minutes to the town of berlin town council meeting of january 7, 2014

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014Note : Mee t i n g willbe sh ownonComcas tCh a nne l9 6 a n datU-Verse 99onWednesday,anuary8 at6:0 0 p.m. n d Sunday, January 1 2 at11:00a.m. n d6:0 0 p.m.Note: T he C en te rF ron tD o o rwillbe unlocked foranyoneat tending th e T o w n Counc i lMeet ing .

    T O W N OFBERLINT O W N C O U N C I LM E E T I N GTuesday, January7, 014T o w n Counc i lChambers7:0 0 P.M.A.CALLTOORDER

    M a y o rRachelRochette called th e T o w n Counc i lmeeting toorderat7:0 1 p.m.B. PLEDGEOFALLEGIANCEC.ROLLCALL

    Those inattendance were: Counc i lorDavidEvansCounc i lorBrenden LuddyCounc i lorKev i n Mu r p hyCounc i lorCharlesP a o n e s s aCounc i lorWil l iam Rasmussen,Jr.M a y o rRachelRochetteAbsent: Counci lor Margaret More l l iAlso present: T o w n ManagerDeniseMcNa i rCorporat ion CounselRobertWeber

    D.PRESENTATIONOFPROCLAMAT I ON Eagle Sc ou t Greg CostanzoEagle Sc ou tBrendan JamesMcLartyM a y o rRochettestated tha titisapleasuretopresentthe fo l lowing Proclamation toBrendanMcLar ty forinstall ingaputt ing greeninf ron tofPercivalHeightsSeniorCenter. Itincludedputt ing clubs,g o l fballs, lagsandfunding whichwere donatedby t o w n residentsan db u s i n e s s e s the Josephson Family,Dr.Tosat t i ,Mr.Egzarian,Cambridge Specialty,and theAnima lHospi ta lofBerl in. Itw as completedby T r o o p 24 , ami ly andfriendsallunder th edirectionofBrendan.


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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014T o w n Counc i l


    The TownofBerlin hereby r e c o g n i z e sBrendan JamesMcLar ty

    o n achieving the rankofEagle Scout,Bo y ScoutsofAmerica.Inrecogni t ion ofhisc om m i t m e n t tohisfami ly ,commun i ty , a n d th e principles ofEagleScout ing, h e T o w n Counc i lcongratulates Brendan andextendsbestwishes toh im inallofh is future endeavors.

    thDated this5 dayofJanuary,2014atBerlin,Connecticut.E. AUDIENCEOFCITIZENS

    There were n o comments f r omthe AudienceofCitizens.F. M E E T I N G AGENDA mmedia te l yFo l low ingth e Audience ofCit izensG.CONSENT AGENDA:1. T op ic re:Acceptadonat ion ofsuppl ies & m o n e y toBer l in A n i m a lC o n t r o lF u n dforan

    approximate value of 25.0 0 . A n i m a lC o n t r o l2. T op ic re:Acceptdonat ions to ta l ing $1500.0 0 forBer l in -PeckM e m o r i a lLibrarya n ddeposit toth e Agency fundfromwh ich re la tedpurchaseswillbe made. Ber l in -PeckM e m o r i a lLibrary3. T op ic re:Acceptdonat ions to ta l ing $50 .0 0 toth e Ber l in Sen io rC en te r AgencyFund. S en i o r C en te r4. T op ic re:Acceptth e donat ion of 00 .0 0 fromT h e W h o l e D o n u ta n ddepositthe fundsintot h e D r u g Enforcement SpecialGrants a n d Donat ionsFund a n dappropriate th e

    funds toth e Dr ug Enforcement Operat ing M ater ia ls (DARE) Expendi tureAccount . Pol iceDepar tmentCounci lorMurphy movedtoapprove th e ConsentAgenda as presented.Secondedby Counci lor R a s m u s s e n Jr.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s a

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014Counci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochette

    Vo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)H.N EW BUSINESS:1. T op ic re:Repor touttoth e T o w n C o u n c i lregarding theBer l in H i g h Schoolrenovat ionpro jec t . T o w n C l e r k

    T o w n ManagerMcNa i rstated tha tshewillgive abriefupdate o n the Berlin Hi g h Schools trenovation project. T o m Smithwillbe atthe January2 1 T o w n Counc i lmeeting topresentafullupdate o n the project.thAdvisory Commit teewillbe meet ing o n Thursday, January9Phasew as completedforthe startofthe schoolyearPhaseII rojects that are inprogressorcompleted:

