mission together hindus in the world 15% of world population mission 440,000 h australia hinduism is...

SPRING 2018 | ISSUE 150 Mission Together MAKING KNOWN ‘THE WAY’ FOR 125 YEARS © Jose Aragones Unsplash CELEBRATING 125 YEARS

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Page 1: Mission Together hindus in the world 15% of world population MISSION 440,000 h aUstralia hinduism is the fastest growing religion in australia driven by migration from south asia

SPRING 2018 | ISSue 150

Mission Together

Making known ‘the way’ for 125 years

© Jo

se A







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known in different and sometimes surprising ways. under God, we have crossed many barriers and pushed into new territory, especially in Asia.

One personal highlight was seeing how God opened the door for a SIM Australia couple to return to their home country in South Asia in 2010 to make Christ known. This was a new field for SIM Australia and we give thanks for how God has worked in and through this couple. On p.4 you can read about God empowering Ankit to create and distribute culturally contextualised tracts to proclaim the Gospel to thousands of people.

With a special focus on South Asia, this Spring edition of Mission Together shares different stories of God at work across this region. Read how God is bringing hope to people affected by HIV and AIDS in India and arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh. Be encouraged by our workers who are serving in a variety of contexts including student ministry, broad sowing of gospel tracts and teaching at schools.

As I conclude my final term as National Director for SIM Australia early next year, please join with me in giving thanks for what God has done during this season. Let us also look forward to a new chapter of surprising things the Lord has in store for SIM Australia and do the new things of God!

Compelled by Christ’s love alongside you,

Dr Omar Djoeandy SIM Australia National Director

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness

Dear friends,

How enthusiastic are we, as a community of faith, to do the ‘new things’ of God?

The Israelites found themselves in captivity in Babylon. God had promised to rescue them, as He had rescued their forefathers when they were enslaved in egypt. In one sense, God was not doing something new. Over and over again, God remains consistent with His character, faithfully delivering His children for His glory.

However, in another sense, God was doing something new. He was not locked into working the same way as He had in the past. During the exodus from egypt, He parted the sea so His people could cross the sands to safety. This time, He promised to cause rivers to flow in the desert to deliver His exiled people. And yet this passage points us to the day where God will do a ‘new thing’ by welcoming non Jewish people into His family.

Compelled by Christ’s love, SIM has been committed to making known ‘the Way’ around the world for 125 years. It has been my privilege to serve as SIM Australia’s National Director for nearly 15 of those years and from the beginning the above verses have inspired me. Over this time, I have been encouraged to see hundreds of Aussies take the Gospel to communities where Christ is least


siM australia PO Box 42 Penshurst NSW 2222 sim.org.au t 1300 746 580 e [email protected]/simaustralia twitter.com/SIMAustralia instagram.com/sim_australia


1893 (FEBRUARY) Charles Reeve and Mr e. W. McGavin from Australia go to Poona in West India to begin the work of the Poona and Indian Village Mission (PIVM).

1893 (OCTOBER)The first workers of the Ceylon and Indian General Mission (CIGM), led by Benjamin Davidson, departed from Liverpool uK for Ceylon (modern day Sri Lanka).

1894Tamil evangelist V. D. David leads the CIGM party from Ceylon into South India to set up mission stations. 1954A new outreach to the people of West Pakistan begins.

1957CIGM enter east Pakistan (modern day Bangladesh).

1968PIVM and CIGM merge to become International Christian Fellowship (ICF) serving in South Asia.

1974Nepalese government grants ICF permission to set up leprosy work in western Nepal.

1989ICF merges with SIM.Source: The Joshua Project: joshuaproject.net

1.7 billion people 3,300 people groups

in South Asia are unreached with the Gospel.

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MISSION TOGeTHeR | SPRING 2018 | ISSue 150 | 3

hinduism is one of the world’s oldest religions and is made up of many different religious groups, beliefs, cultural ideas and philosophies from india. this infographic seeks to give a snapshot of hinduism including some of the core beliefs of orthodox hinduism. however in reality, the beliefs and practices of those who call themselves hindu are incredibly diverse.

