motivational quotes for work


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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Motivational Quotes for Work. Motivational quotes have the power to lighten up our week, get us through hard times and they can make everything better! Over the years I collected quotes that really motivated me at work. I share them with my clients and now I’d like to share them with you.


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The greatest danger for most ofus is not that our aim is to highand we miss it, but that it's too

low and we reach it.

- Michael Angelo-

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Success is the sum of smallefforts repeated day in and day

out. -Robert Collier-

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You will never find time foranything. if you want time,

you must make it.

-Charles Buxton-

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It is not how much we have,but how much we enjoy, that

makes happiness.

-Charles H Spurgeon-

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Life is a journey, not a destination.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-

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To accomplish greatthings, we must not onlyact, but also dream; noton the plan but also

believe. -Anatole France-

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If you realized how powerful yourthoughts are, you would never

think a negative thought.

-Peace Pilgrim-

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To the world you may beone person,

but to one person you maybe the world.

-Josephine Billings-

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Give everything you know andmore will come back to you

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Men's best successescome after theirdisappointments.

-Henry Ward Beecher-

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If you're not activelyinvolved in gettingwhat you want, youdon't really want it.

-Peter McWilliams-

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In the long run the pessimistmay be proved right, but theoptimist has a better time on

the trip.

-Daniel L Reardon-

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You never really appreciate athing until you have to give it


-John Rhodes sturdy-

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The mind is everythingwhat you think you



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Everything I've ever done thatultimately was worthwhile... initially

scared me to death.

-Betty Bender-

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Dream as if you'll live forever, liveas if you'll die today.

-James Dean-

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Happy are those who dream dreamsand are ready to pay the price to

make them come true.

-Leon J Suenens-