multiwall bag sports heat seal

A/nu/ una non IICP MU» JS*%M «SMff M W self-lubricating TEFLON* STOPCOCKS on an everyday basis! Kontes saws you money three ivays &n chemically- inert* Teflon items! Increased production has low- ered prices substantially on all Kontes Teflon Stopcocks and apparatus which incorporate them. Y«»u save, in fact, three ua\* In lieUing Teflon products from Kontes: by reduced indi- vidual prices. b\ lower quantity prices, ami bv combining Teflon items with your regular orders for Kontes Technical Glassware for even greater discounts. COMPARE KONTES QTALITY! Teflon Stopcock barrels are ground and polished, providing the ultimate in smooth, even turning without lubricant. Special spring-loading device keeps plug properly seated and leak-free without dangers inherent in over-tightening. Wall thickness is appreciably greater than other brands. Sidearms in- crease gradually in o.d. and de- crease in i.d. at seals to barrels for greater strength and im- proved How characteristics. Order now for immediate de- livery! Write for your free copy of our new Bulletin TP-1. It de- scribes all Kontes Teflon ware in- cluding beakers, burettes, pi- pettes, separatory funnels, stop- cocks, etc. K-SïïOO STRAÏUMT STOPCOCK prices below are t\|>ical— Size Bore. mm. Pluy size, mm. Kach 2 A 3 A τ 2 τ 4 2 3 2 4 10/25 10/25 12/30 17/40 4.50 4.30 6.90 9.20 *Teflon has almost universal chemical inertness. ®Reg. Γ.Λ/., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc a GLASS COMPANY EQUIPMENT HEAT SEAL. An operator forms the top of Union Bag-Camp Paper's new heat seaiabie multiwall bag. The special machine heat seals the inner polyethylene coating, then folds over a lip coated with adhesive and applies a tape over the lip. Staggered plies make heat sealing possible, the company says Multiwall Bag Sports Heat Seal Staggered plies in new multiwall bag polyethylene ply to be heat sealed ill allow inner First Choice For Quality Technical Glassware Vineiand, New Jersey Midwest Distributor: Research Apparatus, Inc.. Wauconda, III. U MON Bag—Camp Paper Corp. has a solution for packaging hygroscopic, deliquescent, corrosive, seniiliquid, and other products that are hard to protect. A heat seaiabie multiwall bag system, it's on view this week at the National Packaging Exposition in Chicago. The system actually consists of both the bag and bag closing machine. Called Uniseal, the bag is made in the form of a tube with two to six plies of paper and is designed to hold 100 lb. of product. The inner ply is coated with polyethylene or other heat seaiabie material. The combinations used for the plies, Union-Camp explains, de- pend on the product being packaged. The bag can be made up of combina- tions of kraft paper, kraft and foil, or polyethylene coated kraft and foil. The bags' chief feature: The outer plies are staggered or offset, thus leav- ing the inner ply exposed to take a direct heat seal. Union-Camp explains that this gets around the problem of having to apply the heat seal through all the paper plies. The plies, says the company, were an insulating barrier that prevented heat sealing at accept- able commercial speeds. When a customer gets the bags, the vertical seam and the bottom of the inner ply are already heat sealed by the bag manufacturer. After filling, the closing machine conies into play. It heat seals the top of the inner ply, then applies adhesive to the tops of the outer plies. The entire lip is folded over and pasted to the outside of the bag so that no pressure is exerted on the heat seal. As the lip is folded over, the machine adds a strip of 2 l / 2 in. gummed tape, centered over the edge of the lip. The machine operates a t a rate of six filled bags a minute. But Union-Camp 74 C&EN APRIL 13, 5959 •κ η W T F as

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A/nu/ una non I I C P M U » JS*%M « S M f f M W

self-lubricating TEFLON* STOPCOCKS

on an everyday basis!

Kontes saws you money three ivays &n chemically-inert* Teflon items!

