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  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire

    Psychometric properties of the German translation by Jens Rowold

    Dr. Jens Rowold, University of Muenster, Germany

    Published by Mind Garden, Inc.

    [email protected]


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  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc



  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    Table of contents



    &he M'()%*......................................................................................................................%

    M'()%* subscales of transformational and transactional leadershi+................................%

    &he German translation of the M'()%*............................................................................



    0onstruct validity................................................................................................................/

    1actor loadins....................................................................................................................2

    Intercorrelations amon M'( factor scores.....................................................................!3

    0onverent validity...........................................................................................................!$


     4orms and descri+tive statistics............................................................................................!


    #ummary of results...........................................................................................................""

    &he universality of the transformational 5 transactional leadershi+ +aradim.................""

    Im+lications for theory......................................................................................................""



  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc



    &he state)of)the)art +aradim within leadershi+ is the theory of transformational 5 

    transactional leadershi+ +ro+osed by 7urns 87urns, !2-/9 and further develo+ed 7ass and

    :volio 87ass ; :volio, "3339. in countries had been limited in a number of ways. In this +a+er,

    we re+ort about a new translation of the M'( into the German lanuae 8Rowold, "33$b9 and

     +rovide em+irical evidence for its sound +sychometric +ro+erties. &he newly translated

    instrument was administered to subordinates in a number of heteroeneous sam+les. &he

    results demonstrate hih factorial and converent validity as well as internal consistency, test)

    retest)reliability, and interrater areement. In sum, the M'( with its nine leadershi+ scales

    and three outcome scales is now a++licable in German conte?ts.


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    ithin the last two decades, both researchers and +ractitioners have e?+lored the

    transformational and transactional leadershi+ +aradim. #tartin with 7assA seminal wor> on

    the theory of transformational leadershi+ 87ass, !2/%9, consistent em+irical evidencedemonstrated the +ositive im+act this leadershi+ a++roach has on both subBective and

    obBective +erformance. Recently, several meta analysis summariCed these em+irical studies

    81uller, Patterson, =ester ; #triner, !22 'owe, Eroec> ; #ivasubramaniam, !22 Jude

    ; Piccolo, "33$9.

    ithin transformational leadershi+, leaders em+hasiCe hiher motive develo+ment, and

    arouse followersA motivation and +ositive emotions by means of creatin and re+resentin an

    ins+irin vision of the future 87ass, !22-9. In contrast, transactional leaders rely on a clear 

    defined system of contracts and rewards.

    The MLQ-!

    &he Multifactor 'eadershi+ (uestionnaire 8M'()%*9 is the standard instrument for assessin

    transformational and transactional leadershi+ behavior 87ass ; :volio, "333 :volio ; 7ass,

    "33$9. It has been translated into many lanuaes and used successfully by both researchers

    and +ractitioners around the world. &he M'()%* and its various translations are available

    from Mind Garden, Inc.

    Mind Garden +rovides services for both researchers and consultants. Researchers will want to

    use Bust the M'( forms as survey instruments 8:volio ; 7ass, "33$9. &o use the M'( for 

    research it is essential to contact Mind Garden, Inc. to +urchase or license re+roduction of 

    these forms. Mind Garden also +rovides eb based collection of multi)rater data for 

    researchers interested in usin the web!

    .1or consultants, Mind Garden +rovides both +a+er form)based and eb)based multi)rater 

    863 deree9 collection of ratins about a leader as well as a com+rehensive feedbac> re+ort.

    &he M'( feedbac> is an individualiCed, com+uter)enerated re+ort, that +rovides an in)de+th

    summary of how often leaders are +erceived to e?hibit s+ecific behaviors alon a full rane of 

    leadershi+ +erformance. &hese s+ecific behaviors are described in the ne?t section.

    MLQ-! subscales of transformational and transactional leadership

    In detail, five transformational, three transactional, one laisseC)faire, and three outcome scales

    are included in the M'()%*. &he first of the transformational scales is Ins+irational

    Motivation. 0entral to this subscale of transformational leadershi+ is the articulation andre+resentation of a vision by the leader. 0onseFuently, by viewin the future with a +ositive

    attitude, followers are motivated. IdealiCed Influence 8attributed9 refers to the attribution of 

    charisma to the leader. 7ecause of the leaders +ositive attributes 8e. . +erceived +ower,

    focusin on hiher)order ideals and values9, followers built close emotional ties to the leader.

    &rust and confidence is li>ely to be built in followers. IdealiCed Influence 8behavior9

    em+hasiCes a collective sense of mission and values, as well as actin u+on these values.

     4e?t, Intellectual #timulation includes challenin the assum+tions of followers beliefs, their 

    analysis of +roblems they face and solutions they enerate. IndividualiCed 0onsideration is

    defined by considerin individual needs of followers and develo+in their individual

    strenths. s, while +rovidin



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    followers with rewards 8material or +sycholoical9 on the fulfillment of these tas>s. In :ctive

    Manaement)by)H?ce+tion, the leader watches and searches actively for deviations from rules

    and standards in order to avoid these deviations if necessary, corrective actions are ta>en. In

    contrast, in Manaement)by)H?ce+tion +assive intervenin only occurs after errors have been

    detected or if standards have not been met. :n even more +assive a++roach is 'aisseC)1aire,

    which is basically defined as the absence of leadershi+. :s such, 'aisseC)faire is used as anonleadershi+ contrast to the more active forms of transformational and transactional

    leadershi+ a++roaches.

