f i l d

DatI, a pNnna or iniquity.

Thou art by natnro morclful,And Morey U thy name;

And I by aaturt mlnirablo,The thrall of sin end Bhame,

Tlion lot thy notnro, 0 good Qod If rk this forco ID mo.

And dcaato tUo natnro of my alnAndhialtnytnfitry,

OQB iloptb, good Lord, anothnr CIATOB;Jly depth of sinful criuia

Requires Ihs dopth of tnaroy groatTor earing baslth in titn», '

B\reet Cnriat, grant that thy dopth of grocoHay an-ilioiy op my sin,

TliatI thorobymay whlior baThan ovon miowhath boon."


Monngorio proprietors find painted mulo31 [oscollout flndj oleap aubatituto for EO-'08.

A woman \t\o pioki orcr team w»tb kid;1OVSB u a Danbury

If 70a aro courting a girl, atiok to it; nomnttor how lugs hor fatlier'i !o«t era,

The latast annoumstneut ot new musiois, "Hush, SiBtar'i Djing with Piano Ac-ompanimenta,"

A WtBteru paper layi: "A aliort, thick,riped, Btnr-ipnuglod-baaQei sort of ft bug

boginning to look pitar tilt tomato'«p."

"Hot weather, cliobra, hardtimca," havejroduood n caisntion iutlioistua of mar-'iag« Honcos iu Falaski county, Tennos-:e.

IVliilo n prcttj Om&lia girl v&a getting^nrriod, one of bcrjiltacl JoTareflnaaie?into a backroom ftod Bmaaliod up tha band'

imo bridal prcsonts,"Ho, I thank yon, I iieTor amoke,"

.10 aoiirtcona reply of a slumbering ortho-.lor doaoon on ha gently puilied aiTij theproffered contribution box.

Tbaro ii s&id to, ho a n u t in Cincinnatitho is in possession ot inch •. powerfullemory, lliatlio is employadby tlie hu<inco aocietj to romombor tba poor.YouDg mcii with a Oiaposition to "bar-

;le," will bo interested to know tbats fulljot of burglar's tools,. including r«volvor*md ilung-Bhots, ooiU about 81,000.

A Connecticut woman who is tho mothe,if B4T«n childron, nil boji, and doos haiiwn work, \Tft3 rtceotlj asked why thilldn't gat n (TirL Sho biuahod parofullj,

A Saranton, (Fa.) iroman put her tenav ^ a fl/itiron to seo if it i ru list. Shifound out, nnd hai boon so quiet aror ainoathat her liusbniid Biayed at horn* almostivory night.

An Irishman in Bridgeport, who TTMSold tbat bis omplojar'e itoro had burneddown, exclalmed--"WeU, I c m ' t sot howthat can be, truon I hnro tho kay in n ;ponkot."

Iho Gormans provont red Trina from gal•ingiourby cooking it, and then puttini,it ia n warm plueu. 'Iho Amoriean mathocia to uncork it, and then put it in a warmplace.

A German, who VAS fiBhiag under a »i]road hridga noar St. Paul, Hiim, climbrup thraugli just nt tha -tvrong time, nnd tlSihoa hud a thanbsgiTing ropsit of llne-oDatchman.

I t was Cbnrlas Lamb who saiii of thi•water-ouro" syatam, that it TAB "iieithe

noiv nor wonderful for it 1B as old as thideluge, which, in 1117 opinion, killod monthan it cured."

Some woman maguinist hat written anatiociotiB article rocommeadinp th» roriTr1

of pantaletWa, and & wholo army of scrilblots—presumedly ill>sliiipen as to feet nmankles—are urgiug^iu tha tppalling move

Got.A niftii iu •Wilmington Lu had a lizard

hia atomaob fur Iwel vs j-fitra, and much:ji« rcliaf, tho reptile onme up n fair da;ago tind crtmlod out of his raoutb. It ITIannoyed at tho mnn'a dyspoptio conditioinnd canj« up to ECU tho doctor about it.

ORATIONjmurntni ur


AT ))fjVKB, N. J. , Ji: i ,Y -iti], 1H7U-

W CitiKM!SIWIO liltlo pcnonal ctplatintiou nuiy notimproper, in TIOV of tlin fact that I find>'B(dfanuounecdm from Now York.iEGtoatlfrom llorriitowr., which haa boun my

-me for noiiriy twonty-flvo ycaro. Tliotot is iu itsslfof importanoo, uolyiti it lineirnislied occasion for lomo commontsIIILJU I niuch loiitti, as tondiag to dinturb10 himuony which, on tli i d»y, of alliiors nhoulil bo unirtirenl nnd unbroken.In iUoif, I say it ia of no moment, for ityour boiat aud mine, Lo Buy not that ne

citiKaiiRof Now J«raoy, or New York,any olhor Stat*, Init of tlmas grent

'nitoit Stfites. ^Our motto here is "Ourouiitry, our wliola Couutry, mid nothing

mt our wholo Country,"'We nro met to-dsy citizona of all clasnoH,' nil religions ntd of nil pulitienl cresdn,oeluhrate an ocoadon whichis tho oommoa

Ado and tho oommen glnry of all. To-ty is a ilay of gloiiiius memories—ntlay ofiiitiiul oongr&tulationa among nil cilizenn" this mighty empire of tha pooplo—whyJOU slculd wo uot iudnlge in n littlo nolf-loriiicatiou over our own plciaant catlior-ig here.To-day, all ovor tlio laud, in tliousnnds cf

iticsanilbatulots, fair women nnd bravoen nro aisemblod to celobrata thisFLh anniversary of our national cxinteuca,'louannduof natives aro rohefirsinn tbojry, evor old and over new, of tlio struR-lo ami the victory—millions ofpounda ofDwdor through the yaitous throats of can-

1, pbtol aud squib, sand up with tro-.:idoiiB voifio tbo nnnouncompiit that thiafreedom's day. But nercr in Iho whole

,116, ia city or in hamlet, woro tissomblod,iror wumen or brnvor mon, under bright-akios, or in tlio misl't of moro tremon-iiian-auifostatiouBof thoiiopulnrjoy.tbauiroto-dayiu this oity of Dovor. I thinkworor, on the wholo, I atnll hnro to ro-ll that last, boaet. I once hoard n biggor>iso, Eight vanri ngo to-dny, I WAS stn-jnod ai Post Adjutnnt, in tbo oity of

IbroToport, awny up in tlio nortliweatorairner of Louiaiana, whithor I bad 1)COQmt aftar tha cnptuio of Mobtlo, with 000' tho brigadoa of tho 13th nrmy corps, tojeeivo tha EHtronder of ICirhy Smith's ar-iy. You often heard and rend during the

•, of tho "last ditalij" but probably,_io «f you avor knew tlmt it ovor hudcen actually diicovered—Iclaiui, however,10 honor of that discovery, Wo found

tbureot Sbroveport, on thu Red Elver,liohia truly a ditch nnd littlo elie, ju^t

liere, and th 'a army whioh sar-tndsrsd there, looked ni if itid boon drugged through it nook nndjola, for a morn forlorn, aad miuorablc,id ragged and dirt} sot, I norer s&w bo-irs or since. But lo come to tlio point cfIT itory. BhreToport had been ths Con-idorato nriunal for tbo territory ivoat of10 MuiiBsippi, and thorfl woro gnthorodioro at tho timo of tbo surrender UIDUB-fids of cannon and vaBt quantittei of pow-

arid othor niuuitiouB of WAT, AH arouud._ oity iwro imraonsa rarthworks thotinstliavoflOBbinflmta labor to build, but•hich woro novor brought into use.Well, tha w r wan oTcr, the mustering

ut of troops had eouimoBoed nndonr bovsroro very anxious to go lioma, and vory

IUOBS, ready, as you may iiuaprino for anyirowioua manifestation of fun or mis-

uiof, and vbon tho glorious Pourth an-!iroachod it w&s doterminod to uiher it Itith all tha honors.

No intimation of what was going on wasivsD to tha officer in command, end thosot us who know nujthing of it kopt a ttfa-roet ailanco. As soon its darkness fell on

tes™c«liSaSs?1Iii.fcSt!J. '.•ero dragged from tho arion&l, and with

it labor planted upon ths various hillsominuncci upon irhioii tho city is built,

and nil along tlie lino of earthworks,ingly, (and in groups orbattoriei—thobig-;est gun being plnood within a few feet ofho commanding General's hoadnu&rtera.

.it midnight Ml was roady, and thon thoflre began. I doubt if tliu world evor heard>uoh a noiBD, nil day long, for tho wholetwenty-four hours, from midnight to mid-

iglit, the roar was incoisant. No lack ofrorkora, and mon who know how to work,no, No attempt vos rande to ohook it,, ortlioro was it was fruitfasB. I t was ths

.iggest and tho longest noiao I eror heard.I havo said that thia ia adny for islf-

ratuUttotiB nnd for eelf-filoriiloation, andrhy should it not ha ? Jsitiag aside, do

T/O not find hero the eeorot of whatevergreatuaia we hnvo aohiered as a nntion, Isit not tho trua boast of tho citizens ofBvery atato, and ovory city, and every vil-lago, that they individually, to barrow nlguro from ths Soriplurc, aro t ie livingitonos from whom nil the building fitly'ramsd togothcr and comjiaistod nith tlmtrhich every joint BUpplicth atanda bo-ore tho'workl.the glorious temple of liberty,[lorious in its iuooption nnd foundation,[loriotiB in its growth, nnd still moro filori-IUB TTO fondly Belifivo, in it) future. Whnt

.» tbaio in all tbo history of the world tlmtcan justly ba Donaidorou as affording to thomind a noblor subject for contemplation~ in tho cirnumstanoej nttendingths eauoUshmsnt of this t&jghty nation, and tinwonderful history of -what it has alreadyittamed. TVUatmoro onoourft;ing, nay,ivcn onahnntin^ thorn* thau that which

C9 to our vision tho glorious poasibili-,„- of tho future. Truly has it been snid.hnt our fathers buildod better tban thoyknew. Thoy came to ttcao shores with the>ns sooret, ecrntut thought in their henrta,,hftt hero they might find that -which thoy

id so long sought in vain, froalom tn,,jrthipQou. according to tha dictates oi.heir own consciences, Thnt froodom thoy^ound, nod in tho aoarch brougTit to lightall tlio buried treasons of liberty. Many

aars pused oro thoy began to eomprohanc'ieir truo mission—for mnnyyoaTa tbr»w world Btrnvo to retain its grasp 11pm

.jo old, uncomcious of tboic doaticy,cling-ing with a fonducas which long years olsuffering and tyranny liad not boan abls toQQACO, to tha raomonos and tho methods olthe ngo gono by, thoj kopt stretching outtheir loving Lands to tho world thoy hudleft bshind,their brightest liopos for the fu-,uie was the past purified, But the ham',hat rules the unlvorao was moulding tbeii

JsBtiny. God liad liii plans for them.He broke tho cbniti9 that bound thorn tctho past &ncl sot before thorn a futuro nl'iheir own. And thus it \wui, this eoparntioi'rom old associntioun. this sandcriug of old:ios, throwing thorn upon thoir own re-sources, setting them ftteo to fdeo Tvithithe perils and toils of a now world—this it wai that) moulded, nnd shaped midroundad 1 <it their olinractora inton, fullaoiBand corrplotonBi3 8uch as tho world ha 'rarely if ever known. I t may not be BBJIindeed, Mint thoy <i\vorl nothing to the past,"rat tho grim present waa tliui fa ra morr^fDeisnt instructor. Cold and lutngar.nnLperil, and dire nccosiity. were their leach'era, and tho leiuons thay taught WOKlelf-restmint, aud Bolf-ruliacco, n&d pnvdeneo, nnd furathouglit, find nbovo all.fnith. And out of HIOBS grow munliooil amithe capacity for aolf-govornmont. It is•vital truth that raou best learn tho artBs.f-RovDmmcnt, wbothor ns appHod t» 1dividtials or cnmrniinitios, by first Icnviihim to subjtigato and make auhicrrienttheir comforts and necoNsitiea the forcostho material world. Aadit is bocai

ont; tnd that in the great conflictwhat is truo niid noblo in mnti him-

ilf, mil falsoUoutl e.n\ iguuruuto in tliojjjlity oudoavor to nubdua and nmka sub-irviont to our progress all thoio foraas ofiture. All tlioso uttributcs at huuinnitylticli aro ours by divino gift, wo hH.roliued siicb signal vietorico,—nud now nilrar tlq world wherever Uio UAIIIH nf libor-, is known, tho mention of this day sanditlirill to thi hflii."ta of millions of human

ga—to til* bonrtfl of tbo opprcsaad audosivoil of Ecjflnnti, panting to ha froo;ratching withslrainiiigoyai tlio daily is-iea of tlio conflict, n thrill of hopo andy. ID tlo hcarU of tlioBo who ia every

oturn of thin day's joyful damoastt-atiaiia,iir BQiinded. onotliw etroVa of tlio slowIlliig knoll of deapotiHm—a thrill of hatoid dutpair,'

What? ia tho quostion inkoJ by theieeriug aris^uerat of tbo Old World—whatofl Ainsiica dono fcr tbo world—yon ere atlest but a salfinh democracy, living withinlurseWos and for yourdplvss atone—what

you donQ for tbo groat domiutiH ofco and mi nml mul pliiloa-1

rlorrCitiKena'—^Ve count buck to theending of tho Pilgrim*, but 250 years ol'iich thrae Uftbs we.'o jmasod in the bnroJUKRIC for oxistosca, Kovcrthelen, I ns-irt boldly tlwi during that period, Ameri-, IIBI coatr^atod her full ahnrs to the sci-

JOO Mid art And literntura of tba world.lut I nsaort also that she lioa mndc to thoorld far nobler contributions tlinu thiao.Wliat has Amarioi done T Ask liuglaudid Scotland aud Ireland, aud all ths iu-

_ JUS from whose sborai joar nftcr yaur ara:oming to us, tlioio thnt fly as a aloud and asDves to thoir windowa. Ank Franco thatus BO oftsu fallen back bruised nnd blaad-ig nnd oxbausted from tho tnad attemptreach at cna bound the ominanaa wliaro-

, wo slanil.. Ask Gorrunny, tlmt ia almostcady to be froo—ask Japan, whose uovor-'gn loottB back upon an unbroken dynastytwanty-Qvo oantutiei,lint wliiab now Hondatlio iuftui world for instructiou in whatQ called tbo uaoful Arts and Soionocs, notily, but id the principlei nntl syatomn ofligion and odaoation, Aak Asm aud Af-

ioa and tho Islands of tho ma, to whom.moriai. sonda auuunlly millions of monoy,id hundreds of earnest, faithful Christianirksrs, blaring with thorn, nnd scatteringitb gonorous hands, leaves of tha troolib.

A11 thoso proclaim lritb aiiawcring voicebat Ataorioa has doaa aud is doing. Andiwiho oalla upon tha world to ftdmire>t towering eattiedrala and gorgoouu p»la-3, but liar aauntlc3i villago spiro3 and thoittngss of tho poor,Bha points with pride not to her standingmy, sucking the lifo-blood of tlio tfato,

. i t to hor publie ncliools, icaltaroi brand-mst over tho land, .difTusiug emong thouamunities, that bait of unfoguarda, pop-lar intelligence, Sho boasts not in th*jporiority of the SpriEgQold riflo ovor theisodle gun, but in tbo bloodless victory of"oaova . Whoraror tho neadle gun nnd.10 standing army aud Iho pnlnce nro fuuud,jere, doubtloan thoy aro 1100J0J; Whontncrie* nooilt tlienij BIIO will fiml thorn.

Jut Ilia confliot ii nut jot dono, nor can itivcr coin until ths groat principles setjrth in the charter of our libortion, andhich tha history of our beloved country"impliflos, nra univorsally roaognizod ns

1 birth-rigbt of rann.

The B«erot of our marrolouB nationnltroDgtli, the power to soaaro indeflnitoTowtli, lie in the individuality of our citl-

Bhip., The groat Knpoleon usod to on-mrage his men with tho maxim tbat 0voryildior carried in his kuapinek, tho baton1» marshal of Franao. Hera as navar bo-are, thebighoBtinsontETOsarsIiold out to'1, tho prizes of a nation AI* opon to well•?h unrastriotad oompetition,(V» lieu a great deal said Bometimos of

tbo matcriul world. A a d i t k bocaof Uia same lovol ol uocosiity hnra aprungncLunco, nndnrt, nnd hgriculturo, anuooni'jnorco, and mnimfaolurca, thntthcsQ sr~go Iiaud in hnnd in anch subiimo harinThus it is that man aro thinking tbo pro!lorn of life—thus it is tlmt tlio primovactniae becomes as it was intouded lo bo,divino blessing.

And BO, ns wo contamplato tlio prat, i,jo -n-horsin conaiats tha truo glory and tlitiuo pawor ol tba nation founded by surmen, aud under suoh auspiooi.

I t ii not moralj that out of tho loiatruggla with tyranny Indopondenco vnchiarod, It is not rcorely thnt on tb» tand on the hud. we hava crcr prwrKi 01selves invinoibte by auy humnn foo. Itthat UiiH land ban boon Binco ita ilrat poeasaion by our Fathers, tho battlo-grouiof truth and liberty cud justice and sell

oin tiiuBJ, of oijirGsoiug to Goueralaliington HIT dunpijoiutment at tbcao•inplums ota cliango of principle,aud thatfuuud them encourAgoaby tbo forma findiroinoiiicn wbicli I found prarailing,not nt1 in character with tha fiimpliaity of Re-iblican govornmont, nud looking na if

wishfully totboso ofKuropaan courlo."^(uhingtnn Qipliiinod that being lift lairscd in fiiicli amttora lio htd askoil thoioout him to deoidecn tho fdrms. "Thoik,"mya JufTerson "^os auigued pAitiati-

irly to Ooneral Knox, a mna of pariido,id to Col. Huutington who hnd roaidfidimo timo at a foreign court," Keur the?giuniiig of bli Bflaoud term, Waihiugtoaforrod tho aubjact t'i lu'a Cabinet, for ad-a aa to revising tho ariating forms,

fferion nod Haniiltoti favorod more 11m-litity; Kuoi niid Uandolph opposed anylaugo; and tho Cabinet being equally di-

u no cbniigo win made. Wo will nddituing but an nutliecttc description br aiosdly pan of Washington'! Fhil&dclpliiafoes:At three o'clock, nil the chairn having>on removoil, the door WJU opansd, nnde Prcaideut, UBiially surrouadud by mom-imofbis Cabinet or otkur distiogntiboden, wai seen by tba approaching viaitorHiding before tha Qre-ploco, hisLnirpow-irodnndgatherodbohiud in a fiilk bag,

ast nnd breechai of plain black volvot,*iito or peart-colored vest, yellow glovoii,oaked hat in Lie linuil, and along award,,h n llnoly-wrought nnd glittoring etoolIt, the cant worn ovar it, and its Baabhardpolitliod wliito leather. On thoso occa-

ona ho nerer shook hands, even with hisnut iutimnto frionihi. Tlio name of ovaryia was distinctly nnuouncad, nnd bere*ly forgot the pnraon who had been in-iducod ID him. Tho vialtor was receivedth adignifladbow and pneied on to an-

ithar part of tho room. At & quarter pastlireo tlie door was cloicd, tho goctlsmen[irosent raovod into a circle, And ho pro-"idaJ, beginning tit his right hand, to 01-

mgo n fow words with each. Whoa tboircuit was completed ho mutnod his firitositton, and tbo visitors tppioiictiod himsuccossioii, bowed, and rotirail."

How Simkes Stopped Ohowing Tobacco.Smikes had nevar made up his mind toup chewing. Ho nover was much of amwor. any how, ho aaid. He hadn't usedibaeco but a faw yoors, and raraly eon-.mod moro than aa ounce paper in aiy. But be foaiod the hnbit might gatrid of aim and baooma fixed, and if thore

nnylbiug that ho abhorred it was to acoinn liacornQ a ikvo to a bad habit. Ha

.„ usod Uio veol some to bo sura, but.iero hnd baon no timo during tlio last tenoars whan lv» ooull not (top at any mo-aent. But HO long ruth* did not boiomoi&bituatod to its lisa he did not enro to

av>. Ho could break «ff any minute, andwas a great relief to feel BO. Thuttpson,

0tUoiiRlit, wuau abjoot slava to his pijm.

0 pitied Thompion, for ho hud loan.bompson try to stop smoking Borcrilimos, and failed iguominionaly ovory tims

undertook it. But Smike* wanted toJW his wifo how oasy ha ooultl quit. Soinday luorninji ho remarked carelosaly tomnntlia that ho gussssd ho would atoping tobuoco. Simantba laid Bhe V Mid of it, and added impetuously, what1 had naver said bafora, that it was a vilsbit. SuiikflB appeared a little nerrous

A contused whon Sftmantba said tbia,andlUinblod out • something about being glad

hnd noror got into it himaalf. In his•itntion ho palled out his tobacco boxid via jutt about to take A chew, when ho.collected uiinsotf and plunged out thaoor formatting his umbrella. About halfay to hit ofilca bo met Jones, with whom0 was having Bomo business transactions.

,1/hilo they ware talking tha thing ovor,Smikes got a littlo enthusiastic, and he"ind almost ranched theofBco before ho

itiood tlmt ho was Tolling nn unoominon-

jealooa of our libortiM, to justify any sus-iaion of danger from suoh * aourcw, andidro nover hki baen any danger from it,'hore may ba oomiptioD, thero may bo in-'Boitnoy, there may be error, tlioro mayrpn he temporary dsmorslitfltion in ono'moro of thobraualioa of tlio govornmont,it th« foundation ii Qrm nnd tba will of

.0 pBOplu is surely to mnko iUslf folt inlie end.' This then is tho point to whichr» come at lost.