Increased production has low­ered prices substantially on all Kontes Teflon Stopcocks and appara tus which incorpora te them. Y«»u save, in fact, three ua\* In lieUing Teflon products from Kontes: by reduced indi­vidual prices. b\ lower quantity prices, ami bv combining Teflon items with your regular orders for Kontes Technical Glassware for even greater discounts. COMPARE KONTES QTALITY! Teflon Stopcock barrels are ground and polished, providing the ultimate in smooth, even turning without lubricant. Special spring-loading device keeps plug properly seated and leak-free without dangers inherent in over-tightening. Wall thickness is appreciably greater than other brands. Sidearms in­crease gradually in o.d. and de­crease in i.d. at seals to barrels for greater strength and im­proved How characteristics. Order now for immediate de­livery! Write for your free copy of our new Bulletin TP-1. It de­scribes all Kontes Teflon ware in­cluding beakers, burettes, pi­pettes, separatory funnels, stop­cocks, etc. K - S ï ï O O S T R A Ï U M T STOPCOCK

prices below are t\|>ical— Size Bore. mm. Pluy size, mm. Kach

2 A 3 A τ 2 τ 4

2 3 2 4

10/25 10/25 12/30 17/40

4.50 4.30 6.90 9.20

*Teflon has almost universal chemical inertness. ®Reg. Γ.Λ/., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc a



HEAT SEAL. An operator forms the top of Union Bag-Camp Paper's new hea t seaiabie multiwall bag. The special machine heat seals the inner polyethylene coat ing, then folds over a lip coated with adhesive and applies a tape over t h e lip. Staggered plies make heat sealing possible, the company says

Multiwall Bag Sports Heat Seal Staggered plies in new multiwall bag polyethylene ply to be heat sealed

i l l allow inner

First Choice For Quality Technical Glassware V i n e i a n d , N e w J e r s e y

Midwest Distributor: Research Apparatus, Inc.. Wauconda, III.

U M O N Bag—Camp Paper Corp. has a solution for packaging hygroscopic, deliquescent, corrosive, seniiliquid, and other products that are hard to protect . A heat seaiabie multiwall bag system, it's on view this week at the National Packaging Exposition in Chicago.

The system actually consists of both the bag and bag closing machine. Called Uniseal, the bag is made in the form of a tube with two to six plies of paper a n d is designed to hold 100 lb . of product . The inner ply is coated with polyethylene or other heat seaiabie material. The combinations used for the plies, Union-Camp explains, de ­pend on the product being packaged. The b a g can be made up of combina­tions of kraft paper, kraft and foil, o r polyethylene coated kraft and foil.

The bags' chief feature: The outer plies a re staggered or offset, thus leav­ing the inner ply exposed to take a

direct heat seal. Union-Camp explains that this gets around the problem of having to apply the heat seal through all the paper plies. The plies, says the company, were an insulating barrier that prevented heat sealing a t accept­able commercial speeds.

When a customer gets the bags, the vertical seam and the bot tom of the inner ply are already heat sealed by the bag manufacturer. After filling, the closing machine conies into play. It heat seals the top of t h e inner ply, then applies adhesive to the tops of the outer plies. The entire lip is folded over and pasted to the outside of the bag so that no pressure is exerted on the heat seal. As the lip i s folded over, the machine adds a strip of 2l/2 in. gummed tape, centered over the edge of the lip.

The machine operates a t a rate of six filled bags a minute. But Union-Camp

7 4 C & E N A P R I L 13, 5 9 5 9

•κ η W T F as


Λ Λ 1 I - 1 . L . . I X . . _ XIXS mSl!!y!!U!«2U



ΓΙΟ I i i«4hi j i l4A4i '<»h«inrAri lran I I I ! I f l C L I l l l l t n i i a i l ^ i i i i i i S J M i l

H-*C- • C M 2


63.2 - 65.6 Boiling point, ° C . (760 m m ) . S0.2 — 88.68 Freezing point, ° C

0.913 Specif ic gravity, 20 /4 ° C 1.4305 Refractive index, η 2 5 / D

— 16 Flash point, °F . (Tag closed cup) 0.3 Solubil i ty, 2 0 ° C , g . /100g. H20 0.25 g. H2O/IOO g. chemica l . . .

Vapor pressure, m m . of Hg 59.0 at 0 °C 95.2 10

142 20 225 30 336 40 480 50 688 60

136 0.854 1.4025

12 15.1


37.8 64.5

102 165 248 366 536

is now working on other models which will have higher speeds.

Union-Camp feels that the hags can be qui te economical in areas now held by pails, drums, and cans. They cut container and shipping costs, the com­pany says, and save on s torage and shipping space. S Ϊ

Machine Casts Urethane A new machine for p roduc ing ure­

thane elastomer parts by continuous casting has been developed by Mobay Chemical. It's designed especially for American production techniques and materials, Mobay says, in compar ing it to semiautomatic cont inuous casting machines for elastomers developed in Europe for a different processing method.