    &he three outcome criteria which are included in the M'( are followersA H?tra Hffort 8HH19,

    the Hffectiveness of leaderAs behavior 8H119, and followersA #atisfaction 8#:&9 with their 

    res+ective leader.

    In combination, these scales form the 1ull Rane of 'eadershi+, a com+rehensive model

    develo+ed by :volio and 7ass 8"33"9. In addition, the 1ull Rane of 'eadershi+ Develo+ment

    Proram 81R'D9 has +roven its effectiveness 87ass ; :volio, !22- 7arlin, eber ;

    Eelloway, !229. 'eaders in +rofit and non)+rofit oraniCations around the world enhance

    their leadershi+ s>ills by means of the 1R'D and thus a++ly successfully the transformational

    ) transactional leadershi+ +aradim.It is im+ortant to notice that the 1ull Rane model offers a variety of leadershi+ styles for 

    many situations. &heir effectiveness has been documented in several meta)analysis 8Jude ;

    Piccolo, "33$ 'owe et al., !229. :s a conseFuence, the 1ull Rane model is uniFue within

    the field of leadershi+ 8:ntona>is ; =ouse, "33" :volio ; 7ass, "33"9.

    The German translation of the MLQ-!

    &he M'()%* 8short version9 has been translated in numerous lanuaes. Mind Garden

     +rovides these translations as well as norms". =owever, until now, the 1ull Rane model of 

    'eadershi+ described above failed to show in German translations. 1or e?am+le, Geyer and#teyrer 8!22/9 e?+lored leadershi+ behavior of ban> branchesA manaers. 1actor analysis

    failed to re+licate several of the above mentioned factors. &he reader is referred to Rowold

    and Grabbe 8"33$9 for more details on earlier attem+ts to translate the M'( into the German

    lanuae and validate the res+ective translation.

    In conseFuence, it was deemed necessary to translate the M'()%* more carefully into the

    German lanuae. In turn, we made a considerable effort to translate the M'()items 8c.f.

    7rislin, !2/39. 1irst, a native Hnlish s+ea>er translated the items into German. 4e?t, a

     +rofessional translator bac>translated the items. &wo inde+endent e?+erts in the fields of I<

     +sycholoy com+ared the two sets of Hnlish items. &hey areed that there were virtually no

    differences between the two Hnlish translations. &hus, the translation was deemed

    successful. &he maBority of scales used for research in Germany rane from ! to %, contrary tothe 3 to $ rane of the M'(. 1or reasons of standardiCation, we chose to assin a five)+oint

    res+onse scale ranin from ! 8stronly disaree9 to % 8stronly aree9 to each of the M'()

    %* items. &he instrument is under co+yriht 6  and available from Mind Garden 8Rowold,


    " 1 or international norms, see Mind GardensA website www.mindarden.comdocsM'(internationalnorms.+df 

    6 Research Hdition &ranslation +erformed by Dr. Jens Rowold on July -, "33$. &ranslated and re+roduced bys+ecial +ermission of the Publisher, MI4D G:RDH4, Inc., Redwood 0ity, 0: 2$3!

    from Multifactor 'eadershi+ (uestionnaire for Research by 7ernhard M 7ass and 7ruce J :volio. 0o+yriht!22%, "333 by 7ernhard M 7ass and 7ruce J :volio. :ll rihts reserved. 1urther re+roduction is +rohibitedwithout the PublisherAs written consent.

  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc



    Diverse sam+le were chosen in order to evaluate the +sychometric +ro+erties of the new

    German translation of the M'()%* 8Rowold, "33$b9. &able ! +rovides with an overview of 

    these sam+les.

    &able !

    Descri+tion of sam+les

    #am+le 4umber  

    of raters


    of leaders

    Rater level +ercentae 8K9

    8!9 Government "- -$ 'ower 8!33.39

    8"9 Manufacturin : "" % #elf 8$3./9, =iher 86!.-9, 'ower  


    869 Manufacturin 7 "% !$ #elf 8%".39, =iher 8$/.39

    8$9 Manufacturin 0 !!" "" #elf 86.9, 'ower 86.$9

    8%9 Public trans+ort "36 6$ 'ower 8!33989 0onvenience sam+le "6/ !"3 'ower 8!339

    8-9 #tudent sam+le $! 6/ 'ower 8!339

    1irst, within a overnment aency in western Germany, subordinates assessed their su+eriorsA

    leadershi+ styles. #econd, in a erman)s+ea>in #wiss manufacturin firm, focal manaersA

    leadershi+ style was evaluated by their res+ective subordinates, su+eriors as well as from their 

    own +ers+ective. &hird, for feedbac> +ur+oses, a sam+le of German manaers assessed their 

    own leadershi+ behaviors. In addition, they were assessed by their res+ective su+eriors.

