movie film trailer posters

Analyse the posters of your 3 trailers, do

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Movie film trailer posters

Analyse the posters of your 3 trailers, do they follow a theme?

Page 2: Movie film trailer posters

Text- The poster uses lots of different types of fonts. The main logo is in red, which is the main use of colour on the poster. This makes it stand out to the audience and is more likely to remember the name of the movie. The colour red connotes danger within the film and is also evident in the main image with a shadow behind the girl.

Main Image-The main image is horizontal which shows a young girl asleep. Behind her is a shadow of a paranormal being, which could mean she is in danger. The main image is not clear and looks like a home video recording at night. This creates an eerie and scariness to the poster and it would make the viewer believe that it could happen to them and a sense of reality.

Layout-The layout of paranormal activity 4 is very unconventional, as the image is only featured half way through the poster. This leaves black sections where gothic text is present. The text is minimal therefore not giving much information into the films plot itself.

Paranormal Activity 4 Poster

Extra information- The poster itself offers promotion of the film at the bottom. For example they have used a plug by allowing the audience to watch the film before anyone else through the website below. This is in an electric blue colour to show the vibrancy and gives a glowing effect to the paranormal being.

Hook- the text also provides a hook ‘its closer than you think’ with the image being very close to the girl while she’s asleep. This shows a sense of reality to the audience.

Page 3: Movie film trailer posters

Colour scheme-The overall colours that have been used are dark which create a more sinister tone. They sky is very dark and dull, just like the boys skin. The only bright colours that stand out are the red and blue in the boy’s pyjamas.

Direct Address-The posters direct address that it uses is that the boy is staring straight into the camera. This along with other elements of the posters makes the images much more sinister and a sense of fear, as if he is looking straight through you as a viewer.

Insidious Film poster

Hook- this text provides a hook as it is from the makers of ‘paranormal activity’ and ‘saw’, which shows fans of them movies that they will enjoy this. Text-

The poster uses the same font that is used in the film trailer. The font colour is light compared to the dark background, which creates a contrast so that the title can be seen which is the most striking.Smaller line fonts have also been included are used to credit other people in the film such as the actors.

Main Image-The image has used a medium close up shot of a young boy, which is the main character in the film. The boy looks vulnerable and could be the one who is possessed due to the dark eyes that draw you in. Behind the boy a house is recognizable which is where the main events of the film will take place. The main image is centered which shows he is the main focus of the film and the events that will occur at this location.

Layout-The layout of Insidious is very simple, using straight text lines which makes the poster look aesthetically pleasing to the viewer and shows the main elements clearly.

Page 4: Movie film trailer posters

The Conjuring Posters

Text- The main title on this poster is in capital letters and in black, which matches other features in the poster. The film title is displayed in a bold font compared to the hook text as it the most prominent feature to catch the audiences attention.

Colour scheme-The colours that have been used on this poster are grey, browns and blacks, which connote mystery within the image, which could signify the plot of the film.

Layout-The conjuring poster’s layout consists of the main image with other text features, which adds to the overall effect. The text has been used in straight lines, which makes the poster look clean and professional which could relate to the quality of the film. The film credits are placed at the bottom of the poster, which includes all the actors that are included in the film. This may influences the audience’s interest to watch the film.

Main Image-The conjuring poster, the main image occupies the whole of the poster making it clear to the audience. This image is a long shot of a family home surrounded by open space with a bent tree in front. On the tree a rope is hanging which may indicate a death from the tree, as a young girls shadow can be seen on the floor from where the incident took place. The image is quite mysterious which may interest someone to want to watch the film.

Hook- this text provides a hook to the audience in which they believe is a true story so therefore makes it scarier for the audience, which will intrigue them.

Page 5: Movie film trailer posters

Text- The main title on this poster is the same compared to the other but does have different elements. For example, this logo is in white, which contrasts well with the background. The placement of the title is also different which has been moved towards the bottom of the poster so that the main focus is on the image. Other elements such as the hook are also displayed in the same size and font, making it more consistent.

Main Image-This conjuring poster shows a woman in the center in a rocking chair. On her lap shows a doll, which looks possessed which could signify the plot of the story. This shows a long shot with the woman facing the wall showing that she is not aware, but the dolls face is turnt, which could indicate that it is alive. Compared to the other image this one shows a scarier element, which is featured in the film, as the other is tame.

Layout-The conjuring poster’s layout consists of the main image with other text features, which adds to the overall effect. The text has been used in straight lines, which makes the poster look clean and professional which could relate to the quality of the film, but is more centered placed at the bottom of the poster, along with the film credits. This includes all the actors that are included in the film. This may influences the audience’s interest to watch the film.

Lighting-The lighting on this poster is fairly dark with high key lightning. This makes the characters become clearer and a main focus.

Film company-The logo of the film companies that promote and produce the film is shown at the bottom of the poster, which is a typical convention for a film poster.

Colour scheme-The only colours that are prominent in this image is black and white which shows the darkness and making it seem a lot more scary to the audience.