If tba pooplo are to govera, theymustbojetmoted in ths art of covornmant, nndight htro we must take oonnial of expori-inco and by ovary maim in our power, ex-

id tho facilities for popular education,iy moro, we muit insist upon popular odu-ition. Its importanae, its nbioluto to the lift) of tho itato nro apparent,ind who ehall say that the sUta ta i not aight to demand of ita citizens, tho intolti-mt exaroiao of all tho dntios of oitiunship.Thia ii to ba ono of tho qnestions of ths

lay, fellow citizens, and I hope thot whon1 comoB beforo us for decision, tbo people1 Morria County, irrcipootivo of party,ill bo found on thn side of intelligence.nil Tirtue againab ignorance tnd vice. Thainly foes our country needs to dread atehoao two which over go hand in hand, ig-joranca and crime. What do I say ? .From:hooppro3Bod tnd enalaved of Ml lands,rushed and tioildon down undor the ironleel of despotism in vnrious forms, bearingipou tboir shoulden tho bardin ef contu-iosof dapfrftdfttian, yat tlowly stmgglingp toward munhootl, comes a cry of warn-ig nnd nppciil, and their united voices tie-,B,r<3 the immutable truth that in a countryike oura, with privileges and advantagesika ours, with an origin liko ours, and withhistory liko oura, jgnoranco is a crime.Tboio is not a faoulty whiea God has/ran to man, that ha did not intoctl hira

J UBO for his own happinesi nnd tlint of his•Hows, and tho man who neglects the cul-ivittion, deve!opmont and right oxerciso eliis own powers, or withholds from his fel-3W mivn opportnnity and foaility for suchIvanoomant, ia guilty of an offenca agaiaifia Divitin lnw of progress.Oherieh thon tlio youth of our land,

thoio wlio in tho ycara to como are to hoHID standard born-are of liberty. I'lnco intheir hands the Bible, tho geography, thehistory of our own nnd other conntriei,mukfl thBm octiuaiated with all useful nttsnd Ecionnes, build for thorn, and oordinllyustain Bohoois aud academies and lomina

.JOB of learning, teach them to know tbam-eolvas, thoir reUtiona to their follow men andto God, their reipomibtlltios nnd duttca aijoint inheritors of fratdom. And as eaohsticcasdicg year brings to m anew tho anni-reraary of froiidom's birth, wo shall lool-ipon a repilblio more firmly ostublisliod, i

•vcrnmant batter ndininistored ia all iti..nnoho-f, local and nationnl, upon arts andleionco and Hteratnra advancing with rapiditrides, upon a comraorco spreading itsrliito wings far and wide, benringtho toad»if liborty to ovary olitno, until flnfilly, inQod's own time, mon ovary where shallhavo lo&rnod to know themselves and tkrroyal prorogativos of humanity, and thidarknoss of ignoraneo and s-ipcrstitioiiliall ho iivcpt away, nnd the fall orb hnihercd in, and the whole world ho abla toidopt as the bast and truest oxjiroisiua or

_ts joy, tho eubliraa motto, "sub Hbcrlatenquielat" undor libarty, ponce,

About President Washington.

nihiiiKton's Iiouie in Philadolpbinthe mansion of Ilobort Morris. Wnalnng-ton hunsalf said of it in & tetter to Sear, Lfprivate BooreUry: "It IB I baliovo tlio boisinglo ho^ao in tho city. lot without ndditiona it ia inadoqaata to the commoclioirncanmmodxtion of. m^ family. Thaao ocditions I bolioFO will bo made. * *There nro good alablaa, but for thorses only, and a co&oh-house whichlioldallmy carriagaa," Wo know no nuthority for tho itatement thnt n coach nmfonr wan cuatdiimry with privato gaatlomr"of thnt pcriotl. Bo this as it may, Wington on itato occasions ganernlly usalcoach and BIT, nnd he kept postilions tToll OB a coachman. Will tbo writer wbsoams BO much nmuicd,or at least aarpriaotl,t our nlluBioa to Washington's "almosogal pomp," tako JaJTarson aa nn authority

Hu sail (Wurks, vol. 7, |ip.3G7-B); "\71i«I joined tbo Government in Mnrch, 179iat Now York, Ivraa much nstoniebed nt tlmimicry I found eatnblished of roynl form!and coromonioB. * * I took occasion, a

Dtknow, He puzzled over that littloline alltbo rest of tho forenoon, nnd at«t ho took it out and throw it away,,tisaeil ho must havo takaa it whito talk-

uB with JoneB, Twioa thnt ftftornoenImikos took out histobneoobox and looked

it Once ho Bmelled of the tobacco. Itloll BO (rood that Bmikes folt impellod to

^markto hisuslf that it was the easiestthing in the worlil tofltoj) chawing. He(ongratulatwl himaoU ngafn and again tlwtH hnd not booomo antauglod m tho meshas

? The filthy ™. «4 h e "»w *?»"jattor threa or four time» nt the to* Ublo,ill Simnntha wonclorea eroatly at tha arm-

r S B i i k w . She had nlwfty8 hoard,iheanid, thnt it was a hard thing to l«are& Bnt Bmikea haa told her and keptflllinchar thftb it wai "just na easy," and3 L « lor the ik» Btraneth and[.aonondonco of choraotor of Smlkai grewike a gouid. That night flmiku hnd tharkratuuB. Ho thought that a logion ofBSl9ends had got him up in a corner ofbo backyard, and had rolled upon hiswast a monstrous qpM of ''Ono-cut," asirco around as a cart-wheel, and whon

jy woro trying to force it into hu mouth,likea struRglod vigorously, and when Sa-

Mintun ahook him and asked him what waaLeranttor, hii only reply-mw, that "any-idy could stop oliowing it thoy only made> their mind, to it."The a Bit day Smikeiwiud httlo ner-

8U9. -He told overybody wh» eamo in' iat a simpla thing it -was to atop third day ho hnrpoi Bboiit it all day

udi? Ho told ono man about it three dif-[orenb timu,imd whon that much informedidividunl ventured the opmioa thnt hew i a be chawing again in leu thtm a week,mikoa indignantly ojnoulatea: "Mr Jon-ing whan I make up my mind to do ft

MW, thatia the last of i f The fourthdavSmikoshcBid thnb camomilo bloasomBWBro Bomotimoa mod M a strtwtltnto for to-seoo nmliuBt outof curiosity ho deveurodcouple of otuior* ol ihtm. Ho aaid to the

Iruairiatwheaho bonght thorn that it stop the use of tobacco,

tho fifth daySmikea got sick. Hiaiiuvossavaont. Ho Bnnpncd out eome-.liiug at Bwmwithft at tlw hrflikfast tablo,lnaot hia inkstanil, hnrnt his flngarn pokmciomo oinaow out of tho grato, nnd liad noppotitofor dinner. That day tho D - '

hisporedto SmifeoB that tobacco waally boncfioinl to aome temperaments,imikoshnd ft tomperjment of that kind,

i'ho Bixth day Smikes felt hko a murdoror.Ha soomod to himsolf to lmvehecome trans-formed into a Modoc.- Hia mouth was dry•mil pnrohea. A stoat, liMlthy looking oMKontlomnn came intohia office that day.Ho was R great friend of Smikes' nna Bf[10 drew forth his Bilvor teboeco her ant

intily shook'out n small portion of thiluniront weod, Smikea folt his mouthrator. Ha had romarked to Mr. Johl

Jiftt ho hnd not clioweti any for six d , .and that ho hnd relwined so long juat to

y himsolf thnt anybody could ohow orIUJI.U it alona. Ho was fully satisfiad thaiit oould ba done, but lie thought his waaono of tlioso temperaments tlmt aro leallyaetedupnn in 0 beneficial way by tho tern-lernts UBO of tobaooo. Mr.. Jounaon MI<?10 thought uo too, and ni ho handed Smike!

.iis boi remarked that hahtd ehewed regu-larly for thirty years, nnd didn't know a-lt had over hurt him any. An Smilcosrotloi

largo quid back into his left choak, hiaid ho thought thoro was a grait differ

jncainmon. Ho was siiiisfloa he ooulBtop diewing at any timo, -bnt thors wertiomo tempsramontx lo which n gentlo nareotio or opinta waa renlly n blosmng.

An Atlanta dootor advites parsons afrniiof cholera to stand on thoir bonds for atminute three times n day, He Argues tinthis arrests abdomidnl dopresaion, %aiwoall bo n healthful gymnastio exorcisoany timo.

A book hns juat boon puhlished, entitle"Why She Balund Him." I t is hard!necessary to wndo through a throa hnndre

Eiga Tolumo to aseertain why ehe refnicim. I t was bacatiso ha wasn't rich, 1itirso.

Not lone iao in tho Court of Appeals,certain lawyer of Celtio oxtrnction, whiarpning with earnestness his coao, statedpoint, and than prooeoried: "And of tlOaortplazo, of Inm wrong in this, I hranother point th&t s auunlly conclmiv

_, hssboaahuil iutain iiu&rterji recently rolatifo to theiwa of Dr. Jmopli Farriah upon tho totn-

imnca quastitjii, mid, thinking thnt ltisliniona upon tlio question at this timeight bo ini-oresting to tho public, a roper-uf Ike TiiQitirtr tviu despatched to in-

Ilia ]miiif:or, ca Proaidant of tho Amori-AaioaiaLiou for tho euro of luobri&Ui,of tho Pennsylvania Sanitarium, to-

ithor with tha fact that his judgment HOBnsidwed of •mllcieiit valuo to thi) Parlis-at of Groat Britain to induco a commit-uf tho HOUBO of Oommona to lend for

im to give toitimon;no thora, mid alto "

mmona o tend formy on tho subjeot be-that linou his rotuni ha

__ bcon urgod by the directors of tho Ma-•land Inebriat* Asylum to givA a portion' his time in tho organization of an insti-tigu iu Maryland, eutitloa bis vteirB Uiblio consideration.3ur reporter found tha dootor, who ia a

ma of middle age, in his private study,agagod in exumiiiinc; statiatics, whiah hou procured from tho Governors of tbs

•ont states and territories, ralativo to. jftlo of intoxicating liquors, and tho.nishmoQt of dninkardi, and aftor a fow

iduotory remarks, subitnntially tho foi-ing •ocvorwition ensued:

Itoportor. What in tliogsnoral result ofur inquiries uuon the Biibjeet of legielft-

jnto provout uriukiot;?Dr. Psrriah, Tho ennourront tflBtimonyill these oflloiala iu difforant parts of thomtrv Boom to establish the fact tbat it in

ipOBsiblo to prsvant the uso of Htimiilat-liquors by law.

It. TVIutt remody, limn, enn bo applied?Dr. P . Tho object of all the laws EOBIDBbe to prevent the uso by prorontisg tbai, nad as they haw hitliorto proved mef•

^unl wo ehould learu that the radicaltmedy lies deeper. Tiioinslrnotion otthe~Dplo, commencing with common schools;

pulpit and tlio platform, in tha trues of lifo and health, aud presenting a

tbful pioturo of (ho causes nnd ofTeets otiii diseaso it tho (mo plan. Caricaturingtoxieated perionu and aigniug plodgoaill novor oicompliuh it. Kothiog in theirld can uproot in a short time a vicou'ch hnsoiistad for so nanny oeuturiea.It. I would liko n coiioiso stntomeut of

lur viowa upoii intompornuco as a dis-

Dr. F. In tho first plnco Urn definitiondisease ia, properly spanking, any do-turo from the standard of health. Moat)plo, howavor, aesociato tho idon of dia-

.59 with pain or aomsBymptoms of din->i3 which indicate inihoimutioa or otharrisible disorder. I think thia an error.mnnot ba (jipeotoil, howevor, that thadie mind ona apprehend tho ccault f»r-

, with which physicians are endeavoring- oopo, aud which Ha behind alt abnormallanifottations that are called symptoms;d it ia for this raaaon, I hare no doubt,itthosojwho ndvooaU tho diaaasa tbe-aro miHiinderBlood and nisstatod. Be-

sa of this I haw naid but littlo us to tho•ah tbiaga that havo boon published in1 tompounco pros, profaning to trust1 wholo queition to the working of thntvitnble law whioh underlies tho growthintollig&iico and ciroful obaarrdtion with1 people. I am confident tliet tlms aatl

ji-ooacd knowledga will work a roforma-in of public »untiment on tha wliola sub-

R. Will you be kind enough to statsit the disease theory is ?

Dr. P. Whan I speak of tha dJBO&SB ofitetnpQiauce I do not moan delirium, oriflammation of tho stomach or brain, or.ralyaifl, or any of thoso s^d lesulti oi ex-SJ; but I moon tba condition of iiio hu-tan orgnniam vlioh cither demands thoa of artiuoial Btimulants—from some hid-in, inherent onuse—or which, notprimar-

foeling thi naaio of seed, engenders ittho uae of alcohol. It is a well known

.ot that many persons indulge during longin t tn daily aseof nlooholio utimulanta

holismTwnWnAQe.aCUia.Aymptoms of0 glus without running into whatever oondition it is tbat eonfltitutes:

ia difference between them alassas of pet-it tho diiBMod oondition. Im I as-

iratood ?B. Yei, air, I bBliovo I ondorflUnd you.1 I suppose you believe alaohol to be a

n, if it is capablo of protluoing did-?

Dr. P. TUa word "jjoieon" is used inio popular sensa very indonnitoly. Alco>l IS a poison whoa Uken in poieonouaBfls. Arienio nnd etrychnino &ra pois-

JS, and yot they may ba takon ia son-oiflonous doaas, aud aro constantly admia-;ered by physicians for remedial dosos.—

JO »mo may ba said of opium in all iUirms, and of many other drugi, Idaisifycoliol in tbo Buna category,R, Do you nienn, whon yon apoak thui" alcohol, the common nlosliolio bevor-

*Dr. P, Tho bavoragej usod vary In thoiroportiou of aloohol they contain, and'iey aro injurious in tho samo proportion,

lording to tha susceptibility of tbo con-imar.11, Co 1 understand you to maun that

o persons will besoma drunkards andora not, by tho use ol the fltmo quantity

. liquor?Dr. P. I think there can ba no quaition' that. Somo mon may eat food indii-

:riminatoly and in oxeois, and never havoiyspopsia or aoem in any way to sufferfrom indulgsnoa, whilo others art obliged

rostriot tbemsalres with tha utmost carslimited dial; and I think each man

uld exorcise a dogroo of self-roitraint inJD indulgence of hia tnitos aud appetites,nd whon poopb &ro so instructed thororill bo an improvement in publio - : - ' - -,od temporauca, and not until then.

R I jmlEfo thon that you do noc inlypou logiglntion as a remedy.Dr. V. I certainly cannot admit thatjy leginli\tion witii wliioh 1 nni familiar

:atoa intamparanco. Our wise (?) menivo legislatod for nearly a century on this

jbjsot and it hat not been curad, and Iupposo thu fault ia not with tho legislatorsur with tha law, but tlio reason Booms tois to Hu in tha Nimpla fact Ihnt tha sub-

t ilsalf doos not resido within the do-tin of law,R. So I understand you to moon thai

iwa Bhouldnotbo enaatad to provent ill-smpornnco.Dr. P. I havo taid that law cannot, in

u y judgment, fun: intsmporacco. It mayrcmovo public temptation out of ths way ofreak virtua; it may punish men for aellingquor without ahcoase; it may even re-ao to grant llaensos for the sale of liquor;it it cannot provoat ths dmira for indul-nca to tlio individual, nor can it prevent

,m from mannfacturing tha fruiti of thiarlh intct Alcoholic beverages for his owiisa; doprive him of tha right of hospitality,fliioh prompli iti distribution to hia fam-ly nndfrianda; it cannot prevent him from

.aoking roliel nnd gratifying his desire forexaltation or narcotism, as he may prefer,">y other drugs. ID IV word, it «»nnot, inhe nature of things, ba a. ramedy for a par-

sonal anil constitutional taint ot desire.R. I judgo, then th&t you aro not

advocato for prohibitian ur local optlet:T?S.

Dr. P. Tliers are spheral of labor foiall classes of mind in tho region of reform,Sorna readily giusp proximato causes am'apply thsms»lT«s to thoir ramoval. Snclpersona soo liquor Bold on tba straetisee men reeling out of tbo saloons, end coidude at onco that but for tsg BKIOOBS thiman would not drink, and apply to the la'o c.loao the eaiooii and put an end tIrunkonnoss. Ibo logio is isund hut thi

prcmissB on which it is haatd. ara m.henoa legiilation to provont drunkanQessn failure, null nhrnja must ba. I t has boitriad by Kings and Monnrcha in MohammttUu and Obristian lands, and has bos:unavailing. Vfa must go to tha CSUIBraoiovo tho ofTest.

B. Do you boliova a knowledge andOJptinco of thadisonao theory would dimin-isb iatomporanca ?

Dr. P. If tho fact that inlmpcranis a disease, hsroditnry in many casai nacquired in many, was generally believcitho common inttinats of men would lothorn to avoid all ncknawlodgail ucitantftthe dissuo, juit na men who inherittondoncy to consumption aro carefulthoir buLits of lifo and avoid all excitantstha davelopment of taa disorder, and jt

ts men with weak or faoble stcmachs anddigestive poweia will avoid tho use of foodwbioh will gi?e thata pain and aihaustthoir strangth,

It. Doyoubelievsin tha influence ofclimate u]ioa intemperance ?

Dr. P. lute rape ran ao prevails in all partsof tbo world, that from alobohol bailiff rar- 'ar nt tho equator, and becoming more fro-queut *nd moie violant ai we approash thenorth. In tropical regions tli« doiiro forintoxication from nlchohol i« moro feeble,tba people Basking relief by the use ofhesheesb, *r in the drinking of inordinatequantities of coffao and tea. In CentralIiurop* the taato for tlcbohel is more ap-ptront, *> that every body UMB the sativawines without muohappareat aril. Thesemay produce intoxication if used exces-Bivoly, but it ia not usually ol that violentchanvctar which is aaon m moro northernregions, in which fiery potations impart anoxhilaiaHog warmtli and mental excite-ma lit.

R, Am I to understand, than, that youliftf 0 drunkennesa is KQ inhorited diawise,. consumption or dyspepsia &ra TDr. F . You may so understand me, if

JU do BO in tonnootion with Important[ualiflcfttioE. "Tba <ju«ti»n ot iutlmdualipoiiiibility is an important 000 in a mer-eenso, and must not bo diasootod from9 general subject. I believe a man whoUerita m tondoaoy to oooBomption or anyhot disoaso, ia responaiblo fer 0 graatevil

ho knowingly eipoBes or otherwise1UH03 himself so &a to induoo or hasten itsivolopmoat, just &s I balievi an inebmtomorally res^ionaiblo toe tho evil ha bringaton himself and family if, in the faco of_ the facts in hii oaao, lie throws himselfito a current which lie is assured will car-

him to ruin. I havs triad already topress ipon you my belief that this diu-10 theory will deter men from drinkingera they understand and believe it. Menwiak moral iens» shrink from dissuiomat than thoy do from ain, Men of fco-will &r« mora readily restrained by tho

is of oicaping pbyiisnl pain and its con-[uencas tban by a mere appeal to tkairIgmont. Erer? child should be taught,t drunkennosB is a violation of thohigh-Booial law, indisatbg & loathBorao dii-

iet whioh it is his duty to avoid, fast asjttony if a violation of the earns law;d evory parent should ba taught that',h tbess oonditions, and all kindred dis-tort resulting from passional excess, nrothaaamo category, and ihould lie treat-aa disiEwea, No Uw exists for punishingia for oating or smoking too much, and

. those «vils nre, perhaps, in their re-ts, as demoralizing to the public waltoredhikiug.I . May I ask you what yon think of

constitutionality of tha Local Optionj

I)r. P. I t would ba preaumption ia ma1 offer on opinion on tbat eubject, easingat the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania

nlieady settled it I think, lowem,A\ optioniati would have boan more con-tent if tbey had aikedfora law to decidet whethor liquor ahould ba told in thoiripectivo districts, but whether it shoulddrank, for ths non-sale will aot provent

drinking by men who want it, while. uon-drinking would prayent both tba.nulnature for diiiking purpesas and tho}. I should like to know the opinion of

.Supremo Bench on such a law as that,id I understand tha Looal Option liw to

J'uat that, though it doss Dot ex-t.

E. Which do you praftr, general or lo-latrs ?

Dr. P. General laws, by all means.II. Ars you BTTOTO that thero is a goodiml ef diversity among temperance men. to political action ?Dr. P. I judge BO from what I read. I—is some very excellent f rloadi too, who

. what thay «on«id«r rudiotl tflmperanoaJD, who do cot loolieve in Local Option

. prohibitory h\wi, but raly entirely upon

.oral saifiion. I know others, who I Judgsbe equally sineera and intelligent, whoi'in-tJ»uKiofl(vl,Qfltion ns.firmlyjaa_ thoyIt, Do you think this ia a damagstJ "10 ckuje ?Dr. P . Oh, no. The moro people thinktout thia subject the sooner thoy to the adoption of right viowa. I am

id thnt there is already & wing ofto temporanco party who are about to ae-ipt tha disenifl thaory ai » stand-point (or"new departure,"Bndl&mnotBurprisod

R. Do you think that th« will power isipaired by tho intomperaU vie of alcho->Iio stiaaulanta ?Dr. P . Without doub t ; and nolbaliaveit persona are born with de!dotive will

>war, and tkat in conaaqnense af inherit-dsfeob they sxs nmda tha viotima alikepamioiooB social ntagos and of their own

passions.It. Does not tbii fiot tend to modify

10 criminality of. drunkenness ?Dr. P . I t dooa not aeem to ma tbat i t

JTaota tho quoation at nil, so far as the pub-' nro concerned. A breach cf peace, or

lUtionof doosnoy, i i just ns offensive toi law and to society whon committal by .inoaponsiblo. B« by a respanaiblo per-

m. But, 10 far us the individual himselfooncorned, I think, ns I have before inti-ited, tho measure of raapDnsibility should!Ditunated by tlie knowlidga of th* iadi-

idual of tho eixctunBtanoos inrronndingdm. Lnw in thia ooantry is nover so rigid' nt i t takes no cognizance of montal aUtoiid physioal surrounding!.R. I judge by your remark* that j o u•e oppoaed to pusiahing drunkards ?Dr. P . I nm certainly opposed to pua-

ihing inabriatcJi. What inebriates may doj another tuing. "Son know there has baonuitoaut ixin the Legislature about aroot-,a a hospital for what aro called insanelminala, bo«auie it would be aruel to in-let punishment upon th*m. For the

no reMoa, I think th&t iaabriates shouldprovided with iistitutiona and propor


R. Do you, taan, coniidar insbriatoi in-inu?Dr. P. By no means. Tharo is ft irid*

itleronc* hetwoan insanity nnd intamper-.jiiie. You might as well lay thnt n giut-;oa ia insane, because he yields to Ma ap-

itite, or tbat a faat young man whs spends.a aabatanca in riotous living ia insano,nd hurry them off to lunatic hospitals asinsafs to he at large,

R." Are inohrinta asylums inorcaiing i aia TJmikod State*.Dr. P . Thoyi .ro. The time is at hand,believe, wh«u thoy will ho rocognizad aa

"al as boapitnls for other forms of dii-Tho publio mind has readily &ud

ipidly given itsalf to intolligent thoughtipon the subject, and thero oan he hut ouo•OBUlt.

