mouni(equity analysis)

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  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    A project report


    A study on Equity Analysis


    India Bulls.

    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

    Requirements for the award of the Degree



    Submitted $



    !nder the %uidance of 

    Mr. K.V.R.Satya kumar

    HD ! Assistant "ro#$ssor


    S% "E%ERS E&)I&EERI&) *++E)E

     &Affiliated to 'awaharlal #ehru Technological !ni(ersit$ )$derabad*


    +,-. / +,-0

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    1)A2TER "


  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)



    India is a developing country. Nowadays many people are interested to

    invest in fnancial markets especially on equities to get high returns, and to

    save tax in honest way. Equities are playing a major role in contribution

    o capital to the business rom the beginning.   !ince the introduction

    o shares concept, large numbers o investors are showing interest to invest

    in stock market.  In an industry plagued with skepticism and a stock market

    increasingly di"cult to predict t  and contend with, i one looks hard

    enough there may still be a genuine aid or the #ay   $rader and !hort

     $erm Investor. 

     $he price o a security represents a consensus. It is the price at which

    one person agrees  to buy and another agrees to sel l . $he price at

    which an investor is willing to buy or sell  depends primarily on his

    expectations. I he expects the security%s price to rise, he will buy

    it& i the investor expects the price to all, he will sell it. $hese simple

    statements are the cause o a major challenge in orecasting security prices,

    because they reer to human e x p e c t a t i o n s .

    ' s   w e a l l   k n o w f r s t h a n d , h u m a n s e x p e c t a t i o n s

    a re n e i t h e r e a s i l y quantifable nor p redictable. I p rices a re

    based on investor expectat ions, then knowingwhat a secur ity

    should sell or (i.e., undamental analysis) becomes less important

    thanknowing what other investors expect it to sell or. $hat%s not

    to say that knowing what asecurity should sell or isn%t important**it is.

    +ut there is usually a airly strong consensuso a stock%s uture earnings that

    the average investor cannot disproveundamental analysis and technical

    analysis can co*exist in peace and complement eachot he r. ! inc e a l l the

    i n v e s t o r s i n t h e s t o c k m a r k e t w a n t t o m a k e t h e m a x i m u m

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    prof t s possible, they just cannot a-ord to ignore either undamental or

    technical analysis



  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)



    "n(estment success is prett$ much a matter of careful selection and timing of stoc6 purchases

    coupled with perfect matching to an indi(iduals ris6 tolerance7 "n order to carr$ out selection8

    timing and matching actions an in(estor must conduct deep securit$ anal$sis7

    "n(estors purchase equit$ shares with two basic objecti(es9

    -7 To ma6e capital profits b$ selling shares at higher prices7

    +7 To earn di(idend income7

    These two factors are affected b$ a host of factors7 An in(estor has to carefull$ understand and

    anal$:e all these factors7 There are basicall$ two approaches to stud$ securit$ prices and

    (aluation i7e7 fundamental anal$sis and technical anal$sis

    The (alue of common stoc6 is determined in large measure b$ the performance of the firm that

    issued the stoc67 "f the compan$ is health$ and can demonstrate strength and growth8 the (alue of 

    the stoc6 will increase7 5hen (alues increase then prices follow and returns on an in(estment

    will increase7 )owe(er8 just to 6eep the sa(($ in(estor on their toes8 the mi; is complicated b$

    the ris6 factors in(ol(ed7 Fundamental anal$sis e;amines all the dimensions of ris6 e;posure and

    the probabilities of return8 and merges them with broader economic anal$sis and greater industr$

    anal$sis to formulate the (aluation of a stoc67

    '(&DAME&%A+ A&A+,SIS

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    Fundamental anal$sis is a method of forecasting the future price mo(ements of a financial

    instrument based on economic8 political8 en(ironmental and other rele(ant factors and statistics

    that will affect the basic suppl$ and demand of whate(er underlies the financial instrument7 "t is

    the stud$ of economic8 industr$ and compan$ conditions in an effort to determine the (alue of a


    down approach?7 This approach attempts to stud$ the economic scenario8 industr$ position and

    the compan$ e;pectations and is also 6nown as -$onomi/industry/omany aroa EI*


    Thus the EI* aroa in(ol(es three steps@

    -7 Economic anal$sis

    +7 "ndustr$ anal$sis

    7 1ompan$ anal$sis

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    -7 E*&MI* A&A+,SIS

    The le(el of economic acti(it$ has an impact on in(estment in man$ wa$s7 "f the econom$ growsrapidl$8 the industr$ can also be e;pected to show rapid growth and (ice (ersa7 5hen the le(el of 

    economic acti(it$ is low8 stoc6 prices are low8 and when the le(el of economic acti(it$ is high8

    stoc6 prices are high reflecting the prosperous outloo6 for sales and profits of the firms7 The

    anal$sis of macro economic en(ironment is essential to understand the beha(ior of the stoc6 