Understanding hinduism

top three world religions:

1 2 3

Christianity islam hinduism

1.3% of australia’s population

1.21 billion hindus in


23 million hindus in


15 million hindus in


the purpose of life for a hindu:

1. the way of knowledge comprehending the Hindu Scriptures known as the

Vedas, yoga etc.

2. the way of devotion through worship and learning from a guru

3. the way of ritual works through religious duty such as ceremonies

and rites






(sexual pleasure)

(material gain and status)

(religious piety)

prayPlease join us in praying for our workers serving amongst our Hindu friends. Pray that they would make known the Way who brings true liberation from sin.

one billion hindus in

the world

15% of world





440,000 hindus in


hinduism isthe fastest growing religion in australia driven by migration

from south asia.

32% 24% 15%

Moksha is the liberation from cycles of death and life and the ultimate goal of Hinduism. This can be achieved through three pathways:


want to find out more about engaging hindus in your neighbourhood? Contact SIM’s Church engagement Coordinator, Mike Wilson by leaving an enquiry at sim.org.au/enquire or at the back of this newsletter.

Sources: Wilson, M. Hinduism & Christianity, The Joshua Project: joshuaproject.net

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MISSION TOGeTHeR | WINTeR 2018 | ISSue 149 | 4MISSION TOGeTHeR | SPRING 2018 | ISSue 150 | 4

110,000 contextualised Christmas

tracts sold to churches and believers in 2017 to be given to unbelieving


sharing the good news of Christmas in people’s ‘heart languages’

Do you have an eye for design? Or a love for creative writing and media production? SIM Australia would love to connect your gifts and passion with God’s mission! Whether it’s sharing stories from the field or creating compelling resources for the church – there is a place for you to serve with a SIM team in a least-reached community!

Australia is blessed to have many Bible and theological colleges around the nation that are training up men and women to serve as church and lay leaders. Not all parts of the world are as reached and resourced as us! Like Ankit, you could play a part in equipping and encouraging the future leaders of churches in South Asia and beyond.

Talk to a SIM Mission Mobiliser today to find out how you can get God’s word out to those yet to hear it! Visit sim.org.au/enquire or call 1300 746 580.

Ankit* is a SIM Australia worker serving with his wife in his home country in South Asia. Ankit returned to the country of his birth in 2010 to follow God’s call to serve alongside the growing local church. He lectures at a theological seminary and mentors young leaders, evangelists and church planters. Ankit’s vision is to see the Gospel reach every person in his country. With this in mind, last year he wrote a contextualised Christmas tract in three languages to be distributed by local churches. I asked Ankit to share more about the tracts and give us an update!

“Christmas is a time in my country when the dark nights are set ablaze by the bright colourful lights, pageants and carol singing in public and in stores. During this short window of opportunity, aided by public celebration and the Christmas spirit of the intoxicating type, we take the opportunity of sharing the sobering and joyful story of how God became man!

The tracts are titled, “Merry Christmas!” and there are three editions in three different languages. This assumes that Christmas is not a celebration only for Christians, but for everybody!

The front cover has a culturally relevant picture.

The tracts were not distributed free because they are valued far more when sold. We subsidised them by about 80%. Believers and churches bought them directly from us or from leading Christian bookstores in the city and gave them out to friends, family and people they met. We praise God that in 2017 we sold over 110,000!

Over fifty people wrote in saying they prayed the prayer of salvation and asked for free materials to be mailed. Many more would have responded to their friends or to the churches. One was a doctor from a religious minority group who lived on the other side of the country. We have no knowledge as to how the tract got there!

Wide seed sowing of the Gospel is a prerequisite for faith to be born. This Christmas we plan on selling even more tracts to reach 1% of our country’s population! Please pray for energy, partners for distribution and that fruit will be borne from this outreach”.

stories from our workers in south asia

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I began my mission journey with SIM after leaving Australia eight months ago. In the past few months, I have started partnering with a local student ministry organisation which is affiliated with the International Fellowship of evangelical Students (IFeS), a world-wide movement for student evangelism and discipleship amongst universities. And I must say – I’m loving it!