This closed thai interview, during whichr. _P»rriih axprasied hia views in B. clear,

Btraigbtforwaril manner, with the air of nman who waa thoroughly confident that

,11 ha said was strictly t ru . , and yst withiscoming /aspect for all panon i who are' - : - - [ n t kha s»m9 raform by «thar vto-

-Philadelphia Enquirer.

t Womnmn Cocmnr.—ThoAmerican Shginser iiua lumps the wan-don of our country; "The greatest cata-ract in tha world is Iho falls *t Niagara,whoro the water from the great upper lakeiforms a river of three-fourkhi of a mile inwidth, an i thon, being Buddenly contract-ed, plnngdi over the rooks in two eolamnilo the depth ui 175 fast. The greatest CAVOin the) world i i tho Mammoth Gave ofKentucky, where any one oan mala e voy-age ou tho waters of & BUhtsrranoan river,and catch nsh -without eyes. Tho grontoitrivor in the known world is thoMissiiiippi,4,000 milaa long. The largeBt valley in theworld is the valloy of the Mississippi. I tcontains over 600,000 equaro miles, and iione of tha most fartila region* of tha globo.Tho greatest city park in tho world is inPhiladelphia, I t contains ovar 2,700 acres.Tbo greatest grain port in the world is Chi-cago, TUa largwt lako in the world isLako Snporior, which is truly an inlandBes, being 430 miles loag and 1,000 hotdeep. The longest raiboad at presont isthe Pacifla railroad, over 3,000^ miles inlength. The groateit inais of #olid irtm intho worlcl it tha mountain of Missouri. I tis 350 feet high and two miles in circuit.Tbo best specimen of Grecian arahiteeturoin tho world is tha airard College for Or-phans, Philadelphia.

Page 2: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, · is , "Hush SiBtar'i Djing with Piano Ac-ompanimenta," A WtBteru paper layi: "A aliort, thick , riped, Btnr-ipnuglod-baaQei sort of ft bu g boginning to look

• V

r i t : i i - i ! i i ' . . •M-4..,'-*!,-..-:,.;

!irorb''l|..u?.|lun.:.I.l--[•'ACl'S U'OilTil K.VOV. » \{ ;

M.ucK THI : ;.I!;ST • : : ' ! ! ' .

Only 2 Weeks Louder-h




•."V E •: \ v


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CAPITAL. - - - ftI5(yjl)UILiikim; Imnri frrjso B».u . t<i t p. » . Prnmiit

alttuti'jii ^ii ta to ilu: pnrcluai: und HIIU <jf iiundiimuli.tlitr.-twairititiitfiu collfcftif.n o( furetgu MiddjUt i tx Jinj^f, drafts, clifitti, Ac,

may l.e Lricfly

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»L&11 I?J t-j the j,s-ns HOUO-JI.4 CJ tLc *Inio ] i 0 | m F e ]e. i r ; ied t u t ? Ho luts beau breduaaHjtliatlioaliuli "noiinuit at '.Till tUj to wllfaliatn ftwllimtslitv; andlt wtunotplacs.ifjf 1'iiblic resort 0:1 the E U I J k-rrru, t o ] J0 ^ p ^ t , . , ! that imsliDulJ know enough.afi thu whity rjr.n, n:;tl :v:> <A»ut\ l»r.t IK- • d ^ , . ^ i,ia maancrs ultogutlier when be'stall tiavul tu puWia cr,arifyiiiicc« HP"" cam^iu c-ntaot with a higher kind of t-ivi!.Unna 11.' ])L'rfuol M|uit!;ty _v.:t:i f.i.y urni. jaatioi». Perhaps it ii just (i:i well tbst wofvery ci:i2e:i. Ami tlio ivli:i-,-v in <-.-•!'r to j , . l T C s u < n j l j r n m h g jfl> A f^m-juatiii^ il-ifikc ILCM; " live !.:«L [ i i ;s;0!l j , ^ i , , ^ di^iGSlc-l; lint thu workl tlitmsf!v*i t<> urt;..- u..;ir n t v " f ^ l none llie wrmwtor lwraiag thw trni'n,evGii

VllftU t'J H«LO

viiioii for 1

As Others Bes TJJ.

iniii Isilt of VigU," a* Btit<-:t

' E i l Wr-fjm tlie pun of "cui(rtti: citvi-r t.:|r..'Cl l'i ctu oil L'.ijtfiiii[,riu('V-it!i Miytliinj. l.r.t rli'unuti-i. V.'err, Ld to "Oo uli-rm



; l i ' : tun Ii- iwtliJtnilh. liu; tiiluioflnj^ a traTc-Iiaif Jlrfti.

IK: in qiwitioii, after etatiiii; thaiuiilil^lfii"MaIi!rlifiutif!ir t whuii wvn « .is y ,it«iii)r.>.-wli il, i-VIn lii-.t i; u dl WIIOIKIVU not l iuJ tlui!»! iilic.t in n u t to iRrfoeiiiin." Moreover,'ir.ii ue thai h" "triftil tli.i lioUttt. end in I sirrie.itis. Hid pro]iri(itnrs of tliono extraordinaryiiil.iwtioiii rcRMdian it M tn itt ol tliwitj to tail

:1:1 •,•(!, i jwfc i* and iviiite, on If nosrly w*jniH-ji-»Hir f"r your arrival—laml u t irwid nil j-dti Imvi; j.ii:tur«il in a tlulinioii.h ti.i;, fjf o>ir faillifjl KritoL I w i i

l itiB.iul, i l iUl nrH'iiik-riiiitt(.)ilf«vtM. "WU-n Jo

u Lliiij(!,:n, nWxyi t ' idl

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.nli',t,r/ti;rwjir.lfl Itikuiti

1 t!r-:i tlio iVi?tur hn'r.vii I /

iu further iuqulry,

-rui- yut t" And lio

, tliiM you hliivtr,

, itier JOUIHTO uti-

liM ilmefiVi-t rif catinj; dam clwrdur, nhltL VIMf-j.vf-l ii;.'i!i ytur iii-«i-|itMiBip Iiy Hi.: yniiiitt lady inL!i.»:.a...i'*il!1." Ilu plnyfully tulli: '' yju!;•*•••.: cUilli mid f.iivr, I lr>l«' ymiwuii't \>t tulil .In-ri!t.Ttiii!a'iiit!i ntymir misery tiy tlmunrnjwy»-! -1111.I..J' lit fta IHT ilintn, lliat il'i nothing|iarcil tnvhiltluJr-obMi dUwl ol ihint, imiiitiiij;tn tlm v.-ry lio.l Tipcn irlilcli you nny !ny, Vo«:iti'i ,;t.t 1*11> dm! f-o, in:i kiww, am! yr.11 must lintc11 v.list KIIU najB, even If rtio lull 11 vim, A3 nlie d,uiyttflf, lm nnii burin! Junl tnu ITOO'KS BIJO, md tinImWiunmiijUnuprinrin tliau nunfir, ' m l nma ri-sl lilcamtt cfirjwj.1 " Furtlur i-rimiiiiMit timt 1i<uiturlluiiun, but tliu "JnUjr RritcuV* ciitlciair.u c

uiii?culuntk T\V\ (ho muiiiirr:

vlicii lit ruiirt'liviiiT n bulil-litudiidi'!i|itr nft.'r clinm

cntlumRti fist n

is unciuuiw M

fiir»lltlii»1>ypit»yat "Wolin

Here \r.l.ut U10 trnr ruliah jiiKiwl up in tliu nrl of Aoin i-lylc ofhiiy'idr.'^ bttw..^i, t!ir:nc ]iuintai.iarkiibli) atil fftHitiotinn. • « • Wo Inviiifli(,-]|tfullHi(itiiinl fut utlumif, but tuUcurai-i!, tlui Ain(;iik:atni uro l.-ottur tlioil llisn wtawl nliun it CHUM tn ',i.'\\m t!iK nifijivily nf I ml Ion* bwL-t i iuj , 1.iv.'iii*, srt' dUtliiL-t CTlduiwo nf EIHIID tr.vliiifHUuliWr,11 IVitli whii'li n,n<itatii>:iH Kt us ilu>li

1:. t":..i'. (!.::.'•


:*TZ 'S? Tu-DW—'X(

WUJI ills

vr.i:iiivNT nr su

.v/rat "Til:. A. M. ftU.:U Mill Train IfuuMil ! M U furU.iVf


I!>.A.TJ:D r.v TCI: :;TATI: or :;rJI::.-; '.:::

adi- t»Si.<Ktir'!i IfaiiL a n d t" I n i i i n IJi'.nk a t H o v e r . "

r ALUEUT It. ltuiuj, CuLi'ifRL*a BHACIT,! iaju.c W. HEAEIKO, ISAAC B. JoLLEr,


JAY. H. TREAT, Caaliur.I I'-tf U0LUMBD8 ItEACn, Prce't.

' [TheMiners'Savings Bank of Do-, : ver, N. J,

•num IJA.NK IS NOW OPES FOE UL'KISESS1 1 . ttl tLj Sjniu.sAi. Usios Bisr iu tbo unr Bnuk



Fashionable Clothier,ijcon-EcitloJiiiLm


cr. of 3!ackwe!l & Sussex Sis.

...1 Jiri J..;-

' iV.i, Iv.-'ii. 'nl

iLfc ilivL":^',:^*

I. !•'. v ,-. w.

n [ u «l l l l l t>

1 f/L-L r:<] -if Iiini. He ii v ^ ' i r ; I : I . I : J . ' , '':,'.1 •'•"•" ' ' f : " 7 *.•.•;!:..•!( dirty; !iur. m k If lie' s ^ r ^ V ^ L r i;-Lin ii'ic.', on* !:•,•;•:!,!-.i {.j- the A K irj.!:fat:'j;i ••'. IJA-

"jToi'rihle Sl;iirH;it«(j;i »•*Tittle


, jDi'y Good Warehouses

lii* t-. K;

1",V,.I1r.k-rt'/iV'i:r;.l.!.at:.:kj sciii.1..:;.'


CBtClii." h

Ii 1.:t,,:.r,r


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Ml lull;

r l l : n l!a:,'! tl

il.ti UV

' i«Iv°iv "t!u

•( t!ii! lajural family.

:i::v in j . ul.ii.l LL t-.a'J BLT.t n R. iis;Bfr«niI!,. ,!a.,r o

tj liicaL'i arij

i; ^ ICiU h:

ry'k'lj .j"t-fur even co:Hi i..lrisjinld v.Mniit


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17;)":r i . i r t



- rv i l <bi;.r, t

.«£r>HHuf!llK.j*- V.»rfc r:

E .

Capital, - $100,000.

V ' J ' ITIM'KJ.N (tn'KN' TO Till; 1'CIiCiUSLhmi UJ!J uf nil UowlJ-t.i tlic foll.-i-tiuo »t nil

Nuies, <;i-.*i.#, .'H: AI-II AIJVIIIK fur lln? ia!o •.<{]f Ui l l L f b l n rn l i3J

if. IL /)Ri;:;i;su.N," "'JIHIN HASH;,Jit::.';;Y UAIIIT.. JtiilSf.JAItUINT. i:. CJili'iTSIiO", JAMKM fl. IXW

G i IUUIi:it

Administrator's SaleOF

LANDS!! i i ll

l(jr cir Williirtutuuf HH urdvr

Cv.nuU f l l r iy of Miy, 137U,

^ iiiaaitl


,3.u' IlMoHov, iul^vrf, iuaiiil county,.iv. tiia iH!i .1.^-of July i:fi!. I)itnr^i-u thei"M.iilil "'" "" " " '

uia ftt Duiton du]»niti.* OJKU thiir f


Duitr , ia>i[>ut ouut . iuUrut wit

oak-i from C



JAY S. TEEAT, EPHRiUil LDiDSLEY,Trcagiuflr, Vi:<-ITosiiIoiil

ltafvr, I'VI>. 17,1373. 1;

. utlii-r 11 ilujKtbtfci.loufOoHl

I Queen Victoria Knscr<ju tlio otliftrdajatj11 the review. Hut it was very iinreasotiftlile | LOST.



The viail nf tie Shall to Wciierriii a (.;r.oc3 (lt.T.1 «f political i r n i

fli d El

p, at

leiut to RiWiia sn*l KnKhiul. The rjosition>f histcrrilorvm relation to lintiUt Indiains ulwnvi mailo it ft motUrof coneidctaijlo:m)ifjrt.iuce to Great Britain to keep himin the i»«»)tr:r wooil tuwnnh liurself; ttmlsvor uince tlia bppinnini;<-f t in contury t\ f llins Murkcillinnl for influence nt tlio p e r .UMi Conrl. Tiie enrliest iliploirjatic satctueB oE tha Ea-.t India CotL-^ny were olUinedia overtlirowing Stpolmn's envoyntTchnrtn, nud crer since tlian n iliupeiRU framn ot»lf:(l hr,-if,*{in<l rm.^'si Ji?

m going nn in I lio miuifi fWil betweenghml ttiirt ItLisiiia, lifeiiJTiintf m p•iH-st with t in »io^ nf Hornt in 1KB,en P.usflian officers wr-ra :TI tiie Per "

camp aiding in tho ntUdt, un EURImiin iiiKiJfi (lircciiiii; tlio .Mptine. fillion tho Uriiiah lin-ro puslK"! up to fhcrersinii frontiorrnpidlvfroin thn sMith whiletha lliiNiiians imTOinnilo tlmir wny Pirnheavy loss to Fcnia, from the north. Alltint can he douo hy the rivals to imprcastlio filiah's imnjnnfttion in tho Ewt 1I»J linendone, hovrover. mirTncxr they ito at theirKit'nonilfl to doviee incamof making onimprcmon on him at home. It is concert-ed in Lnniloii that nothing can ho dono inEngliiiitHo compclo -with .tbaJJff)

t"riftffiff'b\I\i9 nfLTy, of tho bitfnens of London, nndnf the eitenl of Britisli imltiHtry, Tho

ii>h gome i) likely lo bo hdjied flomo-hy the Shah's trtitei, which t r e said to

ho Tory pwific; hut then there ia, si nornoif tlio English papers conlens rnofully, nomy of conccnling the fact from him that

tlio ItiiBaiiiu hnttuHionn cmife-rtnt liirr ! "his capital, white tlio English fliet enc

0 % n > T EIllinois rsilroinl law Rnes into oporntkmtbohtof July.' l U f l U i l l l lh th bli ttbohtof July. lhj tho public ttirifia,

t Tho roads bb l l

oUigsil tof l d

riitpa. Tho roads beinK o U i g l t e«tsbliuli ftbunlntoly cqiiril rntc* for eqiml din-tancow, anil being jirohibitcd from nmkinpnny discriminfitions, of counte tako ns a hn-Bin of colculatioa such clmrgas ns will !>c TO-miinerativc, mid tlioti iTicronaathofiriclly M Iho ilistntcoincrensfis. Tho Cliicft,'Burlington, and Qtiinoy Ilailrnml, for In-«Uncp, bna publislieil a ccliodiilfi, fixing ftcertnin lalo per mile for thornrinua e lu« iaf freight, nnd then Applying this rnto b jflections of two mitea and a half op to twon-ty-flvo miles, and by sections of five milcufor ditt&ncea csceediug twenty-five milo.•Whftt th« tiltimato afloct ol this new lyatnmwill bo, flo ouo BBomi to know, 'i'liu Wterh ptipnra are (till nf tho mont bowildiDK cMcuhlious oa the suhjact, tho imtumldiillcultios of which uro indelinitely multi-pllcti hj tlio fact tluit ouch one of tlio hdlf-n-dozon Slatoi throiiRh lvhich nny nilromiXUDS rany vaas a different Inw reguhtlDRfroighta. ThaOliienpo Irlhunetmji that itis it [orcRoiie cnuclnaion thnt Ohio nnd Iu<iliftna will pnsn o. nro-mla freight fam batonlong, on prohibiloo' principles. Uoroto-f "tUroiigh" froiplit imsainfj over oor


Sce.—Duos halntunl int^niiitimnca on'.ho p«n of it polioyboKor nvoiil t ie pel-ii;y? Tho ivi.Vi ciraidtH o n gjV C D i)V t i1 0 prow•° U»e ropoiti of tV-_e l w u Ct tSM r c eently tru-J,TI which tlw qucatiria WM decided, aliowi:tie jutorp;it v.Hich ntbuhoj to it, in the["•W'/j inind. Xhosft decisions : one mado' r . Liiltimoiij ana the niher ia Cindunutiwo will briefly locapitilnte. Tn tbo timtcase thoKuiekorbockerLifoinHurancocora-puny liad refwwd to pay 82,000 on a poliuyi-iucil lo fiuo GiHerman, on tli9 ground ofthe iii tain fii'mlo hn\ni% at the dticeisoil

fjo Dfjliliiii uf the fjii[icrior Ouart otJialtitaara char^od tho juij "thnt there

Id ha wo rtflson \r\\y a condition which•td«] the p<jlicj in tlio event that tlio in-

iured died of delirium trcmeus filioiild notlx. lawful and that it was consiflteot withpublic policy and n» tha moot HUOWOII thatOillonnaii (licit of delirium trciuennpolicy was void." Tha coinjiany wm tliscwva. I» lliu Cincinntiti ciso in which Da-\-itlson, an aJtniniatrator, auod the Mutuall l t f i t Iiifj iiisurcnco company on * \io\l-y or 85,nfMI, the enmjuiiy tet up the de-

feiica that tho decconed died from intera-asQ end tho jurv found for tho defuud-

BIO juat now ftj,'itnting

of tlirco hundred yean ago, who prediutodtint tho Itoyal family, in the ponon ofHtary Y b e t t o r k w Ct d

ho Itoyal family,Htary Y.—bettor knU l b l l d b

p n fCount da

hy Co da

Uliamboril—would bo eiiUd from thotl f T f f l h

uld bo etlirono cjf Trnnca for fortyyau Irish King's descendant

kl t th f i l t

thoH ; tliat then

Mbh Kings d e c e n d a n t M a o Mnbonwotikl reHtore tho family to powor, »cd that" • — " t h r d t d t d ithurcnfti

y p r , »cd that(ther dynnaty, undoutood in

tho light at comparatiroly modoni eventsto lie tha Bonniiartists, would tnaka a seiz-ure uf tho thro 110, oaeiipy it for u shortwliiU, rmd would tlienbu henrdof uomore.TUo uucond prophecy IH that of Mario La-tnsto, a Frcuch nun who aorreutly foretoldthe year of Pupo Oregory'a. doaili, thotwonly-iiva yonrs' poutiflcnto of thepresoutoccuiuiit of tho Pupal uhiir, the jiprsccu-tion 6iid hitteniew ho would oijiurieuconcd hb Haul triumph after tlireu years ufuiortiflfiation. 80 mueli of what she Midline been Vorilled hymihacqiiont ovoots tltlio Human clcrictil party oonfitlontljHern that the tost will in (,'oml tiino b#filled. Thisia the pruiliction thatt l 2Uth d f S t b 1873


twark'if Seir v j r i t h m a i Clr-iL-r

Putronize Home Trade

• P. C. Yawger,Manufaatuiur wd D.&kr iti


FURNITUREof every dcafriptiun,

C H E S T E R , N J .

orerj 'kicriinion,... room* a!,>i iilM tliom with a hr^c und vAt K

l«ctclHto.;k ..ri'STILMTUIlIiof «•sixctluU/r ju^titli.

Chester i Surroundina Country

Couiylclc Stock


Carpets and Mattings,H i l t l c n t i o n I i c a l l u d t a t l i l d t t

Picture Framesof nil ikes and matin to orutr.

' Wednesday,

June 25th, 1873

Continue for




I— "Diy Goods- - :aatsius unjtliiuR

ll)0 titfttO, C

PAJRLXGltoraptly attended to and fntiifccttar. piirwtcc

" -i«f{ (.uwewlcil Sir. II. II. DctJ unt, j n \lP


ask the public of lliii nealin'

O H E S T F . R . N . J.P. C. Yawger. .

»mii* .["owcttd by ttit» Son*to and Ooucral As-mil- /ofllioStJitocifNo^Jerifcy, Tint it diall undtfj- IIUUITIUI fur nil perecm omiiog lands on tlic, M bohvoun tliu tnnniiliipar Wirn.ii,In tho county

long, on prohibi loforo "tUroiigh" froiplit imsainfj over oorlieting Hues f»r tlio Enat hna oomo thro-r.tlovf nttna; KUtorntca inerenso wjt1

aislanco, It will lio obviously em-t -1

lor Ohi'»nn.l In^imm, i . y W _pon

like that of Illhiuii, to \mynxfi ^ J -

IT. J, Btala Agricultural Society.I'lio ICth Aimiml Fair of the Now Jertoy

Slule A^rienKnnil Socictj williwlmlil m1(Ynvt:rl,v, commencing 011 Tiiqmlny.Septenvhor IGtti, niiil conliiiuiiig fgtir diija. TLofullowins guntbiucu liavo boon ttpnoiutednilrt.'Hnti)iirh'iitn:—

H. 0 . Buows, Oen'i Sif]Horses—V,7. A. Murrell.ICiittU', fro-Cftlab Enrlo, Kmrurlc*l'onltiy, Ac—"Win. H. iihrle, Now r j .Tiirni nnnlucts, Ac^-V, T. Qttir 1( j , - 0 1 , . .

nrl;.t ^ r m d u r y , Ao-E , 1>. Wi' ; i i a m H | E l j s f t .

Tmplmwuli, &c-Du-.ioi w . L?oii Mew-nrk. *

MnchiLcry, £-c—^Viniftm J J . ^ ^ D o a g B (

" u "*™ 7 ' ill lead t(i n [iGmnnil. igteas to i- J l o r i ) r e t BiuloatohUsli iteright to remilh* 0 coiumarcn liotraon thoStntea, whioli c o l l ] a ^ c x e r o s s e j ; n tins

" ' 7 " / Tirtunlly dctcnlinKllio pro-rata«'l>l0 ns applied to tliroiiKb freights"V ovoir HovcrM 'aifforont St.ito9."

