monthly magazine - documents...monthly magazine march 2021 the churches of...

Monthly Magazine March 2021 The churches of St. Catwgs and St. Margarets Mark 1:12-13 At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, and he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him. Cover Price 40p Centre panel of the East window - St. Catwgs Church

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Page 1: Monthly Magazine - documents...Monthly Magazine March 2021 The churches of St. atwg’s and St. Margaret’s Mark 1:12-13 At once the Spirit sent him out into

Monthly Magazine

March 2021

The churches of

St. Catwg’s and

St. Margaret’s

Mark 1:12-13

At once the Spirit sent him out

into the wilderness, and he was in

the wilderness forty days, being

tempted by Satan. He was with

the wild animals, and angels

attended him.




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For general parish enquiries please contact Rev. Gary Powell or one of

the parish wardens.

Parish Wardens:

Rector’s Warden: …………….. Christine Thorpe. Tel: 01443 837482

People’s Warden: …...………... Huw Thomas. Tel: 01443 836613

Sub Warden’s

St. Catwg’s Church:

Rector’s Warden: …………. …. Pat Davies, Tel: 01443 836176

People’s Warden: ……………... Joan Jenkins, Tel: 01443 450483

St. Margaret's Church:

Rector’s Warden: …………. …. Enid Mayne, Tel: 01443 268988

People’s Warden: ……….… …. Jeanette Jones, Tel: 01443 838908

Safeguarding Officer: ………. Huw Thomas. Tel: 01443 836613

PCC Treasurer: ……………... Margaret Partridge, Tel: 01443 835376

Parish Magazine : ……...…. Chris Corbin, Tel: 01443 833452

Email: [email protected]

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Who’s Who

Priest in Charge Ordinand Reader

Rev. Gary Powell Mr. Darren Lynch Mrs. Carolyn Corbin

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[email protected]


[email protected]

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Greetings from the Rectory

Dear friends,

I hope that I find you all well and in good

spirits. It is hard to think that we are fast

approaching the anniversary of the first

“lockdown” and that we have now been living

this rather strange life for almost a year. There is no doubt

that the vaccination programme is giving us real hope and

there is talk of opening society, albeit gradually, over the next

few months. This in itself presents us with a new challenge.

Many people, who have been home for months, may have lost

contact with friends and neighbours and some have lost

confidence in going out and being with others.

In our Lent group this year we have been reflecting on how we

might open ourselves anew to God, how we might re-connect

with him by opening ourselves to his presence around us, in

the cosmos, the natural world, in ourselves and in the people

among whom we live. As a Church we have a part to play in

reaching out to people as society begins to re-open and we

have been thinking of how we might help people to re-connect

with one another as restrictions are eased. We hear a lot

about the effect lockdown has had on levels of loneliness and

on peoples’ mental health. Re-establishing our parish groups

when we are able and looking for new ways to bring people

together are important ways in which we might help people

as part of our calling to bring the love of God to the world as

we look to “love as neighbours.”

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In the meantime I hope that you are all having a good Lent as

we look forward to celebrating Holy Week and Easter online

and in Church which we were unable to do last year.

Take care and keep safe. If you need any help or if you know

someone who needs any help please do not hesitate to contact


Every blessing from your friend and Parish Priest,

Fr Gary.


A prayers for the Lenten period

As Jesus resisted temptation by the devil in the wilderness, help us

reflect on his faithfulness to God, his rejection of worldly values and hold these thoughts in our

hearts throughout Lent and beyond.


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For me, the last three months seems to have flown by. It doesn’t seem too long ago that it was Advent where we were preparing for Christmas and now we are in the season Lent where we are preparing for Easter.

The first thing most people think of when they hear Shrove Tuesday is pancakes. According to tradition, during Lent, foods such as butter, eggs and fats, which are some of the ingredients for pancakes, were used up.

Lent, for some people, is a time when they give something up. On the flip side, Lent is also a time when some people take up something which for me is reading the book The Gospel in the Willows, which is the book we are also using as part of our Compline services via zoom. In the book there is there is a reading from the Wind in the Willows, a reading from the Gospels, followed by a reflection and a prayer for each day of Lent. Irrespective of whether an individual gives up something or takes up something, each requires self-discipline.

When Jesus was in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights, not only did he fast but he also avoided temptation as being on his own, with no distractions. This period in the wilderness was, for Jesus, an important time and place in his life, it was an important time as it was where he could prepare for his work of teaching and healing. It was also important for Jesus to be somewhere on his own so that he could concentrate on God and on the busy and important time that lay ahead.

As Christians, we should use this time, not only to give or take up things but also to concentrate on Jesus, as even when we may face a difficult situation, we are never on our own as Jesus never forgets us and walks with us, step by step.


