monday keynote: librarians in the wild - thinking about security, privacy, and digital information -...

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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Presented at the 2010 Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference. -- Lance Hayden, School of Infomration, University of Texas


  • 1. Librarians in the WildThinking About Security, Privacy, and Digital Information

2. Lance Hayden Six years with the C.I.A. Masters from UT iSchool, 1997 Cisco Systems since 1998 Ph.D. from UT iSchool, 2009 Lecturer in UT iSchool since 1999 Security Informatics We Like to Watch: Surveillance and Society 3. The Wild Term of art in computer security The real world (as opposed to the lab) A metaphor for where we live in a digital society Complexity, uncertainty, risk, and threat The technology landscape The changing environment in which we create and deploy digital information infrastructures (and the infrastructures themselves, sometimes) 4. Cities in the Jungle We build houses, shelters, and entire communities in cyberspace Civilization (security of our resources) summed up as: Confidentiality Integrity Availability We often behave in our communities in ways that would give us pause in the physical world 5. Expansion and Exposure 6. Four Axioms of Wilderness Life Large herds attract big predators Structures decay quickly in the wild Protective spells are treacherous Knowledge is the best survival trait 7. From Attrition: 8. From Attrition: 9. A Brief Survey What is your risk tolerance? Is your Internet-facing perimeter secure? Your wireless? Are your systems and applications patched and up to date? Do your employees and users choose strong passwords? Do you have a disaster recovery and business 10. Top Ten Passwords (RockYouHack)1. 1234566. princess2. 12345 7. rockyou3. 123456789 8. 12345674. Password9. 123456785. iloveyou10.abc123 11. Death by USB 12. Security & Privacy Norms 13. Security Resources ISO 27000 standards Plan-Do-Check-Act Security Controls Online Resources SANS ISSA ISACA 14. Questions?