.. oi1«i S:c—StephoiSandera nnd "Willinm Shavo, Km

i p o i J a

£entlomcn1 W E

Premium lists moj• bo oh b to either of u

Sp e b iher f u « B £ e n t«l the Socrctsry, Wm. 11. 1^ l

A. t>[>ltioJid sat ol solid ailvcr, [ermir«iupIcU tolfcoiiuipment, wnsprcieutcHun. John Hill, ]«to menilisr cf UHCT'luteidij oToning, July 1, bythiiuiDnbcLuten nml other citizenssou a-i it tcbtiniOMJil K their npiireciatieiir.Ihts »crificei inhfchalf o[ Proloction nndr c ] Itofnr;:i Tlc rrt t l 3

ts » c c i i n l f o[ P r o lci] Itofnr;:i. Tlic r.rt rr.itiiln.n

Tho piCMDtutbD mil nis-Ja f.t a ln


Tho c«lchmtiou at •WoHliicgtoti naa .,.,„.roil bj nn aedflent whinli haa piorcd laUltitwopqryona. ^VhiJe lea iwlobratifm 0'TL'iiw wtrc in iirofrruH and tbo oiatoriijcdsj wo* delivering his wluTesi, thepliiwn i*n whicli lio stood inddunlj KHT« wtL'MT.Z •ip'jn nod injuring icYerai rxioti\ joatis child «wv m»Untlj kiUsd/nd

"t w'uicii hs B>,n 4i* W fTO idjqrv, hat

, fros


Standby Tour Guna.Orcnt flrcs nro airceiiing ov«r tbc coiwtrj

again. A lull during March mid April LIB'toeii fallowed bp a lorcudo in May oudJuiie. Enoh dny'a tclcgmma como to n»freighted with the lidingaof cnnllflgrations•hicli hlot out of Bxistcnco vahica worthtinilredsof thousunda of dollars, a largo

[.ropoition of which insurance companiesiroporcmiitorily c?.Ued ujiou to innkogooil.A. Qro in lioaton bnrna up 82,UO0,OUO inIOTIHOS an t merchandise A mill in thamhurhi at Hyde Park talcs fita nt an .ex-ianBB of 5500,000 raoro. A Pliihilolphincotton nnil woollen raitl follows euit fur$200,000. Tho Chicago, 3Jnrlington «tQoincjTBilroadpivintwork»nlAurorft, Ilii-noil, nro dosttoyed -with n loss of 8250,COD,uui the Central railroad -works, a t Niagara,K. Y,, -with a loss of 3100,001). A. ihoo rnc-tary, nt IlocTieator, N. Y.. cosh SG0,OOI); apia bakery in New Yo--k citv, 9130,000; aload of ODKI oil nnd a pilo of lumber nt Ciu-1 Ltiromrinnttti, 3170,000 ; two blocks in Eoat Bag.iaaw, Miohicnn, $75,000 ; alilook in Now-bnrgh, N. Y., S185.0CO ; tbo Wabniili clnm.tor, f.t Toledo, Ohio, 3170,030; nnd hnir nhlock in tho oamo city a few d.ijH Inter,£200,000; a fumnco nnd planing milk uoarProvidence, T.. IM S*5'),oyo ; it carpet yarnmill nt Priitnn, (3onn.. 375,(100 ; n fiinu-tura factorv in Chicngo, 312J.0U0 ; r.ntl Me-Curmict'fl block at Peru, INiiiuU, 385,000.

ot tlio jiroporty destroyed by tiieao llrci1 henvilv insured, nntl ajf lnw hounmod •within it LWIJIIO cf wccTii ot the

time wo arc writing thcuo lines.

Xho Hamburg uomeaL wurlia Imvo i>rovc3stiMCsstul. Tho cement in unid to bo •:-,\-ptirior to tho btel Rosendftle, us it puck;beUoi: mid ]iarilcii» noonor. AM xtit.n as thicalor ii mado anUsIaCory, tlio ccraoiit wit!b« Uiit in innrkot, and U<»a. v,Lnt w k.i.i,"ill ba t,t VJOiief,t i:-. rctaHiingnua:;,' ia t!ioconbty—01.0 dcolor in •'Sewton hiring toll]

uf Hoiuomol, ami thu lowimliip uf l'asaile, ia tli.eoiuit; or Mtirrij, beftlniilJH; at tho Union countyline, uorth uf Uiiinn village, on ttin 1'BHWIC rii-or;

uluni; tlio Mid raiiaia river, bolwrau theilii ikfrirvn&iil tn tlio briJKO croailng tho

jitbclUm »f tlm lVmto rivor ana Dodd rivor, ontlio nubliu mail londiiiir from Mount IlotLcl, InWarr.0 lownslih, to tlio villaRO wr MilHntrVm, fntho comity nr Jlurri*, tu (unco their Hfilil latiilBiloiiKBilJ rivor, each per BOH Imildirif hisorlior:qml iiroimrtiutiktu aboro of tha lino funao lic-tnructi liirmHr imil Oio ndjiiiuiii); owncr,nnd in gaicthe tilrt or tiurtluii ID bo limit, kipt lip nnd Uialll-tKinod, nliJill n«l bodlvWni nr »irriwil iipnii ho-

Bitch mvnar*, nr iu cam! nn fuiico ill all liavoitntui)liL>ri;t<if(iri', lliisiinny po«on oiniiii[*

bndsuwii inch rivor ntid linn nrnri^nul. mav.upoiiimtico in writing, require such cilj<liningmuut St Accrtilntlinciuiul plnco In tlm

joid uotico Kuociiksd fcrtlio jJimjoro of igrodngiiponndivision DfUmfonco no toTio built, robuilt,kontmi ltiiiititilucil Mid rcjmireil; anilifttiDpitrtioi

incutiiiR i t tlm tltno nnil placo cloa^nnti'il, HUU. J I to ifrrcfl upuii thu part, puttlon w il iua t 3 bolent uti anil iiisiiitsiiind Iiy owli, tben nnd iu ILnt

- ao Ilia nncBtinn flbdl bu dclormliiua \>] threejohullorn, rciiitanlB or tha suid tannihipi, 01tlicrof tliDiii. oiiit Ui lio tolcctdrt hy anchor therlica inturoHlcd, and Ilia tl.irl by Ilia tw<

^ua ehoflon, nho almll bo emp<mored nurl ouliiorizcdlovkwllio promlBCB, Iit-ar tbo allugatlon* olpartly, nnd deckle the pnrt ur portion to l>o built,m&inUlnocl, kept en and rupdtoA by rnch, tUwhere U10 Dime iho.fl bo built, kept 1111, miintntnsdorrcniilroiljwhlth didtiloii ahftll bo ilclivtred tnvrvcli of tliu Biiitl proprietors, whicli iloclsloti slit"


110 pfrauns ileniruu* (,f eTigajtfiij: in n IL'ht t»uni-. lusHH. Oiilya«uay.c»i»talnj)inirid. Alawlne*,

....1,1. j , a a , , r ( m ;d ilso\t iirofitaWf. JiuaiiK-mlu in.L-iiiKa Biiporior Vusliliif; Mariano, l'trsnai

iriihtiig to nuke onj»iSomonta will tind It imicli umir intercut to uuiVrcnii itmneuiately.

X II. I'ULOUISET,i^IlarnTjmt'li, Km-sox County, N. .1. 37.311

Notice to Trespassers.

ALLparjoiiBiirelioreliy notlflcJ t int they n«rorWItri.'Bai«!isiiif'upDii inv Kroiuidii oitlic1

• -•Iio]iurpiiio nflimifinirwlth^tr «.r t ,m, sn,Iwrrymt;, imnUni; fur niiiioral or for an* pnr

,..._j, iinikTiiunaltyof nrneit isml pun•Bliuteut to tlio fullest cilcat nf tlm luiv.

MAIHOSCLiP.lC.Hwkawny Tonmtliin, Jforrii Conntv, N'..!.

^ * 07.3^-p

National Union Bank of Dover.

; £tiiil, 1H73, nt a o'diwk A. •-!., fur tho pnrnoaoarotnilint; tlio .Hiclci vt ntui'Clutinn anil tlio

- (.ni-.MitioMlDiror.lwi. Iiy order "

' JAY H. THIiAT, Ci-hinr.

ninkp, knen tip anil nfiair liii or Lor mid portion,2, And Uo ftumctoil, Thsi *u<r pomoii or •licr-J

eona havinq rocclrcii tlio lioticoo afuroaiifl, anura-1

itlilfi fur nllitiJurivB that nay arise for or_.U of Iho ntoclr, lioraes, oaltle, ihcop, oien

ind litiKH. of tho KIVIHK notice ui aforemid.:m»slnp HID mid river nt any- point frum tha laiiarnf KBMporirm "— '—-•— -1 " -• "-'-rtamsKO (vnjuliriiiiKiBnl.ini

id river nt any point Trum tha Unastlm 11 hivint j lvon notice and Aningorn, «IHO far my inj-ir* tlist niijock or Ion of -!-~ - ' '* '-

at no Uhw fslnlWhtn ttm stand

h lark cement" tlicprofit ^oinfjtotui1


<r KlOfJ 1 Njiurtion <if tlis

either of uid' f notion

_ . . . . . iBBon of_ not lioiiijilisd with,mMcioiit TK-iof of tho fmiKif li&bilitr fQri 'n timt thooivtijrof Biidilock in»j provu

1 luff (tuilL-roil Un nr Iiy runitiiii i>fsur injury tiiid sliic'ri, or tliu lost at Hcrvkun uf HHJII ttoch, 01r iviy timo B|iunt Iu tlio recovery tlioronl, <ir fu,y .huH^vhtel t uijr oilier )Hmi>n nr iwnoiiit iwnuH thereof intyliaru BitQumlliT tcafionoiy Muvlt, liorMi n, callle, OHII, nbco|i or liogB trm^iliiruiMtililBurlirrWiiii.3. Aiifl \K> it unncloil, Timt thin act (hull in no

..iy ennllict with Ilia rtimoily pirlicn now hava l>rUiv fir I liu rccuvurj nf dnoisco bj rcaBon of troi-pihi u^jn Ihdf lamh nlth liorii'i, cdltlo, Himnnd hd[,'H, liut only mm tic'.ldii ihall tin lirntifjlit rLho IUVOVLTJ otilaniKBo Tor BIIJ one oETonco ur tit

P " ! ' A C I 1 be it enacted, l i is l ililn net ilialldcainca a ]iul>llu nut, nnd t ^ o uffuat inimtdiatu

ApiiroTod J.l>ril4, IHT .

I t ift reported nfl 0110 ot tlio effuots of in _tal reform timt rincu ilio abnlitioa of tinJrnukiiig privilege an tliD 1st inatnnt, thenliiuiLucti a inariced ilserpaai* in tlio nmijiin,of innil irtntler through tlio New York TORIOffice. Eiglituuii tliousaud is t in iiumbe,of decrcnae in t lo newsimpL-r Giolinngo Ija,and uwtnj morn are expected to droi» off iuthe coursu ol a month.

Farm for Sale!

109 Acres of Land,ibait OOncrts nf |>loni;h and tillable Inml, in ?•»"UtL-ufcultlvntiiin, ICJO-UH uf Mca<!ow, lliu inl-

i!l wonrl loinl. Thu fnrm Is wnl! wntiircil hv• lailini; strti:n», (Inml Orcliinl, mul llm:'iuf all kiiulJin almtiiiauoo. Thu huillini

Bun, Vfcgon Sim! WHTotlisT onUon»n, aU In

<Tlio K i idU ita nold alonot l l l l i l iTl K i d nold alono Kr f.iHmUuc tin

toclc anil iliiurfg wliioli contiiU iti imrt ui t aIlia Iioraoa, imirorynuiif; ci.illlu. 1 imkli cinvj a. young ciltlc; I«t ui IIJIJJ lt K Almil ltKlit iTngiiim; uhdn, iikighs, liainclilnc, plougliii, Imrrowd, nnrl \\\ \iats\\iococasnryfnr tholiriiilnff titininanH,ThliUicliriiufanii.liftltrestMdK, aid

jil that tlio licsllhortlhi omt itvursoo it.

oiu wiitliiiiK to puiulmiimiyc^ll on tlio Huhntr

notliOHiild, esuojilopKJrliinnnniitoTaimsciny. Pi'ti

mino tlio jiroinlBBilio prcmisi's uf

N. U - O D O . 1 Iroproperly.



Revolving .RakeFOB $5

;o:A F E W O F T I I E



.niv. w,\ 1- will J.Jui llic'.erJi o:id «ni'l doeeaisv 1U0 •]••.['—aw rr.,w -V«nl i=w MatihM mifo, (l.n. .Uti.:cnil«r 'JJ, li'7l, r>i.k I), c 3u

ia!:. I'iviji'j). W'.'IP. '-JllTAc.t "nn«I wkrton a t'U(

Hil- lo uiii-ii at 'J oV-l.trk itnvii".1!*..IAMJ-..1 H. SlilUIIUuril, Ailuiii.i»trat<>r.

DiUJa t UU-LT, Hay 1(5, 1«J. ^ 7 - ^

Administrator's Sale


ruMtwul tuiii onl.Tflf thn flrnhins' Court ollicCr-iinlyuf Morri.), nia'lii nu thu with (by ol

1 .tin-, insluul, lliu hiibai riliur, Ailminislrstor olJAilESHILKy>^a«ai«iIU'MiMii n in th , ontlio iireuiifee, Ilislfliuld utid r«al t-nlatc uMvliieli

a-LcH iliiiiltiea.'il.otl'utilwSaKuoVIIUnSDAY, His21tU dny of July next,

Win j a

HOUSE AND LOT OF LANDnWit lh«-, »itiw(tJ ot Baiif:ntmii*, in sai«unit'.-, Ls-ii!" His tJiiiti fiiniiL-rly mvuultil lynili

.t Iniililio"! siu in CJO.1 n-piir.TliuI.'JtKirialiiKii hint.- wj cultlrntiuu, «wl ii

hjcil In thi) part oliu 1'in of






QUILTrf, ri!IS


Limes* MUSLK,


Of tlio Latest Style,





Come One, Como All

AluUll.'lul ll,M',™t KlnMtiljtiT, ltl.-illlUVL' J

' MONEY,Ali ii<rj;h tViirriiiitc I as ruprcaRttlcil.


Blaokwell Street,]JI:TIVI:KN-

IJcrgen.ESHCX!. r.-Cn-.t iml

aco will U B»in MHl cnJODIAH :.Ii

IJsUd Mr.-13tli, 1S7J.

iu liotiri nf 12 o'vlui«UT. wLisn atleuJ-

i<wn nmJu kiio 1






Meals Furnished at All Hours,

Oysters Serroil in ovoi-y StyL

uiilivs SuppUed by the I lu

lircil- or-Tliol.sam))"


Mr. WATTEHS h u fltloj tip a]i«tuiout

for tho occjiumojatioii of Ladies, ta an

iGE GBEAM SALOON,DAY'S ICE CEEAM, find ercry tiling n

iliiisito fur

Parties, Festivals, Etc.FurniilicJ nt reaaonnblo rates,

pnimiitlj dtleudsd tu,



Company's Store.Jtwl Ktetial a lui orWe havo

] think,Mixed ((?rcoQ wid blade,)

Xlncoliirud Japan,Yonii^ HyRfln, [jreen,)

luiiiaiinl,Gunpowder, anil

English Urukfmt

TTTTTTTTif h vvn nrC nfTcriii^ to tha pwjilc of Dover ai

New York Prices.

Coffees!'it l.ovo /nil liim of Cufcts cnnipriuiiiL' "t uvu

O'J Government,Jnra,

Mnmcaibo,Bio, and

4 Uroakfiiit,IJCIII) Ground to onlur.

Spices!...: «inli partltiilarly to call rnur nltontion tn tin

hei that w« mill (iiily^rftreilj 1'UltE Rl'ICEMGrournl Iiy nn mid ma Iiy wcit'lit.

• Sugars!


Dried Fruits,

Picldes,Ciiniifiil Goads,

• Oranges,Louions,



VoirowirytlimiLfoirtf tliu liLnul 1.1 Iron agonlromlv hnatoivoil upon in, omi almll itriro to

• low York Tea Co.OOHNElt OP

niuekwill & WIUTOII Sts.,

$10 R E W A R D !r OT ilu. ,,r™,I.c, or ILn mlifttlljtr, nl llm.k-I j . l i ' . W i n i l b . u Tuim.Wft .l.oat t in 7IU ofuno, a Hull Vw, l l u n . tnir lirimllu anil ono-liBlfhitit striped; i'nru flit Hlu.rt and VCIRIIB 1}5 lbsi.llicu> lb> inimi orjlfclucl Uw-li.i liu n'jLJVU rcwnul vill IJU imitl f<)r lila rncoverT.

JAMES WILUB.raiilMuli', Morrw Cuuuly, N J. " La-!Wp

&111I offer* lo tin: pablie tiie

Largest and Best Selected


vcr Before Offered in This Place,crwuanroorTUB

FiKHrr yp.Escn ASD Esausn CLcmis,LUE^KIXS, CA^Ul£lLm uiilYEdTlSaH.

Aba, a lirga Stock 0(

READY-MADEGLOTHINGFor UOD'I, Yoaih'i sad Children1! W«ar. AI-), & Urge uuortincnt of

Gents Furnishing GoodsIIATri, CUTi, TltUNKb, VALISES, Ao., Ac.

Tlio Cnttin- Dapnrinient U nnJor tho mpr-vision of Mil. I'. J . McOimft, well know far hlittcclk-nl ibiUliee iu t lit si ipccialty. Via a.V 1:riil cfour capacity lo plcaao In cuery particular nf

lU'td toill cifitii uf ])»p*p*i>. liu lnnlldr liotr nlntlluots or.rutr»et«l tli't-y msj ho. Tim price will Lo rcturu-il in fill initancd* vhcro thii romsrtiblo JQ*^-'1"i l n t g i wtliirtj-Hra

iafncHon. ! I n ncv«rOooJala k Vour-bt, a

t h i U tu'•lireteuiUM. They aro tuthorueil . . . .

J lu all iQiUBcei wliera this rcmnrkibla ni\idy faili tu tire oil tiro ^itiifwlion, t. c , • mdie. . . . . «. i . . .r . i a |0 1 ) o p o : i 1 U m b jjlr01,t( H. v .



njf JIIBI ruccireJ a IWBO itcck of

SUMMER GOODSlils Irom - - - 89.00 lo 820.00

ChuimerePauU * Yut from 7.00 lo 15.00

2.00 to 8.00

7.00 to W.00

1.00 to 2.50

1.00 to 3.00

1.25 to 1.71


3. CO to 8.01

7.00 to 14.01

Pants -

Black Press Coats

Linen Costs

Bbck Striped ConU

Licon Panta

to Muraeilloi Vest

Boj's Suite •

YontU'i BuiU - -


Gent's Furnishing Goods

Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises.Hats and Caps,

AT THE LOWEST PRICES.Call and oxaroino m; goods befure pursuingdenhurti.




MA11I.0N U. DICKEnaON, Vico^naldeot.WAIIIIEX SEOUn, Trciwnrur.

T B U S T E E 3 ;H«nrr Uakcr. Joha Hanee.M. IT Dlckonon. Ju . W. Urotlierloa,Thoa. U.OrUtoiuW, JM. II. KolsLbour,Alet. Wgliton, Clu». M. Tnnli,0. H. Umchmui, fitophtn C. Dcrrf,1. A, GticUa, John It. JOUUDI,Joa. Itodarcr, Jamei D. Lowlt,David JonWci, JBI. A. Goodalu,John C. J.rdino, Wm. II. McUiril,Bflvaitor DickeraoD, llsrtln V. II. Ksarliig,liichard BteiihmiM, Iltcuord JoukinH,

IlobcrtF, Oram,

FV..iiii.„, thn first day of If arch. Juno, Heptom-bor and Dccomhcr, which ever ilia.ll fltit bippoucit after tho rfopoiltii mftdo. •

1VAHHEN REQUIt,rob. 11,1871. 9-tf Trosiori


Mowers and Reapers,




i,H| tan,,, a'36(SlsS«sn5-li&?K . Morriitonn, K. J.

HJLL1!IihimndBUrllurBmud lUud

Lawn Mowers,pn:u> -VN» oAiiDEN ROLLERS; v.vsea,


voonnEEs BnojuiEns,a-J-aa Hwriitowu, H. J .

TO RENT,i-\N r n u I'jiusr OP AHIIL NEXT, a- coojU HOOMY U0LI3E,wilU ploas»ut i d ttdc i l ot vtrjf KftiousUe mil Inqutadicil, ot vtrjf KF. OJtAM. or Ht

»ut Kriiiudi at-nquIroctltODT'

Dover liKllMAWWUOD,D(rwr. IMf

Farm for Sale!A tjuiill Farm, Klana tho ratio roid, ]es<l!ncfrom

McC«inarilb tn ltotkihiru Vallor, about lulf a milt.from the Morris anil Esiai llitlraail, mljolniiiiihml ffltliWm. Minion, JolmA.Tono •ailothan.. M , JIiiyirntsiuouti urc a good PwiTo

Mid & vnriutj of Krult Troci.TurniB nido ca»y «nd % goml tttla giron. Fui

firiiculnri inquire ot J. A. Liu-or thu mronr) at Mlno HID.


Farm for SalerillYO MIIiEH ,\KD A HALF 1'ltOJI DOVKItX iwir tho Dalryuiplo Mine; trill bo lold ctu 'Liinrovuraunts nru « pwhl HOUSE. *B. Innnlr

Full. IS, im. D-tf M. & 1.8E.\I1IHO'|

Store and'Dwelling toRent.

ircniPiitly nltuatod ai a bnsinaii looalily.

Farm for Sale,Of t n . n l . 4 n Am-pJolDlnj tloro«Ithil litd.c»vI Ihii Tlictenaii Irtno lo llofkiw.r. In IroBl of

»Ua Incnda'Mooting Hume, ui<] wc.toftboll PIJintdi >t Jlill llmk, o M ,nd a b«lf mlto fraiDov.r.lUiid,.!!,!, TbwmUlp, Ho ro.d l..d. IroJ-Jatijr GravDtnJiillllrookaiidpi

. o „ ! { l | M 1 . , t , » | | | ! | l n l i o i n . ^ j jEntr>-; a Him of 27 Iir «fpot, and n noror-falllnc

r v nma tljrough tus farm, ivilh a Bswtt ,™:«»i down, t!,kO!ljali

i bilit i>nrdiiinnBr. roEsi!fisloi!_riTeafmni«(IiatclT.JACOB 3FJUUNO,

Dover, N. J.

Port Ornin Building Lots!The vulicriLcr ofliirj far Bib ton r»l deiiraLic


At Port Omm, Morris Connty, N. J.

Lilt* of i\ny Him and icdaccil prices.

Tcrma cuay. Inqlro of


PortOrnm, N. J,April 1,1571 Item.

Car. Bkctwoll ana EA. BIMOS.

8U.. Dover, K. J.