Reader Writes

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Ordinand’s Observations

Hello there my friends, and welcome to this

months ‘Ordinand’s Observations’ as some of you

may be aware I had the second of my scheduled

surgeries. The wisdom tooth extracted from the

right side, I can’t praise the surgical team enough,

they were amazing. This recovery is actually a little

slower due to nerve damage, that can unfortunately

be a side effect, but I’m managing. Indeed last week was quite

hospital heavy. I had my surgery Tuesday, X-rays Thursday and

Friday I received the first part of my COVID-19 vaccine. The

Rugby win has helped massively though. Cymru Am Byth!

This last week we celebrated St David’s day. I always love the

story of St David from his beginnings right through to his death.

The son of St Non, David was conceived in less than ideal

circumstances but again we see God using any circumstance to

truly further the kingdom here on Earth and in St David I like to

think He did well.

For me though, it’s always David’s final words to his followers

that stick in my mind. "Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little

things that you have heard and seen me do." This says so much.

It says David led by example, and it tells us that he understood

the massive ripples seemingly small acts can have.

Thus my brothers and sisters, my encouragement for this month

is for you to be aware of the little things we do. How they can

travel along the tapestry of life that connects us all and lead to

big things. As always, my prayers for you are that you have a

blessed and safe month.


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St. David (Dewi Sant) Guiding the Welsh through turbulent times

On 1st March Wales celebrates its patron saint, David - or, in Welsh, Dewi or Dafydd. He is revered wherever Welsh people have settled. As with most figures from the so-called ’Dark Ages’ (he lived in the sixth century), reliable details about his life are scarce, but there are enough for us to form a picture of a formidably austere, disciplined and charismatic leader, who led the Church in Wales through turbulent years and fought tenaciously for the faith.

It’s likely that David was strengthened in his ministry by time spent in Ireland, where the Church was stronger and more confident. Early records tell of a meeting of Irish church leaders with three ‘Britons’, as they were described, among them ‘bishop David’. His mother, Non, is also celebrated as a saint in Wales, where a number of churches are dedicated in her name.

That he founded a monastery at Menevia, in Pembrokeshire, seems beyond doubt. It later became the site of St David’s cathedral and the settlement which is now the smallest city in the United Kingdom. From Menevia David embarked on preaching and teaching missions across Wales, and probably beyond. His eloquence was legendary.

At a famous Synod of the Church, held at a Carmarthenshire village called Brefi, he preached passionately against the Arian heresy - indeed, so passionately that he was (according to some accounts) immediately named as archbishop of Wales. The village is now known as Llandewi Brefi - brefi in Welsh is a hillock, and legend claims that it appeared miraculously in order to provide the eloquent bishop with a pulpit.

His monks avoided wine and beer, drinking only water. Indeed, he and they lived lives of rigorous austerity and constant prayer, in the manner of the Desert Fathers of the Eastern Church. The date of David’s death is disputed - either 589 or 601. It wasn’t until the 12th century that he was generally accepted as the patron saint of

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Wales, and pilgrimages to St David’s were highly regarded in the following centuries - including two made by English kings, William I and Henry II.

It’s traditional for Welsh people to wear daffodils on St David’s Day (Gwyl Dewi Sant in Welsh) - but there seems no particular reason for it, beyond the fact that they tend to make their early Spring appearance round about his day - oh, and they look nice!


Mothering Sunday, 4th Sunday in Lent

There is an old Jewish saying: God could not be everywhere, and therefore He made mothers.

Mother Church, Mother Earth, Mother of the Gods - our human mothers - all of them have been part of the celebration of ‘Mothering Sunday’ - as the fourth Sunday in Lent is affectionately known. It has been celebrated in the UK since at least the 16th century.

In Roman times, great festivals were held every Spring to honour Cybele, Mother of all the Gods. Other pagan festivals in honour of Mother Earth were also celebrated. With the arrival of Christianity, the festival became one honouring Mother Church.

During the Middle Ages, young people apprenticed to craftsmen or working as ‘live-in’ servants were allowed only one holiday a year on which to visit their families, which is how ‘Mothering Sunday’ got its name. This special day became a day of family rejoicing, and the Lenten fast was broken. In some places the day was called Simnel Day, because of the sweet cakes called simnel cakes traditionally eaten on that day.

In recent years the holiday has changed, and in many ways now resembles the American Mother’s Day, with families going out to Sunday lunch and generally making a fuss of their mother on the day.

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A Glass of Milk

One day, a poor boy was selling clothes door to door, to pay for his education and realised that he only had cents left in his pocket. He was hungry and so decided to ask for some food at the next house that he came to.

In the meantime, he lost his hunger when a beautiful young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal, he asked her for a glass of water. She saw that he was very hungry so instead a huge glass of milk. He drank it very slowly and then asked, “How much do I owe you?”

“You do not owe me anything at all.” she replied. “My mother taught us never to accept anything for doing someone a kindness.”