    1ourth, within a mid)siCed manufacturin com+any, manaers rated their own leadershi+

     behavior and were evaluated by their res+ective subordinates. 1ifth, manaers from three

    hierarchical levels of a lare +ublic trans+ort com+any in Germany were assessed by their subordinates. #i?th, a convenience sam+le included a re+resentative selection of manaers

    with different demora+hic characteristics wor>in within different com+anies. 1inally, the

    seventh sam+le was a student sam+le. #tudents rated world)class leadersA behavior as if they

    were their subordinates 8c.f. 7ass, :volio ; Goodheim, !2/-9.

    &hese heteroeneous sam+les were chosen for evaluatin the validity and reliability of the

    German translation of the M'()%*. In the followin section, we re+ort about the results of 

    our +sychometric analyses.


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    #onstruct $aliditye conducted confirmatory factor analyses 801:s9 in order to test the factorial validity of the

    M'()%*. In accordance with earlier research 8:ntona>is, :volio ; #ivasubramaniam, "336

    :volio ; 7ass, "33$9, we tested different com+etin models which had been identified by

    other scholars and are summariCed in &able ". 1or more detail about the factorial validity of 

    the M'()%*, the reader is referred to :ntona>is et al. 8"3369 and to the new M'( manual

    available from Mind Garden 8:volio ; 7ass, "33$9.

    &able "

    0om+etin factorial models of M'(

    Model Descri+tion

    8!9  Null model 

    8"9 ett ; :llen, !22%9

    8$9 &hree correlated first)order factors 8transformational, transactional, and laisseC)faire

    leadershi+9 8c.f. Den =arto ; an MuiBen, !22-9

    8%9 &hree correlated first)order factors 8transformational, transactional, and +assive

    leadershi+9 8:volio et al., !2229

    89 1ive correlated first)order factors 8transformational leadershi+, continent reward,

    active manaement)by)e?ce+tion, manaement)by)e?ce+tion +assive and laisseC)

    faire leadershi+9 8=owell ; :volio, !22698-9 #i? correlated first)order factors 8charisma, intellectual stimulation, individualiCed

    consideration, continent reward, active manaement)by)e?ce+tion and +assive

    leadershi+9 87ass, !2/% :volio et al., !2229

    8/9 #even correlated first)order factors 8charisma, intellectual stimulation,

    individualiCed consideration, continent reward, active manaement)by)e?ce+tion,

    manaement)by)e?ce+tion +assive and laisseC)faire leadershi+9 8:volio et al., !2229

    829 Hiht correlated first)order factors 8ins+irational motivation, idealiCed influence,

    intellectual stimulation, individualiCed consideration, continent reward, active

    manaement)by)e?ce+tion, manaement)by)e?ce+tion +assive and laisseC)faire

    leadershi+9 8:volio et al., !2229

    8!39 4ine correlated first)order factors 8ins+irational motivation, idealiCed influenceattributed, idealiCed influence behavior, intellectual stimulation, individualiCed

    consideration, continent reward, active manaement)by)e?ce+tion, manaement)

     by)e?ce+tion +assive and laisseC)faire leadershi+9 8:volio et al., !222 :ntona>is et

    al., "3369

    : series of multi)sam+le 01:s usin :Mle ; oth>e, !2229 was +erformed

    on the data sets described in &able !. e only included one ty+e of raters, namely followers,

    in order to minimiCe variance. &his yielded a sam+le siCe of  N  L !"-. 1ull)information

    ma?imum li>elihood 81IM'9 01: was used to estimate the model +arameters 87ollen, !2/2

    :ntona>is et al., "3369.


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    &able 6

    is et al., "3369. In sum, the German translation of the M'()%* 8Rowold, "33$b9

    used here was able to re+licate the oriinal factor structure. In conseFuence, the nine factors

    of transformational, transactional, and nonleadershi+ are valid in erman)s+ea>in countries.

    7oth researchers and +ractitioners are now eFui++ed with an instrument ready to a++ly the

    state)of)the)art +aradim of transformational and transactional leadershi+ in German)s+ea>in


    %actor loadin&s

    In addition to the fit indices, the 01:s +rovided information about the factor loadins for the

    different subscales of the M'()%*. &ables $.! and $." +resent the item loadins. &hat is, for 

    each of the nine leadershi+ factors, the loadin of their res+ective four indicators are shown.

    &able $.!

    Item loadins with the nine)factor model

    1actor 1actor 1actor 1actor 1actor  

    Item IM Item II8:9 Item II879 Item I# Item I0

    IM2 3.-$ II8:9!3 3.-" II879 3.$! I#6" 3.% I06! 3.-

    IM!6 3.6 II8:9!/ 3.%% II879!$ 3.%" I#63 3.-/ I0"2 3./

    IM" 3.% II8:9"! 3.2 II879"6 3.- I#/ 3.-$ I0!2 3.62

    IM6 3. II8:9"% 3.-6 II8796$ 3.$ I#" 3.6" I0!% 3.$%


  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    &able $."