    Demoli t ionact iv i t iesa re substantially completeN e w masonry wal ls installedOngoing stud f ramingOutsideretaining w a l l iscompleteRoofing w o r k iso n scheduleMechanicalandelectrical isongoingSkyl igh tandwindow installationongoingSpraying the f ireproofingOveral lproject iso n scheduleM o r e abatementw o r k than expectedThepro jec tisstillwithin the budgetThey a re work ing tog e t the cafeteria done

    M a y o rRochette statedthatw e should takeal ook atth e ro leofth e Advisory Committee tose eifthere shouldbe any changesmade tothat ro le.2. T op ic re:Accept th e annu i t y bequest inth e a m o u n tof 9,610.85 fromth e estate ofLawrence E. choech a n d appropriate th e fundstoth e Donat ions Revenue accoun ta n dCont rac tua lServices a n d ComputerEqu ipmen t Expendi tureaccountswithinth eLawrence SchoechFun d. -Ber l in-Peck M e m o r i a lLibrary

    T o w n ManagerMcNa i rstated that the Berlin PeckMemor ia lLibrary w as informed tha titw as the beneficiary ofan annuityby LawrenceE.Schoechinth e amoun tof 9,610.85. OurLibrary Director Helen Mal inka w o u l d l ike touse someofthe funds forcontractualservicesand th e restfortheLibrary technology.Counci lor Murphy movedtoacceptthe annuity bequestinthe amoun tof 9,610.85 fromthe estateofLawrenceE. choech andappropriate the fundstothe Donations RevenueaccountandContractualServices andComputerEquipmentExpenditureaccounts wi th in theLawrence SchoechFund.

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014

    SecondedR a s m u s s e n Jr.Counci lorEvans inquiredifthere w as an y language inthe requestforspecific useofthemoney.T o w n ManagerMcNa i rrepliedtha t therewere n o requestsforspecif icuses forfunds.Counci lorEvans inquiredifthere isan executorofthe estate tha tw e shouldcontactandasktha tquestion.T o w n ManagerMcNa i rstated tha tshe can make tha tsuggestion.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s aCounci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochetteVo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)

    3. T op ic re:Author ize th e T o w n M a n a g e r toe n te r intoanagreementwithAt torneyAdamCoh e n ofPul lm an & Com le y LLCforth e purposeofpursuing ataxsaleforpropert iesmeet ing th e establishedcr i ter ia . Revenue Col lec to rT o w n Manager Mc Na i rstatedthatunderConnecticutState Statutes the T a x Collector haslegalauthori tytose l lpropertieswi th delinquent taxestothe highestbidder inordertoclearthe back taxesand release the ta x l iens. T he ta x sale isheldo n aparticularda y an disru nsimilartoa n auctionwi th less costs toT o w n orth e foreclosing ent i ty. Itwouldbe financiallybeneficialfort h e T o w n topursueconducting this ta x sale inordertorecoveroutstandingtaxes and the interestdu e o n severely delinquentpropertyo n which paymentm ay otherwiseneverbe recovered. T he RealEstateCommittee requestedameetingwi th Attorney Cohenw ho represents the T a x CollectorAssociationtolearn more aboutta x salesandanswersomeoftheirquestions. They learnedthat there isn o cost toth e T o w n toconduct the ta x sale andattorney feesof 85 /ho ur are taken f rom the recoveredproceeds.RevenueCol lec torDaveKluczwskistatedtha t the reasonhe hasbroughtthis totheirattention istoclean u p the ta x o w edo n propertiesthat have been justsitt ing there foryearswi th n o communicat ionan dn o ef for ttomake payments.Attorney Cohen f rom Pul lman & Comley,LLCstatedtha the represents municipalities intheir revenuecollections. H e attempts towork w i th the taxpayer tobring the accountscurrentandiftha t fails itisthen slatedforata x sale. H e works togetherwi th th e T axCollectortodeterminewhich accounts would be appropriate forth e ta x sale. Ifthe propertyisabandoned then itissoldtoapurchaserw ho becomesaproductive taxpayer tothe town.H e stated tha the wou ldvery much l ike tohelp the T o w nofBerlin wi th th e ta x sale.