    The commonl$ anal$:ed macro economic factors are as follows@

    )ross Dom$sti "rodut )D"35 %D2 indicates the rate of growth of the econom$7 "t represents

    the aggregate (alue of the goods and ser(ices produced in the econom$7 "t consists of personal

    consumption e;penditure8 gross pri(ate domestic in(estment and go(ernment e;penditure on

    goods and ser(ices and net e;ports of goods and ser(ices7 The growth rate of econom$ points out

    the prospects for the industrial sector and the return in(estors can e;pect from in(estment in

    shares7 The higher growth rate is more fa(orable to the stoc6 mar6et7

    Sa6in7s and in6$stm$nt5 "t is ob(ious that growth requires in(estment which in turn requires

    substantial amount of domestic sa(ings7 Stoc6 mar6et is a channel through which the sa(ings are

    made a(ailable to the corporate bodies7 Sa(ings are distributed o(er (arious assets li6e equit$

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    shares8 deposits8 mutual funds8 real estate and bullion7 The sa(ings and in(estment patterns of the

     public affect the stoc6 to a great e;tent7

    In#lation5 Along with the growth of %D28 if the inflation rate also increases8 then the real growth

    would be (er$ little7 The effects of inflation on capital mar6ets are numerous7 An increase in the

    e;pected rate of inflation is e;pected to cause a nominal rise in interest rates7 Also8 it increases

    uncertaint$ of future business and in(estment decisions7 As inflation increases8 it results in e;tra

    costs to businesses8 thereb$ squee:ing their profit margins and leading to real declines in


    Int$r$st rat$s5 The interest rate affects the cost of financing to the firms7 A decrease in interest

    rate implies lower cost of finance for firms and more profitabilit$7 More mone$ is a(ailable at a

    lower interest rate for the bro6ers who are doing business with borrowed mone$7 A(ailabilit$ of 

    cheap funds encourages speculation and rise in the price of shares7

    %a8 strutur$5 E(er$ $ear in March8 the business communit$ eagerl$ awaits the %o(ernment

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    2. I&D(S%R, A&A+,SIS

    An industr$ is a group of firms that ha(e similar technological structure of production and

     produce similar products and "ndustr$ anal$sis is a t$pe of business research that focuses on the

    status of an industr$ or an industrial sector &a broad industr$ classification8 li6e

    BmanufacturingB*7 "rrespecti(e of specific economic situations8 some industries might be

    e;pected to perform better8 and share prices in these industries ma$ not decline as much as in

    other industries7 This identification of economic and industr$ specific factors influencing share

     prices will help in(estors to identif$ the shares that fit indi(idual e;pectations

    Industry +i#$ *yl$5 The industr$ life c$cle theor$ is generall$ attributed to 'ulius %rodens6$7

    The life c$cle of the industr$ is separated into four well defined stages7

    •  Pioneering stage: The prospecti(e demand for the product is promising in this stage and

    the technolog$ of the product is low7 The demand for the product attracts man$ producers

    to produce the particular product7 There would be se(ere competition and onl$ fittest

    companies sur(i(e this stage7 The producers tr$ to de(elop brand name8 differentiate the

     product and create a product image7 "n this situation8 it is difficult to select companies for 

    in(estment because the sur(i(al rate is un6nown7

    •  Rapid growth stage: This stage starts with the appearance of sur(i(ing firms from the

     pioneering stage7 The companies that ha(e withstood the competition grow strongl$ in

    mar6et share and financial performance7 The technolog$ of the production would ha(e

    impro(ed resulting in low cost of production and good qualit$ products7 The companies

    ha(e stable growth rate in this stage and the$ declare di(idend to the shareholders7 "t is

    ad(isable to in(est in the shares of these companies7

    •  Maturity and stabilization stage: the growth rate tends to moderate and the rate of 

    growth would be more or less equal to the industrial growth rate or the gross domestic

     product growth rate7 S$mptoms of obsolescence ma$ appear in the technolog$7 To 6eep

