mississippi free press, vol-1, num-37, august 25 1962 · a. spo.ke1iman for tht'...

Mississippi " Til e Truth ShaU Make You Fr ee" _v_ol_ . _1:... _N..;,; o. _3 ,;_ 7 _.;;::!fl!o: 31 J.ockson, Mln1sslpPI - Sat ur.U.y, August 2'5, 1962 10c Per Copy SJR · IKE ENDS; GET 7%¢ MORE Tloe re iii M th is week h«aw.e the camer a IAt Ute f'REE PRESS Wal! ta ken !»y ADillt Coual y offldalil as he '1\' 1&8 la king picture;< of I he • low regillleriaa of eilizefts at lh e eour\ "-- FREE PlESS REPORTER HAS CAlERA TAIEI; THREATEIEI A rej>orto..r !or the FREE"" t-- --- ------- - PRESS was in Liberty, Mluis· aa he Jell the bullding.The uext oippi, lUI Tuesday to cover sbot he took Crom in•ide the some vQler registTation there. court hou4e a\ •uch. an angJe so While he was tailing pictures ol as to reve• l th.e two ddnkina the people recialering a.i the Coontain•, colored and whHe. court house he had hjs camt>T8 Clerk Wate ... o.... taken by 'one . ot the county of· An<>the.r plciUre was tak., so ticials " When he .. ke ,d to have that it revealed the peuon be· his c;ame..-a relul'ned, ht w"t:s ing registered seated at a bbJe. threatened with j, piece o.l ca" Th" Circui t Cie" rk wa s away ble and to.ld lo 1he hell out {t"Om the table on a Jlro U ovr or lown the way you came in looking the situation. Apparent· and take anybody you l>rouch! IY he .held a ruler or blaclliack wit-h you .• , in his band as he over 'I'be t• epoNer said tha t he wu the •ituallon. \Qkint: pictures ot the ci llz en• Someone or the al as they were betng taken one at the court houae •uw I he re· time into the! Clerk's porter lak: i.n. &' pictlJre1J. Hr s- a.id oHice, where H took over to him, Wloltt are you dolng1" an hour lor lbe ,m to fill out the When he wu told thal he w as preliminary forms Cor r'eJt<ter· takJng pictures , he gr abbed the Jng. He &a .id th at he first look camera saying . "Oimme that pict.ure:; of the people untlcr _a camera." ' then aBed who \.rt'e in .fro11t they were bad lotd tbe. r- eporttt to come w;Utint their \urn to regh ter. and take picture• . Al that lime , Next he ca us;hl one of lhe ntcn tht reporter offered to •how the who had completed form s < C••!i.,ktd •• · P•g t :1 L ly Charln l11tto f .. Du r mg the pu t r ew day., "I lorty"rlve minu tes or enjoy· woman from has ment , u policeman over been ln Jackson in connecUon and -asked her " 'hile friend. "I$" vtltt\ a research pa_ pe.r .she Is your nal ionaUty " ' tdte?', The dointt fOr ht':r nu1ster'a degr e-e rrlend, ln nn innocen t at the Univcni ty o{ Cu ltl . ornia. replied, "No, I believe thot it is She ;., studyi ng the ide ., •nd Ame ri< 'ilrt ," He Ihen ukcd th e people In tho lnleg•·at <!d if hi• r••• "'"' white ond he mo\ •e meht. She. tta s p artic u.ln consenfrd that pel'haps it "fU. Jy de alt wlth COR!i: m omben By th lo llme thel'e were two tn her otuds·. add JI[onal polie om"" " T h • )' While ohe wM btue in J actold the '"'0 thol lC they d ld oot son, she \vbo I• while Joined pool the.'· would another white pc taon &nil du:lurblng lho eral Nearo young lor a Late>r the wom•n from C .'all· ,.w1 m 1n the public li\\'i mming 1,. the pool provided b.v I he oily •PP•" · rlrst lime In lon,J: while thai 1 uti.Y "lor on I) '," hove d tsturbed I he peace of St»e $t1ld Hlot stu: w:u n()t 1 m('rt,f.v bJ.' trying to pro••• OJ\)'thhll!i, bu t on m) lb lt )11)1 and tl) wanted IO take Q to off. f( ""''"''"·' o .. J•,g .. ,;) ,.,,.,s Det«miltttl To fitter 111 Scltools Tltis fall Laborers Show Strike Threat; But Take Only Small Pay Hike A. spo.ke 1i man for tht' '' In@ J) Ju•ents_. who lssl week tloocd Uun their children be ad· milled lo white sohools, raid that llenral more .1)<!ople had their desire to be in· e tude!! on the petit ion. Re said I ho\ generally enthuslum i• very hiCh lor the improved ed· ucallon Lh•t integratlon would provide lor th<.' student• . Be stoled, however. thut no word Jnad been re,·eivt'd tcum the .c hool board. The dispute be l ween the r .... Union in ,f•clc•ott aud the Co nslruHion WllS t•e•olvetl 1.-1 w"OOk. The •trikers 1\'Ct't' Jri\'cn A .<teven und one·hnlf rent rnisc over their old scttiP.. The hnrl previous ly received .l.IW an ht>ur. They were for fhe sam•• thirly c!l nl hikt> th•t the · Other men in eon•truttion had r eeeh ed. l:<ooo·- ecs h11d beeo offered five cents J trior lo the •tl'lke, •o actual gain C•· om the otrike "'"" ouly two und onc-hotr Chief Will Says Police Not Interfere A report camt' into th e FnF;E One ( :aln Ac c;o rd i ng to union men, th e i n-.porlanl guin thett they had stl'uek. which they hod fell they could on ly to do in th e p:t sl . The:,v U re c:onvinced lhwl s houltl PRESS last W'-'4!-k that they lhrt>n ten tt stri ke in thr The parent< l>ope to the lr children, who range in . from seven tO se.v-entccn, in \he schools thi• tall. •Y that they are to tllke l•a•l action that would be necessary. U the eh ,y re-fuses lo allow the children to enter . The Spokesman soJd l bat hope<!. the c hange could come quietly, but eddt>d that because of lhC!: nt'wspape r attention . wh ich issue wa• getting, a Q.uie L sens:ible sol uHon he3 ntade that much mole dilfic:u1t. The spo l<uma n al so saicl th "al the move hu been •upporled by the Nationa l As8ociation lor the Advanc ement or Colorc;d Peop le on the local, •tale and national level. He made it very however. tJ1at the petl· tion was aigne<l and .. nt on the lnHialive o'[ the indivlduoJ s who it and that they were not a£1lllaled wllh any srt>up. one of U. s boy s w as intimidated by a poli<emon. A legal con•ullanl imme!li•tcl¥ wa• called In order to check into the maller" Be fil'llt certain that no permit Is neceo· so.ry in orde-r to sc.Jl newspa- pers. Fie t alked to the city at· tomey, Stennet , who told him that no permit wa. il needed. ltc then cheeked wi th police cbier, He d.oubtN . lhut It w:uc a police o.llicer becaus-e he sol d, "tbo polite hod been inott·ucted a.• loog a.• something I• legal, not to lnt.,r(c " re... or cour.e, the rRESS is legaUy lncorpol'ated. When · Lhe incident WAI tnveali· goted , It wu found through n st.oUon that 11 was a 'conllluble who hod done tho tht•outening. Apporc.otly he did not threnlen nrrest, but only •cored the boy•. With the support bt the polictl. it i• not lil<ly lh•t such •n 1 n d d • n I would happen again. --- More Merchants Throw Ovt Harts Strike For Recognition Continues ·- The detetmmed ot raisn tivinR In the rour M arti ba. keries a Pe now si ppi. in l-heir se venlh week or pic kelu whert the'- h•rg. lnc ror rtghl$. The cal of lhc l:lart s plvn bi IU· e.mployeel't '" J i who Union "'Bu11i ncu mnn· have nol recognized by •&•• ·· Blakely r< t>Ot'led that Hnrl$ b r e ad bod been Lhe co mpany uoion even thrown out or n earJy eig hty though the-y hav e be en recog - ( (tJH ,iHHt (l tnt ,f) nlzed by the Washlngton Amcri·j p;;;;;;;;;_ .;;;= Cuiurc, they will b<> de•lt wilh mo re $trlous1y. App nrc.n\lv tt· tt- fiacl that lhe bm d nexs mnna&cr for lhr $ un ion WD& In tha a\ the time of U\ t• wa s detrimentnl to thl" i.ilu..alion a !IC r--. r aa wor'kct·;e W<!t 'e cone<" t'nc.. 'd . U u muHer o_ f c.uutai-e lbat be ao mmiUed to the whttu there- ill u poss ible sta·fke. ll bec.o said lhut this hus hap,. petted se veru l limebefore. No Hat,. :• ll t:re ln the oC out lhe informGt1Qn (or lhJa -ilory , l hls t'OIIt..-d the L.aborctr'S Union and lor one ol th e union men , who an eJected oUie-i;&l . thi ;; reporter prdixa-d the manrs with " Mt ·.' " lhf Jrrlla,bly mad e it that lhe man N"egrn and nol ln n po • lllon to s peak lo r the unio11 In lo .tt I IIIer cu ll. she s tated thB' there w(l li none by •u• h o nnnte (wilh lhe lillr• "M r. "). Thc t' t'! stil l •ec.ms to be iri J'Onl! ev,de. n(e thol there ure some t 9•1 of deolinlf• in lhl• union. in addition to it s appal cn l p r u e t t t f' of ion (They h a v • rolOJ'bd nntl w b I 1 e il wa s fUr I'OMC: Mt.l\ tu "('\ Shortly aHe1 lhc PRESS will go to pretttf. there will be an portunt moetinJt of Utt uniou to db.cu,:s a.nd ;,1 tern pt to riN.&n up Sonu. ot H" i ntom• l probl em•. can B aker• and con r cctione•··· SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE UNDERWAY Union, hope to get ll wuge hlke to ma ke th"m equal to Colonial The FREE PRESS is In the m idst of gMeral re· breed . Ctl lonlul, wllith Is baked organization and reb ... lldl ng progr om A new and In Ja ckson al tlo, p>ys ltg dou gh editorial policy h;u been The stafl f-tas been mhters $1.8!) an hour while tile organized on a more pl!rmancnl basls" Distribution of the men ot Hurl s were unl,v geltln.;: newSPaper, on th e city, s tare , and nat ional level s, has $1 . 40 lo r th e ••me Job" been pwsusd. Co.rrespondcnts fotave becm recruited a roul"d The Ja ck< on pic kel ro plaln the s late reported lhul lh rce mora slo "I' CS However. one ol th e m osl crucia l ol our pJo· h"d ten I th eir b r c » d gr•m now faces us. The need fo expand our su bscrip tlort bauk. They re fu sed to boy lists. For tne so, plu• our adver l lsln!l bt·e•d made by low poid wol'k· the bulk of our ll nanda l s uppvrt. They must be developed or4. An ln ' ernotionol re p ro· to the ir f ... tlest "' ofder thot the FREE PRESS may con· senta tJvc lor lhe ABC u o I on t ll"ue to g'ow ond develop, And in order thai tfot e true uil l. " W" wont to ru be the slt <l•l•on in M is•issfppi and the South moy be known •land ard of Uvlng here In Lhe th roughout tne country . SUuth." 11•• which jolr• A su bsc r ipt ion m•y be found at the bollom •everu l 5I o rH who nu•e not of our E ditor i•l P4ge, page 2. The FREF. PRESS will be h•ndlorl u , rt• b•••d tlnee lite sen t p romptly, week, anywhere In tne United S la tes bt?t:;mniryJ! of lht." t 1 k •d• ' or abroad \hear L tv t}u ercvr\ t() \-----------------------------'

