mobile marketing – shaping the future of digital advertising

Mobile Marketing Shaping the future of Digital Advertising Produced By Marketing Mechanics April 2016 Delivering Success is in our DNA

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Mobile Marketing Shaping the future of Digital Advertising

Produced By

Marketing Mechanics

April 2016

Delivering Success is in our DNA

Page 2: mobile marketing – Shaping the future of Digital Advertising

Ever since the first smartphone (iPhone 1) came into our lives on June 29th, 2007, there has been over time, a shift from desktop digital advertising towards mobile. As the devices have evolved over time and become more integrated into our lives and daily tasks, the emphasis on targeting and marketing on these devices has grown considerably.

How has it grown?From 2014 to 2015, we saw a 34% growth in mobile’s share of online sessions, and a whopping 58% increase on mobile conversions for the year, and these growth patterns show no sign of slowing down1.

What about the frequency of device use?On average, we check our phones up to 150 times per day2. This could be for a variety of reasons such as checking emails in the morning on your way to work, listening to music on the bus, playing games during lunch, and for any other number of reasons.

As the role of smart phones become more integrated, each year we have seen a 34% increase in mobile’s share of online sessions and people are searching on their phones in shorter bursts; more frequently and consistently throughout the day3. Emphasising the importance that you be there for your customers during their micro moments.

Micro Moments – what are they?If there has ever been a point in time when you have gone online with a mobile to check movie times, search for a product, or make a purchase, congratulations, you’ve just been part of a Micro Moment!

Micro Moments are the underlying psychological effect of reflexively turning to a device to act on a need we have at that exact moment – to learn, discover, find or buy something. It is the exact moment where a customer’s decisions are being made or preferences are being shaped.

It is in these micro moments, that the potential to become a brand preference, gain brand recognition and loyalty are highest. By targeting a consumer before they are able to form preferences and as they’re making purchase decisions, that you are able to gain the most from your marketing efforts.

1 Source: Google Analytics aggregated data, May 2015 vs 2014, AU 2 Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, May 2013 3 Source: Google Analytics aggregated data, May 2015 vs 2014, AU

mobile marketing

– Shaping the future of Digital Advertising

For the first time in 2015 in Australia we saw total average online sessions from mobile exceed desktop!

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In August 2015, total time spent on smartphones began to exceed desktop in Australia4! This trend alone gives us solid proof that mobile marketing and mapping the consumer journey needs to be the first step approach in digital advertising.

We want to reach people in micro moments – In the first step of their digital journey towards an action, whether it be a purchase, or a favourable perception of your brand.

Micro-moments have fragmented the consumer journey – people are going through different channels and different devices. So you can’t just focus on a mobile approach, you will need to support both desktop and tablet approaches, because 90% of users operate multi-screen devices. Meaning they might find you on their mobile whilst commuting, and do a more thorough web explore back home on their desktop.

How does this affect the retail space?If you’ve ever seen a customer using their smartphone while shopping, odds are either:1. Sending a text message.2. Researching your company or a product you sell.

68% of smartphone users turn to their device when shopping for a variety of reasons that include looking for more information, checking for a cheaper bargain that can be found online or to read reviews about your business.

But you shouldn’t worry, because these tech savvy consumers have done their research, 87% of this audience do their research on your company before entering a store, and 68% of them will turn to their smartphone to help them make a product decision in-store. Having a strong digital presence will allow you to turn that decision into a purchase. In fact, by adopting a mobile approach, you gain the ability to obtain customers from your competition, as 1 in 3 smartphone users purchase from a brand other than the one they were seeking because of the information provided in the moment when they needed it5.

How does SEO factor into all of this?Your SEO score depicts how relevant your page is to what your customers are searching for and is influenced by:

4 Source: Nielsen Mobile Ratings Preview Data (Ppl 18+); Nielsen Online Ratings (Ppl 2+) 2 Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, May 2013 5 Consumers in the Micro-Moment, Google/Galaxy, AU, June 2015, (n=769 smartphone shoppers)

• Keywords• Content

• Links• Google Plus pages

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– Shaping the future of Digital Advertising

Mobile is the new shopping assistant

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But did you know Google has a little known tool that factors into your organic page ranking?

FACT: Your SEO ranking is also determined by your page load speed on mobile devices!

It is now more important than ever to adopt a mobile friendly approach to marketing. As mobile devices become the more preferred device platform, your site speeds factor into how relevant you will be your customer’s micro-moment.

The less time it takes for your site to fully load, the better your SEO score.

1-2 seconds load speed: Fantastic, this is the goal you are looking to achieve3-4 seconds load speed: Not bad, but could do with improvementsIt is at this point, when a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, that 40% of people will abandon your website6.

Mobile friendliness is now a ranking signal for mobile searches. If your website is not mobile friendly, customers searching from their phones might not see your website show up7.

Why do my site speeds play such an important part?The following metrics alone justify just how important it is, that your site be flexible, content appropriate and fast to load:

• A 1 second delay decreases customer satisfaction by about 16%• 52% of online shoppers state that quick loading pages are important for their online brand loyalty• 44% of online shoppers will tell their friends about a negative experience• 88% of internet users choose online retailers that constantly deliver high-performance and user-

friendly website experiences8

• A 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions9

From this data alone, we can conclude that it is incredibly important that you are prepared and mobile ready. Your site speed has a direct impact on customer conversions and website revenue, mobile pages that load 1s faster see up to a 27% increase in conversion rate10 .

6 7 8 9 10 SOASTA Case study (September 1st, 2015)

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– Shaping the future of Digital Advertising

3 Seconds is the maximum site load time for optimum user experience and conversions.

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What does site friendliness mean for businesses that are more sales driven?If your business success is driven by in-bound calls and sales, a significant amount of this information still applies to your business. Let’s look at the data on where customers find your number to call.

How do users find your number?44% look it up on a search engine23% find it on your website11% saved your number from a previous time2% remembered your number and call it

Even if a mobile advertising/marketing strategy doesn’t suite your business operations, building to support it can assist you in other ways (such as inbound calls, brand awareness, word of mouth marketing, etc.).

Eliminate steps that reduce conversions67% of smartphone users who switch to another site or app will do so because it takes too many steps to purchase or get desired information11. It is important that your smartphone user can complete your conversion process, thus it is important to make sure you’re taking the right steps to ensure a smooth experience as well as an easy conversion step process.Our most recommended solutions include:

• Implement one-click functionality • Design efficient forms (minimize errors with labelling and real-time field validation, let users

purchase as a guest).• Provide alternatives to finish the transaction (e.g save information for later, email details to a friend).• Use click-to-call for complex tasks. (e.g securing sales and bookings)

ConclusionBased upon the research Marketing Mechanics has undertaken in 2015-2016, we make solid recommendations that all of our clients be mobile available – whether it be solely for websites, smartphone applications or email marketing, it is more important than ever to have your business operate in the mobile space, and not just be prepared but have a super charged, user friendly mobile site to optimize user experience.

Market Research and trends strongly support our assumed hypothesis that by 2020 mobile marketing will be the primary platform for digital advertising and marketing strategies. The research we have gathered and based on past performance, historic growth trends and industry advancements align with this implication.

If you’d like to know more, feel free to get in contact with one of our Digital Marketing Specialists and our team will be more than happy to help or provide more information.

11 Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, May 2013

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– Shaping the future of Digital Advertising

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