mobile app rollout


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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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Joel Janke. Mobile App Rollout. Introduction. WLC has made changes to strengthen our brand. New Athletic logo Attempts at strengthening school spirit. Our school has proud graduates. We are a growing college, we must explore new ideas!. Introduction. One method has been explored. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Mobile App Rollout


Joel Janke

Page 2: Mobile App Rollout

Introduction WLC has made changes to strengthen

our brand. New Athletic logo

Attempts at strengthening school spirit. Our school has proud graduates. We are a growing college, we must

explore new ideas!

Page 3: Mobile App Rollout

Introduction One method has been explored.

The WLC App. Students can receive rewards for

attendance. Higher attendance = Higher community This app is a great start for something


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The Use of Apps Large schools

Keep students connected and informed Companies

Invite potential clientsKeep returning customers interested

Our app has potential

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What is the Problem? Lack of knowledge

Of app itselfOr the athletic events

Audience accessibility Convenience Usage issues

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What do you see?

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What do you see? Rewards Navigation Panel Sharing capabilities No events HOWEVER

We have a unique opportunity.

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Proposed Action WHO? Prospective students, current

students, alumni WHAT? Spark interest in athletic events WHEN? Fall Semester 2013 WHERE? Anywhere WHY? School spirit increases HOW? The WLC App Rollout

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How does this help? A good start makes a better finish.

Moblico Solutions Awareness will increase with

advertising. Higher functionality. Money for athletic programs and higher


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How does this help? Moblico

Past clients ○ Rascal Flatts – Tour of the Year Award from

Eventful Magazine○ The Barbados Food & Wine and Rum Festival

Addy Award 2012 NominationReasonable pricing

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Moblico As amount of users

increase, the app gets better.Better features and

services Increased

attendance at our events brings in revenue

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Awareness Our audience will be aware of the app.

E-mail addresses of current & alumni students.

At athletic eventsIn-app sharing

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Higher Functionality We are allowed more capabilities with

more users.UStreamUpdated scoreboardMore programsMore crowd interaction

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Student Enrollment People respond to incentives

Attend more events and be more involved.Increases community

Prospective students Driven to WLC for athletic programMoney brought into school.

Alumni return to WLCGive back to their alma mater.

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Benefits Cost effective

For the schoolFor the users


More school spirit

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What do we need? Advertising, advertising, advertising

Avoid the current situationOn-campus postingsE-MailCampus mailPost information at athletic events

Encourage connectivity!

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School Spirit WLC carries an outstanding reputation

for academics.Our school spirit can help our athletic

presence stand out. Small steps

Bigger goalsWe can reach them.

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Common word associated with WLC

I Am A Warrior School spirit can enhance the

meaning The WLC App’s role