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Page 1: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-37, August 25 1962 · A. spo.ke1iman for tht' ''In@ J)Ju•ents_. who lssl week peli~ tloocd Uun their children be ad· milled lo white sohools,


" Tile Truth ShaU Make You Free" _v_ol_. _1:...• _N..;,;o._ 3,;_7_.;;::!fl!o: 31 J.ockson, Mln1sslpPI - Satur.U.y, August 2'5, 1962 10c Per Copy


Tloe re iii M piclur~ this week h«aw.e the camera l~looltrlnc IAt Ute f'REE PRESS ph~torrapher Wal! taken !»y ADillt Coualy offldalil as he '1\'1&8 laking picture;< of I he • low regillleriaa of eilizefts at lhe eour\ "--


A rej>orto..r !or the FREE""t------------­PRESS was in Liberty, Mluis· aa he Jell the bullding.The uext oippi, lUI Tuesday to cover sbot he took Crom in•ide the some vQler registTation there. court hou4e a\ •uch. an angJe so While he was tailing pictures ol as to reve• l th.e two ddnkina the people recialering a.i the Coontain•, colored and whHe. court house he had hjs camt>T8 Clerk Wate ... o .... taken by 'one .ot the county of· An<>the.r plciUre was tak., so ticials" When he .. ke,d to have that it revealed the peuon be· his c;ame..-a relul'ned, ht w"t:s ing registered seated at a bbJe. threatened with j, piece o.l ca" Th" Circuit Cie"rk was away ble and to.ld lo " ge~ 1he hell out {t"Om the table on a JlroU ovr r· or lown the way you came in looking the situation. Apparent· and take anybody you l>rouch! IY he .held a ruler or blaclliack wit-h you .• , in his band as he wutc.b~ over

'I'be t•epoNer said that he wu the •ituallon. \Qkint: pictures ot the ci llzen• Someone or the emplo.vee~ al as they were betng taken one at the court houae •uw I he re· • time into the! Cl.r~uit Clerk's porter lak:i.n.&' pictlJre1J. Hr s-a.id oHice, where H took over h~U to him, '·Wloltt are you dolng1" an hour lor lbe,m to fill out the When he wu told thal he was preliminary forms Cor r'eJt<ter· takJng pictures, he grabbed the Jng. He &a.id that he first look camera saying. "Oimme that pict.ure:; of the people untlcr _a camera."' ll~ then aBed who \.rt'e in .fro11t wh~t·~ they were bad lotd tbe. r-eporttt• to come w;Utint their \urn to reghter. and take picture•. Al that lime, Next he caus;hl one of lhe ntcn tht reporter offered to •how the who had completed th~ form s <C••!i.,ktd ••· P•gt :1


L ly Charln l11tto f ~·•••~"-~~~~~~,.,,_,,,_,,._,~.e .. oo.•o.•~•.,•~-.u.;

Dur mg the pu t rew day., " I lorty"rlve minutes or enjoy· woman from Cu.Jilorr~ia has ment, u policeman c~me over been ln Jackson in connecUon and -asked her " 'hile f r iend. " I$" vtltt\ a research pa_pe.r .she Is your nalionaUty " 'tdte?', The dointt fOr ht':r nu1ster'a degre-e rrlend, ln nn innocen t mann~r at the Univcnity o{ Cultl.ornia. replied, "No, I believe thot it is She ;., studying the ide., •nd Ameri<'ilrt ," He wp~ I hen ukcd the people In tho lnleg•·at<!d if hi• r••• " '" ' white ond he mo\•emeht. She. tta s particu.lnr· consenfrd that pel'haps it "fU. Jy dealt wlth COR!i: m omben By thlo llme thel'e were two tn her otuds·. addJI[onal polieom""" T h • )'

While ohe wM btue in J ack· told the '"'0 thol lC they d ld oot son, she \vbo I• while Joined J~ave ' thc pool the.'· would ~e another white pctaon &nil s:c-v~ du:lurblng lho p~aac.'. eral Nearo young p~oplc lor a Late>r the wom•n from C.'all· ,.w1 m 1n the public li\\'imming rornT~ J 'enuuk~d. ''Th;~t 1,. the pool provided b.v I he oily •PP•"· rlrst lime In ~ lon,J: while thai 1 uti.Y "lor N~groc! on I)'," hove d tsturbed I he peace of

St»e $t1ld Hlot stu: w:u n()t 1 hrll~ g.c.?ntl~men m('rt,f.v bJ.' trying to pro••• OJ\)'thhll!i, but putlln~ on m) b~thing l b lt w~ s )11)1 and m~1 tl) wanted IO

take Q ~ow1m to roo~ off. Ar~~r f( ""''"''"·' o .. J•,g .. ,;)

-· ,.,,.,s Det«miltttl To fitter Cltif~ren 111 Scltools Tltis fall

Laborers Show Strike Threat; But Take Only Small Pay Hike

A. spo.ke1iman for tht' ''In@ J)Ju•ents_. who lssl week peli~

tloocd Uun their children be ad· milled lo white sohools, raid that llenral more .1)<!ople had ~• al~ their desire to be in· etude!! on the petit ion. Re said I ho\ generally enthuslum i• very hiCh lor the improved ed· ucallon Lh•t integratlon would provide lor th<.' student•. Be stoled, however. thut no word Jnad been re,·eivt'd tcum the .chool board.

The dispute be l ween the r .... t.ore•··~ Union in ,f•clc•ott aud the ConslruHion C~tttlrlltloro, WllS t•e•olvetl 1.-1 w"OOk. The •trikers 1\'Ct't' Jri\'cn A .<teven und one·hnlf rent rnisc over their old scttiP.. The laborer~ hnrl previously received .l.IW an ht>ur. They were ll~kin~t for fhe sam•• thirly c!lnl hikt> th•t the ·Other men in eon•truttion had reeeh•ed. Th~ l:<ooo·­ecs h11d beeo offered five cents Jtrior lo the •tl'lke, •o th~ actual gain C•·om the otrike "'"" ouly two und onc-hotr cent~.

Chief Will

Says Police Not Interfere

A report camt' into the FnF;E

One lmpo_rta~tt ( :aln Acc;ording to union men, the

m~»l i n-.porlanl guin ~·as thett they had stl'uek. so•nethi~Ht which they hod fell they could on ly thr'~atcn to do in the p:tsl . The:,v Ure c:onvinced lhwl shoultl

PRESS oHie~ last W'-'4!-k that they lhrt>n ten tt strike in thr

The parent< l>ope to pl~te thel r children, who range in ~g~ .from seven tO se.v-entccn, in \he schools thi• tall. 'l'h~y ••Y that they are prep~red to tllke l•a•l action that would be necessary. U the eh,y re-fuses lo allow the children to enter. The Spokesman soJd lbat lh~y hope<!. the change could come quietly, but eddt>d that because of lhC!: nt'wspaper attention. which lh~ issue wa• getting, a Q.uieL sens:ible soluHon he3 be~n ntade that much mole dilfic:u1t. The spol<uman a lso saicl th"al the move hu been •upporled by the Nationa l As8ociation lor the Advancement or Colorc;d People on the local, •tale and national level . He made it very cle~r, however. tJ1at the petl· t ion was aigne<l and .. nt on the lnHialive o'[ the indivlduoJs who ~igned it and that they were not a£1lllaled wllh any srt>up.

one of U.s nt!'ws-pa~r boys was intimidated by a poli<emon. A legal con•ullanl imme!li•tcl¥ wa• called In order to check into the maller" Be fil'llt mad~ certain that no permit Is neceo· so.ry in orde-r to sc.Jl newspa­pers. Fie talked to the city at· tomey, Stennet, who told him that no permit wa.il needed. ltc then cheeked with police cbier, PieTC~c. He d.oubtN. lhut It w:uc a police o.llicer becaus-e he sold, "tbo polite hod been inott·ucted ~ltat a.• loog a.• something I• legal , not to lnt.,r(c"re... or cour.e, the FRE~: rRESS is legaUy lncorpol'ated.