He replied, “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

When Howard Kelly left the house, as well as feeling stronger physically, he sensed a return of his faith in the Lord which he had nearly abandoned.

Years later, the same young woman fell gravely ill. The local doctors were mystified, so they sent her to the big city where they knew that the specialists would be able to diagnose this rare sickness. Doctor Howard Kelly was called as a consultant. When he heard the name of the city where she lived, a memory burnt brightly in his eyes. He got up and went to her room. As he entered the room, he immediately recognised her. He returned to his consultation room, determined to do his best to save her life. From that day on, he paid special attention to this case. After a long battle, the war was finally won.

Doctor Kelly left instructions that the bill should be sent to him for authorisation. He looked it over, wrote something in the margin and sent it to her room. She thought that when she opened the envelope, she would find an invoice that would take the rest of her life to pay in full. But when she finally opened it something caught her attention in the margin of the invoice. She read those words, ‘paid in full with a glass of milk, Doctor Howard Kelly.’

Tears of joy filled her eyes and her heart. She prayed, “Thank the Lord, for your love has crossed the hands and hearts of man.”

There is saying that goes like this, bread thrown over the water returns to you.

An act of goodness that you do today can come back to you or someone that you love, when you are not expecting it. If you do not see this act of goodness return, at least you will have made a difference in this world and in the end, isn’t that what life is all about.

From around the Parish

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Galatians 5:22 – 23 King James Version

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,

long suffering, gentleness, goodness,

faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”

Jenn East -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-

Word Puzzle How many words of 3 or more letters can you make from the letters below? No proper nouns except for a 9-letter word which is the name of a place in our county (spelled the Welsh way). There’s a word list of some possible words on a later page; it’s got 38 words. Can you beat this?

I E L F R I C A F Mike Solutions on page 23


We were very sad to hear of the passing of Mary Burrows, a member of our Church family. Mary was a loyal and committed member of our social team and also with the Neuadd St. Catwg’s Hall, raising funds for both the church and the hall. We will miss her greatly and our sincere condolences go to her family, Dee, Kevin, Chloe, Chad and Stacey together with their families. June -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-

‘Out of the mouths of babes’ I received this message from my daughter-in-law this week so thought I would share it with you. ‘David told them about the census, and explained it as being like when Joseph and Mary had to go back to Bethlehem the town of their birth so they could be counted’. Violet and Teddy were so excited that we would be going to Bargoed (on a donkey) and rather disappointed when he said that nowadays we can just fill it in online!

Lynne Thomas -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-

Many thanks to Brian (Bowden) for the very professional job the did on repairing the pulpit candelabra and in swift time in which it was completed. It is much appreciated.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Zelda Evans and Joan de la Taste who are currently in the Royal Gwent Hospital, and also with Jackie Wilkins and Des Bate who are home following a recent stay in Hospital.

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The Upper Room

They meet together in the upper room Gathering together in one accord,

He fetches a towel and washes their feet And Judas slips out to betray His Lord.

The bread and wine are there on the table, He takes up the bread and breaks it in two,

The cup is passed round, each drinking from it, ‘These symbols,’ He says, ‘are given for you’.

‘This bread is my body I freely give This cup is my blood which soon will be shed’,

They eat and they drink not really knowing Or understanding of what lies ahead.

A new covenant that night has been made Where God Himself gives His life for us all,

The Life divine in exchange is given To free mankind from the curse of the fall.

Two thousand years on we come to partake Of His life poured out to cover our sin

We eat and we drink the bread and the wine With thankful hearts in remembrance of Him.

By Megan Carter

Prayer for Families

Dear Father God,

In this month, when we especially think about mothers, we thank you for the families and friends you have given us. You know how hard it

has been to have been separated over these past months, how much we have missed and longed for their hugs, their physical

presence and fellowship.

Thank you, Father, that we belong to your family. Thank you for the love and security we have in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By Daphne Kitching

March 2021 - Parish

A Poem & Prayer for March 2021

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Welcome to March!

Welcome to March and spring. I have always thought the period after Christmas to St David’s day should be spent outside the UK. Somewhere the weather is mild and not perpetuated by a cycle of rain, wind and biting cold, all against a slate-grey background and mud underfoot. I sometimes dream of the time I was able to do that in Muscat, where the days were lazily spent in the pool or on the beach looking out over what seemed a never- ending stretch of ocean. One day I met an Omani family who knowing what I did in the UK, through a friend, asked me to help them submit their visa applications to visit the UK – in December. Why December I asked? To see the snow was the reply! We are all different n'est-ce pas?