    Item loadins with the nine)factor model

    1actor 1actor 1actor 1actor  

    Item 0R Item :MbH Item MbHP Item '1

    0R6% 3.! :MbH"- 3.$2 MbHP6 3.%$ '1% 3.$0R! 3.$/ :MbH"$ 3.3 MbHP!" 3./" '1- 3.$2

    0R!! 3.% :MbH"" 3.- MbHP!- 3."- '1"/ 3.2

    0R! 3." :MbH$ 3.%6 MbHP"3 3.% '166 3.-!

    Intercorrelations amon& MLQ factor scores

    H?+lorin the factorial validity of the M'()%*, the latent intercorrelations of the nine

    leadershi+ scales are of interest. It has been noted earlier that the five transformational factors

    are hihly intercorrelated. In addition, 0ontinent Reward, one of the three transactionalfactors, showed a relatively hih correlation with the five transformational factors in earlier 


    &o further e?+lore this issue, we +resent the intercorrelations of the M'()%* subscales from

    our sam+les described in &able !.

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    &able %.!

    Intercorrelations amon M'( factor scores 8raters at a lower level than the focal leader9

     -   ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

    .60** -   ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

    .64** .69** -   ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

    .35** .56** .54** -   ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

    .40** .61** .53** .70** -   ** ** ** ** ** **

    .61** .64** .64** .53** .61** -   ** ** ** ** ** **

    .17** .13** .22** .13** .05 .21** -   * ** **

    -.21** -.43** -.28** -.39** -.34** -.34** .01 -   ** ** ** **

    -.32** -.54** -.43** -.48** -.48** -.49** -.07* .64** -   * * ** **

    .63** .72** .66** .49** .56** .67** .18** -.36** -.45** -   ** **

    .42** .62** .51** .63** .69** .62** .16** -.45** -.52** .65** -   **

    .39** .64** .50** .62** .69** .58** .04 -.45** -.49** .58** .74** -

    Inspirational Motivation

    Idealized Influene attri!uted

    Idealized Influene !e"avior 

    Intelletual #ti$ulation

    Individualized %onsideration

    %ontin&ent 'e(ard

     )tive Mana&e$ent-!-+,eption

    Mana&e$ent-!-+,eption passive


    +,tra +ffort






















    passive aissez-aire +,tra +ffort +ffetiveness #atisfation

    p / .01 t(o-tailed.**.

    p / .05 t(o-tailed .*.


  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    &able %."

    Intercorrelations amon M'( factor scores 8raters at the same level than the focal leader9

     -   .02** .02** .02** .02** .02** .02 .02 .02** .02** .02** .02*

    .50** -   .02** .02** .02** .02** .02* .02 .02* .02** .02** .02**

    .49** .40** -   . 02** .02** .02** .02* .02 .02** .02** .02** .02*

    .49** .45** .59** -   .02** .02** .02 .02** .02** .02** .02** .02**

    .39** .33** .43** .47** -   .02** .02 .02 .02* .02** .02** .02*

    .30** .28** .32** .21** .21** -   .02 .02** .02** .02** .02** .02

    .02 .17* .18* .14 .03 .09 -   .02 .02 .02 .02 .02

    .01 -.08 -.11 -.27** .06 -.22** .04 -   .02** .02 .02 .02*

    -.23** -.18* -.22** -.37** -.16* -.28** -.07 .30** -   .02** .02** .02**

    .66** .53** .60** .64** .51** .26** -.01 -.15 -.32** -   .02** .02**

    .38** .39** .31** .42** .37** .24** .07 -.11 -.33** .56** -   .02**

    .19* .34** .20* .32** .16* .15 .05 -.17* -.32** .40** .49** -

    Inspirational Motivation

    Idealized Influene attri!uted

    Idealized Influene !e"avior 

    Intelletual #ti$ulation

    Individualized %onsideration

    %ontin&ent 'e(ard

     )tive Mana&e$ent-!-+,eption

    Mana&e$ent-!-+,eption passive


    +,tra +ffort






















    passive aissez-aire +,tra +ffort +ffetiveness #atisfation

    p / .01 t(o-tailed.**.

    p / .05 t(o-tailed .*.


  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    &able %.6

    Intercorrelations amon M'( factor scores 8raters at a hiher level than the focal leader9

     -   -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30 -.30 -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30**

    .55** -   -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30* -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30**

    .54** .43** -   -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30* -.30** -.30** -.30* -.30**

    .42** .55** .40** -   -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30* -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30**

    .34** .44** .29** .46** -   -.30** -.30 -.30* -.30* -.30** -.30** -.30**

    .61** .61** .47** .38** .51** -   -.30 -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30** -.30**

