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  • 7/29/2019 MIDPS_LAB_1


    *******************************************************************************MIDPS - Medii de dezvoltare a produselor SoftwareLaboratorul Nr.1 - Setting server environment. Revision Control Systems.Virtosu Savaemail: [email protected]*******************************************************************************Skills:

    - IDE's: [console]- Languages: bash, C/C++- Frameworks:- Technologies: Revision Control System


    - Basic knowledge for using console- Connect to a Linux server using SSH protocol- Initialize a repository (git || mercurial || svn)- Compile your C/C++/Java/Python programs in console usinggcc/g++/javac/python compilators.

    *******************************************************************************General Requirements:

    Laboratory work is considered as successfully passed after fulfilling the

    following steps:1. You must elaborate a Report, in witch you describe your work-

    flow and the way you are thinking:- Laboratory work paper DL is: x.x.x- Laboratory work paper must have at least: 1 pages- Laboratory work paper must have a conclusion of: 0.2 p

    ages2. You must elaborate a prototype program, and show how it work

    duringthe classes3. You must pass the quiz

    Note: More details you'll provide in your report, less questions I'll give to

    you during presentation of your report.

    Note*:- If you don't understand some words in this document please goo

    gle it.- If you don't understand that google explain to you ask for a h

    elp to yourcolleagues, friends.- If you still don't get something ask me. Write an email to me

    or to otherteacher. Ask stackoverflow, do smth! because you will face all t

    hiskeyword during your professional carrier, and this knowledge dif

    ferentiatesyou from an average "bidlo-coder"

    *******************************************************************************Technical Requirements:

    - connect to server (as a server can serve a virtual machine)

    *******************************************************************************Laboratory Requirements:

    -Basic Level (grade 5 || 6): You need to connect to a server (as a serve

  • 7/29/2019 MIDPS_LAB_1


    r canserve a virtual machine) using ssh. You must be able to run at least 2 s

    ampleprograms from the HelloWolrdPrograms folder. You must be able to initial

    izeand make a commit in git or mercurial.

    -Normal Level (grade 7 || 8): initialize an empty repository, configureyour

    git or mercurial. Make 2 branches, and make in each branch a commit.

    -Advance Level (grade 9 || 10): configure your remote push (github, bitbucket

    or custom server). Make a commit and after that reset it. Make 2 branches and

    merge them.

    -Bonus Level:*******************************************************************************References:

    Basics of linux comandline comands:- http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/commands.htm- http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugbasics.html

    SSH into your Virtualbox VM from the same computer- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BsShkcweIs

    How to compile a C program in ubuntu:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4635794/how-to-run-a-c-program-on-u

    buntuHow to compile a C++ program in ubuntu:

    - http://askubuntu.com/questions/61408/what-is-a-command-to-compile-and-run-c-programsHow to compile a Java program in ubuntu

    - http://askubuntu.com/questions/145748/how-to-compile-a-java-file

    Git: - http://www.manniwood.com/starting_a_project_with_git.html- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Git- http://www.vogella.com/articles/Git/article.html

    Advance Git:- http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