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    going8 technological inno(ations in the production process and products should be

    introduced7 The in(estors ha(e to closel$ monitor the e(ents that ta6e place in the

    maturit$ stage of the industr$7

    •  Decline stage: demand for the particular product and the earnings of the companies in the

    industr$ decline7 "t is better to a(oid in(esting in the shares of the low growth industr$

    e(en in the boom period7 "n(estment in the shares of these t$pes of companies leads to

    erosion of capital7

    )ro9t o# t$ industry5 The historical performance of the industr$ in terms of growth and

     profitabilit$ should be anal$:ed7 The past (ariabilit$ in return and growth in reaction to macro

    economic factors pro(ide an insight into the future7

    &atur$ o# om$tition5 #ature of competition is an essential factor that determines the demand

    for the particular product8 its profitabilit$ and the price of the concerned compan$ scrips7 The

    companiesC abilit$ to withstand the local as well as the multinational competition counts much7 "f 

    too man$ firms are present in the organi:ed sector8 the competition would be se(ere7 The

    competition would lead to a decline in the price of the product7 The in(estor before in(esting in

    the scrip of a compan$ should anal$:e the mar6et share of the particular compan$Cs product and

    should compare it with the top fi(e companies7

    S:% analysis5 S5OT anal$sis represents the strength8 wea6ness8 opportunit$ and threat for an industr$7 E(er$ in(estor should carr$ out a S5OT anal$sis for the chosen industr$7 Ta6e for 

    instance8 increase in demand for the industr$

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    7 *M"A&, A&A+,SIS

    "n the compan$ anal$sis the in(estor assimilates the se(eral bits of information related to the

    compan$ and e(aluates the present and future (alues of the stoc67 The ris6 and return associated

    with the purchase of the stoc6 is anal$:ed to ta6e better in(estment decisions7 The present and

    future (alues are affected b$ a number of factors7

    *om$titi6$ $d7$ o# t$ omany5 Major industries in "ndia are composed of hundreds of 

    indi(idual companies7 Though the number of companies is large8 onl$ few companies control the

    major mar6et share7 The competiti(eness of the compan$ can be studied with the help of the


    •  Market share: The mar6et share of the annual sales helps to determine a compan$

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    'inanial analysis5 The best source of financial information about a compan$ is its own

    financial statements7 This is a primar$ source of information for e(aluating the in(estment

     prospects in the particular compan$

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    a3 R$turn on Ass$ts RA3

    ROA is computed as the product of the net profit margin and the total asset turno(er ratios7

    RA ; &$t "ro#it

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    in(estments in the firm are attracti(e or not as the in(estors would li6e to in(est onl$ where the

    return is higher7

    3 R$turn on Equity

    Return on equit$ measures how much an equit$ shareholderCs in(estment is actuall$ earning7 The

    return on equit$ tells the in(estor how much the in(ested rupee is earning from the compan$7 The

    higher the number8 the better is the performance of the compan$ and suggests the usefulness of 

    the projects the compan$ has in(ested in7

    The computation of return on equit$ is as follows@

    R$turn on $quity ; &$t ro#it to o9n$rss

    *ontri=ution to t$ =usin$ss3 8 100

    The ratio is more meaningful to the equit$ shareholders who are in(ested to 6now profits earned

     b$ the compan$ and those profits which can be made a(ailable to pa$ di(idend to them7

    d3 Earnin7s $r Sar$ E"S*

    This ratio determines what the compan$ is earning for e(er$ share7 For man$ in(estors8 earnings

    are the most important tool7 E2S is calculated b$ di(iding the earnings &net profit* b$ the total

    number of equit$ shares7

    The computation of E2S is as follows@

    Earnin7s $r sar$ ; &$t ro#it

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    The E2S is a good measure of profitabilit$ and when compared with E2S of similar other 

    companies8 it gi(es a (iew of the comparati(e earnings or earnings power of a firm7 E2S

    calculated for a number of $ears indicates whether or not earning power of the compan$ has


    $3 Di6id$nd $r Sar$ D"S3

    The e;tent of pa$ment of di(idend to the shareholders is measured in the form of di(idend per 

    share7 The di(idend per share gi(es the amount of cash flow from the compan$ to the owners and

    is calculated as follows@

    Di6id$nd $r sar$ ; %otal di6id$nd aym$nt < &um=$r o# sar$s outstandin7

    The pa$ment of di(idend can ha(e se(eral interpretations to the shareholder7 The distribution of 

    di(idend could be thought of as the distribution of e;cess profitsGabnormal profits b$ the

    compan$7 On the other hand8 it could also be negati(el$ interpreted as lac6 of in(estment

    opportunities7 "n all8 di(idend pa$out gi(es the e;tent of inflows to the shareholders from the


    #3 Di6id$nd "ayout Ratio

    From the profits of each compan$ a cash flow called di(idend is distributed among its

    shareholders7 This is the continuous stream of cash flow to the owners of shares8 apart from the

     price differentials &capital gains* in the mar6et7 The return to the shareholders8 in the form of 

    di(idend8 out of the compan$Cs profit is measured through the pa$out ratio7 The pa$out ratio is

    computed as follows@

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    "ayout Ratio ; Di6id$nd $r sar$ < Earnin7s $r sar$3 ? 100

    The percentage of pa$out ratio can also be used to compute the percentage of retained earnings7

