mid term booklet (comenius)

1 October — 2013

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Page 1: Mid term booklet (comenius)

1 October — 2013

Page 2: Mid term booklet (comenius)

2 October — 2013

" Peace at home, peace in the world!"


Page 3: Mid term booklet (comenius)

3 October — 2013

Content Information About The Project......................................................................................4


Yüksek Yüksek Tepelere Lyrics........................................................................5

Yüksek Yüksek Tepelere Score.........................................................................6

Information About The Song's Origin...............................................................7

Story of The Song.............................................................................................11

Henna Night.......................................................................................................13

The Script of the Monologue...........................................................................15

Student Comments About the Project Visits.................................................16

Drawings About The Song...............................................................................18


Lyrics and the scores of the songs………………………………………….......19

Drawings About The Song...............................................................................26


Lyrics of the song.............................................................................................28

Sicillian Tarantella.............................................................................................29

Traditional Sicilian Instruments.......................................................................30

Translation of The Song...................................................................................31


Lyrics of The Song............................................................................................32

The scores of the songs...................................................................................34

We'll Go to the Fisherman Lyrics.....................................................................35

Information About The Song............................................................................36

The Sparrow Made.............................................................................................37


Musical information about the Song………………………………………….....39

Hej Bystra Woda...............................................................................................40

Hej Bystra Woda Score…………………………………………...........................42


Information about the Song.............................................................................44

Drawings About The Song...............................................................................48

Comments About The Project.........................................................................49


The songs of "Ksenitia"...................................................................................51

Lyrics of the Song............................................................................................52

The Score of the Song.....................................................................................53

Information About The Song..........................................................................54

The Script Of the Play.....................................................................................68

Drawing About The Song……………………………………….........................70

Good Memories...............................................................................................71

Page 4: Mid term booklet (comenius)

4 October — 2013

OF FOLK MUSIC AND MEN The "U'n Me" project is a cross-disciplinary project stud-

ying mainly on folk music and culture in almost every as-

pect. Folk music reflects the lives of common people.

Through this music people give voice to their feelings and

preserve their history. Not the history of textbooks but the

history of common people. Like other aspects of culture,

folk music was developed after many years of contact

between different ethnic, national and cultual backgro-

unds. With this project, all countries will learn and explore

their history and cultre through folk songs. The project also

promotes intercultural dialogue and interest for communi-

cation in foreign languages. Discovering different cultures,

identifying similarities and understanding and accepting

the differences will help to create open-minded attitudes towards nations. There will be 8 count-

ries from different parts of Europe. During the partnership, students will do research to detect

the folk songs they are going to work on and they will learn about the real stories of the songs as

all have secret lives within. Pupils are also supposed to write and perform some sketches reflec-

ting these songs. Apart from folk music, folk dance of the partner countries will be displayed by

pupils. We'll also have project activities which tell us about traditions, celebrations of the partner

countries. Each country will prepare a culture clip named "culture in 3 minutes" about a different

aspect every 2-3 months and these clips will be published on each school's web site(in a special

part dedicated to the project). Information about the project and activity samples will be put on

sight on the social media and e-twinning via groups.The project will enable useful materials for

not only language teachers but also for other disciplines.


We thought of doing a project basically on folk music because folk songs connect the past, pre-

sent and the future. Our interest in our past forms a starting point for a dialogue about the pre-

sent and this will in turn help to shape our future. By the help of this project, we'll all try to save

folk music which has been vanishing in the face of cultural conflict and globalization. It will also

help young generation to re-discover their roots and identify the reason of the lose of interest for

folk music. Thanks to this project each participant will have the chance to realize the interaction

of men and folk music by exploring different cultures of different European countries and they

can compare domestic realities with those of other cultures. The "U'n Me" project will also enco-

urage pupils to respect and protect their historical and cultural heritage and values. The pupils

will also be aware of the global issues such as war, peace, cultural values... ect. through the sto-

ries and the information about the folk songs.

