modified everyman sleep | polyphasic society

Everyman Sleep The everyman 3 schedule was named and coined by Puredoxyk along with the Uberman schedule (although the Uberman technically came first). The original schedule was a 3 hour core and 3 x 20 min naps spread equidistant throughout the day, but has since been refined to a 3.5 hour core and 3 x 20 min naps spread throughout the day according to natural drops in our alertness that are dictated by our Circadian and Ultradian rhythms. Nerdspeak: The circadian clock in your brain is based on cues from your retina and cues from your liver and many other places. Your body can detect night and day very easily, and partitions types of sleep into certain periods in the 24h clock. It increases SWS pressure in the evenings from about 3pm to midnight, then it starts reversing back the other way to increase REM pressure from 3am to midday. This means your will get more delta band activity in your brain when you sleep early around dusk, and you will get the most REM around dawn. Having a morning core (like 3am-6.30am) is not so good, because it is unlikely you will get quality SWS in your core period (as temporary circadian REM pressure is high at this time). It is best to time your core so that you wake up as your second REM period for the night ends (two slepe cycles). This means a 3.5 hour core is more ideal than 3 hour core for most people, as according to most textbook sleepstage charts the second chunk of REM starts just after the 3h mark, and ends just before the 3.5h mark. Normal speak: One good example schedule: 9-12.30am 4.10am nap 8.10am nap 2.40pm nap If you wake up from your core sleep early at the 3 hour mark before your alarm, get up, because this means your two cycles have finished and you will enter back into SWS for the 3.5 hour mark if you go back to sleep. It may be beneficial at the start of your adaptation to have two alarms, one at 3 hours and one at 3.5 hours, because if your 3 hour alarm goes off and you are in SWS you will automatically turn it off and go back to bed (zombiemode). A graph of an average 3.5h E3 core recorded by Chriscc’s Zeo. Chriscc was doing a 3h core for many months limiting his end-core REM, but found 3.5h to suit him better. It also seems that because the first part of REM wasn’t limited he could get more SWS too. The average SWS went

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Everyman polyphasic sleep schedule


  • Everyman Sleep

    The everyman 3 schedule was named and coined by Puredoxyk along with the Uberman

    schedule (although the Uberman technically came first). The original schedule was a 3 hour core

    and 3 x 20 min naps spread equidistant throughout the day, but has since been refined to a 3.5

    hour core and 3 x 20 min naps spread throughout the day according to natural drops in our

    alertness that are dictated by our Circadian and Ultradian rhythms.


    The circadian clock in your brain is based on cues from your retina and cues from your liver and

    many other places. Your body can detect night and day very easily, and partitions types of sleep

    into certain periods in the 24h clock. It increases SWS pressure in the evenings from about 3pm to

    midnight, then it starts reversing back the other way to increase REM pressure from 3am to

    midday. This means your will get more delta band activity in your brain when you sleep early

    around dusk, and you will get the most REM around dawn.

    Having a morning core (like 3am-6.30am) is not so good, because it is unlikely you will get

    quality SWS in your core period (as temporary circadian REM pressure is high at this time).

    It is best to time your core so that you wake up as your second REM period for the night ends

    (two slepe cycles). This means a 3.5 hour core is more ideal than 3 hour core for most people, as

    according to most textbook sleepstage charts the second chunk of REM starts just after the 3h

    mark, and ends just before the 3.5h mark.

    Normal speak:

    One good example schedule:


    4.10am nap

    8.10am nap

    2.40pm nap

    If you wake up from your core sleep early at the 3 hour mark before your alarm, get up, because

    this means your two cycles have finished and you will enter back into SWS for the 3.5 hour mark

    if you go back to sleep. It may be beneficial at the start of your adaptation to have two alarms, one

    at 3 hours and one at 3.5 hours, because if your 3 hour alarm goes off and you are in SWS you will

    automatically turn it off and go back to bed (zombiemode).

    A graph of an average 3.5h E3 core recorded by Chrisccs Zeo. Chriscc was doing a 3h core for

    many months limiting his end-core REM, but found 3.5h to suit him better. It also seems that

    because the first part of REM wasnt limited he could get more SWS too. The average SWS went

  • because the first part of REM wasnt limited he could get more SWS too. The average SWS went

    from ~1h to ~1h20min / core:

    The first nap is when someone would normally start

    getting long periods of REM, it is the graveyard time

    (when there is a surge of hormones sending you back

    to sleep if you were to follow a mono or segmented

    schedule), this is the ideal time for dreaming, and

    also is 3h and 45min after the core ends, which fits

    with the natural ultradian rhythm as per

    Uberman. Second nap is around dawn, when REM

    pressure peaks.The third nap is built to be 6.25 hours

    after the second nap (following a 2h BRAC, the 3rd

    BRAC in a WP is slightly longer due to natural


    If you are organising your own schedule according to these

    rules here are a few things to follow:

    Core Sleep as close to post-dusk as your schedule can bear. Ideally one would core sleep a few

    hours after dark, though it is understandable that this is unrealistic for some people. Note that: if

    you are worried about an early core impinging on your social schedule, placing your core early

    for most of the week (sun-thur) and having a later core sleep on the weekends is better than

    having a consistently late core. You can always have a stimulant on the weekends when you

    normally core, or have a short core early before you go out.

    Nap at the end of a BRAC multiple when you should be feeling sleepy, not in the middle of a

    BRAC when you are likely most awake.