    .16 .22* .29** .33** .06 .16 -   -.30* -.30 -.30 -.30* -.30

    -.10 -.28** -.21* -.22* -.26* -.33** -.23* -   -.30** -.30** -.30* -.30**

    -.30** -.60** -.43** -.35** -.25* -.50** -.16 .59** -   -.30** -.30** -.30**

    .51** .51** .37** .36** .47** .64** .11 -.30** -.46** -   -. 30** -.30**

    .51** .61** .22* .34** .48** .49** .23* -.21* -.38** .54** -   -.30**

    .32** .67** .36** .36** .42** .44** .05 -.30** -.49** .52** .60** -

    Inspirational Motivation

    Idealized Influene att ri!uted

    Idealized Influene !e"avior 

    Intelletual #ti$ulation

    Individualized %onsideration

    %ontin&ent 'e(ard

     )tive Mana&e$ent-!-+,eption

    Mana&e$ent-!-+,eption passive


    +,tra +ffort






















    passive aissez-aire +,tra +ffort +ffetiveness #atisfation

    p / .01 t(o-tailed.**.

    p / .05 t(o-tailed .*.


  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    #on$er&ent $alidity

    &he M'()%* is the standard instrument for assessin a rane of transformational and

    transactional leadershi+ behaviors. Des+ite its +redominance, other instruments were

    develo+ed in order to ta+ different as+ect of transformational leadershi+. off andcolleaues 8Podsa>off, 4iehoff, MacEenCie ; illiams, !226 Podsa>off, MacEenCie ;

    7ommer, !229.

    1or the +ur+ose of assessin the converent validity of the M'()%*, both the M'()%* and

    the &'I were administered to subordinates evaluatin their res+ective su+eriorsA leadershi+

    styles. :ll of the +artici+ants from sam+le ! described in &able ! 8overnment sam+le9 were

    included in this study 84 L "-9. &he transformational scales of the M'()%* showed hih

    and sinificant converent validity to the transformational leadershi+ scales of the &'I 8.""

    r   .-29. &his lends further credibility to the validity of the M'()%*. 1or more details, the

    reader is referred to &artler and Rowold 8"33$9.

  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc



    In order to evaluate as+ects of reliability, the followin three inde+endent a++roaches were

    chosen. In addition to internal consistency 80ronbachAs :l+ha9, the interrater areement 8I009

    and the test)retest)reliability 8r tt 9 were calculated.1irst, internal consistency was calculated for each of the M'()%* subscales. :s a standard,

    0ronbachAs :l+ha was calculated for each subscale of the M'()%* 80ortina, !2269. &ables

    -.! ) -.6 +resent the reliabilities for each of the sam+le listed in &able ! se+arately. In sum, the

    internal consistencies of the M'()%* scales as indicated by 0ronbachAs :l+ha are ood.

    Given the fact that the nine leadershi+ scales consist of only four indicators, the internal

    consistencies can be cateoriCed as very ood 80ortina, !2269.

     4e?t, we calculated the interrater areement for each of the nine subscales. &he intraclass

    correlation 8 ICC 9 is one +ossible indicator for interrater areement 8James, Demaree ; olf,

    !2/$9. :reement is hih if several subordinates observe the same freFuency of su+eriorsA

     behavior. ithin the manufacturin sam+le 0 described in &able !, for each focal leader, two

    of hisher subordinates assessed leadershi+ behavior. In turn, it was +ossible to calculate the

     ICC(1). :s can be seen from &able , the  ICC s for each of the nine leadershi+ scales are

    satisfactory or hih 8.-$  ICC   .2-9. &hus, these results +rovide evidence for the interrater 

    areement for the M'()%*.

    1inally, attem+ts were made to estimate the test)retest reliabilities of the M'()%* leadershi+

    scales. &est)retest reliability r tt   is an indicator of a constructsA tem+oral stability. ithin the

    manufacturin : sam+le 8c. f. &able !9, N  L !- manaers were evaluated two times. &he time

    interval between these two +oints in time was three months. &able shows that the test)retest

    reliabilities were enerally hih and sinificant. &he e?ce+tions are the subscales

    IndividualiCed 0onsideration, Manaement)by)H?ce+tion +assive, and 'aisseC)1aire. 1urther 

    research is necessary to e?+lore the stability of leadersA behavior as measured with the M'()%*.


    I00s and test)retest reliabilities

    M'()%* scale  ICC(1) &est)retest reliability r tt IM 3./% 3.%/OO

    IIa 3.2- 3.-3OO

    IIb 3./2 3.$2OO

    I# 3.2% 3.%-OO

    I0 3.26 3.6"

    0R 3./- 3.2OO:MbH 3./$ 3.%OO

    MbHP 3.-$ 3."!

    '1 3./" 3.6"

     Notes. IM L Ins+irational Motivation IIa L IdealiCed Influence

    attributed IIb L IdealiCed Influence behavior I# L Intellectual

    #timulation I0 L IndividualiCed 0onsideration 0R L 0ontinent

    Reward :MbH L :ctive Manaement by H?ce+tion MbHP L

    Manaement by H?ce+tion Passive '1 L 'aisseC)1aire

    O p  .3% OO p  .3!