When ·Lhe incident WAI tnveali· goted, It wu found through n ga~ st.oUon atl.eod~nt that 11 was a ' conllluble who hod done tho tht•outening. Apporc.otly he did not threnlen nrrest, but only •cored the boy•. With the support bt the poli ctl. it i• not lil<ly lh•t such •n 1 n d d • n I would happen again. ---

More Merchants Throw Ovt Harts Strike For Recognition Continues ·­The detetmmed employee~ ot raisn tivinR rhH'ld-ard~ In Mi~-s is· the rour Marti ba.keries a Pe now sippi. in l-heir sevenlh week or picket· lu Mcmphi~. whert the'- h•rg. lnc ror ba rgalnin~ rtghl$. The cal of lhc l:lart s plvnbi a» IU· e.mployeel't ' " J i c k ~ on , who tll~. Union "'Bu11incu mnn· have nol bee~ recognized by •&••·· Claud~ Blakely r<t>Ot'led

that Hnrl$ b r e ad bod been Lhe company a~t • uoion even thrown out or nearJy eighty though the-y have been recog- ( (tJH,iHHt (l tnt l'uu~ ,f)

nlzed by the Washlngton Amcri·j p;;;;;;;;;_ .;;;=

Cuiurc, they will b<> de•lt wilh more $trlous1y. Appnrc.n\lv tt·tt­fiacl that lhe bmd nexs mnna&cr for lhr Ltabor~r· $ union WD& In tha ho~pibl a\ the time of U\t• stdk~ was detrimentnl to thl" i.ilu..alion a !IC r--. r aa Uu~ wor'kct·;e W<!t'e cone<"t'nc..'d . U se~m• t o \)~ u muHer o_f c.uutai-e lbat be ~ aommiUed to the ho~'it'" whttu there- ill u possible sta·fke. ll Ita~ bec.o said lhut this hus hap,. petted severu l lime• before.

No Hat,.:• llt:re ln the proees~ oC ~ee.king out

lhe informGt1Qn (or lhJa -ilory , lhls wrH~r t'OIIt..-d the L.aborctr'S Union and as~ed lor one ol the union men, who wa~ an eJected oUie-i;&l. Becauii~ thi;; reporter prdixa-d the manrs nam~ with " Mt·.'" lhf li'~cretary Jrrlla,bly made it c.- l~ar that lhe man wu.~ N"egrn and lh~r~rot··c nol ln n po• lllon to speak lor the unio11 In l"e~-ponse l o .tt IIIIer cu ll. she stated thB' there w(lli none th~·re by •u• h o nnnte (wilh lhe lillr• " M r.").

Thct' t'! still •ec.ms to be iri J'Onl! ev,de.n(e thol there ure some t 9•1 of ~trange deolinlf• in lhl• union. in addition to its appal • cnl p r u e t t t f' of .scgrc-~:nt ion (They ~l•o h a v • rolOJ'bd nntl w b I 1 e toilet~.) J\pp~t·ently il was poS~ilblt fUr I'OMC: Mt.l\ tu "('\ lovo1~ed job~. Shortly aHe1 lhc FRE:~: PRESS will go to pretttf. there will be an lm ~ portunt moetinJt of Utt uniou memb£'r~hip to db.cu,:s a.nd ;,1 tern pt to riN.&n up Sonu.• ot H" intom•l problem•.

can Baker• and conrcctione•··· SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE UNDERWAY Union, hope to get ll wuge hlke to ma ke th"m equal to Colonial The FREE PRESS is In the midst of ~ gMeral re· breed . Ctllonlul, wllith Is baked organization and reb ... lldlng progrom A new and I•K~d In Jackson altlo, p>ys ltg dough editorial policy h;u been est~blished The stafl f-tas been m hters $1.8!) an hour while tile organized on a more pl!rmancnl basls" Distribution of the men ot Hurls were unl,v geltln.;: newSPaper, on the city, stare, and national levels, has $1 .40 lor the ••me Job" been pwsusd. Co.rrespondcnts fotave becm recruited aroul"d

The Jack<on pickel roplaln the s late reported lhul lhrce mora slo"I'CS However. one ol the mosl crucial ~spects ol our pJo· h"d ten I their J.IJ<rl~ b r c » d gr•m now faces us. The need fo expand our subscriptlort bauk. They re fu sed to boy lists. For tneso, plu• our adverl lsln!l cll~ntele, repro~nt bt·e•d made by low poid wol'k· the bulk of our llnandal s uppvrt. They must be developed or4. An ln' ernotionol re p ro· to their f ... tlest "' ofder thot the FREE PRESS may con· senta tJvc lor lhe ABC u o Ion t ll"ue to g'ow ond develop, And in order thai tfote true uill. " W" wont to rube the slt<l•l•on in M is•issfppi and the South moy be known •landard of Uvlng here In Lhe th roughout tne country. SUuth." 11•• s~ol'e>. which jolr• A subscript ion bl~nk m•y be found at the bollom •everu l 5I o rH who nu•e not of our Editori•l P4ge, page 2. The FREF. PRESS will be h•ndlorl u , rt• b•••d tlnee lite sent promptly, e~ery week, anywhere In tne United Slates bt?t:;mniryJ! of lht." ~ t 1 ~ k "· •d•' or abroad

\hear ~ouppm L tv t}u ercvr\ t() \-----------------------------'

Page 2: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-37, August 25 1962 · A. spo.ke1iman for tht' ''In@ J)Ju•ents_. who lssl week peli~ tloocd Uun their children be ad· milled lo white sohools,

Pace 2

Editorial Page

Three Questions Stud.,nt. Mpeak glihly of I'I)Ovement.. Why not, th~y ore

nil over lhe place. In lha South parllcularly, mo\•cment~ :tbound, Anywhere a few ~tur!e11tH get together "'!th n Jlt'O·

ject In which they hope lo lnvolvP. othe.r peoJ•le, they tnll I hemkel\•ek Juders Of II n>ov~menltAnd M<l ofr.

lt •eem3 to us !hal uJthough •ound p<>lilicnl, economic and ..oc-ial mo,·ement• are m01<l neces-.ry, and ,..e will con­tlntuolly go on record in support or them, there I~ " crucial ,-.~pon,.lbility llult aUendil any end e\-ery mQ,·ement. This refipOn~lbllity re<tuh-es some c:nrefuJ questioning, In the firet plrwe. The.e questiorut are: ''What i• a movement?", "Whut i• its JlUI'J)01<~," Rnd "\Vhnt hnJJpen~ nrtcrwartl ?"

To I he rlr•t <lll~Riion, our ,Uirlft!Rtlon of nn nn11w~r woultl he 11 dictibnno·y dMinllilln. A movement, in tho acn•o we ure ~peuking ot, I• 11 •criM of organized »clivititlll by " group or J>t.'OI>le in 11 COIII'erted effort l<> reuch KOme ~ro~l. The kP)' word i- organized. ThiA mtJU\1< planning out t1•ery con­wnceh•nble detnil ..a th"j 11l wol'l!l-it can be hAndled. ll Ia 80 u.•y to plan an aclh·ity and only count on "•hal one ••ant~ to h•r•JM!n. Then when the unwanlt.od situntion comf'~ alnt1g, the ~tcth ity su ffer•.

II w~ll orgunized 1110\ o•meul will, of cour~e. h~<ve lender. shh>. bul more is needed, nnrl lhul 11'-~e,•<mdnry leuder~hlp. l:nndhl " '"6 the l»lli!ler ho 1\'M with hi~ movement, to 11 gro'ltt cxte.nt, bc<·nu~c nt hi• ll•hrnnl• hill fnlloweo·.c lenrned and d~veloped I ho philo•rlflhY nnd 1 he method~ that were to lie u~~ed in the rnml)aign. All lhi• w11.1 rlone before nny movc­nu;nl w1U1 bcogun ot' that when It did begin, there were muny •·Jittlt t:audhl~" to earry on the ;>n.lgram in the Ml.J<ense or Gandhi hlnuel!. Gandhi "'"" orpnlxed.

The organiztd nnd conceriNI effort mlll<t ha,·e a JC<»Il, a pui'J)O«e. To this we Muggtsl nddlng ~trenglh and rrro" th to lhe eltuntion. CleRrl.y, uny ~trlh•lly mudt strenc thcn lhe comnounicatfl>n and public rellll•one wlth tbnt whlth IM being moved against. But nwe.h n1ore !hun a mt>.re 3trengthcning of the HIII>IIJ'(itiul situullon Ja IICCCH~IIr)'. The ptlrll<l~e l)f II ll'ood movement ~hould be to effetl a rrowth within the communi­ty I hal 13 Pflrtiei!lllting In lhe movtmc-nt.

