mrs. stephanie galloway baker (’73) named to ca school ... · pdf filemrs. stephanie...

OU? Oh, Yes! October 12, 2012 Page 1 Vol. 2, No. 41 October 12, 2012 Mrs. Stephanie Galloway Baker (’73) named to CA school district’s #2 post second-highest-post Stephanie R. Baker Chief Academic Officer/Assistant Superintendent Pomona Unified School District ( Note: Since Team PR e-blasted this announcement to our stakeholders earlier this week, feedback has come from several persons – including the honoree!) Hi OU? Oh, Yes! -- I can’t believe that you found this (Whittier Daily News article)!!! I had never heard of Google Alert until my Superintendent sent me the article in an email on Saturday. So much for trying to be incognito. I stand amazed at how God has ordered my steps in the public education arena! Since leaving 13 years of service in our denominational schools, my career has skyrocketed – and all without pursuing any of these positions. No applications submitted. No interviews. No doctoral degree (which, as you know, is almost a requirement when working in large, urban school districts such as Pomona Unified.) Only God!!!!! All praises to Him and to: Oakwood University, where I learned the importance of ‘Departing to Serve.’

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Page 1: Mrs. Stephanie Galloway Baker (’73) named to CA school ... · PDF fileMrs. Stephanie Galloway Baker (’73) named to CA school ... 13 years of service in our denominational schools,

OU? Oh, Yes! October 12, 2012 Page 1

Vol. 2, No. 41 October 12, 2012

Mrs. Stephanie Galloway Baker (’73) named to CA school district’s #2 post

Stephanie R. Baker Chief Academic Officer/Assistant Superintendent Pomona Unified School District

( Note: Since Team PR e-blasted this announcement to our stakeholders earlier this week, feedback has come from several persons – including the honoree!) Hi OU? Oh, Yes! -- I can’t believe that you found this (Whittier Daily News article)!!! I had never heard of Google Alert until my Superintendent sent me the article in an email on Saturday. So much for trying to be incognito.

I stand amazed at how God has ordered my steps in the public education arena! Since leaving 13 years of service in our denominational schools, my career has skyrocketed – and all without pursuing any of these positions. No applications submitted. No interviews. No doctoral degree (which, as you know, is almost a requirement when working in large, urban school districts such as Pomona Unified.) Only God!!!!! All praises to Him and to: Oakwood University, where I learned the importance of ‘Departing to Serve.’

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OU? Oh, Yes! October 12, 2012 Page 2

• Denominational work, where compensation is not what drives us to do our work! Many are stunned that I accepted this position and the many additional responsibilities without the increase in salary. But these are fiscally challenging times in California, and when we have laid off 234 teachers and support staff for this school year, increasing the salary of an administrator can’t be easily justified. Oakwood and denominational work taught me to serve for the sake of doing what God has prepared one to do.

"Jehovah Jireh" (God will provide) will step in as needed to take care of the Baker (household) budget. Again, all praises! Love, Stephanie

“Happy to share this local breaking news on the wonderful success of our former schoolmate, fellow church member, bookclub buddy and friend [whichever applies] - Stephanie Galloway Baker! CONGRATULATIONS to Stephanie [and Clifton] ~ we are thrilled but not surprised. God is Good!

Always, Sharon Cluff (class of ’75)

CONGRATULATIONS Stephanie! A recognition that is well deserved. I don't know who holds Pomona Unified's Highest Post but they need to start clearing their desk! Louraine Meyers

CONGRATULATIONS Stephanie [& Cliff]!!! So thrilled and excited for you. And yes, you deserve it!!! Love Louraine's comment for your next boss needing to clear their desk ! God leads His dear children along!

Take care, Janice Lindsey Willis (class of ’78)

Anyone who knows Stephanie will not surprised in the least by this announcement. Stephanie is a truly great talent with exceptional leadership skills. With the class of 1973's reunion coming up, I'm thrilled to see that the University has taken official notice of Stephanie's significant accomplishments. Thanks for sharing this great story with us. Stephanie would have likely never mentioned this to anyone. I was in a class of 1973 Alumni Homecoming planning teleconference with Stephanie Sunday evening (10-7-12), and none of us had a clue! Congratulations, Stephanie!

All the best, W. Sherman Rogers, http:\\

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OU? Oh, Yes! October 12, 2012 Page 3

College Days brings Dr Phil’s former 550-lb. teenage guest to OU, as Class of 2017 prospect!

Of all the 616 high school seniors and chaperones from across the US, Bermuda and Canada who visited Oakwood for College Days (October 7-9), perhaps none were as excited as 17-year old Alex Draper and his aunt, Ms. Tammie Miller, from Traveler’s Rest, South Carolina. Why? Because that’s what this then-16 year old formerly 550-lb. teenager told TV show host Dr. Phil and his millions of viewers. The OU website reported (8/23/11): “the President's Office received a surprise call from the president of Dr. Phil McGraw's Charitable Foundation. Dr. Phil had recently interviewed a 16-year-old who at one time weighed 500 pounds, but has lost 250 pounds. “During the interview, Dr. Phil asked the young man what he would like to do with his life. He replied that he would like to go to college. When Dr. Phil asked, ‘Which college would you like to go to?,’ the young man replied ‘Oakwood.’