  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    'orms and descripti$e statistics

    In cross)cultural research, it is im+ortant to have descri+tive data in order to com+are different

    cultures. 0onseFuently, in this section we +resent descri+tive statistics for the sam+les used in

    our research 8c. f. &able !9. &ables -.! 5 -.6 show the descri+tive statistics for each of thesam+les used in our analyses. 4ote that the means are relatively hih, due to the different

    scalin format 8! ) %9. In accordance with earlier research, transformational leadershi+ was

    observed more freFuently than transactional or nonleadershi+ behavior 87ass ; :volio, "333

    :volio ; 7ass, "33$9.

    &able -.!

    Means, standard deviations, and internal consistency estimates


    Government 8 N  L "-9 Manufacturin : 8 N  L "369

     M SD α M SD α



    !. IM 6.!$ .-2 .-- 6.-2 .6 .-2

    ". IIa 6."" ./2 ./$ 6.-/ .% .-

    6. IIb 6."" .-2 .-% 6.-- .%2 .2

    $. I# 6.62 .-- .-2 6./2 .%- .

    %. I0 6."2 ./! .- 6.-/ .%% ."

    Transactional leadership

    .0R 6.6$ .-2 .- 6.2 .%3 .

    -. :MbH "./ .- .-! 6."6 .-" .-/. MbHP "."% ./" .2 ".6/ .%/ .!

    2. '1 "."6 ./! .2 !./$ .! .-6

     Dependent Measures

    !3. HH1 6.33 ./ .// 6.3 .- ./%

    !!. H11 6.$- .-- ./! 6.// .$ .-%

    !". #:& 6.%! ./ .-% 6./2 .%- ./$

     Notes. IM L Ins+irational Motivation IIa L IdealiCed Influence attributed IIb L IdealiCed

    Influence behavior I# L Intellectual #timulation I0 L IndividualiCed 0onsideration 0R L

    0ontinent Reward :MbH L :ctive Manaement by H?ce+tion MbHP L Manaement by

    H?ce+tion Passive '1 L 'aisseC)1aire HH1 L H?tra Hffort H11 L Hffectiveness #:& L



  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    &able -."

    Means, standard deviations, and internal consistency estimates


    Manufacturin 0 8 N  L $!69 Public trans+ort 8 N  L "369

     M SD α M SD α

    Transformational leadership

    !. IM 6.-2 .6 .-! 6.! . .-

    ". IIa 6.-/ .% .-2 6."/ ./3 .-2

    6. IIb 6.-- .%2 .% 6.66 .-$ .2

    $. I# 6./2 .%- ./ 6.$/ ./% .-/

    %. I0 6.-/ .%% .-- 6.$3 .-- .-

    Transactional leadership

    .0R 6.2 .%3 .%/ 6.$6 .-- .-3

    -. :MbH 6."6 .-" .- 6.3! ./" .2

    /. MbHP ".6/ .%/ . "."/ .-! .%

    2. '1 !./$ .! .-! ".32 .- .-$ Dependent Measures

    !3. HH1 6.3 .- .-2 6.!2 ./$ ./3

    !!. H11 6.// .$ .-$ 6.% .- .-3

    !". #:& 6./2 .%- .% 6.%3 .2! .--

     Notes. IM L Ins+irational Motivation IIa L IdealiCed Influence attributed IIb L IdealiCed

    Influence behavior I# L Intellectual #timulation I0 L IndividualiCed 0onsideration 0R L

    0ontinent Reward :MbH L :ctive Manaement by H?ce+tion MbHP L Manaement by

    H?ce+tion Passive '1 L 'aisseC)1aire HH1 L H?tra Hffort H11 L Hffectiveness #:& L



  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    &able -.6

    Means, standard deviations, and internal consistency estimates


    0onvenience sam+le 8 N L "-9 #tudent sam+le 8 N  L $!9

     M SD α M SD α

    Transformational leadership

    !. IM 6.6- 3./$ .-6 6.6- 3./$ ./!

    ". IIa 6.!6 !.36 ./" 6.!6 !.36 .-3

    6. IIb 6.$% 3./$ . 6.$% 3./$ .%

    $. I# 6.6 3.23 .-/ 6.6 3.23 ./6

    %. I0 6.63 !.3" ./! 6.63 !.3" .--

    Transactional leadership

    .0R 6.%2 3./ .-! 6.%2 3./ .%/

    -. :MbH 6.3- 3./3 .- 6.3- 3./3 .-

    /. MbHP "." 3.2! . "." 3.2! .

    2. '1 ".6/ !.3% .-/ ".6/ !.3% .-! Dependent Measures

    !3. HH1 6."! 3.22 .-2 6."! 3.22 .-!

    !!. H11 6.$$ 3.2$ ./3 6.$$ 3.2$ .!