The new machine can be operated by one person horn a push-but ton con­trol panel, Mobay explains. It has a system of variable speed pumps , drives, supply tanks, and valves, that precisely control the ure thane chemicals. And casting is continuous. Production rate, says the company, is limited only by the number of machines.

Mobay has used the machine in its laboratories to successfully cast m e ­thane elastomer parts weighing from 4 oz. to 96 lb. T h e company, however, doesn't make machinery or equipment for sale. It gives design and engineer­ing aid to licensed companies that want to use the method in their own plants.

Processing • New induced d ie f e e d e r , by Arthur Colton Co., Detroit , Mich., enables Colton single rotary tablet presses to make t-··blets at rates of u p to 1800 per min. An agitator and die feeder ro­tors in a feed frame assembly give posi­tive die fill, Colton says. Ε 2

• Pa rabo l i c - shaped , d i s p o s a b l e b a g filter, now made by Arco Mfg., New York, Ν. Υ., is designed for air condi­tioning, heating, and venti lat ing sys­tems. Shape and material combine to give the strongest filtering action where the dust particles are finest, according to the company. Ε 3

• Glass b a g filter units are now avail­able from Dracco division of Fuller Co., Cleveland, Ohio, for collecting hot or corrosive dust and fumes Three cleaning methods are available: sonics,

Q O Methy l fu ran is a cycl ic d ien ic e t h e r wh ich m e r i t s a t t e n t i o n a s a chemica l i n t e r m e d i a t e . I t is a color­less , mob i l e l iquid of e the r - l i ke odo r w h i c h is in f in i te ly m i s c i b l e w i t h m o s t o rgan ic s o l v e n t s .

Q O Methy I t e t r a h y d r o f u r a n j s a

cyclic e the r useful i n o rgan ic s y n ­thes i s , and may a l s o h a v e va lue a s a reac t ion solvent . I t i s a co lo r l e s s , mobi le l iquid of etr^er-l ike odor . I n w a t e r it has the p r o p e r t y o f i nve r se s o l u b i l i t y — t h a t i s , s o l u b i l i t y i n ­c r e a s e s wi*th a d e c r e a s e in t e m ­p e r a t u r e .

on Q O Methylfuresi s-» arat /

Bul le t in 136 on Q O Methyltetrahyclrofuran

If y o u r i m m e d i a t e n e e d s r e q u i r e a s a m p l e in addi t ion t o t l i e Bu l l e t i n , j u s t wr i t e o n y o u r l e t t e r h e a d a n d i n d i c a t e w h i c h p r o d u c t you n e e d . B o t h chemi ­ca ls a r e a v a i l a b l e in d e v e l o p m e n t q u a n t i t i e s .

T h e Q u a k e r Oars

-v.."G>*ft party The Quaker Q* *s (pmpany C H E M I C A L S C i V i S i O N

333B The Merchandise Mart, Chicago 5 4 , I l l inois

Room *uoo 33, 120 V / C Î ! Sîree =*v/ Y^rk Room 433Β, 48 S.E. Hawthorne Bl-vd, Port land 1 4, Oregon

A P R I L 13, 1 9 5 9 C & Ε Ν 7 5


...proves highly active and

physicaiiy rugged in

hydrogénation off aromatics

and other organic compounds

W h a t i t i s . Girdler G-33 Cata lys t contains approximately 36 weight per­cent nickel on a refractory oxide support. I t is active for the hydrogénation of organic compounds such as aromatics, acetaldehyde and methyl-ethyl ketone in fixed bed operations... and as a metha-nation and deoxygenation catalyst. Can be used where catalyst bed is subjected to severe physical stress.

I t is normally supplied in oxidized form as }4"x ?4" solid cylindrical tablets of 65 lbs./cu. ft. bulk density. Minimum

load. Also ava i l ab le in reduced and stabilized form, designated as G-52.

Mow it p e r f o r m s . G-33 has excellent activity over a wide range of tempera­tures and pressures. Like ail nickel catalysts, activity is reduced by only a few parts per million sulphur present in

feed gas stream. I t will operate success­fully with sulphur compounds present. Under proper operating conditions, life of 1 to 2 years may be expected.

A p p l i c a t i o n s . . .

• I n l a r g e - s c a l e h y d r o g é n a t i o n o f l o w -m o l e c u l a r - w e i g h t a l d e h y d e s a n d k e t o n e s In l i q u i d a n d v a p o r p h a s e .

• I n h y d r o g é n a t i o n o f a r o m a t i c s t r e a m s t o p r o d u c e p u r e c y c l o h e x a n e . . . s i n g l e a n d m i x e d p h a s e s i n i s o t h e r m a l a n d a d i a b a t i c r e a c t o r s .