We make history and only we can save what is left and folk music

is a kind of mirror that reflects our history, so we should pay more

attention to it. This project will help to save our sounds and to

blossom interest for folk music in minds of young generation. As

the project will also deal with other cultural aspects, not only the

students but also the teachers and the staff , and the whole com-

munity will have the chance to acquire information about different

cultures and welcome them by exchanging experience and

knowledge about folk music, folk dance, traditions, celebrations ...

ect. On the other hand, being active participants in the project,

the pupils will develop their language and ICT skills, and also

their motivation for learning will be enhanced.

Page 5: Mid term booklet (comenius)

5 October — 2013

Yüksek Yüksek Tepelere

Yüksek yüksek tepelere ev kurmasınlar Aşrı aşrı memlekete kız vermesinler

Annesinin bir tanesini hor görmesinler

Uçan da kuşlara malum olsun Ben annemi özlerim

Hem annemi hem babamı Ben köyümü özlerim

Annemin yelkeni olsa açsa da gelse Babamın bir atı olsa binse de gelse Kardeşlerim yolları bilse de gelse

Uçan da kuşlara malum olsun

Ben annemi özlerim Hem annemi hem babamı

Ben köyümü özlerim

Page 6: Mid term booklet (comenius)

6 October — 2013

Page 7: Mid term booklet (comenius)

7 October — 2013

Page 8: Mid term booklet (comenius)

8 October — 2013

Page 9: Mid term booklet (comenius)

9 October — 2013

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10 October — 2013

Page 11: Mid term booklet (comenius)

11 October — 2013

Page 12: Mid term booklet (comenius)

12 October — 2013

Page 13: Mid term booklet (comenius)

13 October — 2013

Page 14: Mid term booklet (comenius)

14 October — 2013

Henna night

Henna night is an old tradition of Turkish People.It’s also the last night of bride with her friends and relatives before the wedding.It begins one day or two days before the wedding ceremony.And continues along one night. The roots of henna night is based on the ancient times in İslamic societies.It’s a way of blessing the wedding and building up a new family. Henna night is genearally organised at bride’s home. Relatives and friends of bride attends the night mainly. Also the groom and his family comes. On the day of henna night, a flag is hung on the wall of bride’s house. It’s a sign of henna night. Guests gather in the house in the evening. There is a treat with henna tray that includes cookies and henna halvah which is a special food and prepared meti-culously. Guests sing folk songs and play traditional dances up to henna time. When it’s time for the henna ceremony, the bride disappears and wears her henna robe which is a costume of this traditional night worn by brides.Also the groom gets ready for the ceremony. He wears a suit. During this time, henna is prepared, lights are switched off. The bride comes ahead with the eldest of the family who carries the henna tray. And teenage girls carrying candles follows them into the room by singing traditional songs. And the bride sits on the chair which is in the middle of the room and guests. A red kerchief is worn by the bride. And a green one is worn by the groom. Before henna is put to the hands of the bride and the groom, guests sing emoti-onal folk songs to make the bride cry. If the bride doesn’t cry, it means she isn’t willing to get married. If she cries, it means she feels sad for leaving her family. And it is time to put the henna, but the bride doesn’t open up her hands until her mother in law gives her a gold coin. Now that the henna can be put to the bride and groom’s hands. The couple wish to keep the well being and abundan-ce. And a coin is put into henna by a woman who hadn’t got any trouble with her wedding. It’s a wish to make the couple’s life fertile. Henna is distributed to guests. And if the coin is found by any guest in henna, it means bride is a suitable and auspicious person for the groom.

Page 15: Mid term booklet (comenius)

15 October — 2013

MONOLOGUE ( the story of the song )

I am Zeynep! The one with a legendary beauty. The little girl, her mother’s loved one who

was made to get married when she was only sixteen.

My destiny started to be written at my neighbour’s daughter , Ayşe’s wedding. Ali, who ca-

me from a far away village had seen and loved me that day. Then, he has talked to his fat-

her and said “ I deeply loved that girl. Please dad, let’s go and ask for her parents’ permis-

sion, and have a great wedding!” Preparations were made and they came. And? We got

married. I was too young, though. I was my mother’s little daughter. In fact I loved Ali ,

too , neverthless the idea of leaving my family behind and moving to a far away place was

tearing my heart out. But I thought that Ali would take me to my village to see them, he

would beacause he knew that I couldn’t live without them!( She sighs)

Our wedding? Sure, it was a fairy tale wedding ceremony! Everybody enjoyed themselves.