[orris County Surrogutc'tt Office-UAYSlnt. 1BT3.

thauinttof of Jowpli B. Kinirattd Durid Kingcucutura ut WillitQ 1'. KIIIE OuMMtid-Sajr^gatu'i Orilur lo Limit Creditor*.\u tpulieation of tha ilioTu-nwnud ticuuton/ It in OnlLrcd by tbo HorroRnto tbet aaid oiocu-rs tfi* 1'ubliu Notiue tu the Ciediton of,e tilato of tbo wlJ Dm.'sJiiit. to bring In tLciriLtn.iluiiKindi nnd chiius t^altut tlio mini un-

der oatli, Tritldii Lino months from thin data, LysattlDgui) a copy of thlt Onl r, within tircnty ilntiherBafttr.lii livo uf tliuuwt [iiibliu IIUMIIII l(iuCcuntj of Morris fur two niDotlia, ai"1 -Jio williiatliB eiLid Iwdoty djji bj ndverti^i|f thu tainii Intlio IUOK EIIA, oau uf llm non-itmiMra of thU Btito,for Ilioumo i])icc of Lima, (ttie Surrogate Judgtcgi n ; further notice lo 1M unmvouary;) mil if myCreditor lUall neglect to eihiliit bU or bar dtbt,dcmind and claim within tho (aid period cf nioo

t b b l i t l l l i f i d kmontbJ.pablienotlcalMJlnegiTeiiiBtforow.iackcreditor shdl be fonTer bursd of bU or bar aoiicntherefor aciinit tbe «iil eiecalon.

A Trao Cop; from tbo UIDHIOI.2W0W E.E. WILLIS, Surrogate.

Oil . (toPmp'p, !To*Y

.HOKEY-IU.VKINO I10OK8 FOR, AaiiOB & BitxsMKS ATTEXTIONIIlryniit'i Library of Foe try wnl Bong; Tha NewJIoiKckeonor'a jtanuil, by HJn Bcodior »nd Mn.8towe. Botb wiling f»at far. Ks'lmtra T«-ritorr, liberal torma. J. B. fOIlI1 & CO., KewVork, Boston, Chicago and tian F«ueigco. 24-1 w.

TUIS IS NO HUMBUGUf utidlng 33 eti., with tgo, lidght, color of ejeaaud hair,you will rocalfe acorrcct pictoro of yuurfntaro huBbaud or wifu, wilh n*rao and date ofmarrUee. W. FOX. P, O. Drawer 31, Fnltonvillo,N. V. 2Wir


BKWLNG 3UC1IIN£ mada at Baabury, Ct TheLatent mid Boil. The StlUtit, F u t t i t >ndEmlctt Lock Htllch, Sirnlfibt Jft«II« Hadlnotn tlm market. Better tenns'tliBn anrcompHiy.Addroaa, JOHN A, DODGE,

93-lir Qcn'I Agtni, Dmbury, Conn.

—For DwulliLsnrplui heatworking


AUTOMATIC HOUSE-PUMP.Dwelling!, Cily and Counlrj". Opctttod. byi heat from cooking-rango. No friction or

working parti, llcqolrofliio attoctlOD, IndepoDdoutof Miranta and force-immpa. Safe, umplBmnduo-fiiling. Draw* wilor from well or ciilcin twenty-fleo feet porpcndiculirljr, (horizontal.; onlunlted,)doliTorlui- sixty eallooi per hour in tank i t lop ofhomo. Guaranteed ai recommended. Puinpi putupfttiywhoro. Bond for circular.

T1I&S.D. J0UN3, Agwt,B3 Llboily Bt,,Ne-*



Sussex Street,

D U V E U t " . J . -

Would bccloavo to BUDOHHUI tfl tba Piitilie tli.lbaTorcQlltid tliclr itoto ted restocked ib>with a full ADII coinpluto ngaortjueat of


MEDICINESAlso a largo assortment of Fauey Ooods, cm-




Toilet imil Siinving Soays,

COMUS Li Great Vnrioty,

Tootli, Hair auQ Ifnil


Fancy uml Toilet Articles,




ilso a full lino ot fine

ussia Leather Pocket Boolis,

AU tto Poirakt Tatot



' ons , . ; . .. GLASS, &e.

P«rtlculnr attoutlon glvon to compounding Pbj-[dans I'rctcripliaitB.Also, Agents fur AXDllnianii flno Pharmac(U.enX l'ropinitloni.


Page 3: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, · is , "Hush SiBtar'i Djing with Piano Ac-ompanimenta," A WtBteru paper layi: "A aliort, thick , riped, Btnr-ipnuglod-baaQei sort of ft bu g boginning to look

»fCHEId, I87IJ.


1 Ti'iiinoruturu Ii.rtGu p u t weak, SH lintldiiUnt liyd 1!)U (i i«iaunroi-/ni Ii. c. C. Kli'ir.-ivV J)| ' , . ; !•:•>..,

oUieilij, Julj-5tli,

I Monday, 7Ui,I Ttular fitit

7 i . « . IS a , Di'.uw|j, dog, 0'

ky, (Jill,TimrddT, lUtli,rn.b., liu.,


tfur Eiuraii, 0.*5 a. m,; HadLcUitown Jfiif,<7n"'jiiJnwfNia JJuont'ii iUf«itli1"a.o"V"iiMniroiigU 51*11, 2.40i», tn.; Hjtwuiii Ksjircw, viu

i. m.IXAVI: !»tw miiK ron uovcn.

Ql'rom foul oM!*rJu^U*'» ' ' J " ! " ^ ^ ^ 7- lc "•

EIl»rtii.i.Oap._in._;_pUvtr L ^ H , 4.'W : ? . m.:

•'lijlt tin)- mi.n tu Uottr," til idrfc Hintnitiid of ovry min iu l »iidliir omililiui., «m):ti'.ran K'j'ltldicJ Ly (>iiu i>f uur iluuiilu-lliitai

rilis-iis in (mo r.,11-,,1. Unit tliiiti wniimlori Hi,itiiru ar?>iiit. umi rcyiwet-ja a warrant, wbieli v i•ran,•!. 'JJWII /u]|u»-wJ viJo flljuso of Iho wjturu, ;

In tho BTuuiuf OIIBH. 1'irnbtacb, * Swede, ivn;rruulud fur udug ilrunl; nud asumltiujj pnanen

by. Huwiis1mjb:iI«pforituiiiKlii. Tlio fulluw-

OII tliu aumiiufS uf tlio If Ii, ilio firBt man arras£-d was JiiB. CUrk, f..r drunliuntiCMi. IIo t.jwnt ttiJaj in tlio loek-iw and ]>uid t3 for the nceommotbv

iiii, and toils.Jon. I'orjilimft wan armted fur

and disorderly nmducL Hquira Onjjo Uiii'd liimT3 mill CG»I9.

Jan. Diims nr ron led fur tlia nma cMian, lined S3

Another iiinu was riuud (2,SO mid cnuLi (or liitcr-•••Hngvltlia'


Lint .• friundi vent nnxiuuB ki liattMorriilowii, ntutiiig that thoy lud triad ta induiibn Id glvo uj> tho fuuliub course lio wan pursuit],lUt witllOllt ftVliil.

On tbo Etb, Jobn Till WHO

E«>rni,4.0ap. ; oerlUduUitovn Ei-roni, O.'iO-

ojittriai ii. u.L«aro Sorer for Clii>»!w at liOOa. in. nnil 1UU

p. m.UftVoUloster fur Bocar it 7.55 B. U. i.nrl U.55

tniilioiititBa uflticl him $11) and C

V. fll. C. A . P r a y o r Mcii iliolr Itooui, on Suew* Blroot, »

Dmu Htoro, ovory Kuuilay afUrnuuAll urn cordially iimlud lo altoud.

TkB Tiroworks To-night,Ou account of tlio heavy rain on tlio 4th

of July evening, lUu display of Firoivorliswus iiOBtponed. Ttio Ooiumitko of Ar-laiigomeuU, liowevur, have decided Lo flu-iali tbo colobration so ubrnbtly tormiimtod,TO-NIGHT, (July lWli.J Tbo plecoa «niBiiid to Lo auporior to tlioso of tlio oolobni-tiou loot yoar, -which lvoro pronounced veryflue. Tlio display will tako pkCo on tliogrituuda roar ol tlio old Bobool house.

Cay Lout Saturday lour oowu Lelougitiyto Dr. HodgeSt ut Chanter, ivoro struck byliglituing wbilo ntnniliuG under n tree.—Two of tlio animali were Instantly lulled,(tie oilier tiro «avorely afc-ituicd.

tS"*TUero in HO much, druuUonno!i3 inI Mormtown, tbat uiauy of its citizens haveI lately anon iunumernUo tontk Thoodit-[ on of the papers there toll toad stories to[ the p«oplo, wlio lietou and lolorato llicnt,I comprehending of course, their sorrowfulI condition. What A commentary tbie h on[ tbo wwm Tfcathor I

S_Tlia police forcoon ilto 4th, under tbo uiar-iahlpt i f John Arratlaijo, conalntod or ut-Hnr-stiil, Con' Holly of SI orris luwn, L. lI.Lorco ofSloiuiliam, Jolin P. Uondonon of Honiit Hopa awlHilaa II. Benjnmln of Mount Frocdom, The nctiv-Uyot Ihoic geatlemea in aupptetshg HiwrHtrlypersons ffii Ulglilj commoudablo, Mid showed tiewiidoiaof our Common Council In miking iclou-tioai ana preparing for omorgonciflH.

ft3_0ntlioovoiiliigof tbo Itlin young lady oftills ttmu lud IJOI lmna BOTcruly slung by tinbursting of a Roman candle, the Inal bull liavlugboon pi tend too no&r tbo Lot torn of tho ciinillo bytbo mnuufoctursr. A jouiig gaQllemim, nniionoto diiphj Iii« •ujKrioritj iu the mnaSpalatlon ufanmoria hototo hor,ha& UjoJargoflDgor ofhlaInft Jiftal broVon bj 'tho ionic kind of netident.Confuaian and pftln ovoisptoid Ills countoiianco isho ran to tbo doctor's.

62. itntU surprlso WIB mitnlfuilcd by many tiuIlia ilh al July, nt tecloe so Uttlo drunlienntiB andflflhtlng In tbli town. It is not mmccouaUUonlitn no ecmsider tbat tlio peopio trcru bcplnniUMiil nil d*j Ions bJ &» Com pi tt so of Arrangn-inonta. Giro tho pooplo ratlo»l Bmtutiaont andl^irillnetreaorttolntuilcation. Messrs. Wm,Uocoglmo, E. H. Slleklo, Tboi. D. J»nr!i, Wm. 3.WrlgUl and Jimea Srako, dcacrre tlio th&nks oftin community for tliclr very mccoaeful effarta in

glng with maeli diriBtoioitQd ltbor andtho belt oalobrtHon in m*ny yews.

yi & match gumo ofIrnee ball was playad belffasa tbe "Stars"«f Hibornift rind tUo Mino Hill Olab on thegron&di of tho latter, resulting in a score of55'to 12, in fevorof tho formor.

ID tLeRf toraoon a mntoli ganio wno playedbotweon tho "Mining Boys of Iroii'dalo"and tho "Stars," on tbB grounds of tlioformer, lentlting in n HQore of 38 to SI,ttllowiEg & score ol.7iun>iii favor of theformer.

BuaJivy tho family of Mrs.i tX Ohostar, woi accidentally poi-

soned by the aerrant-girt, who througLmiataka took ttftar omotio instead ol ealne-ratei lor tlie pnrpofle of making bread.—

—-ffa'verni pb'jvUlntui wore promptly in ntton-danco and xeliaMd tha suffararg. Of thefife perioni irlio partook ef tho poiion" thoBervaat •ulTwed tlio moit. All aro nowdoing will. • '

JJST1 Tho school boya nnd gitls and thoirtoftoliera ihould now bo eilramoly happy.On Thnndfty of loib week tho aoliooli wotooloBod for tits legolar Bummer Vftootioo,which emforotwi tbo jnootlui of July andAuguit. Tha prospoot of a long loaf, irilhnolmrdJsMDDBtobeleftnifla lor.tlia m ttwo montha i i poculUrly exldleratins to thoyoungitan irhoia imagmatioiia hire forlonietimo rovolod in unlimited quaDtitiaiof fun and binies,- Tho juTenilo love ofliberty v u fully sismpliflod in tlio joyous•liouts end bounds that marked tho exit oftha papili from tbe public school onTburflday afternoon.

*a.Wa tegtel to loon tb*t ourtrlond, Mr. JohnGooddl, for no*rlj throo yoari accounUnt ol tuoMt. Hone Ulning Co. nt 1ft Hope, Ii *bout to ICOTOUI. ItmuitboirlHi much iitlifMtlon tliat thin

esfirQin tliooffloorB and employ-. ^ j o o m p y i tlw Tory high tcitlmonlsli ofil'md icspooi, both for bit officJoncy and nnl-

mrtauv, th»t BU ihowor upon him. As aumofcnUuroandrouncinent, obliging to

ociindKenoroiu in ill lili dotllngejuikind, wo enilorio tuoieutlmonli txprcuoil

_Ja hope tint ftrtuna maj ttiar OBO IO worthy.Mr. D. ROCS to Colorado noit wocU, and OIBO car.rloi with ldm toatimontali from moatj inflncn-tiftl ciUwnB of both Doier oai MowUtoirn, no well*a Mt. IIopo.

WltitThnrailfty ovoninE»nmnboror gontlo-mon oonncotod with Ilio iron Icttroat at Mt. Hope,wot at Mr. niolmrd StoplioaB1 rosldcnM at tliatpluiB, for tbo purpoaa of cxproBiing tbeir Wgb oppracIMion ot Mr. Oiwr L. Ccorlrigbt, for oigUt cnlnc yonn cbiof clerk of tlio otoro dopartmonMore were betir«a Hiiriy aad/orly pwaonB jiroi.onI, »moDg ihom wsny minors, who wlsbod to «liowtliotr fiiteom and xjiproclAUon of tUo canrtoouEIrostmodtboIiidiJwiiTiiliownto all vllb whom

,ho e»mo In conUct. Tlis surpriio wfti eDt•ndth« fcoiatlfol tqkon of MtcBm, a gold T b

" ana chain of tbo i»lno oMECO, presented In & noaf>ipwch by Mr. Thoutaa Fuool, wai roeolTcd by J[r..0. with true manly taodCBly. This eonlloman !§iabonl to 1D»TO ui'to taliu charKo ol Ilio itoro. do-ipwtmunt ol tho Now Je«oj Inn Co.iaC l V i l l

W.0u TJMUMUJT ovanlng, tho 2fllh olt.i Mr. \V.¥' Uittoi nas met by » number of Ida Wanda utdurMontcd with »u •logout gold olwiuntid seal, anbehalf of tba employee! of Iho IU. Hops It. It., tliosuperintendonco or which, ho hed juit roiigcod.Thii token of appreciation nnd oiteem for a char-WtorlhatliaiBhoailniommy good iroiki, waidolirtro'l with a nut addroBH by Mr. Wuron Segurand merited with tho modesty tUU has ni

ufsarprlio. Tint Mr. Mniios irfll bo grcitlylalgacd from among** large circle of friend i in oi.IiroiBlnglnpoorUnBii»Betlio vory gnnt .citoetnIu vblcb lio isliftla by til who hnvt) ciijojcdhii nc-^«!. Novorllielili, ko gO*oi to a Hold of la-Lor ifLoro iuclimtn JVTO noodoJ, tmlwlioreiT* Iiop<WigooavilUndgood dooda will ba weonded Uj-otlicn, and thmmUtu of tffiLlraboliroueLt abouttint will locomiBon4ed by tlioso irlio como after.1IMT. in*E^stoHoclilndgaCQUtitjr,Vn., TID company wltli Mr. E. H. K. Tdcott, bo wH

• E'go In llio Irsn intsrcsl.

•*- aoo. Hull, Ilring iu tU« anburbi, eominr nc-•coa eolobreting tlio 4th of July on tho ittemoontho SI- II* ins atrcfltcd (or Oleorilcrly conduBBdUltflnl foroJiiBUcoWooil, whs flncd him IS,andcoala, acdihen let him ya. Of coursoliocom-mcicctd tils pranla again. Insisting tliat ho could

ar in Ibo (lischureo of blaia early In tbofi l

TNIMC LiHl nDB ftrmiuj ia early In tbo tr (iruiiUuuiicss, and wait CUD fin ad JorinR tlio i

ir (iruiiUuuiiss,nt niulit. B<iui

CUD fin ad JorinR tli ih;t' lluud Iiimt3 and^mla,

li, J b n VPI WHBa und diBOrdurlj

wpkiuod of foruot. Sijuira WuuJ

Kg*" Wondaj' aiglit bctw'coa 11 and 12o'clock tha uotgbljurhood vt Caunl strcotwas nlurmed b j nolaca of a frightful char-acter, and immediately a number ot citi-zens nniso from thoir beds ami repaired to

no of confusion, It was found liintulcepcr ot a beer saloon opposite Uio up-per lock of tlio cnnnl, named Micholoa 1'ra-cr, lind bccouio drunlc nud was v i o l e y

nbnsiny his vtito, cursing torribly and mak-g it great imisn, dmturbiug tho peace

Tlio following dny ho wns arrostod liy Mnr-nhal Aniiitago aud tnken beforo justice

wliom ho gave ceourity for his npfor iihcaiiug. On Wodncattnyho

o:mia liefuro tlio justico uud i>bad guilty toot.ilninkcijaesH mid keeping a

Uisordurly liouac. Ou tlio formcc count ho'03 lined $5 und costs, nud on tho latter

525 and coats, iu nil S3-J.50. This nan aap drauk witliout any ol tho fun of

it, and aa llio Common Council meet BOOH,.•c.ciuniut BOO lioiv thoy can do othonrisa

t1ninruvoliDFrator'aliccasoforcaususho\TU,as wouiulorHLind that two tnomboraof (hoboard were present on tho night iu question,lmviiig huiTiod to tho scoflo from their\ds iu thoir commouiliiijlQ nnsiety fur tho

;)rcaeiTutioc of tho ponco,

ffit long flinco, whoa Morriatownhad a ropuliliaan majority in ifeTComCouncil, tlio Jianner gave much good nd-vioo iu that bod; in relation to po]ico «/-

Lira, rocoiamending prompt action ngainatbeer saloons, tha .flupprcuion ot drunlfGii-

iho limiting of licemoi, Sec, whilotha Jcrtcyman liopt mum ou tbo subjoot,well knowing that i t would "froad on diui-g ground" if its voko vroro liltedngainat tho "trnfflo"; uow tho boot ia on

other foot, tho latter journal insistingtbnt HID illegal BMO of intoxicating liquormust bo stopped by tho Oommou Council,that tlio city officers must bo coinpslkd toenforce tlio laws, 4c. All tliU IH vory well

talk about, but tlioio is tlia blaokestiiid ot A citizen Btuek fast in thfl politf-

l fnnen, and thoso on ouch sideof it arc trying tboir utnioit to induce

ih other to rolooao tits colored individu-l. Tho Common Council Is now demo-

cratic (in tliot onlrghteneil comtaaaity thoyfcavo not yet loaxnod to ignore politica inthe administration of their local affairs,)

nd tlio dcatb-taicil to tha future usoful-11GBB ol that majority would of couraa 1»Bounded at tlio moment of intarforoncowttii tlio "traffic." How cxtromoly wiokodnro tlio peopla of Horristown that thoyshould allow their affairs to bo controlledby & half-doson BOAOOH k»«p«ra, wuo con-trol enough drunkards to koop tho bal-

neo of power, and to whom tho appar-mtly respocUble eitizons most prominqotn public affairs "knueklo" for dirty influ-

ence. And now it scorns us if tha elmroliirere about to tfdeo hold of the nutter andpush things Tigoronaly to 0 oondmion.—A union moating of tko olmreb-CBivailieldon Sunday oreuing IML Tho question ofinterapornntJO wna aMidonially or inciden-

illy brought up duringtho deliTory of tbarogular Bermon; other rcmarka followed,and Iho result was tho colling of a moat'ing at tho Moth.idbt cuurcli, on Mondayevening. Tho oliuroli wan well filled. Itor.Uossn. Erdman, Prenoh, Bontloy, Dr.Burtino, Sonator Cntler, ThBO. Littlo, J.0. TonngUoDa, W. E. Cliuroh, J. D. Bta-;enBon, E. F. Bandolph, end othcrn, tool:part in tho dohato. Some of tho mostprominent aitizons of tbo town wore elect-ed VicQ-Prcsideiltd, and a committoo offifty, oomposod of tbo following gantle-man, appointed to Bquolch tho mm andbeer truda:

Ex-Qov. nandolph, Jacob Vanatln, Al-fred Mills, Wm. L. King, Hon. Qoo. Tail,L. 13. "Ward, 0 . M. Gignoux, W. W, Stono,

Bird, J. E. Taylor, David QilloBpie,F, J. Mathor, Jobnlloao, Jr., J. 0. Young-jlood, A. B. Hull, A. A. Vance, J. DuryooStopbonson, Dr. F. "W. O«on, Gco. »Voorhcoa, M. 0 . a "Witto, Wm. S. Dab-bitt, E. A. Orfivea, Thoo. Ayors, H. 31.Dalrvmplo, Samuel Eddy, M. T. King, E .0. Mmah, J, W. Briftnt, P. H. Hoffman,J, E. Bunyon, H. M. Olmstead, 0. H.D o p , E. F, Wnndolpli, F. L. Lirady,Lowis Picraon, Jr., Tlioa. Bnrko, OoraeliHolly, J. W*. Hays, 0 . J, Burnett, P. A.Day[ E. T. Caakoy, F. A\r. Oorr, Geo. H,Doyle,. E. L. Lounsbury, \F. E. Church,F. O. Biirclinin, \T. Ii. R. Haven, LouisA. Vcpt, and power to fill vacanoics.

Mr. Yoiiiigblood dccliuod lo servo on amimittoo uliidi was compoaad of fourteen

mcnibcw of ono political party and thirty-alxofnnothor. Mr. V- vratiha only anfiightoucd ut tho. fourteen; probably bo-DBUGO bo had coinu in contoot with souio ofthorn bofora.

Tho Jirseyinan Bays: " I tmnybo thatthings now mil bo diffuront. Wo earnastlyhopo thoy tnsy, but we aro by no moanssanguine." And tkon it goca on and quotesScripture nnd Acts real pious, and if thisthing BIIOUH booonio a sucooaa, and llvt-ristown bocomo ft Yineland then that jour-

d would follow tlie popnlar will, bocomoropornnoQ, audthon tbo world ifoiild bo

a fit Rtato fcr combustion, and timewould bo no more. Eufc what would bo-ODineottliBtloinocrccy in thntovont? Tbay

depend on mm any more, midwould alaohnvs to mnkonnow departureall tilings would becomo novf, mud scraperswould Ijflnufcnj; at thu cutntneba to tbotonu, and toads would bo ECCU no •within its preoinoU becauso tlioro would bono occasion for delirium.