“Having never heard of Oakwood, the young man's reference to Oakwood led the foundation president to ‘Google’ Oakwood, visit our website, and call immediately. “President Pollard spent 30 minutes talking to him and the vice-president of the multimillion dollar foundation about Oakwood, and about Oakwood's God.

They were then invited to visit our campus. They promised to come ASAP.” More photos of College Days 2012 are available on the Oakwood website:

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OU? Oh, Yes! October 12, 2012 Page 4

OU professor receives special honors from international management organization

The Academy of Management (AOM) recently awarded OU management professor Dr. Theodore Brown Sr. a plaque for "Outstanding Leadership and Service to the Academy," for his contributions as Caucus Program Committee Chair during its 2012 conference in Boston, Massachusetts, where its theme was "The Informal Economy.” According to Brown, the conference registered its largest attendance with over 11,000 scholars from approximately 78 countries. He was also invited to serve as a second-term chair, for the 2013 AOM Conference in Lake Buena Vista, Florida; its conference theme will be "Capitalism in Question."

Additionally, Dr. Brown was selected to attend the upcoming AOM Africa Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, in January 2013. “The Africa Conference is capped at 450 people, whereas the AOM has over 20,000 members in 103 countries,” he explained.

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"The purpose of this conference is to bring Africa's unique capabilities and needs to the attention of the world's organization and management scholars and, at the same time, to provide an opportunity for interested colleagues to collaborate and to work on the many interesting theoretical and practical problems presented in Africa." Brown is a 1998 cohort and 2005 graduate of Andrews University, with a Ph. D. in Leadership with an emphasis in Financial Management, where he also serves as an Adjunct Professor of Leadership.

World rankings feature OU's Aeolians Choir #16, and #1 in pop/jazz/gospel category

According to the latest world rankings from INTERKULTUR, the Germany-based producer of the World Choir Games, Oakwood’s Aeolians Choir is world-ranked at #16 (out of 1,000 international choirs), and #1 in the pop/jazz gospel category, During the 2012 World Choir Games in Cincinnati, the first-time competing Aeolians won three gold medals in their three categories (Music of the Religions, Musica Contemporanea and the Spiritual), as well as captured the World Spiritual Championship. (See the 7/19/12 issue of OU? Oh, Yes! for more details:

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Oakwood’s Department of Chemistry and North Alabama MENSA for Kids Present

25th annual Chemistry Night in the Oakwood Chemistry Lab

Monday, October 22, 2012 – 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Cooper Science Complex – Chemistry/Allied Health Building C, 2nd floor - Rm 211

The program is open to all ages, but children must be accompanied by adult partners. There is no charge for participation. For more information, call Dr. Kenneth Lai Hing - (256) 726 7112.

November 16 deadline fast approaching. . . Oakwood University has been invited to coordinate the Sabbath program at the Ellen G. White Estate’s Year-end Consultation, scheduled for January 4-7, 2013, on Kent Island, Maryland.

Writers of the best eight student papers will qualify for a scholarship and an all-expenses-paid trip to Kent Island. We welcome interdisciplinary collaboration on a unified service learning activity implementing the findings of our research.

Oakwood instructors and students who are willing to participate in this project are to submit Re-CONNECT research papers in 5-7 double spaced pages

with a total of 25 references, addressing the issue of familial dysfunction and negative disparities affecting single parent households among African American families. The purpose of the papers is for students to discover what solutions and answers are offered in the Everlasting Gospel of Revelation 14:6-12, to rectify the family dysfunction and ensuing disparities decimating the African American community. The deadline for submitting papers is November 16, 2012.

Questions, input or responses should be directed to the Ellen G. White Estate, Oakwood University Branch Office at (256) 726-8423, or at [email protected] or [email protected].

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Madison County Sherriff guest of Department of History and Political Science

The Department of History and Political Science welcomed approximately 250 people to the McKee Business & Technology Complex auditorium, for the third installment in its ”Legal Careers Seminar Series,” on Wednesday evening, October 3. Madison County Sheriff Blake L. Dorning was the guest speaker. The program began with an invocation by Antoine Southern, a junior Pre-Law major. Ms. Alexandra Carrington, a sophomore Pre-Law major and chaplain of the OU Prelaw Society, shared a devotional reading. On behalf of the OU

administration, Dr. Tim McDonald, Provost and Senior Vice President, welcomed Sheriff Dorning and all in attendance. Ms. Leandra Joseph, a sophomore International Studies major and president of the OU Pre-Law Society, issued a general welcome. Dr. Samuel London, Chair of the Department of History and Political Science, introduced the guest speaker. Sheriff Dorning described his journey into the field of law enforcement, his duties and responsibilities as Madison County Sheriff, and shared tips for students aspiring to become law enforcement officers. He also showed clips from a law enforcement training video and answered