I like the cultures and religions that celebrate the new year in March as we did from the 12th century to the middle of the 18th century. This seems entirely appropriate as it is the month, we emerge from our homes encouraged by the improved weather and the longer light filled days. It is the month the Kurdish will celebrate Nowruz, their ‘new day’ around the 21st of March, the first day of spring and as their National Day when they celebrate their identity and survival. Having been invited over the years to participate in the celebration of Nowruz I can confirm it is a time of great joy, home-made feasting and pride although perhaps thankfully, in Cardiff I have not witnessed the lighting of fires signifying the passing from the dark into light and men jumping over the fires as happens in Kurdistan and Turkey. Known also as the start of the Persian new year, Iranians at home and throughout the world also celebrate.

Perusing the days to celebrate in March I came across World Sleep Day on the 13th, National Vaccination Day in India on the 16th (maybe the world will follow after the Covid-19 vaccination programme?), the International Day of Happiness on the 20th March and last but not least -National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day on the 1st, followed by National Banana Cream Pie Day on the 2nd and so on, in, yes you have guessed- the USA.

And the not so good dates in March, obviously, the Ides of March for Julius Caesar although according to Shakespeare he was warned. And with March, named after Mars the Roman God of War, the month indicated the start of the season of war which continued until September. On 29 March 1461, Palm Sunday, the Battle of Towton took place where according to tradition the rivers ran with blood after the slaughter that took place (Yorkshire guide, accessed 22 Feb 2021).

Personally, March reminds me that last year it was the last month of the six months life expectation I was given if the chemotherapy did not work and, also, thanks to God it did and that I am going to see another March this year. Happy March everyone!

Sarah Latimer

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God in the Arts

Editor: The Rev Michael Burgess continues his series on God in the Arts with a look at ‘Ecce Ancilla Domini’ by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. It hangs in the Tate Gallery.

Our image is from Wikimedia Commons.

Behold the handmaid of the Lord

‘Ecce Ancilla Domini’ (Behold the handmaid of the Lord) is the title of this month’s painting of the Annunciation by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. We shall hear those words in the Gospel for this feast on 25th March, when Mary responds to Gabriel’s message that she is to be the mother of our Saviour.

It is a scene that has inspired artists throughout the history of Christianity. Over those years certain traditions emerged: in many paintings

Mary was often shown at prayer, dressed in blue, in a room that was filled with elaborate furnishings of the period, all opening out onto the wider world.

Rossetti’s painting of 1850 is very different. He was a founding member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, and as both a poet and a painter, he soon became its recognised leader. But the work of the Brotherhood was not without its critics. When Rossetti’s painting was exhibited, it was dismissed as ‘absurd, affected, ill-drawn, insipid, crotchety and puerile’ because it was such a contrast to the more traditional portrayals of this scene in Luke’s Gospel.

Here there is a claustrophobic feel to the painting. Mary and Gabriel fill the tiny, cell-like room. There is a window, but it does not open out to scenery and nature: just a solitary tree. Rossetti called ‘Ecce Ancilla Domini’ his ‘white picture.’ That is the colour that dominates: the robes of Mary and the angel, the stones of the floor, the paint on the walls, the flowers that Gabriel offers. Blue, the traditional colour for Mary, is relegated to the screen behind and the sky outside. Other colours are provided by the yellow flames of Gabriel’s feet and the tapestry in the

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foreground on which Mary has embroidered lilies. These flowers, like the whiteness, are symbols of purity.

The model for Mary was Christina, his sister, the author of ‘In the bleak mid-winter’, and in portraying her, Rossetti has captured the adolescent vulnerability of Mary. A small dove linking the two characters is a sign of God’s spirit coming to bring new life to this young girl. How does she respond? What is the expression on her face? Does she see the adult world of responsibility and motherhood opening up before her? Is it anxiety or wonder or awe? Or are all of these responses captured in her expression?

The stillness of the scene, the whiteness of the room – they are like a blank canvas on which God can paint His Gospel, His Good New of life and hope. Just as it opened up a new world for Mary, so the Gospel can open up a new world for all of us. We may respond with anxiety and worry, or with wonder and awe to that invitation. Or those feelings may be transformed into trust and service like Mary in Luke’s Gospel: ‘Here am I, the servant of the Lord: let it be with me according to your word.’


God in the Sciences

This series is written by Dr Ruth M Bancewicz, who is Church Engagement Director at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion in Cambridge. Ruth writes on the

positive relationship between Science and Christian faith.

What will March bring? Mental health ideas for uncertain times

We may all have rather mixed feelings on reaching March this year. On the one hand, it is lovely to see the onset of Spring, and vaccinations and better weather may make handling the pandemic a little easier. On the other hand, marking a year from the start of the first UK lockdown will be painful for some, especially as many of us are likely to be experiencing restrictions or ongoing hardships for quite some time. We may need to find new ways to keep going, so here are some suggestions that draw on both science and Christian theology.

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Getting outside

Time outdoors in a natural environment is very good for you – and you can’t argue with the happy hormones produced by exercise. Attending to the details of nature can also inspire awe, which has been linked to positive mood, and increased life satisfaction. Enjoying creation can also help us connect with God.