Here In lbe South. lhe l'e3fiOIII!Ibility of .rood leadenthlp I• not merely to uu.e 10me 110rt or eUeet in the •hite t'Om­munlly, but to laC'reue the reellur ol sell •·ortbi- within the Negro. Through handling I he respoMibiliUes of his J)8rl In a thoughtful movet~Mnt, he un g11in a respect Cor hi1113~1t, lo make imJIC*lible hia acceptance or him..elf a11 inft.rlor.

The An•wer lo the third qut'l!lion would be determined. to a gnat extent, how well I he firat two que@ lions were hllndletl. A •ucee~oful mO\'Cftlent ntrely arhie••ea ftll or ItA objct·live8 and therefore ou~Chl ne,rer to end. but, ob,·lou•ly, lhl're romt'l! a time w)len I he momentum of a movement die• 110 th11l the publlt.lty rece<k>•. \\'hen this llme arrivP~. or be­for4', " good mO\'cment hu trained enough responolble lend· enthiJI lo ronlinue an inltrt'l!l In ( 1.) maintaining th~ KOIIIS that ha\•e been rNthed, and (2. ) through the tlemf>. C'nttir l>roc:eM. strl\·~ fnr th()al(o R<*~ that ha,·e not bt>\!n at­tained.

And .. . Common Sense


New Publia~tion TA• I'Rfi:B PllR!<.<; A•• • .,. I•·

tu;ducl'd to a HI'W/ pH.tli<altOii, 1/t~ltJK Oc-mocr•fr ,·, A,tlo•. It ;, ,,~,u,.Jud tf•..a ,.,,.,.. tt ~~~·,. ,·H /tltJff'

)'ot·k. Tit(! t'dito,. (fl flt l' tltcm" /]liN•

ION. f'Ac •(..rt''"" llGfl4: fit wtl~lttr df!tltJ'•'• ll1 ~''"''flU Ia l'lfi'~IU11t1Jii.•;fl rtlfj'H)H,.i6lt dt'114fH"Mik HH IUM .. ,,,..

C*lltM, ,,. .. .,. t l"'" ' • t i ft/Itt'. tlte I>'RBE: PJtf:.(\.f\ tritl ,.,.. ON ..... ,.

o/ ,,,. uactt-. ,. ,. ll"ftlt ... , lt•rr ,-t.t .. cl ,,.,. ,.,:..~;p~,. t.w .,..,.,.,, IAf!l {",,.~H O tiHH-1'•'11 ut ArhOflt 1.1

••w.-.l. l . The umon movem ent la: ~n

Important force lor ~oclnl pr<>g· I'OU nnd for d~mn{.ll"tiCY In liO .. clcty. Bul 10 fulfill thuo poton· llullt mu.c be thofouwhly demo· trdtic In its own Inner lire.

Saturday, August 25, 1961

Campaigning For Political Office-ll Tbe Mlul8elppii'IIE£ PRESS pr-la a worklhop oa MYeral

loplc. "' bnporlaace 10 an MlaaluiPPI c:lt!Mnl. the catldn cl.al wllb many lac.._ o1 the polltkal 1tn1cture of the •t-. Recsd ... ..._ eDCowoqed to c.Up tloe artlc:lft rmd o oave them lor lllture ,..,.,.,.. and 1tudy.

s. .. ..,th of a SeriH


Re.:all tluo~ la.t week. )f,·. Jone.<. our "t)•pie~tl undidate'' and bl• (rit'nd~ decided tbut he ought to run for the dtate legislature. They werl! ' " "king forwnrd to the Democratic orin1ary. '!'hid week wt' 11ick up 1\lr. Jone• nnd uo he J?N!pl\res hiK cQm)lnilj'll

The first thlntt for Mr. Junes+------------­lo do I• to eolubil•h u politico! ~tent Kennedy •o \•Ct'Y much in organi ... tion. An efficiently run his campulgn ygainst Rlehao•d org11:nizalion It e••entlal Cor a Nixon: thntl3, challenge his oP·

2. By dcmoera.-y we mean I he .-~ campai•n. Con•-u<>ntt• bile dcbote at kind oC rigbls provided In the 8 """ • ., ' ponent to " pu United Sutet Con.oltullon. We Mr. Jon.,.· ehelce for urnpaign which they mlaht disruss the do not propOse lha& ev~rythlng manater will be a crucial one. rel~''anl iaJaues in \.he cam· (rom txzyinc postoae lllomp• to Tbe ~ompalcn manacer wiD p•ign. klrlnr a bookkeepor be aub· •ee to il that Mr. Jo.•e• be- f'lnurea lno,.rt•.nt milled w wwn hull rrollles. By come• known to thofte "'ho wiD Financlul oupport a not to union clcmocrary, we moon <he be voting at the poU• iJ\ the be nPglected. ond n second vital right to publl• h new•popert jlnd coming Demo<rotle Primary. A membco· ot the Jone• organi­handbill~. to O<J,(I111ite groupo Jorge orgonlznllon I• not neceo· zillion will bo his u·casurer. He nne! eoueuses, to Call' trlul po·<l· sory, but elticiency Ia • prim<! will help to ral•c money tor t.he eedures: 1he rlghl to elect, or requisite. Indeed in • recent poll.licol campoiQn. Perllnps the to oppose,. or remove •n ndmin campaign tor the Democo·olic mo.~ Crequ~nt ll me tund·rais­illt'ation unde.r ~lttf\11, C!Onlli· nomination for rcpl'tJSentutlve ina: dinner at which tor exam• tuUonal pto<:US6 protected not to the United StatH Concr~ss, pie people' ... ill pay $10 tor the muely on papor but In rulity. one candidate wu .... bl~> to can· dinner, with $2 going w P"-Y lrl all this we oppose au<horl· vnss th~ ~nllre city ot Ja<lt· the expen1ea oC the meal and tarloniom and totalitarianism, son in little more than a maoth <he rest aolniJ to support Mr. Communiot or any other, and with only live people 'Oor.Jng Joneo. oll tho•c who would 1uppreu tor him. Finally prIm a r y day wiU nclunJ de.rnoeracy In the nomt Bef'omlnr Known corne:. This l~ ta day on which a ur ••nctlmonlouo obJLroctlono. goocl political orgonltalion can

3 F' h I The chiff .,o·oblcm whlch wiU ltot•n th• IIAa ol on e.lec\ion, and . or per •P• a r~ncrnt 11•1• lnce Mr. Jonu and his group "'heo·e 'ctl~l;:t•o••• of•a11 ~11•

dQJUO('t':tt.•y in uniOn1l, lUI f\'(!1')' nJ t..- h l t kJ h ' " "' "'- "".r """' "'" '" '" whcr.-, ho• been in reu•eol. Men "'nd' ""h. t 0

1°1 ,muknng •• nomh<' the c;lifforence l>c\w~n victory I d I a '" po r es own to t e and dele•t. Mr. J on•• •houid who lried to Ah'Uta n emoer111 c li T . .. "' •

I h i b. 11• pub c. here ore, Of course, hove h•'• ~pic "wa'ting •. ~ r II I • •c• n•t "" llrary 0 1 •lill the tradltlon•l m.U.~ ~-~ ·~· ""' clala hal'e been delc~lcd. d~· available wbieh ore ""ry ~(fcc· l.he vote". They should call and morlllized, nnd cru$hed. But In tive: speakina at church meet· ~ee as mony voters aa possoble recent years, union Mmocrary incs and club mcetinp: ,re<>t· and urce th~m t~ to to the has berome a gnat ..oclal Ia· inc pe<>ple 01 the lou I post oL· poll• . and raat '""" ballot. In aile d•boted betooe the publk fire or general alore: and that addoll<ln there should be ,e;oPl• 1n thia """' climnte, It ia onre old 11\ond·by, boby·ldo&lnl. But at <he polio • ,• we.U, politely •aain po .. fble for 1 h o 1 e who let uo no\ Coo·t~etlhe tremendous trUing eoch voler about Mr. atond up lor democro•y to be lmlJ(lrtance ot the mnu media !ones, ond llow t~ vote !or hlm crrcclive. Thot Is, VDA Ja bu1ed sueh a• tho new•p•p~ra, rocUo, it lho voter d11e• no\ ah·eody not merely on the notion I hot and lelevl•lon. know. Muny el e r t I o o a have union democrocy I• a wormy . • '>een won by such lal\ m.inute uuse-but on the pracUc•l ~· Radio and televi••ofl lime ran acli\'ltlel and <hey 1hould. not aidcration <bat now moy be the ••IU be purc.hued rclali':'eJY be overl~ed by a.ll)'one who best monu•nt Lor a alrocle for- ~~~ea~ly even during the pr~me is a serlou1 candidate for of· ward. At any rate, It I• .,._.,. hstenmg and vlewlnc boun. fiee tlal and worthwhile to try. ~'""!'"rmore, the Fedual Com· · ••w•nlt•c E>r,..riftd

t. Union dtmocroty Ia more mumeallona Com mlulon bu RuM inc for pol it leal office <han an abstr~el ideAl. 11 exisla passed .• rule requl r!n& <ha~ 1"' will be an tllhl\u81inll and tiring a. an en•our••in• r•olity. nola cal r :tdlo and televboon •tahoruo task. Neverthclol& it ia also one