I wish everyone would be happy now as they were that day. The only ones with tears in

their eyes were my mother and me because we would fall apart. Who could know that

there were so many tears to be shed and a huge longing to be felt.

First years of our marriage were really great. Ali would do whatever I want to make me

happy. Hovewer, the longing inside my heart was getting bigger day by day. “Please Ali,

take me home to see my family! I missed them all.” I said to him but he kept saying “It is a

long way from here! Be patient!” Patience? No one else can know more than me what it

means! I endured for days, months, years! Each day has passed with the hope of seeing

my family. My joy and happines also disappeared with the desperate longing of my mot-

her, my father and my brothers. I can feel them even now!

Ali was not the man he used to be. Whenever I tried to say something, he silenced me.

He ignored my entreaty. Every time I got breathless of my family’s longing or my hus-

band’s ignorance, I found myself standing towards my village in front of my house which is

on a steep hill, singing the same song… ( She sings the song)

I wish no more girls would be like me, like a dead flower!

Days have passed and the longing inside my heart made me sick in bed. I repeated my

mother, father and brother’s names in my sleep singing the same song. Having seen my

situation and thinking that I won’t live longer, my neighbours persuaded Ali to take my fa-

mily to see me for the last time.

I had a scent for my mother even before she came near me! I thought that it was a dream

when I saw my father and my brothers with her. Just before they die, people always see

the things that they’ve always dreamt of. And I thought it was like that , I thought it was a

dream! When my mother hugged me with tears , I understood that it was real! Unfortuna-

tely, I have no power to embrace her. Tears ran down my eyes and my song got out of

my lips.

My song is my heritage! To my family, to all mothers, fathers, and siblings…

( She sings the song again)

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16 October — 2013


“It was the best experience of my whole life.Polish pe-

ople are so amiable.They welcomed us with smiling

faces.I felt like i was at home.I loved my Polish fa-

mily.Bialystok is a small and beautiful city.The park in

the city center was amazing.There were a lot of

brown,green and yellow trees.I always wanted to take

photos.Everywhere looked like heaven.The buildings

were adorable in Bialystok.The churches and mu-

seums were so fascinating.And the opera.It was the

best show I’ve ever seen.Of course I couldn’t unders-

tand anything but the story,costumes,songs and actors

were so amazing that I can’t say a word.I really wan-

ted to see that show again and I hope I will. Before the

show my friends were so excited and it looked weird to me.I thought that it would just

be a show.After that the show started and I understand them at this moment.I can’t

say that I like Polish food but their culture is so beautiful.Polish traditional dance is cool

and romantic.I miss Bialystok streets.And I miss my family.I hope we can see each ot-

her again one day.I want to see my friends in Turkey.Everything was really perfect to

me.Omg! I’m gonna cry.”

Dilanur GÜVEN

10th Grade Student

“ It was a very interesting experience for me. I met people from other countries, lear-

ned some words in Polish, Spanish and Greek. I saw different traditions and had lear-

ned about different religions. There were some similarities between our cultures in

terms of food and hospitality. Those 4 days were really amazing and unforgettable!

Thanks to those Spanish people for everything they did.”


12th Grade Student

“ I am really glad to be in this Comenius Project. It was

a good experience for me. I will never forget those days

that I spent in Greece.

Greece was a very nice country and Greek people are

really nice , actually they look like us. There is not much

difference between our cultures.

I also had a great chance to improve my English. Our

Project, Of Folk Music and Men, is a perfect opportunity

for us to develop our language and communication

skills. ”

Aslıhan SARAÇ


Grade Student

Page 17: Mid term booklet (comenius)

17 October — 2013

“ I was really happy and a little bit afraid when I

learnt that I would go to Lithuania. I was afraid be-

cause it would be my first time.