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014Counci lor Murphy movedtoauthorize the T o w n Manager toenter in to an agreement wi thAttorney Adam CohenofPul lma n & ComleyLL forthe purposeofpursuingata x sale forpropert iesmeeting the establishedcriteria.Secondedby R a s m u s s e n Jr.Counc i lorMur ph y askedifthere isan y idea o n h o w much t h e T o w n couldobtain inrevenuef r omthe ta x sale.RevenueCol lec torKluczwskireplied tha the doesn o t haveaf inalizedlistbu t the highe ndw o u l dbe amil l ion dollars.Counci lorEvans inquiredastoho w long itwou ld take torecover themi l l ion dollars.Attorney Cohen explainedthat the f i rststep istosendademandle t tertoth e propertyowner ,the ne x tstep istohaveat it le searchdone,andthen theyhave towai t9to1 2 weeksbeforethey sendittoauction. H e feels that the to ta lprocesswou ld take about5months.Counci lorP a o n e s s a stated thatifthe Attorney works wi th the propertyo w n ertopayoffthetaxes are they responsibletopay the Attorney feesof 85.0 0 perhour . H e also inquiredastowhatAt torney Cohen bringstoth e table tha talessexpensiveattorney couldnot .Attorney Cohenstated that the property o w n erisresponsible tothe Attorney fees. W h e nhedoes these ta x salesorcollectionshe doesitas an exper tinT a x Collect ionLaw. M a n yT o w n Attorneys come toh im b e c a u s e theydo n o tknow h o w todo itcorrectly.M a y o rRochettestated tha tby having thisauct ion itwillhelp obtain delinquenttaxes thatw ehave n o t beenable tocollecto n over the yearsan ditwilln o tcost t h e T o w n any money.Corporat ion CounselWeberstated tha twhen he w as askedabout this i tem he spokewithotherT o w n Attorneysandthey to ldh i m tha tthey do n o tdo the ta x salesand thatitshouldbedone by aT a x Attorney w ho understandsallthe laws tha tare involved. H e statedtha teventhough hewou ld chargealesser fee,ify o u factor inallthe othercosts itcouldcost thetaxpayerand the T o w n mo re money. H e addedthat th e using the T a x Attorney hasworkedo u tvery w e l lforthose municipalities tha t haveused them forthe i r ta x sales.Counci lor P a o n e s s a askedifaperson purchases the property isitfree ofallta x l iens.Attorney Cohenstatedtha tby law the propertywouldbe free andclearofallta x l iens.Counci lorEvansstated tha the understands tha t there are tw o different T a x Attorneysthatdothis w o r k and inquiredifarate w as obtainedf rom th e otherT a x Attorney.T o w n ManagerMc Na i r repliedtha t there are others tha tdo ta x salessuch asState Marshalsbu t there a re n o otherAttorneys thatdo them.

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014Attorney Cohenstated tha tState Marshalscharge af ifteen percent fe e n o matterho w fa r theyg o wi th the process. This couldendu p more expensive forth e property owners.Counci lorEvansexpressedh is concerns aboutproperties tha tm ay n o tbe purchasedandaskedwh a t th e solution wouldbe forthoseproperties.Attorney Cohenstated tha the can usuallytellwhetherthe propertywillse l lwhen he islooksatthefi les o n the property. Ifitisunbuildable, con tamina tedorunusablehe willlettheT o w n k n o w tha titisn o twor th doing.M a y o rRochette suggestedtabling this i tem pending fur ther information.T o w n ManagerMcNa i radded tha tBerlin hasa99% a x collection rate andth e propertiestha thave n o tpaid the i r taxesover the yearsare only 1% fthe ta x col lect ionrate. When th eT o w n forecloseso n propertiesitusuallyendsu p costing th e T o w n mo re money.RevenueCollectorKluczwski stated tha tmo s tofth e propertieso n the listhaveastructure o nthes i te which w o u l dalmost guarantee redemption orasale.Counci lorP a o n e s s a inquiredifthe sale generatesmore that the taxesdu e wh a thappenstothosefunds.Attorney Cohenstated tha titiscalleda n overbidand the money isput in to a n interest-bearing escrow accountwhereitstaysfors ix monthsandifduring that t imethe o w n erredeemsh is propertythen the money ispaidbacktoth e bidder. Ifth e o w n erdoesn o tredeem the i rproperty th e money then getssenttoaState Cour t and they decide where th emoneygoes. H e added tha tane w la w w as recently p a s s e d tha tal lowstowns toremoveproperty f r omthe ta x s u s p e n s e listifitdeterminedtobe uncollectable.RevenueCollectorKluczwski statedthat the criteriatosendapropertytota x sale is 0 ,000ino w e dback taxesforthreeormore yearsw i t h n o activityoref for tmade topay the taxes.Counci lorMurphy movedtotable this i tem unt i l the n e x tT o w n Counc i lmeetingpendingfur ther informat ion.Secondedby Counci lor R a s m u s s e n Jr.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s aCounci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochetteVo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)