Looking outside

If you are truly stuck indoors, try putting bird feeders outside your window so creation comes to you. This is also an act of kindness (see below)!

Lament and praise

The Psalms are a rich resource to help us express both our grief and our thanks to God. Try reading one or two each day.


Keep a journal of thoughts, experiences or practices you have engaged with during the day. Constructing a personal narrative or story is now recognised as a very powerful psychological and spiritual tool for building resilience. It is also a vital learning tool that we can go back to when tough times return in the future.

Acts of kindness

Helping or encouraging someone else is obviously a good thing to do in itself, but it also has a very positive effect on the giver - spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Whichever way you look at it, finding new ways to show kindness to others can be a very effective way to help ourselves feel better too.


Gratitude is another natural drug – in a sense – that can help us feel better. Try keeping a grateful diary, adding a few things each day.

Laugh, sing, make music, dance

All of these activities are deeply rooted in our physical and mental makeup. You may have forgotten how great they feel, especially in times of sadness, but we can learn from children who do them very naturally.

I hope these ideas may help bring us closer to God, each other, and His creation.

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Palm Sunday & Holy Week

The events of Easter took place over a week, traditionally called Passion Week. It began on Palm Sunday. After all His teaching and healing, Jesus had built a following.

On the Sunday before He was to die, Jesus and His followers arrived at Jerusalem. The city was crowded. Jewish people were arriving from to celebrate Passover. This commemorates how they had escaped from slavery in Egypt nearly 1,500 year earlier.

Jesus rode into the city on a young donkey. He was greeted like a conquering hero. Cheering crowds waved palm branches in tribute. He was hailed as the Messiah who had come to re-establish a Jewish kingdom.

The next day they returned to Jerusalem. Jesus went to the temple, the epicentre of the Jewish faith, and confronted the money-changers and merchants who were ripping off the people. He overturned their tables and accused them of being thieves. The religious authorities were alarmed and feared how He was stirring up the crowds. On the Tuesday, they challenged Jesus, questioning His authority. He answered by challenging and condemning their hypocrisy. Later that day Jesus spoke to His disciples about future times. He warned them about fake religious leaders; the coming destruction of Jerusalem; wars, earthquakes and famines; and how His followers would face persecution.

By midweek the Jewish religious leaders and elders were so angry with Jesus that they began plotting to arrest and kill Him. One of Jesus’ disciples, Judas, went to the chief priests and agreed to betray Him to them. Jesus and the 12 disciples gathered on the Thursday evening to celebrate the Passover meal. This is known as the Last Supper. During the evening, Jesus initiated a ritual still marked by Christians – Holy Communion – which commemorates His death. Jesus broke bread and shared it and a cup of wine with His disciples.

Judas then left to meet the other plotters. Jesus continued to teach the others and then went outside into an olive grove to pray. He even prayed for all future believers. He agonised over what was to come but chose the way of obedience. The Bible book, Luke, records Him praying, ‘Father if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done’. Minutes later Judas arrived with soldiers and the chief priests and Jesus was arrested.

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Lady Day or The Annunciation

This beautiful event (Luke 1:26-38) took place in Nazareth, when Mary is already betrothed to Joseph. The Archangel Gabriel comes to Mary, greets her as highly favoured, tells her not to be afraid, that she will bear a son Jesus, and that her elderly cousin Elizabeth is already pregnant (with John the Baptist).

The church calendar is never quite as neat as some would like it. To celebrate the Annunciation on 25th March does indeed place the conception of Jesus exactly nine months from His birth on 25th December, but the latter part of March almost inevitably falls during Lent. But the birth and death of Jesus are intrinsically linked - He was born to die, and thus fulfil God’s purposes.

The Annunciation is a significant date in the Christian calendar - it is one of the most frequent depicted in Christian art. Gabriel’s gracious strength and Mary’s humble dignity have inspired many artists. Certainly, Mary’s response to the angel has for centuries been an example of good faith in practice - humility, enquiry of God, and trusting acceptance in His will for her life.


Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury & Reformation Martyr

If you have ever been caught up in a great event at work, which has gone on to change your own life, then Thomas Cranmer is the

saint for you. He was the first ever Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury, following King Henry VIII’s decision to pull away from Rome, and set up the Church of England.

Born in Nottingham in1489, Thomas Cranmer became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1533. He was adviser to both Henry VIII and Edward VI. He helped Henry with the annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, and along with Thomas

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April's Magazine 2021

Please can you forward any news, articles etc, to me by Friday 26th March, for inclusion in the April edition.

Many Thanks: Chris (email to: [email protected])

Cromwell, supported the principle of Royal Supremacy (where the king is sovereign over the Church in his realm).

Under Edward VI, Thomas Cranmer made major reforms to the C of E. He put the English Bible into parish churches, compiled the first two versions of the Book of Common Prayer, and worked with continental reformers to change doctrine on everything from the Eucharist and veneration of saints.