When we arrived in Lithuania, the weather was very

cold but the people made it warm with their love.

The families were so lovely, kind and helpful. I felt

like home. Everyone tired to comfort us.

We made really good friends, so we have internatio-

nal friendship now. I am still talking them on fa-


The day we visited beautiful, important places was the best of all. We saw so bea-

utiful places that I still remember all of them.

The last day of our visit was so sad. We said goodbye to each other. We travelled

to the airport with Spanish friends. Then they flew and we waited for our flight.

We had to wait a lot because our flight was postponed. We were so tired of wai-

ting but now, when I think of it, a smile appears on my face. I wanted to stay the-

re longer.

It was really a good experience for us. I‟ll never forget about those days we

spent there. I want to go there again. Because nothing can keep me from thinking

about the days I spent there. I love Lithuania!”

Aslıhan İNAN

11th Grade Student

“ Spain was my dream! I travelled by plane for the first time. I went abroad for

the first time. I and also my friends were very excited. Our journey was great!

We met our friends in Spain and then went to saty with the hosting families. I

and one of my Turkish friends, Oğuzhan stayed together at Marina‟s house. She

and her family were so warm-hearted. We spent time together every day. We

went to do some shopping and ate out.

We also became friends with the students from other partner countries. Every-

body was so friendly. We attended their lessons. I understood some of the things

but not too muchJ

We spent time together with all the other students. We had so great and funny

time. We even got lost in the streets but that was also great funJ

After the „Henna Night‟ we held there, everybody called me as their „ Fantastic

Bride‟ . Those four days we had there were short but very nice. I met new fri-

ends. I loved all of them. That was an unforgettable experience to me. I hope I

will go there again one day. Thank you very much, teacher Yasemin ! “

Aleyna MARAP

11th Grade Student

Page 18: Mid term booklet (comenius)

18 October — 2013

Drawings about the song

Page 19: Mid term booklet (comenius)

19 October — 2013



Un pobre pagés tenia una filla.

Tenia quinze anys i encara no fila.

Tralaralala prim fila prim fila,

Tralaralala prim fila i se’n va.

N’encontra el galant, el qui ella volia.

D’on veniu Joan? On aneu Maria?

Tralaralala prim fila prim fila

Tralaralala prim fila i se’n va.

Vaig al teixidor que hi tinc peça ordida.

Quantes canes hi ha, hermosa Maria?

Tralaralala prim fila prim fila

Tralaralala prim fila i se’n va.

Quantes canes hi ha de la peça ordida?

Setze canes, me’n manquen les quinze.

Tralaralala prim fila prim fila

Tralaralala prim fila i se’n va.

Del que ens quedarà pararem botiga.

Cap més n’hi haurà tan ben proveïda.

Tralaralala prim fila prim fila

Tralaralala prim fila i se’n va.

Page 20: Mid term booklet (comenius)

20 October — 2013

Page 21: Mid term booklet (comenius)

21 October — 2013

Page 22: Mid term booklet (comenius)

22 October — 2013


Jo tinc una perereta, Miquel,

jo tinc una perereta, Miquel,

que no té peres ni flors,

Miquel, Miquel, Miquel de la mel,

que no té peres ni flors,

Miquel, Miquel, Miquel de la mel.

T’he dit més de quatre voltes, Miquel,

t’he dit més de quatre voltes, Miquel,

que no m’entres pel corral,

Miquel, Miquel, Miquel de la mel,

que no m’entres pel corral,

Miquel, Miquel, Miquel de la mel.

Que tinc les gallines soltes, Miquel,

que tinc les gallines soltes, Miquel,

i m’espantaràs el gall,

Miquel, Miquel, Miquel de la mel,

i m’espantaràs el gall,

Page 23: Mid term booklet (comenius)

23 October — 2013


Jo conec una llauradoreta que m’ensenya a collir espinacs

i a cavall de la meua burreta a València me’n vaig al mercat,

i a cavall de la meua burreta a València me’n vaig al mercat.