.. e • ~ rrnn\ equal lime on the air to • bly In union• 111\e the Unllod oil can.tidat~• tor the same . oC lhe mo•t rewardonc things Auto Workert. Thooe lnlen>a· 11 . 1 If It h . po that one ean do. For whether tlon~l unlona whlolo ore truly llcn ~ ocr 1 •Y ore woWng kls cumpolgn end• In victory demorrailc an. unloo·tunatrly. to ~urch .. e the time. Reverend or defea~ our Mr. Jones has a minority in I he IMbor rno•·•· South, 1 rcc~nt candld~le for ocrvtd 1 onoa\ Important publie meat today. Bul where union the Democ~oloe nomlnotton foo· purpose He hu helped to dart.

repreaentalove lo the Uoited 1• democro•Y has been <upre<sed. S!:tlet Conere••· .,.... able 10 fy bl~e mpor\ant l&sues Cor th~ men orise lo win II back. In tho reacli 8 areal many -te .., pu he, and even more Import· 11rlvon.,.. of maKu rank and lile ,..~,. anl he haa aoven lhe publi• the

•• ·~ • reaull of hia lpeerhea on ra· T\ •1 oa k _;:_, roformert. •• in the UAW. th~ dio a.nd lcltvbion. And thm oppo uno y - rna e a u~•• authentic idtul• of the lobor too. Mr. Jon•• mi(tht use lh~ between himself and the othHa movement or,• molnt•int<l. technique which hclpod P I· who are ntMinc Lor me ll>me

S. The rc•torotion of union de· ret olllee. The choice Is nol •imply mocntc.v t-. not the t:uk or unaon n e:hoice of peraonaUUel, but a •• ,mk Md rue. rC"COI'M~I"· alone tltufl IMll · ·Ill II+'! ?'(priNI-cf i)t ,_,., choic~ or method and approach

No h1CWt'ment, 110 lclU1,1r (•uu hope ro.r till.)' tll')(t'i'~ n( ll\Jt" .. D~IUOCt(l(",Y nnywhct•e rcquuei- J'RJ-';,; I'RSSS. l 'ur ftil~lte willw,- to COn\ll'IUnlty problems. And CI'IIM unleAs he nUtinlaln• 11 hi11h tlrlu·cc ~f inh'~trctr. \\'c the mo•·al and onQterlil l nid of 1"' 10 ••b•mbr 10 rhr I'•••• D•· •o It Is throush Mr . .Jones and were ~oultlcntd to hear the <"<Httt•lrdnt of a ttew,.nnn the otheo· de on oc rat• over)'"'heo·e. In "'"'''"'• 1• Mri ... •A• ,...,. ;. men Uke him I hat our Ameti• M)', in which he Mid tha.l he rom;1lttly ""I'IIOtted the 11rln- unions. u nred• the coUubor<~· u,IJIJ for ••• 1•••• .. s,.,d """'' can syatem-d~mocracy- ha• cipnl• of • mO\'thl~l\1, but In """king lnformlllion, nol only lion of r~nk and file rdorm•ro ••" ""4'"~ •• •80" " KokJt ... worked, da.a In foot .. ·ork, and could he Ill)( «>Xt)ed to ~l the truth from hit! o"n e;11ntnll AND d~untlabor l~o<ltro. AND ...,,.,. S••••••· )1,,. l '..-k 1• N. 1'. h-fully will continue to work. on thi8 wue. nor could h~ l(t'l It frun1 the t>Oii~. bill he IJ~ral poblic leadeu and In· roulcl not ~\'en be ~ure of 1C"ltln11 the "~tnlittht ~tutr· from t"Uectwola. Thi$ roncoption oq the poople in th~ mo\'Pment. lie RllP:IN'IIIlr hnd d!JM!O\'fred tile C!Ontmon o~ll&atlon ol un10n ~ Cl\l!el whr~-e ihL..e rf•OUn!t'll hlltl nol ~~~ r~r~fnl. lnlt•)CIIy r do r n~tr. tnl«>llcctual. and In prtl't'<jlli~ltc to rl'AIM!CI. H i8 noi •omelhinjl' Uont " IMrl••r union leader Ia th• • • n t r ol

To MISSl~lPPl FREE PRESS 1253 Vall~y St reet

t rye to keep, but Whlll l1e lllnAt k~~p. theno~ of UOA. r='--'=======--==~=-;:;-_....:;-;::-;::-;::-_____ .,1 15. To point up th"\ C'ouunon

Ja.:k80n, Mll••llll!ippl

Plea~<~ find eli<!IC>Hd ehedc or morHI)' ordet' for ••---

MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS need ond .timulote thai rom mon ertort I• one aim of Unlon

to poty for 12 monthl( ) at ... 00

or fOf' •lx month• ( ) at f2.60. J>ubiiAhfd e\·cry ~lur~lny by the H iCo Publl•hlniC Compotny. Inc:.. 1!!5:1 \ 'nil<')' ~t~t. Jll<'bon, Mltui~~Aippl. Phone Ft. 5-7:'145.

Publl$hed weekly In JA<~II. )li~~o•iMiPf'i. t~nl~>r­ed u eet:Qnd-clasi matter al th l'l)olt offkt 111 Jadrs<~n, M lt~J~IN!i pPI.

Subeo:rlptlon prlr•: $4.00 Pt'r rear- .:?.~ ftlr alx monlh8. Ten l.'tlnta ~ t'iiPY·

Editor Charle• L. Dult•

Democracy in Act.lon. UDA will try to arou•e •uppon lor the rank •nd lilt ckmocrat by ltcU inJ hls t~ory: lt woll try lo Ill· wurace the rdormer to appeal NatM IO the coruriet~•t ol I he hberal eommunil.r, remomberlna •I· wa111 t b at the t~ruulea lor u.n_ion r-e.form are one part of the lar,[er a1or7 ol democralle 1\nd militant unlonhm.

Th•• "'' r4• •••"" ,..,, •I CltJ tHo ,..btl...,tloo. lo rA• Jwlow, ------ ----------------

••lklt• ,. lrlp lo .... ... ;.., ,..,. '------------------------J

Page 3: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-37, August 25 1962 · A. spo.ke1iman for tht' ''In@ J)Ju•ents_. who lssl week peli~ tloocd Uun their children be ad· milled lo white sohools,

Satur«Uov. August 25, 1962 MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS

Fret Press Reporter ••• Clarksdale Arrests Farm Workers rc•••·~·"' fro,. ~'•11• •J Registration Worker For Still Getting

Pap S

Ruleville Defies Constitution To 81(!11 Registration Workers county m nn hi< pre•• curd, but "R i Of T d 11 L t W

he 'J&Id thai he did nOI W:tnt lo estra nt ra • owes ages see h . Min W111ie OrUfin of Cl~uk-· E .rtrrpt ,,...,,. , .. ,.,.,,, to V•ti(j,.fll RULE\' ILL£. Mlall>i~s.ippi - hnll ~and into .tn orflce where

Tbte.ate.ne.tl With Wire dale wa1 arruted hut F rfda)' Shrttr,.rwpPf',.,. ,. .. 11nd. LtJst Tut-.dny two 8 t u den l ~ the mnyor luld thom to •It h warkin& on vot~l· re"l•tr:nlon N 1 'd th h Another man, ft•om \\' ile ur~lng Nu~rot1's.; down· E:xt'ludin,.r rnmUy labor, sl u· ~ o::-- down. Me 1 r ij.U :H e • •a•

wert! pickM up and taktn to 1 h'- h 1 b omce next came out 10 '"'•';;:.; town to nceompnn)' her to tht d~nu •orkln~ durlna ,,-;,...,1 city hall ond que.tlon«<. then puJh«< do"'ll nto u < • r Y a~ to what wca.a •oin11 ~n.. ~ourthout-e to rea••ler. Authort. vacation and other c::uu.,J work~ I he mnyor. n,c tnuyor bct:un to

'" . ~::~ told that 1h* work that they 1 och~r man told him that he, ~r; Ut-i hetd her until Friday eve-n· t"n. 1he hired rarm Jobor !Or(.•f! WCI'C: cloln" .iJOJh·hlnJt nnm•'• f(W explnln 1ho d ry u r d n n n c c "cau<•ht thl• boy t•klng lng be/o•·• they would udn>h numbered 2,102,000 In 1060 • • • •

1 whleh prohlbll<'<i •ollchlng ror

" h pt'OSnl>t'll\'t' voleU, " ••• m v O· 1

h lUI'CUI.'' The new mnn then said. er art·el'lt. !\till' Gl"ilrtn wtn: The a,·eru•e rnrnl •-orker ... - oamr-t of ~P e •• ~ t ~Y "crt-" I:Ui()t'l or the ~ity ordinancto I "Oct out or here." He bad • booked on a Be.tralnt of Trade <'>rn«< ~nly <;a;g rrom /arm duons forth~ r \'Oter <antpa11:11.

piece or nblt about IS '"~h• CbaraC!. Authoriliu alleged thai lnbor durlnc tOOO ... '"'•U in· Ch•rlr• M<Lllulin ond Lnn· App<orontly he nl•o • uld thnt tho lona ln his hnnd. ~·llh which-.I~C t he WD..r t a·yJng to "e·t Ncge·oes Cl' l'lltiC ovct 1t•e p•·cviOU$ ye~u·. dt"n t\1l·N11Ir "'rrc \\'ulkinJ.t ~111h ordluunce p r"""nted l'l n ,von • lhrcotencd I he reporter. Again lo CoJIOw htr OUl Q( the dOWn• Hill lotul yearly int>ome, mclud· (our u\hrr ~:~otudrnu (n Iron\ of trurn tJI.,.Iribuling le .. •flch! or omy and #&rain, 88 he was being to .. :n $tCtfon of lhet cily. Of· w.~: non·Cflnn c;.tminac•. \\31l Rulcvl1ltt Cfhltro11 lh~.h &·hoot 'art drl•·~n out ahead or the .wire lict!r• ur the Coahoma County $1.1t.; He "'"~ nble to lind work b