    4. T op ic re:Approve at ransferof 5,057.0 4 fromCont ingency forth e repai rofth eDemore ,Dinda, ittnerJr.M e m o r i a l P o o lfiltersystem toLabor Serv ice Pool,Cemeter iesaccoun t . Public Grounds617age of

  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014T o w n ManagerMc Na i rstatedthat the ParksandRecreationDepartment isrequestingapprovaltotransfer $5,057.7 4 f rom th e Cont ingency Accountforth e unforeseen repairofthep o o lf i l tersystem atthe Demore, Dinda BittnerJr.Memor ia lPool. T he f ou r fi l tersneedtobe repairedas they are pumping sand in to thepoo l .Counci lorMurphy movedtoapproveatransferof 5,057.0 4 f rom Cont ingencyforth e repairofth e Demore, Dinda, BittnerJr.Memor ia lP o o lf i l ter system toLabor Service Pool,Cemeteriesaccount.Secondedby Counci lor R a s m u s s e n Jr.M a y o rRochette inquiredifthe p o o l fi l ters issueswere relatedtoth e w o r k tha thadtobe doneo n th e p o o l lastyear.T o w n ManagerMcNa i r repliedtha tw o r k thatw as done lastyearw as underneath the cement,itw as n o t relatedtothe f i l ter issues.Counci lorEvans inquiredifthere w as certain maintenancetha tw asn o tdone tha tcouldhavepreventedallthisw o r k o n thepool .T o w n ManagerMcNa i rexplainedthat th is issue isinthe f i l ter room which isoffthe p o o lhousewhere the repairs t o o k place last year.Counci lorEvansstated tha tifitisawarranty repairanditisdu e tothe faul tofthe previousperson doing the repairs then they shouldhave tofixit. e feels thatw e shouldobtainmoreinformat ion before vot ing o n this i tem.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor Rasmussen,Jr.,M a y o rRochette

    Opposed: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor P a o n e s s aVo te being3-3. ( OTION DEFEATED)

    5. T op ic re:Approve th e purchaseofo ne 2014 FordUtilityPolice In terceptor nottoexceed $2 6,035.25 ,a n d o ne 2014 FordPolice Taurus In terceptornottoexceed $2 4 ,589fromMo r an d e Fordut i l iz ing th e State ofConnect icut , Depar tmentofAdministrat iveServices Con t rac t 12PSX0194. -Mun ic ipa l GarageT o w n ManagerMcNa i rstated tha tatthe lastCounc i lmeeting o u rFleetManagerJim Simonshadrequestedpricing f rom Morande Ford,Crowley FordandM H Q util izing the StateofConnect icutcontract. Ou rFleetManagerisn o w recommendingpurchasing the vehiclesfrom Morande Fordashe w e n tbacktoMorande Fordtose eifthey wouldm ee t the lowestbiddersprice and they agreedtodropthei rpricestom e e t the lowestbiddersprices.

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014Counci lor Murphy movedtoapprove the purchaseofo n e2014FordUtility PoliceInterceptor n o ttoexceed $2 6,035.25,andone 2014 FordPoliceTaurus Interceptorn o ttoexceed $2 4 ,589 f rom Morande Fordutil izing the StateofConnecticut, DepartmentofAdministrative Services Contract 12PSX0194.Secondedby Counci lor R a s m u s s e n Jr.Counci lorEvansstated tha the w asn o tpresentatthe lastCounci lmeeting bu the a s s u m e sthis w as done according too u rpol icy regarding th e discounttolocalbidders.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s aCounci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochetteVo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)

    6. T op ic re:Approve ut i l iz ing th e StateD.A.S.Con t rac t 12PSX0369forsupplyingPolyethylene Cor rugatedPiping a n dT ub ing a n de n te r intoacont ractwithth e lowestqual i f iedsuppl ierFerguson W ate r w o r k sofNewing ton ,CTa s th e l oca lsuppl ierforAdvancedDra inage Systems, Incorporated. Public W o r k sT o w n ManagerMc Na i rstatedtha t inpreparation forfuture roadway anddrainageimprovementprojects, the Public W o r k sDepartmenthas preparedthis i tem top u r c h a s edrainage piping materials f rom the State approvedbid contract. Ferguson WaterworksofNewington, Tisthe loca lsupplierforADS andprovidespricing tha tmatches the lowestbiddero n th e State contract foreach i tem listed.Counci lor Murphy movedtoapproveutil izing th e StateD.A.S.Contract 12PSX0369forsupplying Polyethylene Corrugated PipingandTubingand enter in to acontract with th elowestqualif iedsupplierFerguson WaterworksofNewington, Tas th e loca lsupplierforAdvancedDrainage Systems, Incorporated.Secondedby Counci lor R a s m u s s e n Jr.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s aCounci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochetteVo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)7. T op ic re:A war d the con t rac ttoth e l owes tbidder,Luchs Consul t ing Engineers,LLCa n dauthor ize th e T o w n M a n a g e rtoe n te r intoacont rac tforana m o u n tnottoexceed4 6,050, $35 ,0 00 fromth e LoCIP Streetscape Project Improvements Accoun ta n d1 1 ,050 fromth e T o w n AidRoadAccoun ttoprovide engineer ing a n d construct ionadmin is t rat ionre lated toth e MainStree tStreetscape Project . Economic Development