TEE POTJETE OF JULY.The ualinuEl hoiiildj wna celebrated lmt

.•Viiiiiy witli a leiuarUWu IIOKTCO of ca1

itniita nil uvcr tbo Unilcd Hlat«3. It is afjiift iijjjo sinco Uic fljiujvowwify oJ 1]JO "n*'

tnl dny of tlio r.'[ni1)Hc" met with utieli ngenorous and crcuersl grcuting without ro-gurd (u ]joli.ical or pcuuiiinry con aider,;i'jua. Tlie iioir!;>fiji(Jri: from *!ic uortb r-loufii, from tba Atlantic lo tho PacificIIOJJC, tcom witli imroprnpUio cutogius oftlio i>»iiular lervur, ilio diuuoru, lliopcocliuB, tlio tonstH, and the songs, char-icttriatic of tlio patriotic hil&rity tlint pro-

Tailed all over tbo. Union.

Dover onco more look tlio (lold aud in-dulged iu appropriate) exorcieea. Occujij-icg a conlral position, just midway betweentlio Eudaon and tlio Delavrnrc, Ibo goo-^rnpliicM find business ceutro ol tlio Coun-ty, and in fact of northern Now Jereoj,•itli nil loadH loading to her, it ia emiaank.

ly jiropot tbat B U uliould always "colo-brnte," find oscli iucco«diuffyear tho inter-eit inoroagca. Ear citizona vitli true Iib-

ralily boatow tboir labor cudiaoncy in en-dcavors to gain for her the oiivublo ytiBi-iioa bba ii fust atlaiiiing lor cuter[iriia andth rift. Fat many years, iu olmostcampBuccausion, nba has olserted tlio grandbirtltdoy ol our independonaa.

la-4853, juit fitly years ago, BIIC vaaalive to tlie proper obaorTwics of tic daj.On tbat oaanaion David IloIIiway^r MorriaPlains, \v.\s (lio orator, and vo aro told tliathis eloqufincoiTtts long romombsiei]. Hifora us lica n priDtod pagb ol odes sung by

mlicr of ladioa and gantlomou ou (Lolion, They veto printed at tho offico

ol iho Palladium of Liberty, at Mcrriatown,Jacob Manu, editor, dstubliahca in 1809.—Tbo lisa uf tlio priatin({ prousnt UintOis-Uint ilny in a small mutter liUo tliiu, exhib-its a spirit oF autorpriso that has desoondodlo tho prsHeut gouoration and dovolopod inLlio literal pntronago boetowtd upon us,and tlio remarkable) proBpority of THEIHOS EBA—"hngiasy oho vrtva."

As tlio "late uuploa.EULDtnesa" ia atilUrsalia our romombr&cco, so wm the war of 1812reali in tha rooulloctiona of the men nnd

worn on of 1823, nnd wliiob doiihtlemi waatho thomo of convonation anil th* eubjoctif oratory throughout the load. Aa « mnL-

tcrof cariosity, nnd of hitorcat, too, ITOcouuot forogo tho pUasuro of publisbingwo uf tho threo odc« auug va Iho occnaiunihovo mentionca:

O D E S .To »E BONO OK THE Fotnvru OF JULY, 1823,


Tho Late Hoavj.aiid Daatrnctivo Storms in* tlio Wotf. ' '

Our Western States, from tha greatPlains to llio Allugbauy Mountains, foriDine lliroa woeka liayo literally bosn do-lugod with licnvy rnius, nocompnuied iumany cases with doatmutivo toruadooa nndtbo kecuost liglitninp nnd thunder. Illi•nftis, Indiana and OlnonppDir to lmvoboentho contro of tlieao linniprous rovolving

ms, and tlio reports of tlio reanltingdamages to tbB crops, iiisluiling tho wheathaircttQiondsbocked in t]ia nalda, nndtbo growing Indian com, with tbo nuiner-oun other IUSECB of property, no deplorabland diacouragiug. *

Toiir hundred How York working boyfusmnbled at Cooper Institute on Mondayovoning list tn consider metina for procur-ing tho establishment of more frco bathinghouses. They IIHYB pbrendy sacurod a ballground and it is to bo'huped that this noweQortwill meet with success.

Clod win onr liulit iu ihrliest konr;Ho was our liupi «iU Ho ourpoTf'r,Ho IQJ our utoiici to tlio Mi,IIOWM thoir Btrongthund Ho their u

Tlien lot eacli son of Frscilom ulng."The (Jod ol IIuiTdi Ii our Kiiiy :'"Ut ollion own a trrnnt'ii nod,"Wo hiTp no other King Imt Ood."

Ho did tho SUtcBiaB.n'« bruit [nimire,]>a flU'd tUo I'&triQt'i heart vrilb lira,ll t W h i tAmi hl

'Twas Ood IL»L qODllM lbs Lmfilitj too,And kid hii IIIRII ambition loir;]Ia jjavo ibo rtot'ry to our bind,AnAilQEi'rf an indopondoul land.

Tlitin lat sad son of FreoJom fliaf,"Tho doil of itoaTOD 1B OUT Kfny 1"Lot alhurs ova a trout's nod,"WB Lftto no otlur Kin b t Uod

nod,t Uod."

Now thro1 Columbli'a wklo domalmO'er bill and v&lley, wocd and plain,l'alr l^odom'i cbe»rM uniiloi oitoud,Aud liberty and I'oacaktlond.

Lous mtj BOCII bioiatogab» onloj'd,AmUliIi roturuiUB day omptoj'd,'TUI tlma sliollcor so io nuinbir da;*,Iu Jujrul ulrftiai of firitoful pratae.

'Dion lot oooh son of Freedom ling,"Tlio God g(Ho»vom is our H1DEI"Ijat otiicr's Dim % tjrnnt'i nod,"W» h>vs nn-oth« King bnk 0*3."

ODE III.The wheel of time roll» nriftly o s -

'Tiacomiaitiind'tiipist; :fliil glorloni day la q

i a f o i f l f i

Tho sptcnilld fibrio boilt to-day,Ttwncrron liei in duit ;—

All things before litvapMi'd away,And so tko proiont mail.

Oroat Dili loa onco rali'd hn vnliaOn the Assyrian iilalns;

A \estlgo aoarco remalDi,

And Bomo in mtoMy grandonr rosj,- Tlionblrauattfia"world.

And round on all her trembling; ton,CcatliBuddcitruction hurlU

Hut liautttityltomo anilloarnod QteocoAro falUn and f jrgot ;—

Eetpt and Cirtknga, »Itli thoir race,llava snared tbe oommon lot.

Columbia too, ilmU grtlc hot liolglit,And tthfna In all hor prldo,

Bulc'roColnmUft'i glory (ado,And nil hor prida bo flown,

Hay BoJonco, vltuom. worth pcrvidoAnd cliita bar for tlialr own.

IU/ eontnrics pain and tfmn grow old,Ia oar daar land's IOCOOBI ;

Anil tgoayat unborn boholdJEorglorbiitUlprogieaa.

Anil miy her «oni ID virtno riio,TauKtt by tha Una of Hnvon,

And to HID boH of corih *ud fikfci,Bo all tlio glory giren.

It ia ploaannt to BOO Independent Daycolebratad -with something like tha vimand ipirit of days gone by—trim and ipir-ii that TTO Bomotitnes fctrsd had boon lottin tha "bloody beptiim" of ear Into cirilwar. But tlia eight thousand pooplo who

fr part iu the celebration lust Friday inDorer, extortod oar admiration nnd woalto be«ame cntlmaiaaito. I t woa tho great-

it crowd orer collected nt nrch a time iatbii looality. NoTer beforo did ire sec thupeople so orderly, BO wall behaved, so joy-ous, lhan woro faver arroita, leea drutl:-CDDCIB and fighting than on any formor oo-cauiou of a similar ebnnotor in many

dny oponod gloriously; tho atmoi-phoro iras cool and bracing and continuedBO throughout tbe day. A pieoo of artiloryon the WUiiflo nrouaod tho Bloeping popu-lation befora Old Sol bad abakon tho brinofrom hii brow ; and ivLen at lait lio pooredinto onr valloy hh blonleJ, red apptold of a nigbt of dissipation, and that hohad boon "up" aomowhoro was aa undoubt-ed foot. About nins o'clock tho Catliolic

iponneo Rociatioa preceded by tho Ran-dolph Brosi Eanil paraded our streets andthan repaired to tnc pio-nio grotmda of Bt.Mary's ohuroli. About 10 o'clooli tho icg-ulftrproaosBion under tlie manbolsbip ofMajor Hidaay, formed on Blackwoll BtroQt,nent Ei»ai, and proootlad by tho Mt.Hops Braaa Kami, marched through thoprincipal atraoU to the giova on Monii•treat Trliore tha eieroinoB took plaou. OfIho3o wljo took part ia tbo procession tlioAmerican Moehnaici prsiontod a finspeoranoo. Thirty-eightjoungladiea, beau-tifully dressed and appropriately adornedrepresoctad tba tLirty-oiffht Statei of tlieUnion, Ibo reprciontatiou of tlia o'~States by young ladies and the youugor byroissci liardly in thoir tooonB. I t yes anan»y of jonthful lot cliuais aaldom etiunlUdany whore ou earth, and elicited oxprassioniof delight liona all. llaj. HaUoyproiatrulyaoldior-liko appoaranco, iThioa waadoubtlooa "contrasted" during his aervicointliolato sr&r. ThoMnjor iaamanwLointhecitizenaof Dsvor delight to honor inany capacity. At tho grove, niter musio by

band, and singing by t number oljoirag Indiea, prayor irtta offored by HOT,B. 0. Megia,. tho Dooiarotinn cf Inilopen-ilcnco road by Vrnl. BpnuldiDg, and an olo-qnontoration aoliraredbyWm.E. Cbnrch,Esq., of Morristomi, whicli will bo founiin f»U on tho first pngo of tlio Eiu.

Ia tho iifteraoon tho pooplo woronmiiHOiby a procession of fan(o3tio«la, o deacriilion of nhich irould bo impafisiblo. A fon-

IUO of Llie ])rucc3Bion, buwovcr, lvaa n'fjoltlwu clmriut" drnwii by a Biet IIOTHO.

Muuy who woro cxpeoioO lo tnliu part iutlio iiITaii1 baolte<l out igaouiiuDUsly. Laias hotm they vill never do no oca in. This«aataUowed hy a Tub llacaoutho i>oudbacLof tlio depot, Tlirto thoUBntid p<!C>-plo lined tlio bunks of thu pond io witnessthu "rL'gattii:" Two prizua were offcrud,tlio first a silver cup worth ton dollars, thoJu'tt-w' «lvu (loJI.-Lf*: i:t tnoin-v. Ed wan: A.TuyJor, tho iriitmir ot tlio first priza, nt thoword "go" stopped ilulibcrutulv iutj liiatub mid tliovod oiTnhnacl uf Iii« live eimij)a-Lilom who all wont undur at tho start, giv-ing Taylor uii ndvnnUgo *hicli ho held lothe lost. Taylor hud u uow tub nud numopraetioa furtae ccctuioa, which nmilo tberaco a foregone a (inclusion. Tlio second

(IH won by D. 'i'. Candict. Toylor'a_ „ would jirobubly httvo won tho flee-

ooJ prize but in rcuuding tho utalie boatho tumbled into tlio wttcr—aud loat. '£howhole affair nfforiiuii mucti emumweut, Al>ig chnae followed bub proved a fuiluro, the

>ig uut boing inclined io run voitli a cant,Taylor also took this prizo, which was worth83. 'Ibo sack raco on lilackwell at, wai nota BUCC953 becaujo of tho impossibility oftoeping tho crowd hack, 'flic flrit priza,an nrliolo of joirolry, was won by a railroadbrakeinan.

Iu wusnov? 6 p, m., r.ud tho lout act in.ho dny's programmo finished. EipocU-tion uow coniared upon tho evening exhi-bition of flroworkfl, upon which muoli mo-noy hnd boon ospeudod. Bat [tlio iTeaternhorizon looked, black. AB tlie ehadca ofnight foil tho people wended their way to-irard* the grounda solooted for tho diuplnywith fnltorme faotitoiis. Yot a viat ero^d

i proaent, and nUhnngh occuiounlly abig rain-dropg vould patter doiva and

cause a ec&tteriug in ttlmoBt otory directiontlioy returned to gtzoupon tlio eneiifl of flro.But threo or fourpiecoB, howerer, had boondisplayed whon suddonly tho llood-gatea ofboavou oponud mid torrouU of water dsu-condtd upon tho dovotod aiglit-srara. Htiii-drods were dnjnoliod to the skin, while ros-idenecs in tha neighborhood wore, filled toovurlluwiug with atran^ors from tho etir-rouuditifj country. I t was 10 o'clock boforotlio miu aeaied, and tho plight of womenand children who had to walk sovom! milesto their homes ojcitod tho sympathy of thokind boorted and tbu laughter of ths care-less cnoa. And thus passed off a good old-fishionxl country celebration, wbioli fordownright fun und frolic in uuknowu tobut fow cf our oity uuuiiua.

From Ohoatcr.A case of accidental wlioloanlo poisouiug

Qccnrrcd at tho Cross Roads Sunday morn-ing, filr. William Sewnrd, his wife, niothor,tha Borvant girl And hirad man, all got adose of tartar emetic iu thoir bread.

No blatno attached to nny one. It ipenksvolumes for tho curotivo nnd pDraoTcringqualitiea of Chester soil and atmosphure,that iu apito of tlio action ot tho poisonnml tbo strenuous offott* of four doctors,lb<3 eaSorora havo Bavvivod.

Tho moral of this incident is, that ovorysraon who ovupocts his eoaohraan or gar4-

cor of a- design to poiaou tlio family,to run. nnny with thu kitchen enrpot,should movo at ocoo to Ciiostor.

IE Mahomet had resided in Ohoatcr hawould noror lmro died from tha ctfuots uf

Thoro is a tradition iu this region to tlioeffect th&t upon ono occasion tho prophetcampod on Fox Hill! and looking down in-to Cheitor refused to ontoL'tho town,ing than wag but one pnrndiao rcaarvoiltot man, nud ha WAS dotarminad not ta ou-joy bis on earth,

'Xhcro is n, iplit ia the Oongrogationalchurch iathiapl&co, adooidodsplitbctwooutlia obopherd and his flock. Tha pnitor iiopposed lo ganiblisg, and a few wackn•inco in nn oloqucnt sermon he showad uptho vieo iu its moithideoui ospoeL Thot

ii congregation (lid not agree with him iaevident from the faot, thai upon tho twon-ty-fourih of Juno nt a ffiatircil held by tliaIndies of tho church, upon tho chniohgwunJi, proaooda to ho nppliod to churchpurposos, thoy took dpoidsd insuo with thoclergyman in a EOTICB of ingenious deviees

soaarQ «urreDoy, which would tiavadiove Monlsgoj wild, and caused Ben.Wood to out bia throat in shoor doipair,

•Breathes thoro a mail irith soul BOdo&d ?" that ho aan rosiit the alluromentsif a Indies'foitivnl? TJlyaatuvrasobligei to

tio bimaalf to tho mast and stuff his aarewith cotton to got by tlio Islo of Birenabut modorn witcbos can bent tho bironsliiglior Hwa a liito in porauasiyo ability,

Tho great Amsriosn ongiaoer, Gooigo3tapnanson, doolnred tliat tho greatestforeo and highest attractive power in thonature, was the taomory of the dark oya offt fovoly womitn, ond wLioli would draw aman homo from tha romotCRt quartor of thaglobe; now.tlio attrnotion of gravitationin-

in proportion to this atpim-on of thodiitancoa, WlAt obnnca then lisa the iwordovil that has been drawn on to a fair-gtounils, with tlie blaudishmcnta of nu eyewlioh would melt n holo through nn ice-bcrff, and a 7010c tlint would ohm-m » coonout of n oornfidd. This isnYcry prottyproblem, I am afraid much beyond thorule of tbreo," or evoataro and trett.

Is It any wondor that many an unfortu-unnto youth should bocoma BO softened

that you could poko your fiugor throughm any whore, or that lio should spend thadniicD of tlio year picking pockota to get

money onnugh to nalto n oplurgo in thataupreme momont, when nomo bright-oyod,

heokgd homl, spouts his saoiithioofih tho avenues as tho forinnn'*o winnerof a rag-tinby'E napkin. Your cotroo-pondcut, tuagh as ho ii, was a rictim a

ad confldenco. I am natumllsharp, and hung on to my stamps with thetonacity of tl enenk-thief to a tnblo dotlibut I had not baen ton miautos ou thoground before I would havo traded a brannew rod cart for a piucusiontand not cliirg-odn cent boot.

Tliis ia tha way Iho old thing workedYou fire awarn, Mr. Editor, that I saw

golt rich. It coats something toteop tho buok in repair, it ia'a littlo oipon-iivo to buy tnllbtv to greaso a saw, nnd oc-casionally I muat got trusted fifty cents forfiling. "When I a u unusually nrtiitio I putup two cords of wood in" a day; whiohamounts to s dallar-sad-a half. With grubat a a dollar a dny, you will porcoiyo that Imust do a largo business to make much, Ihnd boon eaviug up money & good whilefor the circuB and tlio Fourth, and tho dnyof tha festival I had a ollar and eightylents. Ouc saventli of this amount I i i rI'catcd in n pair of blue ovoralle. for I ambound to wear good elothoa if it takes ovarycost 1 cun pfirn. So I had tan aonti remain-ing, and with Ihnt in ws pocket, I Bftun>tored lwsurolyup to the festival with no iination of being oxtravagant, Iinppy aa alunflower, and cnrolem aa a clam ia thomhos. If I hnd uuspeoled what wan goingta hajipcu I would Lava lolt my pocket-bookat homu on tha piauo. I t is uunoceju&ry tostata tbe prociso uiannor in which tho spellcame over mi, In factl don't know. I soongot io buying svexy fooliik thinjj I,tnd altliough I wett homo oarly—in thamoniiogi I had only fivo ceutu left, ami I

alioro that rather tlinn bitvo beoa thoughiean I would buTO aauanderad tlmt I

mean to gat cvau with that sociiiyit itrnins oTory dny in tho week. I will go totbnt mooting house every Sunday, nnd ringiu on somebody's stall, (vnd iiotjiut nay-thing into tlio "sMscr" when it .coimaround, until I hava ninda the church woiout that fivo conta. -

It is singular bow tho most common ntides nro changed 111 an-uliautmcnt, A toilot set that by tho llghiof day rascmhlod turea or four old gia botties, nudcr tha niimipnlntions of tho witoho;of tlio BTcou put on a delicacy oijual to t l iporcolniu of tho dnya of Confucius, nniIbo fwgila tojtnro of tho Yonotian glass ojtUo Middle ages, which ft breath would \ l

;jrnt», and u drop uf puisuu shiver to ALUUU,iko

"'i'lio inogL-tii|i Mlttdt liiu u«uil lif 1,The t i ry cap of tUeix klnK Jwcliid."

ilio preacher is right. Gambling M VCV-liLly fl very soduciivo yica, especially wheu

iiatroniaed by Ilia church aud practised byita votaries, ,

Just now, I don't remember whether tlio;fight iouli [Aaco 'u^'tviu or ulicr Llm [iiu,uaJit dou't matter. Fight), rovraand sliindiwuro uf BUCIJ common occurroueo now iuCheater, that thoy have lost their novelty,imd it is not worth whilo to remember tlntoe.Most uny ovening can bo witneeaod a fight

1 tli© walk, or a swimming mutch iu thaidtilo of the rond. Of COUVGO nt suchmoo tho streets and walks uro

,0 alt persons not carryiug brass iu thojuiil huo in thu ilst, Wuiusn uud

children, tho weak nnd tliu modest, meobliged to climb tho bars anil go throughtba barn yard to tho post oJBco, tho Btoro,the moat market and tba blacksmith shop.This ie a luerioua eta to of th'wgu for AD UII-lQQorporatcd town without & polico force.Tho boor biieinces 13 nt the bottom of it,andtboao citizens who with evident opjoymeiitfavor tlio ringod arena with their presence,will save thctnsolTca much future anxiety«na eipenen if thoy will dovoto their eur-dus energy towards the extinction of a

traffic deadly in its r ituro, and oril in nilIU pbflaes.

Still thcro arc of ton differences of opinionuiong very good mon. Thoro ia n gontto-ami in thi* placo who Imd rather bn it duor-:ecpor in tho liouso of tho Lord tlian to\we)l in tho touts of tho wicked, but wholovorthelcus ban a vory singular manner of

applying tho golden mlo; says ho, " Idon't want to intcrforo with Mr. Storey's

1033; knw would I lika my buaiuoss in-torfored with ?" It in ensy oiioiigli lo seahow tho oxtinetton of Mr. Storey's bnaiDcsa

lid uffdot tho ealo of gruvo Btonua, totbnt tbo gontlomnu'o onxioty in ludicrounlyapparent, Da what jou CAU to<day,gSDtlc-niBU, fur you kuow not wiiat tlio Morrowmay bring forth.

Any penon desiring a Elico of law, halffut and lenn, lilio o steak from tho shoulderbledo of a kangaroo, will do woll to attendthe half past ono o'clock, evory other dnycourt of sessions mooting nt tba CroBSBoada, Justice Bowman preiidhig, and bepresent whon tlio Storoy casacomci up.