Si les rodes del tren no marxaren de València i el pont cap ací,

si les rodes no anaren tan fortes quins xiulits, quins xiulits, quins


si les rodes no anaren tan fortes quins xiulits, quins xiulits, quins



Ramonet si vas a l’hort

porta figues porta figues.

Ramonet si vas a l’hort

porta figues i ambercocs de pinyol dolç.


El colom roda la torre,

roda i no pot entrar

i la pobre colometa no para de sospirar.

Page 24: Mid term booklet (comenius)

24 October — 2013


Per les teulades passejant un gall,

quiquiriquí quiquiriquí,

troba una gallina sola en un terrat,

cacaracà cacaracà.

Gall i gallines es posen a xerrar,

quiquiriquí cacaracà,

i a les poques hores ella un ou posà,

quiquiriquí cacaracà.


Ja arriba la tartana ja ve el meu tartaner,

si vols anar a França amb tu me’n aniré.

Si vas a l’Anglaterra nadant arribarem.

Amunt la cafetera i amunt sempre el cafè!

Si vols anar a Itàlia, permís demanarem

I allà davant del Papa amb tu me casaré.


Arre burret, anem a Carlet

per vore les xiques com fan els rotllets.


Agulleta i fil vol la filla meua,

per poder cosir la soneta seua.

Ai quin aguller ai quina bagueta,

ja tanca els ullets la meua xiqueta.

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25 October — 2013

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26 October — 2013

Drawings about the song

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27 October — 2013

Drawings about the song

Page 28: Mid term booklet (comenius)

28 October — 2013

The Sicilian folk song was born of the oral tradition and the spontaneous

song that is mixed with folk poetry and transmitted orally.

This is a serenade with a series of funny comparisons and examples of

what the man proves when he sees the loved woman:

"A matina nun c’è suli ca mi sconza stu duluri

e la sira nun c’è friscu ca m’astuta stu disiu.

La notti nun è jornu ma lu stissu m’arrusbigghiu,

la fami scumpariu e la siti si ni jiu.

Nun quagghia la ricotta, cchiù nun fazzu li viscotta,

nun sfurnu pani bonu, nun ti cantu e nun ti sonu.

Nun cogghiu cchiù lu meli, nun serbi pi stu mali,

a gramigna nta la vigna la racina mi cummogghia.

Cu la grazia da to vuci d'intra i tia mi cunnuci,

pi la danza du to passu iu stu ballu ti lu lassu.

Nun sentu mancu friddu, d’amuri mi cummogghiu,

putenti comu bracia si lu suli ca m’abbrucia.

Nta sti jorna disgraziati nun mi carmunu i pruriti,

nta sti jorna biniditti ma mbriacu senza vutti.

Senza vutti e senza vinu persi a testa a lu matinu,

persi anche la ragiuni e ti vidu a tutti i ‘gnuni.

Mi vinni stu pitittu di vasarati lu pettu,

mi vinni stu pitittu di cunzariti lu lettu.

Addivintai vastasu nta lu sonnu ju ti vasu,

cu la vucca e cu li manu ti sunassi u marranzanu.

Quannu viru a tia strinci ‘u pettu ca quaria,

quannu viru a tia sautu ‘u passu nta la via.

Quannu viru a tia scordu tutt’avimmaria,

Page 29: Mid term booklet (comenius)

29 October — 2013

Quannu viru a tia (When I see you)


Page 30: Mid term booklet (comenius)

30 October — 2013

Traditional sicilian musical instruments: tamburi a cornice,




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31 October — 2013


"Every morning there is no sun that can soothe my pain and in the evening nothing can put off my wish.

The night is not day but I wake up hunger and thirst are lost

I can not do any more cottage cheese ,biscuits and bread

I no longer sing nor play I Do not pick more apples , I can’t cure this disease

vineyard and orchard fruits do not give with the grace of your voice you lead me to you

I 'll let you this song for you to dance I no longer feel cold, I cover with love

you are the sun that burns me as powerful as coal these unfortunate days you do not calm the desire ,

. in these blessed days I get drunk without barrel and without wine I lose head in the morning I also lost the reason I see youeverywhere.