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014T o w n ManagerMc Na i rstatedthat th e T o w n hasreceiveda 59 ,2 70 Mai n StreetFundgranttha twillpayforthe direct coststoconstruct the improvements int heMa i n Street/Tra inStation area. T o w n staff issuedarequestforproposals toprovide engineeringandconstruction administration services forthe projectan ds ix f i rms respondedofwhich fourf i rms wereinv i tedtosubmit fe e proposals. ACommit teew as formedtointerview the f ou rf i rmsandthey unanimouslyrecommendedthe selectionofLuchsConsulting Engineering,LLCas they were the l owes tbid andratedhighestby the Committee.Counci lorMurphy movedtoaward the contracttothe lowestbidder, Luch s ConsultingEngineers,LL andauthorize t h e T o w n Managertoenter in to acontract foran amount n o ttoexceed $4 6,050, $35 ,00 0 from th e LoCIPStreetscapeProjectImprovementsAccountand1 1 ,050 f rom th e T o w n AidRoadAccounttoprovide engineeringandconstructionadministration relatedtot heMa i n StreetStreetscapeProject.Secondedby Counci lor R a s m u s s e n Jr.Economic DevelopmentDirectorJamesMahoneystatedtha t theywilln o w bring o n theengineering firm anddevelop specifications. H e explained tha t the 889, 903 and91 3FarmingtonAvenue isthe thirdpriority forthese fundsandifthey are n o t ready todo tha ttheywilldo mo re w o r k inthe otherareas.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s aCounci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochetteVo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)

    8. T op ic re:Author ize th e T o w n M a n a g e rtoschedule a n dadvert ise forJanuary21 ,2014at6:30 p.m. oho ldapublic hear ingona n d topossiblyconsidera n d a c tu p o n th efo l lowing proposedOrdinance:ARevisedOrdinanceRegarding Pa ym e n tforRefuseCol lect ionatResident ialCondominiums. T o w n M a n a g e rT o w n ManagerMc Na i rstatedthat th e Ordinance Committee requestedo u rCorporationCounseltodraftarevisiontoth e Ordinancesregarding paymentforrefuse collection atresidentialcondominiums andhe hascompleted th e draft. There hastobe apublic hearingheldo n the Ordinance which w o u l damendthe existing Ordinance toexpand the rebate toallresidentialcondominiums.Counci lor Murphy movedtoauthorize th e T o w n Manager toschedule andadvertise forJanuary21 ,2014at6:30p.m. oholdapublichearing o n andtopossiblyconsider anda c tupon the fo l lowing proposedOrdinance:ARevisedOrdinance Regarding Payment forRefuse Collect ionatResidentialCondominiums.

    Secondedby Counci lor R a s m u s s e n Jr.917age of

  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s aCounci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochetteVo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)

    9. T op ic re:Endorse th e RegionalPerformance Incent iveProgram proposal referenced inConnec t icu tGenera lStatu tesSect ion4-124sas amendedbySection 251 a n d253ofPublic Act1 3-247. T o w n M a n a g e rT o w n ManagerMcNai r stated tha tBerlin iscurrentlypar tofthe CentralConnect icutRegionalPlanningAgency which isinthe processofsubmitting f ou rapplications forfunding f rom the RegionalPerformance Incentive Program. Aresolution ofsupportby theT o w n Counc i lisnecessaryand there isn o costtoT o w n .Counc i lorMur ph y movedtoendorse the RegionalPerformance Incent iveProgramproposalreferencedinConnect icutGeneralStatutes Section4-124s asamendedby Section 2 51 and2 53ofPublicAct1 3-247.Secondedby Counci lor R a s m u s s e n Jr.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s aCounci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochetteVo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)APPOINTMENTS:Ber l in Cemetery Com m i tt e e Vacancy T erm expiredonJanuary 31,2013.Ne w. te rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2019.C a n be filledwithaD,RorU.