This enso baa oeauinod jiroportionj nndimportance not contemplated by tho origi-nal fouudoru of the oonatitution. In tliohalf dozen times that thia aQair lifts baen>pon tho tapis, probably more law has bees

clcbartitatHlirui Mosc* coulJlaro scratchedmnlltbe rooks of Edom. The law's de-

layn bnvoiaYolvod miffloiont tims ta ouablothe frionds of tlie dofenae to cross ovor toOornwftll and Bocuro a jury of Mr Storey'speers. •

This jury has buon fully described by anabloi pan than mine. Any pereon desiringknowlodgo thereof has only to turn to Bun-

) fdlegorji, diid porusa the etamctorand antocodontt of tbo men who obstruatodtho progress aud pronounced judgniontupon OhriuLlannnd Faithful iu tlieit jour-

oy through Vanity Pdr.I dofcrsuy further report oi proceedings

until tho finale, which baa boou adjuuruoduntil next Tuesday afternoon. In tha mean-time I miut do JusticB Bowmnn the juitiasto Bay that Iho order and decorum manifos-tod in hie court, is comctLting unusual b«.fora a Justioo, and is nob oioeaded by anytribunal of any grado ia tha land. Thossqualities Lava boon evoked from Tory uu-promiainjj matoriot, and hi duo to tlio ener-gy und dootsion of tho Tustice himself.In this connection I am glad to eorreet nnyinjuatias which raay hara boon apparent iamy flnt tcport. ** '** IOOKOCLAOT.

uyateia, who vill tDOcrnt o)J ttu-tnyis at rtT>.rmsitiou, ami bestow Mth dmiolntioin »n "JJisdplfii ol(lie, brna bread fanatic*/' t>I>au all who^iiay makany BiidiQitomjHi. OtliRruwill hive gtiuiu a1»ry t<M\ alioiit nomebody or other wlin lived noiacvslion.niiii wli j in Iho lutl Blaqn uf cousuuipliiJU tried tlieIjrai] broad ])Inn nnd dfJu't get veil Divers watalnlorios will Lo mnuuTtcturud or uiuudtd, spk-tilanO culorud to miil tlio rjasiilw. To Imvo io com-bat 0110'a friends, jmblio opinion, nnd rrorat uf all,

•frtci] nfpntiif. U nth?r mi vp ull! KiHiimitii,if i» eslMBicljr proljablu tliat r^uite a miuilitr

juttt at ltru&uiit will IJS &vcn, UTft loiiij,their way Imck to ilio JlcBh-polu of £(,'ypt,

n-Iiile otlmrs of tlio Lcroio typu will JlyLt it nut uiithat lino if it iakua all llio i a l ot their lift timt.

toollllio ZrvttU'slto. r. r,

For tbo Eiu,

lbs BaaaB aad Bran EroaJ Policy.' Woof tlio nlnotcontb cooturj aro ncctutamoti ti~ citato ounolvos upon tlio good fortuno or provi-

itlsl Uli]ioQsMioa wliick iaia OBit our tot in anage ctiuaotorUccl liy cur cnprccedontcd CICTuiiJonotkuowWgo upon oyorj eutijoot oonnoctBil vrltlitho woWftto, proBpotity and liapplnosi connectedwitli tlio liumm rsco. Tli« cay tome, kwi, opinion!

long 4 o , of onr forti Tit bora wo rojoct, in pirt,orln full, as hakig Biota cries* dogniSvginporsUtloua, and uUagothar inadoqu&ta to tlio ro-quJromontB of tills progrcBilvt ago. Tlie EOinirfffuacm anil loftloit Inspirations of ilio past,and to bo largely mtiodirith ironil Ignorance whenplocedinthofullglarecttfio dazzling intolloctuicalcium Ughl of tbo alootoantli ooEtury. Fait ngcaknew littlo or nothing; wo JIBCTT cvorythiE

In viovrvt tLoso fauti, wbat tort of & figure ahullHO cut In tlio cjet of futura gonor&linna, vhtm the

irtlnl hklorim Bliill Inform thorn rospacUngourEDplij*folc«ii:»l Iiftblta—that wo aroagenontion of unmatched andimtcliloua guzclcri of liquidpoiiont t int wo snuff, iraoio, chow and spit awa;our vitality, as thongn in n rjrodlglDta tiuny ta goridotit; t lat wo oicito tlio eaiy of tho whole aca-TODRDI nee olnnlmnls by devouring all tbo*"scrofutoui pork and oilier diseased maatilay liolil of, that our Indies corset and laco, pinsli

squooie, belt nnd ring thotr vital orgftnR latoIJIMS BO imall MiatliBiltby octlan bacomci in

posalblo, and aro, morooror, aa proud of tboac*impliahmotit of this fc&t as a Cliinem hdy Ii in

thopoHiBBBlonotftdoU'sfool-.that t h o j v e u im«monioraaaioa of somollibg or other enppendedfrom thoir Lips, tho weight and tmcomtortablai•f which tranlil cnuli a tantonio loldlor; that wosxhnuit our intjoanitj in tho attempt to moko our-solre* hideous; that ve (ttidiunsly aTDfillataruUnd hoalthfnl, and ombrate tliojnd ingouioos, and tbat, flns.ll>, when all thoioabominiLlo praaticoi hiiro culminntcdindQatroj-Ing thD njstora with dlisnio and Mat ing pioma-tnro dceiy, wo fall to Bwallowing drags and quackuOBtrumi, adding pofaoa io poison, insult loinjurj',undtr wbleli ropontod, cruel attneks, tliu Titalpowers Of lifo Etmgglo 10 brioQy bat nwloial/, tmiQnally surrender themiolros to tho groat low of do-c^v, when wo (vro qoiotly tucked airty by tbo un-"crtalier, iho wholo offab; being oonvenlontlyliTdsod "A diipcnuation of PfOTidoneo."It i t&r ilo liurpoflO of dlapolllug thepopulir ig-

coranec, tvad, irlmt isttorae, the popaUr prejudice,roepocting tho great lav* of life, that M M . Brer-ott, &ud numoroua otbor ILCJ grodoatcs of msdicMolIcgOR havo oducitoil thon>SBln$toi tbs li/oworki[C0tnbttUng>nilc3Tniotli]g aomoofthoso Dvlti

Their tusk is to iaititato phjiiologlofll rcfonnnone U10 iroincn or this goncraHon, thotoby.rlklng at tbo root of tho irtiolo mMot; for, In thn

first placo, tlia vltil itimina cf the child is dorlrodprincipally from Hi mother, and in (ho secondplnco philological tnlalng of children dorolvoprincipally upon tnothDrs. All of ua, (with fairexceptions) taka our food an It la prepared for m,end Mk to nuostioni us to wliit •Dtors into ill com-

Our dlotollo habits tbou urn just whil wom'en maltthorn, Md If women can bo imlnctS to iustliato dietotie rcforai, tbera would danbtloas bn tin lintn^[itnteporeoptibloitnpmTcacntinthopubliohcaltliana, ootild wo all bo fadnccd to liro strictly hjfjl-

ilo, ft fs tUo Htm hoilot 0! ihoiD vrha Ijurojirac-tlcetUt for yo»n, Hint thero would eilit but llttliir no dUeaso at nil.

Bnt then 1st liiRhorriow of tbo sublcot. Noonly doti nnbyfiienlo practices proTcnt tho full ilc-Toiopratnt of physic*! rlgur, but, by ologging anilffeafconing tho bodily foaottooa, prevents Iha Je-volopomoDl of tlio Intollfictual facaltlai. Wo can-not think wttliotit bnlni, and brain IIIIUA !i ms'loof what wo cat. WrHorfl andsptiikonl'nuwby ux-porisnee the nocSJHBlty of hyjisnio habits when theyh&te *aj important work to do. Tha theory thattlio Iminan mlnd'raiiti eoptmto and distinct frommatter, it woulfl bo wall to consign to nomo

or along withaome other, thoologlotl mhblilI t hnanoplnoo in tlio world of prao 1 leal fact 1Tho coiicoiiUon botween mind and body )B cf thoclotcst ch&r&alci, sa litg bfca ior.n'1 in countksBimUneoi of diicaio. This being tlio a t B , TTO hnron. higli Incontito to acquire vigorous intellect.Talent and culture uraonnt tnbutlilUc vrltlioutboidth. 'AsTtollaUompt to run an engine withonBteara, \i to work tho mind without lienltln

It Is said that Mrs. ErornH hia miJo a dacp ira-pr«Miou npon tho nnlioncei who hiTo bad tbn prl

[0 and ploaanro of listeLing ta hor eloquent ci*position! of tha Uws of lifti. Many of bor hoanrnhave roiiolvod to institute loforniR in their phyBloilhabits, nnd lmr& tot about doing so witli grciulatlGii. T.1iclhcr theno attcmpla iriU 1»sp&imotUorcmiLtafltoboBCcn. I t is no aasy tnattorto la} aildo the lubils of & Ufa tlmo.nnd FtibdituLcnow ones. I t is no easy matter to coiniucrn par-Tcrlod appctlls and uproot n yitinted tasto. TliwilJ ha earno wlio am col, aatortantiofy, cadotwith suuloUiit Iraim to comprehend tba hjgicnli

Over Niagara Falls,ETAlLgoi'TlIEEIHCENTDIlliArFULACCirEM.

Tho fato of tho throe poraona who nextrricd over the Fulls a low days ago is thus

told by a correspondent. I t seema tlint tbevictims noro nyouug fellow and bin intend-ud wife, &. bright, pretty girl, both fromDetroit, and the young lndy's little brother.They hid gone out roving in Cliippawacreek which empties into tho river nboyotho Falla and trera beharing catelcBsly iutheir boat nbou an old gentleman who was

asHiug over tus bridgo that Bpans tboc r e k a littla difltaaoe from its mouth xsnautti-aetadby tha light laughter that came upfrom tha boat, and pnusid n few motaents,looking Btcadily in that ilircction. Wheth-er tlio young man at tha oars vnsat tho mo-ment too much engaged in looking intotha jiretty laeo directly iu front of hiia orlot it is impossible to say, hut tho old gan-loraan remarked that lio wtia very uu-iklllful in tho mniingemont of tlio boot.

While tho old gcntloui&n wns looking,the boat, floating with tho current, thoughlittlo impalUd liy tlio o&ra, passed uut iutolio Mingsro. How, at this paint, losa than

three milcB from tho cataract, it is possibleto row aoroas tbo riror. Not only ia it pos-ible, but, as a matter DF conatunt ocuur-

onco, it io conaidered eomiiBmtiyQly snfo.But in crowing from tlio American side,leaving tho pior near tlio Erie depot, i t isnecessary to TOW up tha rivor na far aa thuend of Grass Inland, and tben to cross,,HtiU pulling dingoually up tho Btroam nmlbDiwTingtj tho work for dear life vrlien intho dark looking vctora pointed out fromtha ahoro aa tho cbaoncl of tho current.

On tho ether bond, rowing from tho Cnu-dila sliora, you still pull a long way up thestream befara you routuio to diagocnlizoloroas,

Down bolow tho niouth of ChippowaCreek aorao twenty rods away, tUera i3 a"rirer fence," "bayonfl wliioU tlio currentBots with fearful forco toward tha tapida.

Tha old man vrntehed tbQ boat movingalong in that diroitioa diagonally downtho stream aad Lending for outiido of tho"river fonoe.11 Hd tottorod back sudcaught nt the railing of tlio uridgo for (nip-port, liia fooa grew dontlily polo aa he trem-bled like an aspen lost

As the ivotflr fence \TOS pasaoi aud thocurrent was bearing- them ahug awifllj,epcoki of froth dotted tha water. The girl

iokod from thoao beyond nnd caught nJimpsa of the whito foam and mist (brownuow nnil again high in tho air nbug thecroat of thn first rapicla, Sho utteisd a cryand pointed ia the direction of tlio firstlino of ilcaoonfc ahovs Goat lalaud. Htxjovor looVfid over his aliouldor, nnd nu ex-

rcssion of horror muat Leva settled uponiiigfaeo.'ThBro TOW, doubtlosa, nonfl of thebright color iti tbo girl's ehcek tliat madelor tbo admiration of the rustics ia (La ril-

lags iho waa leaving behind only a aborthalf hoar boforo, Her lover grupod oneof tho oars with frantic liaatc, aud withboth hnnds ho thought to torn the boat mtbo middlo of that currant running likn nmtllnco. He looked than, apparently, forthe other oar—looVodiu tuohottom of theboat and on oYarr sldo frantically. Hehnd loat tlie oar in tha momont of hia nrBtappalling horror.

He bod dropped ono oar in tlio wfttorand it TVM earned away in a eooond boyond"'"•lit and beyond aonnu, dotmintliedapthn

-^ tho foamijg cbyaa of tlio rapids iiovryawning boueathtUom. Tho boat darteddawu tho first crest of rocks, the sterniwingingnbout; a mauieat aho nns loBt to

ncir, aud then como stringing on, eeouungto point toward Oadu lalaad. 'Xhen sherose on the point of a great foam-coveredtook and darted down bow foremost, tuthough steered by inriaiblo Ji&ndfi, Piomtho nan towor taa poor matahoi, TTUO hnflgone BO gaily forth in tho frail oockleihellireri seen ollnging to each othar in tbo bot-tom of the boat. Than a cloud of mist and•pray vailed the wholo from eight, and foraa instant only, juit uador ths arch of therailroad over tho clift of the Hono-ihooFalls, the end of tho boat protrudad fromtho foam and mist; another instant, furtho space of the lightning's flush, twoblack fragments of tho breaking boat irorosoon, and that was all Tlia waters hid allOIBQ, and hava rontinuod to hide all, savo afew frsgmenti of tho boat, which waiwashod ashoio beneath tho cataract.

D11ZD.In this tonn, on ilio illi inBt:, Jobn Uknco, ftgod


In Iho Stony Urook illstrtet, lIorriB count;.IlavQ takon out a quantity of ore. Shaft'down onwin 10 foot; dlBtancn from railroaa ono-and-a-li&lfmilca, Anplj to J, W.liusBoy. or

. 1VU. Z. aUINLll29-tf BbomingOsle, N, J .


AT LAKE HOPAT0ONG.A FJUBIK nOUSE^gxlSj vitb G laomi,o acres of land, good cellar &udan oxcollant vrotl

ofnater. Blcli sdlunilarculUration.Iniuiro oID.CLONa,

on tha John D, Corniiio Troporty. ' 50-30


Wm.JdrviB, lwivinp otitainod comploto controlf tho olJcallbliBlKd furniture IJUIIHDBH of JnmeBcarliic, lina oloolioa tlio waroraonlB with uoir fiu-ituro, ta lvhicli tlio attention of tiio publio fa iii-itoa.

KBtMEING.Particular attention ]>&id lo itio ropalrltig tmd

DliBliiQB of oil klnils of famlturo, upboUlaring,hairs eanod and fldgKcd. All kimb it fumlttiro

Jsadsomofj jiolishtd. 'Shis is a tpocialty anil trypotiom UMJ rtly uu1'ROiriTNESS AMD BUPEIHOHWOIUCMASomP

Ordon respectfully wliultod at tlio old standfonaerly occiiidodby Jamoi Souring, Clinton n u rBusiox atrcot; Dorcr, N. J. M-tr

Dover Flag-Stone YardSUSSEX 8THEET,

ir ibalUTcr Drldso, DOVBB.HEW JEIUEY.

L. D. SCHWAEZ*Iufurma tho pnWlo of MOTTIH and aJjoiuiag coun-

ties tUnlHelBWulilodloioll

ir Htopi,XJutels ami

Gutter Monca nml

Wholesale aud Retail,ntlilalurgryorO, ndjoltiine tlioCuntl, in Dam,Reaper thin can buliad nt any other yard la tho«tatc.

SLATE FOR ROOFINGind for ililawalVi fumitbo J to order.My opportunities fjr mirchailng matcrlnta aro

UniuMiuy good, »nd 1 will Hunro thom with mrcnBtooora. l^LAOOIKO BmBWjVXlffi, OUIUi.tNfl, t tc , Anna nnftpr >ay pemtmai BDjiorTJiiwi iuAny part of lha county,

I nek pMiicB to givo mo n call lioforo mt „contrnot« nitb olherpnrtiis. Satisfaction guir-



OCEAN'S STORY:Or Wnimilm or Tlilrly Cwnlurl^: l lyF.B.

Goodritli (mm. nf "1'ottir Turk?,") and E, How-Innrt. A.wort of cront uUtoricat teBosreli, *

DeBcribca liow from Iho first UY. . .„.ocean waa tho dark realm of terrors, saiia nowffhiloa uvcrf KM, liglttniug flaiLes tiding* fromshoru n> Hturu; n iJ liiau bring up Tssdsta fromdrop water*, with many olhor anltors of lively In-totost, whlciiROto nnkeup ononftlir —-' ••-tAni.B FAMWAHSCI nnd nEmnkAiii,r. , ,^nt thu nge. Over 200 ipiritod illaitrntloni, A penisWantsd. F(ir par titular a nnd terms nddrcas,IIUJ19AHD UlllJS., X'nbUibors, Fbf Itddrhln.






FUSE, IRON AKTDAnd other Building and Mining Material.


JX o ti tl y - TVf ii a e Olo t l i ing ,

'rovisions, Boots and Shoes, Hatsand Caps, and all other kinds of






Tlio subscribera Iwvo just roccived tar tlio Spring truJoj a complete atonk of

FURNITURE,Of evory dejoriptxon.

CARPETS, OF ALL PATTERNS AND PRICES,And nil articles ncccssnry to furniili your house complete.


Give us a Call.


E. Hairhouse & Bro.,Watches, CLOCKS, Jewelry

- i K E -

P L A T E D -WeA-HES.Always ou liiintl, R Fine ABaortmenfc of



And Jewelry of Every Description lRepairing Executed with Neatness


Coil. EucKttiu.HuBsfixBratBTS. DOYER, tf:J.



CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE,Mining Materials of all kinds.


Lime, Lath, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &c.ALSO, DEAWBS IK


STO VESTSTOVES 11Great Reduction in Prices ai the New Tin Store at Port Oram.

- All kimli of tho Tory hloat sytlc! of

Cooking Stores, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Ranged &c.

Tinwaio, plain and japanned ; Tin RoofingT J E /%-T>TIT» Fit, T H - O t T O K S , cbo.

• A vory (Inn aiortmant of

LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, LANTERNS, &cAnd a variety of oilier mttclci usually l»pt in a ircUsappIiadTin Sioro.

PLUMBING and.all kinds of REPAIRINGKoatly dono ami piomptl^'nltcndia to, Wa (,'usrenlea ta give satiiractioir.



West Park




Wlio iany farcr ui with n pall, will not fail io notico tbo incrouwl vuioty or rholco gootli pffored b;us tbi sprint', » a tlio complutcuDB* of n»aorLtnontaibDmiin tho folloniafficinoiisWoUiicii;




EAIJ LACES, EMimoiDEnna, ^v^^^E o

IUIK, N. J., May 1!, 167*

Page 4: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, · is , "Hush SiBtar'i Djing with Piano Ac-ompanimenta," A WtBteru paper layi: "A aliort, thick , riped, Btnr-ipnuglod-baaQei sort of ft bu g boginning to look


U'llITLItCii A: UiWiS,

IV.Ji.-n ill


si'i-:i:i.iri.Es7""GE0RGE D. COOK, RFQ, RICHARDS & GO., W A ( « E ^' H A L S K Y ,

DENTIST,.»HH!I!1STO1V.\. ?i. J..

If, 11. --. i.-llii- t

ii:l«:"l«f«"-'i--<iTf t:'•. .iff Ut.;rs)ly

riii TiMiiiJii>iiii•iV--iniiiiiL'-i-i'

1 '.y Vlliif'l ni"'"l-


rniii: l i j liiu ll.-u ''f

JC^aTSi. ».IN f'r.inn-iM.f.'.i!., ±/, ir.'Mn *•:-., v.y..iil.~T.-j A Ui;.U.EI'_i



,: - H - i t f - . - . ' • I • • - ! M 1 I .• - ! M 1 I . iL-t:

D;:-:"h S;~as Ksohina Cs. if. T.

Nitrons Oracle Gas,

1 - in! , . - i• ( I -. ' . . -

i tin!r'j'.u.. •;,;

iUf i:«u ! i . 1I* i .r <

111." J-'il


•» u r H i" i.

.= f.r


!!tnuiiri:l Si-(> of 'lVWli,!"•;.. i- .;,.:t::.l..r, I\,r iV.l. t.:i tin- l.u.M Jitij.i-t.vct3

i r ,.•• ;.| ..;iii..- i.i j-.r : i ; : . ; ; to the f.]!<jivinS

i:.v. i:. CM. ;u, IT . J. C. Kmt/,I.r. T.I;. C-Jiva'M., M. II. |i|rL.'r««i.

S. 5J. JolllIKtOll,


Mas. A. BEEHERI , t...-.v i, a,ij .,:!!• nil iliu


ASDli jiiK^y Goods.

" TUGLatest Styles and Newest Designs:;c.n;r.v OITOHITI: SATIOSAT. I;:;KJS IUKK

r.ini,msfi, novnii, x. j .

' l i i . ; l .^.Fli t in1 nio.-t ciiinjil'-'tt! siii ry ami i-V.tscy (!'•'> l.-i to Liif-iuiul in

i of Milli-

i'<r.asiei!i, Ual.s, Flowers, I'Viti;;i blunts; huct^—it-iil am

;:iti(iili<»is--\c*kticiaiiitI 'ows. (Jollltr.*, l.-.iCu

mill IJnpii .Scl«,t'ntt»{'s itluurut

• I t - l l K*.IR

Chignons, Switches, Braids,Al.:u, a vury liirjio vmktvor

ZEPHYR GOODS,Alii] ft flilU riKwli Of

i/itiits' Fiinnsliiiig Goods.CviTvtl.iiiEt DI lliu itfBt mnlcrial ami innilo up by


jj';s {';:n™.r.,rK™::i,,f,,,

ililss Will')1,

Wood & "Willow Ware


Iron and Steel,

>iis P i p e :MII! J ' i i l i i i s



FOiSOIH'S I ' l l tfllt itUVjCO

'< T I M B E R


| ilOUIHXd! k IillACh'1-XS

Hardware, | — -—....


Provisions,iarl.!at::..r-at) j

I BW. 0.

Sooi:, Stalione.-y and

XEWS DEALER,Cor. J:!.it:ii-.reli uud S?.v»:% strneii, i.-iipo

div I. IJ. Jolfcj-V livid, iA.vrr, N. J.

HiLS'iM's IMTI:: ;T iiiu.-i" O and O

|K§||;3p^S:S;p. H. Hoffman,Merchant Tailor,



' inrdor, Fust' it ml .Miniiii;

Miitei-inls cDiistiintly on


or. or Olaciiwcll sna Morris Streets,

S.vs. William H. Jonesl.atnfJ-r<lr"^..UHUl. at

To. 942 Broad street,

.>1KS. WILLIAM JL J».\ES,I ' l^IJ i i i rUi riThKKT,

'J-if l i- i . iV-.ii',.liii:»:>l W J 1 H : I I - : - , .'i".:-#ar

J. L. CURTIS,Manufacturer of Segars and

UI:AI.E!I IS urpriitn:!) vivix,T(J!l.\i:CO fttul CIliAIW.

T> o v !•: i i . >: . . 1 .

1 00

Of tlio most Desirable

Building Lots

- I X -








31. L. F E L L ,






CLOTHING'rum 20 to 2i» \mr cent, liduw tlio UGU:

retail rates.

Look at Hie Price List !ionn' Working PAIIII, - - $1.50' i I ' h

go I'nnh,Ci


; ! ^ ? ! i / i i i n t ^ l > i i i o i i l r a i ] | M i i i i i t .