    !". #:& 6."6 !.!/ ./" 6."6 !.!/ .2"

     Notes. IM L Ins+irational Motivation IIa L IdealiCed Influence attributed IIb L IdealiCed

    Influence behavior I# L Intellectual #timulation I0 L IndividualiCed 0onsideration 0R L

    0ontinent Reward :MbH L :ctive Manaement by H?ce+tion MbHP L Manaement by

    H?ce+tion Passive '1 L 'aisseC)1aire HH1 L H?tra Hffort H11 L Hffectiveness #:& L


    Moreover, we were interested in the norm for each of the nine leadershi+ behaviors. &hus,

    &ables /.! 5 /.6 +resent the +ercentiles for the three different rater +ers+ectives. &hat is, &able

    /.! includes only raters that were at a lower level than the focal leader &able /.". includes

    only same)level raters &able /.6. +resents results for hiher)level raters. In eneral, the results

    are com+arable to norms from other continents and nations 8:volio ; 7ass, "33$9. :s a

    tendency, leaders from German)s+ea>in countries were e?hibitin less transformational

    leadershi+ than their U.#. colleaues. &he reverse is true for transactional and nonleadershi+.

    &hat is, manaers from the U.# show less of this +assive leadershi+ behavior than their 

    German)s+ea>in colleaues. &hus, the results +resented here re+licate findins from earlier 

    research 8Euchin>e, !2229. It should be >e+t in mind, however, that the cross)culturally

    differences are very small and should be treated with caution. 1urther research is needed toclarify the nation)s+ecific differences.

    In sum, the followin +aes 8&ables /.! 5 /.69 +resent for the first time s+ecific norms for 

    German)s+ea>in nations. :s such, they can be viewed as an im+ortant ste+ toward lanuae)

    s+ecific norms that will hel+ for a more norm)based assessment and develo+ment of manaers

    effective leadershi+ behaviors 8:volio, aldman ; Qammarino, !22! :volio, !2229.


  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    &able /.!

    Percentiles for individual scores based on ratins at a lower level than focal leader 

    1267 1267 1267 1267 1267 1266 1266 1267 1267 1261 1267 1265

    3.51 3.51 3.58 3.41 3.29 3.56 3.05 2.35 2.15 3.39 3.50 3.78

    .83 .93 .81 .91 .89 .75 .81 .81 .86 .89 .78 .89

    4.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.50 4.00 5.00 4.00 3.51

    2.25 1.75 2.25 1.75 1.75 2.25 1.75 1.25 1.00 2.00 2.00 .83

    2.50 2.25 2.50 2.25 2.00 2.50 2.00 1.25 1.00 2.33 2.50 4.00

    2.75 2.75 3.00 2.50 2.50 3.00 2.25 1.75 1.38 2.67 2.75 2.25

    3.00 3.00 3.25 3.00 2.75 3.25 2.75 2.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 2.50

    3.25 3.50 3.50 3.25 3.25 3.50 2.75 2.00 1.75 3.33 3.33 2.75

    3.50 3.50 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.67 3.00 2.25 2.00 3.33 3.50 3.00

    3.75 3.88 3.75 3.75 3.50 3.75 3.25 2.50 2.25 3.67 3.75 3.25

    4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.75 4.00 3.50 2.75 2.50 4.00 4.00 3.50

    4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.00 4.25 3.75 3.00 2.75 4.00 4.25 3.75

    4.75 4.75 4.75 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.50 4.67 4.50 4.00

    5.00 5.00 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.38 3.75 3.75 5.00 4.75 4.25


    #tandard eviation

































    passive aissez-aire +,tra +ffort +ffetiveness #atisfation

  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    &able /."

    Percentiles for individual scores based on ratins at the same level than focal leader 

    155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 154

    3.93 3.90 3.94 4.05 4.00 3.74 3.09 2.22 1.60 3.73 3.95 4.10

    .60 .40 .58 .54 .52 .48 .80 .60 .53 .65 .48 .50

    2.75 2.00 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.75 4.00 3.75 2.75 4.00 3.25 3.00

    2.98 3.25 2.75 3.25 3.23 3.00 1.75 1.25 1.00 2.67 3.20 3.00

    3.25 3.38 3.25 3.48 3.28 3.13 2.00 1.50 1.00 3.00 3.25 3.50

    3.50 3.50 3.50 3.65 3.50 3.25 2.50 1.75 1.00 3.33 3.63 3.95

    3.63 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.50 2.74 2.00 1.25 3.50 3.75 4.00

    3.75 3.75 3.85 4.00 3.75 3.63 3.00 2.00 1.25 3.67 3.88 4.00

    4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.75 3.25 2.00 1.50 3.67 4.00 4.00

    4.05 4.00 4.25 4.25 4.00 3.82 3.25 2.25 1.75 4.00 4.00 4.00

    4.25 4.00 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.00 3.50 2.50 1.75 4.00 4.25 4.50

    4.48 4.25 4.38 4.50 4.50 4.00 3.75 2.75 2.00 4.33 4.25 4.50

    4.75 4.50 4.50 4.75 4.75 4.40 4.25 3.00 2.43 4.33 4.50 4.55

    5.00 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.00 4.68 4.37 3.25 2.50 4.73 4.75 5.00


    #tandard eviation

































    passive aissez-aire +,tra +ffort +ffetiveness #atisfation


  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


    &able /.6

    Percentiles for individual scores based on ratins at a hiher level than focal leader 