I have participated in student leadership trainings, graduate conferences, one-day Bible study workshops, student camps and staff meetings. We also focus on investment in key student leaders, equipping them to lead Bible study group in their own communities. It’s a student ministry targeting students but we’re thinking longer term. How can we help this generation not only impact the next generation but also maintain momentum for the advancement of the Gospel in generations to come? This will influence all aspects of society.

In order to realise this vision, we can’t just reach out to people in the city because it’s easier. We really need to reach all people, including those in remote places and in the mountains. Perhaps the best highlight so far has been the student camp held in a mountainous part of the country. We had to travel thirteen hours by vehicle along windy and bumpy roads to reach the camp. My assignment was to give three talks to the students. Many of the 50+ students had walked all day or even two to reach the camp from their village.

Speaking in front of so many people was a first for me. Despite the nervousness, I thoroughly enjoyed sharing God’s words and having my friend translate for me. If I did this way back home, I would have felt like I was not the right person to do this task. I would have dwelled on my lack of confidence, knowledge and experience. However, none of this came to mind. even in my weakness, I trusted that He would empower me and help me to do His good works. It’s not about me. It’s about Him – His purpose, His glory and His people.”


*Name changed to protect identities

As SIM celebrates 125 years of Mission, we give thanks with the apostle Paul that the ‘gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world...” (Col 4:6a). We thank God for His work in South Asia, which is built upon the years of faithful service of many men and women.Some of these workers saw very little fruit in their own lifetime. Compelled by Christ’s love and in faith, these workers broke up the ground and planted seeds of the Gospel. Praise God that in His perfect timing some of these seeds are coming to fruition today!

influencing the next generation

Please pray with us for more people to take up the many opportunities to engage university students world-wide with the Gospel. Pray that the kingdom might be extended into the lives of tomorrow’s leaders in every sphere of life!

The opportunities to engage people at universities are vast and varied for missionary workers - both younger and older!

What a difference a Christian lecturer can make – one who knows their students’ names, genuinely helps them with their assignments, and has an open door to listen to them. Teaching at a university is an excellent way to pioneer into new ministry contexts and to shine as a light in a community where Christ is least known.

Like Linda, you could partner with a Christian university Group in South Asia, or another part of the world! Help disciple and mentor student leaders and encourage them in efforts to reach their peers for Christ.

Talk to a SIM Mission Mobiliser today to find out how you reach university students with the Good News of the Gospel! Visit sim.org.au/enquire or call 1300 746 580. .

“The Gospel is

spreading into every part of this nation… and

soon, God willing, a church will emerge even

in the remotest village!”

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Kathmandu International Study Centre

For over 30 years, Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC) has been a strong community in the midst of Kathmandu, Nepal. KISC is a K-12 international school with a vision of “being living witnesses of Christ’s love through excellent education”. The school has evolved from a dozen students to now over 200 with both a primary and secondary school.

KISC supports Third Culture Kids (TCKs) and their families by providing excellent education, taught at an international standard, in a nurturing environment. Around 70% of students are mission kids and 30% of students are from other faith backgrounds. Many families serving with Christian organisations are able to serve long-term in Nepal because their children’s educational needs are being met.

“KISC has played such a significant role in my family! It is a big reason why my parents have been able to stay in Nepal long-term (now 25 years with a few breaks). KISC provided foundation for my siblings and I, nurturing and stretching us academically, socially and spiritually”, said Steph who graduated from KISC in 2009.

The school is a blessing to the wider Nepali community through their teacher training arm called eQuIP (education Quality Improvement Programme). eQuIP is working with

Teaching Ministry in South Asia

around 15 schools in rural areas of Nepal as well as one school in an urban area to develop quality education in these school communities. Teacher trainers provide subject-specific training as well as training in classroom management, reading aloud, professional motivation and the development of local teaching resources and more. eQuIP aims to help teachers move away from the traditional rote learning and theoretical teaching. Instead, eQuIP desires to help teachers to develop an interactive and child-friendly learning and teaching environment.