But kings and queens, like American presidents, change, and the Catholic Queen Mary I was determined to wipe out Protestantism. Thomas Cranmer was imprisoned for two years, found guilty of heresy, and burned at the stake on 21st March 1556.


Solution can be found on page 34

March’s Sudoku Challenge

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What’s On During March / Holy Week.

We are now able to hold our first services of public worship since March. Celebrations of the Holy Eucharist will be held twice weekly

in both our Churches:

St. Catwg’s each Sunday at 11.30am and each Thursday at 10.00am. St. Margaret’s each Sunday at 9.30am and each Wednesday at



1st March St David (Dewi Sant), Day




19th March Joseph of Nazareth


25th March The Annunciation of our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary


29th March MONDAY in HOLY WEEK




ly W


Readings for Holy Week (March 28th to April 4th)

Sunday, 28th - Sixth Sunday of Lent: Palm Sunday

Liturgy of the Palms:

Mark 11. 1-11 or John 12. 12-16 Psalm 118. [1, 2,] 19-29

Liturgy of the Passion:

Isaiah 50. 4-9a Psalm 31. 9-16, [17, 18] Philippians 2. 5-11

Mark 14.1 – 15.47 or 15. 1-39, [40-47]

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Monday, 29th - Monday in Holy Week


Isaiah 42. 1-9 Psalm 36. 5-11 Hebrews 9. 11-15 John 12. 1-11

Tuesday, 30th - Tuesday in Holy Week


Isaiah 49. 1-7, Psalm 71. 1-8, [9-14], 1 Corinthians 1. 18-31,

John 12. 20-36

Wednesday 31st - Wednesday in Holy week


Isaiah 50. 4-9a, Psalm 70, Hebrews 12. 1-3, John 13. 21-32

Thursday, 1st April - Maundy Thursday


Exodus 12. 1-4, [5-10,] 11-14 , Psalm 116. 1-2, 12-19 or 116. 12-19 ,

1 Corinthians 11. 23-26, John 13. 1-17, 31b-35

Friday 2nd April - Good Friday


Isaiah 52.13 – 53.12 Psalm 22. or 22. 1-11 or 22. 1-21

Hebrews 10. 16-25 or 4. 14-16; 5. 7-9 John 18.1 – 19.42

Saturday 3rd April - Easter Eve


Job 14. 1-14 or Lamentations 3.1-9, 19-24 Psalm 31. 1-4, 15-16 or 31.1-5

1 Peter 4. 1-8 Matthew 27. 57-66 or John 19. 38-42

Sunday 4th April - Easter Day


Acts 10. 34-43 or Isaiah 25. 6-9 Psalm 118. [1, 2,] 14-24

1 Corinthians 15. 1-11 or Acts 10. 34-43 John 20. 1-18 or Mark 16. 1-8

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Across 1 The earth is one (6)

4 ‘On a hill far away stood an old — cross’ (6)

7 ‘I am the — vine and my Father is the gardener’ (John 15:1) (4)

8 The Caesar who was Roman Emperor at the time of Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:1) (8)

9 ‘Your — should be the same as that of Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 2:5) (8)

13 Jesus said that no one would put a lighted lamp under this (Luke 8:16) (3)

16 Involvement (1 Corinthians 10:16) (13)

17 Armed conflict (2 Chronicles 15:19) (3)

19 Where the Gaderene pigs were feeding (Mark 5:11) (8)

24 What jeering youths called Elisha on the road to Bethel (2 Kings 2:23) (8)

25 The Venerable — , eighth-century Jarrow ecclesiastical scholar (4)

26 8 Across issued a decree that this should take place (Luke 2:1) (6)

27 Come into prominence (Deuteronomy 13:13) (6)










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Down 1 Where some of the seed scattered by the sower fell (Matthew 13:4) (4)

2 Sexually immoral person whom God will judge (Hebrews 13:4) (9)

3 Gospel leaflet (5)

4 Physical state of the boy brought to Jesus for healing (Mark 9:18)

5 Tugs (anag.) (4)

6 To put forth (5)

10 Nationality associated with St Patrick (5)

11 Leader of the descendants of Kohath (1 Chronicles 15:5) (5)

12 ‘After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping — heel’ (Genesis 25:26) (5)

13 At Dothan the Lord struck the Arameans with — at Elisha’ s request (2 Kings 6:18) (9)

14 ‘Peter, before the cock crows today, you will — three times that you know me’ (Luke22:34) (4)

15 Spit out (Psalm 59:7) (4)

18 ‘When I — , I am still with you’ (Psalm 139:18) (5)

20 Concepts (Acts 17:20) (5)

21 Thyatira’s dealer in purple cloth (Acts 16:14) (5)

22 Does (anag.) (4)

23 The second set of seven cows in Pharaoh’s dream were this (Genesis 41:19) (4)

Crossword solution page 34


Some words for the Word Puzzle

ace, air, ale, arc, are, car, elf, fir, ice, acre, café, care, earl, face, fail, fare, fear, file, fire, lace, lair, leaf, liar, life, rail, real, rice, clear,

cliff, farce, flair, flier, frail, relic rifle, éclair, raffle -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-

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March’s Book Reviews

A Cross in the Heart of God – reflections on the death of Jesus

By Samuel Wells, Canterbury Press, £10.99

It is not too late to buy a Lent Book – if you move fast. The Canterbury Press Lent book for 2021 focuses on the Cross – the event at the very centre of Christianity.