    Ber l in Cemetery Com m i tt e e Phi l ipG.Griffin (R) -e rm expiredonJanuary31,. 2013. Reappoin tmen torreplacement te rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2019.C a n be filledon ly withanRorUifabove appo in tment isaD.BoardofEthics Louis Zucchi (R) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,2014.. Reappoin tmentorrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017. C a n be f i l ledwithD,RorU.BoardofEthics W y s t a n Ackerm an (R) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,2014.. Reappoin tmentorrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017. C a n be f i l ledwithdependsonw h a t th e above appointment .BoardofEthics Al ternate Vacancy T e r m willexpireonJanuary 31,2016.C a n. be filledwithaD,RorU.

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


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    BoardofEthics Al ternate Vacan cy -T e r m expiresonJanuary 31,2014. Ne w. t e rm wou l dbe untilJanuary 31,2017.C a n be f i l ledwithdependsonth e aboveappointment .Ce n t ra l Connec t icu tRegionalPlanning Agency Barton N.Bovee (R) -e rm. expiredonDecember31 ,2013. Reappoin tme ntorrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilDecember31 ,2015.Commiss ion forth e A g in g Fr ankJ. logeris (R) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,. 2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2019.C a n b efilledwithaD,RorU.Commiss ion forth e A g in g JohnVar l ey (D) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,2014.. Reappoin tmentorrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2019.C a n be f i l ledon ly withaDorUifabove appo in tment isfilledwithanR.Commiss ion forPersonswithDisabil i t ies Rober tR.Dombrowsk i (D) -e rm0. expiresonJanuary 31,2014.Reappoin tmentorrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017.C a n be filledwithaD,RorU.Commiss ion forPersonswithDisa bili t ies -Pamela D o n A ro m a (U) -e rm expires o n1. January 31 ,2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017.C a n be filledwithaD,RorU.Conservat ion Commiss ion Steven Sokolowski (D) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,2. 2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2019.C a n b efilledwithaD,RorU.Conservat ion Commiss ion G u y Ho f fm an (R) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,2014.3. Reappoin tmentorrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2019.C a n o n l y b efilledwithanRorUifth e above appo in tment isaD.Constable Vacancy T e r m w o u l dexpi re inth e m o n t hofDecember,2015.C a n b e4. filledwithaD,RorU.Constable Vacancy T e r m w o u l dexpi re inth e m o n t hofDecember,2015.C a n b e5. filledon ly withanRorUifth e aboveappo in tment isfilledwithaD.EconomicDevelopment Com mission M i c hae l Baczew ski (D) -e rm expireso n6. January 31 ,2014. Reappoin tmen torrep lacement t e rm w o u l dexpi reonJanuary 31 ,2019.C a n be filledwithaD,RorU.EconomicDevelopment Com mission PeterA.Rosso (D) -e rm expiresonJanuary7. 31,2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2019.C a nbe filledwithaD,RorU.

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


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    His tor ic Dist r ict Commiss ion Vacancy T e r m wou l dexpireonJanuary 31,2018.8. C a n be filledwithanRorU.His tor ic Dist r ict Commiss ion Lorra ine E.Stub (D) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,9.2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2019.C a non ly be filledwithanRorUifth e above appo in tment isfilledwithaD.His tor ic Dist r ict Commiss ion Alternate Vacan cy -T e r m wou l dbeuntilJanuary0. 31 ,2016.C a n be f i l led withaD,RorU.In land W et lands & W a t e r CoursesCommiss ion M i c hae l Balinskas (R) -e rm1. expiresonJanuary 31 ,2014.Hedoesnotwish tobe reappointed.Replacement te rmw o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017.C a n be filledwithaD,RorU.In land W et lands & W a t e r CoursesCommiss ion Al ternate Vacancy e rm2.expiresonJanuary 31,2014.Ifappo in tment ismade inJanuary th e n e w t e rm w o u l dexpi reonJanuary 31 ,2017. C a n be filledwithaD,RorU.In land W et lands & W a t e r Courses Commiss ion Al ternate MarcLav iana (D) -3. t e rm expires onJanuary 31 ,2014. Reappoin tmen torrep lacement t e rm wou l d beuntilJanuary 31 ,2017.C a n be filledwithdependsonth e above appo in tment .Ber l in-PeckM e m o r i a lLibraryB oard C a r o lW e lz (R) e rm expiresonJanuary 31,4. 2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2017.C a n b efilledwithaD,RorU.Ber l in-PeckM e m o r i a lLibraryB oard ElizabethM.Benne t t (R) -e rm expires o n5. January 31 ,2014 . Reappoin tment orrep lacementt e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2017.C a n be filledwithaD,RorU.Ber l in-PeckM e m o r i a lLibraryB oard Sharon Pow e l l (U) -e rm expires o n6. January 31 ,2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017.C a n on ly be f i l ledwithanRorUifboth appoin tmentsabovea re f i l ledwithaD.Parks a n d Recreat ion Com miss ion D o n Dellaqui la (D) -e rm expiresonJanuary7. 31,2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2017.C a nbe filledwithaD,RorU.Plainvi l le Area Cable Television AdvisoryC oun c i l (PACT AC ) Vacancy Term8. expiredonJune 30,2013. Ne w t e rm wou l d expi reonJune 30,2015. C a n be f i l ledwithaD,RorU.

