milk thistle seed extract caspules

Milk Thistle seed extract Caspules Botanical Name Family Common Name Synonyms Part Used Main Function Chemistry: 80% Silymarin - Milk Thistle contains flavonoids (Silybin, Silydianinm Silychristin known collectively as Silymarin).

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Page 1: Milk thistle seed extract caspules

Milk Thistle seed extract Caspules

Botanical Name


Common Name


Part Used

Main Function

Chemistry:80% Silymarin - Milk Thistle contains flavonoids (Silybin, Silydianinm Silychristin known collectively as Silymarin).

Plant Description:

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A spiny biennial growing to 5 feet with white-veined leaves and purple flower heads. Milk Thistle is native to the Kashmir region of India and Pakistan, but now grows throughout the temperate world. It has been used in Europe as a remedy for depression and liver problems for thousands of years.

Health benefits:

People with liver disease, including hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice and inflamed liver, use the herb to protect and regenerate that vital organ.

The liver might well be the hardest organ working in our body. It works as a filter, clearing our body or the many toxins we are exposed to every day. Silymarin helps the liver to stay strong during this process.

Silymarin also enhances glutathione production in the liver. Glutathione is one of the body�s most powerful antioxidants.

Antioxidants protect cells from damage, keeping them healthy and functioning as they should.

A number of liver diseases are related to oxidative stress and silymarin provides the liver with important antioxidant protection. It also improves liver regeneration, reduces inflammation, and inhibits the formation of fibrous tissue (fibrogenesis) that is a hallmark of chronic liver disease.

Milk thistle seed extract also contains active compound known as flavonolignans, which can protect the cells of the liver from toxins as well as encourage cleansing and detoxification. When damage has already been done to liver cells, milk thistle can stimulate protein synthesis, thereby helping the liver to repair injury and generate new cells.

The seed extract protects the liver from a variety of common toxins, including alcohol, pesticides, heavy metal poisoning, pollution, and medications of all kinds. It has been used for more than two thousand years for medicinal purposes, and its use as a detoxifying agent and treatment for liver disease is well validated by research.

Milk thistle seed extract is an excellent tonic for anyone under stress. It is also useful for people who use alcohol, recreational drugs, anabolic steroids, as well as prescription medications. In addition, anyone living in a heavily polluted environment can benefit from supplements of milk thistle seed extract.

The herb has a gentle detoxifying effect, and its ability to increase bile secretion and flow in the intestines makes it effective as a mild laxative.

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The active ingredients can be extracted with alcohol to produce a tincture, or pills can be prepared using the seeds. Milk thistle teas made from bulk seed are also available, but very little of the active ingredient is present in steeped teas.

Dosage: 1 caps 3 times daily as directed by the physician.

MG - 125

Quantity - 90 caps

MRP- Rs. 1199/-