“EQUIP seeks to demonstrate the love of Christ in action and take our values of love, grace, community, justice and excellence where the education needs are greatest”, eQuIP Director Khim Kandel said.

In February of this year, KISC ‘made the move’ to a new site after outgrowing their old campus. The previous site had small classrooms, no sports facilities and buildings that were not earthquake proof. Although Phase I of the building project is complete, the school is seeking funds for Phase II so they can build a library, arts block, office buildings and eQuIP offices. Please join us in praying for the KISC school community that God would provide the facilities the school needs.

Third Culture Kids (TCKs) is a term sometimes used to describe people who spend their formative years in a

country which is different to the one named on their passport or their parents’. Many missionary kids fall into this

category, moving between two cultures and in the process forming a distinct ‘third culture’.

What’s a Third Culture Kid?

Help missionary families to serve long-term in Nepal through KISC’s Building Project. Give a gift to SIM’s ‘Building for education Project’ (98495) online at sim.org.au/education or by using the form at the back of this newsletter.

kisC fundraising through a ‘walkathon’

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MISSION TOGeTHeR | SPRING 2018 | ISSue 150 | 7

“I love that there are a number of boys that I can chat with about soccer. We discuss the English Premier League, the Bundesliga, the Champions League and other football stuff. I love that we can banter about how the teams we support are going and how the different players are faring.

I love that there are many high school girls that I can speak to about my experiences of boarding school. I love that I can laugh with them and talk about movies and TV shows. I love that they are willing to talk to me about how life is hard for them and the struggles they encounter. I love that I can pray with them.

I love that most Saturday or Sunday nights some of the staff get together to have a meal, watch a movie or play games. I love that we do not always talk about school stuff.

I love that I have a great women’s bible study that I am a part of. That we can dive into God’s word and learn more about Him. I love that we can freely share prayer points and lovingly pray for one another.

I love that it snows here. It can be annoying, dangerous and very wet - but I love seeing the snow falling from the sky and landing on the trees. I love that the students I teach love it so much and really enjoy making snowmen and having snowball fights.

I love the food (mostly) that gets prepared for us. Every Monday lunch we get a Korean meal. One of the Korean mums prepares it with our national cooks. I get kim-chi every Monday! I love the mashed potatoes, chicken pie, crepes, crumbed chicken and dahl we get here, but I try to avoid the lasagne, vegetable curry and Italian chicken pasta.”

Stacey* is a SIM Australia worker who teaches at an International School in a different country in South Asia to KISC. Here’s what she loves about her job…

Meet Stacey

Please pray for

• Stacey* - give thanks for her significant role in the lives of many TCKs and local children.

• SIM’s Missionary Kids who are TCKs. Pray that they would know that their identity is found in being a child of God, not their national or cultural identity.

• Our SIM workers who are serving as families with children on the field. Pray that God would meet


Do you have a heart for God’s mission? Connect your profession as a teacher with what God is doing around the

Not only does SIM partner with KISC, we have a range of other International Schools around the world which we support! From West Africa, to ethiopia, to Thailand… primary and secondary teachers are highly sought after in many places in

english is in high demand in many parts of the world. eSL teachers have a unique opportunity to engage with students from least-reached communities and build meaningful relationships. This role would suit anyone who is a “people-person”. A background in teaching is helpful, but

For some of our workers, home-schooling is the best option for their children’s education. While there are advantages to this, some parents find this incredibly demanding and draining of energy. If you have a background in teaching, you have the ability to bless a missionary family serving least-reached ‘communities’ by helping with home-schooling.

*Name changed to protect identity.

Start a conversation with a SIM Mobiliser to find out how you can use your experiences and skills for God’s global mission! Contact us via our website at sim.org.au/enquire or use the back of this newsletter to make an enquiry.