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014Plainvi l le Area Cable Television AdvisoryC oun c i l (PACT AC ) Vacancy Term9. expiredonJune 30,2013. Ne w t e rm wou l d expi reonJune 30,2015. C a n b e f i l ledwithanRorUifabove isfilledwithaD.Plann ing & Zoning Commiss ion Gar y M a r z i (U) es ignedonDecember30,2013.0.Hisreplacement te rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017.C a n be f i l ledwithaD,RorU.Plann ing & Zoning Commiss ion Bruce A.M o o r e (D) -e rm expiresonJanuary1. 31,2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2019.C a nbe filledwithaD,RorU.Plann ing & Zoning Commiss ion Kev in A.M u r ph y (D) -e rm expiresonJanuary2. 31,2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2019.C a nbe filledwithaD,RorU.Plann ing & Zoning Commiss ion Alternate Vacancy T e r m w o u l d expireon3. January 31 ,2016.C a n on ly be filledwithaDorU.Plann ing & Zoning Commiss ion Alternate Cur t isS.H o ltm an (R) e rm expires4. onJanuary 31 ,2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary31 ,2019.C a n be filledD,RorU.Public Building Commiss ion T h o masB.Reid (U) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,5. 2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2019.C a n b efilledwithaD,RorU.Public Building Commiss ion T h o masJ. al ime no (D) -e rm expiresonJanuary6. 31,2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2019.C a nbe filledwithaD,RorU.Veterans Com miss ion John Aguzz i (U) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,2014.7. Reappoin tmentorrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017. C a n be f i l ledwithaD,RorU.Veterans Commiss ion Bruce A. revethan (D) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,8. 2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017.C a non ly be filledwithanRorUifaboveappo in tment isfilledwithaD.Ber l in VNA acancy T e r m w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2016.C a n b e f i l ledwitha9. D,RorU.Ber l in VNA Bernadine Luddy (R) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,2014.0. Reappoin tmentorrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017. C a n be f i l ledwithaD,RorU.

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014Ber l in VNA Paula Alkas (U) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,2014.Reappoin tment1. orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017. C a n be f i l ledwithaD,RorU.Ber l in VNA Ellen Frederick (D) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,2014.2.Reappoin tmentorrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017. C a n be f i l ledwithaD,RorU.Ber l in VNA enn i fe rKoz ikowsk i (U) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,2014.3. Reappoin tmentorrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017. C a n be f i l ledwithaD,RorU.W a t e r C o n t r o lCommiss ion BarryJ. a i rwo od (R) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,4. 2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2019.C a n b efilledwithaD,RorU.W a t e r C o n t r o lCommiss ion Th om a s Lasker (R) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,5. 2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2019.C a non ly be filledwithanRorUifth e above appo in tment isaD.W a t e r C o n t r o lCommiss ion FrederickJ. orbo III D) -e rm expiresonJanuary6. 31 ,2014. Reappoin tme ntorreplacement te rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2019.C anon ly be filledwithanRorUifth e above appo in tment isaD.W a t e r C o n t r o lCommiss ion Alterna te Vacan cy -T e r m willexpireonJanuary 31,7. 2015.C a n be filledwithaD,RorU.W a t e r C o n t r o lCommiss ion Alternate Vacancy -T e r m willexpire o n January8. 31,2014.Ifth e appo in tment ismade inJanuary th e n e w t e rm wou l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017.C a n be filledwithaD,RorU.W a t e r C o n t r o lCommiss ion Alterna te -Alvaro Garc ia,Jr. (U) -e rm expires o n9. January 31 ,2014 . Reappoin tment orrep lacementt e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2017.C a n be filledwithdependsonth e aboveappoin tments.Y o u t h Services Advisory Board M a t t h e w W.Coh e n (Yo uth) - e rm expires o n0. January 31 ,2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31 ,2017.Y o u t h Services Advisory Board StephenJ.Teti (ServiceCon sume r) - e rm expires1. onJanuary 31 ,2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary31,2017.Zoning BoardofAppeals LeonardC. ubbs (U) -e rm expiresonJanuary 31,2. 2014. Reappoin tme nt orrep lacement t e rm w o u l dbe untilJanuary 31,2019.C a n befilledwithaD,RorU.