"h~n tlU'"\t \\'~l't" f1PJ'>I'Oot~o:hcrl ~· cable lhat was in a drav.IJ1 potl· Voters League r;.bed tlu: $1,SOO roJ' unly l OtJ dny~ of lhl.l yeter of M 1 u 0

kL'<.l tht· m 1\'iH" 1f tion ready to Jtrike, the repoa·t· cash bnnd to gt.'l Mle~;; 01•1frTn umJ nun-fnr nt ~A•ork for 28 d3y1. the sh('rtrf'• pau'ol cur. Thl"Cl." thl~ ''u·;~~~~w; '"'" 1 ~ l ~d lhC' Ci asked tor hi'i" eanu~ra. to be oul of the CounLy Jail whtre Mittratoty \.'Ot kers. "ho nr~ of the •tudenl$ aUt-nd thl' ht~th( ri,:ht• ,u.tr.ut1c-('d by tht' Unit«< returned. F lnolly be was drinm -the had be~ plated on Sutur· farced to ,.,~,·k wort-. away from •dlOOt th<-t'(!o, Wlu.~n thr nH'n mtstnlrtt ConJootUution. Th~ m.t>'o.r

\ ' lolntt! Ri~thbo

outside of the COUJ1 hou~e. day. The org:udtation waa in· , thear hom eM, found r" nn wo•·k the ~01 1• hnflctl 1 h('lnt, 1 ht• •lu· 11 11 .., \\' e t' t· tl, .. Boy. yuu d•m 1

Ca mera " t.Dken" fQrmcd, ho\\'e" el', that tH~ JOOn uvnllnb1~ Ut11y 123 duytJ Qod ff('Otf wtnl O\'(ll" dnd Wt!t«' met know "' herr you ot:• lhc In a feW n10menu lhe: _b'an1e Dll th~y bonded l\fh~ Orlltln eam<.'d $810 on th~ averattc. b) a num wtw ldcnt ilu~.l ham· rn.l;·ur th~n bt•guu to louk ·•• t.hfl an with the 'Atire cailed th~ re-. out of the County j :til. CJIY au· I Thtrty·fh~e-da.>'' ot non·farw Itt· l"~lr o• thP Ruh•v111r mn)UI'. llc notn1i'~ tlu•i W(•rc un the stu· mort~r back into the office. thoriti"'' .... ou.ld rt·nn:~tl her bor •ncrea~t."tt the mJ~runt•s to- nlked M~·N'o1r rmcf Mt\Luul'tn dent'!- l'llt>bounl . t. ~~ l'l' lla~y

: ,hlch ttpparenlly waJ the-;.~ rand t-ar•·y h.er bnck to jot I. In ta t ftvt-rt'l~u~ Income to $1,016. for their identlrh•nuon unci the "ere told thnt they \'l)Uid go. t ShcrUt.f& He nskcd he view or th1s ttltuaHon. Mfu. Compoahc hou rly wugc!il (11m ctlpboarda~ they v. erl' both ,•.•r· Thtl\· \\ere nut booked. ~as worklni tor and this ~~i~;;; Crtrrin refused to be bonded av~•ace "~iAht«< to mclud~ lying. The two "~r~ told tu gel i.'ho<lie Cobb. unotl:~• of H1c :id look at th~ p rtll C'-af.cl~ out of the Counly jatl f~e~ 1"(\()01 and. bourd whrn Into I he ·ur. l"hro oth~r four J.lf!JUP th;.1 \\'{111 ~toloppcct In r. 01''

whJch he threw back. The Sh~;: Civil Rights lenders in Clo l'k~J;· 81\'C'n) ro~c lihghlly 10 .33·'1 wca·e tuld Lu 1nnvt.' ttn. w••i~·h l ur the ,ct·huul. rctx.Wl\•t t th~•L thl..! j (J then told Lht othel' man to dale t(.K.)k thl.s occii~C(on lu ut·c-e e"'ttlll ror HJUI. OCJ.Jpllc thc~c m· they d id 11o••u1 rudio ..announrcd \hat tke return the cam era. When Llic Negroe• to eontinue tu stay Ct't'aJi~J. ho•"'t\'tor, the d•tler· .. l ' uder Arr-... ,.--.·• While- (.'uizen!t Counrd w .o u hi .. amera was sought, h could--· • • ·ay from the downtown atoreJ ~tnt~c ~\ween rarnl and non· l havt• n tn«"HnN 1l\·•• ('Yt•mng m ' 'nu• r 11 ed 10 l n Arter 1hC twu student,.; HHI 0 , .. ,,.,. '' t<> ,, .. tAI' IIihW wh l\1 td do be round. They told the ·~ until hArra~m1~n1 of thi• typo ""11 wogu <'011 nu • h d

1 c

1 , • •

- 1'1! ue· since l!.ltl.Jifl the pur ~ottc.n Into L ~ ~ru· •.•n 1 "m about oubi•le nt.:.•hHur•.' ' thnt Momeono had l1)ktn the Is ~topped and untU mc1·ch tmts l' ' • ' ' • bc,::un 10 1n0,-~ do\\n the "'lft'<'t.

com era . When tbe reP o r le r becln to treat Nearoes courle- cho81n!C po~·~r of rorm w~'!.~.• Mcl.l<urln ••k«< 1r oh~y " 'ore I.--------';;_-- - -. a~ ked, "You mean that .ome· ollsly and to employ them nbove h • • mcreued 2!! per . "'""~ ; under urro.L The '""n whu ~n ld I OliVER 1. SONS GROCERY one ('ame up into the court the meniDI Jevt"l. To date Jead· whtlo the pur~hal'Hng PG" er 01 lhnl he " 'OS mnyo

1• r" p J 1 ~ d.

house ao.d stole the comertt.'' ers or the white com~lunfly indudtrlal wa.J:CtJ hos riKcn ~Y " Ve:r;."' They \H:tu Ioken \.o chy oEuvlRY SERVICE btl was tokl, *'You better ¥et ha\'C not answe:I'C:d JttteriS from :about 40 per ee.nt. The Ame-•.~: __ out of to-.•n . " the group. ctvrn th~m the op4 can farm ,.·orker eonhnue~~: 1u ~.., .. -.;iwn•iii~.,----1

FBI Notili... portunaty to di•euu I he p rob· e~ 1 n le~ tho~kt~·t~:~:~r,,~;,~ CATHING'S GROaRY When the reponer lett the le1n in n •·ettson:tbJc rormnul'. ".:.au: ~t lht! un. Jl ~===========~-

courthouse. hr drovr I'Otne dil'" ~ ~· · F,... M•.-u _ a.u cu.-lance away and coiled ohc th• n•w• ol ohe lncidenL ~y.

))\ 4 l • f"-f A•t "' ... lrt,

tM 6.91.13

I ,.._ ""' .L- 10.1 D•lt•• - J.u• .. "'· M tu . Jacluon olf lce. lmmed. aoely in turn, called the FREE Moce MetCDVtlfS. • • PI CATC HIN GS . MOTOR SERVICE the J tteluon office contacted it11 PRESS l'epor;1e..r In Liberty to !w.llmY.l~«...,. .... .,...._.......-~~--....-,

legol eon.ttullont and the Jack· aet hi• tttor,Y. AL thal tim~. the ( f'f'""'"'u:d ( ro•,. I'!JII~ I)

L C. Carr Auto Parts a11d General Repair

....._ H , l 4 9 U)

' r•'-h •• llAiton, J ...... ot(t. aon Federal Bureau or Invest I· rc1>0rter returned to Jackson , 101 e•. and that late th1s Ia. I ••lion .... noU1ied. They look "ilhout hi• cam~ra. week OnC! or lhr larA~•• otorc• • uatemenl over the phone <tnd The J nck<on ortice or ohe in Memphi• •tupped buy i ng then contacted a m an In New FREE PRESS r.led to Ael In Ha•·'"· ~verol other merchanu Orlean• who al•& lqok • stole· touch with the cireuu clerk and are expected 10 follow In th~ menl over lbe phone. Tlte J ack· rlnaUy •uccecded in doin& •o roomeps or this lar~te buyer. liOn office also called the Unil«< later in th.o aflllJ'nOOn. When ohe the "rlkc Is really 1 ~=:::::::;:=::;;:::::,:;;:::=:;:::==~ P reu International to release oltuallon wa• d~ocrlbed (or h!on •. ~.:;l~g .. R~rt• In Men> phi•. 'rh~ 1, --

lnclwllnl the racL that Fedual ~ workers have reJ>"AI· lUalaaATOIIS aiiAialD

D 1. 1 SHOf REP AIR .... , All y .. , ~ 'NHJt

••u Ly-.c" \t. - R z-nu -, ............... Of • • •


-10. 4-t109

authorhiu bad been ~ontuled .,.ly stated, however, that they Draine's

Ai. .. c...l1t.__. - t .. un_.,;.. ••4 k..,-... n

he had only to .. y that ll wos, will not hall the • Lrlke until ~II " A dnrrtn Jic.11 Wh(ln he WQ& the planu hove contractK. an · Al(aln .. ke<l it he had any ld .. oludlng the Jack • on plant of lhe incident i_n\•Oiving I ·,e. Where thtt Union hi• thUi: fir porter rrom Jack•on .-:::.!not beon rrcognized by the

~;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;,·I ca mero, h~ said he knew "~"!: oompnny. j Jng abouL it . When a1kcd u 1- --- ____ ....,. ___ _ •ueh a thine eoilld hav• hap· pened In his oi/lee with?"t hi&

2 1 J 2 CNf•ttl St •• Jec• .... h4tn.