• I n p r o d u c t i o n o f c y c l o h e x a n e w i t h a p u r i t y o f 9 9 . 5 % ( v o l u m e ) f r o m b e n z e n e .

• I n r e m o v a l o f a r o m a t i c s f r o m n a p h t h a f e e d s t o c k s . H y d r o g e n a t e s a b o u t 1 9 % a r o ­m a t i c s i n f e e d s t o c k c o n t a i n i n g 1 0 p a r t s p e r m i l l i o n s u l p h u r .

Find out how G-33 and other Girdler Catalysts, plus our complete Technical Service, can help solve your processing problems.



i£Z, œœ&Jtëœi&&Qutm ¥


7 6 C & E N A P R I L I 3, I 9 5 9



reverse air flow, or meclianical swing­ing action. T h e unit gives col lect ion efficiencies of over 9 9 ' t, the c o m p a n y says. £ 4

• N e w w e i g h - f e e d e r , from Syntron Co. , Homer City , Pa., is des igned for electronically controlled feeding υί d i \ chemicals and other bulk materials. Rate can be varied from 3 to 3 0 0 lb. per hr., the c o m p a n y says. Electromag­netic vibrating feeder is electronically controlled by the we ight of the ma­terial in the hopper. Ε 5

ψ C l e a n i n g e q u i p m e n t fui c leaning and flushing paint passages and hose l ines in complex finishing equipment is n o w available from DeVilbiss Co., Toledo , Ohio. Cleaners consist of a pressure feed tank shell , lid assembly, safety valve, and c leaning solution and air mixer assembly. It comes in 2 , 5, 10, and 15 gal. s izes. Ε 6

• Conveyor for dry materials, by Sprout, YValdron & Co., Muncy. Pa., conveys by means of drag blades mounted on roller chains that move continuously over a smooth steel slide. T h e unit has self-cleaning action, and a built-in return circuit prevents over­loading and el iminates choke-up, the company says. Ε 7

• Ultrasonic c l e a n e r s , by Gulton In­dustries, Metuchen , X. J., feature modular des ign and high temperature ceramic transducers, which are side-mounted. Tanks and generators can b e interchanged, the company says; five tank sizes from ] /._, to 25 gal. and six generators from 50 to 2 0 0 0 watts combine to g ive 13 different cleaner arrangements. Ε S

Instruments . . · • M o d e l IR-7 infrared s p e c t r o p h o t o m ­e t e r (C&EX, March 3 , iy.5b\ page 104) has b e e n put into commercial production by Beckman Instruments, Fullerton, Calif., with a production m o d e l price of $16 ,900 . It is a prism-grating instrument with grating opera­tion throughout the 2.5 to 16.6 micron region. 1 9

• New model Cutie Pie survey meter, b y Technical Associates, Burbank, Calif., has built-in alpha and beta ab­sorption filters, can measure and dis­t inguish b e t w e e n alpha, beta, and gùirimù radiation. It has three ranges of 50 , 500 , and 5 0 0 0 mr. per hr. Ε 10

• T-A-C t e s t e r , by Thw ing-Albert In­strument C o . , Phi ladelphia. Pa. , pre­dicts the production performance of water and MUX eut based adhesives and rewettable adhes ives b y putt ing them under s imulated use condit ions in the laboratory. It measures the strength of a bond by its resistance to shear or peel forces either on a curved surface or a flat surf ace . Ε ! 1

• Flow contro l lers h a v e been deve loped by Moore Products. Phi ladelphia, Pa., for use on liriuirl flows as low as 2 ee. per min. or air flows as low as 3 0 stand­ard cc. per min. They maintain a con­stant differential across a need le valve, capillary, or other restrictor, regardless of line pressure changes , the company savs. Ε 12

• New temperature controller, bx Fenxval. Ashland. Mass., uses thermistor sensing probes that feed into a transis­tor amplifier LJesimiec! *"'*·· *ί»»ο·!** point control, the unit covers a range of 0° to 6 0 0 F. E13

* Angle control v a l v e with improved venturi effect has been d e v e l o p e d by Minneapolis-Hone^ Ί3. Its des igned to i c u n c f iuihtiit'in-c and Cavitation in controlling slurries and viscous or flash­ing fluids Ε 1 4

I I Further useful information on I keyed Equipment items men-I tioned is readily available . . .

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April 13, 1959

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