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


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    Zoning BoardofAppeals Alterna te -Vacancy T e r m willexpireonJanuary 31,3. 2014.C a n be filledwithaD,RorU.J. T O W N MANAGE RSREPORT:

    1.N e w T o w n W ebsite T o w n ManagerMc Na i rreported that the targetdate forth e newT o w n websitetog o l ive isJanuary29,2014. Training s e s s i o n s are scheduledandw e a relookingforward tothe ne w website.2.M a k eAWishFoundation T o w n Manager Mc Na i r reportedthatshehas heardfrom th eM a k eAWish Foundationaboutayoung girlf rom EastBerlin w h o isvery illbu thasmadeawish tog o toDisneyworld. T he Fire Departmentshave arrangedforaho rse -draw n carriagetopick u p the young girlandbring he rtoaloca lhairsalon tog e therhai r andnai lsdoneforhe rtriptoDisneyworld. People are welcome toattend Princess Leah Day o n January11 ,2014at9:4 5a.m.o n WebsterSquareRoad.

    K.SPECIAL C O M M I T T E E REPORTS:There were n o Committee reports.

    L.COUNCILORS C O M M U N I C A T I O N :Counci lor P a o n e s s a statedtha t they havereceivedsome information f rom someofth ecoachesinBerlin andhe has fur therresearched the matterandwou ld l ike toshareitwi th th eT o w n Counc i lmembers.

    M.ACCEPTANCE OFMI NUT E S: December17 ,2013Counci lorMurphy movedtoacceptthe minutesofDecember 17 ,2013aspresented.Secondedby Counci lor R a s m u s s e n Jr.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy ,Counci lor P a o n e s s a Counci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochette

    Abstained: Counc i lorEvans (absentf rom meeting)Vo te being5-0-1. ( OTION CARRIED)

    N.E X E CUT I VE SESSION:1. Rea lEstate C.G.S.S.Sec.1-200 (6) (D) iscussionofth e selection ofasi te,saleorpurchase ofr e a lestatebyth e T o w n South ington Road

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014M a y o rRochettemovedtog o in to Executive Sessionat8:30 p.m. odiscuss i t em 1above.Invited in: o w n ManagerMcNair , Corporat ion CounselWeber, JamesMahoney, EconomicDevelopmentDirector , H el lyn Riggins,Director ofDevelopment,andRo n Lindgren a n dAttorney PaulArgazzi.Secondedby Counci lor Murphy.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s aCounci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochetteVo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)Executive Sessionendedat8:4 5p.m.Thefo l lowing ac t ionwas taken:Counci lor Murphy movedtoadd tothe agendatorefer th e saleofth e f ron tport ionofth eSouth Burying Grounds toth e PlanningandZoning Commission fora n8-2 4 Review.Secondedby Counci lor R a s m u s s e n Jr.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s aCounci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochetteVo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)Counci lorMurphy movedtorefer the saleofthe f rontport ion ofthe South BuryingGroundstoth e Planning andZoning Commissionfora n8-2 4 Review.Secondedby Counci lor R a s m u s s e n Jr.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s aCounci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochetteVo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)

    O.ADJOURNMENTCounci lorEvansmovedtoadjourn the meeting at8:4 6p.m.Secondedby Counci lor Luddy.Those voting infavor were: Counci lor Evans,Counci lor Luddy,

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  • 8/13/2019 Minutes to the Town of Berlin Town Council Meeting of January 7, 2014


    To w n Counc i lMeet ing 1/7/ 014Counci lor Murphy , Counci lor P a o n e s s aCounci lorR a s m u s s e n Jr.,M a y o rRochette

    Vo te being6-0. ( OTION CARRIED)Submitted,

    Kathryn J.W al l ________________________________Clerkofthe Meet ing RachelRochette,M a y o r

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