I got the desire to kiss your chest and prepare the bed. I kiss you in sleep and I play for you.

when I see you my heart heatens when I see you I change my pace on the way

when I see you I forget every prayer when I see you I start to fantasize "

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32 October — 2013

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33 October — 2013

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34 October — 2013

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35 October — 2013

“We’ll go to the fishermen”

„Į žvejus eisiu“

1. Į žvejus eisiu

Žvejus lankysiu, Vesiu vesiu žvejų mergelę.(2) 2. Nežvejoj mano

Tėvs nei mamužė, Žvejos žvejos mano mergužė. (2) 3. Žvejoj mergytės

Pajuodakytės , Nemok nemok trijų darbelių.(2) 4. Nei jos mok austi, Nei plonai verpti, Nei staklelių pasitaisyti. (2)

5. Tik jos temoka

Laive sėdėti, Baltai baltai rankas mazgoti.(2) 6. Bemazgodamos

Baltas rankeles

Ir nuleido aukso žiedelį. (2) 7. Oi, sakiau sakiau

Broleliu savo: Pjaudink pjaudink Krokų lankelę. (2) 8. O į devintą

Šį pradalgėlį Ir išpjausiu aukso žiedėlį.(2)

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36 October — 2013

“We’ll go to the fishermen” is a song from Lithuania

Minor. Lituania Minor is a historical etnographic region of Prussia, later East Prussia in Germany, where Prussian Lithuanians or Lietuvininkai lived.

The song was created by M. L. Reza, in the 19th

century in Kursiu Lagoon. He created this song when he lived in Rasytes village.

The structure of the song is very similar to the narrative

folk. This is Youth engagement song which was very popular is the 19th century. Most of the songs are written in minor tonality.

Most of the songs are sung in a cappella version and

beside it folk instuments can be used such as: kanklės, lumzdeliai.

Kanklės Lumzdeliai

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37 October — 2013

“The sparrow made”

Padarė žvirblielis (Plungės raj.)

1. Padarė žvirblielis Du alu geru,

Čirlikčik, čirlikčik, Du alu geru.

2. Suprašė žvirblielis Vėsus paukštelius, Čirlikčik, čirlikčik,

Ėr neprašuoma, Čirlikčik, čirlikčik, Ėr neprašuoma.

4. Atsisieda pelieda

Už stala gala, Čirlikčik, čirlikčik,

Už stala gala.

5. Išsitraukė pelieda Pyraga gala,

Čirlikčik, čirlikčik, Pyraga gala.

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38 October — 2013

It is the song of Zemaitija region. The region is also known in English as

Lower Lithuania. It is a folk song and it was created in the 19th century. This is

children‘s song about sparrow, which is very frequet in the villages and cities. This bird

is very friendly and kind. Little children like to sing this song.

The sparrow made a party and invited all forest birds.The sparrow didn‘t

invite the owl. The owl is a bird of pray and also a night bird. The sparrow didn‘t like the

owl but it came without invitation. The owl brought a cake and sat together with other

birds by the table. The sparrow didn‘t have what to do, just invite the owl to dance.

„Dai and I got up“ (Dzūkai region Christmas song)

„Dai ir atsikėliau“ (Dzūkų regiono Kalėdų daina)

Dai ir atsikėliau ankstų rytelį Aleliumai rūtela ankstų rytelį. Dai ir sumaliau du sietu rugelių Aleliumai rūtela du sietu rugelių. Du sietu rugeliu o treciu grikiu Aleliumai rūtela o treciu grikiu. O triciu grikiu dėl savo jaunikio Aleliumai rūtela dėl savo jaunikio. Dai ir atvažiavo juodas kudlotas Aleliumai rūtela juodas kudlotas. Juodas kudlotas jaunas nežanotas Aleliumai rūtela jaunas nežanotas. Jaunas nežanotas gelažu kauscytas Aleliumai rūtela gelažu kauscytas. Gelažu kauscytas viržiu viržytas Aleliumai rūtela viržiu viržytas. Vai ko tau reikia mūsų sveteli Aleliumai rūtela mūsų sveteli. Ar tu nori gercie ar tu nori valgycie Aleliumai rūtela ar tu nori valgycie. Nei aš noriu gercie, nei aš noriu valgycie Aleliumai rūtela nei aš noriu valgycie. Man tik tai reikia jaunos mergelės Aleliumai rūtela jaunos mergelės. Jaunos mergelės jos baltos rankelės Aleliumai rūtela jos baltos rankelės.