Samuel Wells explores the cross in the purposes of God, and how this act brings about salvation. Over three sections, each with six short chapters, he explores the cross in the Old Testament (Covenant, Test, Passover, Atonement, Servant, Sacrifice); the Epistles (Forgiveness, Obedience, Foolishness, Example,

Reconciliation, Boast) and in the Gospels. (Finished, Judged, Betrayed, Pierced, Forsaken, Mocked).

This beautifully clear book will give you a comprehensive understanding of the story at the heart of scripture, and the central event in history.


The Sanity of Belief – why faith makes sense By Simon Edwards, SPCK, £7.99

This thoughtful, engaging book challenges the assumptions that may lead us to reject a faith and doubt something that we’ve never really had the chance to understand. From our need for meaning and significance, to our desires for truth, goodness, love and hope, he explores the things that matter to us as human beings and shows us why the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ might just make sense of them all. It may be ideal for anyone looking for a clear, down-to-earth introduction to Chris-tianity, or for those wanting to reaffirm the foundations on which their faith is based.

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From the Register

Christian Funerals


2nd February Mrs Joan Hilditch RIP

3rd February Mr William Phillips RIP

3rd February Mrs Jenny Jones RIP

9th February Mr Allan Pope RIP

10th February Mr Terence Warburton RIP

12th February Mr Idris Price RIP

15th February Mr John Williams RIP

15th February Mr Bernard Morgan RIP

17th February Mr Kenneth Davies RIP

19th February Mr Ken Bradford RIP

23rd February Mrs Marvene Davies RIP

24th February Mrs Sheila Thomas RIP

May the souls of the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

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Prayers for the Bereaved

May the love of God and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ

console you and gently wipe away every tear from your eyes.

May Almighty God bless you, and look after you at this

difficult time. Amen.


Lord, in our time of grief we turn to you. God of love

hear our cries. Listen to our prayers for whom

you have called out of this world. Lead them to

your kingdom of light and peace. Amen.

Gone yet not forgotten,

Although we are apart,

Your spirit lives within me,

Forever in my heart.

Until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Author Unknown

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Sheffield House 32, Bedwlwyn Rd, Ystrad Mynach,

Hengoed, CF82 7AD

Tel: 01443 813261

Local Business Adverts

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In your time of need we’ll take care

of all the funeral arrangements.

Call us 24 hours a day

• Funeral Per-Payment Plans

• Memorials

• Service Chapel

• Monumental Masonry


Funeral Directors

The Private Chapel Lower Wood Street,

Bargoed. CF81 8NW

Tel: 01443 831044

Part of Dignity plc. A British Company



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Coffee Machine

2 litre Milk


Potatoes £1.25

Braces Bread £1.10

Eggs £1.50

Fresh Jacket Potatoes

& Baguettes

National Lottery Opened to serve the community

Fresh Fruit and Veg

Fresh Slush Ice

Sandwiches Puppy Cream

£1.20 Machine Machine

Lottery Scratch





Tel: 01443 822664

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Llancaiach Fawr

01443 412248


Y lle perffaith ar gyfer …

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Gelligaer Funeral Services

2 Sandward House, Heol Penallta, Gelligaer, Hengoed CF82 8FA

Tel: 01443 822826


John Davies & Sons Funeral Directors Limited

Private Chapel of Rest, Beechwood, Park Terrace, Trelewis, CF46 6BT

Tel: 01443 410224

Your local, family owned, independent funeral director

Serving Nelson, Gelligaer, Deri and surrounding areas.

Caring Staff available 24 hours

“Let us help you in your time of need”

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J. Nicholas Ltd

“The Paddocks”

Inc. James Lewis of Blackwood


Prepaid Funeral Plans

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Modern Fleet of Cars

Private Chapel of Rest

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“The Paddocks”

New Road, Pengam, Blackwood. NP12 3QZ also at

92 Commercial Street, Aberbargoed, Bargoed,

Caerphilly County, CF81 9EU

Tel: (01443) 830328

Fax: (01443) 875303

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Church Road, Gelligaer. CF82 8FW ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Excellent facilities in the middle of Gelligaer just opposite St. Catwg’s

Church. It has a fully fitted kitchen, a stage and a garden area.