PL 2· 2903

11110 MciMEY ( OIIfracttf

fL 'l-71 ,. - J•c~-. ,w,.., -:::: IOIINSON SHOE SHOP

F•Y 0..4 56. -. •• .,, lmowing about 1t, h~ said that ,.,. •••••r .... 264 W~ltfltl4 1o411e. RHIII ll could not. ST, lUTHER hri•t • ' 04'"""'


.._.,.1 - Accord Inc to .Bob Mose•. head BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH ROYAl FUNERAL SERVIa

!~~~~~~~~~~~~of the voter realnraoion eam· BAPTIST •···~· A• '-'""" .. J p a i g n for Mi11i"aippi, the.l'a ••1 K....- Stf't...-..J.-c••.,..· t.u .. ~ (

1040 1.,. • • St .. h ell ..... MIM. r,.,,,, Stnkl

never hO-' been anyone fCM11• • •"· P. s. Lou.. '••••f' n •• ._,. f•r Jt Of"""'"-"' lered in Libuty wltAhoul oontle w...w., •••· ,,.... at .. ~. 'm•• ROYAl F\OWIR SHOP l•orl of violence. _ppartnt Y l w • .-.w,, there wa• no violenee on thl• S..-.1 ••4 ,._ S••*r• Dial F\ 2·1311

pt h t h n c. s i Ptm .. 4 r•h·4 s .... 4•r•


41tli ·--

oeeaaion, exce ' e 1' e PlHHI• f L 1•111 .. to ,., A-"•- A 'ff .... t..l.t ll..l•k

l•a~ where offered to the FR F. F. 1, 11 :00 ' ' • · , .., ' ' ,__ LAURIL. WI$S. " , ~ ,.,. ••J ,;,.,. •- L D"~~'•

~::;~:;::::::::~;:::;:::::::::::::;IPRESSJtaffman. _ ~------------- - ---- rASTOk 'II'HONlt ft., .. , , , ON,• rr•• tiM•• •t''

!~~:T~- ~~~~a -~;~;:;.~:_ l i~=====J=A~=c=K~S:::O::N======~ c:.n., , .,.. ,. tt..wu... s-. u w ..... ,, P•r• •""

DW •Lt.t Jt t AI• • c-4;t~ l•t ......... & N.c. Ur,_. leu ,_, S•le

c.-ron PUI DILIVIlY _,,.., ..... ...- (

'" 1-1471


Pl t -U74 0. Pl 1·2M7 Mt"'. .. L S. ..... "- M•••a- -l!l ~~~~~,~~---~---·,· ~~::~~==~~======~~====~====~~:::::::;j

CENTRAl : METHODIST OIURCH ~ ... ._.. , ..... s..-....- ~

a... L A M.p.,....,. ........ • • ... -.Nt~ 7 .--.ladll ..... ,

..... , ........ , ,J . .. -. .,, ........ , , " ...... ..... y

, _ ., - PL 2•t»4


1253 Vall•y Sti'Ht


f ire ot~4 Llghtol•t • Tor..oclo - WiodslorM · Hoil • Aotomobile both r hrslcol Do"'ote tCollk iotl l oo4 Liobllity · lolelt4 t.t.­riee . CdsHIIJ •"" 14ewooity • Fiftlity elt4 S.NIY ~ • W~. - ·· eo...,.;. .. ,... - All ~y,.. of c-,...__ .,., .. "-' Policitl.

Wt ,__, ..,,..,,.... tl r Aliff ,_ • ,.... ,, . .., ...... 1072-1 Lylldl StrHt Jackson, Mississippi

Page 4: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-37, August 25 1962 · A. spo.ke1iman for tht' ''In@ J)Ju•ents_. who lssl week peli~ tloocd Uun their children be ad· milled lo white sohools,

...... MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Satur.Uy, Augutt 25, 1961

c ....... . • • (C'ti~tl''""" /t'tHif Plltl' I)

Cfllllo• . Worters Mon To OrfGnilt Uaio• THREE IN GREENWOOD CHASED

'-t••t Sund•y. I h•d I he plea•· La at W•dnesday 1 11 e • no· 111 1":3() A.M. t••t Thurlduy, + ure ol hearlnc P<ter Cl lborl or ployee.o oC two !lrm• in C:.tnton, • FREEl PRESS rcpao·tc!' 1•0

• contacted J•ckoon oniJ the ehoae followed several days of Harvard Law •P<'•Ic at lhe UJ\1· M l .. ls•lppl voted, 10 determine ceJved word th•l there "'"" a FREE PRESS beeame t~wore successful vote•· reglslraUon. tarluo Church here in Jac kson. It they would form lhem6elvet <ll'oog posslbnlly lhut violence ot 1he situation. Greenwood. whic.h has been o Mr. Cilbert • pOke of hi• lm· into ·a union. The te'IJull• or the migM b•c:Dk oul In Greenwood. Wire Suvltu Nolllltd dlfti<ull pbce lor Negro clli· pa·e~iont atsSoua Northel.,er com. vote wrre not avniJa.ble at presiJ Th~ call was received trom Bob Once contocts in Jack~on :::!r':1 b~mpl: v~er:~:C:!~~~~ lmg mlo the I th

1 onuhals~-~8 ,• time. 'l'he Amerfcun Tent Com· Moses, hood of the voter regia. leorned or the J iluatlon, and days till""oul ll>e prelimlnar;

Hawyh~r :<:m ngh nto1 1 eh-..to>. pony aod JoMs·Y•ndell b<llh tralion campaign In Mississippi. fear:ng possible violence, forms to regi•tedn • . Because

• a. ~,•n "~, 1 or 11 e 1P••1 huve Federal contrllcU lor their He w•• c•lllng I rom Cleveland, Immediately began ol the new Miu;;'sipul law,

two nu)nt 11 - < tJ ng cgn re• prOduct fl. BecaUse they ure tn- bul wr.s I'Qporling ~wo C1JIJf! he peopJe b)' re.fcphone, Both ... · 'f!attlt . volved wilb the l(Overnmcnl. hud receiv~d conternjnt: Sam· As.~;ociated Pres~ uRd the they must wail two ~eks wdbtle

Hr uu1ad lhnt whal bothered lhey do P{'.V the mini mum wng~ LJet Blotk.. voter regis~rnUan Pre$S lnlernatlonal were •heir names are re stere in • hlm mO>l :oboul lha Soulh I> i~> ol $1 . 15, bul lhcy P">' only tho\ leadar In Grecnwol>lj . lied. They re~pond>d by begin· the new•p•per• 10 see If anyone in•bili~" to communle&le. lie m•'nlmun1 . 'l'he llrs1 c.nll wo> r1·om · t · t' 1 1- d' t 1 wants 10 eha llcnge their chat··

'IJ' rtln:: o uwes l£ttl. e .. ,me Ia e y. acret·. "Block .said that ever~one nOtf,d thai the mo•l obvlnuo Block, hl111sel!, Kc •toled lhnl l'he Jackson contacts al10 ' Th--· •·oton i.· lt"tn 1' ur"an1Z-f!d · w•s vero pl•a••d ... lth t"e p ro· p ) a e t: \Vh (!re C'Umtnut1if'Rtion " "" .._ Q' b thet•e bad been u pOllee Cll~ ruJl ln touc-h "'lfh the !"ederaJ "" " " •... n n " ' ""bad wu• bctwce11 the Ncn•·o b,V J. W. Smith or l.ourcl, M il· of ~!icemen t•ut hod b<>t•n sit· 1 I 11 • ' · gee .. tho\ '""* being made and

' .. 'l~tppl "• I• an or"ru>>'>er lur ~" ' ' reau 0 nves 1:•'1011 1"1 ,;~~:~:l•ald l>e looked loJ·wa· •·d lo ~r·at· 8Ud whlte. Hf JUaid thitl chc ~ .. .q . • &'"r II' - e - ~lnu Oul:ilde h1s home ror • on•• II • od th J ti D ~ - Co ' ..

d the Carpcnlc.r' • Union. H~ .. ;a h • P' • • e us ce er a<lv•ncemenl. Asked whelh· ill thing waS th:al the two ncv· thut. in <~.dditio:n lo the low l htl'~. Tho poJl('O Ntr httd Jert menl ln W.;aJhington" u e.r he w·ouJd le¥ve C:reenwood. er talked \\1ith ef•.ch other. only wa·"'es- worJ,inG c:ondi~ion• wc,·c: nu~ u c-ar con~1nlng severo! lhe M.issis!!ippj Sta-te he said. ••No. 1 am slaying 10 at e"th olher. llc al.no :tuld thlt1 btJdJy •111 need or improvement. "':ln.h~s hud driven up und wa• Patro,l tl:nd the Greenwood lh~.v emphasl•ed lhe dlrlf!r· H 1 ·~d· 1 d th 1 th • •thng ouL~Idelhe hout e. Block, lice. •ee lhi• th!:PUgh," en ce:, r~Jiher Umn tfw goah; that e tl -,o 1'' lC~ t a .ere. wt,o hrtd bee.n beaten on1v o Po.li.:e K.now Nothi,.a --- ----lh~.v ha"l ln eommon. \''"_,. ~. posslbihty lht.1.t u Con· few duy• b•lor• bv • · ,. J T