Dzukai songs are lyrics, incredibly beautiful, melodious and often sad. This song is popular in Dzukai region. The young people like to sing it at

Christmas and between the Christmas and the New Year. The song is about the mummer who is looking for the young virgin. This young virgin during Advent mills the rye, buckwheat for the expected bridegroom.The groom arrives in disguise so nobody recognizes him and he is able to know the whole truth about the virgin‘s hospitality, sincerity and then to ask her hand.

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The Podhale is located in the foothills of the Tatra range of the Carpa-

thian mountains, and is characterized by a rich tradition of folklore that

is much romanticized in the Polish patriotic imagination. The name Po-

dhale literally translates as "below the mountain glen" in English.

Among the region's attractions are the popular mountain resort of Za-

kopane and the lake known as Morskie Oko. The people in this region are particularly famous for their oscypek, a

cheese made from a mix of cow's and sheep's milk.

One of the biggest attractions of Podhale is authentic and lively

highland folklore, practiced on everyday for many local families. To

date, the highland homes dialect spoken often sees regional dress.

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Music and Dance highlander, accompanied by folk rituals, but more

often it can be admired on the performances of regional music bands.


Podhalańska scale (c, d, e, fis, g, a, b, c)

It’s a miksolydijska scale with alter quartet.

Lidyjska scale: f, g, a, h, c, d, e, f

Direction descending melody

Even tact:2/4 Polyphony - team begins singing in unison, then the voices spread the

interval period (formerly fourths and fifths) Votes cross - the main melody in the voice is often lower or middle (the

main melody melody added a terce higher)

Ending of the song is also a major third

Highlander Folk in contemporary music:

Wojciech Kilar – Orawa (classic music)

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Golec uOrkiestra

Manifestations of folklore material is primarily there are still old

chalets, interesting ornamentation and arts, as well as folk art, which

can be seen in many houses of folk artists (blacksmithing, painting on

glass, woodwork and sculpture).

„Hej bystra woda” The song say about girl who is in love with a boy. Boy was having problems with

other men. Everyone was crying beacuse, the boy was beat up. But the song have

happy music.

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Drawings about the song

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Comments about project

Teachers Marta Gil

This project was a great chance and a unique opportunity

for my students to know better different European cultures

and improve their level of English. They could meet peers

from other countries, exchange their experience, develop

communication skills with cultural background, especially

connected with music. Moreover me, as an English

teacher, could expend my English lesson based on the

European cultural background as for instance folk songs or

traditional customs connected with weddings or other

cultural events, which makes my lesson more interesting

and containing multicultural elements.

Student’s parents

Beata Biegańska said:

My parents were really glad that Sarune could come to us. They think that it was great experience for

me and of course for them too. We could together learn Lithuanian words and traditions and tell Sarune

about our traditions. Those days spent with her were amazing and we'll never forget them. We hope we

meet someday again.

Karolina Chyc

My mum said "it was great expiriance for my daughter but for me too. I colud know her customs and

habbits, but show her our Polish hospitality. I am glad that my daughter could take part in that project

and learn english and about another cultures."


Karolina Hanusiak

I really enjoy this Project Comenius because i met new coulture and awesome people whom i will

remember all my life. I learn English and Spanish language better. People from all the world are really

wonderful and polite. I would like to repeat it once again.

Dawid Halicki

Visit in Greece gave me a possibility met a lot of people and taught English language more. It was first

time when I flew by plane and I was going by underground. I learnt about Greek culture and now I know

lots of. It was amazing days. Thank you for my teachers that I taken part on comenius. I hope, that I' ll

go on comenius one more.

