monthly summary sheet 2011-2012 for the month july-june

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  • 7/24/2019 Monthly Summary Sheet 2011-2012 for the Month July-June


    Export Promotion Bureau, Bangladesh Export performance for the Month of July-June 2011-2012

    Oerall position Mn! "# $

    ProductsExport Target for


    ExportPerformance July-June. 2011-12 % Change of export

    performance overexport target

    ExportPerformance forJuly-June. 2010-


    % Change of exportperformance


    July-June. 2010-11

    1 2 % & ' (

    )ll products 2('00!00 2&%01!*0 -+!2* 22*2+!22 '!**)! Primary ommodities hapter 1-2&. 111'!&* 1001!12 -10!2' *'+!*+ &!%*1. /roen /ood hapter 02-0%. 2(!&+ '*+!&2 -1!(% (2'!0& -&!2(a) Frozen Fish (0300, 0302, 0303, 0307) 1(0!'( 10+!0' -%2!0 133.53 -1*!0+

    b) Shrimps (0306) '&*!'0 &1!( -1&!1( 77.!3 -1!2*

    ") #$hers 1(!&2 1+!0 1%!+* 13.6! %(!0

    2. )gricultural Products

    hapter 0&-2&.

    %+*!01 &02!0 %!'2 333.% 20!'*

    a) &ea (0%02) %!2* %!%+ 2!& 3.20 '!(%

    b) 'ee$ables (07) +(!0+ !&% -10!0' 71.73 !*'

    ") &oba""o (2) +'!0( (+!& -1*!1* 70.!! -%!02

    ) *u$ Flo+er Foliae (06) &&!2' '0!&( 1&!0% 2.!% 1!('

    e) Frui$s (0!) &!10 '!1( 21!%( 37.6! '1!0

    ) Spi"es (0%10) 10!1 1%!(+ %&!'1 %.2 &+!0') ry Foo (1%) %%!+ %!1* 10!0* 2%.37 2(!(%

    h) #$hers *!2* *&!(( 1*!%+ 6!.%5 %!2*

    B! Manufactured ommodities

    hapter 2'-*.

    2'%+&!'1 2%%00!+ -+!21 21%6%.2 (!0(

    1. ement, #alt, #tone Etc

    hapter 2'.

    1*!1+ 1&!'+ -2%!*+ 1+!(% -21!&

    2. Ores, #lag and )sh hapter 2(. %'!01 2!*( -20!1& 2*!1+ -&!1+

    %. Petroleum i Products

    hapter 2.

    2%!1 2'!&& 0!(% 2(0!(+ '!((

    &. hemical Products hapter 2+-%+. 111!&' 10%!01 -!' 10&!( -1!(

    a) /harma"eu$i"als (30) &(!&+ &+!2' %!+1 .27 +!**

    b) *hemi"al Fer$ilizer (31) &0!2 1!(& -'(!(+ 3%.53 -''!%+

    ") *osme$i"s (33) 0!%+ 1!0( 1+!*' 0.33 221!21

    ) #$hers 2%!2 %(!0( '2!02 20.63 &!*'. Plastic Products hapter %*. +&!2 ++!(* '!2' 6!.76 2+!*+

    a) /'* as (3%23) 2+!0+ %1!2( 11!%2 27.26 1&!(

    b) /las$i" as$e (3%15) &&!21 &%!&2 -1!* 31.5! %!&*

    ") #$hers 11!*+ 1&!01 1(!*& %.%2 &1!2%

    (. 3uer hapter &0. 2'!+% 1(!2% -%!1 20!(( -21!&&

    . 4eather hapter &1. %2!(1 %%0!1( 0!+ 2*!+% 10!+(+. 4eather Product hapter &2-&%. !'* **!%( 2+!0( ''!&2 *!2*

    *. 5ood 6 5ood Products

    hapter &&-&'.

    1!%% 1!2' -(!02 1!2* -%!10

    10. 7andicrafts hapter &(. &!(* &!+ 1!*2 &!& (!*&

    11. Pulp hapter &. 0!01 -100!00 0!01 -100!00

    12. Paper 6 Paper Products

    chapter &+.

    %0!2+ 2!' -+!%( 2(!%% '!%*

    1%. Printed Materials hapter &*. 1!+% 1!'+ -1%!(( 1!(( -&!+21&. #il8 hapter '0. 0!0% 0!01 -((!( 0!0% -((!(1'. 5ool 6 5oolen Products

    hapter '1.0!2 0!(1 -1'!2+ 0!' !02

    1(. otton 6 otton Product 9arn,5aste, /arics etc. hapter '2.

    1(2!01 11%!00 -%0!2' 1%'!01 -1(!%0

    ProductsExport Target for


    ExportPerformance July-June. 2011-12

    % Change ofexport

    performance overexport target

    ExportPerformance forJuly-June. 2010-


    % Change of exportperformance


    July-June. 2010-11

    1 2 3 5 6

    1. Jute 6 Jute goods

    hapter '%, (%0'10.

    1%&1!0& *(!%+ -2!+( 111&!*% -1%!2%

    204ar+++apps"on4ersion$mps"ra$"h33055%3%3.o" 1


  • 7/24/2019 Monthly Summary Sheet 2011-2012 for the Month July-June


    a) a+ Ju$e (5303) &(&!&( 2((!2+ -&2!( 357.2! -2'!&

    b) Ju$e arn &+ine (5307) ''!( &(+!1' -1+!(* 500.66 -(!&*

    ") Ju$e Sa"8s as (630510) 2&+!0( 1+'!2( -2'!%2 206.72 -10!%+

    ) #$hers '2!+ &!(* -*!(& 50.27 -'!1%

    1+. Man Made /ilaments 6

    #taple /ires '&-'(.

    110!11 +1!%* -2(!0+ *'!' -1'!00

    1*. arpet Jute 6 Others -'. !% (!2% -1*!&0 !'0 -1(!*%

    20. #pecialied :extiles

    hapter '+-(0.

    1(!'1 1%+! -21!%+ 1(&!'' -1'!(

    a) &erry &o+el (5!02) 12(!1& *2!11 -2(!*+ 120.13 -2%!%2b) Spe"ial o4en Fabri" (5%) 1%!'1 10!*% -1*!10 11.75 -(!*+

    ") 9ni$$e Fabri"s (60) %0!0* %0!+( 2!'( 26.16 1!*

    ) #$her (!+& &!+ -2+!+0 -

    21. ;nit