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Bringing hope to women affected by arsenic poisoning

Leila is an anomaly in more ways than one. She serves with SIM Bangladesh’s Arsenic Alleviation & Awareness Program (AAAP) and is challenging the status quo by working in a non traditional role for women in her society. Leila is also a follower of Jesus in a country where only 0.4% of the population profess faith in Christ. It is this love of Christ that compels Leila to make a difference in the lives of women and their families affected by arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh.

Arsenic contamination is a serious public health crisis in Bangladesh. In the 1970s, the Bangladeshi government received funding to drill millions of shallow tube wells in the villages to supply clean drinking water to the people. It wasn’t until twenty years later in the 1990s it was discovered that water from these wells contained dangerously high levels of naturally occurring arsenic from the soil. In what has been called ‘the largest mass poisoning of a population in history’ 1 by the World Health Organisation (WHO), roughly 80 million people in Bangladesh are affected and one in ten have a high probability of developing cancerous tumors. A lot of money was poured into arsenic mitigation in the 2000s, but the funding died off after five or six years. What’s being done now is a trickle in the ocean in relation to the scale of the problem. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the statistics but the AAAP team is just focused on assisting one family at a time in ‘Drinking Water Fit for Life’. The team takes a holistic approach to tackling arsenic contamination by focusing on four key areas: awareness raising, water testing, water filter installation and maintenance, and patient treatment. When making contact with families, Leila has a special advantage as a woman. Bangladeshi society is very conservative with

men and women outside of the family context having very little contact with each other. Leila explains:

“A lot of women wouldn’t want to speak with a man because they would be embarrassed, but I can speak to them inside their home and they share things with me. In some homes, men don’t want people to know their wives are arsenicosis patients so they keep it a secret. I like that these ladies will share and are open with me. We might not have the opportunity to help these women in the same way if I didn’t serve on the team.”

Leila has had a significant impact on the lives of many women through raising awareness about arsenic poisoning. education is vital since arsenic poisoning is an invisible problem - that cannot be seen or tasted. A lot of people don’t even know that the water they are drinking is poisoning them because it takes often fifteen to twenty years for the poisoning to start manifesting in visible symptoms such as tumours. The team uses a range of different resources including picture books (pictured above) and conduct roughly 530 awareness sessions on an annual basis. 1 http://www.who.int/features/archives/feature206/en/

Leila holding an arsenic awareness flipbook resource

Arsenic Awareness & Alleviation Programme (AAAP)


focused on four key areas

awareness raising

02 water testing

03 water filter installation and maintenance

patient treatment

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Help bring holistic transformation to communities in Bangladesh, South Asia and Africa through SIM’s Community Transformation Fund (09320)! Give online at sim.org.au/transformcommunities or by using the response form at the back of this newsletter.

Give thanks for Leila and the AAAP team for the way they serve marginalised Bangladeshis with the love of Christ. Pray that all Bangladeshi people would be able to access clean, arsenic-free water for drinking.

Come on board with SIM and help to alleviate poverty! SIM is seeking people who are passionate about loving people holistically through community development projects in Africa, Asia, South America and the Middle east. If this sounds like you, please get in touch with a Mission Mobiliser to explore how God could use your gifts and experiences. Leave an enquiry at sim.org.au/enquire or call 1300 746 580.





Clearing up misconceptions is also part of Leila’s job as Bangladeshis with arsenicosis can carry stigma and be ostracised by their families. Leila was able to help one arsenicosis patient who was rejected by her husband’s family because of her diagnosis. Leila spoke with the family and explained the cause of arsenic poisoning. She dispelled the myth that the disease would transmit to her husband and future children. eventually the family became convinced, and accepted their daughter-in-law once again.

even though this woman would later pass away from arsenic related disease, Leila helped to make a difference for this marginalised woman. As the team demystifies arsenic poisoning through education, they are in turn destigmatising those who are affected and affirming their dignity as image-bearers of God. The scale of the problem might be large, but AAAP is making a difference in countless lives as they demonstrate the love of Christ. When asked about her motivation for working with AAAP, Leila replied, “Christ calls us to serve all people.”