    91 90 91 91 90 91 91 91 91 90 90 90

    3.74 3.74 3.73 3.77 3.75 3.77 3.19 2.38 1.96 3.42 3.86 3.75

    .67 .64 .64 .60 .52 .48 .68 .65 .68 .62 .43 .63

    3.00 2.50 2.75 2.75 2.25 2.25 3.00 3.00 2.75 3.00 2.00 2.90

    2.40 2.75 2.25 2.75 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.15 1.00 2.18 3.25 2.50

    3.00 2.88 2.80 3.00 3.00 3.04 2.25 1.50 1.25 2.67 3.25 2.91

    3.25 3.03 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 2.50 1.75 1.25 2.95 3.50 3.50

    3.50 3.25 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 2.75 2.00 1.50 3.00 3.52 3.50

    3.60 3.50 3.75 3.62 3.66 3.73 3.00 2.25 1.50 3.33 3.75 3.50

    3.75 3.90 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.88 3.25 2.50 1.88 3.42 3.81 4.00

    4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.90 4.00 3.50 2.50 2.25 3.67 4.00 4.00

    4.25 4.25 4.00 4.10 4.00 4.00 3.75 2.75 2.50 3.67 4.00 4.00

    4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 3.75 3.00 2.50 4.00 4.25 4.40

    4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.32 4.00 3.25 2.96 4.30 4.50 4.50

    4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.50 4.25 3.25 3.25 4.33 4.50 4.73


    #tandard evaition

































    passive aissez-aire +,tra +ffort +ffetiveness #atisfation


  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc



    Summary of results&he results +resented underline the ood +sychometric Fualities of the German translation of 

    the M'()%* 8Rowold, "33$b9. #everal analyses +rovided su++ort for hih construct and

    converent validity. Moreover, three inde+endent methods were a++lied and yielded ood

    reliabilities for the M'()%*. In sum, this translation of the M'()%* is a valid and reliable

    instrument for assessin leadersA behavior. 7oth researchers and +ractitioners in German)

    s+ea>in countries are now eFui++ed with an instrument ready to a++ly the state)of)the)art

     +aradim of transformational and transactional leadershi+ available from Mind Garden, Inc.

    :s has been shown in the validity section, our results lend further su++ort for the nine)factor 

    model of the M'()%*. &hus, results of recent lare sam+le)siCe research 8:ntona>is et al.,

    "336 :volio ; 7ass, "33$9 have been re+licated by our confirmatory factor analyses. :s a

    conseFuence, the 1ull Rane Model of 'eadershi+ 8:ntona>is ; =ouse, "33" :volio ; 7ass,"33"9 seems a valid a++roach to leadershi+ in German)s+ea>in countries. &his is es+ecially

    im+ortant for leadershi+ trainin and develo+ment, one of the >ey factors for oraniCationsA

    lon)term economic success 81uller et al., !229.

    The uni$ersality of the transformational ) transactional leadershipparadi&m

    &heory of transformational leadershi+ states that both transformational and transactional

    leadershi+ styles are a++licable in a variety of settins. It has been observed in the military,

    hos+ital, industry, overnment, education, church, and many more 87ass, !22/9. &heuniversality of the transformational 5 transactional leadershi+ +aradim can hel+ leaders to be

    more successful, both in terms of economic success, but also in terms of their followersA

    satisfaction and commitment 87arlin et al., !22 Den =arto, anMuiBen ; Eoo+man,


    Many areas of a++lication are still waitin to be e?+lored by leadershi+ research. &hese areas

    miht benefit from the a++lication of the transformational 5 transactional leadershi+

     +aradim. :t +resent, we conduct research with s+ort leaders 8Rowold, "33$a9, with clery

    8Rowold, "33$c9, and with musical conductors 8Rowold, "33$d9. :s we are validatin

    modified versions of the M'()%* in these conte?ts, we are e?cited about the +ossible

     +ositive im+act transformational leadershi+ miht have on followersA satisfaction, e?tra effort,

    and leadersA effectiveness. It is our intention to hel+ leaders in a variety of settins to learnmore about effective leadershi+ styles.


    Implications for theory

    More research with additional sam+les is needed to further su++ort these results. &he author is

    conductin research +roBects that aim at +rovidin more em+irical data on the +sychometric

     +ro+erties of the M'()%*. &his is es+ecially im+ortant for more differentiated norms based

    on larer sam+le siCes. :s the sam+le siCes for a9 the lower level rater form and b9 the hiher 

    level rater form were limited, it seems eliible to obtain larer sam+le for a better em+irical

    foundation of the res+ective norms.

    Moreover, althouh we were able to show hih converent validity between different

    a++roach to measurin transformational leadershi+ 8&'I and M'()%*9, still other instruments

    need to be considered. More s+ecifically, the a++roach to charismatic leadershi+ as +ro+osed

  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc


     by 0oner and Eanuno 8!22/9 shows some theoretical overla+ with the transformational

    leadershi+ a++roach. :s a conseFuence, the converent validity between charismatic and

    transformational leadershi+ should be e?+lored 8=unt ; 0oner, !222 0oner ; =unt,



  • 8/17/2019 Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.doc



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