    The profits a(ailable for distribution are either paid as di(idends or retained internall$ for 

     business growth opportunities7 )ence8 when di(idends are not declared8 the entire profit is

     ploughed bac6 into the business for its future in(estments7

    73 Di6id$nd ,i$ld

    Di(idend $ield is computed b$ relating the di(idend per share to the mar6et price of the share7

    The mar6et place pro(ides opportunities for the in(estor to bu$ the compan$Cs share at an$ point

    of time7 The price at which the share has been bought from the mar6et is the actual cost of the

    in(estment to the shareholder7 The mar6et price is to be ta6en as the cum=di(idend price7

    Di(idend $ield relates the actual cost to the cash flows recei(ed from the compan$7 The

    computation of di(idend $ield is as follows

    Di6id$nd yi$ld ; Di6id$nd $r sar$ < Mark$t ri$ $r sar$3 ? 100

    )igh di(idend $ield ratios are usuall$ interpreted as under(alued companies in the mar6et7 The

    mar6et price is a measure of future discounted (alues8 while the di(idend per share is the present

    return from the in(estment7 )ence8 a high di(idend $ield implies that the share has been under 

     priced in the mar6et7 On the other hand a low di(idend $ield need not be interpreted as

    o(er(aluation of shares7 A compan$ that does not pa$ out di(idends will not ha(e a di(idend

    $ield and the real measure of the mar6et price will be in terms of earnings per share and not

    through the di(idend pa$ments7

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    3 "ri$

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)


    R$s$ar )a5

    "n(estment decisions are influenced b$ (arious moti(es7 Some people in(est in a business to

    acquire control and enjo$ the prestige associated with it7 Some people in(est in e;pensi(e $achts

    and famous (illas to displa$ their wealth7 Most in(estors howe(er are largel$ guided b$ the

     pecuniar$ moti(e of earning a return on their in(estment7

    Return is the primar$ moti(ating force that dri(es in(estment7 "t represents the reward for 

    underta6ing in(estment7 Since the game of in(esting is about returns &after allowing for ris6*8

    measurement of reali:ed &historical* returns is necessar$ to access how well the in(estment

    manager has done7 "n addition8 historical returns are often used as an important input in

    estimating future &prospecti(e* returns7

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    -7 To calculate the ris6 and return of a particular stoc6 to estimate weather the compan$ is reliable

    for the in(estor to in(est in the shares of the compan$7

    +7 To anal$:e the (arious ris6s and returns patterns in shares7

    7 To 6now the ris6 in(ol(ed with in(ests in equities7

      .7 To anal$:e which is the best performance

    7 To stud$ the in(estors reference in in(esting in Stoc6s7

  • 8/17/2019 Mouni(Equity Analysis)



    Hypothesis 1

     $he null hypothesis o the study assumes,

    / 0 $here is no signifcant impact o Equity analysis while investor investing in a


    10 $here is a signifcant impact o Equity analysis while investor investing in a


    Hypothesis 2

    /0 $he investment perormance o Equity are not done by the hedging,

    10 $he investment perormance o Equity are done by the hedging

    Hypothesis 3

    /0 $he risk and return o the Equity are not considered while investors making

    decisions on their investment security,

    10 $he risk and return o the Equity are considered while investors making

    decisions on their investment

    Hypothesis 4

    /0 $he risk and return o the Equity will not have major impact on the securities

    10 $he risk and return o the Equity will have major impact on the securities.

    Hypothesis 5

    /0 $he sample Equity may not in2uence the whole industry,

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    10 $he sample Equity will in2uence the whole industry

    So$ o# t$ study5

    The stud$ for ris6 return anal$sis is carried out b$ ta6ing -, different companies of different sectors (i:7

    "T 8 Te;tile 8 Telecommunications 8 2arma and 2etroleum7 The present project wor6 has

     been underta6en to pro(ide information regarding ris6 return on equities7 The following are the

    limitations of the stud$7

    The stud$ is based on the secondar$ data which is a(ailable from (arious websites7

    The stud$ is limited to onl$ ten securities (i: 5ipro8 )138 Tata Motors8 Maruthi Su:u6i8 harti

    Airtel8 Reliance 1ommunication8 iocon8 1ipla8 %ail8 O#%1 The time ta6en to underta6en the project wor6 is (er$ short9 hence onl$ ten securities were

    chosen for the stud$7

    "$riod o# t$ study

     $he duration o the project is 34days only

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    R$s$ar D$si7n

    The present stud$ is based on Secondar$ data7 The (arious source of secondar$ data include

    • "nternet

    •  Share prices of different SE Sense; companies7

    • "nformation pro(ide b$ networth stoc6 bro6ing

    • Maga:ines