Leila with some of the Arsenic Awareness & Alleviation Programme (AAAP) Team

An Arsenicosis patient with her granddaughter

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Shalom Delhi (Hope for Life - India) was established as a unit of Emmanuel Hospital Association in 2001. Shalom has a vision of bringing transformation and hope to the lives of people in Delhi and neighbouring states that are infected or affected by the unfolding tragedy of HIV and AIDS. SIM partners with Shalom Delhi’s Home-Based Care (HBC) program which is focused on prevention, care, treatment and support services. In addition to providing support to families coping with HIV and AIDS, HBC also contributes to prevention efforts in Delhi and wider India.

Rani’s Story“Our caste is Naaee (Barbers). My fondest memories of childhood are of me clipping the nails of clients at my father’s shop” says Rani* .

She recalls growing up in a village, as a young, vibrant girl full of hopes and dreams. She remembers how her life changed after she got married and moved to her “sasural” (husband’s home).

“After we got married, my husband moved to Delhi in search of employment. I was left to stay with my in-laws who never bothered to care for me or acknowledge my presence in the house. My husband would come visit me once in a while. However, I felt lonely most times and was very unhappy. I started to become weak physically,” says Rani sadly.

After five years, her husband took Rani to Delhi to live with him. She thought this was just the change she needed. However, things did not improve. Her husband fell ill constantly and most of her time was spent caring for her him. Rani’s husband kept his positive HIV status a secret from her, but received treatment and care from Shalom.

Rani’s husband died in June 2015, leaving her completely shattered and broken. She recalls, “I had no support. I had four young children to care for. I was worried for them and felt completely hopeless.”

But Rani was not alone. The Shalom team visited her home regularly and helped her cope with the loss. They walked with her as Rani came to terms with the realisation that both she and her youngest daughter were also HIV positive. Shalom Delhi provided emotional support, medical care and skill training, equipping Rani to provide for her family.

Rani explains, “Shalom is like a family to me. It is closer to me than my blood relatives. They extended love, support and comfort to me and my family when everyone turned their back on us.”

*Name changed to protect identityRepresentative image used

Praise God for the work of Shalom Delhi (Hope for Life - India). Pray that God would bring holistic transformation and healing to those living in Asia and affected by HIV and AIDS.

use your background in medicine or allied health to make a difference! Start a conversation with a SIM Mission Mobiliser today by leaving an enquiry at sim.org.au/enquire or call 1300 746 580.



Shalom Delhi

shalom delhi has made

visits to families like rani’s through the home Based Care program since

april 2016.


Help bring hope to people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS through a tax-deductible gift to SIMaid’s Hope for Life Fund! Give online at sim.org.au/hopeforlife or by using the response form at the back of this newsletter.








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Mission Together is a publication of Serving in Mission (SIM), an interdenominational evangelical mission. SIM includes Africa evangelical Fellowship, Andes evangelical Mission, International Christian Fellowship and Sudan Interior Mission.

For security reasons, pseudonyms are used to protect some of the contributors and people mentioned in this newsletter. Copyright © 2018 SIM and its licensors. All rights reserved. enquiries: [email protected]*All donations to SIM projects will receive a receipt. SIM Australia will use gifts to

meet the needs of the projects specified. Should a project raise funds in excess of its target, we will apply it to similar projects where most needed.


Hope for Life Fund 09330

Community Transformation Fund 09320 $

Where Most Needed 68011 $


Reaching the Least Reached Fund 09310 $



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siM australia mobilises people, prayer and funds to make Christ known. We facilitate missionaries from anywhere to everywhere to reach the least reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to partner with local churches to evangelise, disciple and share the love of Christ. We support a wide range of projects to minister to human need, including aid and development initiatives through our tax deductible arm siMaid.

Join SIM in praying for the region of South Asia!Request your complimentary copy online at sim.org.au/pray

or by using the response form at the back of this newsletter.

© Pavan K Gireesh unsplash


Days Prayer Guide

Christ’s love compels us to pray