' " 1 1 11~111 " Co • ~ ' .eve 8 he POllet C!l&plllcher in 1'he FREE PRE~SS hfJt)~i to t:r~ii'IHonu nves 0· rn~ ~- while men, hnd a·ou!..,,.\ to be c~·ecnwood reported over. the

fill in xome or the ('Ommunic::•· mat.tee .wo~lcl look .mto thtt Sit· concerned. p lliNlC. thut he kn~w nothing or tlun A;UJ1b whic-h c·ert(!inly dn c.x· uuhon 10 Cur\, on. ,,he eo~ mit· * 1'ho scco•'d c:n ll IIHIL P.[oJSes no dis-tu rbuflce thett evening . i!t b<>iw•• n tlo• P4"PI• l>r Mo>· lee huB been. c~ecklng thl ou~h· received wo;; li'om " neighbor Re believed lhal he wou.l'd know sht!i.i ppi. out lhc na:uon °0 tomplanJC$" or Bluck'a tA·hu rcpo1·tcd thut if, s.u.ch til thing "We.l'<t hap.-nin ...

l loul <~,o h.<>ld t',ed. N~l con 1"0 " 1,•. Blot k aod l••"• lrl•nd• who ~- " d I th I • ....... .. '" He s~id, howe\'er. that he would

.r .. 5i ·.,•ee.k. I s:~id U1::.1 we tlh ""e1 ~ ere 8, sorne ugr \t.'erea lsoin thhllou •ewllhlllm, ...., 1 1 th k ~ • •end • palr~l car to Bloc!<'~ ad· Wtl'e ~oittg lo see wh 3t we .!!C$IIOn 1 l U. c " 0 r erst 8 e- h01d C.!tcuped out of a w1nd ow di·~as. " could .do u.bo~t g~tHng St•ullcal b~lng e~pi~Jted ~and being de· with the white men ' n pul·,a.sit . \0 deliver milk to JoJ•n .. ,,,..,.,,_, need the•r guaraoteed rltthl;~ h Wtli after this e-oll thnl Moses rcn • ..McJ,'e_rre.n i~ the votcw e•eg·· Wo•a't Gueu Ruutl blrutiOil !coder who bu boC!Il Snlllh l:tid th:>t about 90 per bo,\·~o~h:d r.aga inst shu.'e: he t,e· 15th N.S.A. Coaventio1

At Coluntltus, Ohio· cnn to cnc:our.~J,;c other~ in his cent of lhf: employees are Ne· (•ummunity to rrgisl (H' t o gro and 'hal undoubtedly the and vole. J\OOu' tiHC\~ wc;elts rnu}orit.)T of UH: hHadershlp or

"··I I 1 8 d ~- t The I'"IILeenlh Naliontt.l S\u-:tj;tfl, 'WY on a l'i~l• ~~:w o unHm, tf ll he Cormed. would d•lo·v·r lo h1' n •o t"• t h• \ 'Ould denl A~ii:SOciwtlon Confe,.-enc·• i•

• ' ' • " " • 1 be Negr(t. A~ to how th" vote ~

lU•'"k S•f~ust-aylar'' The !ollowillg day, Bloclc.

who was fltaf c, u wert' his two companions, •· e: p or f~d thut Lhcrc "''re federal men invcsti­g•ting lno lneidtlll. App•renUy, they "'el'e not able to malct anv conc.JuJSion:; rrom tho evidenCe.

Block •!•o reported th• t the

not huvc to rnuko :;ever11l spc~ being held In Coluntb~.J :S, Ohio. ~~ .. , lt·in.ot tlflv mil~• ,·,,\o Moll\· would c:urne out. Smh h n:ru~~ d , I K d S • WUJ " ·~ • ' unng lh • ••cek nncl par\ or ennar enes


to the Mississippi

FREE PRESS $4.00 Per Year phil just to pit'k up his r1"0Hh loc.treragueu. Mcsr.idlhalhe next \Veek. The cpnfererl'ce C I' J W k

brehd. He litUI hal( nN rt:telv~ hnd bt••m an the bulfines, or 00 IDUe exJ ee L ring$ togtthe.1· 11udenl~ l•·om

any milk de.Uve1·lt".!f, which u tso rorming uniona, 1\lr nuny yea1·J I !'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m:tke hhn hevc H\ travel to I . nlor·e thu•- 1$0 college campuse3 Tho Jerie:~ oo Clyde Kennard ii 'l c•nlpltlJo, ~nd hod le:trned th..at t 1~ bet· the 1• ~ 1 d t 1 " ~cro.n nu H)n . ...... e s u en$ w U be tontinued ne-xt week.

J visited ~omc ol UU! Jeud-.:1'· h~,~ not 1" venture pa1

erlittlon• wiU be spendin.g the nut parl l Ronald Hollander, spec-ial re-atHJ) ur lhc uniotl that has oa·. 10 $\tCh csseti. ot their' Ume ln wo1·k,shop.J dii· POI'le.t on the series was eaUed gan1:tcd S e 't\ \ tt s l :.n<1 osked A meeting WtHI held the Tue»· eua~~ins i " • u e JC that conc:cr...n \o New York a!"d cou'ld not


II ) N•rUt f'•ri.a. Su•t

J•'-t .... ...a.. • , ... ,_,,, 1hcm wh1H they t'Otald do aiJ.out dny prior to th~ eleedon al • . the r~-.earch thas week. He will the s iluut ion. Tbe p resident " ·hith tht' cQmp:any pre$enlcd lh~lr Nttnp\a~eli. ,and theu couo· ttave lh~ fourth in his feature wa·ote thal he hwd hdk.\."CC to tho D li:oct of all the eligible men .for try. Dul'ing lhe- anltldlt!- portion serie~ ln Ule next issue o! the I':::=;;::;:::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;:;:;::::;::::;=; Soalt~sl olllcial and hod I he volln

11• AI thio (;me lho the deJegu1ru. w iI I tormulol• FREE PRJi:SS. Clyde Kennard l1

ogreed 1o IK-gin d elivery immec-: tl,lon .tlllciuls eould cbf!elt the l~gisl olion tor the final oecllon Is the YOWl~ Negro who al· dlat.ely, Upon checkin~ Jist lo d.ccide 11 there were any ot the COilferonce when lbey templed to en l e r Mldslssippi McJ'err<.'ll, they hav~ dl•agrecmenls wllh 11. Smllh • Southern lui yea1' and who ll '"-• lh dftl' 1 vote or• what poth!aes t_hat 5:h3ll no~' •••·vl' nn a ••ven ye•r pr,·son ...,,...... c ~ LVCI' es. $!lid thol aU p•·oduelion moJn· ., ·- • f";;;!!""'~;;;;;;;,,;;;;;;;;""'"!"""'""'~l tenunct, yard. and \ ruelc driv· r~prestt'll lh('m · The l&suei ' tc•·m on lne q u c s I i o o a b 1

NEW SMAOCOVEI CAFE ltf I Lya"h ft . - P'L J44'H

~-'"" ,.,,., o .... ,.

M.L-rry •--..L-- oro would be lncJuded h, tho lobor $Od elv11 rights will be eltorgc or stealing $25()( cbic.ken n IKVIM•~ volt'.. All iuper"VI.ors wit h the among those thnt will be con· reed. l i=;;::;:;;;::::;;::::;;;;:::~

& Si·i- (O 1111thorhy or e.!fecling a ells· oldcrcd. ln the post, the stu·J;:----------==; ••• c horge, ortace worker$, pro- dt-.nl . .s h ove !ihowu n grent deal

J22t WWtfMW M*- 1 .. 41 tc;~Jtrlonttl!t, l~rh.nit:lans. wntch. ol C'oncern for lht JHugcJt" ...._. Fl2 .. 124 Jac..... man und guardli would not vote. lhe SHU~ rllnn roa· bcU~r Hving

•· •hJ 1•11,~u~ ,.,.1, .------------"";lnnd working conditionB and so· s•l•tln e i" I rr:ec:dom. Tht F'irtecnth

A·&"r" • .~ . ,,,. Sill•• JENKINS GULF soovrcE NSA Conrere.n ce I$ e.peclcd lo .-.;.r M•"-·,.,., .t.nd

110" see \his com:t rn co-ntinue . .... , ........ .., !M , .• J71l ....... fL )• lUI

NO DOWN ~~~~~~




l~l .. l, .. c:._ s...... ·~ 2-tUI

J• cktoft, Mi.u~


Conic's IHuty a11J

Barber S11pply

615 No. F.,i•h St ... t

FL 3-3266

The Security life Insurance Co. Ho"'e Office- Jock1010, Min

T.~tll•rn•J Sr4•ol Fer Ye~t••

A(,.., W!h1t w.,., •"- TuJd




Te·l.,lwtt('t M•1• •~:• t\

A,,. .. ,,,, ~ - C"t.~tf•• $ • itlt


.,.,., $, ... ,(',. ltlt Mwtb!t OJ M.. Jt. , ••tl Elrrln.--.t

At til••~,_,·•

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