It is ideal for:

◼ Wedding Receptions ◼ Fashion Shows

◼ Funeral Receptions ◼ Birthday Parties

◼ Christening Receptions ◼ Demonstrations


Booking and Enquiries

Please Contact:

Christine Harvey: 01443 833123

Fr. Gary Powell: 01443 832119

Neuadd St. Catwg

Community Hall

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Sparkly Paws Dog Grooming

We treat your pets as if they were our own.

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Tel: 01443 830064

Mob: 07917 797413

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Tel: 01443 879091


MOT’S at £30

Silver Star Pets Family run business

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Answer to Sudoku on page 19

Answers to Crossword on page 22

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Razors Unisex


9 Heol Penallta Gelligaer

Tel: 01443 875694

Tuesday 9.30 - 5.30 Wednesday 9.30 - 5.30 Thursday 9.30 - 5.30 Friday 9.30 - 7.00 Saturday 9.30 - 4.30

Morgan Thomas

Quality Butcher

Prime meat from our own farms,

fresh fruit and vegetables,

fresh bread and milk daily.

The Precinct, 2, The Square

Gelligaer. Penpedairheol.

01443 837584 01443 830492

Local Deliveries

Llewellyn Cars Sale The Showroom, Gwerthonor Place,

Gilfach, Bargoed, Caerphilly,

Mid Glamorgan, CF81 8JP

Tel: 01443 838383

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Parish Rotas

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the parish rotas for

St Catwg’s and St Margaret’s will be published when we are able to

fully re-open the churches for public worship.

Should you wish to be on St. Margaret's cleaning rota please contact the

relevant Church Wardens.

If anyone wishes to be on either the readers or sides persons list,

please do not hesitate to contact the relevant church wardens.

St. Catwg’s Church:


4th Pat Davies

11th Cheryl Pugh

18th Brian Bowden

25th Sarah Harry

St. Margaret’s Church:


4th Kath Llewellyn

11th Linda Bartlett

18th Jennette Jones

25th Enid Mayne


l 2


St. Catwg’s Church:


7th Brian Bowden

14th Sophie Harry

21st Joan Jenkins

28th Luke Harry

St. Margaret’s Church:


7th June Phillips

14th Rachel Lynch

21st Lynne Thomas

28th Neil Hazell




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For the Kid’s to colour in!

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Parish Service Times

We are now able to hold our first services of public worship since March. Celebrations of the Holy Eucharist will be held twice weekly in both our Churches:

St. Catwg’s each Sunday at 11.30am and each Thursday at 10.00am and St. Margaret’s each Sunday at 9.30am and each Wednesday at 9.30am.

If you would like to attend one of our services please contact either Pat Davies (01443 836176) for St. Catwg’s Church or Enid Mayne (01443 268988) for St. Margaret’s

Church in advance of each service to reserve a place.

Both of our Churches have a friendly and welcoming atmosphere where you

can worship our Lord, Jesus Christ. Everybody is welcome to attend any of

our services listed below. If it is your first visit to the Parish and you are new

to our Church please do not hesitate to make yourself known to us.


9.30 a.m. Holy Eucharist at St. Margaret’s Church

11.30 a.m. Holy Eucharist at St. Catwg’s Church

5th Sunday of the Month - Combined Parish Eucharist.

1st SUNDAY of each month—Family Services

9.30 am. Holy Eucharist at St. Margaret’s Church

11.30 am. Holy Eucharist at St. Catwg’s Church


9.30 am. Holy Eucharist at St. Margaret’s Church


10.00 am. Holy Eucharist at St. Catwg’s Church

SATURDAY 10.00am - 12.00pm:(Cancelled until further Notice!)

St. Catwg’s Church will be open for private prayer, and the

bookings of baptisms and weddings. Family history searches

are carried out on the first Saturday of the month.

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Should you wish to contact a specific group that meets in our parish,

please use the relevant telephone number from the list below.

Thank You!


Family History Research: ……. Carolyn Corbin Tel: 07983677360

Email. [email protected]

Mothers’ Union:

Branch Leader ……………….. Kath Llewellyn. Tel: 01443 829658

Branch Secretary ……….......... Myrtle Stephens Tel: 01443 413297

Branch Treasurer …………….. June Phillips. Tel: 01443 835977

Community Dance Group: ….. June Phillips. Tel: 01443 835977

Flower Arranging Group: …… Nesta Williams. Tel: 01443 831009

Arts and Crafts Group: ……… June Phillips. Tel: 01443 835977

Neuadd St. Catwg’s Hall: ……. Christine Harvey. Tel: 01443 833123

(Bookings and Enquiries)

Community Coffee Morning: …. Christine James. Tel : 01443 836011

Directory of Contacts

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This Publication was produced and printed by the Parish of Gelligaer. 2020