' Dr. W E L L S 1

E X T R A C T 0 F J U R U B E B Ai. i.i-'-sr.vl .lu-tetlv frow t*Jt» W I T H ASIF.M.<' \:» Vi.A"; f. nt:d i- ii- cuIiAriy united l» all Un-iu•:;i;"--ih;. --, u iii.-i.-uiTii-;^ VITIATIID III/JCJU.•.irfiirtli-ii tlic I.iriC-riivlNT, I'OWKIW,nnil Jlfi-

Ei l rn Fine Ca.»im«ro PiiiiU, - COO to ury Htj-lisli Suit, - - - 0 00Tnuilsonio ull Wool Suil, - 12 00

Bluet Suit, . . . . 1 7 , 0 0WnlkjndCoatHmt . . - 1 3 00WMkilg Cost Suit 14.00Walking Coat Suit, - . . 15.00


Boys' Clothing;

, ..J J-OTlcbs Is rjo-^ lur ixr i . tin. mott offleicnl-iiu.l Iir/HISTIILXNT knoira'•I ir.'ihcal iiliuta.

win AB'at furiln Loit^l HUtm. nI'ric.Ul'trUHlc :;<:w\ fOTCircular. KT4wltl'

to bo toaad thisk

f X w VDTI:. Allit b

to bo toaad this liilo of X w VDTI:. Alloar OTVH tanko, nt prices te suit tbo vni-cbucn.



mndc to order nt tho slio

cent to tiny part •[ tbo Btale,228

IlMini'sl-ii-^.-.uil-.HllM'l.-^t.-i-twl; t.f .-V!

;i"iV.)NUt'ftntt:u\'*!vr ^"'ovr^"^]'™'!•:n:i>rUi,K N-.l.- l*-.ii d p , IliiWi;., I-'.•.,!(.:i>lti:J n:;.l lVf:;.-li i:i C'.h'rs. K.Jilld ft..«j ..'Utfi•all j'.nir tuthe fjt-t t in t I mu m-1;IIM HI ut £rf!At!v t' <lurc.<| ]»nci.rf.

Law Blanks of the laleat New Jersey^jrrn in tTCat vnriuty.

.Music & Musical IiistmnieiitsA Specialty.



B O O K - B I N D I N Gwith r.oiitiiuHH ami dii>[>utcli nntl in aiiynl^li;

AUn, ft clioiui! rai'iuty (it Cigarc, Tubai'co, ¥aiicyjccdn, Fruit ami (-'onfectloiicrT.

Onliri ri'cuivcd fur tuninjf l'ianns, Orp.ins amiitilnrlinuii. tJicl rqiiirin- Miidienl Iintntmont;!.-•• -1- iLTfjrmtd bv ft ruiiililo ami cipuriuiieefl


BOTfE.lACIill'S HAW JiO.M: AM) M S .


Cheapest Bates.English Worsted Co:Fine French Suiting,


BLACK CLOTHS,A law* asiortment i.r


vciy ':!iu;p.

Rcady-Made Clothing,Hoanaiy, OLOVES, RUSI'ENDEIIS.

in, fa



Vegetable, Field & Flower Seeds.VOOI1UEES UltOTHERS.

L2-r!;l M i > U I : l r i T ( J W N , : , ' . J .

M. & I Searing



DC..1CKWC1.1. HT.,

DOVElt, N. ,J.

Jobbing in General.DtcuniUr'illStUTl). 1-Iyr.

New Dress G-oods,

SEW sumso,

TWMW CAIll'm'rf,

sew DEaraNH,SEW coLons,


\wtk at

XewTrculi GOODS,

And the bt»t Muliti, at



Oil Cloths,

V. H, llAUniTT'fl,SIorriitoivD.


W. S. BABUITT'H,Slarrhtomi.


IV. H- BAnniTT'Ji,


Tlio «ubii;rilicr ID HOW [ircjiarod ID furnleli

Parties, Fcstivuls, Socials,


VHb tho vnrioua kinds of ICE C11EA1I at tlollinrtcit IWiilble nnlian, nud at mof t romonalilo

liriccti. JID UQR alti fitted tip hii MODI, andIfiiRtaiuniit, Hlicrc Ioo Cream aud other ro-

rrc6liinciitif»u Ins li*d In proat rtriatv.Ho f.nly ».ksn trl.l. istiifi«a i!i»t hliaitickii arc of tlio best manufacture.

ICE CliRAH ilclivorail c»ory AI-TfiltSOOS »ndKVKMNii to oil party of the to«n.


Oriltri fur soy mmulit* of Hf*U Wnter snd Hiri-..pariUa in tmttlei, ur liiuuUinn filleJ in, tliniofurnitliiiiff them, promptly stlcndwi lo. ami ilelii-ortd tu T»riam [nrW uf (Ha countrr, illrnet fn'm.tnr innuufnclorT. Ainu, tk flni; MODA VATBItFOUKT AIN in mnaUutir run nine; rvt my Kiloon

l lUitilirant.


NOTICE.cipcctfnllr (i> inform the imt,llo

VV I'rullr.tlintlnvintrnurciissta thti (iniruin-,<r<*t in tliu Muifr.l Vitor hwnw f. n:irrlrcMuliictcU by aicggnt. T. A w. llnlitlin, wo arc now|iroj>iiroil to (.'iGunto all nrilon cutmuk-il to ouri arc. M|. Mickry Untlnt; Imd 13 jcara oinnrloiicointh»1niBi™i.s,fccl»ennfl(]ciit lie tan dro entireBAtishctiun. Uut IxiUlod ^mx\t,Jiz:

Soda Wntcr, Sarsftpnrilla,Ginger Alo and Cham-

Dngno Cldor,nru of tlio flnurt qtwllly. IUTIDC 1Men trrxitnloi.l»cU iionl;.VrHeeerr Lymiin% Co., o r T . Scitahlldi.d ilop!yl!:cir flccst

Al & P t

i liyalBMrBr Lyman k Co.,iloniinr flroivorj, N, Y., ir

cst q&Ut/

Ale & Porter in Bottles or BarrelsOnkra por msl] proinpllj nttond«d la.

P.O. Adlr..1,ILoclijlJi 57i Dav.i? S. J.II. SI. WOSOK. II, 8 iliL-KP.r.



.IIOUHISTOV. X. .-,'. J . ,.ui.l .:i:i i:.^ t t : .ni i .Ki , . r I.M L ^ . t n ^ , - . ^

tl.^ iml.ii^ in tit n. rai, I., hia l;,r(i,. nt . . ^ .X

New Spring Goods,Jarpets,

Dour, \ . ,1.

Ordars for Sawing and Planini


M. SIGLEU,Lk'd. r In

Lehigh. Scrariton, & Bifuminou:

O O A 2_«,Duliurn.l in all [.uria t,f tie Cilj ami rUiultv-,

A t ( l i t Ldu-L'st ^ l lnr l ie t i»tic€3rt

Furn i tu re ! '-,„,;«:,•„„„,„«„„„.,»,,

"ai l e I Min ingOF ALL KINDS,


uf alliinlnnciilru-ttQi] U> my cam, hiLli»fitlininnkcii.

P. II. IIOFPJIA.\,Ittrtliaiil Tailur.

rriatftwn, ilsreb 15,1S73. 11

The New Empire

Hot Air, Gas and

E BEST BARING STOVIJ IN TIIE WOULDn.ttLsi-go Asanrtniont nf other Style* of Roois

illK StuviJH, ItuiffCB, Parlor atuvu«, Af.,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.Alsu, a clioicj

Hardware, Cutlery,1I3HH Woodan (Mimor 1'lotn and Jofiituni-

C1'lotn and JofiIE

Oil Clotliu, CuriictH, Lamps, 1'niiitj nail OiLiBird Cagci. Fenttern, 1'ratt'n Autrol Oil (no

i,a.VC.) Also,


llooling, Plumbing and JobWnrk promptly nttviuicd to.Bonnell's Patent Straw Cutter,

Tho bent ever made,Fai l -bank 's Snitlea a t l u i imi fao

turcr'siirict'S;ild troii, Copnor, BrnHa, I*ail, I!.ign ttml GracHL-iiH tftkim in cichstiL'i! Tor i-i.oi.n.

JASIES H. BlilTBM A CO.,llwk&waj, Jlnrcli 1, 187.1. 1

Oyster House—ASD—


Warren Street, ojiptiHlto tlio Dojiot,

" ' DOVER, N. J:'lliu talr£ti\itir hou recently tltlcil up


EATING HOUSE,dileli linn livuu nccilu:1 in Dover fur it long lin

and nnn-infnniiH tlm lrnvi.'linirr"l>llc thatLo iu fully ^rupar^U to furuisli a

Bill of Fare


Every OonvenieiaceTor tlio iiropur preparation of tliisips, liaflatteliiiusclf tlmt ;i i;rL>illy InercasiHK tiiiuiiii'SH ti -

Dkiont L'unrnnuj of t!io-ut>(itL-tiQ(ioii in wl.icl,liGUBciiiluId.

NEAR THE DEPOTIu Witrrcn Street,



Fire and Burglar Proof

TIIQ Jauninl of Commerce, o! Jlircli I.iU, iiiponkinj' or HorriiiB'i Rnfui, Bum : "Now (lint ilnbornl-out Cliicsgomorelanli uru roijiiililhic, tlicromerabcr whoioKafog BUKXUIIO lira n.ulprGiervcil

d l l l l l t r nycd . "

Awardoa Dl tho Tula EiliiblUan to



BD well as tbo drill. With Potent Hinged TntiUuand aniovod Door ami latent Ittiblicr I'lckud*" (,'"• r r " u f nK"»la»l lVcdgBB, nllru- glycerine

I I E 1 U U N G S h F A J U I K L W ,S51 ASSaHrondrtaT, cw.MnrravKt N Y


GAS2? 3

FITTINGSConstantly on Hand.



i Fire Brick and Clay,1 Drain Tile,Oven Tile,

Masons' Material, &o.Cunitc.ritl/ on lianil.

On Bergen Street, near R. R.

Building Lots For Sal0u the Ileml li-nliiis fMm


By M. Sigler,JIT LOW l'iilCKS,



DOVKK, \ . J

J. H, ButterT.-ortli k Jaool) Simono!fiillvi.>ri;nn tl!i'p«l'ii':"f l.i.viraiu

ity, llmL liny luvc coriiini'm-i il tl.v

lValcl:inalii[iii & Jewelry Busings:



Wilt ibmy ma

17,097 Matte and Said in 1872,all of w h glv iiiTciual B

Tlio mm Iron Mum-r In tho ithmsvtt.bcRt mark,uaniust itntiKKuil, sinbi-lcat in congtrnc tiutt, Itssbolts ami Una n''(iul it tliau any micliiuoir - ' -Tliu Irtitfl nru ull of tlio beat IJW.^ and close,piitcnt niliirn. In f.ict, tlia wnchlno lotikeit woald hnt a lifu timu with fuir nsnfja. Willt wuD hut a life titnu wltli

ver rougher ground, coiuwurli uimil lu any .uauiiliiiia m e r i to tal:o our a t i o

n n o loks L . .ir macn, Will traveout filter and <kd Vi d t, ..._ .iindu. V'cdODOt uk

famicfi totalio our assertloit fw it, 1>nt csamluoilia macliino.i, elvu lliem a Irinl nnd bu Bali all cd.All imclilucu lollt* Trarraiitod. Tliow Luring »eomblitud fiincliinu, f,'ot nearly two tcrmralo ntij<li»tintt micbiutafor |tiu prico of ono, very littletruiiljla to chungo iVom cue In tlio nther, w h r 'IK tl]Q oliicutbii tu niDBt cmnbiBL'tl machines.Prices an liiir au any flint-pinna inadilno. Kstraa,if an;aro aior iietded, can liu lm\ of llic ncuiita ftitliflcrciit nirlBof the County, irlierc tnacliuii" " ; "

He nuro to cinmino Ilium W o ro pure bit sins.Ktiul rnr dOHcriiniru calntn^ic Cltnora. o(ll«,

Kn. 30 L'ourtlanilt Hlrtet, .V. Y.

Agcnts-VnoilIIEErt 11ROTHEIIS, Mnrmlnvn.HOBlfJKUN & QAltll.vbl.ANT, Mc-nJ-

II. II. VAN DUJSEB, HadiCtlstumi.

IH. D. KITCHELL, Rcckaway,

22-3m GEIlMAN* VAU-EY, S. J .

C3-O T O



HE iiiiikiiig tills branch ol

Trade n Spocinlly.

Strict attention paid to kvin


Constantly on Hand.


o ENCYNCLOPEBJA,X Un ive r sa l Di i l iu i l i i i J o l Ii i- i(o-

rj-,IJiogrni»hy, Gt'cgra])Uy,iVn(ii-

r a l Hi i to iT i CL»rc! i IltUtot-}-,

ISotniiy, 3lccIm-iiCH. Scitisct-,

A l t iiiKl LniiKinist'.

yiJAI, TO A WMOL12 MlillAllV 01' V.'OHKrf.

tlitHtniit-d nil!* V.wW IHiHI 'liiij;r.ivii]Ka. 'Hn;n.l l,.:,t uork i.f ih,. titrl mh*r, Ilaa^tun.l

A. • Invuliul.k L[ u

of tlio World.

OriJtlnil in ntylo «l oiL-wirij,-, culuring, lullur(,' ninl guuwnl aiijiuiratwe.

Aiiliiilex to every Mutt nnd ft (;<.••':(*• iiiilex to th,'lio][> Athit.Jleaufiftillyciinrarc'il rtnl prinifil in cnlwa.TIIL- most (irllatic, tliu k^ t , tlio ninut rc\h\,\a and

hu moit ruecnt. No nllior Atlitd in lLa cnuntrrau oppruntfi it In lictulv, Ihiiuli anil rulinWHly

Eithrr of Iht-HD tvurk) ruriiixU^l ia )>artn, Inuantity to milt HubKriljm, or hound complain.


Dover, N. J.

We Clean iiutl Jtei»;iirAll kiii<Li nt tine nml comwnn IVatcliu'a am] CluvU,oiecatH ililllnilt ropnfra, set Juirilu, ond wmrunil tvoi k uu t'u'iiiiiio Wntt-hCB,




Gold and Silver Watches,JEWEUIV, PX.irED AM> ' BltVEli WAItCLOCKS,' ACCOI1DEONS, VIOLI2t9, HA.S'JOIAc, he.

Wo arc the aolo ogeuta or *'io cclebratcil

Lazarus & Morris Spectacles & EGlnsscs,

StHirer's Sewing Mucltincs,AndtbateluLratcd .

PIANOS-.HeniiiKMachiiieB Bald oti Wont lily Payments, andInstrndion given Treo. Maelttno OU n:id Kliuttlea,ami all Fixtures for SIIIH.

TIN AND STOVE STORETlio B-ibucribcra linnng purelinst.1 ILo atoeli

toola, etc., of JOa. TUHD, and rtmortil tu lintmand more oHplblo nuartDrs in prejiarod to riiriiiulinnjthinj in their lino nt a a lowpifco aa anv in tliof ' - ' e . Wo uliaU manuTiicturo

TIN WARE,— "itb Dur incrcawiil fncililics i t all Bell tu doaleM ut tlic mcst.Hbcral discount, Akinds tf

COPPER & SHEET IRONwork lamlo tu ardor.


il»ra •!>!• tot mimiycliarail lln, nniillanoiruk'3. \w dliall kwii uii Imnil Hit liustamorliiict.

Tni'loV, Hull iiiul Cook StoyciIn Iho ninrhot. .llw,

FURNACES and RANGES,I\JI UiLlo ami Sot iu Erkk.

PUMP,11 lamia, irilli li-ad ntid Iroa I»ipo.

Cucumfaep Wood Pump,l\"itli l 'altnt Drop Vulvtd. All kimtti or

PLUMBI3STG WORKM.illiutai»I» Mr.ii.bod. .Ion. lo order l.y ranirf.'1I1CM1 WurlldlOll. Wu HilBll UUlllloj UlO bunt mo.ilwilmeim a u m i t u ».li«T«O.,iii' iro ,h,ll , £«tp nn lnu.1 n LMiu]i|,,tu asanrluiout of




.AMI'S, rAirratNs AKD UMI 1 nxTURH

Tin- Rr>t 1.-.0 lVit Ilini.lnu oil,

OIJ Iron »iul all ol],or st.uli, R.B1, »»il Tvm.

fltoru ami Work-Simp comer


Allen & aioiiiiigton.

3ure Harrison Cider,FOH BALED?


AlB O c t a l ,u:Uljof crebsppU m j c o i i u;ilil« ddu, miil jiurii CULT vinegar on lintdnunlii iul KOBII Jinlilua irlitn Omiroil3 ? Oriltra lift at J. H. Hirrao'i Dai Slnr.

ilQVer, will bo tora-arjiid immD^itoIy.I'. O. AIUICU, ll«230, Dovir, S. J.

QEO. l'lErgOH.


Charles McFarlan,



As tut rur ilic rolIotVEiii; iiistCOIUJIOIIIIJ..

Livci'iioul & London

Insurimcc Co.

Itojal Iiisurnnce, Liverpool.Franklin - riiiludelpliia.HiHlson- - - Jersey City.People's- - - - Newark.Howe- - Columbus, Olilo.Mutual JEcncllt Life, Xeivnrk

bcniiii, Newark.Stiiiidard Firclii. Co.,

Trenton, N. J.lliiinlmH In. Co., .\I'\VJII1;.

Choice Lots in Dover,for sulo cla»p.


Real Estate Purchased and Sold.


Freeman Wood,Jilstico of ilio FCACC nud PoIicuMayis


Office funuerly orcnplod !>/ IV. T. Import, BIilour to Goo. Hiuli&idN A CO'H. Ijtori'.

DOV13H, N.


For 1873.


Merchant Tailor

CLOTHIER,Fins carefully sclicttd Ilia tritiro stock uf oTCti

ilciicri[illfrn, con»iiling of I


CLOTHING ,uf all H.VIOR nnd materials, .nd alM Uiu '

loiar STOCK n u r ma am ixiiuti-IEO IN TIIJS TOWX.

Cloths, Ficnct Diagonals, EnglisliaialDomeatio Oossimores, Testings,

Coatings, &a,

wIilcL will alwi bo, up in t tu virv IAIUHI .1) [M.

ml strict ntutitlna 1B paid lo our ui&tuui traaa


PANTS- - - - S2.OOtoSO.tO

SDtESS SUITS - - 0.00 to 10.00


SPIUHO OVEI10OATS . 7.00 tn 1B.00

YOUTHS'SUITS . 6.00 to U.G0

W . A . W A E I t .




I IJ , kind, of Kiprcw Jolilmg to any part-\. Iho oltj or Hlirronndinjf vfllnRM. I^uiotumitiire, 4c, oaicfall/ romovoil, aiiU 1' ' '


Machine and Iron Company





Gas pipe cut and III t«l to order.

Iron and Brass Castings

of all dcucripllotLs funiialioti promptly.

hcn to



fiolo aJ^isTaetwcra of HDTSON'H

Patent Oar-Pushersforllifi Sbtcaof SuvYurt anJSo* Jorsoy.

EnylHCH, Boilure nud all kiudx of Mi

Miners' Oil Company,123* 111 MAIDEN LANK NEW Y0IIK,

^lio briilneaa formerly carried on uudor Iho miof 1'. w . MEAD rrill hereafter bo huunvn aa tLo


Lubricating null Buniing

|* Oils for Miners' Use.VXTRA ENGINE,



idaptcd to Jliising 1I»." " " " W l l

P. \lT. MKA.DE, Trautuar.A. O, CBAXE, Bocrdary.

R. M. "Wilson'sBARBER'S SHOP,Mumion iruusc Blocu,

Sussex Street, Dover.T> M. W. beg. rospcdhilly to inrom tLo

j;«ilo arnnsomonl. mlb Iho bo.t impotl "r. 3

nAIB WORK HADE TO OIlDEIt.Part icular a t tent ion given

o IIAIIl OUTTIKG.Dora-, X f 11, uu,


Apothecary,Dlckei'soii Sti'eot,

Opiiositc R. B. Depot,OOm tor mto * well telootod ulrck of




And Fancy Articles.iio., &C

Physicians1 Prescriptions

oniiilitd &t ill konri.

AND LIQUOKSVat Hedicwal Pcnioici.

Sweedisli LeechesOuniUnU; on kuid.

CHILIIUEN'S SD1T8 . - 2.00 to 0.00

Also aLul'eoanilCniiinlotoLlDQDf

FURNISHING GOODS,which I keep conn tan tlyun iionil nt prices that doiy

ccnipotltion, wnnlittng of


FINE C'ASSUlIini: B immi . i»nd n full lino 0CHEVIOT, (JUII)lUUatidCALICO 8IiIItTH,

UOHiAKU of ovcry duscilptiaii. aud alarf" aHHiirtiiiwit of BtlAltFK,



We lnvo rwtiivcd tLo VCIJ Intent stylo ol


Tho cclubrati:d'r.!iIlIR'ftiuiaDJlAW£IUi,LISLEI'll HEAD, MRITISH and otlitrtJOCKI.

ALio,Li;;F.X A .SILK IIIHU'3 ut nil Colora, Ac, Ac.

I tnribt caniL'Btly iudto tlio community of



DLACKWELL BTHEET,Soxt door to tlio Poat Oflleo,

1C-T D072H, N. J

W. H. MoDAVIT,House, Sign and Ornamental



dune with iiontncgs anil di.|«lcli, and on tko DWit

Con. BucEtrm. xttu BVIBBX 8TS£ZTS,


Stoves. Stoves.THE OLD STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDING,Blackball Etroct, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of the Utcit unit inoit improved styles, (or warm-ing imliUc and private ljuUdingi. A largo asiort-

mont of StOTOf, choapfor eaib.


STOVES, RANGES,4c Mto a yuioij at



BEITTitNIA WABE,A full atsortmt'iit of



LEADERS, mid all iMt'a'j^ntiu'S^t.<lono in ilio beat lanuucr ami at Ilio sliorlott m-'Ice, Highest prlct'B jald fur old Irou.

" iptr load and patrtor (aken in uiditngo fir

AI&XAKDEH WIGHTON.ALEXADoccinljer Sith, 1B70. Mjr.

GEO. W. DEAKE,Tito Iwgcst aud meat nucccsiful Dualor In

BOOTS AND SHOESTU»t oror tlld Bailncji In

MOBRISTOWlsr,llni Jo"t luiihid ilscUnii bit Ston trllb



•Superiority of Material,

Ever boforo cfitrad.


E. C. HURT'Sadies, Misses and Children's

SHOES,Wnrraiitcd alirsji tu fit, nra to bo found la

t i l l Htnro iu ttia Bro*toit profmiuu .uf ttyloe i\nd mcmuronicnti,


iicapcr (ban at any oilier Storein Itlorrli County.-

Rubber Boots & Slioes,And evorjUiingio tlio lino from ilio moit

populnr iliaufscturon.Q[TE ME A OAXI^BEFOIIE :

COTTAOB ROW,Next to 'Washington Hall BdldJag,

Morristown, N". X