Klaudia Romaniuk

I will never taken part in something like Comenius. it was my firs time and it was great experience. I

spend amazing 5 days with girl from Turkey. She learnt me lots of her culture. It is pleasure to spend

time with person from different country like she. By the way i would like go abroad with Comenius like

this girl who came to me and see how it is. I hope it is not my last time when i take part in this project. I

would like to know more culture and take part one more. Thank to Comenius I developed my skills. It

was awesome.

Dominika Pawelska

This project made me realize how important the knowledge of foreign languages. I met new people that

they still write to me on Facebook. I have a lot of nice memories. I met a person from my school which I

haven't talked and now we are friends.

Aleksandra Iwaniuk

Comenius is very interesting and helpful project for young people. During the project i could meet a new

people and new cultures. I made acquaintance not for a week but for life. I have a good memories and I

don't regret this time.

Agnieszka Bogusłowicz

I think the Commenius project is the best way for young people to see other countries culture. We spend

a very good time but in the other hand we had learnt a lot. For example we had opportunity to see a lot

of intresting places in our area, like jewish synagouge or museum. In my opinion the best thing was the

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M u s i c S c h o o l o f A g r i n i o

C o m e n i u s P r o j e c t

“ O f F o l k M u s i c a n d M e n

2 n d C a t e g o r y o f F o l k S o n g s : S o n g s o f I m m i g r a n t s a n d o f t h e L o n g i n g

f o r o n e ’ s H o m e l a n d ( T h e s o n g s o f K s e n i t i a )

P a g e | 2

Tzivaeri (play)

1st Scene: There is a mother and her son. The son leaves for the foreign lands. The following dialogue


them can’t be easy.

Son: Mother, I’ve made a very important decision!

Mum: What’s wrong? You’re making me nervous!

Son: I will leave…I will go away to another land to earn a living.

Mum: My son what are you talking about? How will you leave? Where will you go?

Son: Mum don’t worry. It’s a decision that I’ve made a long while ago. I’ve been thinking about it for


Mum: What are you saying? Be reasonable!

Son: I’m sorry mum! You can’t change my mind. Life here is very difficult.

Mum: Ok my tzivaeri, my precious one, if you want it so much, you can go wherever you want and I’ll


you. Farewell, my love! I’ll be here and I will be waiting for you (crying).

(The son says goodbye to his mother. The mum stays all alone crying all the while)

2nd Scene: We are watching the sorrowful mother standing in front of the sea and talking to herself

about her

child who is going away to foreign lands.

Mum: Oh! The foreign lands are taking delight in him, my tzivaeri, my perfect- smelling flower. Oh! It

was me that

let him go there, on my own free will. It’s my fault that I didn’t stop him. (She is looking towards the sea

and she is


Storyteller: The mother is more sorrowful than ever. She is going through the most difficult moments of

her life.

Mum: Oh! Damn you foreign lands that you have taken my tzivaeri from me, my little child, and made

him yours.

Storyteller: 2 years have now passed. The mother is asking God to bring back her child. Finally, her pra-

yers are


Son: Mother, mother…

Mum: My son! Is that really you? Have you really come back from the foreign lands?

Son: Yes mum! I came back and I will never leave your again.

Mum: (she goes near him. They kiss and hug). My tzivaeri, oh how much have I missed you? I’ll never let

you go…!

But tell me, what did you see over there, at the foreign lands?

Son: You needn’t know mum. Let’s eat and celebrate my return.

Storyteller: The son and the mother are together again and happy. The mother is very happy too for her


return and her son promises her that he’ll never let her alone ever again!


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Drawing about the song

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72 October — 2013

"Bu proje T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı, AB Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi

Başkanlığınca (Ulusal Ajans http://www.ua.gov.tr) yürütülen Hayat boyu Öğrenme

ve Gençlik Programları kapsamında ve Avrupa Komisyonu'ndan sağlanan hibeyle

gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak burada yer alan görüşlerden Ulusal Ajans veya Avrupa

Komisyonu sorumlu tutulamaz."