several questions from the audience. Ms. Joseph, accompanied by Dr. London, presented Sheriff Dorning with gifts of appreciation – including a hardbound copy of the volume Last Day Events by Ellen G. White. OU Police Department Chief Lewis Eakins (pictured, left, with Sherriff Dorning) commended the Sheriff for his commitment to the Christian faith and community service. Chief Eakins also discussed the positive history between the Madison County Sheriff’s Department and the Oakwood University Police. He

pointed out that when OU’s Department of Public Safety applied to the state for law enforcement status, it was granted in large part due to Sherriff Dorning’s recommendation. Ms. Kendall Powell-Hicks, a junior International Studies major, gave the closing announcements. After Mr. Jonté Hunter provided the closing prayer, refreshments were served, courtesy of the Department of History and Political Science.

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RADM Clara Cobb

Regional IV Health Administrator, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health

Vote for Oakwood!!

Since 2005, the number of vegetarians and vegans on college campuses has increased 50 percent! In response to huge student demand, schools across the country are following Oakwood and Sodexo’s lead in producing healthy vegetarian menus. Vote for Oakwood University as we attempt to win the prestigious title of peta2's Most Vegan-Friendly College! The competition is underway as these top schools battle it out during Round 1. Voting for round one ends at 5:00 p.m. ET on October 16. Winners will be announced November 15, so cast your vote today by visiting:

Just 24 days until Election Day.

Oakwood alum Clara Cobb earns another “star”

As executive-level officers of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (Corps), Flag officers exemplify the core values for which commissioned officers are known. Rear Admiral Clara Cobb is one of 19 officers who were recently approved for

a “Flag grade promotion.” Ms. Cobb was promoted from O-7 (“1 star”) to O-8 (Rear Admiral, upper half) (“2 star”). This is the same rank that another Oakwood alum, U.S. Senate Chaplain Barry Black, reached before separating from the Navy. (He is a retired Navy, 2 star.) The promotion of Ms. Cobb reinforces the Corps’ public health leadership and that of the Department of Health and Human Services. Her extraordinary efforts to reach this level of accomplishment will serve as an inspiration to others. For more information, visit

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Brianna Pringle



Ashleigh Hoagland





Nathan L. Anderson Memorial Scholarships awarded

The Board of the Nathan L. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., completed their calendar year 2012 scholarship award cycles after providing scholarship assistance to seven Oakwood University (OU) students (some of whom are pictured here).

During the Spring 2012 Semester, OU seniors Anne-Laure Cesarin and Samuel Alexandre were the inaugural recipients of the Foundation’s scholarship. Recipients of the Fall Semester 2012 awards are: (music majors) Melonie Callender and Clara Scott, and (nursing majors) Floyd Fleming, Ashleigh Hoagland and Brianna Pringle. Total scholarship assistance during 2012 from the Foundation to OU students amounted to $18,500.

The Nathan L. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Foundation was established in honor the life of Nathan L. Anderson (…). In his honor the foundation is structured to support educational institutions that Nathan attended and provide scholarships to support students pursuing college degrees in areas of importance to him: computer science, aviation, nursing and music. Further information regarding donations, scholarship eligibility or grants can be found at

Legal Careers Seminar Series ends Monday The Oakwood University Department of History & Political Science’s “Legal Careers Seminar Series” concludes on Monday, October 15, at 6:00 p.m., in the McKee Business and Technology Complex. Guest speaker Ms. Jane Mabry, a personal property and antiques appraiser in Huntsville, who specializes in antiques and collectibles, will introduce us to the field appraising, and share her expertise and experiences in the rare field of antiques and collectibles.

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OU alum’s practice recognized for quality service

The National Committee for Quality Assurance 2011 Patient-Centered Medical Home Program awarded White’s Pediatrics’ Dalton office their Level 3 Recognition. White’s Pediatrics is the first practice in Georgia to receive this recognition. Most other practices and facilities that receive this recognition are usually federally funded; White’s Pediatrics is privately funded.

The Patient-Care Medical Home 2011 is an innovative program for improving primary care, giving practices information about organizing care around patients, working in teams and coordinating and tracking care over time. The Dalton facility houses a Well Clinic for patients who need routine health checks, and an Urgent Care Clinic that provides emergency after hours care.

Oakwood alum Dr. Jeffeory White (pictured, right) founded White’s Pediatrics in 1981 as Dalton Pediatric Medical Center. Over the years White’s Pediatrics has expanded and now operates from three separate facilities in Dalton, Chatsworth, and Calhoun. Whites Pediatrics Staff: Back Row (l-r):

Ronald Tull, MD, FAAP; Merle Milburn Jr., MD, FAAP; Jeffeory White, MD, FAAP; Ayo Makinde, MD. Front Row (l-r): Regina Rogers, FNP; Kathy Schleier, CPNP; Beverly Jordan, MD, FAAP; Dawn Hancock, PNP; Carey Bramlett, FNP-BC.

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