    A balanced schedule will generally lengthen gaps over time, as it is easier to stay awake later in

    the afternoon than in the morning.

    You can see that the nap times are not actually equidistant, but for the reasons stated above, it is

    actually optimal not to have an equidistant scheudle, and optimal to not nap too late in the day.

    The closer to dusk, the less REM you will likely get in a nap.

    For those who are less awake at the start of the day

  • Flexibility and altering E3:

    If a situation appears and you cannot nap according to plan on occasion, then there should be

    several alternatives listed below.

    The idea is to have use the stable schedule 95% of the time, and miss naps as little as possible.

  • Avoid this completely if at all possible

    In response to a question about missing a core in skellxigs thread, here is a model for the occasion where youwould miss a core because you are out partying, of course you might decide to just get as much sleep as youcan from your 3rd nap until you go out instead.

  • Basically, you would wake up from your core as per usual, have three naps, then your core shortly before

    going out, then stay up for the night until your normal morning nap, then continue your schedule as usual.

    Remember these circumstantial schedules are all for an established E3er, and not for someone mid-way

    through adaptation.

    This is a catch-up sleep schedule, for when you are feeling like utter shit (maybe for after a night

    out, or in adaptation.

  • Longer Sleepers

    Some people simply require more sleep than others. Rather than having a longer core, make one

    of your naps longer, this means having a 3.5h core, and a 40 minute 1st nap or second nap.

    Deciding on your own Schedule

    Everyman can be considered both an ultradian centric and circadian centric schedule.

    Forevernades exact core and nap times above are therefore the standard for optimal sleep, but

    definitely not the only way you can structure E3.

    There will be higher pressure at peoples personal dusk and personal dawn times, meaning circadianplacement of naps within those dawn/dusk times will often result in better quality naps than perfectlyrhythmic placed naps. For example you may find taking rythmically placed nap should be at 4am and 8am,but circadian placed naps at 4am and 6.30am results in less light sleep and more REM, and in that case youshould nap then.

    Individual schedules will be different from person to person, based on social and work needs.

    There are as many people taking their core sleep at midnight as there are people taking early

    cores. When altering the schedule though, it is still important to keep a rhythm between naps

    until you can work out your optimal (circadian) nap placement, otherwise it may be difficult to

    fall asleep at your scheduled nap times.

    Once youve designed the schedule that fits best with your lifestyle, we can move on to the actual

    adaptation process.

    Adaptation (E3):

    There are 2 main methods of adaptation to the Everyman 3 schedule.

    One of these methods, and often considered the most effective method, is attempting to do

    Uberman for as long as you can, then falling back on E3 when you can do Uberman no longer.

    The Uberman-way has been refined into a method called Exaptation (formerly naptation).

    Basically you dont sleep for a considerable amount of time, like 24h to induce sleep deprivation,

    then go on a nap-only schedule so your body has to start repartitioning your sleep to be able to fit

    REM (and SWS) into 20-25 minute long blocks. You do this for a couple of days, maybe for a

    week, and then gradually go for your target schedule. For example you could do naps every 2h.

  • week, and then gradually go for your target schedule. For example you could do naps every 2h.

    After a few days, you skip every second nap resulting in napping every 4h. Introduce a 3.5h,

    replacing two naps and deleting one, and keep only the 3 naps you planned for your final

    schedule. This method provides a shorter (but also a bit harder) adaptation period as youll learn

    to nap more quickly.

    The other method is to go transition from monosleep to segmented sleep (3.5h+3.5h), to dual core

    sleep (3.5h+1.5h+nap) with the midday nap when one of your E3 naps will be, then to transition

    to E3 (3.5h+3xnap). Doing this will allow you to practice waking up after 3.5h no matter what, as

    all three schedules have a 3.5h first core. This method takes much longer because the sleep

    repartitioning is slower, but it is much easier than going the Uberman route.

    A lot of people start to worry that they dont have good naps, or cant even fall asleep for their

    naps. This will get better with time. Give it a week or two, and youll eventually start fall asleep

    easily. If for some reason you feel wide awake, and/or stressed, you can experiment by trying to

    move your nap a bit. Often people find it beneficial to have their first nap early (3h after a core)

    and their second nap 4h after that, third nap 6h or 7h after that. If you dont think thatll help just

    lay down and relax. Even if you cant fall asleep at all, just by resting with your eyes closed for

    about 20 minutes is almost as good as taking a nap. If you skip it entirely itll be much worse.

    If you feel wide awake for one nap, but tired an hour later, and this continues for a week straight,

    then you should move your nap to when you become tired that hour later.

    Sometimes it can even be most optimal to take a perfectly placed 40 minute nap in the morning

    instead of 20 because this leads to 35-40 minutes REM. If you figure out you can do this at a

    certain time, then we highly recommend doing it. You may find you do not need one of your

    naps later, or a shorter nap later, if you do this.

    Variations (E2 and E4):

    There are two main variations of the Everyman schedule, E2 and E4. The numbers mean the

    number of naps in each one.

    The E2 schedule consists of a longer core which is about 5h long, and in turn only 2 naps. The

    extra 1.5h (~one sleep cycle) is meant to replace one of the naps. Often people find that a dual

    core schedule feels more natural than this, however.

    The E4 schedule is quite the opposite. It trades in 1.5h core sleep for an added extra nap. So this

    schedule has a 2h-2.5h core and 4 naps.

